#phan trash since 2013
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dnp-open-can · 3 days ago
My dad was saying he keeps getting one of Dan and Phil’s tours recommended on his YouTube and I was like which one then named them all (i felt incredibly gay doing that) and he was like the first one and i was like oh tatinof and my mum scoffed and went oh i remember that one you spoke about it loads. Chat is that a hate crime???
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goldenpinof · 7 years ago
hi there, i've just recently restarted my tumblr and i want to get back in the phandom but I don't even know how to star >.
Hi! WELCOME BACK This video is a roller coaster tbh. I can’t watch it without pausing every 3-5 seconds to remember myself to breathe 😳 They are so soft and happy and just djdjndldkldks everything is so genuine.It’s a great moment to come back. A lot of content is coming and I don’t think we are ready for it. They are finally open enough to share “real them” with us instead of only danisnotonfire and amazingphil personas like Dan said. And I’m here for it and I appreciate every moment of post ‘Giving the people what they want’ life.
Also are you going to ii?
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demonphannie · 8 years ago
well i'm slowly becoming more and more obsessed with dnp and i wanted to ask u if u could explain briefly the whole story of phan since the beginning considering i'm new here and i want help from my tumblr senpai jas ok bye
so somewhere during 2009 dan gets phil’s attention on twitter. a few days after dan’s 18th birthday, phil friends dan on facebook. *insert progressively more flirty tweets until autumn.* a few weeks before meeting dan, phil asks people if they see him to ask him out because he doesn’t want to be single. around this time dan breaks up with his three year girlfriend. dan uploads two videos onto danisnotonfire. dan and phil meet october 19th, 2009 (dan stays at phil’s house for a few days while phil’s parents are on holiday). about a week later they go to a youtube/halloween gathering in london. they proceed to see each other at least once every two weeks for the next year until dan goes to manchester university (which i dont get because arent train tickets a bit expensive but whatever). (also here is a full timeline of 2009 through tweets and such read at ur own risk.) phil uploads the valentines day video while dan is in india and doesn’t unprivate it. phil moves into his manchester apartment and dan can’t wait to put all his shit there. dan lives in uni dorms for the year he was at uni but spends large amounts of time at phil’s. dan drops out of uni and moves with phil to a new flat. youtube glitches and some people see the valentines day video but it’s not talked about too much. in 2012 the video is leaked again and this time it’s more stressful because lots of thing are happening in dan and phil’s lives. dans still an “internet homo/hobo” and people are invading his family’s life and they are becoming a lot more active in the youtube community events-wise. they take a trip to vegas for dan’s 21st birthday and never post a video of it like dan promise. dan and phil move to london on the whim that radio one would accept their radio show pilot. dan lashes out online a few times about the notion of phan and continuously assures the internet he likes girls. in 2013 dan and phil get their radio show and things are good. dan and charlie skies have a twitter fight over “secrets” and dans sexuality. in 2014 dan and phil introduce the danandphil shop and danandphilgames. this is a pivotal point because previously dan said he and phil were not a double act but their youtube personas have become so intertwined they make everything a joint effort. (around this time dan and phil come up with the idea of tatinof and tabinof but shh it’s a secret). in 2015 dan and phil announce tabinof and tatinof uk! then a week later jet off to japan. very overwhelming. dan claims to be phil trash #1 and a lot of other power couple things happen. they finish off the uk tour with an after party and apparently danced together but shhh the tweets saying so were deleted. immediately after the party they fly to the usa wtf. in 2016 dan and phil are pretty chill until they decide to tour america and then we don’t get videos for months but we also get little stories from the people going to tatinof usa. dan and phil wear matching outfits on dans birthday in vegas. they announce dapgo. they go on tour in australia and meet koalas. they tour some parts of europe. tatinof is officially over forever. dan and phil go to the british online creator awards and phil announces that hes spent the majority of 2016 with another person. dan howell. phil literally calls dan up to the stage twice for awards phil personally won. dan and phil won’t stop mentioning each other or getting a dog and here we are today.
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