#pex | corsairdcwn
gaygxnslinger · 2 years
Closed starter for @eggsmuses
The hushed whisper comes from...somewhere in the room. A little bit of investigation reveals bright blue optics staring from the vent in the corner, which stare for a couple extra seconds before the screws magically become undone, the cover is pushed aside, and the problem Hunter drops down with a relatively quiet thud all things considered.
“Just had to check if Zavala or Ikora was in there with you. Hah, bets on how long I’d live if they were?” Cayde jokes before sauntering over to Pex’s desk as if he owns the place. Should he be here without an appointment? No. Does he have any reason for seeing Pex outside of boredom? Well-- just a little, tiny reason, the reason that pushes him to continue seeing her so often, but aside from that! No. Of course not.
He leans against the desk, inspecting his hand with casualness that should not be befitting of a man who just dropped from a ventilation shaft and could still get into serious trouble. “So...wanna go out somewhere?”
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lxghtbound · 2 years
@corsairdcwn asked: Pex holds a hand out to Scout's face, splayed palm just out of reach of his cheek. Her face reads like she's seen a ghost, one she can't touch, only hold a lonely hand to when he pulls away. She stares, lips pursed in an 'o' shape as that hand turns back to her.
"Hey ..." she's gentle, curtain pulled with her hair. The stage is lit; her once bright blue eye from years ago now fogged and white. It's like a marble, stained with milk. Scarred. It should have been removed, but it wasn't. "Me too."
Immediately he feels bad about it. It’s pathetic, really: the way he reacts to something he doesn’t even remember happening to him, and the jolt of fear and shock it sends through him. Sure, Scout knows the details from Cyclone, but it was a different person who experienced that whole ordeal. And yet, it still unsettles him.
Scout goes to take hold of Pex’s hand and bring it closer to his cheek once again, but by the time he does, she has already pulled away. Fuck-- he’s only just begun to start opening up to her more, and her to him -- he won’t drive her away. To Scout’s surprise Pex doesn’t move away from him entirely.
All he can bring himself to say is a little, “Oh,” at the marred sight before him. Pex feels the need to hide that... At least Scout has the option of fairly easily getting anything he damages repaired. Awoken and humans are so much more fragile, even Risen, but he wonders if that was a remnant of her life before? “How’d uh--” is he prying too much? Scout’s voice is quiet when he continues, “...How’d it happen?”
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fireteam-silent · 2 years
"Hey Khalom," Pex makes herself welcomed as she steps into the apartment, carting a neatly tied box in her hands. "I wasn't sure where the rest of your fireteam would be, so I just decided to come to you."
She palms over the box, fiddling with the velvet blue ribbon laced with gold with an oddly warm smile (very unbefitting of her).
"Happy Dawning. It's a thank-you present for making this year more tolerable than the past. I made them look like you guys. There's even one for Lucid and the other Ghosts." (@corsairdcwn)
Khalom stared for a moment before a bright and warm smile spread over her face. "Pex! Thank you!" She took the box from her only to set it down on the counter and take one of Pex's hands into her own. "Seriously, thanks. I'm really glad we've been able to help."
She beamed, almost puffing up in pride and happiness. "I'm going to be baking cookies for you, too! I just, uh, haven't had the time to see Eva yet."
"She means she'd burn down the apartment without Eva's help," Lucid drawled from one of his many perches. If Khalom was in a manga, she would have been impaled by Lucid's speech bubble.
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taming-hellfire · 1 year
🌅 steve and elsie @ofeggies and steve and pex @corsairdcwn ,, young wolf gaming (and elsie)
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"It doesn't matter who you were, only what you will become."
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"Call me cheesy, but I think we may not have it together...but together, we have it all."
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eggsmuses-a · 2 years
/things are chaotic rn, over here we got discussion of ligma and steve jobs meanwhile over on @corsairdcwn everyone is wishing pex an EXTREMELY late bday/rezday bc i forgor when it was the 2nd to announce it was her birthday JVSKAGS
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rhulks-legs · 2 years
☕ pex tea for rhulk ? @corsairdcwn
The cup was reminiscent of a normal teacup again. It was painted with spades, glaciers, and interwoven with lines that looked like Awoken facepaint. It echoed blue, purple, black, and white. He took a slow sip.
"Darjeeling. Cold. Not how I would prepare it..." He took another sip, flinching just slightly when his teeth clinked against the ice. "Many hidden flavours. Begonias, starflowers, two dollops of cream. Trace of cinnamon, followed by regret." He hummed quietly. "It tastes like it's hiding from something."
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‘we’ve played poker together. i know your tells.’ from pex to rietta ! @corsairdcwn
Rietta hardly looks up from her coffee to acknowledge Pex, and when she speaks, it's not with her own voice, but that of the Darkness within her. "You know nothing of her." It's with a hiss that Rietta wrenches back control of herself. "Lucky you. Got no clue how it feels when the lines blur. Watching your own mind fall apart under the influence of your worst fucking enemy. I ain't never meant harm, not to you. I wouldn't. You know that. You meant so much to him, you know that? It'd be doing him a disservice to hurt you now. You're still grieving, that makes two of us. Don't treat me like the fucking bad guy here."
The Ace rests heavy at her hip, and for a moment Rietta considers lashing out, preserving her carefully-maintained isolation. But like she said, Pex is her friend... right? She's scared of her own uncertainty.
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jfouler · 2 years
"I'm not sure what they call the holiday here," she glazes her eyes over the decor of the room, holding the box of cookies and chocolates in hand. Pex finally meets Jamie's eyes, sticking her tongue out. "But where I'm from, this is a tradition we call the Dawning."
She opens the box, showing off the array of cookies that smelt fresh from the oven. "So, happy Dawning. I baked you a treat." (idk if i should do modern verse or not so this is up for interp <3 JSGJSG they can either know each other or pex just broke into his house @corsairdcwn)
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"the dawning. sounds kinda... magical." he gladly accepts the cookies. to jamie, the act of being gifted a dessert is even nicer than actually consuming it. the process of baking, which remains a struggle to him and has never been his strong suit... is respectable. any person to do that for someone — and the comforting smell of baked goods — simply never failed to warm his sad, cold heart.
"thanks. very nice of you." he smiles. then, he tries to pretend he isn't smiling by quickly grabbing a cookie and bringing it to his mouth.
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lxghtbound · 2 years
@eggsmuses from here!
“Now,” for a man without the ability to smirk, he still radiates the energy of smugness, even more so as he hears Cayde continue, “Why would we be interested in that? ‘Cause that sure implies that we care what the Vanguard has to say in the first place. They can’t do anythin’ to stop us, so I think any compromise is a desperate plea for us to heel, sit ‘n’ roll over.” Scout pokes a finger at Cayde’s chest. “Just like you do.”
Of course, he respects the Vanguard for what they do! Keeping humanity alive and all that, but when they keep trying to bother him and get him to follow their rules? That’s a no go. For any Hunter, really. There’s a reason the Vanguard position remains open so consistently.
And that brings his thoughts back to Cayde. There’s no way the other Exo actually wants to be there, right? Sitting around during meetings, filing paperwork up in that Tower in the clouds, away from the fun stuff.
Scout watches him, amused. They both know that he has no leverage to bargain here; if Scout wants, Cayde could be dead where he stands. But...the Hunter is curious. What in hell does the Vanguard Commander think will win the band of unruly Hunters over? A band that has, time and time again, proven to be uncontrollable, ruthless, dangerous. In the Awoken’s own words, of course.
“Fine. Go on, shoot. Whaddya have that’s of so much interest to us?” Cayde was interesting in and of himself. He sure had balls for coming here in the first place, even if he looks as spooked as a mouse under a hawk’s shadow. If he treads carefully, he’ll avoid the talons. Scout highly doubts Zavala has sent his Hunter Vanguard as a bargaining chip in and of himself, though. Shame.
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fireteam-silent · 2 years
💕 @corsairdcwn - Pex holds a rose made of Light to Khalom, hiding the stick of black lipstick she just applied to her lips. "I'm no suave bachelorette, but ... be mine this Crimson Days ?"
Khalom took the rose and carefully turned it over in her hands, then looked up with a small smirk. "Well, that depends. Do you just need a partner to kick ass with in Shaxx's crucible event, or do you want to go on a date with me too? Cause, let me tell you..." Khalom placed the rose in her mouth and leaned close to Pex. "I can think of no greater evening than spending it with a beautiful woman such as yourself, Pex."
Her eyes sparkle with mischief, but there is sincerity in her voice too. She really would love to treat Pex to a nice evening!
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taming-hellfire · 2 years
young wolf for @corsairdcwn
The thing about being one of the Young Wolves, was that it was a lot on your shoulders. Steve understood this intimately.
Even if you weren't public with it, you were expected to do...so much, with no breaks, and you built up so much...so much guilt, and trauma, over the events of your Lighthood.
So, when he'd heard Eris idly muttering about another failed severance, and heard who it was for, he felt...compelled.
He was lucky enough to catch her in the H.E.L.M., instead of having to put effort into searching for her (he could make the time, but there were more important things to do).
He hesitated for a moment upon seeing her. Guardians came and went all the time, it wasn't strange to bump into others like this, and yet with Pex it felt...different, somehow, like he was actually invading on her privacy. His grip shifted on his Fourth Horseman (well, not his. His boyfriend's. But Pex didn't know that), then he stood up straight and squared his shoulders.
"...Young Wolf," He murmured, "I don't believe we've met. I know of you, at the very least."
He would never outright say that he wanted to distract her. It wasn't his style. But, hopefully, he could make her linger long enough to take her mind off the Nightmares for a bit.
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lxghtbound · 2 years
Pex has never moved so quickly before. The rogue Guardian, left deranged by the Deep, that she &. Scout had been hunting for the Vanguard had leapt from the bog. She'd only seen in the corner of her eye the reflection of a Nightstalker using Void Invisibility, the shimmering figure barely visible in the reflection of the Pyramid. It was only a few seconds between her &. them, who knows what they had planned to do.
She didn't feel anything in the moment, hadn't caught herself as she screamed Scout's name, only sensed her heart leap into her throat. Each throb of her pumping heart caused more &. more pain with the shock, suddenly she had a Hunter in her hands.
Her thumb drills into the rogue Lightbearer's jugular vein, pressing further &. further as she chokes the Guardian. She spins Ace, delivering a blow through their chest. When the Ghost transmats out, she barely recognises herself — in her hand is a flurry of Light. There was weight, a pressure burying into her fingers like holding an echidna, then nothing.
Pex is horrified by her actions. She handled that Ghost like she had Lucent Hive. All because she wanted to stop Scout from becoming Lightless, or worse. But if she hadn't stepped in, if she hadn't killed the Guardian &. Ghost ... Scout had been too busy talking to her to even realise.
Shaking, she rotates on still toes like a figurine for display. Lingering on her hand is that blue glow, the mist that feels like pins &. needles. Her brows knit, &. her next words are a snarl, #♡ ———。- ; ❝ What the FUCK was that, SCOUT ?! ❞
❝ If you weren't talking — if I hadn't seen you'd be FUCKING DEAD ! ❞
He hadn’t even been rambling about anything particularly important: complaints about Zavala’s strictness, wondering how long it’d take for another completely new super to take Guardians by storm, speculating on what the hell this guy was even doing out here. Mostly whatever came to his mind. There was even a feeling in the back of his mind, that they were being watched, an instinct that he had decidedly chosen to shove away in favour of talking to Pex.
Maybe he shouldn’t have.
A moment too late, he felt the cold shimmer of Void Light, different to how Pex’s felt. With that, came a surge of what Scout would later identify as fear, but right now felt like nothing more than a surge of adrenaline as his Solar burned brightly, only to be swallowed back down as his optics fell onto Pex.
Warmth burned at his palms and through his veins like liquid gold, energy and tension that hadn’t been released. What was he supposed to do? Just fire a Golden Gun shot off into the air and yell yippeekayay?
The wave of Light hitting him from the Ghost shattering didn’t help in the slightest, only heightening every feeling in the moment. Had Pex crushed a Ghost before? The thought was fleeting; he wondered if he should console her. After all, he had seen what Khalom and many others had been like even when attempting to crush Hive Ghosts and it wasn’t anything pretty. Scout begun to reach out a hand, before flinching back as she whirled around to meet him.
Scout huffed with indignance. His antennae immediately flicked downwards; his optics flared brightly with Solar energy; his tail lashed. The worst part was he knew it was his fault, which only made him lash out even more harshly in return, “What the fuck else am I supposed to do?! D’you want to go alone your next mission? ‘Cause I can sure as fuck arrange that! Why the hell are you being like this?”
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
send in  🎵  for a song for our muses! // accepting
@corsairdcwn asked: 🎵  PEX  AND  CAYDE  PEX  AND  CAYDE  PE 
Gosia - Low Roar
OK I HAD TWO SONGS FROM LOW ROAR but i was like. i’ll give one to pex and one to scout bc they both work well AND THIS IS ONE I GAVE TO HER
‘No, my faith is dead While my body lays drenched In the ashes of a forgotten time And it’s hard when you come To realize someone’s Path is headed elsewhere in life So baby walk your way I’ll walk mine But I'll stop to think of you From time to time’
just,,,,,for them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if u take ‘paths headed elsewhere in life’ as her living and him dying and it just gives me EMOTIONS. but also the very end of the song,
‘And I don’t need you I don’t need you Oh I need you’
i just think is also very very fitting for pex bc she TRIES. but by the big fuckin ball in the sky it feels impossible to move on and if he was here then everything would be just even that little bit better
Favourite Liar - The Wrecks
sobs i was listening to it and theres too many lyrics to point out that i like but i like to imagine cayde bein all lovey over her and what he could just. show her. but the chorus fits them both bc theyre both Nope I Dont Like Them That Way when someone asks when it’s so painfully obvious they do dsfgds. but in particular i like,
‘I wanna wake up with you I wanna wake up feeling tired I wanna wake up with you I wanna lay there for awhile’
bc it just has good vibes!!! i think they deserve to wake up next to each other n be happy
Pools - Glass Animals
‘I’m a man of many tricks and tools and joy With a battery of guilt on which to poise’
is VERY cayde vibes and i feel like it could kinda apply to pex too (or maybe the altered version at the end of ‘im a man of many tricks and tools and toys’ since she certainly doesnt use the same joyful persona coverup sdfgsfd)
‘You left before I got to You left before I got to You left before I You left before I... Shook the flowers from your hair Run to me and kiss my hands I’m dead before I... I’m dead before I...’
with first bit bein pex n second bit bein cayde before he died bc lbr he would want to let her know how he feels esp now that he doesnt have the time to say it in the moment
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
rvb s12 sentence starters, part 2
@corsairdcwn asked: “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little interested.” pex to cayde hehe
Cayde had explained the plan already -- nothing nefarious or overly disruptive! They were just gonna take Colonel on a tour of the Tower, which happened to involve meeting both Zavala and Ikora properly. And of course ramen afterwards! Not for Colonel, she would get a nice, fresh bundle of strawberries and blueberries as a treat. Only the best for the Hunter Vanguard’s chicken, obviously.
The lady of the day herself was settled comfortably in Cayde’s arms, but after a few long seconds of cooing and babytalk, he set her down -- she had a harness and leash to make sure she didn’t run off, and a few people gave the pair of Hunters funny looks, but come on, there was even a little cloak attached to the harness! How could anyone say that wasn’t cute?
“So, got any preferences on where we head first? Maybe anyone you gotta stop by anyway?” If not, maybe Banshee would be a good stop. Cayde could use more upgrade modules, and he was always ready to haggle for some freebies from his absolute favourite Gunsmith in the whole wide universe.
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
@corsairdcwn asked: “ It  was  a  mistake  .  I  didn’t  mean  it  . ”  hello  im  here  to  give  unprompted  pex  at  cayde  because  i  am  having  thoughts  about  this  season 
The nightmare loomed overhead, giving a chuckle in response to the hitch in Pex’s voice as she spoke. “Oh? Then why didn’t you do anything about it, huh? Seems like a weak excuse for the Young Wolf,” ‘Cayde’ floated down to stand on the ground in front of her, moving to rest his hand beneath her chin in an almost tender motion. His normally bright blue optics are tained by the ominous red aura, yet they still manage to look pained in spite of the malicious intent hidden in them.
“I loved you, so, so much. I would’ve done anything for you! If you were in my position, I would’ve run to you in a heartbeat. But you didn’t do the same for me. You let him get away.” The soft voice turned ever so slightly more bitter the longer he continued, optics shut tight as if it’s terribly painful to remember -- like he isn’t a snake oil salesman intent on exploiting every weakness Pex presents.
The Exo looked up again, leaning in just ever so slightly closer. “How d’you think that made me feel? Left to bleed out ‘n’ die, only seein’ you in my last few seconds, ‘n’ you don’t even have anything worthwhile to say to me?” There was a very real temptation to add something about Crow, but there was the inclination that as soon as the focus was off of Pex, she’d regain her footing.
We don’t want that, do we?
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lxghtbound · 2 years
Playlist Starter
@corsairdcwn asked: 🎶 with whoever you want with pex !
Six Shooter - Coyote Kisses
Scout glared at another Hunter across the room, looking for a moment like he was about to leap and tackle them, before rolling his optics with a sigh. He glanced to Pex, “Just had all my glimmer fuckin’ cheated out from under me.” Well, maybe not all the glimmer he had on him tonight, but any glimmer lost was too much!
“It fuckin’ sucks too! ‘Cause I started talkin’ to ‘em, ‘n’ I was like, damn, they’re as sweet as my six shooter, bet they know how to get down. Turned out they were gonna join the poker game, so I thought that was gonna be fun, could have a little bit of fun, ‘cause I mean, they’re pretty cute too!” Another look of contempt is sent the poor Hunter’s way, now that he can see through that guise (the guise that definitely wasn’t Scout’s own fault for having preferences largely towards Exos).
“So we start, ‘n’ everything’s goin’ fine! I get a good Jack of Diamonds, all I need is the four or the Ace ‘n’ I’m set to win every game tonight!” Maybe some odd lucky charm for him? Who knew. “But whatever fuckin’ cosmic being is up there lookin’ down on us sure hated me tonight, ‘cause this Hunter stares me down across the table, you think you’re so tough, put your hands up. So I do!” Scout raised his hands up to demonstrate and mimic what he’d said. “And obviously I don’t have any extra cards up my sleeve, I even offered for ‘em to check themself.”
For once, he had been telling the truth. He really didn’t have any cards up his sleeve, but what he did have was...
Scout patted his thigh, motioning to something that wasn’t really visible -- probably a hidden pocket. “I’m feelin’ pretty good ‘bout the trouble I’m in, ‘cause y’know, a little extra edge adds more to the game! And they’re really starin’ daggers at me across the table. I may as well’ve been bleedin’, barely breathin’ in their optics but I can’t get enough, so I smirk at ‘em. They stand up, march over to me, and nick open one of my pockets with a knife!”
The Exo opened the pocket in question, revealing a decent few playing cards. “My cards that I definitely was not using--” he had been, “--spilled out, ‘n’ that was that.” Of course, they were the one who had cheated him out of his glimmer, though.
“So how’s your night going?”
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