#picture imagine
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komotionlessqueenmm ¡ 11 months ago
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Imagine # 1,060
Picture NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW
Reading time (Roughly) - 12 minutes
This one was actually a request, which I don't typically do, but sometimes I simply can't resist!
Tag(s) - @rishdrago
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With a tired sigh (Y/n) sat the last of her groceries onto the counter in her kitchen. It was another long day at work, with another grueling case coming to a close. While she loves her job, sometimes it really takes a toll on her. But now at home all she needs to worry about is putting away her groceries, and making a quick dinner. Easy enough. If it wasn't for the sound of a floorboard creaking in the hallway that set her into fight or flight mode.
Spinning on her heel in an instant, she unholstered her pistol and aimed at the doorway to the hallway. "You really messed up you know, but if you know what's good for you, you'll come into the light nice and slow. Otherwise you're gonna leave my house in an ambulance, or a body bag." (Y/n) called out to the would be intruder, bracing herself for a potential firefight. But when the intruder rounded the corner, and came into sight, she nearly dropped her gun. "Frank?" She breathed out in a whisper, her arms falling to her sides. "Frank's dead." He muttered mournfully. "You look pretty fucking alive to me." She sassed as she holstered her pistol, knowing deep down that she could still trust Frank with her life.
The behemoth of a man simply shrugged his shoulders, taking a small first step into the room, as if he was testing the water. "What are you doing here?" She asked turning back to her groceries, while letting him come into the room at his own pace. "I killed Gianni Franco." He stated as he walked up to the other side of the counter, leaving the space between them to prove he meant her no harm. "Trust me Frank, I am well aware of that. You do realize I'm still a detective right? And I'm still friends with Jake you know, so I'm the one he goes to, to vent about you." She glanced his way, trying to get a read of his reaction to her words.
He seemed unbothered, which really didn't surprise her. "I'm sorry." Now that surprised her. Setting the box of noodles down, she turned her full attention to Frank. "Why are you apologizing to me? I'm not the one you should apologize to." She pointed out, but Frank didn't seem bothered, as he casually scratched at the scruff on his face. "Frank why are you here?" She asked now standing across from him at the counter, looking into his eyes which once swirled with so much life. "I don't know... I'm not exactly sure what to do now." He admitted.
"Jake would tell you to turn yourself in." (Y/n) mused with a small smile, her words making him chuckle softly under his breath, a sound she had missed more than she ever realized until now. "That's why I came to you." He admitted, now leaning against the counter. "I knew you wouldn't arrest me on the spot like Jake, and I could just talk to you." Frank admitted with a small smile, though it didn't reach his eyes.
"Well that's where me and Jake are different, I actually believe you're doing the world good by killing those guys. People like that have to much money and power for us to touch, and we could use a vigilante to even out the odds." She hummed as she grabbed a beer from the fridge, sliding it across the counter to Frank, who took it with a small mutter of thanks. "I knew you'd feel that way." He said before sipping his beer. "Then why didn't you come to me sooner?" She asked as she leaned again the counter.
"Because I don't want you trying to join me." He stated matter-of-factly, making (Y/n) chuckle softly. "That's fair I guess, but what's changed? Why come to me now?" She pried, hoping he would open up to her. "I had a dream about you last night." His words stuck a cord in (Y/n)'s heart, one she didn't realize was still there until now. "A dream?" She played off her nerves like a natural, making her glad she was trained to hide her true emotions, in order to effectively interrogate suspects.
"It started as a nightmare, I was reliving their deaths." She knew he was referring to his family, so she didn't pry for clarification, knowing it only hurt him to talk about them. "But before I could wake up, you appeared from the shadows. You didn't say anything, you just..." He trailed off as he stared at his beer. "You just pulled me into a hug, and held me while I cried for them." (Y/n)'s heart broke at his admittance, she knew he hated showing vulnerably before he lost his family, let alone now that he's The Punisher.
"It made me realize how much I've missed you, and I also realized I can't keep doing this alone, I can't keep being alone." He looked up to her, his eyes ever so glossy. "I know Julie would want me to move on, to come to terms with what happened. But I couldn't do that while the Franco's were still alive and free." He sipped his beer. "But now... Now I need help getting through this, and you're the only one that can help me (Y/n)." Frank wanted to hold her hand as he spoke, but he resisted the urge.
"I'll always be here for you Frank." She assured him, her words pulling a genuine smile from him. "How about I make us some dinner, and we can figure out where to go from there." She offered, smiling when he nodded in agreement. "You should stay here tonight, get a shower and have some normalcy for a change." She added. "Are you trying to say I smell bad?" He asked with a playful smirk.
"Frank dear I've been holding my breath this entire time." (Y/n) joked, making him roll his eyes, despite his smile. "Still a smartass I see." He huffed. "You wouldn't have it any other way." She sassed before pointing to the hallway. "You still remember where the guestroom is." She added, smiling when he nodded and walked off to take a shower while she cooked dinner.
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"Well what are you planning on doing now that you've dealt with the Franco family?" (Y/n) asked before she finished off the last bite of her dinner. "There are still people who are not punished by the justice system." Frank stated having finished his dinner long before she had. "Are you planning on doing to them what you did to the Franco's?" She asked. "Only to those who deserve it." Frank clarified, setting (Y/n)'s mind at ease.
"I'm glad you've come to me Frank, but I'm unbelievably exhausted, and I need to get some sleep." She rose from her seat, picking up her plate, and moving to grab his. Frank took her plate, and grabbed his own. "I'll deal with the dishes, go to bed, we can talk more in the morning." He insisted. "Okay thank you." She leaned over and pecked his temple like she used to as a quick thanks. "Oh and I forgot to ask, you didn't break any windows to get in did you?" She asked.
"No don't worry, I just picked the lock on the back door." He shrugged casually. "You still have that spare key I gave you don't you?" She arched a brow at him, and his faint smile gave him away. "Goodnight Frank." She called as she walked away into the hall. "Goodnight (Y/n)." He called back to her. When (Y/n) reached her bedroom, she began shedding off her clothes, in desperate need of a warm shower before going to bed.
As the water washed over her sore muscles, (Y/n)'s mind drifted to Frank. She'd been so torn up when he was declared dead, and mourned for him and his family for many months. They were a big part of her life, they were family to her. Even though deep down (Y/n) had loved Frank in a deeper more heart wrenching way. She knew it wasn't right, she knew that then, and even now she feels guilty for it.
She never acted on it, and never intended on trying to take him as her own. He was happy and he deserved the love he already had with Julie. Now things are different, but it still doesn't feel right, even if it's been over a year since she passed. He clearly still loved her, and (Y/n) wasn't going to make a fool of herself, and potentially push him away and loose him again. Still she couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered at the sight of him again, so much more gruff and rugged.
And knowing that he trusted her enough to come to her made her head spin. By the time she finished her shower, her eyes grew heavy with sleep. Her mind was still stuck on Frank, even as she crawled between the sheets. She wondered idly if he would still be here in the morning, or if he'd ever come back when he did leave. As she began drifting to sleep, she heard the sound of the guestroom door opening and closing. Telling her he was still here, and most likely would still be come morning.
(Y/n)'s sleep was dreamless and peaceful, which was better than she'd had in weeks. While Frank's dreams were chaotic and filled with memories that still hurt him oh so deeply. He dreamt of his children, of his wife, of the look of betrayal and hurt on Jakes face. Then he dreamt of (Y/n), and her never ending acceptance of the choices he's made. He felt at ease while he dreamt of her, his tense muscles relaxing as he dreamt of walking with her beside a lake.
She always had a way of putting him at ease, just by simply being there and listening to him vent whenever he needed it. He knew she meant more to him than just a friend, but he much like her, had never intended on exploring those feelings. But now after everything, despite knowing he's putting her in danger by coming around, Frank knows he needs her. He needs her help more than ever, and he knows deep down that Julie would understand.
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When morning came Frank woke up to the smell of breakfast. Something he's missed more than he realized until now. In a bit of a groggy daze Frank wondered into the kitchen, dressed in the sleep clothes he found in the closet in the guestroom. "Mornin' bud." (Y/n) mused as she pushed a fresh cup of coffee his way. "Morning." He muttered as he slipped at the hot brew, slightly surprised she remembered how he likes his coffee.
"You want some breakfast?" She asked as she pulled two plates from the cupboard. "Please." He nodded his head in agreement. "Good because I made plenty." She mused with a smile, as she placed a plate in front of him. "I'm glad you're still here and you didn't slip away in the night." She added sincerely. "I half expected that last night would be the last time I'd ever see you." Her words cut him deeper than he would have expected, but he understood where she was coming from.
"Like I said, I need your help." Frank said earnestly. "Well then, what's the plan?" She asked as she sat beside him with her own plate. "I don't really have a plan, but for now I think we'll just take it one day at a time, and figure it all out." He shrugged. "Wow the Frank Castle doesn't have a plan, that's a first." (Y/n) joked, making him chuckle. "So are you planning on staying here?" She asked a few moments later. "No I don't want to put you at risk of being caught hiding a fugitive." He shook his head.
"I appreciate that." She hummed softly, having worried a bit about that last night. "I think it'll be best if I just come in the evenings when I need... Well a shoulder to lean on I guess." He said, picking at his food a little. "And when you need patched up I imagine." She added, trying to lighten the mood a bit, and Frank agreed with a small chuckle. "Yeah I'm sure I probably will come to you when I need patched up." He smiled at her before going back to eating his breakfast. "I'll be sure to stock up on some supplies." (Y/n) mused more to herself, than to Frank.
(Y/n)'s pager went off with a shrill beeping, signaling that it was time to get to work. Her partner letting her know they already had a new case to work on. "Well that's my queue, I've gotta get going. I'll see you later Frank, don't worry about the dishes, I'll deal with that when I get home." (Y/n) moved back into the kitchen, placing her half empty plate into the sink for now. "Hey (Y/n)." Frank called to her before she could rush off. "Yeah?" She asked, turning her attention to him. "Thank you, for everything." He stood from his seat, and crossed the room, pulling her into a hug. "You're welcome Frank." She hummed as she hugged him back, feeling as though she's already made a difference in his chaotic life.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
I honestly couldn't think of a better way of ending this one, but I hope it was satisfactory either way. I'm a little rusty, as I haven't consistently written in ages, so I apologize if it didn't turn out as good as you hoped. (゜-゜)
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imagine-workshop ¡ 2 years ago
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Imagine #17
Year made in?:2023
A/N:I do not know the artist as Angel got it off of Pinterest and it didn’t have the artist’s name. Here the post and if you see the artist’s signature please tell me so I can add it! Post here. Also none of Angel’s stuff is proofread!
Extended version:Everyone knew Johnny was a greaser and didn’t listen to anyone…anyone but Y/N L/N. Y/N is the only person he’ll ever listen to. “Johnny..please, I know you love her but you can’t blame every guy she flirts with because she’s also to blame! The more pissed you get, the more she’s gonna use that!” That’s what made Johnny start to stop giving a shit about Lola. “Johnny..do your work please” That’s what made Johnny behave a week before Christmas break. Those are just examples of how Johnny will listen to Y/N but currently he’s just resting his head on her.
Y/N didn’t seem to mind as Johnny was pretty calm. Lola was blowing his phone up but Johnny didn’t answer the call until the fifth call. “What Lola?” “Why haven’t you been talking to me!?” “Because I don’t want to!” “Oh please! It has to be that slut mes-“ “YOU DO NOT CALL Y/N A SLUT YOU WHORE! She’s done so much shit to help me out unlike you! So don’t you EVER call my mom a slut!” Johnny then hanged up and sighed. He then saw Y/N smiling which confused him. “Why ya smiling?” “You called me mom!” Johnny then realized what he said out loud and got embarrassed.
After that day though he did openly call her mom and didn’t let anyone disrespect her at all. He’s a mama’s boy at heart after all.
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imaginethedarkerside ¡ 2 years ago
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Are these masked idiots going to drag me back to making confessions/imagine again…
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mossymage ¡ 25 days ago
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“Oh no, Gege caught me again?”
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goopysloppyslobsop ¡ 2 months ago
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Tommy!! :)
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sunclown ¡ 2 months ago
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Smoke break
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lykoiii ¡ 2 months ago
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shinotail ¡ 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays @salamilid1 !!! :D I hope you like these sweater themed isat arts!!!
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hurlyburlytopsyturvy ¡ 14 days ago
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uno night!
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nauti-ca ¡ 4 months ago
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my 3 girlfriends (and yes, they breathe stormlight)
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ndglt ¡ 7 months ago
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I had to do dick justice and hide that enormous forehead
anyway here's my rendition of the cutest canon picture of the tween titans IT'S SO CUTE (if we ignore the context on why we see the picture)
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komotionlessqueenmm ¡ 1 year ago
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Imagine # 1,058
Picture NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW
Reading time (roughly) - 9 minutes & 40 seconds
Is Billy awful? Yep. Do I care? Nope. It's Bill Paxton, so I could care less. I'd still let him hit it. I made the reader a singer in this story, and I wrote with the idea that your a singer similar in style to Lana Del Rey. But you can imagine whatever you'd like, because I never describe the music. I just feel that some of Lana's music fits real well with him.
Also if you've not seen this episode, you can find it here on YouTube. And if you're curious what season and episode it is, its from season 5 episode 5. "People who live in brass hearses" is the name of the episode, and it aired on October 13, 1993. If you'd rather check out the wiki talking about this episode, you can find that here. Also Billy is most definitely OOC.
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"You'll really like her Billy, she's real nice, and pretty too!" Virgil beamed at his older brother, who'd just gotten home from prison earlier that day. "Yeah?" Billy smiled softly at his brother's enthusiasm, glad to finally be home, and back with his numbskull of a brother. "Yeah. She moved in next door a few days after you were sent to prison." Virgil yammered on and on about how he met the lovely girl from next door, and how much she helped him while Billy was gone. "If she's so great, then why'd she help a goof like you?" Billy teased his brother while playfully ruffling his hair. "I told ya Billy, she's real nice. You'll see." Virgil promised, continuing to lead his brother to their destination. "Where exactly are we going?" Billy asked as he took in his surroundings, not much had changed from the two years he was gone. Aside from a house or two that had been demolished, and a few businesses changed to something else. "She's a singer Billy, and she's got a show tonight. I thought you might like seeing her sing." Virgil explained, his words having caught Billy's attention.
"Why do you want me to meet her so bad? And see her sing?" Billy asked, pulling Virgil's arm, to get him to stop and answer his questions. "Well... (Y/n) doesn't have a boyfriend... And I was thinking..." Virgil looked away in embarrassment, trying to avoid actually answering his brother's questions. "You were thinking?... What come on spit it out already." Billy urged Virgil with a small sly grin, though he already knew where this was going, he wanted to hear Virgil say it. "Well I was thinking maybe you could be her boyfriend." Virgil said as he nervously rubbed his arm. "Virgil you sly dog you." Billy's grin widened as he playfully wrestled with his brother, which made Virgil laugh excitedly. "I told her all about you Billy, she was always smiling when I talked about you." Virgil added when Billy let up the playful banter. "Was she now?" Billy slung his arm around Virgil's shoulders. "Well then what are we waiting for?" He added as they continued walking to the bar. Virgil told Billy all about her on their way to the bar, trying to describe her appearance as best he could.
But by the time they reached the bar, Billy was woefully unprepared for just how pretty the young singer would be. They had gotten comfortable at the bar, ordering beers, and waiting patiently for the show to start. When the lights dimmed and a melodic music began to start, a hush came over the crowd, and everyone's attention turned to the stage. Then out she walked, the star of the show, in all her glory. Glimmering under the warm glow of the stage lights, her smile brighter than the sun itself. Billy nearly choked on his beer when he laid eyes on her, his jaw dropping as she crossed the stage with graceful steps. Her red dress hugging all the right places, and her jewelry sparkling like stars in the night sky. Billy could have sworn his heart stopped in his chest, from the very moment she began her first song. Her voice enchanting his very soul in ways Billy never could have anticipated. "See I told ya she was pretty." Virgil smiled brightly at his brother, happy to see that Billy apparently approved of her.
"No kidding." Billy chuckled, unable to draw his attention away from the enchantress on the stage. Her words rang in Billy mind, and the things she spoke of began painting a picture in his mind. A picture of him and her together, slow dancing together chest to chest, as she sings to him of her love and desire for him, and him alone. Song after song went by, and Billy found himself growing increasingly impatient about getting to actually meet her. His leg bouncing when she spoke to the crowd about how the next song would be her last for the evening. Her eyes swept over the crowd as she spoke, and when she spotted Virgil, and the man sitting beside him, her eyes visibly lit up. Sparking hope and desire within Billy's heart. She shot a quick wink their way, before starting her last song for the night. Virgil chuckled at the way Billy toyed with his appearance, happy to see that Billy was eager to meet her, and make a good first impression.
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The show was now over, and Virgil and Billy eagerly tried to meet up with her outside of the bar. But unfortunately for them, a rather large crowd had formed around the young women, who smiled politely and thanked everyone for their kind words. "Fuckin people." Billy grumbled under his breath, growing increasingly impatient with the unwanted delay. Billy perked up a bit in anticipation, when he noticed a visibility drunk man push his way through the crowd to her. He made unwanted advances towards her, and she tried pushing him away. No one seemed interested in helping her, and that only increased Billy's anger. Similar to the drunkard Billy shoved his way through the crowd until he reached her side. And without a word he pulled back and swung, knocking the man unconscious in one hit. Protectively putting his arm around her waist, and pulling her into his side.
"Scram you vultures." Billy hissed at the crowd, who grumbled in annoyance, but complied none the less, dispersing in less than a minute. "My names (Y/n)." She peered up at Billy, who grinned at her words, holding her a little tighter against his side. "I'm Billy." He flashed her a charming smile, his chest swelling with pride when he noticed the blush dusting her cheeks. "Hiya (Y/n), the show was amazing tonight." Virgil cut in with a bright smile. "Oh thank you Virgil, I'm glad you enjoyed the show." She smiled at her friend, breaking away from Billy to pull Virgil into a quick hug. When she pulled away from her hug with Virgil, Billy noticed the shiver she gave from the chill in the night air. And without a second thought, she shrugged off his prized leather jacket, and slung it across her shoulders. (Y/n) turned to him with a bashful smile, thanking him in a soft tone of voice. "Mind if we walk you home?" Billy asked. "How do you know I didn't drive here?" She asked with a small grin. "Because there are no more cars in the parking lot." Billy pointed out, making her grin widen. "Well then in that case, I'd love it if you'd walk me home." She mused as she took his hand in hers.
Billy and (Y/n) took the lead, and Virgil followed closely behind them, smiling brightly at the sight of his good friend, and brother getting along so well. "So you've been looking after my baby brother this whole time huh?" Billy asked, smiling down at her. "Oh well Virgil was doing okay on his own. I just helped around the house, cleaning up a bit, cooking, shopping for groceries with him, and helping him manage his bills. Really it's what any good neighbor would do, and he's a sweetheart so I enjoy spending time with him." She explained with a fond smile. "Well I think little old Virgil got lucky to have such a generous neighbor such as yourself. And I got lucky to meet the beauty looking out for him." Billy flirted making (Y/n) giggle softly as she leaned into his side, grinning when he casually wrapped his arm across her shoulders. "Who knew you'd be such a charmer." (Y/n) mused as she peered up at him. "And who knew you'd be such a dame." Billy countered before suddenly sweeping her off her feet, and into his arms making her squeal in surprise.
"Billy!" She cried out with a laugh. "Can't have you walking through a puddle now can we?" Billy asked as he turned her attention to the large mud puddle in the broken portion of the sidewalk. "My hero." She leaned into his hold, again making his chest swell with pride. "Anytime babe anytime." He grinned still carrying her despite being well passed the mud puddle. "Hey (Y/n)." Virgil called to her. "Yes hun?" She turned her gaze to him, peering over Billy's tattooed shoulder. "Would you... Would you maybe be interested in dating Billy?" Virgil asked. His words made (Y/n) giggle bashfully, hiding her face in Billy's neck for a moment. Billy was unbothered by his brothers blunt question, but he was definitely curious about what (Y/n) would say. "Yeah what do you think darlin'?" He inquired with a grin. "Well... Yeah I think I might... He's just my type after all." She grinned at Virgil who was beaming with excitement. "Good to know." Billy muttered before planting a quick kiss against her cheek. (Y/n) again bushed and hid her face in Billy's neck with a bashful giggle.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
Billy is such a weirdo with his whole butter obsession, but again it's Bill Paxton so I'm in love.
Also I doubt this one will get much attention, considering how obscure it is, but that's okay, I mostly just write for myself anyways in all honesty.
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flowersandfashion ¡ 4 months ago
the fact that Jeremy Brett played both Dorian Gray and Basil Hallward AND both John Watson and Sherlock Holmes throughout his career. he has the range.
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cupcakedieabetes ¡ 4 months ago
Imagine Danyal never getting revived by the Pits after he had to battle Damian to the death. Ra's instantly destroys the body at the last breath that Danyal takes because he knows that his daughter will have a moment of weakness and he wasn't willing to let a weak one live. I'd like to put them around the ages of 5-6 ish.
Damian thought it was normal, and treated everything as fine because it was always expected of him. His twin was the weaker one after all. All emotional and soft despite the training. He has never called his brother "Akhi" bc he was weak and refused to acknowledge him as a brother
Meanwhile, Talia was grieving her son. Danyal who was just like his father where the people in League would call weak because he was reluctant to kill and was very soft at heart. That's when she made plans to remove her only remaining child from the League and overtake her father.
So Damian was sent off to his father.
Now, Danyal Al Ghul has been reincarnated into Daniel 'Danny' Fenton. He was born and raised in the Fenton's family and has no idea about his past life.
Now, I kind of want Danny to get turned into a ghost at a younger age. Maybe age 10 so Damian would be 16, so there would be an age gap of 5-6 years.
Damian has lived with the Waynes for years now. When he was younger, he didn’t and had never regretted killing his brother. After all, was it a surprise that the moment he entered the Manor, he tried killing Tim? He had already killed one brother, more over his own blood, so what is another, if not an inferior one due to having no relation to him at all?
But now, he regrets it so much. But it's been years, and he barely even remembers Danyal's face. He didn’t tell his family bc he didn't want them to grieve over a family that was long dead. That was practically destroyed the moment he died, so there was nothing left of him. He has no memories of his brother either, only his name, so how could he offer comfort to the other bats when he couldn’t even tell some stories about him either?
The bats are now tied up by a cult, and Damian was in the center of the sacrificial circle.
The cult was summoning someone of Damian's deceased family or something like plot convenience for a summoning. To use them to fight against the bats bc how sad it would be bc they would have to fight against a dead family member that was controlled by them. Damian was struggling bc it could be anyone from the League.
Then, to his horror, it was his brother who was summoned. He was suspended in the air in a fetal position asleep, but he appeared transparent with a tail.
"Danyal" He said, horrified. He appeared older for some reason, but the instant he was summoned, he knew it was him.
Batman, who was trying to reach for Damian, stared at the sleeping ghost. He appeared similar to Damian and his mind did the mental math. He didn’t know exactly when did the ghost died, but judging by his age, he looked to be about the age Damian came to the Manor. And judging by how anguished Damian looked, he came to the right conclusion that the ghost was Damian's brother, his son.
He mourned. This was simultaneously the oldest and the youngest he would have ever seen.
That is also what the rest of the bat thinks and comes to the conclusion of. They broke out of their restrains due to fury and stuff, and the circle is erased, the ghost gone before they had a chance to use him against them.
Meanwhile, (pre-Ghost King maybe) Danny just jolted in bed, confused about what happened bc he had a feeling he turned into a ghost. But he shrugged it off and went back to sleep.
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lokh ¡ 1 year ago
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fake dating au where shuro ends up pretending to go out with laios in order to secure his inheritance.... but is it really what he wants? a journey of romance and self discovery that ill never ever write
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onesnoopyaday ¡ 6 months ago
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snoopy.exe 💻⌨🖱
Snoopy #10
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