sossajes · 9 years
I can't eat! There's too many emotions!
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acsylia · 10 years
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sossajes · 9 years
He went on Kathie Lee & Hoda - he took his shirt off!- I know that that man is in the autumn of his life, but my God! when that linen came off, it sure felt like summer.
-Playing House, on Kenny Loggins
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ryoura · 10 years
I'm surprised no one's talking about Ada besides the Vincent/Ada sinking of 104. Ada was sent back to her present alone, not knowing what was going to happen to the people she'd left. Her uncle was murdered by her father, who was then killed by a Chain and died cursing her brother, who himself saved the world but never came back. She had three deaths to mourn, one of which had to be in secret, all on one horrible day; it's sad that all anyone seems to care about is her relationship with Vincent.
You are absolutely right; in the space of only 2 days or so Ada has lost all of her remaining family to the most horrendous circumstances… That page of her on Eques in 104 made my heart sink the first time I saw it and I couldn’t quite figure out why… but I think it is because in the pages before we had Barma and Sheryl, and Reim with Sharon (with Lily in the corner), but Ada is shown all on her own, with tears in her eyes… I like to think that Gilbert was there with her and that they supported one another in their losses, but even then we know he dedicates himself to Leo, so where does that leave Ada, but all alone? (Though I like to think she and Gilbert kept in contact over the years, like they did before). The poor girl… I like that she appeared to move on with her life though; I hope she found happiness!
To be fair to the fandom, though, as much as I like Ada her role within canon was pretty much for Vincent. From the moment she re-entered the series there was mention of her being in love with someone, and following Lutwidge we really only see her in relation to Vincent (save Oscar’s death, helping show that Zai wasn’t 100% evil, and saying ‘who cares?’ about Oz not being her father’s son and Gil and Vincent being Baskervilles). Even in the Finale she is only spoken about in relation to Vincent, no mention of how she reacted to Gil’s news about Oz, so I suppose it’s no surprise then that the fandom focuses on what we are given. I really wish there had been more moments between Ada and Oscar, or Gilbert, or Oz (I know this is my bias speaking up, but it still upsets me that the moment she was sent away in Retrace 102 and had that final farewell with Vincent, Oz already knew that either the world was going to end or he was going to die, and he missed out on his final chance to say a single thing to his sister), but overall she wasn’t central to their growth so we were never going to get it…
But I digress… Poor Ada went through so much and it is a shame her character revolved primarily around one relationship… but I suppose it’s up to the fans to give her a little more focus than the series was unable to give her ;w;
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ryoura · 10 years
I am glad I’m alone in the office ‘cause I just teared up listening to ‘I’ll Think of You’ in relation to Oz, Alice and Gilbert.
I always connected this song to the trio and liked to imagine them singing it together some lazy summer day (with Oz singing Sam’s parts and Gil as Kurt’s; Alice has to cover the two girls @w@). The message of always being together even when they are apart and even the ‘long and winding road’ reference just seemed so fitting, especially since I always kind of worried the series would end with the three of them unable to be together for one reason or another, so I thought this song was a little sad but sweet... Now, knowing the events of the series end, it actually fits a bit too well ;w; (Kurt’s part at 0:51-1:06 just made me think of Gil’s 100 years and how the memory of his friends would have helped him keep going ;w;).
Ahhhh I have a problem but I don’t care TwT
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ryoura · 10 years
If the 100 year cycle is done and Oz and Alice are around fifteen when we meet them again, does that mean that Oscar, Break, Elliot, Echo and Noise have all been reincarnated around the same time? Omg its like every one of MochiJun's aus just became canon. The high school au's obvious, but maidora hearts would totally be a hilariously terrible historical reenactment their friends put on as a joke (and Oz, his humor fighting his desire for accuracy, finally sides with his friends).
If the 100 cycle is 100% accurate wouldn’t it mean Oz, Alice Oscar, Elliot, Break etc. are all teenagers now what??? XD I don’t image its that accurate but its a weird though! XD And I think the ‘dream’ at the start is 104 could be seen to support the idea that impossible AUs are possible and seeing as the cycle of rebirth goes to different times and endless worlds yup all AUs are canon in some universe pfft :P
... Okay that is kind of hilarious and adorable to imagine oh my god XD;;; Just imagining Oz feeling conflicted before giving in to crack and dragging Gil along with him PFFT class xDDD
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ryoura · 10 years
historical reenactment omg how weird. like even if their houses don't become museums they shaped that country's history so much they're all probably in history books. i know they told the public that oz died on his fifteenth birthday (elliot says that anyways) but if the four dukedoms got punished for their behavior and pandora pulled apart they mustve found out the truth somehow. so maybe they did tell them about oz and alice and what they did. Id be a nice contrast to jacks fake hero status.
Can you imagine??? Oz would look so natural in the costumes though :P
I wonder what would have happened to the houses… some would probably be for tours but some could have been taken over by other families or re-purposed for other uses. I do wonder how much was revealed following these events though… The Crown MUST have known about Abyss and Chains, even if the general populous didn’t, which allowed the creation of Pandora and the granting of power to the Dukes after the Tragedy. By the look of it the Chains probably only attacked in Sabrie so they could potentially make a cover up, but the powers were still stripped from the Dukedom. Maybe they made up a reason to cover up Abyss? 
It would be nice if, even if most people didn’t know, there was some kind of record about what really happened in the end. Gilbert probably has it, but I wonder if the Crown knows… It’s interesting to ponder~ (Though yaaaaa the public was told Oz died/disappeared and 10 years later when earthquakes have started across the land Pandora issue an announcement saying that Oz Vessalius is the cause of it and people will get a reward if he’s handed over how did that work exactly how did people react? XD;;;)
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ryoura · 10 years
anguria17 replied to your post “If PH's cultural timeline mimics Europe (as it seems to), Oz and Alice...”
Omg I actually roleplayed a modern au where they're all reincarnated and all the mansions are museums and stuff, I should draw something from that òwò/ I 'd write a fanfic too, but I don't know if I can properly write it in English çwç
Ooooh that would be so fun to see! *^* I wish you luck if you decide to write or draw anything, it would be great to see peoples interpretations of what happens after the story! :D
Imagine the trio seeing their former homes like that though... would be so strange for them if they had all their memories back @w@
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ryoura · 10 years
Thanks for the detailed summary! That's pretty much what I surmised. With the way the chapter is, it appeared as if EVERYONE DIED ALL AT ONCE but that's not the case so that's a little more comforting, I guess. ;_; I'm just sad at the thought that everyone's period of reincarnation/life are not aligned (make sense?), so there's never going to be a period when they can all be together at the same time ugh. I JUST WANT THEM ALL TOGETHER AGAIN, ALIVE OR IN THE AFTERLIFE. :'( So I'm happy and sad.
I feel the same way, I was really worried by Gil’s words that he’d be following after Vincent soon; if he dies now there is pretty much no way that he, Oz and Alice will ever be in the same time together again ;A; So I choose to believe he will live out the length of their lives and they can all be together again… in every lifetime ;w; This is ignoring the fact the group will never be back together unless there are a number of tragically short or incredibly long lifetimes to match them up… It’s sad but I suppose we should be thankful at least the trio got to meet again!
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ryoura · 10 years
If PH's cultural timeline mimics Europe (as it seems to), Oz and Alice are in for a strange ride. Even if they were properly reincarnated and raised in the modern era, they still have memories from the PH equivalent of the Victorian. Society's entire value system has done a rewrite since then. Heck, since the dukedoms were stripped of their privileges, at least some of the Rainsworth, Barma, Nightray and Vessalius mansions are probably museums by now. Imagine them taking *that* history tour!
I’m wondering the same thing! It is such a different world, and while Oz and Alice grew up in it I’m sure their past memories that they gained would give them some strange feelings about the world they currently live in, especially (as you say) in relation to their old homes and families. There are so many possible interesting roads people could explore through fics with this new world... I wonder if the fandom will jump on it? I hope so! ;w; 
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ryoura · 10 years
Hey, I'm really really sorry to bother you and you might not be able to answer this yet, but do they all die in Retrace 104??? Are they in the afterlife and can all see each other again? I can't tell from the scans and from people's reactions ugh. I'm crying but I don't yet know if it's out of sadness or happiness. ;_____; I'm a Tumblr-less fandom lurker so I'm out of the loop. Thank you. ;w;
Ooooh I don’t want to spoil such an amazing last chapter though! ;w; The summary of it can be found here! :D
Part 1 - kirakiratb.blogspot.jp/2015/03/st-retrace-civ-will-detailed-summary.html
Part 2 -  http://kirakiratb.blogspot.jp/2015/03/st-retrace-civ-will-detailed-summary_18.html
But if you really want to know who is alive by the end, click the read more!
Oz, Alyss and Alice all vanished after Alyss was separated from the Core, and Jack’s spirit burned out, his body becoming the new vessel for the Core. Everyone else survives and lives out their lives. 
As Oz and Alice are disappearing, Gilbert swears that with his Baskerville body he will wait 100 years for them to return to this earth, which Oz says is ridiculous, but Gil insists the world is made of miracals, and that he is used to waiting (he already waited 10, whats 100 more?). Oz laughs and says Gil is incredible, and that fine, they won’t say goodbye, but rather ‘See you later, Gil!’ as they vanish.
Everyone else moved on and lived out their lives, with Gilbert and Vincent joining the Baskervilles. Sharon and Reim married, Ada apparently moved on though never forgot Vincent, it seems (she was told he was dead, but Gil thinks she knew he was lying). Gilbert waited the 100 years as promised, and in that time their friends all pass away. He is met by Vincent at Lacie’s grave, who he scolds because they have not heard from each other in 4 years. Vincent says his body is at his limit, and Gil comments for Vincent to go ahead, that he won’t be long after him. Vincent says this is troublesome, just when he finally… Gil interupts this sentance and thanks him for being with him, Vincent says he is glad he was born, and then turns to dust.
Just then, Gil hears a song, and a voice calling out to Vincent, and turns to see Oz and Alice coming down the stairs, apparently having been reborn during the 100 year cycle and looking very like themselves (though we never see their faces properly). Oz sees him and stops, and comments that they have not got all of their memories back but (while crying) sayings that it is good to see Gil again. The series concludes with Gilbert embracing them and saying ‘Welcome back!’
I intended to shorten this and then didn’t SORRY I couldn’t I have too many emotions ;w; And its probably really bitty sorry mom is talking to me while I was typing
TL:DR Basically by the end the only characters alive (that we know of) are Gilbert, and a reborn Oz and Alice ;w;
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ryoura · 10 years
What I love most about this ending is that Oz and Alice (and Gil, to a lesser extent) have entirely new stories ahead of them, free now to wander where they wish. Us fans can take this anywhere! I feel like I want to write a bunch of oneshots about Vincent traveling around the world, and Gil's life with the 'new' Oz and Alice, and Oz's career as a photographer no one will ever change my mind on that, and the new Baskerville-Core relationship, and... well, talk about 'beyond the winding road'...
I am a little worried about Gilbert but since he is narrating and spoke of a new story I’m going to assume all is well and they’ll be happy and fine together! ;w; You’re right about Oz and Alice though, they’ve got whole new lives waiting for them! I also just realised as I was rereading the chapter and thinking how cute/pretty Oz and Alice’s clothes were that as it has been 100 years, they are probably much closer to our time now… The setting itself has completely changed too, I wonder what kind of lives they will all live together? ;w;
If Oz and Alice act like themselves I can only imagine what it was like for Vincent putting up with caring for them all the way back to Gilbert. Imagine the hijinx! :P I can imagine the adjustment between the trio being gradual and comfortable but ahhhh I am so conflicted about the whole thing BUT TRIO IS TOGETHER IMMA BE HAPPY ABOUT THAT TwT
I really hope the fandom continues to add content, the ending leaves so much open for the trio ;w;
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ryoura · 10 years
It's actually kind of cute to look at the story in hindsight knowing it's Gilbert telling it. Of COURSE Oz is the main character despite almost everyone having an equally interesting role to play in the plot; Oz takes up like 85% of the space in Gil's brain, Gil probably can't help it. And Gil just writes off the entire last century at the end there like "TL;DC, Oz wasn't there so clearly nothing important happened." It's like the entire story's an unintentional love letter.
PFFFT Okay that is equal parts touching and hilarious just SKIP THE HUNDRED YEARS NOT IMPORTANT my god Gilbert XDD Thats actually a really good point though and super duper sweet ahhhh my love for Oz and Gilbert’s friendship absolutely agrees with this idea! ;w;
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ryoura · 10 years
Let's look on the bright side. Sure, everyone Oz and Alice knew has lived and died before they returned except for Gil. But Oz is now 230+; Gil owes him a lot of birthday presents. If Oz and Alice were reincarnated instead of released from the Abyss, they have new families that love them; imagine the shenanigans when they try to explain how they know each other. Imagine how proud of them they are. Oz probably has a different name now, but he likely asks to go by Oz again once he remembers.
I’m so happy that the trio are back together and that they are regaining their memories, but... they are the same souls and are regaining memories, but they lived new lives, and even Alice herself drew a distinction between the Alice in the past and present, so I don’t know how we’re supposed to view this??? And lets not talk about Gil saying he’d be following Vincent soon I REFUSE I’m gonna assume he was tired and almost ready to give up but now he’s got A NEW LEASE OF LIFE SO HAPPY TRIO YES.  I wish we’d gotten to see their faces though... I know they’re not 100% Oz and Alice, at least not yet, but still it feels really... not right. Like they’re no really meeting properly or something... I don’t know WAFFLING.
Though ya I do wonder how Vincent got them especially if the DO have families that love them XD;;; Did he just walk up to these kids and invite them on an adventure to meet Gil and their fractured memories were just enough for them to know what he means and agree but how did their families react? Did they have good families? Bad ones? Either way they left to travel with this stranger to meet another stranger jeez XD;;; 
I’m going to headcanon that Oz and Alice in their new lives always felt like they were missing something, and they would dream/remember past events often, and when Vincent came things began to click and they realised they HAD to go with him, and that even if they don’t fully understand they can feel in their soul how they feel for Gil when they saw him and that’s why Oz was crying and everything will be fine and lovely and Gil will be fine and THEY’LL LIVE LONG AND HAPPY LIVE TOGETHER TwT
Sorry anon I have not had time to properly process this all yet so I’m rambling with emotions uwaaaaaa
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ryoura · 10 years
As you can imagine I am crying; it’s far too early in the morning for these emotions ;w;
I was... editing... exactly this ending... to Awakening by Mae... this exact layout of Oz and Alice sorting the core and leaving, of Gil swearing to wait for them despite their being a chance they wouldn’t even be back, everyone growing, moving on, marrying etc. with Gil always waiting, ending with their return ... and now its over... and this is what happened and I just... I’m kind of stunned it actually went this way I don’t even know what I can possibly say all I know is that I am crying and confused and my heart hurts and everything I feared happened but also so many things I hoped happened and AHH my emotions! ;A;
That scene between Oz, Alice and Gilbert when they were leaving was so incredibly heartbreaking with how much Oz and Gilbert did not want things to happen, and that Gilbert, being true to himself, refused to accept this as the end... I was a complete mess at this part, my only comfort was there was so much chapter left so I had hopes something would work out ;w; Sharon and Reim getting married was unexpected but if anyone could treat Sharon right it is Reim, I’m happy for that! Vincent too; thank you for what you did Vincent ;w; I’m sorry the series ended that way for him but I’m so happy for what he did (and it was really upsetting, seeing Gil and Vincent getting along, so accepting of it all, but both so exhausted...).
It seems Gil outlived all his friends while waiting for Oz and Alice to return. He really waited those 100 years... So were Alice and Oz reborn? I had hoped they would somehow return as themselves, but the fact they were reborn and regained memories from their past lives... Is that the same? Is it really them or... I don’t really know how to feel in relation to that... I suppose I can always headcanon what I’d planned for the video and mix with canon, so that they were spat out of Abyss at a later time, but that they lost their memories in the process? Either way the trio are back together so thats good of course! I just hope Gilbert doesn’t soon follow Vincent after he finally has Oz and Alice back, I hope Oz and Alice regain all their memories and that they can live out a long and happy life together...
Ahhhhh my heart... I can’t write anything constructive or sensible right now but I think this is an ending I can accept. I need to read it again when I have time, but I think I can accept this ending ;w; It’s sad... everyone is gone except for Gilbert and Oz and Alice, but... Ahhhh I’m so confused! But the trio are back together, and that at least was something I had been hoping for with all my heart! I can only hope they have a happy life together!
This was an incredible and wonderful story, with an amazing final chapter filled with so much love and emotions  just can’t stop tearing up when I think of it; Mochijun thank you for your story, for your incredible characters that mean so much to so many people, for everything you made and did over the years.
I’ll try and write something coherant later but... Ahhhh thank you for this wonderful story, Mochijun!
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