#firefly // cayde-6
ramble-writes · 11 months
So with the announcement of the new Percy Jackson series coming out, I decided to rewatch the ol Lighting Thief and Sea of Monsters. I didn't realize before that it was Nathan Fillion as Hermes.
I've noticed something. In every piece of media Nathan is in, he always refers to Firefly. A show cancelled after its first season and had a movie. The reference in Sea of Monsters? A show about Hercules that was cancelled after the first season.
I swear Nathan. You find the most interesting ways to insert as much Firefly references as possible. I think there was some as Cayde as well but a lot of that might be within the first Destiny game.
I know in Rookie there's A LOT of Firefly references like "2x2 hands of blue" and another being "I like to feel shiny." Ah Nathan. You silly man.
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feykrorovaan · 2 years
I don't know if Ace of Spades having "Firefly" on it is a reference or not, because that's the show that made Nathan Fillion (Cayde's VA) famous, but even if it isn't, I'm going to tell myself that it is. I can just imagine the Bungie team being like, "we have to give it Firefly."
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gaygxnslinger · 1 year
some pack headcanons i said id post
I like to think that Tevis is the oldest Hunter out of the four of them. He’s a very experienced Nightstalker who’s used to being alone, then good ol’ Andal comes along who also turns out to be a Nightstalker. He knows how much it sucks to learn how to control the Void, so he decides to help out, in his Tevis-like ‘I’m not teaching, you’re just doing it wrong’ way.
And then the pack forms around them. A few other Hunters that I might make NPC sheets for, then Andal finds Cayde in a situation, rescues him, and convinces him to join too. A while later they find Shiro, who begrudgingly joins too.
This is entirely my hc and I will not force it onto any muns but. I do really like the idea of Tevis and Andal being close. The definition of not romantic, not platonic, but some secret third thing. They’ve been through so much together and they know each other better than most; Andal is one of the few who gets to see Tevis open up and relax, and he’s also one of the few who can read Tevis’ feelings beyond grumpy.
Andal really is the glue that keeps them together. After his death, Cayde, Tevis and Shiro stick around together for a lil while, but especially once Cayde becomes Vanguard, Tevis and Shiro split off, sometimes sticking together, but mostly wandering alone aside from their necessary reports back to Cayde. Shiro probably regrets it now that he’s actually alone.
i have more thoughts but i dont want this post to be too long LOL
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baede-6 · 1 year
I don't have Malfeasance yet, but you BEST believe I got Aim to Misbehave which is the ornament for it (it was in the bright dust section of the store) and that's one of the sole reasons I wanted Malfeasance in the first place because that ornament is a Firefly reference. I am VERY excited. Now if only Tess would put The Last Hand or All in, or Traveler willing Cayde's cloak in the bright dust section of the store. 👀
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unlucky-phantom · 7 months
Losing his spark: Cayde-6 x Solar Guardian reader
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so, my first actual full fic. Don't get your hopes up, I've no idea if this is any good or makes any sense, tried to keep it as in character as possible. It's barely proofread and I'm only like 4 hours sleep so excuse any typos but fingers crossed it all makes some sense.
as always, have a good day lovlies and I hope you enjoy xoxox
WARNINGS: Death, injury detail, angst and violence under the cut, if you can't handle these please scroll away, I promise I'll write something fluffy and sweet.
Well, this wasn't going as expected.
Cayde and yourself had been trusted with what was supposed to be a simple in and out mission. Into the cabal stronghold, grab the intel (maybe shoot a few bad guys and look good doing it) then back to the tower in time for some piping hot ramen. His plan was flawless. or as you had called it "winging it".
Praise was reserved for quiet moments, whispers about how you were his favourite, how he had never seen such a bright solar spark in all his years at the tower, just so he could watch the blush bloom onto your cheeks and your smile. Oh, your smile, he would set aside what little pride and dignity he had to see it just once. You could point at any star in the night sky and if you asked, he would retrieve it for you. If only he had the guts to tell you this. He would eventually. He had plans, a clear summer night, hot ramen, something strong to drink with a nice kick. Just the two of you.
Well, you had always been overly cautious, but it worked surprisingly well for the pair of you. Cayde, the man with the plan and a slightly headstrong attitude and you, cautious and always with 6 back up plans. That's what he loved about you, of course, he wouldn't say that out loud, no, he had a reputation to maintain.
The mission was going well. the pair of you had crept into the cabal's stronghold unseen. Suspiciously easy. That's when all hell broke loose. The plan was lock tight. They shouldn't have known you were there but now both of you were up shit creek without a paddle...or a boat...or a life jacket. Someone must have tipped them off. Legionaries, phalanxes, gladiators, centurions, and war beasts surged out of every doorway and corridor. It was nothing either of you couldn't handle.
He thought.
As bullets flew the pair of you slowly drifted apart, swamped by cabal, the well-oiled machine the pair of you were when fighting started to rust. Soon you were just a distant blur of solar energy. His little firefly, his solar flare. He couldn't stand and watch though, as shot after shot was fired from his trusty hand cannon into the swam of red.
The ambush was thinning, he knew the pair of you would pull through you always did.
Then he felt it.
As if a part of his own light was ripped from his very being. A tidal wave that rocked the whole room, he had to catch himself from being thrown against the wall as the pure light that surged through the area bowled him over, knocking the wind out of him. No. Not you.
The red tide didn't stop, but the surprise of the explosion gave him the perfect window to see the despair as your ghosts shattered shell, lightless, scattered across the floor. The scream trapped in your throat as the gladiator speared you onto its cabal serverus blade, the stench of searing flesh permeating the air, the way your legs buckled, and body thudded against the floor as the gladiator kicked you off its blade.
The war beast that clamped down onto his left arm causing him to drop his hand cannon was first to feel his retribution. Snapping out of his trance he grits his teeth, throwing the war beast with such force it dented the steel wall behind him and grabbing ace he reloads and unleashes hell. Shot after shot echoed over the roaring screams of the cabal. Bones crunched, tendons snapped and popped until all that was left was the gladiator, your body at its feet in a gasping crumpled mess.
Cayde saw red. He doesn't know how many rounds he pumped into the gladiator. He doesn't remember ripping its jaw apart as he screams in pure unbridled anger. He doesn’t remember being beating it into a bloody unrecognisable mess.
The red tide was now a red sea. Cayde had spilt enough blood in his lifetime, and he would spill more in future. But now wasn't the time to dwell on his crimson-stained past.
It was Sundance who snapped him out of his anger, his body tense, chest heaving. "Cayde....they need you" Sundance says quietly.
Cayde is at your side in an instant, hand barely able to cover the ragged wound in your abdomen as he pulls you onto his lap. "No no no no no" he mumbles his hand instantly soaked in your blood. You had always been a paragon of strength, the pair of you often rough and tumbling in the tower, sparring in the training room, but now in his arms you felt fragile, body trembling as you gulped for air.
"h-hey" you rasped weakly a pained smile on your face. "We...we sure showed them."
He choked on his words "Yeah, we sure did”.
"I’m sorry"
Why were you apologising? You shouldn't be apologising. He should have been beside you; he should have been better; he should have done more. It should have been him. His thoughts fly a million miles an hour.
"Don't you dare apologise" he rasps, his voice synthesiser becoming more staticky.
"I'm sorry we couldn't have been more" you whisper, his hands stroke your hair as he rocks you gently.
"Wasn’t supposed to be like this. Was supposed to take you back home, treat you real nice" he growls in frustration. He couldnt loose you, not now. Not after there was so much he wanted to do, so many words left unsaid. He had saved so many cheesy pick up plines, so many date ideas, crimson day, festival of the lost, the dawning festival.
He had plans for every single one with you beside him. He removes your helmet, if he was going to say this if he was going to hold you in your final moments, he wanted to see those eyes he loved so much. the ones he would think about late at night, the ones he longed to see when he would turn in bed to the emptiness of cold sheets. Sheets that would remain cold. That would never see your warmth.
"Oh yeah? tell…Tell me about it" You begin to cough, and his arms tighten around you, he can feel the visceral rattling gurgle that accompanies each breath and he knows it will haunt him.
"Was gonna take you to that ramen spot in the city, you know, the really nice one in the city, has the pretty lanterns outside? yeah, I’d get you whatever you wanted, on me, really spoil you. Then I’d take you to our spot-"
"That little overlook on the city wall?" your voice, quiet and scratchy barely reaches his audio receptors.
He nods smiling through the pain to keep you relaxed, he had time to scream and shout and cry later, right now you were the only important thing "that's the one. Bring with us a little something to drink and watch the sunset. Maybe we would have a little slow dance under the stars. Always said I’d take you dancing one day didn't I?" the static in his voice was becoming more prominent as he had to force the words out, willing his body to stop trembling, trying to comfort you.
“Sounds nice”
“Then I'd tell you everything, everything I should have told you months ago” he mumbles burring his face in your hair, if he could cry he's sure he would be in floods, just another reason he despised his exo body.
“It's okay, I knew”.
“You knew?”
You weakly nod and struggle to put on a smile, bloody lips barely managing to up turn, your face was pale. You were fading fast, trickling through his fingers like sand and no matter how hard he tried it was like trying to catch water with a siv. “Always knew. I love you to”.
He can feel your faint heartbeat getting harder and harder to pick up under his blood-soaked fingers.
“I love you”.
Sundance didn’t have the heart to tell him they were already gone before he said those three words. She wasn’t ever going to tell him.
You knew.
You had always known.
Traveler help the poor bastard who tipped off the cabal about their arrival. Because no force within the known galaxy could protect them from Cayde-6
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saw your recent post in the sanders sides tag - here goes:
Some of these are more fun-to-watch than relates-to-me, but I figure listing ‘em all will give you more to work with.
Listed in alphabetical order, except as needed to group sources together.
Alastor, Hazbin Hotel (show)
- He’s charming, confident, very good in his chosen field, and also happens to be AroAce. He appreciates jokes, but can also be intimidating.
Cayde-6, Destiny (game)
- Quick wit, quick shot. Always fun to hear his dialogue during missions and strikes. The kinda guy you’d go to for a good story (or if you’re lookin’ for extra paperwork to do).
Crow, Destiny (game)
- Good guy, interesting situation (read: tragic backstory). Not exactly doomed-by-the-narrative, but…
The Doctor (10th), Doctor Who (show)
- Honestly, not sure why. He’s just fun to watch. (Also, he has a very distinct/memorable way of phrasing things)
Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation (show)
- Yes, I’m Autistic; How’d you guess? (/j) Honestly though, having a discussion with him about humanity/social behaviors/other things would be SO interesting!
Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (show)
- If Odo and I were in the same room, I don’t think there’d be much talking. But, in a two-introverts-who-got-dragged-to-the-same-party-and-are-avoiding-the-humans-together kind of way. Companionable silence.
Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series (show)
- He’s just cool. (also a HUGE childhood influence towards logical thinking)
Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly (show)
- Protective of his crew, “Has a conscience, and hates it,” no-nonsense, practical thinker, quick wit, stubborn.
Simon Tam, Firefly (show)
- Very good at what he does (doctor), smart, stands by what he believes in (“when you’re on my table, you’re safe”), and who he cares about (his sister).
River Tam, Firefly (show)
- …River is a mood. Specifically, a “leave me alone, I can’t talk now, my brain is full of bees” mood.
Seth, Lost Terminal (podcast)
- He’s an AI who used to live in a satellite, and made his way down to a post-collapse Earth so he could talk to people. He often mentions the intricacies and confusing nuances of human communication, his distrust of plants and salt, and the fact that humans are quite fond of bread and beer.
Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5 (show)
- “No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow.”
Michael Garibaldi, Babylon 5 (show)
- If any of the main cast could’ve broken the fourth wall, it would have been him. I don’t know what that says about his character, but it feels right.
Virgil Sanders, Sanders Sides (YouTube series)
- He’s the personification of (Thomas’) Anxiety, but he can be quite brave when he needs to be. When he’s under pressure/more anxious/needs to be listened to, he’ll act more abrasive, but he has a softer side (heh side) he shows when safe. He’s also the secondary brain cell holder of the main cast.
Logan Sanders, Sanders Sides (YouTube series)
- The brain cell (/pos). Also seems to be going through… gifted-kid-burnout-angst-stuff, for lack of a better term. Also nicknamed the Mom of the group, though someone pointed out that he didn’t choose that title for himself, which I thought was interesting.
Janus Sanders, Sanders Sides (YouTube series)
- I think you already saw him in another ask, so I’ll be brief: “You’re not stuck with an ‘evil snake boy.’ *pose* You’re just stuck with a snake boy.”
…After typing this all out, I’ve noticed that most of these fall into one of three categories:
~Autism~ TM (/pos)
Competent, might be an asshole
I don’t know what that means, but it’s kinda funny.
Have fun!
ANALYSIS #4: 06/11/24
It's about time I start getting around to all these new test subjects. I apologize for the wait, but I'm more than ready to see what you have in store for me here, #4.
I'm not familiar with the majority of these characters, so this could very much be a hit or miss analysis.... Your descriptions definitely aided me a lot, so thank you for that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if this ends up being accurate at all...
Why don't we see if I got your backstory right first? It's where everything originates, after all.
You seem to be an observer in this game of life. I feel like you've spent a large part of your existence on the outskirts of everything, and the times you have joined the outside world were never completely of your own volition.... You don't feel like you particularly fit in as a "human", yet at the same time everything you feel is all too human. I can imagine it gets pretty overwhelming, and you've probably gotten a lot of heat for it in your younger years. Maybe you didn't have many friends growing up, and the ones you did have probably didn't live up to your expectations of what "friendship" was supposed to be. Maybe you've had friends that took advantage of you and it didn't even click until the damage was already done, or you stuck it out because.. that's what friendship's supposed to be about, right? Maybe you were just left out in general, always the second option unless they needed something out of you. Who knows. There could be a lot variations of what happened in your childhood regarding relationships, but I'm guessing they didn't always make much sense to you. It's probably why you stay on the outskirts so much. If the world won't let you experience humanity for yourself, you can at least watch humanity from afar.
I have a feeling your home life wasn't all that great? It wasn't particularly terrible-- you're grateful for what you were given-- but you wish there were things that were done differently. I think this also plays into the whole "disconnect from people" bit. Maybe they cared for you, but it was clear they didn't understand you, and it can be a little hard to be grateful when somebody's care is always... a little off? If that's the case, I bet it probably feels worse knowing that you can't really blame them for not understanding. Things are probably better now as you've grown, but there are things that still sting just a bit. Also for some reason I think you were homeschooled.... No reason why, it just came to mind, and I've learned trusting my gut makes my analyses more accurate. I'd like to see if that ends up being true.
Another thing that my gut keeps telling me is that the tism is strong in this one. You've already confirmed that, but I specifically feel like (i'm assuming you're diagnosed based on how you phrased "yes, i'm autistic") you were either diagnosed at a pretty early age or you were late diagnosed (probably because of icky-ew gendered stereotypes in medical fields) and it explained a whole hell of a lot of your childhood, to the point where you're surprised you weren't diagnosed way earlier in life. Heavily leaning to the latter, by the way, but the first still has a 5 to 15% chance of standing. Either way, it depicts why you'd feel such a heavy disconnect from the people around you. It's as if everyone was given a script to life, meanwhile you're forced to improv it the whole way through. Do you see life as a game? How much time have you dedicated to perfecting your skills, believing that perfecting them would be the key to winning these petty social games? Are you sure you're not still lost? Just some food for thought.
Anyways, with that all in mind, let's see what really goes on inside that head of yours...
You still resent the world in a way, don't you? I can't shake the thought that there's still a resentment buried inside you that's been bubbling for a while. Maybe it's lessened a bit, but you can still feel it resurface every now and then. It's as if sometimes a reminder will come your way and it's another crack added to that bottle you've been storing all your emotions in. Like another poke at the confines will unleash everything you've been working on trying to maintain. I don't think it's spilled over yet, but I think we both know it's certainly not far from tipping over. You surprise even yourself with how much you've managed so far.
Part of you has lost your vulnerability. I'm not sure when or how, but I think it goes back to that disconnect from people. I don't think you've met anybody who's completely understood you yet, which has probably led to constant misunderstanding from everyone else. That kind of persistent detachment is bound to make anyone lose parts of themselves. If that's what happened, I'm sorry they took that part away from you. You deserved to be yourself without being shot down over and over, you still deserve that. It really is a shame that the world is too blind to see the beautiful depth in your soul. Complexity is never a flaw. Complexity is rarely even "complex". The world just needs to learn how to appreciate you at your core, and I truly hope they're able to see that in you soon. 
In fact, why don't I detail some of the complex beauty that I can pinpoint? If the world can't see it, then it only makes sense if I spell it out for them.
You're very attentive. You also seem to have some pretty good wit. That not only makes you a really great analyst, but I think it'd make you a pretty great comforter too. You're able to analyze and recognize patterns in people, and you seem to still hold a great appreciation for people despite how isolated people have made you feel. Despite always feeling like an outcast, there's still a part of you that cares. Those are qualities that truly great comforters have. However, with how confusing relationships with other people can be sometimes, I can also see why that would hinder your ability for it and turn you away. Nevertheless, the foundation is still strong. You're still strong. Use that to your advantage. Take back the life that you deserved. Show them that you are not the painting they've made of you.
I just feel like you're really funny for some reason, and probably pretty chill while still being able to stand your own ground and opinions. That's a highly respectable mix of traits to have, at least in my eyes. You also for some reason remind me of that main guy from Magnus Archives. I've never listened to Magnus Archives though. All of the information I know about that podcast has come from random clips I've stumbled upon and rants from my friends who are into it. But from the information I have on him, I view him as a weird little autistic guy who's always a little tired, a little witty, maybe a little too obsessed with analyzing sometimes, also probably on the aroace spectrum. However, he's also a hard worker who-- when he cares about people-- he really cares about them, and if he likes you then you could probably drag him just about anywhere (even if he grumbles the whole way through). Now I have zero clue if any of that is true to his character, but I feel like it could maybe fit yours, and I at least think people like that are a pretty special find. 
Also, you're just a wee little guy. A little snake boi even.
And with that, I think I'll leave my thoughts here and take my bow.
With utmost gratitude (and hopefully utmost accuracy),
Dr. WZ
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cubyquiz · 1 year
cuby quiz #172 was cayde-6 from destiny and the hint was a few references, there are 3 parts to this. the law of the jungle part is a reference to dan bull's destiny rap, and the buck part is a reference to a character played by nathan fillion in halo. and the space cowboy must die part is a reference to another character played by nathan fillion in firefly malcolm reynolds, and the fact that the show died
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gameforestdach · 2 years
Die Pik-As-Handkanone ist einer der begehrtesten Gegenstände in Destiny 2, und ein Wächter hat kürzlich die Herausforderung abgeschlossen, um sie zu erhalten. Um die legendäre Waffe in die Hände zu bekommen, musste der Spieler den mächtigen Uldren Sov besiegen und sie zur Reparatur zu Banshee-44 in den Turm bringen. Von dort aus musste sich der Spieler auf die Suche nach den Verstecken von Cayde-6 machen, die die für die Waffe benötigten Teile enthielten. Schließlich musste die Mission "Ace in the Hole" abgeschlossen werden, nach der Banshee-44 dem Wächter das Pik-As mit seinen beiden einzigartigen Perks, Memento Mori und Firefly, übergab. Besiegen von Uldren Sov Um die Pik-As-Handkanone zu erhalten, musste der Wächter zunächst Uldren Sov besiegen, einen mächtigen Kabalenanführer, der sich in einem versteckten Bereich der Träumenden Stadt befindet. Es war jedoch nicht einfach, Uldren zu besiegen - der Spieler brauchte mehrere Anläufe, bis er schließlich siegreich war. Erwerb einer Handkanone Nachdem Uldren Sov besiegt war, konnte der Guardian die Handkanone Ace of Spades in Besitz nehmen. Um die Waffe benutzen zu können, musste der Wächter sie jedoch noch zur Reparatur zu Banshee-44 im Turm bringen. Waffenreparaturen Im Turm traf der Wächter auf den Büchsenmacher Banshee-44, der die Pik-As-Handkanone reparieren konnte. Von dort aus machte sich der Wächter auf die Suche nach den Verstecken von Cayde-6, in denen sich die für die Waffe benötigten Teile befanden. Wiedervereinigung mit Banshee-44 Wiedervereint mit Banshee-44 im Turm wurde der Wächter mit der Aufgabe betraut, Cayde-6s Verstecke aufzudecken, die die Teile enthielten, die zur Reparatur der Pik-As-Handkanone benötigt wurden. Laut dem von PC Gamer veröffentlichten Bericht hat der Spieler alle Verstecke von Cayde-6 gefunden und die für die Reparatur der Waffe erforderlichen Teile erhalten. Die Caches von Cayde-6 entdecken Um die Mission zu erfüllen, musste der Wächter die Verstecke von Cayde-6 finden, die über das ganze Sonnensystem verteilt waren. Nach einiger Suche gelang es dem Wächter, die Verstecke zu finden und die für die Reparatur der Pik-As-Handkanone benötigten Teile zu beschaffen. Notwendige Teile sichern Sobald der Wächter die benötigten Teile gefunden hatte, musste er verschiedene Aufgaben erfüllen, um sie zu sichern. Dazu gehörten Patrouillen, öffentliche Veranstaltungen, Gambit-Kämpfe und andere Aktivitäten, um Zugang zu den Caches zu erhalten. Abschluss der "Ace in the Hole"-Mission Nachdem der Wächter alle Teile erhalten hatte, musste er die Mission "Ace in the Hole" abschließen. Nach Abschluss dieser Mission erhielt der Spieler von Banshee-44 das Pik-Ass mit den beiden Perks Memento Mori und Firefly. Ergebnisse Mit dem Erhalt des Pik-As mit seinen beiden Perks, Memento Mori und Firefly, hat der Wächter offiziell die Herausforderung abgeschlossen, die Pik-As-Handkanone zu erhalten, eine seltene Exotin in Destiny 2. Wie erhält man die Pik-As-Handkanone von Destiny 2? Zuerst müsst ihr Uldren Sov besiegen. Bringen Sie dann die Kanone zu Banshee-44 im Turm und finden Sie die Verstecke von Cayde-6, um die benötigten Teile zu erhalten. Zum Schluss musst du die Mission "Ass im Ärmel" abschließen. Danach gibt dir Banshee-44 die Waffe mit den Perks Memento Mori und Firefly.
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priorcodeheartless · 5 years
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Always Shoot First
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a-space-lizard · 5 years
Consider this:
We try to bring back Cayde, but we end up having to figure out which Cayde is the real one and which is the nightmare.
The only clue:
Real Cayde is played by Nathan Fillion and nightmare Cayde is played by Nolan North.
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gaygxnslinger · 1 year
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He is literally just a guy. Who could ever hurt him? He's done nothing wrong ever in his life. Cayde demands kisses as compensation for even CONCEIVING the thought.
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thesoapiestsolution · 4 years
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“When you can’t run, you crawl. And when you can’t do that... you find someone to carry you.”
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baede-6 · 1 year
Bungie, when are you going to hire Alan Tudyk to voice a character in Destiny? You already have three other crew members of Serenity.
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jericho-12 · 4 years
Shiro-4: This landing's about to get pretty interesting
Cayde-6: Define interesting
Shiro-4: Oh god, oh god, oh god we're all gonna die?
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littlelightacademy · 5 years
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The Hero of The Tower, A Exo Named Cayde 6
Cayde, the exo they called Cayed
He robbed from the dark And he gave to the light Stood up to the Vex And gave them what for Our love for him now Ain't hard to explain A hero of the Tower The exo called Cayde
Our Cayde saw the refuges' backs brakin' He saw the refuges' laments And he saw the Fallen takein' Every glimmer and leavin' but scrap So he said “you can't do that to my people” He said “you can't crush them under your heel” So Cayde strapped on his Iron And in 5 seconds flat Stole everythin' The Baron had to steal
He Robbed from the dark               And he gave to the light Stood up to the Hive And gave them what for Our love for him now Ain't hard to explain A hero of the Tower The exo called Cayde
Now here is what separates heroes From common folk like you and I The exo they called Cayde He never backed down   And he let his Ace hit sky He save my life And so many more The exo they called Cayde He stole away our pain And let his light guide us throe the sky
He robbed from the dark And he gave to the light Stood up to the Cabal And gave them what for Our love for him now Ain't hard to explain The Hero of The Tower A man they called Cayde
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