#phil is so protective of their younger selves like they both are but
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blossoms-phan · 8 days ago
okay i just rewatched in a bit of a broken way but like the loverboy lester in this is so crazy… this dan is really his Little Guy
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ifievertoldyou · 2 years ago
silly little thaw and atol character comparisons post bc this has been on my mind for Quite some time now
atol!soot and thaw!quackity
sky gods' favorites
speak two languages (common & ancient + common & the language of the archipelagos)
have chronic pain from an injury (back + eye) and there's the possibility that their younger selves will suffer a little less than they did when they get it (massaging newly formed scar tissue + more potions instead of vinegar)
tortured people that are or have to do with dream
have a country that they love a lot, and use the thought of to distract from their other thoughts
father (even if quackity is in denial)
brother(figure) to tommy.
distrust anything relating to the gods, and doesn't follow them
are the first ones to beat the sky gods (in their fucked up games + in a gambling match against them)
Trust Issues(TM)
wear masks in front of people, hiding all of their vulnerabilities
thoughts about making their younger-selves match (soot to a higher extent)
minds have been fucked with by the sky gods (darkness from their Games + madness from the broken vow to them)
despise the ram and fantasize about getting revenge on him (also, wants to hang his head over the white house + mounts his horns and others' horns in his office)
and probably more that i'm forgetting
--------younger-selves section--------
atol!wil and thaw!q
MCs both slowly losing their sense of identity from before the events of their stories
Dissociation(TM) after realizing just How Much harm their storytelling inadvertently caused (not only for his older-self, but just in general, since so many people died in a war that was supposed to be fictional and only a few people + for his older-self after q realized the implications of all his remarks)
their first kills are mobs that were very high in magic (a Fresh fresh zombie + phantom), and they were both to protect other people (tommy + tntduo). and they had literally no idea what they were doing (accidentally ripped open the thing + made it choke on a poker chip without meaning to)
fit in almost seamlessly with the world, especially in comparison to the other people sent there
their older-selves being weirdly comfortable with them on their first day (soot thinking that wilbur not shrugging off his constant physical affection meant that he was ok with the closeness + quackity making those "suggestive" quips at q)
flirted with quackity or soot, though not really meaning it.
both "from" very dark times in their older-selves' lives. coincidentally, both either from a war, or else right before one (if you count like. 3 years before as Right before but)
older-selves threatened to kill them and made them answer questions when they first arrived (simone + ace of spades). (also the injuries the older-selves caused both nod to trauma that they have and that their younger-selves will experience eventually: wilbur's back scrape against the wall nodding as well as foreshadowing to the acid tears that scarred his back + q's bruised wrists nodding to what happened in manberg and foreshadowing to the burgundy cosmos and serenity park...)
their older-selves are very used to violence, and expect them to be the same way
^ they have to get used to violence quicker than anyone else sent here as a result of that, just so they won't get immediately found out.
got very violent against dream and regretted it after they realized just what they had done, and who they had become
progressively become more and more like their older-selves over the course of their stories
+more that technically haven't happened in thaw yet, but i can practically smell them off in the horizon...
atol!phil and thaw!charlie
have to come to terms with no longer having human features (wings and talons + Literally Everything.)
must figure out how to work their non-human features without being too suspicious to people (phil knocking things and people over with his wings + charlie needing to figure out how to keep himself solid and not drip slime everywhere)
their horror over seeing their non-human traits being mistaken as something else by others ("philza must have made him ashamed of his talons" + "he's sad my skeleton gift to him is melting :(")
are absolutely horrified by the violence and disregard for life being displayed in this world. and how desensitized everyone is to it.
very worried for the people in this world, Especially the MCs.
have been taken away from their partners when they were sent to the shattered!verse
still have some hope of returning home
the first character they meet is someone who caused loads of trauma to the MC's older-selves. they get very bad vibes from them, even though they aren't sure why exactly at first
atol!dream and thaw!wilbur (youngerbur)
been in the shattered!verse just as long, if not longer than the MC.
becomes very much like their older-selves
MC immediately distrusts them and hurts them (watches him get tortured and punches his face + bruises wrists)
their older-selves aren't trusted by the MCs' older-selves, so that tends to translate to the MCs also not trusting them
they meet the MC for the first time once the MC is acting almost indistinguishably from their older-self
terrified of, and feels betrayed by, the MC
has the memories of their older-selves (currently unsure if this is due to godly interference or not, but if it is, that's another similarity.)
actively go to where the MC is (pogtopia + las nevadas), which just causes suspicion, since they aren't supposed to be able to find the place/get in. and are considered enemies of the place (maybe not #1 enemies, as that would be the ram for both, but they're still pretty close on that list)
i'm using "younger/older-self" for everyone, since youngerbur's identity has not yet been officially confirmed as of writing this, so it might not be accurate to say cc for him. plus, so many ccs have changed that they're hardly the ccs at all anymore yk
MC is referring to the person that the first chapter is about and whom the story mostly centers around.
thank you for reading ^_^
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crystaiskiess · 8 years ago
Pure As Mud : Chapter 6
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Chapter Masterpost
Summary : Dan Howell is muggleborn, Phil Lester is a pure blood. Phil dreams of Slytherin, Dan's just happy to be a wizard. When conflict arises the boys are broken apart, only to come back together as prefects years later. Can they repair the bond their younger selves broke?
Author Notes : I'm so excited to finally post this chapter! (My personal favourite !!) I hope you enjoy it! I update every Saturday
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“And you didn’t kiss him?” Lana shrieked. Phil hushed her as a Madame Pince gave them both a glare. “He pulled away.” Phil mumbled, his mind travelling back to that moment. He had thought he’d stood a chance finally, but then Dan had pulled away. He wanted friendship, Phil knew that. Why did he let himself get his hopes up?
Lana put her head in her hands, “Honestly Phil. I think he’s just scared.” “I-I don’t know.” Phil wasn’t sure what to think anymore, “We stayed close together like that for quite a while.” He admitted. “You should have kissed him you stupid boy!” Phil couldn’t help but laugh weakly at his best friends horror, “I was too scared to make the first move.” Lana groaned. “You’re pathetic, why do I associate myself with you?” “Because you love me?” Phil offered, a smile tugging at his lips. She shook her head, “Why in Merlin’s name do I love you honestly?” She asked with her familiar grin. Phil shrugged. “Because you took pity on a crying boy on the first day of school.” He grinned as she rolled her eyes. “Surprisingly, I still don’t regret it.” She smiled poking him in the side.
Professor Flitwick was just as interesting as ever. He was discussing the proper way to hold your wand when casting Oppugno. A spell which conjured birds to protect you. Phil had seen older students performing it back in his second year and had been desperate to learn it ever since. As much as it embarrassed him the idea of having a small flock of birds to protect him from his brother at home made him feel so happy. Phil shuddered softly at the memory of the handprint on his face.
Lana reached from behind him to pat him on the back. Over the years she had developed the knack of knowing exactly what he needed to calm down. “Now everyone pair up and get out your wands to have a try. I will come around the class to see how you’re doing.” Phil retrieved his wand from his bag, remembering the moment he bought his most treasured item. Surely even then he should have realised how different he was from his family. How that difference was a good thing.
“Partner?” Lana’s voice rang out. Phil rolled his eyes turning to face her, “Have I ever not been your partner?” He asked casually. “Not as of yet. But I figure if Howell were in this class…” she trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. Phil shook his head at her, “You’ll always be main priority, promise.” He smiled at her, “Now are we going to try this spell?” “Sure thing.” Phil held out his wand carefully, “Oppugno” He pronounced clearly, drawing an ‘o’ in the air with his wand. He felt a sense of pride as one bird exploded from the end of his wand and flew around meekly. So it wasn’t perfect, but it was a start. “Good work Mr Lester! A bird on your first try.” Professor Flitwick encouraged him as the small green bird perched itself atop his head. Lana huffed with false annoyance, “Of course you get it almost right on your first try,” she grumbled. “All I got was feathers.”
The letter shook in his hands as they carried it to The Owlery. Lana was right behind him as always but that didn’t calm his nerves as it usually did. He whistled to his owl Salazar who his parents had kindly named for him at age ten despite the fact that she was a girl. Phil had eventually settled on calling her Sally, much to his parents’ disapproval. Sally landed on his outstretched arm and he carefully attached the letter to her foot. “Take this to my parents okay?” He muttered to her. Before flying away she nuzzled into his face, a custom that Phil had assumed was a habit of hers but had soon realised was only when he sent letters to his parents. He smiled as she flew away, but the sense of dread remained in the pit of his stomach. “It’ll be fine.” Lana comforted him. Would they even reply this time?
Dan held his wand tentatively in his hand. He and Phil had been anticipating this moment for weeks. Professor Drimsworth had assigned both of their classes to practise the Patronus Charm outside of class as no one had been able to produce a corporeal Patronus so far.
“You ready?” Phil asked carefully. He had learned to tell when Dan was nervous. Dan nodded and with a forced laugh said, “I’m just worried it’s gonna be something stupid. Like a Pikachu.” “What’s a Pikachu?” Phil asked with a grin. Dan rolled his eyes, “Don’t worry, it’s a muggle thing.” He prepared himself to cast the difficult charm. After the outbreak of Dementors in both the Wizarding Wars, they had never regained their trust. Therefore in Fifth year students begun to learn how to perform the Patronus charm, in case they should ever need it.
Dan focused on the moment he discovered he was a wizard, “Expecto Patronum!” Nothing but a small wisp of silvery blue light escaped his wand. Just as it had in class. Phil patted him on the back reassuringly. “It’s okay. Try again.” He thought of the moment he got sorted into Slytherin, the way his eyes had locked with Phil’s. The way they had been full of excitement. Mirroring his own. “Expecto Patronum!”
The wisps knotted themselves together but didn’t provide any true form. Both he and Phil sighed heavily as the light faded away to nothing. Dan groaned, “I thought I had it that time.” “You were so close. Clearly part of it was right but the memory wasn’t strong enough.” Phil shrugged. “You try.” Dan pointed at Phil’s wand that he was fidgeting with. “Okay.”
Dan watched the way Phil’s eyes shone as he narrowed them in concentration. He struggled to control the manic beating of his heart in his chest, when Phil’s eyes glittered with happiness. Dan could tell that Phil was thinking about what made him happiest, just from the small smile playing on his lips. “Expecto Patronum!” A silvery blue shape erupted out of the end of his wand. It quickly morphed into the shape of a small cocker spaniel. Phil laughed as it danced around them both, before sitting at his legs. “It’s like Lady.” He smiled at Dan. The small blue dog wagged it’s tail before disappearing into thin air. “It is like Lady.” Dan echoed him. Phil produced a corporeal Patronus. It was a cocker spaniel just like Lady. Would it be rude to ask him what he thought of?
Phil closed his eyes and thought of Dan’s hand slotted into his. He thought of the way his eyes sparkled when they were close. He let his mind wander to the way he’d felt when watching Lady and the Tramp with Dan. The way their eyes had locked and held for almost a second too long. How Dan’s smile shone like a beam of light, when they watched the Spaghetti Scene, which was apparently famous. He thought of the single curl that fell onto Dan’s forehead no matter how hard he tried to tame it. The warmth of Dan’s eyes filled him and he took a deep breath. “Expecto Patronum!”
Light burst from his wand in a ray. It moulded itself into the shape of a small cocker spaniel.
The dog danced around their legs and Phil let a laugh escape his lips. Dan’s eyes danced in amazement as it settled at the base of Phil’s foot. “It’s like Lady.” Phil grinned. He thought of what Dan had said to him in the hospital wing, that he was more like Lady. He had been right. “It is like Lady.” Dan echoed, his eyes distant. Phil watched him intently, waiting for a response. There was a pause in which Dan stood thinking. Finally he took a deep breath and asked, “What did you think of?” He blurted out.
Phil felt his heart stop, he couldn’t tell him. “The thing that makes me happiest duh.” Phil giggled, his eyes never once leaving Dan’s. Dan nodded, probably unhappy with the answer. “You try again.” Phil encouraged.
Dan nodded shakily. Phil wondered what he would think of. There was no sound in the empty classroom except for the beating of Phil’s heart in his chest. Dan closed his eyes. “Expecto Patronum!” A silver wisp drifted around but didn’t take any form. There was even less than last time. Dan’s face dropped. “Pathetic.” He muttered. Phil furrowed his eyebrows as Dan sat down on a desk.
He hadn’t really expected it to work. It didn’t help the pain that the sympathy in Phil’s eyes brought. He shouldn’t need sympathy. But he just didn’t have any memories that weren’t tainted with bad. “I can’t do it.” He shrugged. Phil moved closer to him.
“Why don’t you think you can do it?” He asked slowly and carefully. Dan could hear his worry threaded through every word. “Every good memory I have, reminds me of something bad that has gone wrong.” Phil didn’t look convinced. Dan sighed, “I thought of when I got sorted, but that just reminds me of how upset you were.” Phil opened his mouth to retaliate but Dan cut him off, “I know you don’t care now. But I just think, we could have been friends all these years. But we wasted it.” There was no response so Dan continued. “I thought of the moment I found out I was a wizard.” Phil nodded to finish, “But Callum, my younger brother, was so sad this year when on his eleventh birthday he discovered he wasn’t a wizard like his brother.” Dan felt a pang remembering the way Callum had burst into tears when he realised he wouldn’t be like Dan. “I have nothing.”
Phil paused for what felt like an eternity before smiling softly. “Absolutely nothing would make you happy enough?” Dan thought before shaking his head. Phil stepped closer so that there was less than a foot between them. Dan looked up so his eyes were locked with Phil’s. He felt his heart take flight.
“Nothing?” Phil asked again. He looked unsure himself, but also so much more confident than usual. Dan could practically feel the distance between them shrinking. It should have made him uncomfortable. But it didn’t. Phil was so close to him. He couldn’t form the thought to shake his head.
There was a pause when their lips were only centimetres apart. Where Phil seemed to be giving Dan a chance to pull away. “Are you sure?” Phil asked. “No.” Then their lips brushed together, as soft as a feather. You would almost think the kisses weren’t there at all.
But fuck was Dan on fire. The kiss deepened as Phil locked his hands behind Dan’s neck. It didn’t taste like anything he’d read in books. Phil didn’t taste like a warm summer’s day or a sea’s breeze. Phil tasted like Phil. Dan didn’t want to change a thing.
Phil pulled away much to Dan’s disapproval. “Will that do?” He whispered. “Definitely,” Dan said gripping Phil’s uniform and pulling him into another kiss.
PHIL POV - Kiss How Phil had summoned up the courage to kiss Dan he had no idea. But he was kissing Dan Howell. And it was better than he ever could have dreamed. His hands were locked behind Dan’s neck and he wasn’t sure he wanted to let go. In case everything was a dream.
But Dan was kissing him back. His lips were slightly chapped but they were oh so soft, and they were kissing Phil back. Somehow Phil managed to pull their lips away, “Will that do?” He smirked. “Definitely.” Dan replied gripping Phil’s uniform and pulling him closer. Their lips collided once again.
Dan wasn’t sure he had ever been happier in his life. “Expecto Patronum!” A medium sized dog leapt out of his wand, it was scruffy and identical to the Tramp. Phil laughed so hard he began to cry. Dan rolled his eyes and grabbed him by the tie, pulling him against his lips once again. It was difficult because they both were laughing but still as perfect as ever.
“I guess you are the rugged yet handsome one.” Phil giggled, the words tickling Dan’s lips. Dan pecked him once before pulling away, “I guess I am.” “Neither of our friends will get it,” Phil sighed. “At the moment neither of our friends even know.” Dan reminded him. “Don’t remind me. Lana is going to destroy my ear drums.” Phil groaned, covering his ears with his hands. Dan raised an eyebrow, “Why?”
Phil turned a deep shade of scarlet, “I may have been crushing on you for a good six months.” He admitted with a small smile. “Are you fucking kidding me!?” Dan buried his face in his hands. He could hear Phil approach him until the familiar warmth was beside him as they left the classroom. Dan still internally cursing himself.
“What?” Phil asked with a concerned expression. “I have literally been crushing on you for years. In denial but I definitely have.” He refused to make eye contact until Phil literally grabbed his face and turned it to him. He looked on the verge of bursting into a fit of laughter, “Are you telling me that we both wanted to date the other but neither of us made the first move?” Phil asked. Dan nodded. Phil quickly pecked him on the lips, “Glad I finally did it then.” He grinned.
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