#phone 6 covers australia
funkymonkeymeg · 2 years
Knights and Princesses - Uncle!Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
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Some Uncle!Daniel for us all, feel like us Daniel girlies need a bit of fluff to cheer us up.
Daniel’s POV:
“Uncle Daniel?”
Daniel smiled to himself, before turning around to be greeted with his beloved niece, Isabella.
“Hey sweetie, what’s up?” Daniel asked before picking her up and holding her close to his chest. Isabella looked down at her fingers fumbling with Daniel’s jumper, a sudden shyness falling over the young girl.
“Is your girlfriend a princess?” she asked so quietly that Daniel barely heard her. Daniel simply smiled at the girl’s comment. Recently Isabella had been obsessed with princesses, spending most of her days sat in front of the TV or her iPad, gazing adoringly at the princesses on the screen, dressed in her favourite princess costume and a hand-crafted tiara on top of her head which Daniel himself had helped her make. It had taken an entire afternoon, after which Daniel was covered head to toe in bright pink glitter but the giant grin on Isabella’s face once it was finished was totally worth it in Daniel’s opinion.
“Well, to me she certainly looks like a princess,” Daniel answered. It was true: you were the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid his eyes on. Every day he questioned how he was so lucky to be with you.
Isabella smiled at this comment before lifting her head to look into Daniel’s eyes.
“Do you think she would play princess with us?” Isabella asked tentatively.
“I’m sure she would love to,” Daniel smiled at the young girl, noticing how her eyes widened with excitement and a large grin appeared on her face.
“YAY!” she yelled before scrambling to get out of Daniel’s arms. As soon as Daniel had gently placed her on the floor she was sprinting away to her room. Daniel smiled as he watched her go, before getting his phone out and opening his text exchange with you.
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Your POV
You smiled at your phone before locking it and placing it back in your pocket. Only a few more hours then you would be back in Daniel’s arms again. He had asked you to spend summer break with him and his family in Australia and you just couldn’t say no. After being together for 6 months you both agreed it was about time you met each other’s families and after hearing so many stories from him about his beloved nephew and niece, you just couldn’t wait to meet them and witness Daniel being an Uncle.The way he spoke about both of them, you knew he loved them with all his heart and as a result you had recently been thinking about what Daniel would be like as a dad. Of course it was too early in your relationship to talk about having kids but you knew one day, you wanted to start a family with him.
You were broken out of your thoughts by the pilot making an announcement.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we will shortly be landing in Perth Airport. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts, we will soon be beginning our descent.”
You looked out the window and grinned. Soon you would be with the man you loved.
Daniel’s POV
“Okay kids, what are we going to do when we get out of the car?” Daniel asked, switching the engine off before turning around to speak to the two young children sitting in the back of the car.
“Hold your hand and not let go,” they both answered in unison.
“Good. And what are we going to say to Y/N once we meet her?” An outsider may have thought Daniel was being unnecessarily pushy and careful, but he wanted this exchange to go perfectly and the last thing he wanted was to lose his sisters’ children in a giant airport.
“Nice to meet you Y/N,” they both answered, again in unison.
“Good. Right, you ready?”
“YEAH!” they both yelled, filled with excitement and fighting to get out of their car seats. Daniel smiled at them before getting out and helping them both out of the car.
Grasping their hands tightly, Daniel led them through the airport, distracting them with jokes so they wouldn’t get overwhelmed by all the security and people bustling about.
“Okay, who can remember what gate Y/N’s plane is landing at?” Daniel asked, gently swinging his arms.
“Gate 8!” Isaac answered confidently, swinging his arm in sync with Daniel’s.
“Good job buddy. Isabella, can you remember what time the plane is landing?” Daniel turned to ask the young girl.
“Um...” Isabella frowned her face in concentration, trying to remember the information her Uncle had told her earlier that day.
“I know I know I know!” Isaac started jumping up and down and tugging on Daniels arm.
“I know Isaac but let’s see if Isabella can remember,” Daniel tried to calm the young boy down, being reminded of his own excited self.
“Oh! It lands at two o’clock!” Isabella said, a proud smile on her face.
“Well done Isabella! Okay, gate 8 is right down here I think.”
Whilst Daniel had spent most of his adult life in various airports across the world, he had never really had to focus on where he was going. Blake or Michael were always with him, he simply followed them everywhere. But here he was standing in the middle of a busy airport, two young excited children gripping his hands.
“No Uncle Daniel! The sign says gate 8 is this way!” Isaac shouted before tugging Daniels’ arm to try and drag him in the opposite direction.
“Aahhh, good reading buddy!” Daniel laughed at the fact a 5 year old kid could read signs better than him before following him in the correct direction. By the time they reached the gate, there were already people starting to exit the plane. Daniel’s eyes darted around, trying to spot you in the midst of all the strangers. Finally he spotted you, the last person leaving the plane. 
“There she is kiddos. Give her a wave,” Daniel pointed in your direction, a big grin on his face. The pair excitedly waved at you, large smiles also on their faces. You smiled and waved back as you walked over to them.
“Hi guys, nice to meet you. I’m Y/N,” you said, kneeling down so you were at their height.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Isaac, it’s nice to meet you” Isaac let go of Daniel’s hand before holding his hand out to you. 
“Lovely to meet you too Isaac,” you smiled as you shook his hand before turning to look at the young girl. Isabella’s grip had tightened around Daniel’s hand and she was attempting to hide behind his legs.
“Hi! You must be Isabella. I’m Y/N, your Uncle’s girlfriend. I’ve heard so much about you,” you gently smiled, trying to put her nerves at ease. Isabella didn’t move from behind Daniel’s legs, looking down at the ground and refusing to look at you. You glanced up at Daniel who looked as confused as you.
“Okay, um...why don’t we go help Y/N get her suitcase?” Daniel asked the children, hoping to coax Isabella out of her shell. Isaac excitedly nodded before holding your hand and leading you through the airport to retrieve your luggage. Once they were far enough way, Daniel knelt down to be at Isabella’s height.
“Isabella honey, are you okay?” Daniel asked, stroking the young girl’s blond curly hair. She simply nodded, still staring at her shoes.
“Are you nervous about Y/N?” Daniel asked, scared that the situation might be too much for her. Isabella shook her head, again refusing to meet Daniel’s eyes.
“What’s wrong baby? You know you can talk to me,” Daniel rubbed her arms gently, hoping it would get her to open up to him. Isabella’s lip started trembling and before Daniel knew it, Isabella was sobbing uncontrollably.
“Hey Isabella, it’s okay,” Daniel hugged her close, letting her cry into his chest whilst stroking her back. They stayed like this for a few minutes until Isabella’s cries grew quiet. Slowly, Daniel leaned back and wiped the girls tears away.
“Sorry Uncle Daniel,” Isabella mumbled.
“Hey sweetie it’s okay, don’t apologise for crying. We all cry sometimes, even me. I just want to know what it is that’s upset you so I can help fix it, that’s all,” Daniel said as he brushed her hair out of her face. Isabella mumbled something so quietly Daniel couldn’t hear.
“A bit louder sweetie,” Daniel gently smiled at her. Isabella took a deep breath before answering.
“She is very pretty. She’s like a princess. Will you stop playing princess with me and start playing princess with her?” Isabella finally looked at Daniel, her eyes starting to fill with tears.
“Oh no baby no. I know she’s very pretty, but you’re the only girl I want to play princess with. You’re my pretty little princess, aren’t you?” Daniel held Isabella’s face in his hands, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. Isabella nodded before smiling.
“Can we play princess when we get home?” Isabella asked, her hands coming up to play with Daniel’s jumper.
“Of course we can baby. Do you want to invite Y/N to play?” Daniel asked. Isabella simply nodded. “Okay, let’s go then.” Daniel grinned before picking up Isabella and carrying her through the airport. As they reached the car, Daniel saw that Isaac and Y/N were already waiting for them and seemed to be in a deep conversation with each other.
“Uncle Daniel! What took you so long?” Isaac frowned, hands on his hips in an effort to look annoyed. Both you and Daniel smiled at the young boy.
“Sorry buddy. Were you looking after Y/N?” Daniel asked, getting the car keys out of his pocket.
“He sure was! And he did an amazing job, didn’t you Isaac?” you rustled the young boys golden hair. Isaac nodded, looking up at you with adoration. It warmed Daniel’s heart to see the two of you getting along so well. 
- Time Jump -
“Welcome to Casa Ricciardo!” Daniel exclaimed, opening the front door to his home. Isaac immediately ran past with Isabella shortly behind him. You entered last, a smile on your face.
“You know Casa is Spanish, right?” you asked, a teasing smile on your face as you dropped your bags and took your jacket off.
“I’m a man of the world, baby.” Daniel grinned before taking your bags and suitcase and taking them upstairs to his bedroom.
“Nice view!” you shouted at him, laughing as Daniel shook his ass at you before walking through the ranch, hoping to find where Isaac and Isabella had run off to. You quickly found them in the living room: Isaac was busy building a Lego car whilst Isabella was dancing around, a glittery cardboard crown on top of her head.
“Y/N! Look what I’m making!” Isaac jumped up and ran over to you before showing you his car.
“Wow that’s amazing Isaac! It looks just like Uncle Daniel’s car,” you smiled at the young boy, admiring how alike he was to Daniel.
“Damn right it does,” Daniel said entering the room.
“Language!” the three of you shouted at him. Daniel simply burst out laughing. You had only been in his home for barely ten minutes, yet it already felt like you were part of his family.
“Okay okay, I’m sorry,” Daniel said, holding his hands up before continuing, “Now what should we do? Movie? Swimming in the pool? Tennis?”
"You promised we would play princess!” Isabella pouted, crossing her arms.
“You’re right I did,” Daniel nodded before turning to you. He bowed down and held his hand out to you. “Miss Y/N, would you care to join me and Princess Isabella?” You smiled at your boyfriend before placing your hand in his and turning to look at Isabella. “I would love to,” you grinned. Isabella shrieked in excitement.
“YAY! I’m gonna go get my princess stuff! Don’t move!” she yelled before sprinting out of the living room. You were about to sit down before you heard a huff from behind you. You and Daniel both turned to see Isaac stood with his arms crossed.
“No fair, I don’t want to play princess,” he pouted. Daniel was about to go console him but an idea popped into your head.
“Well Isaac, every princess needs a big strong brave knight to protect them from dangerous dragons. Do you think you and Uncle Daniel could protect me and Isabella?” you asked him. Isaac’s face quickly lit up.
“Yeah! I’m big and brave! Me and Uncle Daniel will slay all the dragons! I’ll go get our swords” Isaac jumped in excitement before running to his room. Daniel turned to look at you, a grin on his face.
“You’re amazing, you know that right?” he stepped close to you, gripping your waist and pulling you to him.
“Hmm, it’s been mentioned once or twice,” you grinned before placing your lips on his.
“Hey! Knights don’t kiss princesses!”
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fascinationex · 1 year
Take 2! How is Sealstorm handling the heat in Australia when he visits with Percy?
He's a creative problem solver :)
(takes place not long after this short I think)
Perceptor didn't know when the power went out. For one, it happened some time after two in the morning, when he was fast asleep. He had probably slept better after the relentless cold of the hotel room had melted away.
The first he knew about the power outage was at 6 in the morning when he opened his eyes to clean white sheets and a wide expanse of white ceiling.
His first thought was that Brainstorm was... absent. Odd, since he liked to wake Perceptor up with a suffocating reminder that he weighed at least three regular people.
His second thought was that it was strange that he wasn't freezing. Despite his best efforts on this trip, he usually woke with icecubes for toes and fingers gone terribly stiff with cold.
Preceptor blinked at the white hotel ceiling for a second. Then leaned over to pat the bedside table until his glasses materialised in his hand. His phone was next. There was an SMS, which had come through in silence at 2:31 AM: Dear valued guest, hotel management has been made aware that the electricity supply to this block is currently unavailable...
That wasn't good. Perceptor knew Brainstorm would probably be fine even if the power stayed out for a while, but his belly still did a nervous little flip about it. Getting too hot would be bad news for a polar mermaid.
Brainstorm was truly a creature of the ice and cold, well-armed with all his weight of blubber and fur to swim in waters that would kill Perceptor in minutes. But that meant that he couldn't tolerate a lot of heat. Sixteen degrees was fine, but eighteen was pushing it, and over twenty made him feel sick, which in turn made him cranky and rude.
It being high summer, their selection criteria for hotels on this trip had pretty much started and stopped at climate control. And now, evidently, the power was out.
Perceptor skimmed the rest of the message: utilities supplier working on it, management apologises for the inconvenience. Right. He turned the phone screen dark.
"Brainstorm?" He rolled out of the bed. It was a tall, luxurious hotel bed, set so high off the ground that he kind of just spilled into a standing position. He'd taken to sleeping in soft trousers and a hooded sweater, in red and black respectively, for the cold. They were warm and cosy—a little too warm now, actually. He pulled the sweater off and left it on top of the rumpled covers.
Outside the master bedroom, which was pretty much 90% enormous bed, the hotel suite was... kind of a mess. There were long snaking trails of water over the floor and furniture displaced at random. He glanced into the kitchenette and found the refrigerator and freezer units completely absent, but most of their contents spread across the benches.
"... Brainstorm?" he called, a little louder. Weirdly, the hotel room didn't sound as though the power was out. The heavily glazed windows kept most of the traffic muted outside but he could hear the dull humming of something. "Are you alright?"
"Bath tub!"
The sound of his voice was a relief. Perceptor turned towards the bathroom instead. It was, like the rest of the suite, perfectly palatial and on-trend. In this case that meant it was an awful lot of big marble slabs, and that the room came fitted with the strange, voyeuristic vibe of walls that were half clear glass.
That meant that Perceptor should have been able to see in straight away, but he couldn't: what had once been clear glass had evidently not remained so, and when he touched the surface he pulled his fingers back fast at the biting cold of it. It had become frosted the hard way, he guessed.
A mass of dark smudgy shapes were vaguely visible on the floor. One of them, he assumed, had to be Brainstorm's furred back flippers and tail.
Perceptor was more curious than worried, now. He opened the door and paused in the threshold, and although he was braced for the temperature change, it still smacked into him like a wall of frost. He was suddenly very, very awake.
It was freezing in here.
The remains of several kitchen appliances lay strewn about, cannibalised. Strange mechanical parts littered the marble floors, the exposed organs of systems he rarely contemplated right out in the open. The humming was louder than he expected. There was evidently no grid power in use. Instead, Brainstorm had rigged something with a system of wires, boxes, electrical tape and mysterious coloured fluids: crude chemical batteries, he supposed.
In the sunken tub itself, Brainstorm was half-buried beneath icy water. His long claws were delicately manipulating a length of copper wire that Perceptor felt probably did not belong around so much moisture.
He rolled around when Perceptor came in, turning so he could prop his spined elbow on the lip of the tub and rest his chin upon his hand.
"Percy! Good morning," he crowed, letting the wire tumble from his off-hand casually. His attention was suddenly laser-focused on Perceptor. Heady. "Come inside, you're letting all the cool out."
Perceptor looked at the machinery. His toes already hated him, but he took a step inside the bathroom and closed the door.
"This looks..." Advanced. Dangerous. Necessary, perhaps. Also, very much like an inappropriate use of hotel property. "... creative," Perceptor suggested, instead of any of those things.
"What, this old thing?" Brainstorm crooned, picking up a chunk of ice, examining it and letting it splash back into the water. "I'm a creative problem solver. Also, it started getting really hot at about three am and I had to put my unmatched genius to the task. Are you coming over here?"
Perceptor eyed the icy water in the tub. It was very, very cold in here. At some point, there had been a bath mat, which might have insulated his toes a little—but it was basically a block of ice, so he assumed that had gotten soaked at some point before the... unmatched genius situation... had unfolded in here.
He took another step closer to the tub. One of Brainstorm's damp hands wrapped around his ankle. His claws were as cold as steel in winter and the chill bit straight into Perceptor's skin.
"I won't be able to stay in here for too long," he cautioned, hoping to manage Brainstorm's expectations. He knew Brainstorm loved to brag about his successful inventions, but Perceptor might have to listen from the other side of the glass.
"That's a shame. That looks interesting." Brainstorm nodded at Perceptor's chest, where his nipples had beaded up tightly, obvious under his tee-shirt. He pressed his thumb gently into the big muscle of Perceptor's calf. Beneath the sting of the cold, it felt nice.
Perceptor hummed. "Freezing is less sexually interesting to me than you may imagine."
Brainstorm let his ankle go, rolling his yellow eyes extravagantly.
"I've heard," he said, sounding perilously close to whining. "Believe me, I've heard."
Perceptor's teeth were starting to chatter. He leaned down just enough to smooth his hand over the cold bone of Brainstorm's helm. "It's very impressive. I'm glad you're not overheating."
"Of course! I'm just that good." Brainstorm beamed "Let me know when they get the electricity on again?"
"Certainly." And that was about all Perceptor could manage, barefoot in this cold. He shut the bathroom door behind him, feeling the warmth of the rest of the hotel suite hit him like a wall. He shivered all over and his glasses fogged at the edges.
At least that meant Brainstorm was still taken care of. Perceptor headed into the carnage of the kitchenette to make his depredations on the steadily warming contents of the fridge. It would go too waste, otherwise.
Probably, he should be more concerned about who was going to take care of the bill for damages to an absurdly expensive hotel room. Brainstorm seemed unlikely. The university, possibly. Insurance, maybe. Wasn't the tourism department sponsoring part of this trip...?
Perceptor deftly avoided the spilled water on his way back to bed with his breakfast.
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whalleyrulz · 11 months
halloween 2023
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and so another best month ends the way they always do: with the annual watching of trick 'r treat, the most halloween movie a movie can get
i was trying to work out why i love halloween so much while watching this this year. it's not a holiday i grew up with, obviously - until what, two, three years ago? halloween didn't exist in australia. i never got the childhood rush of "holy shit a day where i can be a ghoulie and get sweet treats for me to eat" or any nostalgia for that
and it's not like i have nostalgia for the weather either... not really. again, australia doesn't have halloween weather. period. deciduous trees are rare down under, and especially growing up in queensland, i never really experienced the way american cold can get--even on days like yesterday, where it really wasn't all that cold, considering. somewhere from 6 to 10c, or around 40-50f. (but i will say: i was clearly born for this, because my mood starts to get better and better the colder it gets, and falling leaves makes me swoon, and i have a deep regret that i never got to be a hopelessly romantic problematic teenager with leaves covering the ground and the smell of fireplaces and a touch of the promise of snow on the air)
and i definitely didn't have nostalgia for horror. i actually hated horror movies until genuinely around 2010. i couldn't stand them. i got nightmares so easy (still do, but they're friends now) and i hated being scared (ahah nope not any more). i genuinely ran from spooky movies when they'd be on, in broad daylight, surrounded by people. and ones not even that bad
but then, The Scene came. where anna paquin starts to change, and she's got the wild dark eyes, and the horrible teeth, and i realized i'd been grinning like a loon for ten minutes, and she looks so fucking beautiful, the way she's about to do some slaughter, and i remembered
i'm a sick little queer freak babes it's the season for sick little queer freaks and it's the season for me i love you all happy halloween forever
1. skinamarink | 2. smile | 3. the black phone | 4. talk to me | 5. m3gan | 6. significant other | 7. cobweb | 8. horror in the high desert | 9. the pope's exorcist | 10. knock at the cabin | 11. infinity pool | 12. becky | 13. no one will save you | 14. huesera: the bone woman | 15. scream vi | 16. idle hands | 17. a wounded fawn | 18. v/h/s 85 | 19. evil dead rise | 20. mama | 21. look away | 22. some bad shorts and then the oldest view | 23. final destination | 24. beau is afraid | 25. phenomena | 26. house/hausu | 27. hellraiser | 28. sick of myself | 29. the deep house | 30. the nightmare | 31. may | 32. when evil lurks
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Trigger Warning: Discussion of acts against children and plots to abuse impoverished children.
A serial pedophile estimated to have committed over 1,000 sex crimes against children has had his community sentence relaxed following his transition to “female.” On November 16, a Supreme Court of Western Australia judge said that the medications taken by Robert Gordon Cummins, 56, provide “a protective factor” and that he could “successfully self-manage the risk of offending.”
Cummins has an extensive history of horrific sexual offenses, the overwhelming majority of which were against children. His first conviction took place in September of 1997, when he was found guilty of indecent assault. For this, he was fined $3,000 and did not receive a prison sentence.
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In December of 1999, Cummins was convicted on three counts of indecent dealing with a child under the age of 13 years. He was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.
Once released, Cummins immediately began to sexually abuse a girl he was related to who was between the ages of 6 and 8 at the 
time of his abuses. In June 2002, he was found guilty on four counts related to crimes against that child. Cummins was sentenced to a total effective sentence of 8 years imprisonment.
Earlier that year, at the age of 36, Cummins had married a 17-year old girl. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Gosia Wojnarowska, a mental health consultant to the Department of Justice, described this relationship as a substitution for “a female child that he never stopped fantasizing about” in a 2008 assessment of Cummins.
In June of 2009, the serial pedophile was convicted of one count of possessing child pornography and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment. Two years later, Cummins was detained awaiting trial for conspiring to engage in sexual intercourse outside Australia with a person under the age of 16 years.
But even being in custody did not stop the disturbed predator from planning out his abuse against children.
Between July 2005 and September 2008, while incarcerated in Perth’s maximum-security Casuarina Prison for filming the abuse of his youngest victim, Cummins, along with two other men, devised a scheme to establish a child sex trafficking ring in Thailand upon their release.
The convicts intended to set up a doll-making business called “Little Angels” as a cover. Former teacher Mark Pendleton, 53, and Kenneth Bishop, 74, conspired with Cummins to employ low-income women from rural areas in order to gain access to their children.
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In 2011, Cummins testified in the Perth’s Magistrate Court that he had first befriended Pendleton in a sex offender treatment program in Perth’s maximum-security Casuarina Prison. They began plotting to abuse vulnerable children after they were both relocated to Karnet Prison Farm.
“Mark told me families in Thailand were available for a price. If they were willing to send their children into minefields to look for shrapnel, they would be willing to sell their children for sex,” Cummins told the court.
After he was released on parole in 2008, Cummins became the “pipeline” for carrying out the plan, and began researching properties for sale and information about false passports while contacting Thai mothers whose children were being considered for potential abuse. Cummins also sent financial contributions to the impoverished women to build up their trust.
“The idea behind it was to assist them and become valuable to them,” Cummins told the court. “So they would allow me to do anything I wanted… Including sexual activity with the children.”
In phone recordings played during court proceedings, Cummins could be heard saying that the women he was most interested in employing would come from villages and ideally should be “more simple people.”
The recorded conversations between the men were “laden with jokes and sexual innuendo”, and referenced former pop star and pedophile Gary Glitter, according to news reports. Cummins told Pendleton that women had sent him photographs of their “lovely families,” which he explained to the court prosecutor was a reference to their children.
Cummins admitted he and Pendleton considered supervising an orphanage in order to “effectively convert it into a child brothel.” He stated, “From our point of view, we had discussed setting up an orphanage and having access to the children there for sexual purposes.”
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In exchange for pleading guilty, testifying in court, and confessing to the plan, Cummins was handed a reduced sentence of two years and seven months. Despite the fact that authorities had uncovered their plot by tapping their phone lines, Supreme Court Justice John McKechnie ordered Cummins to be freed from jail on a recognizance release order, as he had spent 18 months in custody pending trial. 
He was released the day after the trial ended in September 2012, despite the court having been told that Cummins was estimated to have committed 1,000 sex crimes against children during the course of his serial abuses.
In 2014, Cummins, then 49, was spared yet another jail sentence for a historical sexual offense he admitted to committing against a 12-year-old girl. The sentencing decision was made on the basis that his use of “anti-libidinal drugs” had deprived him of his sex drive. 
Western Australia District Court Judge Michael John Bowden sentenced Cummins to 12 months in jail, suspended for 18 months, on the provision that he comply with a supervision order.
“It really is the fact that the chemical medication seems to have deprived you of any sex drive that leads me to deal with this case in the manner in which I am going to deal with it,” he said.
Judge Bowden added, “The offense is so serious that imprisonment is the only appropriate disposition but it does seem to me that I cannot say that a suspended sentence in the circumstances would be wholly inappropriate.”
In 2018, general practitioner Dr. Wynn Owen recommended that Cummins’ chemical castration treatment be halted out of concern over its side effects. Cummins had been taking cyproterone on an intermittent basis since 2004, and on a regular basis since 2012. However, medical reports revealed that once he stopped taking the antiandrogen, he experienced a “floodgate return of sexual thoughts.” The same report detailed how he feared he “would have progressed to snatching a child.”
In 2019, Cummins was diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” and began to self-identity as a woman. Court records note that he had “formed a platonic relationship with another transgender female” around this time. Additionally, Cummins’ “interest was directed to gay pornography,” which “preceded the transitioning from male to female.”
The most recent ruling was in response to an application for an extension to Cummins’ supervision order, which was filed by legal representatives for the State. Concerns were raised that he remained a “high-risk offender” and should be monitored for safeguarding purposes.
Dr. Wojnarowska told the court that pedophilia is regarded as a lifelong condition, and a 2021 assessment was presented as evidence in court. “In my opinion, if [he] were to be taken off the order, [his] risk of sexual reoffending may escalate,” Wojnarowska stated.
However, she pointed out that hormone treatments carry considerable health risks and are not recommended for long-term use due to their effect on bone density and liver function. She therefore recommended surgery.
This opinion was supported by forensic psychologist Julie Hasson. Ms. Hasson recommended an orchiectomy as a means of “living as a woman and reducing [his] libido to protect against any concerns of future sexual offending in the event that [he] did not pursue gender reassignment surgery,” according to court records.
Justice Michael Corboy ruled that a new four-year supervision order be imposed with conditions including “testosterone suppressing treatment.” He noted that the diagnosis of gender dysphoria was “obviously a very significant event,” with his “transition” being “central to the issues” in his case. The judge added that the court should keep Cummins’ gender dysphoria diagnosis and transition “in mind” while considering his risk of re-offending.
Cummins was referred to with feminine pronouns throughout court records and proceedings. Media coverage similarly utilized ‘she/her’ pronouns for Cummins, as well as did not identify him directly or give an indication of the name he is currently utilizing.
Cummins’ case recalls that of a notorious American serial pedophile who was similarly released into the communityafter the court was told his transition meant he would be “less likely” to offend.
Joseph Matthew Smith, who also goes by the name Josie Maria Dunham or Josie Smith, made international headlines in 2020 after being released from prison after beginning a gender transition. Smith had been convicted of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old resident at Midwest Christian Services (MCS), a treatment facility for juveniles. 
Due to his lengthy history of sex crimes, a pre-sentence psychological report was carried out. Smith told a state forensic psychologist he had molested as many as 15 children under the age of 13, the youngest being a 1-year-old baby. Due to his extremely high risk of re-offending, Smith was handed an indefinite prison sentence.
But after being diagnosed with gender dysphoria and beginning a hormone regimen, Smith was released, with officials claiming he was now at a lower risk of re-offending due to an altered testosterone level, and that he “no longer had the sex drive of a man.”
Smith was paroled in January of 2020 but by October of 2021, he had already violated the terms of his strict conditions by using an unauthorized electronic device and seeking out sex. Despite the violation, Smith was not remanded to custody, and was instead allowed to continue to live in the community.
Since his release, he violated the conditions of his parole twice by attempting to access child sexual abuse materials. Smith is currently incarcerated at the Newton Correctional Facility, which is a men’s institution with a special program for sex offenders in Jasper County.
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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leftnotright · 1 year
"This will be a skill-building experience. You've had it too easy. You've had your Family name to back you, and your Right Hand at your every call. It's time you learn to carry yourself, to build from the ground up." Dino Cavallone, the Cavallone Don, fresh out of high school. Reborn, the deadliest hitman of the modern era, has a special kind of torture up his sleeve for his dear struggling student. Dino will have to see how well he handles alienation, isolation, and worst of all, class participation. “Now, go on, my useless student Dino. Let’s continue your education.” (Or: Reborn sends Dino to Australia. It goes better than he could have ever hoped.)
Parings: N/A Characters: Dino (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Vic Hunt (OC - Original Character), Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Romario (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!)Cavallone Famiglia, Enzo (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Original Characters Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, University, Pre-Canon, Financial Issues, Fluff And Angst
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Dino groaned as he rolled over, wherever he was sleeping was incredibly uncomfortable - He let out a screech before he hit the floor with a wheeze. 
Dino lay on the floor and stared up at the ceiling, slowly piecing together where he was exactly. The realisation made his mood plummet, the Cavallone suddenly regretting even waking up today. His body hurt and he was sweating despite having slept in the open. Australian heat was a goddamn joke and he wasn’t laughing. 
Dino heaved himself up onto his arms, ignoring how his shoulders and neck ached. He looked around and found Enzo still napping peacefully on a throw pillow, probably after abandoning Dino in the night.
His phone was buzzing on the table, the screen lighting up with an urgency. Dino reached for it with great reluctance, wondering what the hell Reborn had done to him in the time he was unconscious. 
Calendar reminder: EDST1000 LECTURE 9AM
Calendar reminder: EDST1000 TUTORIAL 11AM
Dino blinked and looked at the time. 11:05.
“Oh my God-”
Dino ran to his luggage, stripping his clothes as he went and tore the suitcase open. He took a moment to take in what was in his luggage and grappled with his knowledge of school as an entirety.
Dino didn’t know civilians, but he knew school well enough. He had spent thirteen years in it, after all. First impressions were important, they set the tone of the person. Dino couldn’t count how many people had immediately tanked their reputation at the school after only the first day - Dino himself included.
“Not thinking about that,” Dino winced and grabbed the outfit that never turned him wrong when meeting new people. 
He was sweaty and kind of stank from not showering for two days, but he didn’t have time to do more than wash his face, brush his teeth, take his pills, and drown his seeping pores in enough cologne to cover the smell of fear. 
Dino ran back to the living room where his files and books were stacked on the coffee table, blindly making a grab for the haphazard pile he knew to be university-related and all his textbooks. Romario had packed Dino’s briefcase and Dino stuffed it with everything he thought he could need for his first day at university.
Dino glanced at the clock and let out a screech of fear, 11:10 he was practically missing the first class of the semester. Dino grabbed his whip and after much palming around for an ample-sized pocket, shoved it down the back of his pants, grabbed his key and ran out the door.
Dino was so happy he had studied the university map last night, able to make a beeline from Western Road to Second Way. He looked from his phone to the door numbers, nervously counting to room 212 and screeching to a halt when he found it.
The Cavallone coughed and straightened his clothes before pushing the door. It had been a five-minute run from Dino’s dorm, his shoelaces had not withstood that and made their fury known as he took a step forward.
Dino of the Cavallone, for the second time that morning, hit the ground with a bang. 
“Ow,” he groaned and slowly pushed himself onto his elbows.
Needless to say, every one of the students were staring at Dino, as well as the class’ instructor who came over and helped him to his feet.
“You okay?” the woman asked, dragging him up by the arm.
“Uh yeah,” Dino uttered slowly and gave a sheepish smile as he grabbed his briefcase off the floor. Thankfully the clasps had held in the tumble. Small victories.
“Good, go sit down. You’re a bit late, but we’re just doing introductions today.”
“Okay,” he nodded and then looked to the class to find a chair.
It was then Dino finally got a good look at his classmates and realised he had made a horrible miscalculation. The young men and women in his class were sitting comfortably in their chairs, fighting off the heat with singlets, crop tops and t-shirts. They wore shorts and skirts, one girl wearing a nice yellow sundress. They were wearing casual clothes. Civilian clothes.
Dino suddenly realised he should have looked outside his window before he had run to class in a full suit fitting a Don. 
“Sit down please, and what’s your name?” the instructor prodded, pulling out what he imagined to be the class roll.
“Dino Cavallone,” he answered quickly, before sitting down next to the girl in the sundress, the only available seat left. “Hello.”
“Hi,” she answered nicely, before turning forward as the instructor began talking again.
“Okay, everybody, back on track. We were going through assessments.”
Dino rubbed the back of his head and went about setting up, realised he forgot his laptop and pulled out a paper and pen. 
Class seemed to both crawl and go too fast. Dino spent most of the class only half listening to the instructor and using the projected powerpoint to field a context of what was happening at any given time. The language lessons from his school were thorough since they were designed for future leaders, but Dino had barely passed that with a fifty-one. So it took all his focus just to understand that he had three tasks for this class: an essay, an exam and a team task.  
The instructor explained the task ‘Engagement: Lead And Follow’. She spoke fast, but Dino felt he got the basic frame of the assessment task. He and two other students together were to plan and facilitate a presentation and instruction. Basically, they had to teach a class on a certain topic for roughly fifteen minutes. 
Dino, with his heavy accent and flimsy hold on English, winced. He’d have to rely on his team mates a lot for this, maybe he could just write the slides and they could do the talking?
“Everyone will need to talk for at least three minutes each,” the instructor announced and Dino felt his hope break.
No, no, it's okay. Three minutes will be fine. He can talk for three minutes. In English. He can do that.
The next slide was a layout of all the topics for discussion and in what order they’d be going in. The topics themselves seemed to be segregators, things that divided people. Dino felt he was missing something to this lesson. 
The first was ‘age’ - the instructor was going to take that one next week as a model. Then came gender, sexuality, social class, race and ethnicity, and then a revisiting of race and ethnicity from the instructor. There were more topics after the mid-semester break, but they seemed to veer a bit from what Dino understood and the instructor flipped to the next slide.
The next task was an essay, Dino baulked at the full slide and leant forward, taking his time to slowly read through along with the instructor. After that was a standard exam, with an emphasis on the readings and weekly content.
“I’m going to read out the lesson topics, raise your hand for the subject you’d like. If we have too many to one you’ll have to fight to the death for it.”
A quiet, sensible chuckle came from Dino’s classmates and he echoed it quickly despite missing the joke…they wouldn't have to actually fight to the death would they? His time under Reborn may have warped his standards.
Four people raised their hand. There was some quick discussion and one person backed down.
Two people raised their hand. The instructor looked around a moment longer before making a note.
Dino shifted in his seat. When should he raise his hand? Two were already gone, he only had a few left that he was any sort of comfortable tackling. He should just go, get it over with, bite the bullet- no wait don’t say that you might summon Reborn.
“Social Class?”
Dino jolted and raised his hand. Two others did too, two girls on the other side of the room. That was his team. That was fine, he could work with that. They seemed approachable enough. 
The blond girl in his team looked to each of her teammates and smiled when she saw him looking. Dino smiled back as nicely as he could.
The next slide came and with it some quick instruction. As the teacher finished speaking the room moved, startling Dino for a moment before he moved to follow the flow.
His classmates were forming their groups for the task and pulling out their phones. Dino followed suit and crossed the classroom, briefcase in hand and pulled a chair out to sit at the table with the two girls who would be his teammates in their first task.
“Hi,” the girl with blond hair smiled. “I’m Jessica Cheng.”
“Dino Cavallone,” Dino reciprocated, feeling a bit calmer at the simple, easy conversation. 
The third of their team sat up then, realising it was their turn to talk. This girl had short black hair and Dino wondered if she had any more sleep than he had last night, seemingly in a state of dozing. 
“I’m Vic Hunt,” she introduced and moved to rest her arms on the table. “So what socials do you guys have?”
“I have Snapchat,” Jessica offered. “I have Messenger too.”
“Oh, I have Messenger, we can use that,” Vic nodded.
Then the two girls turned to Dino and he resisted the urge to shrink down at their expectant looks. Dino didn’t have any social media aside from a direct phone number, he never had time to do any of that anymore and Reborn had all but slaughtered every distraction during his exams. 
“I can have Messenger?” Dino offered placatingly, and when Vic squinted at him he realised he must have said that wrong.
“Sure, it’s easy to set up,” Vic said, not letting him dwell on the slip up too long. “It’ll be good to have that anyway. There will be more group projects in the future.”
“Yeah! I’ll set up the group chat,” Jessica smiled and reached for her computer, tapping away. “We can add you later when you’re set up.”
“Okay,” Dino nodded and watched as Vic leant around Jessica’s screen to point out her profile to be added.
“I’ll see you next week, everyone,” the instructor announced and people began to break off from their groups or walk out as teams.
“I have to go,” Jessica apologised, gathering her stuff and shoving her computer into her bag. “Please try and get Messenger. Talk to you soon!”
Dino waved as the girl hustled her way out of the room, looking at her phone with some bus timetable open on it. He turned and smiled reflexively when he saw Vic standing with her bag in her hands, staring down at him with a lazy expression.
Once again, Dino wondered if she was tired. Or maybe high.
“Do you want to get lunch together? We can set up your Messenger while we’re at it.”
Dino blinked, before his eyes widened and he fumbled to his feet, nearly ramming the back of his knees into his chair.
“Yes, okay, yes,” he agreed quickly.
Vic stared at him for a moment before she huffed and let a little, polite smile come to her face. They rounded the table and were one of the last to leave the classroom.
“What d’you wanna eat?” Vic asked as they made it back to the main walk, students bustling about.
Once again, Dino was reminded about how horribly he had overdressed. Even the instructors and lecturers were dressed in less. 
Vic herself was in shorts and a large t-shirt with some kind of faded band logo on it. Standing next to her, Dino must have looked like he was trying too hard.
Dino tried to ignore how his ears burnt and just kept his head down. 
“Do not know,” he answered, before realising it would have been better to blend the words to make it more fluent. “Anything.”
“Fuckin’ ‘ell,” Vic cursed suddenly and Dino nearly stacked it yet again. 
A spike of panic hit Dino in the stomach at the rough tone that burst from Vic. Had he already screwed up? Barely five minutes of conversation and he had already pissed off the first person who had tried to talk to him outside of their job? That curse had been sharp, a grating sound he swore he had heard time and time again over the years- But it was off?
He whipped his head around and stared at the young women who wore a disgruntled expression. 
“Don’t do that to me. ‘Anything’. Now I have to make a decision and I’m shit at that!”
If Romario heard the way Vic spoke, Dino was sure he’d go into cardiac arrest. But despite her cussing and expression, Dino saw her open body language and the way she lilted her voice. She was trying to be…funny. Over exaggerating. 
Okay, Dino could work with that. Funny is good. Funny is friendly.
“Sorry,” he apologised lightly and saw her turn to him. “Anything, really.”
Again she cursed and put her hands on her hips, looking around now they had stopped at a large space full of stairs and the smell of food. 
“The uni’s next to a shopping centre so we’ve got some choice. You wanna eat here or at the food court?” 
Once again, Dino was asked to make the choice and he gave a weak shrug. Vic rolled her head back.
“Fuck it, we’re getting KFC,” she decided and set off on course.
Dino followed quickly as they walked further down Wally’s Walk and beyond the university’s grounds. Vic seemed to know her way, so Dino let her lead, looking around to get a grasp of the area.
“So, are you an international student?” Vic asked, drawing his attention.
Dino turned to her and pieced together her words, “Yes, I am- I’m from Italy.”
Vic blinked before she hummed, seeming to catch how he was slowly working with his fluency.  
“That’s cool, I’ve never been to Italy. What’s it like?” 
What was Italy like? Dino tried to think of a way to succinctly summarise what his Italy was like. Mafia, debts, hitmen, Reborn .
“Oh yeah, I’ve seen videos of those roundabouts. Your traffic looks like shit to drive in,” Vic said and they crossed a road with a group of students. 
Dino looked to the building the traffic was being conducted towards, a large building with the word ‘Macquarie’ suspended above in bold letters. They walked in and Dino was immediately inundated with a low roar, screens flashing and music coming from three different stores.
“Have you been here yet?” Vic asked, and Dino realised she had been watching him since they entered. 
“No,” he answered slowly, withholding a wince as a group of young men quickly sidestepped around him. “Not yet.”
“It’s a pretty good place, got good shopping and a Woolies,” she explained as they got on an escalator down. Dino frowned and tilted his head, not recognising the last thing she had said. “Wait, is that only in Australia? Woolworths? It’s a grocery store or something.”
“Oh,” Dino breathed in realisation, “A grocery. Okay, thank you.”
Dino needed groceries, his kitchen was empty. And a lettuce, Enzo simply would not go another night without his head of lettuce. 
Dino pulled his arms tighter to his body as he followed Vic through the food court, ducking around chairs and people with trays. Someone stood up from their table and Dino gasped as their chair hit him right in the shin. He spluttered in surprise and backed away until his foot caught on a child’s toy car and Dino went head-over-heels to the floor between two families having their lunch. Thankfully, nothing was damaged.
“Oh holy shit,” Vic yelped with a sympathetic hiss, running back over to help him to his feet. “You okay?”
“Yes,” Dino assured weakly, wondering if he should bother getting up at this point. He had met the floor three times in so few hours, at his rate he was going to be better acquainted with the floor than any of his classmates. “This is fine.”
“Yeah, nah, get up,” Vic snorted and grabbed Dino by his arm, hauling him off the floor. “Nothing broken?”
“Pride,” Dino murmured under his breath and Vic gave a scoff of laughter that seemed to bubble in the back of her nose like a backed-up engine. 
“You’re having a bit of a shit day, aren’t ya?” Vic noted lightly, and Dino was hard pressed to deny it.
“Yes, a small one,” he sighed as they finally left ear-shot of the families Dino had interrupted. “Everything is, uh, confusing.”
Dino hadn’t even known he was going to be in Australia three days ago, let alone attending a university there for four years doing a double degree. He was still trying to find his footing - which was honestly the only familiar part of the situation. Reborn seemed to thrive off of putting Dino in precarious and humiliating circumstances.
“Well, you’re doing great. If there’s any time to fuck up, it’s now when the stakes are low and no one cares yet.” 
Dino smiled at her attempt to lighten his mood. They came to a stop in a queue and Vic pulled out her phone again, humming in thought.
“What you gonna get? I’ll pay for it since you’re having a shit day.”
Once again, Dino was stuck with the growingly familiar cocktail of confusion, embarrassment and a sprinkle of fear. He took a breath and calmed down, this he could do. There was a whole segment in his language class on how to order food - even if it had been designed for Michelin star restaurants and not ‘KFC’. 
“I’ve never been here before,” he said slowly and purposefully and resisted doing a fist pump when he remembered to blend ‘I have’ for fluency. “What do you recommend?”
By the time they sat down at a table, Dino had remembered how hungry he was. The last time he had eaten was on the plane yesterday night before the plane had landed, and even then Reborn had stolen most of his meal to ensure ‘vigilance’. 
“So you’ve never had KFC before?” Vic asked, shoving a chip in her mouth. “Neat I guess. You’re probably healthier than me. This stuff has enough sodium to season the sea.”
Dino took a bite, and maybe it was the hunger talking, but he might have enjoyed it too much. Reborn would have been appalled, but Dino was just happy to eat without having to fend off those tiny devil man hands.
“I do not choose my meals. The kitchen cooks them,” Dino admitted between sips of fizzy pepsi. 
Vic stared at Dino from over her burger for a long moment, before she tilted her head and said, “So, you’re like some rich kid?”
Dino looked up quickly. The Cavallone certainly didn’t have the Vongola’s coveted Intuition by any means, but any mafioso worth his salt knew when they had somehow pissed off a woman. Dino didn’t know what he did, but he felt like he had entered a minefield.
He chewed the inside of his cheek. Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe this was just some trauma stress response after spending so much time around Reborn. That’s it, maybe it’s just PTSD: Reborn edition.
Was Dino rich? In the sense of the Cavallone, certainly. He had possessions and the Vault, but financially? Dino was barely scraping by. He had bills to pay, debts to fulfil and interest to return on. These days, years , Dino certainly did not feel rich.
“In a sense,” he admitted nonetheless, because yes. Dino comfortably resided in at least the 10%; he had an estate, chefs, maids and an entire mafia Family under him - even if the entire thing was slowly sinking under him. “It’s…Complicated. Messy.”
“Oh, cool,” Vic said plainly, suddenly very calm and unaffected. She looked almost drowsy again. 
Dino swallowed and decided to steer the conversation well clear of his family or finances, partially because he was fighting back another burst of anxiety just thinking about it. He wondered if Romario would answer this time if he called to talk about the ledger-
“We are going to get Messenger?” Dino asked and he put his phone on the table for them.
“Ah yeah,” Vic pulled her chair forward and wiped her hands on a wet tissue from a foil packet. “So yeah, it’s just an app. Are you okay to download some stuff? You’ll have to set up an account.”
Dino took a moment to notice that Vic didn’t say ‘yes’, she said ‘yeah’. It seemed to be a more colloquial, casual variant. It had two distinct beats, ‘ye’ and ‘ah’ for an airy ‘yeah’. He made a note of it.
“Yeah, okay,” he said and opened his phone to the app store, a sight he hadn’t seen since long before his exams. Sometimes Dino still mourned his Flappy Bird score. “What do I need to download?”
Vic leant over the crumbs of her lunch and guided Dino through the download and setup of his account. He paused, however, when he saw it asking for his name. Dino Cavallone was a Mafia Don, he couldn’t give out his name so easily, Reborn would have his head.
“Do I need to give my real name?” Dino asked carefully. “That is uncomfortable.”
“Yeah nah, you can just put a nickname or make up a username.”
Dino hummed and decided to just go with ‘Dino Cav’. There were prompts for further information, but Vic told him to ignore anything he didn’t want to answer. Dino decided that his birthday wouldn’t hurt and quickly filled it in.
“Oh you’re February fourteenth,” Vic noted idly, sipping her drink. “How old are you?”
“Eighteen,” Dino answered, before watching a mournful expression take Vic’s face. 
“This bitch is older than me, fuck,” she whined lightheartedly, “I’m May sixth.”
Dino took a moment to find May in Maggio before he said, “I will try to remember.”
Vic blinked at Dino before a hopeful little smile took her face. She quickly dropped her gaze and returned to Dino’s phone, telling him that she was going to add him to the project group chat.
Dino watched Vic for a moment, remembering her impulsive smile. He supposed he wasn’t the only one here out of their comfort zone; this was a new space for everyone. Everyone was trying to make new relationships in university - it was a whole nother step in their lives, afterall.
“And you’re in,” Vic said and pushed his phone back across the table. 
“Thank you,” Dino said and looked at the chat, seeing Jessica had sent a wave emoticon before going offline. He swiped around and found his homepage feed, a list of people he ‘might know’ scrolling across the top. Dino decidedly did not know any of these people. “Can I talk to you?”
“Ain’t we?” Vic laughed.
Dino blinked slowly, crunching through the abbreviation.
“Sorry,” Vic apologised quickly and shook her hand as if to wave it off. “Uh, yeah, sure. Try and add me.”
Dino moved his phone slightly to the side as Vic set her own in front of him, her profile up on screen for him to try and find. ‘Vic Hunt’, Dino typed the name into his search bar and scrolled until he found the familiar face among the rabble, and sent a friend request.
“Got ya,” Vic hummed and accepted the request. “Cool, neat. I guess if one of us misses class we can ask for notes now, huh?”
“Yeah!” Dino agreed, looking at his ‘Friends’ list and feeling a bit too accomplished at seeing Vic’s name written there. 
First day at uni and Dino already has a friend! This was going so much better than pre-school, or primary school, or lower secondary, or upper secondary school! 
‘Vic’ Dino read again, remembering all those ‘Victor’ and ‘Vincent’ he had seen when scrolling. Dino had used an approximation of his name too.
“Is ‘Vic’, uh, short?” Dino asked, quietly excited that he was the one inciting conversation this time. 
“It’s- Yeah,” Vic uttered shortly, drawing back in her chair a bit as she dropped her eyes to her emptying Pepsi can. “It’s short for Victoria. Victoria Hunt.”
Then Vic looked at Dino and said, “But I go by Vic, thanks.”
Dino nodded his head in understanding. There was something going on there, but Dino had neither the emotional bandwidth nor the linguistic strength to handle that kind of conversation right now.
“Vic,” he echoed in acknowledgement and got a smile in response. 
Dino shifted in his seat and scratched his nape before he said, “Dino is short Bernardino .”
Vic blinked, “Bernie.”
Dino withered with an utterly disgusted expression, “No, thank you.”
The laugh that jolted out of Vic nearly made Dino jump, it was loud, came from the chest and was full of teeth in a way Dino thought only Squalo Superbi could pull off. Nonetheless, Vic continued to titter and cackle until she calmed down, showing her hands in surrender.
“Okay, no Bernie.”
“No Victoria,” Dino reciprocated, and tried his luck at a playful glare afterwards.
Vic snorted into her drink. It seemed to work. 
“Oh yeah, I haven’t even asked the basic uni questions.” Vic leant back in her seat and gestured her hand at Dino lazily. “What’re you studying?”
“Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Primary Education, major Economics,” Dino recited easily, having read that line obsessively well into the morning. 
Vic’s expression alone told Dino what she thought about Reborn’s choice of degrees. Her nose was scrunched up in disgust and she seemed to almost lean away from him, eyeing Dino in a new light.
“Hate that,” she decided and Dino let out a pathetic laugh.
Yeah he did too. But it would be useful. The better he understood business and money, the better off the Cavallone would be. It was the education part he couldn’t see playing into anything yet. 
“And you?” Dino prompted, drawing Vic out of her theatrics.
“Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Primary Education. Majoring English.”
Vic tilted her head and regarded Dino for a moment before she asked, “Do you live in the village?”
Dino blinked, “Village?”
“Macquarie’s student housing, that gated-off place?” 
“Oh!” Dino uttered, making the connection and desperately shoving the information deep in his brain. “Yes, I live in the village.”
“Cool, me too. We can meet up easy then.”
“You live in the village?” Dino repeated, furrowing his brows a bit in confusion. “Foreign?”
“Huh? Oh, no,” Vic clarified quickly, “I’m from Sydney, grew up in this area too, actually. My parents sold the house now that I’m in uni. Moving up the coast to Newcastle to be closer to family.”
She shrugged a bit, “With the moving and the travel time, it’s just easier to live in the village. Too much going on at once stresses me out.”
“That is fair,” Dino agreed.
Dino’s phone that was still sitting on the table lit up suddenly and buzzed with a notification, the growingly familiar calendar prompt taking his screen.
Calendar reminder: ECON1020 LECTURE 1:30PM
“I have to go now. Class,” Dino said apologetically, getting to his feet as he started gathering his wrappers and trash. “Thank you for the lunch.”
“No problem,” Vic shrugged, and grabbed her trash as well. “Have fun with economics . Let’s try and talk tonight to figure out our project.”
Dino smiled and clutched his phone tighter, before nodding his head politely. 
“See ya,” Vic hummed and waved as she made her way through the crowd.
2 notes · View notes
vietnamesim · 2 years
eSIM compatible devices – Full up-to-date list
Want to use a Vietnam eSIM for your trip to the country? Make sure that you have an unlocked eSIM-compatible device.
But which models they are, and how to make sure your device is unlocked and eSIM-supported?
>>No need to look around. We will show you all in this post, which covers:
List of eSIM compatible devices
How many eSIMs can be used on one eSIM-compatible device
How to check if my phone supports esim and is carrier unlocked
Frequently asked questions
1. List of eSIM compatible devices
The list of compatible eSIM devices is getting longer and longer. It now includes 80 models of mobile phones, wearables, tablets, and laptops.
Let’s discover.
1.1 eSIM phones
We have the following phones with eSIM for Vietnam and many other countries in the world:
1.1.1 Apple eSIM phones
iPhone 13*
iPhone 13 Pro*
iPhone 13 Pro Max*
iPhone 13 Mini*
iPhone 12*
iPhone 12 Mini*
iPhone 12 Pro*
iPhone 12 Pro Max*
iPhone 11*
iPhone 11 Pro*
iPhone 11 Pro Max*
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max*
iPhone XR*
iPhone SE (2020)
iPhone SE (2022)
iPad Air (3rd Generation)
iPad Air (4th generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (1st generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (2nd generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (3rd generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (4th generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (5th generation)
iPad (7th generation)
iPad (8th generation)
iPad (9th generation)
iPad Mini (5th generation)
iPad Mini (6th generation)
*iPhones from Mainland China DO NOT support eSIM.
*iPhones from Hong Kong and Macao (except for iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone SE 2020, and iPhone XS) DO NOT support eSIM.
1.1.2 Samsung eSIM phones*
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy S22+ 5G
Samsung Galaxy S22 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G
Samsung Galaxy S20
Samsung Galaxy S20+
Samsung Galaxy Note 20+
Samsung Galaxy Note 20
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy Fold
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 5G
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2
The following Samsung phones DO NOT support eSIM:
*Samsung S20/S21 FE Series;
Samsung Note 20 Ultra and Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 originated from Hong Kong
Samsung devices originating from the USA and Canada.
For Samsung S21 series (with the exemption of FE models) for Canada and the USA, if you already have the One UI 4, this update may add the eSIM capability to your device.
1.1.3 Google Pixel eSIM phones
Google Pixel 3 & 3 XL*
Google Pixel 3a & 3a XL*
Google Pixel 4, 4a & 4 XL
Google Pixel 5*
Google Pixel 6
Google Pixel 6 Pro
>>Important: The following Pixel phones DO NOT support eSIM technology:
Pixel 3 phones manufactured in Australia, Taiwan, and Japan;
Pixel 3 phones purchased with the service from US or Canadian carriers other than Sprint and Google Fi;
Pixel 3a phones purchased in South East Asia and with Verizon service. Pixel 3 from Australia, Taiwan, and Japan.
1.1.4 Other phones with eSIM
HAMMER Blade 3
Motorola Razr 2019
Motorola Razr 5G
Huawei P40
Huawei P40 Pro*
Huawei Mate 40 Pro
*Huawei P40 Pro+ DO NOT support eSIM.
Nuu Mobile X5
Gemini PDA 4G+Wi-Fi
OPPO Find X3 Pro*
OPPO Find X5 Pro*
OPPO Find X5*
Sony Xperia 10 III Lite
*Regions that do not support dual SIM cards on Oppo phones: Australia (Telstra and Optus), and Japan (KDDI).
1.2 eSIM smartwatches
Apple Watches
Apple Watch S3, S4, S5
Apple Watch Nike, Apple Watch Nike+
Apple Watch Hermes
Apple Watch Edition
Samsung Smartwatches
Samsung Gear S2 Classic 3G,
Samsung Gear S3 Frontier LTE,
Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE
1.3 eSIM laptops
Currently, only Windows eSIM laptops are available, Apple is yet to release a MacBook with an eSIM.
Take a look at the list of laptops with eSIM capacity.
Acer eSIM Laptops
Acer Swift 3
Acer Swift 7
Acer TravelMate P2
Acer TravelMate Spin P4
Acer TravelMate P6
ASUS eSIM Laptops
ASUS Mini Transformer T103HAF
ASUS VivoBook Flip 14 TP401NA
Dell eSIM Laptops
Dell Latitude 7210 2-in-1
Dell Latitude 9410
Dell Latitude 7310
Dell Latitude 7410
Dell Latitude 9510
Dell Latitude 5410
Dell Latitude 5411
Dell Latitude 5511
HP eSIM Laptops
HP Elitebook G5
HP Probook G5
HP Zbook G5
HP Spectre Folio 13
Lenovo eSIM Laptops
ThinkPad X1 Titanium Yoga 2 in 1
ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 9
ThinkPad X1 Fold
ThinkPad X1 Nano
ThinkPad X12 Detachable
Lenovo Flex 5G
Lenovo Yoga C630
Lenovo Miix 630
Lenovo Yoga 520
Lenovo Yoga 720 (2-in-1 models)
1.4 eSIM tablets
We have the following tablets which support an eSIM for Vietnam, and many other countries:
Microsoft Surface Pro (5th and 7th Gen onwards)
Microsoft Surface Pro X (5th Gen onwards)
>>Is your device eSIM compatible and you are about to have a trip to Vietnam!
Still not sure if your device supports eSIM? Contact our support via email/live chat or contact your vendor/carrier directly.
2. How many eSIMs can be used on one eSIM-compatible device
The maximum number of eSIMs which can be installed on the device depends on your device model. This number ranges from 1 to 20. However, you are advised to have 3 at maximum in your device only, and only one eSIM can be active at one time.ManufacturerModelMaximum number of eSIMsAppleiPhone XR20AppleiPhone XS20AppleiPhone XS Max20AppleiPhone 1120AppleiPhone 11 Pro20AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max20AppleiPhone SE (2020)20AppleiPhone 12 Mini20AppleiPhone 1220AppleiPhone 12 Pro20AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max20AppleiPhone 13 mini20AppleiPhone 1320AppleiPhone 13 Pro20AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max20AppleiPhone SE (2022)20AppleiPad Pro (2018 and onwards)20AppleiPad Air20AppleiPad20AppleWatch series 31AppleWatch series 41AppleWatch series 51AppleWatch series 61AppleWatch SE1GooglePixel 31GooglePixel 3a1GooglePixel 41GooglePixel 4a1GooglePixel 51GooglePixel 61GooglePixel 6a1GooglePixel 6 Pro1HuaweiP401HuaweiP40 Pro (not including the P40 Pro +)1HuaweiMate 40 Pro1MotorolaRazr 20191MotorolaRazr 5G1SamsungGalaxy Fold1SamsungGalaxy Fold 31SamsungGalaxy Z Fold 2 5G1SamsungGalaxy Z Flip1SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G1SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G1SamsungGalaxy S201SamsungGalaxy S211SamsungGalaxy S21+ 5G1SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G1SamsungGalaxy S221SamsungGalaxy S22+1SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra1SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G 1SamsungGalaxy Note 201SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G1Nuu MobileX51Planet ComputersGemini PDA1Rakuten MobileRakuten Mini1Rakuten MobileBig-S1Rakuten MobileBig1OppoFind X3 Pro1OppoReno 5 A1OppoReno6 Pro 5G1OppoFind X51OppoFind X5 Pro1OppoA55s1SonyXperia 10 III Lite 1SonyXperia 1 IV1HonorMagic 4 Pro1
3. How to check my phone supports esim and is carrier-unlocked
It’s not difficult to figure out whether your phone is carrier-unlocked and supports eSIM or not, as all are shown in your phone’s settings. While your phone’s unlock status is well indicated through the SIM restriction/Network section, your phone’s eSIM capacity is well displayed via your phone’s IME (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
In the section below, we will guide you to check the unlock status and eSIM-capacity of your iOS and Android phones.
3.1 How to check if my iOS device is eSIM compatible and carrier unlocked?
In order to determine whether your iOS device is carrier unlocked and eSIM compatible or not, you will need to:
Check its unlock by
going to Settings> General> About.
scrolling down to view the “Carrier lock” section.
It should say “NO SIM restrictions”, which means that the device is unlocked.
And then check its eSIM capacity by scrolling down to view the “AVAILABLE SIM” (iOS 15 and newer) or “DIGITAL SIM”(older iOS versions) section. It should contain an IMEI under AVAILABLE SIM or DIGITAL SIM, which means that the device is eSIM compatible.
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3.2 How to check if my Android phone supports eSIM and is carrier-unlocked?
In order to confirm that your Android device is carrier unlocked and supports eSIM, you will need to check its unlock status first and then find the “eSIM IMEI” number. Please follow the steps below:
For Samsung devices
Check its unlock status by:
Going to Settings > Connections (or Network & Internet, or other variations depending on brand and model)
Selecting Mobile network (or Cellular network, or other variation depending on brand and model)
Tapping Advanced (if needed) and selecting Choose Network (or Automatically select network, or another variant to open the list of carriers).
If several carriers appear, the chances are that your phone is unlocked and just needs the appropriate SIM card. For further confirmation, continue to the step below.
Removing the old SIM card from your phone and insert the newly activated one from the other carrier. Trying using mobile data to browse the internet but ensuring that Wi-Fi is disabled.
>> If you successfully browsed the internet, your phone is definitely unlocked.
Now, check your phone’s eSIM-compatibility by:
Going to Settings
If in Settings you see a search bar, typing in “IMEI”, and the option “IMEI information” (or similar) should show up (otherwise, you will need to go to About phone> Status).
Tap “IMEI information”
If the “IMEI (eSIM)” is available, it should mean that your device supports eSIM.
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Other Android devices
Check the unlock status in the same way as you do with the Samsung phones
Then, dial *#06# to check the eSIM capacity.
In case your device is eSIM-compatible, you should be able to view your device’s eSIM unique identification number (EID)
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4. FAQs
How to check if my phone is carrier unlocked?
To check your phone’s unlock status, you can do as guided above. Alternatively, you can power down your phone, place a new SIM card (for your new carrier) into the SIM tray on the side of the iPhone, then power the device back on, and make a call to see it’s carrier-unlocked or not. If you’re unsure about your device being locked or unlocked, you can contact your cellular provider about the status of your mobile phone. If, for example, you are still paying off your phone through a mobile contract, it is likely that your phone is locked.
How do I know if my Samsung S20/21 is FE or not?
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What should I do if my phone is not compatible with eSIM? How can I connect to the internet on my travel to Vietnam?
If your phone does not support eSIM technology, you can buy a physical Vietnam SIM Card at Vietnam airport upon arrival or within the country when you are there.
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pleasenahas · 2 years
Native instruments software
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#Native instruments software pdf
#Native instruments software portable
#Native instruments software software
#Native instruments software free
#Native instruments software software
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global DJ Software Market:Ĭhapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the DJ Software marketĬhapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the DJ Software Market.Ĭhapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the DJ SoftwareĬhapter 4: Presenting the DJ Software Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.Ĭhapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2021Ĭhapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the DJ Software market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company ProfileĬhapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2022-2027)Ĭhapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Sourceįinally, DJ Software Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.NI's hybrid hardware and software beat machine promises the best of both worlds. Have Any Questions Regarding Global DJ Software Market Report, Ask Our Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & AfricaĬountry Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc. Passion for music among the younger generation has contributed to the growing opportunities Increased use of software by DJs for song mixing
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The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:īy Application (Large Enterprises, SMEs), Platform (Desktop, Laptop, Mobile), Deployment (Cloud-based, Web-based), Pricing Model (Subscription (Annual, Monthly, Quarterly), One Time License, Free Trial) And, such a virtual way of mixing the music has a lot more other possibilities too compared to an ‘old-school’ way
#Native instruments software portable
However, with the changing dawn of the digital age, anyone can also now do this with the help of the computer, or even with the portable device like a phone (via an application). Essentially this kind of music making software copy the ‘old-style’ way that DJs used to make it in the past to remix tracks, that is, in short, a physical DJ mixing deck and vinyl records.
#Native instruments software pdf
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research ĭJ Software in its simplest form, it is a program (or application) which allows taking the individual music tracks and then combine them to create a totally new (remixed) track. Serato (New Zealand),Pioneer (Japan),Atomix VirtualDJ (United States),Native Instruments (Germany),Mixvibes (France),Algoriddim (Germany),PCDJ (United States),Ableton (Germany),Stanton (United States),Mixxx (United States) Some of the key players profiled in the study are: The growth of the DJ Software market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market associated stakeholders. Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on “Global DJ Software Market Insights, to 2027” with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format.
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ausmovenz · 5 days
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Moving to Australia? Things to consider before you go
June 28, 2024
Are you thinking about moving to Australia?
In 2023, 13,400 New Zealanders moved to Australia so you are not alone. In this article we will tell you what you need to do (and think about) before you decide to pack up the house and move to Australia.
Quick Links
What are your Visa requirements
How much money will you need to move
What are your healthcare options in Australia
What Australia laws will you need to comply with
What are your Visa requirements when moving to Australia?
As a New Zealand citizen, you can enter Australia and apply for a visa upon arrival under the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement. However, if you plan to stay long-term or work, you might need a different visa. New Zealanders don’t always have the same rights as Australians.
New Zealand and Australia are close friends and allies. A unique arrangement allows freedom of movement between the two countries – the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement.
Immigration status can affect rights
It’s also important that New Zealanders choosing to live in Australia know their immigration status, for example, if they are an Australian permanent resident, citizen, or on a visa.
This can affect your rights. New Zealanders may not be able to get Australian social security payments if they run into financial hardship, even if they’ve paid tax in Australia. New Zealanders’ visas (and so their ability to live in Australia) can be canceled if Australian authorities assess that they do not meet the relevant character requirements. Read more information here.
How much money will you need to move?
The amount of money you’ll need to move to Australia from New Zealand and support yourself will depend on several factors such as your lifestyle, location in Australia, accommodation choices, and personal spending habits. Here is what you need to know; Renting costs vary widely across Australia. In major cities like Sydney and Melbourne, rent can be quite high, while regional areas or smaller cities might offer more affordable options.
Living Expenses will include groceries, transportation, utilities (electricity, gas, water), internet, and mobile phone bills. These costs can also vary significantly based on where you live and your personal consumption habits. You will also need to think about set-up costs, this includes things like rental bond (usually 4-6 weeks’ rent), and settling in costs if you need to buy any further household items specific to your new home.
To give a rough estimate, consider budgeting at least AUD $5,000 to AUD $10,000 for initial set-up costs and another AUD $2,000 to AUD $4,000 per month for living expenses, depending on your location and lifestyle. This is a general guideline and actual costs can vary widely. It’s always a good idea to research specific costs in the area you plan to move to and to have a financial buffer to ensure a smooth transition.
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What are your healthcare options in Australia?
As a New Zealand citizen moving to Australia, you are eligible for some level of coverage under Australia’s public health system, Medicare. Here are the key points to consider regarding health insurance in Australia:
New Zealand citizens moving to Australia are generally covered by Medicare under the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA). This agreement allows you access to medically necessary treatment in public hospitals and subsidized medical services. While Medicare covers many healthcare services, there are limitations. For example, it does not cover all medical services, dental care, ambulance services, or private hospital care.
While not mandatory, many people in Australia, including New Zealanders, choose to take out private health insurance to cover services not included in Medicare, such as dental, optical, and certain elective procedures. Private health insurance can also provide more choices and shorter waiting times for non-emergency treatments.
Before you move, it’s advisable to research your specific healthcare needs and consider whether private health insurance would be beneficial for you based on your circumstances and the level of coverage you desire beyond what Medicare provides.
What Australia laws will you need to comply with?
As a New Zealand citizen living in Australia, you’ll need to adhere to various laws and regulations that apply to all residents in Australia. Here are some key areas to be aware of:
Employment, ensure you have the appropriate work rights depending on your visa status. Adhere to Australian workplace laws and regulations regarding pay, conditions, and safety.
Taxation, you are required to pay taxes on income earned in Australia. Familiarise yourself with Australian tax laws, including filing requirements and deductions.
If you plan to drive in Australia, check the requirements for converting your New Zealand driver’s license to an Australian one (if necessary) and familiarise yourself with Australian road rules.
It’s important to stay informed about any changes in Australian laws and regulations that may affect you. Seeking advice from relevant authorities or legal professionals can help ensure you comply with all applicable laws while living in Australia as a New Zealand citizen.
Moving you to Australia from New Zealand
Moving to Australia from New Zealand? It’s important to plan ahead and seek assistance where needed. Ausmove are experts in relocation services from New Zealand to Australia.
For detailed information on Ausmove’s services and expertise visit the following page: https://ausmove.co.nz/services/ or call (09) 360-4777.
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mtalkesim · 6 days
Roaming No More: How eSIM is Changing the Way We Travel in Asia
Traveling in Asia is an incredible experience, from exploring the vibrant streets of Bangkok to visiting the ancient temples of Kyoto. But one thing that can quickly dampen the excitement of your trip is the dreaded roaming charges and unreliable connectivity. Fortunately, with the rise of eSIM technology, travelers are now able to roam seamlessly across Asia without the worry of excessive fees or the hassle of swapping physical SIM cards.
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Let’s dive into how eSIM is transforming the travel experience in Asia and why it's the future of international connectivity.
1. Say Goodbye to Roaming Fees
Roaming charges can accumulate quickly when traveling abroad, especially in a vast and diverse continent like Asia. Traditional SIM cards often incur hefty fees for data usage, calls, and texts, making it an expensive option for staying connected. However, with MTALK eSIM for Asia travel, you get local rates at your destination, meaning no more outrageous bills when you return home. You only pay for the data you need, and you enjoy 100% roaming-free charges.
This makes eSIM a cost-effective solution, whether you’re hopping from city to city or exploring more remote destinations.
2. Seamless Connectivity Across Multiple Countries
One of the biggest advantages of using an eSIM is the ability to maintain connectivity across different countries without having to switch SIM cards. With traditional SIMs, every time you move to a new country in Asia, you’d need to purchase a local SIM, set it up, and hope it works smoothly. This process can be time-consuming, frustrating, and inconvenient—especially if you’re traveling across multiple borders.
With MTALK eSIM, you can activate one eSIM plan that covers multiple countries in Asia, i.e Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam, without needing to switch physical cards. This means uninterrupted service, so you can stay connected with friends, access maps, and share your travel adventures on social media without any delays.
3. Fast and Reliable Internet in Every Destination
Asia is home to both bustling metropolises and remote natural wonders. Whether you're navigating the high-tech streets of Tokyo or trekking through the forests of Bali, staying connected is crucial. MTALK eSIM provides fast and reliable internet with local connectivity in each country, ensuring that you have access to high-speed data no matter where you are.
Unlike depending on inconsistent Wi-Fi networks or paying for expensive roaming packages, our eSIM gives you the freedom to enjoy fast internet for navigation, restaurant bookings, and keeping in touch with loved ones without interruption.
4. Instant Setup and Easy Installation
Traveling should be all about enjoying the sights and experiences—not worrying about technical hassles. With MTALK eSIM, installation is a breeze. Forget about visiting SIM card shops, waiting in line, or fiddling with your phone’s SIM tray. Our eSIM installation is 100% digital. You simply purchase your eSIM plan online, scan the QR code, and activate it in minutes.
The best part? You can even set it up before you arrive in Asia, so you land with internet ready to go.
5. Perfect for All Types of Travelers
Whether you’re a backpacker exploring Southeast Asia, a digital nomad working from co-working spaces in Chiang Mai, or a business traveler attending conferences in Shanghai, eSIM technology caters to all types of travelers. Its flexibility, ease of use, and cost efficiency make it an ideal choice for anyone who values staying connected while traveling in Asia.
With MTALK eSIM, you can keep track of your data usage, top up when needed, and switch between plans effortlessly, making it perfect for both short vacations and extended stays.
6. 24/7 Customer Support
When you're in a new country, things can sometimes go wrong, and the last thing you want is to deal with connectivity issues in an unfamiliar location. That’s why MTALK provides 24/7 support to assist you whenever needed. Whether you're facing setup issues or have questions about your data usage, our dedicated team is always available to help.
This peace of mind means you can focus on enjoying your travels without worrying about technical issues.
7. Environmental Benefits
Traditional SIM cards contribute to plastic waste, as millions of SIM cards are discarded each year. By switching to an eSIM, you're also making a more environmentally friendly choice. Since the eSIM is digital, there’s no physical waste involved, reducing the environmental footprint of your travels.
Ready for Your Next Adventure?
Get your MTALK eSIM for Asia today and enjoy seamless, hassle-free internet access during your travels. Stay connected, roam freely, and explore the beauty of Asia with the convenience of a MTALK eSIM.
Conclusion: eSIM – The Future of Travel in Asia
As more travelers explore Asia, the demand for convenient, affordable, and reliable connectivity will only continue to grow. eSIM technology is at the forefront of this transformation, offering a smarter way to stay connected while reducing costs and eliminating the hassles of traditional SIM cards.
MTALK eSIM is here to revolutionize the way you travel in Asia. With 100% roaming-free charges, local fast internet connectivity, easy installation, and 24/7 support, it’s the ultimate travel solution for the modern explorer.
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wigilham · 7 days
What is the best forex broker?
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If you're diving into Forex trading in 2024, finding the right broker can be a game-changer. With so many options out there, it’s crucial to choose a platform that aligns with your trading goals and needs. One standout in the crowded Forex brokerage space is AvaTrade.
Here’s a detailed look at what makes AvaTrade one of the best choices for traders this year:
1. Regulation and Trustworthiness:
AvaTrade is regulated by multiple reputable authorities, including the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI), FCA (UK), ASIC (Australia), and CySEC (Cyprus). This regulatory oversight ensures a secure and trustworthy trading environment.
2. Diverse Trading Platforms:
AvaTrade offers a range of trading platforms to suit different needs:
MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5): Renowned for their advanced charting tools and automation capabilities.
AvaTradeGO: A user-friendly mobile app for trading on the go.
AvaOptions: Specializes in options trading.
WebTrader: For convenient browser-based trading.
3. Wide Range of Trading Instruments:
Whether you're interested in Forex, commodities, indices, stocks, cryptocurrencies, or ETFs, AvaTrade has you covered. It provides over 50 currency pairs, popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and a broad selection of other assets.
4. Competitive Fees and Spreads:
Enjoy low fees and tight spreads with no hidden costs. This means you can trade more affordably and keep more of your profits.
5. Comprehensive Educational Resources:
AvaTrade offers extensive educational materials, including webinars, tutorials, and market analysis. These resources are perfect for both beginners and seasoned traders looking to enhance their skills.
6. Advanced Tools and Features:
The platform supports automated trading, algorithmic trading, and offers top-notch risk management tools. Whether you’re day trading or position trading, AvaTrade provides the flexibility to match your style.
7. Award-Winning Service:
With numerous awards recognizing its excellent service and customer satisfaction, AvaTrade has established a strong reputation in the trading community.
8. Responsive Customer Support:
AvaTrade’s customer support is available 24/5 in multiple languages via live chat, email, and phone, ensuring you get the help you need whenever you need it.
Is AvaTrade Right for You?
AvaTrade is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a reliable, well-regulated Forex broker with diverse trading options and robust support. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, AvaTrade offers the tools, resources, and platforms to support your trading journey.
In summary, AvaTrade’s strong regulatory framework, comprehensive educational resources, competitive fees, and diverse trading platforms make it one of the best Forex brokers in 2024. If you’re ready to start or elevate your trading career, AvaTrade is worth considering.
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ayan-itx-sential · 14 days
Top 10 Most Common Smartphone Issues and How to Fix Them.
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Introduction :
Smartphones have become essential daily, serving as communication tools, personal assistants, and entertainment devices. However, they can face a variety of issues that affect performance and usability. This article covers the top 10 most common smartphone problems and provides practical solutions for each, helping you keep your device in top condition.
If you’re facing any issues with your smartphone, Mobile Hut in Jimboomba, Australia, offers quick and reliable mobile repair services to get your device back in perfect working order.
1. Battery drain
Causes of Battery Drain
Battery life is one of the most common complaints among smartphone users. Several factors contribute to rapid battery depletion, including background apps, screen brightness, and push notifications. Understanding these causes is key to extending your battery life.
How to extend battery life
To combat battery drain, consider reducing screen brightness, limiting background app activity, and turning off unnecessary notifications. Additionally, enabling power-saving modes and regularly closing unused apps can significantly prolong battery life.
2. Slow Performance
Common Causes of Slow Performance
Smartphones can become sluggish over time, often due to a cluttered memory, outdated software, or too many active apps. Identifying these issues can help you restore your device’s speed.
Tips to boost speed
Clear your phone’s cache, delete unnecessary files, and ensure your software is up to date. Restarting your device regularly and managing app usage can also help maintain optimal performance.
3. Overheating
Why Smartphones Overheat
Overheating can occur due to prolonged use, direct sunlight exposure, or running power-intensive apps. It’s important to address this issue to prevent potential damage to internal components.
Solutions to prevent overheating
Avoid using your phone in direct sunlight, close apps running in the background, and remove any phone case that may be trapping heat. If overheating persists, consider reducing usage or seeking professional help.
4. App Crashes
Reasons Behind App Crashes
Frequent app crashes can be caused by software bugs, insufficient memory, or compatibility issues with the device’s operating system. These interruptions can be frustrating and affect productivity.
How to Fix Frequent App Crashes
Regularly update apps and your phone’s operating system to the latest versions. Clearing the app’s cache or reinstalling it can also resolve crashing issues.
5. Connectivity Issues
Problems with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Connectivity issues, such as problems with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, are common and can disrupt your phone’s functionality. These issues may arise from network settings, interference, or software bugs.
How to resolve connectivity issues
Restart your device and reset network settings to resolve minor glitches. If the problem persists, update your phone’s software or consult your service provider for further assistance.
6. Screen problems
Common Screen Issues (Cracks, Unresponsive Touch)
Screen issues, including cracks, unresponsive touch, or dead pixels, are some of the most noticeable smartphone problems. These can result from drops, hardware faults, or software glitches.
Fixes for Screen Problems
For minor screen issues, restarting the phone or adjusting touch sensitivity might help. However, physical damage often requires professional repair or screen replacement.
7. Storage Issues
Identifying storage problems
Running out of storage can prevent you from installing new apps or saving photos. Identifying what’s consuming your storage is the first step in resolving this issue.
How to Free Up Space Effectively
Delete unused apps, transfer files to cloud storage, and regularly clear cache data to free up space. Using storage management tools can also help optimize available memory.
8. Camera Issues
Blurry photos or camera malfunctions
Blurry photos or a malfunctioning camera can be frustrating, especially when capturing important moments. These issues can stem from dirty lenses, software bugs, or hardware faults.
How to Improve Camera Performance
Clean the camera lens regularly, and ensure your camera app is updated. If problems persist, resetting the camera settings or seeking professional repair may be necessary.
9. Charging problems
Why Your Phone Won’t Charge Properly
Charging issues, such as slow charging or failure to charge, can be caused by faulty cables, dirty charging ports, or software bugs.
Solutions to charging issues
Check and replace charging cables, clean the charging port with compressed air, and update your phone’s software to resolve these problems. If the issue persists, it might be a hardware fault requiring professional attention.
10. Software Update Issues
Problems with updating the OS
Updating your phone’s operating system can sometimes lead to issues such as stuck updates, data loss, or software glitches.
How to Successfully Update Your Phone
Ensure your device has enough storage and is fully charged before starting the update. Back up your data regularly to prevent loss. If an update fails, try restarting your phone or resetting network settings.
Expert Insights :
Expert Tips on Maintaining Smartphone Health
Experts recommend regular software updates, using protective cases, and managing app usage to extend your smartphone’s life. Preventive maintenance, like clearing cache and monitoring battery health, can also prevent common issues.
Future Outlook
Emerging smartphone technologies
As smartphones continue to evolve, innovations like foldable screens, AI-driven battery management, and enhanced security features are expected to become more prevalent. Staying informed about these developments can help you make the most of your device.
Recap of Key Fixes
From battery life to connectivity issues, addressing common smartphone problems doesn’t have to be challenging. Regular maintenance, software updates, and proper usage can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering these issues.
Final Tips and Recommendations
Maintain a proactive approach to smartphone care by staying updated on software releases, using protective accessories, and regularly cleaning your device. With the right practices, you can ensure your smartphone remains reliable and efficient for years.
Learn More
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Home Security Systems: Protecting Your Inner West Home with Technology
Homeowners in Australia, particularly in the Inner West, are increasingly looking for ways to enhance the safety of their properties. As renovation trends surge across the region, many homeowners are integrating modern security systems into their home renovation plans. Home security systems have evolved significantly over the past decade, and today’s technology-driven solutions provide unprecedented levels of protection, convenience, and peace of mind.
In this article, we’ll explore the key benefits of incorporating advanced security technologies into your home renovation Inner West project. We’ll cover the latest trends in security systems, discuss how they can improve the overall safety of your home, and outline practical tips for selecting the right system to suit your needs.
The Importance of Home Security in the Inner West
The Inner West is known for its vibrant, bustling lifestyle and beautiful homes. However, like any urban area, it can also be susceptible to crime. Homeowners renovating their properties in the home renovation Inner West market should consider incorporating technology that enhances their home's security. With burglars increasingly using sophisticated methods, it’s crucial to have a home security system that offers comprehensive protection.
Aside from protecting your home against intruders, today’s security systems offer features that allow you to monitor and manage your property remotely. This is particularly useful for busy professionals or frequent travellers, as you can keep an eye on your home even when you’re not there.
The Latest Home Security System Trends for Your Inner West Renovation
As you embark on your home renovation Inner West project, it’s worth exploring the latest security technologies that can offer superior protection for your property. Below are some of the most innovative home security solutions available today:
1. Smart Security Cameras
Modern security cameras are equipped with high-definition video quality, night vision, motion detection, and cloud storage options. Smart cameras can be placed strategically around your home’s perimeter, allowing you to monitor activity in real time. Many systems allow you to receive alerts on your smartphone when suspicious activity is detected, ensuring that you can respond quickly even when you're away.
2. Video Doorbells
Video doorbells have become a popular security feature for homeowners in the home renovation Inner West sector. These devices allow you to see and speak to visitors at your door via a camera and two-way audio system. Video doorbells offer a significant advantage by providing real-time updates whenever someone approaches your home, even when you’re not there.
3. Smart Locks
Traditional locks can be vulnerable to tampering, but smart locks offer a more secure alternative. These locks can be controlled remotely via a smartphone app, allowing you to lock and unlock your door from anywhere. You can also give temporary access to guests or contractors, making it convenient during the renovation process. Some smart locks also keep a log of entry and exit times, helping you monitor who enters your home.
4. Intruder Alarms with Mobile Alerts
Advanced intruder alarm systems are now integrated with mobile technology, meaning you can receive alerts on your phone if there’s a security breach. Many systems come with multiple sensors, including door and window sensors, motion detectors, and glass-break sensors, offering comprehensive coverage for your home.
5. Home Automation Systems
Home automation systems integrate various smart devices into one control hub, allowing you to manage your security systems, lighting, thermostats, and even entertainment systems remotely. This type of system adds a layer of convenience to your home renovation Inner West project, while also enhancing security.
6. Security Lighting
Installing smart security lighting around your property is a simple yet effective way to deter potential intruders. These lights can be set to turn on automatically when motion is detected, illuminating any dark areas around your home. You can also control the lighting through your smartphone, adding an extra level of protection.
Benefits of Integrating Home Security Systems During Renovation
Home renovations provide an excellent opportunity to install or upgrade security systems. Whether you’re planning a full-scale renovation or smaller updates, incorporating advanced security technology can enhance the value of your home while keeping your family safe. Below are some of the key benefits of investing in a modern security system during your renovation:
1. Increased Property Value
Homes with advanced security systems are more appealing to potential buyers. As technology continues to advance, homebuyers are increasingly looking for properties that offer smart home features. By including a security system as part of your home renovation Inner West project, you may increase the market value of your home.
2. Peace of Mind
Knowing that your home is protected by an advanced security system provides peace of mind. Whether you're at work, on holiday, or simply out for the day, you can rest assured that your home is being monitored and secured.
3. Remote Monitoring
Many modern security systems come with apps that allow you to monitor your home remotely. This is especially beneficial during renovations when contractors or builders may have access to your home. You can easily keep track of who’s coming and going, ensuring your property stays secure throughout the renovation process.
4. Lower Home Insurance Premiums
Some insurance companies offer discounts on home insurance premiums for homes equipped with a security system. As a homeowner in the home renovation Inner West market, you can potentially save on your insurance costs by investing in a quality security system.
5. Customisable Options
One of the most significant advantages of modern security systems is their customisation. You can choose from various components and tailor the system to meet your specific needs. Whether you want a comprehensive system with cameras, sensors, and alarms or a more basic setup, there’s a solution to fit your budget and requirements.
How to Choose the Right Home Security System for Your Renovation
Choosing the right security system for your home renovation Inner West project can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s important to consider several factors before making your decision. Here are some tips to help you choose the best system for your home:
1. Assess Your Security Needs
Start by assessing the specific security needs of your home. Do you need protection for multiple entry points? Are there vulnerable areas around your property, such as a back alley or garden? Answering these questions will help you determine which features are essential for your system.
2. Consider Your Budget
Security systems come in a range of price points, so it’s important to establish your budget early on. While more advanced systems with a range of features may be appealing, there are also more affordable options that still offer robust protection.
3. Choose a Trusted Brand
Research different security system brands and choose one with a strong reputation for reliability and quality. Check customer reviews and testimonials to get a sense of how well the system performs in real-world scenarios.
4. Opt for Professional Installation
While some security systems offer DIY installation, it’s often best to have a professional handle the installation process, particularly for complex systems. A professional installer can ensure that all components are correctly set up and integrated.
5. Look for Integration Features
If you’re planning to implement a broader smart home setup, look for a security system that can integrate with other smart devices, such as lighting, locks, and thermostats.
As you plan your home renovation Inner West project, don’t overlook the importance of enhancing your home’s security. Incorporating modern security systems into your renovation can provide peace of mind, increase the value of your property, and ensure that your family and home are protected.
With a range of options available, from smart locks and cameras to full home automation systems, there’s a solution to meet every homeowner’s needs. By staying up to date with the latest trends in security technology, you can make informed decisions and create a safer, smarter home.
1. What is the best security system for an Inner West home renovation?
The best security system for your home renovation depends on your specific needs. A combination of smart cameras, smart locks, and an alarm system with mobile alerts is a good starting point.
2. Can I install a security system myself, or should I hire a professional?
While many systems offer DIY installation, it’s recommended to hire a professional, especially for more complex systems. Professional installation ensures that everything is set up correctly.
3. How do smart locks work in conjunction with home security systems?
Smart locks can be integrated into your security system, allowing you to lock and unlock doors remotely, grant temporary access, and monitor entry and exit times.
4. Will a security system increase my home’s value?
Yes, homes with modern security systems are often more appealing to potential buyers and may increase your home’s market value.
5. Can I control my home security system remotely?
Most modern security systems come with mobile apps that allow you to control and monitor your system remotely. You can receive real-time alerts and view live video feeds from your smartphone.
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warningsine · 1 month
DETROIT (AP) — Ford and Mazda are warning the owners of more than 475,000 older vehicles in the U.S. not to drive them because they have dangerous Takata air bag inflators that have not been replaced.
The warning issued Tuesday covers more than 374,000 Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles from the 2004 through 2014 model years and nearly 83,000 Mazdas from the 2003 through 2015 model years.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says the inflators can explode with too much force in a crash, blowing apart a metal canister and shooting fragments that can severely injure or kill people. All were recalled previously but repairs have not been completed.
Ford models covered by the warning include 2004 to 2011 Ranger pickups, 2005 through 2014 Mustangs, 2005 and 2006 Ford GTs, 2006 through 2012 Fusions and 2007 through 2010 Edge SUVs.
Affected Mercury and Lincoln models include the Milan, MKZ and Zephyr from 2006 through 2012, and the MKX from 2007 through 2010.
Mazdas covered by the warning are the 2004 to 2009 B-Series pickup, 2003 through 2013 Mazda 6, the 2006 and 2007 Speed6 and the 2004 through 2011 RX-8. Also included are the 2004 through 2006 MPV, the 2007 through 2012 CX-7 and the 2007 through 2015 CX-9.
The government says 27 people have been killed in the U.S. by faulty Takata inflators, which used volatile ammonium nitrate to create a small explosion to inflate air bags in a crash. The chemical can deteriorate over time when exposed to high temperatures and humidity. More than 400 people in the U.S. have been hurt.
Worldwide at least 35 people have been killed by Takata inflators in Malaysia, Australia and the U.S.
Potential for a dangerous malfunction led to the largest series of auto recalls in U.S. history, with at least 67 million Takata inflators involved. The U.S. government says many have not been repaired. About 100 million inflators have been recalled worldwide. The exploding air bags sent Takata into bankruptcy.
Owners can check to see if their vehicles are covered by going to the NHTSA website and keying in their vehicle identification or license plate numbers.Ford and Mazda also have recall websites.
If a vehicle has an unrepaired Takata inflator, owners should stop driving them and call a dealer to set up a repair appointment. Ford and Mazda are offering free towing or mobile repairs and loaner vehicles if necessary, NHTSA says.
“Even minor crashes can result in exploding Takata air bags that can kill or produce life-altering, gruesome injuries,” the agency said in a statement. “Older model year vehicles put their occupants at higher risk.”
Ford says more than 765,000 inflators in Ford and Lincoln vehicles worldwide should not be driven until the air bag inflators have been replaced. In the U.S., the company has made more than 121 million attempts to contact owners including emails, phone calls, text messages and visits to customer homes. The company says over 95% of its U.S. customers have had their inflators replaced.
Nissan, Honda, Stellantis, Ford, BMW and Toyota and Mazda have previously issued similar “do not drive” warnings for some of their vehicles equipped with Takata inflators.
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ilovemyphone · 2 months
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giresearch · 2 months
Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography Market by Major Key Players,Competitive landscape and Forecast to 2030
On 2024-7-23 Global Info Research released【Global Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030】. This report includes an overview of the development of the Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography industry chain, the market status of Consumer Electronics (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), Household Appliances (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography. According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography market size was valued at USD million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD million by 2030 with a CAGR of % during review period. Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography has high direct writing accuracy (XY: up to 10nm, Z: 1nm) and high direct writing speed (20mm / s is comparable to EBL). It has a unique closed-loop writing technology for real-time topography detection and no need for marker stitching and overprinting. Technical advantages. Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography is cost-effective, low in use and maintenance costs, and easy to operate. The Global Info Research report includes an overview of the development of the Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography industry chain, the market status of Computers (FinFET, LGAA transistor), Mobile Phones (FinFET, LGAA transistor), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography. Regionally, the report analyzes the Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography markets in key regions. North America and Europe are experiencing steady growth, driven by government initiatives and increasing consumer awareness. Asia-Pacific, particularly China, leads the global Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography market, with robust domestic demand, supportive policies, and a strong manufacturing base. Market segment by Type: FinFET、LGAA transistor、VGAA transistor Market segment by Application:Computers、Mobile Phones、Automotive、Industrial、Others Major players covered: Samsung Electronics、Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.、STMicroelectronics、ON Semiconductor、Intel、Maxim Integrated、NXP、Microchip Technology、Diodes Incorporated、Micron
Market segment by region, regional analysis covers: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia),South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America),Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa). The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
Data Sources:
Via authorized organizations:customs statistics, industrial associations, relevant international societies, and academic publications etc.
Via trusted Internet sources.Such as industry news, publications on this industry, annual reports of public companies, Bloomberg Business, Wind Info, Hoovers, Factiva (Dow Jones & Company), Trading Economics, News Network, Statista, Federal Reserve Economic Data, BIS Statistics, ICIS, Companies House Documentsm, investor presentations, SEC filings of companies, etc.
Via interviews. Our interviewees includes manufacturers, related companies, industry experts, distributors, business (sales) staff, directors, CEO, marketing executives, executives from related industries/organizations, customers and raw material suppliers to obtain the latest information on the primary market;
Via data exchange. We have been consulting in this industry for 16 years and have collaborations with the players in this field. Thus, we get access to (part of) their unpublished data, by exchanging with them the data we have.
From our partners.We have information agencies as partners and they are located worldwide, thus we get (or purchase) the latest data from them.
Via our long-term tracking and gathering of data from this industry.We have a database that contains history data regarding the market.
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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gadgetrevive · 2 months
Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra Screen Replacement [2022] | Sydney CBD Repair CentreHello everyone, this is Glenn from Sydney CBD Repair Centre, and today we're showcasing the repair of the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra by our Samsung expert, David. Follow along as we demonstrate how to replace the screen on this flagship device.### Introduction and Device Overview The Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra features a sleek design with both front and back panels made of glass, encased in an aluminum frame. This full-glass construction makes it aesthetically appealing but also delicate, requiring careful handling during repairs.### Step-by-Step Screen Replacement Process 1. **Removing the Back Cover**: Begin by carefully removing the back cover, which is also made of glass. This involves separating the adhesive that holds it in place. This step is crucial as it allows access to the internal components of the phone.2. **Disassembling Internal Components**: Next, unscrew the shroud that secures the motherboard. The S20 Ultra is designed for relatively easy disassembly compared to other devices of similar caliber. Components like the wireless charging module, battery connectors, and secondary shrouds are meticulously removed to access the mainboard.3. **Extracting the Battery and Old Display**: Gently extract the battery, taking care not to bend it, and remove the old display unit. The replacement display, which includes the frame, is then prepared for installation. This integration ensures that replacing the display maintains the phone's original aesthetics.4. **Installing the New Display**: Install the mainboard and reconnect all necessary components, including the battery connectors and sim card tray. Carefully reassemble the device, ensuring each component fits snugly into place.5. **Testing and Final Checks**: Before completing the repair, thorough testing is conducted to ensure all components, including the touchscreen, cameras, and charging ports, are functioning correctly. This quality assurance step is crucial to guarantee the device operates as expected post-repair.6. **Final Assembly**: Once all tests are passed successfully, a fresh back cover with adhesive film is installed to give the device a brand-new look. Additional liquid glue may be applied for enhanced durability and reliability.### Conclusion and Service Offerings At Sydney CBD Repair Centre, we specialize in high-quality repairs for Samsung devices, ensuring each repair is conducted with precision and expertise. Whether you visit our repair center in Sydney or utilize our convenient mail-in repair service from anywhere in Australia, we prioritize customer satisfaction and device integrity.### Contact Us for Reliable Repairs If you require a screen replacement or any other repair service for your Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, trust Sydney CBD Repair Centre for professional and reliable service. Visit our website at [Sydney CBD Repair Centre](https://sydneycbd.repair/) to learn more about our services and to get in touch with our team.### Stay Connected Stay updated with the latest repair tips and device maintenance advice by following Sydney CBD Repair Centre on social media and subscribing to our YouTube channel for more repair demonstrations and tutorials.Thank you for joining us on this repair journey. For affordable and efficient repairs, contact Sydney CBD Repair Centre today. Cheers!---For professional repair services and more information about Sydney CBD Repair Centre, visit [Sydney CBD Repair Centre](https://sydneycbd.repair/). We provide comprehensive repair solutions for Samsung and other smartphone brands, ensuring your devices are restored to optimal condition.
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