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undisputedlegal · 11 months ago
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Navigate New York's legal intricacies with ease! Our comprehensive guide on securing physical evidence with a subpoena in New York is your key to understanding complex procedures and ensuring your rights and responsibilities are clear. Perfect for legal professionals looking to streamline the subpoena process—learn more at https://undisputedlegal.com/how-to-secure-physical.../ #subpoena#physicalevidence #attorney #Lawyer #ProcessService #legaleducation National Bar Association American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution
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forensicfield · 5 years ago
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Monday's Topic for group discussion in "Group of Forensic Experts" was- 👉Gait Pattern 👉-- Vishal Khandelwal stated that "Gait pattern is a way of walk. On the basis of gait pattern we examine the velocity, force, changes in the the contact with the surface." ---------- --"Gait is a behavioral biometric source that can be acquired at a distance. Gait recognition is the term typically used in the computer community to refer to the automatic extraction of visual cues that characterize the motion of a walking person in video and is used for identification purposes in surveillance systems. The gait cycle is used to describe the complex activity of walking, or our gait pattern. This cycle describes the motions from initial placement of the supporting heel on the ground to when the same heel contacts the ground for a second time. The gait cycle (GC) in its simplest form is comprised of stance and swing phases." ----------- --👣#FOOTPRINT👞 👣Bare footprint or Impression and shoeprint or impression is generally known as Footprint. 👞They may be caused by bare foot, or may be left by footwear. These prints known as footwear prints. 🔦The value of such evidence will however proportionate to the points of identification, which can be demonstrated. 🐾It is the characteristics that are unique in shape and detail, which must be looked for and studied. for more about Gait Pattern and Footprint watch this video:- https://youtu.be/AJzIqOjNHI4 or Read about it:- https://forensicfield.blog/2019/01/20/footprints/ 🚶In this video/blog following topics have discussed: 👣 Introduction of Footprint; 👣 Places where footprints can be found; 👣 Location of Footprints; 👣 Preservation; 👣 Collection Of Footprints; 👣 Preparation of plaster; 👣 Collection of comparison print; 👣 Identification characteristics; 👣 Khoji System of Identification. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #forensic #forensics #forensicfield #forensicscience #forensicworld #forensicfield #forensicinfo #biometrics #gaitpattern #footprint #physicalevidences #evidences #forensicinfo #forensicknowledge #knowledge #fact #biometrics #forensicintro #crime #crimescene #legal https://www.instagram.com/p/B1p9D87hygM/?igshid=19hcldr1d7xvi
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24buzzfeed · 4 years ago
What is the True Ghost in the absence of physical evidence?
What is the True Ghost in the absence of physical evidence?
If you believe in the existence of ghosts, you are not alone. In fact, ghosts are among the most prevalent phenomena in Māori: millions of people care about ghosts, in a 2013 Harris Poll found that 43% of Americans believe in ghosts.   The idea of the dead staying with us with their souls is an old idea that appears in countless stories, from the scriptures to Shakespeare’s Macbeth and even…
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sredhome · 4 years ago
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Acércate a nosotros SERVICIOS FOTOGRÁFICOS - Fotografía de Productos - Fotografía General - Physical Evidences - Fotografía Publicitaria y Comercial SOMOS LOS MEJORES Ft. @eludjat #fotografia #productos #physicalevidence #publicitaria #comercial #general #bodas #xvaños #bautizos #edición #caritas #photographer https://www.instagram.com/p/CGGbxPwHoy8/?igshid=ayinbyglrcdk
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surveycircle · 3 years ago
Teilnehmer für Online-Studie gesucht! Thema: "Physical Evidence als Beitrag für den Aufbau einer Marke" https://t.co/HLsu1QnKpt via @SurveyCircle #marketing #finanzen #investment #branding #PhysicalEvidence #finanzwesen #umfrage #surveycircle https://t.co/08j72LlOmU
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Jul 11, 2022
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adminlawyer · 3 years ago
Stand up to Abuse: Signs You Need to Hire a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
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When we hear about nursing home abuse, we typically think of incidents where senior citizens have suffered neglect of any kind. However, the elderly are not the only victims. Many families find that their loved ones suffer from serious injuries or die because of neglect and negligent care.
Many factors can lead to neglect in the hospice. The signs may be easier to spot in some cases than in others. Visit our website today!
Types of Nursing Home Abuse
Here is the classification of maltreatment in these institutions or facilities that can overlap in certain instances.
You must identify and report these types of neglect that can often lead to injury or even death. You may safeguard and protect your loved one and other hospice patients from future violence by doing so.
Indications you need to spot if your loved one is a victim of neglect or mistreatment:
Evident manifestations of this particular mistreatment include bruises, broken bones, and other injuries. Some warning signs that your loved one is experiencing this kind of neglect are if they appear in pain or seem afraid to say where they were injured. You may notice unexplained marks on their body.
The following are the types of physical mistreatment that a nursing home abuse legal counsel can help you fight:
Neglectful caregivers can fail to monitor their residents or move people into unsafe areas that increase the risk of falls, including showers and bathtubs. In other cases, workers might provide medical treatment that makes falls more likely such as prescribing sedatives without consulting a doctor first.
Injuries Due to Restraints
Despite evidence that drugs are sometimes safer than restraints, many nurses use both measures when patients become combative or agitated. Because medical constraints can cause skin tears, bruising, and nerve damage, this puts all residents at risk of injury.
Pelvic Fractures
Staff in the eldercare should usually assist residents when they get out of bed to use the bathroom or walk them through exercises that keep their muscles strong. However, neglectful workers who fail to provide adequate assistance; may allow seniors to fall without catching them first, resulting in critical injuries such as pelvic fractures that require surgery.
Pressure Sores
Poor care leads to severe pressure on the patient's skin for lengthy periods, preventing blood flow to specific places, resulting in pressure sores. Over time, this causes the lower layers of the skin to break down, which leaves victims open to infection because it makes it easier for germs to enter their bloodstream. In an assisted living facility for elders, neglect victims are especially at risk for pressure sores because they cannot move their bodies independently without helping them.
Hip Fractures
Hip fractures are also among the most common types of hospital injuries that happen when patients fall. Still, older people who suffer hip fractures often receive much worse care than those who become injured elsewhere.
Patients who break hips due to ill-treatment or neglect can face months or even years in pain while they wait to heal completely; this puts them at increased risk for developing pneumonia which can be fatal for seniors with fragile immune systems.
Cuts and Bruises
Nurses and other workers should never hit residents. However, it can still quickly occur in some cases if nurses don't receive the proper training to restrain residents who become combative properly. In other cases, workers might become frustrated with their jobs and lash out towards patients, which can cause bruising or cuts that require medical attention.
Other warning signs include unexplained injuries, which never seem to heal right away. It is particularly true if there are signs that someone has been picking at the wound, which indicates it's not healing correctly. Infections are also possible if someone isn't regularly caring for their injuries.
Pressure Ulcers
Neglectful hospice staff may also allow patients' skin to develop pressure ulcers because they failed to provide them with the proper supplies such as padding or clothing changes when necessary.
Over time, this can result in chronic pain, infections, and irreversible damage to some victims; if they cannot receive surgery quickly enough for their wounds.
Decline in Hygiene
An unusually messy room or clothes that seem unclean might be signs of neglect. Your loved one's items might be damaged or missing, like dentures or glasses. They may not bathe regularly, and their hair could appear unkempt and dirty even though you've never seen them like this before.
People experiencing neglect often lose interest in their physical appearance, which is a warning sign that something isn't right with the procedure they're being cared for at the eldercare facility.
Sudden Decline in Health or Weight Loss
Nurses who ignore people fail to give proper nutrition they need to maintain their health. If you notice your family member losing a significant amount of weight within a short period, this could be another sign of harm. They may also suffer from bedsores or other infections that arise because they're not getting proper care.
Unusual Withdrawal from Social Situations
It is not normal for someone to withdraw from family and friends after a nursing care facility. If your loved one suddenly seems less interested in family events or visiting with friends, this could be a sign there's a problem.
Sudden Changes in Mood or Behavior
If you've noticed significant changes in your loved one's behavior, this could indicate a problem. You might see some signs if they become more aggressive, less responsive to the conversation, or they may say strange things. Notify these changes right away so you can ensure your loved one is safe.
Other Indications:
Unlocked Room Doors or Windows
Sometimes it can be a sign of negligence if your loved one's room has unlocked doors or windows. Unlocked doors or windows make it easier for someone to slip out and wander off, which can put your family member at risk since they're not receiving proper care from the retirement facility.
Long Periods of No Visitation
The possibility of negligence or ill-treatment happens when long periods of no visitation. There could be something going on with how they're being cared for by the nurse.
History of Abuse or Neglect in the Facility
If there have been past complaints made about the care your loved one is receiving, hiring a counselor-at-law who specializes in personal injury law may be the best thing to help get justice for your family member. The same will apply if someone has died because they didn't receive proper care at this particular facility.
Deteriorated Memory and Cognitive Skills
They might seem confused more often than usual; they might forget things like the day, getting dressed or cooking meals, and other daily tasks. Several factors can cause this type of behavior.
If you're worried that your loved one might already be experiencing some of these signs, hire a nursing home abuse lawyer who specializes in this area of the law and get the legal help you need today.
Most of the time, if your loved one has been the victim of violence in the hospice, they may start exhibiting these types of behavior once you bring them to a new facility for better care.
Institutions like this often try to cover up reports of neglect because they want to avoid lawsuits; this means that family members need the help of professional legal counsel to ensure all claims register on time. You must address whatever problems are going on right away and ensure their safety before it's too late.
What Are The Elements Of A Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit?
There are four (4) elements that you must prove to prevail on this legal action:
The defendant(s) was a person responsible for the care and supervision of the victim.
The defendant broke the law by failing to provide reasonable care, which resulted in harm or injury to the plaintiff.
Such breach of duty approximately caused the plaintiff's injuries.
Victim sustained damages as a result of such injuries.
In other words, you will have to prove all four elements for your case to be successful. To be successful in a nursing home abuse lawsuit, you, together with your injury lawyer, must confirm each element by a prevalence of the evidence, which must be greater than 50% guilt based on credible evidence.
Also, the laws that regulate the eldercare facility expect to protect residents from neglect and any other type of harm they may face in facilities. Still, neglect lawyers are also necessary to hold perpetrators accountable for their misdeeds. A legal representative can review the details of a specific case with their clients, gather evidence, and file lawsuits against negligent said care institutions to seek justice on behalf of victims and their families.
How to prove a Neglect Case?
Every case is unique because it involves the individual circumstances of the victim, their family, and the facility where they were hurt. And there are no set rules for neglect cases; some injury lawyers may require more information than others before accepting clients.
It is crucial to work with legal representatives specializing in neglect occurring in retirement care facilities that are accessible and willing to answer questions about the process. Hence, victims can make informed decisions throughout their case.
How Can I Pay for a Lawyer?
Their services should never cost victims any money because they work to recover compensation on their client's behalf. Many personal injury lawyers take cases on a contingency basis, which means they only get paid for their time if they win a settlement or verdict from the defendant at the end of the case. There are some cases in which victims may cover legal fees with help from third-party funding companies that provide immediate cash without requiring an upfront cost.
Don't wait to start your claim for damages if you believe you may be the victim of neglect in one of these facilities. A lawsuit takes time, be sure to work with a counselor-at-law early on to get compensation as soon as possible.
For more information, visit us today!
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Name: Sidhu Personal Injury Lawyers Edmonton
Address: 10050 – 112 Street NW Suite 904, Edmonton, AB, T5K 2J1
Phone: (780) 666-0134
Website: www.injury-lawyer-edmonton.com
GMB: https://g.page/sidhu-personal-injury-lawyers-ed
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forensicfingerprint · 5 years ago
Crime scene Investigation and its management
are not as easy. Its need a mental and physical stamina along with scientific temperament . To know more about how to investigate a crime scene. Clock the url above...
#crime #fingerprints #forensic #physicalevidance #forensicscience #crimescene #Investigation #management #officer #expert #laboratory #lab #technology #techniques ##latentprints
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josephfrady · 6 years ago
#physicalevidence #1989 #michaelcrichton #burtreynolds #theresarussell #crime #thriller #quote #movie DP #johnaalonzo (à Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPb3vUINbz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hllm7q3f3gh8
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filmexodus-blog · 6 years ago
Lenz on Cinema: Independent Lenz
Lenz on Cinema: Independent Lenz
#BillyBobThornton, #BurtReynolds, #FallingFromGrace, #GunfighterSMoon, #JohnMellancamp, #JohnRitter, #KayLenz, #LanceHenriksen, #LenzOnCinema, #PhysicalEvidence
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demonhousedesign · 7 years ago
How the 7ps fit into an overall strategy #7ps #marketing #octopus #tshapedste #targetmarket #price #promotion #place #product #process #physicalevidence #people pic.twitter.com/bvHZRgBscw
— Steve Simpson (@Tshapedste) April 9, 2018
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idd-interactive-2017 · 8 years ago
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forensicfield · 5 years ago
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Tuesday’s Topic for group discussion in “Group of Forensic Experts” was- 👉Poisoning And It’s Types. 👉– Best answer is given by - Muhmmed Sufaid - “Poisons are substances that can cause temporary or permanent damage if too much is absorbed by the body.
Types of Poisoning-
Alcohol poisoning – Can happen when someone has drunk an excessive amount.
Drug poisoning – Caused by an overdose of prescription or illegal drugs.
Food poisoning – Caused by eating contaminated food
Carbon Monoxide poisoning - Caused by inhalation of this deadly gas.
Swallowed poisons – When someone ingests poisonous substances, such as: chemicals, drugs, plants, fungi or berries.” Know more about Poisioning and Its Categories, watch this video:- https://youtu.be/j5R0ERpsWD8
Read about it:- https://forensicfield.blog/2019/04/28/forensic-toxicology-poisoning/
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Question- What is Forensic Graphology? Answer- Forensic graphology is the study of handwriting. It is also known as graphoanalysis. Graphology is a process that is used by some to attempt to determine personality traits and details about a person based off of their handwriting. Forensic investigators use handwriting pattern/technology to determine personality traits of an individual.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Question- What is Crime Scene Sketch?
Answer- A crime scene sketch is a permanent record of the size and distance relationship of the crime scene and the physical evidence within it. The sketch serves to clarify the special information present within the photo-graphs and video documentation, because the other methods do not allow the viewer to easily gauge distances and dimensions. A sketch is the most simplistic manner in which to present crime scene layout and measurements. Photographer /camera positions may be noted within a sketch also.
Question- Why is a sketch important to crime scene documentation?
Answer- ■ It accurately portrays the physical facts.
■ It relates to the sequence of events at the scene.
■ It establishes the precise location and relationship of objects and evidence at the scene.
■ It helps to create a mental picture of the scene for those not present.
■ It is a permanent record of the scene.
■ It usually is admissible in court.
■ It assists in interviewing and interrogating.
■ It assists in preparing the written investigative report.
■ It assists in presenting the case in court. Well-prepared sketches and drawings help judges, juries, witnesses, and others to visualize the crime scene.
Question-When should sketches be made?
Answer- Sketch all serious crimes and accident scenes after photographs have been taken and before anything is moved.
Sketch the entire scene, the objects, and the evidence.
Question- How many types of sketches are made of crime scene?
Answer- Two types of sketches are made with regards to crime scene documentation: 1.) Rough sketches, and 2.) Final/finished sketches.
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forensicfield · 4 years ago
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Analysis of Fiber Colors and Dyes
➿ The vast majority of fibers used in commercial applications are colored.
➿ Fiber color is one of the most important properties in the comparison of fibers.
〽️ There are a variety of methods for characterizing the color of the dyes in the fibers. They fall into three major categories:
1.) Visual:The visual method is the simple observation and comparison of the fiber colors by use of the unaided eye. Visual comparison is easy, fast, accurate and non- destructive. It is a crucial first step in any fiber comparison, as many otherwise similar fibers can be excluded from consideration by color.
2.) Chemical:Chemical methods, which include thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography, address the make-up of the dyes used to color the fiber. (This latter statement is an important distinction: analyzing the color of a fiber is not the same as analyzing the dyes used to color that fiber.)
3.)Instrumental- Instrumental analyses include microspectrophotometry in the UV and/or visible ranges and, more rarely, spectrophotometric measurement of fluorescence.
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forensicfield · 5 years ago
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Fracture: A fracture is a break in a bone. Fractures can range from a hairline crack in the bone to the bone being broken into two or more pieces that no longer line up correctly. A fracture may occur at the same time as other injuries, such as sprains, strains, or dislocations. Recovery time for a fracture can vary from weeks to months depending on a person’s age and health; the type, location and severity of the fracture.
Types of Fractures; Fractures have a variety of names. Below is a listing of the common types that may occur:
Greenstick - Incomplete fracture. The broken bone is not completely separated.
Transverse - The break is in a straight line across the bone.
Spiral - The break spirals around the bone; common in a twisting injury.
Oblique - Diagonal break across the bone.
Compression - The bone is crushed, causing the broken bone to be wider or flatter in appearance.
Comminuted - The break is in three or more pieces and fragments are present at the fracture site.
Segmental - The same bone is fractured in two places, so there is a “floating” segment of bone.
What Causes a Fracture? Fractures occur when there is more force applied to the bone than the bone can absorb. Bones are weakest when they are twisted. Breaks in bones can occur from falls, trauma, or as a result of a direct blow or kick to the body
Smoking and Bone Fracture: Tobacco and nicotine increase the risk of bone fractures and interfere with the healing process, according to a growing body of research. Nicotine can slow fracture healing, estrogen effectiveness, and can counter the antioxidant properties of vitamins C and E. ____________
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