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fovarosiblog · 2 years ago
János ránézett az ábrákra. Nem telt el sok idő, mire rájött: valójában fogalma sincs, hogy mit lát. A grafikonokhoz fűzött magyarázatok alapján abban azonban biztos volt, hogy bántani akarják a miniszterelnök urat. Na azt már nem! Nem hagyhatja! Ezek a mocskos, Brüsszelből beimportált Soros bérencek csak ártani akarnak az országnak, egy szavukat sem szabad elhinni. Különben is, nézzük csak meg mi volt a Gyurcsány idején. Hát hol számított Jánoséknak a dollár árfolyam, mikor akkor is és most is forintban kapták a fizetést?! János - bár nem volt tanult ember, az érettségin is csak átlökdösték - nem hagyta magát átverni, ravaszabb volt ennél. Határozottan lépett be a szavazófülkébe, mindkét ikszet a Fideszre húzta, majd gyorsan el is készítette róla a fényképet. Alig várta, hogy bedobja a borítékot, és büszkén elküldje a képet a fiának, aki már negyedik éve él kint a feleségével Berlinben.
"Gergőkém, nézd csak, hazajöhettek végre a Petrussal. Nem kell többé az arabok között élnetek és fáznotok télen! Anyuval már várunk nagyon titeket (és az unokát is!)." - írta János a kép mellé. Gergő nem válaszolt. Ezek a mai fiatalok egyszerűen nem értik meg milyen jó dolguk van. Azt hiszik tán, hogy odakint kolbászból van a kerítés?! Nem baj, majd kinövik a kalandvágyat és hazajönnek. János tudta, hogy amíg ez megtörténik, csak egy dolga van: mindig csak a Fideszre szavazni, hogy gyereke és unokája egy jól működő, biztonságos országba térhessenek haza.
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lacopadeeuropa · 8 months ago
home is where you hang yourself
"Ni Mahmud Abbas ni Dahlan; Yasir Arafat". Esto es casi como decir que "el valenciano no existe, es el catalán con algunas variantes. Nosotros no chantajeamos a nadie". Nadie chantajea nunca. Eso sólo sale en las películas. Eso y lo de los espías que huyen a paraísos fiscales haciéndose pasar por muerto. Como la canción de Peret, como el difunto padre de Javier de la Rosa ( sí, fue en mayo la muerte definitiva, su segunda muerte), ahora resulta que "el muerto está vivo: Francisco Paesa disfruta del dinero robado por Roldán y de los fondos reservados que le entregó Belloch, en el número 45 del boulevard de la Petrusse de Luxemburgo.". Y en compañía de "una mujer joven y rubia". Ojo. Así empieza el lunes. Malogrado principio de semana. A veces pienso que las noticias bomba las mantienen en la recámara hasta que la minutera indica que ya es lunes. Malogrado lunes con malogradas declaraciones. Declas como éstas que dicen que "la llamada de Batasuna al consenso y al diálogo es "un salto importante". Ya. Ahora justo es el salto. Al vacío. Por detrás no debe quedar mucho, casi seguro. Y es que, además, a partir de hoy lunes, la Rambla del Raval comenzará a vigilarse más. Aquí también tenemos nuestras Twin Towers, y nuestro World Trade Center. Por separado, eso sí. Lugares que por lo visto, "los paquistaníes detenidos en Barcelona el 15 de septiembre" y "que enviaron grandes cantidades de dinero a Amjad Farooqi, el hombre acusado de organizar el asesinato del periodista de The Wall Street Journal, Daniel Pearl, en 2002, y de los recientes atentados contra Pervez Musharraf, presidente de Pakistán" habían filmado en vídeo. No sé para qué. Dicen los de la policía y los de los medios que para atentar contra estos edificios en el futuro, aunque yo nunca creí en la publicidad engañosa. Lo que sí creo es que acabaré convenciéndome, tarde o temprano, en decirle adiós a los kebabs del Top Döner, uno de los lugares más emblemáticos, míticos y carismáticos de mi geografía emocional del pasado verano. Hoy, sin embargo, mi geografía emocional pasa por un lunes malogrado. Con muchas cosas que escribir y, a la vez, con poco, muy poco que decir. Debe ser porque anoche el Barça perdió.
(publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2004)
sergio - 15 de noviembre de 2004 - 19:42
LARGA VIDA AL KING DONEEEEER!! La supremacía mc donalds hecha islámica. mmm.... El gran Paesa, otro de mis ídolos, que grande este hombre!!
marquinho - 15 de noviembre de 2004 - 19:23
El Barça no perdió. Ayer ganó contra el Casademont Girona :-)
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paramedicabroad · 1 year ago
City of Luxembourg: it's Old Quarters and Fortifications
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Today, let's embark on a virtual journey to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Luxembourg City, where the intertwining threads of ancient fortifications and quaint old quarters weave a narrative of resilience and architectural splendor.
Nestled in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg City stands as a testament to the country's rich history and strategic importance. Its UNESCO World Heritage status, bestowed in 1994, recognizes the outstanding universal value of its fortifications and historic quarters.
Begin your exploration at the Bock Promontory, crowned with the Bock and Petrusse Casemates – an extensive network of underground tunnels and chambers that once served as military defenses. Wander through this subterranean marvel and imagine the city's wartime history.
Stroll through the enchanting Old Quarters, where cobbled streets, charming squares, and historic buildings create an atmosphere that transports you back in time. Admire the fusion of medieval and Renaissance architecture that characterizes this part of the city.
Marvel at the Grand Ducal Palace, a striking Renaissance-style building that serves as the official residence of the Grand Duke. The palace stands as a symbol of Luxembourg's continuity as a sovereign state.
Explore Fort Thüngen, an integral part of the city's fortifications. This star-shaped fortress, surrounded by lush greenery, showcases military engineering from different periods and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area.
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Take in the scenic beauty of the Alzette River Valley, where the city's fortifications are harmoniously integrated into the natural landscape. The green spaces and winding river add a touch of serenity to the historical tapestry.
Descend to the Grund district, nestled along the river, with its picturesque houses, lively cafes, and the iconic Saint John's Church. The blend of historic charm and contemporary vibrancy makes it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.
Luxembourg City's UNESCO World Heritage designation recognizes its role in shaping European history and its well-preserved architectural and urban ensemble. It serves as a living testament to the city's ability to adapt and evolve while retaining its cultural and historical identity.
In conclusion, Luxembourg City, with its old quarters and fortifications, invites us to wander through centuries of history and marvel at the resilience of a city that has stood the test of time. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it encourages us to appreciate the delicate dance between past and present. When you're ready to explore a city where medieval charm meets modern vitality, Luxembourg City promises to inspire and captivate. 🏰🌍🌟
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rasmasandra · 2 years ago
Lovely Luxembourg City
Luxembourg City is the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It has a prominent location at the confluence of the Alzette and Petrusse Rivers. It is amazing at how much the city has to offer visitors. Mudam offers exhibitions of modern, installation and experimental art. This modern museum was designed by IM Pei. The collection is extensive and visitors can see exhibits featuring…
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444names · 2 years ago
middle telerin dictionary + berber forenames
Aamut Abba Abha Abhabala Abhanissa Adalweler Adda Addle Adefoamel Adlasmu Adun Aghat Aghmuda Aghmuk Ahax Ahissa Aken Akfaks Akfalit Aklilled Akor Alpani Amalana Amasa Amassaaza Amat Amazegdud Amazziga Amdele Amezwar Ammed Amraisan Amriza Amrulust Anculla Angamuh Aqqassal Aqutu Aqutuc Arine Assilas Awla Awna Awnas Axamdel Ayando Ayant Ayghmu Azam Azigmi Azousan Azza Bakli Bakor Bakord Bakorrum Beada Bear Beat Beken Bekkawla Bekku Belkanda Bellan Belli Bellidda Bervernel Bezwandja Bibiza Bizart Boysinna Brari Braspal Bred Brel Burboysa Burboysi Bure Buren Buxtu Buxtucal Búroth Búrothe Búrothed Cavernima Clara Clofty Clouield Clouiele Crecit Crel Crem Crendo Cucave Dada Dang Dangth Dania Deja Dejat Dejda Dejdir Dele Deouield Dhax Dihe Dihysa Dimaturbo Dimmi Direcit Diri Drinasi Elda Eler Ellal Elpa Ennamirat Exces Fage Fagessa Faghady Fakku Fakor Felt Fendch Feng Feran Ferge Feri Feribiza Ferriza Finanyar Finesces Finin Firaghmuh Firiwel Fitellid Fixferri Flya Foloftel Folone Fora Form Forrine Frakku Fran Fronel Frood Gazu Geldund Ghadled Ghir Ghnnatur Glumbel Glun Gluna Glunim Gnoble Gnomeja Godo Graja Grandja Grat Guagh Gulga Gunimya Guturaks Gwejdas Gwen Haba Habayagha Heades Heat Heatu Hedeja Hera Heri Hidas Hilla Hing Hinna Homele Homen Homer Hoth Hádalit Hádan Ibbaysin Ibya Iccaamall Ickur Ifalpalda Ifar Ifaraged Ifnia Ifninas Iheddun Ihen Ihennat Ihya Imya Irard Ixfenna Ixfer Ixzigaya Ixzilla Izam Izayaa Jdihyagha Jemmen Kaha Kand Kani Kawra Keng Kenna Kennasi Kerve Kina Kinisend Kulaya Kurboys Laghidel Lalla Lart Laud Laudala Laudja Lickingth Lilerit Linasmas Lodo Louenzar Lound Lutter Lwayassa Lwejda Lwejdiri Lwel Lwirel Lyar Mades Malilla Mando Mania Masgan Maspania Massiphat Maturt Maytaks Maza Mazzi Medduda Mega Megazzi Mejat Mejda Mejdihys Mejdired Meld Mele Melt Mend Meyda Meydali Mezwa Mezwiza Mileddan Mone Monel Mostre Mouda Mouen Mouieler Moun Mounda Muttem Myan Nadanan Nasteat Nomer Nounel Onel Ongaya Peta Petrussal Pila Pilant Pild Pilga Pilya Poweribya Pánellat Raspania Rassa Ratigmi Rent Rumbeecit Rusa Ruzmi Sekkur Sendo Senzuzmi Sernisa Shana Silda Sildjat Sipha Siphya Sive Smaya Smuda Solk Solod Solone Solonga Spala Spalasaas Staken Stal Star Stelt Stem Streat Strel Stremmuh Strooch Suffinna Suffir Sugda Sussaasi Sutto Swariyaa Tadja Taduda Tadunia Tafa Tafro Tafsuf Tafsutuc Takfa Taklin Takor Takoraga Takormega Taks Talauda Talgum Talicku Talickur Talilana Tallan Tallaya Talpa Talwishir Talwiza Tama Tamasp Tamdejda Tamgh Tamid Tamiddlal Tammi Tamra Tanasga Tang Tantaduda Tanya Tari Tase Tasilat Taspa Tawni Tazi Teart Tegdud Telgulga Temmida Tenia Terancuc Terin Tfir Tfira Tfixferga Tigmily Tikine Tikines Tikingum Tilassa Tinna Titeraja Tone Toneld Tredda Treech Trel Trem Trenna Trine Trone Trooch Ugda Ugduna Ugga Uggulla Umbe Umsi Umsile Umsireat Urajatuc Ureech Urtitel Uzmi Vassa Vile Vily Want Wejda Wend Wirmele Wnines Wora Woragayaa Xama Xammes Yagesces Yandch Yang Yellit Yelpanna Yund Zega Zegan Zera Zibler Zibya Zigam Zilviriza Zily Zirassa Zunasifa Zuza Zwirella Zwiza
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petrus-pacheco · 7 years ago
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Logo work in progress @dungeonsdancers made by me @petrus_pacheco @petrus_artgame videogame by Impressive Entertainment in @game_espana (en Barcelona, Spain)
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gentlemanpixelator · 3 years ago
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Luxembourg. La Passerelle.
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aprebenlarsen · 4 years ago
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Best part of going to a doctor is the walk to his office, Luxembourg 2020
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Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
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brukhyworld · 5 years ago
La vie va reprendre lundi, en attendant vous pouvez découvrir mon exposition virtuelle CurioSités sur le site Web de la marque @petrusse_official je vous propose un voyage autour du monde intemporel et féerique. #life #petrusse #art #photographie #vintage #fashion #video #bordeaux #paris #usa #russia #arcachon #popart #newyork #hongkong #china #france #egypt #pyramid (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5BtbGAZ4U/?igshid=kbiase0j64y7
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morelin · 5 years ago
Nell’attesa di riprendere i viaggi che al momento sono sospesi a causa del Coronavirus, vorrei parlarvi del Granducato di Lussemburgo,  qualche volta inserito negli itinerari dei viaggi organizzati più che altro come territorio di passaggio verso altre mete. Da qui la mia decisione di trascorrere un weekend lungo alla scoperta della capitale, Lussemburgo.
Anche se di dimensioni ridotte, la città propone diverse attrazioni turistiche: in primis le Casemates du Bock, un importante sistema difensivo costruito a partire dal 1644 su più piani con gallerie labirintiche scavate nella roccia fino a 40 m di profondità che è stato dichiarato Patrimonio Unesco. 
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Proprio davanti all’ingresso delle Casemates c’è la possibilità di salire sul Pétrusse Express, un trenino che vi consente di fare un tour panoramico della città vecchia, del Grund e della valle del fiume Pétrusse dove sono situate altre fortificazioni come il Rham Plateau. 
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Volendo, per arrivare alla città bassa si può optare anche per l’ascensore panoramico che collega le due parti della città. Un altro modo per ammirare il panorama della parte bassa della città è passeggiare sul Chemin de la Corniche: da qui potrete vedere la chiesa di St-Jean-du-Grund, le fortificazioni, il vallone della Pétrusse e la Cittadelle du St-Esprit.
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Il centro storico ruota intorno a Place Guillaume, la grande piazza dove svetta il monumento equestre di Guglielmo II: vi si trovano infatti la Cattedrale di Notre Dame che custodisce La Consolatrice degli Afflitti, l’icona più venerata del paese, La Chambre des Députés ed il Palazzo Granducale che nel XIX secolo venne adottato dalla famiglia reale come residenza invernale e ora sede di molte attività governative. L’edificio è chiuso al pubblico ad eccezione del periodo estivo quando il palazzo apre le porte per far scoprire gli interni lussuosi che contrastano con l’aspetto esterno (apre da metà luglio circa ed è visitabile solamente con visite guidate con prenotazione obbligatoria). 
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Nel Letzebuerg City Museum è possibile ripercorrere gli oltre mille anni della storia della città attraverso oggetti, filmati e documenti.
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Nel Musée National d’Histoire ed d’Art si possono ammirare invece le diverse collezioni presenti che vanno dai reperti archeologici all’arte contemporanea con dipinti anche di Cézanne e Picasso. 
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Ma l’arte non finisce qui: infatti, presso la Villa Vauban sono ospitate varie collezioni d’arte antica o arte locale e mostre temporanee e poi c’è la possibilità di fermarsi nel giardino per un momento di relax.
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Altri musei sono presenti nel quartiere di Kirchberg situato ad un paio di chilometri della città vecchia, conosciuto per essere il quartiere finanziario ed amministrativo dato che vi hanno sede diverse istituzioni dell’Unione Europea. Negli anni ‘90 il quartiere ha dato inizio ad un programma di sviluppo urbano con la costruzione di immensi grattacieli ed audaci edifici progettati da architetti di fama mondiale. Tra questi vi è la sede della Filarmonica ma anche il MUDAM, un museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea la cui struttura in vetro è stata progettata dall’architetto I.M. Pei, il creatore della Piramide del Louvre. 
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Poco distante si trova invece il Musée Drai Eechelen che racconta la storia del Lussemburgo e della fortezza in cui è situato.
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Infine due ponti importanti: il Ponte Adolfo ritenuto un simbolo non ufficiale dell’indipendenza del Lussemburgo ed il Ponte della Granduchessa Charlotte, eroina nazionale per la difesa del Granducato durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
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divatmarkak-hu · 8 years ago
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chloemons · 4 years ago
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MAISON PETRUSSE... @petrusse_official #petrusse #foulard #soie #cachemire #beauty #creation #letshaveadream #together #chateaumauriac #lifeismagical @denysbeaumatin @flo_lafragette @hazelmoz https://www.instagram.com/p/COvZwzwrXMx/?igshid=ugkptglm0gyi
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amato8907 · 5 years ago
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Thank you @petrusse_official for this beautiful greeting card! 😍 Merci à la maison @petrusse_official de nous avoir mis en haut de l'affiche pour cette magnifique carte de voeux! #Petrusse #presentperfect #Welovepetrusse #ilovepetrusse #Petrusselovesus #MerciPetrusse #happynewyear (à Petrusse) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6zNlCpKly9nj5HgOt5btsHBWljZpVmczEHgUk0/?igshid=125hzglxjrh3z
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cool-critters · 5 years ago
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Black-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps)
The black-headed spider monkey is a species of spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, from Central and South America. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama. The two subspecies are: Ateles fusciceps fusciceps - northwestern Ecuador. Ateles fusciceps rufiventris - southwest Colombia to eastern Panama.A. f. fusciceps lives in tropical and subtropical humid forests between 100 and 1,700 metres above sea level.  It lives in population densities of 1.2 monkeys per square kilometer. A. f. rufiventris lives in dry forests, humid forests and cloud forests, and can live up to 2,000 to 2,500 metres above sea level. A. f. fusciceps has a black or brown body and a brown head.  A. f. rufiventris is entirely black with some white on its chin.  The black-headed spider monkey is one of the larger New World monkeys. The head and body length, excluding tail, typically ranges between 39.3 and 53.8 cm. The prehensile tail is between 71.0 and 85.5 cm. The black-headed spider monkey is arboreal and diurnal. It moves by climbing and brachiation. When mating, females may consort with a male for up to three days, or else mate with several males.  Mating occurs with the male and female face to face, and can last for five to 10 minutes. The black-headed spider monkey is considered to be critically endangered by the IUCN due to an estimated population loss of more than 80% over 45 years, from hunting and human encroachment on its range of habitation.
photo credits: Petruss, Patrick Mueller
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petrus-pacheco · 7 years ago
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One Dream. Virtual ecology. Virtual virtual. The last pink, black and white. I only can be a mime. Breack fast the course. Dinner no dinner.
The last of the course. (en Barcelona, Spain)
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