#petunia sunset
fight-me-fuckboy · 4 months
Today marks the second anniversary of the blog!!! Yippee :D!!!!
To celebrate, I'd like to announce that I'm working on a MSPFA mirror forboth the current version of the blog AND the old panels before the revamp! It'll take a while to port everything, but for now I've uploaded the first few panels of the old stuff. LINK HERE
Additionally, I've been running a small fanadventure with my OCs which is very suggestion based, so feel free to check that out while I continue to port the askblog ^u^
That's it for now, have a lovely day <3
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temporal-shuffle · 2 months
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Just checked and we hit 25 faves on MSPFA!!! Thank you guys so much, it's crazy how many people are reading this thang.
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churro-lord · 4 months
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Modus? Acquired!
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chrono-rabbit · 1 month
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azure-cherie · 2 years
PAC : Messages from ancestors ✨
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Meditate and choose a pile with your intuition take what resonates and leave the rest since this is a general reading, none of the pictures belong to me , creadits to the original makers ✨ , please don't plagiarize my content, i hope this helps you ✨
Pile 1:
Hello my dear pile 1 💛, your ancestors are urging you to look within yourself for guidance, you are confused about something probably some goals and stuff you should do next year they advise you to sit down in silence and write what you feel , or in a way they could also ask you to channel their advice as you ask for guidence on what is bothering you , they see that you have been taking the lead and trying so hard to keep everything together and everyone together , yes you are chosen to break generational curses but that starts with you, you have done enough for your elders it's their duty to deal with their own shit, you should now move on your path , choose what are your new disciplines what you want to focus on , someone here could get married soon they are sending their love and best wishes and they are very happy about this romantic connection 🥺 , you should also look through the old stuff of your grandmother or some lady who has passed away , you are likely to find a journal or a book either of cooking recipes or spells maybe , they will help you in the continuation of protection and prosperity of your lineage, give gifts to your younger ones . Wear orange and pinks more often and take care and hydrate well . They love you see you and guide you .
Pile 2 :
Hello my dear pile 2 💛, your ancestors want to let you know that you're not alone first of all , they will always be at hand whenever you need something, eat well sweetheart, you don't have to compromise so much, things have been rough, but it was all to teach you , look at you now wiser smarter , but beware who you feed what you have learned, knowledge is a weapon make sure that they don't use it against you , take your pet to walks and spend time with your pet , take care of your mom , plant some plants in your garden , probably petunias or chrysanthemum, if you're worried about the magic you lost it's all yet to be rediscovered, get in touch with your old hobbies , what you liked to do as a child do you still love doing it , then do it , don't let things that you love go . You should start studying little by little , they know you have been facing problems but as you bring more focus and discipline in your life this problem will be solved . And definitely definitely speak up for your needs don't be guilty to take what you deserve, you are here for a beautiful reason , embrace normality and embrace greatness whatever makes you happy.
Pile 3 :
Hello my dear pile 3 💛, your ancestors adore you so much 😭 you're being addressed as a sugar plum babe 😭💛 you guys are definitely so adorable, the life the light everyone finds inspiration from ,you're a muse , you're an artist , they appreciate your creativity and want to see more of it , especially they love it when you do your traditional dance , you look so beautiful, they say you were brought into the family as a blessing a boon and you've been the reason to so much prosperity, you will be blessed with something soon , at times you may feel lost because you have been there for everyone but who has been there for you , you have learnt to stay alone but you can open up to the right people , go out roam around maybe you will find someone or something worth your love , do you guys cook or something do it more you're great at it and even if you're a beginner you will be give it more practice, you could also go watch sunsets near beaches , you feel a deep sense of familiarity with water, someone in your ancestry could know how to work with elemental water to gain knowledge and memory, i get a visual of a women in blue dress very tall , one second she reminds me of African orisha Yemaya and Oya as well maybe someone down your line used to work with them, they will always look after you , 😭💛they wanna say go little rockstar it's so cute ah 🥺💛.
Thank you so much for reading, kindly leave a feedback if you resonate, have a great day / night 🧡🧡
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luxmoogle · 2 years
Mainland Destiny Islands pt.I
Continuing from my last post, my musings about mainland Destiny Islands~! I’ve divided Destiny Islands to smaller areas to make it easier to tackle one part or certain aspects of the islands at a time. Starting from Ocean Road and the village around it!
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Ocean Road
Everyone knows Ocean Road in the context of the path Kairi and Selphie walk back home from town. The path is aligned with dense shrubbery and haphazardly built light posts. It starts from the beach straight across from the Island and seems to end up in town by the base of the volcano. 
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Along Ocean Road there are houses all around, creating a village environment. It seems Sora, Riku and Kairi live somewhere along Ocean Road. Selphie, Tidus and Wakka probably do as well, since they’ve been going to the Island past the beach since they were small kids as well. From Sora’s room you can see the Island from his window, suggesting that his house is somewhere very close to the beach. 
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Around the neighbourhood there are two types of palm trees, as well as some hardwood trees. Hardwood trees don’t seem to grow on the Island, and seem to exclusively grow on the mainland.
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There are three types of flowers that seem to grow along Ocean Road and the rest of the area. 
1. PETUNIA The most prominent flower seems to be a flower that seems like a petunia. Petunias have a similar shape and color schemes, petunias are also a bit of a tropical flower in the sense that they need a lot of warmth and light, so perfect for island living~!
2. TECOMA - YELLOW TRUMPETBUSH Between the petunias, there seems to be yellow trumpet flowers, tecomas, which are also a tropical flower. They come in all sorts of breeds, as vines, bushes etc. These seem to be the bush variety, but who knows, if there are trumpet vines deeper in town?
3. HYSSOP This one is more tricky than the rest, a lilac, low, bush type of a plant. The plant seems similar to lavender, but by the shape of the whole bush it’s closest counterpart is a hyssop. Hyssop is also a warm weather plant, so suitable for the islands.
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Ocean Road Village
We’ve only seen the village during nighttime and sunset in game, but context clues give hints to what the area possibly looks like during daytime.
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During the daytime Destiny Islands in bathed in bright sunlight, the water is bright turquoise and the plants emit a deep bluish green. A lot of the plants are cool purples and blues, and especially on the Island there’s a lot of purple and blue plants. 
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The houses around the village seem to be a white or creamy beige color with reddish orange roofs. The same reddish wood seen on light posts seems to be used on the houses as window trimming and fences. Curiously, there are wooden window shutters on some of the houses, which are painted green. 
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A suggestion to how Destiny Islands mainland might look in the day time:
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..to be continued~!
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charmsandtealeaves · 5 months
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I had a big reading week this week trying to clear some of my email inbox because the sheer volume was stressing me the fuck out every time I opened it 😅 Posting this a day early as I'm honestly a little worried Tumblr is gonna be funny about all the links.
Read this week:
Reset by @ncoincidences
WIP, Jily micro-oops, Temporary amnesia, Rated G
A mishap with a drunken dark wizard leaves Lily an amnesiac. The last ten months of her life has been completely wiped, which includes her breakup with James eight months before. To aid in her speedy recovery, James has to keep Lily under the pretence that her life has been the same as it was.
When It Counted by @cascader
Complete (6.9k), Order!jily, Rated T
She didn’t tell him when it counted. She’s daydreaming of a redo.
Something Foolish by @merlinsbudgiesmugglers
Complete (1.9k), Tedromeda, canon compliant, Rated E
Struggling against the expectations of her family, and her forced separation from Ted. Andromeda is pleased to discover a note left in her room.
Sunrise, Sunset by @practicecourts
Complete (2.9k) Blackevans BFF Week, Rated G
One time Sirius Black finds Lily Evans, just as she’s about to do something she might regret. One time Lily Potter finds Sirius Black after he’s received some upsetting news.
A Different Kind of Love Story by @mppmaraudergirl
Complete (5.8k), Blackevans BFF Week, Rated G
The best of friendships sometimes grow in the most unlikely of places.
The Vow by @missgryffin
Complete (9.6k), Hogwarts! Jily , Rated E
When he was thirteen-going-on-fourteen, James Potter did something truly, unbelievably stupid. Now that he’s seventeen-going-on-eighteen, he has to deal with the consequences.
Quest for Camelot by @petalsinwoodvale (Ch. 1-2)
WIP, jily Quest For Camelot AU, Rated T
All Lily has ever wanted is to be a knight, like her father, Sir Lionel. After Camelot is attacked and the magical sword Excalibur is stolen, she finds herself teaming up with James, a young blind hermit, as they embark on a quest to find the lost sword. Together, they face the threat of the evil Ruber, navigate challenges with a two-headed dragon and an ogre, and discover that they're more alike than they initially thought. Will they manage to return the sword to Arthur in time, or will they lose not only each other but also their dreams and the precious Excalibur?
Grounded by @frustratedpoetwrites
WIP, Jily Modern (Magic) AU, Winter Olympics, Not Rated
When James Potter's successful Quidditch career comes to an abrupt end he struggles to find a new direction. Coaching seems to be an answer and a pair of green eyes.
Vindicated by missgryffin
Complete (20k), Order!Jily AU, Rated E
Five years ago, Lily Evans did the hardest thing she’d ever done, and broke up with James Potter so she could stay alive by secretly going undercover in America. Now, she’s been tasked with something even harder: doing a transatlantic mission with him.
Captivated by missgryffin
Complete (6.7k), Hogwarts!Jily, Rated E
"I think we should sweep the library. Make sure it's empty." "And why's that?" "Because I need to be alone with you."
Silent Night by practicecourts (ch.1-4)
WIP, Hope Lupin, Remus Lupin, Rated T
Moments in the life of Hope Lupin.
10 Things I Hate About You by @wearingaberetinparis (Ch1.)
WIP, Jily Romcom, Rated M
Petunia Evans cannot start dating the man she considers to have true love potential – a certain Vernon Dursley – until her anti-social younger sister, Lily, finds herself a partner too, which leads Petunia to take drastic measures. For surely, Head Boy James Potter – suffering from a knee injury he does not want anyone but himself and his physiotherapist to know about – should be able to charm her younger sibling, shouldn’t he? If the only thing standing between her perfect love match is blackmail, who is she not to resort to it? Are not, after all, all means justified when the end she has in mind is so very sweet?
Would you run away with me? By @ncoincidences
Complete (1.3k), jily, Rated G
In which Lily barges in on a white veil occasion.
Happy Place by Wearingaberetinparis (Ch.1-6)
WIP, jily modern AU, Rated M
James and Lily have always been the perfect couple that everyone aspires to be: from Head Boy and Girl at Hogwarts School to university students in a loving long distance relationship to – eventually – a happily engaged duo, destined to go the distance. They go together like cream and tea, pride and prejudice, fish and chips. That is, until – for reasons they refuse to discuss for fear of making everything so much worse – they really, truly don’t. For one week, however, they have to act as if all is well for they have yet to tell their friends that what had always seemed perfect, is now very much broken.
You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that by @jamesunderwater
Complete (1k), prongsfoot in a nightclub, Rated E
prongsfoot + a locked door public bathroom on my knees trying to make you scream vibe
Truth is I’m so damn in love with you I don’t know what to do with myself by jamesunderwater
Complete (800), Prongsfoot, Rated T
prongsfoot + near death experiences + trapped with only one bed + gay pining
Over Spilt Coffee by @annabtg
Complete (1k), Tonks first person POV, Rated T
Tonks's musings on the night she picked up smoking... the night Remus Lupin broke her heart.
Breaking by annabtg
Complete (1.4k), Remus Lupin, Missing Moments, Rated T
Remus has his reasons for staying away from Tonks. Even if it breaks his heart as much as it breaks hers.
From the very first day by @kay-elle-cee
Complete (500), Muggle AU Jily, Rated T
An unexpected night leaves two coworkers trying to sort out their feelings.
Loved you three summers by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (600), Pregnant Jily, Rated G
A pregnant Lily has a not-so-sudden realization.
Don’t say yes by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (800), no Voldemort AU Jily, Rated G
Two old flames reconnect, wondering if the other is happy.
This is me swallowing my pride by Kay-Elle-Cece
Complete (466), Harry’s God parents, Rated G
The appointment of Harry's Godfather was never up for discussion, but his Godmother? That took some convincing.
Keeping secrets just to keep you by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (453), Secret Relationship Jily, Rated T
James and Lily's friends have a bet, and the two of them are determined to win.
Silence and patience, pining in anticipation by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (1.2k), Post-Hogwarts Jily, Rated T
Lily’s been hung up on James for years; a tipsy conversation might be the push she needs to do something about it.
You kiss me in a way that’s gonna screw me up forever by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (1k), Pregnant Order!Jily, Rated T
When Lily and James got pregnant, they made a plan for how they'd participate in the Order going forward. Plans change.
Back to the Pavilion by @abihastastybeans
Complete (1.3k), Minerva McGonagall, Rated G
A day in the life of Minerva McGonagall. Written for the Ladies of HP Fest's Monthly Minis: 1st December 2023 - Minerva McGonagall!
The Naughty List by abihastastybeans
Complete (690), jily secret Santa, Rated T
Written for the December Jily Advent Calendar 2023!Prompt: A & B are colleagues and for the secret santa one of them gives the other something inappropriate as a gag gift
Added to the ever expanding TBR:
The Next Step by merlinsbudgiesmugglers
Complete (1.5k), post-canon Andromeda Tonks, Rated G
After the war Andromeda has been wholly focused on raising her grandson. But when he goes to Hogwarts, she finds she might need something more. Kingsley and Harry have an idea for what that could be.
Speak Now by @firefeufuego Complete (1.4k), Jily love declarations, Rated T
The fuse has been lit. Lily can almost hear the crackling hiss of it, feel the building burn of it in the air as Sirius takes the reins of the conversation, as drinks are bought and poured down newly dry throats, and eventually as last orders are called and the four of them are standing outside and saying farewell with kisses on cheeks. Sam and Sirius apparate away. Lily and James do not. They stand, eyes fixed firmly on each other, ready to ignite. ‘Not forever, you said?’ James asks, his voice deep and quiet in a way that’s never been hers to hear before now. Follow-up to the lovely kay-elle-cee's 'silence and patience, pining in anticipation'.
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practicecourts · 3 months
No good choices (Moody March Microfic day 13: lonely)
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Another @jilymicrofics in the Regency AU where Lord Potter should take his horse’s advice and Miss Evans realises she’s none too fond of men, in general, or is she?
Read on ao3 below the cut (700 wrds)
No Good Choices
… Lily, it is high time you gave up on the ludicrous idea of finding a paid position. Instead, you had better find yourself a proper husband, ensure your future by any means necessary, compromise a gentleman in a public setting, or sprain your ankle. Most firstborns are born early, it’s a fact of life in our social circles. You’re too pretty to be hired as a governess, no Mistress of a respectable house in their right mind would take you on. So stop hiding from the balls. I can’t have you live off me and Mr Dursley, so find yourself a husband that will provide for you. I’ve no interest in accepting that Mr. Snape on your behalf. Believe it or not, but I think you could do better. Just know, I will have no other choice, if you don’t act soon… 
The words in Petunia’s handwriting blurred before her eyes. The implications of her elder sister circled her mind like a flock of vultures.  Lily shuddered, the idea to trick a man into marriage, a bond that would last until either of them died, horrified her. She could never. She’d much prefer to stay alone, then suffer to feel lonely in an unsuited marriage. Besides, how would she even manage? Would she really dare approach a man? Grab a wandering gentleman by the lapels of his jacket, fling herself in unsuspecting arms, kiss an unattached Lord on the lips, let her fingers wander, and risk losing her virtue in the hopes he’d not walk away after she gave him what he desired? A man could after all, and no one would ever treat them less. Whereas she’d be ruined, without any chances for the future, just because she was a woman.  The memory of her overhearing Lord Potter’s complaints about his poor predicament (his estate and title required him to take a wife in order for him to secure an heir) and his laments over the many ladies looking to seduce him to be their husband. He’d even gone as far as say he wanted to have a choice in such a personal matter, and he felt robbed of one.  Oh, how angry she still got just thinking about it. How did he dare complain so vehemently, when he had all anyone could wish for? Good health, good fortune, title and lands to his name, proper education. She’d give a lot to be allowed to gain more knowledge.  How could the man think he was without choice. What highborn lady would refuse him? A man of his stature and fortune, with great posture and good looks to boot. Lily had to admit she enjoyed looking at him. She even found herself day dreaming about him, his thick dark hair, attractive to her probably because it was a little too wild for society’s standards. Often her thoughts would wander to his eyes that could burn with their intensity, the severity of his look had the power to decide an argument.  She’d also seen how they would crinkle just before his lips would quirk into a smile. Oh, how she’d started to look for that beginning of his smile, to see it just before it transformed his face like a sunset changed night into day… Oh, oh.
And just like that, Lily’s jealous anger morphed into something different, still heated, still burning, longing even; she desired Lord Potter, she wanted his smile, his look, to be only for her.    What would it be like if he were to kiss her…What would it be like? She ran her finger over her lips, absentmindedly, before she shook her head, embarrassed for imagining he would ever kiss her.
For Lord Potter had made his opinion on women trying to seduce him perfectly clear.  And as she was a woman with no fortune, no powerful relations, even when she would somehow find herself alone with him, even if he’d not walk away but instead do the honourable thing—Lily felt her face heat up, she put a cold hand on her cheeks—it would be to no avail, he’d forever think her mercenary, he’d be disgusted and loathe her for the rest of her life. He’d rightfully blame her for ruining his life.
That would be infinitely worse than being alone, but Lily wasn’t sure if it would be worse than living her life as Mr Snape’s wife. Spinsterhood sounded more and more appealing. 
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eminsunnytoons123 · 8 days
Here are the 'class of 3000: back to the SING!' ships And their names:
Cheddars and sunsets - cheddar man x sunny
Fashionable bass of wealth - kim x philly Phil x eddie
Fashionable flowers - kim x madison
Stubborn wealth - tamika x eddie
Peaceful dance - Bianca x Mila
Overbites and toughness - Brooklyn Bill x Lil' G
Sharks and Diamonds - Addison x Bambi
Shiny Diamonds - Freddie x Bambi
Cool kitties - Kaylie x Mackenzie
Grumps and chowders - Principal Luna x Petunia
Also for the kim x philly phil x eddie ship name, I Got that Idea from Aaliyah @ducktoonz903707 =^_^=
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shadoedseptmbr · 2 months
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Sunset petunias, for @brennacedria
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elderwisp · 7 months
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- Thank you for tagging me @pralinesims and @vicciouxs :D <3
ASSOCIATIONS for Frances Dubois
ANIMAL: a raven
COLORS: black and greyish purples
MONTH: october
SONGS: sea, swallow me by cocteau twins + here's a mini playlist
PLANTS: ‘black magic’ petunias and astilbe dark side of the moon (ok but also cool names wtf)
SMELLS: vanilla & patchouli
GEMSTONE: ametrine
TIME OF DAY: sunset so around 6pm
SEASON: fall
PLACES: the middle of a forest
FOOD: an everything bagel with whipped cream cheese
DRINKS: an iced chai with oatmilk
ELEMENT: earth
SEASONINGS: cinnamon
SKY: stratus
WEATHER: overcast, the more clouds, the better
MAGICAL POWER: necromancy
WEAPONS: a bejeweled dagger, one with a ruby on the pommel
SOCIAL MEDIA: probably instagram but just to lurk
MAKEUP PRODUCT: black liquid eyeliner and black/plum lipsticks
CANDY: chocolate with sea salt caramel filling
ART STYLE: 90's dark fantasy anime (like vampire hunter d: bloodlust)
FEAR: failure, everything losing it's meaning
PIECE OF STATIONARY: an eraser shaped like a baguette
CELESTIAL BODY: virgo, sue me
I tag: @nectar-cellar @raiiny-bay @omgkayplays @rollo-rolls @lynzishell
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wartieingreek · 3 days
doing update of this i did not too long ago, just want to include more and make it more accurate (Please be aware for any of my Sins (Kiwano, Yellow Rose, Dicentra, Begonia, Fly Trap, Petunia, Jabuticaba) I will be using their Pre-Gem versions (aka the start of their lore :3) to not have the really strong Sin stuff in it :3)
(As usual, Beast Ancients au belongs to @cuppajj :3)
Teal Shard Cookie - Hiding out in a cave, scared out of his mind. He’s witnessed the forces growing ever nearer and is in a constant state of panic. To whatever God may be listening to him, make it quick.
Gallane Squire Cookie - A loyal warrior amongst Midnight Lily’s forest, serving her with no questions asked. He may be slightly skeptical, but he does not voice them.
Fool’s Goldenberry Cookie - Staying with the Cookies of Darkness, working especially with the cake hounds, raising them at their younger years. He’s been feeling a little uneasy, but it’s likely a cold or stomach bug, right?
Burnt Shrapnel Cookie - Scouring the arid outskirts of the Parmesan Desert, aware of Celestial Cheese. She keeps her distance from the Neo-Beast, however, not wanting to succumb to whatever would happen, just in case.
Haemoglobin Cookie - Already being alone on a island, not too far from the Licorice Sea grants some confort, but the noticeable change in it’s behaviour has his raised concerns. Their eyes and ears stay on alert, just in case.
Begonia Cookie - Her heart has been shredded, having witnessed his girlfriend’s death before his eyes. She’s absolutely ruined mentally, hiding out in the woods, holding a remnant of Dicentra in her hair.
Kiwano Cookie - Being good at hiding from people’s eyes helped, most definitely, but witnessing his sister and friends die or go missing shook him up. He blames himself, and stays in a hut. He’s blissfully unaware of how close he is to the Saint’s territory.
Black Void Cookie - Frozen, one of many ice statues trapped in the lands of Frigid Cacao. From scurrying about, spying on those it considered dangerous or interesting, to stuck in fear and ultimately dying due to the cold. A sad end.
Yew Songbird Cookie - A valiant fighter, he sensed the intrusion into his section of the deeper forests, using all he had at his disposal to try and fend them off. Ultimately, exhaustion and time were his enemy.
Yellow Rose Cookie - A great friend, but a better sibling. She had to force her brother out of their home to save his life. She has since died, now at peace thanks to the Saint.
Dicentra Cookie - She tried to escape with her other half, but ultimately couldn’t hide the best due to dough tones and height. She’s in a better place now.
Fly Trap Cookie - Escaped him after they witnessed what happened to the others. They ended up lost and after enough wandering, found some orchids. They potted one, and kept it with them, caring for it. Big mistake.
Shaded Jam Cookie - They always stuck to the shadows, messing with others to their own discretion. They’ve not been seen out the dark in a while. Some say they see white pupils in other’s shadows, though only for a second.
Petunia Cookie - Last seen attempting to fight off the Saint, then gone. There’s been sightings of a red tail tip on occasion, though it may not be them.
Jabuticaba Cookie - They were last seen throwing Begonia and Dicentra over a fence. Some have said they’ve seen a large purple-ish figure, though it is unclear if it is him.
War Crepe Cookie - Missing, last seen staring off into the sunset, then nothing. Footprints lead into the waters.
Emerald Fracture - They just vanished, as if they were deleted by some other force.
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temporal-shuffle · 1 month
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churro-lord · 4 months
Hey! I started a fanadventure over on the MSPFA forums. It's basically a first draft for an OC story I'm making, so it's nothing crazy, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys checked it out ^_^
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savannah-5555 · 2 years
"I dunno I think you'd look great in orange"
Prompt #11 from @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world 's prompts for @jilytober.
Muggle AU; Engaged Jily; Rated T/ PG-13 for flirty behavior between a committed couple. Read on AO3
Orange blossom, salmon, sunset, sunrise, oh for bloody sake, Lily sighed internally tossing the swatch card aside, Petunia’s overly cheery smile mocking her from the soon to be Dursley family’s Save the Date. She inhaled deeply to the brewed cup of coffee James had prepared before heading out on his usual Saturday morning running loop. The mug’s warmth radiated through both palms, the fresh grounds performing some much needed aroma therapy.
 Not that she didn’t love her sister and not to make Petunia’s wedding all about herself, but for goodness sake, did the bridesmaid’s dress color palette have to be the shades that would best clash with Lily’s hair? Honestly.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” she sighed, staring at the the beautifully overpriced nuptial stationary on the kitchen table again. “Of the entire bloody rainbow, she had to go out and choose orange?” 
“Morning! What do we have against orange again?” James walking into the kitchen
“Hello?” Lily gestures to hair, “Have you seen my hair?  And don’t even say what you were about to-”
James did not both to hide the smirk biting off his cheeky remarks, as he kicked his trainers aside, discarding his earbuds in the catch all on the kitchen counter.
“I dunno, I think you’d look great in orange-”
“But I think you would look even better wearing nothing,” Lily chorused, finishing his sentence with him in tandem, “Prat, you’re so bloody predictable.”
“Well, can you blame me? It’s not my fault my fiance is gorgeous.” James pulled his shirt over his head and Lily fully let herself oggle her future husband's half naked sweaty torso.  “Is it freaking hot in this apartment or is it just me? No, seriously, why do you have the thermostat at 72 degrees?” 
“Because I get cold!” Lily gestured to James’ oversized maroon crewneck that made for a wonderful robe substitute.
“But not cold enough for pants?” James cocked an eyebrow.
"Shower. Now.” Lily pointed down the hall, trying her best to seem stern but ultimately her adoration for James squeezed its way through her facade and she bit back a smile
“Keep me company?” James used his thumbs to pull down his running shorts to expose his abdominal V-cut in what Lily could only describe as the world’s goofiest strip tease, “you know you want this, Evans,” He turned to smack his own bum before winking and turning his back to strut down the hallway. 
“You’re lucky you’re so damn cute,” Lily laughed at him, following him down the hall.
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sapphicmicrofics · 3 months
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April 17: Orange Open to any Harry Potter femslash ship. We aim for a word count between 50 and 500, but any length is allowed. Post your fic on Tumblr (tag this blog in the post and use the hashtag #sapphicmicrofics).
Please tag your works for any potential warnings, and if you want you can add them to this AO3 collection. For more rules check here!
You can also still write for any previous prompt!
Potential ships: Cho/Marietta, Luna/Alicia, Petunia/Pomona Inspiration: Dyeing your hair neon orange, accidentally charming your eyebrows orange, spilling orange juice all over yourself, orange juice from the grocery store that just tastes weirdly sour, peeling an orange for someone without being asked to, orange finger paint, the netherlands, orange leaves on the trees in fall, orange flowers, ginger hair, sunset orange, Peeta’s favourite colour (from the hunger games).
See the other prompts for this month here! See the previously written works here! For any questions, ask here!
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