#phaunus god
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zeherili-ankhein · 2 months ago
So Phaunus (Greek god of forests) was in Dio's army which makes me thing
Phaunus vs Aranyani duel ft. Pushan 👀 (and perhaps Vasant)
They're prolly gonna fight like this but more violent
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Vasant with his big big man eating plants helping Aranyani 😌😌😌
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bluestarlett · 3 months ago
Did I ever even post the cosmic gods?
I probably did. Oh, well.
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Saoirse (she technically isn’t a god she’s more of a… princess?)
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diana-thyme · 2 months ago
Greek Gods 101: O’s & P’s
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acosmicconfluence · 2 months ago
Mmm, how did Phaunus & Freyja get married? And for the rest of the cast- what were they like while they were still married? M currious
”🌙Ehh.. well, they were never officially… wed? Not in the traditional sense, anyway. Marriage is a human concept, that of which some of the gods prefer to engage with whereas others, not as much. …They were close, though. Honestly, before things went south, they might’ve even been better than Scylla and I! Phaunus was one of the only people Freyja let stick around—she’s… rather antisocial, for lack of a better word. And she understood Phaunus in a way none of us really do? Even Gaea doesn’t know him as well. I… can’t help but wonder if things would have gone differently if Freyja hadn’t let her flames boil over that day. I wonder if they’d still be on good terms.🌙”
“🪼Mom. It’s in the past. Nothing you can do about it now. Don’t worry so much.🪼”
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heatherwitch · 4 years ago
Do you have anymore information on Faunus?
This site is an excellent starting point (not sure which Faunus you’re referring to so I’ll link multiple):
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depressedkakashihatake · 5 years ago
Who would Tenzo be in Greek God mythology?Phaunus, Dionysus, Persephone, or Demeter?
Demeter!!!! Trans Demeter who’s absolutly going to make everything in the world beautiful and who doesn’t get upset over the loss of their daughter (since we don’t see persephone in the disney version with hades) but actually ends up creating winter because it’s the time of year that Tenzo always decides to stir things up and keep the human’s on their toes ready to store food away for the cold months.
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bluestarlett · 2 months ago
cosmic god pick now
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bluestarlett · 2 months ago
HEY!! i rlly like your CCCC au!! (Cosmic confluence) And I had a question, how do you feel abt cosmic confluence OCs?/nf/genq
HI HI HELLO!!! Thank you!!! To answer your question, goodness I’ve never thought about it but I have absolutely no problem with that! I could make a guide for the gods and their children if that’d help?? (For reference; all the different creatures belong to different gods. Angels>Selene, Sirens>Scylla, Dryads>Phaunus, etc etc meaning they all have certain features specific to their respective gods)
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bluestarlett · 2 months ago
{Tonight, you've survived, out of pity and spite. All night, You have vied for your place in the light.}
1,161 words.
The Stars looked up, slowly pushing herself to her feet.
“...Charon?” She stammered, spinning in a small circle. A wispy, cool hand against her own answered her call as she slowly turned to face the Vulture. Macaria towered over Eris, bowing slightly as it peered down at her. The Stars shied away in shame, averting her eyes from the god.
“...What… Why are you here? Why… now?” Asteria said quietly, trying to stop the tears that threatened to spill from her tired eyes. The Ferryman stayed completely silent, saying not a word as it simply set its lantern down beside Asteria. 
☩You cannot hide from them forever.☩
It said after a long moment of silence.
Eris glared at the lantern, hugging her arms around herself. “...I know. I learned that the hard way.” She whispered, voice strained against her throat as she pulled at her braid. Charon tilted its head, blinking at Asteria in perplexion. 
☩Then why still try?☩
“Because I’m sick of this, Psyche.” Soul cried, looking up at the Ferryman with pleading eyes. “I’ve been banished by the gods, I’ve been banished by my own fucking siblings —nobody wants me around. So what’s the point of even… trying to stay?” She turned,  looking longingly into the distance, tugging at the hem of her corset. Macaria followed her gaze, blankly staring into the empty horizon. 
☩…It’s not that we didn’t want you around. None of us wanted your punishment to go this far. We didn’t want this for you, Asteria.☩
The Vulture said, a trace of pity in its voice. Asteria hissed as she hid her face once more.
“That fixes none of this. You being sorry for me doesn’t matter. I don’t want your sympathy.”
☩But you want Gaea’s?☩
Eris hesitated. She slowly dragged her nails against her arm, looking down at the water beneath her. “...You don’t get it.”
☩You’re right. I don’t.☩
“He’s my brother, Charon. How… how could I not want his forgiveness? He’s all I have.” Asteria muttered. The Ferryman shook its head, crossing its arms as it circled around Asteria.
☩But he is not. You have your siblings now.☩
“The ones Scylla and Selene created out of fucking pity? ” Eris spat venomously. Psyche paused, nodding in defeat.
☩…I will admit, you have me on that one. Nonetheless, Asteria—we pity you because you don’t deserve this. We never wanted you to suffer like this. Not myself, not Selene, not Freyja or Scylla, Phaunus, or Iris— we did not wish this upon you.☩
“But he did.” Eris said dully, tracing patterns into the water beneath her. The Ferryman sighed, pulling its mask up and pinching the bridge of its nose in exasperation. Its eyes blinked open at Asteria, each one glaring in frustration. 
“☩Asteria. You cannot live the rest of your mortal life wallowing in the truths that Gaea , of all people, has created.☩” It said, placing a firm hand on Eris’ shoulder. “☩You have so much purpose here— especially with your mortality. Just because he is your brother does not mean he owes you love. You do not need to prove yourself to him. And, hell—even if you tried, you’d never succeed. It is impossible to please him.☩” Psyche stared at Aster, pity and desperation in its eyes as it studied her face. Asteria turned away, slapping the Vulture’s hand off her shoulder.
“I’m not stopping until I’m forgiven,” she said coldly. Charon grumbled, massaging its temples aggressively before pulling its mask back down, standing once more, towering ominously over the Star.
☩You are so damn stubborn. The apple truly does not fall far from the tree, does it? You have everything any of us could want here, and you still long to be a god? What, so you can wallow away in your sorrows for the rest of eternity? Isn’t this what you wished to avoid?☩
Macaria spat. Asteria laughed harshly, storming off into the distance.
“And so what if it is?” she called back behind her. “Sometimes, people make decisions that they regret. Apparently, I’m one of those people. …All I wished for was to not feel so alone all the time.” she hissed maliciously, aggressively kicking the surface of the water. Charon shook its head.
☩And where did that get you? You’re more alone than ever, it seems.☩
The Star screamed, voice cracking as tears spilled down her face. Her trident slowly formed in her hand—gold and bright and pristine; a weapon fit only for a god . She pressed the point against her neck, her hand threatening to jerk forward. 
☩…You won’t do it.☩
Asteria let out a hoarse cry which just barely resembled a laugh, if you could consider the choked, cynical sob that escaped her any semblance of laughter. “What, is that supposed to be a command? Or are you saying that all of a sudden, you know how I feel? Because you don’t.” She spat. Psyche shook its head.
☩You won’t do it, Asteria. You wouldn’t do that to them. ☩
Eris paused, her expression slowly shifting as she stared at the Ferryman. Her face shifted, the rage and pain and malice behind her eyes slowly contorting into an empty, lonely sadness as she dropped her trident, her head hanging low.
“...You’re right. I’ve… I’ve hurt them enough.” Asteria slumped over, lowering herself back onto the ground. Charon blinked slowly at her, bringing its lantern to Eris’ face, the light casting a soft, cold glow against her skin.
☩You’ve hurt yourself enough. Look at yourself. Look at…☩ 
 Charon removed its mask, looking down at Sidra.
“☩This human you’re being.☩” It sighed, pity in its face as its eyes met Asteria’s. “☩Is this really what you want?☩” 
And Asteria stayed silent. She said nothing as her hands trembled and she looked away from the Ferryman. 
{Of course it’s not what I want. I… I don’t know whatI ever wanted, but it’s not this.}
Charon slowly closed its eyes, shaking its head as it offered Eris a hand. Asteria stared in disbelief for a moment at the claws reaching toward her, and she offered Macaria a pleading look as she took its hand. Slowly, the Vulture pulled the Star to her feet. 
“☩You ought to leave a light on, you know.☩” It said softly, taking both of Asteria’s hands into its own. Ethos tilted her head in confusion.
“What do you-” She looked up, and there was nothing. Only darkness. Not a sign of the Ferryman could be found save for that odd, cold feeling on her hands where it held her. Eris sighed, clasping her trembling hands together to try and preserve some warmth as she slowly lowered herself to the ground, curling in on herself.
She was alone, again. In the dark. 
Perhaps that was where she belonged.
Perhaps it was where she would spend the rest of her life,
And where her life would en-
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bluestarlett · 3 months ago
@thestereosonicanimatronic god I keep forgetting to post these guys but they’re done
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heart is a son of Selene, mind of Freyja and soul of Phaunus :3
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bluestarlett · 2 months ago
{Yes, it made me who I am, but I'll never understand,}
{why it had to happen to me.} Temperament or sickness? Holler all you want, No one ever listens.
2,034 words.
Asteria exhaled slowly, chest falling with the breath that left her lips. The Star pushed herself up from where she lay, softly dragging her fingers against the curved arm of her throne, the golden metal cold against her skin. The stars around her seemed to watch, winking and flickering as if they were eyes, blinking softly. 
The stars.  
There were so many in the sky, scattered, like shards of glass against the deep, cold emptiness of space. Too many stars for any god or mortal to count, lest you spend eternity taking the time to remember each and every one. 
…The stars were never alone. There were billions upon billions, connected like a web. They all had companions, in a way. 
…Unlike her. 
Eris pushed herself to her feet, gingerly padding away from her throne. The water beneath her feet rippled and splashed ever so slightly with every step, forming small waves around her braid that dragged several feet behind her. The stars in the distance almost seemed to grow taunting, mocking her every step as if she couldn’t crush them in the palms of her hands if she so wished. She huffed, tearing her gaze away from those little watchful eyes that glared at her from every corner of her vision.
She crept through the corridors of the palace, and yet, each room was empty. Not one soul resided within their usual quarters, and there was no longer the lighthearted chatter between Selene and whoever found themself in her path, no jingling of the keys around Charon’s neck or the soft, curious music Phaunus would create with flutes of wood and bone. There was no clacking of Iris’ heels against the marble floors, or the hissing of Freyja’s flames, or the soft dripping of water which seemed to follow Scylla with every step she took.
Just… silence. 
Asteria frowned, making her way to the end of the hall, where Gaea’s throne room remained. The Star sighed wistfully, dragging her fingers along the engravings in the golden door before her, tracing each pattern and carving with such delicacy, as if she were handling life itself. 
The god of the universe. 
King of gods. 
Her brother.
The other gods had always been somewhat indifferent toward Gaea, regarding Him as if He were but an overbearing mother, and that they owed Him nothing. 
But Sidra knew better. 
Almajara was the World. He was everything, and nothing would exist without Him. He was the creator of life itself, and above all, Asteria’s brother. From the moment when she was but a starling, He raised her as His sister. Of course, He was harsh and cruel at times, but that viciousness had to have come from a pure, golden heart.
“…Right?” Asteria mumbled to herself, letting her hand fall to her side. She sighed, softly striking the door with her fist, exactly seven times. She awaited a response which seemed to never come, and yet, just as she defeatedly turned away, the door slowly creaked open. Eris whipped around, gasping softly. 
Gaea peered down at her, each eye glowing a soft golden hue, curls falling around Him like little wisps of heavenly light. Earth blinked, one pair of arms crossing while another rested on His hips as He smiled down at Asteria. 
Little sister, 
He called gently. Asteria smiled timidly, bowing before the Universe.
“Brother.” She whispered, rising back to her feet and twisting her braid nervously. Gaea chuckled, lowering Himself to her height.
So nervous today. Come, the others are waiting. 
He strode past Sidra, beckoning her to follow. Eris tilted her head, following after Harmonia. The Universe swiftly made His way down the hall, winding through the corridors and cutting corners with ease as He guided Eris into the tea room. 
The delightful chatter which filled the room came to a pause as Gaea and Eris stepped in. Selene clasped her hands together, beaming at the two.
“Ah, there you both are!” She danced over to the two, taking Asteria’s hands into her own softly, as a greeting of sorts. Eris smiled, bowing her head. Gaea chuckled, making His way to His throne at the end of the table.
So sorry to keep you all waiting. I wasn’t expecting everyone to be actually on time tonight,  
He glared at Phaunus, who rolled its eyes, curiously picking at the tassels on its scorched cloak. Selene laughed, making her way to Scylla’s side. 
“Yes, well, surprisingly Phaunus didn’t mysteriously catch fire today.” Scylla hissed, shooting Freyja an odd look from across the table.
☩Scylla, hold your tongue.☩ 
Charon said calmly, appearing behind Gaea with a large, fine porcelain teapot in its clutches, which it set in the middle of the table, along with a bottle of deep red wine. Asteria sighed, nervously inching toward the table, seating herself beside Iris. Melodia smiled at her, stealing a small, quick kiss from the Star. Sidra sighed, a foolish grin forming on her face as she looked away, flustered.
“Goodness, it feels like it’s been so long since we’ve all been here together.” Selene said wistfully, gently running her hands through Scylla’s unruly hair. Gaea hummed in agreement, pouring Himself a glass of wine before offering the bottle to Charon. Charon poured itself a small glass, placing the bottle in the centre of the table and turning to Eris as it lifted its mask to drink.
“☩Asteria. How are you faring? You’ve not left your quarters in days.☩” It asked kindly, tilting its head. Asteria frowned, nervously pulling at her braid.
“I… I’m doing alright, I suppose.” She mumbled, dishonesty lacing her tone as she swallowed her fear. Selene and Scylla exchanged worried glances across the table, and whispered something to each other, but it’s not as if Asteria was in the mindset to piece together what they said. Macaria hummed, lowering its mask back over its face.
☩If you say so.☩ 
Eris sighed, wrapping her arms around herself. 
She avoided meeting anyone’s gaze for the rest of that dinner, for fear that if she should look them in the eyes and remember her loneliness, that the tears which she had failed to cry for aeons might pour out in streams, like the blood of a dying god. After a few hours— which had seemed to drag on for years— the room slowly emptied, with everyone making their way off to their own thrones and beds for the night. Gaea and Charon lingered behind, watching Eris expectantly.
☩Asteria. What burdens you?☩ 
Psyche asked firmly, peering down at the Star. Asteria sighed, curling in on herself.
“It’s nothing, really.” She said, waving her hand dismissively. Harmonia sighed, pinching the bridge of His nose.
We’re not doing this. Asteria, what is the problem? Come now, little sister. You can tell us things.  
Asteria looked up at the Universe, softening a bit. Despite his irritation, she knew she was safe. She looked down, pulling at her braid as she thought over her words.
“I just… I feel lonely. Being immortal, with only you two, myself, and the other gods… it’s lonely. There’s so much more to the world, so many kinds of love I’ll never feel because of the fact that we’re timeless, and…” She paused, her hands stilling. “I feel trapped. I don’t want to be a god anymore.” She said, her words a desperate plea. Gaea stared blankly at Eris. His face was slate, and yet the feelings behind His serpentine eyes seemed to shift and contort over and again until they settled on anger. Eris felt the ichor in her body run cold as He glared at her.
Really? You have everything here, and you decide now that you don’t want this? Why have I spent all of my years making a perfect world for you , since you apparently want everything but?  
He spat, rising slowly to His feet. Asteria’s eyes widened and she pushed herself back against her chair, as if she could somehow phase through it. The sound of Gaea’s heels against the ground grew harsher and louder as He crept closer. Macaria turned to Gaea, their once calm, languid movements now fast and alarmed.
Be silent, Charon. 
Gaea commanded, holding His hand out to silence Macaria as He stalked toward Eris. Asteria raised her hands, stammering fearfully before Gaea’s claws found themself around her neck like a snake, and she was slammed into a marble pillar. She wasn’t quite sure if the crack she heard had come from the pillar or her own skull.
Foolish, selfish girl. 
Gaea’s voice was loud and venomous like thunder as He spoke, His grip around her neck tightening enough to draw blood.
You do not understand the gravity of what you ask for. Mortality is dangerous. You wish to feel such pains beyond what you have ever known, to feel the agony of death?  
Charon pulled off its mask, reaching out to the Universe, to try and stop him.
“☩Harmonia, don’t-☩” 
Gaea threw Asteria onto the ground as if she were nothing more than a ragdoll, and another crack rang through the halls, though this time, Eris was sure that it had been her own bones. The Star choked out a sob, looking at her crown which had been thrown across the room, then up at Gaea with desperate, pleading eyes. The clatter of heels and frightened chatter rang through the hall as Selene, Scylla and Iris rushed into the room.
“Wha-” Selene fell silent, stopping in the doorway as her gaze settled on Asteria, flitting back and forth between her and Almajara. Phaunus and Freyja weren’t too far behind as they watched fearfully, too disturbed to ask questions or try to stop Harmonia’s rage.
Slowly, Asteria’s trident had begun to materialise in Gaea’s hand, and realization dawned upon the star.
He was going to kill her with her own weapon. 
Frantically, Eris began to scramble backwards, her body aching with every inch that she moved away from the Universe.
“Brother, please- I’m sorry-” She stammered in terror, her body shaking as she backed into the wall, and the crunching of glass filled her ears as the Universe stalked forward, her crown shattering beneath His feet as He crushed the golden halo as though it were a bug.
Mortality does not forgive. This is what you wanted.  
With no reluctance, Gaea drove the trident through Asteria’s stomach, hooking the point around her spine. Asteria let out a panicked, shrill scream as golden blood began to pour from the entry wound, and within a moment, the Universe pulled the trident back, and her spine along with it. Eris’ cry of agony was accompanied by the crackling of bone and the harsh tearing of tendons and flesh as her spine was ripped from her body.
Both her spine and trident fell to the floor with an odd, haunting clatter, the bones and tines coated in the same golden blood which had been sprayed across Gaea’s skin, and pooled around Asteria’s now limp body. 
Macaria watched in horror, its own hands shaking as it stumbled away from Gaea. Almajara paid it no mind as He wiped the blood from His face, looking down at Sidra with pure hatred in His eyes as she coughed out her own blood, her body trembling as she sobbed, trying to support herself. Her efforts were for naught as she doubled back over, choking on ichor. Slowly, the Universe lowered Himself to Eris’ level.
You have betrayed what has given you life. You have set foot onto this road, and you will walk it alone. 
He hissed viciously, before standing and walking away indifferently, pushing past Charon and weaving through the others who stood in the doorway, frozen in fear. Asteria let out soft, quiet sobs as she continued to cough up every remaining drop of ichor that filled her body, golden blood staining her hands and gown, running through her hair and pooling around her like an ocean. 
And, after all of the agony,
She fell limp.
No cries escaped her, no rise and fall of her chest as she breathed shakily, no more pained retching as she choked out her very lifeforce.
There was
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bluestarlett · 1 month ago
okay so. I have decided I can spoil it a LITTLE.
So Freyja does not show up at all in volume I save for one fic, sadly. HOW EVER! She ends up being a lot more relevant in Volume II and we learn more about her (and Selene) through Aster as star confronts her own grief and personal turmoils—this is because Freyja and Selene were pretty much the second closest to Aster, aside from Gaea. Selene being the moon and all, whilst Aster is the stars and the sun, and Freyja being the god of fire.
how ever, I’ve also talked about Aster being the ‘original’ fire goddess, which feeds into my next point
Aster is Freyja’s mentor.
Selene is a lot more vocal about her sorrow, about what happened to Aster, whereas Freyja doesn’t come up from Apathy, drowns herself in rigidity, in work, because she lost her friend, yes, but above that she lost someone she looked up to. Her mentor who taught her everything she knows. This is when things start to go downhill with her and Phaunus too, because he is all Freyja really has, but her anger is a flame that can’t really be contained, and Phaunus can only really bear that burden for so long.
Phaunus and Freyja aren’t on good terms- mainly because of Freyja. She hurt him and could not forgive herself, so nothing ever changed between them, and they drifted apart.
However, when they were together, they were something else. They kept each other in check- Freyja was still the fire in the woods, of course, how ever it was the comfortable kind. Controlled burning to clear out those smothering overgrowths, campfires late at night that kept the scary things at bay until the sun rose.
But when the sun stops rising, that fire can really only be controlled for so long, you know?
The kids… I won’t talk about the Dryads because that would spoil a fic in volume II HOWEVER I will talk about the embers because I fucking love them.
literally they look like fireboy. Yeah. That guy.
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^ in all seriousness, they don’t Actually look like him. …well ok they kind of do but they’re obviously more stylized. They’re really cute! I’ll draw them eventually and post them. anyway, they help Freyja with her forgery. They’re really little and kinda just skip around- there’s also some more goopy ones which come from the lava pools in the forge, they’re very hungry guys… I love love them. They’re helpful little guys. Very polite but they burn anyone who isn’t Freyja- not intentionally, but they’re just like their mom
also! Scylla and Freyja talk sometimes. Funnily enough, they kind of share a domain. Freyja’s forge is in Apathy, which is the deepest part of the Tychian ocean. Like, Marina Trench levels of deep. So sometimes they have chats… giant scary sea lady and that weird short ass Hephaestus rip off and they’re both forlorn and tragic in their own ways
Mm,,,, more fun facts about Phaunus and freyja pre and post divorce mayhaps? Their children?
GUH GUH GUH FREYJA FREYJA I COULD TALK ABOUT HER SO MUCH wait no i can’t because she’s important in volume II that would spoil it shit. Hold on. Give me like 30 minutes
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h0bg0blin-meat · 2 months ago
Oh yeah I imagine Aranyani also got those suffocating ahh creepers and trees that can walk and what not probably ☠️
So Phaunus (Greek god of forests) was in Dio's army which makes me thing
Phaunus vs Aranyani duel ft. Pushan 👀 (and perhaps Vasant)
They're prolly gonna fight like this but more violent
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Vasant with his big big man eating plants helping Aranyani 😌😌😌
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