#philippe blin
contremineur · 1 year
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Philippe Blin, Carré
from the 2020 exhibition Au-delà de la vague
see here
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Alibi (L’alibi) (The Alibi) (1937) Pierre Chenal
June 7th 2023
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nesiacha · 2 months
Execution of 71 revolutionaries during the 11 Thermidor year II
230 years ago on 11 Thermidor 71 revolutionaries were executed:
-Alavoine Joseph , 63 years old.
-Arnaud Bertrand , 55 years old.
-Beaurieux Jean-Jacques 45 years old.
-Bergot Jean-Baptiste , 56 years old,
-Benard or Bernard or Besnard Claude , 28 years old.
-Bernard Jean-Pierre 38 years old"The named Bernard, member of the civil committee of this section and of the General Council of the Commune, appears before the committee and insolently complains that the Muséum section has not complied with the orders of the Commune. All the attendees are indignant at this audacity; and the municipal officer is arrested." (Minutes of the Revolutionary Committee of the section, in Walter, 254)
-Bigaud or Bigaut Claude , , 40 years old . "This section, one of the most agitated, one of the slowest to side with the national representation." (Courtois, in Walter, 277)
-Blin Jacques-Nicolas , 63 years old.
-Boulanger Servais-Baudouin , 38 years old, know as a second-in-command of the Parisian revolutionary army during the second invasion of the revolutionary army in September 1793 . Friend and partisan of Robespierre Hanriot and Le Bas know as honest competent and stayed poor.
-Cazenave Jean 38 years old, born . "The Commune still found some supporters in this section." (Courtois, in Walter, 225)
-Charigny Jean-Baptiste , 55 years old, "Charigny, from the Mont-Blanc section, one of the new members appointed in Prairial by the Committee of Public Safety, had an even better excuse than Vincent: employed at the military transport office, Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, he had returned quietly home after his work, stayed there, and had not set foot at the City Hall. His claim was no more successful than those of Vincent and Bougon." (Sainte-Claire Deville, 330)
-Charlemagne Jean-Philippe-Victor 27 years old "Charlemagne belongs to the personnel of what is conventionally called the Robespierrist Commune; representative of the Brutus section at the General Council, he became its vice-president after the Germinal purge; he will perish on the 10th of Thermidor." (Soboul, 900)
-Chatelain or Chatelin François-Laurent , 43 years "Citizen François-Laurent Chatelain, member of the civil committee of the Lombards section, designated by it to the General Council of the Commune, elected police administrator, artist painter, aged 43, born in Nancy, married, no children, residing in Paris, Rue Quincampoix. The National Convention, considering that Chatelain's property belongs to the Republic, gives him all possible guarantees in execution." (In the National Archives: decision on the nationalization of his property.) "Chatelain, aged 43, member of the civil committee of the Lombards section, chosen by it to the General Council of the Commune, elected police administrator, artist painter, born in Nancy." (In the family file: List of condemned persons of the family: National Archives.)
-Cochois or Cauchois Jean-Baptiste , 54 years old,
"Cochois' efforts with the committees to persuade them to join the Commune had no effect on them and only served to prove his complicity with the conspirators, which led to his death alongside them, struck by the sword of the law." (Courtois, in Walter, 184.)
- Coru Jacques-Pierre 63 years old.
- Cresson Jacques-Louis. Executed on 11 Thermidor.
- Daubancourt René-Toussaint , 43 years old
"Daubancourt, a member of the General Council, wearing the tricolor sash, spoke in favor of the Commune. His arrest was decided, and he was sent to the Committee of General Security. This was approved by the representatives of the people who, shortly after, appeared at the assembly." (Courtois, in Walter, 223.)
- Delacour Pierre-Nicolas , 37 years old, very active during 9 thermidor
"Received a letter from the Commune to immediately call a general assembly. On that day, at eight o’clock in the evening, Lacour, one of our municipal officers, came to invite and urge the committee to establish a regular correspondence, every two hours, with the Commune, which at that moment was expecting Robespierre, St-Just, and Couthon within its ranks." (Excerpt from the records of the deliberations of the Civil Committee of the section, in Walter, 187.)
"At this moment, Lacour, a member of the General Council, entered. His entire demeanor indicated great agitation; he said, 'How can you remain calm while all the committees are going to the Commune, which will soon have Robespierre, St-Just, and Couthon among its members? You should send delegations every two hours to establish correspondence with it;' and then left without waiting for a response." (Account of the events reported to the Civil Committee on the 9th and 10th, presented to citizen Barras, a representative of the people, with the hope it would reach the Committee of Public Safety or the Committee of General Security, in Walter, 188.)
"At around one o’clock, twenty-four deputies appointed by the general assembly to spread out to the forty-seven other sections and convey its wish occupied the committee in dispatching their powers. A committee member declared that at seven o’clock in the evening he saw Lacour enter the Revolutionary Committee; his concerned demeanor aroused his curiosity, so he followed him to ask if there were any news. Lacour replied that there was a lot, but that it couldn’t be shared with everyone. Lacour then told the Committee to remove the outsiders, and our colleague immediately withdrew." (Account of the events reported to the Civil Committee on the 9th and 10th, presented to citizen Barras, with the hope it would reach the Committee of Public Safety or the Committee of General Security, in Walter, 189.)
"A woman spoke about an incident, stating that she had come from the National Convention, where she heard Thuriot place a bounty on Hanriot’s head, saying that anyone who brought Hanriot to the Convention would have well deserved the gratitude of the Fatherland and promised a considerable sum of money to whoever brought his head. She added that it horrified her and made her hair stand on end." (Minutes of the General Assembly of the section during the night of 9th to 10th Thermidor, in Walter, 191.)
-Deltroit Claude-Antoine, 43 years old.
"A man named Deltroit, a municipal officer, arrived and expressed his surprise that the Museum section had neither provided reinforcements nor artillery according to the Commune's requisition. This astonishment was received as it should be by true patriots, and Deltroit was detained." (Minutes of the Revolutionary Committee’s session of the section, in Walter, 253.)
- Deboisseaux Charles-Huant 39 years old
"Among the outlaws, several had managed to flee and avoid immediate arrest. Among them was Coffinhal, who had succeeded in leaving the Hôtel de Ville. [...] He then left with his friend Desboisseaux, a member of the Commune and juror at the Tribunal, who, like him, lived on the Île Saint-Louis (Fraternity section). They had wandered together around Paris throughout the 10th, where their friends were being arrested left and right and Robespierre was being taken to the scaffold. They dined at Boulevard de l’Hôpital, in one of the most remote and deserted corners of Paris at the time; they had supper at rue d’Enfer, at the Écu, in the Observatory section, which alone had openly embraced their party during the previous night. They had continued to roam, unable to find a safe refuge, and dared not present themselves at the barriers. At one o’clock in the morning, the two outlaws had separated; Desboisseaux had returned to the Île Saint-Louis to try to see his wife, where he learned that the Revolutionary Committee had already come to seal his home and had not found his wife. After this day and night of anxious wandering and being hunted, following the exhausting hours of the night of the 9th to the 10th, the unfortunate man stated that he had walked until 6 o’clock in the morning and then entered the house of citizen Martin, a wine merchant, at Quai des Ormes, where he probably hoped to rest. Martin recognized him, called the Revolutionary Committee of the section, and that’s how Desboisseaux, immediately arrested, went to the scaffold in the evening, perhaps having had no more than a minute of rest during sixty hours." (Sainte-Claire Deville, 338-339.)
-Desvieux Marc-Louis 44 years old,
"The [General Assembly of the Contract-Social section] had sent commissioners to the Commune; two of them had taken the oath there. It appeared to be wavering in favor of the rebels." (Courtois, in Walter, 200.)
- Devaux or Desvaux Pierre-François 53 years old,
-Dorigny Louis-François , 36 years old very active during 9 thermidor
"The Popincourt section, being far from the places where the conspirators were stirring and where the national representation was striking the traitors, showed much anxiety and uncertainty in its conduct; it also had members and friends of the Commune within it who deceived it. Dorigny, who paid for his treachery with his life, had singularly influenced it. It had sent commissioners to the Commune, not only to learn about the facts but to participate in its deliberations. […] Among the culprits who were in this section and who contributed to misleading it was Dorigny, whom I have just mentioned. […] The Revolutionary Committee seems, according to documents found at the Commune, to have made the requested oath; but it also seems to have acted according to principles: it arrested Dorigny." (Courtois, in Walter, 266-267.)
"The Popincourt assembly, meeting shortly after nine o’clock, on the initiative of Dorigny, a member of the General Committee, sent twelve commissioners to the Commune 'with the power to deliberate if required,' but also delegated as many to the Convention. On their return around eleven o'clock, the commissioners announced the Commune's rebellion: the assembly immediately aligned itself with the national representation. Dorigny tried around midnight to regain control: the assembly persisted in its decision." (Soboul, 1017-1018.)
- Dumetz Pierre 37 years old.
- Dumontier Denis-Joseph 51 years old or 42 years old
-Eudes Jean-Pierre 31 years old, born in 1763 very active during the night of 9 and 10 thermidor
- Farot or Faro Jean-Léonard 31 years old, was one of the most active during the night of 9 to 10 Thermidor.
- Gamaury or Gamory Martial , 46 years old, born.
- Gibert Jean-Louis , 42 or 43 years old.
-Girardin Jean-Claude , 48 years old
“Girardin stayed at the Commune until the end and was arrested during the invasion of the Hôtel de Ville by the Convention troops. He went to the guillotine on the 11th.” (Walter, note on page 221.)
- Girod or GIRAUD Giraud Pierre 27 years old, born
- Grenard René , 43 or 45 years old.
-Hoëner or Haëner Pierre, 52 years old
-Henry Pierre 48 or 49 years old, "Citizen Renaud arriving from the Commune went to the tribune and said: 'The country is saved once again. It was then eleven thirty. The sections have united at the Commune, the council is working on a proclamation that will inform you of the dangers you have faced, the representatives have been found and are under the protection of the people, the commander of the mounted gendarmerie and his officers are in Hanriot's hands and will be shot tomorrow morning.'" (Minutes of the General Assembly of the section, in Walter, 226-227.) "The Revolutionary Committee of the Arsenal section passed to the order of the day on the guilty proposition made by a municipal officer (Henry, punished with death) to join the Commune." (Courtois, in Walter, 178.)
-Jault Pierre-Simon-Joseph 32 years old "Despite the efforts of Damour and Monnoyer, despite the deputations made by the municipal conspirators and the presence of Mercier, Jault, and Dazard, who have since been struck down by the law, this section remained loyal, and the apostles of the rebellious Commune were arrested by its orders." (Courtois, in Walter, 176.)
- Jemptel Auguste or Antoine , 54 years old, "Commune of Paris, 9 Thermidor Year II. The members of the General Council of the Commune invite the Bon-Conseil section, which has distinguished itself at all times, to send commissioners to its midst to deliberate on means of public salvation and the true support of the friends of the people and liberty; almost all sections are currently united. Signed: Léchenard, Arthur, Louvet, Legrand, Jemptel." (Courtois, in Walter, 181.) "The Revolutionary Committee arrested Jemptel, a municipal officer who had participated in the Commune's revolt." (Courtois, in Walter, 180-181.)
-Jerome or Jerosme Nicolas JEROME 44 years old. "Municipal officers Alexandre Louvet, Louis Pâris, and Nicolas Jérôme, along with a few others, were arrested and sent to the Committee of General Security." All three were guillotined on the 11th. (Courtois, in Walter, 223.)
-Jobert Auguste-Germain 50 years old.
- Jonquoy Claude 44 years old "Jonquoy, who was serving as a police administrator, was arrested with his colleagues at the town hall around 2 a.m. on 10 Thermidor; he was guillotined on the 11th." (Walter, note 1, 221.)
- Lamiral or Ladmiral Pierre-Léon 34 years old.
- Langlois Jean-Nicolas 47 years old, arrested by own section when he tried to rally them to the Commune ,"The municipal officer Langlois first tried to corrupt President Trépié, then harangued the section to urge it to rally to the Commune, but was not listened to." (Courtois, in Walter, 249.) "On the 9th, at a quarter past midnight, Citizen Langlois, a member of the Commune, despite the decrees of the National Convention which the assembly only knew verbally, presented himself to the assembly with Citizen Trépié, president, urging him to use his efforts to excite the general assembly to join the Commune and take the oath of loyalty. To which Citizen Trépié turned his back and told him that he was speaking to the assembly, looking at him with indignation. Whereupon I, Bourgoy, secretary, having heard him and pointed out that we were disregarding the orders of the Commune. To which Langlois replied that a second order would be forthcoming and that it would be necessary to proclaim it immediately. When I told him that if it came I would tear it up, he said: 'You will tear it up, you will desire it.' I said: 'No, I will not tear it up, but I will record it in my minutes as a proscribed thing.' He allowed himself to say that the Commune was not in [revolution], but that it was the Convention which was in counter-revolution and that it was oppressing the patriots. This denunciation, I, Bourgoy, signed and sent to the Revolutionary Committee of my section at eight in the morning of 10 Thermidor." (Denunciation addressed to the Revolutionary Committee of the section by Citizen Bourgoy, secretary-clerk of the sectional assembly, in Walter, 249-250.) "The Mont-Blanc assembly met around 9:30. 'Fear of being misled led it to appoint a delegation to receive the orders from the Committees of Public Safety and General Security.' When Langlois, a member of the General Council, requested that delegates go to pledge allegiance to the Commune, the assembly, despite his insistence, moved to the next item on the agenda." (Soboul, 1014.)
-Langlois Marie-François 37 years old, "The Civil Committee sent two commissioners to the Commune authorized by the general assembly, which refused to send two commissioners to the Committee of Public Safety. It [The assembly] sent observers to the Convention who placed themselves in the tribune of the journalist Millin. A certain Rossignol came to reveal the seditious plans of the Commune. Tumult. The assembly listened favorably to Lemasson who praised the General Council and who had sworn allegiance to the Commune. It applauded Pelletier who unleashed himself against the Committee of Public Safety and the Convention, and announced that the representatives defending the homeland had returned to the people. It smiled at the speech of municipal officer Langlois, who came with a sash to praise the principles and conduct of the municipal conspirators, stirred and troubled by the reading of a note from Millin urging citizens not to recognize the orders of the municipality placed outside the law. It only pronounced in favor of the Convention after it was certain of its victory." (Courtois, in Walter, 193.) "Chalier section, two men long held the assembly under their influence, with the complicity of the president who refused to give the floor 'to good commissioners returning from mission': Pelletier, justice of the peace, and Lemaçon, his assessor; Langlois, municipal officer, 'confirmed the imprecations of the two previous ones.'" (Soboul, 1020.)
-Lasnier Jacques 52 years old, very active during 9 thermidor and escort Maximilien Robespierre to the Commune "Mutius-Scaevola section, the session opened at eight o'clock with the reading of the Council's summons letter, commissioners were sent to the Commune 'to find out what was happening there.' A discussion then ensued on the legality of this summons; it was announced that the Commune was in rebellion. The assembly immediately recalled its commissioners and declared that it was illegal. 'The assembly spontaneously adjourned, but resolved to remain united to await orders.' When Lasnier, a member of the General Council, appeared after ten o'clock, the assembly declared that it recognized only the Convention." (Soboul, 1016.) "Another member, having seen Lasnier, a member of the Commune, in the assembly, demanded that he be taken to the revolutionary committee. Lasnier demanded the floor. Lasnier made an ardent defense of the Commune, of Robespierre, of Hanriot, and the Jacobins. The assembly, not being swayed by his perfidious insinuations, resolved again that it recognized no authority other than that of the Convention. As for Lasnier, he was taken to the revolutionary committee, which placed him under arrest. Taken the next morning to the Committee of General Security; he was guillotined on 11 Thermidor." (Summary of the Minutes written by the Civil Committee of the section, in Walter, 256.)
-Lauvin Edmé-Marguerite 60 years old.
- Legendre Jean-Baptiste-Emmanuel 60 or 61 years old,
-Legrand Pierre-Jacques 51 years old
-Lelievre Jacques-Mathurin 40 or 41 years old, born in Paris. Very active during the night of 9 to 10 Thermidor.
-Lesire Jean-Charles-Pierre 43 years old.
-Louvet Pierre-Alexandre , 33 years old,very active during 9 Thermidor . “Several had the courage of their opinions and disdainfully refused to defend themselves, for example, the painter Pierre-Alexandre Louvet from the section of the Homme-Armé, a young and active member of the Execution Committee. It is remembered that he had left the Town Hall around two in the morning to accompany the deputation sent by the General Council to the Jacobins. Captured on the return by a patrol from the section of the Halle au Blé, taken at 3 a.m. before the Revolutionary Committee, he was asked if he had participated in the decrees issued by the Commune since the previous day. He proudly replied ‘yes, and that if it were to be done again, he would do it, that he is in the patriotic principles, and that he will be until death, and that he prefers to die rather than live as a slave.’” (Sainte-Claire Deville, 328.) “The Commune nevertheless still found some supporters in this sanction.” (Courtois, in Walter, 225.)
-Lubin Jean-Jacques , 29 years old.
-Lumiere Jacques-Nicolas 46 years old.
-Marcel André 53 or 73 years old.
-Mercier Louis-Joseph 40 years old. After the actions of the Commune . After the action of the Commune failed, instead of escaping he decided to surrender Surrendered himself.
“Mercier, a municipal officer (sentenced to death), tried in vain to lead the committee to the Commune’s cause; in response, a protest of unwavering loyalty and attachment to the Convention was sent.” (Courtois, in Walter, 179.)
-Mercier Marc-Martial-André , 43 years old
“Despite his patriotism, Mercier was not a sans-culotte due to his lifestyle and position.” (Soboul, 895.)
“He was reproached for his immoral conduct (he abandoned his 'respectable and virtuous' wife for another woman), the inconsistency of his character 'which means that patriots never know what to expect from him,' and being a poor republican for having refused sixty sous to a poor and sick patriot ('the character of a true republican is to relieve his brothers in adversity, especially when they enjoy such considerable salaries as those of Mercier').” (Soboul, 895.)
“9 Thermidor, ten o'clock in the evening. The session begins with the reading of a decree from the General Council of the Commune. The assembly appoints two commissioners to go to the Commune. The commissioners report that the armed force assembled in the Place de Grève has withdrawn. A citizen sent by the civil committee at eight o'clock to the Commune to find out what was happening there reports that he was asked to write his name on a piece of paper and have the commissioners present from the section take an oath, and that Mercier and Gency, representatives of the section, said that the detained patriots had been freed and that all orders would come from the Commune as all authorities were gathered there. The assembly, outraged by the Commune's demands, swears to die for the national representation.” (Summary of the General Assembly minutes of the section, in Walter, 214.)
-Mettot Dominique 45 years old.
-Morel Jacques 55 years old.
-Moyne Jacques 39 years old.
-Naudin Nicolas 33 or 35 years old .
“The committee deliberating on how to secure Naudin and Talbot, members of the Commune declared out of the law and residing in the section, decided to search their houses and seal them.” Naudin, present at the session of the 9th, was arrested at the Maison-Commune. He went to the scaffold.” (Extraordinary session of the Civil Committee of the section on 9 Thermidor, in Walter, 280.)
-Pacquotte Jean 47 or 48 years old
-Paffe François-Auguste 41 years old.
-Paris Pierre-Louis 34 years old
“The municipal officers Alexandre Louvet, Louis Paris, and Nicolas Jérôme, and a few others, are arrested and sent to the General Security Committee.” All three were guillotined on the 11th. (Courtois, in Walter, 223.)
-Pelletier François 33 years old.
-Ravel Jacques 55 or 48 years old.
-Remy Pierre 45 years old
“Journet is announced as arriving from the Commune. He says: ‘I was invited to tell you to join the Commune. You know that the Commune has been declared outlawed; you know it is composed of all good patriots, and declaring the good patriots outlaws means declaring all patriots outlaws. That’s why I present to the assembly that it should not have read the proclamation of the Convention.’ Journet adds that while at the town hall he saw Rémy, who asked him how the section was behaving and told him, ‘Go quickly to my section and invite it to join the other sections under the orders of the Commune.’” (Minutes of the General Assembly of the section, in Walter, 227.)
-Sijas Prosper 35 years old , loyalist to Robespierre.
“Sijas, former deputy to Bouchotte and a pronounced patriot.” (Soboul, 876.)
-Souard or Souars Étienne-Antoine , 56 or 57 years old,
-Talbot or Taillebot Jean-Baptiste-Crépin 58 years old
“From 3 p.m., Talbot invites the commander of the Temple section to go to the headquarters; he goes there: half an hour later, the general assembly convenes and the men hurry to the gathering points.” (Soboul, 997.)
“The commander arrives and declares that citizen Talbot, a member of the Commune, had him called at three o'clock in a third-party house where he was. Talbot, who was waiting for him on the boulevard, urged him to go immediately to Hanriot to receive his orders; he went there immediately, Hanriot was surrounded by many people, and Hanriot ordered him to arm all citizens and to obey only him, the general, and the Commune of Paris. He then requested this order in writing, but Hanriot told him he only gave verbal orders. He then returned to the section, and having seen citizens gathering armed on his way, he thought it his duty to do the same in his section to maintain public order and therefore called the roll.” (Extraordinary session of the Civil Committee of the section on 9 Thermidor, in Walter, 278.)
“Despite Talbot's pressure, the Temple section committees refused around six o'clock to obey the Commune's demands.” (Soboul, 1007.)
“The committee deliberating on how to secure Naudin and Talbot, members of the Commune declared outlaws and residing in the section, decided to search their houses and seal them.” (Extraordinary session of the Civil Committee of the section on 9 Thermidor, in Walter, 280.)
“Talbot, having left shortly before the end of the session, managed to return to his home. He was arrested in the morning of the 10th.” (Walter, note 1, 280.)
-Tanchon Ponce 32 or 33 years old.
“A citizen presenting himself to the committee and invited to say what was new responded with warmth that the people were in insurrection, that the Jacobins, all the sections, the constituted authorities, and the tribunals were rallying around the Commune to defend Robespierre and to oppose the Convention, which, he said, wanted to oppress and make him a victim; he urged us with all his might to go to the Commune, and the reason he gave was that the tocsin was sounding and the people were exercising their sovereignty.” (Minutes of the Civil Committee session of the section, in Walter, 197.)
-Vaucanu Jean-Guillaume-François 37 years old.
-Vincent Jean-Baptiste 35 (or 36) years old
“Vincent, from the Indivisibility section, was a good man. [...] Building contractor and administrator of the heavy artillery workshop, he had been detained very late at his office and could only go to the Commune after 10 p.m. [He signed as number 91, the last one on the attendance list.] He left after a quarter of an hour, without making a gesture or saying a word. The next morning, having learned of the decree declaring the municipality outlawed, he voluntarily went to the General Security Committee, with the deep conviction of his perfect innocence. Naturally, he was arrested and pushed into the vestibule where prisoners gathered. Hearing his colleagues' conversations and the guards' remarks, he became anxious and hastily wrote a petition: ‘... Faithfully submitting to the law, reassured by the sense of a guiltless conscience, he came voluntarily to place himself under your orders, offering his conduct for your examination, convinced that if justice weighs on guilty heads, it will consider it a sacred duty to protect and defend innocence confused with crime.’” (Sainte-Claire Deville, 329-330.)
-Witchericht or Wiltcheritz or Vichterich Martin 44 (or 48) years old. Was in Luxembourg prison: refused to let Robespierre to go to to prison and sent him to the town hall instead
“The Popincourt section, distant from where the conspirators were active and where the national representation was striking the traitors, showed much anxiety and uncertainty in its conduct; it also had members and friends of the Commune among its ranks who misled it.” (Courtois, in Walter, 266.)
Mention to : Benoist, Boulanger's adjutant who killed himself in the section yard.
I was able to find all the names and quite a few excerpts of text (some that I knew, others not, whether it was the names or the excerpts of text) on the excellent site. If you want more information about these revolutionaries go to this link:
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wicked-chocolatine · 2 years
French National Assembly voted for abortion rights to be written in and protected by the Constitution.
337 voted for it. 32 voted against it. 18 didn't vote.
Now it will go to the Senate, then the National Assembly again.
In the mean time, French folks here is the list of the 32 député-e-s than voted against :
Bénédicte Auzanot (RN)
Philippe Ballard (RN)
Christophe Barthès (RN)
Christophe Bentz (RN)
Emmanuel Blairy (RN)
Frédéric Boccaletti (RN)
Roger Chudeau (RN)
Caroline Colombier (RN)
Géraldine Grangier (RN)
Marine Hamelet (RN)
Hervé de Lépinau (RN)
Frank Giletti (RN)
Laure Lavalette (RN)
Marie-France Lorho (RN)
Nicolas Meizonnet (RN)
Pierre Meurin (RN)
Lisette Pollet (RN)
Stéphane Rambaud (RN)
Angélique Ranc (RN)
Julien Rancoule (RN)
Laurence Robert-Dehault (RN)
Béatrice Roullaud (RN)
Emeric Salmon (RN)
Anne-Laure Blin (LR)
Xavier Breton (LR)
Josiane Corneloup (LR)
Philippe Gosselin (LR)
Patrick Hetzel (LR)
Marc Le Fur (LR)
Jérôme Nury (LR)
Nathalie Bassire (Libertés, indépendants, outre-mer et territoires)
Emmanuelle Ménard (Non Inscrite)
And the source.
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pierrecarree · 1 year
Les aventuriers du manuscrit perdu
Un article de Libération de jeudi 28 septembre 2023 raconte où en sont les milliers de feuillets laissés par Alexandre Grothendieck, protégés longtemps par Jean-Bernard Gillot, libraire à Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Philippe Douroux et Simon Blin, les auteurs de cet article, font plusieurs références à Indiana Jones, et c’est vrai que l’histoire est rocambolesque : si une partie de ce peut-être…
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seeuatnyc · 1 year
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Philippe Blin
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ozkar-krapo · 4 years
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•••• musique jaune ••••
"Poésie XXe Siècle : Les Surréalistes"
(LP. Disques Adès. 19??) [FR]
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merzbow-derek · 6 years
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orpheusz · 6 years
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tv-movie-4k · 4 years
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Lorsque Suze Trappet apprend à 43 ans qu’elle est sérieusement malade, elle décide de partir à la recherche de l'enfant qu’elle a été forcée d'abandonner quand elle avait 15 ans. Sa quête administrative va lui faire croiser JB, quinquagénaire en plein burn out, et M. Blin, archiviste aveugle d’un enthousiasme impressionnant. À eux trois, ils se lancent dans une quête aussi spectaculaire qu’improbable.
Sortie: 2020-10-09 Durée: 87 minutes Genre: Comédie, Drame Etoiles: Virginie Efira, Albert Dupontel, Nicolas Marié, Jackie Berroyer, Philippe Uchan Directeur: Albert Dupontel, Albert Dupontel, Mimi Lempicka, Christophe Julien, Alexis Kavyrchine
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Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
Thanks u for visiting, I hope u enjoy with this Movie Have a Nice Day and Happy Watching :)
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moviepoland · 4 years
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Bye Bye Morons (2020) HD 𝐁𝐲𝐞 𝐁𝐲𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐬 (𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎) 𝐇𝐃 🗓️ Release Date : 27 November 2020 . 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 : When 43-year-old hairdresser Suze Trappet finds out that she's seriously ill, she decides to go looking for a child she was forced to abandon when she was only 15. On her madcap bureaucratic quest she crosses paths with JB, a 50-year-old man in the middle of a burnout, and Mr. Blin, a blind archivist prone to overenthusiasm. The unlikely trio set off on a hilarious and poignant helterskelter journey across the city in search of Suze's long-lost child. . 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 ⬇️      ⬇️      ⬇️      ⬇️ .
. ⬆️      ⬆️      ⬆️      ⬆️ . 🗓️ Release Date : 27 November 2020
⏰ Runtime : 87 minutes
📂 Genres : Comedy, Drama
💼 Production Company  : Gaumont, Manchester Films, France 2, Canal+, Entourage Pictures, ADCB Films, CNC, Ciné+, France Télévisions, Mikros Image, Région Ile-de-France
🌎 Production Countries  : France
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Casts : Virginie Efira, Albert Dupontel, Nicolas Marié, Jackie Berroyer, Philippe Uchan, Michel Vuillermoz, Frans Boyer, Thierry Gary, Adèle Galloy, Bastien Ughetto, Marilou Aussilloux
🏷️ Plot Keywords : -
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blog-bishop · 4 years
Nouvelles acquisitions (Novembre 2018 à Mars 2019) Rattrapage
Moins de livres achetés, mais beaucoup plus de vinyles. Mes finances m'ont forcé à lever le pied.
Samedi 01.12.18 Gibert Joseph Pierre Siniac - Femmes blafardes François Billard & Alain Antonietto - Django Reinhardt, un géant sur son nuage
Boulinier Witold Gombrowicz - Yvonne, princesse de Bourgogne Knut Hamsun - Le dernier chapitre
Gibert Jeune - Nouvelle Braderie, place St Michel Maurice Leblanc - Arsène Lupin Tome 4 - Bouquins R. Laffont Contient : Le Secret d'Eunerville - La Poudrière - Le second visage d'Arsène Lupin - La justice d'Arsène Lupin - Le serment d'Arsène Lupin - L'Affaire Oliveira (par Pierre Boileau & Thomas Narcejac ) - Dorothée, danseuse de corde - La Prince de Jéricho - Les Milliards d'Arsène Lupin - Le secret des Rois de France (par Valère Catogan)
Roger Munier & Yves Bonnefoy - Haïku Bashô - Friches 3
Gibert Jeune Robin Maugham - The Servant
Samedi 29.12.18 Boulinier Henry James - La solution
Vendredi 11.01.19 Via internet Arthur Schnitzler - L'Appel de la vie
Samedi 12.01.19 Boulinier Henry James - L'Américain - Trad. Gilles Chahine Roger Price - Le cerveau à sornettes - Collection Humour secret n°10
Gilda, 36 rue Bourdonnais Michel Onfray - Miroir du nihilisme, Houellebecq éducateur
Mardi 15.01.19 Via internet Francis Lacassin - Conversations avec Simenon Odette Aslan - Roger Blin, Qui êtes-vous ? Lovecraft - Ed. établie par Francis Lacassin - Vol.1 - Coll. Bouquins Robert Laffont Contient : Les mythes de Cthulhu, Légendes et mythes de Cthulhu, Premiers contes, L'art d'écrire selon Lovecraft
Samedi 19.01.19 Boulinier Jacques Sternberg - Les chroniques de France-Soir
Samedi 02.02.19 Gibert Jeune - Nouvelle Braderie, place St Michel Henry James - La troisième personne, précédé de Un lieu de rêve - Nouvelles. Trad. Evelyne Clavaud
Trouvé par terre Bld St Michel Pierre Schoendoerffer - L'adieu au roi
Samedi 09.03.19 Trouvé par terre Bld St Michel Akutagawa Ryûnosuke - Rashômon et autres contes
Boulinier Conversations de Goethe avec Eckermann - 10e édition 1942
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Je me souviens du poète surréaliste Philippe Soupault citant cette phrase de Goethe à André Breton. (On l'entend dans le doc sur Soupault de Tavernier) :
« Dès qu'un poète veut faire de la politique, il doit s'affilier à un parti, et alors, en tant que poète, il est perdu. Il lui faut dire adieu à sa liberté d'esprit, à l'impartialité de sa vision, et tirer au contraire jusqu'à ses oreilles la cagoule de l'étroitesse d'esprit et de l'aveugle haine. »
Breton reste froid et lui répond : « Goethe, ça n'est pas une référence. » Si Aragon avait été présent, il aurait répondu la même chose.
Mon édtion est une édition reliée qui ressemble à ça :
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Jacques Sternberg - Le navigateur
Samedi 16.03.19 Berkeley books of Paris Shelley Day - What are you like - Short Stories
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Livre offert par l'auteur (Thanx Shelley !)
Boulinier William Saroyan - Entre garçons et filles
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« Le garçon tenait une balle de tennis et la fille la réclamait mais il ne voulait pas la lui donner. - Toi, sois un bon garçon, Johnny, disait Turanda. Toi, donne-lui la balle. Tu as d'autres choses. Le garçon tendit la balle à la fille. - Merde, dit-il. Turanda jeta un regard à la ronde pour voir si personne n'avait entendu, et puis il dit : - Voilà, Rosy, tu vois ? Johnny est un bon garçon. Dis-lui merci. - Merde, dit la fille. Elle le dit doucement et aimablement, comme si c'était un beau mot. »
Samedi 23.03.19 Arthur Schnitzler - Les dernières cartes & Rien qu'un rêve
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C’est la nouvelle Rien qu'un rêve qui inspira à Kubrick son film Eyes wide shut. Il en existe deux traductions, celle-ci, par Dominique Auclères, que j’ai lue jadis, mais dont j’avais vendu l’exemplaire, croyant qu’elle était reprise dans le recueil de La Pochothèque : Schnitzler Romans et nouvelles Tome II (1909-1931) Or, dans ce recueil, le texte s’appelle La Nouvelle rêvée et c’est une nouvelle traduction de Philippe Forget. Je ne m’en suis aperçu que récemment, et, pris de remords, j’ai donc racheté ce poche. L’autre nouvelle,  Les dernières cartes, est aussi très bonne. Jacques Feyder en tira un film en 1931, Daybreak (L’Aube).
Michel Onfray - Epiphanies de la séparation Serge Valletti - Toutaristophane II - Reviennent les lucioles ! & La stratégie d'Alice
Mardi 26.03.19 Via internet Collectif - Anthologie de la poésie japonaise contemporaine
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J'avais entendu des extraits de ce recueil dans un Poésie sur Paroles de Fr Culture. Des textes, m'avaient saisis et il a fallu de longs mois avant que je tombe sur le livre. Préface très éclairante par Y.Inoué, T.Kyooba M. Ôoka. Il s'agit d'une poésie moderne, très influencée par les français, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud. « Une école artiste adopta le modernisme, et entre autres le surréalisme ; une école engagée eut en vue une poésie prolétarienne ou anarchiste. » Entre autres j'avais retenu le très court :
Absence (Rusu) de Shinkichi Takahashi :
« Dites que je suis absent Qu'il n'y a personne ici Je reviendrai dans cinq cent million d'années. »
et le plus long Chanson sentimentale par Hiroshi Iwata :
« Je déteste les étudiants La colle le plastique le chic Je déteste leurs mandats-cartes leurs mandats-lettres J'aime les fournitures et les plumes Et l'encre cachée dans le marbre J'aime j'aime les affiches (...)
Les puits les drapeaux les assemblées : je déteste Les machines à écrire le japonais le vernis les pointes de fer Les agraffeuses les entraîneuses les enveloppeuses Les pleins les déliés les sociétés les courses les cursives : je déteste L'évacuation fécale l'évasion fiscale les autruches les baudruches les percussions instrumentales Le petit marchand de tabac et sa femme : j'aime j'aime Le bouquiniste Ancien de la police politique : j'aime, les critiques en tenue négligée : je déteste Leurs nez
(...) Je déteste les journalistes qui parcourent mes livres à onze heures du matin Et qui ressortent de la librairie sans les acheter Et vont écrire sur mes poèmes des imbécilités J'aime le riz j'aime les pleurnicheries je déteste la bâtissomanie J'aime les singes et les cochons Les doigts aussi »
Salvador Reyes - Monica Sanders
Samedi 30.03.19 Gibert Joseph Michel Onfray - Vivre une vie philosophique. Thoreau le sauvage
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Lu. Et apprécié. Même si j'avais déjà écouté les conférences de 2008, voilà un bon complément pour se rafraîchir la mémoire. Une excellente façon de découvrir le reclus de Walden.
« Le surhomme est celui qui sait qu'il n'y a que de la volonté de puissance, que celle-ci définit ce qui veut la vie dans la vie, qu'elle est danss le cosmos et le brin d'herbe, dans les astres et les pierres, dans le ciron et le philosophe, qu'il n'y a place pour aucune liberté, aucun libre arbitre, qu'il faut vouloir ce vouloir qui nous veut, pour être libre, qu'on doit aimer son destin parce qu'ainsi on connaît une joie, une béatitude qui prouve l'atteinte du surhumain. »
« L'enfant nourrit la trame de l'adulte. Thoreau passe sa vie à ne pas rompre avec son enfance. La liberté de l'enfant est son idéal. Construire des cabanes, pécher dans les étangs, remonter les rivières en barque, marcher dans la forêt, regarder le monde entre ses jambes, grimper dans les arbres, se baigner dans les eaux de Walden en toute saison - rien n'est plus jubilatoire pour l'adulte qu'il est devenu... »
« Thoreau met en perspective le génie et l'incapacité à vivre avec ses semblables doublée d'un désir de s'isoler pour vivre à l'écart des foules. »
« Thoreau écrit : celui qui dépend de lui seul pour ses plaisirs - qui trouve tout ce qu'il veut en lui - est réellement indépendant ; car faire appel aux maîtres pour atteindre le but recherché par tout le monde, c'est vivre dans un état de confiance et de dépendance perpétuelle. » Le philosophe libertaire est tout entier dans cete phrase : l'autonomie , être à soi-même sa propre loi, ne dépendre de rien ni de personne, « se créer liberté », pour emprunter à Nietzsche sa formule, voilà le projet existentiel du jeune homme. »
« Thoreau ne croit qu'à la révolution spirituelle. S'il devait faire un geste pour sauver l'humanité, il ne le ferait pas, nous dit-il. »
« L'individualiste de Walden ; le violent des derniers temps, qui exècre l'esclavage et veut en finir avec cette ignominie, y compris par les armes - le penseur du plaidoyer pour John Brown. Mais il s'agit bien sûr du même Thoreau. »
« Thoreau écrit : faites en sorte que votre vie soit un contre-frottement qui arrête le mouvement de la machine. »
« Etre philosophe ce n'est pas seulement avoir des pensées philosophiques, ce n'est pas même fonder une école, c'est aimer assez la sagesse pour vivre selon ses arrêts (...). C'est résoudre quelques uns des problèmes de la vie, non seulement en théorie, mais en pratique. »
Michel Onfray - Décoloniser les provinces
Dimanche 31.03.19 Boulinier Collectif - Les oeuvres libres n°200 - Janvier 1963 Collectif - Les oeuvres libres Nouvelle série n°104 - 330 - Janvier 1955 Tom Wolfe - Embuscade à fort bragg Peter Härtling - Béquille Jacques Bonnet - Quelques Historiettes ou petit éloge de l'anecdote en littérature
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eglise22 · 5 years
Bénédiction et Inauguration de la maison paroissiale à Pordic
Depuis 2 ans les paroissiens attendaient ce moment, depuis la démolition des anciennes salles paroissiales, l'accueil sur le relais de Pordic se faisait dans un logement de l'ancien presbytère un peu exigu quand il y avait des rencontres ou des réunions.Chose faite maintenant, le relais a depuis hier une nouvelle salle paroissiale spacieuse ou se fera l'accueil et qui pourra servir aux associations catholiques mais aussi aux associations publiques de Pordic pour des réunions, comme l'a indiqué l'abbé Roland Le Gal dans son discours d'accueil. Auparavant, M. Battas, Maire de Pordic, avait souhaité accueillir MgrMoutel pour sa venue sur la commune et, dans son discours, à repris l'historique de cette construction depuis la démolition et les projets d'embellissement du centre ville de Pordic auquel se rajoute les logements d'Armorique Habitat qui a vu l'opportunité de construire des logements sociaux, ceux-ci se trouvant à côté de la maison paroissiale.On pouvait noter la présence de MgrMoutel, de l'abbé Jean Hamon, de l'abbé Damien Ayola, des diacres et leurs épouses et des personnalités publiques : M. Alain Cadec, Président du conseil départemental et conseiller départemental du canton de Plérin, M. Maurice Battas, maire de Pordic, M. Jean-Claude Quettier, adjoint au maire de Pordic en charge de l'urbanisme, M. Gaël Mériadec, architecte, M. Olivier Rannou, économiste, M. Loïc Blin, économe diocésain, M. Philippe Duru, chargé de l'immobilier du diocèse.
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De nombreux paroissiens s'étaient déplacés pour assister à ce moment mais aussi pour prier et chanter avec l'accompagnement de l'organiste Bernard le Néel, en l'église Saint Pierre de Pordic puisque c'était aussi la messe de rentrée paroissiale avec de nombreuses familles et leurs enfants, les jeunes du KT étaient aussi présents.
Voir en ligne : Les photos
via Communauté pastorale du Littoral Ouest https://ift.tt/2kYCwzN
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kebee-s · 8 years
Poom Big Bang from Axel Courtière on Vimeo.
Director : Axel Courtière Production Company : Frenzy Paris Producer : Elsa Rakotoson Production Coordinator : Maéva Caron Line Producer : Alexis Fonvieille Production Assistant : Fanny Blin DOP : Kanamé Onoyama 1st AD : Samantha Mialet 1st AC : Sarah Boutin Set Designer : Audrey Malecot Stylist : Marie Credou Make-up : Agathe Guittet, Juliette Thomas Stop motion animation : Victor Haegelin
Post Production : Circus Post producers : Julien Villanueva & Jérôme Bacquet Editing : Martin Wiklund, Axel Courtière Grading : Edouard Koen SFX supervisor : Edouard Koen 2D animation : Guilhem Salines 3D & Compositing : Jean-Baptiste Bister, Antoine Poyard, Maximilien Rolland, Rémy Bonnin, Rémy Rambaud Matte painting : Sarry Long, Axel Courtière Design : Axel Courtière Pixel art : Francois Goupil Special thanks : Aurélie Mention // Jonathan Le Saint (actor), Lef Agiokatsikas (actor), Nicolas Polla (actor), Julia Nefedova (actor), Agathe Guittet (actor), Dimitri Fournier (actor) and his family // Jean-Francois Camp from Central Dupon and Jacques Fonvieille (studio), Philippe Guillemain (RVZ) // Cyril Colmant (key grip), Pascal Doyen (gaffer), Pierre-Antoine Mouvilliat (best boy) // and all the set team: Sandy Moreau, Francois Goupil, Marilou Chabert, Elfie Barreau, Martin Wiklund, Xavier Mazzarol, Martin Claude, Florie Nguyen, Fabienne Salomon, Leslie Herzhaft, Julia, Camille Lamernadie, Pierre Pell.
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atypeekmusic · 4 years
Jean-Philippe Blin Trio - What Matter Now What Went Before [What Matter ...
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ozkar-krapo · 6 years
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"Poésie XXe Siècle : Les Surréalistes"
(LP. Disques Adès. 19??) [FR]
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