vegasthehedgehog · 7 months
Okay so I've been thinking about the Non x Phee x Jin situation.
First of all, even if Jin wasn't originally someone Non saw as an actual enemy, Jin being someone Non was with when he passed out and then presumably woke up in a dangerous situation that Jin allowed his friends to put him in, probably made Non acknowledge that nobody, including Jin, cared enough about him to stop Tee from just kidnapping him.
Second, imagine if Non is alive. Imagine going through something awful and Jin is complecent in it. You are somewhere in the shadows, waiting for the possibility to have a home where people will love you or at least where you will feel safe. But your parents are dead and nobody is waiting for you anymore.
You finally come out of hiding and find out that the person you loved with all of your heart, that wanted to save you from those evil boys, is now sleeping with the enemy. In fact he isn't just sleeping with him but also loves him.
That is a betrayel that I don't think I'd recover from. It's one thing to move on from Non. It's another to move on with Jin. This isn't anti Jin. This is simply how I would feel from Nons point of view. Even if Phee doesn't know the extent of Jin's involvement, it doesn't mean that there won't be repercussions for being with Jin.
Also, Non wouldn't have anyway of knowing that Phee is there to investigate his disappearance. So Non would have to fill in the blanks with his imagination. And I'm sure he is gonna assume that everyone just moved on together while siding with the enemy. This boy would never assume people actually love him and were doing something for him. He's gonna assume the worst.
Idk if Non is alive but this whole situation is sure to end with either everyone dead or unhappy and traumatized.
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i-darling-amaflower · 7 months
I've tried thinking about which characters in DFF are my favorite and which ones are my least favorite, but that becomes exceedingly difficult as the show progresses. The reason for this is, as many posts have pointed out, the way the show reflects reality and therefore has no "Good and Bad" no "Black and White," but instead simply has many different hues of grey. So, at the end of the day, it all comes down to one's opinion or the way one perceives a character. I will do my best to express my thoughts on each of the 9 main characters.
1. Por
The leader of the pack. He is one of the one's we're obviously not supposed to like as much; he bullied Non, he stole his work, he was two-faced, he almost killed Non. But he still has a bit of complexity added to his character what with his family situation. Ultimately, in my opinion, that does not excuse any of his actions. He is pretty low on my list.
2. Top
This is gonna be a short paragraph. I hate him. The things he did weren't as extreme as some of the things Por did, but he literally has no excuse whatsoever. He's just plain annoying, a bully with a backstory as long as his dick, which is to say nonexistent.
3. Fluke
I think he has morals? If he does he fully does not listen to them. His biggest flaw is his selfishness. I believe he would've ratted Top and Tee out when Top broke the camera if it wouldn't have caused a crack in the friendship of the group, and therefore his spot in the popular group in school. Because let's be honest, he doesn't give a rat's ass about his "friends," he doesn't wanna be a part of whatever they're doing 3/4 of the time. But his selfishness ruins what potential he might've had, to the point of him being downright creepy.
4. Tee
Now this is a character. I think his shade of grey is the perfect blend of both white and black. Yes, I obviously hate what he did, but at the same time I understand. I would rather jump off of a cliff than give someone other than myself problems, but if I was a little less like that and a little more cowardly, I think I could relate to him a lot. He wasn't as warm to Non as Jin was, but he definitely wasn't as cold as Por and Top were. And boy, does he have a past. It looks to me like he's been a part of his uncle's gang for quite a bit, which would obviously quiet the kindness in anyone's voice, if not in there whole being. He has a sick father he genuinley cares about and no other way to make money. He's in a corner. And while I believe there's always a choice, I understand why he saw the one he picked the clearest. The thing, though, is that he didn't want to hurt Non, he didn't want to bring Non to his uncle, it just wasn't as strong as his want for himself and his father to be fine. But this is what makes him stand out more than the other members of the original friend group. He regreted it. He feels guilty. It's quite literally haunting him. He never could and never will be able to escape that part of his life. He even brought Non 2.0 (aka White) right up close to himself, and he would do anything to keep White there, safe where he can see him. So while I don't like him, and he is easily one of the more everything-i-do-damages-Non characters, he is still a very interesting one.
5. Jin
I can't explain how much I hate him. When I was in elementary school there was an anti-bullying poster that said something like "a bystander that does not help is just as guilty as the bully." And although both Fluke and Jin acted as bystanders, I hate Jin more because he is under the impression that he is kind and innocent, and he is branded this way to all the other characters. Even Non believed it. He takes no responsibility for what he did, or rather, what he didn't do. I don't even think he feels guilty about what happened to Non, he so easily forgot about it. He moved on so fast for someone he saw as a "friend" or, going even further, a "crush." The most evil thing is that the change in the way he acted between the past (smiley, warm, there) and the present (frowny, cold, closed-off) was not due to the fact that he absolutely ruined this kid--someone he considered a friend--'s chance at a future by leaking a video of said kid being groomed, and then proceed to nearly (if not actually) kill this kid with the help of his friends. No, it was do to the fact that his new crush said they were just friends. That's so incredibly pathetic. I'm obviosuly not saying that crushes can't literally crush your soul, but I think he had other issues he could've been worrying about.
6. Phee
Up until episode 9 I absolutely loved him. But then he dissapointed me a bit (which he is aloud to do, he's literally still a kid; for that reason I haven't kicked him off of my list of characters I like just yet). He has a big heart, which was used to cause a lot of good, but unfortunately became his flaw. It started to grow until it out-weighed his sense of justice. I think he still loves Non and wants to know what happened to him, but not as much as he wants to forget and move on with Jin. He came to the house partly to get answers but mostly to fix his relationship with Jin. He started to like the friend group, so he wants to live in ignorance, and that I do not agree with.
7. Tan
Him and Non had a pretty weak relationship, but despite that, he still loves him (he loves his whole family, actually, even if their parents don't deserve it) deeply; deeply enough for them to be the only thing he's living for. In my--who am I kidding, the fandom's opinion, he is currently doing nothing wrong, killing people or not. He lost literally everything, and frankly, it shows. But instead of giving up, he perserved, which is more than Phee can say.
8. Non
Jesus Christ, this poor kid. A family that forgot about him while he was there, and loved him after he was gone, and a boyfriend that loved him while he was there, then quickly forgot him after he was gone. He'd never had it easy in his life and still didn't have it easy (possibly) after his life. If you think what happened with Keng was Non cheating on Phee, fuck you. Fuck you. That was grooming, Non was being taken advantage of. Although I don't really think of Phee sleeping with Jin as cheating, it was more cheating than Non and Keng. Yes, he pulled the rest of the friend group into the illegal money thing, but that was not his fault, it was Por, Top, and Tee's fault. So much shit happened to him, and none of it was deserved; I really hope he's alive and killing them.
9. White
I don't dare to have opinions on him yet because I'm really expecting a deeper backstory. I don't think he's as naive as he's letting on.
If you want to add any of your opinions, feel free to!
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biihanka · 6 months
I really need happy AU fics were PheeNon get their happy ending, I love angst and hurt/no comfort but y'all I need Non to be happy! 😭
It can even be the PheeNonJin trouple! bc I think they would be real cute, I just need something happy! 🥺😭
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ae-azile · 8 months
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leconcombrerit · 7 months
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Well I did it NO ONE CAN STOP ME
Left to right are Phee, Non, Jin, Top, Por, Tee, and Fluke. But like, potatoe version. And potatoe Phee is having none of this shit.
For context, it stemmed from that clear image in my head+
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fallenhanari · 14 days
Ask WIP Game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @rjthirsty for the tag~
This is gonna be a doozy y'all, I make WIP files at the slightest hint of an idea sometimes lol. Some of these are bare-bones descriptive file names while others actually are potential titles. Broken down by fandom since I'm spread across multiple and throwing this under a cut because it stretches out a bit long haha.
Dead Friend Forever
For Us
Jin After Phee
PheeNonJin Post-6 Pre-7
ABCs of KimChay
Interview Reconciliation
Kim Headache Fic
Kim Whump Aftermath
All in His Eyes
KimChay PostCanon
i'm fine (save me)
Wisdom Teeth
To Be Loved Is To Be Changed
Touchstarved Kim
Mobile Otome
Heat Event
Luka/Alice/Jonah Potential
Victor's Hair
Hiding Hurts
PC/Console Visual Novels
First Times
Math Fools
Not Even a Real Idea TBH
Shin/MC Sequel
All These Things
Day 3 Missing Moment
Grim Smut
ShiraChizu Part 1
Trio Flash Fic
Qiu Ramblings
Outsider POV Flash Fic
Phew, I think that's everything!! If anything catches your eye, my ask box is open~ Including for anons if anyone would prefer!
As for tagging, I feel a bit awkward to tbh, since I haven't interacted a lot with most of my writer mutuals on here ;;; so please take this as a blanket tag to play the game too if it seems fun to you!
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bellamygate · 7 months
stop saying pheenonjin should be a throuple it makes me violent neither of them mfs should be allowed within 100ft of him
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leconcombrerit · 7 months
I will not watch the episode before dinner because I just *know* there's a big risk of Phee actually falling for Jin onscreen while I haven't recovered at all from Pheenon. And I'm gonna mope real bad.
And yes, ideally if Non is dead then it would be super better and okay for Phee to move on, I try my best not to romanticise grief and sadness -and yes, there's a bittersweet beauty to the way humans are so resilient that they can love again and again without it ever minimising their previous feelings but-
But. Where was I again. Phee and Jin. Look it's a series and if you don't give me at least a couple episodes of Phee making peace with Non's loss then you can't expect me to root for the new boy.
And that's from someone of loves Jin. Unapologetic Jin apologist. Pheenonjin girlie. Making those cute doodles with love. But I'm kinda scared there.
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fallenhanari · 7 months
Greater DFF fandom climate has me nervous to post the things I’m working on but I’m still clacking away at my PheeNonJin fic I started before episode 7 dropped 🥹 I had another idea for them during the week too, AU this time so maybe that one will make me less worried about posting lmao.
I know I’ll probably still do it anyway because I want to share my writing but ;;; I’ve not actively put work out in a more volatile fandom yet so I can’t quite shake the nerves.
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