boa35 · 1 year
(Incorrect Mago Quotes 2)
1. Anti: My father's name is just mine as well, so I'm technically Anti Jr.
Sam: But who comes up when you look up Anti on Google?
Vhamp : That's what I thought!
Sam: One Anti to rule them all!
2. UT: Anti, what are you doing?
Anti: Making chocolate pudding.
UT: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding?
Anti: Because I've lost control of my life.
Anti: Here's your pudding, Phasm .
Phasm : Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
3. Puff: I told Phasm that their ears turn red when they lie.
Anti: Do they?
Puff: No.
Anti: Then why did you tell them that?
Puff: Because I can do this.
Puff: Hey Phasm! Do you love us?
Phasm, with their hands over their ears: No.
4. Anti: I made tea.
UT: I don't want tea.
Anti: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea.
UT: Then why did you tell me?
Anti: It's a conversation starter.
UT: It's a horrible conversation starter.
Anti: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.
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arthropoda-artistry · 7 months
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earl-grey-love · 11 months
Happy Halloween to all of you 💕 I hope you enjoy your day whether you celebrate in any way or not. Just have fun!
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peachypede · 2 years
With Ren and Rawst? I wanna squish them together like Barbie dolls
Send me a "💌" + your oc/a canon character + one of my ocs and I'll tell you what my oc would give them for Valentine's Day!
Rawst and Ren truly are a Moon and Sun couple and I love that about them.
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I'm thinking he gets her an antique camera? Possibly even the one that Laventon used to own Something that works because Rawst knows artistic expression requires different tools at times. (Cameras are kinda like painbrushes right? Sometimes you use different ones like polaroids and stuff...this is basically what Rawst is equating to them ladfalkdsf)
And of course, Rawst attaches a dum valentines card as well:
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bugsandberries · 2 years
[  TWENTY-THREE  ] :  “ i didn’t ask for this… to feel this way. ”
for ren with rawst? nice and angsty
"To feel like what...?"
Rawst's hands feel cold with anxiety. Had he said something wrong? His thoughts skim over the conversation they had been having while Ren had dragged him all over the park. Maybe he had been a bit too mean? But he was always mean...
So why had Ren suddenly stopped in this secluded part of the park and dropped that?
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2t2r · 8 years
Le plus grand insecte du monde - un phasme géant de 62.4 cm
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/le-plus-grand-insecte-du-monde/
Le plus grand insecte du monde - un phasme géant de 62.4 cm
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lovelyreviews1 · 10 months
Ghost Stop | Ghost hunting equipment
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 If you are wanting to go ghost haunting, you are going to need some equipment so you mind as well check out unless you are like us, our house is haunted and we already know.  Ghost shop here. 
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Ghost shop has a lot of equipment to help you from EMFs, phasm lights, Onvoy ghost box, spirit box, Ovilus, ghost recorder, EVP watch, dead bell, tracer light wire. laser grid system, a kit for beginners and a bunch of other kits, video cameras, an interactive bear, response devices and more.
 I honestly would check this store out if you are trying to get into paranormal haunting or just want  to test it. They have a great price on their items and are truly worth it. They are having a sale so get your items now while they last.
Also if you become a member of their site and buy things, you get boo bucks that gives you discounts which is a sweet deal! They have same day shipping and they ship world wide so don't miss out on your equipment! 
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taintedco · 10 months
Paranormal Equipment
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If you are wanting to go ghost haunting, you are going to need some equipment so you mind as well check out unless you are like us, our house is haunted and we already know.  Ghost shop here. 
Ghost shop has a lot of equipment to help you from EMFs, phasm lights, Onvoy ghost box, spirit box, Ovilus, ghost recorder, EVP watch, dead bell, tracer light wire. laser grid system, a kit for beginners and a bunch of other kits, video cameras, an interactive bear, response devices and more. 
If you are want a bundle of ghost hunting equipment they also have kits. There are some for pretty much anyone including beginners. 
They actually make their own equipment unlike other company that just source them from other so they know exactly how they are made and what is wrong if something happens to it. They also have used equipment that they fix up and sell which is nice so if you cannot afford new you can always get used.
 I honestly would check this store out if you are trying to get into paranormal haunting or just want  to test it. They have a great price on their items and are truly worth it. They are having a sale so get your items now while they last.Also if you become a member of their site and buy things, you get boo bucks that gives you discounts which is a sweet deal! They have same day shipping and they ship world wide so don't miss out on your equipment! 
Ghost stop here!
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kelianerd-nature · 1 year
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View On WordPress
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boa35 · 1 year
(Incorrect Mago Quotes 1)
1. UT: What do you have?
Anti: A KNIFE!
2. Phasm , with their hands cupped over each other: I found a cool spider!
Anti: Oh? Lemme see!
Phasm , opening their hands to see nothing there: …hm.
UT: …where’s the spider.
Phasm : *looks troubled and stares at their hands*
Anti: Oh no.
3. Anti: Don't go to the kitchen.
Sam: Why?
Anti: I saw a spider.
Sam: Well, did you kill it?
Anti: It has 8 arms, and I only have 2, it's not fair...
4. Sam: What happened to Anti?
Vhamp : They died.
Sam: They what?
Vhamp : They died, but they’re okay.
Sam: …Can you please clarify?
Anti: Clarification is for the weak.
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krisis-krinein · 2 years
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peachypede · 2 years
Ren giggles as she pulls back from Rawst, rubbing off into the crowd once she’s kissed him
"wh- huh- HEY." Rawst watches Ren sneak away as he angrily (well more flustered and shy but hiding behind a mask of anger) tugs his mask back on. His fingers brush where his lips are, thinking briefly of the kiss, before he tries to push his way through the crowd to catch her.
"You little- Ren! You're gonna get lost being a brat like this!"
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vv91him · 9 months
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Ville Hermanni Valo - By Phasm
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2t2r · 2 years
Vus de près, les insectes sont des aliens effrayants
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/macrophotographie-les-insectes-sont-des-aliens/
Vus de près, les insectes sont des aliens effrayants
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Prière sous les étoiles 📷 @sebastien_blomme 🇫🇷 C'est toujours un émerveillement que d'observer la nature et ses plus incroyables représentants. Parmi eux, ce phasme, qu'on croise plus souvent qu'on ne le voie 😅😅😅 Pour le distinguer parmi le fouillis des herbes hautes, je l'ai pris en photo en contre plongée. 🇬🇧 It is always a wonder to observe nature and its most incredible representatives. Among them, this stick insect, that we cross more often than we see it 😅😅😅 To distinguish it among the tangle of tall grass, I photographed it from a low angle. https://ift.tt/ePC2Yl6
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Have you talked about the emperor's coven? How the story treated it is confusing because I can't tell if it's suppose to be a serious threat (besides Belos himself) that we or the characters should be concerned about when it didn't feel like that until S1 finale. It's like I was watching a different show when the last episodes dropped, packed with angst out of the ordinary.
So I actually haven't talked a lot about the coven itself outside of talking about the show gutting them in S2 as they're... Hard to talk about. Until the last quarter of S2, they really don't exist. Not in a proper form. Really, they're just their figure heads of Lilith, Hunter and Kikimora. Not even Belos interacts with them enough to reflect on the coven really and Kiki still doesn't do a lot with the scouts, Hunter never does anything with them (mostly, we'll get into it) and Lilith is more about her sister.
Before I get too far though, I actually want to start with stating the simple fact that unlike a lot of shows, TOH DID need a governing villain for its theoretical main themes. It needs someone to enforce the norm in order for the weird to be embraced and for adventures to be about conformity versus self-expression and BOY WOULD IT HAVE BEEN NICE IF THEY DID ANY OF THAT!
For S1 though, the figurehead approach works actually for the same reason as why Stormtroopers work because that is what they're evoking with the guards. This isn't even a knock against it as the Empire is an amalgamation of a lot of tropes with Nazi Germany on top of them. The specific dynamic in S1 though is that of the original trilogy. Of VADER and the Stormtroopers.
See, regular guards in most media aren't a problem. Despite their training, they're just easily available fodder. So long as you allow the guards themselves not to matter and not to truly represent the larger governing body, they work fine for that. But that means the onus of intimidation is on the figurehead. This is why the Stormtroopers can suck and be a meme but you don't inherently assume the Empire sucks because they answer to Vader. A problem they can't deal with is answered by someone who NEVER gets brought down. Who never loses his intimidation.
Lilith is OKAY at this. Covention is a REALLY good showing for her and S1 doesn't knock her down until the very end of it when Hooty beats her. She's the butt of some jokes and can be tricked but her power is never in question. You know that if she took this seriously, you'd be screwed, a promise she makes good on in Agony of the Witch which makes Hooty making her a joke of that episode more okay because it's supposed to demonstrate a contrast to what she's doing at the end.
Also, points to her for actually playing with themes of conformity versus self-expression. That is explicitly the line between Eda and her. The comforts of conformity versus the freedom but risk of self-expression. Of a normal industry job or freelancing as I see it a lot. She never transfers to Luz though besides Luz wanting to check out Covens in episode 5.
But... Also the coven is hard to figure out properly in S1. The scouts themselves show up in probably like a handful of episodes at most and mostly at the finale. It's part of what points to a shift that SHOULD have happened. That we're not dealing with prison guards, we're dealing with royal forces now. Inquisitors (or those red guards in Star Wars) rather than Stormtroopers.
And then we meet Captain Phasm- I mean Hunter. Captain Phasma in Star Wars is pitched as the elite stormtrooper. The new leader of the forces not to be fucked with. She gets few intimidating moments building her up and then she comes head to head with the heroes and... Dropped in a garbage shoot. How different is that from Luz taking Hunter so not seriously as to lick his hand or other annoying, smug actions that are more to a rival than someone who tried to murder you and your family the last time you two met (as a note, the transition for them between Changing Tides and Hunting Palisman is... Awkward. It's not the worst but you really feel like there should have been an inbetween episode for them). But for the purpose of this blog, there's another element important to this beyond Hunter's arc.
He is our new figurehead and while intimidating at first... Now he's a joke. He's a mad but sad boy who no one, including the Coven, treats seriously. So... Why should we take his coven seriously?
And the show only doubles down on this. By the next time we have a major encounter with them, Kikimora is both the figurehead now AND she is being knocked down because she is literally nothing but crazy and paranoid that entire episode to the point where she makes mistakes that wreck her entire squad but one without ANY real intervention by the heroes. So now we don't just have implications but explicitly the show is showing us that the EC is pointless and ineffectual.
The final nail for this coffin is of course Sport in a Storm where... They just shoot the theme that the EC is there for in the head for really, REALLY lazy character work. Hey, all those bonuses to conformity, reasons to work with the EC, etc. like that to have this push and pull? Nah, they're pure evil and even take on what modern society sees barbaric practices by the Spartans of yeeting kids onto mountains because how old was Hunter when he was doing the test? In fact, a LOT of coven scouts don't seem happy in the coven and one explicitly leaves at the end of Labyrinth Runners and so does Steve in Titan, Where Art Thou'? And with no consequences for either of them.
It reinforces a feeling that was already present LONG before now with Amity in S1/S2A of conformity and telling authorities to go fuck themselves not only to be just objectively the right thing to do but easy. After all, when Amity did it, she got a power boost, despite letting her grades slip, and no one ever gave her real consequences that lasted for more than five minutes despite the show claiming that her parents are pure evil and hyper controlling. The EC in the last quarter of S2, the part they're most involved in and so the only time they actually start creating an identity for themselves, feels a lot like this. Like this force and law that we've been told is hard to break, hard to fight against and now... It's nothing but a joke. An easy hurdle to bypass.
It's made even worse frankly by the fact that the literal only time, in the ENTIRE series that a normal coven scout is treated as a threat by ANYONE... Is at the start of Labyrinth Runners to make it clear just how objectively wrong Amity is about Willow's strength. So even then, they're not being taken seriously? And why should they? S2 almost OPENS with the coven scouts being replaced as a threat by the Abomatons. We haven't EVER seen the scouts fight properly except for the end of S1 where Hooty beat them easily. You haven't tried to make them as threatening as most Power Ranger footsoldiers before you're adding a new elite enemy who is supposed to be taken seriously... Who we ALSO never see actually pose a real threat to anyone (besides when plot demands it in Clouds on the Horizon shortly after Willow effortlessly BURIES ONE). The first one we see in a group of threats that are active are taken out by the environment in Eclipse Lake for a Coven Captain to instead be Eda's enemy but by then, Coven Captains haven't been built up and the abomatons are still waiting for a moment to be than more menacing.
The EC is just... Of a kind though. I mean, in S1 it worked... But only kind of. In that season, Lilith is still a joke. She isn't knocked down but she's put in a dog's body, she still loses the duel in Covention by trickery, she still feels the need to cheat rather than just believing in the strength of her pupil, she loses the Grudgby match against Eda and she is taken out by a bird tube on ACCIDENT. It's VERY easy not to take Lilith, and thus not to take the EC, seriously in S1 which is just matching the tone of S1.
But when it actually had to cash the check of the concepts it was writing, it couldn't do it. The foundation wasn't there, the care wasn't put into it and so the problems of S1 that could be ignored because the show still felt like it had any real interest in being a kid's show shatters when it is claiming to be more serious.
But the Emperor's Coven is never more serious. They're always a punchline. The joke is on the viewer though who ever expected the cast to be challenged or for the main threat of the series to actually have a point.
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And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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