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momandresearch · 5 months ago
finishing my 2nd year of phd
I never knew I was already near finishing my PhD's second year. so many things have I learned during this second year. how time flies.
even though there are so many things i want to update here. but for now i just want to put here.
Insyallah you can do this mama. you can do this
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majesticstylezz · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @blackmomphd 📢 Success Is No Accident!📢 • It is a combination of hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, mistakes, and.....A Deep Passion For What You Are Doing!!!! • Happy Hump Day! • • • #dissertationjourney #doctoralcandidate #phdcandidate #phdmom #blackwomanphds #blackmomphd #blackwomenintresearch #blackwomeninhighered #doctorallife #doctoraljourney #womenphds #blackwomeninpublichealth #healtheducation #healthpromotion #healtheducationresearch #blackhealtheducators #bliph #dissertationlife #phdlife #blackinacademia #phdjourney #ches #mches #blackinpublichealth #dissertationmotivation #dissertationquotes #healtheducators #womeninhealtheducation #womeninhighered https://www.instagram.com/p/CRCXwP3nPwH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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litanyforsurvivalll · 5 years ago
I have to remind myself several times a day that I’m still young (28) and I still have a lot of time to do all things I want to do.
I’ve accomplished a lot!!!! I tired through three degrees and several great jobs on my way to becoming a full time permanent teacher, which I’ve been for three years. I’m working on my PhD. I’m succeeding at an incredibly challenging marriage, and I have a son!!!! I’m a mama on top of it all.
I really need to quit hatin on myself.
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ceceilsdaughter · 2 years ago
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Love. The older I get the less final death feels. I’m not quite sure if that’s denial or avoidance. But each death I have felt, both strangers and loved ones, have made me question - how can I reimagine my experience of death grief and mourning. But the question I always get is why? Accompanied by raised eyebrows and shaking heads. Today, I arrive at the answer: love. Love of my culture and understanding the intricate parts of me, in hopes of loving me better. Learning to love beyond a physical presence, without the ‘normal’ modes of communication. And I guess, in a quiet way I want to demonstrate to my children that our love will continue beyond this lifetime. It’s a question I’ll circle back to as I explain my research question to someone new to me and my curiosity ... today, the simple answer is love.
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fullclasshelpers · 3 years ago
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Need dissertation,online class or essay help? We can help you. DM anytime 💯👩‍🎓 #phd #phdlife #phdstudent #phdjourney #phdproblems #phdchat #phdcandidate #phdstudentlife #phdmemes #phdstudentsofinstagram #phdlifestyle #phdresearch #phdthesis #phdcomics #phdstruggles #phdkoolfm #phdmom #phdrooftop #phdwriting #phdnutrition #phdstudents #phdgraduation #phdinbakchodi #phddiaries #phdindonesia #phddone #phdonline #phdsports #phdnyc #phdone https://www.instagram.com/p/CcJc_Y6M17U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marinagraphy-blog · 3 years ago
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It’s done!! My dissertation on multimodal literacies has been completed, revised, and just submitted to my committee members. 170 pages long. I will be defending on March 23. Crossing my fingers! #phd #phdlife #sjuliteracyphd #iunderatoodtheassignment #phdmom #phdat50 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca8YrRaLvY2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kaylainspirianahayya · 3 years ago
My professor however, in all his infinite wisdom, said that life should never be paused for anything. Not papers, not deadlines, not PhDs. If we miss a deadline, there is always another one. It is never the end of the world. So she should take her time, take care of herself and follow her heart and all would be fine.
Life doesn’t wait for our plans. It happens. There will never be a perfect moment for anything. So do what feels right. And like my professor says, ‘There’s always another deadline. Don’t put your life on hold.’
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bomweekly · 3 years ago
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Nigerian Lady Who Had COVID-19 During Pregnancy Welcomes Baby, Bags PhD A Nigerian woman shares her testimony via IG with a photo of herself and her baby with the caption; "In August I contracted COVID while pregnant. I thought the baby and I wouldn't survive, or that I would have to push back my graduation. However, yesterday proved me wrong. I was discharged from the hospital with a healthy baby girl at 12pm and attended graduation at 6pm #PhDMom. I am so grateful to God and to my support system". https://www.instagram.com/p/CXfc7R2NyYg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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likalikunasant · 6 years ago
Mein Doktorvater
Nord Uni Goettingen, Busgenweg 3
Hari ini aku bertemu dengan supervisorku yang bernama Prof.Dr.Max Krott. Beliau bukan orang baru tapi sudah menjadi salah satu senior di Fakultas Kehutanan Uni Goettingen. Di Jerman, sebutan bagi supervisor adalah Doktorvater (pria) atau Doktormutter (wanita). Boleh dibilang lucu bagi yang belum pernah mendengarnya. Untuk sekedar pengingat, Prof.Krott adalah pembimbing thesisku juga sewaktu S2, dan supervisor field projectku. Jadi bekerja dengannya boleh jadi sudah menjadi zona nyamanku. Tapi kali ini aku punya supervisor kedua seorang wanita. Dia adalah Dr. Nataly Jurges, seorang postgraduate researcher di kampus. Saat ini ternyata beliau sedang mengambil ijin cuti melahirkan , sehingga aku hanya dibimbing via e-mail ataupun skype. Tapi arahannya sangatlah jelas dan poinnya sangat membantuku, walaupun secara fisik aku belum pernah bertemu.
Well, aku memilih untuk bersepeda ke Nord Uni walaupun aku tahu jalannya menanjak ke bukit sana. Semenjak area klinikum dan danau ente dipugar, alhasil jalan tembusnya menjadi hilang, dan aku harus memutar melalui Robert Koch Strasse dan Zimmermanstrasse. Awalnya baik-baik saja, sampai ke mensa Nord, aku harus menuntun sepeda hingga keatas, karena tidak mampu lagi menggowes. Itupun sudah sangat ngos-ngosan, masih harus menaiki lantai hingga lantai ketiga tempat Prof.Krott berada. Nord Uni masih sama seperti dulu, tidak banyak yang berubah.
Sampai disana, aku bertemu dengan Beliau dengan berpeluh keringat, tak jarang aku harus menyeka keringat dari wajah ini. Senang sekali beliau masih mengingatku sebagai mahasiswinya. Dan hari itu beliau memberikan update terbaru tentang kampus dan bidang policy. Walaupun menyangsikan nataly dan prof.Burger arndt dapat menjadi thesis committee, akhirnya beliau menandatangani lembar persetujuan tersebut. Aku tinggal mengirimkannya ke Nataly dan supervisor ketigaku. Aku tahu ini hanya formalitas tapi tidak enak rasanya kalau tidak mematuhi peraturan kampus di jerman.
Selesai dari berdiskusi, aku diajak Prof.Krott untuk berkenalan dan menunjukkan kursi tempatku akan bekerja selama tiga tahun kedepan. Beliau baik sekali mau memperkenalkanku kepada semua yang ada di departemennya. Aku harap kami dapat bekerjasama dengan baik nantinya. Dan aku dapat menyelesaikan pendidikanku dengan baik.
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sammyandsufi · 7 years ago
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Happy Friday lovelies ✌🏻I’ve been a bit MIA with posting in recent weeks because I’ve had a ton going on but I see lots of new faces around here and thought I’d do a #fridayintroductions so here goes. . I’m Sammy, 1/2 of the brains and brawn behind The Cozy Home Chronicles. My husband and I started this blog in 2015 after we finished renovating our basement ourselves and decided hey let’s share with the world! We live in a community where DIYing and thrifting are looked down upon as being cheap and we kind of wanted to change that perception. We also believe in a serious work/life balance so you should be able to go to graduate school AND eat well AND take care of your home/apartment AND enjoy a hobby. . I’m technically a stay-at-home Mom to two hobbits but career-wise I’m a PhD candidate in anthropology studying end-of-life issues through a cognitive lens. Morbid, I know but for me being so close to death has its perks. It reminds me to be more grateful, present, and kind each day I’m blessed enough to be alive. I think if more people reflected on their own mortality, the world would be a better place. . I don’t show my face much around here and not because I’m overly private but because the anthropologist in me feels uncomfortable with the social media emphasis on appearances. You like the content I put out? Are my words inspiring? Helpful? Relatable? Those are questions I think are important and not what I look like or wear. I know that’s not how you guys think but we live in an image-obsessed world and that’s my form of rebellion. . I like far too many things to list: cooking, photography, crafting, home design, etc. and you’ll find them all here on our blog. We are just your average dream chasers trying to juggle life and home and make it cozy for our family. We hope you’ll find yourself right at home here ❤️ . . . . #momblogger #blogger #introductions #littlestoriesofmylife #lifestyleblogger #lifestyle #hijabistyle #muslimahblogger #creativemuslimwomen #phdstudent #phdmom #anthropologist #documentyourdays #thehappynow #thatsdarling #abmlifeisbeautiful #muslimblogger #homeblogger #homesweethome #cozyhome #followfriday #creatives #plantlady #urbanjungle
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albarrandiana · 8 years ago
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Childish or sign I'm a mum? #lunchbox #phdlife #phdstudent #phdmom
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eduortegaibarra · 4 years ago
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Estancia doctoral y revisión de tesis. . . . #phd #phdlife #phdstudent #phdjourney #phdproblems #phdchat #phdcandidate #phdstudentlife #phdmemes #phdstudentsofinstagram #phdlifestyle #phdcomics #phdresearch #phdthesis #phdstruggles #doctorado #doctorados #doctoradosenméxico #doctoradoeneducación #doctoradoonline #doctorate #doctoralstudent #doutorado #doutoradofeelings #doutoradoemeducação #phdmom #phdwriting #phdkoolfm #phdstudents #phdrooftop (en Xalapa, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNg4YGpBE5S/?igshid=1umr5fo6cs1c2
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greentoglow · 6 years ago
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When you are doing field/garden work for your PhD but are also a mom. Like do we have the diapers and the plant ID tags??? 😂 #AcademicMama #Coffee #PhDMom https://ift.tt/2ZSBJ25
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thesingleparentcounselor · 6 years ago
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In 30 mins my @mendelthewise is defending his #PhD as a scientist in Cell Molecular in #Aging Degeneration.. seeking prayers on his behalf, as well as my daughter as she continues to matriculate pursuing her #MD .. Some of you know this journey has not been easy, however a blessed one. I’ve been asked if I’m still writing and speaking. Yes in the midst of “doing life”, I have two new #book titles coming. I’m still receiving orders on “The Myth of the Broken Home” and writing a 2nd edition with a training manual. Also finishing a book on #PTSD, whose cover and title I will display soon. I’m planning a launching #event and #workshops. Also partnering with a new commercial printer for my #indie #publishing company, Put it on Paper Publishing and completing an intense #Mediation Certification training used by CA courts and of course as #career development. I continue to coach families and deliver content for “Family Court Friday” and “Scholastic Support Saturday”. Im editing some exciting #interviews and an article abt time my daughter and I spent with an #oscar award #celebrity and her husband, the advice given to #inspire me. I’ll share photos, our thinking process while we work and the books she recommended. This will be good for all #entrepreneurs .. thank u much . . . . #thursdaymotivation #thursdaythoughts #godfirst #kidsfirst #raisingboys #blackandstem #graduation #phdstudent #phdmom #singlemomsrock #singlemomlife #singleparenting #singleparenthood #bookstagram #repost #share https://www.instagram.com/singleparentcounselor/p/Bwr_jNAnnXW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bho23aislngy
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anthropentajenic · 4 years ago
There's a pair of monster spruces at the back of the yard which were hiding this little urban forest hideout for overgrown Anne Shirleys. Pruned, raked, rinsed Nathan's eye out, waited for the hammock mail, knotted, and here we are. Why did it take a pandemic when this was here all along? #yegyard #urbanforest #thanksnathan #anneshirleyinquarantine #anneshirleyingradschool #bothlikely #phdlife #offcampusstudy #phdreading #drfriedsbook #cheatsheet #covidacademia #ualberta #phdmom #cruelsummer #writerfeet #properhikingshoes 🌈
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goodsmama-blog · 9 years ago
Jane, Ann Arbor MI
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(clockwise from computer case)
Mama to a 20 month daughter
1. Gray wool case for my Macbook. 2. Earphones for Iphone/Macbook. Earphones are a maternal must because I’m working on my dissertation and sometimes you just need music to cover all sounds. 3. Ray-Ban sunglasses. Classic. 4. Notes for my dissertation abstract. I’m a PhD candidate in Anthropology. No gadget can substitute the perfect pen on paper combo. 5. OB tampons. Applicators are an environmental nuisance and so annoying to carry around, especially when they rip open in your bag. 6. Hirschmann book for dissertation lit review.  7. Marc Jacobs Enamored lip lacquer in Moonglow - the best.This was one part of a Mother’s Day gift.  8. Bobbi Brown sample lipgloss, petal. 9. Kate Spade Cedar Street Maia Travel Wallet. 10. Pilot Precise Rollerball pen. My favorite pens, extra fine, perfect for the copious notes I write.  11. Zeiss lens cleaning wipes. These are excellent for the phone screen and removal of toddler debris. Maybe you’re not supposed to use these for phone screens since that can touch faces and tiny hands. Not sure...so they just get lugged around. 12. Samsonite umbrella. Super lightweight, really, like a feather. In Ann Arbor, umbrellas are a must and you really need a good one. I’m definitely over the drugstore umbrellas that are good for maybe two uses. 13. My baby’s art, the highlight of my goods. Still in my bag from daycare pickup.
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