userlaylivia · 3 months
for soap watchers!!
I still forgot some so there'll be a third part lol and don't give me crap about thope and lope being here or phick I've shipped them since day one and until recently I didn't ship thope only the last year or so and I've been a lope shipper from day one!!
@maya-matlin, @narcobarbies, @terrilynn88
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kneipe · 1 year
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katowice 2023
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alexbrecks · 1 year
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After what you did to Summer, I never want to see your face again. No one does.
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zedleaked · 4 months
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Opening Cutscene
Distant chatter from Prethinker and the Desk Jockey’s can be heard as the camera slowly zooms out from a blackboard that says “Warning: The Following Instance is Not Canon.”
Prethinker can be seen with Professor Pete (Toontown Schoolhouse guy) tied up in a chair.
Prethinker: I do not appreciate you and the Toon resistance trying to put an end to my plans.
Consider this payback for making my life more difficult!
I’ll still be taking these freebie Desk Jockeys for personal use, since you won't be needing them anymore now that you’re here!
Now where was I…?
Ah yes, I remember now.
Prethinker walks over to the blackboard and rubs out whatever was written on it, starting to doodle something on the board.
You see, the plan is simple.
Prethinker takes out one of those pointer sticks and taps the blackboard with it, which has an illustration of Buck and Dave forming High Roller.
I’ve been studying the art of Cog-fusion. A fascinating phenomenon that was showcased by Mr. Ruffler and Mr. Brubot a year ago.
How they achieved such a thing is still beyond my grasp, however the potential of fusion is nothing to scoff at.
Prethinker draws a doodle of himself on the board next to a plus symbol and a question mark.
If we combine the right Suits together, we could achieve something truly unstoppable for those Toons!
That’s where you Brianbots come in.
You will find me the perfect candidates to experiment with! A willing Suit won't come to me on a silver platter you know?
A quack could be heard which causes Prethinker to perk up.
…What was that noise?
The quacks grow louder until Duck Shuffler crashes through the wall Kool-aid man style. He rushes through the Desk Jockeys, causing them to tumble over like dominos.
The Desk Jockeys blow up, making that one Deltarune explosion noise as Duck Shuffler gets up from the ground.
WOWIE! Thith theemth familiar!
Prethinker looks at him outraged, his brain turning red.
Prethinker: YOU! What are YOU doing here?
That stunt you just pulled involving plowing through the wall was against every single law of physics!
Duck Shuffler: Lawth are merely thuggethtionth methinkth.
Prethinker: They are not suggestions! A law is a set of rules that are created and are enforceable by social or governmental institutions to regulate beha- (Wikipedia definition for law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law)
Duck Shuffler stands in front of Prethinker’s speech bubble.
Duck Shuffler: Geeth! Quit your yammerin’, you’re boring me here!
It’th not like you’re a goodie two thhoeth anywayth, what ya did to me was thhurely againtht the law!
Prethinker: We do not talk about that, Ruffler.
Duck Shuffler: Oh yeah, whaddya gonna do about it?
Duck Shuffler steps in close, looking down at the Prethinker.
The Prethinker shoves Duck Shuffler, making him stumble a little.
The Duck Shuffler shoves him back which causes them to keep hitting each other until they get into a cartoony fight ball.
The two of them collide with the wall where the blackboard is, causing a giant explosion and a flash of light. A distant metal pipe noise could be heard.
The smoke from the explosion clears up as it reveals Overthinker.
Overthinker: WHERE- WHERE AM I?
{You dolt! What did you do now-}
The Toons finally intervene as they approach the Overthinker.
T-{T-} T-TOONPH!!!
{Hm, thiph could me phalvaged-}
The room seems to start getting cloaked in a purple hue as weird smoke starts to form from Overthinker’s chemical explosion.
[Phase 1 of the battle starts.]
Second Cutscene
Overthinker: YYYYEOWCH!!!!
Overthinker reels back from whatever the last attack used on him was.
You guyph really pack a punch! What’ph the d-d-deal with THAT???
I’m feeling- I’M FEELING, {phick} YOU’RE- You’ve knocked the BRAINPH OUTTA ME!!!
Overthinker starts to shake uncontrollably.
There’s a big explosion as Overthinker unfuses into Duck Shuffler and Prethinker again. The camera pans down to see the both of them in the Yamcha and Family guy death pose respectively.
The two of them get up from the ground.
Prethinker: Grr! Buck, this is all your fault! We could’ve beat them if you didn’t keep mixing unfamiliar chemicals together!
Duck Shuffler: Aww! But that wouldn’t be tho fun-
Prethinker: This isn’t about fun! This is about winning! You like winning don’t you?
The Toons take a step closer to the two of them
Duck Shuffler: Aww, ratth! We forgot about them-
Prethinker: Fret not- I have this covered.
Prethinker snaps his fingers as he summons a few Desk Jockeys to cover for them.
Prethinker: This won't hold them back for long, but we have to cooperate here-
Duck Shuffler: Oh tho now you wanna work together, huh?
Prethinker: This isn’t the time for snide remarks, you know all about this fusion thing, right? Just do what you do with Brubot or something!
Duck Shuffler: I only mingle well with Dave becauthe he doeth hith part.
You gotta do your part too, pal! Tho let me lead next time!
Prethinker: …Hmph! Fine. I’ll do as you say, but only so we can win!
Duck Shuffler picks Prethinker up and hoists him onto his shoulders.
Duck Shuffler: HAHA! Then let’th get thith thhow in the road!
[Phase 2 of the battle starts, the Toons fighting the Desk Jockeys and Duck Shuffler and Prethinker separated.]
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junesdnp · 7 months
phick and phalls
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rosehathawhey · 2 years
GIRL, I LOVE your Y&R gifs!!!! I'm ultimately Team Ally, but I don't mind Nick and Sally at all. In fact, as a Nick fan and as much as i love Phick it's refreshing to see him with someone besides Phyllis or Sharon.
Thank you so much!!! There’s a very small soap fandom on this site so I’m glad someone does 😂
I want Adam x Sally to be endgame as well but I’m loving this stop along the way. Sally’s always been the one to fiercely pursue romantic partners so it’s fun to see Nick so head over heels for her and willing to put her needs and desires above his own. Plus, Joshua Morrow has said numerous times how much he loves working with Courtney and you can tell whenever they’re onscreen together.
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makrostil · 11 years
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phick 2013
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streetfunk · 3 years
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ejw16 · 4 years
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My Top 50 Soap Opera Couples
16. Nick Newman & Phyllis Summers, Young and the Restless
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bannersbylinda · 6 years
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Some #Phick banners for my twiitter friend  @SkyLizzels.  
 11/05/18  #YR episode
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skylefanfiction · 3 years
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Seeing this picture of Phick and Summer from Skyle’s first wedding day leads me to think that this is sort of what happened at their second wedding which we were robbed of. We NEED more scenes between Summer and her parents when she starts giving them more grandchildren to spoil besides Harrison. #YR #TeamSummer #Phick #SaveSkyle #Skyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CZYPlwSLn1v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kellymonaco-a · 7 years
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There was a moment. Oh, did this moment involve you two... No. No. We did not do that.
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sharkaiju · 2 years
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rosedreamersstuff · 4 years
Not too fast or not even too slow, let's go at our own speed
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444names · 2 years
a lot of "epic" names by me (source below)
Antetau Antford Anthe Anthri Anthrind Antinou Antmormor Aucharo Audohtgon Aueian Aueskrai Aulmcharo Aurphi Aurrai Ausonnar Authechar Axcharkri Axdorfur Axinro Axkran Axkrind Axnou Axraiel Axulmau Axxerlei Axyonyir Betet Betetwesk Char Charai Charhick Charium Charnonro Charrax Charyonor Chei Chekrairo Chekrida Chequiulf Chetbetin Chetnax Dabetant Dadau Dahiax Daichequi Daidorphi Dajengon Dalanum Daonar Dartheven Dathrin Dawulm Dayonxer Doht Dohthrin Dohtri Dord Dordda Dordist Dordnar Dorist Doronor Dorthri Eibetrock Eick Eickwulf Eidorwulf Eigonlan Eigonyiri Eiinda Eiithe Eithesk Eithri Eiweskau Eiweskoht Eiwulm Eixeri Elfvi Elkrir Elkro Elleick Elmorlan Elnou Elohtnord Elphimori Elriwulm Elthri Elulf Elulfur Eskri Eskyiryir Forbetin Ford Forddoht Fordfor Fordinrin Fordphi Fordqui Fordro Fordsol Fordulf Fordvi Fordziel Fore Forzerjen Furaick Fureir Furi Furock Gonbetgon Gonhium Gonphard Gonphari Gont Grean Grei Grel Grelquam Grepharai Greskrai Hisol Hison Hiss Hissbet Hissitri Hisskphar Hisstmei Hissyon Hist Histet Histford Hurai Huraiel Hure Hurhurai Huri Huro Hurock Huronulf Hurtetsol Ickforlan Ickhi Ickri Icktrir Inar Inchephar Indchei Indohtyon Indtel Indulfgre Ingreel Ingrei Inhi Inichar Inithriau Inornar Inrigon Inulfison Issforthe Isskinant Issnor Issraioht Issri Ithe Itheel Ithemei Ither Ithiinar Ithri Ithrick Ithrind Jenar Jenarthe Jenleskvi Jenmortel Jennor Jenorda Jent Krai Kraihihur Krain Kraiwulm Kran Kranmeium Kranri Kranro Kranthur Krau Krifurfor Krin Krinaran Krind Krindel Krithefor Landrock Lanistpi Lannor Lanor Lanphist Lanquitri Lant Lantchet Lantetnar Lantfurai Lanthend Lantindel Lantist Lantvi Lanvenor Lanyonar Leiickrin Leiinlei Leikraihi Leithriss Leiwulfur Meidoryon Meiinoht Meiisol Mein Meir Meisskfur Mord Morjenon Mormeixer Moro Morockpi Nareipi Nari Narir Narkrau Narkro Naro Nartel Nartrin Norai Nord Nordor Nori Norkri Norquigon Norwesk Noryiri Noryon Ohtcharai Ohtdohtri Ohtkrin Ohtnare Ohtphiqui Ohtulf Onar Onbetin Onbetmor Onelda Onlant Onord Onron Ontrock Onwulm Onxersol Onyonnar Onyonquam Ouam Ouaman Ouamsol Ouhi Ouhithri Oulmsol Ounou Ouohton Ouonda Ouonyiro Ouyirri Phar Pharai Phard Phareel Pharforvi Pharnor Pharo Phick Phidorai Phileir Phinda Phiss Phist Phistfor Phisthe Phistpi Phistson Phistven Phiulf Pibetda Pick Piinarqui Pimorda Pinax Piohtyon Pire Pistanou Quam Quamgrein Quamordor Quamori Quant Quau Quian Quidohtou Quidord Quifuron Quiinda Raiichar Raiickist Raiohtlei Rair Raithri Raitrir Raiyonoht Raiyonpi Rinanda Rinar Rind Rindlan Rindrock Riniche Roan Robethri Rock Rockhi Rockinau Rockrimor Rodon Rodori Roiche Roinithri Rojenison Rolhurevi Rorkrai Rotel Solm Solri Solrockri Solxervi Sonarson Sondord Sonlanmei Sonnax Sont Sontxer Tethri Tetithrin Tetjenri Tetrax Tetrist Thedord Thenzere Thesk Thet Thetrin Theyirlei Triist Trin Trinou Trithrist Trixerson Triyiro Ulmeiind Ulmeist Ulmeivi Ulmonyon Ulmor Ulmord Ulmquiin Ulmtel Ulmzielei Umford Umfurpi Umickpi Umist Umkrock Umleiou Umlesk Umnax Umriax Umrockmei Umtetgrer Umyonein Venarquam Venphiel Ventpi Venzerphi Vielvi Vifurlant Vigonor Vigonrist Vigonyon Viithe Viitrire Vijent Vindor Viquiqui Viri Vist Vistriulm Vithrifur Vithriin Vithriven Viulmkrai Vivenson Wesk Weskan Weskdonau Weskraiou Wulf Wulfor Wulm Wulmeitri Wulmxer Xernorron Xero Xerraiss Yiraivi Yircheon Yird Yirhi Yiri Yirickdor Yirihi Yiro Yirock Yirquium Yirthemor Yirvenar Yiryiro Yonar Yonkrikri Yonmeifor Zerd Zero Zerocktri Ziei Ziel Zielantri Zielmche Ziesk
same thing but longer names
Antet Antetxeri Antforlan Anthri Anthriin Antkroht Antquion Antri Antrindhur Antulf Antyirhist Auiou Aujenyirax Aulfeskphi Aunau Auphist Aurnord Autesk Axbetanon Axernax Axerock Axfurnar Axhiphi Axithrifor Axkridoht Axmeitheda Axmorhur Axnard Axnou Axulei Axulmven Axvenar Axwulmziel Axxerock Betet Betickkrai Betrium Charai Charchepi Chard Charet Charhi Chari Chariel Charmorou Charnor Charo Charzerum Chedornor Cheilanthe Chenzer Chephiss Chequinau Cheulfgon Chezerd Dadord Daeijen Daeskau Danweskda Daohtanro Daonum Darlangon Darpi Dohtitri Dohtkran Dohtnax Dohtri Dohtxere Dordorwulm Dordtrian Dorhium Dorriphar Dorulfan Eidonax Eifordyon Eifurai Eilesk Einvi Eiphist Eiphiulf Eirquam Eistetmord Eitrimein Eiyiro Elanson Eleianven Elfordulm Elinson Elkraium Elleiist Elnor Elsonoro Elthri Elyonhist Eskbetet Eskdax Eskdohtum Eskkrijen Eskmorquam Eskohtfor Esktetford Fordorven Fordri Fordum Forhurlant Formorvi Fornon Furbetxer Furhurkrai Furhurlan Furjenford Furkro Furmordum Furrinmord Gongrel Gonphigrel Grehistan Grejenphar Grelchard Grelwulf Gremonven Gresk Greskyir Gretven Greziel Hisoldor Hisolqui Hissax Hissk Hissum Histthrin Histzerro Hurai Ickeskgre Ickgresk Ickjenfur Icklanthri Ickphiei Icktriel Ickyonin Inaxerven Inbetda Inbetick Indist Indorda Indrohtist Indtetax Indyirziel Inford Ingrellei Ininord Inlant Inleitrai Inmorrai Innorzer Inonson Inphistri Insoljenor Insonmei Intrinond Intsol Intson Inulfbet Inzerche Issinxer Issolwesk Ithefor Ithei Ithet Ithistda Ithri Ithrichari Ithrick Ithrielro Ithrin Ithur Jenar Jenchegre Jenlel Kraihuro Kraijenei Kraitrock Krant Krickulei Krihi Krihurhur Kriinelei Krikrockou Krindpi Kriniss Kriss Lanar Laniche Lanlax Lanorpi Lanphir Lanphisol Lanthei Lantind Lantkrax Lantthiau Lantyirock Leiantrivi Leick Leidord Leiithrir Leilanton Leiohtvi Leirohtmei Leisslan Leist Meinziel Meirockyon Mordohtven Mordrock Morhi Moriyon Morkrin Morlantet Narer Nargreskvi Narhi Narimord Narri Narroht Narrou Narsolda Nartro Narulf Narxerqui Naryond Narziesk Norchar Nordor Nordord Nordordoht Nordxel Nordzere Norgon Norhur Noriche Norjenmei Normei Nornari Nortet Norwulm Ohtanroht Ohthuryir Ohtithur Ohtjenlei Ohtohtgre Ohtritrivi Onarthur Ongrel Onichen Onickquam Onkraiyon Onnau Onrockist Ontist Ontmor Ontnarquam Onweskvi Onweskyon Oueskel Oueskmor Ouforhiant Ourind Outeivi Outrikrai Ouyirleir Ouzieimei Phare Pharfum Phari Phariziel Pharkraick Pharnortet Pharphare Phick Phigrei Phirum Phisollan Phiss Phisspi Phist Phistick Picharo Pihiziel Piist Pikrock Pimeiist Piquiwulf Pistantick Pithrivi Pithur Quamhurqui Quamlanist Quamord Quamtrist Quamxerbet Quant Quanum Quihurioht Quilanon Quist Quiwulmor Raick Raiforum Raiindord Raiphiau Raiulf Raiumei Rinar Rinarou Rindkri Rindohtven Rindphar Rindthrind Rinraigre Rinzerpi Rockist Roelda Roistetjen Rokraiel Romelan Ronoht Rophartri Rovenar Rovenyir Rowulm Royirxer Royonwesk Soldord Solfhur Solhiant Solkrir Solrou Sonar Sonargon Soninkri Sonithevi Tetelwesk Tetforrai Tetlanard Tetmohtzer Tetnor Tetsolwulf Tettetford Theanin Theforlesk Thekraigre Thequan Theweskda Thezielgon Tridohtau Trifuri Trikrin Trind Trinnant Trinwesk Triphiel Tririel Trithri Triyiroht Ulmkrioht Ulmorhur Ulmtetvi Ulmulmon Umcharran Umdord Umeida Umforbet Umlax Umleibet Umleirzer Umoro Umranfor Umvenmor Umyiro Umyoninbet Venari Venelbet Venfuri Venickfuri Venjenulm Venmoro Vennon Vennorkrai Venor Venorvi Venpharain Vensolgrel Ventfur Venzerchar Vielhi Vigongrel Viickzerri Viindei Viinulflan Viist Viohtmeium Vissk Viulfxer Weskantnor Wesklant Weskri Wulan Wulfhurum Wulford Wulfxel Wulmche Wulmei Wulmeikrai Wulmoht Wulmpi Wulmsolm Wulmvi Xerai Xeraist Xercharro Xercheon Xereax Xerhi Xernax Xerock Xerroht Yirai Yirchegon Yirock Yirockist Yirohton Yirri Yirthrifor Yirtrir Yonar Yongreax Yonnaraiel Yonorhist Yonphioht Zeriax Zerkraigon Zerlax Zermord
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Y&R Spoilers: Phyllis Did Nothing Wrong – Jack’s Hesitation Makes Sense
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