#pick a secne where Bolin lavabends
rockingthegraveyard · 4 years
Top 5 TLOK moments or scenes etc
Thank you so much!! This was, like, a lot harder then I thought it’d be, haha.
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That scene where Mako shoots Amon with lightning. Why one may wonder? ......... It’s entirely because of that face. That’s it.Honestly it might be the most detailed expression we got from Mako. The way his nostril was flared, the scrunched bridge of his nose. There is clear strain and anger there and I love this expression so much. I mean Mako shooting lightning was boss but it’s was this that really made it great, haha.
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Asami fucking taking the glove from her father and then not only zapping him but KOing the fucking lieutenant, which had single-handedly taken down both Mako and Bolin in a previous episode. Her shakily taking that glove and Mako’s soft “no” before she decimates them. Asami is so god damn amazing. She deserves the world.
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Lin’s sacrifice. I loved everything about it, it was so great. The way she absolute tore up the airship with the music playing behind it. And then, even on her knee’s she held her head high. Ah, and that whole part where she was slowly falling after her bending was taken? It was just so good!
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Korra gets the last of the poison out of her body. The music! The pain! “That fight is over” I just love it so much. The way the music shifts as she gets the very last of the poison out of her body. It’s so god damn amazing and perfect. Seriously,  my heart cries every time I watch it.
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It probably comes as no surprise when I say my very top is Mako’s sacrifice. You have this great moment leading up to it with Mako and Bolin. And the music was a m a z i n g. Along with the coloring, the intensity, Mako’s gorgeous, messy, “I could die rn but at least I die sexy” hair.  It’s just a great scene!!!
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