#phd community
mediocrephd · 1 year
For the first time since starting my PhD (I'm just about to start my 3rd year) I actually went into the shared office space and got assigned my desk! It was a great experience, and hopefully I'll be going in more regularly!
I might see if I can get a monitor and hdmi cable to go on my desk also, since working on just my laptop means I'm kind of crouching to see my screen :/
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edamba · 1 year
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As professionals navigate their career journeys, the pursuit of advanced education and specialized knowledge has become increasingly important. One such avenue is pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree, which offers an opportunity to delve deeper into the world of business and gain expertise in a specific area. However, with numerous DBA available, it becomes essential to choose the right DBA specialization that aligns with your career goals and aspirations.
Recognized by the European Doctoral Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA), in Brussels, Belgium, DBA programs offer professionals the chance to deepen their understanding of business and specialize in a specific area.
Here we will explore the significance of DBA specializations and provide insights on selecting the best program for your professional journey.
What is a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)?
A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is an advanced professional degree that emphasizes applied research and the practical application of business theories. DBA programs are designed for experienced professionals seeking to enhance their managerial and leadership skills, advance their knowledge in specialized areas, and contribute to the field of business through original research.
Choose the Right Doctor of Business Administration Specialization Program
1.Understanding your Career Goals: Before embarking on your DBA journey, it is vital to reflect upon your career goals and aspirations. Consider the industry you are currently in or wish to enter, the specific roles and responsibilities you aim for, and the skills you want to develop. This introspection will guide you in selecting a DBA specialization that aligns with your long-term objectives.
2.Research Different Specializations: Doctor of Business Administration programs offers an array of of specializations, such as finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, and more. Research various specializations to gain insights into their scope, relevance, and future prospects. This research will help you identify the specialization that resonates with your interests and provides ample opportunities for growth.
3.Accreditation and Reputation: When selecting a DBA program, ensure that it is accredited by recognized educational bodies. Accreditation ensures that the program adheres to certain quality standards and enhances the value of your degree. Additionally, consider the reputation of the educational institution offering the program, as it can significantly impact your professional credibility.
4.Curriculum and Faculty Expertise: Examine the curriculum of different DBA programs to understand the courses and subjects offered within your chosen specialization. Assess whether the curriculum aligns with your desired skill set and provides the necessary knowledge to excel in your field. Additionally, research the qualifications and expertise of the faculty members teaching the courses to ensure their credibility and ability to impart relevant knowledge.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right DBA specialization is a critical decision that can shape the trajectory of your career. By selecting a specialization that aligns with your passion and professional goals, you can unlock your full potential and become a subject matter expert in your chosen field.
By pursuing a DBA program recognized by EDAMBA in Brussels, Belgium, an esteemed institution promoting global collaboration in doctoral education, you can ensure access to a world-class education that fosters cross-cultural perspectives and prepares you for success in an interconnected business landscape. Connect with us today to learn more about the doctor of business administration.
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pefkaes · 17 days
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11.09.2024 // day 202 // making the most of productive bursts.
been feeling pretty energetic and motivated this week, even getting out of bed before the sunrise as the days get warmer and longer. so I'm channeling that energy towards writing the 10k words I need to submit by december. i do not know when the next crash will happen. it's all a chaotic mess of rage writing but writing is the only way through which i can think.
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outsassing-nero · 22 days
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65/100 days of productivity
a recap of my summer!! i managed to get a lot of research/writing done, and even started working on a journal paper as well! I'm definitely not a summer person, but I somehow managed to survive the heatwave - I'm so ready for the well-deserved vacation starting tomorrow :)
listening to: sixtones lost city
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wizardnuke · 1 year
can't stop thinking about a shadowgast "i'm not looking to fuck do you have a screwdriver my bathroom is flooding" grindr au
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skwpr · 1 month
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1. The 3 most important tasks. Write down the top 3 tasks you need to do during the day. Start your day with them, and then you won't have another day where you've managed the small things and there's no time left for the important things.
2. Make a task list. Every morning, make a list of tasks that you need to do during the day. This list will help you stay on top of your scheduled to-do's and make you more organized.
3. Do only one thing at a time. When you focus on just one thing, the work progresses a lot better than if you do several things at once, jumping from one thing to another.
4. Do it now. If something needs to be done, do it right now. Don't put it off for a minute, because then you'll find other reasons why that action needs to be postponed or not done at all.
5. Clear your workspace.Remove from your field of vision all unnecessary and superfluous things that can distract you.
6. Simplify, simplify, simplify! Find methods to simplify your actions so you can get your things done in less time with less effort.
7. Keep things in order. You don't want to throw things around your apartment or office. Put each thing in its place and then you will not need to spend time looking for them.
8. Sign up for a time planning service. Nowadays, there are many different services on the internet that help you plan and do what you have planned. You will be able to keep your to-do lists under control, work on them through your phone, get reminders on your phone or e-mail and more.
9. Examine your daily routine.Analyze your days. What takes up the most of your time, what you are often distracted by, what activities do little good. Try to remove habits from your life that interfere with your life.
10. Add color. Those who like to work with different colors can try creating a to-do list in different colors so you can see important to-do's at a glance.
11. Let others do.Some to-do's are worth delegating to other people (work or home).
12. Be positive.If you are not able to make your life organized in one day, you should not despair. Try, try, try and you will see that you and your life will start to change.
13. Set goals. It helps a lot to speed up the process of work if you clearly see the end goal you are moving towards.
14. Set a deadline.Understanding that you have a definite time limit on a task, you will be less distracted and relaxed.
15. Encourage yourself. When you finish some hard work, an important task or some project, then do something nice for yourself, maybe even celebrate the event. Positive emotions will help you in the future and make life more joyful.
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alexistudies · 7 months
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wednesday, march 13th 2024
i think one of the best things to come out of my PhD (so far) is that i am learning to embrace finitude, and focusing more on the aspects of "what did i learn from this" instead of dwelling on getting a great grade. let me explain.
let's say i was taking this intro to neural engineering class in undergrad, where these hard as hell MATLAB assignments were due like once a month. i would be literally shitting a brick about trying to get it right, staying up late and compromising my health for the assignment, and then stressing like crazy over the grade. for it to all, subsequently and eventually, end up being fine and not the end of the world.
now, as a 1st year PhD student, in this exact position of having a hard as hell assignment that i kind of just figured out as i go, i'm not even trippin. like, i'm probably going to get half credit and i'm genuinely fine with that. why? because I: 1) embraced finitude of knowing that it's just not going to get done and 2) am celebrating the fact that I even learned the concepts to get half credit.
this...is a big mental shift that i'm really trying to cherish, because it took soooo long for me to get here. i also realize that i'm able to have this change in attitude now because undergrad is over, and for a PhD program, grades don't really matter as long as you meet the requirements to stay in your program. in undergrad, you're aiming for good grades because you want to have access to the next goal (job, internship, or grad school). but my god, is this such a RELIEVING mindset shift.
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planning on being a doctor but in a phd way
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 8 months
I just need to inform you nerds about absolute madlad academic Joseph Brennan
most notably, he wrote a paper about a queer reading of Mordred in BBC Merlin which heavily cites his own (poorly photoshopped) pornographic slash manips
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but he also edited a whole book about queerbaiting, including chapters about: Supernatural, Xena Warrior Princess, One Direction RPF, Supergirl, and the fucking Johnlock Conspiracy
all the rest of his work is about gay porn
I fucking love academia
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trracstudy · 1 month
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Hi Tumblr! Want to help psychologists at Fordham University and University of Maine understand teen mental health in the digital age? We need 15-18 year olds to participate in an online research study! Enter into a raffle to win one of 20, $25 Amazon Gift Cards!
This study has been approved by the Fordham University Ethics Board. Please email us at [email protected] for more info, or click on the link below to read our consent form.
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that-chaoticace · 8 months
Welp. Got my first Ph.D. application letter back…. Rejection!!!!
We’re all Losers, Baby… or at least I am today 🫠
So ummmm, reblog or share Huskerdust fanfic or fanart ALWAYS WITH CREDITS. I appreciate your time in this endeavor ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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edamba · 2 years
EDAMBA is pleased to announce the launch of two new online forums as part of a new initiative:
We have formed two 'Google Forums' to provide value to EDAMBA members while also increasing communication, establishing a constant dialogue in the EDAMBA community, encouraging more participation, and, last but not least, inspiring the future generation.
The EDAMBA PhD Supervisors Forum aims to create a powerful interactive platform for PhD Supervisors with the goal of connecting communities.
Through this forum PhD Supervisors would also be able to develop and engage in email-based groups and online forums, thus offering a rich community experience.
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pefkaes · 4 months
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27.05.2024 // a snapshot of last week. I have been incredibly busy with assignments and prepping for a month of study away.
last week, I —
prepared for a presentation on using postcolonial theory as one of the theoretical frameworks for my thesis and presented it. it went really well but I have so much work to do in order to narrow down the scope of my project
attended a conference and met some cool people
started working on my data management plan
worked on 2 essays, 1 blogpost
did some creative journalling
this week will be as chaotic because I'm travelling back home, which will mean disrupting whatever routine I had established. but at least, my routine at home is familiar.
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trivalentlinks · 9 months
Let F be a Floer homology theory. For the purposes of this talk, you can assume it's any Floer homology theory you like, and if you don't like any Floer homology theory, then pretend you do like one and assume it's that one
-- a conference speaker
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katiajewelbox · 2 months
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Plant Immune System Part 3
The plant immune system is the topic of my PhD thesis, which I'm currently writing following several years of lab-based research as a PhD student at Imperial College London under the supervision of Professor Colin Turnbull.
Here's an introduction to my research, which focused on how certain plants defend themselves against aphids.
Aphids are an important insect pest that threaten agriculture worldwide. As we learned in the previous post, plant resistance (R) genes control resistance to specific pests and pathogens through interaction with effectors from the invaders. Since examples of R gene-dependent aphid resistance have been documented in different plant species, aphid-specific R genes may enable the development of resistant crops.
In the model plant Medicago truncatula, there are some varieties that are resistant to aphids and other varieties that are susceptible to Pea Aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum). Whether the plant is resistant also depends on the variety of aphid. In my project, the A17 plant is resistant to PS01 aphids but not to N116 aphids, while the DZA plant is susceptible to both aphid varieties.
What is the key difference in the resistant versus susceptible plants? Resistant A17 plants have a portion of their genome “Resistance to Acyrthosiphon pisum 1” (RAP1) which determines resistance to PS01 aphids, but the genes controlling the defence response and physiological defence mechanisms remain unknown. Two candidate R genes located in RAP1, designated “RAP1A” and “RAP1B”, may control resistance.
My main objective in my PhD project has been to determine whether RAP1A and RAP1B control aphid resistance, and to investigate the RAP1-mediated defence response. I look forward to sharing the findings in publications and in talks next year!
Image credit: Original diagram by Katia Hougaard with images from the Turnbull Lab.
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skwpr · 1 year
Five Quick Tips For Better Notes
Preview the reading. Spend 1-2 minutes and skim through the material. Look at headings to see what the major concepts will be. Use these to help check your understanding by turning the heading into a question.
Jot down facts that are new to you. (terms, dates, names, etc.). By making a short note of these you are actually building yourself a custom study tool to work on memorization for the exam. If you don’t make note of them, how will you ever know what you need to memorize?
Look for cues in the text. Words like “3 steps to…”, bold words, or italicized words can indicate important information.
Make note of questions you have about concepts. Just make a note, flag it as a question, and keep moving. This keeps you from getting stuck on one thing for too long, but you also won’t forget it was fuzzy. You’ll be able to come back later and decide if it does make sense after reviewing more of the resource or if you need to dig back into the area.
Build your notes in question/answer form. Use the objectives and/or headings to give you some starting questions and work to answer them in your own words. These also convert really well on quizlet.com for easy review.
Try It Yourself: 30-Minute Challenge
Grab your textbook, notebook, and a pen.
Do a quick 2-minute preview to get an idea of what is covered in the upcoming chapter.
Using the other tips above, take notes on the chapter.
Review your notes. Are they short? Will they help you to study for the exam a couple of weeks down the road?
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