#photographers in londo
afterglowsainz · 3 months
the secret of us | oscar piastri
summary: after you break up with your boyfriend you start getting closer with a certain mclaren driver, but you’re afraid of what people might say about your new relationship
fc: dina denoire
warnings: ex!age gap, some ugly comments
request: here
a/n: this request is so perfect because gracie has been my hiperfixation since she released her album so i’m dying to write about her songs! also, i chose carlos for the ex since you said you didn’t mind, anything else i hope you like it <3
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux and others
yourusername vroom vroom 🏎
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username the queen is back at the paddock
username i hope you know i’m in love with you
username so beautifuuuul 💗
carlossainz55 hermosa🥰 (beautiful) (liked by yourusername)
username the best wag fr
username face tutorial!
username gorgeous girl 🥵
username stunning 😩
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and others
carlossainz55 not a bad start to the season 🏆
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username last picture goes craaazy
username well deserved podium👏🏽
username carlos in his villain era 😈
yourusername who’s that smooth operator 👀
carlossainz55 🤭
username go king !!!
username calos we can be world champions‼️
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liked by oscarpiastri, olliebearman and others
yourusername tourist mode: on 🇮🇹🍝
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username ugh her !!!
username so gorgeous
bffusername prettiest girl in italy (liked by yourusername)
username did she and carlos broke up?
username ???? why?
username idk she hasn’t been to any gp’s lately and they don’t like or comment on each other posts like they used to
username they also haven’t been seen with each other since the beginning of the year
username they still follow each other tho so idk
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liked by f1gossip, oscarpiastri and others
f1wags y/n y/l/n recently with her friends clubbing in milan
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username she looks so fun 🤩
username does this mean she isn’t going to this weekend’s race either? :(
f1wags doesn’t seem like it since she’s still in italy
username breakup rumors getting louder by the second
username oscar randomly liking this post then unliking? 😭
username he got caught lurking 👀
username if yn and carlos really broke up i’m gonna stop believing in love
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liked by francisca.cgomes, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername babylon lovers hangin' lifetimes on a vine
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username oh no
username 💔💔💔
username wtf does that even mean 😭
username well, taylor wrote it so, you’re probably gonna have to google the meaning
francisca.cgomes face card 🤑
yourusername yours!!!
username omg this song with that specific lyric 😩
username they broke up broke up :(
username hot take but this is probably for the better?? their age gap was weird anyway
username get out of here
username no because who looks like that after a break up 😭
username right??? like she seriously has to be the prettiest woman ever
username guys they unfollowed each other i’m not okay !!!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and others
yourusername i missed this place 🏁 thank you so much mclaren for having me🧡
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username OMG???
username last thing i ever expected was seeing yn as a mclaren girlie ???
username no cause she has always been the ferrari it girl this gave me whiplash
username never beating the prettiest girl allegations
mclaren it was so nice to have you yn🧡 (liked by yourusername)
francisca.cgomes next time you’re coming to alpine with me!
lilymhe no no no, williams next💙
yourusername i’ll go to every garage at this point 🤣
username the way carlos was at the podium and she didn’t even glance at him once 😭
username and then she was photographed talking to charles and alex 😭😭
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and others
yourusername i enjoy walking camden market in the afternoon☕️
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username yn in her london boy era ???
username and who is the london boy? 🤨
username i just know the breakup did her good she’s glowinggg
username yn in london is all the content i need
bffusername find me a british husband while you’re there
yourusername already networking!
username so pretty💞
username and they call her the it girl
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and others
oscarpiastri london for the weekend🍵
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username he’s sooo boyfriend coded
username last pic made me feel woman things
username omg not him lowkey matching with yn🤭
username first two pics AND both in london⁉️
username coincidence??? or could they be…
username weird way to ask me to marry you but okay
landonorris london boy😎
oscarpiastri not you too🙄
username “you too” ???
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername we’re happy free confused and lonely in the best way ❤️
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username when you’re in a swiftie competition and your opponent is yn
alexandrasaintmleux happy birthday my yn💞
lilymhe happy happy birthday love💘
bffusername 22 years being the prettiest, coolest and kindest soul in the planet🤍
username i can’t believe she’s 22 😭
francisca.cgomes i don’t know about you🫵🏽 but tonight we’re going drinking
charles_leclerc happy birthday, yn!
flavy.barla happy birthday prettyyy💗
landonorris happy bday🥳
oscarpiastri happy birthday🤍
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liked by f1wags and others
f1gossip ex-wag y/n y/l/n celebrating her birthday party with her friends and allegedly oscar piastri
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username allegedly??? babe that’s clearly him
username last thing i expected was to see lando and oscar celebrating yn’s birthday
username 2ND PIC??? 🤭🤭
username they’re so hot
username oscar and yn together was not on my 2024 bingo card
username homie hopper
username are carlos and oscar even friends? 🤣
username i’m sooo invested in this couple
username oscar being always on her likes makes so much sense now
username my man was WAITING for her and carlos to break up to shoot his shot
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liked by carmenmmundt, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername so happy to be back at the mclaren garage this weekend 🧡 best birthday present
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username and she was on oscar’s side of the garage🥹
username petition for mclaren to invite yn to every grand prix (liked by yourusername)
username it still feels weird to see her at mclaren and not ferrari but i’m so happy she’s still going to the races 💕
username am i the only one who finds it weird that she moved on from carlos to oscar that fast?
username yes
username she wants to be a wag so bad 🤣
username or maybe !!! just maybe !!! she’s just living her life and happened to meet a guy she likes who also happens to be a driver, mhhh 🤔
username the way they’re not even official 😭😭 y’all are making up things where there aren’t
oscarpiastri so my present was not the best? 🤨
yourusername close second!
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liked by f1gossip and others
f1wags oscar piastri and y/n y/l/n at the grand prix’s after party
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username cute!
username awww they look good together 🥰
username i don’t understand why people glorify yn so much like she’s clearly a grid bunny it’s gross
username yeah the only reason she’s famous is because she dated a famous guy
username oscar deserves better
username i like them together 💞 they seem happy
username someone needs to save oscar from her 🤮
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liked by yourusername, logansargeant and others
oscarpiastri monaco sight-seeing💐
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username well good morning to you too oscar piastri
username how did he bag a baddie like yn 😭
username by being socially awkward i assume
username forget him i want HER
username he’s really committed to the carlos hate train huh
username adopt me! i can be the fly on the wall!
username yn is stunning 😍
username the only couple ever
yourusername 🥰🥰🥰
oscarpiastri ❤️
2K notes · View notes
Photo Analysis 1/?
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a few things: 1. how have I never seen this photo before? 2. do I need context? not really. 3. do I want said context? very much so. 
I’m going to count this as prologue to the analysis of John and Delenn’s body language with one another, but first I want to establish a bit on the photo at large. there’s so much going on! in this essay I will... 
Okay so let’s start with the bicycle itself. A bicycle is a means of transportation. It’s an impetus for movement. Moving, going, transition- transition is a huge motif throughout the show. Think of the titles of the episodes: Points of Departure (s02e02),Point of No Return (s03e09), Objects in Motion (s05e20), Objects at Rest (s05e21). Now is also a good time to mention that it’s a tandem bicycle, built to be used by multiple people at a time, just like a certain space station that unlike its predecessors, hasn’t been sabotaged or dragged through time.  A bicycle like this would work best when everyone pedals 1. in the same direction and 2. operating at the same speed, AKA being on the same wavelength, as if they were an army of light. Another note on this bike is the horns. One, they’re bike horns, so there’s an increased enthusiastic vibe from it- mature enough to save the galaxy and youthful enough to trust that faith manages. Then, there’s the positioning of the horns. Let’s go down the line, shall we? G’Kar’s horn is upward towards Londo, Londo’s faces the camera, Garibaldi’s is up and outwards yet angled towards Londo, Lochley’s is parallel to the ground and facing Garibaldi, and Sheridan’s upward-facing horn is rendered inaccessible by Delenn’s proximity to it.  So: G’Kar and Garibaldi give Londo their attention because he easily draws it, and can be very annoying- thus his own horn faces the camera. Lochley’s horn is backwards, facing Garibaldi, because her attention is in facing her past, which parallels the alcoholism Garibaldi relapses with in the fifth season. Sheridan’s horn faces upwards (*wink wink*; *nudge nudge*). Finally, in regards to the bicycle, it’s a great color for a children’s hospital. It’s a color of confidence and vitality, a color of blood and impulse- but most of all, it’s a color of love. Love, of course, being essential to endurance. And to quote one Susan Ivanova, “Babylon 5 endures.”
He’s the only one with both of his feet on the ground, a direct opposite to Delenn, a notion compounded by the fact that they’re the only two not smiling with their teeth in the photo, and the furthest from one another. This could be interpreted as G’Kar is enamored with the idea of the death of the enemy race in the same manner Delenn was when she was the newest member of the Grey Council- something she tries to put behind her as much as possible. It could also be a tie to being the most grounded and “down-to-earth” of the characters. He’s also not focused on the photographer as he’s staring at Delenn. There are multiple ways in which this could be interpreted, especially as everyone else’s attention is directed at the camera, but it keeps Delenn as the focal point of the picture.
Alright, here’s everyone’s favorite character endowed with a shrapnel of a moral compass outside of his attaché: Londo Mollari. He’s in the moment, enjoying himself, but is it because he has attention or because it’s a good photo-op for the Prime Minister of the Centauri Republic? There’s not much of a variation between his behavior and the average of the others, so I have less conclusions to draw, but given G’Kar’s expression, he’s genuinely having a good time. 
Now, Garibaldi isn’t actually seated on the bike, unlike everyone else. He’s up higher, like one might do to survey their surroundings. He’s setting distance between himself and Londo, thereby lessening the regulated distance he has with Lochley. This mirrors the way that Garibaldi comes around to apologize to Lochley at the end of the fifth season, and how the distance between Garibaldi and Londo is increased as Garibaldi returns to Mars with Lise as his permanent companion, a contrast to Londo’s permanent companion, the Drakh Keeper. Lise keeps Garibaldi away from alcohol, Londo is dependent on it for his freedom.
Lochley doesn’t have her feet on the pedals, she’s taking up less space. She’s not contributing to the maneuvering of the bike so much as she is its stability. She’s squatting, something one might do to gain easier access to a smaller space, or how one might attempt to approach someone / something that would otherwise find it intimidating. She’s the only one without her hands on the bars, too, it’s very “Look, no hands!”- the absence of the necessity for control is exactly why she has such control. Her hands are just in her lap, as if she just wants to start a dialogue- the approach she uses both with Bester and Garibaldi. She sit further back in her seat, towards Garibaldi and away from Sheridan. 
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: he’s in-between his ex-wife and his wife. He’s in-between his past and his future. His link is just barely visible, the last of his attachment to the station (as the station a military base, and as John a soldier) as it fades into the history books. He’s got neither of his feet on the peddles because he wants to live in the moment. His Wife Guy™ Face is diluted not because of the presence of his ex-wife, but because of Delenn’s possessiveness- the last time someone took away an important man in her life, she instigated a war. 
She’s everything, including the focal point of this photo- ironic, since a basic of photography is the Rule of Three. 
Alright now that I’ve gotten Some Thoughts™ out of my system: LET’S TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRICIATE HOW MUCH SHE’S LEANED INTO JOHN’S CHEST, OKAY? GIRLBOSS x MALEWIFE and I’m here for it. (That’s Delenn’s Atonement™ face, and we all know it.) She’s got her hand on John’s horn and she knows it.  Her legs are sticking out, a contrast to Lochley’s crouching.
Many, if not most bicycles, have triangular frames, since triangles are the strongest shape. Delenn is the frame of the Interstellar Alliance. She created it, she served as both vice president and president. She supports John, and therefore everyone around them, much like the bicycle is the support and the unifying force of everyone on it. (That’s not even touching her roles as Satai or Ambassador or Entil’Zha / Anla’Shok Na.) There’s still the part where a bicycle is a means of transportation, and therefore transition. She’s even wearing the dress she wears on the White Star- you know, where they’re going from point A to point B... in literal moments of transition? Delenn may be the biggest motif for transition in any form of media, especially a “cisgender” character (as the voice-altering technology wouldn’t allow for proper masculine characterization). 
Final Notes:
The dynamics are reflected so well in this photo, it’s amazing
There’s so much hot potato with the two collective brain cells in this photo
Sheridan and Delenn are literally holding hands in this photo and that's nothing additional for me to comment on as part of the analysis itself when everything is so obviously presented, but I love them very much and I needed to bring it up
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multicarinata · 1 year
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The small relief texture used in Smough and Ornstein's chamber in Anor Londo, m15_queen_relief_02, is derived from Geoff Holman's "Seamless Textures 7 - Great Textures of Europe" CD-ROM, from photographs taken in Italy. These are the highest quality versions available (files surf057L.jpg and surf058L.jpg).
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nikkirowston · 6 years
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Streatham, 35mm experiment (January 2019)
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scavengedluxury · 7 years
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Westbourne Park garage. London, August 2017.
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thanatosangels · 4 years
the Life of Lucie
Lucie Herondale au request by @daisyherxndale - thank you so much!! this was so fun to write!! <3
tagging: @churchthecatismyspiritanimal @fairchild-squad @truth-lies-hidden @princesslucretia @abigneignenn <333
Lucie was never quite sure why she didn’t age and die.
James did. She supposed he was always more like Papa though, in looks and personality. 
She’d never forget him dying. She’d already lost Cordelia the year before, and the emptiness in her soul was still a ragged, open wound. And then James had taken ill. He lay in the infirmary of the Institute, and Uncle Jem did everything he could to save him but they could only numb the pain. She had sat with her still youthful hand holding his wrinkled one, their mother holding his other on the opposite side of the bed. He had been so frail then, but still blazing with his playful exuberance until the very end. He died, surrounded by love. As Will had done.
And Jesse… Jesse’s death was still too much for her too think about
She’d watched the love of her life, the one she’d brought back to this life, grow old and fragile until he died peacefully in her arms. She’d watched as time took over his features in a way that it never did to hers, as he’d retired from battle due to the aching of bones that she never experienced, as he started to forget where he’d left his glasses, or that their children had left home years before, when she remembered everything so clearly. She never loved him any less. One cold, wintery morning, when frost dusted the grass and the robins wittered just outside the window, she awoke nestled into him, just as cold as the air outside, in their bed.
It was like someone cutting canvas with a knife, clean and vicious: there was life before Jesse, and there was life after.
It was all something of a blur, the week following his death. The funeral, the kind but distant words, the looks on their children’s faces. She understood, only then, why her mother had left for Paris after her father’s death. There was something so inherently wrong about being somewhere your love had once been, once sat, once ate, once laughed. She couldn’t even look at the face of her grandson, the one who had his eyes and his hair. She just had to leave.
So she did. She went, and she found her mother, and they lived together in New York.
She’d never aged a day past twenty, but that didn’t mean she would never die. She half-expected - half-hoped - to go to bed one day and never wake up. But everyday she saw the sun rise and heard the chirping of the pigeons and smelt that early morning New York river-water smell and watched the mundanes hurry down the streets on their way to work. She envied them. They were so secure in their knowledge of the word, wrapped up in their own little lives. She was so lost, an anchor cut free of its ship, sinking rapidly to the bottom of the pitch black ocean.
The rest of the 60’s passed like water through Lucie’s fingers. Tessa helped her through her grief, made sure she ate enough and drank enough and made her laugh even when she felt like her heart was being crushed into oblivion by grief’s unyielding fist. Her mother showed her New York, told her stories of the city she once knew and loved, and of how it had changed. Her mam had seen a great deal since Will’s death, Lucie realised, and a small fire of hope ignited itself in her chest. I will rebuild myself.
One day, a few years after Jesse, they sat in the booth of a small, dingy diner. They made idle conversation, people watching and giggling as they often did, until Tessa sat back against the red leather seat and stared thoughtfully into her coffee. Lucie recognised the twitch at the corner of her mouth, the one that meant she was trying to decide whether to say something or not.
“Mam, what are you thinking?” Lucie narrowed her eyes.
Tessa looked at her, her big blue eyes soft with love, and smiled a sad little smile. “I think you need to write again.”
Lucie was taken aback. Whatever she’d been expecting, it wasn’t that.
She thought of the only time she’d tried to write since Jesse. It was a dark night, not long after she arrived in America, and she was sitting at the small, ink-stained desk in their two bedroom apartment, fingers hovering over the keys of the familiar typewriter she’d brought with her from England. Writing had always been her reprieve, fiction her escape from the crushing reality of the real world, and she wanted nothing more than to escape then. But no words came to her. No stories weaved themselves together in her head. No heroine painting herself to life in metaphors and similes. There was simply…. nothing. 
Lucie tried to think of typing out a story, or writing another book, without having Jesse to read it over and give her critique or chastise her for saying ‘very’ one too many times. She tried to imagine writing for hours on end without having him bring her cups of tea just the way she liked or staying up, reading in the armchair next to her desk until well past midnight, just so they could go to bed together. She remembered the air leaving her lungs as a scream of anger - at the world, at Jesse for leaving her, at herself for still being alive - built within her, her mother running to restrain her as she viciously  punching the keys of the typewriter over and over again, her hands balled into fists and her nails piercing the skin of her palms. She had collapsed against Tessa, the livid energy suddenly leaving her, and they sank to the floor together. She cried into her mothers arms until she had no tears left, until the hazy relief of sleep took her in its grasp and showed her dreams far better than this life.
“No.” Her mouth was in a hard line. “No, I can’t.”
Tessa took Lucie’s hand across the table. Lucie met her eyes. There was such hope, such faith, such belief, in her gaze that Lucie’s mouth quirked up at the corner ever so slightly.
“Yes you can.”
And she did.
Lucie left New York - left her mother - as the new decade rolled in. She didn’t stay in one place: she followed her Daisy’s footsteps and went to all the places she’d once lived: Paris, Bombay, Morocco, Cape Town, Canada. All the while, she wrote. She wrote of the girl with fire for hair and more strength than anyone she’d ever known. She wrote of the boy with the sun in his eyes and the night sky on his head. She wrote of the boy who lived twice but loved once. She wrote of the boy with burnt clothes and lilac eyes. She wrote of the truest love she’d ever known, between a boy with a compass tattoo and a boy with spears in his pockets. She wrote of a blonde boy, the bloodied and battered angel. She wrote every story that lined her heart and her soul, and as the 70’s faded into the 80’s, she was thankful she had. Her mother had told her memories start to fade to black and white, like a forgotten photograph, when you live forever, but her words captured her memories forever in their original, colourful glory. 
She spoke to her mother as often as she could, and she always sent her postcards from her latest destination. Her mother would travel too, and she would keep Lucie up to date on the Downworld wherever she went. Lucie kept away from the Downworld, mostly. She had no interest in fighting any more, and the Clave seemed to have forgotten her existence, but she did carry a small axe in her bag at all times. Old habits die hard. 
At the start of the 90’s, she got word from Tessa about unrest surrounding the Accords.
I feel as though we are about to witness something terrible. She had written. Lucie, please stay as far away from Idris as you can. 
And she did.
It was a long few months before she heard from her mother again. She told her of the war, and the bloodshed, and the death. She told her of Stephen Herondale, their own flesh and blood, killing innocent Downworlders as if there were no demon blood in his lineage. Lucie had cried.
But life goes on, and it did. Lucie went back to London, for the first time. She walked passed the Institute that had once been her home, and the grand houses that had once belonged to her friends and family - now hotels or flats or just gone completely, as if they’d never stood at all. She took a trip to Devon to walk past Cirenworth Hall. She felt closer to Cordelia, in that moment, than she had in years, and the faded parabatai rune on her chest seemed to throb like the beating of a second heart.
In 1999, she went back to New York. She walked passed the Institute there too - although by chance this time - and caught sight of three people walking towards the entrance. There was an elegant woman with black hair down to her waist, just as her Aunt Cecily’s had been; a tall, burly man who’s stature painfully reminded her of Thomas; and a small baby, wriggling in his mother’s arms. He seemed to sense Lucie’s presence and twisted around to look at her. His eyes, his hair, his nose, even his tiny mouth…. he looked exactly like Alexander had, when he was a baby and she was just a girl. She tore her eyes away, the world a smudge of watercolour through her tears, and hurried on down the street.
More time passed. Lucie wrote another book, this one about a girl with long brown hair and sparkling grey eyes who would never die. She would live to see every sunrise, every sunset, every star in the night sky twinkle and die, everyone she ever loved go where she could not join them. But she could also read every book, and see every country, and learn every language she ever wanted to, and see every new wonder of the world. She could keep her loved ones with her and carry them wherever she went, both in her mind and captured in the battered old photographs that were her most prized possession.
2008. Lucie’s phone buzzed on the coffee table next to her. She was in Glasgow. The setting sun was casting long shadows across her little one bedroom flat as she had her head in a book, her newly cropped hair brushing against her chin. She’d spent quite a bit of time here: it felt like London, but not so much that it hurt her, just enough to feel like home. The historical buildings that were scattered around the city centre reminded her of herself, in a way. Their well-kept exteriors remained the same as they had been the hundred or so years ago when they were built, but their interiors were updated and changed over time, revealing new secrets or harbouring new treasures.
She picked up her pink mobile and looked at the text that flashed across the screen. Then, with the swiftness that a Shadowhunter can never quite lose, she jumped over the back of her sofa and darted into her bedroom. Hastily, she shoved some clothes into a backpack, grabbed her wallet and keys and ran out the door. She hurried through the streets, not paying attention to who or what she was bumping into, only focused on getting to the train station. She arrived, panting, paid for a ticket to London, and hopped on a train.
She kept reading the text over and over again. 
When the train finally arrived in London Euston station, Lucie was the first person off the train. She  stood on her tiptoes and looked around the crowded platform wildly, her short hair flying every which way. Finally, she spotted her. Her mother. She was standing near a wall at the edge of the platform, wearing a dark blue cardigan that was almost the colour of Will’s eyes, and scanning the crowd. She began shoving people aside, using knees and elbows as weapons, until she broke free of the tangle and ran towards her mother. 
When Tessa saw her daughter, an immense smile broke across her face, like the sun parting the clouds. Lucie flung herself into Tessa’s open arms, and they stood a second or two, just embracing. 
Lucie stepped back first, her concern painted plainly across her face. “What’s wrong, mam? Why did I need to hurry?”
Tessa was still beaming. “Actually… nothings wrong, bach.” She turned to face the man standing a little way from them, one Lucie hadn’t noticed before. “Somethings actually very right.”
Lucie narrowed her eyes and looked at the man. He was tall and thin, and his hair was straight and dark brown, almost black, with a single streak of silver at the front. Something about his kindly face, his dancing eyes, the small smile on his lips looked so… familiar. He almost looked like….
She took a step forward, her eyes widened in astonishment. “Uncle Jem?” She questioned softly.
Tessa was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, radiating with excitement. Lucie had never seen her mother like this, so full of life, not in the 71 years since Will’s death. She was gazing at Jem with complete adoration, and he was smiling at her with such gentleness that Lucie’s heart ached, with happiness for her mother but sorrow for herself. She missed love.
Jem looked at her, his brown eyes soft and happy. “Hello, Lucie.” He gave a small wave and put his hand out towards her, clearly inviting a handshake. 
But Lucie Blackthorn didn’t do handshakes. She covered the distance between them in two strides of her short legs and flung her arms around him: her head only reached his chin. He seemed taken aback, but hugged her tightly anyway. 
“Oh, Uncle Jem!” She squeezed him. “It’s been so long!”
He chuckled and stroked her hair. “I know. And yet, we three have barely aged a day.”
She stepped back, and took Tessa’s hand. “I don’t quite understand what’s going on, and I have so many questions. How did this happen? Once a Silent Brother, always a Silent Brother I thought, but is that not the case?” She looked at Jem. “When did you come back? Oh! I do hope you told me immediately, mam. This is a miracle after all, and you know how I hate to miss miracles.” She was talking so rapidly that her words seemed to be falling over one another. Jem was just nodding slightly, looking bemused, and Tessa was trying not to laugh.
“Come on,” Tessa gave Lucie’s hand a quick squeeze and took Jem’s with her other. “Let’s go get a coffee and I’ll explain properly.” 
As the trio began to make their way through the station, Tessa began to speak. “It is yet another story of Lightwoods and Herondales and Fairchilds…”
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todropscience · 5 years
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Greta Thunberg, the 17-year-old environment activist, has inspired thousands of people across the world, now, that effort has been offset, as two species have been named after her, and that list could probably increase.
From the forests of Nairobi, Kenia, and inspired by its labour, this tiny beetle has been named Nelloptodes gretae, and belongs to the Ptiliidae family, a highly diverse group of minute beetles, with over 400 species within, but is was stored unnamed in the Natural History Museum of Londo’s collection after it was collected in mid 60's , until late 2019, when is was formelly described and named by researches at  NHM.
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- The tiny Nelloptodes gretae, measures 0.79 millimetres long, and it has no eyes or wings.
Greta's own passion has inspired other scientists, who named a microsnail as Craspedotropis gretathunbergae, honouring her. This tiny snail inhabit Borneo tropical rainforests, and is very sensitive to the droughts and temperature extremes that are likely to be more frequent as climate change continues, comment dutchs researchers at Taxon Expeditions, who made the discovery 
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- Craspedotropis gretathunbergae has a pale, spire high conical shell, and as orther microsnails, measures about two millimeters. Photograph by Pierre Escoubas. See video of a living individual here
- reference (Open Access):  
  Menno Schilthuizen et al. 2020. Craspedotropis gretathunbergae, a new species of Cyclophoridae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda), discovered and described on a field course to Kuala Belalong rainforest, Brunei.  Biodiversity Data Journal
-Michael, 2019. Studies of Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) in the spirit collection of the Natural History Museum, London, 6: New species and records collected by W.C. Block in Kenya and Uganda, 1964–1965. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
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icyoh · 7 years
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mrslittletall · 6 years
@barasbu did put NKstein on some OTP randomizer this morning and out came NKstein in a photographer/actor AU. That didn’t leave me, cause I think I could actually make it work in my Souls canon: So, in this AU, Ornstein never was a knight, but instead picked up being an travelling artist. Most of his money he makes by comissionend portraits of the nobles, but he isn't really into it anymore, this is just boring, he is missing the spark of creating new and exciting paintings. Meanwhile, after NK got banned from Anor Londo, he joined a travelling theatre group and performs plays with them (under a fake name of course). One time, they set up a play in the town Ornstein is in at the moment and he decides to give it a watch, maybe it can inspire him to some new paintings. And that is where he sees NK and is immediately fascinated with him as a motive.
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Going for green: how to shop more ethically on Black Friday – in pictures
New Post has been published on https://fashiondesigne.com/2021/01/09/fashion-19/
Going for green: how to shop more ethically on Black Friday – in pictures
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The particular sustainable footwear brand precious of Silicon Valley is certainly calling for shoppers in order to ‘break tradition, not the particular planet’. Instead of reducing the prices, Allbirds is increasing them by £1, coordinating that increase and offering the proceeds to Fridays for Future, the worldwide, youth-led climate movement started by the activist Greta Thunberg. Mizzles high-top trainers, £131, allbirds. co. uk
Photo: allbirds. co. uk
This small, self-employed Britain-based label is offering twenty percent off and donating £10 with every order in order to No longer Plastic , an effort created to generate public understanding about plastic pollution. The particular Alba cardigan, £95, cinta-the-label. possuindo
Photograph: cinta-the-label. possuindo
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Lora Gene
This lasting, B Corporation-certified womenswear brand name, which ensures fair functioning conditions and pay, is certainly giving shoppers up to twenty percent off. Every discount is going to be matched by the company in order to top up its dress workers’ wages. Olivia colour-block blue dress, £89, loragene. possuindo
Photograph: loragene. possuindo
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Birdsong’s garments are usually handmade to order simply by migrant women based in Tower system Hamlets, London, to who it pays the London residing wage. For Black Fri, customers can choose whether to consider a 10% or 15% discount, or add a suggestion to their order to support Birdsong’s work. All items are manufactured from reclaimed and recycled materials and packed and published by a charity working with grown ups with learning disabilities. Cardigan, £175, Birdsong. london
Picture: birdsong. london
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This London-based jewellery studio room, run by Malaika Carr, a practising architect, is certainly donating 20% from every sale to Refuge, which usually supports people experiencing household violence. Chalk is also providing up to 20% off choose pieces. Themba earrings, £110, thechalkhouse. com
Photograph: thechalkhouse. com
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Between Dark Friday and Cyber Mon, Baukjen (and its sibling brand, Isabella Oliver) is usually donating all profits in order to four charities. The company is usually carbon net-neutral, plastic-free with least 90% of the materials it uses are responsibly found. The four charities are usually Centrepoint, the Trussell Believe in, Papyrus and the Prince’s Rely on. Blouse, £69, baukjen. com
Photograph: baukjen. com
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House of Sunny
The hip London content label, which uses recycled or even organic fabrics, biodegradable hand bags and a low-water production technique (called e-flow), will be sowing a tree for every buy and offering up to 30% off some items. Outfit, £98, houseofsunny. co. uk
Photograph: houseofsunny. co. united kingdom
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High Hope
This particular leisurewear company promises in order to plant a tree along with every purchase over the Dark Friday weekend. Plus, it really is offering up to 40% away from. Sweatshirt, £27. 95, highhope. company. uk
Photograph: highhope. co. uk
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Maison Bent
For Dark Friday, instead of offering discount rates, this independent, female-run brand is offering to make any of the pieces using leftover materials, which you can choose from the company’s site or Instagram accounts. Dress, £250, maisonbent. com
Photograph: Rowben Lantion
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This The spanish language footwear brand is sidestepping Black Friday altogether. Rather than offering discounts, it requests that you only buy that which you really need. Velvet slides, £108, alohas. io
Photograph: alohas. io
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London Sock Organization
This brand is using 15% off all products and for every order within November will donate 2 pairs of socks in order to charities including Crisis. Natural cotton socks, £18, londonsockcompany. possuindo
Photograph: londonsockcompany. possuindo
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totalsoccer · 4 years
Lampard embraces the pressure as Chelsea chase fourth
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RESENDING WITH COMPLETE SCRIPT VIDEO SHOWS: NEWS CONFERENCE WITH CHELSEA MANAGER FRANK LAMPARD / B-ROLL OF TRAINING GROUND AND TRAINING / STILL PHOTOGRAPHS OF N'GOLO KANTE SHOWS: COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (FEBRUARY 24, 2020) (REUTERS - ACCESS ALL) 1. CHELSEA MANAGER, FRANK LAMPARD, WALKS ON TO TRAINING PITCH COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (JULY 6, 2020) (CHELSEA FC - ACCESS ALL) 2. (SOUNDBITE) (English) CHELSEA MANAGER, FRANK LAMPARD, SAYING: "I'm not sure they were off track. And I'm not sure we're back on track because every game is another obstacle. In the Premier League, they're all difficult. So, we know what we've got in front of us now in a short period of games that are going to get us to, hopefully, were we want to be in the season, or not. So, we just have to take it at face value. Crystal Palace are a very difficult team to play against. They're a very good team, very organized, good individual players who can hurt you as well, defensively. I'm not too concerned with where we're at, I just want us to approach the game in the right way." COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (FEBRUARY 24, 2020) (REUTERS - ACCESS ALL) 3. VARIOUS OF LAMPARD AND COACHING STAFF AT CHELSEA TRAINING SESSION COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (JULY 6, 2020) (CHELSEA FC - ACCESS ALL) 4. (SOUNDBITE) (English) CHELSEA MANAGER, FRANK LAMPARD, ON MANCHESTER UNITED, SAYING: "Yeah, they're closest and they're a very strong team and have been in great form for a very long period of time. They've got really good players, really good individual players. And you've seen the momentum they've gained at this part of the season. Of course, their front three are all scoring lots of goals. So yeah, they're the biggest threat from behind, I guess. But as I've said before, this is the Premier League and it looks that way today, that's how I've asked this team to finish the season, game by game." COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (FEBRUARY 24, 2020) (REUTERS - ACCESS ALL) 5. CHELSEA SQUAD JOGGING ON PITCH DURING TRAINING SESSION 6. VARIOUS OF TRAINING SESSION COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (JULY 6, 2020) (CHELSEA FC - ACCESS ALL) 6. (SOUNDBITE) (English) CHELSEA MANAGER, FRANK LAMPARD, SAYING: "I think the reality is that, I'd like to think they're not ignoring much of what's happening around them. Football's never been more on TV or viewed than it is at this moment in time. I expect them to buy into that and want to see what results are happening around us. I think that's pretty much human nature and on a sporting level that means that you care, and you want to see what's happening. And then there has to be a slight switch off and a flip to the fact that you focus on yourself. We can't control the other games. We're interested in them, but we can certainly control what we do. So, it can fire you up a little bit, seeing what's happening around you. But the position that we're in means a lot is in our own hands and that's the main thing. When we try and when we compare, and when we play, that we focus absolutely on how we put out our best performance." LONDON, ENGLAND, UK (JULY 4, 2020) (REUTERS VIA ACTION IMAGES - ACCESS ALL) (MUTE) 7. TWO STILL PHOTOGRAPHS OF N'GOLO KANTE DURING MATCH AGAINST WATFORD COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (JULY 6, 2020) (CHELSEA FC - ACCESS ALL) 8. (SOUNDBITE) (English) CHELSEA MANAGER, FRANK LAMPARD, ON INJURIES, SAYING: "Kante won't be in the squad. He hurt his hamstring; low level hamstring injury. We're hoping it will be a week or so (before he returns). Kovacic trained with us today, he's not ready for this game, hopefully the next. And Tomori is still not ready. He had a small setback in training, hopefully it will be next week (that he is back)." COBHAM, ENGLAND, UK (MAY 19, 2020) (REUTERS - ACCESS ALL) 9. VARIOUS EXTERIORS OF CHELSEA'S TRAINING GROUND / PLAYERS ARRIVING FOR TRAINING STORY: Chelsea manager Frank Lampard will take nothing for granted when his team play out of form Crystal Palace on Tuesday (July 7) as the race for fourth in the Premier League hots up and sides try and hold their nerve. The London club will be short of midfield options, with N'Golo Kante and Mateo Kovacic both injured, Lampard confirmed on Monday (July 6). Frenchman Kante picked up a hamstring strain in the second half of Chelsea's 3-0 win over Watford at Stamford Bridge on Saturday (July 4) while Croatian Kovacic did not feature last week in the 3-2 defeat at West Ham United after injuring his Achilles. Chelsea are fourth in the standings with 57 points from 33 matches, two points ahead of Manchester United and a point behind Leicester City in the battle for a top-four finish and a place in next season's Champions League. Lampard said United are the biggest threat from behind and that they are taking it game by game as they seek to finish in the top four. (Production: Iain Axon, Kurt Michael Hall)
source https://sports.yahoo.com/lampard-embraces-pressure-chelsea-chase-142038026.html?src=rss
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mtdnaudiolabel · 4 years
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Wow my black and white photography #чбфото #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #likeforlikes #follow4followback #follow #amazing #likeforlike #cool #amazing #beautiful #cocoonababy #girlsphoto #instamoment #instagram #instatag #instadayly #photographer #photoart #tfpspb #tfp #tfpmodel #spbart #vsevolozhsk (at Londo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB7K9hPgxWv/?igshid=z89lohl3cred
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traveller19 · 7 years
My Breyerfest Haul
The moment you’ve all been waiting for!  ;)  I’m so excited to share my newcomers from this year’s Breyerfest with you guys!  I sold several horses at the Swap Meet, so out with the old and in with the new.  I’m trying to focus my collection on what I love the most.
We’ll start with the Breyerfest Special Runs.
Bollywood Surprise #1: Matte Chestnut Roan Overo.  I really like this guy!  He’s my favorite of all the colors.  I also like Latigo - he’s a good little mold.
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Bollywood Surprise #2: Matte Buckskin.  He actually has fairly nice dappling (is Breyer actually starting to listen to us complain about fishnet dappling?), but his mane line is a bit wonky.  Overall, really pretty.
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Kaalee.  We got her after the last special run ticket time, when Breyer put out the leftover SRs.  I like her better in real life than in the pictures, and I’m glad to have her!
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Indu.  YUMMY.  I actually got two of these, hoping that one would be glossy, but unfortunately they were both matte.  They’re gorgeous though - a little fishnetty, but still pretty.  I will probably eventually sell one, but I might show them both for a bit and see who does better.
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Darjeeling.  Still not a fan of the white on the end of the tail, but overall a really gorgeous horse.  And finally a glossy!  Plus, I’ve never had a Semi-Rearing Mustang before, and I do like the mold.
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That’s it for Breyerfest Special Runs!  Now on to the other horses I obtained at the Park:
Nazruddin, this year’s Breyerfest Celebration Horse.  He was included with my three-day ticket.  I wish he was dappled, but he has really nice shading.  I love a good chestnut.  And look at those Marwari ears!  Merwer  <3
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This year is the 100th anniversary of Man ‘o War’s birth, and the Kentucky Horse Park commissioned Breyer to make a special release of him, appropriately on the Classics Man ‘o War mold.  He is available only through the Kentucky Horse Park.  This photo didn’t really capture his shading well - he’s lovely.
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Plushies from the Breyerfest Baazar/pop-up tent: Jaipur the elephant and Lotus the horse.  Cuties.  Lotus is channeling Londo Mollari a bit with the mane, lol.
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SUPER excited about this one.  This is my volunteer model.  Several months ago, I applied for the first time to be a Breyerfest volunteer, and I was fortunate enough to be selected.  I worked at the Help Center (so some of you fellow BF-goers might have seen me - I might have given you your single-day Stablemates!) for a total of 8 hours over the weekend.  I’ve never had a volunteer model before, not even secondhand, so when I heard it was a Weather Girl, one of my favorite molds, I freaked out!  She does have her issues: I think the bloody shoulder marking should be...on the shoulder, rather than the face, and the way her dapples contour her muscles is a little weird.  But overall, she is AMAZING and I love her!  (I photographed her laying on the floor because she wouldn’t stand on the box.  Lol.)
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And now for my CHIN (Clarion) purchases:
Breyer kitty cats!  I’ve never had any of these before, so I got one on each mold.  The tabby has weird eyes, but the calico is just adorable.
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Shannondell, one of the Premier Club horses from this year.  He is the budded mane version.  I love EVERYTHING about this horse - the sabino markings (hard to see in this photo), the way ALL his chrome is mapped, his little nosey!!!!!, the coloring on the buds, the golden bay coloring, the shading, the tri-eyes, and the MOLD (what a gorgeous drafter!).  He’s going to need a show name!
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A little custom Classics foal from the Swap Meet.  Cute blue roan!  Eyes a bit wonky, but for $25, a great find!  She has two breed and one workmanship NAN cards as well, so we are sticking with her name - Blue Iris.
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Okay, time to share my absolute favorite thing I got at Breyerfest.  I am SO excited to own this horse.  I saw him at one of the first rooms I went to in the CHIN on Saturday night (after I had come into some cash from the Swap Meet on Friday), and decided to leave and see if anything else caught my eye.  However, as I went through all of the 500s and 600s, I found myself looking at other, lower-ticket stuff and thinking “I shouldn’t get this because I need to use my money on THAT horse”.  So, I finally just went back and got THAT horse.  What I didn’t realize before I went back was the true reason I was so drawn to him.  He was mislabeled as a “Sue Brown”, which was a name I hadn’t heard before.  However, as I was talking to the seller, she said she had forgotten the name of the customizer when she was labeling and then later remembered that it was actually “Deb Brown”.  OH.  THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH.  I have found myself in love at first sight with Deb Brown’s work before - which was how I ended up with TFL Stolen Relic, my beautiful dappled bay Weather Girl custom by Deb.  She is incredibly talented.  And her Appaloosas?  To die for.  This horse is holy crap phenomenal, you guys.  And I am so thrilled to have him in my collection.  He’s going to need a name, too!  ;)
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And some zoomed-in photos of details, because they are incredible.
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Leetle footsie with mapped spots and a coronet band and hoof stripes and shoe nails (hard to see - over the dark band facing out).
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Looking at that eye, he might be a real horse!  ;)
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Okay, freak out over.  Here’s a group photo of everybody passed out on my bed.  ;)
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Thank you everybody for following my Breyerfest adventures!  If you went to Breyerfest, I hope you had an amazing time.  If you are a new collector or just thinking about becoming one, I hope I’ve inspired you!  I had an amazing Breyerfest and am thrilled with my newcomers!
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pacelawfirmcanada · 5 years
Wrong use of social media for disability insurance benefits
Today social media usage has become very popular. People are crazy about using Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp. It’s been used for almost everything and by everyone for various purposes. Now days   it’s also been used by people for their claiming rights. They post wrong photographs on social media and Disability insurers rely on claimants' postings on social media for challenging disability claims.  
Anyone who is claiming to be disabled should be careful about what they post. Photographs taken before disability occurred should be date stamped so that the posts might not create a misleading impression of the incident than what actually occurred. So it should be carefully monitored. Claimants should avoid being photographed while drinking or standing on a dance floor which is highly suggested by insurance claim lawyers.
It is considered very important to be always honest and truthful in using social media while asking for disability benefits. In case you try to hide something or show something different from the actual incident on the social media, this can result in no compensation for your claim. Keeping these things in mind, disability claimants should make use of social media, but with care and safety.
As many insurance claim lawyers London advise, avoid posting your new pictures on social media until you have received your approval letter from Social Security Disability. Again, this is about managing the perceptions about your illness or injury with its reality. For example agents from the Social Security Administration don’t want to see pictures of an active lifestyle if you’re battling an illness that’s robbed you of your ability to walk without help.
Social media is a tricky and evolving platform for communication. It’s in everything we do, and there’s no escaping it in the modern world. However, with effective management, you can avoid the misunderstanding that could lead to the rejection of your Social Security benefits.
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jenniferstolzer · 7 years
Tiny Londo Does STL Comic Con
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Londo came with me to Comiccon today. Here are some of the things we saw.
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We went to lots of panels and saw many stars, including Caleb McLaughlan from Stranger Things. He is a big fan of marvel especially Daredevil and Luke Cage. Other celebs we saw included Jennifer Carptenter, Michael Rooker, James Marsters, Evan Peters, and Gene Simmons. I don’t know why Gene was there either.
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I had friends on panels, too. Here’s @bradrcook (author of the Iron Horsemen series) with Shantelle Madison, Angie Fox, Kristin Bailey, and Jeannie Lin, talking about getting published in the fantasy genre. 
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Londo got to meet some celebrities, too. Here he is with R2D2, painted in a Mustang theme. St. Louis has it’s own droid building club and I spotted 4 different colored R2 units rolling around. 
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There were lots of large plastic figures like Iron Man, Toothless, and The Hulk. Here’s Londo with fellow plastic scifi “personality”, Voltron.
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There were also classic cars! They had a Back to the Future delorian, the Supernatural Impala, and these Munsters cars, which Butch Patrick recreated himself. I didn’t say Hi to Butch, but he was there! The cars were really lovingly made and you can see the plastic Eddie in the back seat up there!
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And I got to meet and get an autograph from Nichelle Nichols! No pictures (those cost extra) but I photographed Londo with my souvenier. She told me my name was pretty. I thanked her for being a pioneer in television, scifi, and life with all her support of women in STEM. She was touched and we shook hands before I had to make room for more people :) What a delightful little old lady our queen of Star Trek is!
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ComicCon was disappointingly tiny this year, but we had a lot of fun. Here is me, Londo, and my sister @number1moose ready to watch the costume contest. It was a fun day :) 
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
Social media celebrities under investigation by business watchdog
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/social-media-celebrities-under-investigation-by-business-watchdog/
Social media celebrities under investigation by business watchdog
Social media
Concerns ‘influencers’ are not declaring when they have been paid to post about products
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Followers could be led to believe an endorsement represents a celebrity’s own view, rather than it being a paid-for promotion, says the CMA. Photograph: Steve Meddle/Rex/Shutterstock
Celebrities who promote products on social media are under investigation by the competition watchdog amid concerns they are not making it clear when they have been paid to do so.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is looking into whether consumers are being “misled” by so-called social media influencers, who can earn tens of thousands of pounds from companies for a single post.
It has written to at least 10 celebrities who it said “can sway the shopping habits of millions” to ask for more information about the deals they have struck to promote certain brands.
The CMA, which has the power to fine or even imprison people who persistently breach consumer law, said it had seen examples of celebrities promoting products or experiences without disclosing that they were advertising in exchange for a fee.
High-profile influencers on social media sites such as Instagram typically use the hashtag #ad to disclose when they have been paid to post about a product. But the CMA is understood to be telling celebrities that the existence of a commercial relationship must be immediately clear upon viewing the post, meaning the hashtag may not be enough.
A search of Instagram by the Guardian found several influencers, including a contestant from a reality TV show, endorsing items including ice-cream, stationery and clothing, without using the hashtag prominently, if at all. It is unclear whether they were being paid to do so.
George Lusty, the CMA’s senior director for consumer protection, said: “Social media stars can have a big influence on what their followers do and buy. If people see clothes, cosmetics, a car, or holiday being plugged by someone they admire, they might be swayed into buying it.
“So, it’s really important they are clearly told whether a celebrity is promoting a product because they have bought it themselves, or because they have been paid or thanked in some way by the brand.”
The celebrities – the CMA said it could not name them – are expected to be called in for interviews as the investigation continues. The watchdog is also asking the public to share their experiences and said it was particularly interested in hearing from anyone who had bought products endorsed on social media.
Typically, celebrities and influencers have millions of followers who watch their channels to see where they go on holiday, what they wear, which products they use, the books they read and more.
Some of the best-known influencers do flag up their commercial interest when promoting products.
One Instagram photo by David Beckham for watch company Tudor, which has been liked more than 1.7m times, admits to the existence of a paid partnership, while a picture posted by Cara Delevingne on her Instagram account, which is closing in on 1m likes, uses the hashtag #Ad.
Alfie Deyes, half of a UK social media power couple with fashion and beauty vlogger Zoella, posted a picture of himself on Instagram juggling small pots of Nutella, including the #Ad hashtag. It attracted 169,000 likes.
Paul Crockford, an agent for musicians and athletes, said the most well-known stars could earn huge sums for a post. “It you’re an elite football player, Premier League and international for instance, you can get £100,000 for a single post.”
Such online endorsements can help brands reach target audiences and boost sales, particularly among young people who engage less with traditional forms of marketing such as TV advertising.
In one example from this year, the London-based fashion label Kitri sold out of its £145 Gabriella dress in under an hour, shifting 200 units after a fashion blogger posted a picture of it to her 344,000 Instagram followers.
But influencers must make clear in such posts that they have been paid or rewarded to promote, review or talk about a product under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
This year, the Advertising Standards Authority also launched an investigation into advertising by influencers after a surge in complaints about the practice. It issued a string of rulings against minor celebrities for failing to disclose they were being paid to promote products, including the former Hollyoaks actor Stephanie Davis, who used her account to promote a vitamin company.
Another case last year involved the online makeup Instagram blogger Sheikhbeauty, who promoted Flat Tummy Tea, described online as a herbal detox tea.
In December last year, the blogger wrote: “@flattummytea 20% off guys!!!! If you’ve been following me you’ll know i used this and I genuinely feel less bloated and a flatter tummy … oh yessss.”
Crockford said there was a “grey area” for stars who had long-term promotional deals and may unwittingly post pictures featuring the brand in question. “If you’re a footballer sponsored by Lucozade and you post a training picture with a bottle somewhere in the background, do you then have to say you’re sponsored?”
“There has to be some common sense.”
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/aug/16/uk-watchdog-investigate-payments-social-media-influencers
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