#phillip jeffries
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rosesandpeonys · 7 months ago
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whatyearisthis · 2 months ago
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R.I.P. David Lynch
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christhebrit2 · 1 year ago
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vertigoartgore · 1 year ago
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Twin Peaks/Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me/Twin Peaks: The Return commission by Mike & Laura Allred.
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yeahiwasintheshit · 8 months ago
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guy60660 · 2 months ago
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Phillip Jeffries
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sonjackcarl · 10 months ago
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zombimanos · 1 year ago
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It's Phillip Jefferies day.
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tobeetoes · 3 months ago
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fatecolossal · 2 months ago
Four shots from TWIN PEAKS directed by David Lynch, and two tweets.
Also, Laura has this postcard on her desk in THE MISSING PIECES:
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fleshfuckfaggot · 6 days ago
ACAB includes our girls in Blue Rose, sure, but on the other hand, I don't necessarily hold them to the same esteem as your average fed. They're like, of this certain era of governmental conspiracy and woowoo bullshit, like if MKUltra was woke.
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tildytwo · 1 month ago
I did two stories for @countdowntotwinpeaks ' Wonderful X Strange fest! Both feature Albert, because I have a one track mind and it's That Old Man.
First up we have On Lunch and Transport and Getting Older, an Old Married Rosendale story about or favorite (retired) FBI agents moving into a retirement village, written for @jeffreymeowmont .
Then we have A Man and an Orb, a post- canon conversation between Albert and Phillip. That one was written for @laughingpinecone !
I hope you both enjoy!
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sadiepinesma · 6 months ago
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It's getting to be time for my annual TP rewatch
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laughingpinecone · 1 month ago
Complete, 651 words, general audiences, no archive warnings apply Fandom: Twin Peaks (TV 1990) Relationships: Dale Cooper & Phillip Jeffries Characters: Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks), Phillip Jeffries Additional Tags: Coffee, Surreal, Post-Canon, tfw you drop by an old coworker. you know how it is. Summary:
There are [REDACTED] advantages to being a teapot, and a fundamental misconception.
@countdowntotwinpeaks WxS 2k25 prompt “Phillip Jeffries and the many downsides (and upsides) of being a teapot”! An anonymous prompter after my own heart!
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littlestsnicket · 1 year ago
wonderfulxstrange exchange time! thank you @countdowntotwinpeaks for organizing this!
here is my fic for @bluerosering
title: I just got your number
word count: 1.1k
phillip jeffries & lucy moran; found footage
[also on ao3]
Due, one assumes, though I can find no record of the initial warrant, to the proximity to Unguin Air Force Base and the newly constructed Listening Post Alpha, the phone line at the Twin Peaks Sheriff Station was tapped in 1983. Coincidentally, this date roughly coincides with the graduation from junior college of one young Lucy Moran. Can you guess where she entered the workforce? 
What follows is a collection of conversations pertinent to our ongoing effort to make sense of the events on and leading up to October 2nd, 2016. I pity the person who initially transcribed these conversations. She—presumably—had the patience of a saint. The problems a small town calls into the non-emergency police line and Lucy’s endless attempts to explain the phone system to her colleagues have a certain quaint charm, but I was endlessly grateful these files were digitized and searchable.
February 28th, 1989
LUCY MORAN: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station.
LUCY: I don’t want to hang up on you, especially if it’s a long distance call. You can tell by the quality of the sound. It goes open and airy. One time my sister traveled all the way to New York City and she forgot her toothbrush so naturally she had to call me and—
(Series of mechanical clunks.)
LUCY: I don’t understand what that’s supposed to mean. I can’t help you if you don’t use words. I’m going to h—“
LUCY: I’m sorry, Agent Cooper isn’t here right now. He—
LUCY: Could you tell me who you are?
LUCY: You’re not Agent Cooper. You sound nothing like Agent Cooper!
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The owls are not what they seem.
(Call ends.)
March 10th, 1989
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, Lucy Moran speaking.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I’m not gonna talk about Judy.
LUCY: Lucy, not Judy. And you’re talking to me. It would be rude to talk about me, and I’m not sure how that would even work.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s dangerous.
LUCY: What’s dangerous? Wait, I recognize your voice. You called here before talking nonsense the night Agent Cooper was shot.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just got your number. 
LUCY: You’ve called here before!
LUCY: You’re scaring me. I’m hanging up now.
(Call ends.)
March 17th, 1989
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff St—
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need to speak to Garland Briggs. 
LUCY: This is the sheriff’s station, Major Briggs—
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need to speak to Garland Briggs.
LUCY: I can’t transfer your call anyway if you won’t tell me who you are.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You haven’t asked.
LUCY: I did. I remember you. I asked you the first time you called here and you wouldn’t tell me.
LUCY: If you're still insisting that hasn’t happened I’m hanging up right now. I have important things to deal with. Growing a whole baby and still having to decide who the father will be is very stressful. 
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My apologies, ma’am. I was unaware of your predicament. My name is Phillip Jeffries.
LUCY: I don’t know a Phillip Jeffries.
PHILLIP JEFFRIES: I advise you keep it that way.
LUCY: You should stop calling then. 
JEFFRIES: I need to speak to Major Garland Briggs. 
LUCY: I can’t help you. He’s not here.
JEFFRIES: You’re a tough cookie, Lucy Brennan.
LUCY: Moran. It’s Lucy Moran.
(Call ends.)
July 15th, 2002
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station.
PHILLIP JEFFRIES: There was a man in Columbia. He was too close.
LUCY: Mr. Jeffries?
JEFFRIES: That wasn’t how it was supposed to go, but it was better than letting things lie. Albert won’t understand.
LUCY: Who are you? Why are you telling me this?
JEFFRIES: I’m Phillip Jeffries, the one and only. Unless there is another. Unnatural. Not occurring in nature. Another.
LUCY: I know your name. I think you’re lonely, but that’s no excuse to talk nonsense.
JEFFRIES: Not nonsense, ma’am. But my perspective lacks context and your perspective lacks context. There are things that cannot be explained, only experienced and communicated obliquely to those who already know.  
JEFFRIES: I am alone. No one visits me here. Not unless they want something I won’t tell them. Not the people who visit me. 
LUCY: Where are you? Can you leave?
(Mechanical clunking that sounds eerily like a laugh)
LUCY: That’s not very helpful.
JEFFRIES: Liberation through Hearing during the Intermediate State
LUCY: Oh, I know that one. I read a book about Tibet because Agent Cooper—that’s not a place. It’s a meditation, I think.
JEFFRIES: You’re right.
LUCY: How can you be in a meditation?
JEFFRIES: I am in all places and no places, accessible only at times of completion. I am where Agent Cooper is yet inaccessible to him. You know Agent Cooper.
LUCY: Yes, but Agent Cooper went missing.
JEFFRIES: Agent Cooper is not missing. He’s lost. But he may find himself. I must prepare for that eventuality.
LUCY: You’re not going to hurt him are you?
JEFFRIES: I’m not gonna do anything to him. Nothing he hasn’t agreed to. (Mechanical clunking.) We had a plan but it’s going wrong. Dweller on the threshold. The fractured self. Unnatural. But we mustn’t lose hope, Lucy Brennan.
LUCY: I am Lucy Brennan. You said that last time when I wasn’t yet. How did you know that would happen?
JEFFRIES: Last time. Time. Now that’s a loaded word. 
LUCY: You’re a very frustrating person to talk to, Mr. Jeffries.
JEFFRIES: It’s my nature now. There are only words for a fraction of the things I want to say.
JEFFRIES: Beware of Duplicates. Not occurring in nature.
(Call ends.)
September 25th, 2016
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station.
JEFFRIES: The pieces wobble but all is not lost. The tipping point will be here soon.
LUCY: Can you stick them to something so they don’t fall over?
(Mechanical clunking.)
JEFFRIES: There’s nothing sticky enough to make this certain. I do my best to keep them steady.
LUCY: (tentatively) Can I help? Usually, I’d get you donuts and coffee but I don’t think I can bring donuts to a place that’s all places and no places.
JEFFRIES: That’s kind of you, Lucy Brennan. He didn’t come through all the way, but his shadow self was not strong enough to stop him completely. Only he can fix it. But we must have everything in place should he succeed. There is a role for you to play, but it would be wrong of me to extract an obligation. Keep your eyes open. You may see something unnatural. When you do, act.
LUCY: I don’t understand.
JEFFRIES: I think you will. 
(Call ends.)
October 2nd, 2016
LUCY (audibly shaken): Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, Lucy speaking.
JEFFRIES: Tell me what happened.
LUCY: I shot him!
JEFFRIES: That’s good. 
LUCY: You’re not going to ask who?
JEFFRIES: I know who. I have one more journey to facilitate. Then my time is done. 
(Mechanical clunking.)
LUCY: Is that a good thing?
JEFFRIES: I think so. Wish me luck. Wish us all luck. 
LUCY: Good luck, Mr. Jeffries 
(Call ends.)
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Director Gordon Cole and the Evanescent Phillip Jeffries, traditional art version
My silly digital painting app crashed and I lost the file for this one, so, despairing of modern technology, I went back to my sketch book. I still have to finish it though.
Probably I'll turn it into a watercolor/gouache illustration when I have the time. Probably not in the near future: exam season is upon me.
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