#phil undead unluck
wickedsick · 1 year
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Thanks for the explanation, Gintoki Book
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Color pages and a spread?
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I mean, it is a master rule
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It's interesting that SICK works in "waves".
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Oh my God is that SICK
He's awesome
Alternately this is Ruin but Ruin would never wear pants that cool
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I want those pants. I will kill SICK specifically to get those pants. I hope we get a color spread so I can see what color those pants are.
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Oh, that's interesting. Not only can SICK see people's internal structure, but Fuuko's body got remodeled through the Ark.
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Another interesting bit of world-building; the Vision abilities are traditionally more offensive. Seeing people like Shen, Rip, and Juiz, that makes sense, but Chikara's a very defense-oriented Negator.
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Precocious little kid, isn't he?
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Love this spread. Guess we're going into a high-gear arc now against more UMA. Are all of the First Ten going to be human-ish?
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boringa55binch · 4 months
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Roundtable Meeting
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ayanarts-01 · 6 months
Day 5 - Favorite Arc
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(yeah you all knew this was coming, didn’t you)
My actual answer is either the Spring and Ragnarok arcs, but the Tenraisai arc is pretty much my favorite in the post-loop for all the development that the Chinese team gets after all that we learned in Summer. (and. yknow. one-sided fengfuu)
and of course, credits to the original text
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aycaiman · 5 months
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the union minecraft server is in shambles
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uu-tella · 5 months
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Everyone at Union must give him a piggyback at least once. It's a rule.
Art by @lovethedanielhd ✨
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gallade-x-treme · 10 months
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"im sure some of y'all enjoyed the show but do remember what the performers can do"
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phylloodles · 1 year
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Various UU doodles since Phil arc.
I should really start posting UU arts here as well. I’m mainly on twit
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your-zipper-is-down · 7 months
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Phil on top of Sean's shoulders, Chikara's and Phil's moms being formal and Move just. There.
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aawmanga0009 · 25 days
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Phil Hawkins, Unfeel
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tokiro07 · 2 months
Is loop 101's Phil's biggest improvement on Unfeel actually the ability to retain all 4 of his remaining human senses (as in, the only major damage Unfeel caused was cutting off his human sense of "feel")? I don't think we've seen him eat or express any enhanced sense of smell in loop 100, and among loop 101's Phil's focus was that he can eat the food Sean gave him.
There's no indication that Phil couldn't see, hear, smell or taste in the first place, just that he couldn't speak (presumably because he can't physically feel his mouth to move it properly and speaking is a bit different from moving one's limbs) and most likely lacked tactile senses like texture, pressure, temperature, etc.
Honestly I have no idea how Unfeel was improved in L101 since we got so little indication of how it worked in L100. I've been waiting for Volume 18 to come stateside since I'd expect one of the extras there to go into detail on it
I imagine someone has already found that explanation from the Japanese version, but I haven't seen it yet, and even if I had I can't read it
If I had to guess, though, the main difference seems to stem from Phil's own ability to identify his feelings. We see in L101 that prior to meeting the Union, Phil didn't even believe he had feelings in the first place, so we can assume that was true in L100 too. While we don't know the nature of his L100 tragedy since the aliens didn't exist at the time, we can assume that the drive to save his mother disappeared at a key moment just like in L101
However, even without that feeling, L101 Phil still acted, and in fact still acknowledged the feeling even though the Emotion-Eaters (name pending) could no longer detect it. This suggests that Phil's realization that he had feelings altered his dynamic with Unfeel, and most likely with Entruster as well
We see in L100 that Phil pretty much never acted of his own accord, as he had no reaction when Andy fired his Finger Bullets at the Union and needed to be passively protected by Isshin. In L101, though, Phil is actively making decisions, actively protecting the lives of people he cares for even at the risk of his own life. He did do that at the end of L100 too, but there's no evidence to suggest he wasn't ordered to back then
I believe that what's happening here is that since L100 Phil didn't know he had feelings, he had nothing to give to Entruster and simply became a robot acting as directed by external operators. In L101, though, Phil does know what feelings are, and is able to feel them even briefly before they're negated by Unfeel; in that brief window, Phil entrusts those feelings to Entruster, giving it direction for how to operate, as it's only the feelings in Phil's soul that are negated, not the ones that have been communicated to the vessel he happens to be inhabiting
Like I said, this is all conjecture on my part as Tozuka didn't go into a ton of detail in the series proper, but I'm confident that I'm at least on the right track and the volume extras will clarify whatever piece I'm missing
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dreamnants-mis · 8 months
Phil: (Beat three eggs?) Sean: It means like hand-to-hand combat. Phil: (I see.) Chikara: Please get out of the kitchen.
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ayanarts-01 · 6 months
Day 3 - Favorite Dynamic
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Fuuko and Tatiana! I wanted to put a spotlight them for today since it feels like their friendship’s underrepresented online. Tati is Fuuko’s most significant friend within the Union next to Andy, and Fuuko being Tati’s next to Billy saves her from going with him to Under. It doesn’t always feel like much narrative weight is put into female friendships in the biggest Jump stories, so I gotta appreciate when the effort’s made, especially in a romance-heavy series like this.
other underrated dynamic i like. them. sometimes it takes a lil green guy to activate someone’s Big Bro Instincts
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meowunmeow · 4 months
Somehow whenever I hear "Dr. Phil" I don't picture the man himself but Phil wearing an oversized lab coat and staring at the patients with his unfeeling eyes
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uu-tella · 4 months
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Full panel under the cut
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derseprinceoftbd · 3 months
I honestly think the space arc was the weakest so far. It revolves around a character very difficult to care about by his nature (I've never much liked Tella either, or, for that matter, Inumaki from JJK), and introduced a whole lot of stuff that felt utterly weird, particularly the aliens and the random artifact.
Honestly I think I would be happier if Phil never existed, and the space stuff itself I mostly only like for the fact that they went there-but the secondary antagonist at minimum lives on the moon, it's hard to imagine they're never going to space again.
Definitely the first arc I straight-up haven't loved.
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