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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 6 months ago
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The Story about Hagar and Ishmael
1-3 Abram and Sarai lived in that Canaan country, and after they were there for 10 years, they still had no kids. Sarai had a woman from Egypt working for her, called Hagar. She was Sarai’s slave. That means Sarai owned Hagar, and Hagar had to do everything that Sarai told her to do.
Sarai was sad because she had no kids, but she got an idea about how to get a baby for herself. So she said to Abram, “God has stopped me from having my own kids. But listen. I want you to sleep with Hagar, like she is your wife. You see, she belongs to me, so if she has a baby, that baby will really belong to me.” So Abram did that, just like Sarai said.
4 He slept with Hagar like she was his wife. Then Hagar found out that she was going to have a baby, so she started rubbishing Sarai all the time, because Sarai didn’t have any kids. 5 So Sarai said to Abram, “I blame you for this trouble. I gave Hagar to you, and now she is going to have a baby, and she is rubbishing me all the time. I reckon God knows that I am right, and you are wrong.”
6 But Abram said to Sarai, “Hagar belongs to you. You are her boss, so do whatever you want with her.” Then Sarai started to treat Hagar in a really bad way. So Hagar left Abram and Sarai’s camp and ran away.
7 Hagar started walking through the desert, along the road that went to a town called Shur, near Egypt. She sat down next to a water-hole there in the desert. God’s angel messenger went to her there. 8 He said, “Hagar, you belong to Sarai, so why are you sitting out here in the desert? Where are you going?”
Hagar said, “I’m running away from my boss, Sarai. She is too hard on me.”
9 God’s angel messenger said to her, “Don’t do that. Go back to your boss, and do what she says.” 10 And the angel also said, “God is going to give you a really big family. You will have a son, and later on lots of people will be born into his family, and they will be a real big family, so that nobody will be able to count all those people.” 11 The angel said, “You are going to have a baby boy, and you will name him Ishmael, because that name means God listens. You see, God listened to you. He heard about your trouble, and he will help you. 12 And Ishmael, your son, he will live like a wild donkey. He will go anywhere he wants to, and he will fight against everybody, and everybody will fight against him. He will not live close to his relatives.”
13 Then Hagar said to herself, “I have seen the God that sees me, and he looks after me.” So she gave God a name, she called him the God that sees me. 14 So that’s why people call that water-hole the water-hole that belongs to the one that is alive and sees me. That water-hole is between a place called Kadesh and a place called Bered.
15 Soon after that, Hagar had a baby boy, and Abram named him Ishmael. 16 Abram was 86 years old at the time when Ishmael was born. — Genesis 16 | Plain English Version (PEV) Plain English Version Bible © 2021 Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia. Cross References: Genesis 3:9; Genesis 11:30; Genesis 12:4; Genesis 12:16; Genesis 13:16; Genesis 14:7; Genesis 17:20; Genesis 17:25; Genesis 19:31; Genesis 20:1; Genesis 21:9; Genesis 21:17; Genesis 21:19; Genesis 25:12; Genesis 25:18; Genesis 29:32; Genesis 30:3-4; Genesis 31:53; Genesis 32:30; Genesis 37:25; Exodus 5:21; Exodus 24:11; Joshua 9:25; 1 Kings 19:9; Galatians 4:22
The LORD Has Listened
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e-scooter-worldwide · 4 months ago
2025 Best Electric Scooters: Models, Features, and How to Choose the Right One!
Check Out Our Blog Here: https://scootportugal.blogspot.com
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pontoevirgulacomic · 1 year ago
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"Hi Barbie!" "Hi Ken!"
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vincentreproches · 11 months ago
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wulfenbane · 8 days ago
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windsorpevriders · 2 months ago
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stephanedugast · 11 months ago
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📌 [TV] J'ai eu le plaisir d'emmener le présentateur Arthur Le Vaillant à la rencontre de Paul-Émile Victor. Auteur, réalisateur et journaliste, j'ai consacré 18 ans de ma vie au père de l'exploration française 🗺️📚
Je vous raconte l'émerveillement de la découverte d'ailleurs lointains, et de la manière dont cela permet de saisir les enjeux de protection de ces lieux parfois très fragiles 🧊
📺 « Sur les traces de Paul-Émile Victor », diffusions ce samedi 23 mars à 12h55 sur France 3 Normandie et France 3 Pays de la Loire + dimanche 24 mars à 12h55 sur France 3 Bretagne dans le magazine Littoral.
▶️ Bretons, normands, ligériens ou pas, découvrez ce grand reportage sur le site web de Littoral - France 3 Bretagne et France tv 👉 https://urlz.fr/pZKK
🎥 Une coproduction Les Films de Traverse, réalisée par Christian Roche.
Le tome 1 de la BD « Paul-Émile Victor, le souffle de l’aventure » va paraitre le 9 avril prochain chez Les Éditions du Sekoya. Pour commander 👉 https://urlz.fr/pBX3
Institut polaire français Paul-Émile Victor I Stéphane Dugast I
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thestoriesofimmigration · 1 year ago
Will the Greens Support the Pacific Engagement Visa and With What Conditions?
The Pacific Engagement Visa or PEV is the most important Pacific policy initiative of the Labor government. Introduction of the new visa – which will provide 3,000 citizens of Pacific countries and Timor-Leste with permanent residency in Australia annually – requires the passage of two pieces of legislation: one to set up the lottery that will be used to select visa applicants (who will then have to find a job to obtain the visa), and one to set up a charge for the new lottery scheme.
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This legislation was delayed unexpectedly due to opposition from the Coalition, which says it supports the PEV but opposes a lottery. In fact, the lottery is the only way the PEV can be made to work. That said, it is clear that the Coalition is not going to compromise, so the government will have to seek support for the PEV from the cross benches. That task is proving much more difficult than expected, as this blog, the latest in our series of PEV updates, explains.
The Greens were represented on the Senate committee that examined the two bills by Senator Nick McKim, who joined with the majority of the committee in recommending that the two bills be passed. Senator McKim also added his own section of the report, in which he provided an additional recommendation, namely that the legislation establishing the PEV lottery should state either that a lottery is only to be used for the PEV, or at a minimum that a lottery is not to be used for the allocation of refugee visas.
These seem like reasonable suggestions. Since then, independent senators David Pocock and Lidia Thorpe have tabled amendments to this effect. The two Jacqui Lambie Network senators have also indicated their support for the lottery bill.
So, on the surface, it appears that there is solid cross-bench support for the bill. And yet, it still hasn’t passed. The bill was tabled for discussion first in June and then in July, but didn’t get to the floor in either session. The problem appears to lie with the Greens, who have refused to state whether they support the bill, saying only (in a recent SMH news article) that they are negotiating with Labor.
Negotiations between Labor and the Greens are not something new. Already in this parliament there have been deals over energy price cap legislation (where the Greens won additional support for renewable energy), over the climate change target legislation (a tighter cap on industrial emissions), and, most recently, housing legislation (additional funds for social housing).
So, given this track record, perhaps we should be confident that Labor and the Greens will find common ground on the PEV. The mystery is what the negotiations are about. It is difficult to believe that they are over the limiting of the lottery to this specific visa. The government might not want to do this, to retain executive flexibility, but it is not much of a price to pay.
The negotiations must be over something more substantial. Are the Greens asking for more than 3,000 visas? There is no suggestion of that in the Senate report. Or are the negotiations in relation to some other area of migration? Or in relation to some altogether different area of government policy?
Transparency is needed. A critical reform that greatly benefits the Pacific should not be delayed. The region’s economic ministers have all endorsed it. Fiji’s Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad has called on Australia to implement the PEV without further delay (it was originally to start on 1 July). The PEV has a strong climate justification. If the Greens are negotiating over the PEV, they should tell us about what. The Coalition has already lost credibility on the Pacific in relation to the PEV. One hopes the Greens don’t follow suit.
To get transparency, more media interest is required. I’m surprised that the ABC with its ever-growing Pacific coverage hasn’t reported more on this. The last time Pacific Beat covered the PEV was 3 July. Few Pacific issues have divided Australian politics on partisan lines, and I don’t know of any that have divided parliament.
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wpglenntech · 2 years ago
Canmore, AB
Canmore, AB has some really nice trails and there is also the 28km trail from Canmore to Banff. We went with the intention of taking the bus to Banff and riding back to Canmore but the smoke was pretty bad when we went so we just road around Canmore. Riding around on scooters is a good way to see things we would normally miss. We made the best of it and still had a blast.
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just-spec · 2 years ago
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hey gamers. its gotten bad.
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grumpyghostdoodles · 7 months ago
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Summer nights!
And of course I gave them matching pajamas, who do you take me for.
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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 2 months ago
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Somethings to Think About
And one more thing, my Christian friends. Keep thinking about the things that are true, and the things that people should respect. Keep thinking about the things that are right, and good, and lovely. Think about things that everyone reckons are really good. Think about the things that we can thank God for. — Philippians 4:8 | Plain English Version (PEV) Plain English Version Bible © 2021 Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia. Cross References: Romans 14:18; 1 Peter 2:12
Read full chapter
What does it mean to “think about these things”?
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e-scooter-worldwide · 4 months ago
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wulfenbane · 9 days ago
I'm new to #tumblr
Going to be sharing #ESK8 clips especially when spring and summer comes around.
So I hope you stick around.
In the meantime, Not sure what ESK8 is? Checkout the YouTube shorts playlist
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fantasy-and-freedom · 5 months ago
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Some small nightsleeper sketches because I love this crazy Scottish train highjacking drama. It had me hooked. This one’s for the like three other fans of this show on here ❤️
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stephanedugast · 11 months ago
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📌 [TV] Qui était Paul-Émile Victor ? Découvrez cette figure incontournable de l'exploration polaire et de l'ethnographie, fervent défenseur de l'environnement et de la diversité culturelle 🤝❄️
📺 « Sur les traces de Paul-Émile Victor », c’est un reportage TV diffusé ce samedi 23 mars à 12h55 sur France 3 Normandie et France 3 Pays de la Loire + dimanche 24 mars à 12h55 sur France 3 Bretagne dans le magazine Littoral.
Avec ma participation active.
▶️ Découvrez ce grand reportage en avant-première dès vendredi sur le site de Littoral - France 3 Bretagne et France tv
👉 https://www.france.tv/france-3/bretagne/littoral/
🎥 Une coproduction Les Films de Traverse, réalisée par Christian Roche.
🗯️ BONUS Le tome 1 de la BD « Paul-Émile Victor, le souffle de l’aventure » va paraitre le 9 avril prochain chez Les Éditions du Sekoya. Pour commander 👉 https://urlz.fr/pBX3
Institut polaire français Paul-Émile Victor I Stéphane Dugast I
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