dreamconsumer · 10 days
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St. Hedwig of Silesia.
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beautyofpoland · 1 year
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reezyfoodie · 2 years
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witeksphotospoland · 2 years
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Legnica, Lower Silesia - Poland. The castle of Piasts’.
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oscargofast · 1 month
lando’s win in zandvoort is for sure going to make the rest of this year interesting. especially since we saw the issues red bull has first hand and how much max couldn’t handle it (he drove amazing though no hate).
but it also sets up for an interesting 2025 year. because we know lando is great of course- but so is oscar. and im really interested to see how mclaren handles having two really good drivers on the grid. especially since oscar is wdc material. i’m not entirely sure what this race is foreshadowing yet but it’s foreshadowing something and it’s going to showcase in 2025.
also- max’s future at red bull. this race proved that red bull is well and truly falling quickly and with the exit of that engineer (i’m so tired i forgot his name) it sets up for an even more disastrous 2025- especially if red bull loses the wcc to mclaren which is a very real scenario and has been for a few races now. i also think while they didn’t have hopes to win this race- they were not expecting to lose THAT MUCH to norris. so now max is probably asking what’s his deal with red bull. and we know he’s not planning to stay if f1 forever, maybe a few more years. i do wonder if it makes sense for toto to revisit his persuasion and have max do some crazy resurgence of dominance with mercedes in 2026 if red bull continue to fall off.
i know if i was toto i would at least try and bring up those points- and those ring more true and evident now then when he was trying to get verstappen for 2025.
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anshares · 2 years
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Aria Roscent - The Villainess Turns the Hourglass/악녀는 모래시계를 되돌린다
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venicepearl · 2 years
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Anna of Poland (1366–1425) was a Polish princess born into the House of Piast, and by marriage was Countess of Celje, also called Cilli, a medieval feudal dynasty within the Holy Roman Empire. She was an influential woman in politics of Poland.
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St Jadwiga of Anjou, the King of Poland – A guest post by Katarzyna Ogrodnik-Fujcik
Jadwiga as depicted by Jan Matejko. Imaginary portrait based on a series of drawings the artist made upon examining her resting place in 1187. The Freelance History Writer is pleased to welcome back Katarzyna Ogrodnik-Fujcik with an exclusive article on an exceptional woman from Polish medieval history. In January 1887, a group of scholars and artists explored the grave of Jadwiga [Hedwig] of…
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sigalrm · 11 months
No Past by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Das Kino hat wohl auch schon bessere Zeiten erlebt.
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Piast Kołodziej
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Bez Jezusa nie pokonałam swojego serca, które chce kochać wiecznie. No i cóż Jezu - czy będziemy się ścigać , kto pierwszy stanie przed Świętym Obliczem Ojca ? To takie.... -proste. -Nie, Jezu. - dla mnie jest to okultyzm, a tego bym nie chciała. -Ale beze Mnie będziesz się w tych sprawach bardzo męczyła. ................... ................... - To mogłoby być absurdalne Myszko, gdyby w "grę" nie wchodziłą tak wielka miłość do Mnie. Czy bez skazy? Nie wiem, po prostu nie wiem. A wiesz co znaczy Moje nie wiem. - Że mogę się opierać także i w tych sprawach. - Tak, w sprawach proroctwa. Spróbuj być grzecznie moją oblubienicą. To ci wystarczy - na wiele. - spraw? - Nie, na wiele próśb, na zażegnanie wielu złorzeczeń, któe ludzie mają w związku ze Mną. , bo zapomnieli połączyć się ze MNą z modlitwą na ustach. -I z uczuciem do Ciebie w sercu. - Za wiele wymagasz. :) - To smutny uśmiech. -Wiem. - Kochaj mnie Jezu łągodną miłością zmartwychwstałego Baranka. - To ci się nie uda. - Mimo to próbuję. - Myszko , czy ty jesteś śmiała? - To zależy - Mizoginizm? O to Mnie oskarżyłaś? -Nie mówmy o tym. -Starczyło ci serca? - Z ledwością - To wszystko otwiera ci rany- tego chcesz - Muszę kończyć. - Myszko... Myszko... - Ależ idę się modlić. -Przełykam ślinę , tak dobrze, tak można. To możliwe. - Spotkać się u Taty? - Nie tego oczekiwałem. - Jako mój Mąż? - Oczekiwałem cudu. I go mam... oczekiwałem
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
idk i believe that pólish schools making kids participate in ww2 larp esp warsąw uprising is ... strange! esp when you had to be the gęrmans and keep straight face as your classmate kept shouting 'whats the weather today!!' bc that's all the german they knew. i had to do this at least five times?? we would also larp car accidents and plane crashes as part of first aid practice. fake blood, ripped clothes, cd player that played sounds of explosion/fire/sirens, even scattered fake debris!
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dreamconsumer · 26 days
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Hedwig of Silesia (also Hedwig of Andechs; 1174-1243) was a member of the Bavarian comital House of Andechs. She was Duchess of Silesia from 1201 and of Greater Poland from 1231 as well as High Duchess consort of Poland from 1232 until 1238. She was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1267 by Pope Clement IV.
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beautyofpoland · 8 months
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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“Unique” Medieval Gold Ring Found in Poland
An elaborately decorated medieval gold ring, likely to be from the 11th or 12th century, has been discovered buried beneath Wawel Castle, the former seat of Poland’s kings in the city of Kraków. It is the only one of its kind ever found on Polish territory. “Wawel never ceases to surprise us,” wrote the castle museum on social media while announcing the “exceptional discovery” on Monday.
The ring is decorated with opposing faces, making it extremely unusual. Only a few early medieval gold rings have been found in Poland and they are devoid of ornamentation or have simple geometric patterns.
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That makes the latest find “unique”, says Jerzy Trzebiński from the castle museum’s archaeology department. “This is the only example in which human images (or figural ones in general) are depicted on an early medieval ring from Poland.”
He also notes that the item contains no references to Christianity (which had begun to be established in Poland from the 10th century) and suggests that the two faces could represent Janus, the two-faced Roman God.
Given that the form of the ring is typical for that period in Poland, Trzebiński believes it was probably a local product and could have belonged to a member of the elites under the Piasts, Poland’s first ruling dynasty from when the state was established in the 10th century until the 14th century.
The item was discovered during archaeological research in the basement of the so-called Danish Tower (Wieża Duńska), one of the castle’s four residential towers.
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It was built from the late 14th to early 15th century on the orders of King Władysław II Jagiełło as part of the reconstruction of a previously existing tower. The tower’s facade was then added in the 16th century.
The building took its name from one of its first guests, Eric, king of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (often known as Eric of Pomerania). He stayed there in 1424 while attending the coronation of King Władysław’s fourth wife, Sophia of Halshany.
The ring was found on top of the remains of a former stone structure, probably a defensive rampart. The history of Wawel Castle dates back to the 11th century, but long before then the hill that it sits upon had been an important seat of power.
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hagridos · 1 year
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I made this a while ago,enjoy.
The dynasty is Piast if someone wonders.
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polish-art-tournament · 10 months
round 1.2 poll 2
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Piast (Aniołowie u Piasta) (Angels at Piast's) by Zofia Stryjeńska, c.1932:
propaganda: I'm more focused on presenting Stryjeńska's art style than this particular painting to be honest. And there are angels so I'm biased. The sharp lines create unnatural looking clothing yet it is so easy to read. The contrast of soft blending is striking, inspiring. We can see there a typical for Stryjeńska mix of Polish folk and Christianity – angels coming to see a legendary Polish figure. The colors are in perfect harmony, she guides our eyes with inhuman precision. Is there anything more to be said? Better just look at the piece, let it consume you
about Stryjeńska: The QUEEN of polish art deco. She was in love with Polish folklore and was a huge advocate for remembering our Slavic roots. Was planning to build something between Roman-Catholic church and a pagan temple called Witezjon, that would serve as a centre of Polish culture. The Renaissance woman, able to project about anything, from dishes to wall paintings (you can see two of them on Warsaw's Starówka!). Once made a kilim for Japanese emperor Hirohito. Was pretending to be a man for a year to study art. A single mother of three. Recently I feel like her art is going through a popularity renaissance of sorts – about damn time.
Podaj cegłę (Pass the brick) by Aleksander Kobzdej, 1950:
propaganda: an abolute classic. the colour combination is not banal. me and my friends shout PODAJ CEGŁĘ every time someone needs something passed to them. simply iconic
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