#picked this up this morning and it was Slightly less done than I thought
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fireproof-art · 2 months ago
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“Actually, you said Love, for you, is larger than the usual romantic love. It’s like a religion. It’s terrifying. No one will ever want to sleep with you.”
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bluebirdsfeathers · 1 month ago
Corporate Life
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Relationship: Ceo!Wanda X Butch!Loser!Reader
Summary: The disappointment of not being picked to be Wanda’s intern wasn’t going to stop you from settling into corporate life. Especially since you were assigned to work with her brother, Pietro, and she always found excuses to visit.
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: age gap relationship (R is early 20s, W is like 40), no smut here but we might get there later (no promises tho).
A/N: I have an essay due that is less words than this and yet here we are. I’m going to introduce more marvel character each part. I have no idea how many parts this will end up being, but I know how it will end.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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The subway on a weekday morning was something you knew you’d never get used to. Everyone in a rush to get somewhere yet somehow nobody was moving even remotely fast. It was a miracle you’d gotten on a train and not just swept away by a mudslide of office workers. Heading into work you made you was straight to the elevators and back up to the third floor. Today you would be assigned to a department of the paper, and the anticipation was making you nervous. Unlike yesterday you were slightly early and where shocked to find you were the first one there. Taking a seat inside the conference room you were told to meet at, you pulled out your phone and began scrolling Instagram.
“I’ve never understood the obsession with social media,” A unfamiliar voice broke the silence, and you jumped slightly putting your phone down, “My apologies I thought you heard me come in.” Wanda smirked walking towards the other end of the long table, placing down some files, before walking back towards you. “I thought the paper was branching out into social media content?” Your voice came out a little higher than usual. Wanda stopped behind you placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a light squeeze “We are… but that has nothing to do with me.” She said with a laugh before leaving the room.
It wasn’t long before the rest of the interns showed up along with Dr Banner, as he told you to call him, who you’d met yesterday. He looked to be around fifty with greying hair and a permanently sad expression. One of the first things he’d done was list his multiple degrees and explain how he’d ended up working here as an environmental science editor. The Westview Paper was one of the oldest most prestigious news sources in the country, maybe even the world. It had been in the Maximoff family since the 1950s, now being run by Wanda since her father’s retirement. Today you would find out what department you would be interning in for the next six months. Dr Banner handed out an envelope to each intern, rambling on about how pointlessly dramatic this all was and how he had other more important things to do than this. Everyone was quick to open their envelopes, the wait was just too much.
Your file read ‘Sports and Fitness’ in bold at the top. You’d been on the women’s basketball team in college and had spoken about it in your interview, you loved sports so this should be a perfect fit, but you couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed, she hadn’t picked you. “Lads look, I’m Wanda’s intern!” You turn to see Theo, who in this moment you decided you hated, holding up his file to the room looking far too smug. “I guess that proves I’m the alpha here.” You didn’t even entertain him with forced laughter like the others, you simply grabbed your bag and file and left to find a quiet spot to read. You discovered you’d be working for Pietro Maximoff, a quick google search told you that was Wanda’s brother and the head of that department. The file told you everything that would be expected of you over the next few months, some big and small goals as well as a weekly schedule that by the look of didn’t have you meeting with Pietro for a few hours.
To kill time, you decided to have a wonder around the building, the tour yesterday had given you a better understanding of the layout, but you still weren’t confident you could get from a to b without getting a little lost. Round every was another impossibly long corridor lined with doors and window into almost identical rooms that occasionally showed signs of life. As you rounded what must have been the fifth corner you saw a now familiar red head seemingly yelling at a room of men in suits. You stopped walking unsure whether to turn back or keep going like you hadn’t seen anything but before you could react the door to the room opened and the men hurried out, their heads held low like children after being told off. Your eyes went back to the room where Wanda stood, eyes closed, taking several slow deep breaths. Deciding it would be best to leave before you stumble upon something else you weren’t meant to see you turned around only to be stopped by Wanda calling your name.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” It was hard to read her tone, and a pit formed in your stomach worried you’d upset her. “I was just�� familiarising myself with the building. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.” You stumbled all over your words. “I should go I need to meet Pietro soon and I…” Wanda’s eyes lit up and a smile graced her face “Of course you’re his intern, why don’t I walk you?” You tried to politely refuse her offer, not wanting to be a bother, but she out right refused to take no for an answer, especially after you let it slip you didn’t know where his office was. Turns out it wasn’t far, one floor down and across the walkway and you where there.
The sports department was unlike the other places you been shown so far. It was lively with open plan desks, no cubicles or grey walls, instead hanging around the room was a variety of different countries flags and sports team memorabilia. The staff talked freely amongst themselves; you expected the noise to die down when Wanda entered but it didn’t. You watched her talk with them and share a joke or two, a stark contrast to the rage you’d seen her display moments ago. “Now where is he?” She asked the man she’d been talking to.
“Wanda!” You heard an excited voice call from across the room, “Wands! I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about this side of the building. We’re still being published right?” Pietro’s smile was the same as Wanda’s, warm with a slight hint of mischief. He was much taller than her, with bleach blonde hair and light stubble. “This must be y/n? Great to finally put a face to the name.” He said giving you a playful tap to the arm. “Look Wands I would love to catch up, but I need to get y/n settled.”
“Actually, there is something I need to talk to you about, but we need to discuss that in private. Can I steel you at some point tomorrow?”
“Yeah sure, you have my schedule so let me know when you are free.”
With that Wanda gave you both a smile and left.
Pietro made fast work of the power point he has prepared, and you were glad to hear business wear wasn’t mandatory in his department. Which was a relief as you only had two formal shirts and you’d already worn both. He sent you home early after reassuring you the missing hours wouldn’t come out of your wages and any disappointment over Wanda not picking you was gone. You were going to really enjoy having him for a boss.
The rest of the week went by quickly, you had so much work to be getting on with and so many people to get to know. Your desk was right by Pietro’s so he could keep an eye on you and help you when you needed it. You looked at the clock, it was quarter to five already, almost time to go home for the weekend. That was something you were excited about. This internship only had you working Monday to Friday, that meant you had the whole weekend to yourself. As you hit save for the last time on what you were working on you heard the door on the far end of the room open and looked up to see Wanda followed closely by Theo.
“Hi, Pietro, this is Theo, Theo this is my brother, Pietro. Y/n, you remember Theo, don’t you?” You nodded and watched as the two men shook hands. Yes, you did remember Theo, how could you forget a man that reminded you of all your high school bullies rolled into one and served with a silver spoon. “What do we owe the pleasure?” Pietro asked playfully.
“Oh, you know, just making the rounds, checking on all the new recruits at the end of the first week.”
“We are? I thought you said you needed to check on something important?” Theo said obliviously and Wanda gave a nervous laugh. “The wellbeing of my employees is important Theo. Now y/n how have you been?” You tried and failed to meet Wanda’s eyes as she gave you her full attention. “Good.” Was all you could squeeze out; you didn’t understand why she still made you so nervous. “He hasn’t been working you too hard has he.” Her voice was light and had the same playful tone as Pietro’s. Finally, you found it in you to look her in face and were surprised to see a slight blush that almost matched your own. “No, he hasn’t.” you said leaving an awkward silence in the air. “Well, we better head off, enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you Monday.” Without another word Wanda left, Theo once again following closely behind.
It wasn’t long before the excitement and novelty of your new job wore off and all you longed for was the weekend. You’d gotten to know lots more faces around the office, even the lady at the front desk. You learnt her name was Pam and she wasn’t a huge bitch like you initially thought, she was just going through a divorce and her ex-husband, Jerry, was the worst. Somehow, you’d managed to develop a sense of normalcy working in this place. The only thing that kept you on edge were the surprise visits Wanda would do to the department; she was always finding a reason to come down here. Most made sense, like visiting her brother, checking on what stories were being published, but other times it felt like she was going out of her way to poke her head in seemingly just to talk to you, which hadn’t gotten easier yet.
Earlier today, while waiting for a copy of an article she’d tried to start a conversation with you. “I like your t-shirt.” Wanda said as she sat on your desk. “t-thanks, I like your blouse it’s… pink?” You said in return, unsure what to say. “What does it say? Radio head? I didn’t think young people listened to the radio these days.” She said lightly grazing her fingers across your arm. “Oh, Radio Head are a band… like music and stuff.” You shifted awkwardly in your chair, turning back to focus on your work. Pietro returned with the article and Wanda got up and left, giving you a light pat on the back as she walked past you.
The memory of that encounter played on your mind as you got ready to leave work for the day. “Y/n! Hey, I need to head to a meeting, I know you’re about to go home but can you go upstairs to Wanda’s office and drop this off? She needs to approve it before it goes to print.” Pietro handed you the latest copy of the sports news magazine, Wanda was big on seeing the final product physically before it was sent of to print so you agreed to drop it off in her office. She was never there anyway, far too busy to sit down with the election cycle going on. You headed to the lift pressing the very top button to take you all the way to the thirteenth floor, Pietro had given you his ID to get clearance to do so. Once the elevator doors opened, you walked into what looked like a living room, but what was just a very fancy looking wating area. There was a door to the left you assumed to be a bathroom and two large doors straight ahead that must lead to her office. You thought about whether to just leaving the magazine on the coffee table but before you could the large doors swung open.
“I don’t care who his father is! I’ve had enough of him! Who does he think he is anyway selling information to…” Wanda stopped her tirade when she saw you standing there with an expression of shock on your face. “Y/n? What are you doing up here?” She slightly snapped at you.
“Pietro told me to give you this.” You held out the magazine visibly trembling. “I’m sorry Ms Maximoff, I didn’t know you’d be here.” You voice shook slightly as you tried to stay calm while rapidly pressing the elevator button. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I’m leaving now.” The doors finally opened, and you hurried inside. “Y/n wait I didn’t mean to…” Wanda’s words were cut off by the doors closing as the lift took you back to the second floor. Breathing heavily, you tried to calm yourself down. You should have just dropped of the magazine and gotten out of there. Why must you always get yourself in these types of situations? You hoped it would be a while before you’d next see Wanda, maybe she would have forgotten all about it by then. Realising you were still clutching the magazine; you headed back to the sports department. Placing it on Pietro’s desk, along with his ID, you wrote a post-it note apologising, hoping he wouldn’t be too disappointed with you. All you could think about on your commute home was how angry Wanda looked over whatever it was she was yelling about. It scared you how she can be so warm and friendly one second then completely switch the next. Sometimes you forgot how rich and powerful she really was.
Once inside your apartment you kicked off your shoe’s and sat down on your mattress now being held up by your nice new bedframe. The money you’d earned from this job was improving your life greatly. You’d bought a new pair of trainers without having to wait for your current ones to be falling apart. If this mistake today ended up costing you your job, you’d never forgive yourself. Taking out your phone you decided to take your mind off things by clearing out some work emails you hadn’t gotten around to today but at the top of your inbox was a new message sent only five minutes ago. It was addressed to all the interns and marked urgent.
The subject read: ‘Meeting tomorrow 9am, Floor: 3 Room: 24B’. A new wave of panic washed over you when you saw it was sent by Wanda.
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inspired by this post by @wandaslittlehorns
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yourcutelittlegayfriend · 2 months ago
✧✦✧ Chapter 3 ✧✦✧
Hello Father, Die
Warning this part contains: Cursing, Hallucinations (Schizophrenia maybe), mentions and descriptions of a noose, Murderous and Violent thoughts, Trauma Triggers (MC's), Dark Themes(not the settings btw) and Typos&Badwriting Combo.
Note: a bit long fic that was supposed to be short, this is more of the relationship between Bruce and MC as well as a special pov from someone after this it'll be short shots with the rest of the family unless-
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It's suffocating.......
Everything is choking me.....
Death clings to me like my own skin as I walk along the bloody trench I dig by myself.
Every hand from my past and other life reaches out and tugs onto my skin and soul begging for another chance.
but not this time.
My light at the end of this long unwinding tunnel is just beyond reach.
I won't stop until I get what I want, I won't until I get what I deserve.
As the stormy night passes by Gotham, I wake up to my new bed that Alfred prepared me last night.
I begged Alfred to let me stay near him so he gave in and fixed up a guest room near his own quarters, a good decision on my part that's for sure.
A room far away from my old bedroom and a safer one closer to Alfred, a slight change that I hope won't fuck up the reset.
Looking around I observe the barren room and walls, just a few pieces of furniture, a bed, a shelf, and a door to a medium size toilet and bathroom.
'Better get fixed up, We're hungry' they poke my back as I see a towel placed conveniently by the knob of the open bathroom door.
Nodding my head as I hummed in agreement before entering and closing the door.
Heading out, I quickly trace back my way into the kitchen and see Alfred whipping up something on the marbled counter with a few cups and bowls scattered around yet in an organized and clean manner.
Walking up I stare at the ingredients on what I could guess would be the breakfast for the other one inhabiting this 'house'.
I see them peek out their head from the corner of the counter and poke the bowls pretending to be like a cat while words scribble at the ingredients like 'yummy' or 'bleugh-'
I stood at the ledge since I was back to being my kid size, only my eyes reaching the top of the surface and silently watching Alfred prepare, it didn't take him less than a minute to notice me but I could see him slightly tensing when he look into the corner of his eyes.
'Never the jumpiest in the family before' they say as tilt their head behind Alfred's shoulder as the word 'Jumpy' flashes at the back of the butler's form.
"Good morning, Mr. Alfred". I quietly said to him as I shifted my attention to the whirling electric mixers that were mixing the pancake batter.
"Good morning as well Young Master". He returned my greetings before turning the mixer and properly faced me.
"May I ask hold long have you been waiting there?". He wonders as he picks up the metal bowl and turns to fire up the stove.
"More than 5 minutes, I'm used to waking up early Mr. Alfred". I tell him as I observe him, hearing him hum before I continue to watch him and get lost in my daydream.
'Since I missed meeting Bruce I'd wonder when he'll pop up now' I wondered before a loud scratching record screech on my ear made me wince and the hairs on my neck stood up as I heard them whisper frantically.
'He's here! run run run run run runrunrunrunRUNRUNRUN GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY-!' They scream and yell as their voice pounded on the walls and the shadows swirl around the room I see their polished leather shoes rounding the entryway in the corner of my eye then everything vanishes by the sound of his voice.
"Alfred, Is -oh". I hear him behind me as I watch Alfred side-eye my form before moving his sight to the figure behind me who by the sound of his reaction probably notices me quickly.
"Good morning Master Bruce, Breakfast shall be done in 10 minutes but for now-". He greets him slowly moving towards me and lays a hand on my shoulder.
"I believe you have someone who needs your attention this morning". Alfred finishes -his words making us scoff in my head- as he gently turns me to look at 'him'.
'Traitor' they snarl at Aflred before hiding behind me with a swish 'His Attention? let's see how long that fucking last' they grumble as they wrap their arms around my waist.
Finally looking at him I fought within myself not to jump on his face and slap the daylights out of him-
Many things are scribbled on his face, his whole features are crudely crossed out, large and pointy horns stood above his head longer than the ones on his cowl, a large drawing of a sick grin over his mouth and crosses on his eyes as many things, horrible things floated around him like a halo yet a big fucking 'SUCKER' was written behind his head as I see 'them' perched on his shoulders tying what looks to be a large noose around his neck.
'Hello Father' they giggled before their voice venomously spit out 'Die' as they pulled the rope up and-'
Quickly blinking it away I stare back at him again not saying a thing with a light tired frown on my face, studying his face one more time as I move my eyes to his also tired ones that have a little bit of eyebags under, his wrinkled skin on his forehead and corner of the eye despite being on his younger adult version.
'Guess trauma is a motherfucker'
I look away from him and greet him quietly not wanting to look at him no more longer than a minute.
"Hello, Mr. Wayne" I whispered and stared at Alfred's pants and the marble flooring respectively.
I hear him sigh and feel him lower down to my height as I hear him reply back a greeting.
"Hello and.......who might you be?". He asks as I peek back and see him on one of his knees as he tilts his head.
"-......- " I only stare at him before whispering my name and turn away again but move as far as I can and stand by the other side of the island and hide behind.
I can hear the two adults talk behind me but I ignore them anyway and close my eyes.
'Bruce Wayne, my biological father, my real father, he........I know in myself that he was never a 'bad' father, I knew because he cares about the rest of his ward or adopted children but in all of my life has he never gone through most of those with me'
My hands tremble as I feel them wrap theirs around mine as they whisper to me 'He's a poor sucker, let him go'.
'He wasn't abusive or anything but he never was there for me, it's either he's never enough or I was never enough, All I asked of him was to love me, I never wanted to be a robin or batgirl, I never wanted to be the best, I never wanted to be anything more but his child'
'It's fine, he can kill us again if he wants to' They said as their hands cupped my face and tilted it up I saw their face clearly and their pearly white shark smile widened on their lips.
Because We're already dead inside 
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Hope this ain't that dark
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no-144444 · 4 months ago
was it casual?-l.norris
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Day 28 of fic-tober! fic-tober masterlist
summary: the seriousness of your relationship wasn't exactly clear... leading to unforseen circumstances... (18+)
mdni (18+ smut) (ur responsible for the content you consume, not me)
He walked into his empty apartment. Monaco was a town where you either knew people, or you didn’t. He knew people, but people knew him more. Max F was busy, Carlos was in Spain with family, Oscar was over in England to see Lily, Alex was off supporting Lily in a tournament, George was with Carmen in Austria, Max (V) was too busy with streaming and fighting the FIA, and that left him all alone. 
His life had been getting quieter since the start of last season. People checked in less, his mental health went downhill, everyone has their eyes on him now. It had been months of lonely interactions, wasted opportunities, and a job that was slowly ripping him apart. He had to win, he had to be the best. 
Then there was a knock at the door. The tension in his shoulders dissipated, a smile made its way onto his lips, and he forgot about his troubles. 
You were here. 
He opened the door with a bright smile, and there you stood with his favourite takeout. The only person who made him feel normal. 
“Hey baby,” he smiled, letting you in. You stepped inside, placing the food on the table. “How was your day?”
“Busy, but better now,” you smiled and pressed your lips to his softly. “You?”
His heart warmed slightly. He never thought he’d be one of those guys. One of those guys who loved their girlfriend 7 months in, but here he was, heart eyes and all. 
“Busy, but better now,” he replied. You chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. 
“What’d you do?” You asked. 
“Some simming, training, meetings and other boring shit,” He yawned. “Tired now.”
You nodded. 
“Down in court today, Rich is doing well, I think the judge likes us,” you explained, mindlessly picking the carrots out of his dish and putting them in your own. “Don’t know if we’ll win though.”
“You will,” he answered definitively. “You’re the best solicitor ever.”
“I’m not a full solicitor yet,” you reminded him. 
“Still the best,” he shrugged. 
“Come on sleepyhead, have some food and we can go to bed,” you chuckled. He sat beside you at the table, and you two chatted about your days, not even bothering to clean up before collapsing into his bed. 
You two had met at a bar in Monaco, you were friendly with Pietra due to a few yoga classes you’d done together, and Lando had been obsessed with you since then. You’d gone on a few dates that mostly ended with you in his bed or vice versa, and recently it had turned into more of a relationship. He hadn’t asked you out yet. He wasn’t your boyfriend. You hadn’t been on a proper date in months. It was confusing. You thought it was just casual. You really liked him, but he thought this was just casual, didn’t he? I mean, what would an F1 driver want with a regular law student in Monaco just starting her traineeship? He wasn’t your boyfriend, right? 
You woke up with his arms around you, and quickly shuffled out of his bed. You got dressed, cleaned up after dinner from the night before, and off you went. Saturday, you had a lunch date with a few friends, and some errands to run. 
Lando woke up cold and alone. It wasn’t crazily unusual for him to wake up alone when you’d stay over, but you’d usually tell him that you had an early morning, or something to stop you two from having a lazy morning. He checked the time, 10am. You must’ve left recently. He cursed himself for being such a heavy sleeper, and for sleeping so well when you were with him. He shot you a text about tonight. He knew it was slightly pathetic that he didn’t have anyone else to hang out with other than his busy girlfriend, but he didn’t really care. It was a great chance as well, since his parents were in town and might be able to swing by dinner. He knew it was early on, but he loved you, and he planned on telling you soon. 
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A knock on the door, a familiar routine. He should probably give you a key. 
“Hey baby,” he smiled. 
“Hey Lando,” you smiled. “Sorry I was later than usual, the traffic was crazy and I didn’t want to cancel on you and-”
“So this is the girlfriend?” Adam, Lando’s dad, asked, a bright smile on his face. Your face fell. His parents were sitting right there, staring at you, looking at you, and they thought you were his girlfriend. He must’ve thought someone else was behind the door, maybe he’d cancelled and you didn’t get the text and his actual girlfriend was behind you and you were about to be kicked out and blocked, maybe-
“This is her,” Lando smiled, ushering you in. You shot him a look of confusion. He shot you one back. He took your coat and bag, and led you over to the table with a kiss on the cheek, his parents watching the whole display. 
“So Y/n, what do you do?” Cisca asked. 
“I’m a solicitor in training,” you explained. “Sorry that I was late, the traffic was insane and my firm is across the-”
“It’s fine,” she smiled. “We only got here 10 minutes ago.”
“Ok, good,” you chuckled nervously. 
And with that, the dinner began. It was a maze of questions, jokes, and slight teasing, but by the end, you’d thought you did quite well. They didn’t seem to completely hate you yet, so that was good. As Lando closed the door on them, you put your head in your hands and groaned. 
“I’m sorry I sprung that on you, it’s just… they were in town, a-and they wanted to meet you so badly-”
“It’s fine,” you shook your head. “I just… I didn’t know I was your girlfriend,” you told him honestly. 
His eyes darkened, a hint of possessiveness playing behind them. “How did you not think you were my girlfriend?” “Well, for one, you never fucking asked me to be your girlfriend. Two, it doesn’t exactly make sense considering I’m just a law student, and you’re a fucking F1 driver. Three-” he cut you off with a kiss. 
He kissed you hard and heavy, pulling you into his arms, his grip bordering on bruising. “Jump,” he whispered against your lips. You obliged, jumping and wrapping your legs around his torso. He brought you to his bedroom, all but throwing you on the bed and rushing to take off his clothes as you took off yours. He got to work, finger swirling through your core as he watched your reactions. 
“So good Lan,” you whined, nails digging into his shoulders. 
“You fuck anyone else?” he asked, harshly scissoring his fingers into your entrance. 
“No-fuck- j-just you. Only you-shit!” you moaned. 
He smirked, lowering his face to your pussy. “Good girl,” he quipped, kissing at your clit as you moaned his name. You were his, he was yours. He needed to remind you of that. 
You were hot all over, desperate to finally get that release, but he was going too slowly. “Lan, quicker, please,” you whined, more than needy. You tugged at his hair, grinding down on his face as he smirked. It felt fucking amazing, his nose, his tongue, all of it. It was too much and too little all at the same time. You whined in frustration at the loss of contact when he pulled away, leaving you unsatisfied. He flipped you over, ass in the air on his bed and smacked your ass. “Lan-!”
Buried to the hilt in one thrust. Lando was clearly not fucking around tonight. “You’re doing so well baby.” he smirked. “Want you to cum on my cock.”
You nodded, letting him take what he wanted from you. 
“My fucking girl, isn’t that right?”
“Yes! Yes!” you moaned. 
“Fuck, good fucking girl, y’gonna cum on my cock?” 
“Yes! Yes!” you groaned, muffled by the sheets. 
“Who’s fucking you right now?” he thrust harder, messily kissing your neck. 
“You!” you screamed, getting closer and closer to your high. 
“And what am I to you sweetheart?” he gritted out. 
“M-my boyfriend!” you finally came around him, walls tightening as you moaned. He came shortly after, groaning as he pulled out of you. 
“You alright?” he asked, a bright smile on his face. You nodded softly, too exhausted to speak. “Did so good,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek and left to grab some glasses of water, and a towel to clean you both up with.  It wasn’t just casual.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
fic-tober masterlist
taglist: @anotherapollokid @theseerbetweenus @simbaaas-stuff @5sospenguinqueen @yootvi @linnygirl09 @lanadelray1989 @teamnovalak @gleeblegnarp
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enwoso · 7 months ago
Lovie having an even worse day than the grump story and hitting Vic pelova and having an all mighty meltdown
TINY TEMPER — alessia russo x child!reader
a long one🙃 got a little carried away when i was writing this, but ENJOY!
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grumpy masterlist
travelling was tiring for the average person. travelling to the other side of the world was exhausting. travelling to the other side of the world at the age of four was anything but tiring, until it hits you like a brick wall that is.
alessia knew this would happen. she's tried so hard for it not to happen but when your so little and you get to do exciting things there's no containing your energy.
but it was now officially day two of arsenals post season trip to melbourne and you were past the point of tired.
when the flight landed at seven am yesterday morning you were fast asleep, alessia not thinking anything of it. more thanking her lucky stars she was going to be able to get through customs a little quicker without having to have eyes in back of her head in case you decided to bolt. something you'd done on the layover finding it the funniest game ever.
however, alessia wished she could have gone back in time and told herself to wake you up instead of just trying to make things easier for herself as when it came to bed time last night you had more energy than a duracell battery meaning you didn't exactly have the longest night sleep.
but hey you were four and had no concept of time never mind time zones..
"oh did someone not have a good night sleep?" steph giggled slightly as you sat at the breakfast table with your arms on it as your head rested on them an almighty frown on your face.
"who you asking tiny or less?" kyra teased as alessia glared at the young australian a cup of coffee secured tightly in her hands. steph slapping kyra on the shoulder also giving the girl a warning glare. your mummy placing a bowl of cereal in front of you and a bowl of fruit next to it.
you would usually start digging into it but not today, instead you pushed it as far as you could away from you. not wanting it anywhere close to you. pushing it until it hit steph's plate as she was the one who was sat in front of you.
"lovie, don't do that please" alessia said firmly as she pulled your bowl back to be in front of you. you huffing as you turned your head away from the bowl.
"i never thought i would see the day tiny not eating her coco pops!" kyra tried as you gave her a cold stare. you didn't want to eat them, you wanted to sleep but every time you closed your eyes mummy was tapping you on the shoulder waking you up.
"you'll have to be quick, otherwise they'll go all soggy and yucky-" kyra tried again, usually you would listen to kyra as she helped you create some fun when everyone else was being all dull and serious.
"just leave her kyra, she's not gonna eat them" alessia sighed as she watched you turn so you were sat on the on edge of your chair, kicking your legs back and forth. your white crocs which were on your feet close to coming off.
you swinging your feet further and further until your crocs flew off you feet. them being very close to landing on the table next to you. where katie, cailtlin and teyah were sat talking and eating their breakfast.
"ay whose little croc is this" katie's thick irish accent coming out as she picked up your croc, sending you a pointed smile. you giving katie a frown in return as you went back to swinging your legs back and forth.
"do you want it back?" katie had got up and walked the few steps handing your croc back to you but you just ignoring her as katie looked up at alessia who was shaking her head telling the irish girl a no. katie giving a nod understanding you clearly weren't in the mood.
"i'll just give it to your ma" katie nodded to alessia handing your shoe over as alessia mumbled a small thank you as katie returned back to her seat.
alsssia was exhausted already and the day had nearly just begun and that wasn’t due to jet lag although it probably played a big factor but from the fact she knew she was in for a day from hell with you and your grumpy mood.
you come out your shell a little, playing around with vic in a soft play area that the hotel had, most of the girls had been told to chill before it was time for meetings.
alessia was a little more content knowing you were playing with vic, although she would have preferred it more if you’d had a nap but you were having none of that when the idea was suggested.
so alessia sat in the little cafe next to it doing some uni work. her eyes glancing over every so often to where you and vic were. vic admittedly looking like she was having way more fun in the small play area sitting in a ball pit filled with colourful plastic balls.
you were sat playing with building blocks, building them as high as you could before barrelling most definitely a little too aggressively your foot in the bottom of it watching it tumble before restarting.
“vic me wan that one!” you pointed to another little boy who was in the play area on the other side playing with what looked to be his younger brother, as he also was building a tower with other coloured blocks.
“no tiny, you can’t right now someone else is playing with it” vic smiled gently as she picked up another ball in the ball in the ball pit.
“me wan that one!” you demanded a little louder this time, looking over to the little boy as you glared at vic who was starting to get a little uncomfortable as she didn’t exactly know how to respond or handle the situation which in her eyes looked like it wasn’t going to end with your usual cheesy grin.
“tiny you’ll have to wait your turn.. why don’t you play in the ball pit with me” vic tried, hoping it would help for you to forget about the building blocks.
unfortunately for vic it couldn’t be that easy, you instead shaking your head totally uninterested in the ball pit that was filled with colourful plastic balls.
instead you got yourself up from where you’d been sat, vic seeing you were making a beeline for the little boy. in a blink of an eye vic was up out of the ball pit, colourful balls flying out the pit as she lifted you up just inches away from the little boy.
you letting out an angry scream you began to kick your legs into viv’s body as well as flaying your arms around. what vic hadn’t realised is that there was a building block still in your hand and with your arms flaying around, the block hit vic straight in the eye.
the scream alone was enough to catch alessia’s attention as she shot up leaving her uni work, seeing your temper tantrums finally happen. quickly getting to vic’s rescue you were taken out of vic’s arms as you carry on kicking your legs and screaming just this time on the floor.
alessia quickly asking is vic was okay, the dutch girl flashing a smile and nodding her head. her eyes watering a little bit in all she was in fact okay.
alessia’s attention moved to you, as you were still on the floor of the hotel. screaming and crying while you kicked you legs out in pure frustration. alessia could sense the other guests wondering the hotel where staring at the scene that was happening.
alessia trying to pick you up by your hand but you were having none of it, just letting your entire body go limp. to the point where alessia’s patience had worn and she had to pick you up.
"tiny temper strikes!" kyra says with a proud smile, as the others look at her with a pointed look, totally unimpressed.
"you've been waiting ages to say that haven't you-" steph asks as kyra nodded her head enthusiastically watching on as you pull a tantrum in the middle of the hotel lobby. your over tiredness really kicking in.
"that's a singer you tool!" katie laughs at the young australian as the others look on, kyra sat with a confused look.
"what, no it's not" kyra shakes her head not understanding what katie was saying as it breaks katie into another fit of laughter, caitlin hitting katie on the shoulder for her to quieten down.
“katie your thinking of tinie tempeh” steph corrected the irish girl as katie rolled her eyes playfully, “same thing”
alessia managed to get you back to the room, where your sobs had quietened down as you face was now stained with tears as the occasional sniffle came from you.
you had been sat on your own for the past minutes, your mummy giving you the space you clearly needed before trying to talk to you. alessia had tried to talk to you but you just kept moving your head away from her every time she spoke.
“lovie?” your mummy said calmly, as she stood a few inches away from you. alessia was upset with your behaviour but she also knew it wasn’t entirely your fault as you were only acting this way because you were overly tired and overwhelmed. but still it was so excuse.
you glanced over to your mummy as you came a little closer, sniffles still coming from you. your mummy bending down so that she matched your height as you sat on the end of the bed.
“now y/n you understand that what you did to vic wasn’t very kind?”your mummy spoke in a serious which told you she was disappointed in you, you bowing your head so you just looked at your feet, a little hiccup coming from you from spending twenty minutes sobbing.
“you could have really hurt her or yourself with how you were acting” your mummy continued as you still were looking down at you socks and the patterns that were on them.
“do you understand where mummy is coming from?” she asked as you nodded slightly, you understood that what you had done was wrong and you didn’t feel a little upset with yourself for the way you had acted.
"how uncle gio would think if he saw you acting like this?" your mummy asked as you shrugged your shoulder, slightly confused as to why she was bringing up gio he wasn't even here, you hadn't seen him in person since christmas just before he set off on his big adventure around the world.
you shrugged, "uncle gio not here though"
"well he was coming to see you but i don't think he'll want to now especially if you being not very kind" alessia told you as you lifted your head a little. uncle gio was here, how?
“m’sorry” you mumbled under your breath, still looking at your feet.
“i know you are lovie, but when we see vic next i would like you to apologise to her, can you do that for me?” your mummy asked as you looked up from you feet and nodded a small squeak of a yes coming from you as you nodded.
“good, now lovie i want you to promise if you ever get any big feelings that you don’t know what to do. i want you to tell me and mummy can help you” your mummy told you as you slides down from the bed and hugged your mum. alessia’s arms going around you tiny waist tightly as she stroked her hand up and down your back just like she always did.
“can i make a card for vic to say sorry?” you asked quietly, as you mummy flashed a small smile before nodding.
“i think that would be a lovely idea lovie! i’ll get your pens from the suitcases”
you had spent all your time in the afternoon while your mummy trained making vic a card, drawing yourself on it with vic and all of her favourite things — that you could remember that is.
you wanted it to be perfect, and after training you asked your mummy to help you write what you wanted in it.
your mummy writing it while you told her what to write. you making sure to add your own little personalisation into it.
vic was one of the last ones out of training, having went to make a trip to see the physio. just to get a ice pack for the small bruise you had given her on the side of her eye,
your mummy had told you to leave it on her bag, so you doing as you were told you did just that.
mummy was in a strange hurry to leave training you weren’t quite sure why, but you did as you were told. putting your shoes and jumper on when asked before holding tightly onto your mummy’s hand. saying bye to couple of arsenal girls that had managed to get back to the changing room.
your mummy lead you to the front of where you had been training, stopping in the front lobby. as you looked up and asked why.
“just waiting for a second lovie, then we can go on a walk” your mummy smiled as she looked around the lobby.
“can we go to the park?” you asked with hopeful smile, you had seen one on the coach on the way to the hotel and it looked pretty cool and had things you hadn’t seen in the park near your house in london.
“maybe, we’ll see” mummy said quickly as you frowned a little. you hated when people older than you would respond to you with that as it usually meant no, and that was no fun to you.
but the frown was quickly turned around into a smile as your mummy pointed to someone coming around the corner, you gasped as you realised just who it was.
"uncle gio!" you called out excitedly as he lifted you up in the air, throwing you slightly as giggles escaped you as he caught you. your mummy stood recording the whole interaction.
"hey kiddo, you've gotten so big since i last saw you!" gio smiled as you nodded proudly starting to babble how you'd grown and show him how much with your hands.
"i heard you've been causing some trouble!" gio whispered as you gave him a blank smile back, moving your head to face your mummy who's eyebrows were raised.
"i think we are still adjusting to the new time zone in australia, but still we've had a little chat and tomorrows a new day isn't it lovie!" alessia have you a small smile as you nodded your head before resting it on gio's shoulder.
your mummy and your uncle gio began to talk as gio carried you walked through the streets of melbourne. your mummy claiming she wanted to go shopping as you felt comfort in your uncles arms, pointing things out as he gave you a reassuring nod and smile.
but before you had even got to the first shop, you had fell into a trap of dreams. your eyes had felt heavy when walking past a cute little coffee shop but that's the last thing you remember before your eyes, which had felt heavy since the moment you woke up, closed.
"wait- what how on earth have you done that..." your mummy stopped before entering the first shop, noticing you had fallen asleep, something she had been trying all day to get you to have a short nap.
"done what?" gio looked at alessia with a confused look not quite sure what she meant. he hadn't done anything except walk along the streets with you in his arms.
"got her to sleep!"
"cause i'm an amazing uncle duh!" gio laughed once he realised, alessia shaking her head at her older brothers cockiness.
"well she's got half an hour for a nap, you can be in charge of waking her up" alessia smiled sarcastically before continuing.
"and with those amazing uncle skills i’m sure you'll have no problem with lovie's grumpiness when you have to wake her up" alessia continued, the same smile still plastered on her face as she tapped her brother on the back before leaving him to go and look in a shop.
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liked by leahwilliamson and 839,065 others
alessia eventful few days😅 tiny on tour continues🛫🧳🦘
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harryspet · 1 year ago
bambi eyes (3) r. cameron
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[Warnings] soft!dark!rafe cameron x reader, daddy!rafe x little!reader older!rafe, crimeboss!rafe, rafe takes advantage of traumatized reader, DUBCON, dd/lg, sex trafficking, sexual slavery, sugar daddy rafe, stockholm syndrome, spoiling kink, unprotected sex, forced? age regression, little editing, 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
word count: 3.4k
In which you do your best to deal with your Daddy's mood swings.
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bambi eyes masterlist
You felt like you were seeing Rafe less and less as the next two weeks went on. He was stressed about what was going on with work. He often paced back and forth in front of you, ranting, although he was never specific about the details of what was going on. 
You noticed that he grabbed you tighter, pushed you harder into the mattress, and talked less during sex whenever something outside was affecting him. You were starting to accept it; it never hurt too much, and you’d be more scared if he weren’t interested in you in that way. If he didn’t want to be intimate with you, then there was a chance he wouldn’t want you anymore. 
As much as Rafe promised you this was permanent, you couldn’t fully believe him. He had done all of this just for you, so you had to be able to offer him something special in return. 
Like Rafe wanted, you established a routine. Every morning the birds would wake you up exactly at eight, and you’d make your bed which kept you from napping all day. Staying in your room was causing your imagination to stretch.  You found new ways to entertain yourself, including trying on all the clothes in your wardrobe and throwing elaborate tea parties with all your stuffed animals and dolls. 
One night that you thought would be like the last twelve nights, Rafe came to you after Lana had already brought you dinner. He wasn’t dressed in his usual khakis and dress shirt but in sweatpants and a pullover. You were curled up on the window seat, drawing flowers in a notebook, when Rafe came over to join you. 
“Hi,” You spoke softly. He placed a warm hand on your knee, and you slowly closed your notebook. 
“Hi, baby,” There was an ease and calmness to his voice that made you believe he’d actually had a good day, “What are you working on? Show me.”
You sat up, leaning closer, as you handed him the notebook. You hid slightly behind your knees as Rafe began to flip through the pages. At this point, you’d covered half of the pages in your doodles, “Oh wow, these are really pretty, Bambi,” He smiled with his entire face, including his bright eyes, “We should hang some of these on the fridge.”
You felt a bit of relief, hearing that he liked him, “I have more. Way more. I’ve colored a lot of the coloring books.”
“Go get them, I’ll pick my favorites,” Excitedly, you got up from the window seat. When you set several full coloring books in his lap, Rafe’s lips parted in shock, “Okay, wow, I don’t think I realized how much coloring you’d been doing.”
“I think it’s fun,” You said. 
“Good, I want you to have fun,” Rafe nodded, “But have you worn down all your color pencils? How come you haven’t asked for more?”
You shrugged when Rafe gave you an inquisitive look, “I try to take care of the ones I have.”
“Would you even ask Daddy for more coloring books if you ran out of pages to color?”
“Maybe,” You spoke honestly. 
The idea of asking for more than what Rafe had already given you did make your heart race. Rafe shook his head at something, “Daddy will get you lots more art supplies. Maybe you could try painting?”
“We could paint together?” You perked up. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Rafe assured you, “I’m really, really sorry I haven’t been here as much as I’ve wanted to. Needed to, really. It’s just … I’m working on a lot of things right now, you know?”
“I’ve been okay,” You said, “Lana has been kind to me.”
“Good, good, I want you to be happy here, you know? That’s why I want you comfortable asking for things,” You watched Rafe’s eyes wander towards the bookshelf, “Like your books. I never see you reading them. Do you not like them?”
“I do,” You said quickly.
Rafe started to stare deeply at you, “What-what is it?”
“I . . . “
“I can pick some different ones for you? What do you like?”
“I like it when you read to me, Daddy,” Rafe tilted his head and the mentioning of his nickname didn’t light up his features like usual, “It’s hard for me. I never needed to … do that.”
He paused, which made you think you’d done something wrong, “You’ve never needed to read?”
“I can do it,” You said, “It’s hard when they’re all together, and there’s so many… the words. I’m sorry you think I don’t like the books you picked. I really do. I will try harder–”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Rafe rushed to put the coloring books aside and grab ahold of your face, “I just didn’t know, that’s it. You didn’t do anything wrong. At all.”
It wasn’t something you’d ever felt embarrassed about, but now you couldn’t help but feel stupid. Deep down, you felt a guy like Rafe deserved someone better. He deserved someone smarter than you. 
You closed your eyes, wanting to hang your head, but Rafe said, “Look at me, hey,” Weakly, you did, “I’ve been thinking that you should spend more time with Lana instead of being cooped up in here. At least until I can take care of this … one problem I have. She’d be happy to have some company. And, if you want to learn, she could help you with your reading.”
“You don’t care?”
“Not at all, look, don’t worry. I’ve got you, sweet girl,” He said. Rafe leaned in to peck your nose before he brought your lips together. You melted into him, realizing then how much you missed him when he was gone, “You know what I was thinking?”
You stared back at Rafe, who had a mischievous look in his eye. 
“We should take the boat out.”
“Now? Where?” 
“Just on a short ride to get you some fresh air. It’ll be cold, so let’s find you some warmer clothes, yeah?”
It was a rhetorical question; Rafe was already making his way over to your wardrobe. You looked down at the small silk pajama set you were wearing. You’d seen all the boats out by the dock but hadn’t imagined that Rafe would take you out on one. “Lift your arms,” You did exactly as he said, pulling a light blue sweatshirt over your head. He also chose long pajama bottoms, helping you get into those, too, “You want to bring one of your stuffies?”
Your excitement mixed with your anxiety as you put on your slippers. It was a hard decision to make about which stuffed animal you wanted to bring, but you settled on Fin, your silvery-blue dolphin, “Excellent choice.”
Rafe grabbed your hand, leading you downstairs, “Do you think we’ll see a real dolphin?”
“Well, they tend to be more active during the day, and it’ll be dark soon … but maybe if you wish really, really hard.”
The air was much cooler outside than you expected, and you certainly didn’t expect it to feel so strange being in the fresh air. You turned in a circle just so you could take in the sky, the trees, the house, and everything around you. 
You followed a determined Rafe across the yard and towards the deck. He chose one of the smaller boats, although there was room for at least four more people. You yelped when Rafe grabbed you by your waist suddenly and lifted you inside. Another yelp escaped your lips as the boat rocked under the pressure of your weight, “You’re okay, don’t worry,” He didn’t have to tell you to take a seat or be still; you decided you wouldn’t move at all, “One . . . moment.”
You watched through the corner of your eyes as Rafe untied the roaps keeping the boat tethered to the dock. The boat rocked again as Rafe hopped inside, causing you to grip Fin in one hand and grip the side of the boat in the other. 
You sat in the seat right across from Rafe as the boat slowly pulled off towards deeper water. As the boat became more steady, you turned your head and watched Tannyhill get smaller and smaller. The orange and blue sky reflected off the water, creating an insanely beautiful view. You sailed towards the horizon, the son looking half submerged in the water, “How do you feel?” Rafe yelled over the sound of the motor, “Wanna go faster?”
You nodded, a smile growing on your face, “My little daredevil, huh?” You sat up on your knees, wanting to see more. You get a better look at Figure 8, seeing lots of huge houses along the beach, although none of them compare to Tannyhill. Rafe pointed out different landmarks for you, including the country club and a huge lighthouse out in the water. In your eyes, this night made every other night where you worried about your place with Rafe worth it. 
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“Go ahead, you can give it a taste test,” Lana conceded, allowing you to dip your finger into the chocolate cake batter. A few days after your night out with Rafe, Lana was showing you how to make the perfect chocolate cake. You thought she might be exaggerating about how perfect it was until you were licking your finger. An excited moan left your mouth and you bounced on the balls of your feet, “It’s great, isn’t it? Espresso powder is the key.”
“It really is,” You agreed. 
“Now, wash your hands. It’s time to pour our batter.” 
The entire day Lana had told you exactly what to do and how to do it. You didn’t mind listening or following her directions as she usually spoke to you warmly. Besides that, you wanted to learn exactly how to take care of things around the house, knowing that Rafe would appreciate your help when Lana couldn’t be here. The two of you cleaned the entire downstairs, did several loads of laundry, washed the windows in the glass patio, and even had time for a reading lesson in the early morning. She informed you that she homeschooled her youngest son and that she would try to teach you in a similar way. 
As you washed your hands, you glanced out the side window towards the dock. You could see Rafe far out on the dock, standing with the same business associate who came to the house a few weeks ago. They weren’t alone like you were expecting; someone was on their knees a few feet ahead of them, their head slumped over. You squinted your eyes, trying to see more of them, although Rafe and his business associate shouting at each other blocked your view, “What are they doing out there? Who’s that?” Lana came over to where you were standing, peeking out just like you were. 
Whatever business Rafe was involved in, Lana didn’t seem to care for it, “Mr. Cameron and Barry, they’re always at each other’s throats,” She shook her head, “Come, dry your hands. The oven is heated.”
You did as she said, turning your head away. There were going to be several layers to your cake, meaning you had three pans to fill, and after that, you and Lana would make the icing. Just as your mind wandered back to Rafe, you heard him coming through the kitchen door. 
He wiped the sweat from his forehead, pacing for a moment before his dark eyes landed on you, “Bambi, let’s … uhm, go upstairs,” His voice was shaky and deeper than normal, “Come here.”
“We’re-We’re just about to put the cake in the oven. It’s for tonight, and we’re going to make homemade icing too–”
“Now …please,” He said the last word like it was painful, “It’s time for you to go back to your room.”
No, no, no, a voice repeated in your head. 
“But Lana was going to teach me how to ice the cake, too and she —”
“Fine,” Rafe snapped, his hand slamming against the counter before he rolled his eyes, “Just stay here.” 
As Rafe stomped away, you knew you had something horribly wrong. You’d seen him in a similar mood before but he never directed any of his vitriol towards you before. Whatever had happened on the dock had clearly upset him. You really wanted to finish working with Lana. More than anything, you didn’t want to be locked in your room for another long period of time. 
After taking a breath, or attempting to take one, you turned to Lana, “I didn’t mean… I-I should go say sorry.”
“You might want to let him calm down a little bit, sweetheart,” You’d already made up your mind. You reached behind your neck to undo the top of your apron, “Turn around, let me help you. He’s not mad at you.”
“How do you know?”
“I know who he is,” She spoke simply, “Don’t take anything too personally with Mr. Cameron.”
“You can finish without me; I’m sorry, but thank you for today,” You said as you started to walk away. After you saw her nod, a sad smile on her face, you turned away and sped for the stairs. 
You approached Rafe’s bedroom moments later, hesitantly turning the knob, “Daddy?” You called, peeking inside. You called him again. He wasn’t in the main room but the shower was running in the bathroom, “Rafe?”
You jumped when he suddenly appeared in the bathroom doorframe, shirtless and his belt undone. This time, you notice his bruised hands and bloody knuckles. 
“I didn’t mean to make you upset, Daddy.”
“Get down on your knees,” He stared you down. When you tried to come closer, he said, “No, drop to your knees right there.”
You felt your knees brush against the bedroom rug, “Crawl to me.” 
If Rafe wanted you to feel even smaller, then his plan was successful. You did as he said, seeing no other option, and crawled towards him. You watched as he palmed himself over his briefs, and you could already feel him stretching you, pulling your hair, and leaving marks on your bottom. This wouldn’t last, you told yourself; he would be gentle with you another time. 
Your sage dress had ridden up your body, exposing your floral patterned white panties. 
“You’re gonna suck my cock and swallow all my cum. And then you’re gonna thank Daddy for letting you.”
You’d do exactly as your Daddy wanted, hoping he’d take your sore throat and tears as a sufficient apology. 
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Once you were soundly asleep in his bed, Rafe slipped out. He had a huge, bloody problem waiting for him in the cabin of his boat. Luckily, JJ Maybank was still the degenerate he used to be, and no one except his Pogue girlfriend would come looking for him anytime, “Son of a bitch isn’t talking,” Barry grunted out, meeting Rafe at the beginning of the dock, “Knocked two of his bottom teeth out and he’s still not motivated.”
Rafe had done everything possible to limit any competition he might face in Kildare. All small-time dealers would be working for someone who worked for Rafe. This was meant to be Rafe’s island yet somehow, Maybank was getting supplies from the mainland and was stealing his customers. 
“We could take his girl.”
Rafe contemplated Barry’s question before shaking his head, “If she comes around trying to find him, we might have no choice. I’m sure that will motivate him.”
Rafe could see Barry’s eyes wandering to Kie. Part of him would love to see JJ squirm if they got their hands on her. You were the reason he didn’t think too long about that. Barry, on the other hand, Rafe would let him do whatever he wanted with Kie. In the end, Rafe wanted JJ to talk, to give up his sources, but he’d be just fine killing him. 
“I hope,” Barry crossed his arms, “Not exactly looking forward to dealing with the body.”
“We don’t have to deal with that shit anymore; I know who to pay to handle it,” Rafe said, “Speaking of, I think I-uh need some more security here. I want guards all around the perimeter. Because of the amount of merchandise and if we’re going to be taking captives, you know. I want this place to be a fortress.”
“Your merchandise, huh?” Barry flashed Rafe a knowing look, “You got any liquor in that big house?”
Rafe gestured his head toward the house, signaling to Barry to follow behind him. 
“If Kie doesn’t come for him and if he still has no information to offer us, we kill him. No more torture, no mess, one gunshot to the temple,” Rafe instructed, his mind racing with what their next moves should be. The more planning beforehand, the better, and the less likely it would come back to them, “That’ll send a message to the rest of the Pogues too. They work for me, or they work for no one.”
“And after you’ve cornered the market?”
“That’s just the start of everything else,” Rafe led Barry through the first floor, towards his office. Ward always used to keep his office stocked with liquor as it came in handy for important meanings. Rafe learned people will often let down their barriers and concede to more under the influence of alcohol. He opened the door for him, allowing him to enter. 
“Whoa,” Barry said, walking inside just as Rafe heard a soft gasp from a familiar voice. Eyebrows raised, Rafe entered behind him to find what had shocked him, “Is this the new Mrs. Cameron?”
With wide eyes, Rafe took you in. You were in the same clothes Rafe left you in, one of his white button-ups and your knee-high socks, “What are you doing down here?” You slowly stepped behind Rafe’s desk, and he could tell you were trying to hide yourself.
“I-I couldn’t find you.”
Rafe’s jaw jutted forward, his arms crossed, as he said, “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
Your lips parted to say something, but Barry interrupted, “C’mon, man, it’s not even midnight! Introduce me to your girl. We can all have a drink,” He grabbed ahold of Rafe’s shoulder. You would think Barry had one the lottery based on the look in his eyes. By complete accident, Barry had stumbled on Rafe’s biggest treasure, “I’ll behave, I promise.”
“She doesn’t drink.”
 Rafe was frustrated, mostly because he should’ve been keeping closer track of you. He’d given you that necklace for a reason. A new idea crossed his mind, one he wasn’t expecting, and some of his anxiety eased. He was far from embarrassed of you, he’d chosen you for a reason, but part of Rafe wanted Barry to envy him at that moment. 
Rafe sighed, waving you closer to the two of them, “Bambi, this is Barry. Barry, this is Bambi,” Smoothly, Rafe grabbed ahold of your waist, pulling you into him. 
“Hi,” You said shyly, “It’s nice to meet you.” 
��When Barry held his hands out to you, your eyes darted towards Rafe as if to ask permission. Agreement crossed his face, and Rafe watched you shake his hand. Barry was fully taking you in, of course, but Rafe knew a handshake would be the extent of his closeness with you. 
“The pleasure is all mine, beautiful.”
“Chill out, dude. Sit down,” Rafe instructed Barry, pulling you along. 
Barry made himself comfortable on the leather couch and Rafe motioned you to sit across in one of the leather chairs. 
“How you liking Kildare?” 
“It’s really nice,” Rafe heard you respond as he poured two glasses of whiskey for him and Barry, “There’s so many big houses, and … it’s just really pretty.”
“You ain’t seen much then, have you?” Rafe handed Barry his glass, flashing a warning with his eyes, “All the girls where you’re from, they as pretty as you?”
“I . . . I don’t know,” You laughed nervously. 
Rafe placed a hand on your shoulder, and you looked up at him,  “Why don’t you go get Barry a slice of that chocolate cake you made?” 
Rafe assumed it would ease your nervousness if you could share what you made. “Okay, Daddy,” You smiled at both men, and both men watched you closely as you walked out of the room, “I’ll be right back.”
“Pretty and obedient,” Barry whistled, “I need to travel more.”
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A/N: Thank you all so much for your support on the first two chapters BUT psa you will not be added to my taglist if you're not reblogging the fic and letting me know your thoughts! It is crazy to me that people will ask me to tag them in the next chapter when they have neither liked nor reblogged the fic. Constructive feedback is more encouraging than just commenting "PART 4" or "tag me in part 4" :)
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lovelytsunoda · 6 months ago
dancing in the dark | mick schumacher
summary: after her team gets totally ripped apart in court, yn returns home and changes into some comfy clothes, content to lounge on the couch for the rest of the evening. however, that flannel shirt drives mick crazy, and he has other plans
pairing: mick schumacher x law clerk!girlfriend! reader
warnings: 18+ content, cutesy smut, (seriously this smut should feel horny and like a warm hug at the same time), mick says some funny things. the lawyer referenced is mickey haller from 'the lincoln lawyer' because i fucking said so. (i literally just realized what i've done giving her boss and her lover the same name lmao i dont know any other tv lawyers so this stands and im making it part of the plot) it’s actually shorter and a lil less graphic than originally intended dont shot the messenger
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court was rarely ever pretty, but usually yn could leave a courtroom feeling like she did the best she could.
not today. she was shaky as she left the courtroom, even after mickey haller, the lawyer that she worked for, assured her that she'd done nothing wrong.
"that was my mistake, not yours." he had insisted. "everything you put in that document i told you to. lorna and i checked it three times before i filed it."
of course, that did nothing to make her feel better as she drove back home, taking the rest of the afternoon off. mickey had insisted, which usually meant he had something to work on that he didn't want any help on.
when she pulled into her driveway, she dragged herself out of the small car, and into her empty house. mick was still out, presumably with the dog. he had training this morning, and then a meeting in the afternoon, so he had likely taken angie to his mothers.
still feeling off, she stripped out of her court clothes, donning her fuzzy socks and a plaid flannel top. she let her hair down from its tight bun, gently massaging her scalp before heading to the kitchen to make a mug of hot chocolate.
the file was still in her bag, along with a red-marked copy of the form that had been misfiled. the entire trial had to be postponed, so the haller camp was likely the most hated set of people in that courtroom.
she turned the kitchen radio on, a habit she had picked up from her grandparents. her grandfather loved seventies music, so there was always some don mclean or dolly parton playing in his house when she grew up. she herself preferred the eighties: inxs, springsteen, blondie, benatar.
she heard the front door open, followed by the sound of mick's duffel bag hitting the floor. she listened to his footsteps, and it was soon enough that she felt his arms wrapping around her waist.
"i thought you were in court today?" he mumbled, kissing her shoulder softly. she could smell his cologne, a musky and earthy scent. something inexpensive, for he saved the dior for special occasions.
"we got absolutely destroyed this morning over a misfield document with the courts, so mickey sent us all home to regroup."
truth be told, it was days like this one that had yn questioning why she'd even started this job in the first place. lately she'd had more bad days than good ones, but lorna had assured her that it would pass.
"you know what the great thing about being alive is?" mick said softly, taking her by the hand and gently spinning her to face him. "you can always try again tomorrow. nine times out of ten, there is always a second chance."
"i know you're right. i just feel guilty since i was the one who drafted the document." it didn't matter that mickey checked it and lorna filed it. she was the one who drafted it, so the error was hers.
"your lawyer checked it over, right? and he didn't see anything wrong with it?"
"yeah but-"
'no buts. i refuse to see my brilliant girlfriend be down on herself for something that isn't her fault."
she was about to protest again when mick swayed their bodies into a dance, slightly out of tune with the springsteen song that was playing from the corner. 'dancing in the dark'. it was their song. she smiled despite herself, laughing along and joining in with the dance. mick twirled her around the kitchen twice before hooking his hands under her thighs and lifting her into the air. she laughed in surprise, gripping his shoulder as he carried her over to the couch.
she giggled as he dropped her onto the couch, climbing over her and planting himself between her thighs. mick leaned in to kiss her, his lips soft against hers. she smiled into the kiss, exhaling softly as she unconsciously bucked against his crotch.
“you know this shirt drives me crazy, right?”
“this one?” she pursed her lips. “it’s almost a decade old. it’s the oldest shirt in my closet.”
mick grinned, strands of blonde hair falling into his eyes as he nuzzled his cold nose into the skin between her boobs. “you’re like a sexy lumberjack.”
she laughed as mick kissed over the flannel on her shirt, slowly making his way down to her exposed hip where the shirt had ridden up when he placed her on the couch. "what does that even mean?"
he pressed his nose against hers, her slender legs wrapping around his toned body. "hey, pretty girl. what can i do? how can i make you feel better?"
"mhm, i think i have an idea." she smiled shyly, running a finger down his chest.
"does it involve you screaming my name in pleasure?"
"why yes, i think it does."
laughing, mick kissed her again, gently nipping at her lip before he pulled her into his arms, her legs securely wrapped around his torso. he carried her to their shared bedroom, placing her at the edge of the bed before sinking to his knees on the plush carpet.
he pulled his white t-shirt over his head, discarding it somewhere across the room as he lifted her legs over his shoulders, gently kissing up and down the expanse of her leg.
the sight of mick between her legs never failed to give her butterflies. he never hesitated to get on his knees for her, no matter how sore they may be in the morning. she never even had to ask. mick always seemed to know just what she needed.
her chest was filled with love as mick kissed, licked and sucked his way across her inner thigh. he was her sweet boy, her love. mick thought that she was an angel on earth, and had even made the cheesy 'did it hurt when you fell from heaven' joke the first night that they spent together.
he tongued at her wet core through the black cotton of her panties, eliciting a gentle gasp from the woman above him.
"you liked that, sweet girl? did that feel good?"
"yeah." she breathed, shifting on the bed, arousal jolting through her body. "i want you, mickie."
"it's so weird that you call me that when the guy you work for is also named mickey."
"it's spelt different."
"same difference." he laughed, pinching her thigh gently.
"i guarantee you that i'm not thinking about my boss right now, mick."
mick laughed, his warm hands traversing her thighs, up to her ass, and pulling her closer to his face. "raise your hips, honey pie. let's get those pesky panties off of you."
across from her, a large round mirror sat on top of the white ikea dresser, and she couldn't decide what was more erotic: the reflection of her blushing, panting face and the back of mick's head between her thighs, or looking down and seeing the look of lust and adoration in mick's eyes as he slid her calvins down her legs.
making eye contact with her lover, she teasingly began to undo the buttons on her flannel, letting the fabric fall away and expose her naked curved body to the man on his knees in front of her.
“you fucking undo me, baby.” mick said, voice husky as he visibly held back a moan. “so pretty just for me. I don’t deserve it.”
he gently ran a hand up and down her thigh as she used her legs to draw him closer to her core, the heat radiating off her skin and warming his.
he kissed her core gently, smiling at the soft sigh he drew from his lover before he began to lick at her slit, juices running down his tongue and around his lips.
“holy fuck.” she exhaled, throwing her head back.
if she looked in the mirror, she’d be able to see micks shoulder blades rippling under his skin every time he pushed himself closer to where she needed him most.
“yeah, you needed this, didn’t you? needed me to help you feel better? that’s what I’m here for baby, you don’t even gotta ask.”
there was reverence contained in every lick, every nuzzle. every time his nose bumped her clit. every gasp and moan she let out spurred him on, encouraging him further as he continued to make out with her pussy.
“fucking hell, mick. that feels so good.” she moaned, rutting against his lips. “oh, god!”
“atta girl.” mick encouraged, snaking his arms around her waist. “just use me to feel good, baby.”
she was flush against his face now, practically grinding herself against his tongue. she chanced a look down, moaning at the look of sheer lust in micks eyes as he met hers, his long pink tongue licking at her opening, face practically covered in her juices.
“mick, oh my god!” she squealed, thighs closing in around his face, fingers twisted up in the duvet as she tried to stay upright.
she came with a scream, arms threatening to give out beneath her as mick continued to work her to the edge, never giving up his relentless pace
“that’s my girl. come on, give it to me. I know you can, pretty girl. I know you can do it.”
she slumped backwards, allowing the duvet to pillow around her as she felt her legs go week. her hands moved to ruffle micks hair, a lazy smile on her face. he continued to kiss her thighs as she lay there to recover, listening for every breath, every soft sigh.
“how’re you feeling?” his voice was soft as he crept up the bed, gently hovering over her body. he laced one hand with hers, his nose running along her cheek.
“absolutely fantastic. you always know how to make me feel good.”
when he kissed her, she could taste traces of herself on his lips. in the beginning, she’d felt so awkward about tasting it. now? now it just served as another reminder of how much mick loved her. a reminder that he enjoyed pleasuring her.
“can you taste how sweet you are?” he hummed, kissing her softly again. “just like heaven, princess.”
“oh yeah?”
“yeah, pretty girl. I’m pretty sure heaven is right between those thighs of yours.” there was a sparkle in his blue eyes, and a cheeky grin on his lips. “you know, you’re more than just pretty. you’re fucking smart too. I wish I could be half as smart as you are. do you think that if I slipped my cock into you right now, I could absorb some of that knowledge like through osmosis or whatever?”
she grinned stupidly at the sheer absurdity of the question. once you got him in the bedroom, mick schumacher had no filter whatsoever.
“wanna try it and find out?”
mick drew back, undoing the top button on his levis while she sat up just enough to toss her flannel aside and move up the bed. she slipped a small throw pillow underneath her hips when the lay back down, sweaty hair brushed behind her ears. mick clambered up the bed to join her, large hands reaching to the knob on the bedside drawer for a condom.
he slid inside her with ease, buried to the hilt as he kissed her forehead gently. she squirmed underneath him, gently rutting her hips into his.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
his thrusts were gentle, yet still deep as he drew one of her legs up and around his waist, her arms coming to link around his neck as she pulled him close. he was a gentle lover, a passionate one. he believed in taking his time to make his partner feel good.
“my god, babe, you feel so fucking good. so good for me.” he groaned down her ear, teeth nipping at her earlobe. “taking my cock so well.”
hands on his shoulders, she could feel his muscles rippling and undulating under her dainty hands, french nails leaving small scratches along his tanned skin.
“oh, just like that.”
the pace was slow and comforting, sensual and erotic as mick somehow managed to make every thrust feel like his cock was going deeper, deeper, deeper.
“eyes on me, honey pie. I wanna see that pretty face of yours.” mick encouraged, seeing her eyes screwed shut in pleasure, cheek resting against the pillow. “where’s my sexy model girlfriend?”
a smile crossed her features, a moan escaping her throat as mick brushed against her spongy walls. she turned her head slightly, staring right up at his goofy smile and sweaty face.
he leaned down to kiss her, moaning into her mouth before slipping his tongue in and touching it against hers.
his hands travelled up and down her body, over all of her curves. over her breasts and rolling her nipples between his fingers.
“you’re so pretty.” he whispered, kissing her softly. “I love you.”
“mick,” she moaned softly. “faster.”
he smirked, snapping his hips quickly against hers. “how’s this, baby? you close?”
“yeah.” she whined. “think so.”
she curled her legs tighter around him, trying to pull mick closer and closer to her, trying to take him deeper and deeper. his breath was heavy on her neck as he left open mouthed kisses in his wake. one of his hands came down and over her waist, thumb rubbing gently at her sensitive clit. she moaned out a small curse, nails digging into his back.
“please.” she panted “don’t stop.”
his free hand desperately clenched around the sage green duvet, his grip white-knuckled. her walls contracted around his cock, causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head. he swore in german, his hips faltering as he tried to keep his composure.
“give it to me baby, come on, I know you can. keep taking my cock. fucking shit, baby, I’m not gonna last.”
“mick!” she screamed, back arching, skin pressing against his, walls contracting around his thick dick.
her nails were digging into his back, her face flushed and facing away from him as she came. at this angle, he was happy to lean over and press gentle kisses to her face, softly whispering praise and encouragement as he continued to work himself to the edge.
his hips stuttered, cock twitching as he spilled into the condom, body shaking as he lowered himself to rest beside his lover. he had yet to pull out, their legs still locked together. her skin was warm as he pulled her into his arms, swollen lips leaving kisses against her sweaty hair and her fingertips drew shapes against the bare skin of his chest.
out in the kitchen, he could faintly hear the radio. it had long since changed from springsteen, now playing the dulcet tones of paul hewson and u2.
he knew he should get up. he at least needed to take the condom off. maybe pull a blanket over their bodies.
but having her in his arms was a type of heaven within itself. her scent overwhelming his senses, her touch comforting over his flushed skin.
he needed her beside him like he needed oxygen to breathe.
“mick,” she mumbled, head still resting against his chest. “I need to go to the bathroom, and you’ve still got most of your lower body weight on me.”
he grinned sheepishly as he disentangled himself from her, watching from the bed as she strode to the closet, pulling a silken robe around her lithe frame.
he was so in love. he hoped this would be his forever.
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babygirlwritessmut · 5 months ago
♡︎ part3. first impression
・❥・pairing: vi (arcane) x fem!reader
・❥・ summary: first day university was almost a fail. the tension between you and Vi picked up the pace, for how long can you handle it?
・❥・ genre: smut + grumpy x sunshine
・❥・ word count: 2.3k
✎ warnings: 18+, masturbation, dom!vi, swearing, teasing, bullying
RIDE ON ME masterlist
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the next morning, you were getting ready to go to the university. you put on a beautiful black skirt and thin black tights, then chose your favorite white shirt, which beautifully accentuated your curves. you packed everything you needed into your bag and took one last look in the mirror. elegant but also refined. first impressions are always important, and you wanted to show off your knowledge and the fact that you’re not boring - "I hope my outfit hints at that."
all morning, you tried to distract yourself from thoughts of Vi, of her pink hair and strong physique. you weren't ready to face her after last night's... conversation, so you got up earlier than planned and hoped she would still be asleep when you left. and that's exactly how it turned out.
on your way to the university, you mentally reviewed everything you knew, thinking that even answering one question from the lecturer would make a mark on the first day. since you didn't get a chance to have breakfast at your place, you stopped by a café near the campus, where some students were already chatting about professors and schedules. after ordering a coffee and a chocolate croissant, you took a seat by the window. the pace of the new city amazed you, back in your quiet town, there were never so many people out and about, hurrying to work or stuck in traffic in the early hours. it was surprising and motivating. the quiet buzz of the café brought you back to thoughts about studying and the first day, but something unpleasant interrupted your enjoyable breakfast - a familiar, irritating voice.
“yeah, that was seriously hot, I think she's in love with me!” - it was Kate with her friends. "can I have one moment of peace?"
“yeah, she's so hot, this time she'll definitely ask me out on a date,” - you couldn't help but snort with laughter, watching her telling her friends these silly stories.
"wait, why is everyone suddenly quiet? and why is everyone looking at me?"
“do you have a problem, or is your croissant cracking jokes?” - Kate started walking towards you with her entourage. she was very elegantly dressed, -  "I think her shoes were from a very expensive brand, just like her bag and a dress... she has a taste."
“um, no, no problem, it's just that the croissant is really funny,” — you tried to defuse the situation with a joke.
“are you slow or something, newbie?” - she rolled her eyes at you – “they let anyone into the public programs these days, and now I have to walk alongside them,” - Kate turned back to her friends to check if they were laughing at her "joke."
"anyone? did she just imply that I'm poor or what? no, I'm not letting this slide."
“yes, the public program. for your information, they accept not only the poor, 'with whom you have to walk alongside,' but also those who passes the exams successfully, bitch. if you spent less time thinking about whether certain someone would ask you out after they kick you out of their place without a hint of the phone call you so desperately wanted, and more time studying, maybe you'd get it,” - I think I'm saying too much.
Kate let out a nervous laugh - "what are you even talking about, newbie?" - she gave you a once-over, wondering if you had guessed about Vi’s reaction or if you knew something.
seeing the tension in Kate's eyes, you decided to add quietly but still loud enough for people around to hear - "calling a partner in bed 'daddy' is a bit weird, maybe you should consult a... specialist?" - everyone in the café gasped.
"looks like I crossed the line, I shouldn't have done that, why am I acting like a jealous bitch?"
you cringed slightly at your own words, "I have no right to comment on someone else's private life, especially after eavesdropping without having one of my own."
“look, I'm sorry, I…” - you tried to say, but Kate cut you off with her loud voice.
“so, you’re the new roommate of Vi? I was wondering when we'd meet. listen to me carefully, newbie, you don't know anything about me or my relationship with Vi. why don't you just shut up and go back to whatever cave you crawled out of,” - Kate was visibly upset, and you could feel the eyes of everyone in the café on you. it was so quiet that even the coffee machine seemed to have stopped.
Kate stepped closer to you and whispered so only you could hear – “do you think I won't get you kicked out of there too?”
with a smile, she left the café while everyone else was still staring at you. "not the first impression I planned."
after that total breakfast failure, you could only hope the rumors wouldn't make it to the campus. you worried that people might think you're some creep who eavesdrops on other people's private sex life. but in a way, it was true…
the first classes went by normally. yes, you caught a few glances, but that might just be curiosity about a new face. during the third and final class, you even managed to make some friends among your classmates. they were just as you imagined - smart, fun, and interesting. everything was going great, until one of your new acquaintances asked you a tricky question while saying goodbye.
“hey, were you the one who confronted Kate this morning?” - a tall guy from your group asked.
“I wouldn't say I confronted her, I just said a bit too much,” - you said, looking clearly embarrassed as you stared at the ground.
“look, she kind of had it coming. but keep in mind that she has this rich-girl complex, so don’t be surprised if she starts spreading nasty rumors about you tomorrow. Kate’s the type who still cares about class distinctions and other nonsense. her rich parents basically founded the biggest law firm in the city, and that's where she’s aiming. I think she’s just under a lot of pressure, and that’s why she acts like a total bitch," - shared your classmate.
hearing this, you felt even worse - "I had no right to judge or comment on anything, but she's no saint either. I guess I should apologize, even if it makes things worse."
“thanks for letting me know. happy first day, everyone! I’ll be heading home now," - you said with relief, exhausted by the day’s events, wanting nothing more than to lie down on your bed and close your eyes, even if just for five minutes. the thought that your roommate might be home made your heart race.
“yeah, but don’t forget about the party tonight to kick off the school year. we’re expecting you, no excuses! we’ll send you the details,” - your new friends called after you.
on your way home, you wondered whether you should go to the club, your fatigue was clouding your judgment, but it was a chance to escape the house for the evening and strengthen new friendships. maybe even make some real friends?
“I can’t say no, I have to go, it’s my celebration too. I deserve to have fun,” — you mumbled to yourself as you walked home.
half an hour later, after a slow walk, you finally made it home.
the thought of facing Vi after your flirtatious exchange yesterday was unbearable. you wanted to see her, but the way your body reacted whenever you thought about her words didn`t add confidence. there had always been little sexual tension in your life, to put it mildly. your past partners never made you feel enough emotions to sustain a long-term relationship. it was always the same: meeting, a few dates, sex, a communication that would fizzle out after a few months - that was pretty much the story of all your relationships. sad, but true.
when you got home, you saw Vi on the couch, and your body immediately tensed, but you calmed yourself to make sure she didn’t notice. "sweaty again, must have been working out," - you thought - "maybe if I pretend nothing happened, it’ll be better?"
“hi, Vi, I’m home,” - you said as calmly as possible, trying not to let your voice tremble.
she slowly turned to look at you, glanced at your outfit, and then turned back to the TV and her bag of chips. "I hope that’s not the only thing she’s eaten all day," - you thought.
“how was your day?” - you still tried to keep your tone steady.
“very interesting. I worked out, showered, and then got a message saying my roommate likes to share my sex life with strangers,” - she turned to look you straight in the eyes.
“sorry about that, Kate was just really rude, and I couldn’t hold back. I just really wanted to take a jab at her,” - you started to explain, not breaking eye contact with Vi.
“don’t do it again,” - "and that’s it? well, at least she’s not mad at me. I think."
you desperately wanted to change the subject, so after tossing your bag into your room, you started talking about the first thing that came to mind.
“how can you even eat that junk? I thought athletes were supposed to eat healthy,” - you said, pointing to the bag of chips with a slight smile.
“want me to eat you instead, cupcake?” - she said with a grin, seemingly teasing you on purpose.
your body reacted instantly to that, a light vibration running through your stomach, bringing vivid images to your mind: "you on your bed, your favorite shirt crumpled and unbuttoned so that your chest is completely exposed, your skirt lifted, and your tights torn between your legs. Vi’s face at the level of your most intimate place, her fingers gently trailing along your inner thigh as if she hadn’t just thrown you on the bed and literally ripped your clothes off. "cupcake, you are very attractive now." she pulls your black panties aside with her fingers and speaks so close to your wetness that you feel the vibration - "I guess now we'll see if you'll moan sweetly for me"
you suddenly felt yourself getting wet. unable to take her comments anymore, you turned and went to the room.
the only option to calm your nerves is to take a shower. you wanted her so badly that you hated the feeling - “why can't we just talk? no, I can. she is the one making comments that confuse people. now I'm definitely going to the party, I can't be here today."
throwing your clothes on the floor, you went into the shower, hot water and your favorite shower gel that you brought from home - perfect. when your hands started soaping your body, you felt that you were still tense. your nipples were hard and the bottom of your stomach was very sore. after a second's pause, you decided that it is better to relieve this tension.
after getting out of the shower, you headed towards your bed. slipping under the warm and soft blanket completely naked, your hands began to explore your body. for a long time you have satisfied your needs on your own, sometimes even after having sex with your partners. your body needed special attention, time, touches, words... unfortunately, you rarely got it.
your hand began to stimulate the nipple, squeezing it a little. a wave of pleasure immediately ran through your body. your eyes were closed, you concentrated on the sensations. after a minute, previous images started to return to your head. "want me to eat you instead, cupcake?"
“yes” - a soft moan escaped from you. your other hand went down to your wetness. you started running your fingers and feeling how much you were really turned on. the pad of your middle finger began massaging your clit and another moan escaped you. at this point you didn't care if Vi could hear you. "let her hear, she's not the only one who can tease" - with this thought you launched your middle finger inside of you. it was so pleasant that without waiting even a minute the second finger was inside you too. you fingered yourself as you picked up the pace. in your head you only heard the phrase "yes, baby, come for me". you felt that you were already getting close, after a few movements of your fingers, a wave of pleasure enveloped your body again, but already stronger and you came, letting out a moan from your lips.
a text with the address of the party appeared on your phone. you put on a dress and started looking at yourself in the mirror. a simple short black dress that highlighted your curves fits you perfectly. you styled your hair half-up, which exposed your neck. “not bad,” - you said to yourself.
as you left the room, you noticed that Vi was in the kitchen, seemingly preparing dinner. she looked at you very slowly, letting her gaze linger on the curves of your body. you chose not to show that you noticed it. putting on your shoes, you opened the door and stepped outside.
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emthephantom · 6 days ago
Flowers wither and bloom- Kang Dae-ho
Dae-ho x F!Reader- No game AU A regular customer in your flower shop sends flowers to his girlfriend every week but one day a new man comes in, asking for flowers to be delivered to the same address. Do you tell Dae-ho or let him figure it out on his own? Warnings: None Words: 1582 A/N: Hello Ghosties!!! I hope you enjoy this new story, it's a bit rushed but hopefully it makes sense
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Roses, tulips, lilies. Your small shop had them all. Roses for the men who needed to apologise to their girlfriends, tulips for the sweet couple who giggled their way to the counter and lilies for the women who needed a pick me up. You’ve seen it all, and you loved your job.  
The sun sets warmly on your shop, the flowers emitting a golden glow. You were finishing your last few tasks, creating the final bouquet when the bell above the door rings, signalling a new customer. Wiping your hands on your apron, you stand and move towards the customer. His tall figure looms over the ready-made bouquets, his eyes scanning the colourful flowers. Stary hairs fall in his face and his hands brush them away with practised ease. 
‘Hello there, may I help you today sir?’  The man turns and you freeze- he was handsome, but if he came here there’s no chance for you. 
‘Yes, please miss...’ his eyes dart towards your name tag, ‘Y/N, do you have any peonies?’ 
‘Yes sir, I’ve just finished an arrangement of them.’ you smile softly and lead him to the back. He smiles at the sight of them and insists he has to buy them. 
‘Can you deliver them to this place please, they’re for my girlfriend.’ he sheepishly asks. 
‘Of course, would you like to add your name so she knows who it's from?’ 
‘No, she’ll know they're from me.’ he flashes a huge grin and pays. ‘Thank you very much.’  You smile and watch as he leaves, an evident bounce in his step. 
That was last week, and today he returned. You’re with another customer when you spot him, ‘Sir believe me, daisies are perfect, she’ll love them.’ The gentleman grumbles but nods, muttering a thank you before taking his leave. Finally, you turn to the returning customer, ‘Why hello again,’ you laugh,’ What can I do for you today?’ 
‘More peonies hopefully?’ 
‘You, sir, are in luck, I just got a shipment this morning.’ 
‘Perfect, thank you Y/N.’ you freeze momentarily at your name before regaining composure.  
‘Delivery again?’ 
‘Yes please.’ 
‘No problem, sir that’s done for you.’ The man pays and begins to leave but he stops and shouts across the shop,’ See you next week!’ 
And you did, He returned for a third time, and then a fourth and then a fifth. It wasn’t until almost three months later you learned his name. 
‘And that’s all sorted sir.’ 
‘You’re still calling me sir? I thought we were friends now Y/N.’ he laughs. 
‘You never told me your name.’  
‘Dae-ho, Kang Dae-ho.’ he says, sticking out his hand. You laugh slightly and grab his hand- a gesture that sent shivers through your body, even if it was wrong. ‘Y/N Y/L/N.’ 
‘See you next week Y/N.’ 
‘See you then Dae-ho.’ He wouldn’t admit it, but the sound of your voice calling his name filled his heart- it was softer than the harsh yells from his girlfriend.  
Dae-ho soon finds himself on the quaint shop more often, coming in twice or three times a week. He enjoys the calm atmosphere and your welcoming presence. His relationship was failing, he knew that, but the flowers seemed to be working. His girlfriend shouted less and actually spent time with him, and he had you to thank. 
You were happy to have a loyal regular and a new friend. Dae-ho was the positivity you needed in your life, always checking up on you and bringing you tea when he noticed your overworked frame. You pushed down your attraction for him-you were no homewrecker- but that didn’t stop the butterflies that game when his hand brushed yours or when his eyes lingered on yours a second too long. 
One day as you were sweeping the floor, the blasted bell rings and you silently curse-this was the only peace and quiet you got today due to the influx of customers. ‘Good afternoon, sir, what may I help you with today?’ 
‘Roses, a dozen.’ he sharply said, ‘Deliver them here.’ he places a piece of paper down and you freeze. The address is the same as Dae-ho's girlfriend.  
‘A-are you sure this is correct?’ 
‘Yes, please hurry up, I have places to be.’ You complete the order and the man breathes out a thanks before departing. You let out a breath- what were you going to do? 
The days went slow after that as you were battling what to do. Dae-ho hadn’t shown up at his usually time and it worried you, does he already know? The bell you’ve grown to despise rings, but you make no effort to stand, comfortable in your battling mind. 
‘Y/N! Are you here?’ Dae-ho's voice rings out. You can hear him moving around, looking for you. Emerging from the back, you see him. His hair, usually in a pony tail, was down and there was a slight stubble along his face. ‘There you are, you have the weekly peonies?’ 
‘You guys didn’t break up?’ you ask confused. 
‘What? No.’ he responded, mimicking your expression. 
‘Oh right, never mind.’ you say, turning to get his flowers ready. Dae-ho catches your wrist, spinning you back around, ‘What are you talking about?’ 
‘Nothing, it doesn’t matter.’ 
‘No Y/N, tell me.’ his grip on your wrist tightens slightly but he doesn't realise. 
‘Dae-ho I can’t!’ your voice raises. 
‘Just tell me!’ 
‘SHE’S CHEATING ON YOU!’ Your eyes widen and regret begins to set. ‘Some guy came in and got her a dozen roses.’ 
‘Y/N this isn’t funny.’ 
‘I’m not joking, the address and the name was the same.’ you breath out. 
‘Do you like me or something? Why would you try break up my relationship?’ This was a side of Dae-ho you had never seen and it was terrifying. His voice was a few octaves lower and his eyes shone darker.  
‘My feelings towards you or your relationship do not matter right now Dae-ho, she’s cheating on you and you have to accept that.’ 
‘You’re sick Y/N. I thought we were friends.’ His hand finally drops your wrists and he leaves, the door slamming shut, leaving you alone in the solitude you once called comfort. 
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Dae-ho's walk home was fuelled with anger. His beloved girlfriend cheating? They had problems but she wouldn’t do that would she? He thinks of his comments towards you and fights off the temptation to run back and apologise. It wasn’t him in that moment. Dae-ho sneaks a glance at his face in the nearest shop window. Staring back at him was his girlfriend. He stumbles back, startled by the vision but enlightened with reasoning. The remarks he made swirl in his mind as he realises why he didn’t feel like himself- his girlfriend’s voice echoed in his head as he spit hateful words at you. The bitterness of his voice resembled hers, had he become her? 
He reaches his girlfriend's apartment and unlocks the door, expecting her to be on the couch, but she wasn’t. He walks through the room, taking notice of the roses that sat on table- surely a coincidence. He moves towards the bedroom and opens the door; the time stops. 
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It had been a few weeks since the incident and Dae-ho was nowhere to be seen, but the man from before had returned.  
‘More roses please, my new girlfriend really loved them.’ Trying to keep a straight face, you nodded getting his order ready. The man leans against the counter and continues, ‘Yeah, she said they're way better than those peenies or whatever.’ You bite your lip as an attempt to silence yourself. Luckily you were finished, allowing the man to leave and letting you take a needed deep breath. 
A knock sounds at the door and you hesitantly open it. A bouquet of blue hyacinths lay on the steps. You take them inside and search for a note. 
‘I’m sorry, you were right, meet me at your shop at 7?’           -your favourite customer 
Your breath hitches as you recognise the handwriting. 6:53, he'd be here in 7 minutes. You pace your shop for the remaining minutes, glancing at the clock nonstop and biting your nails. Suddenly the shop bell rings and there he stands. 
Dae-ho looks different. His long hair is now short and those eyes filled with joy were now filled with sorrow. Without thinking you wrap your arms around him. Dae-ho is shocked by your actions but eventually wraps his arms around you.  
‘You’re okay...’ you whisper, ‘What happened?’ 
‘You were right, she was cheating, caught them in the act after I left here.’ 
‘I’m so sorry.’ 
‘Don’t be, I’m sorry. I never should have said those things.’ 
‘It’s okay Dae.’  
‘Dae? That’s a new one.’ he chuckles. 
‘Shut up.’ 
Dae-ho pulls away from the hug and grabs your hands, ‘I need to know if you felt something for me, and if you still do.’ His eyes are wide and looking deeply into yours, awaiting your answer. 
‘I felt sparks when you called my name, I never felt that way with her.’ he admits, ‘I need you to wait for me Y/N, I need time and I don’t want to hurt you. But I want it to be you.’ His hands cup your cheek and you can see tears brimming on his lashes. You nod at him, and he breaks out in a grin; you look at him for a moment longer before you speak. 
‘I’ll wait for you to bloom again’ 
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leaawrites · 2 months ago
I can’t tell you the way I feel
Liam Gallagher x fem!reader
Summary: when Liam takes on a dare from his friends, he doesn't believe of finding himself making the biggest mistake in his life.
Warnings: suggestive content, allusions to sex, angst, Liam being a dumb cunt
Wordcount: 1.6k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Masterlist
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Waking before Liam did meant she had all of his peace to herself. No thought in his mind disturbing them, nobody around that could harm them. It was just their two bodies, tangled in love and sheets.
Reluctantly she began tracing the outline of his face. Her finger moving over his jaw, his lips, down his adam’s apple and over his collarbone. Softly tracing the bone that was stretching his skin towards her, calling for her.
Focused on her finger and how it found it’s way so effortlessly over his body, she didn’t notice Liam’s eyes opening. Confused at first, though softening when seeing her by his side. His arm tightening around her waist, pulling her closer. The sheet covering her chest falling down, exposing her cold skin to his warm one.
“Morning, love,” he greeted her, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. His voice raspy and still lower than she’d ever heard it before.
“Morning,” she answered back, a slight heat rising up her neck and rushing to her cheeks the longer he looked at her. His eyes never wavering from her own gaze, fixated on him.
Drawing small circles on her hips, he smiled as she took his other hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. Slowly leaving a trail of kisses up his arm, over his chest and on his neck, he let out a soft groan in reaction. His nose pressed against her shoulder, inhaling the scent of her bare skin.
Her soft lips gently sucked against the flesh under his ear. Giggling against his skin when she felt his arms around her waist tighten. His hands squeezing her hips.
Two bare chests pressed against each other, falling and rising in sync. Breathing as one.
“Wait, love. Stop.” His voice sounded desperate, like she hurt him. Soft, gentle kisses pierced a dagger through his heart, every single one a mark now on his skin. A reminder of his sin.
Bagging away slightly, she draped the sheet over her chest again. Looking at him with wide eyes, fear soothing through her that she’d done something wrong. Was it too much? Was it not good enough?
Seeing the look in her eyes, thoughts clearly spiraling through her head, he couldn’t form a good excuse. What seemed so easy with everyone else felt like a burden with her. Normally he’d say something like, ‘I promised my mum to be home already’ or ‘I should go, not that your parents find out’. But now, lying seemed to be too harmful.
“I need to -” he started talking, his finger pointing outside the window.
“You need to go?” Finishing his sentence for him, he nodded his head, shameful looking down, not catching the eye roll and sarcastic grin on her face before it disappeared again just as quickly as the realization came. Of course it was all just for a quick laugh with his friends. It was Liam Gallagher, for fucks sake. “I hope I’m not keeping you from going.”
Picking up her shirt and underwear from the floor, she quickly put them on, before walking over to the other side of the room and taking his clothes as well, throwing it his way before walking out the door.
A, “Wouldn’t dare to,” falling from her lips as she slammed the door shut behind her.
Still leaning on his elbows, Liam stayed like this as if he was frozen. The shower went off in the other room and that was when it hit him. He fucked it up completely. Throwing his head into the soft pillow he let out a groan. How could he not even find a good excuse to make it less shameful to walk out of her house?
He deserved it though, he decided ultimately as he found himself back out on the street, walking with his head low. He totally deserved it.
Unlike her.
Head leant against the door of the bathroom, she waited until she could hear the front door close before turning off the shower and letting the water from her eyes flow down her face. Of course he didn’t mean anything he said. Why did she even let him invite her to the gig anyway? Why did she have to go too?
When his body rushed towards her the night before, eyes lighting up as he found her and excitement being written all over his face, she believed that - maybe, somehow - Liam Gallagher wasn’t as much of a twat as she always assumed he was.
Though female intuition is barely ever wrong and that’s what she should’ve been listening to. Not the hammering of her heart or the lovesick thoughts in her brain for finally being seen by someone as more than just another face. It was her own fault.
Noel sat in the living room, feet propped up on the coffee table, eyes fixated on the telly, though he noticed when Liam walked in, the heavy stomp of his feet being too familiar.
Falling down in the seat next to him, a beer now in his hand, he popped open the can and starred at the people talking too. Neither acknowledging each other more than with their mind.
Until Noel spoke, “You weren’t too shite.”
“Thanks.” Taking another large sip, he tried ignoring his brother as much as he could.
“Though the songs sound like they’re written by a toddler. Did you write them then?” Noel was sure Liam would throw the telly at him as he said that with his sour mood, though he only chuffed, sinking further into the cushion. Trying to escape from this conversation. He knew where it would lead to.
“Not everything that’s shite in your mind is from me, alright? Cunt.”
Noel’s brows furrowed, why wasn’t he trying to strangle him yet?
“I’m not too opposed to the idea of joining anymore,” he tried it differently, trying to make his mood lighten.
“Cheers, mate. Gonna tell the others then.” His voice staying monotone and unwavering. Nothing could be a worse conversation topic at the moment in his opinion.
“Your bird’s fit.”
“She’s not my bird,” Liam tried, his voice growing defensive. Molding in the same tone that he had when talking to ehr the first time.
“So, she’s free?” Noel asked back, quite enjoying how deep in denial his brother was. Finally, Liam’s eyes snapped over to him, filled with horror and disgust.
“If you even try something, I swear-” before he could talk further, Peggy came in, a grocery bag in each hand.
“Would you boys stop fighting for once and help your mum carrying in the groceries?” she said, to which Noel immediately jumped up and went outside. Liam following him shortly after. The thoughts still running through his mind. He didn’t actually think she was fit, did he? Well, she was, but who was he to think that?
Later that night, when Liam was already laying in bed, cigarette in between his lips, Noel came walking in. He noticed how off his brother was for the whole day, of course he did. There was barely any talking done at the table, when normally Liam couldn’t shut up even if you’d sew his mouth shut. That night he was simply staring down at his food, not even eating it all. The worrying glance which Peggy sent Noel’s way after seeing her son this abnormal wasn’t easing his nerves.
“What’s got you so twisted?” He asked, sitting down on his own bed.
Liam leaned over, blowing the smoke from his mouth out of the window. “Nothing.”
“It’s about that girl, right? You fancy her and she didn’t want to hear any of it, because she knows you’re a cunt and rejected you, or what?” He asked further, remembering how defensive he got the first time Noel asked about her.
“I don’t fancy her,” was all he got as an answer.
“Sure.” Noel rolled his eyes, laying down himself. “She seemed nice though.”
“She is,” Liam agreed, making his brother’s head turn at the soft tone of his voice. “She’s too nice.”
“How so?”
Closing his eyes for a second, he knew he’d regret telling him what happened, nonetheless he did it. “I took her out because of a dare, and when she realized in the morning she didn’t even try to slap me or summat. She just-” his mind went back to her face, how she looked so distant yet like reality came back to her in the moment she realized. “She just walked out as if she should be ashamed.”
“You dumb cunt,” Noel groaned when Liam finished the story. He talked to her once, but from how she talked about Liam and defended him when Noel said that he had no trust in his brother’s abilities and interest in music, it made him feel proud in a way. Proud that Liam actually got somethin together for once in his life, he should’ve seen the downfall coming. And he did, just not that soon.
“You don’t just disrespect girls like tha’, especially no girls like her, alrigh’?” Noel threw his pillow across the room in Liam’s face, who only threw it back after complaining. “You make her feel seen and then you just push her off, that’s shite.”
“As if I’d listen to your advise,” Liam scoffed, taking another drag of his cigarette. Looking out of their window and down the street to where her house stood, he knew that Noel was right. Of course he was. You don’t just treat girls like that, especially not girls like her.
“Then don’t,” Noel shrugged. “But at least remember what Mum taught us.”
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axelsagewrites · 10 months ago
really loved your “decide” fic with jamie and roy! was wondering if you could do something where fem!reader is dating both jamie and roy. they’re always competing whose the better boyfriend. (maybe smut if not i completely understand!) 💕💕
Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt*Best Boyfriend
Pairing: roy x reader x jamie
Word count: 1575
Warnings: mentions of smut but nothing explicit, poly relationship, competition/rivalry
Masterlist here
dating a footballer was not exactly a calm life. Especially not when you were dating two. Two who used to hate each other to be specific. You’d met Jamie on a dating site and had told him from the start you weren’t looking for anything monogamous. It started out as a casual fling, hookups mostly and a few dates.
Despite knowing he was a footballer you didn’t follow the sport too closely so had no clue about his past with your other fuck buddy. You worked in Roy’s local supermarket, and he began making up excuses and deliberately forgetting things just to come back and see you.
They both knew each other existed they just didn’t know who they were up against. You were currently on a date with Jamie. When he came to pick you up, he was in a suit and tie with a massive bouquet of roses in his hands. “Let me put these in water first,” you giggled as you took the flowers.
Maybe this was less casual than you thought as you quickly went to retrieve a vase while Jamie glanced around your living room. “This other guy, he some sort of biker?” he joked, nodding to the leather jacket hung up.
You rolled your eyes as you finished setting the flowers up, “No, he just forgot it when he was leaving,”
“Who forgets their jacket?”
“Jealous?” you teased, leading him to the door, “Nah he slept in, and he was going to be late for work,”
“What does he do?”
You paused in your tracks, smirk on your lips, “Why? You wanna go on a date with him instead?” with an eyeroll and a teasing wink you were both finally on your way.
The next morning when you woke up you carefully slid yourself out from under Jamie’s arm to go answer the front door. “Roy,” you smiled, trying to cover your panic.
“Hey. I was just swinging by for my jacket,” he said, walking in like he’d done a million times.
You prayed Jamie wouldn’t wake up as he did. “Its just over here,” you said, passing it to him.
“Thanks. Hey while I’m here we could go get some coffee or breakfast,”
“I’m not dressed,”
“I can wait,”
“I don’t want to impose,”
“I don’t mind,”
“I- “you sighed, running out a lies.
A look of realisation dawned on his face before a small smirk grew, “You have company,”
“Maybe,” you smiled, awkwardly biting your lip as he chuckled. Unlike Jamie, Roy was not shy of a little competition. He almost seemed to delight in the fact especially bringing it up during his dirty talk. While you found Jamie’s jealousy ridiculously hot, Roy’s cockiness was equally as refreshing.
“alright but don’t forget you’re seeing me tomorrow,” he said, giving you what was supposed to be a quick kiss.
You finally pulled away, slightly breathless and laughing, “Okay you need to go now,”
“Who is it babe?” Jamie’s voice rang out, Roy’s expression instantly hardening, “You,” Jamie deadpanned as he stood across from Roy in your fluffy robe.
“You,” Roy almost growled.
“You know each other?” you asked but the tension in the air answered it, “Oh fuck,”
“You’re sleeping with that prick?”
“Why would you fuck a grampa?”
“At least I can get her off,”
“And I can’t? Watch me, cmere babe- “
“Woah!” you said, putting your hands in the air as you stood from your couch where’d you’d sat during their near ten-minute scawble, “Now now boys, you’re both pretty,” you teased but neither were amused, “How was I supposed to know?”
“Well, you can’t date both of us,” Roy protested.
Jamie made a face, “Eh you’re not the boss of her,”
“No but I also don’t want your diseases,”
“I am not diseased!”
“Prove it,”
“Boys!” you almost shouted making them both pause, “If you don’t calm down neither one of you is dating anyone. We’re all adults here,” you said, finally thinking they’d calmed down as they moved to sit on the sofa.   
“Well, I am,” Jamie muttered under his breath, getting a sharp glare from you and a growl from Roy.
You sighed as you began pacing the room, “Look I like you both but if this is gonna be a problem then maybe its better if we all just take a break,”
The two stared at their feet like scolded children, “I’m sure,” Roy began through gritted teeth, “We can make this work,”
And finally, Jamie agreed, “How hard can it be?” you sighed in relief however soon after decided to kick the pair out your flat to try decompress from this whole mess.
What you hadn’t seen was the icy glares they shared as they both gave you a goodbye kiss and left. “May the best boyfriend win,” Roy said as they walked down the stairs of your flats.
A cocky smirk went on Jamie’s face, “I intend to,”
While you enjoyed love and affection even you knew this was getting excessive. Your date with Roy went from being a meal out at a local diner he liked to Roy cooking you a three-course meal from scratch in his house with a bottle of ridiculously expensive wine to match. “This is worth more than my rent,”
“Yeah, but nothings worth more than you,”
You had been awing over the whole evening all night and all day the next day to your friends however Roy had also been bragging about the whole ordeal to Jamie. So, Jamie naturally knew he had to step up his game.
Jamie arrived to your flat at 10pm with a blindfold and his car keys. He led you to your seat before insisting you put on the blindfold until you got to your mystery location. “I’m gonna fall,” you squealed as Jamie helped you out the car and you felt your shoes hit soft grass.
“You’ll just have to hold onto me then wont ya?” you didn’t have to see him to hear his smirk and you knew he could tell you were rolling your eyes.
Eventually after many stumbles and almost facing planting a couple times Jamie had you take off your blindfold. “The park?” you looked around confused before realisation hit when you saw the blanket laid on the grass.
“Thought we could look at the stars and that,” Jamie mumbled, pink tinging his cheeks.
You lent forward, placing a kiss to the hot cheek, “You’re such a softie,”
“Only for you,” he grinned as he sat down on the blanket, pulling you with him, “Brought snacks as well,” he said handing over the picnic basket.
Unlike usual picnic baskets with sandwiches and cakes this was filled with all your favourite sweets, crisps, pringles, and cans of fizzy juice. Jamie laid down on the blanket, pulling you into his arms so you could stare at the stars together. It was so peaceful you almost fell asleep right there.
At first you thought it couldn’t get better but it wasn’t just the romance they were trying to out do each other on. Whenever they weren’t taking you out on sappy film worthy dates you were being dragged to the nearest bed, sofa, or car. Not that you were complaining, however.
What you didn’t know what Roy and Jamie actually came up with a schedule in their own time of who got to see you when. Neither was happy with the outcome, claiming the other got the better days or more time despite making it up themselves.
Apparently last night had been Roy’s night but between taking you bowling and mini golfing then not letting you leave the bedroom for several rounds you ended up sleeping in later than usual. You woke up in Roy’s arms to a text from Jamie saying he was coming over.
You groaned when you saw it, not realising Roy was awake, “You good?”
“Yeah, its just,” you sighed before deciding to just get it off your chest, “I’m just tired. Don’t get me wrong I loved yesterday and all our other dates, but I just wish we could all hang out sometimes,”
“You want me to hang out with that twat?” he asked, eyebrow raised. This was exactly what you meant. You groaned and went to roll away, but Roy wrapped his arms around you to stop you, “I’m sorry,” he sighed, “I guess we were so wrapped up in being the best boyfriend we didn’t think about how it would affect you. I’ll stay, if you want me to,”
You perked up at that, giving Roy a kick excited kiss, “and you’ll be nice?” a loud groan came from Roy, “please?” you whined.
A small smile appeared on his lips, “fine. For you,”
Jamie’s reaction was oddly similar to Roy’s that you wondered why they weren’t already friends with how similar they could be. You were currently sat with your feet in Roy’s lap, your head resting on Jamie’s shoulder, watching some trashy dating show both boys pretended to hate but suddenly had strong opinions about.
“What is she doing? Her and Declan are made for each other,”
“Yeah, right?” Jamie nodded in enthusiastic agreement, “What’s so special about Simon?”
You couldn’t help but snigger at the pair. “You two boys wanna be left alone?” you teased only to be met with unison hushes as a new contestants entered the villa and drama ensued.
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wherewritersgotodie-blog · 11 months ago
I’ll never hurt you (Spencer Reid x Reader)
spencer reid can’t help but get involved when a guy moves into your apartment and he hears the fighting between you two escalate. he never meant for it to go farther.
warnings: relationship abuse. nudity. no smut. harsh language. angst
pookie wookie bear // draft from a few months ago
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You moved in early September. Spencer met you the first week you came in, which you were in the process of unloading large brown boxes and small beige baskets of things into your apartment. Your first impressions of him were that he stuttered, rambled and, of course, was absolutely gorgeous.
He helped you unpack, after asking if it was alright, and the two of you had a friendly relationship going forward.
He took special note of your schedule. You'd leave around eight in the morning in a sweater and scarf with your hair up, a leather bag of textbooks, notebooks and a shiny grey laptop on your shoulder, and come home around eight p.m., makeup slightly worn and hair much softer and less organized than the morning, now in the same jacket as when you left, but a work uniform underneath, possibly for a barista or waitress. Your apron would be slung over your shoulder and your bag would have the scarf and sweater hanging partially out the side, and you'd always have this tired, sunken look in your eyes, but it was always replaced by bright cheeks and a smile in the morning.
You noticed his pattern, too. Always leaving in a nice jacket or button-down, sometimes to disappear for days. You always wondered where he went, but your interactions were bound to greetings and curtesies and not much else, mostly due to your nervousness around each other.
In November, a man started to come around every so often. Spencer had picked up from your chipper, however strained, greetings of him that his name was Ben.
By December, he was around every day. Spencer saw through the peephole boxes being carried to the apartment once again.
He decided not to think of it much. You were just a pretty girl who lived on his floor, meant to be with big, meaty guys like Ben. He couldn't help but wonder if he was smart enough for you, intense enough for you.
It wasn't until January that the yelling began. There would be nights where he could hear masculine yelling through the walls, these growling barks of words he couldn't always make out. He'd heard a few things, like, "Fuckin' bitch!" and "Stupid cunt!" Once, he even heard something along the lines of, "If you care so much what the neighbor thinks, why don't you go over there and fuck him!"
The quips were enough to make his blood sear red-hot, his eyes twitch and head ache.
One day, he hadn't heard your light, quick footsteps down the stairs, and he knew Ben had left had the night before because he had slammed the door behind him and said "Slut" just as he passed Spencer's door and pounded down the stairs. Spencer didn't sleep that night, waiting for Ben to return, but he never did. He wasn't sure what his plan was when he did return, but he knew something had to be done.
He decided to come to your door in the morning, alarmed that you were still in around 9:30 a.m. on a Thursday.
He knocked three times, then stood with his hands in his pockets. He heard your feet scamper to the door, then stop just in front.
"Spencer?" you asked, he assumed you were looking through the peephole. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, can I just," he paused, "Can I come in a second?"
"Uhm," you exhaled, "Now's not a good time."
"I just," he paused again, "I wanted to talk to you."
"What about?" you asked.
He became so alarmed by this answer, mind racing with every possible scene that could be behind the door. Maybe Ben had returned, he thought, maybe he was forcing you to stay home. Maybe you were crying, maybe he had hurt you. Maybe he had a gun on you at this very moment.
In a moment of complete irresponsibility and thoughtlessness, he touched the doorknob. When it gave way, he pushed himself through the door.
Ben was nowhere to be found, but you were, standing in front of him, eyes dry, but puffy from obvious crying, yellow makeup caked below your right eye, purple showing from underneath.
It was worse than he imagined, the feeling of seeing you in such a way.
"Oh, (Y/N)," he whispered.
When he looked at you with such sympathy, you broken entirely. You ran into his chest, shoulders shaking with sobs. "I couldn't," you breathe, "I couldn't cover the," again, "I can't go to class, I had to call out of work, I," you whispered, "I don't know what to do."
He just held you there, swaying back and forth, rubbing your hair. This was the first time he had seen it down.
"Look at me," he whispered.
You peered up at him with those red, glistening eyes, face swollen, hair stuck to the tears on your cheeks.
"You've gotta kick him out," he whispered, "You have to."
"I can't- he's- he's a cop," your voice wavered, "I'm a- I'm a fucking barista."
"I'm a federal agent," he stated.
You breathed out. "He'll," you pause, then whisper in a deadly flat voice, "He'll kill me if I make him leave."
He breathes, then whispers, staring deep into your eyes, hands on each side of your face. "I'll kill him if he touches you ever again."
He pulled you into his chest again, once again assuming the rocking motion from before, rubbing your back with one hand and stroking your hair with another.
This was easily ten minutes, possibly more. Then, the door handle jiggled. "Let me in, (Y/N)," Ben spoke, "I'm sorry, please let me talk to you."
Spencer whispered into your ear, "Go stand by the kitchen," and you did so.
Spencer then unlocked the door, then stepped as far as possible from the door, a few paces from you. He whispered to you, his head over his shoulder.
"It's open," he whispered.
"It's open!" you yelled, voice shaky.
When Ben walked in, his eyes went first to Spencer, then to you.
"What the fuck," he breathed, "You fucking bitch, you're cheating on me with this fucking asshole?"
"I'm not cheating on you," you spoke in a mousy tone.
"Oh, yeah? So you didn't fuck this guy?" he asked, stepping to get a better look at you.
"No," you spoke, not looking at him.
"Don't lie to me, bitch, fucking look at me," he stepped towards you.
Then, Spencer pulled a handgun from his pocket and pointed it at him.
"Don't fucking go near her."
"Oh my God, you're gonna fucking shoot me?" he laughed. "I'm a cop."
"I'm a federal agent, dick," Spencer glared intensely at Ben, your eyes stuck to Spencer.
"Oh, fuck, you're one of those BAU assholes?" he asked with a smirk on your face, "Well aren't you just a fuckin' angel?" He turned you, then says, "Have fun with this pussy, you're not worth the fucking energy." With that, he walked out, slamming the door behind him.
Spencer ran to the door, locked it again, then returned to you.
"This is just temporary," he whispered, "I'm gonna get him put in jail for a long time."
You stared at him for a long time, then in a hushed tone said, "I'm gonna shower," you paused, then, quieter, said, "Do you want to come with me?"
He stares at you for a moment, blinking, then asks, "Do you want that?"
"Yes," is all you say, then grab his hand slowly, interlocking your fingers, pulling him to your bathroom. When you get there, you take off your tank-top first, which you have nothing underneath. Then you pull down your jeans, then your underwear. Spencer watching this entire process, not moving a muscle but his eyes. They wander across your body, then settle on your hips, which have a faded yellow bruise on the side. He winces, but then is washed by the sight of your bare skin. You're exactly as he imagined: soft, firm, perfectly balanced.
He then began to unbutton his skirt, peeling it over his shoulders. He was tall, slender, sculpted, but gentle looking so much more beautiful than Ben. His belt jingled as he unbuckled his pants, then pulled them down with his underwear, too, leaving both of you bare.
He closed the proximity of your bodies to kiss you, his hands around your head. He then pulled away to rest his forehead on yours and rub his thumbs on your cheeks.
You stepped into the shower and he followed.
He didn't try to touch you explicitly. He didn't press you against the shower wall, didn't choke you or whisper sick things about you into your ear. He didn't press himself into you or turn you around to fuck you from behind.
Instead, he took a handful of shampoo and began to wash your hair.
He first pushed your head back so it was full emerged in the water pressed his fingers along your scalp, allowing the water to seep into all the strands of hair. Then, he lathered shampoo in his hands and began to wash your hair. He turned you around so you were facing away from him, but he didn't touch you anywhere but your head. You instinctively tilted your head back to lean slightly towards his chest, eyes closed. You could hear his breath hitch. When he was done, he turned you around again, then tilted your head under the water again. When your hair was fully rinsed, you brought your head up so your eyes met his. You then kissed him again. Your hands slowly, shaking, trailed down his chest to his stomach. You trailed your fingertips along his waist, then pulled him towards you by his hips. He lifted his hands to your face again.
He looked deep into your eyes with his dark brown ones and whispered, “I’ll never hurt you.”
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nuetralizedevangelist · 1 year ago
❝soon you’ll get better. ❞ william h. bonney x f!reader
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| A/N- just imagine billy taking care of you when you’re sick <33 he’d be so sweet i’ll literally cry
| WARNINGS- sickness, talk of death,
william h. bonney x reader fluff
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your throat burned when you attempted a deep breath, and your nose felt like you were breathing through a wall. your body temperature was too hot but you felt entirely contrary to that. as you lay shivering and complaining in your mind of the pure unbridled annoyance you feel that out of all people you got sick.
billy had stepped out almost an hour ago saying he needed to grab some more things for you, but you couldn’t care less about what he thought you needed. you just needed him.
he comes in clumsily setting each bag and box of food you apparently needed. you slightly smile at the sound of things falling and his boots quickly moving around the wooden floor. you hear boxes and cans opening, and him swearing after he touches the boiling pot on accident.
you laid there on your side phasing in and out of consciousness as you wait for billy to be done with whatever he thought was important. you hear his boots approaching you and you lift your head up. he squats next to the bed and shows you his creation.
“it’s a potato and carrot soup, my ma used to make it when i got sick as a young’n. it’s like magic, just helps you recover real quick. the doctor said you’ve got a common cold, and i’d like to keep it common.” he brushes hair out of her eyes and sets his hand on your head. “i don’t know what i’d do without you, darling. sickness has taken away everyone from me and i won’t let it take you too. i’d go to the ends of the earth if there was an instant cure.” his eyes were soft and his eyebrows were furrowed. he laid a gentle kiss against your forehead.
you began to slowly sit up and let billy feed you small spoonfuls of the ‘magic’ soup. his gaze never leaving your face and his eyebrows never relaxing. you begin to feel guilty because he was doing something important, he wanted you to get better so he made you soup. a true gentleman. you thought.
“thank you, it’s really good.” you manage to croak out before he shushes you and comfortingly rubs his hand over your back. “save your voice, angel. it’s not good to be talkin’ in your condition.” you nod and continue eating the soup when his hand offers it.
“i ran into jesse when i was at the store, he said this colds been a real problem lately. most of the towns got it but it hasn’t taken anyone away yet, and you’re the strongest person here so i’m sure you’ll be alright, doll.” he sounded like he was comforting himself more than you but nevertheless you still nod and offer a small smile to him.
the next morning after a restless night full of billy holding you close, not caring if he got sick, you open your eyes and momentarily forget you were even sick the previous day. feeling alert and not freezing, you sat up and stretched. billy instantly following suit and eyeing you over. “how you feeling, angel?” his worried gaze studying every bit of you. “i feel fine, billy. stop worrying so much. stress isn’t good for you.” you quietly say, not used to talking, as you rub your thumbs over his furrowed eyebrows smoothing them out.
he chuckles and you’ve never been happier to see his smile. “cant help it when it comes to you, and i did tell you the soup was magic, did i not?” he says quickly forgetting the tender moment and instantly wanting his gratification. you narrow your eyes and look unamused. “yes billy. you did. i’ll have to make it for you the next time you get sick, you don’t get sick very often but i’ll have it on stand by.”
you come inside after wiping your boots off and heaving heavily from the heat. you were outside picking weeds and planting carrots and potatoes in the garden from the soup leftovers. there billy lay on the bed, groaning.
“i’m so damn cold and my head hurts. what’s wrong with my throat it feels so itchy.” he complains in an almost whining tone. you laugh as you approach him and press the back of your hand to his forehead.
“well, cowboy. you’re sick. seems you’ve contracted that common cold you talked about, get under the blankets and i’ll make the soup.” he dramatically turns over and looks at you with a grumpy facial expression. “this is your fault.” you hum and pat his head before stepping into the kitchen, laughing at how dramatic he is.
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echoingbirdsofprey · 3 months ago
Delicate (Jake's Version)
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5 - I'm Your Man
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x OFC Samantha Kazansky
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Iceman's mortality is becoming more apparent, Hangman and Rooster have words, Jake is angry about his feelings
A/N: I shuffled around canon events so this would work. Never said it was canon compliant hehehe
As Nat headed out the door to Sam's house, Jake was arriving. He'd pulled up in his truck and he felt slightly awkward as he hopped out. He had on his khakis and cowboy boots again and as Nat passed him she raised her eyebrows. She glanced back at Sam who had her arms folded and was standing in the doorway. Jake shut the door to his truck and popped his sunglasses on. He glanced at Nat one more time as she got into her car.
Sam was sure they'd have a chat later. She knew Nat cared deeply for her and didn't want to see her hurt, but she also knew how nasty Sam could be when she needed to be. Sam herself had scared off her fair share of guys who wanted to treat her like a piece of ass instead of with respect. Then there was Jake. Sam still hadn't figured out Jake's motives but there was something telling her they were more pure than she'd expected. Jake was in his late twenties. He was at a point where he needed to be done fucking around, especially if he wanted to continue with Sam. She definitely wasn’t looking for a hook up. He knew she was looking for more than that.  He was too. Now they just needed to get on the same page, but Jake knew he was going to have to work to show her that he was worth it.
He had a goofy smile on his face as he clipped his sunglasses to the front of his white t-shirt, and shoved his hands in his pants pockets. His shoulders were tight as he reached the top step. 
“Feel like the secondary lover here...” Jake said sheepishly and Sam smiled as she waved at Nat, and pulled him through the front door. 
“Aww, are you jealous that Nat slept in my bed and you didn’t?” Sam asked, smirking at Jake. He glanced down at what she had on, realizing she was in sweatpants that hung low on her hips and crop top that showed part of her stomach. He licked his lips, and blatantly stared at her mid section.
“Uh, a little, especially if you were wearin’ that, honey bun.” He said as his eyes followed her up the stairs. She gazed back at him, just as Rocco appeared and headed straight for Jake.
“Oh, Jake...I wear much less than this to bed.” She said with a snarky undertone, and he sighed heavily as he cocked a hip, folded his arms behind his back and locked eyes with the little dachshund who was currently trying to climb up his legs. He leaned down, and picked Rocco up and held him. 
“At least you don’t tease me.” He said softly to the dog, who licked his cheek. The pair watched as Sam came down not too long later, in the same outfit she’d gone up in. Jake thought she was going to change but evidently not. 
“Sorry. Had to grab my phone and check on dad. You’re cute.” She said, petting Rocco’s head and kissing Jake on the cheek. He felt his face heat up and he was sure he looked like a tomato as she brushed past him to open the door so they could head out to get breakfast. 
“Thanks?” He tilted his head and placed Rocco back on the floor. The little dog wagged his tail and Sam grabbed his leash and clipped it to his collar. She motioned for Jake to follow and he did, putting his sunglasses on as they stepped out into the morning light. He reached for her, his hand meeting the small of her back, gaining her attention so he could ask her how her father was. 
“He’s okay. Really tired today. Usually he’s up before me but he was just laying there and my mother said he was having trouble breathing overnight...” She said, her voice taking on a somber tone and that’s where Jake saw the concrete foundation crack. The stoicism she displayed one hundred percent of the time ended with her father. 
“I’m sorry...” Jake said, chancing it by putting his hand around her waist as they continued walking. She leaned into him and let her guard down, placing her arm around him as well. Jake’s heart nearly leapt out of his chest. They walked in silence the rest of the way to the cafe. When they arrived, Jake stopped her before they ordered. His gaze set upon hers and he reached up to run his fingers across her cheek as he spoke. “If you need anything, or you ever feel too alone in this...just ask me...and I'll be there.”
Sam blinked a few times before closing her eyes and pressing her cheek into his open palm. The movement set goosebumps across her skin and sent sparks through him. She reached up and rested her hand over his for a moment before pulling away. She took a deep breath, pushing all of the what ifs and maybes down deep, along with the tears that she didn't want him to see. 
When they arrived back at her house, she invited him in. They sat at the kitchen island, where she had a view of her father sitting on the couch. Jake watched as she went over and spoke quietly to him, obviously making sure Jake couldn’t hear what she said, and then kissed him on the forehead. When she came back over, Jake saw her eyes were misty again. He stayed silent as they ate, Sam glancing over at her father every so often. He was watching some sports show, mostly recaps from games from the last few days, and he would cough every so often. His cough was dry and harsh and sounded like he could hack up a lung at any point. Jake could only imagine how bad it hurt. 
The longer they sat there, the more Jake saw the happiness leave Sam’s features. He saw dread creeping in and there was nothing that could be done to stop it. He was sure she was coming to terms with what was going on, but as Jake had noticed, her mother was not around, neither were her siblings. Her mother had taken on full responsibility of the younger siblings during the day, taking them to school, then running errands for Ice because he couldn’t do them, then picking the kids up and taking them to whatever sports or after school things they did. Jake surmised that Sam was very much alone in this, especially since she worked at home. She saw Ice all day now and Jake knew it had to be hard watching someone’s life slowly be taken from them by cancer.
After they’d finished their breakfast, Sam walked Jake to the door and they stepped out onto the front step. He stood for a moment, toying with his sunglasses. Sam glanced around before her eyes met Jake’s and that was when she lost it. She dissolved into tears, resolve expired. Jake pulled her in close, knowing that his strong arms couldn’t shield her from everything but they could at least hold her tight and make her forget everything for a few moments. 
“I know it’s not okay...I know you’re not okay...but when I’m here...you put all this on me, okay? You let me take it all away. Let me have the aftermath, because I promise you, I can take it. I can't fix it, but I can hold you for as long as you need a break from the pain.” He murmured into her hair and she nodded in his arms, tears wetting his t-shirt as she held onto him for as long as she could untl he had to leave for the base. 
“Just breathe, babygirl. It'll be okay .”
Over the next week or so, plenty of situations arose where Jake had thought of his own mortality. When Mav and Rooster went at it in their jets, Jake thought about having to dive down and save one of them. When Phoenix and Bob had to punch out, he thought about how he'd never had to. Not once in his whole career. And when Jake took it a little too far, and Rooster was about to knock his goddamn block off, Jake thought about how he shouldn't have said what he said. 
“I'm not running a fucking daycare here, Seresin! Act your goddamn age!” Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson yelled, slamming his hands on his desk. “You were top of your class, always a team leader, for fuck’s sake! Take responsibility for you actions and cut the shit with Bradshaw! And don’t think you’re the only one getting reprimanded here. I have yet to speak to Bradshaw, but you can bet the two of you are on thin fuckin’ ice. ” 
Jake smirked slightly at the expression but then his brows furrowed, thinking of Sam’s father. 
“Stop smirking, Seresin, you're dismissed.” Cyclone said and Jake saluted and left the office, noticing Bradley was walking toward him. 
“Thanks Bradshaw. Got my ass reemed because of you.” Jake said as he passed him. Bradley whipped around and charged at Jake, grabbing him by the neck of his flight suit. He pulled him close enough that Jake could smell his sweat and cologne.
“ You're a fuckin’ asshole, Seresin. You don't deserve the time of day from Sam. I hope she does what she does with every other guy and plays with you and you catch feelings and then dumps your ass, because that's really what you deserve.” Bradley gritted through his teeth and then he pushed Jake away, leaving him paralyzed on the spot as Bradley fixed his suit and headed into Cyclone's office. 
Jake blinks a few times before trying to dissect what Bradley just said to him. He heads back to the locker room, noticing most everyone had finished up. Now they were all sitting and chatting. Jake turned and faced his locker, unzipping his flight suit and stepping out of it. 
“So how bad was it?” Coyote asked. Jake turned and smirked.
“Ah, just got yelled at. Not that big of a deal.” Jake said, pulling his uniform khakis from his locker. He would shower at home so that he didn't need to stay here any longer. He didn't need to wait for Bradley to start shit again. Jake didn't need to get hit. In his own selfish and stupid way, Jake thought of his taunting as encouragement, hoping to make these guys better pilots. He knew most of them were hot blooded, so teasing got them riled...some more than others. When they got riled they tried harder, and they thought less and that's what Bradley needed. He needed to think less. Jake said bye to everyone, and that was when he felt like he was going to get ambushed again. And he was right about that.
“Hangman!” He heard Phoenix’s voice echo through the corridor and he stopped, sighing heavily. Here we go, he thought.
“Yes ma’am?” He said ss he turned to her with a smirk. She was in his face quicker than a wolf on it’s prey. 
“Don’t ma’am me. You better not hurt Sam.”
“Why is everyone protecting her but not actually doing anything to help her then? First Bradshaw, now you? Who’s next? Mav? Cyclone? Am I gonna get kicked out of the fuckin’ Navy if I date the fucking Commander’s daughter? No, you’re all talk and no action.” He was actually starting to get angry. He could feel it bubbling up inside of him and he felt bad that Phoenix would get the brunt of it. 
“If you’re not careful, you might! You’re a good pilot. Your attitude sucks though. And you’re a player. That’s not what she needs right now. You’re an asshole for thinking you can swoop in and get whatever you want while she’s going through...”
“Goin’ through what? Her father dyin’? Yeah, I know he is. I’ve seen him. I’m not tryin’ to take advantage of her. I’m tryin’ to be a distraction for her. I’m tryin’ to be the punching bag here because I know I can be. Don’t even try to say I don’t see what its doin’ to her. I do. Trust me...I see it every morning.” Jake bristled as he spoke and Phoenix’s eyes went wide. 
“You haven't even know her that long...” Phoenix said and Jake couldn't help his next words. The anger inside him boiled over and it came out as admittance.
“That shouldn't matter when I know I love her ! I know y'all think I'm very fuckin’ incapable of those types of emotions but I do feel them and I've never felt them this fuckin’ hard before. I would risk my career for her. For her. ” He said, gritting his teeth as the last words came out. Coyote, Payback, and Bob had poked their heads into the hall and had heard everything as they saw Hangman turn and walk off. Phoenix shook her head and sighed, just as she saw Rooster walking down the corridor.
“I heard all that.” He said as he reached for her shoulder. She saw Bob, Payback, and Coyote also had looks of astonishment on their faces.
“So...Hangman and Sam?” Bob asked and Phoenix gave him a look that could've killed him if he wasn't immune to Phoenix death stares already. 
Just before Jake was about to leave Javy’s house for a dinner date with Sam, a bunch of his co-pilots came through the door. There was most likely a game on tv. Jake waited for everyone to file in before he tried to sneak out, but Phoenix was the last through the doorway and she stopped. Their  eyes locked and she asked if she could talk to him outside for a moment. Jake nodded and they walked back out the front to stand on the steps. Jake leaned against one side of the railing and Phoenix against the other. Bradley followed them, standing in the doorway.
“Bradley, it’s fine. I just wanna talk.” Phoenix said and he glared at Jake before shutting the door. Jake looked away, at anything but her. Her gaze was menacing, as if she was trying to bore a hole right through him. “Were you serious earlier?”
“Every bit.” Jake said, his jaw working as tension wracked his body. Phoenix chuckled to herself.
“Hangman has feelings. Who would’ve thought?” She said and his eyes glazed over, stare becoming unreadable. “There you are, back to Bagman. You put on a very good facade.”
“Well, I have to, otherwise people might think I’m soft. Or nice. God forbid I’m nice to anyone.” Jake said, shifting his weight from leaning on the railing to his feet with a wider stance.
“You don’t with her, do you? Why?” She asked and Jake shook his head and shrugged.
“Don’t feel like I need to. She sees right through it anyway.” He said and Phoenix nodded.
“Yeah, she’s always been good at that. Listen...Jake...I’m not gonna tell you don’t hurt her because you’ve heard it...I’ve said it...like you said...everyone has said it...but after thinking about what you said earlier...just please promise me you’ll be there for her when this all goes south...because it’s gonna soon. Her and I are best friends...but our paths have grown apart more than I thought they would...and if you’re gonna take my place as her main support...just be there...just be there whenever she asks for it...because I worry what she might do if someone isn’t there. She’s so damn stoic about all of this...she’s so good at hiding her emotions, just like you are, but I know deep down there’s a deep well of them that will eventually bubble to the surface and when they do...I don’t know how she’ll react. I don’t know what will happen...so just...be there Jake. Please.” Phoenix finished her monologue and Jake nodded.
“I can do that, Nat. I can, I promise.” He said and Phoenix stepped toward him and pulled him into a hug. 
“Have a good night then. Tell her I said hi.” Phoenix said as she let him go and stepped toward the door. Jake saluted her and headed toward his truck. He smiled as he climbed in and opened up his phone, the background a cute picture he had taken of Sam and Rocco earlier that week while they had been walking on the beach. He hasn't even felt his phone vibrate but he had a text. From Sam.
Sam; hey flyboy, you're late
He typed a response back.
Jake: sorry honeybun be there in a few
Her response was quick and it made Jake's heart nearly leap out of his chest.
Sam: can't wait to see you 😍
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sleepynoons · 6 months ago
akaashi x gn!reader, sfw
cw: mentions of skin picking (akaashi picks at his fingers)
notes: sorry for being afk lol was moving back into college, and now that i have settled back in, here's my obligatory, written-in-30-minutes college!au akaashi bc he is The College Au. happy that i'm beginning to write for hq characters bc they all mean so much to me. also requests/suggestions are closing this weekend, so pls drop by my ask box by then if you want smth!! feel free to drop by for no good reason, too!
THE TWO of you don’t even have to say anything. one glance at each other, and you both shut your eyes and exhale deeply. 
to be fair, neither of you are surprised either. the two other students in your project group are notorious for skipping classes and buying homework answers off of other students. it should have been a given they wouldn’t help out on this presentation either.
the grandfather clock against the adjacent wall is an old thing, really – wood faded and paint chipped off –, yet the ticks of its hands click crisply in contrast to the soft sounds of laminated textbook pages flipping and footsteps rubbing against carpet. just like an old grandparent would, every tick of the clock is a nagging reminder directed at you and akaashi: “that’s one less minute you have to work on that project! oh, and another! are the two of you ever going to get started?”
you pull out your chair and sit next to akaashi, who looks more exhausted than he usually does. there are dark, dark shadows under his eyes, and there are swollen cuts around his cuticles from where he tugs on petty, persistent hangnails.
you shove a hand into the back pocket of your pants. i thought i had one on me, you think, pouting slightly as you continue to feel through crushed receipts, loose threads, and whatever other junk you crammed in back there. finally, you feel the familiar papery texture. there it is!
“akaashi, here.” you slide it over to him, and he glances at it before focusing back onto his laptop screen. it’s almost like he doesn’t recognize the object as he says nothing for a few moments, but then, he looks back and purses his lips, his best attempt at a grateful smile in his current state.
“thanks for the bandaid,” he mutters as he begins to open up the packaging.
you shrug your shoulders and furrow your brows. “i should’ve brought more,” you say. “that’s on me.”
he shakes his head as he wraps the bandaid around the knuckle of his thumb – the most tortured of all his fingers. “don’t apologize. i should be the one taking care of myself anyway.”
“i doubt a single college student can take care of themself, let alone a project meant for four people,” you groan. 
“they don’t count as people,” he deadpans.
you choke a laugh. “akaashi, don’t be mean.”
“i’m only stating a fact.”
at this point, akaashi has already returned to working, typing away and switching tabs every so often. you, too, grab your things to contribute.
the project is more tedious than anything, and luckily, the two of you had completed your respective one-fourths of the work ahead of time. however, the two of you were hoping – naïvely, might you add – that your other teammates would pull through, so you had procrastinated on finishing their parts until the day before the deadline.
and things continued downhill from there. you and akaashi were supposed to meet in the morning to dedicate the whole day to completing and revising the presentation. however, his research advisor emailed him last-minute to help with some urgent manuscripts, so the two of you delayed until 4pm. but then you got roped into a club event, which included dinner and a drinking afterparty, and not wanting to cause a ruckus with your seniors, you obliged. needless to say, it’s now 9pm and there is a whole half-empty presentation waiting to be filled.
at least the one thing that is working in your favor is your mechanical teamwork. you work on a section, akaashi on another, and when both of you are done, you switch to polish each other’s works. akaashi is also a fantastic writer and critic, so not only do you feel like you’re learning from his suggestions, you’re also not devastated in the process. even with potentially very shallow questions, he’s patient.
about an hour in, you mumble, “wait, i’m not sure if this makes sense.” you turn your computer towards him, and he leans forward, slightly in front of you, to see clearer.
from this proximity, you notice the way his nose twitches, along with the way his lips form a pout, as he readjusts the bridge of his glasses. you can also trace the curvature of his ears, following the round of the helix down to the lobe. and his eyebrows –
then again, these are things you’ve known for a while now. you’re just taking note of details you’ve already memorized. you’ve come to terms with your crush on akaashi since the second week of the fall term, truly having experienced love at first sight. but you’re too tired for a relationship, and if you’re exhausted, well, akaashi is probably having a worse time.
and by the looks of it, akaashi suddenly sniffles. you pull out a tissue immediately.
he chuckles as he takes it. “that pocket of yours is pretty handy.”
you frown. because you did miss a detail.
akaashi is flushed from his cheeks up to his temples and ears. and upon reflection, his voice sounded more gravelly, without its usual snark, when he was making the jab at your project mates earlier.
“are you sick?” you ask.
the first time he doesn’t hear you, intently reading through your write-up. you ask again, this time also tapping his shoulder.
“sorry, what?” he mumbles.
“akaashi, i said, are you sick?”
a confused expression flashes across his face before ot returns to its typical unbothered look.
“don’t worry about it,” he grunts,
“you should get some rest,” you insist.
“and what about the project then?”
you really shouldn’t be doing this to yourself because it would mean pulling an all-nighter, but you also don’t want akaashi to work while he’s under the weather. “i’ll just do it myself. i’ll send you everything by the morning, so you can take a look over it when you wake up, and then we can submit it by class time, yeah?”
he gawks at you, terrified at your proposal. he shakes his head, adamant when he says, “there’s no way i could let you do that. you need to rest, too.”
“not as much as you,” you argue back. “if you’re not too sick, then you can sleep it off and wake up early to help. but right now, you need to go back to your dorm.”
he fights back, trying to convince you of otherwise, but you’ve already crossed your arms across your chest firmly and are staring at him with a quirked eyebrow, visibly unimpressed.
akaashi can only roll his eyes at your stubbornness.
as he packs his things, he looks over his shoulder at you and asks, “is there anything i can do to make it up to you?”
“akaashi, are you being serious? you don’t need to make up anything. just feel better for me, alright?”
now he’s looking at you like you’re a total idiot.
you just sigh.
“fine, just treat me to a meal or something, alright? now go.”
“i was going to take you out for dinner anyway, but fine. i’ll pay for lunch tomorrow.”
“yeah, sounds good. now go!”
akaashi leaves, and you return back to your work.
the hours fly by. other students begin to filter out, and by the time it’s past midnight, you’re only accompanied by a night-shift student librarian and the grandfather clock. you lean back into your chair, taking a quick breather.
you think back to your conversation with akaashi before he left. gotta finish the project before he wakes up, only six more slides to go, i wonder what we should have for lunch, he did say we’d get to eat together another time –
you jolt. sitting upright, your eyes widen slowly as you recount akaashi’s words. he said he would take me out anyway.
are you hallucinating? so delusional that you can’t tell between fantasy and reality? he said those exact words, right? did he mean it the way you think it means?
the clock chimes loudly as a new hour begins. you’re thrown back to work, but really, you don’t even know how you managed to finish the assignment because, the entire time, you kept thinking about akaashi and his intentions.
what does he mean?
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darnell-la · 28 days ago
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pairing: married!logan howlett x maid!reader
summary: Logan had gone through so much to get Jean, just for him to have eyes on his maid. he tried signaling his feelings, maybe thinking he was just too lonely, but after a small conversation, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore.
warnings: cheating, married Logan, age gap, slightly pervy Logan, groping, grinding, slight cnc, rough/gentle sex, unprotected sex, etc.
It seemed like Logan had gone through it all, just to be with with Jean. He interfered with Scott and Jean’s life for years until he finally got what he wanted. For them to break up and be on non-speaking terms.
Almost right after the two called it quits, Logan slipped in. Since then, they’ve been together married, but Jean would shut Logan down if he talked about having a family.
Through time, Logan understood she still loved Scott. Especially after she cheated on him for the first time. Logan tried and tries to convince himself that Jean wanted Logan more because of his looks, but she didn’t. It was obvious after a while.
Jean is currently on another one of her business trips where she doesn’t contact Logan for days, maybe even a week until she needs to be picked up from the airport.
Through the years, Logan had developed a weird attitude to his made. Y/n has been at the house pretty much every day since Logan and Jean got married.
He had bought a huge house, hoping that would get her mind set on a further life with him, but it seemed that Jean had been telepathically flirting with Scott while she was listening to Logan’s speech.
“Mr. Howlett?” Y/n knocked on his office door. “Yeah, bub?” Logan answered as he leaned back into his chair, finally getting a break from his own thoughts. It was truly painful to think about the hard work he put into Jean, and she still didn’t want him.
“It’s time for me to clean the office — It’s, uh, five in the morning, sir,” y/n said, knowing he had been in here throughout the whole night. She’s always known Logan Howlett as being a hard-working man.
“Really? — God, y/n, I’m so sorry. I’ve been working all night and lost track of time,” Logan said as he rubbed his face, upset that Jean was getting to his head, and she was not even using her powers on him. She’s a headache.
“No need to apologize, sir — I understand that you can get off track at times,” y/n smiled as she brought her cleaning supplies into the room. “You’re just so understanding, huh, sweetheart?”
“I mean, you gave me a sucky job for good pay — Why would I think less of a man who’s actually working, and just a bit exhausted?”
For a good second, Logan had felt something go through his body. Y/n has always been around. It’s almost like Logan sees her more than Jean.
“You’re special, you know?” Logan said as y/n began setting up to start her cleaning. “I think you’re over-exaggerating just a little, sir,” y/n giggled, not knowing how serious he was at the moment.
“It’s true, though — You’re here almost all day, every day, and the job is always done. You’re perfect,” Logan said as y/n made her way over to his desk to dust it off as usual. “It’s my job, Mr. Howlett,”
Logan watched as y/n cleaned his desk with a slight smile, enjoying her job more than his own wife would’ve. His wife has no real job, yet she walks around the house like she’s unhappy and has a lot of stress on her hands.
Logan had slowly gotten up from his chair and stepped towards y/n who was leaning over his desk in front of him, to clean.
Logan deliberately moved forward until he could feel her ass brush up on his clothed crotch. “Oh, sorry,” y/n went to love, but Logan stopped her by placing his hand on her waist.
“No, no, you’re good — Just wanna watch,” Logan said, slightly gripping her to stay in place. “Oh-Oh, well — Okay,” y/n stuttered, confused about her boss's actions, but didn’t bother to say anything.
“You do your job so well, sweetheart — I’m serious when I say that I appreciate you,” Logan whispered as he leaned into the young lady, touching more of her body with his grip still staying tight.
“O-Okay, I think I should dust off the other desks-“ y/n tried hinting that she was begging to feel uncomfortable, but Logan held her close to him so she couldn’t move away.
“Ssh, just relax — Keep cleaning — I see a few more spots that need some dusting,” Logan said as he moved her waist to grind onto him. The low groan the older man let out had sent shivers down y/n’s spine.
“Been thinking about you for far too long,” Logan’s hand had pressed onto y/n’s back, pushing her down until her stomach laid flat on the table. “Sir, I don’t think this is appropriate,” y/n said, but Logan didn’t care.
Logan began tugging on the young lady's skirt before pulling it up, revealing her bare ass and pretty laced panties he hasn’t even seen Jean wear.
“You were ready for me, huh?” Logan asked as he groped the young lady's ass, getting a feel of what he’s been missing out on for years. She always made him feel better than Jean.
“S-Sir, stop this — What would your wife think?” Y/n said, hoping he’d understand how this would look for her. She didn’t want to be fired and was known as the maid who slept with the husband of the house. No other family would want her.
“Oh, don’t worry about her, Bub — Worry about us,” Logan said, his ear inches from y/n’s ear. She could hear every small groan, growl, and hum he let out. He made sure not to hide them.
Before y/n knew it, her boss's tip began pushing at her entrance after he pulled her panties to the side. Y/n squirmed around, trying to get from underneath him, but he was heavier than expected.
“Just relax, sweetheart,” Logan spoke as he continued pushing through her walls, causing her to whine and kick in slight pain. “Just need a few more inches,” Logan rubbed on the back of y/n’s to calm her down a bit.
“There you go,” Logan groaned loudly as he felt himself fill her into his balls slapped against her bud. Y/n hadn’t felt full like this, ever, and Logan could tell. Apart from that turned him on.
“Such a tight cunt — What would I do without you, Bub,” Logan began thrusting his hips, making y/n’s body jolt repeatedly. “L-Logan,” y/n cried low as the knot in her stomach built within seconds.
“Ssh ssh — You’re taking me so good,” Logan tried getting y/n to relax. He wanted her to love this just as much as he was. “J-Jean can come home a-any second,” y/n stressed.
“I don’t need you worrying about her, Bub. You do good at taking my cock, and I’ll deal with her, mhmkay?” Logan said, making y/n stuttered over her words. “I-I can get fired,” y/n said, only making Logan chuckle.
“I hired you, so you won’t be going anymore. She never liked the idea of you in this house, but her opinion doesn’t matter. Not when she’s cheating,”
Y/n was confused, but too fucked out to ask what Logan meant by cheating. Logan had an idea for the longest, but never brought it up. He also never brought up how attractive y/n was, because he felt like he’d be betraying Jean.
At the end of the day, Logan knew that y/n was the most perfect woman he could run across. Now he could finally show it, and kick Jean to the curb, or Scott once again.
“You okay with this, sweetheart? Gonna be my stay-at-home wife? Gonna treat me good so I can treat you?” Logan asked, leaning on top of y/n’s body again to kiss and whisper into her here.
“O-Okay,” y/n didn’t know what else to say. All she knew was that Logan felt amazing. So amazing that she would think she was dreaming until he snapped his hips hard enough for every few thrusts.
“That’s my girl — C’mon and cum around my cock. I’ll even clean you up after,”
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