#pg 627
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#pg 627#i think i skipped over the wise guy pages when i first read this but its pretty funny#its cute how this is what inspired john to alchemize the pogo hammer lol#also i dont know who either of these people are#fiendyrereadshomestuck
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A Single Daffodil || Valentine's Day Special

Summary: Spending Valentine's Day alone can be a little embarrassing, a lot self-deprecating. But maybe, it won't be so bad this year.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4.1K
Genre: angst, romance, unrequited love, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage au, businessman yoongi
Warnings: maybe some angst?? not really, it's pretty fluffy
Author's Note: hi everyone! hope you don't mind getting tagged for just a special lol. i thought it'd be fun to post something for valentine's day (especially because i don't have any plans lol), so here it is! view this as an AU of sorts since they're in college, i wouldn't call it canon. it isn't super closely proofread so i'm sorry for any errors, i just wanted to get this posted today!! hope you guys enjoy!!
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The chilly air tickled your nose, making you stifle a sneeze. You could feel an itch scratching at the back of your throat, threatening a violent outburst and inciting a ‘bless you’ from the nearest passerby. Despite the cold winds nipping at your face, pressing small icicles like pinpricks against your cheeks, you trekked on. Midterms were approaching for some of your classes and you knew you weren’t going to get anything done at your apartment, not with Joohee shoving her way through the door with the latest sweet monstrosity she had concocted at the coffee shop across the street.
Why was it still so cold? You knew it was only mid-February, but it felt unfair for you to still be able to see your breath and have to layer a jacket on top of your sweater on top of your long sleeve shirt. The headphones encasing your ear were your makeshift earmuffs, with the added bonus of soft and smooth jazz soothing your attitude. Finally, finally, you reached the other cafe near your place, tucked away between buildings and down stairs. You frequented the location often, finding their atmosphere more suited to your taste than Joohee’s favorite spot, it was quiet and serene, the lack of windows made time pass before you knew it. You loved it here.
As you walked past the counter, waving to the baristas who knew your face well by now, you set your stuff down at your regular table in the far corner, digging through your tote for your wallet. Triumphant, you approached the counter, placing an order for an iced tea, despite the icy weather, and treating yourself to one of their warm and savory sandwiches. After you’d collected your food, making your way back to your table, you allowed yourself a few minutes to enjoy your hot sandwich and contrasting iced tea. After this, you’d truly have to focus your whole attention.
With only crumbs left on your plate and your tea halfway finished, you switched tabs in your laptop to your design project. You were only a third year, but your classes were already about building portfolios and perfecting your coding ability. You weren’t excited to resume working on your project, but you were thankful you had graduated from the classes where they had exams instead of projects. However thankful you had felt reading the syllabi vanished in the face of having to reset yet another bug in Maya, causing your camera to not follow the line you’d animated. More papers for your character design class weighed down your tote, only making you hunch over further in anticipation of the workload you had ahead of you. While you did enjoy this, you hoped you would be able to get into project management someday, you knew that’s where your organizational skills would shine.
Only an hour had gone by of you sitting in the plush chair and ordering another drink, this time with a muffin, when the peaceful air in the cafe was disturbed. Three men had walked in, clad in joggers, sweatshirts, and casual looking khakis, with the tallest laughing loudly and smacking another man on the shoulder. You squinted, trying to get a better look at the laughing man, before realizing why he looked so familiar.
Kim Seokjin was as boisterous as ever, his gap year last year proving to have only amplified his loud and extroverted presence. Joohee had complained to her parents that she hadn’t gotten to take a gap year to travel, but you knew she secretly had no interest in it, her days were too occupied with you and Hoseok. The man Seokjin had clapped on the shoulder was one you didn’t recognize, tan skin and short hair, round, wiry glasses slipping down his nose. He waved off Seokjin’s persistent hand attempting to ruffle his hair, before taking a seat at a table not far from you. When he shot Seokjin a fond smile, though, you were stunned by his deep dimples and crinkled eyes, he was certainly pretty.
The last man, rather short compared to the other two, was another familiar face. Your eyes dragged across his bleach blonde hair, a new look for him, down his chubby, pale cheeks and pouty lips, before tracing his black sweatshirt, past his dark joggers, and sweeping over his white tennis shoes. Min Yoongi looked beautiful every time you saw him. Where you thought his bleach blonde hair, once a dark and natural black, would wash him out, it actually created a stunning contrast to his harsh glare from dark eyes. His upturned mouth curved a soft frown into his face, the occasional swipe of his tongue across dry lips making your eyes dart away. How he managed to look soft and dangerous at the same time was a wonder, but one you fully enjoyed.
Okay, so maybe you were a bit head over heels for him considering the lack of conversation that you two had held, but that was the beauty of an unrequited crush. You could ogle and pine, glance and fantasize all you wanted without having the crushing weight of reality fall down upon you. You were fully self-aware of your infatuation and the dim likelihood of your crush being returned, but you were okay with that, or so you told yourself.
It wasn’t as though you hadn’t tried to pursue other options, but they hadn’t worked out. Mina’s disappointed expression still burned in your memory, and it was a solid reason as to why you hadn’t explored outside further. Unrequited love was easier, there was no expectation of reciprocation, the untouchableness of your object of affection was comforting, you could confidently like him from afar. Did it hurt when you saw him with other people? Sure, but you liked to imagine that it hurt less because you never expected anything in the first place.
Seokjin’s booming voice snapped you from your thoughts, and you instead watched them place their orders at the register. You wondered what each one would order based on their appearances. Seokjin was probably ordering a seasonal holiday special, you could practically hear everything he was saying, and he was asking for extra blackberry syrup. The tall man behind him, the one you didn’t know, seemed like a hot cappuccino kind of guy. The air around him screamed elegant academic and you could imagine him sipping from a steaming ceramic cup while writing an award winning research paper. Yoongi, though, you weren’t sure, you didn’t know him that well. A black coffee, no milk, no sugar? An americano? It was hard to place which of the bitter, dark roast drinks he’d enjoy the most.
You turned away, what would you know anyway? It wasn’t your business. You had no connection to them, you had you remind yourself of that. Focusing your attention back on the dull grey of the Maya UI had you almost groaning out loud. You wished you could be doing anything else.
The constant chattering in Yoongi’s ear was beginning to get grating. He was trying his best to focus on studying for his upcoming finance exam, but it was proving to be impossible with Jin blabbering away about something or other. He’d stopped actually paying attention a while ago, but Jin’s voice was difficult to tune out despite Yoongi’s best efforts. Namjoon seemed largely unaffected next to him, highlighting away in his handwritten notes. Despite Namjoon being a year younger, they were taking the same level of courses, and Yoongi was sure Namjoon was going to beat him at every turn in scores.
Not that it mattered, Yoongi knew he had a position waiting for him at Min Enterprises, right under his father. He knew he should feel privileged, he was and he knew that, but he couldn’t help the seed of resentment that grew tall and thorny inside him. He had managed to sneak a few music courses into his schedule but his rat of an advisor had tattled on him to his father. It made sense, he supposed, his father was basically the one paying the advisor’s salary. It had left a sour taste in his mouth for what his future would look like, but Yoongi couldn’t outwardly complain. He knew his friends felt somewhat similarly, but it was dangerous to discuss things like that in this sort of social circle. Yoongi had learned the hard way that you didn’t know who was friend or foe until the knife was already lodged into your back, and Yoongi knew better than to make the same mistake twice.
“I think that’s Joo’s friend over there, Y/N,” Seokjin mentioned offhandedly, Yoongi finally tuning back into his friend’s rambling, “Should we say hi?” Jin looked questioningly at Yoongi and Namjoon, only receiving blank stares in response.
“I mean, I don’t know her,” Namjoon said bluntly, but kindly, “And I’m kind of in the zone right now.”
Jin pouted, turning to Yoongi with a hopeful gleam in his eye, only to be met with Yoongi’s resolute frown and small shake of his head.
“I barely know her either,” Yoongi said, more matter-of-factly than anything, “And besides, who wants to be ambushed by their friend’s older brother while they’re trying to study.”
“You guys are no fun,” Jin complained, only receiving agreeing hums from both Yoongi and Namjoon.
Yoongi turned his attention back to his laptop, seeing the words on the screen swim together. Finance was boring and difficult, and despite his troublemaker appearance, Yoongi tried his hardest in his classes. Even if he was going to be handed a position at Min Enterprises anyway, he could at least say that he’d earned his degree with his own perspiration and grit.
That was easier said than done, though, and the only thing keeping Yoongi going right now was the 8 hour time slot he’d booked for one of the music school’s studios for him and Joon after exams.
“Valentine’s day is soon,” Jin began, “Just a few days out, you two got any plans?”
Yoongi knew that Jin had a date with some girl from the nursing college and he was only asking them so he could eventually talk about his own plans.
On Yoongi’s left, Namjoon shrugged, “I’m meeting this girl from one of my classes, she asked to get dinner that night.”
Jin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“It’s just dinner,” Namjoon said, “I’m not really that interested in her, but I felt bad saying no.”
“Boring,” Jin sung, “What about you, Yoongs?”
Yoongi shot him a glare for the nickname but it bounced off of Jin’s bright demeanor, “I don’t have anything planned.”
Jin rolled his eyes before speaking once more, “Well, I have plans, and I’m going to tell you right now whether you want to hear or not.”
That was Yoongi’s cue to tune him out again, his mind drifting to the upcoming holiday. He’d had some Valentine’s dates before, one or two over the course of college, and he’d been inundated with sweet gifts during middle and high school, but he’d never had a sweet tooth. Yoongi wasn’t interested in romance right now, though, he was focused on making sure he’d graduate in a few months. Sex and love could wait until after that.
Well, he supposed he didn’t have a reason to delay sex, but he was sorely lacking time at the moment. He split his days between studying, basketball (when it was warm enough), and any open slots he could find at the studio. There was barely any time for dates or one night stands. He’d waited this long, he could wait another few months until he graduated and had evenings to himself.
Listening to Jin go on and on about how pretty this girl was, though, did make him feel just the tiniest bit lonely.
Was it just you that curled your lip at the cheesy decorations lining the streets of campus? You hoped not, you didn’t want to consider how much of a grouch that made you. The constant barrage of hearts and pink kiss cut outs left you feeling a bit sick. Whether it was from the corny decorations or the reminder of your single status was a question you also didn’t want to explore. It was somewhat late in the morning of Valentine’s day when you were making your way to the same cafe as before. Your roommate was having her boyfriend over and you quickly understood the unspoken hint of making yourself scarce and decided upon enjoying an iced tea from your favorite cafe.
Your projects were still unfinished and you’d resolved to make major headway today, considering they were due in the upcoming week. You blew out a short breath, seeing the vapor form in front of you, your weekend was going to be completely taken up by school. Pushing open the doors of the cafe, you took in your surroundings, noting how unusually empty it was. People must have better things to do on Valentine’s day, but where did that leave you?
You quickly ordered and received your food, making yourself comfy in your usual seat. Looking around the bare room left you feeling a bit upset, did everyone but you have a valentine this year? A quick glance at the two giggling baristas holding hands over the table confirmed your worries. You took an aggressive sip of your drink before opening your laptop, it didn’t matter, you had work to do. Soon, you forgot about your anxieties of loneliness in the face of intense work, focusing your full attention on the project in front of you. You were so distracted that you didn’t realize someone else had entered the cafe until they sat down across from you at your table.
The sound of a backpack plopping down across from you startled you to attention, looking up at the person at the source of the sound. Dark eyes stared back at you with a single raised eyebrow hidden underneath blonde bangs. Your mouth opened slightly in shock before you closed it, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Yoongi’s face.
“Is anyone sitting here already?”
You shook your head silently, still at a loss for words.
Yoongi left his backpack on the adjacent chair before going up the register to order a hot americano with four shots of espresso. You made sure to take off your headphones and strain your ears to hear his order this time, watching him wait and return to your table after receiving the steaming cup. Your eyes didn’t leave his form the entire time, still unable to comprehend why he decided to sit next to you. His expression offered no answers, impassive and unreadable, and his voice supplied none either, choosing to silently sit and start working rather than speak to you.
You stared at him for another few beats before returning back to your own work, what else were you supposed to do? However much you tried to focus on finishing your cutscene, your head swam with racing thoughts of why Yoongi was acting the way he was. It was becoming increasingly hard to focus with his form across from you, seemingly unbothered. Nevertheless, you tried your best to focus your attention on your laptop screen and not on the relaxed figure on the other side of the table. For a while, it worked, but you were beginning to get frustrated with your lack of progress. You could feel your bottom lip jutting out in an unintentional pout and your anger grew as you ran your unsatisfactory frames again, solidifying the need for more work to be done.
You picked up your empty cup, hearing the ice shake, and exhaling in disappointment. Standing quietly, you attempted not to disturb Yoongi’s flow, though he seemed apathetic to your presence either way. His cup was seemingly empty, set aside and no longer steaming, and you considered your next move. The barista at the register happily took your order for another tea, sending a wink to the other girl behind the counter, who giggled in response. You held in an eyeroll, you couldn’t be mad at them, the two girls were adorably cute together, but you were already annoyed and on edge from your project going awry, not to mention the frustratingly stoic man sitting at your table.
“Can I have a blueberry muffin, too, please,” you asked before you second guess yourself. The girl nodded, ringing you up, before handing you the muffin and drink after a minute or two. You breathed slowly, this would be a big step, a peace offering of sorts. If he said no, you would just eat the damn muffin yourself. It wasn’t such a big deal, or so you told yourself as you walked over.
Wait, what if he didn’t say anything at all?
There was no time to ponder that question as you’d already reached the table. You placed the muffin down next to him with shaky fingers before taking your own seat silently, you couldn’t look into his eyes. Not having enough courage to actually say anything, you instead took a long sip of your drink and stared hard at your computer. You remained steadfast in your gaze, locked into a staring competition with the editing software, before your attention was drawn by fingers tapping by the side of your laptop. You looked up, making eye contact with Yoongi’s gaze, still unreadable.
“Thanks for the muffin,” he said quietly, his voice slightly gruff.
You nodded, sending him a tight-lipped smile, about to return your gaze to your work before he spoke once more.
“Seo Y/N, right?”
Your mouth parted in shock, did he really know you? Did he really remember you? You nodded mutely in response to him.
“You’re Joohee’s friend, right? Jin hyung had mentioned you the other day,” he said, taking a bite of the muffin.
You deflated slightly. Of course he didn’t actually remember you, he only knew you as Joohee’s friend. What other reason would you occupy his mind, if you even crossed it at all. Sending another polite smile in response, you struggled for something to say.
“You’re Min Yoongi,” you stated, immediately regretting the bluntness of the words. You couldn’t come up with anything better than that? It wasn’t even a question, you had said like you already knew so what room did you leave him to respond? Your first conversation with him in years was already failing due to your social ineptness.
Yoongi, however, seemed more amused than anything, a barely there smile decorating his face and a slight tilt to his head, “Yeah, that’s me. What are you working on that’s got you huffing and puffing over there?”
His description of your behavior made your cheeks warm, “A project for class, I have to make a game cutscene.”
“Oh,” he questioned, raising an eyebrow, “You’re studying games?”
Your cheeks flamed even brighter, it sounded so stupid when he put it like that. In reality, you were studying project management and game design, but you had heard enough reactions from your parents’ friends to know that didn’t matter. All they heard was that it wasn’t a doctor, lawyer, or business, and that was enough for them to write it off. It felt even worse to hear the same amused, almost condescending, tone from Yoongi. You knew you had idolized him past his reality, but you’d hoped he would at least be more open minded than the other people that populated your family’s social circle. You felt yourself curl inwards a bit, retracting your hand back into your lap and trying to wipe your probably crestfallen expression off of your face.
“That’s pretty cool,” he mused, eyes looking somewhere far off instead of you, “I’m amazed your parents let you.”
An involuntary scoff left your lips, making him focus his gaze back to you, “It came with its own price.”
He chuckled humorlessly, “It always does. Sometimes it feels like our parents are more like business partners than actual parents.”
Your hand stilled on your keyboard, his words striking a chord within you. They rang true, recalling most conversations with your parents sounding like a business meeting more than anything else, even when you were a kid. You were raised by maids and nannies, even your older brother barely interacted with you, your only reprieve was Joohee. Every time your parents came into your room, rare as it was, it was always to discuss your academics and nothing else. You worked hard for their approval, but even that came with consequences, further alienating your brother from you with the implicit competition expected between you. It saddened you, in a kindred spirit kind of way, to think that Yoongi had experienced something similar.
“Do you have something you wanted to do instead,” you asked before you could stop yourself. Maybe that was out of line.
Yoongi paused for a moment, considering your question, before smiling wistfully, “Yeah, I do.”
You were floored by the sparkle in his eyes, a flush to his cheeks, and a longing smile almost forming on his lips. In that moment, you knew that he couldn’t stop pursuing whatever it was that made him light up like that.
“You should go for it,” you said, words tumbling out of your mouth, “I know it’s easier said than done, but it doesn’t have to be your livelihood. Your parents don’t have to know, isn’t it better to get there without them? But you shouldn’t give it up for anyone else, only if you really, truly want to.” You exhaled unsteadily, certainly not your most eloquent moment, but you hoped that what you were trying to say came across.
Yoongi’s piercing gaze made you squirm, worried that you had gone too far. It wasn’t your business after all, and his continued silence made you feel like he didn’t appreciate your uninvited input. You unconsciously began wringing your fingers against each other, avoiding his intense gaze.
“Sorry,” you mumbled meekly after he continued to stare at you without saying anything.
Yoongi seemed to snap back into the conversation, shaking his head slightly, “No, no, thank you. I’ll definitely have to keep that in mind.”
You weren’t sure if he was being serious or just polite, but at least he didn’t seem mad. You were happy with that. Just about to continue your work once more, your eyes caught his mouth opening once more, his tone straightforward but not unkind.
“I hope you take your own advice.”
You and Yoongi had been working in comfortable silence, interrupted by the occasional conversation, mainly started by Yoongi since you were still too nervous to say anything unprompted. It was getting late, but you didn’t want to leave. Sitting in the empty cafe with no windows with your longtime crush felt like a dream, and you didn’t want to wake up.
“So, how come you’re sitting here studying and not out on some date? Shouldn’t you be enjoying your youth to the fullest,” Yoongi asks, taking a bite out of a second muffin.
You smiled, “Shouldn’t you be doing the same?”
Yoongi only shook his head, prompting you to continue.
“No special reason, I guess, just don’t have a valentine,” you said, not wanting to delve into the complicated reasoning for your single status, “What about you?”
Yoongi hums, taking another bite of his muffin, “About the same here, just too busy this time of year to find someone.”
You nodded along even though your heart sank a bit, was it really that easy for him to find a date that time was the only thing stopping him? It’s not like you were expecting him to be celibate in consideration of your hidden feelings, but it was a bit disheartening that romance seemed to come so easy to him when you struggled with it so much. Maybe you were the problem.
“Tell you what,” Yoongi starts, cheeks puffed from polishing off the last of his muffin, “Since we’re both without a valentine this year, how about for today, we’ll be each other’s valentine.”
You looked up at him in shock, “What do you mean?”
“We’ve already spent most of the day together anyway, so let’s just call each other our valentine’s for today,” he said simply, as though he hadn’t just made your heart stutter.
You knew it was casual, a joke even, for him, but you wanted to relish in this moment, just a small bit of delusion to sprinkle into your fantasies. It’s not like you had any other prospects.
“Okay,” you smiled, “I think you’ll make a good enough valentine.”
Yoongi only smiled in response, “I think you’ll do just fine, too.”
#yoongi#yoongi fic#bts yoongi#min yoongi#yoongi smut#min yoongi smut#yoongi x reader#bts fic recs#yoongi x you#bangtan#bangtan smut#bangtan fanfic#bangtan x reader#bangtan fic#bts fic#bts smut#bts#bts fanfic#bts imagine#bts x reader#bts x you#min yoongi fanfiction#min yoongi x reader#min yoongi fanfic#myg x reader#myg fic#myg smut#myg#myg angst#asingledaffodil
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Check out the fanworks created for the latest prompt: READY. Don't forget to express your appreciation by leaving a comment!
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Submissions are listed in order by word count. Please check the content notes and pairing for more information about each submission.
A Pack Affair by @simplyn2deep (FIC, Derek/Stiles, G, 2041)
Ready For Everything by @darkjediqueen (FIC, Peter/Stiles, R, 2233)
Ready. Set. Go (Away)! by @goddess47 (FIC, Peter/Stiles, PG, 4400)
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Hello! My name is Sparks! I'm getting back into roleplaying after a long hiatus, so I would love to make some friends who are interested in writing some plots or talking about my obsession: Lilo and Stitch!
I'm over the age of 21, so I would personally prefer to write with people in a similar age range, but I won't be writing any NSFW or extreme dark themes and gore. I would prefer to keep this PG. I don't really consider Stitch! The Anime and Stitch and Ai to be canon, so this would be set during or after the animated series/Leroy and Stitch. I have a preference for playing Experiments, and already have a few plot ideas in mind. I am also open to crossovers, AUs and OCs!
Some of my muses are: Stitch, Angel, Leroy, 627, 628 (let me yammer about her, please), Sample, Sparky. My full muse list can be found HERE.
If you're a Stitch fan like me, please give this post a like, send me a message, or send me a friend request on my discord at alohaxoi
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#765 - Everybody Gets One
RPG World is PG-13, boyos! That's mean I get ONE frick! I can't say it here. Though I've probably said it a bunch here. Have I?? Somebody go do a Fuck counter. Oh shit!! Increase it by one. Damn.
Let's be honest here, if anyone was going to drop an F bomb it would be Cherry. She deserves it. She got close back in page #627 https://rpgworld.the-comic.org/comics/134/.
Oh! And look at that. Some fanservice. Guess how much sideboob I sent Atari, versus how much sideboob I got? Man's an animal. But hey, nothing the original RPGW wouldn't have had, so who am I to spit in the face of tradition.
Not-Belyion is almost gone. It's his last week here. After that, he's going to take flight off into the unknown. I'll possibly never see him again! Nah, that's unlikely. I'll stalk him if nothing else. Waiting.
That's all I got, babes. I wrote a bunch of pages yesterday. 9 in fact! Which is good because our buffer is almost, uh, up. We've only got 1 more completely completed page, then about 7 more pages where just the art is complete, then after that about 9 written. 9 written that I'm not completely happy with! Do I go and refine them? Or just let "fine enough" be fine enough? These questions haunt me.
Finally! I posted this in the Discord. Consider it like my version of a trailer. THINGS TO COME!…..
New party member!
Howard meets old pals
Epic showdown
Jeff's full name revealed!?
Dark SEVIL secret experiments
etc and so forth probably a motorcycle in there somewhere
Diane has a bad time
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🌸🌷🌸 Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play, Swami Chetanananda, Vedanta Society of St Louis, Pgs 627 & 628 Ch 31 - The Human Aspects of Holy Mother Holy Mother's Daily Life The greatness of a person can be ascertained through his or her small actions. In day-to-day life, everybody follows a routine. The Mother also followed a routine. She got up early in the morning, bathed, cleaned her teeth with tooth powder, meditated and repeated her mantra, worshipped the Master, had breakfast, cut vegetables, cooked food for her household, and served the devotees. When she was a little girl, she helped her mother with household work and cared for her four younger brothers. Swami Parameswarananda tells us that as a girl, the Mother bathed in the Amodar River. She carried puffed rice and fried eggplant or potatoes in a cloth with her and after bathing she shared them with her brothers like any other village girl. Imagining the Mother seated under a tree on the bank of the Amodar River eating puffed rice is a scene for meditation. Fancy breakfast food was not available in Jayrambati. When Holy Mother started to give initiation, she would buy jilipis or make halwa and serve it to the devotees with puffed rice. In her old age, when she had lost a few teeth, she would put some puffed rice in the corner of a cloth, pound it with a pestle, and make it into powder so that she could eat it. 🌸🌷🌸
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Bigger Books Take Awhile To Read
I have been reading this since last July. Goodreads has it at 800+ but it actually has 627 pgs. I’m on 562, she writes good I just have trouble with the Galic talking, my brain doesn’t like it, stroke troubles, and longer books gives me troubles. Sucks, use to read a whole book quickly and with excitement. I haven’t read a book I didn’t like but I’m picky what I choose also. Which I don’t always…

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Dai «Discorsi» di san Gregorio di Nissa, vescovo(Disc. sulla risurrezione di Cristo, 1; PG 46, 603-606. 626-627)Primogenito della nuova creazione È venuto il regno della vita ed è stato distrutto il dominio della morte. Una diversa generazione è apparsa, e una vita diversa e un diverso modo di vivere. La nostra stessa natura ha subìto un cambiamento. Quale è questa generazione? Quella che…

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Ok, here’s the connection:
Sir James Boleyn died in 1561 and was buried with ‘great Pomp at Blickling’ (Blomefield, pg. 627) on September 6. He left various things to Queen Elizabeth in his will, including ‘a basin and gilt ewer’ and small bequests to various nieces and nephews.
He also left Elizabeth ‘my written book of the revelations of Saint Bridget’, and Roger Virgoe, author of James’ biography published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558, concludes that there is no evidence to suggest that Sir James Boleyn shared the reformist beliefs of other members of his family.
James engaged in scriptural debate with Hugh Latimer, Shaxton, and Henry VIII, but he took Henry’s side in the debates, not Latimer’s. However, another account says he had John Wycliffe’s translation of the Bible in manuscript in his inventory upon his death. This was recently on display at Blickling.
Do we know much about what happened to the Boleyn side of Anne's family after she died? I noticed a couple of Thomas Boleyn's brothers lived into Elizabeth's reign so I was wondering if they ever met her.
I don't know if she ever met James Boleyn, it's certainly possible, he died in 1561. As far as relations that were on-side when she was struggling with her sort of liminal, anomalous status/position during her sister's reign, he's generally not among those mentioned:
Elizabeth was protected by a group of Mary's councillors, including Lord William Howard of Effingham, and Henry, earl of Sussex, who were both kinsmen through Anne Boleyn.
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Acotar Universe Curse Words/Phrases
A list for your fic-writing references. I've put an astricks next to the ones used the most. Pages are from the kindle version where the word is first used <3
Bastard (acotar pg. 46)
Piss-poor (acotar pg. 60)
What in the bottlomless depths of the Cauldron (acotar pg. 66)
Cauldron (acotar pg. 87)
Cauldron no (acotar pg. 87)
Prick (acotar pg. 92)
By the Cauldron (acotar pg. 106)**
Thank/Curse the Forgotten Gods (acotar pg. 120)
Go to hell (acotar pg. 133)
Cauldron save you/me (acotar pg. 152)*
Cauldron boil me (acotar pg. 192)*
Cauldron boil and fry me (actoar pg. 224)
Damn it (acotar pg. 225)
For Cauldron's sake (acotar pg. 328)
Gods-damned Cauldron (acomaf pg. 62)
Mother save you/me (acomaf pg. 153)*
By the Mother (acomaf pg. 192)
Mother above (acomaf pg. 206)***
Mother's tits (acomaf pg. 209)
Mother knows what/when/how (acomaf pg. 236)
Cauldron damn me (acomaf pg. 253)
Thank the mother (acomaf pg. 285)
Thank the Cauldron (acowar pg. 32)
Cauldron bless him/her/you/us/them (acowar pg. 203)*
Mother bless him/her/you/us/them (acowar pg. 226)*
Thank the fucking Cauldron (acowar pg. 279)
Mother damn it (acowar pg. 394)
Holy Mother (acowar pg. 510)
Gods (acofas pg. 3)
Cauldron knows what/when/how (acofas pg. 149)
Mother above and Cauldron save me (acofas pg. 202)
Mother help you (acofas pg. 227)
Fuck (acosf pg. 54)
Gods no (acosf pg. 147)
Cauldron boil him alive (acosf pg. 157)
Holy Gods (acosf pg. 247) (this is first used in acosf, but is used a TON)
Thank the gods (acosf pg. 306)
Gods spare me (acosf pg. 598)
Gods help us (acosf pg. 627)
Motherfucker (acosf pg. 666)
Godsforsaken (acosf pg. 722)
#this is definitely not exhaustive so if I missed any let me know!#the majority of the ones in acotar are from Lucien haha#interestingly 'Gods' isn't really used as a curse word until acosf#acotar#acotar fic
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MCU reader inserts
Author’s Faves:
Red / Green: Bucky x Reader. Companion fics that can be read independently. In which Bucky realizes he might like it rough. ~3680 / 2990 words, respectively. Both very explicit and fairly dark.
Wild Animals: Bucky x Reader + a whole d/s thing happening. In a tent. 559 words, explicit.
I’m On Fire: Bucky x Reader. A heat wave and a late-night visit. 583 words, explicit-ish.
What You Need: Bucky x Reader. Nanny AU! Edging, orgasm denial, daddy kink... shameless filth, basically. ~3810 words, explicit.
Bucky x Reader:
Salt: Bucky x Reader. Snarky exes on a stakeout. 780 words, mature.
Squeeze: Bucky x Reader + choking. 263 words, explicit.
Witching Hour: 1940s!Bucky x Reader + a Halloween party. 458 words, mature.
Til You Scream: Bucky x Reader + making out at a drive-in movie. 353 words, mature.
Trick Or Treat: Bucky x Reader + a slutty Catholic schoolgirl costume. 455 words, explicit.
Human After All: Winter Soldier x Reader. Widow!Reader + fuck or die. 335 words, mature.
Don’t Ask: Bucky x Reader + feelsy reunion sex. 234 words, explicit.
Be Your Slave / Be Your Master: Bucky x Reader + riding crop. 450/650 words respectively, mature.
Candles and Cake: Bucky x Reader + wax play. 628 words, mature.
Metal: Bucky x Reader + inappropriate things with metal fingers. 491 words, mature.
Dirty Talk and Other Modern Weapons: Bucky x Reader + dirty talk. On a boat. Because obviously. 670 words, explicit.
Old-Fashioned: Bucky x Reader + dirty talk. On a beach this time! Sort of a follow-up to that one up there ^ but they stand alone. 900 words, mature.
The Sweetest Thing: Bucky x Reader + birthday cake + fluff. 660 words, mature. And a much more explicit follow-up: Sugar On My Tongue, 531 words, explicit.
Control: Bucky x Reader + slapping/choking. 443 words, explicit.
The Perks of Dating a Superhero: Bucky x Reader, technically a follow-up to Control but can be read alone. 627 words, explicit.
Reputation: PornStar!Bucky x Reader. 458 words, explicit.
Pancake Breakfast: Bucky x Reader. 411 words, mature.
Steve x Reader:
French Maid: Businessman!Steve x Reader + Halloween costume fun. 382 words, mature.
Paralysis: Steve x Reader + sleep paralysis. 293 words, explicit.
Amber Waves Of Grain: Steve x Reader + teasing at a harvest festival. 576 words, mature.
The View From Here: Steve x Reader + breeding kink and mild exhibitionism. 389 words, explicit.
Best Girl: Steve x Reader + massages and dirty talk. 350 words, explicit.
Showing Off: Steve x Reader + short-shorts and dom!Steve. 352 words, mature.
Dirty Little Secrets: Steve x Reader. Nomad Steve, dirty talk, a definite claiming/possessive thing going on. 467 words, explicit.
Museum Quality: Artist!Steve x Reader. 480 words, mature.
Eating In: Steve x Reader. 485 words, PG-13.
New-Fangled Nonsense: Steve x Reader + vibrator. 478 words, explicit.
Howl At The Moon: Bucky x Reader x Steve + werewolves. 733 words, explicit.
Gift-Wrapped: Bucky x Reader x Steve. Bucky gets a birthday present. Mild bondage, moderate snark, major filth. 609 words, mature.
Other x Reader:
Creature From The Black Lagoon: Eddie Brock/Venom x Reader. Halloween fun. 464 words, explicit.
Questioning: Natasha x fem!Reader. In which Natasha helps clarify some things. 386 words, rated R.
Back to the main masterlist here!
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The Specter - chapter 4
word count: 627, chapter rating: PG, fic rating: PG-13, Warnings: slow burn, Insecure!August, kinda stalker August but not really.... idk.
A/N: I’m not really feeling this chapter, August keeps alluding me and I’m not sure I know where this is going. Please let me know what y’all think. Sorry this chapter is so short
Smoke billows from the chimney as August watches you move about the cottage, cooking in the kitchen. Your voice drifts on the chilly breeze as you sing along to the music, he knows is coming from your yellow record player that you’d stashed in the corner. He’d been excited to see you, but his fear had ended up getting the better of him. He’d driven around to the back of your property and walking through the trees and melting to watch you. His heart thumps against his ribcage as he watches you disappear from in front of the sink only to return with a pot and pouring it into the sink. He tilts his head as he watches you disappear towards the fridge and return with a chilled bottle of wine.
He heaves a sigh, swallow down the lump in his throat as he watches you being going about life, so simply. He knows that he told you, that should he not return, that he wanted to you to move on with your life. But he’d never thought that it be that easy for you. You looked so happy. What could he bring to your life now? He was a broken, scarred man and you were light incarnate. He lingers a while longer before he heads back towards his car. Along the way, he stumbles across and small hunting cabin, clearly abandoned. He approaches, pushing away some of the branches from the window, he peers inside. In the dimmed winter sunshine, he can just make out a small bed, a table, a chair and a fireplace in the corner. Looking back the way he came, the faint sound of your music still dancing through the pines, he decides that being near you is better than being without you at all, besides he’d stayed in worse places in his 35 years on this planet, what’s a dusty cabin in comparison to the sewers of Paris that one mission that still makes him shudder to think about. He wipes his hands on his jeans and steps back from the cabin window and takes a moment to pause.
Turning his face to bluest sky and he takes a deep breath of fresh, mountain air. All around him he can hear the creaking of the trees and the steady drip, drip, drip of melting ice as the spring starts to take hold of the place. It’s in the air that tinge of spring that is sharp, muddy and fresh. It smells like new beginnings and as August strains to catch a strain of your music once more, he struggles to identify the new feeling that is bubbling within him. The strange effervescence that fills his chest as he trudges back to the car grows and as he pulls his things from the boot and parks the car beneath some low hanging branches, he realizes with a spark of glee that it’s hope. It’s an unfamiliar feeling to August, just like happiness had been before you’d come into his life. When he’d met you three years ago now, he’d never realized that you would ever mean this much to him. He’d always thought he wasn’t a relationship guy, but with you he’d realized that he’d never been with the right person before. He knew you weren’t a shallow person, but there was a part of him, the insecure part, that feared that you would be turn him away now that he wasn’t everything that he once was. The insecurity that you once dispelled with utmost tenderness had returned with a vengeance and August wasn’t sure how to proceed at the moment, but ever the planner, August would regroup and figure out the best way to come back into your life for good.
Tagging: @persephone-is-here-omg @salimahbicharara-comun @feralrunaway @foodieforthoughts @the-soot-sprite @littlefreya @littlewrenofrivia @radaofrivia @geralt-of-baevia @summersong69 @gearhead66 @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @mary-ann84 @thelastsock @asylummara @cynic-spirit @hell1129-blog @beck07990 @raspberrydreamclouds @hoeforhenry @hope-to-hell @inlovewithhisblueeyes @iloveyouyen @henrythickcavill @madbaddic7ed @cavillsharman @cavilladdict @cavillryarchive @cavillsbestgal @ohmygoodie @omgkatinka @connieisland @emyearns @achaoticaugust @wendimydarling @fuckoffbard @oh-for-fic-sake @oddsnendsfanfics @cruelfvkingsummer @brandycranby
@eldarwen333 @poledancingdinos @maizyistrash @lookinsidemyhead @avantgardium-leviosa @palaiasaurus64 @frostsoldier @trinitylovexox @x-abi-sharp-x @wheretheriversrunintothesea @cavillsimp @kmuir1 @idl3worship
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you | jjk

Pairing: Classmate!Jeongguk x Female!reader, college!au
Word Count: 627
Genre: fluffy blurb, because Guk makes me soft
Warning(s): None; Rated: pg
Summary: Just imagine having a class with a shy boy named Jeongguk who really wants to kiss you.

Light pink petals adorn the grass beneath the blanket where your back rests comfortably, staring at the purple hues of the sky. The steady fall and rise of your chest regain your focus, the wispy breeze igniting goosebumps along your arms where they lay gently upon your abdomen. Closing your eyes momentarily, your senses heighten to the serene sounds of the leaves waving whispers into the air as petals continue to paint the horizon.
Inwardly, you want to giggle, because despite your eyes being closed, you can feel his gaze on you- something he has done ever since you accepted his proposal of a date. Not just any date with some ordinary fella, it happens to be a date with the shy countenance of a classmate whose long strands fall over his brown irises that widen at even the mere thought of finally getting to know you. His curiosity is far beyond the meaning of precious, and he has only spoken a few sentences since being here sprawled out beside you staring at the same purple sky.
“You know if you want to kiss me, you can already,” as if the trees sensed the budding cue, the entire world has gone silent as Jeongguk intakes a sharp, nervous breath. Eyes still closed, with a giddy grin spreading on your lips, you shift just enough to peek one glance at the lad who tenses in comparison to being caught in the act of mirroring your same thought.
“It’s that obvious isn’t it,” he exhales in an almost relieving way despite his jittery hands, his plaid shirt loose on his frame- undeniably handsome, and you know deep down you would do anything to feel his arms wrapped around you even if you maintain your confidence. When the pair of you finally grasp the bravery of staring into each other’s eyes, you see the gentle rise of a grin spread upon his lips igniting the desire to the point you feel the subtle tingle on your mouth.
Sitting up slightly, he surprises you, turning just enough to hover above you, his arms resting on either side of your head, lowering just enough to where his body perfectly aligns with yours- the tips of his hair tickle your face, and his shaky breaths swipe your chin as you continue to mesmerize yourself with the man longingly waiting to close the gap.
Gradually, you raise your hands enough to cup his cheeks, letting the softness of his skin etch its memory within your fingertips, listing your head just enough to where the tip of his nose brushes yours before it finally happens. His kiss, ever so gently caressing yours slowly but certainly proving every expectation you have ever had in what one would deem as a perfect kiss. Just the way each tender movement molds into yours, how will you ever find the will to stop? He leans to deepen the kiss prompting your head to return to resting upon the blanket, your hands gliding to tangle in his hair letting his figure retreat to shaping into you, his warmth encompassing every inch of your body and mind in ways you could never explain.
The tip of Jeongguk’s thumb strokes your cheek when he pulls away only for a mere moment before pressing a small kiss to your lips to finalize the memory in all its sincerity. Breathless, your eyes peel open to visualize him, your fingers still buried in his hair, yet words hardly form, it is his eyes that are telling you everything you need to know.
“Again,” you whisper.
Jeongguk responds immediately, crashing his mouth to yours without any hesitation, because if there is anyone, he would relive this reminiscent with, it is you.
It will always be you.
#btswritingcafe#btswriterscollective#heartsforbts#jeon jeongguk#jeon jungkook#jeongguk x reader#jungkook x reader#jeongguk x you#jungkook x you#jungkook fluff#jeongguk fluff#jungkook blurb#jeongguk blurb#bts jungkook#bts jeon jungkook
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(Teen) Ghost Hunter
Fandom: Original Work Rating: PG-13 Words: 627 Notes: Written for Fictober-Event prompt #27 | Stand Alone. Warnings: Language
“Are you angry, dad?”
Samuel Gillan’s hand were tight against the steering wheel, his knuckles were white and his whole face was hard. He didn’t turn to look at his son, “What do you think, Max?”
Max flinched, his father’s tone was light, but his whole demeanor screamed anger and fear. He had really fucked up. “I’m sorry.”
Samuel made to park at the side of the road, he knew that he needed to speak with his son now, his anger and fear were bubbling, and the longer that he stewed in those feelings, the worst it would be. Once the car had stopped, he turned to his son. “Max, you could have died!”
“But dad, I knew what I was doing!”
“No, you didn’t!” Samuel barked, then rubbed his face with his hands. “You’re a child, one that hasn’t ended his training, you still have a long ways to go before you can go alone to deal with ghosts. Not now.”
“What you just proved to me,” Samuel spoke quietly this time. “Is that you’re really a long ways to go. I get it, kid, I was young one. Felt invincible too, but just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Did you cleaned yourself with sage after the ritual.”
Max cringed, he had forgotten that. And he knew that he couldn’t lie to his dad, because his dad had not taken his eyes off him, and he didn’t have a good poker face. He whispered, “No.”
Samuel sighed, “See what I mean? You can’t forget stuff like this, Max. Sage keep you safe, it prevents the spirit to cling to you. Did you made the circle of salt?”
Another cringe. Max lowered his head, his vision blurring with tears. He knew that he shouldn’t cry, he was sixteen, fuck’s sake. But the way his father looked at him, with the knowledge that he had been reckless and that he had done wrong, hurt. He felt like a failure.
“Listen, Max,” Samuel spoke softly, placing a gentle hand on his son’s shoulder. “There will be a time, when you’ll be able to go out and fight ghosts and other things that go bump in the night, but you have to be patient. You gotta train, kiddo. You gotta learn and know how to protect yourself. Your mom and I want you be the best you can be, and you’ll be great one day. But not today. Not yet. You’ve still some ways to go.”
“Okay,” Max whispered.
“Come here, kid.” Samuel took of his seat belt and did the same for Max’s, pulling his son into a warm hug when they were both free of the belts. “You’ll be fine, everything will be fine, I promise.”
“Sorry, dad. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Samuel closed his eyes, “Max, you scare me whenever you live my eyesight, but I’m your dad, I’m supposed to get worried over you.”
“I know,” Max said. “I promise to listen to you and mom next time, dad.”
“That’s my Max. Just please, keep to your word. You’re not ready yet, kid.” Samuel opened his eyes and pulled a little away, so he could stare at his son’s eyes. “You’ll kick ass someday.”
Max gave his father a shaky smile, now that he was safe, he could admit, if only to himself that it had been scary, and that ghosts were harder to deal than what other said. “Thanks dad.”
Samuel pulled away, “Now, belt on, Max. Let’s go home. Your mom said she would have us a warm drink when we get home.”
“Sounds nice.”
After putting the belts on, Samuel started the car again. “It is nice. And you need to sleep, you have school tomorrow.”
Max groaned.
#fictober21#writers on tumblr#writing on tumblr#original writing#original fiction#creative fiction#drabble#standalone#one shot
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You should never speak against someone [as long as they aren’t causing any harm] or show animosity towards them.
— Ibn al Jawzi| Captured Thoughts, Pg.627
#captured thoughts#no wonder#the salaf would sit in a gathering and learn manners before anything else#gems
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Erwin a Day - Day 627
Attack on Titan - Volume 15, Chapter 61: Reply, pg. 121
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