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kiwiana-writes · 1 year ago
For the ask game:
Their mom always said there is a big difference between boys who have sisters and those who do not.
Their mom always said there is a big difference between boys who have sisters and those who do not. Alex didn’t understand what she meant when he was younger; as he grew up, though, he saw the way his sisterless peers cringed away from the hint of a tampon as though it was a nuclear bomb, or made it very clear they had no idea how to interact with a girl they didn’t want to fuck.
He didn’t have any patience for it at fifteen, and he doesn’t have any patience for it now.
This thing with Henry, whatever it is — frenemies or acquaintances or whatever — it puts him on the back foot at first. He’s rewiring his whole understanding of who Henry actually is; he doesn’t know how to square this Henry, who sends snarky texts and engages with Alex’s rambling, with the Henry he thought he knew.
But the first time he listens to Henry talk at length about Bea, he thinks he might finally get it.
[Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fic and I’ll write you the next five.]
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stereopticons · 1 day ago
On this Day in Schitt's Creek: March 2
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One for One [david/patrick, E, 2,243] by bigficenergy
Another take on David and Patrick's night at Stevie's apartment.
to wild homes we return to [david/patrick, T, 5,943] by yerbamansa
On their first visit to Patrick’s hometown, David has a lot of anxieties.
Room One [david/patrick, E, 6,184] by thingwithwings
“So, can we christen your new apartment yet?” David asks, leaning over the counter, smiling into a kiss. Patrick draws back, shaking his head sadly. “No. I don’t take possession till tomorrow. But we can go to the Sherwood.” David tilts his head. “What, like . . . for the last time?”
Things I'll Never Say [david/patrick, G, 1,700] by @olrhys
5 times Patrick doesn’t say what's on his mind + 1 time he does
Until You Don't know [david/patrick, G, 3,188] by aokayinspace
David and Patrick take a trip to Israel only for David to realize when they get there it is Purim so they throw together some last minute plans to celebrate the holiday.
[Podfic & Art] Getting Over Getting Older All the Time [david/patrick, E] by Amanita_Fierce, @b13-maybethistime CeeWelsh @delilah-mcmuffin DelphinaBoswell Elsewherefumbling @godoflaundrybaskets kiranerys42 @kiwiana-writes @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 MoreHuman @neelyo67 @petrodobreva RevolutionaryJo @rhetoricalk @ships-to-sail @sparklesmagiclightlove @sunlightsymphony @this-is-not-nothing @unfolded73 @whetherwoman CompassRose
“Well I’m going to run some errands,” David says, brushing a stray bit of fuzz off his navy blue sweater. “But we’re still on for birthday dinner?” “Yeah,” Patrick nods. He’s pretty sure David knows the annual birthday surprise party stopped being a surprise after year two or three. David doesn’t even inflict fictional catastrophes on the café as a decoy anymore. But Patrick plays along anyway. In some ways their whole partnership is built on playing along. OR David and Patrick have been business partners for a decade until, on Patrick's 40th Birthday, everything changes. [Podfic and Art of "Getting Over Getting Older All the Time," written by Distractivate]
A Lot of Sinks [david/patrick, T, 1,723] by @flowerfan2
David has had a long day. Patrick has some ideas on how to brighten his mood. -or- “Your sister has done it on a lot of sinks,” Patrick says. “Maybe we should try it.”
A Morning Mystery [david/patrick, T, 1,375] by @thesleepyskipper
When a groggy David is rudely interrupted from returning to sleep by Patrick's phone, he finds his curiosity piqued by some messages from a strange number. David spends the rest of the morning trying to deduce who is texting Patrick and why.
A One-Time Exception [david/patrick, G, 446] by reginahalliwell
Patrick convinces David to do a paint nite with him in Elmdale, but oh, what to wear?!
Birds of a Feather [david/patrick, M, 2,378] by @agoodpersonrose
Patrick smiles lewdly at his husband. “I believe this is what Mr Attenborough would call,” he lowers his voice in a bad imitation of the documentary narrator, “the traditional mating call of the wild Brewer.”
Dominica [david/patrick, G, 300] by Rosey_Peach
I Love You and That's All That I Really Know [david/patrick, NR, 801] by @egoanesthesia
David and Patrick listening to Love Story (Taylor's Version). This is just 800 words of soft husbands being soft oops.
Nice Boys Sometimes Kiss Like That [david & harry styles, T, 7,340] by yeah_alright
Harry Styles showing up at David Rose’s latest gallery opening is certainly unexpected. The way he saves David not only from his asshole ex but maybe even his own self-loathing is nothing David could have seen coming. And it might be exactly what he needs.
Safe [david/patrick, G, 2,098] by alldaydream
The first time Patrick realizes he isn’t living just for himself anymore.
Safe & Sound [david/patrick, T, 3,747] by TheBasilRathbone
David grins, reaching out to pull Alexis into a too-tight hug. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he murmurs into her shoulder. “I’m glad you married Patrick,” she fires back, meeting Patrick's eye over David’s shoulder with a watery smile. “Sebastian defo would have let me freeze to death and then taken polaroids of my dead body for his next showing for some kind of ‘meditation on the fleeting nature of life.’” “Well, we’re all glad I didn’t marry Sebastian.”
sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you [david/patrick, T, 3,865] by fairmanor
This is the first time it’s happened to David here. Or; on the day that marks a year since Sebastien came to town, David can't sleep. He works through some lingering feelings about his past.
we look here and we look there, seeking answers anywhere [alexis/twyla, G, 370] by budd
Alexis misses her brothers back home in Schitt's Creek. #30: "eyelid kisses"
Haiku [david/patrick, G, poem] by elifisher96
Patrick tries his hand at writing haikus.
Let's Take this Offline [stevie/ruth, E, 516] by @sarahlevys @middyblue
Stevie: ruth Stevie: ruuuuuuth Stevie: i have a very important question Ruth: Hello Ruth: How may I help you? Stevie: this meeting is so goddamn boring Stevie: which underwear do you have on today A RMG business meeting gets almost out of hand.
You Make Sense to Me [david/patrick, M, 802] by @a-noble-dragon
He's a feast for the eyes...
You've Got All That I Need [david/patrick, NR, 76,580] by @brobeckology @egoanesthesia
Patrick offers to tutor David in marketing class, but it's totally platonic... right? OR College/university AU but Patrick is disabled.
[Art] Good boy [david/patrick, M, art] by @lizzie-bennetdarcy
David wears a collar. Patrick likes it.
No fanworks for 2017, 2018, or 2024 2019: 2 fics/8,186 words 2020: 3 fics/11,072 words 2021: 12 fanworks (11 fics, 1 podfic, 1 fanart)/24,565 words 2022: 4 fanworks (3 fics, 1 poem)/77,979 words 2023: 1 fanart Total: 22 fanworks (19 fics, 1 podfic, 2 fanart, 1 poem)/121,802 words
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caught-on-tape-fest · 1 year ago
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Caught On Tape: A Carry On Podfest Masterlist
Caught On Tape is a podfic festival for fanfic related to Rainbow Rowell's Simon Snow Trilogy and Fangirl that runs October 29th to November 11th, 2023.
Listed below are all of the podfics posted so far for the fest! (You can find them on AO3 in our collection too.) Thank you so much to all of the wonderful creators who have participated and to the writers who volunteered their works to be podficced.
Rated G
[Podfic] Figure It Out (length: 3:22) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @wellbelesbian
[Podfic] The Plum Tree (length: 6:21) read by @fatalfangirl, written by @otherpeoplesheartachept-2
[Podfic] Threads of Fate by Aristocratic_Otter (length 1:51:59) read by @caethes, written by @aristocratic-otter
Rated T
[Podfic] Dare (length: 25:09) read by @theimpossibledemon, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow Squeaksbury (length: 19:15) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @aroace-genderfluid-sheep
[Podfic] namesakes (length: 6:34) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @tea-brigade
[Podfic] Crisp and Sweet (length: 22:00) read by @bookish-bogwitch, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] We Still Bloom (length 1:45:00) read by @hushed-chorus, written by @artsyunderstudy
[Podfic] A Prickly Disposition (length 11:56) read by @fatalfangirl, written by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
[Podfic] A Restless Mind (Chapter 2 added) (length Ch 1 35:21, Ch 2 45:21) read by @cottagepodfics, written by @whatevertheweather
[Podfic] Worst Disney Princess Ever (length 54:28) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @hushed-chorus
[Podfic] Return to Sender (length 40:08) read by @spiri-a, writtenby @tea-brigade
[Podfic] Meet Me Under the Mistletoe (length 25:48) read by RattleandHum, written by @artsyunderstudy
[Podfic] Raining Cats and Dogs (Without the Cats) (length 32:23) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @whatevertheweather
[Podfic] This Is What We'll Tell Them (length 13:55) read by @captain-aralias, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] The Sound of Silence (length 49:00) read by @spiri-a, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Petrichor (length 34:26) read by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, written by @martsonmars
[Podfic] Tuesday (length 6:51) read by @freclface, written by @sillyunicorn
[Podfic] Light Me Up (length 37:28) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] "Bro. You can just sleep with me." (length 7:13) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Bestie Status Achieved (length 12:14) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Who Cooks For You? (length 8:16) read by @karry-on, written by @sillyunicorn
[Podfic] 5 times agatha wellbelove should have realised she was a lesbian, and 1 time she did (length 14:35) read by @karry-on, written by @wellbelesbian
[Podfic] Flowers, Cake, and Filthy DMs (length 11:24) read by @iamamythologicalcreature, written by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
[Podfic] Is This the Real Life? (length 42:52) read by @petrodobreva and @ivelovedhimthroughworse, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Icarus (length 3:02) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] The Selkie and his Boy (length 2:07:00 spread over six chapters) read by @spiri-a, written by @hushed-chorus
[Podfic] Wielded by the Righteous by Maanorchidee (length 12:32) read by pectinouscube, written by @forabeatofadrum
Rated M
[Podfic] Sleeper Agents (length 13:31) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Shiver (length 43:48) read by theimpossibledemon, written by @captain-araliasand @facewithoutheart
[Podfic] Hold You Close Just Like a Photograph (length 20:05) read by @captain-aralias, written by @skeedelvee
Rated E
[Podfic] The Worst Chosen Ones (The "Let It Snow" Remix) (length 39:19) read by @bookish-bogwitch, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Playing the Field (length 45:56) read by @cutestkilla, written by @fatalfangirl
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cha-melodius · 8 months ago
This or That: RWRB Edition
Thanks for the tags @myheartalivewrites and @kiwiana-writes (and thanks to m for creating this!)
The rules: I’ll list two things and you pick your favourite and bold it. Or pick both of you can't choose, I’m not your mum. And then tag some friends to join in if you like.
Here we go:
// Cakegate or the Great Turkey Calamity // Red Room or tack room // strumpet or biscuit // Don’t Stop Me Now or Your Song // Yes, good, carry on or We all must learn and grow // Prince Buttercup or Hoe Dameron // Henry runs on NYE or Henry runs from the lake house // I am very, very gay or Bisexuality truly is a rich and complex tapestry // fire under your ass for no good goddamn reason or bottom of the pie crust chat // baby or sweetheart // The whole bloody time or set me on fire // Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi // AN INCOMPLETE LIST or your body comes back to me in dreams // burgundy velvet suit or midnight-blue bomber jacket // bad metaphors about maps or hometown stuff // obtuse fucking asshole or then fucking have me // America: He is my choice or Never tell me the odds // sería una mentira porque no sería él or history, huh? // I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you or I love him on purpose //
If you do this please use the 'this or that: rwrb edition' tag below or tag @myheartalivewrites, because she wants to see it making the rounds! Tagging literally all of my rwrb mutuals under the cut lol, OR if I don't tag you but you still want to play JUMP IN.
@yrsonpurpose, @luainthewild, @faketrex, @heysweetheart-writes, @happiness-of-the-pursuit
@anincompletelist, @affectionatelyrs, @read-and-write-, @porcelainmortal, @bribumblebee
@papiercranes, @wordsofhoneydew, @cactusdragon517, @ndcgalitzine, @kaaatiekate
@sparklepocalypse, @violetbaudelaire-quagmire, @blueeyedgrlwrites, @getmehighonmagic, @ad-astra13
@oxfordslutphase, @eusuntgratie, @bigassbowlingballhead, @lfg1986-2, @anchoredarchangel
@ninzied, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @seanchaidh7, @firenati0n, @indestructibleheart
@ships-to-sail, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @statueinthestone, @inexplicablymine, @petrodobreva
@sherryvalli, @b13-maybethistime, @liminalmemories21, @iboatedhere, @smc-27
@nontoxic-writes, @jettestar, @sweatersinthesummer, @swearphil, @lilythesilly
@thesleepyskipper, @designatedgrape, @pragmatic-optimist, @noahreids, @tintagel-or-cockleshells
@leaves-of-laurelin, @celaestis1, @dustratcentral, @historicallysam, @stardisnight
@14carrotghoul, @jazzerdoc, @orchidscript, @actual-sleeping-beauty, @clottedcreamfudge
@xthelastknownsurvivorx, @treluna4, @adreamareads, @welcometololaland, @three-drink-amy
@cheesecurdsgravyandfries, @dumbpeachjuice, @rmd-writes, @indomitable-love, @celeritas2997
@cricketnationrise, @everwitch-magiks
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 11 months ago
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Our farm witch friends really delivered with their faves last month and we're here this week to share the last of that list. Thank you to everyone who responded to pass along the fics you love and help keep this fandom reading (and writing)!
Check these community fave works out and leave the authors some love!
Bound by symmetry (barelypink) “I am and always will be a sucker for a slow burn. This one is a diamond.”
Goodwill (@spiders-hth-is-an-outlier) “I don't know why I love this as much as I do. It's really sad, but also really joyful. It unfolds so beautifully. I love all the introspection. And the socks. I'll always love the socks.” 
If not now (MoreHuman, swat117) “There is no truer test of a relationship than all the time in the world.”
If you say run, I’ll run with you (upbeat) “Wonderful, different take on the wedding.”
Language of Love (pandorasdaydream) “This series takes the 22 min tv episodes and fills in the moments we don’t see. David and Patrick are fleshed out, while staying true to Dan Levy’s characters. The series is beautifully written and developed.”
Left unsaid (@treepyful) “A very detailed day in the life of a rare pair in the Fandom. Like, so so detailed. But every word is glorious and intentional, and somehow, though there's only like 6 words of dialog in the entire fic, so much gets said. Also, there's one of the most incredible descriptions of a thunderstorm that I've ever read.”
Neither snow, nor rain (middyblue) “Christmas slow-burn.”
Post hoc ergo propter hoc (various) “I love all of the installments in this political AU because I liked the West Wing a lot but it was never queer enough. This series has all the humor and dialogue and romance and Queer Feelings (tm) you might ever wish for in a beltway workplace drama, plus President Johnny Rose and Stevie Budd as his (eventual) chief of staff.” 
Prismatic (thetrustytaco) **WIP**  “You only see b&w until you get close to your soulmate! Gah! Not finished but so good so far!!”
Sleepless (@wellschitt) “This fic is funny, sexy, and full of heart, and at just over 10k, it's the perfect length for a reread (or in my case many, many rereads) when you need a quick pick me up on a stressful day.”
Time until the end of time (@ships-to-sail, yourbuttervoicedbeau (@kiwiana-writes)) “I've been into the idea of a waiting room on the way to the after life for a long time, and this piece totally does our characters justice. If you have an ache in your life, it will knead it and might even heal you a bit.”
Value added (theMaura) “Short. Hilarious.”
Vampires Are People Too! (@petrodobreva) “It's a rare thing indeed for a fic author to create a unique, fully realized alternative world while still holding on to the spirit of the canon work that we all know and love, but that's exactly what petrodobreva manages to pull off in this teen vampire AU.” 
Winning the Game (@ladyflowdi) “One of the most hilarious laugh-out-loud fics in the fandom.” 
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you-remind-me-of-the-babe · 2 years ago
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Happy Sunday! I’m here with some recs today. Specifically, I’m sharing six Podfic recs, as a sneaky way to promo Caught on Tape: A Carry On Podfest. We are super excited to be running this fest for the first time, and in order to get you all jazzed for it, I’d like to highlight some amazing podfics that already exist in our fandom 🎉
Welcome to My Life, 55 min, Rated T, fic by @sillyunicorn and podficced by @captain-aralias
I was already obsessed with this fic when it was just a kernel of an idea based on this art by @letraspal where Baz has wings and Simon dresses in florals. The author took this Watford era role reversal to heart and really created a compelling story with a very angsty and Baz. Aralias did a fantastic job with Baz’s characterization and I found myself sucked into this story anew hearing it read aloud. (Aralias also has a number of great podfics. All are worth a listen)
15-Across, 43 min, Rated T, fic by @ninemagicks and podficced by @cottagepodfics
This Normal AU meet cute has Simonn wondering about the cute man he always sits next to on his morning train commute who does crosswords every morning. The utterly sweet vibe comes shining through in the reader’s performance, and has lost of fun touches with sound effects and voice modifications (to distinguish inner thoughts, text messages, etc) that just really make the experience such a fun listen.
I Meant it, You’ll See, 48 min, Rated T, fic by @otherworldsivelivedin and podficced by @petrodobreva
A kiss between friends in this Normal AU has Simon having sudden realizations that cause him to chase Baz down at a train station the next day. Great pining and excellent miscommunication that comes through in spades in the readers performance. Amazing music and sound effects add the perfect touch to really immerse you in this story.
Wasabi, 31 min, Rated E, written and read by xivz
The one where Simon is a cam boy and Baz has zero chill. Also, they were roommates. Man, this story is so hot and the way xivz reads this makes it infinitely hotter. They put on their sexy voice and gives us every delicious moan, groan and sigh. You’ll be fanning yourself and wiping your brow by the end!
A Case of Identity, 20-30 min, Rated T, fic by @ninemagicks and @sourcherrymagiks and podficced by @youarenevertooold
Simon finds an anonymous love letter written to him and hidden in a library book. So he responds, leading to a very funny and cute back and forth while he tries to figure out who it is. This reader has such lovely voices and characterizations for both Simon and Baz and just hits every joke perfectly. Seriously, you’ll be cackling and awwing the whole way through.
Everything’s Coming Up Roses, 65 min, Rated T, fic by @annabellelux and podficced by RattleandHum
An excellent Watford era Hanahaki fic, full of the angstiest love sick Baz. (The Hanahaki fics in this fandom are so good.) The reader does an excellent posh Baz and brings so much emotion to the table. And with 3 chapters you can listen in intervals easily without losing your place. I think this was my first Podfic in the fandom (and ever!) and I just remember being in awe that such a wonderful thing existed.
There are 47 podfics tagged in the CO fandom on AO3. Go give them a peek and get yourself excited about hearing more when the Podfest drops some new gems Oct 29-Nov 11th. Click on the link above to follow the blog for updates. 🎙️💕
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omgauplease · 2 years ago
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Hey y’all! Today’s the day: creator reveals are here!!
A sincere thank you to everyone who participated in this fest! Prompters, creators, readers, listeners, rebloggers, etc - you all made this a HUGE success!
Without further ado, here are our incredible creators for AU, Please!!!
(P.S. if we got your tumblr name wrong or missed it entirely, please send us a message and we’ll update the post)
Subtext & Symmetry by bonepicker (@siocliath)
Triple Bee by thesleepyskipper (@thesleepyskipper)
Flying, Fears, and Falling in...Something by VampireGalileo (@vampiregalileo)
*bleep* Late Night Radio by iknowwhyulikeoscarwilde
fond by Local_Queer (@a-very-gay-disaster)
[Podfic] It's an Emergency! A Romance Emergency! by RattleandHum (@thirdeye1234)
A Blessing in Disguise by WrathoftheStag (@wrathofthestag)
siegfried, you are not my savior by TheElectricSpecter (@zimmerdouche)
Center Ice by maanorchidee (@forabeatofadrum)
Those Tangled Olive Threads of Fate by McBangle (@mcbangle)
shall i compare thee to a summer's day? by dairaliz (@schitthappens)
Multitask Magic by StarDryad (@lutzgocelly)
A little bit of a misunderstanding by sweaters_in_the_summer (@sweatersinthesummer)
Haus of Leaves by HowOldAreWe
your ivy grows by Tufted (@pinkviper)
There Have Been Five Kisses by cricketnationrise (@cricketnationrise)
for whom the bell tolls by ThirdEye1234 (@thirdeye1234)
[podfic] Just Spit It Out by dairaliz (@schitthappens)
Call Incoming... by Local_Queer (@a-very-gay-disaster)
things got weird (when we made out) by inyourblackheart (@intothenightosphere)
Even Doubt Can Be Delicious by petrodobreva (@petrodobreva)
hold me like you'll never let me go by hullomoon (@hullomoon)
The Sunset Haus by bonepicker (@siocliath)
Welcome Aboard the Samwell by McBangle (@mcbangle)
What You Will by cricketnationrise (@cricketnationrise)
Won't Eat Crow (But It Might Eat You) by Thunderhel (@dexondefense)
nobody knows the trouble i've seen (glory, hallelujah) by queenofthestarrs
the whole world is all yours tonight by dessertwaffles (@dessertwaffles)
[Podfic] Special Delivery by cottagepodfics (@cottagepodfics)
Dream of the Pale Blue Lobster by ThitherStarling (@breatheinpurejoy)
Et Cetera by milou407 (@shipalltheboats)
out of tune by feuertatze (@elgoeshollywood)
Samwell Acres by iknowwhyulikeoscarwilde
And I'd choose you by StarDryad (@lutzgocelly)
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pod-together · 2 years ago
Pod-Together Day 1 Reveals 2023
The Matchmaking Bentley (Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Queen (Band)) written by ChrisCalledMeSweetie, performed by Juulna Summary: Crowley's Bentley is determined to make the ineffable husbands' relationship more effable - with a bit of help from Queen.
Just Missed You (Ted Lasso (TV)) written by chainofclovers and gnen, performed by klb, rockinhamburger, petrodobreva, eafay70, Ceewelsh, JanuariumPods, meyml, ToughPaperRound, dairaliz, SSLeif, HowOldAreWe, gnen, chainofclovers, and DryDreams Summary: Ted and Beard, one year later. (They love each other, they will see each other again.) A "found audio" story for pod-together 2023.
Value (Jewish Scripture & Legend) written by Hagar, performed by eafay70 Summary: Le’a is kind as often as possible, but it doesn’t always help ease the sting of life in the shadow of her beautiful sister Rachel.
Lightning (Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV)) written by tadhana_writes, performed by gracicah Summary:"Lightning flashed. In that horrible moment of pure light, I saw my mistake."
Things are well. Holmes has returned, life has returned to a quiet lull, and they're in another case. Same thing as always. By the light of a thunderstorm, Watson realises that things may not be the as well as he wishes them to be.
Pay Attention to Me (A3! (Video Game), A3! (Anime)) written by Dokuhan, performed by ChaosKiro Summary: Chikage will swear up and down, left to right, backwards and forwards that jealousy is beneath him. But that becomes a lot harder to say when Sakuya and Tasuku start spending more time together than usual.
camouflage (Twisted-Wonderland (Video Game)) written by roxas_oxo13, performed by Wonderlandian_Geek Summary: “You remind me of myself, I guess.” “Impossible.” “Why’s that?” It's now or never. He’s already not likable; he has to nothing to lose. “You’re good-looking. You’re always surrounded by your flowery little posse. You always have something to say. You don’t know what it’s like to have people avoid you and tell you that your parents are the only thing you have going for you. It’s always do this, try this, be better, until it’s time to do a science project and suddenly you’re hot shit.”
Visit to a Strange World (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF, 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) written by FlutterFyre, performed by pezzax Summary: Xiao Zhan awakens to find himself in an impossible situation. He has more questions than he knows what to do with, the biggest being, How do I get home?
Surrender (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) written by SanctuaryAngel, performed by SerenaEW Summary: Harry ends his life within the Veil after losing Sirius, and Severus spends every day visiting, wondering if he should follow.
Don the Mantle [text, audio] (Star Wars: Rebels) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by Flowerparrish Summary: The world spun as he took in the date before him. Perhaps this was a nightmare of some sort? Or a hallucination? The brief said they weren’t entirely sure what protections the device had on it. Forcing him to relive the assault on Lasan certainly would be a fitting way to neutralize him. Still, that didn’t…that idea didn’t seem right. This felt all too real.
Not Alone (เขา...ไม่ใช่ผม | Not Me (TV 2021)) written by FlutterFyre, performed by Wereflamingo Summary: Not that any of that mattered. Black wasn’t here and – like the rest of them – Sean was hooded, cuffed, and crammed in the back of this van like unwanted luggage. Helpless.
Get A Read On Me (Men's Hockey RPF) written by savvygambols, performed by Beryllinthranox Summary: Roope considers Jason, his broad chest and his strong arms, his big dark eyes and his beautiful brown skin. Jason is a good-looking man and his shirt doesn’t fit at all. “We’re going shopping after practice,” say Roope. “Uh—” says Jason. He rubs his palms on his jeans. His jeans don’t fit. Roope can fix this. Roope can fix all of this. “I mean, I don’t know, Roope. I don’t, like—I mean, you know me and clothes, right? It’s not my thing.” “It wasn’t a question,” says Roope. “We’re going.”
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welcometololaland · 2 years ago
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Round Up - Part 4
Thanks to everyone who participated this week. The theme was: rec a feel-good fanwork (a fanwork that gives you the warm fuzzies). If I've missed any, please let me know.
Disclaimer: This is a compilation of works i've been tagged in or which appear in the #fic rec friday tag relevant to the weekly theme. The recommendations below do not represent a personal curation of works. Please read at your own discretion. Heed tags and ratings on each individual work. Keep yourself safe, friends!
Red White & Royal Blue
Fan art
An Incomplete List by @kidovna
lake house redemption by @athousandrooms
Mementos by @vkelleyart
after hours by @stutteringpeach
I’d be a fool not to love you by @chaa-kiao
let loose your glow by @athousandrooms
Library Requests by M0ssPiglet
the breeze in my austin night by @indomitable-love
you turned a moment (into forever) written by viciouslyqueer and read by @thirdeye1234
Schitt's Creek
Fan art
First kiss review edit by @mallpretzles
Kisses by @lizzie-bennetdarcy
Patrick and David in the kitchen by @hatepotion
show not tell kind of person by @smileyrice
A Lot More Wrong Than Right by ComplicatedLight
A Mice Day by @doublel27
A Slice of Heaven by @fraudulentzodiacs
Cat-ch Me If You Can by @rosedavid
Dinner Plans by @chelle-68
Finding David by @landofsonlali
Got you by @colourcodedbinders
Happy Inside by @a-noble-dragon
His David by @legalgal421
It Doesn’t Have To Be A Cold Night by @bl-anche73
Let Me Hold You Closer Now by alldaydream
Lost in this Moment with You by @mallpretzles
Love Potion No. 9 by @agoodpersonrose
Meddling Kids by @loveburnsbrighter
Merry Christmas, Patrick Brewer by @treluna4 with art by shimmies.shimmers
Pretty Paper (and art!) by @five678patty
Put Your Hand In Mine by @coffee_and_glitter
Season with Love by @lastchancecafe13
See you in your dreams by patrickbrewer
The David Rose Fan Club by @delilah-mcmuffin
the little things by @rosedavid
to strengthen whilst one stands by @dinnfameron
Wrong Number by @deenerann
Yellow Moon on the Rise by @patrickredactedbrewer
David and Patrick gifset by @reasonandfaithinharmony
the journey of david and patrick by @cobbbvanth
Can you make me a lasagna, David? written by @petrodobreva and read by @hullomoon
Fifteen Hundred Miles written by More Human and read by Amanita_Fierce and schittpodding
Getting Over Getting Older all the Time written by @distractivate and read by various.
Let Me Hold You Closer Now written by alldaydream and read by @petrodobreva
Schitt's Creek - Home by Jessica Mielke
Star Wars
Fan art
come as you are by @02png
jedi!Finn by @furiousfinnstan
Lizzo & Grogu by @fionacreates
tattooine desert by @procoffeinating
finn + maya angelou set by @momentofmemory
leia set by @hayden-christensen
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Fan art
Love is a Losing Game art by @sachart
all that you have wished for, I know will come your way by janine_tangerine
in which Illya is a worried worrier who worries by @heytheredeann
The Raven Cycle
Fan art
All Adam cared about was his autonomy by @eggpy
ronan lynch: good catholic boy by @polartss
the shopping cart scene by @rosiethorns88
Steady All The Hands by sksai
while we're on the subject, could we change the subject now by @toast-the-unknowing
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ivelovedhimthroughworse · 2 years ago
Sonic Sunday
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Yes, I've got another one coming! Here are seventeen seconds from my latest project.
This fic is a little spicy , although this clip is clean.
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I love all the fandom activity lately! Thanks for the tags!!! @fatalfangirl @j-nipper-95 @ionlydrinkhotwater @orange-peony @forabeatofadrum @hushed-chorus @youarenevertooold @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @shrekgogurt
Happy Sunday! Tagging those who interacted with my previous posts, since I know this isn't everyone's bag:
@thewholelemon @cutestkilla @larkral @whatevertheweather @hushed-chorus @facewithoutheart @bookish-bogwitch @raenestee @captain-aralias @aristocratic-otter @nightimedreamersworld @blackberrysummerblog @valeffelees @prettygoododds @diningpagentry @palimpsessed @tender-ministrations @artsyunderstudy @messofthejess @wellbelesbian @petrodobreva @iamamythologicalcreature @sillyunicorn @skeedelvee @papierhaikuphoto @twinkle-twinkle-up-above
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grapehyasynth · 9 months ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @lollygirlpops thank you!!
How many works do you have on Ao3? 126
What's your total Ao3 word count? 962,860
What fandoms do you write for? Currently, Young Royals
Top five fics by kudos:
Red White and Blue Jays
Agents of Shield drabbles
now you see me
your mother should know
Do you respond to comments? I do!! It usually takes me a bit because I have a system... When I am cleaning out my personal email inbox, which I do approximately every three days, I also respond to up to 5 AO3 comments. If you're concerned about my system, so am I. But it works. But I loooooove comments and I love responding to them and I love getting responses when I comment on others' works!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I had to go poking around because I definitely avoid angsty endings, but it would be my little Schitt's Creek fic the ex.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? all of them? 😂😂😂
Do you get hate on fics? not outright hate per se - i've gotten some kind of condescending or disappointed comments, and sometimes people leave rude stuff on their bookmarks (....truly, why??).
Do you write smut? i do, though it usually takes me some getting used to with a new otp.
Craziest crossover - I haven't done crossovers I don't think, but I do lots of aus combining fictional worlds, like young royals and normal people or rwrb and schitts creek. but only one set of characters, if that makes sense.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Kind of - there was someone who took chunks from my fic and someone else's fic, allegedly thinking it was okay to build their own fic around it. Not sure if it was an honest mistake or not.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, but not in a long time!
All time favourite ship? I don't think I can possibly choose hahaa. Wilmon are my current ship so that's where the feeling is strongest, but each OTP has held such a special place in my heart and life.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started drafting a Wilmon Step Up AU that I think would be fire... I also started writing a Felice and Simon besties fic that I'm sad I no longer feel like writing.
What are your writing strengths? I think/hope I can really put the reader into what the character is feeling and thinking, really immerse them that way.
What are your writing weaknesses? I'm impatient! I hate editing, I hate sitting with a story, I'd rather write it all in one go and post it right away.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I think it's all about context. Why is it in another language - what is that meant to convey? Is one of the characters left out? Is it showing an intimacy between other characters? Is it an emotional outlet for a character? Is it supposed to keep the reader from understanding?
First fandom you wrote in? Harry Potter (Harry/Ginny)
Favourite fic you've written? Oh lord. You're asking me to choose between my children?!?! It might be recency bias but I'll say obviously.
I think many people have done this already, but I'll tag some folks: @bigalockwood @skibasyndrome @earlgrey-lateatnight @petrodobreva @wordthieve
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cricketnationrise · 1 year ago
9 books
thanks for the tag @missanniewhimsy, narrowing my favorite books down to just was (delightful) torture (i will in fact be cheating unashamedly by including series and i'm correct for that actually)
Protector of the Small quartet - Tamora Pierce
Murderbot series - Martha Wells
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Annie Barrows & Mary Ann Sheffer
The Blue Sword - Robin McKinley
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
Matilda - Roald Dahl
His Dark Materials series - Philip Pullman
Exhalation: Stories - Ted Chiang
East - Edith Pattou
tagging so many people because i'm nosy and will shamelessly pick my next reads from their responses: @the-lincyclopedia @everwitch-magiks @parvuls @porcupine-girl @doggernaut @montrealmadison @freebooter4ever @appalamutte @clottedcreamfudge @cha-melodius @celeritas2997 @mrseugenefitzherbert @dumbpeachjuice @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @stardisnight @sherryvalli @rmd-writes @kiwiana-writes @dessertwaffles @petrodobreva @ivecarvedawoodenheart @inexplicablymine @checkdeezpucks @adreamareads @orchidscript @atlasthemayor @daisymae-12 @historicallysam @xthelastknownsurvivorx @14carrotghoul @zimms @designatedgrape @jubileesbian @tangredont @notallthosewhowander @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl @pallidvixen @a-very-gay-disaster
and also if you just want to, GO FOR IT
(seriously i want to drown in all y'alls favorites)
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smallumbrella369 · 1 year ago
Some Sentences Sunday
Thanks for the tag @ramonaflow 💙
"Have you read the fanfic for this?” Stevie gestures at the television with the joint she’s holding.  David turns his head to look at Stevie. It seems like it takes a long time to get her in his view. There she is, looking beautiful and ethereal through the haze of pot smoke in her apartment. He reaches for the joint before he answers. His brain feels slow. “Mmm, I haven’t but it must be crazy.”  Had they not been so high they may have been more cagey about it. David blows out a plume of smoke. “Wait. Wait, what do you know about fan fiction?” Stevie stares at him blankly. “What do you know about fan fiction?” 
@missgeevious @distractivate @apothecarose @apothecarypants
@treluna4 @five678patty @statueinthestone @blackandwhiteandrose @wordthieve @petrodobreva And anyone else that sees this and wants to play.
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cha-melodius · 1 year ago
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Thanks to @three-drink-amy and @orchidscript for the tags! This isn't even close to seven sentences, but I decided you get the whole email anyway.
To: H <[email protected]> From: A <[email protected]> Subject: you can delete this apologies in advance for whatever this is. it’s been a night. do you ever feel like you become the worst version of yourself? you spend your whole life being the politicians’ son, perfecting your unaffected smile, never letting the assholes get under your skin because what they think of you doesn’t mean shit. then you meet one person and it all flies out the fucking window. all the ugly, mean, spiteful parts of you come pouring out and in the moment it feels amazing (because they fucking deserve it), but then later it’s like… ugh. i thought i was better than that. and then you get more pissed off because you let some asshole goad you into playing into every hot-headed, uncultured stereotype that you hate. who am i kidding, of course you don’t. you’re a much better person than me, h. now if you’ll excuse me, this whiskey isn’t going to drink itself. fucking salud, a
tagging @rmd-writes, @welcometololaland, @clottedcreamfudge, @indomitable-love, @sherryvalli, @14carrotghoul, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @mirilyawrites, @nontoxic-writes, @leaves-of-laurelin, @lilythesilly, @petrodobreva, @iboatedhere, @cricketnationrise, and anyone else working on something they want to share! Say I tagged you!
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 9 months ago
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This Friday we are happy to bring you more of the family, friends, and loved ones around our favorite Schittizens. Please enjoy these community recs and give the authors some love!
Beautiful People Everywhere (MoreHuman) “Clint and David are out on an errand when they stumble into an awkward shared moment. It's less than 700 words, but this fic still somehow fits in great details, terrific imagery, lovely introspection, a bit of bonding, and some classic Brewer appreciation.”
The Best Is Yet to Come ( @Amanita_Fierce, B13_MaybeThisTime, doingthemost (@sarahlevys), Januarium, @Lisamc21, Little_Black_Bow, @petrodobreva, schittpodding ( @schittposting), @ships_to_sail, @sunlightsymphony, @unfolded73, yourbuttervoicedbeau ( @kiwiana-writes)) “The Roses come together to throw Johnny an epic retirement party, but naturally, there are hiccups.  I appreciate that there's text to go with the podfic.”
little bebé crow (otherpeopleareallthereis) “Enjoyed seeing David and Patrick being supportive uncles to a nonbinary OC.”
Love Without End, Amen ( @Chelle68) “Johnny and Clint talk about fatherhood and the challenges they've faced. The stories within the story are so heartwarming. It's one of my go-to holiday reads!”
Maison Valentino (bigficenergy/ @fraudulentzodiac ) “The dynamic between David and Alexis here. Even though they're pre-canon, they're very them in a way that's consistent with what we know of their past lives, and we get to see Alexis support David.”
Sometimes, home is a person (houdini74/ @mostlyinthemorning) “This is the ultimate classic for me as far as families go. The Brewers moving to Schitt’s Creek and the adjustments that Patrick has to go through, it’s the perfect story with everyone you love in it.” we'll get together then, dad (doingthemost/ @sarahlevys) “This fic, where Alexis comes out to Johnny, is a beautiful exploration of their dynamic.”
[We apologize for the weird tagging today, tumblr was being uncooperative.]
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you-remind-me-of-the-babe · 2 years ago
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I’m gonna do some fic recs today! Let’s goooo!
What Remains After the Storm, Complete, 86k, rated M by @hushed-chorus
This fic completely sucked me in and transported me to another world. Simon is a goatherd in a small seaside town who finds a nearly drowned man he rescues, only to find out it’s someone important from his past who also happens to be under a Fae curse that has turned him into a merman. The author weaves incredible lore, lush descriptions of harsh but beautiful settings and a meticulous plot that will blow you away. Plus! This fic is accompanied by a staggering amount of gorgeous art by @erzbethluna that compliments the story in such a delightful way. (Seriously, these two are geniuses.)
Swords into Plowshares, Complete, 6.5k, rated T by @ileadacharmedlife
I don’t often click on fics with the crack tag, but if they’re anything like this fic then I am thoroughly missing out! It’s a simple premise. Baz feels jealous that Simon is spending so much time with his new Excalibur sword. This silly yet sexy fic had me cackling with glee at nearly every turn. Come for the sword innuendos and stay for Baz’s paranoia clashing with Simon’s enthusiasm.
A Gift From the Propheseals, Complete, ~7k, rated E by @skeedelvee
Simon is sent on a mission to ask the propheseals to grant him visions to help with defeating the Humdrum and instead is gifted with visions of a future with Baz that is very different than what Simon would expect from his nemesis. This fic is tender, sexy and sweet and is accompanied with fantastic art by @letraspal that really adds a dreamlike quality to Simon’s visions. This premise is so creative and at just under 7k you will devour it quickly and be left with a warm feeling in your chest.
The Sexual Education of Simon Snow, Complete, ~15k, rated E by @eelwinks (LakeWitch on AO3)
Watford-era, Agatha wants to have sex so Simon sets off on a journey of educating himself on the intricacies of the act, with the help of his dread companion, and to the consternation of his roommate. I know, I know, this is an older fic, but some of us are slow readers and take a while to get to things. If you’re like me and you missed this one (or have been meaning to get to it) you should go for it. Of course the sexual tension between Simon and Baz is delicious but also I thoroughly enjoyed Penny bravely trying to teach her friend about sex with nearly zero boundaries.
Personal Best [Link to the Podfic version] Complete, 36min, rated T, written by @scone-lover and read by @petrodobreva
Man, there are some fabulous podfics in this fandom, and if you haven’t checked any out yet, this is a great one to start with. This Normal AU features Simon and Baz as rivals on the same swim team and does a beautiful job showing the progression of Simon’s admiration, frustration and feelings of inadequacy morphing into attraction and want. And @petrodobreva adds a rich layer of brilliant characterization, coupled with lovely voices/accents and extra touches of sound effects and music. Plus, if you like this one, she has a couple of other CO podfics that are done with equally superb levels of production.
And We Still Do, Complete, 8k, rated T by @facewithoutheart
Another one that came out months ago that I missed! This fic is really like 5+1 mini-fics, imagining Simon and Baz meeting in various different AUs. Each one is a mini world the author crafts beautifully in a short time, pulling you in and making you feel as if you’ve read 20k in each of them. My particular fave was Simon and Baz meeting at 5 years old, but honestly, they are all fantastic. Do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in each of these worlds. You won’t regret it.
That’s it from me for now! I’ve read other great fics but I’ll save them for another time. Thank you to everyone who continues to tag me btw! I love reading your stuff and hopefully I’ll have words of my own to share soon.
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