phandomfbi · 7 months
Hey can y'all spread this I'm trying to win an argument
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phandomfbi · 2 years
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this past week, i've been bringing my cat wyatt to the vet and it turns out that he has some serious health complications making him sick. he has a low red blood cell count but his body is still not giving up, trying to make more to replace them. we tried giving him a hand with blood transfusions, but something is creating complications; the vet believes it may be a tumor.
an exploratory diagnostic to confirm is ~$800 and if treatable, his options for surgery can range up to $5k. i am desperate to save my best friend or at the very least, have clear answers for him. he's kept me strong through so much over the years and i want to do the same.
if you can spare anything or even just share this, i'd appreciate it. i'll be taking in donations, selling charms, and grinding through adopts and commissions so every bit of profit can go to wyatt.
ko-fi | paypal: for donations store: for charm orders etsy: for UK/EU customers
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phandomfbi · 2 years
Two years too early elle
phil is slowly incorporating dan back in his stories and doing tiny glimpses of him because dan’s coming back to youtube soon with his book announcement.
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phandomfbi · 2 years
who remembers this blog
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phandomfbi · 4 years
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same hand @danslawdegree we have no guarantee those clips were used in order and that dan didn’t change his shirt in between dropping Steve off and picking him up! they’re very sneaky men.
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place bets on what the tattoo is
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phandomfbi · 4 years
phil is slowly incorporating dan back in his stories and doing tiny glimpses of him because dan’s coming back to youtube soon with his book announcement.
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phandomfbi · 4 years
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place bets on what the tattoo is
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phandomfbi · 5 years
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act it out
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phandomfbi · 5 years
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@danielhowell ⚡️
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phandomfbi · 5 years
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kew gardens adventures ✨
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phandomfbi · 5 years
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no, it is not phil’s hand.
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phandomfbi · 5 years
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stolen from fb and not the theme but needed to share. 
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phandomfbi · 5 years
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-Eli & Mak
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phandomfbi · 5 years
so, the day has come. our brave, wonderful boy has reached a point in his life where he felt comfortable enough coming out as queer—gay. i think no one wants it but here’s the official statement from the PFBI over it.
i personally have never felt more proud to stan someone in my entire life. Dan is an incredibly strong person who has shown me that it’s not only okay to be sick and need help but that it’s okay for me as a queer to be happy. so from everyone in the PFBI we offer a humble and heartfelt “thank you” to our magnificent cult leader. 10/10 Dan.
now, many of the fandom probably had the knee-jerk “we all been knew” and Dan isn’t exactly an idiot which is why he put in his video he didn’t want to see any of us commenting saying those exact words. i’m not sure if anyone felt attacked by that, but in case someone did then i thought it would be good to have a statement about what he meant. he meant that being queer is his. that he is being himself, and while he hasn’t been subtle, he’s been private and afraid. so him coming out isn’t a “you guys got me lol” but it’s actually a “this is me” moment. essentially, it isn’t about us and our theories. it’s about him being comfortable.
there’s been SO much drama in this community about his sexuality; people being downright homophobic all the way to downright obsessed. but he’s never actually told anyone to stop reading his subtext or his hints. and in fact if we hadn’t done that then he wouldn’t have been able to attract such an accepting and primarily queer fanbase, something he said helped him feel comfortable enough to be safely out. so attacking people over this situation for having theories or feeling validated wouldn’t be fostering the love and acceptance he wants for all of us and himself.
hopefully we can continue to be a positive community. hopefully him coming out has drastically brightened your life and validated your own sexuality in the same way it has done to mine. i can’t wait to go to Pride this year knowing i’m marching for everyone i love, and knowing i can include myself in that category.
we’ll try to be more active, especially now the sassy cat is out of the bag about Dan and now that we can feel confident that they aren’t lying to us. i feel less ready to be hurt or let down by people i respect. the “lol it was all for money” reveal will officially never happen so we can stop trying to prove them real to assuage that fear.
let’s make the rest of 2019 and all of 2020 a year of true queer acceptance, growth, and community wide respect!
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phandomfbi · 5 years
Do you think there is any hope of another tour after ii?
personally, i believe so. yes, they have consistently said “you’ll never get another chance like this!” and things of the sort, but there’s also been massive contradiction within the program. 
firstly, i’ve heard that they said the same thing during and after tatinof. i could be wrong, so correct me if that’s so, but i believe that’s something i was told. 
secondly, and more importantly, i’ve seen multiple posts about people speaking to members of their crew who have been very cryptic and suggestive towards another tour. here are some examples. 
in conclusion, there have definitely been contradicting statements on this. therefore, i’m not going to confirm or rule out the existence of a third tour, but i will say that it’s definitely possible. (we’re all hoping!)
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phandomfbi · 6 years
do you guys not like phan anymore? what happened?
plenty of us are still in the phandom; it’s just been a year and a half. we’ve kinda generally outgrown this blog and its discourse. 
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phandomfbi · 6 years
Did you guys secretly die
yeah i think so i mean im not even in the groupchat anymore but i still have access to this blog so here we are -kath, from this blog's grave
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