#pfbi comin back strong
phandomfbi · 4 years
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place bets on what the tattoo is
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phandomfbi · 7 years
So. People noticed Dan and Phil have the game "first dates" (which @doinganap made a quick post on; an anon brought it to their attention). Thoughts?
I personally am a huge fan of the “you guys are thinking this means they fuck, but here’s a wholesome explanation” deal. I actually just pulled it on one of my friends for something. However, I can’t think of jack shit for this one. (images from @doinganap minus the one from the liveshow) 
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There’s really no way around this one. It does say daters can be “pretend or real”, But why would they buy that if they weren’t actually dating? Some very intimate questions that pertain only to lovers are included in the examples above. The only semi-logical explanation I can think of is that someone who thought they were dating gifted it to them. However, if they weren’t together, I would think they would have gotten rid of the game when they moved, unless they got it after the move. Unless they got the game ironically, it probably does a pretty good job of implying that they’re dating. 
Wow. Now I can’t get the image of them playing this game out of my head. I might have to put that in my writing prompts. Thanks for inquiring with us! 
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