theultimateeye-blog · 12 years
Nothing had changed.
Everything had changed but really nothing had changed at all. This place that was long gone was right there, in the same way that everything else Ryan saw was far gone but also right there.
An apartment. For a short time, they had an actual domestic life and an apartment. They had signed the lease together and everything. Ryan still knew the suite number; still knew where they hid their spare key; still knew the layout of the place, the way Johnel never dusted properly.
When Ryan turned the key and let himself out of the heat, the air conditioning washed over him and his memory became a reality. Everything was cool, modern, and clean (except for the dust spots). He smelled a pie of some kind; there was music.
Johnel had not even noticed him. 
The ghost was right around the corner, only he still had flesh and blood.
Ryan did not think as he crossed the room to the coffee table and sat at the couch that Johnel had picked out and that Ryan remembered hating so much. Now, he liked it. He liked it because Johnel had picked it.
There were photographs on the end table. In one, Johnel stood beside his brothers and they were all smiling. Ryan had had to tell an awful joke to get them to crack for the camera.
In the other, Ryan and Johnel were perched in a tree, asleep (and Ryan had not kept facial hair then; it was a small, alarming difference). They had been picnicking with Iz and she'd thought it was just the cutest. Iz had always been so supportive.
Iz who never knew.
Iz who learned at the last moment, when the men came with guns and she screamed; Iz who was so human, who was a bag of flesh and blood and love, but who told them to run, even when they said they would kill her and she screamed anyway.
Iz all covered in red. Iz, long, long dead but alive now. Alive with Johnel.
Johnel who always knew; who would learn very soon that the future had other plans.
Ryan set his Glock down on the table, as well as his knife. The music stopped and he pulled down his hood, and at the last second he realized that Johnel would remember this - he would remember whatever was about to happen, and he would hide it from Ryan when Ryan returned from his mission.
Even after everything, Ryan still burdened Johnel with more than he ever deserved, but Johnel's footfalls were rounding the corner; he was coming. There was no leaving now.
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weatherwitchwhispers · 13 years
Mentor. Even though you're my brother's favorite.
Ha! Thank you, Johnel. Your Brother...which one? Connor? Dexter?
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drkavitarao · 13 years
-sighs- You're asking a hell of a lot, you know. You're telling me to place the sanity of a possibly unhinged patient who may die into your hands.
We'll work around you, keeping her stable and receptive for the moment, but if she starts crashing, we're going to have to damn the consequences and wake her.
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typhloticteke-blog · 13 years
Sever ALL the bloodties.
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She'd been staying away from the Med Bay for a reason. Erik was lurking down there, by Raven, and that was a situation just asking for trouble.
Still, Raven... or Mystique... was her mother. And Rogue was bound and determined to find some sort of resolution this time, especially since Ororo and Erik both claimed that the woman had claimed.
She was near the Med Bay entrance when she nearly ran into a young man with light colored hair. Quickly she steadied herself and apologized.
"Ah'm sorry, Ah was distracted," she said. 
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phrenicnomad-blog · 13 years
Descent into Madness.
Dexter would kill him for sure.
This was crazy, reckless, and also the best hope they had. Johnel had managed to work his way blindly into the frightening territory of Raven's mind once out of instinct, surely he could do the same once more. So he'd reached out to Erik, tried to tentatively form a communication between them before he approached the O.R. where both Raven and Magneto of all people were settled. Chewing his lip, he'd sat in the hallway, hiding out of Nemesis's sight until he could move closer and closer.
You entered her mind?  Speak, child, tell me what you saw.  It may help us aid her.
Does Erik know the extent of the fragmentation within? Does the older mutant realize how terrifying it was just trying to locate Raven's psyche? When Johnel carefully explains all that he saw with that first trip, the young telepath realizes that Erik does know. How though, he wants to question, curiosity flaring hotly in the back of his mind. It isn't given much time to fester and bleed into his 'voice' though.
Johnel insists that he wants to help no matter what. Despite how dangerous it could be or even how angry it may make his siblings. It doesn't matter because in the end he owes a debt to Raven that he's not sure he can ever fully repay. But at least he can begin to try and do something about remedying that. Dexter and Connor can shout at him later, they can try to stop them but this...this needs to happen.
Now he's prepared, he knows a bit more, knows what they'll be up against when he's told that the door is opening. Johnel all but runs over and slips inside before Nemesis can even glance up or notice him sneaking about. Sighing noiselessly, the telepath sets his gaze upon the two legends here in this room; Mystique and Magneto. Raven he's seen before, he's traveled and survived with her but Erik...
The sight of him makes his blood chill instinctively.
Johnel isn't a fighter, he hasn't been trained for that and doesn't know how to quite use his powers offensively. Magneto is in essence terrifying. But he remembers the talks he's had with Raven, remembers hearing the older mutant talk so fondly about how gentle and kind Erik could be. So the young telepath swallows the cottonball feeling trapped in his throat and takes a brave step forward.
<Alright…so…this might be awkward at first since she’s got really good defenses in place. Be ready to get thrown out. A lot.>
Best to warn Erik first so he can steel his mind against the inevitable backlash. Johnel finds a bit more courage, focuses more upon Raven for a moment and feels his chest tighten with heavy guilt and sorrow. It's because of him that the shapeshifter is here like this. But Erik had told him not to blame himself, so he distracts himself by shuffling in after locking the door, looking around for a chair to sit upon. Finding one, it's rolled closer to Raven's bedside and he settles himself down on it quiet.
For a moment he looks over the blue skinned face that appears so peaceful aside from the bandages around the skull and at the strong cheekbones and jaw. Johnel takes a slow breath and glances sidelong at Erik, finding his calm and steadying his mind to prepare for what they're contemplating doing. Offering a weak smile, he swallows slightly, telling himself over and over to be strong or else that thing...Mystique might kill them.
Johnel knows he's strong enough.
So he sets his jaw and prepares.
<…ready to try…?>
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sharphawkeyes-blog · 13 years
Oh wow new followers. Thanks.
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drkavitarao · 13 years
We are all pushed for time and stressed, it is only to be expected. I have been doing this for longer than you have, I can't blame you for your youthful reactions.
And how, Mr. Guildern, are you planning on doing that?
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drkavitarao · 13 years
"Before you do something entirely stupid." I don't know how you generally address your elders and Medical Professionals, but I sincerely hope it is not like that.
Mmm, of course. Because I do not make it a point, as the co-head of the Medical Facilities on this island and the only head of the Genetic material of everyone too, to read their Medical Files. Professor Xavier informed both James and myself on everything the 'issue' with Raven when she came here. High-risk patient, you see.
Mm, the second point I'll concede on, Madison locked them while James and I were bustling over Raven.
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drkavitarao · 13 years
Look, I don't care much for your attitude, so tone it down a moment and don't patronise me.
Secondly, the facts.
Thirdly, not even Logan could move too much after a coma of this length, and his healing factor wouldn't even allow it. The lack of any Lactic Acid in her muscles due to her lack of exerting her respiratory system has rendered her muscles too weak to even support her. It's been nearly a month, that's what happens in comas, no matter the person or Healing Factor.
Finally, it isn't like the door is locked.
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drkavitarao · 13 years
Dr. Rao, thank you. And you're a Telepath, well, at least Madison makes sense now.
It was sarcasm, I assure you. We do not have long so I suggest you start talking.
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typhloticteke-blog · 13 years
...I can feel...something...
Con, Jo...are you two alright?
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