#picking up with the asks where i left off before i disapeared for two weeks again lmao
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tonia-aaaaa · 4 months ago
I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH, It itches the most perfect part of my little brain, and I would like to request more? Maybe some more property husbands???
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Property husbands, as requested. Secret life edition, i hope you dont mind. Cuz i quite like this drawing, but i dont think i ever posted it here on tumblr
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alijaymtz · 4 years ago
Its been years since ive been here, it seems like this is the only place where i feel irrelevant and disconected from the real world. 
A lot has changed since I last wrote how I felt. 
I moved, began college, and live with my father. 
Ive said it before but there is no person I hate more than that man, he does things and then forgets the damage he caused but instead he knows how to guilt trip others. 
Im currently studying psychology, and through the study of it ive been able to categorize my father with borderline personality disorder. I doubt he’ll ever know nor will i ever tell him. 
I’ve learned to mask myself, my depression, my anger, my personality, when im home with him. Everything disapoints him. There are times that he forgets telling me to tell something to other people and then I am left in a negative place. “But you told me to tell them” ...”I never said that, IN MY LIFE IVE NEVER SAID THAT” ...
Its been two days since ive told him im styuduing to become a psychologist, today, while driving home from the gym, he asks me if I have some type of mental disorder in a joking way. I tell him “yeah, I am bipolar.” but according to several tests we’ve been reviewing in class. “yeah that makes sense” he says “I noticed since you left me when you were young”. 
When I was a child my father used to abuse my mother, hes done several crazy and traumatizing things, he broke her ribs, punched her, kicked her on the ground, for small things like burnt food or her complaining he returned home at 2 am. Back then my mother, who I think was brave, decided it was no longer safe to live with my dad because he began beating my older brother just as much as he beat my mom. 
She picked a bag, dumped in mostly my clothing and my brothers, and we headed straight to the police. Unfortunetly, they were unable to help us. So we went to the embasy, and they sent us to a shelter for women. Over the next few years I lived in shelter homes, foster homes, but safe. At one point I lived without my brother and mother but was happy, and safe. 
My mother was sent by court to return to Mexico, so we packed up and came with her. My dad staying behind “as the bread winner” or whatever. We lived in a small one bedroom with no beds or other furniture but we were happy... Untill my dad came. For a while he seemed content, unbothered, but a few months later he returned to his demonic state. 
He would not only hit my mother to the pulp, my brother, now he did it to me too. He began to fear we were becoming Mexican and began to teach us the muslim way. Through the dicipline in his feet, he’d kick us untill out noses bleed then a few minutes later kiss our cheeks and talk to us kindly about our mistakes. As a child, my mother spoke spanish, my father english. Now i was introduced Urdu, Arabic, and was expected to learn whole texts and prayers in minutes.
It was always like that, yell, hit, kissing cheeks. Sometimes he would break things in between. 
When i turned 17, my father had left for the first time in years to his homeland in Pakistan. He was gone for 3 months and during that time my brother, mother, and I sat almost every night planning how we could disapear because no matter what we did or how we did it, he’d always find us. 
My mother had gotten surgery while my dad was away, we spent a long time with her in the hospital. We had days were we wouldnt eat, sleep, or do anything other than sit. But we were happy.
One time, before he left,  He cut my mother with a knife ,In my room while I saw him stab her. I didnt want that to ever happen again. Another time, my father was mad my mom brought up him bringing a nehibor lady into the house while we were in school and she was working, but somehow he flipped it into “Jelousy” because there is no other reason why a wife would say something about it...He was so mad he beat my mother after her chemo. For weeks she couldnt move, she was in my room with the lights off and bearly eating because he wouldnt let us take her any food. But we could hear her moan in pain. Another time, he beat my brother into the street, the whole neiborhood came out to see. He dragged my brother into the stone floors and picked up a rock about my brothers head size. I swore I saw him die. I was pulled into a house by a lady and her daughters tried to calm me down as I couldnt breath. I prayed he was alive. 
A few hours passed and my father was looking for me, he knocked on every door. I sneaked out and returned home. 
So, the point to this is the following. When my dad returned from Pakistan, i closed the doors and made no sound. He couldnt come in. He would just leave after a while. He knew we were inside. I felt my breath becoming loud. He could hear. He left. 
For the next few days he would come and talk to my mom, who said “the kids don’t want you in” followed my “I brought gifts”. My mother who was still walking with a cane, felt pitty for her husband, who had been sleeping in a motel for days. So, she let him in “for a few hours”. Feeling the room shrink i sent a help messege to a cousin of mine whom told her mom. In a matter of minutes a car popped infront of the house with three aunts and one cousin, they demanded I go with them. 
Without looking at my brother, I saved myself. For two months I lived with my aunt and her 4 kids. I cleaned and she would tip me in order to help me pay for psychiatic help (she also paid it).  One day my mom showed up and told me she would do anything for me to return, i never asked how bad things were in those two months for them. I made a list asking her to go to therapy with me, for him to not look at me or say a word. I went back. He was calm a whole year, not one word was said to me. I didnt leave my room and I swear my skin went from olive to pale yellow skin for the time I spent in there. 
So today, he said “I noticed since you left me when you were young”...”Because a normal person wouldnt do that”. 
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freshstartbaby · 5 years ago
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🎧 Body - Syd
I watched my house, cardbord on the ground, like me, leg crossed. White walls, a little smell of vinegar. Thats what I used to finally clean up everything.
Why do I feel like shit ? I mean one part of me cant wait to be in my new place. But the other ? I really feel like I kind of failed here. I got a job, two to be exact, I can provide for myself. I got few friends and thats it. I was wondering if my mum will ever know if I left the town. Maaaan I got to stop overthinking.
It was 8pm and I was waiting for Theo's call. Thanks to god he told me he will help me wih the moving. His help was so precious. Like always. My phone rang with « Theo 🤍 » on my screen . I picked up
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« Sup mister T » I said softly « Hi Rob, you good ? » he answered « I am actually, and you ? » « Good. So you really goin to leave me, you know you can still change your mind » « No way, but you know you will still be in my mind » « And in your heart. Who do you think you are ? » he started to joke « Man where are you ? » I said rolling my eyes with a smile on face « There is a litlle bit of traffic. I be there in 10 minutes. But I think the man who will help us is already there. I fowarded him your number. Did he call ? »
I checked my phone, no missed call
« Nah he didn't » « Ok, get ready I be there soon » « Thank tou Theo » « Everything for you » he hang up
I shook my head slowley left to right. He was so kind to me. He can't be real. Me and Theo knew ourself since 8 years now. He was there to help and provide when no one could. He always was very protective and he is actually the one who gave me my first job: dancer in a club. It wasn't my goal job but I could dance and it will help me paying my bills. Few years later he also refered me in company to work as a personnal assistant. I managed myself to then become a communication assistant. When you look clother, without him, I probably will end up as a cracked or worse.
When we met I was 16 and he was 22. It was a very protective relationship. But the older we get, the akward it became. I mean physically he turned to a man as i turned to a young women. And even if he always shows me mad respect, the way he was watching and talking to me changed. Not in a bad way, but I could feel there was more. I aint gon lie, he is good looking, got money and got pure heart. But i couldnt wiling to lost him if we turned into a relationship. He was one of few people around me. Aint ready to loose one of them.
When I told him that I decided to move in LA, maaaan, he wasn't down for it. But as always, he helped me. He got fews relations so we find a cute flat quickly than I thought. The place was smooth and warm. We flew to LA to visit it, and i actually loved it. So now here I am waiting for a friend of his to move my stuff to LA. Let me get it straight. I aint no baby. I can take care of myself. But when it comes to Theo, he always wants to help. And I aint gonna lie, it feel good to be take care of.
The ring belled, I stood up to open the door. He looked at me, I looked at him.
« Can I help you ? » rising an eyebrow acting like I didn't know him « Stop playing » he said moving in my place « Hi » I said to the man following Theo « Robyn this is Eric, Eric this The New York leaver »
I rolled my eyes and shook my head slowly. Eric and Theo helped me to put my stuff in the truck. It was quickly made thanks to them. Also even if I hadnt much things I droped a lot. Eric told me that they will arrive the next monday in my new place. I thanked him as he left when I felt someone behind me. I turned around found Theo on his phone.
« First of all you didn't say hi »
I pulled him softly in a hug. His hands wrapped my shoulder as he kissed my cheek softly
« Then tell me where do I drop you ? » he said « Alex's place » « Lets go »
He put my suitcase in his trunck and we headed to Alexendra's place. I sold my car few weeks before so he proposed me to drop me where I needed yesterday.
Alexandra is one of my best friend. She's like a sister to be honest. We know each other for like forever and she always be down for me. Im stayin at her place tonight so I can catch my flight tommorow.
The road was silent but confortable. Theo and I like to be quiet sometines. We're the type of people who arent afraid of silence. As we arrived to Alexendra's place we stayed a little in the car.
« You need help with the suit case ? » « Na Im good, but thank you. Thank you for everything. It means a lot» I look at him « Stop saying this like its a goodbye » « Im not » « You better »
We pulled into a thight hug «You know I'm always be around and if you need to come back my door is open» « I hope it will be fine dont say that »
He look at me kiss my cheek and said
« Take care » « You too Theo »
I got off the car, took my suitcase and watched him leave. As we disapear on the corner I called Alex.
« Yes baby » « Im here, remind me your code » « You still dont remember it, you do it on purpose » « Guuuurl what is it ?» « 7110 » « Thank youuuuuu »
I taped the code and got to her place
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« Sup baby » « Wassup baby, how you doin ?» « Good and you ? » « Everything is alright, I mean my best friend is leaving in an another town but Im good » « Guuuurl, it is for the better » « I know that, Im just getting emotional » « Dont do that » « Im trying, I swear ! How did you came ? You took a uber ? » « Nah, Theo droped me »
She set down on her large cozy couch eying me with a small smile
« What ? » I asked « Noooothing ! » she tapped the place next to her so I can take place « You just goin to sit down and tell me what's popin between you and this white daddy, finally» she said swith a smirk « Nothing is popin, I already told you that » i said sitting next to her « But you got to admit he is good lookin » « I never said he isnt » « Maybe a little bit skinny but he is still handsome » « He is. » « So he never try to own that » she said pointing at myself « And dont try to tell me no, I saw him plenty time trying to get you. » « Alex, it is not goin to hape- « «  Whyyyyyyyy » « Because I dont want to » I said laughin « GURL IS YOU GAY ?» « Oh my god. Alexendra. » «  No because if you are it is ok. But you need to tell me, so I can introduce him to friend of mine. Its such a waste » « Whatever » I said looking at her smiling
This girl is so crazy. Full of good vibe. Always pushing me to my best. She is fam yall. Our phones started buzzing at the same time. It was a whatsap phone call from our conversation « Mexico 🥵 ».
With some friends we decided to go on a trip to Mexico. For the big part, I knew them from school or club. As we grew older all of us took different ways but still got mad love for eachother. This week trip was the way to link up. I didnt knew some people like David, Florian and Veronica but everything went well during the organisation so I wasnt « afraid » that they were annoying.
The trip is next Monday so we schedule this video chat to make a last check. With all the stuff with my moving I almost forget about this call. Alex and I were together so I decided not to answer from my phone and step clother to her so we can both be on her screen
« Hi » « Wassup beauties » Alexander says
We all said hi to each other and waited to see if someone was missing.
« Who is missing » I asked « Flo is not here » Betty said « Damn this sleeping guy, let me text him » Alexander answered
As he decided to text him, a new window poped in our screen revealing a big white man shirtless, it seems like he was in his bed.
« My bad, sorry for my lateness, wassup guys » he said in a low voice
I looked at the screen, then at Alex, then the screen again and falled into the catch moving my hand to show to Alex that this man was foooine
We giggle few seconds before getting back to our serious faces.
« Florian that is it ? » Alex asked « Yup » « Time is money you owe us all a drink when we get to the mexico » « Maaaan dont play me like that, I was taking a nap, gym killed me today» he said
Of course he was goin to the gym, look at this chest. I tried to fix my self when we all talked for like an hour about last informations, who will arrive when, who shares room, what type of activites we wanted to do. I cant wait for this trip to be honest. I dont travel that much. I could release the stress from my moving, my new job and the new town I will be living in.
« Rob you still in New York ?» Michael asked « Yeees, my fligt is tomorrow » « Where you goin ? » Betty asked « Moving to LA » I said softly « LA GANG MY MAN ! » Florian shouted « Thats great, really big move » Alexander said « Finger crossed » Veronica « Dont worry, as wherever it will be ok if you work hard enough » Florian said « Oh dont worry she is a hard worker » Alex said miming a blow job
I snaped her head as everyone shared an hard laugh. Few minutes later we hang up. I went to the bathroom, washed myself, my tooth and changed myself in something more confortable. I went back to the living room and find Alexandra on the phone. By the way she was smiling and laughing I could tell it was Alexander. Yeah. This gurl find a boyfriend with the same name. That's kind of cute but it's also so corny. She hanged up, stood uo and went to the kitchen
« Sooooo » « What do you want again ? » i said a smirk in my face « I was wondering » she looked at me with a vicious smile « What is it Alex ? » « Are you down for some dick in Mexico » « You are something else you know that » « Im just asking ! There will be latino guys, foreigner and gurl this man Florian, he is free like the wind » «How do you know that ? » « I asked Alexander » « Mmmmh » « Mmmmh ? Gurl when is the lastime you had a man making you feel right ? I aint talking about relationship because that is another level and I know you trying to put yourself first since...» « Yea no. I'm not ready but let me think » « The fact that you have to think is not ok, you know that if the sexual frustration is not evacueted it can damaged you » « I got toys dont worry » I said putting my finger in a peace sign while im leaving the kitchen
I went to her guest bedroom, sitted on the bed and put my durag on. After sliding under the sheets I did my breath exercise so I could fall asleep faster but I couldn't. It was these exercises or sleeping pills. But I try to use them less and less since few month. They knocked me hard to hard man. After 30 minutes of try, I took my phone and opened Instagram. I scrolled my screen without being focused at all, laugh at fews memes and double tap some post. I tought about what Alex told me. It's true. It been a while since I havent give a man his chance. It didn't went well the last time. Ok here we go overthinking. I shook my hand thinking of how dumb I was when I tought about Florian. He was fine its true but you know men are trash. At least men I have a crush on 😭. I tapped « florian » in the research bar to see if I could find him. I didn't. Im defenatly not a FBI member. I will ask to Alex tomorrow, or not, it's not a good idea.
I was hugging Alexandra thighly at the airport. The voice called the passagers of my flight to get ready.
« I'm goin to miss you crazy ass » I whispered « I'm goin to miss you more Robyn, but stop being weak before I start crying » « Come on aint nobody goin to cry » I push her shoulder « we're tough girls remember ? » « Yea but I wrote you a letter » she gave me a letter as I look at her ready to make fun of her « You wrote me a letter, you must be in love with me » « Of course I am, yo you're my friend soulmate » « Ok you gon make me cry now » « Go get your flight »
I tried to open the letter when she took my hand
« The fuck is you doin, you have to read it in your flight, or when you arrive to your new place but not now » « Okaaaaaaay mrs emotional »
I kissed her cheek and grabed my suit case before leaving
« See you in Tulum baby ! »
I put a peace sign above my head a went take my flight.
As I settled in my seat, I leaned my head back to the couch. Here we go baby. You can do this. You got this. It's goin to be fine. I was motivated myself when my phone buzzed. I watched my phone screen and see that Theo sent me a vocal. I put my AirPods on tap on my screen to listen his whatsap vocal message.
James. Theo James. : « You're in the plane ? »
I send him a quick answer
Robyn ✨: Yup 🛫
James. Theo James. : Ok
I watched the screen as I saw « James. Theo James is writing » when a big as message droped. Oh my god. He is goin to make me cry. Or worse. I rubbed my forehead before start reading.
James. Theo James. :
« Robyn. My baby. I know your flight is getting ready to take off. So I'm writing this to you so you can be ready for this new page.
Im goin to tell you this, and ear me out when I say: You got this.
You're smart, kind, open minded,fierce, talented, reliable, honest and a fighter. I know life ain't did good to you lately, and it's destroying me to see you leave but baby it's a fresh start. Leave all the madness, the pain and the self doubt where you at because LA is goin to be fire baby. No more drama, no more pathetic boyfriend, no more struggling. Put yourself above everything, because you deserve it. Keep your mental healthy. Communicate more, talk free and never be afraid to make people to ear your voice.
As I always say to you, even if the blood don't link us, you mean the world to me. Whenever you need anything blow my phone. I will always have an eye on you even if I know you are and you are becoming a boss a bitch woman every single day.
I know you are goin to kill it.
Text me when you arrive to your new home
I will come visit you in few months
Theo 🤍 »
I closed my eyes, bitted my lips and hold my phone on my chest. Don't cry, don't cr- too late. Tears were all over my face as I try to mute myself. Even I tried to hide it, I was feeling shitty. And those words just gave me the feeling of being discovered. I don't know how it was possible. Even if Theo and I were closed I have difficulties to talk out when I'm not feeling myself. And with this message I knew that all this time he knew how I felt but give me my space.
LA be good to me please.
🎧 1 pound - Brymo
The sunlight woke me this morning. I really need to buy curtains. I mean in the rest of the place it's not that important, but wake this way is so uncomfortable. I like the darkness in my bedroom you know ? And all this light, god chill out 🤣
I stood up and head ou to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. I watched the board where I wrote my to do list yesterday night. Yeaaaa i'm trying to be more disciplined woman. I mean organized but sometimes I get too lazy. Like if I invented the word lazy myself.
End the bathroom Shopping at the supermarket Look for a car End the suitcase Work out (you can do this)
I laugh at myself knowing that I will probably not doing the last one. I washed my dishes and turn on the speaker to get in a better mood. I clean a little some stuff since there was still some cardboard here and there. I find myself dancing in front the big mirror in one of the corridor when my phone rang. I didn't know the number so I turned of the music and clear my throat.
« Robyn Matthew, how can I help you » « Hi Robyn this is William. I am with Olivia, you're on speaker. How are you ? » « Hello Robyn »
Ow my new bosses.
« Oh hello to both of you, I'm great thank you to ask. How about you two ? » « We're good ourself thank you. Have you settled yet ? » « Mmh there is still few unopened cardboards but I'm good » « Good to ear that » « You will love LA » Olivia said « I hope so, how can I help you ? » « Well Robyn we were wondering, sorry to ask again but weren't you supposed to start today ?»
My eyes grew wide as my eyebrow start dancing. I wasn't supposed to start today hell no
« I don't think so, I mean I asked to the RH department to postponed my arrival since I have a trip planned » « Oh my baaaaaaaaaad » Olivia shooted « What is it » he asked to Olivia I think « I totally forgot to tell you, Cindy told me few weeks ago but it disappeared from my mind »
My heart stoped racing fast when I told them
« You scared me ! » « I'm so sorry Robyn, William I'm sorry too » « Oh it's ok, you owe us a coffe when she arrives » « Deal » she said laughing « You better note that, or you will forget it too » « Very funny » « Anyway sorry to have bothered you Robyn » William said « It's fine » « Where are you going ? » Olivia asked « Sorry ? » « You said you are goin on a trip, where is it ? »
I twisted my face. How is that suppposed to concern them ? Robyn stay open, be nice, they're just trying to be nice.
« Tulum » « Oh Mexico, well lucky you » « Oh my god, I wish I could have holidays to a place like this » « Anyway Robyn, enjoy you're trip and come back to us resourced. You can't wait to work with you » « Thank you, see you soon » « Bye »
I hang up, a weird feeling in my guts. I mean they were nice. But I'm not really use to have this kind of conversation with my bosses. I tought that they were a good duo both of them. I find myself a little anxious about having two bosses but it's goin to be fine.
Im goin to tell you this, and ear me out when I say: You got this.
I got this. I wanted to turn back on the music. So I scrolled my screen when I saw an Instagram notification.
@bignasty wants to follow you
My face twisted again. Big nasty ? What the hell is that. I'm sure this is a porn count, or a pervet who will try to slide in my Dm. So many weird people on social medias. Thanks god the private button exists so I can control borders 😂 I clicked on it when I saw his face.
I took few step back to my couch as my hand was on my chest. Jesus Christ. I found myself put my hand on my mouth so I don't scream and laugh akwardly. God. It was Florian. I mean I think. No no no it was him. How can you forget a face like this. I hold my breath as scrolled down his feed. This man was... l have no word. I rubbed my eyes trying to get back to earth, with a big dumb smile on my face when my phone rang
Xandra 💍 is calling
I picked up and put her on the speaker. I said hi to her in a low voice, I was feeling like I'm out of breath
« GUUUUUUUURL » she screamed « Wassup » « Did Florian asked you on Ig ? » « He did. » « GIRRRL DID YOU SAW THESE PICTURES ?!!!! » « Alexandra, i was checking him when you called » « GURRRRRRL IF YOU DONT EAT HIM ON THIS TRIP I'M KILLING YOU »
I start rubbing my eye again. He was something else. God. Why do I feel this. Then I found myself playing with my finger, where my engagement ring used to be.
It gave me a quick reminder.
« Ok he is super hot, but don't count on me for that » « You're such a child when you act like that. You know what, I'm sure you pantie is already soaking looking at his pic, so just wait. When he is goin in front of you there will be no « don't count on me for that » » « shut up » « Have you end your suite case ? » « Not yet, I think it will be handle this evening» « Ok look listen to me wisely. I don't know what you choose but switch it all up with sexiest stuff » « I'm tired of you »
We stayed on the phone for like an hour. You know how it is when besties are on the phone. All the day she kept teasing me with Florian but I didn't give attention. But I wanted to make her laugh a little so I teased her with a screen and a meme
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She hit me back with a message 
« gurl this is too much, you really goin to miss this chance »
What chance ? He just followed me on Instagram. I didn't even accept him yet. He must have a girlfriend, or be a fuck boy. Maybe is he gay. Ok Robyn overthinking AGAIN. It's goin to be cute holidays. I don't want to mess this up.
—— 3836 words
Wassup guys ?
How do you feel about this beginning ?
Is everything understable ? I'm French so you know you girl is struggling a little 🙈
Do not hesitate to give me feedbacks, react, and all that stuff
Next step, Tulum baby 🥵
Take care
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verratensduo · 5 years ago
Erejean week day 6//Gamers
Jean groaned as he worked on the set up for the day’s charity stream. He and Eren had decided to move in with each other six months prior. They met online through a game of golf with friends and fellow youtuber Marco Bodt. They hit it off initially as rivals and organized a bunch of one v one matches online in things like Halo and Call of Duty for their fans to watch, then they started collaborating and the next thing either of them new they where moving in together and forming an official team. Though both did their own individual videos as well. However, things like this where always a collaboration now, it got more people and more money donated to the charity that way.
Jean chuckled and patted the top of Eren’s dog Titan’s head. “Hey boy, I guess you know what is up huh?” Jean asked as he played somewhat with his pocket. It had been his and Eren’s little secret with only Titan and a few friend’s knew, he and Eren where indeed dating. If they reached their goal tonight for the domestic abuse hotline he would ask Eren to marry him right then and there on live stream. They had discussed it before, but the proposal was hopefully going to be a total surprise. “Shh, don’t tell Eren.” He moved a hand to his lips in a shushing manner and then let the dog dart off to tackle Eren when he came in the door from a quick battery run. They where not having their batteries die this time.
He snickered hearing Eren bust out laughing and beg the dog to stop licking him after tackling him and getting him where he wanted him. Jean did debate saving Eren from Titan, but decided against it. He had stuff to set up still, and he wasn’t going to lie, it was kind of hilarious seeing Eren reduced to a laughing mess by a giant animal.
Eren must have managed to escape and wipe his face off because he was suddenly behind Jean with a playful irritated look on his face.
“Thanks a lot, you are an amazing roommate.” He said somewhat teasingly and somewhat sarcastically. “In all seriousness you are lucky I was able to escape him, we don’t have time for me to get a shower before we are set to start. I got the pie for one of us ready in the kitchen, you have the games and the trivia game at the halfway point picked out right?”
Jean nodded. “Of course, I am not incompetent Eren.” He teased.
“Awesome, let’s get this show on the road.” Eren fist pumped and they both sat down to do their respective intros. They had decided to try a few dual player five nights at freddy’s multiplayer fan games to try and do some unity stuff, at one point they even hooked up the wii and did Wii Party’s couples test, they got an “F” rate and laughed about it. Like that knew anything about them anyways.
Then it was onto some sports trivia with Armin as the host.
Everything went so fast and it came down to a tie breaker round, one final question.
“Alright you two, and here is our tie breaking question, when did Muhammad Ali win  his first world championship? The time limit is thirty seconds, on your mark, get set, go!”
Eren clicked his buzzer button first. Jean should have seen that coming, Eren was a combat sports expert and fanatic, even having done wrestling in high school and martial arts throughout his life to stay fit.
“Muhammad Ali won his first world championship on February 25th, 1964.” Eren confidently told the world, as Armin did his fact check thing and looked up floored.
“That is correct Eren, that is when he won it. You won the trivia off.” It was only then Armin realized Eren had only disapeared and laughed while staying on over skype. He had to see this first hand. the pie to Jean’s face that was coming so quickly.
Jean only had a few moments really with how fast he knew Eren would be. He took a deep breath and braced himself for the impact of being pied right to the face after Eren was done and came back.
Eren was of course back in a flash, the pie went in his face within two seconds of Eren coming up to him and there was some mechanical laughter from Eren whil Armin laughed, contributed three hundred dollars to the charity stream and left as Eren and Jean cleaned up.
They now moved onto one v one games in a few online shooters before it was finally time to look and see what the grand total was. $2,5000 dollars and Eren jumped for joy.
“We did it guys! We exceeded the goal! And with that, it is time to say good bye for no-”
“No it’s not, not yet.” Jean turned Eren towards him with a smile. He then looked to the camera real quick. “Okay, so you guys are all up to date, Eren and I have been dating since I moved in with him....and I have probably the most important question of my life to ask him.” He then ran a hand through his hair and gave a somewhat nervous smile.
“Eren, my whole world changed the day I met you. And for the better. Everyday has been something new and exciting. I actually look forward to waking up and seeing what shinanigans you have gotten yourself into, and I want that to continue for ever.” Now Jean started sinking to one knee. “What I am trying to say is, Eren Yeager, would you do me the honor of allowing me to marry the most interesting man I have ever met, you?” Jean now waited somewhat nervously, for what was probably a few seconds, but felt like an eternity.
“Yes Jean, I will marry you.” Eren said tears rolling down his cheeks as Jean slipped the ring over his finger and slowly stood up kissing Eren and gently swaying with him as the live stream ended.
This was them now, and forever.
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bubblellop · 5 years ago
26 for literally any of your characters, as many as you want just give me the goods
26: What is your favorite headcanon for your character?
My god ive already said so many of them im running out of the interesting ones, so pardon if i repeat myself lol. Anyway have a BUNCH of them. Have fun
Has set the forest on fire before, a lot of times actually, still does it.
First time she met Rhett and Olivers family, she just....decided to sit in the fireplace. Just, chill in the fire, in front of their family. A lot of explaining had to be done.
Never showered in her life.
Likes singing! Its a GREAT and healthy alternative to screaming and setting things on fire!
Canonly says fuck. This isnt a headcanon its just a fact-
This one is already known, but Lily likes sleeping in the bath. She really likes the bathroom in fact, even tho for her it serves no purpose. Just a small water room, she loves it.
Once said fuck infront of Rhett, leaned next to him and said "Go on. No one will believe you."
Knows sign language.
Likes dissapearing every once in a while. As a treat. (This really stresses Adalia and Oliver tho Lily please :(((( dont do that, even if its for a couple hours) (also by disapearing i mean she just takes long walks unanounced like the rebel she is)
Stole a spoon once and felt really bad about it.
He plays the ukelele uwu
Has anxiety, things just stress him out alot sometimes, but he's gotten better at controlling it :)
As he knows Adalia and Lily's diet is...weird, he takes it as a challenge to make dishes they like AND is healthy for them!!! (If all fails tho, just give them hot sauce and ice cream am i right)
Him and Adalia have their own weird adventures sometimes!!! They come back home all scratched up and no one even questions it after a while. Their dinamic may not appear much but their both great together adfh
*swears in spanish* *swears in spanish* *swears in sp
The hoodie he wears is for comfort and emotional support :) even tho he will never admit to it but its okay hes a coward and a b-
Jams to old p!atd song along with Stef. Ah they both hate to admit they are scene kids at heart.....
Canonly punched Lilyana in the face. Man chapter 5 is wilding lol
I like to think there are times she forgets to take off her glasses, hides it when shes with the others, and just be legally blind for an entire day.
"Sophie i cant read that" "oh well then you could just get your-" chokes Sophie with a pillow
When shes not with the twins, she spends time in a smoothie shop she likes :) the girl just tries to avoid going home huh
Is more of a bi mess if were being honest. She straight up looked at her two most bitter friends and went "hey how about i just try to flirt with them to see their reaction lol" but they both dont realize it/ignore it.
Has a shit ton of sketchbooks!!! If u dont know shes really into fashion and wants to persue that as a career :)
When shes bored with Sophie, she will try to annoy the hell outta her, shake her, hug her, play with her notes, moan and grunt, you name it.
This girl has so many talents such as piano, violin, ballet, art, singing, designing, writing and much more!!!
Ansskdks stef will paint rhetts nail black because emo rights skdkdksf
She and her older brother are really cool!!! They both just VIBE with eachother and id say they have the best sibling bond!!! I live for their foolery!!!
Very composed and serious, but when shes excited you WILL know, she acts like a child its adorableee.
Canonly the shortest, shes shapped like a friend and i wanna hug her okay-
She insisted on having a laboratory for her "research", so they just keep giving her the basement skddksc (both in the twins house and sophs home)
She has a garden :) where may you ask? The entire forest is her garden if you think about it.
Liv is actually older than the twins. (I dont know why the idea seems cursed, shes too baby)
Literally has the best dinamics with everyone, shes just so nice and patient no one can hate her...
She hisses at humans, this is normal to the rest.
I like to think they all went and stole their clothes, and id say skyle just went to a costume shop and picked the coolest thing she saw (a pirate costume).
She sleeps in a tree branch
The strongest of the guardians, she likes training, she almost never has to fight anything tho, so she will go and find a bear or smth and just go feral ya know (there are no bears in that forest, sam probably summons a fake one so Skyle doesnt go mad)
Has read EVERY BOOK about bugs Samantha has.
Have i mentioned they loves bugs. They likes ladybugs the most.
"GUYSS IM ALMOST 10 I CAN HANDLE THIS" - them every time. Doing anything. The rest care alot about her okay.
If all the guardians (adalia, lily, liv, skyle, sam and themself if your wondering) were to be left alone, they would be most likely to survive, just sayin
Only lets Jamie in her library, the rest are allowed ONCE a week. Get out of her sight.
Very tall, pale and skinny, shes a vampire is2g-
May not show it but she doesnt like humans either, just finds them a bit gross. Doesnt say anything out of courtesy tho.
Doesnt like cutting her hair, she will SCREAM if you try to.
Aaaand im tired its 12 ive spent half an hour in this and im DEAD. God i hope at least 2 of them are interesting.
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last-flight-of-fancy · 6 years ago
fatedeniedhope replied to your post “* sees people confused over various kh plot points * * is not people i...”
I would like yo know a bit. Only play kh 1 and chain of memories and half way to kh 2
oh boy there is a *lot* to cover here then!
I don’t mean that to sound intimidating, kh just has a tendency for long, sprawling interconnected plots (many of which are still unresolved even now)
i am also doing this entirely by memory, so if i’ve skimmed something i shouldn’t have its because my brain has stopped registering it as important; feel free to ask for clarification, i wrote this in one sitting because i was avoiding doing laundry XD
putting a cut because i am overviewing a Lot of game here and tbh there’s still a lot of stuff i am skimming or skipping entirely. I’m just trying to hit the highlights.
i don’t know where you stopped in 2, so i’m just gonna give a brief overview
-there is a boy named roxas
-he’s being hunted by these strangers called nobody’s
-things get weird
-turns out he’s sora’s nobody, as nobody’s are created when a person is turned into a heartless (which sora did during kh1)
-roxas returns to sora (”looks like my summer vacation is.. over...” whoops there goes my heart) and normal sora gameplay resumes.
-turns out everyone forgot sora for a year bc of what happened in chain of memories (and also 358/2. dont worry about that yet we’ll get there). kairi sends out a bottle to “the boy she can’t remember” trying to call him home. (yes this is important)
-organization 13 (all what? eight of them left?) pops up, xemnas is cryptic, and they say their goal is to recreate kingdom hearts via sora killing heartless, since apparently only killing heartless with a keyblade sends the trapped hearts to Kingdom Hearts
      -this version of the tale persists through 358 as well. it’s.. half right.
-bla bla bla, shenanigans. there’s ansem (the boss from kh1) and a guy named diz. That isn’t who either of them actually are. It’s actually Riku (who tapped too far into the darkness trying to capture roxas for the whole twilight town scenario at the beginning of the game, thus altering his appearance to look like the guy who posessed him for a bit) and THE ACTUAL ANSEM (ie, the ruler(?) of radient garden before it fell, and the guy heartless ansem stole his name from.
-sora goes off searching for riku, bc as far as he knows, he’s still lost out in the darkness.
-he’s not, he’s fine, but he’s super embarrassed about the whole ‘looking like the enemy’ thing and won’t let sora find him.
-sora casually murders most of the remaining organization members (only most of whom shot first)
-this continues on until axel attempts to kidnap kairi, who ends up in twilight town for a bit hanging out with the hayner/pence/ollete trio, before being slightly more successfully kidnapped a second time.
-and then she gets kidnapped again by saix. Axel apologises to sora over this. in his defence, he’s pretty desperate at this point (he just wants his friend(s) back)
-sora storms The World That Never Was, kairi is rescued by Namine.
-the trio finally meets up (namine disapeared at some point? yknow, i actually dont recall what happened to her in between these scenes), sora and kairi share a slightly awkward but sweet hug, and after a moments trepidation over ‘Ansem’, kairi tells/shows him its riku, at which point sora bursts into tears.
-i ship a lot of ot3′s, but sorikai is the OG ot3
-namine and roxas have a very symbolic moment refusing with their Other’s, Namine opens a portal back to destiny islands so they can go home.
-everyone except sora and riku make it through, and thus commences several final fantasy style boss fights
-they win, of course, riku’s injured in the line of battle, and they limp out, having traversed several realms during the course of this battle, they’re now trapped on a beach in the realm of darkness. it’s the same beach everyone else seems to end up on in this place. There is only one beach in the RoD apparently
-they stay there a while, and then they pick up a message in a bottle; it’s from kairi, “to the boy she can’t remember”
-Feelings make a door to the light open, and sora and riku fall like actual comets from the sky and everybody’s reunited and happy. huzzah!
-.... well for a while anyways.
-should i get into the whole xemnas/xehanort/ansem thing here?
-okay so
-lets swing back into Birth By Sleep for a bit
-(im sorry if kh can’t hit any of its plot points in order i think its fair neither do i)
-BBS takes place roughly nine years prior to kh1, with the exception of bbs’s prologue, which i would estimate as being an additional four years prior to that
-during said prologue, we meet Master Xehanort, an incredibly old dude with brown skin, gold eyes, and a white beard. even newcomers to the series will probably recognise that only one type of person gets those colours in these games.
-we also meet baby Ventus, Xehanorts apprentice. He looks exactly like Roxas.
-shenanigans happen, Xehanort splits Ven’s heart in two, creating Vanitas, who is Ventus’s darkness.
-Vanitas’ whole shtick is he wants to be reunited with Ventus, ostensibly to create the X-blade (yes it’s pronounced exactly the same as ‘keyblade’ and yes, every single kh fan ive ever talked to has found this annoying af)
-unfortunately being split in two like that puts ven in a coma, and xehanort takes the unresponiseve body to destiny islands to dump it like unwanted ravioli
-luckily for ven, “a brand new hear” hears his hurt and reaches out to help, filling out the gaps left in his and allowing him to start recovering
-the heart is sora
-actual, literal baby sora reaching out to help people before he can even walk yet. 
-the game never spells this out explicitly, which makes it an easy plot point to miss if you aren’t paying attention
-ven doesn’t recover immidietly though, and xehanort sends him to live with his old friend Master Eraqus and his two teenage apprentices, Aqua and Terra
-here’s where we time skip, ventus is fully recovered, terra and aqua are young adults and about to take their Mark Of Mastery exams for becoming keyblade masters.
-Terra fails because he has darkness in his heart and also xehanort rigged it against him
-aqua passes and becomes a master. I love her very much.
-terra journey’s out to try and figure out where the darkness comes from
-vanitas taunts ven saying terra’s leaving him bc ven’s stupid or something and ven panics and chases after him (he’s like 14 and has a bit of a hero worship thing, stupid decisions are par for the course)
-eraqus sends aqua out to both spy on terra (he words it nicer but thats the gist of it), which aqua doesn’t particularly like but trusts her masters judgement and does it, and bring ventus home, which she is more on board with
-the biggest tragedy in bbs is that no one talks to each other
-stuff happens, they learn some stuff, aqua’s route has So Many Lesbian Feels with every single princess she runs into it brings me great delight
-Ventus learns the whole ‘fight your darkness to become the X-blade’ plot, eraqus learns this too and tries to kill ven. Terra busts in at the last moment and saves ven, at this point using his dark powers fully.
-eraqus dies, which i don’t think terra fully intended to do (he just wanted to save ven) and if you recall the scene in kh1 where kairi catches a falling sora only for him to burst into a bunch of floating glitter? imagine that but with two grown men
-aqua’s just trying to figure out whats going on. she gets to meet kairi (saves her from some heartless and then puts a charm on her necklace to keep her safe) and then meets Mickey, who will be our future duex ex machina
-they all meet for the final battle.
-ven asks his friends to murder him
-no one does that
-what the fuck ven
-they fight, and a lot of stuff sorta happens at the same time
-1: terra fights xehanort, who has essentially been spending the whole game prepping terra to be his next host. xehanort is a body snatcher confirmed. xehanort wins, terra becomes the fanon-named terranort.
-2: ventus fights vanitas. vanitas reveals his face, and he looks exactly like a colour swapped version of sora. (also voiced by the same voice actor! it’s actually surprsingly difficult to notice this if you don’t have some kind of clue already because haley joel osment does and *amazing* job). ventus wins, the X-blade is not forged, but as a lot of this battle takes place in his heart, the effects are bad and ven falls into a coma (he reaches out once more, and another hearts answers. “you can stay here a while, I don’t mind” says the other heart. yes its fucking sora again. too good, too pure)
-3: aqua gets knocked out to start with, but then she fights vanitas controlling ventus’ body, which eventually gets sorted out. terra’s dissapeared at this point, and she takes a comatose ven and hides him in the land of departure, which she uses a secret mechanism to turn into Castle Oblivion (and thus, impossible to navigate  without her key)
-aqua goes to hunt down terra(nort), and finds him in radiant garden. they fight, aqua wins, but when he begins to sink into the darkness she sacrifices herself to save him (which is how he ends up as one of ansem’s apprentices and mostly without any memories)
-aqua will spend the next ten years in the realm of darkness
-bbs is such a goddam tragedy
-time to fast forward
-so sora and ven are connected, which is why vanitas and roxas look the way they do, which brings us to
-the case of xion
-and 358/2
-the worst game to play but my absolute favourite in terms of slow-burn pacing and emotionally investing you in the characters
-this game pretty much just deals with the year sora spent asleep, and the kids time in the organization.
-roxas wakes up with no memories, is inducted into the org, and told “kill heartless with your keyblade”. He’s more or less a zombie at first, and accepts this without question.
-a week later, a new member is introduced, named Xion, who also has a keyblade, and is also a zombie with no memories at first
-Axel, the org’s assassin, is basically told to babysit them both
-he’s not really into it at first, but those natural Big Brother instincts kick in Hard about five minutes later and from that point on he’s mostly just trying to keep them both alive.
-oh, also Lea, Axel’s somebody, met Ventus in bbs, so that was probably a little weird for him.
-as the game goes on and these kids essentially learn how to human and try to figure out what makes them different, the Big Plots stew in the background. Axel and Saix have some kind of plan that Axel apparently isn’t sticking to, and Axel questions his loyalties more as the game goes on and circumstances force him to choose between two kids Who Did Nothing Wrong, and his oldest friend.
-Xion learns they are a replica, a la Repliku, created as a backup to roxas if he could not fulfil his duty in creating kingdom hearts. their connection with roxas, and through him sora, has the unintended side effect of flitering memories and feelings into and through Xion.
-this is why putting sora back together takes so long
-Xion, between the pressure of being an org member in general, and the mental load from being caught between three+ people in a very literal sense, has a breakdown. Riku finds them, and despite a pretty rocky start between them, helps them through it.
-Xion leaves at two different points, the first time, Axel brings them back. “please don’t hold back, Axel. Promise.” “Everyone always thinks they’re right”
-excuse me i have to lay down again after thinking about how emotionally wrought this scene is.
-(the alternative is he has to kill them. he does everything he can to avoid that, but it’s clearly approaching an unsustainable situation; the org is running out of patience for dealing with the ‘clearly defective replica’, xion doesnt feel this situation is right, and axel just wants to keep everyone alive.
-yes typing ‘clearly defective replica’ physically hurt me. xion is a perfect bab and xemnas can fite me
-Xion leaves again
-Roxas, learning pieces of this but not all, runs away from the org. cue titular “no one would me” “that’s not true!” scene from 2
-(this leads to what is a hilariously depressing scene of roxas on the clocktower looking at his life and going “where could i even run to? I havent got anywhere to go” because he’s never known anything other than the organization and whoops i made myself sad again)
-namine explains to xion that sora can never wake up so long as they have his memories. The only way for them to release the memories is to die. It’s a hard decision.
-Xion meets roxas on the clocktower, feigns insanity, and goads him into fighting them (”do you see my face, roxas? is it a boys face? don’t you see. I have to make you a part of me too.”)
-cue more ff style boss fights
-xion dies
-look i can’t go into detail on this one i’ll start crying again, xion dies, everyone forgets they ever existed, and roxas gets to watch them shatter into dust in his arms.
-in the brief period where the memories are quickly vanishing but Not Quite Gone Yet roxas goes into a Roaring Rampage of Revenge and storms the World That Never Was
-this is where Riku catches up to him, and from there its a pretty straight shot into the beginning of kh2
-which im sure if you played these in chronological order would be *some kind of mood whiplash* i bet
-okay what have i missed
-recoded happened. the only important part here is that malificent and pete find out about the black box and malificent being malificent of course she Has To Have It
-”but whats the black box??” you ask
-good question
-we still dont know
-its  origin point is in KHUx though, 
-which is the multiplayer mobile game set during the Keyblade War of ages past. each weilder also has a companion dream eater named chirithy
-there are five unions, each headed by a leader and represented by an animal (unicorn, bear, snake, fox, and leopard)
-these five (plus one more, named luxu) are each given roles by their master (the Master of Masters, or also known as MoM). He also tells them there is a traitor amongst the warriors of light. it’s unclear at this point how much of this he is directly steering. He also doesnt specifiy Which warriors of light, probably on purpose so everything happens as it should.
-so figure, trying to figure out who the traitor is is a pretty direct cause to no one trusting each other and eventually going for each others throats
-there is a page from the book of prophecies he gives only to luxu, who he tells that his role is to see the future with this Special Keyblade (and specifically the Eye in it). You might recognise it as xehanorts keyblade (and then you’ll start to see the Eye in a whole bunch of other ones too, notably in soul edge, way to dawn, and void gear)
-luxu fucks off, and everyone else goes about their business
-the first half of khux details how these unions came to  be rivals, and then how they fell into war with each other and destroyed the light. the second half detailed how Ava, leader of the fox union, created a fifth group known as the dandelions, specifically picked to survive the fall of the light and rebuild.
-ventus and lauriam are two of these leaders. No, we still don’t know how they got from one point to the other.
-one of the replacement leaders, strelitzia, got murdered and replaced by someone else. i think this plot point has been resolved in japan but i havent checked yet
-strelitzia is lauriam’s sister. she also knows elrena.
-and if you’re bad at anagraming like i am, lauriam=marluxua, and elrena=larxene
-so yeah figure that one out for me
-also i love strelitzia she has like two scenes total and i was already ludicrously attached help
-(Yes i screamed very hard during that One Scene in 3. we dont even see her face but it’s heerrrrrrrr)
-right the black box
-luxu is seen carrying it off in the Back Cover movie as he wanders into exile. we still dont know whats in it. and that’s basically that.
-which leaves just Dream Drop Distance
-sora and riku take a Highly Modified mark of master exam under yen sid.
-things go wrong almost immidietly
-sora gets trapped by the xehanorts in a deep sleep, where they plan to use him as one of their 13 vessels of darkness
-there has to be 13 for some reason
-13 darknesses, and 7 lights, and when they clash it’ll make the X-blade
-because reasons
-it’s fate or something
-riku rescues him
-there is time travel involved now
-because at this point the 13 darkness now include; heartless ansem, master xehanort, xemnas, young xehanort, xigbar, and saix.
-more time travel will be involved later, but to keep this in mind the rules of time travel here are
     -you cannot take your body with you
     -you lose any future knowledge you gain if and when you return
-things are obviously wibbly here because it’s half in the dreamscape, but just. keep those rules in mind when you play 3.
....... im sure im missing a bunch but i just spent two hours writing the most casual pre-kh3 synopsis ever i hope you can forgive me XD
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My Savior
Type: One Shot | Imagine about Shawn M. Rating: Rated PG-13 (Violent Warning) Word Count: 2,713 Enjoy!
I could feel the cold of the road against my skin. My breathing was shaky, it was like I couldnt catch my breath. I closed my eyes for a split second, trying to figure out what was wrong. I looked up as the snow started to fall, I saw the man standing there. The knife in his hand was dripping blood, my blood to be exact. Once again I closed my eyes as I knew it would be easier if he attacked me again. I heard footsteps come near me, I tried my hardest not to move. If he thought I was died he couldnt do anymore to me. He used his foot to turn me over, I kept my eyes closed and I stopped breathing. I heard his footsteps walking away as I could hear the car in the distance. I pulled myself off the road, it was pitch black so the odds were against me. I could feel the blood running down my legs as I started to walk. I finally made it to where there were street lights, I was hoping someone would see me. At this point I was wondering if dying would be easier. I was getting weaker with each step but I knew I needed to keep going. I stopped to take a breather, leaning against a pole. I could hear a car coming to a stop and a door opening up.
"Are you ok?" he asked as he rushed over to me.
"Uh?" I was so out of it.
"Come on"  he wrapped his arm around me leading me to his car.
My knees got weak and I couldn't walk anymore. He picked me up placing me into his car, returning to the driver seat. I felt the warmth of the heat around me as I laid back against the seat. I slowly started to drift off and I guess I blacked out. I didn't remember getting to the hospital I just remember waking up there.
"Where am I" I looked around the room.
"You are in the hospital" the nurse said.
"Am I ok?" I asked.
"Yeah​, just need time to recover" she said.
"Thank you" I whispered.
"Don't thank me, you should thank the man who bought you in" she smiled slightly.
"Do you know where he is?" I looked at her.
"He said he would return later" she nodded slightly.  
"Ok" I laid my head back against the pillow.
I drifted off to sleep, I guess hours passed. I could hear his voice as he enter the room, I started to move slightly in the bed. I opened my eyes and saw him standing there. He was my savoir but I could admit he was the man of my dreams. Tall and dreamy, gentle but manly I could stare at him all day. I bite my lip as he looked over at me. I could see the smile grow on his face as he realized that I was ok.
"You are ok" he smiled as he sat down next to the bed.
"Thanks to you" I looked at him.
"I couldn't let someone die on the side of the street" he chuckled slightly.
"I guess not" I smiled slightly.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
"As good as I can, I guess" I laid my head back.
"That's good, im glad that you are feeling better" he spoke softly.
"Thank you….Wait what is your name?" I asked.
"Sorry, my name is Shawn" he placed his hand against mine.
"Nice to meet you Shawn, Im Y/N" I responded.
"Beautiful name, better question is what happen?" he asked.
"Question to be answered at a later date" I looked at him.
I found myself staring into his eyes, losing track of what was going on. I finally looked away closing my eyes as I felt a sharp pain. I took a deep breath in, I knew I needed to get out of the hospital. He wrote down his number on a piece of paper, laying it on the night stand. He soon left since visiting hours was over. I waited for the nurse to leave the room before removing the iv. I pulled myself out of the bed slipping on my blood stained jeans. I tied the gown so it was kind of a shirt since my shirt had to be ripped from my body. I slipped my shoes on grabbing my phone and the piece of paper before making my exit.   I got into the elevator waiting for the door to close, That's when I got spotted.
"HEY" the nurse called out.
I kept hitting the button and thank god it closed before she got to it. I leaned against the wall as I calmed myself down, no one could take care of me the way I could. I finally got off the elevator and made my way out of the hospital. The sky was pitch black, but a streak of lightening lit up the sky. The road of thunder made me jump as I wasn't expecting it. The rain started to come down as the wind started to blow, it was a mixture of beauty but also danger. It was my type of scene, I started to walk down the street.
"Where are you going?" I heard someone asked.
"Home" I keep walking.
"You will catch a cold, get in please?" he said.
I turned around and I saw Shawn standing there. We were both getting soaking wet with the rain picking up. I looked up into his eyes, nothing else seemed to matter. Some how he took my mind off everything as well as the pain. I started to believe in love at first sight, but could he be my prince charming who came to rescue me? He moved closer to me putting his jacket over my head. He leads me back to his car, allowing me to get into it before getting in himself. The road was pitched black, all I could see was what the headlights hit. I leaned back in the seat as we went down the street. The rain started to pick up as the thunder rolled in. Streaks of lighten flashed brighting up the whole sky. All the lights were out in the city, he finally pulled up to a building. He disapeared into the night sky as he got out of the car. He opened the door, I jumped because I wasnt expecting it.
"Come on" he grabbed my hand helping me out of the car.
"Thank you" I said as I stayed close to him.
He opened the door allowing me to enter first. I heard the door close behind him, his hand still holding mine. I felt my way to the couch as he let me go, moving to the kitchen. He came back with a candle lit so we could actually see each other.
"I dont know how long the power will be out" he sat down next to me.
"I have no clue" I looked at him.
"You are safe here" he nodded slightly.
"Thank you for everything" I said.
"Its ok" he smiled slightly.
"Ill get out of your hair in the morning" I looked away quickly.
"I dont mind helping you" he titled my chin back towards him. "You are beautiful and deserve the world" he looked at me.
"I…" I got lost in his eyes once again.
He kept his hand on my chin, brushing his thumb against my chin. I leaned my forehead against his as our eyes were locked to each other. I took a deep breath in pulling away from him. I leaned back against the couch, just taking everything in. I couldn't believe that I was so close to death until he came and saved me. I didn't understand why he saved me or what the catch was. For some reason I felt safe with him, as if he would never hurt me. I closed my eyes as I started to drift off. The next thing I knew was the sun started to peek in the window. I shuffled in the sheets, but soon realized this wasn't where I fell asleep. I sat up on the bed looking around confused, I had no idea how I got into his bed. I eased myself out of the bed making my way downstairs. I found him in the kitchen cooking, I must admit it smelt good. I leaned against the door frame as I watched him cook.
"Is that for me?" I asked.
"Why yes, it is, " he chuckled slightly. "How did you sleep?" he asked.
"Fine, just don't know how I got into your bed" I admitted.
"I carried you upstairs, " he nodded slightly.
"Oh ok" I smiled slightly as I took a seat at the table.
He put the plate in front of me before moving back to the stove. He grabbed two bottles of waters as well as his plate before sitting down. We started to talk while we ate, it was like I knew him forever. I've never met someone that made me feel so comfortable, and was easy to talk to. I finished eating so I got up putting my plate in the sink. He moved behind me reaching to the sink, his arm around me. I took a deep breath as I felt his body close to mine.
"You are going to wash dishes?" he slides his hands down my arms.
"Maybe, " I bite my lip slightly.
He guide my hands over the dishes, I slightly tighten the grip. I leaned back against him as he rested his head against my shoulder. I smiled to myself as we washed the dishes. He soon to pull away as we finished with the dishes, I returned back to my seat. He sat down across from me, for a second it was quiet.
"Can I ask you something?" he broke the silence.
"Sure" I nodded slightly.
"Why would someone want to hurt you?" he asked.
"It's complicated" I looked down, not really wanting to answer the question.
"We don't have to talk about it, " he got up kneeling in front of me. He placed his hand against my chin titling it up slightly. "You are safe, " he whispered.
"Thank you, " I looked into his eyes.
"I believe in destiny, it was faith that we meet, " he smiled slightly.
"Yeah Shawn" I smiled.
He brushed his thumb against my chin as we locked eyes again. I soon closed my eyes as I felt a sharp pain, I gripped my leg. He helped me upstairs, taking my pants off so we could clean the staplers. Over the next few weeks I stayed with Shawn, not because I didn't have a place but because it was fun. I finally got my staplers out and got the clear to do whatever I wanted to do. Shawn was such an amazing person, I didn't know how I got so lucky but I was glad I did.
"Hey" he smiled as he came into the room.
"Hey, " I looked at him as he sat down behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
"What are you doing?" he questioned.
"Just checking a few things" I leaned back against him.
"So you want to go ice skating tonight?" he kissed my cheek.
"Sure" I laughed slightly.
"Do you know how?" he asked.
"No, " I played with his hand.
"I'll show you, " he whispered into my ear.
"Sounds good, " I said.
"So it's a date, " he said as he stood up from the bed.
"A date?" I smiled.
"Yeah a date, " he leaned over to kiss me softly.
I left his apartment making my way back to mine. I took a quick shower before putting on a pair of jeans. I tried to dress as warm as I possibly could since I knew it was going to be outside. Plus, it was ice skating so it was going to be cold. I laced up my snow boots as I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs opening the door so Shawn could come in. He walked in sitting on the couch as I went back stairs. I finally finished getting ready and we were on our way downtown. The nerves started to kick in as we pulled up to the place. I took a deep breath in as he got out of the car. Opening my car door holding out his hand for mine. I grabbed his hand and got out of the car, I followed him to the ice rink. He got out skates as I sat down on the bench, of course he helped me get my skates on. He sat down next to me putting his skates on, I smiled as I watched him. I stood up with his help, we both walked towards the ice. He got onto the ice first, guiding me onto it. He placed his hands on my hips as he started to skate backwards.
"Don't let me fall" I held onto his shoulders.
"I got you" he smiled.
"Good" I smiled as I started to move with him.
He kept his promise and never let me fall. We finally got off the ice and I sat on the bench as he took our skates back. He came back to me grabbing my hand as we started to walk back to the car. He opened the door for me, making sure it was closed as soon as I got into the car. He made his way to the drive side and we were off again. I played with his hand as he drove, with each red light he would lean over kissing my cheek. I couldn't help but smile, I turned on the radio as we both started to sing at the top of our lungs. He pulled into a restaurant parking lot turning the car off. I undid my seatbelt but he grabbed my hand pulling me closer. Placing his hand on my chin, his lips pressed against mine. I smiled against his lips before kissing him back. I placed my hand on his chest as I kept the kiss between us. I soon pulled away resting my forehead against his, I could see the smile grow on his lips. He moved away from me as he got out of the car. This time I beat him to it and got out before he could open the door. I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers together as we walked into the restaurant.
"What are you getting?" I asked as I looked over the menu.
"Probably pizza" he chuckled slightly.
"Can we share?" I asked.
"Of course, if you bring your ass over here" He said.
"Oh, I didn't know you wanted me to sit next to me" I got up moving to sit next to him. He placed his arm around my shoulder, holding me close to him,
"I always want you close to me, I have a question, " he looked at me.
"Go for it" I nodded as I played with his hand.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.
"You want a relationship?" I looked at him.
"Yes, I do, with you, " he kissed my forehead.
"I would love that" I leaned up, kissed him softly.
We finally ordered our food and drinks. I stayed close to him as we started to talk, but once the food arrived it got quiet. I would look at him from time to time, realizing how lucky I was. It was official I got to call him mine and boy was I happy about that. We finished eating, he got up to pay the bill. I took a few more sips from my drink as I waited. I saw someone walk through the door, I froze once I realized who it was.
"You're still alive" the guy said.
"Ready babe?" Shawn said as he grabbed my hand.
"I'll fix that" the guy said as he pulled out a gun, pointing it directly towards me. I swallowed hard as I closed my eyes, I knew things had finally come to an end.
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notlikeotherbirds · 5 years ago
A self indulgent work of writing about my current hyperfixations:
So I’ve been listening to the Magnus Archives and have spent a lot of time in the Voltron fandom, so here is what I think could be Adam’s statement to the Magnus archives about the disapearances of several people including his fiancé. 
Read it on AO3
Statement made by Adam Weller regarding the disappearance of several people including his fiancé. Statement given on August 15th 2051 at the Magnus Institute. 
Statement begins:
I work at the Galaxy Garrison. I’m sure you’ve heard of us. We’re a space travel and military institution. I am an officer and a pilot and I work with young cadets, coaching them, teaching them.
My fiancé, Takashi Shirogane, and I met there five years ago. He worked the same job as me, but he’s a year older than me so we only met once I was out of training. We started dating pretty soon after our first meeting. Those were the happiest years of my life and after three years he engaged to me.
Two months after that he got the offer to go on the Kerberos mission. A mission to go to one of Pluto’s moon, the furthest from earth a human had ever been. He was excited obviously, but it was more than that. He had always had this thing about proving himself. And what better way to prove yourself than to go where nobody had gone before. Not that he needed to. He was the best pilot the Garrison had ever seen. Even in training he had already been breaking record over record. So I wasn’t surprised when he got the offer, they needed a good pilot for the mission and Takashi was the best.
But the mission was dangerous and it would last five years. We had just gotten engaged and honestly I didn’t want to start our married life with a five year long distance relationship in which we couldn’t even properly talk to each other. It might sound selfish but I had already compromised a lot of my life for his ambitions and his career and this felt like one step too far. We fought a lot about this in the months leading up to the mission. I thought he was being selfish and reckless and he thought I was being hysterical and unreasonable. Even though I ended up being right, I will never forgive myself for our last conversation.
It had been two weeks before the launch and we had been fighting, as always, and I gave him an ultimatum: If he went on the mission we were through. I asked him to choose between me and the mission and he choose the mission. I left and didn’t speak to him after that. I never filed the paperwork for calling off the engagement, I didn’t even really break up with him. Honestly, right up until the start of the mission, until the rocket left the ground, I still hoped he’d change his mind. He didn’t. He went on the mission and I stayed behind.
Two months after the launch, the ship went missing. Well, that wasn’t what they told us. They told us that Takashi had crashed the ship and that he and his two team mates, Dr Samuel Holt and Matt Holt, had died.
I knew Takashi and I knew that he had never crashed a ship in his life. I want to say that it was more than a gut feeling that lead me to read the file but really it was probably only the grief and the anger that drove me to do so. I didn’t acquire it the legal way. I’m not even sure if there would have been a legal way for me to read it. But I got my hands on it. How I did it should not be of concern for you. It was nothing too serious and I didn’t get caught. Still it might have been the biggest risk I have ever taken in my career at the Garrison or even in my whole life. But I needed to know and I don’t regret doing it.
The file told me what I had expected: Takashi had not crashed the ship, it had simply disappeared. The last communication with the ship had been strange. I read the transcript; it started with a log, routine stuff, very boring normal things. I wish I could have heard to and not just read it, Takashi had done the log, as far as I know these were his last words. Sorry, I’m getting sentimental.
There was some interference in the transmission and when it cut back in to the log, a couple of minutes later, there was shouting and loud crashing noises. Then the transmission cut out. Just complete radio silence. That is not only alarming but nearly impossible. The Garrison ships are built with a communication system that will always send signals. Even if there should be a crash that destroys most of the ship or a fog that interferes with most signals, there should be still a signal going through. It is one of the most innovative inventions of the Garrison. If there is still a piece of the ship somewhere, it should still send signals home. But there were no signals. The ship had just disappeared.
I was concerned and devastated, of course, but the knowledge that it wasn’t Takashi’s fault filled me with enough closure that I would have let it rest. There was nothing I could do anyway.
That had been about a year and a half ago. I’m here though, because that wasn’t all that happened.
I mentioned that Takashi and I had been instructors for young recruits, well I still am I guess.
About four years ago Takashi took in a student. Usually we’re not supposed to focus in on students like that, but this kid meant a lot to Takashi, and vice versa. Keith Kogane is his name, was his name. He was an orphan and an excellent pilot and student, top of his class. He had a promising future, breaking some of Takashi’s records already. He was recruited by the Garrison, that doesn’t happen a lot. Takashi was the one to invite him, that’s how they got so close, I think.
But he was also hot headed. He got in fights constantly, even before he got to the Garrison he had a record of making trouble. And, true to his nature, he was just as short tempered at the Garrison. He lashed out easily and got into fights left and right. I think some of the students used that against him, kids are cruel like that. But Takashi was there to bust him out of every single precarious situation he got himself into. He talked to the head instructor and then talked to Keith and always made sure Keith could stay and would stay out of trouble in the future, which never worked obviously but Takashi, patient and loving as he was, was always there.
Since Takashi and I were dating I got to know the kid a bit too. When he wasn’t angry he was quiet, almost shy. I think he was very lonely. He’d lost his father as a young child and there was no trace of a mother or any other family. The only family he had was Takashi. It was never official obviously, Takashi never adopted him, but they felt like family to each other.
So when Takashi disappeared it took only a week for Keith to get expelled. Allegedly he had punched the head instructor. I assume it was the rumour about Takashi crashing the ship. I understood his anger I was angry as well. Angry at the Garrison for ruining Takashi’s name and myself for letting him go and at myself for not making up with him before he left and at Takashi for leaving. Maybe I should have talked to Keith, we might have been able to help each other. But I never did.
About two weeks after the memorial for the Kerberos crew and two weeks after Keith had been expelled I overheard someone from a town nearby talk about some rowdy kid camping out in his shed in the middle of the desert. I put two and two together and told him I knew the kid. I knew the guy fleetingly form his deliveries to the Garrison. He worked for a fuel company and we had talked several times already. He seemed like a decent guy. So I asked him if there was a possibility for Keith to stay in the shed if I paid rent for it. I may have also lied and said he was my nephew. He accepted, told me he didn’t use the shed anyway.
I obviously checked to see if it was really Keith. I had been right. I told him he could stay, I had arranged something, and that he could always call me if there was anything I could do for him. I knew he had no one and nowhere to go. A 17 year old orphan with a history of trouble making who had just been expelled from an elite military program. Nobody would take him in. So I did. Not just out of the kindness of my heart I must admit. Mostly for Takashi. I was kind of glad to still have him around, too. He had meant a lot to Takashi, and as weird as that might sound, in a way he was all I had left of my fiancé.
I paid for him to stay there, visited him regularly, left him some money for food. He never spoke much. He hadn’t really been much of a talker before Takashi went missing but now he was even quieter. He was always working when I visited. At the time I didn’t know on what, and he never told me. In the beginning I still tried making conversation with him but as time went on I tried less. It’s another thing I regret. Maybe if I had gotten him to tell me what he had been working on I could have helped. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
About a year passed until three months ago he went missing too. It was July 1st and the day had been rather normal. It was evening and I stood at the window. That’s the only reason why I saw the comet. It was coming down near us. There is only desert for miles around the Garrison so I wasn’t really concerned that it might hit anything. But it was exciting. A comet coming down this close was great, easy research. But strange also because I hadn’t heard of any comet that was scheduled to hit earth anytime close to July 1st. So I went out to see if I could pick up any information in the halls. Word spreads fast at the Garrison. Strangely nobody was talking about what I had just seen. But there was the hushed atmosphere of a secret project.
Secret projects are not unusual at the Garrison, we’re military after all, but this was different. Usually you’d hear the whispers and secrecy for months, getting gradually more noticeable over time. But there had been no build up. And it did not have the atmosphere of a project that was just starting. It had the feeling of something that is in its late stages.
Now, I know that I’m using a lot of words like ‘feeling’ and ‘atmosphere’ and that’s not very solid evidence, but I have worked at the Garrison for long enough to pick up on the mood my superiors are in. I don’t rank high enough to be let in on any secret projects, but when you spend enough time in a place you learn to read it very well. So I knew there was something afoot and that it was unusual.
We’re military, we don’t do spontaneous projects. And even less when it comes to space travel. Everything at the Garrison is well planned out and no mission is ever even approved without at least a two months’ notice let alone executed. That usually takes at least half a year. Only emergencies are an exception. And if a secret project is an emergency and probably has something to do with a comet falling from the sky, than that is not just odd but interesting as well.
I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but of course as a space enthusiast my mind went to aliens. I’m no conspiracy theorist and I don’t believe that the government is hiding any alien technology from us. But it intrigued me enough to at least go to where the whispers lead me and see if I could catch a glance of anything.
I ended up at the morgue. A smaller building a bit off campus. It has a nice platform with a great view at the desert so I used that as a reason to stay. I stood there half facing the morgue and had a smoke. If anyone’d asked I’d just said I was enjoying the view of the desert while smoking. That would be believable enough.
I didn’t stand there for long, maybe ten minutes, I had just started my second cigarette. I’m no chain smoker I just needed a reason to stay. A truck drove in. It was big with tinted windows and cargo that was covered with black tarp. It came from the desert and drove into the morgue’s garage. It wasn’t one of the normal body transport trucks. And it was rather late for anything to come it. Transports, no matter what was transported, usually stopped at six. It was already eight at that point.
About five minutes after that I heard a loud engine, I heard it before I saw what made it. It was Keith’s bike. I hadn’t seen him come towards the Garrison, but I had also been pretty focused on the truck and the main road and the garage. The bike was one of those new fancy ones with hover technology, crazy fast those things, if Keith wasn’t such a good driver I would have been concerned for his health. I’m not entirely sure where he got it from, maybe Takashi gave it to him.
He was driving away from the morgue, at a far enough distance that I couldn’t really see him on the bike, but I had seen it often enough to recognise it as Keith’s. I have to say I wasn’t really surprised to see Keith there that night. Not that I had expected him to be there, but I also wasn’t as surprised as one should think I was. After all he had a habit of getting himself into trouble. What was strange though, more than seeing him at the Garrison driving away at a very high speed, being followed by several vehicles, was that he was not alone on the bike. There were at least two more people, probably more, on there with him.
I mentioned that Keith was kind of a loner. He didn’t have friends and now that he wasn’t at the Garrison anymore he didn’t even have acquaintances anymore. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I was the only human contact he had in the last year. I couldn’t make out who the people on the bike with him were, they were too far away, but they must have been on there of their own volition, since Keith was going so fast, they should have had a hard time even staying on there if they weren’t determined to do so.
I didn’t follow him. He was a good enough driver to escape the Garrison vehicles on his heels, or at least I hoped so. I also didn’t really want to get into trouble myself. Just standing there witnessing this put me in jeopardy. So I told myself I’d just check in on him the next day and went back to my quarters. It was selfish and cowardly, and again, in hindsight I wish I had followed Keith. To find out where he was going. Maybe I could have helped, or at least got some information. But I didn’t.
I did check on him the next day. But he wasn’t home, his bike wasn’t there. He also wasn’t there the next day. At that point three students had been reported missing. Lance McClain, Pidge Gunderson and Hunk Garett. All three very good students. I had met them once or twice, they had never been trouble makers or problem students. They hadn’t even really stood out at all. One of them looked oddly like Matt Holt, one of Takashi’s crew members.
I can’t tell you for sure that their disappearance had something to do with Keith’s disappearance or the events of the previous evening. But I do think they are related. They had been last seen shortly before the comet had come down that evening.
When Keith was still not there the third day in a row I let myself into the shed. I have a spare key, just in case anything ever happened. The room was as it always looked. Like I said, I visited quite frequently. It wasn’t messy or dirty. But laid out on the table was a map. It was a map of the desert, a part of it was circled in red. Since I didn’t really have anything else I could do, I took the map and went out to the area Keith had marked.
It lead me to a cave. Outside I found Keith’s bike parked. Dust had already settled on it. It had probably stood there for the three days he was gone. I went through the tunnel where Keith’s bike was parked in front. The cave it should have led to was collapsed.  I knew it should have been there because it was on the map. There was only rubble there. I don’t know much about caves but it looked like it had happened recently. I called the police. They didn’t find anything or anyone in the rubble.
I reported Keith missing that day. I wasn’t very hopeful that they’d find him or that they’d even look for him.
Since then I have spent a lot of time in Keith’s shack. At first I had just intended to clean it out and stop paying rent for it but as I went through Keith’s notes, the one he had been working on the whole year I got kind of hooked. That’s why I’m here.
He had investigated Takashi’s disappearance and strange energy signals coming from that collapsed cave. The energy signals he had measured were tremendous, that nobody had picked it up before him was quite strange. But then again, the Garrison had built their headquarters practically on top of them, maybe that wasn’t a coincidence after all. The energy signals are gone now and somehow I can’t shake the feeling that they disappeared together with Keith and those kids. I studied his notes and photos and readings. I don’t know if you will think I’m crazy but I think all of those disappearances are connected and I don’t think it was something from earth that took them away.
I know how jumping straight to aliens sounds but I with the stuff Keith recorded and the report of Takashi going missing, I just can’t help but feel like nothing humans have built could cause these chain of events.
I found out about you guys in my own research, and I needed to tell someone. I thought if I had a chance with anyone believing me it would be you.
Statement ends.
  All the things easily verifiable are correct.
Takashi Shirogane did work for the Galaxy Garrison and disappeared alongside Mathew Holt and Dr Samuel Holt on May 13th 2050. There are no official records as to what happened and we could not get a report or even a coherent answer form our contact person at the Garrison.
Keith Kogane was a student at the Garrison and got expelled May 27th 2050 and got reported as missing July 3rd 2051.
Three Students, Lance McClain, Pidge Gunderson and Hunk Garett went missing on July 2nd 2051.
We got access to the shed that Mr Kogane lived in and his notes, the measurements if they are indeed real, are unusual. Besides that it’s a lot of conspiracy theories. Nothing we can work with really.
The cave that Mr Weller mentioned exists and it is in the state he described. The police report of July 3rd 2051 also confirms his story.
Further than that, there really is nothing we can do here. Even if Mr Weller was right with his assumption that it was aliens, which I don’t really believe, if I’m being honest, there is nothing we could do to find the seven missing people.
Besides that, I don’t think this has anything to do with extra-terrestrial beings and more with military disappearing people, it wouldn’t be the first time.
File end.
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