#peyizan ayisyen
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port-salut · 4 months ago
Par Jean-Marie Mondésir
Pwoveb ayisyen yo aprann nou bel leson lavi tankou : « chen grangou pa jwe » e genyen lot ki di « sa k vid pa kanpe ». Nou konprann nan konteks sosyoekonomik difisil peyi dayiti a yon elev ki al lekol grangou pa gen konsantrasyon pou aprann e si genyen lapli k ap tonbe sou tet li nan sal klas la se yon lot pwoblem ki vin deranje predispozisyon kapasite aprantisaj li.
Tout edikate, anseyan e pwofese konprann yon elev bezwen yon bon anvironnman estab ki pou fasilite aprantisaj li. Si gen vyolans lakay li ki kreye estres ak grangou nan vant e fatig san konte imilyasyon sibi akoz devwa ki pa fet; sityasyon sa pa pemet yon elev ki pa gen okenn paran ki konn li ak ekri ap renmen rete lekol. Wol lekol se pemet yon jenn aprann nouvel konesans k ap ede l vin yon sitwayen onet e responsab k ap kontribye nan devlopman kominote li.
Avantaj yon moun ki edike li pa mete timoun sou late san reflechi e li toujou chache limite nesans pitit li. Li chache pwoteje anvironnman, li pa koute pye bwa sou teren agrikol yo. Li aksepte kontribye nan devlopman kominote l epi li toujou pre pou ankouraje lot vanse pi devan. Yon moun edike kote paran li aprann kek vale fondamantal (pataj, antred, solidarite, travay an ekip) pa egoyis, li renmen pwogre epi li toujou disponib pou travay ak lot pou pwoteje sous dlo ak teren agrikol andeyo yo. Nan sans sa li bon pou moun ki konprann enpotans wol ak fonksyon lekol mete ak lot pou fe solidarite yon mannye pou boujonnen lespwa pou fanmi an difikilte yo.
Sitwayen ki angaje nan devlopman kominote peyizan yo dwe pran tan reflechi sou pwoblematik sa yo ki anpeche yon jenn nan milye defavorize yo evolye nan domenn edikasyon. Pou sa ki konsene aprantisaj Jenn nan kolektivite Dimon, li enpotan pou n ankouraje jenn ki frekante yon etablisman piblik jwenn akonpayman sitwayen bon volonte pou soutni jenn yo kontinye aprann pou yo kapab prepare avni yo.
Kolektivite Dimon genyen twa etablisman piblik k ap fome jenn elev pou yon demen miyo. Ekol nasyonal sa yo se pwopriyete kominote kote yo tabli. Nou konnen byen paran yo pa gen mwayen pou sipote elev ki gen difikilte aprantisaj akoz mank resous nan lekol la ki pa pemet li pwogrese pou li kapab amelyore kondisyon lavi fanmi li. Nou rete kwe chak sitwayen ki konn vale edikasyon dwe travay ak lot pou mete bonjan kondisyon pou ankouraje jenn elev yo aprann yon metye ki kapab ede yo jwenn otonomi finansye yo nan entere devlopman kominote lakay.
Nou konprann sitwayen ki deklare se wol Leta pou li mete bonjan pwogram nan lekol yo pou pemet jenn yo aprann nouvel konesans. Reyalite milye peyizan yo demontre otorite yo pa sousye pou devlopman kominote riral yo. Anpil dirijan politik konnen peyizan yo ekziste selman nan peryod elektoral. Depi yo fin eli se entere pesonel yo al defann. Yo pa janm batay pou yon meye finansman nan depatman ni komin ak seksyon kominal yo.
Nou konnen kondisyon sosyoekonomik moun k ap viv andeyo yo difisil paske yo pa travay late menmjan tankou lontan. Anpil nan yo abandone elvaj ak pwodiksyon agrikol yo pou konsome pwodwi etranje. Si yo refize konsome pwodwi lokal tankou (mayi, veritab, manyok, patat, pitimi, pwa kongo ak pwa chous) nou dwe konprann pwodwi enpote tankou (diri, espagueti elatrye) koute anpil lajan pou achte yo. Nou kwe li nesese pou n ankouraje pwodiksyon agrikol nan kominote lakay pou pemet fanmi yo pran swen pitit yo san konte asistans gouvennmantal ak diaspora.
Nou pa rive konprann yon paran ap kale pitit chak ane epi li konte sou Leta ou diaspora pou voye lajan chak mwa pou l pran swen pitit li pou li. Pandansetan, li kontinye jwe bolet, bwe tafya epi parye lajan nan gage chakjou. Nou kwe fok oganizasyon lokal yo pran tan pou sansiblize paran iresponsab sa yo ki kontribye nan ogmante lamize nan milye peyizan yo. Kolektivite Dimon pa diferan nan konsta nou fe sou reyalite abitan kap viv andeyo peyi a. Legliz pwotestan, katolik, oganizasyon lokal yo, notab ak diaspora yo dwe travay an ekip pou sansiblize abitan k ap evolye nan kominote riral yo.
Nou rete kwe se nan solidarite ak tout akte lokal yo nan kolektivite Dimon nou ap rive konsyantize paran ki neglije voye pitit yo lekol pou ramase bonjan konesans k ap pemet yo amelyore kondisyon lavi fanmi yo. Nou dwe travay ansanm pou n chanje model edikasyon k ap fome jenn pou peyi etranje pou fome antreprene kay kreye djob pou ogmante ekonomi lokal seksyon kominal yo. Nou dwe kontribye pou n ankouraje jenn peyizan nou yo aprann yon metye ki kapab ede yo patisipe nan devlopman kominote yo, kreye aktivite ekonomik k ap pemet ogmante riches nan entere popilasyon lokal yo.
Lekol nasyonal nan kolektivite Dimon dwe repare kout ke kout pou pemet jenn elev yo kontinye aprann san ke sote nan yon anvironnman ki ensite aprantisaj nouvel konesans. Pandan nou ap mobilize fos diaspora Dimon an pou yo kontribye nan reparasyon twati lekol la e nou ankouraje tout jefo k ap fet pou pran bonjan mezi pwoteksyon lokal lekol nasyonal la pou anpeche lot moun vandalize etablisman piblik la. Chak sitwayen ki kwe nan devlopman lakay dwe angaje yo pou patisipe nan sovgad e pwoteksyon patrimwan sila nan entere popilasyon lokal la.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Citoyen engagé de Dumont
Éditeur de portsalutmagazine.ca
PDG de Dumont Inter 103.1 FM
0 notes
paroissedumont · 4 months ago
Nou memm nan redaksyon La voix de Dumont nou toujou rete konsekan ak konviksyon nou krey prezidansyel 9 tet sa pap vin regle anyen pou mas yo kap soufri anba lamize, ensekirite, chomaj e dezespwa. Antreprene politik yo se zafe poch yo kap regle nan pratike koripsyon e trafik enflyans nan administrasyon piblik la pou souse kes leta.
Rapo anket ULCC soti a demontre kouman demagog yo se koripsyon yo vin fe nan krey 9 tet la. Li enpotan pou mas yo leve kanpe pou revandike dwa yo paske sityasyon an kritik chak jou Bondye mete nan peyi a. Se yon jij Lakou kasasyon ki pou nan tet peyi a ak yon gouvennman ki sansib ak sityasyon difisil mas kap viv nan bidonvil ak milye peyizan yo.
Mezanmi pran tan pou nou konprann konbyen lajan yon manm krey 9 tet la koute trezo piblik …
Men konbyen lajan Smith Augustin di 1 konseye prezidansyel koute pèp ayisyen :
220 000 goud, salè
73 000 goud, frè fonksyónman
400 000, pou kay
500 000 goud, kat prepeye
250 000 goud, pou gaz
20 000 goud, kat telefòn
Sa fè 1 463 000 goud chak mwa.
Smith Augustin ajoute 25 000 000 entèlijans la li konsidere kòm yon avantaj ki disponib pou tout konseye -prezidan yo.
Nou rete kwe se pou chak moun kap li mesaj sa pataje l ak lot yon fason pou mobilize pep la yon fason pou nou tout di non ak krey 9 tet ki pap regle anyen serye pou fanmi ki pov yo. Le n tande deklarasyon prezidan dominiken ki deklare li pral dépote 10.000 ayisyen san papye chak semenn lan peyi dayiti e nou panse gouvennman ki la koulye a pap genyen mwayen pou soutni tout moun sa yo ki bezwen manje, travay, edikasyon, sante ak sekirite.
Mezanmi si nou refize pran konsyans sou difikilte peyi a bagay yo ap vin pi red pou manman ak papa pitit wi. Diaspora pap chita ap pran presyon fanmi pou voye transfe chak mwa non pou lekol, lamanjay, maladi elatrye. Nou dwe pran responsablite nou ak 2 bra pou n chanje kondisyon lavi pou moun ki pov nan milye defavorize yo.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Citoyen engagé de Dumont
PDG de Dumont Inter 103.1 FM
0 notes
jewouj · 4 years ago
Jean Rabel Massacre - Haiti
23 jiyè 1987, pi gwo masak peyizan ki fèt nan istwa Ayiti komanse nan zòn Jean Rabel, nan nòdwes. Anviwon 139 peyizan te mouri e nou pa menm konnen kombyen ki te blese anba men brigad ak makout ki tap swiv lòd ak jwenn kòb nan men oligak Rémy Lucas ak lòt grandon tankou Jean-Michel Richardson ak Nicol Poitevien.
Jean Rabel Massacre - Wikipedia
The Jean-Rabel massacre took place in Haiti on 23 July 1987, near the town of Jean-Rabel.[1] At least 139 people were killed (one of the self-proclaimed assassins claimed 1042). It was carried out by "paramilitary groups led by macoutes and acting upon the alleged orders from a local land oligarch, Rémy Lucas".[1] Several days earlier Henri Namphy had visited the area and "publicly supported the Lucas family and their rights to the land they claimed".[1] Many of the dead were members of the Tet Ansamn land reform group.[2]
Jean Rabel Massacre commemorated with outcry and excuses | In Haiti Progres, This Week in Haiti, Vol. 16, no. 19, 29 July - 4 August 1998
Named mentioned and accused according to Haitian peasants
Remy Lucas [Perpetrator]
Remy Lucas te pran tèt yon bann asasen pou t al boule 15 kay ti peyizan nan Gwosab, jete rekòt yo epi detwi plantasyon yo, jou ki te 9 me 1986. Menm jou a, ak dòt zakolit li, Remy Lucas te antre kay Ekip Misyonè a nan Bouk Janrabèl kote li ta pral sasinen yon manm Ekip la ki te gen tan chape erezman.
Jean Michel Richardson [Perpetrator]
Nou pa bliye 27 Dawou 1986 lè anbasad meriken tal mennen ankèt sou Gwoupman TET ANSANM ak Ekip Misyonè a nan Janrabèl, sou demann grandon yo, pi espesyalman sou demand Jan Michèl Richadsonn, dapre deklarasyon yon anplwaye anbasad ameriken, David Lee, li menm te fè.
Nicol Poitevien [Perpetrator]
Nicol Poitevien claims that Jean-Marie Vincent and his missionary team are inventing accusations against him and the Lucas family, in this case concerning food aid and Poitevien's truck that was carrying goods from Jean Rabel to Port-au-Prince.
Jean Rabel: Rémy Lucas and Jean-Michel Richardson, date unknown 1987
Interview with Rémy Lucas (local oligarch) and Jean-Michel Richardson on their roles in and perceptions of the violence in Gros Sable on February 17, 1987. Lucas and Richardson dismiss allegations that they were responsible for the burning of peasant houses in Gros Sable or any of the events in the Jean Rabel area. They insist that they never had a problem with anybody — they are the victims and that the real blame lies with the “missionary team” of Father Jean-Marie Vincent, who was organizing local peasants to claim their rights and land through the Tèt Ansanm movement. It is not the peasants’ fault, they say, because they are being poorly guided. Lucas and Richardson claim, variously, that Father Vincent is corrupt, that he’s only claiming to do things for the peasants but is in fact profiting, that he’s done a few good works but that it’s been insufficient, that he’s responsible for the introduction of ill-suited North American pigs to Haiti (via his work with Caritas), and that the missionaries personally burned down Richardson’s factory and therefore only increased poverty and hunger in the area by depriving people of their jobs. Lucas and Richardson claim that Father Vincent is not acting as a priest should, that he is creating disunity rather than unity and dividing the community. They defend the reputation of Nicol Poitevien, another powerful local landowner, denying that he was a Macoute. Richardson likewise says he was never a Macoute himself: he was in government, but he never had the “soul” of a Macoute. Lucas claims that he is part of a new, more open generation of the Lucas family. He hedges when asked how much land his family really owns, and says that the peasants have cut down most of the trees on it, anyway. Interview Konpè Filo.
Jan Rabel - Radio Haiti - Start at 5:00 - 17 Fevrier 1987
Peasants from Gros sable speak up about the events of Febuary 1987. They warn the population that there are people to save and massacres still happening. Jean Marie Vincent, a Haitian priest says that this is revenge for the peasants having taken their land back (rightfully, as they are the people’s land). He states that they then invented the fable that peasants were stealing land to warrant burning 17 of their properties. He also says that the peasants’ appeal was going to be brought to court, - something wealthy landowners did not like. They are blaming the members of Gwoupman Tet Ansanm, group from which survivors state they are being attacked for their organizing. They name Remy Lucas and Poitevien as perpetrators, and denote a strategic effort to drown them further into poverty. There’s a Kat Klat (?) syndicate, who is said to have used their power with the church to massacre peasants and then blame it on the Gwoupman Tet Ansanm - even though they all saw the crime scene and investigated it alongside the church. Jean Marie adds that the peasants warned people In Port de Paix, (see Jeunes Etudiants Chrétiens (JEC) Port-de-Paix anonse yap bay ekip misyonè ak manm Tèt Ansanm sipò, e yap denonse rejim makout la.- 11 Juillet 1987) and had been organizing since 1986 to prevent further murders.
“ Mezanmi, ala pwopagandis yo fò, se pa teknik ak ladrès ki manke yo ! Yo vle fè inosan pase pou kriminèl, pandan y ap chache fè asasen yo pase pou inosan ! Yo fè ekspre, yo fè kòmkwa yo pa konnen si masak 23 jiyè 1987 la se te aboutisman yon bann ak pakèt agresyon, entimidasyon, konplo ak atak vyolan grandon, Lame Dayiti, sèten sektè reyaksyonè nan legliz katolik ak pwotestan, nan sendika jòn KAT KLAT ak yon ti ponyen jounalis k ap defann movèz kòz t ap mitonnen san rete kont Gwoupman Tèt Ansanm ak Ekip Misyonè Janrabèl la, pran depi 9 me 1986 rive 23 jiyè 1987.“
SOURCE (20 an apre masak Jan Rabel la)
Different accounts show that some peasants were hired and given the position and power of a makout, just to kill other peasants, as desired by wealthy landowners and sectors of the Church.
July 28, 1987, two members of Tèt Ansanm who had survived the massacre made their way to Port-au-Prince and spoke with Michèle Montas on the air at Radio Haiti:
“It was a group of landowners that organized it, in La Montagne [in the commune of Jean Rabel],” explained Anne Jean-Louis. “They paid people 10 or 15 gourdes, to organize them to kill people…. [The landowners] are hiding behind them, they’re hiding themselves to send those people out to fight for them.”
Noland Métayer described what had happened.
We went to go see our fellow peasants in La Montagne, near La Reserve. We were going to have a meeting between peasant and peasant. We were going to hold a demonstration. We came in solidarity with our brothers. But when we arrived, they didn’t accept being together with us. From the moment we appeared, we didn’t even have the chance to explain why we’d come. They began to attack us, to throw rocks at us, shoot bullets at us, shoot rifles. And that’s when everyone became afraid. There were four people who got shot, they got hurt, they died – I believe of the four who were shot, we only saw one. The others, they disappeared. After that, when we saw that we had come in friendship and they hadn’t accepted it, we turned to leave, and that’s when they ganged up on us, they cornered us on a path, they joined up with the Macoutes from Jean Rabel… They formed their brigades. They blocked a bunch of people on the path, they forced them to go to Jean Rabel. And there were a lot of other people who were hurt, who had broken bones, and they thought that in the town of Jean Rabel they would be safe. So they tried to get to Jean Rabel. But when they got to Jean Rabel, that’s where they really massacred them. They put them in prison, they put some in the hospital. But even in the hospital, they weren’t safe. The Macoutes, all those people, they entered freely whenever they wanted. They were threatening them, they were putting lots of pressure on them, and they told them that whenever a single one of them was released, they’d be watching them, and they’d be eliminated nonetheless. They are going to die nonetheless. All those people…” his voice trailed off. Anne Jean-Louis described in harrowing detail her escape from the massacre.
I pulled myself together not to sleep on the street, I didn’t want to sleep at someone else’s house. If someone came and found me sleeping on their porch, they could beat me and I could die badly. I had already almost died. I managed to sleep in a corner of the hospital, on the ground behind a toilet.” Her brother Fadiné, also a member of Tèt Ansanm, was arrested. “They took him, they wounded him to the point that he was in the hospital. I tried to see him, then. Everyone was worried. They were already saying I’d been killed, that I wasn’t among the living anymore. They thought I was dead, and when they saw me on Friday they were shocked. As for Fadiné, he was inside the hospital, and there was no security. They were asking for members of the gwoupman in both the hospital and the prison. They blamed them for everything…. Their lives are in danger. They can’t sleep. People say there was a massacre on July 23, but that’s only when it started. It lasted Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. They kept killing people.” In the interview, Anne Jean-Louis said she had last seen her brother in the hospital. She wanted to know what had become of him, but she was afraid that if she reappeared, she would be arrested and killed.
“Many ostracized peasants became makouts or regime loyalists to renegotiate their disempowered status. After experiencing decades of political marginalization, many became attracted to the makout militia as a means to achieve self-realization in the Duvalier years. “Perhaps the most significant result of Duvalier's revolution,'' observed the historian David Nicholls, "will turn out to be the sense which was given to the mass of the peasants that they were really citizens and that what they did was important.” He continued, “If people are told 4 often enough that they are important, they may begin to believe it."3 Many peasants bought into the promises of the regime and joined the makout militia to defend their individual and communal interests. Peasants formed the bulk of Duvalier’s unpaid militia; they were what Michel-Rolph Trouillot referred to as "a consenting army of volunteers…because for the first time they were becoming citizens––acknowledged members of the nation. [SOURCE]
“If you’re mobilizing poor peasants to assert their rights, you aren’t going to make certain big families who have held political and economic power for more than forty years very happy, because they’re going to lose certain advantages, they’re not going to find workers to come and work their fields for only one or two gourdes [a few cents] anymore… They find that people are a little ‘disrespectful’ now, they find people aren’t docile anymore. The peasants have become a little too enlightened, and they say, ‘You, you’ve taken the blindfold of the peasants’ eyes.’ They don’t like that kind of work, obviously. They call that kind of work communism.” - Father Marie Vincent
Father Marie Vincent
A Roman Catholic priest who once saved the life of the Rev. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the fellow cleric who was later elected Haiti's President, was killed by automatic-weapon fire late Sunday a few feet from his order's house. The Rev. Jean-Marie Vincent, 49, the leader of a grass-roots peasant movement in Haiti's remote northwestern district, was a close friend of Father Aristide, now in exile after being ousted in a 1991 military coup. A priest in Father Vincent's order, the Congregation of Montfortin Fathers, said he was killed by unidentified gunmen in a jeep about 8:30 P.M. as he waited in a heavy rainstorm for a gate to be opened into the courtyard of the order's house.
Inter-Actualités Magazine, Special Report on Jean Rabel: Land Ownership, Anti-Communism, the Catholic Church, and Rumors, 16 August 1987
Three weeks after the massacre at Jean Rabel, the independent media is still forbidden to visit the area, so Jean Dominique sits with Michèle Pierre-Louis (who had recently visited the region as part of Mission Alpha) and agronomist Chavannes Jean-Baptiste (the founder of the Peasant Movement of Papaye) to discuss the aftermath of the massacre and the factors underpinning it. Pierre-Louis observes a great deal of hostility toward Jean-Marie Vincent and his missionary team among the peasants of Lacoma. But this hostility is the product of intentional strategy, one that the local landowners adopted when Tèt Ansanm’s ideology called into question existing social structure.
These landowners — threatened by the possibility of losing their traditional power amid post-Duvalier political change — have manipulated the peasants of the Jean Rabel area, pitting them against one another, currying favor with certain groups of peasants with promises of land redistribution and favoritism. They have created a situation, in Jean-Baptiste’s words, in which the “little dog eats the little dog, poor peasants are killing poor peasants just like themselves.” According to Jean-Baptiste, the landowners and their allies (including certain radio stations and the traditional Catholic Church) have been part of a misinformation campaign, accusing Jean-Marie Vincent of being a communist, creating a climate of fear in which peasants believe that communists are going to seize their land, homes, and possessions. Divisions within the Catholic Church — between the traditional, reactionary Church hierarchy and the “ti legliz” preaching liberation theology and promoting the rights of the poor dispossessed peasantry – are also responsible for the massacre, and, according to Jean-Baptiste, the Church should be held responsible. Interview Jean Dominique.
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Cartoon from Tèt Kole’s 1989 pamphlet commemorating the Jean Rabel massacre. Peasant farmers plan to cut down the tree of injustice and oppression with the axe of liberation. (Source: Radio Haïti Inter paper archive)
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Gwoupman tèt ansanm
Tèt Ansanm would later change its name to Tèt Ansanm Ti Peyizan Ayisyen, after it was no longer directly affiliated with the Catholic NGO Caritas.)
In July 1987, for example, peasant members of the Gwoupman Tèt Ansanm (GTA) in the northwest were victims of a violent conflict that came to be known as the Jean-Rabel Massacre. Leaders of GTA, including the radical leftist Père Vincent, portrayed the massacre as a result of a political attack led by former Duvalierists, local landed elites, and tonton makouts who were attempting to suppress popular movements in the northwest. Although originating from state- sponsored peasant councils that included a number of makouts, GTA, by the post-Duvalier period, grew into a leftist organization and opposed landed aristocrats and state predation. They were known for seizing elite-owned land, for occupying tax offices to stop unfair taxation, and for thwarting court judgments against peasants. [source]
Works with the smallest peasants, not even the medium-sized ones, because even within the peasant sector, enemies of the peasant use middle peasants to attack other peasants. We are organising for life, for survival, to move from absolute poverty to social change. Most of the peasants we work with are land-less. They either sell their labour or work as share-croppers. They have no decent housing, no schools for their children, poor health conditions. Both their social and their economic situations are extremely fragile. So our work is in popular education and consciousness-raising so that these small peasants can see the real root of their problems, analyse the causes, and come to demand that the state resolve these problems. The state offers them no services—no potable water, very few schools or health clinics, (and those there are in very bad shape), inadequate roads, no technical support for agricultural production, no electricity in many areas, no means of communication. Tèt Kole was born in this context.
« Konstitisyon se papye, bayonèt se fè »
. “Constitution is paper, bayonet is iron”
Remember, the United States had a perpetual goal to rid Latin America of Communism! * this is from the 1970’s.
Objectives (as stated in NSSM-70)
“Our objectives are to:
(1) Ensure that Haiti does not become a hostile military base under Communist control threatening the security of the U.S. (e.g., Cuban missile crisis).
(2) Prevent, to the extent politically feasible, Haiti from becoming a base or haven for subversion,anti-U.S. attitudes, extremism, and racism in the Caribbean.
(3) Protect U.S. lives.” - NSC Interdepartmental Group/Inter-American Affairs : Contingency Study for Haiti [Reviewed December, 1971]
« Okenn moun ki gen bon sans epi ki onèt pa kapab bliye imaj Nikòl Pwatvyen ki t ap bat lestomak an triyonfatè nan Televisyon Nasyonal pou te devwale san li pat rann li kont, veritab planifikatè ak òganizatè masak la. San okenn jèn, li te deklare ak kè kontan : « Nou menm nan kan ameriken an, nou tchwe 1042 kominis ! » »
Achiv masak Jan Rabel, 8 an aprè. J.J. Dominique
Alternative Title:
Les archives du massacre de Jean Rabel, huit ans après. J.J. Dominique || - Jean Rabel massacre archives, eight years later. J.J. Dominique || -
Radyo Ayiti fè yon rapèl sou masak Jan Rabel epi difize kèk ekstrè sonò Radyo Ayiti fè an 1987. Li gen ladan l yon manm ekip misyonè Jan Rabel k ap mande otorite yo ede viktim yo, kout lambi Tèt Kole te fè anvan masak la pete, epi yon viktim reskape ki dekri sa li te viv li menm epi ki mande otorite yo vin ede lòt moun ki poko mouri yo. Repòtaj J.J. Dominique.
Radio Haiti remembers the Jean Rabel massacre on the eighth anniversary and revisits their broadcasts from 1987. Includes a member of the missionary team in Jean Rabel calling on authorities to aid the victims of the massacre, Tèt Kole's "kout lambi" (call to action) that preceded the massacre, and the testimony of a member of Tèt Kole describing what she experienced and asking the authorities to help the other survivors. Report by J.J. Dominique.
Komemorasyon masak peyizan Janrabèl ak Mawotyè yo!
Yè 1987- 23 jiyè 2017, 30 lane depi atoufè sanfwanilwa te mare sosis yo ak grandon sou konplisite kèk otorite nan leta a pou yo etenn souf plis pase plizyè santèn ti peyizan ayisyen nan depatman Nòdwès la. Espesyalman nan komin Janrabèl, kote peyizan yo te òganize yo nan yon regwoupman, yo te rele : Tèt Ansanm, pou yo te mande tè pou yo travay, non sèlman kòm gwoup moun ki makònen ak tè men nan enterè depatman an [....] Yo fè konnen nan lane 2013 prezidan ki te la a Michel Martelly te deklare nan Raymond yon katye nan premye seksyon kominal komin Jan Rabèl « Li pral fè baraj pou dlo 3 rivye a, palmantè yo vote yon bidjè 320 milyon goud pou baraj la » Anyen pa janm fèt, sanble bandi Mateli yo te gagote kòb la. Manifestan yo denonse tou : nan bidjè rektifikatif 2017- 2018 la, gen lajan pou baraj rivyè bas, baraj dlo 3 rivyè a ankò, kòb pou wout Kafou jòf Pòdpè, yo swete lajan sa a tou pa gaspiye nan fè kanaval tribò e babò, nan fè touris nan peyi etranje jan sa te konn fèt sou Martelly. Popilasyon Nòdwès la pare yon po kann ak tout foumi pou yo,: se pou tout rezon sa yo, nou vin devan ministè agrikilti pou fòse otorite yo nan lajan yo mete nan bidjè 2017- 2018 pou yo fè aktivite pou moun Nòdwès yo, sitou sa nou sot site yo avan ane fiskal la fini.
Nòdwès nan mizè, pa gen manje, pa gen wout, fatra ap bay moun maladi ajoute sou sa pa menm gen yon bon lopital pou peyizan yo ale. Sa k pi rèd, jou ki te 21 Jiyè 2017 la, nan meri Jan Rabèl la otorite santral yo te prezan, yo te vin gade kijan pou yo fè eksplwatasyon min nan komin nan. Noumenm, nou konnen dega eksplwatasyon min fè nan divès peyi nan Amerik Latin lan sou lavi moun, sou anviwonman, konsekans li genyen sou dlo moun ap fonksyone, popilasyon Nòdwès te vote palmantè yo, se pa pou bagay sa yo, fòk yo pran responsablite yo nan enterè pèp Nòdwès la.
Nou tande gouvènman Jovenel/ Lafontan ap mete lame sou pye, nou konnen lame sa, se pou fè represyon sou popilasyon an, pou fasilite grandon yo kontinye pran tè ti peyizan, pou fasilite gran miltinasyonal yo vin fè zòn franch touristik, zòn franch agwo endistriyèl ak pwodui OGM pou fini ak tè ti peyizan yo, pou ti peyizan kontinye kite peyi a, al pase mizè kay vwazen epi mouri sasinen pirèd, nan Sendomeng, Chili, Brezil ak Taiwan. Nan kontèks sa TET KOLE TI PEYIZAN AYISYEN, ap kontinye renouvle angajmanl nan divès baz li prezan nan peyi a, pou mande bon jan akonpayman pou tipeyizan yon an peyi a, semans, bank agrikòl, irigasyon, bay peyizan yo tè pou yo plante pou olye prezidan ap mache likide tè agrikòl yo bay gwo milti nasyonal yo , pou plante plant pou fè kawotchyou, ak lòt pwodui pou y al itilize nan lòtbò dlo.
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netalkolemedia · 2 years ago
«Lanmou kreyòl », Wadner Peyizan envite n valorize valè ak kilti kreyòl 
Pèsòn pa doute de talan jèn atis sa k ap evolye nan endistri mizik ayisyen an depi kèk ane. Samdi premye oktòb 2022, Wadner Peyizan pwopoze ak piblik la nouvo mizik li ki gen pou tit “Lanmou kreyòl”. Yon mòso orijinal ki fè pwomosyon pou valè kiltirèl nou yo.  Jan sa te anonse, «Lanmou kreyòl » sòti ak tout videyo pandan jounen samdi premye oktòb la, kote tout moun kapab gen aksè ak pwojè sa sou…
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mizikpromo · 6 years ago
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Wadner Peyizan – Mwen Se Ayisyen
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touthaiti · 5 years ago
Brothers Posse feat D-Fi Tit: Ou pa chèf Si se konsa ou pa chèf pou pèp ayisyen Ou pa chèf (2 fwa) Pou moun Kafoufèy ou se trèt Ou pa chèf Pou Peyizan yo Ou pa chèf (2 fwa) Ou se trèt #touthaiti #Oupachèf #kato #JovenelMoïse #haiti #politics #corruption #corruptgovernment https://www.instagram.com/p/CDoW2NkAuoE/?igshid=reurzcdkn89x
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kiro-anarka · 5 years ago
Durante la pandemia, el Movimiento de Trabajadores Rurales sin Tierra (MST) fue noticia al donar 1,200 toneladas de alimentos, producidos en campamentos y asentamientos, a poblaciones vulnerables en Brasil. Las acciones de solidaridad, que ayudan a prevenir la escasez en medio de la crisis de salud, también tienen lugar fuera del país y comenzaron mucho antes del Covid-19.
Las brigadas internacionalistas del movimiento operan en otros dos países latinoamericanos, Haití y Venezuela, y también están presentes en Zambia, en el centro-sur de África.
En Haití
La Brigada Internacionalista Vía Campesina Brasil en Haití lleva el nombre de Jean-Jacques Dessalines, uno de los héroes de la revolución que condujo a la independencia del país en 1804.
El trabajo comenzó en enero de 2009 y se intensificó al año siguiente, después de un terremoto que mató a 316,000 personas y dejó a 1,2 millones de personas sin hogar en la capital, Puerto Príncipe, y las ciudades vecinas.
El MST contribuyó al envío de emergencia de alimentos producidos en Brasil, ayudó a implementar sistemas de recolección de agua y construyó un centro nacional de agroecología, que incluye un gallinero con capacidad para 7,000 pollos. La brigada Dessalines también comenzó a coordinar un banco de semillas de arroz, maíz y frijoles.
«El coronavirus se suma al contexto de crisis históricas y estructurales e intensifica una crisis de salud que ha sido grave desde los días del cólera», explica Paulo Henrique, activista del MST y miembro de la brigada. El país ya ha registrado 2.507 casos y 48 muertes por covid-19.
Según el militante, la elección del presidente Jovenel Moïse, en 2016, profundizó la inestabilidad política y la crisis económica, empeorando las condiciones de vida de la población y causando reacciones populares en todo el país.
“Es un gobierno que aplica la política neoliberal, con una economía que depende cada vez más del imperialismo de los Estados Unidos, y que en este escenario de pandemia no está haciendo nada para proteger a la población. En otras palabras, es un estado totalmente ausente de la vida del pueblo haitiano ”, critica.
Hoy, la brigada Dessalines opera en cuatro frentes. La primera dimensión es la producción de alimentos en asociación con Tet Kole ti Peyizan Ayisyen, un movimiento campesino que tiene como objetivo construir la soberanía alimentaria en Haití. Además, los brigadiers contribuyen en la distribución de plántulas a los campesinos, para estimular la reforestación y de las máscaras para la población en general.
El cuarto frente de acción son las articulaciones políticas con los movimientos populares que se organizan para luchar contra el régimen de Moïse.
En Venezuela
El trabajo del MST en Venezuela comenzó hace 15 años. La primera tarea fue apoyar la Revolución Bolivariana a través del entrenamiento político y el cultivo de alimentos saludables. La brigada lleva el nombre de Apolônio de Carvalho, un activista e intelectual brasileño que murió en 2005.
En medio de la guerra económica promovida por los Estados Unidos, que empeoró en medio de la pandemia, los miembros del MST trabajan para garantizar la soberanía alimentaria y prevenir la escasez.
La producción de semillas criollas y agroecológicas en el país vecino se lleva a cabo en asociación con el Estado venezolano y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO).
El nuevo coronavirus ha infectado a 1.819 venezolanos y hasta el momento ha causado 18 muertes en el país. Como el número de casos está bajo control, en comparación con los países vecinos, la salud alimentaria sigue siendo la prioridad.
El técnico agrícola Rafael Quiroga, activista del MST, trabaja en el estado de Mérida, en los municipios Andrés Bello y Campo Elías. “Nuestro trabajo aquí tiene como objetivo compartir conocimientos y experiencias en agroecología para la producción de semillas, vegetales y granos. Asesoramos a las familias en la producción, extracción, limpieza, secado y almacenamiento de semillas ”, dice.
“Tenemos un sueño para ayudar a construir una cooperativa similar a Bionatur, con una cara venezolana. Hemos aprendido mucho de las experiencias de lucha, resistencia y organización del pueblo venezolano ”, agrega Quiroga.
La ingeniera agrónoma Patricia Balbinotti trabaja en el municipio de El Maizál, en el estado de Lara, y cree que alentar la producción de alimentos saludables es una tarea central en la situación venezolana. «Estamos tratando de hacer un proceso de transición agroecológica, recuperando el suelo con el uso de fertilizantes orgánicos», informa el militante, que también lleva a cabo capacitación en agroecología para familias campesinas que viven en la comunidad.
En Zambia
La brigada internacionalista en Zambia lleva el nombre de Samora Machel, una revolucionaria que lideró la independencia en el país vecino, Mozambique, en 1975.
Zambia tiene oficialmente 1.089 infectados y 7 muertes por covid-19. La situación aparentemente está bajo control, pero puede haber un subregistro.
Los miembros de la brigada llaman la atención sobre el aumento en el número de muertes diagnosticadas con SIDA y gripe, por ejemplo. Es decir, es posible que la baja inmunidad de las personas VIH positivas haya aprovechado el número de muertes por coronavirus. Al definir los casos como gripe, el gobierno estaría subestimando el problema.
Durante una cuarentena fuertemente militarizada, los activistas del MST básicamente actúan en la distribución de semillas y equipos de salud, descuidados por el gobierno, y en articulaciones políticas para proteger los derechos de los campesinos. La semana pasada, la brigada donó al Partido Socialista de Zambia, la principal fuerza de oposición progresiva del país, 400 litros de desinfectante para manos y 400 máscaras de tela, que se distribuirán en las periferias.
De los 17 millones de habitantes, más del 10% vive en la capital, Lusaka. El país tiene pocas áreas urbanas, que concentran el 44% de la población. Las ciudades tienen mal saneamiento y acceso al agua. Las familias dependen de la economía informal y generalmente viven en grupos, lo que aumenta el riesgo de contaminación.Contrariamente a las pautas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) e ignorando el aumento en la curva de casos de covid-19, el gobierno facilitó las medidas de aislamiento hace unos días, autorizando la apertura de restaurantes, bares, parques, salones de belleza y gimnasios. . El coordinador de la brigada y activista del MST, Fabio Pimentel, agrega que ya se ha señalado la posibilidad de regresar a clases en las universidades y de reanudar parcialmente las actividades en las escuelas públicas.En el área rural, la brigada argumenta que el Estado debe garantizar políticas para la compra pública de la producción campesina, con el debido cuidado para proteger a los agricultores.Casi el 55% de los zambianos vive en la pobreza extrema y solo el 46% tiene acceso al agua potable. La esperanza de vida es de 59 años, y el 12,4% de las personas de entre 15 y 49 años son portadoras del virus del VIH.
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paulosouzanoticias · 5 years ago
MST keeps solidarity initiatives in Africa and Latin America during the pandemic
During the pandemic, the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST by its Brazilian Portuguese acronym) made the news for donating 1.2 tons of foods produced in their camps and settlements to the vulnerable populations in Brazil. The solidarity initiatives, which help to avoid shortages during the health crisis, also took place abroad, and started way before the covid-19 pandemic.
The movement's internationalist brigades work in other two Latin American countries, Haiti and Venezuela, and are also present in Zambia, in South Central Africa. 
Brazil's Via Campesina Internationalist Brigade in Haiti was named after Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of the revolutionary heroes who fought for the country's independence in 1804.
Their work started in January 2009 and was intensified in the following year, after an earthquake killed 316 thousand people and left 1.2 million people without shelter in the capital Port-au-Prince and other neighboring towns.
Food sovereignty is one of Haiti's most urgent needs / Dessalines Internationalist Brigade
The MST has contributed by sending emergency food packages produced in Brazil, helping to implement water collection systems, and building a national center of agroecology - including a hen house with a full capacity for 7 thousand hens. The Dessalines brigade also started to run a bank of rice, corn, and bean seeds. 
"Coronavirus comes into a context of historical and structural crises, intensifying a public health crisis that has been severe since the times of cholera," explains Paulo Henrique, MST activist and member of the brigade. The country has already reported 2,507 Covid-19 cases and 48 deaths.  
According to the activist, the election of Jovenel Moïse in 2016 has worsened the political instability and economic crisis, affecting the population's quality of life, causing popular demonstrations across the country. 
"It's a government that implemented a neoliberal agenda, with an economy depending even more on the US imperialism, which during this pandemic is not doing anything to protect the population. In other words, the State is absolutely absent from the lives of Haitians," he criticizes. 
Today, the Dessalines brigade works on four fronts. The first axis is the production of food in partnership with Tet Kole ti Peyizan Ayisyen, a peasant movement that fights for food sovereignty in Haiti. Besides that, the brigade also helps in the distribution of seedlings, stimulating reforesting, as well as masks to the population. 
The fourth front works on political mobilization with organized popular movements against Moïse's regime.
Activists expose social movements' flags that carry out solidarity actions in Haiti / Dessalines Internationalist Brigade
The MST work in Venezuela started 15 years ago. Their first task was to help the Bolivarian Revolution with political education, as well as to grow healthy food. The brigade is named after Apolônio de Carvalho, a Brazilian intellectual and activist who died in 2005. 
Amid the economic war promoted by the US, which has been aggravated in the pandemic, MST members work to guarantee food sovereignty and avoid shortages in the country. 
The production of native and agro-ecological seeds in the country is conducted in partnership with the Venezuelan state, as well as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 
The new coronavirus has infected 1,819 venezuelans and caused 18 deaths in the country up until now. Since the number of cases is under control, at least in comparison to neighboring states, the food health of the country remains a priority.
Since 2009 MST activists are in Haiti / Dessalines Internationalist Brigade
The agricultural technician Rafael Quiroga, MST activist, works in the state of Merida, in the municipalities of Andres Bello and Campos Elías. "Our work here aims at sharing knowledge and experience in agroecology for the production of seeds, greens, and grains. We assist the families in the production of seeds, extraction, cleaning, drying and stocking," he reports. 
"We have a dream to help them create a co-op similar to Bionatur, with a Venezuelan identity. We have learned a lot from the stories of struggle, resistance, and organization of the Venezuelan people," adds Quiroga. 
The agronomist Patricia Balbinotti works in the El Maizál commune, in the state of Lara, and believes that the stimulus to the production of healthy food is central to the Venezuelan scenario. "We are trying to implement a process of agroecological transition, recovering the soil with organic compost," says the activist, who also works with the peasant families who live in the community. 
The Internationalist Brigade in Zambia is named after Samora Machel, a revolutionary that led Mozambique's independence in 1975. 
Zambia has 1,089 official covid-19 cases and 7 deaths. The situation is apparently under control, but undercounting must be factored in. 
Members of the brigade also call attention to the growth in the number of people dying from HIV/Aids and the flu, for instance. It is possible that hiv positive people's lower immunity has aggravated the number of deaths by coronavirus - by stating the cause of death as the flu, the government could be underestimating the problem. 
During a heavily militarized quarantine, MST activists work mostly on the distribution of seeds and healthcare equipment, which has been neglected by the local government, as well as on political mobilizations to protect peasants' rights. Last week, the brigade donated 400 liters of hand sanitizer and 400 masks to the Socialist Party of Zambia - the most important progressive force in the country's opposition. The donations will be distributed in the outskirts of the country. 
Out of the 17 million inhabitants, more than 10% live in the capital of Lusaka. The country has very few urban areas, which concentrate 44% of the population. The cities have precarious sewage systems and access to water. The families rely on an informal economy and are used to living in clusters, which increases risk of contamination.
MST and Socialist Party of Zambia / Samora Machel Internationalist Brigade
Going against the World Health Organization (WHO) protocols and ignoring the rise in the number of covid-19 cases, the government eased social isolation measures a few days ago, authorizing the opening of restaurants, bars, parks, beauty salons, and gyms. The brigade coordinator and MST activist, Fabio Pimentel, adds that there is also the possibility of reopening universities, as well as a partial return of public school activities.  
In the rural areas, the brigade defends that the State guarantees public policies to buy products from the peasants, given that necessary measures have been taken to protect workers' lives.
Almost 55% of Zambians live in extreme poverty and only 46% of the population has access to clean water. Life expectancy is 59 and 12,% of the people between 15 and 49 are HIV positive. 
MST keeps solidarity initiatives in Africa and Latin America during the pandemic foi publicado primeiro em: https://www.brasildefato.com.br/
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jakonews · 6 years ago
#Haiti: Haïti-Économie : L'organisation Tèt kole ti peyizan ayisyen dénonce un projet gouvernemental d'accaparement des terres des paysans https://t.co/i9TuQeqSDa pic.twitter.com/M0aBNGK8w4
— Le JAKO de l'île! 🇭 (@TwitJAKO) April 16, 2019
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paroissedumont · 1 year ago
Kesyon enflasyon ak lavichè lan peyi dayiti se koz yon banm faktè ekonomik. Depi yon peyi pa kapab kontrole pwodiksyon nasyonal li epi pwoteje agrikiltè l kont prodwi k ap soti lan peyi vwazen yo, se nòmal pou gen presyon sou mache deviz etranje yo paske tout komesan ak biznisman bezwen dola pou komande machandiz lan peyi lotbòdlo.
Vin jwenn enstablite politik kwonik, ensekirite ak dezekilib finansye lan balans komesyal kote Ayiti enpote plis pwodwi ak byen konsomasyon olye li ekspòte byen ak sevis lan lòt peyi eteranje. Tout bagay sa yo vin ekzese presyon sou aktivite ekonomik yo ki vin rann goud devalye pa rapò ak lot deviz etranje yo.
Selon tout analiz ekonomik, lan peyi ki genyen kriz politik konstan epi pa genyen travay pou moun gen kapasite jwenn lajan pou depanse se nòmal ap genyen enflasyon ak lavichè pou moun ki pòv yo. Lan ekonomi depi òf la pa koresponn ak demand lan se enflasyon li kreye e tout moun sibi konsekans lan.
Nou rekonèt leta pa genyen mwayen pou jwenn solisyon ak kriz multidimansyonel k ap demantibile ekomoni peyi a. Sa vle di mwayen ekonomik yo pa pèmet otorite leta yo enjekte dola meriken sou mache a pou redwi degringolad goud la devan biyet vêt blan meriken an. Vin jwenn abitan lan kominote riral yo refize travay latè pou ogmante pwodiksyon nasyonal la san konte bank lan peyi a pa prete klas mwayenn lan lajan pou fè komès yo, se plis komès vann dola sou mache paralèl la pou fé benefis. Sityasyon sa pa ede frennen devalyasyon lajan ayisyen an san konte koripsyon ki genyen lan sistem finansye peyi a.
Li enpotan pou tout moun konnen lè diaspora voye yon transfè lajan pou yon fanmi ann Ayiti lajan transfè a pa vini touswit e se aprè bank lan oubyen mezon transfè yo jwenn lajan an. Si genyen rarte pou jwenn dola sou mache a gouvèneèbank santral la pa kapab ekzije bank prive ak biwo transfè yo bay lajan lan an dola meriken. Se nòmal pou li mande yo pou remet lajan transfè a lan monnen nasyonal peyi a.
Pou rezoud problèm sa ki koze anpil domaj pou ekonomi nasyonal la, li enpotan pou genyen yon establite politik kote gen yon rejim ki kapab establize degringolad goud la. Fòk peyizan nou yo kontinye travay late pou ogmante pwodiksyon nasyonal la. Otorite ki lan gouvennman santral la dwe chache pwoteje agrikiltè e ankouraje sitwayen yo konsome pwodwi lokal yon mannye pou evite presyon fet sou aktivite ekonomik yo.
Toutotan kriz politik, enstitisyonel, sekiritè e konstitisyonel yo pa rive rezoud mas pèp la kontinye ap monte maswife ak lavichè, ensekirite, chomaj, koripsyon e vyolans elatrye. Nou kapab remake diaspora e touris pa rantre lan peyi a pou vin depanse lajan yo akoz ensekirite ak zak kidnapping k ap dekapitalize lafanmiyklas mwayènn lan.
Chomaj lakoz anpil detrès lan mitan fanmiy e anpil antrepriz oblije fèmen pòt yo e voye anpil jennfi ak jenn gason lan chomaj. Vin jwenn koripsyon ki blayi lan administrasyon piblik kote kriminel mete tèt ansanm ak otorite lan pouvwa a pou agrave kondisyon sosyoekonomik pèp ayisyen..
Nou rete kwè se pa demen problèm enflasyon ak lavichè ap jwenn yon solisyon dirab. Pou sitwayen k ap reflechi, se sèl yon rejim estab ki kapab frennen gaspiyaj ak koripsyon pou pèmet peyi a jwenn yon souf.
Tout moun ki t ap mande tranzisyon yo, anpil lan yo ap jwi avantaj gouvennman an e se sèl mas pèp la k ap sibi konsekans dirijan politik san kolonn vetebral nou yo. Pou n rezime gouvènè bank santral la pa kapab rezoud problèm devalyasyon goud la san establite politik kote tout enstitisyon yo ap fonksyone nomalman.
Sityasyon difisil peyi dayiti jodia se koz oganizasyon politik ki ekziste yo pa genyen yon pwoje sosyete chifre e vyab ki kapab reponn ak revandikasyon mas pèp la. Chak moun ki konn li ak ekri dwe batay pou lave je pèp la pou yo sispann vote pou kandida fatra san vizyon ki vle dirije enstitisyon nou yo san konpetans ak kalifikasyon.
Se batay sa pou chak militan patriyòt dwe mennen sou rezo sosyal yo pou kwape tout malfra kriminel kowonpi ki ta vle vin bay pèp la panzou lan pwochenn eleksyon ki gen pou fèt yo lan peyi a. Se responsablite chak entelektyel ki vle goumen pou peyi a pa tombe plis lan tyouboum.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Juriste haïtien | Spécialiste en droit civil
Maître en sciences de développement
Éditeur de Port-Salut Magazine ! La voix de Dumont
Solidarité paysanne | PDG de Dumont Inter 103.1 FM Stéréo
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port-salut · 6 years ago
Pale yon lang se pa selman yon zouti kominikasyon pou yon gwoup moun ki pataje menm valè e menm kilti. Se yon mwayen ki pèmèt yon gwoup sitwayen kominike antre yo epitou ki tabli idantite yo kòm pèp k ap viv lan yon sosyete. Se yon mwayen tou ki pèmèt yo reflechi, panse, opine, analize e kritike lan anvironnman yo.
Lang se yon zouti ki pèmet yon pèp esprime mès, valè, tradisyon ak kilti li. Anpeche yon popilasyon pale lang li ou byen aji yon fason pou meprize lang yon majorite sitwayen k ap evolye lan yon sosyete se yon krim ki merite pini. Lè se manman lwa yon peyi a ki konsakre 2 lang ofisyèl e otorite yo chwazi privilejye lang kolon yo epi yo refize kreye zouti pou fè pwomosyon lang mas pèp la, aksyon sa konsidere kòm vyolasyon dwa lengwistik yon pèp.
Pliske otorite yo genyen pou misyon proteje tout dwa fondamantal ki lan konstitisyon an, vyole dwa lengwistik yon gwoup moun ann Ayiti konsidere kòm vyolasyon dwa konstitisyonel pèp ayisyen. Atik 5 konstitisyon an rekonet lang franse ak lang kreyòl kom 2 lang ofisyel peyi dayiti. Menm atik sa rekonèt se lang kreyol la ki simante pèp ayisyen youn ak lot.
Nou konnen lan peyi dayiti mesye/dam palmantè yo ki lan Palman akoz vòt popilasyon an pap travay lan enterè mas pèp la. Malgré atik 5 konstitisyon an ki rekonnet 2 lang ofisyèl, se senpman lwa sou akademi kreyòl ou kapab jwenn ki te pibliye lan lang majorite nasyonal la. Nou pa bezwen ale pilwen, konstitisyon 87 la pat pibliye an Kreyòl e tradiksyon ki genyen an pat adopte lan Palman an ni pibliye lan jounal ofisyèl repiblik la « Le Moniteur ».
Sa vle di vèsyon kreyòl konstitisyon 87 la pa genyen menm fòs jiridik ak vèsyon franse a. Okenn avoka pa kapab envoke yon atik lan vèsyon kreyòl la pou fè respekte dwa kliyan li lan yon pwosedi sivil, penal ou komesyal. Fok nou di tou menm amandman konstitisyon an ki te sòti lan ane 2011 pat pibliye lan lang kreyòl ki se mwayen kominikasyon majorite sitwayen ayisyen. Okenn lwa ki konesène mas pèp la ak peyizan yo pa pibliye lan lang kreyòl lan jounal ofisyèl « Le Moniteur ».
An reyalite, Palman an pa vin regle anyen pou moun ki pòv yo nan peyi dayiti. Lè nou gade kantite lajan Palman sa koute administrasyon piblik, si li pa ekziste anko, pèp la t ap pran yon gwo souf lan pwoblèm mizè l ap travèse chak jou bondye mete. Depi adopsyon konstitisyon 87 la nou pa kwe genyen yon legislati ki founi yon rezilta satisfezan lan enterè moun k ap viv lan geto yo lan katye popilè yo ak milye peyizan yo.
Mesye/dam palmantè yo konnen djob yo se fè e vote lwa. Si yo te panse ak moun ki te vote pou yo, pifo ladan yo konnen se lang kreyòl la ki se sel lang ki simante pèp ayisyen. Pouki rezon pa genyen yon sèvis tradiksyon tout tèks pwojè-lwa k ap prezante devan Palman an? Pouki rezon okenn palmantè pa janm soulve kesyon prezante tout pwojè-lwa lan 2 lang ofisyèl yo.
Lè nou gade lan peyi dayiti se 15% sitwayen ki pale fransè chak jou, 30 % kapab pale e konprann fransè e 55% konprann kreyòl selman eske se pa enjistis yo fe majorite popilasyon k ap viv sou teritwa nasyonal la. Li enpotan pou n reflechi sou veritab problèm peyi dayiti, moun ap kondane devan lajistis lan yon lang li pa konprann. Sitwayen ap kontinye pran imilyasyon lan administrasyon piblik lè li pa pale fransè ki se lang kolon ki te toupizi zansèt pèp ayisyen.
Eske li pa enpotan pou n reflechi sou dwa lengwistik pèp ayisyen? Lan analiz pa nou, atik 5 konstitisyon an tabli dwa lengwistik pèp ayisyen ki se yon dwa fondamantal. Si lang yon pèp se idantite l, e se mak fabrik li ki detemine kiyès li ye nou pa kapab konprann anpil moun ki genyen prejije paske yon lot pale senpman kreyòl. Se lang kreyòl ki meyè zouti pou fè edikasyon pèp la e sa ki pèmet li eksprime mès, tradisyon kiltirèl li. Se zouti sa sitwayen yo genyen pou yo revandike dwa yo devan fonksyonè reyaksyonè k ap travay lan enstitisyon leta yo ki kontinye ap bafwe dwa konstitisyonel pèp la.
Enjistis la ankò pi rèd, otorite lan pouvwa santral la asepte pran dekrè-lwa lan lang franse pou oganize kolektivite yo. Aloske anpil otorite ki eli yo lan kolektivite riral yo pa fin konprann franse e anpil ladan yo pa konn li. Eske nou panse sosyete sa genyen yon kote li prale ak dirijan ki lan tèt pouvwa piblik lan peyi dayiti. Pa genyen okenn fomasyon politik ki panche sou problèm reyèl ki andikape devlopman sosyete a. Tout dirijan reve pran pouvwa san yon pwojè sosyete chifre paske pouvwa egal richès ak pwisans la peyi dayiti.
Nou kwè li enpotan anpil pou tout sitwayen ki renmen peyi li chita reflechi ansanm ak lot sou veritab problèm sosyete nou an si n swete l vanse lan chimen pwogrè ak devlopman. Fòk nou pa bliye okenn etranje pa genyen enterè devlope peyi dayiti. Okenn oganizasyon entènasyonal pa genyen entansyon amelyore kondisyon sosyoekonomik pèp la. Se sel sitwayen ayisyen (diaspora ak lokal) ki konsyan reyalite moun pòv yo, ki dwe fè solidarite ak lot pou n kapab boujonnen lespwa pou fanmi ki toujou ap konfwonte lavichè ak chomaj lan peyi dayiti.
Pou nou menm militan kreyòl, li enpòtan pou n pran aksyon an jistis kont leta lan tribinal pou n fè l respèkte dwa lengwistik popilasyon an k ap sibi enjistis ak diskriminasyon lan administrasyon piblik la.
Òganizasyon dwa moun yo dwe konprann lang yon pèp fè se nanm li, se fyete l idantite ak istwa l e se yon dwa fondamantal kòm tout lòt dwa li genyen pou l chwazi lang li pi metrize pou yo jije li.
An règ nòmal ta dwè genyen pinisyon ak domaj enterè ki akòde pou tout moun ki kondane lan yon tribinal ki vyole dwa lengwistik yon Ayisyen. Se dwa tout sitwayen pou yo genyen  yon pwosè san fòs kote lè yo akize pou yon deli oubyen yon krim kelkonk.
Pwosedi ki fèt lan tribinal yo dwe fèt lan yon lang  sitwayen an kapab konprann. Tout moun ki sibi yon pwosè lan lang franse e ki kondane ta dwe ale an apèl desisyon an pou vyolasyon dwa lengwistik ki se yon dwa garanti lan konstitisyon 87 la.
  Jean-Marie Mondésir
Juriste haïtien | Spécialiste en droit civil
Maîtrise en sciences du développement
Citoyen engagé de Dumont/Port-Salut
Éditeur : magazine.port-salut.org
Dumont.port-salut.net | radio.port-salut.org
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netalkolemedia · 2 years ago
Kriz sosyo pilitik : Fritz Alphonse Jean mande pou gen yon konsansis politik  
Biwo Kominikasyon Fritz Alphonse Jean, prezidan eli akò Montana a, nan yon kominike fè konnen lidè a ap kontinye diskisyon politik ak aktè nan sosyete sivil la, operatè ekonomik, pati politik, ayisyen nan dyaspora a, òganizasyon peyizan ak tout fòs reprezantan sosyete a ak kominote entènasyonal la pou jwenn yon konsansis politik pou abòde kriz sistemik sa peyi a ap fè fas jounen…
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paroissedumont · 3 years ago
Kesyon enflasyon ak laviche lan peyi dayiti se koz yon banm fakte ekonomik. Depi yon peyi pa kapab kontrole pwodiksyon nasyonal li epi pwoteje agrikilte kont prodwi kap soti lan peyi vwazen yo, se nomal pou gen presyon sou mache deviz etranje yo paske tout komesan ak biznisman bezwen dola pou komande machandiz lan peyi lotbodlo.
Vin jwenn enstablite politik kwonik, ensekirite ak dezekilib finansye lan balans komesyal kote Ayiti enpote plis pwodwi ak byen konsomasyon olye li ekspote byen ak sevis lan lot peyi. Tout bagay sa yo vin ekzese presyon sou aktivite ekonomik yo ki vin rann goud devalye pa rapo ak lot deviz etranje yo.
Selon tout analiz ekonomik, lan peyi ki genyen kriz politik konstan epi pa genyen travay pou moun gen kapasite jwenn lajan pou depanse se nomal ap genyen enflasyon ak laviche pou moun ki pov yo. Lan ekonomi depi of la pa koresponn ak demand lan se enflasyon li kreye e tout moun sibi konsekans lan.
Nou rekonet leta pa genyen mwayen pou jwenn solisyon ak kriz multidimensyonel kap démantibile peyi dayiti. Sa vle di mwayen ekonomik yo pa pemet otorite leta yo enjekte dola meriken sou mache a pou redwi dégringolad goud la devan biyet vêt b’an meriken an. Vin jwenn abitan lan kominote riral yo refize travay late pou ogmante pwodiksyon nasyonal la san konte bank lan peyi a pa prete klas mwayenn lan lajan pou fé komes yo, se plis komes vann dola sou mache paralel la pou fé benefis. Sityasyon sila pa ede frennen devalyasyon lajan ayisyen an san konte koripsyon ki genyen lan sistem finansye peyi a.
Li enpotan pou tout moun konnen le diaspora voye yon transfe lajan pou yon fanmi ann Ayiti lajan transfe a pa vini touswit e se apre bank lan oubyen mezon transfe yo jwenn lajan an. Si genyen rarte pou jwenn dola sou mache a gouvene bank santral la pa kapab ekzije bank privé ak biwo transfe yo bay lajan lan an dola meriken. Se nomal pou li mande yo pou remet lajan transfe a lan monnen nasyonal peyi a.
Pou rezoud problèm sa ki koze anpil domaj pou ekonomi nasyonal la, li enpotan pou genyen yon establite politik kote gen yon rejim ki kapab establize dégringolad goud la. Fok peyizan nou yo kontinye travay late pou ogmante pwodiksyon nasyonal la. Otorite ki lan gouvennman santral la dwe chache proteje agrikilte e ankouraje sitwayen yo konsome prodwi lokal yon mannye pou evite presyon fet sou aktivite ekonomik yo.
Toutotan kriz politik, enstitisyonel, sekirite e konstitisyonel yo pa rive rezoud mas pep la kontinye ap monte masife ak laviche, ensekirite, chomaj, koripsyon e vyolans elatrye. Nou kapab remake diaspora e touris pa rantre lan peyi dayiti pou vin depanse lajan yo akoz ensekirite ak zak kidnapping kap dekapitalize fanmiy klas mwayenn lan.
Chomaj lakoz anpil detres lan mitan fanmiy e anpil antrepriz oblije femen pot yo e voye anpil jennfi ak jenn gason lan chomaj. Vin jwenn koripsyon ki blayi lan administrasyon piblik kote kriminel mete tet ansanm ak otorite lan pouvwa a pou agrave kondisyon sosyoekonomik pep ayisyen..
Nou rete kwe se pa demen problèm enflasyon ak laviche ap jwenn yon solisyon dirab. Pou sitwayen k ap reflechi, se sel yon rejim estab ki kapab frennen gaspiyaj ak koripsyon pou pemet peyi a jwenn yon souf.
Tout moun ki t ap mande tranzisyon yo, anpil lan yo ap jwi avantaj gouvennman an e se sel mas pep la kap sibi konsekans dirijan politik san kolonn vetebral nou yo. Pou n rezime gouvene bank santral la pa kapab rezoud problèm devalyasyon goud la san establite politik kote tout enstitisyon yo ap fonksyone nomalman.
Sityasyon difisil peyi dayiti jodia se koz oganizasyon politik ki ekziste yo pa genyen yon pwoje sosyete chifre e vyab ki kapab reponn ak revandikasyon mas pep la. Chak moun ki konn li ak ekri dwe batay pou lave je pep la pou yo sispann vote pou kandida fatra san vizyon ki vle dirije enstitisyon nou yo.
Se bagay sa pou chak militan patriyot dwe mennen sou rezo sosyal yo pou kwape tout malfra kriminel kowonpi ki ta vle vin bay pep la panzou lan pwochenn eleksyon ki genyen pou fet yo lan peyi a. Se responsablite chak entelektyel ki vle goumen pou peyi a pa tombe plis lan tyouboum.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Juriste haïtien | Spécialiste en droit civil
Maître en sciences de développement
Éditeur de Port-Salut Magazine
Solidarité paysanne
La voix de Dumont
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port-salut · 3 years ago
Bel solidarite antre Ayisyen se sa ki vale fondamental nou. Li enpotan pou chak moun pote kole selon mwayen yo genyen pou ede lot ki viktim katastwof natirel sa. Fok nou pa janm bliye se pataj, antred, konbit, solidarite, respe ak onetete ki vale kominote peyizan yo. Ann kontinye kole zepol ak lot viktim goudougoudou ki sot pase lan depatman sid ki rann anpil moun sinistre, blese e yo ap soufri anpil lan okazyon difisil sa.
Li enpotan pou n konprann tout ed peyi dayiti ap jwenn koulye a se pou yon tan ki pa trop long. Aprè kektan se responsab yo ki dwe pran responsablite yo e adopte bon jan mezi pou ede popilasyon an rekonstwi kay yo epi bay yo mwayen pou reprann aktivite yo. Fok genyen bon mizanplas ki fet pou moun ki sinistre yo lan kolektivite ki touche yo kapab jwenn yon ti grapday pou kontinye viv ekzistans yo.
Pou genyen yon meye gesyon ed ak asistans kap rantre lan gransid la li ta bon pou otorite mete oganizasyon pou distrisyon ed ak sipo kominote entenasyonal la. Pou nou, li enpotan pou direksyon proteksyon sivil rive kominike ak komite lokal, kominal e depatmantal proteksyon sivil pou idantifye kantite moun ki touche lan goudougoudou a san konte moun ki sibi domaj tanpet grace la. Fok chak komite sila yo travay ak otorite lokal yo pou fé distribisyon ed ak sipo jwenn lanmen gouvennman pou moun ki sinistre yo kapab rale yon souf.
Nou aprann premye minis Ariel Henri deklare li pral distribye lajan direk bay moun ki sinistre yo. Peyi dayiti pa ekipe ase pou rive itilize estrateji sa sitou kondisyon difisil sa anpil moun an detres psikolojik. Nou kwe se pa yon metod kap efikas paske kapab genyen anpil magouye kap itilize estrateji pou vole kob veritab sinistre yo epi moun ki viktim pap jwenn anyen. Nou ta konseye pou otorite lokal, kominal e depatmantal travay ansanm ak komite proteksyon sivil yo pou idantifye bezwen e fe demach pou jwenn ed ki reponn ak bezwen tout moun ki lan nesesite yo.
Swiv nou sou La voix de Dumont
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port-salut · 4 years ago
Le n ap gade aktyalite politik peyi dayiti e nou mande tet nou eske mo sa yo : patriyot e nasyonalis ekziste lan vokabile dirijan politik ayisyen yo. Nou ta renmen mande akte kap dirije gwoup presyon yo ki rele pati politik san tet, san ko, san pwoje e san demokrasi lan mitan yo eske yo panse ak entere peyi a?
Eske yo panse ak mize popilasyon an kap travese tray ak laviche, chomaj e matrakaj medyatik. Nou remake anpil neg pa vle we prezidan Jovenel Moise konmsi li se yon prezidan avi. Chak jou yo ap mande pou li kite pouvwa e li rete red ap kontinye fe travay li konmsi enstitisyon yo pa ekziste.
Nou genyen enpresyon anpil dirijan politik ap chache mwayen pou solda étranje rantre lan peyi a pou yo kapab vin maspinen pep ayisyen an. Nou pa rive konprann yon bann dirijan politik ap batay kont Jovenel depi 4 tran san rezilta epi yo pa janm chanje estrateji pou atenn objektif yo.
Tout enstitisyon ak sosyete sivil mete ansanm pou fose prezidan an kite pouvwa le 7 fevrye 2021. Jodia se 8 avril li kanpe pi red lan pale nasyonal epi li konte oganize referandom pou yon lot konstisyon kap pemet establite lan peyi a. Pouki rezon dirijan yo pa travay pou diskite sou pwoje a yon mannye pou fose komite konsiltatif endepandan pote modifikasyon sou pwoje a. Si yo se demokrat li tap bon pou yo fe kanpay kont pwoje a pou yo kapab ranpote laviktwa sou prezidan Jovenel.
Pale anpil lan radyo ak medya sosyo, kritike rejim lan e kontinye simaye divizyon lan peyi a se pa yon solisyon ki efikas. Si pep la lan 10 depatman peyi a chwazi adopte nouvo konstitisyon an, se chat fondamental sa ki pral gouvene enstitisyon lan sosyete nou an. Se ap konstitisyon peyi a e se pa Jovenel Moise ki pral benefisye li.
Pou moun kap reflechi, anpil dirijan politik ki chita lan potoprens yo genyen pou kriye led si se konsa yap kontinye fe politik paske pep la pap janm fe yo konfyans. We pa we prezidan an ap kite pouvwa 7 fevrye 2022. Kouman yo konte oganize yo pou pran pouvwa apre Jovenel kite prezidans lan. Si pep souvren an adopte nouvo konstitisyon an, mouvman lavalas kapab retounen ak Jean Bertrand Aristide. Mouvman lavalas genyen tout entere pou gonfle ponyet yo pou reprann pouvwa apre 7 fevrye 2022.
Patryot ak nasyonalis ki renmen peyi a dwe simaye tolerans ak respe pou rekonstwi peyi dayiti. Nou dwe konstate se peyi dayiti kap anrichi repiblik dominikani. Chaktan genyen enstabilite, moun ki genyen mwayen se sendomeng yo al depanse lajan yo. Nou dwe konstate touris pa antre e aktivite ekonomik yo paralize e chomaj vin plis ogmante.
Fok nou konnen apre Jovenel Moise nou genyen yon peyi pou n rekonstwi. Batay pou pouvwa se plis soufrans li mete pou mas yo lan bidonvil yo ak peyizan nou yo. Nou envite tout patryot reflechi sou degrigolad nasyon an ak ensekirite, laperez, grangou lanvant ak fristrasyon. Si nou refize pran konsyans n ap kontribye lan kwaze peyi a, listwa genyen pou jije non selman rejim lan ak tout akte politik ki swete pran pouvwa lan peyi dayiti.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Citoyen angaje Dumont
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paroissedumont · 5 years ago
Nou tout rekonet peyi dayiti ap rantre lan trou byenfon chak jou bondye mete e nou tout kwaze debra nou nap gade kisa kap fet pou redrese sa. Lan radio, televizyon e rezo sosyal yo nou tande koze Koripsyon, gaspiyaj byen leta, ensekirite, chomaj, povrete fanmi elatrye. Nou tout konnen difikilte peyi a ap travese e nou prefere chita ap kritike deye yon telefonn e nou pa janm diskite pou jwenn solisyon ak problèm nou rankontre lan anvironnman nou. Nou refize mete ansanm pran aksyon ki posib pou chanje kondisyon lavi nou. Chak Ayisyen kap viv lan peyi a tounen yon lenmi pou nasyon an akoz movez gouvenans otorite lan administrasyon piblik yo.
Anpil jenn panse yo pa genyen espwa pou amelyore kondisyon lavi yo lan peyi dayiti. Nou ap gade kisa yo fe pou tante chanje kondisyon sosyoekonomik fanmi yo. Nou konstate tout moun ap tann yon djob lan administrasyon leta. Anpil moun ap fe politik kritike dirijan ki lan pouvwa paske y ap chache soutni yon kandida pou yo kapab jwenn yon djob.
Lan kondisyon nou we genyen anpil difikilte pou leta ranpli tout obligasyon li genyen, eske yon dirijan politik dwe kontinye ap kritike lot san pote solisyon ak problèm mas yo. Selon tout analiz pa genyen youn lan tout sa ki ekziste yo ki kapab amelyore kondisyon sosyoekonomik mas la pou kont li. Li enpotan pou dirijan oganizasyon politik yo koumanse reflechi sou kisa ki dwe fet pou chanje kondisyon povrete pep la.
Pou nou menm, chak dirijan oganizasyon politik dwe pwopoze lide sou sa kap bon pou nasyon an. Yo dwe chita ansanm pou diskite kouman yo dwe dako pou chanje konstitisyon peyi a. Kisa ki dwe fet pou ranfose ekonomi peyi a. Ki mezi ki dwe pran pou ogmante pouvwa acha moun kap travay yo. Kouman nou dwe fe pou ankouraje pwodiksyon agrikol, rezoud pwoblem ensekirite, laviche, chomaj jenn yo, provrete lan katye popile yo ak milye peyizan an.
Nou konstate anpil moun rete sou WhatsApp ap kritike dirijan ki genyen pouvwa e lapli ap tonbe nou refize plante pou n rekolte. Anpil lan nou se peyizan e nou konnen pwa, mayi, pitimi ak banann pa pran anpil pou donnen. Nou tout abandone late ak elvaj epi nap plenyen laviche ak chomaj. Nou prefere vann moso te nou genyen pou achte moto epi nou espere leta pral amelyore kondisyon lavi nou. Si nou pa vle pran konsyans se nou menm kap anrichi dominikani se zafe ki gade nou paske pandemi kowonavirus la se yon opotinite li ye pou tout peyizan chache pran chimen jaden yo pou boujonnen lespwa.
Fok nou mete lan tet nou pa genyen okenn dirijan politik ki kapab chanje sityasyon difisil peyi sa tousel. Non selman minorite ki genyen mwayen ekonomik yo pa santi yo genyen nesesite pou envesti pou kreye djob epi se monopol yo bezwen pou souse kes leta. Nou remake anpil dirijan oganizasyon politik yo se yon banm pov kap chache enflyanse otorite ki sou pouvwa yo pou yo kapab jwenn yon job. Anplis nou remake oganizasyon politik yo pa genyen demokrasi, yo pa genyen yon pwoje sosyete chifre ni pesonel teknik e pwofesyonel ki kapab asire yon bonn gouvenans lan administrasyon piblik la. Yo pa genyen okenn idewoloji politik ni reprezantasyon sou tout teritwa peyi a e yo pa kontribye lan fomasyon ak edikasyon mas popile a.
Pou nou menm, se solidarite youn ak lot ki dwe pemet nou kreye lariches pou moun ki pov yo. Okenn oganizasyon politik pa kapab regle anyen pou peyi sa san yon volonte politik pou konbat koripsyon, san yon prizkonsyans sitwayenn e san yon patisipasyon kolektiv pou rekonstwi yon nasyon kote tout moun santi yo genyen yon wol ak obligasyon pou jwe lan devlopman anvironnman li. San 3 gwo pwen nou idantifye yo pa genyen anyen serye kap regle paske okenn fomasyon politik yo pa genyen reprezantasyon lan 10 depatman, lan 145 komin e lan 572 seksyon kominal yo.
Lan konteks gewopolitik mondial la tout peyi rich lan oksidan yo genyen pwop difikilte sosyoekonomik yo yap chache rezoud ak kesyon pandemi kowonavirus la. Nou genyen entere pou nou sispann batay pou kwaze brize pou pouvwa, chita mete lod lan dezod san diskriminasyon ak prejije pou idantifye tout problèm nasyon an. Kritike otorite ki sou pouvwa a se pa solisyon ki itil si nou refize dyalogue pou jwenn solisyon kap bon pou nasyon an. Fok nou rekonet okenn lan 300 pati e regwoupman politik yo pa genyen okenn konviksyon ideyolojik, ni pwoje sosyete chifre pou esplike kouman yo konte amelyore ekonomi an, agrikilti, anvironnman, edikasyon, sante, sekirite, konbat koripsyon, elatrye.
Genyen plis pase 300 pati politik ki anrejistre lan ministe lajistis e yo pa genyen yon sitweb ni moun kap panse pou yo. Yo pa genyen demokrasi ladan yo, chak dirijan monte boutik yo e yo pa swete genyen okenn altenans lan mitan yo. Eske nou panse Ayiti kapab vanse lan chimen pwogre le tout moun chita ap tann yon djob lan administrasyon leta. Eske nou panse peyi dayiti kapab devlope loske 7 milyon jenn gason ak jenn fanm rete ap kritike pouvwa chak jou bondye mete deye telefonn yo e okenn lan yo pa chache aprann yon lang, li yon bon liv e travay ak lot pou kreye lariches. Li enpotan pou chak moun mande tet yo ki sosyete yo vle konstwi: 1) eske se yon sosyete parazit kote tout moun chita ap kalewes, tann lamann disyel ak lapriye pou tann yon bon prochen kap travay byen di lan diaspora ou 2) eske nou vle kreye yon sosyete kote youn ak lot ap bwase lide e mete ansanm pou rezoud yon problem lan kominote yo.
Si nou vle peyi dayiti chanje, fok nou tout dako se pa Lavalas, Phtk, Duvalieriste, Pitit desalin kap vin chanje yon bagay pou nou. Fok nou dako chanje mantalite nou se pa leta ki dwe sibvansyone gaz, elektrisite, transpo an komen, lekol, agrikilti elatrye aloske okenn sitwayen refize peye taks pou sa vanse. Wol leta se kweye bonjan kondisyon establite pou atire envestise pou kreye djob pou moun ki kalifye. Leta dwe chanje model gouvenans li e li pa posib pou tout peyi ap vanse lan chimen devlopman e peyi dayiti ap rantre lan trou byenfon chak jou bondye mete e pa genyen solisyon ki anvizaje. Problem peyi a se fot tout ayisyen paske chak moun ap chache naje pou yo soti tout sel olye yo travay lan fe solidarite youn ak lot pou boujonnen lespwa pou sa ki feb yo.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Juriste haïtien | Spécialiste en droit civil
Maîtrise en sciences de développement
Citoyen engagé de Dumont
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