#pharmaceutical coil
pharmadesiccants · 1 year
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Polyester Coil
The pharmaceutical polyester coil is non-fluorescent and man-made, with uniform length. Unlike cotton coils, rayons are non-absorbent. Therefore, it cannot extract moisture from the medicine bottles. The Pharmaceutical USFDA polyester coils are soft, odourless, and resilient material which comprises of 100%. Rayon coils are mostly used in soft-gel capsule bottles. For More Information, Please Contact or Visit - +91 9879203377 | https://www.pharmadesiccants.com/damage-solution/polyster-coil | [email protected]
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sorbead-india · 7 months
pharmaceutical coils
Pharmaceutical coils act as desiccant tools for packing and transporting vitamins, medicines, vitamins, and other pharma products. They act as fillers so that bottled medicines like tablets and capsules can be transported safely to the stores. https://www.sorbeadindia.com/categories/pharmaceutical-coils
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13lunarstar · 7 months
The ninth nakshatra ( closes the first cycle of 27 nakshatras)
Degrees: from 16°40' to 30°00' of Cancer zodiac sign
The ruler of nakshatra: Mercury (Budha)
Nakshatra's guna: tamas (demonic)
Ashlesha keywords: transformation, hidden potential, deception, cunning, strong family ties, intuition, mysticism, manipulation, emotional intensity, healing, rebirth, ancestral connections, strategic thinking, spiritual awakening, kundalini energy, inner growth
Symbol: a coiled serpent, representing transformation and hidden potential; a serpent's poison representing healing capabilities
Ashlesha in various planets
Sun in Ashlesha: brings intensity and depth to one's personality. There may be a strong drive for transformation and self-discovery, but individuals may also struggle with hidden subconscious fears or insecurities that need to be addressed. Individuals are driven by a desire to uncover hidden truths and explore the depths of their own psyche. There may be a strong desire for power and influence. These individuals may be drawn to positions of authority where they can assert their strength and leadership abilities. A good placement for studying and delving into esoteric and occult sciences.
Moon in Ashlesha: enhances emotional sensitivity and intuition as well as inner charisma & magnetism. Individuals may rely heavily on their gut feelings and inner guidance in making decisions. People with this placement may have strong family connections and may be deeply nurturing and protective of their loved ones. Moon in Ashlesha can indicate psychic sensitivity and a strong connection to the subconscious mind. These individuals may have vivid dreams or psychic experiences and may be drawn to mystical or occult subjects, as well as healing practices.
Mars in Ashlesha: can intensify one's desire for transformation and change. There may be a tendency towards manipulation or power struggles if the energy is not channelled constructively. Individuals with Mars in Ashlesha may experience emotions more intensely and may have a strong need for emotional connection and intimacy. They are fiercely loyal and will go to great lengths to defend and support those they care about. Mars in Ashlesha can signify a period of healing and renewal, where individuals confront and overcome deep-seated emotional wounds. They may find strength and resilience in their ability to face and overcome adversity.
Mercury in Ashlesha: enhances strategic thinking and intuitive abilities. Individuals with Mercury in Ashlesha may have a natural gift for understanding non-verbal cues and picking up on subtle energy shifts in their environment. individuals are adept at analyzing complex situations and coming up with creative solutions. They may excel in fields that require strategic planning, negotiation and sales skills, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Ashlesha is also associated with deception and manipulation, and Mercury here can indicate challenges related to communication and trust. Individuals with this placement may need to be mindful of being overly secretive or manipulative in their interactions with others.
Jupiter in Ashlesha: fosters spiritual growth and inner wisdom. Individuals with Jupiter in Ashlesha may possess emotional wisdom beyond their years, with a keen understanding of human emotions and motivations. They may be skilled at offering guidance and support to others in navigating through emotional challenges. Jupiter in Ashlesha signifies a deep spiritual journey. Individuals with this placement may feel a profound connection to the mysteries of life and may seek spiritual truths with great dedication and devotion. They may be drawn to mystical or esoteric teachings that offer insights into the nature of reality and consciousness.
Venus in Ashlesha: enhances emotional intensity and sensitivity in relationships. Ashlesha Nakshatra can bring a tendency towards idealization of love and romance, and Venus here may amplify this quality. Individuals with Venus in Ashlesha may have high expectations for their romantic relationships, seeking a deep soul connection and unconditional love. Venus in Ashlesha may bring a strong intuitive attraction to certain individuals. These individuals may feel drawn to partners who resonate with their emotional needs and who offer a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Saturn in Ashlesha: emphasizes the importance of ancestral connections and family responsibilities. Individuals with this placement may feel a strong sense of duty towards their family & heritage and may work diligently to preserve family traditions and values. Saturn in Ashlesha may bring a stoic demeanour and an ability to withstand emotional challenges with grace and maturity. However, Saturn's influence in Ashlesha may inhibit emotional expression at times. Individuals with this placement may struggle to openly express their feelings or may feel a sense of heaviness or burden in their emotional experiences. Overall, Saturn in Ashlesha signifies a potential for transformation through hard work and perseverance.
Rahu in Ashlesha: can amplify desires for power and control. Rahu's presence in Ashlesha signifies karmic lessons related to emotional attachment and manipulation. Individuals with this placement may need to confront and overcome patterns of behavior that stem from unresolved emotional wounds or past-life experiences.Despite its challenges, Rahu in Ashlesha offers the potential for spiritual transformation and growth. Individuals with this placement may undergo profound inner changes as they confront their shadow self and strive to integrate their desires and emotions in a healthier way. Also, Rahu in Ashlesha can signify intense and transformative relationships. Individuals with this placement may experience dramatic highs and lows in their romantic partnerships, with themes of obsession, possessiveness, and power struggles.
Ketu in Ashlesha Nakshatra: encourages spiritual growth, intuitive thinking and detachment from worldly attachments. Individuals with this placement may seek inner transformation through introspection and self-discovery. Ketu in Ashlesha can signify a release of past emotional wounds or karmic baggage. These individuals may experience a profound sense of emotional liberation as they let go of attachments to people, places, or experiences that have been holding them back. Ashlesha Nakshatra's association with mysticism is amplified by Ketu's influence. Individuals with Ketu in Ashlesha may have a natural affinity for spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing.
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allwormdiet · 3 days
Buzz 7.4
Thank you for visiting Dog City
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Listen, if you can't appreciate someone who's got the stains of labor on their body and clothes, that's a failing on your part
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It's interesting seeing Taylor actively think through how to handle Rachel as they're actively arguing. She's a problem to solve like any other, but she has to wrap her head around the logic that'll get through to her
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There we go, problem solved with the assurance of future violence. Classic.
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Fucking hilarious. Rachel can tell what's going on here, and human interaction is her kryptonite, that's how you know it's obvious.
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See, Rachel doesn't have the exact right idea here, because there's no way someone as straitlaced as Brian would ever go for it, but the fact that she offered literally any advice or help on this is kinda remarkable, and I'm sure there's at least someone out there that Taylor could use that strategy on with success
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I'd be sore about anything Kaiser said in my presence tbh
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Being black in the Nazi Cape Capital of the country has to fucking blow, I literally cannot imagine the kind of hell that is
Also I wish they got to rake Kaiser over the coals for this but I don't think they're gonna have the time for it tbh
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Be nice to her >:(
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Again, the analytical mind on display, and also the dogged commitment to solving a problem
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Tracks as well as anything
Also lmao at Brian's ongoing torment as the unofficial leader. This is what you get for insisting on being the Responsible One.
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Ahh, dear
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Haha, what could possibly make everything so bad
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Full confirmation that the Empire holds Medhall, and once again I'm forced to ask what the hell the CEO of a pharmaceutical corporation is doing even bothering with a street gang. Kaiser could be buying members of Congress with that kind of sway, why is he sweating over protection rackets?
Also, I know that this is a violation of the rules of cape society, but boy do I not care about the personal lives of fucking Nazis being ruined on account of their deeds
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And now Coil has fucked them
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Annnnd this is the only real issue with unmasking the Empire, it means they've got nothing to lose when it comes to throwing the mother of all shitfits
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Alec why
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The only shame of this particular arc is that they're not gonna be able to kill nearly enough Nazis to be satisfying
(The only amount of Nazis that would be enough is "all of them" btw)
Current Thoughts
Taylor is so good at being smart, and yet she has such an incredible capacity for thoughtlessness, it's a remarkable duality
Stop being mean to Rachel, she's cool
The Empire getting fucked over is nice, although it's a pretty sloppy maneuver considering how much collateral damage is guaran-fucking-teed to happen
...Also, why did Alec not notice his phone ringing? What's up with that
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inkspottie · 23 days
Haii!! It may be strange, but I really like Dr. Brahams. Does she have some kind of backstory??
Hey I love me a good villain so I don’t blame you.
Ah Noir Brahams. Heiress to a major pharmaceutical empire. Genius, and a bit sadistic. Her major goal was to be able to evolve humanity, to mutate them beyond the moral coil we are all trapped in.
Mr. Shade and her father were besties and their company funded a lot of Urbanshade’s research. And with a lovely bit of nepotism, she was placed as head scientist.
She’s very emotionless, very much a married to work kind of gal. Has a brother who she thinks is an absolute idiot and disgrace so she doesn’t even acknowledge that they are related.
She planned on getting on the council and eventually taking over her father’s company in order to work on evolving the average person instead of these idiot prisoners.
But, that never came to fruition.
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dragongirlpoet · 1 month
Hero x villain original story (Sci-fi, horror)
Witch x human | Word count: 2K
Themes: Betrayal, love, revenge | TW: Violence
Wrote this for a friend. She’s a badass, just like all you girlies here :)
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Winter - present day
“I could never love you,” the words wailed through her like a death knell. She remembered the quiet loathing in his eyes, as if she were nothing more than dust fragments on an old window sill.
It was a cold night. Smoke radiated off the exhaust of her blacked-out motorbike, casting more fog in the already murky street. The impending storm started to pelter frigid rain on her leather overcoat, chilling the metal of her revolver. Maybe the Gods too, could feel her grief, and sent the torrent to stand in unity with her disposition. Or had she summoned it?
As frost bit into her, she conjured coils of heat and sent them thundering through every neural-pathway in her body. A witch like her could never get cold. A witch like her could defy nature. A witch…
Yes, a witch. For years, she had been living in the shadows, far away from prying human eyes. Some days she was lucky. She could tread through the city of Pungothia undetected, her Mark of the Halfling — black outlines etched into her right forearm — entirely obscured by the long leather tunic she was so used to wearing. She had foraged enough Demusker, a potion used to mask the scent of her true identity — a hybrid human witch.
If she was fortunate, she was the only one, for Halflings were spat on in this city. They were seen as nothing more than abominations, a sorry product of weak humans mating monsters. They were a contamination, a plague to be exterminated.
Yet the only plague she had known was Hefix. Nobody knew who ran the pseudo-pharmaceutical organisation, and so for decades the building sat nondescript between towering skyscapers — an incalculable tempest amongst the drizzle.
Humans, if there were any good ones, remained oblivious to the sinister dwellings that happened beyond the concrete walls. Halflings shackled to grills. Halflings drained of their power. Halflings a shell of their former self.
Humans can be so blind.
It had been just over a week that she had rescued the last Halfling from that heinous hell — a young girl of barely 16 — skin pallid and eyes empty. There was no thrum of power in those veins — she could sense nothing there. As the young Halfling choked in her last breath, the older witch sobbed. 53 Halflings, she counted, and only five had survived. If only she had been stronger, more powerful…
“Are you okay?”
Had it not been for the shadow that loomed over her, she would have been certain she was hallucinating. Through tear-soaked lashes, she glanced at the man that stood before her.
“Get away from me,” she seethed.
“Please, let me help y…”
The human was sent crashing into a wall, shattering glass capsules of preserved hearts in the process. He lay bleeding on the ground, his chest a frantic cacophony of ups and downs. She was about to leave when guilt gnawed at her. There had been one too many deaths. If she had left him there to die, was she so different from the humans who killed her kind?
“Do you remember how we met?”
“You mean the one where I threw you into a wall? How can I forget?” she had smirked, her dark eyes bright as stars. It had been a long time since she felt so at peace, since she had been in love.
“You’re always deep in thought. You ought to stop that, you know? I’m right here,” the human soothed. His voice jolted her back to the present, to him.
“It’s…nothing. I’m just so lucky to have you, Arnedass. You wanting to save the Halflings, speaking up for them when no one would…You see me for who I am.” She never spoke truer words, for she never felt safe enough to be vulnerable, with a human no less. She caught her own relection in his obsidian-framed spectacles, her Mark of the Halfling on full display. No more hiding.
As they lay tangled in the bedsheets, she allowed herself respite from years of feeling alone and expending her power for others. It was time she did something for herself. And so, in that comfort, she drifted into a dreamless sleep with her lover’s arm wrapped around her.
Winter - present day
The heat raged through her like a relentless beast. Her raven hair was sodden with rain water, spilling streams of it onto a silver necklace she held in her hand. That thing was the reason she hadn’t felt the desire to use her powers. That thing was a conduit that had drained her powers. That thing was a gift from Arnedass.
Tears stung her eyes until all she could make out were fuzzy shapes and lines. “This is the last time I’ll cry for you,” she made a silent vow to herself.
She recalled the day she found out — one minute she had been cooking up a storm for his birthday, the next she was gasping for air, phantom hands choking her, willing her to give in to her last breath. There, lying utterly helpless, she tried conjuring a spell to counter whatever forces were against her.
The necklace Arnedass had given her burnt molten against her skin. Standing outside the main door, Arnedass was a frightening vision of the man she loved. The whites of his eyes enveloped his pupils as tendrils of smoke and power emanated from him, towards her.
“What..are you…do…ing?” she managed in between gasps.
“Frankly I thought you were smarter than this. You were so desperate to be accepted that you failed to realise I’d been siphoning your powers. You’re the last Halfling of the Carugy bloodline, the most powerful lineage of heretic witches.
Why do you think you were never captured by Hefix? Because I willed it!” his shouts turned into something ear-splitting, guttural, infinitely more sinister.
“I had to save the best for last, didn’t I? All that power I drained from your wretched race, they were nothing compared to the power you hold inside you. Yet here you are — weak, defenseless and begging for mercy.”
If dying rendered one immobile, the pool of tears that shrouded her vision proved otherwise. Still, she managed to sputter, “I d…don’t believe y…you…p…please, Arnedass…”
“You must be a fool to think I would ever love somebody like you.”
Between struggling for air and trying her utmost to summon her power, she felt something break inside. No, it wasn’t the feel of her ribs crushing against her, nor was it her neck bent at an inhuman angle. It was the sound of her heart shattering — shards of it cut into her like a poison blade, paralysing every vessel, extinguishing every hope.
She forced the memory shut. As if in silent command, the silver necklace curdled up in flames, the red specks of fury quickly defused by the stinging showers. The rain had reached her ankle now, and she withdrew her gun, walking in uncanny defiance towards the empty street.
Empty — save for a silhouette of a man thrashing about in the distance. Ahead, Hefix stood dilapidated and drab, devoid of any colour or life. In fact, every building along the street looked like it had the life sucked out of them. They remained stoic, decrepit — a graveyard.
All could be heard was the sound of her onyx boots against the waterlogged asphalt. As she got closer to the human, the face of the man she once loved came into view. Arnedass was lashing out at nothing — grasping at invisible assaults, clamouring at spectral voices. His face was cadaverous.
“How do you like this little fortress I’ve built for you?” her question was calm, taunting.
Arnedass spun around to his ex-lover, his expression nothing short of incredulity.
“What have you done? Let me out and get these things away from me!”
“Poor human. All that power you siphoned must have made you delirious. There is nothing or no one here. Just you and your decaying mind,” her words came out more composed than she warranted.
“I could’ve created a new race of sub humans. A puritan state, all doing my bidding. I would’ve offered you the choice, had you not been such a killjoy. You just had to be the hero, the saviour to your cesspool of Halflings. You…”
She watched, indifferent, as the skin on his lips started to tear — each section of skin slowly fusing together until they were glued shut. His eyes flew open, torn between trying to keep his face intact and ripping the epidermis apart.
“It’d hurt less if you stop struggling, though I assure you if you try undoing the spell, you would rip more than just your face.”
Arnedass was livid. Never before had he been challenged, bested, as he had now. He did not come this far to be humbled by the same race he sought to eliminate.
Unwilling to submit, he tried, though meekly, to invoke whatever remnants of power he had straight at her. She ducked the shots as quickly as they came, effortless as a leopard evading capture. They landed instead, at buildings and street lamps, subsequently setting off a chain of explosions.
As the night transpired into a dark void plummeting rubble, rain and rage, lightning soon joined the deathly dance between hero and villain. Wrath quickly consumed the formidable witch, and she aimed the barrel of her revolver at Arnedass, pulled the trigger, and fired.
The shot rattled him, but she missed her target on purpose. She fired once more, twice, thrice, the bullet each time barely missing him.
“I could kill you right now, end your miserable little existence, but death is too gracious a sentence for you,” she hissed.
“I let you in, let you see all the broken parts of me, loved you with whatever fragments of tenderness I had…” her voice faded into a rasp at that last word. “And you lied to me, about everything.”
Arnedass remained unmoved, shooting orbs of light at her, the look in his eyes nothing but aversion. It was as if all of autumn spent in his warm embrace accounted for nothing. To him, she was all but a blight — a stranger he’d met in passing, a chance he’d never take, a bygone he’d never keep.
“Kneel,” almost instantly, her command compelled him to drop to his knees. Another stretch of her hand sent torrents of power — this one more merciless than the last — and he writhed in pain. Veins of ashen green became more pronounced on his body as the human convulsed in agony, tormented by an impalpable affliction.
She watched as the body she once called home contort at odd angles, tortured splayed all over his face. Guilt had far left her, for she knew this was a small price he had to pay for obliterating her kind.
“Tomorrow, and every other day, the sun will rise and the birds will sing. Humans will go about their lives, and you will watch them laugh, learn and love. But all you’ll feel is the creeping death that awaits you in this eternal hell. You’ll never get out, you’ll never escape the penance of your sins and you will never possess power.”
And with that, she sealed shut the alternate dimension she had locked him in, along with apparitions and screams of all the Halflings he had brutally murdered. The street would be as it was — full of life, and not a single soul would know of his existence.
The last Halfling of the Carugy witches revved the engine of her motorbike and rode off into a new hope. Behind her, the last dust fragments of forgotten nightmares disappeared into the dusk.
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slifarianhawk · 8 months
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Chapter 43: what belongs where
When we arrived at Jake and Reina's home, Jake got out and opened my door. He was a quiet kid. He had barely said a word the entire ride to his place, only saying Hunk should run to the store for some food. Albert offered to drive him and pay for the food. Hunk agreed.
Jake held the door while I got out of the car. He held himself with a prideful stance. Walking me up to the door I could tell was difficult for him. He knew I was his biological mom... I bet that threw him for a loop.
"Please come in. We didn't have much, but it's where me, ma, and teach called home," Jake said, unlocking the door and letting us in from the rain.
"Thank you, Jake," I said, looking upon the house.
It was indeed small but very cozy. The entranceway opened up to a living room that was connected to the kitchen and dining room. It was more open than I remembered it being in ninety-two. Yet the nostalgic smell of roses, lavender, and sage stayed the same.
"Not what you were expecting? Thought your contributions would go further, hmm?" Jake asked, pulling down a couple of white ceramic mugs.
"No, it's just more open than I remembered, and the paint looks fresher too. Did you and Hunk remodel for Reina?"  I asked, noticing Jake put a kettle on the worn-down electric coil stove.
"Whoa! You can tell, huh? Yeah, teach, and I did it just after Mom got diagnosed with cancer. We thought more open space would be better for her in case she fell we could see her. Shortly after, Ma got with a, and we were a small family." Jake said, turning on the burner, "Unfortunately Ma wasn't big on there being coffee in the house, but we do have plenty of tea. What's your poison?"
I gently chuckle, "Jasmine, if you have it, and the whole no coffee thing was something her mom tried to drill into us. She was a bit of a health nut."
"Jasmine is mom's favorite. She had a special blend made for her at the local tea shop. Jasmine and Rose Hips, the tea is one reason the house smells the way it does." Jake said as the kettle began to whistle, "Sugar or cream?"
"Some sugar would be lovely." I smiled as he grabbed a tray with some chipped and worn china on it.
"Please go make yourself comfortable on the sofa. I'd feel like a total dick if I made a pregnant woman stand for tea that wouldn't be done for several minutes."  He said with a smirk on his face.
Gods did he look just like his father with that shit-eating grin on his face, "And you got my tongue that's for damn sure. I used to get heavy doses of bar soap to the mouth when I was your age."
We both laughed at that as I sat down. The living room was small with a china cabinet against the far wall and a nineteen-inch box TV in front of a blackout-curtained window. The carpets weren't the prettiest color, and they were pretty badly matted. I was curious about how the money I was giving Reina was being spent, but I figured I'd ask later.
That was when I noticed it out of the corner of my eye. There was a piano. Sure, it looked rough, but I knew Reina had a soft spot for it. I waddled my butt over to the piano and sat on the bench.
"Oh, that old thing caught your eye, huh? Mom gave piano lessons to supplement our income. Unfortunately, after a while of being a midwife in a near-constant war zone business dies. The money you sent us mainly covered bills and my school's tuition." Jake said, setting the tray down on the coffee table.
"I'm sorry kid. I would have sent more if I could. Sigh, with Umbrella breathing down my neck I'm surprised you both didn't get found sooner. Fucking Sergei, fucking Spencer, they both deserve to be where they are rotting now." I said as he brought me my mug of tea.
"So let me get something straight, you gave me up so a pharmaceutical company couldn't take custody of me? Sure I know what they did but why didn't you keep me?" Jake asked taking a sip of his tea.
"The same reason why I didn't keep your sister. I didn't trust Ozwell E. Spencer.  He offered to take you both into his care since me and your father were under his watch. I just knew deep in my heart something bad would have happened to you both. I already lost Alistar to Umbrella. She died getting intel for me... she didn't follow my orders. I was supposed to die that day. I had to do what every parent dreads. I had to bury one of my children." I said holding back tears.
"So I had a sister. I bet she was a badass. Tell me, you are pregnant now. What has changed other than it being sixteen years later?" Jake said a bit of a sad expression on his face.
"The people who were after me and your father are dead. Mainly by his hand. Sigh, we were Umbrella scientists and I was one of Umbrella's experiments. Sadly between October ninety-eight and February two thousand three, I was Umbrella's prisoner and test subject. I'm in all senses of the word kid, a monster." I stopped, pulled my contacts case out of my purse, and took out my contacts.
"Jesus Christ! Your eyes!" Jake said stumbling back a bit not dropping or spilling his tea.
"They did this to me and your father to some extent, he wasn't downright experimented on like a lab rat but an Umbrella experiment all the same." I sighed taking a sip of the now slightly cooled Jasmine tea, "I just couldn't let my little ones be raised in such a hell. I left your sister with a lovely Russian couple... I wasn't careful enough though... my bastard uncle... your great uncle... he was a top figure in Umbrella. I went to him not knowing he had become Spencer's right-hand dog.  When I escaped he had tracked down the couple I gave Alistar to. They died in a fire caused by an umbrella facility catching a blaze. It was ordered by Spencer."
"That's why you kept your distance from mom then. You were trying to keep us safe." Jake said with a melancholy tone.
"Yes, you belonged here with someone who was able to love you and not be on the run all the time. Even during my and your father's stable period, we couldn't avoid being tracked by Umbrella. Che, even on date nights we were surrounded by Spencer's goons. Always watching us. The only day I felt free from it slightly was my and your father's wedding day." I shook my head sipping the tea.
"That had to of sucked but you said the bastards that did this to you are dead. Why did you wait to come find me then?" Jake said setting his saucer down and folding his hands together.
"Because Spencer's ambition is still alive in your father..." I took a long sip finishing off the tea and shook my head, "I am going to stop him no matter the costs. I just am here to ask a favor... I know it's selfish but if something were to happen to me I'd like for you to watch over your siblings. I don't think your aunt and uncle on my side would be able to care for them given they both hate your father."
"You said I have an aunt on my father's side why not ask her?" Jake asked finishing his tea.
"Because she sent a merc to kill me and my top guy," I growled clenching my fist at the thought of Alex getting a hold of my children.
"Damn so bad blood there, just let me think about it. That's a tall ask. I don't have much money or space." Jake said.
"If push comes to shove money is no object to me anymore I have a hunting lodge open and running at max capacity not to mention federal grants from the U.N. to keep up my anti-bioterrorism organization. Anything should happen to me they will not only fund you but keep you and your siblings safe." I sigh finishing my tea off as well.
"That's a hell of an offer but I'll have to still think I am a soldier of fortune now. I have to keep myself alive for a bit." He said taking our cups and setting them on the stained coffee table.
"I understand, and this is only if the worst outcome happens and I'm not around. Which isn't the most likely outcome." I sigh hesitantly scratching the back of my neck.
"I will keep my mind open so long as you pay a visit when you can. Teach and I have been quite lonely since Ma passed. It would be nice to have some company once in a while." Jake said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"It's a promise then. It finally seems as if things are where they belong." I heard Albert pull up and I smiled, "We will depart after dinner but before your father and teacher come in take this."
I handed Jake a card with a black and cyan blue wolf emblem on the back.
"What's this?" Jake asked taking the card from my hand and tucking it into his sleeve.
"A crossbow with a golden bolt is what that is. Should you ever need assistance, if your team fails you and H.U.N.K. isn't around. Destroy this, the tracker activates when destroyed. My personal guard dog will come get you, his code name is Cryo Wolf. I don't discuss mine and his terms but I will say that this is for a wipe-the-slate-clean kind of saving. Not only will wolf rescue but also set up with new anything if necessary. I only have so many of these cards. I just want you to have one in case shit hits the fan." I said sternly, "nod if you understand."
Jake nodded as we heard footsteps up the path.
"I wish had these when I was watching over your sister. Maybe then she'd be here still." I sighed as Hunk opened the door.
"I got food for chicken porridge." He said Albert walking in as well.
"Then I'll get started on dinner." I smiled as the three gentlemen walked into the living and started having a chat about Jake's life.
No matter what happens I must save my family. Hell will freeze over before I fail.
Hey everyone slifarianhawk here and sorry for the wait. I needed to do some serious recovering from the illnesses I'm dealing with and just like Tabitha I broke my damn foot. I'll be posting more regularly again just not as often as before. That is because I'm starting up a second book. It's still in my drafts and I'm going to take some time releasing it so arch angel will still have priority. The new story will be for genshin impact and I do hope if you are a fan of my writing you'll give it a chance. My name is Silfarianhawk and I'm not so far away
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sweetrevxnge · 2 years
Like Phantoms, Forever
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Chapter Eighteen | The Devil In My Bloodstream
Pairing: Ben Solo x Reader
Summary: Your destiny had never been clear to you, only becoming so when it led you to leaving behind the life you knew to train with the galaxy's sole Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker. His Jedi Academy became your new home, bringing with it the promise of someday becoming a Jedi Knight.While navigating the ways of the Force, an inexplicable connection forms between you and a fellow student—the heir to the legendary Skywalker bloodline, Ben Solo. Together, the two of you must face your destinies and forge the path to your true selves.
What to expect: fluff, violence, sexual content, general angst, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
Additional info: this story is set in 28 ABY, six years prior to the events of TFA
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Spotify Playlist
Word count: 5.2k
Chapter-specific CW: NSFW, pharmaceutical drugs, mentions of death
A/N: let's all just pretend that this chapter didn't take me two months to write... anyways let's get into it yuh!
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“So… Do you want to talk about it?”
Ben had made himself comfortable beside you on the small cot, the two of you laying back with your legs hanging off the edge. Well, at least your legs were—the same couldn’t be said for his exceptionally long limbs. His thumb rubbed soft circles on the back of your hand, and despite being left alone by 4-3B for nearly an hour now, you still feared being seen.
His question rolled around in your head. “It” was all you were thinking about—your father, your mother, the resurgence of the Empire. The relief you felt from the conversation with Master Skywalker was fleeting, now a daunting task once again. But a tiny voice in your head assured you that you were safe. Ben wasn’t just some acquaintance. He hadn’t shied away from discussing the dark side before, and after everything you had gone through, you couldn’t imagine him starting now. Although, you weren’t sure how much insight he would have on amatter this grim.
You sighed, twisting your neck to face him. “Not particularly.”
His eyes mapped your face, starting at your mouth before slowly moving up to your eyes. They were intense, filled with an indiscernible emotion.
“I know it’s still fresh, so if you don’t want to–”
“No,” you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose to soothe the headache building behind your eyes. “I probably should. Avoiding it will only make things worse.”
The blankets draped over your lap shifted as you pushed yourself up to a sitting position. Ben followed, his hand quickly finding yours again.
With a deep breath, you attempted to untangle your thoughts and wrap them into a tidy coil. After a moment, you realized that you didn’t know what to say, as if every word in all the galactic languages had escaped you.
“I don’t really know what to say. It’s all so much.” Heat rushed to your face, chased by adrenaline at the memory of the dart piercing your neck. Instinctively, you lifted your hand to touch the spot, finding a small bandage in its place.
Ben squeezed your hand. “Would it help if I went first?”
You nodded. Despite your earlier eavesdropping, you were completely attentive.
“Well, let’s see,” he started, running his free hand through his thick hair. “I was in bed, just about to fall asleep, when suddenly, I saw you.” He looked over at you with an amused smile. “Not how I usually picture you when I’m alone in bed, though.”
Your cheeks burned, a familiar heat blooming in your stomach. His comment derailed your thoughts, redirecting them to build an image of him: bare chest peeking out from his robes, messy hair, eyes squeezed shut in concentration as his hand crept lower, pulling down the waistband of his pants—
The drone of the monitor recording your pulse grew louder, and you cursed your heart for misbehaving. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his satisfied smile.
“Threebee can hear us, you know,” you said in a hushed tone.
“Relax. Worst-case scenario, I’ll just pick apart his brain—or circuit board, I should say.” He winked at you, to which you rolled your eyes. “But as I was saying, I was just about to fall asleep, and for a moment I thought I had. Everything felt like a dream—until it didn’t.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I don’t know about you, but in my dreams, I’m… sentient. Involved in the story in some way. This was different. It felt like I was an audience member watching a scene play out in front of me.”
Like a vision, you thought. “What exactly did you see?”
His brows creased. “Everything you didn’t.”
You were quiet, piecing the two conversations together. From what he told Master Skywalker, his vision began after you were unconscious, which would explain why he only saw you being taken away.
“I panicked. I tried to pull myself out of it to get to you, but it was like I was frozen in place, forced to watch it play out.” Heavy emotion filled his eyes. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there sooner.”
A pang struck your heart. “Don’t be,” you whispered, working up a small smile. Just like Master Skywalker, this wasn’t his burden to bear.
He ignored your request, rolling through to his next thought. “When the vision finally let go of me, I ran to your hut, hoping that it was only a nightmare. But when I found your bed completely empty, I felt…” He paused, his knuckles white as he squeezed his hands together, holding them up to his mouth. “Afraid. More than I’d ever been in my entire life.”
“That makes two of us,” you said, half-joking. The guilt from earlier was becoming heavier with each word he spoke, further proof that this entire ordeal had caused more anguish than you realized. In an effort to move past the sinking feeling in your gut, you asked, “How did you end up finding me?”
At that, Ben tensed. He must have known you would ask eventually, but you hadn’t expected him to be so hesitant when you did. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
Up until yesterday, there were many things that you wouldn't believe. Certainly not that the Empire had been growing in the shadow of the New Republic for years, slowly spreading throughout the galaxy like a malignancy, or that your father was secretly a fascist who had spent his entire life serving that same institution. Nor would you believe that your peaceful childhood was a complete sham, or rather, a carefully crafted illusion of a picturesque family to hide the true nature of your father’s business. Least of all, you couldn't fathom the possibility that your connection to the Force was a precious commodity, precious enough to drive someone insane in the pursuit of exploiting it.
Master Skywalker was right. Perhaps some meditation would serve you well.
You scoffed. “Try me.”
When he finally spoke, his tone was low—enough to send a chill running down your spine. “I heard a voice. It felt familiar, but I can’t explain how—only that it was cold and harsh. In my panic, I trusted it, and it led me to Zeffo. To you.”
Your mouth parted in disbelief. What he described sounded like the voices you heard when you touched the dark stone. “Ben–”
“I promise that I’m not crazy–”
“No, you’re not.” Gently, you cupped his cheek and turned him to face you. His eyes were a storm, glassy and clouded with a familiar darkness. He needed to know that he wasn’t alone. “And if you are, then so am I. When I connect with the darkness, I hear it, too.”
He shook his head dismissively. “No. This is different. This has followed me for as long as I can remember.”
Unsure what to say, you remained quiet, trying to process what he was telling you. As curious as you were to know more about this mysterious voice, you also didn’t want to pry. “I didn’t mean to–”
A low laugh rumbled in his chest, barely audible over the thrum of blood rushing in your ears. “No, no, it’s okay. All that matters is that it helped me find you.”
The air felt heavy, settling uncomfortably between you. He was guarded, and despite his assurance, you could tell that there was much more to this story. The walls surrounding him were resilient, but they were no match for your persistence.
“What did it say?” you asked, inching closer to him as you rested your hand on his forearm. This had always worked in the past—whether it was draping a hand over his shoulder or winding your leg around his, albeit with much less significant topics. Just like most men, Ben wasn’t immune to a gentle touch.
He chewed on the inside of his cheek, his lips pressed tight together. “I don’t remember.”
His answer reeked of bantha shit. You only hummed in response, knowing that any effort to extract the truth would likely be futile. As much as you would have liked to know more, you weren’t necessarily keen on starting an argument over it.
Neither of you spoke for a long moment. You couldn’t help but wonder why he chose to withhold the details of what he heard.
Ben broke the silence. “Look, we can talk about this another time if you’d like. Right now, I’m more concerned about you.”
“Do you trust me?” The question burst free from your chest, as if you would implode if you didn’t release it. Though, now that the question was hanging in the air, you weren’t sure you wanted to know the answer.
He was quiet again, dark eyes flitting between yours. With every second that passed, you could feel your heart cracking, ready to shatter at a moment’s notice.
“Of course I do,” he said finally. “In fact, you might be the only person I trust.”
You blinked. Of all the answers he could have given you, that was the last one you would have expected. And because of that, it felt genuine.
Before you could say anything, he posed a follow-up question. “Do you trust me?”
Shame burned your cheeks. This was the right thing to do. Ben was your person, the only person you had ever let in. Without hesitation, he had flown across the galaxy to find you and bring you to safety. So, why did you fear his judgment? Deep in your heart, you knew the truth. It had been there all along, and despite your efforts to bury it, it would remain there forever, floating at the surface until you acknowledged it.
“More than anything,” you whispered.
He planted a soft kiss on your cheek. “Then talk to me, princess.”
Like a layer of ice in the sunlight, you cracked. A lump rose in your throat as the words formed on your tongue. “My dad was the mastermind behind all of this. He used the Empire’s tracking technology to find the Academy, then sent a group of mercenaries to kidnap me.”
Ben’s eyes widened, but he remained silent. You weren’t sure what reaction you expected. Disappointment maybe—or worse, disgust—but found neither. With a sigh, you continued, “I didn’t know that he was capable of doing something like this. He kept his past hidden from my mom and I, using his agriculture business as a front for his work with the Empire—or what remained of it.”
He furrowed his brows, processing each word. “Wait—your dad works for the Empire?”
You nodded, staring at the torn skin around your fingernails from mindless picking. “Was,” you answered, ripping another strip of skin from your thumb, causing a small drop of blood to form on the exposed tissue.“He was working for the Empire. Not anymore.”
“So, what, he had a sudden change of heart?”
There was no coming back from this. No amount of backtracking or lies could undo a confession of this magnitude. But he had made a promise to you on his ship, a promise that everything would be okay. Now, with his hand resting on your knee, you placed your faith in his promise.
“No. He's dead.” You let out a shaky breath to settle the nerves rolling through you. "I... killed him."
The silence that followed was suffocating, yet he didn’t pull his hand away from yours or stand up to leave. Instead, he just watched you, his eyes searching yours.
Hiding from his gaze, you continued. “I killed him after he told me that he executed my mom, all because she sent me to the Academy, to safety.” A warm tear rolled down your cheek at the memory. “He showed no remorse for what he did, even saying that killing her was like putting a sick animal out of its misery.”
At that, Ben's jaw clenched, his stoic expression morphing into something angry and cold, but you knew it wasn’t directed at you as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. “What a fucking bastard.”
“He was never like this before,” you mumbled, now pressed against the rough fabric of Ben’s robes. “But hearing him say that awakened something horrible inside me. It possessed me—a terrible, cold energy that wanted nothing more than to inflict pain.” You paused, pulling away from him. “I felt it, Ben—the dark side of the Force. It flowed through me, used me like a puppet of its will.” Your voice had softened to a whisper. An echo of the Force rang in your mind; the intensity of it, the power that claimed your father’s life. Your mouth went dry. “I’m a monster.”
“No, you’re not. Don’t say that,” he said, tightening his grip around you. “You did what you had to do to survive. That doesn’t make you a monster—that makes you human.”
You wanted to argue with him, tell him that allowing the darkness to consume you was weak and against everything the Jedi represent. But you didn’t. You were walking through quicksand, sinking further into grief as you told the story.
“If you say so.”
“Yes, I do say so. What he did to you and your mother was terrible and not something that anyone—let alone his child—should have to endure. You had every right to do what you did.”
Guilt, again. Each time he defended you, the lump lodged in your throat grew, slowly closing off your airway.
“You’re right,” you mumbled in the hopes that by agreeing, this discussion would conclude quickly. You sucked in a long breath to settle the acid churning in your stomach. “I’m just thankful that he didn’t hurt anyone else. It makes me sick to think about what could’ve happened if they had attacked the entire Academy.”
Ben hummed in agreement. “I think there are a few people here who could’ve benefitted from being thrown into a fight.”
“Like who?” you asked, suppressing a light laugh. His wit never failed to make you smile—even in a moment like this.
“I think you know who,” he said, cocking an eyebrow at you. “The same people who are dying to visit you.”
You rolled your eyes and shoved him playfully. “Well, too bad. You’re the only person I want to see.”
“Not even Tai?”
“Especially not Tai.” The thought of having to talk to anyone besides Ben right now made you nauseous. Who else could understand what you went through other than the person who pulled you out of it? All the sympathy in the world couldn’t compare to the fleeting peace you felt sitting next to him.
Another question crossed your mind. What did it mean? What did it mean that Ben was the only person you found comfort in? The only person that was able to calm and excite your heart at the same time. 
This was insane. No, worse than that—pure delusion. An amalgamation of chemicals designed to turn even the coldest hearts into an inferno. A fool’s curse to fall for it despite knowing the truth. Yet, here you were, flying through the air as you plummeted to the ground. You had known all along—before you kissed him in front of the fire or sat beside him as the stars bled through the night sky. There was no comfort in knowing, only profound heartache. The Jedi Code had deceived you. Under its rule, there was no affection—only devotion. A hollow devotion to the light.
You couldn’t sit with him in front of a hearth in a space leased to the two of you, one of the many rooms in the highrises overlooking the hyperlanes of Coruscant. You couldn’t wrap your arms around his neck and listen as he shared the details of his day. You couldn’t move with him to the grassy plains of Dantooine, or to the lake country of Naboo—a decision that would be determined by the number of credits you could scrape together. But most of all, you couldn’t grow old with him. Watch as the years warped your faces and grayed your hair. Until the day came that you were forced to face this same heartache once again.
It was a fantasy.
“Baby…” Ben’s voice floated through the air, pulling you from your reverie. He wiped his thumb over your cheek, smearing warm tears over your skin. “Talk to me.”
You looked up, searching his eyes until the image of him became blurry. Your heart rattled your ribs as you gathered the courage to say it—the three words that had been burning your tongue for months. But as you opened your mouth to speak, the machine dispensing your medicine beeped, singing a series of cheery notes to announce that the dose was complete.
As the faint squealing of 4-3B’s joints grew closer, you and Ben reflexively jumped away from each other. You cleared your throat, erasing any evidence of your confession as the droid came into view, its triangular eyes fixated on the empty medicine bag.
“This was the last infusion of the day, miss. I suggest you rest now,” 4-3B said as it powered down the machine before hobbling towards a control panel and turning off the overhead lights.
Moonlight poured in through the blinds, washing the marble floors in a cool white. What you wouldn’t give to go for a midnight walk right now. To breathe in the crisp air and listen to the hum of insects. But instead of ripping out the line in your arm and rushing out into the night, you yawned and folded your legs up to your chest. The darkness of the room illuminated just how exhausted you were—both physically and emotionally. 
Ben sighed, somehow immune to the contagious nature of yawns. “Sounds like the princess needs her beauty rest. I should probably let you sleep.”
Thankful that he didn’t return to the previous topic, you matched his tone and narrowed your eyes at him. “You don’t mean that.”
He smiled. “No, I don’t.”
From behind the curtain, 4-3B chimed in, “You are more than welcome to stay in the spare cot, Master Solo. I can gather a fresh set of sheets for you if you’d like.”
A devilish look flashed in his eyes. “Oh, really? That sounds wonderful, Threebee.”
“Don’t,” you mouthed. The last thing either of you needed was Master Skywalker to find out that Ben stayed overnight in the infirmary.
He pressed his finger against his lips as if to say shhh. “I have an idea,” he mouthed. A knot formed in your stomach.
“It would be my pleasure, Master Solo. I hardly see why I should separate two friends after such terrible events,” 4-3B answered earnestly.
“That’s very kind of you.” Ben reached forward, grabbing the near-empty water pitcher from the side table. “Oh and before you go, can you refill her water?”
You sank further into the pile of pillows at the head of the bed, watching in horrified awe as Ben’s brilliant plan played out.
“Of course,” the droid said, returning to the side of your bed with a stack of sheets balanced in one of its hands. As it turned and reached for the pitcher, Ben leaned forward, deftly unplugging a thin wire connecting to the base of the droid’s neck.
Immediately, its entire frame went slack. The bedding fell from its hands and onto the floor as the light drained from its eyes.
“Ben!” you gasped, scrambling towards the edge of the bed. “Are you out of your mind?”
“Possibly,” he said, pushing the rigid droid behind the curtain. “If anything happens, I’ll boot him back up. But for now…” He hoisted himself back onto the bed and squeezed next to you, making the already small space even tighter. “It’s just us.”
The tension in your shoulders dissipated. There was a hummingbird in your heart, its tiny wings beating harder than ever before. His fingers trailed down your spine, tracing over the thin material of your gown. Your skin burned under his touch.
“Unless you’d prefer to be alone,” he said, settling his hand on your lower back.
“No, not at all.” You moved closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. “Especially since you deactivated my only other company.”
He chuckled. “Good. Because I don’t think I can ever sleep without you now.”
“Oh,” you said softly. You supposed you felt the same way. The only reason you had managed to sleep on the Grimtaash was because Ben was with you—even if he was in the pilot’s seat. As for the previous night, you had 4-3B’s drug cocktail to thank for your uninterrupted slumber.
Resting your head on his chest now, you wrapped your uninjured arm around his waist. His heart was steady and strong in your ear, a hypnotic rhythm that you could get lost in. “Neither can I.”
Ben’s hand crept around your waist, pulling you flush against him. Even through the layers of robes, he was radiating heat—like a furnace with too much coal. Glancing up, you noticed that his eyes were closed, and despite the dull ache in your arm being pinned against his body, you stayed there, counting the muffled beats in the hope that they would lull you to sleep.
The cool night air bled into the infirmary, and without a medical droid to bring you fresh, warmed blankets, you were beginning to lose what little heat your body had left. Then, a wicked thought crossed your mind. Just like the night under the stars, you slid your cold hands under Ben’s robes, holding them against his stomach. He sucked in a sharp breath at the sensation.
“A little warning would be nice,” he said, his eyes still closed.
You hummed, relishing in the warmth spreading through your fingers. “What did Threebee say about me staying warm?”
“Mmm, something about your body temperature being too low. I can’t imagine why—considering what you’re wearing.” He cracked his eyes open to look at you, appraising the sheer gown you were wearing.
“Hey! It’s not my fault that this is the only thing that Threebee’s letting me wear.”
He snickered. “I know. I’m just giving you a hard time.” At that, he sat up, effectively pushing you aside as he untied his robes, undressing until only his underwear remained. “There,” he said as he settled back into the bed, pulling the pile of blankets over you both in the process. “Now you can steal as much of my body heat as you’d like.”
"Don't mind if I do," you said as you turned to lie on your other side—the one that hadn't had a blaster bolt fire through it. Ben silently followed, snaking a hand around your stomach and pulling you against him. You squirmed a bit, trying to find a comfortable position in the small bed. After a few minutes of adjusting, you came to the realization that it wasn't the bed or the fact that you were sharing it with such a tall person that was preventing you from sleeping—it was the image of your dead father, seemingly burned into your eyes every time you closed them. Without the aid of medicine, you were wide awake.
For a moment, you considered jumping out of bed and fixing 4-3B’s wires, hoping that he could give you something to ease you to sleep. Unfortunately, Ben’s strong arms locked around you quashed those aspirations. You continued to wiggle in his grasp—as if doing so would magically make the bed more comfortable or erase the memory from your vision.
“You know, it would be easier to fall asleep if you weren’t moving so much,” Ben mumbled in your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin.
By the sound of it, he hadn’t fallen asleep either. You didn’t feel as guilty for squirming anymore. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind. Not to mention that this is the first night without a sleep aid.”
“Hmmm, I see,” he whispered as his hand inched down your stomach, stopping at the fabric of your underwear. “Would it help if I distracted you?”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, as well as between your legs. Was this wrong to do? The infirmary seemed like the last place in the galaxy you’d want to do something like this, but the feeling of Ben’s fingers sliding beneath your underwear effectively pushed aside your logic.
“There’s only one way to find out,” you answered, holding back the desperate breaths threatening to leave your throat as he began drawing circles over your clit.
“I’d be more than happy to,” he whispered. His other hand wrapped around your throat, tilting your jaw up to face him. “Just tell me what you want.”
Before you could answer, he captured your lips in a kiss as slow as honey. Gooseflesh erupted across your skin as his fingers continued to work. If there was one thing you were not expecting about surviving a near-death experience, it was this. The way your body ignited at the touch of someone you thought you would never see again. Being held in his arms made your head spin, dizzy on endorphins. Even more intoxicating was the feeling of his erection pressing into you.
“How’s that, baby?” he asked, his lips moving down your neck. 
It was splendid, incredible. But instead of detailing how his fingers were quickly pushing you towards release, all that came out was a string of soft moans. 
A low groan rumbled in his throat in return, his hips rolling into yours. The hand around your neck crept down your chest, gently squeezing your breast. The pressure building in your belly grew as he rolled your nipple between his fingers, erasing any thought from your mind that wasn’t about the pleasure wracking your body. This certainly cured your restless mind.
“Just like that. You feel so fucking good,” you panted, arching your back into his hips. The sensation of him against your ass was delicious, making you crave more.
“Mhm…” You were completely lost in his touch, a puddle of flesh and bones in his arms.
His lips grazed the shell of your ear as he whispered in a sinful, low tone, “Are you going to come for me?”
That alone was nearly enough to send you over the edge. You nodded, grinding into his hand, greedy for more. Slowly, one of his fingers teased your entrance, barely dipping into the warmth of your cunt.
“Okay, next question,” he said, his lips curling into a smile against your skin. “Do you want to come now or wait until I’m fucking you?”
“The… second… one…” You pushed the words out between shallow breaths, focused on the inferno blazing in your core. The string was about to snap, sending you towards pure bliss, but before you could chase it, Ben pulled his hand away to free his cock from his underwear. 
“Pull your panties down,” he growled as he fumbled with his shorts. 
Head spinning, you obeyed, biting down on your lip as you willed your injured arm to cooperate. You managed to kick the fabric off and returned to your former position, sticking your ass out for him. The ache between your legs was becoming vicious—nearly painful. You were half-tempted to finish with your own hand, but before you could, Ben aligned himself with you, dragging his cock back and forth over your cunt before pushing inside.
A low groan rumbled in his throat as he rocked his hips slowly, his hand migrating to grab your hip. His lips seared your skin as they moved down your neck, leaving behind a trail of wet kisses. “Fuck, I missed you.” His words were soft but powerful—like butterfly wings beating through the air. Coupled with his steady thrusts, you couldn’t help but wonder what meaning he had assigned to them.
“I missed you, too,” you said, twisting your neck to see him. With eyes squeezed shut and lips parted, he looked like an incarnation of divinity. Your heart flipped in your chest.
Mustering up all of your strength, you reached up and cupped his face, fingers grazing his cheekbone. A familiar feeling clawed its way to the forefront of your mind, a feeling you didn’t dare say aloud—let alone right now.
Just then, Ben’s eyes fluttered open. You shoved the thought back into the depths of your mind. Darkness consumed his brown irises, but his gaze was soft. “I don’t know what I would do without you,” he muttered before pressing his lips against yours.
As he kissed you, his fingers returned to their previous work, igniting the fire in your belly once more. You moaned into his mouth at the sensation, relishing how your skin buzzed as he fucked you slowly.
Long, soft breaths left your lips, and as he added pressure to your desperate clit, the blinding white light of ecstasy pierced your vision—distant, but clear. You chased it, your heart hammering against your ribs as it drew closer. “Don’t stop, I’m so close–”
Ben’s pace quickened as he neared his own high, pinning you against his chest. “I won’t baby—shit, you’re so fucking tight.”
Within you, the coil snapped. Your body was alight with pleasure, head rolling back into Ben’s chest as waves of bliss rolled through you. Endorphins flooded the blank space of your mind, staining your vision with vibrant colors. His breath grew ragged as he continued to fuck you, his thrusts becoming uneven as you clenched around his cock, sending him over the edge.
He buried his face in your neck as he came, obscenities tumbling from his lips as ecstasy ripped through him. Still riding the aftershocks of euphoria, your body pulsed as he peppered kisses along your shoulder, his cock twitching inside you. Your ragged breaths mixed with his as the two of you laid there, swimming in pure satisfaction.
You wrapped your fingers around his hand that was resting on your chest, squeezing it as you whispered, “I don’t know what I would do without you, either.”
“Hmm?” By the tone of his response, it didn’t seem like he had misheard you, but rather that he didn’t understand what you meant. 
As he tucked himself back into his underwear, you rolled onto your other side, wincing as you crushed your arm into the mattress. “I mean, I wouldn’t be here still if it weren’t for you.”
He chuckled. Through the darkness, you could make out the small smile on his lips. “Don’t give me all the credit. All I did was break you out.”
You scoffed. “Let’s not act like I would’ve been able to find a way off of that planet alone.”
“Fine, I’ll give you that much,” he said with a sigh. “All the more reason for me to teach you the basics of flying.”
Excitement and trepidation bubbled in your stomach at the thought of piloting a ship. A massive hunk of metal with the ability to take you anywhere you wanted, completely at your will. There was no denying the allure of possessing those skills.
“Are you sure you want to take on a student like me?”
He sighed. “I’m always up for a challenge.”
Like clockwork, Ben wrapped his arms around your back, pinning you against his chest. Finally, between the feeling of being in his arms and the steady thump of his heart, sleep carried you away.
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krystal-liu-888 · 2 years
stainless steel coil 316Ti 316 Mo2Ti for resisting sulfuric acid phosphoric acid acetic acid
316Ti stainless steel coil is a metal material, which is added to SUS316 stainless steel coil to improve the resistance to intergranular corrosion. 316TI stainless steel coil, also called Mo2Ti or 316 ti satinless steel coils, is applied to resist sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, acetic acid equipment.
316Ti stainless steel coil Specifications: Thickness: cold rolled 2B plate (0.09 -- 6.0mm); Hot rolled industrial plate No.1(3-50mm) medium thick plate, chemical plate, high temperature plate; Width: 5mm-- 850mm stainless steel strip coils; 1000, 1219, 1250, 1500, 1800, 2000mm 316Ti stainless steel coil plate, stainless steel flat sheet plate; Surface: 2B smooth surface, No.1 industrial surface, BA (6k) mirror, 8K mirror, 9K mirror, drawing surface, abrasive surface.
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Stainless steel coil is widely used in chemical, food, pharmaceutical, paper, petroleum, atomic energy and other industries, as well as construction, kitchenware, tableware, vehicles, household appliances and other types of parts.
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Shandong Chengshun Metal Material Co., LTD is a professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, production, sale and service. Our main products include PPGI, galvanized steel, steel plate, round bar, steel pipe, Stainless steel product, angle bar, steel sheet pile, H beam, I beam, Channel flat steel etc. Main market distributes in North America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia as well as Oceania. Up to now, we have established long-term and win-win partnership with many large steel manufacturers, such as Baosteel, Laiwu Steel, Rizhao Steel, Handan Iron and Steel, Angang and Maanshan Iron and Steel. Sincerely wish to build a long and regular business with you forever by our good quality and sincere service.
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svstainless12 · 21 hours
Stainless Steel 316L Sheets Manufacturers in India
One of the top exporters, suppliers, and stockists of a variety of metal works is Shree Venktesh Wires and Steels Pvt Limited. We've been offering our services all around the world. SS 316L sheets are a part of our product line. In many different manufacturing industry divisions, this commodity is among the most sought-after steel grades. This product has an exceptional amount of nickel components, which offers remarkable corrosion-proofing characteristics. We collaborate with Jindal Stainless Limited to manufacture sheets made of stainless steel in grades 316 as well as additional stainless steel grades. To satisfy our customers' needs, we offer the best  jindal ss sheet price and 316L sheets in a variety of sizes, dimensions, and thicknesses.
Characteristics of jindal ss 316L sheet:
Higher creep resistance
Excellent formability.
Rupture and tensile strength at high temperatures
Corrosion and pitting resistance
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Standards of Jindal ss 316L sheets:
Standards: ASTM A240 / ASME SA240
Width: 1000mm, 1219mm, 1500mm, 1800mm, 2000mm, 2500mm, 3000mm, 3500mm, etc
Thickness: 4mm-100mm
Length: 2000mm, 2440mm, 3000mm, 5800mm, 6000mm, etc
Surface Finish: 2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, hairline, sand blast, Brush, etching, Hot rolled coil (HR), Cold rolled coil (CR), SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated), etc
Hardness: Soft, Hard, Half Hard, Quarter Hard, Spring Hard, etc.
Form: Coils, Foils, Rolls, Plain Coil, Shim Coil, strips, Flats, Blank (Circle), Ring (Flange), etc.
Applications of Jindal ss 316L sheets:
A wide range of applications and industries use jindal stainless steel 316 sheets.  
Below are a few of them:
Petrochemical Industry
Oil and Gas Industry
Chemical Industry
Power Plant Industry
Energy Industry
Pharmaceuticals Industry
Pulp & Paper industry
Food Processing Industry
Aerospace Industry
Refining Industry and many more.
Uses and Purpose of Jindal ss 316L sheets:
Jindal ss 316L sheets have a high tolerance to corrosion, outstanding resistance to oxidation, and exceptional grade strength thanks to their high chromium and nickel content. The maximum melting point of stainless steel 316L sheets is 1399 degrees Celsius (or 2550 degrees Fahrenheit). They have incredible yield and tensile strength ranges. Its range of elongation is the widest, at 35%. They also contain the elements carbon, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chromium, molybdenum, nitrogen, and nickel because they are a member of one of the 300 families.
Jindal steel dealers provide perforated sheets made of Jindal ss 316L sheets that are extensively used in the welding, electrochemical, mechanical, and construction industries. Hot rolled sheets made of Jindal ss 316L sheets are specifically created to have features like unprecedentedly high withstanding resistance to corrosion brought on by liquids, hardness, and temperature fluctuation resistance.
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padmavatisteel · 1 day
Stainless Steel 310S Coils Manufacturers In India
Stainless Steel 310S is a popular grade known for its excellent resistance to high temperatures, oxidation, and corrosion. In India, Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. is a distinguished manufacturer and supplier of SS 310S coils, providing superior-quality products to meet the diverse demands of global industries.
Understanding Stainless Steel 310S Coils
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The Stainless Steel 310s Coils is proposed to meet clear worldwide besides as close industry models and checks. We are utilizing premium nature of tempered steel material to total this circle thing that guarantees high attestation, quality, high adaptability and resistivity to restricting conditions.
We supply 310S coils in different examinations, sizes, estimations, and completes as demonstrated by the detail given by our clients. We pass on the SS 310S turn thing in mass or individual at the monetarily sharp market rate. We are utilizing cutting edge improvement and having skilled work which uses a puzzling grungy material to structure this Ss turn.
Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co.: A Leader in SS 310S Coil Manufacturing
Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. has established itself as a reputable name in the stainless steel industry, known for its commitment to quality, precision, and customer satisfaction. As a leading manufacturer of SS 310S coils in India, the company is dedicated to delivering products that adhere to international standards.
Stainless Steel 310S Coils Specification
Specifications:ASTM A240 / ASME SA240
Surface:2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, mirror, checkered, embossed, hair line, sand blast, Brush, etching, etc
Finish:Hot rolled plate (HR), Cold rolled sheet (CR), 2B, 2D, BA NO(8), SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated)
Form:Coils, Foils, Rolls, Plain Sheet, Shim Sheet, Designer Sheet, Chequered Plate, Strip, Flats, Blank (Circle), Ring (Flange) etc.
Off-Shore Oil Drilling Companies
Power Generation
Gas Processing
Specialty Chemicals
Pharmaceutical Equipment
Stainless Steel 310S coils are essential for industries that require high-temperature strength and excellent corrosion resistance. As a leading manufacturer in India, Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. offers premium-quality SS 310S coils that meet the rigorous demands of a wide range of applications.
For More Information:
Visit: https://www.padmavatisteel.com/
Contact: +91-9930388308
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pharmadesiccants · 1 year
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Cotton Coil
The pharmaceutical cotton coil act as a cushion to the tablets and capsules, in the upper void space. However, the final stage of packing the medicines is done manually or through automated machinery. The biodegradable cotton coil ensures freshness and stability during the shipping and storage of pharma products and nutraceuticals. The pharma cotton coils are manufactured for creating a dry atmosphere inside the medicine bottles. For More Information, Please Contact or Visit - +91 9879203377 | https://www.pharmadesiccants.com/damage-solution/cotton-coil | [email protected]
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arisaimpex · 2 days
Supplier of Stainless Steel Coil in Haryana
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Arisa Impex is a Supplier of Stainless Steel Coil in Haryana. Our Manufacturer Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Arisa Impex is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Stainless Steel Products, including Stainless Steel Round Bars, Wires, Rods, Sheets, Coils, Pipes, Flat Bars, Square Bars, Hexagonal Bars, Angles, Flanges, and Alloy Steel. We are selling high-grade quality series such as 200, 300, and 400. Stainless steel coils are essential components in various industries, known for their remarkable durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal. These coils are manufactured from high-quality stainless steel, offering a blend of strength and versatility suitable for a wide range of applications. Features: Corrosion Resistance: Stainless steel coils are designed to withstand harsh environments, making them ideal for outdoor applications and corrosive settings. Their inherent resistance to rust and staining ensures longevity and reduces maintenance costs. High Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Despite being lightweight, stainless steel coils maintain high tensile strength, allowing for the construction of robust structures without adding excessive weight. Aesthetic Appeal: The smooth, shiny surface of stainless steel coils adds a modern touch to products, making them popular in architectural and design applications. Customization Options: Available in various grades, thicknesses, and finishes, stainless steel coils can be tailored to meet specific project requirements, ensuring optimal performance for any application. Specification: Stainless steel Coil Grades: 201, 202, 304, 304L, 304H, 309S, 309H, 310S, 310H, 316, 316H, 316L, 316 Ti, 317, 317L, 321, 321H, 409, 410, 410S, 430, 439, 441 Size: 1000mm, 1219mm, 1250mm, 1500mm, 1524mm, 2000mm Length: 500mm to 12000mm Surface: Cold rolled (CR), Hot rolled (HR), Galvanized, Plastic Coated Thickness: 0.1 mm to 10 mm Specifications: ASTM A240 / ASME SA240 Finish: Polished Value Added Service: Cladding, Heat Treatment, Annealed, Pickling Application: Chemical Processing Building Materials Beverage Production Pharmaceutical Equipment Oil and Gas Household Appliances Arisa Impex is a Supplier of Stainless Steel Coil in Haryana including locations like Faridabad, Gurugram, Panipat, Ambala, Yamunanagar, Rohtak, Hisar, Karnal, Sonipat, Panchkula, Sirsa, Bhiwani, Bahadurgarh, Jind, Thanesar, Kaithal, Rewari, Palwal, Hansi, and Narnaul. For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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meghmanimetal · 5 days
Stainless Steel Fittings Supplier in Rajasthan
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Stainless Steel Fittings Supplier in Rajasthan: Meghmani Metal Industries is a manufacturer and supplier of stainless steel fittings in Rajasthan, India. Our manufacturing unit is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Meghmani Metal Industries specializes in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of stainless steel products, including SS sheets, plates, and coils, SS bars, wires, and rods, SS pipes and tubes, angles, channels, and flats, as well as industrial valves, dairy valves, and fittings. Stainless steel fittings are components used to connect, control, or direct the flow of fluids in piping systems. Made from stainless steel, these fittings are resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for various applications in industries like plumbing, construction, and manufacturing. Features of Stainless Steel Fittings: High Strength: These fittings can handle extreme pressures and temperatures, making them reliable for demanding industries like oil and gas. Smooth Surfaces: Their smooth surfaces help reduce bacterial growth, making them ideal for food processing and pharmaceuticals. Durability: Designed for longevity, these fittings resist wear and tear, minimizing the need for frequent replacements. Customizable: Available in various shapes and sizes, stainless steel fittings can be customized to fit specific project needs. Applications: Food and Beverage Industry Chemical Processing Pharmaceuticals Marine Applications Oil and Gas Industry Construction Industrial Equipment Meghmani Metal Industries is Stainless Steel Fittings Supplier in Rajasthan, India Including Ajmer, Alwar, Anupgarh, Balotra, Banswara, Baran, Barmer, Beaware, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Churu, Dausa, Deeg, Dholpur, Didwalna-Kuchaman, Dudu, Dungarpur, Ganganagar, Gangapur City, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jalore, Jhalawa, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Jodhpur, Karauli, Kekri, Kherthal-Tijara, Kota, Kotputli-Behror, Nagaur, Pali, Phalodi, Pratapgarh, Rajsamand, Salumbar, Sanchore, Sawai Madhopur, Shahpura, Sikar, Sirohi, Tonk, Udaipur. For detailed information or inquiries, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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jyinstruments07 · 12 days
RTD PT-100 and Syphon: Precision and Protection in Industry
RTD PT-100 and Syphon: Essential Components in Industrial Temperature Measurement
In modern industrial environments, precise temperature measurement is critical for maintaining operational efficiency, ensuring product quality, and safeguarding equipment. Among the most commonly used devices for accurate temperature sensing are RTDs (Resistance Temperature Detectors), particularly the PT-100 type, which is known for its reliability and precision. Additionally, another key component used in temperature measurement systems is the syphon, which helps protect sensitive instruments from high temperatures and pressure surges. This article delves into the importance of RTD PT-100 sensors and syphons, highlighting their roles and applications in industrial temperature measurement.
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What is an RTD PT-100?
An RTD PT-100 is a type of temperature sensor that operates on the principle of resistance change with temperature. Specifically, PT-100 refers to a platinum-based sensor that has a resistance of 100 ohms at 0°C. As the temperature increases, the resistance of the platinum element increases in a predictable manner. This property makes platinum an ideal material for precision temperature measurement due to its stable and linear resistance-to-temperature relationship over a wide range.
Key Features of PT-100 RTDs:
Accuracy: PT-100 sensors are highly accurate, with an accuracy typically ranging from ±0.1°C to ±0.5°C, depending on the class and design.
Temperature Range: These sensors can measure temperatures from -200°C to +850°C, making them versatile for various applications.
Stability: Platinum’s resistance properties are stable over time, ensuring long-term reliability and repeatability in measurements.
Linear Response: PT-100 sensors provide a nearly linear response to temperature changes, simplifying calibration and interpretation of results.
Durability: Platinum is a robust material that can withstand harsh environments, including extreme heat, cold, and corrosive conditions.
Applications of PT-100 RTDs:
RTD PT-100 sensors are widely used in industries such as chemical processing, oil and gas, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. They are commonly installed in reactors, boilers, pipelines, and other critical equipment where temperature monitoring is essential for maintaining product quality, safety, and energy efficiency.
The Role of a Syphon in Temperature Measurement
A syphon is a protective device used in conjunction with pressure gauges, sensors, and other instruments to shield them from extreme temperatures and pressure fluctuations. In temperature and pressure measurement applications, syphons are often installed between the process line and the measurement instrument, acting as a barrier that prevents direct exposure to hot steam or fluids.
How a Syphon Works:
The syphon typically consists of a coiled or looped tube that traps a small amount of the process fluid (usually steam or gas) as it enters the system. This trapped fluid cools down in the tube, preventing the hot steam or gas from reaching the sensitive measuring instrument. By doing so, the syphon prolongs the lifespan of the instrument and ensures accurate readings even in high-temperature environments.
Key Benefits of Using a Syphon:
Instrument Protection: By isolating sensitive equipment from hot steam and pressure surges, syphons prevent damage to RTDs, thermometers, pressure gauges, and transmitters.
Improved Accuracy: Instruments that are protected from extreme conditions provide more reliable and consistent measurements.
Extended Lifespan: Syphons help reduce wear and tear on temperature sensors and pressure gauges, extending their operational life and reducing maintenance costs.
Versatility: Syphons can be used with a wide range of instruments, making them suitable for applications in industries such as power generation, oil refining, chemical production, and HVAC systems.
Combining RTD PT-100 and Syphon for Optimal Temperature Measurement
When used together, the RTD PT-100 and syphon offer a robust solution for accurate and reliable temperature measurement in demanding industrial environments. The PT-100 provides precise temperature readings, while the syphon protects the sensor from potential damage caused by high temperatures and pressure fluctuations. This combination is especially useful in steam applications, such as boilers and turbines, where both temperature and pressure can reach extreme levels.
In conclusion, the RTD PT-100 and syphon are indispensable components in industrial temperature measurement systems. While the PT-100 ensures accurate and stable temperature readings, the syphon provides crucial protection against high temperatures and pressure surges. Together, these components enable industries to maintain safe and efficient operations, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure the longevity of their equipment.
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Neurovascular Devices Market Size To Reach USD 4.53 Billion By 2030
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Neurovascular Devices Market Growth & Trends
The global neurovascular devices market size is anticipated to reach USD 4.53 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 6.01% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The rising prevalence of neurological illnesses such as stroke, brain aneurysm, and cerebral artery stenosis is driving growth of the neurovascular devices market. According to the World Stroke Organization (WSO), in 2022, there will be more than 12.2 million new strokes per year.
One in every four adults above the age of 25 will suffer a stroke throughout their lifetime. In addition, nearly 7.6 million new ischemic strokes occur each year. Around 62.0% of all incident strokes worldwide are ischemic strokes, with more than 1.2 million new subarachnoid hemorrhages occurring each year. As a result, the figures show that there is a significant demand for the neurovascular devices, which is driving neurovascular device market expansion.
The rising prevalence of brain aneurysms in both developed and developing countries is driving the introduction of technologically advanced products to the market. Some significant therapeutic techniques for an intracranial aneurysm include surgical clipping, endovascular coiling, and flow diverters. Market participants are constantly working to introduce technologically advanced products to the market.
For instance, in September 2021, Medtronic plc. announced the CE Mark clearance of its radial artery access portfolio, which comprises the Rist 079 Access Radial Guide Catheter and the Access Rist Radial Selective Catheter. Furthermore, in March 2022, Micro Port Scientific Company announced that its Hyper flex Balloon Catheter has received registration approval from the Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA).
Reduced postoperative discomfort and faster recovery are the factors expanding use of the minimally invasive operations and fueling R&D in this field. Endovascular coiling is a minimally invasive surgery that is frequently suggested by the clinicians for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. Hydro Coils (MicroVention, Tustin, California, USA) have permitted the treatment of more complex aneurysmal structures with reduced recurrence rates as compared to bare-platinum coils. As a result, increased demand for the minimally invasive procedures is supporting neurovascular device market expansion.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/neurovascular-devices-market
Neurovascular Devices Market Report Highlights
In 2022, cerebral embolization and aneurysm coiling devices dominated the neurovascular devices market with a market share of 34.79%. As the prevalence of cerebral artery stenosis rises, major players are introducing more technologically advanced products
Based on therapeutic application, stroke segment dominated the market in 2022 with a market share of 57.10% due to the increasing prevalence of stroke, globally. The increasing frequency of strokes around the world has resulted in a significant demand for the management of these cases, necessitating the intensive use of neurovascular devices
Among size, 0.021" held a majority market share of 27.26% in the year 2022. This is due to 0.021” size products are preferred over others owing to superior flow rates and embolic compatibility
Among end use, hospitals held a majority market share of 70.97% in the year 2022. Increasing number of patients being admitted to the hospitals due to the surgeries, therapies, and treatments is expected to favor the neurovascular device market. Thus, subsequent increase in number of patients across the globe, launch of technologically advanced products, and favorable reimbursement policies are leading to a growing demand for the hospital treatments
North America led the market with the maximum revenue share of 26.44% in 2022. Rising demand for the minimally invasive surgeries, and increasing government initiative for improving healthcare infrastructures are among the key factors driving the market growth. In addition, technological advancement and innovation of new noninvasive techniques will create lucrative opportunities for the segment
Regional Insights
North America dominated the neurovascular devices market with the share of 26.44% in 2022 owing to the presence of key manufacturers such as Penumbra, Inc., Stryker Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, and Merit medical systems, Inc. in the region. In February 2023, Phenox Inc. stated that their pRESET Thrombectomy Device has been cleared by the FDA for use in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. The product pRESET, which has been marketed in Europe for more than  a decade, has now been approved for use in the U.S. Furthermore, rising prevalence of neurological disorders, and increasing demand for the minimally invasive surgical procedures are driving the neurovascular devices market growth in this region.
Neurovascular Devices Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global neurovascular devices market based on the device, therapeutic application, size, end use, and regions:
Neurovascular Devices Device Outlook (Revenue USD Million; Volume Unit; 2018 - 2030)
Cerebral Embolization and Aneurysm Coiling Devices
Cerebral Angioplasty and Stenting Systems
Neurothrombectomy Devices
Support Devices
Trans Radial Access Devices
Neurovascular Devices Therapeutic Application Outlook (Revenue USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Cerebral Artery
Cerebral Aneurysm
Neurovascular Devices Size (in Inches) Outlook (Revenue USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Neurovascular Devices End Use Outlook (Revenue USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Specialty Clinics
Neurovascular Devices Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
List of Key Players In Neurovascular Devices Market
Johnson and Johnson Services Inc.
Penumbra, Inc.
Micro port Scientific Corporation
Microvention Inc. (Terumo Corporation)
Codman Neuro (Integra Life sciences)
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/neurovascular-devices-market
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