#pi kappa theta
timaeuslover001 · 3 months
Why college fraternities need to be banned for GOOD.
Its no secret fraternities have their roots in Ancient Greek Occult practices that advent changed their format since.
I have always known this about them and its spring no one else has when you talk about them.
unquestionable loyalty to the fraternity, their behaviors and their "gods" and the organization.
I watched a documentary recently bait another murder that happened on a college campus of some frat brothers allowing
and I was sickened by how many deaths there have been and how they seem to always continue.
so examine them: what makes them special and different?
their not clubs. clubs are free to join, and your all bonding over a common interest or goal ;soccer, anime, surfing, Knitting, beach clean ups ect.
Fraternities do NOT. what's a common goal ? a GPA? what else "to make friends" I mean , you need a CULT group to do that? you can't just walk up to someone and say hi on campus, literally HUNDREDS of students there to do that.
so what else ? I hear alot about people making "connections" or "networking" in those fraternities. Some are senators kids, business men and women for parents, relatives in other places and is that the message you want to support? Fair and hard work don't matter, people have to have connections, and backdoor deals and nepotism to get where you're going?
like I had a business class my prof told me a story of other kids who meta and started business in his class and met other kids who share my similar interests as well and it didn't take 2k and me being embarrassed and her pressured to make connections and its as all equines
nit to mention all the men in there seem to bee eerily the same personalities.like carbon copy, scary.
I mean black sorties and fraternities are the same. some more obvious than others. how is that diverse and okay? everyone is the same, in a hallow and bad way. is that you bonding tool? people who look, at and think like you in the worst way possible.
SO what is the distinguishing factors then? other than their abusive, demeaning, and blind loyalty and morally absent behavior? or is THAT it?
Clubs don't ask you to humiliate yourself and humiliate others, abuse you, then make you PAY to be apart of the organization.
not to mention this "brotherhood" catchphrase to say to try and make u think their actually there for your well being.
and even if the humiliation ritual isn't violent its till HUMILIATING. walking around embarrassing yourself , in your underwear, in girls clothes, naked ect to prove "loyalty" its disgusting.
like where are the "me too" people when talking about sexual assault on these men??!??
REAL brothers and REAL families don't hurt you, abuse you, humiliate you. REAL brothers love you, care about you, love you and keep you from any kind of harm, they respect you and keep your dignity in tacts.
and please don't say they have a specific mission statement? like what every corporation in America with those crap "mission statements" they give " Be kind, quality food, quality service, giving back , BLAH BALH BLAHHHHHHHH" the sam scrap every company says but shows it in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM. the same humiliation your at your job on, the same abuse form customers and mamangemt, the same over pried GARBAGE, fake food, pesticides, ect ect. its the same nonsense
no kind of "club" is so important to join in the face of violence, humiliation, and degredation. NONE.
so what do cults do? for one they keep secrets from their followers. i'm sure none of those boys knew that they'd be accomplices and even participants in murder but in this new age of media how can you NOT know and why would you STILL want to join.
They also degrade their followers, belittle them, humane them and threats of violable to silence them and keep them in their club. alot of cults do that. watch Midsommer movie to understand.
Not to mention, alot of these colleges rape stories happen to frat houses. drugs, alcohol, underage drinking ect. like your not even SAFE with this Types of people and good luck getting "witnesses" or even getting support cu they down snitch o their brothers.
I mean say you're a random girl and even a girlfriend of one of the "brothers" you think they're going to protect you? NO! they down. even protect their OWN. their loyalty is to "The fraternity. the fraternity. the fraternity" its sick and gross. they dit even STAND for anything and yet they pledge all their loyalty to these groups.
It's disgusting. so why they still round? well we already their funded by donations by wealthy individuals. We know George bush was a skull and bones member and these guys:
Warren Buffet | Alpha Sigma Phi. ... 
Charles Koch | Beta Theta Pi. ... 
David Koch | Beta Theta Pi. ... 
Sam Walton | Beta Theta Pi. ... 
Michael Bloomberg | Phi Kappa Psi. ... 
Mark Zuckerberg | Alpha Epsilon Pi. ... 
Paul Allen | Phi Kappa Theta. ... 
Phil Knight | Phi Gamma Delta.
so if you are about men, women, rape, sexual assault, and human life in general you'd boycott these organizations, our country and well being of your children and general fairness and justice in the world.
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redacted-coiner · 5 months
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Alpha, Beta, Omega
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Gamma, Delta, Epsilon
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Zeta, Eta, Theta
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Iota, Kappa, Lambda
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Mu, Nu, Xi
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Sigma, Pi, Omicron
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Phi, Tau (Pandynamic)
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Atypical scents, Xenosecondary (𝚾/Chi), Typical scents
Flags Found Here(link) & Scent Ones(link)
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These Flags were made by @omegai I'd highly suggest checking them out! DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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Theogefiro natural bridge above Kalamas River in Epirus, Greece
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cccarolineraynerrr · 10 months
Sleeping cat on the streets of Alonnisos, Sporades, Greece
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floreescedora · 1 year
Sleeping cat on the streets of Alonnisos, Sporades, Greece
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ereconda · 1 year
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Sleeping cat on the streets of Alonnisos, Sporades, Greece
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Sleeping cat on the streets of Alonnisos, Sporades, Greece
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badinfluencepress · 2 years
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You’ve heard* of the fraternities Pi Kappa Alpha... Sigma Alpha Epsilon... Beta Theta Phi...... but what about...
Is this a joke? Yes! Can you actually buy these things? Also yes! A bunch of college students get to wear mysterious Greek letter combinations on their chests to signal to others In The Know what their deal is... why should they have all the fun? It’s our turn, and our thing is better. Objectively. Probably. Or worse? But more fun FOR SURE. Ideal clothing for making weird eye contact with the other online-looking person at the grocery store or gym, confusing your boss over a video call, or meeting your fandom Discord squad for outdoor brunch!
*I googled “most popular fraternities” for these names.
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gogandmagog · 5 days
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C’mon, I know you have a niche LMM post in your drafts to post, the tags are so empty 🤣
Lmaooo, I wish I had something good for this.
I don't know if it's really niche in a satisfying way, but it is certainly niche in a would-anyone-else-bother-themselves-thinking-about-this sort of way? 🥸 Here’s my most recent draft (that isn’t just a note to myself):
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All just because a couple of weeks ago, I was reading this book of letters/correspondence between two Cambridge Apostles from around 1910 to 1915. Of course, the Apostles weren’t exactly a frat, so much as a secretive intellectual society, but as with most things, even the tiniest incidentals mentioned in (nearly any) text (or letters, in this case) will immediately return me to splitting Montgomery hairs, so basically I was (am, really) just over here fixating on the possible origins of the (quite fictional lol) Lamba Theta of Redmond.
To begin with, I’m 99% certain that it ought to actually be Lambda Theta* (lambda [λ] is the eleventh letter in the Greek alphabet), since Lamba doesn’t appear anywhere in the Greek dictionary, never mind the alphabet. That kind of small error was enough to launch me properly down a rabbit hole of Victorian (and then Edwardian) frats at Dalhousie University (Redmond’s basis), to see if there were any similarly named that might’ve presented itself as serving for Maud’s basis for the Lambs. As it turned out, there’s nothing. 🙃 The very first frat established at Dalhousie was Phi Kappa Pi, and that wasn’t until 1923... when LMM had attended some three decades earlier, back in 1895. Anne of the Island even predates frats meeting at DU, since it was first published in 1915.
For some scale, the first Canadian frat ever was est. in 1879 (Zeta Psi) at the University of Toronto, and then again in 1883, the same frat opened another chapter over at McGill.
Anyway, I guess was/is just interesting to me that when Maud was inventing up a whole fraternity for her alma mater’s fictional stand-in, she really wouldn’t have had any first-hand experience with one. 🤨 And yet… she understood enough of them to’ve had Gilbert rush/be initiated (with sun-bonnets and calico aprons), in order to become a fully pledged member. Google says that fraternities as we know them now didn’t become notable or popular in the States (which Canada was rather behind) until the mid-late 19th century. Sooo, I suppose Lamba Theta is attributable to just that (a thing of cute pop-culture), or else Zeta Psi at UT was infamous enough for word to get around, to even the more rural areas (there’s 1,801.7 km between UT and Dalhousie btw), about their proceedings.
*the first real Lambda Theta frat/sorority was founded in 1973, at Kean University, and it is a Latino/Latina fraternity; their colours are burgundy and grey - actually quite alike the colours of Redmond University
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male-body-swap-lover · 11 months
Smoking Ages You
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Kappa Delta Pi was the it place on campus, and I was the king. Michael Webber, Mikey as my friends called me. There I am in the center of our group photo. We were an inseparable group of bros. Porter, Kent, Oliver, Damian, and me. Kings of the campus is what people called us. Could you blame us. We were hot, ripped, and rich, and boy did we love our cigars. Lungs be damned. There was nothing like the deep, rich scent of a perfectly aged cigar.
If there was one thing the girls on campus did not like, it was our unique love of cigars. Many girls actively avoided us. Yes, we never suffered for women, but we never got the cream of the crop. Until one night we managed to score dates with five of the hottest girls from Alpha Salem Theta. After dinner, we were sitting in the senior smoking room of our frat. Five boys with their cigars, whisky, and girls.
“Boys, could you please stop smoking. It’s disgusting,” said Porter’s date, Amber.
“Don’t you know how bad it is for you,” said Damian’s date, Chelsea.
“Boys will be boys. Stupid and idiotic till it’s too late,” said my date, the head of Alpha Salem Theta, Samantha.
“Oh, come on babe. Smoking is sexy. We are hot and you know you love it,” I said.
“I’m not your babe. Come on girls. Let’s leave these little boys,” said Samantha.
The five girls got up to leave and started walking towards the door.
My brothers and I pleaded with them to stay, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Fine! Be that way you stupid bitches. We can have any girls we want,” I said.
Samantha slowly turned around. “What did you just call us?” She was furious.
I started to stammer and then Samantha said “Girls, I thought we would let them go tonight, but since they want to be cruel, it’s time they get what’s coming their way. Boys, SIT!” she commanded.
Suddenly five chairs made their way to the center of the room and we were forced to sit down. We couldn’t move. We just kept puffing away at our cigars.
“What’s going on! Why can’t we move?” said Kent.
“Boys, we at Alpha Salem Theta practice the witchcraft of our sisters of yore that used to reside in Salem. We hate to see people throw away their lives on ridiculous things, such as cigars. You are all hot. You are smart, at least I presume you are, but you are all addicted to cigars. It is embarrassing. You act like a bunch of middle-aged men who have let themselves go. So, if that is how you want to act, why don’t you become just that.”
The girls started chanting some weird incantations. We were unable to decipher what they were saying. The wind started whipping and the room turned a vibrant red color. As it crescendo’d, it suddenly stopped.
“Ha, it didn’t work” I said.
“Just wait,” said Samantha.
Suddenly Porter started moaning. A rumbling came from his stomach and it started pushing out. His hair turned white and his hairline receded. A bushy beard grew on his face. Everywhere on his body, he gained fat. Wrinkles appeared everywhere and he aged right before his eyes. He looked like he could be 60. He had to weigh at least 300 pounds. His clothes burst at the seams and then they reformed. His blue button down resized to fit his body, his ripped jeans turned into khaki shorts and a belt wove through the loops as his shirt tucked in. All the while he puffed away on his cigar, attempting to scream, but unable to.
We all started panicking, but we couldn’t move and we continued to puff away at our cigars.
Kent was next. His stomach pushed out even faster, but didn’t grow as large as Porter’s. It almost seemed like he shrunk in height. All of his hair turned white as he aged up and a trimmed beard appeared. His white button down turned into a blue polo and his jeans expanded along with his waistline as a belt appeared. He was the mirror image of his dad.
Oliver aged the worst. He looked horrible. His hair was a mess and his beard looked like something George Lucas would sport, but way worse. His jeans turned into dad jean shorts that barely fit his much-expanded waistline. He looked like an old fart that was most comfortable in his recliner. A pair of old man glasses appeared on his face. Tears were streaming down his face, but all he could do was puff.
Damian was so proud of his hair. No more. His hair receded the most, leaving him with just a ring of hair. His face hardened with age as his beard grew in. His button down turned into a white tank top tucked into his jeans as his beer belly hung over his belt. He looked like trailer trash. He went from modeling for A&F to modeling for Medicare. His flabby arms were revolting.
“And finally, for the finale, the great Mikey Webber gets taken down a peg, or five, Samantha said.
It felt like I was going to throw up. My stomach rumbled so badly. Then it started growing, and growing, and growing. All the buttons popped off my shirt. My pant seams ripped. All of my hair fell off my head. I could see it on the floor around me. I was crying. I felt myself gain a second and a third chin. I had to be fatter then all my brothers. A blue button down formed over my body, and the ugliest pair of khaki shorts appeared on my body. I looked like Tony Soprano, but 10 times worse. Finally, it stopped, but it was too late. I was a man far past his prime. A tub of lard.
All of the girls laughed. “Good luck boys, with your new lives. Too bad no one is going to know who you are. Bye!” All of the girls left. We all slowly stood up and felt our new ages. Back pain and arthritis.
“My hair. It’s gone. I’m old. We are all old. How are we going to get girls now,” said Damian.
“That’s not our biggest problem. We need to find a way to switch back,” said Oliver.
Suddenly, Henry, the Junior class president walked in and started yelling. “Who the hell are you. Get the fuck out of here before I call the police. Creepy old men.”
We tried explaining who we were, but to no avail. Eventually we gave up and trudged downstairs and out of the frat without any of our belongings. We walked till we found an empty front porch. I sat down, trying to come to terms with what happened. We looked at our ID’s and it still showed our old lives, meaning that no one would ever believe us when we explained who we were.
“What the fuck are we going to do. We look like people’s dads. No one is going to believe who we are,” said Porter.
“Shut up. Just let me think. We will just have to convince the girls to change us back. Just let me finish my cigar,” I said. We all stayed on that porch, smoking our cigars, trying to figure out how we were going to get out of this mess. Little did we know, we were stuck like this forever, and our problems had only just begun.
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melabea · 6 months
More Dynamic Symbols
(pt: More Dynamic Symbols /end pt)
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[ids: 12 images; all grey colored lowercase greek letters. in order: chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, omnicron, phi, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tau, theta, upsilon, xi, and zeta. /end ids]
Personal Dynamic Symbols.
all symbols are these lowercase greek letters (chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, omnicron, phi, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tau, theta, upsilon, xi, & zeta) colored grey & in the font "RocknRoll One".
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omegai · 6 months
My Dynamic Flags
[pt: my dynamic flags]
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Alpha | Beta | Omega
Gamma | Delta | Epsilon | Zeta | Eta | Theta
Iota | Kappa | Lambda | Mu | Nu | Xi
Omicron | Pi | Rho | Sigma | Tau | Upsilon
Phi | Chi | Psi
xenosecondary/dynamic chi
anons phi & tau
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realcleverscience · 3 months
Wait... WE can read Greek?!
I was reading a wiki article about ancient artifacts when it shared some Greek words that were inscribed on the artifacts:
Of course, my first thought was that I obviously can't read that... but... I kept looking and realized that I could sort of read some of the greek, thanks to knowing certain greek words and letters, mostly from my scientific interests, but other places as well.
For instance, look at the second word: "ΤΑΥΡΟΣ" Spelled out: Tau-Alpha-Upsilon-Rho*-Omicron-Sigma = TAUROS. The bull, which you may recognize from astrology or from the mino-taur (minoan bull) of mythology.
(*There were a few letters that I was less familiar with: e.g. P = Rho. Basically it's an R without the bottom-right leg. Also remember that there are kind of three "O"s: Regular O = Omicron; Ω = Omega; Θ = Theta, which looks like an O but isn't)
Let's try the 4th word: "ΚΑΡΚΙΝΟΣ"
Kappa-Alpha-Rho-Kappa-Iota*-Nu-Omicron-Sigma = Karkinos = Crab.
(*The expression "not one iota" is bc the letter "i" began as one little tiny line or event a dot. e.g. In hebrew, the letter is known as "yud" and is the smallest and simplest letter. It looks like a comma.)
For those familiar with astrology, they may know this is also known as "cancer", and is the origin for the use of the medical condition as well. (You may have heard about certain foods being "carcinogenic" = carcin generating = cancer causing.)
(Why "crab" for "cancer"? - NPR: "...Hippocrates because he was around very early. And some time about 400 B.C., he was examining many cancer patients with what we'd call today end-stage cancer... And he applied the Greek word karkinos, which means crab. A lot of explanations, all of them equally wonderful and all of them equally difficult to prove, but why did he use that? And if you examine a tumor, if you actually feel malignant tumor, you'll note that it's hard as a rock. And so some have explained that it reminded him of the hard shell of a crab. But others have said it.. may have reminded him of the pain that a malignant tumor induces. It's much like the sharp pinch of a crab's claw. And an even better version is that it suggests the tenacity with which, you know, a crab bites you…")
Ok, next is the 5th word: ΛΕΩΝ: Lambda-Epsilon-Omega-Nu = Leon = Lion (I think this one is easy, but perhaps that's bc my name, Ari, means Lion.)
Next: "ΠΑΡΘΕΝΟΣ" Pi - Alpha - Rho - Theta - Epsilon - Nu - Omicron - Sigma = Parthenos = Virgin Again, astrology fans may recognize the word. Zoo fans may recognize the word from stories about lizards in zoos suddenly becoming pregnant on their own, known as "parthenogensis" - virgin birth. (Christians may recognize the word for similar reasons!) Or you may be familiar with the Parthenon, an ancient greek temple to Athena the "virgin/maiden goddess".
Two words later, #8: "ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ" Sigma-Kappa-Omicron-Rho-Pi-Iota-Omicron-Sigma = Skorpios = Scorpion!
Next: "ΤΟΞΟΤΗΣ" - This one's a bit harder Tau-Omicron-Xi*-Omicron-Tau-Eta-Sigma (*That's a hard letter. There's also apparently a similar letter represented by "X")
= Toxotes. I wouldn't have recognized this as the word for "archer" (technically, "bow") but you may recognize the word as the root for "toxic", which I just learned is derived from the word for archer - either bc it harms like an arrow, or bc the arrows were dipped in poison, making them toxic arrows.)
Ok, let's jump to the last one: "ΙΧΘΥΕΣ" Iota-Chi-Theta-Upsilon-Epsilon-Sigma = Ichthyes
People who've played animal crossing, or maybe just love fish or biology, may recognize this as part of the word "ichthyology" - the study of fish.
By now you may have guessed that the ancient object was a calendar of sorts, and was here listing the various months with their astrological signs.
So it kind of blew my mind to realize that I can sort of read greek.
Clearly this doesn't mean that I can just open up ancient or modern greek texts and start translating - but, I'm a LOT closer to that for greek than for most other languages. And not just me, but all of us. Which is just amazing. If I opened a book in russian or japanese, I'd be totally lost. I can't read the alphabet and I have basically zero familiarity with russian or japanese root words. But as westerns who speak english and use mathematics that both largely evolved from/with greek sources, we are all a lot closer to this ancient language than we probably assumed.
Kinda puts a new perspective on the phrase, "it's all Greek to me".
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apollopythios · 1 year
Okay, here's a thread on "how to read the Greek alphabet?"
The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters:
So here we go:
Α,α-alfa [a]
Γ,γ-gamma [g]
Δ,δ- delta [d]
Ζ,ζ-dzeta [dz]
Θ,θ-theta [th]
Κ,κ-kappa [k]
Μ,μ-mi [m]
Ν,ν-ni [n]
Ξ, ξ- ksi [ks]
Ο,ο-omikron [o;short]
Π,π-pi [p]
Ρ,ρ- ro [r]
Σ,σ(at beginning and in the middle), ς(in the end)-sigma [s]
Τ,τ-tau [t]
Υ,υ-ypsilon [y]
Φ,φ-phi [f or ph]
Χ,χ-khi [ch or kh]
Ψ,ψ-psi [ps]
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1218-814 · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Characters' Birthday Stones, Stars, And Flower Meanings
It's back by the demand
Riddle Rosehearts: 8/24
Stone: Lava- "Lovers" Flowers: Diatom- "Elegance/Fashion", Cypress vine- "Delicate love", Montbretia- "Lovely memories" Star: Lambda Hydrae- "Logics based on tradition"
Trey Clover: 10/25 Stone: Red spinel- "curiosity" Flowers: Maple- "refraining and precious memories", Sieboldii- "special someone", Celestial Chrysanthemums- "cooperation" Star: Phi Centauri- "Mostest yet honest"
Cater Diamond: 2/4 Stone: Bi-color amethyst: "Awakening" Flowers: Camellia- "perfect, whole love", Red primrose- "unflawed/natural beauty", Quince- "precocious" Star: Nu Aquarii- "Ideas and self-reliance"
Ace Trappola: 9/23 Stone: Ametrine- "light and dark" Flowers: Spider lilies- "Lonely/passion/giving up", Dahlia- "beauty/betrayal", Purslane- "a hidden love" Star: Pi Virginis - “A conscious mysterious charm”
Deuce Spade: 6/3 Stone: Pink diamond- "A soft beauty and elegance" Flowers: Hydrangea- "High pride/high endurance", Honeysuckle- "Flexible love", Garden phlox- "Agreement" Star: Mu Eridani- “a talented independence”
Leona Kingscholar: 7/27 Stone: Melee diamond- "A start from a supporting character" Flowers: Pelargonium- "Well raised", Thunberg lily- "Falseness", Geranium- "Unchanging trust" Star: Beta Volantis- "Brave and independence oriented"
Ruggie Bucchi: 4/18 Stone: Dolomite- "Courage to the whole body" Flowers: Lily daffodil- "Exotic", Statice-"Unchanging heart", Love-in-a-Mist -"Love in a dream" Star: Tau Ceti- "Coexistence of strength and kindness"
Jack Howel: 10/11 Stone: Rhodolite Garnet- "Active love" Flowers: Coleus- "Unfulfilled love", Lythrum Ancesps- "Good family custom", Peacock Plant- "Love at first sight" Star: Xi 2 Centauri- "Bright with a charming way of talking"
Azul Ashengrotto: 2/24 Stone: White Pearl - "Modesty, sincerity" Flowers: Amaryllis- "Vanity", Crocus- "Believe me", Coptis- "Transformation" Star: Pi Aquarii- "Intuition and sensibility"
Jade/Floyd Leech: 11/5 Stone: Nephrite Cat's Eye - "The charm of the eyes"/ "The charm of maturity" Flowers: Pentas- "Your hope will come true", Dancing Lady Orchid- "Dance with me", Moss Rose/Sun Rose/Mexican Rose (however you may call it)- "Innocence" Star: Alpha Lupi- "Richness without profit and loss"
Kalim Al-Asim:2/25 Stone: Malachite- "Dangerous love Flowers: Bindweed- "Bonds, Friendship's sake", Montbretia- "Cheerful", Drumstick Flower- "Knocking on the door to the heart Star: Kappa Cassiopeiae- "Kindness that dislikes loneliness"
Jamil Viper: 9/12 Stone: Peridot- "The bond of fate" Flowers: Diascia- "Forgive me", Indigo- "It all depends on you", Clematis- "Stratigest/Creativity"/"Bondage Star: Delta Crateris- "Strong companionship"
Vil Schoenheit: 4/9 Stone: Cerasite (Cherry Blossom Stone)- "Mental beauty/Purity" Flowers: Cherry blossom- "Mental beauty", Acacia- "Grace/secret love", Wallflower- "Long-lasting love" Star: Theta Cassiopeiae- "Effort to get through on their own"
Rook Hunt: 12/2 Stone: Black Coral- "A calm wit" Flowers: Cineraria- "Always comfortable", Heliconia- "A weird person", Carnation- "Increasing feelings Star: Tau Scorpii- "Not restrained by common sense"
Epel Felmier: 5/6 Stone: Lemon Quartz: "Bear fruit/harvest" Flowers: Chinese redbud: "Modest/simplicity", Butterfly flower: "Rebellious", Gardenia: "Carrying happiness" Star: Tau Persei- "A sense of responsibility that does not despair"
Idia Shroud: 12/18 Stone: Fire-Opal -"One who is falling in love" Flowers: Pomegranate- "Beauty of maturity", Leopard plant- "Humility, Restraint", Kumaszasa: "Lonely" Star: Beta Ophiuchi (Cebalrai)- "authoritarianism with strong courtesy”
Ortho Shroud: 8/14 Stone: Inca Rose Stone: "Welcoming new love and romance" Flowers: Globe Amaranth- "Immortal", Cheeses flower: "Gentle heart", Oleander: "Danger" Star: Ursae Majoris (Chalawan)- "Lonley and honest"
Malleus Draconia: 1/18 Stone: Roselite- "The bliss of reaching goals" Flowers: Hepatica- "Trust", Primula- "I can't live without you" Star: Gamma Sagittae- "A self-reflective maturing person"
Lilia Vanrouge: 1/1 Stone: Jade- "Long life and prosperity" Flowers: Pine- "Immortality, and longevity", Snowdrops- "Hope", Adonis Ramosa- "Permanent happiness" Star: Vega- "an optimistic person with a peaceful heart"
Silver: 5/15 Stone: Red Jadeite- "Judgement" Flowers: Houttuynia Cordata- "Wild", Campanula- "Moderation/Sincerity", Western Azalea- "Dignity" Star: Xi Tauri-"The charm of being lonely and unreliable"
Sebek Zigvolt: 3/17 Stone: Emerald- "Mental stability" Flowers: Lupine- "You are my peace", Ixia (African corn lilies)- "Unity" Star: Tau Cassiopeiae- "A focus that doesn't fail twice"
I know ppl are going to say, this looks familiar...
Yeah, you are right, idk if anyone's reposted this tbh but ppl liked this when I posted this
It helped me see characters better ngl
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m0nberry · 10 months
So I made it more interesting. Here, have an expanded omegaverse with 24 dynamics for each letter of the Greek Alphabet. Just to make it extra fun we gave each dynamic a super power. Feel free to use this to add some zest to your omegaverse content :)
Alpha: super strength
Beta: invisibility
Gamma: pyrokinesis
Delta: clairvoyance
Epsilon: technopathy
Zeta: wind manipulation
Eta: flight
Theta: nullification
Iota: enhanced senses
Kappa: hydrokinesis
Lambda: durability
Mu: animal speech
Nu: probability manipulation
Xi: elasticity
Omicron: hypnosis
Pi: circular force fields
Rho: shape-shifting
Sigma: telepathy
Tau: super speed
Upsilon: fog control
Phi: plant manipulation
Chi: healing
Psi: telekinesis
Omega: empathy
Have fun and diversify your dynamics :)
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