#petoskey worry stone
raymadrigal · 2 years
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Petoskey Worry Stone
"A Petoskey is a fossil colonial coral. These corals lived in warm shallow seas that covered Michigan during Devonian time, some 350 million years ago." - michigan.gov
part of the series, Safetymaking
time theft and stolen mechanical pencil on the last page of an electricity shut off notice
8 ½ x 11"
©R. Madrigal
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fresh-outta-jams · 6 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Part 10
Namjoon x Reader Author: Admin Mo Summary: You’re in college by the time your soulmate tattoo finally shows up, an address. Sending a letter couldn’t hurt, right? Note: hehehehehe Warnings: Some swears, soulmate fluff, mentions of Exp*nsive G*rl... Word Count: 1.8k
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Epilogue
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“Okay, I have two things.”
Namjoon sat at attention, that curious, inquisitive, and slightly concerned look in his eyes. It was like he could feel the tension waiting behind your words. “Yeah?”
“Okay, first, tell Jungkook I’m gonna fight him.”
He laughed. “Can I ask why?”
“This boy...every time I try to play Superstar BTS his rap in No More Dream ruins my perfect streak.”
“Valid. What was the second thing?” Namjoon tilted his head to scratch the back of his neck, leaning further against his desk chair. He had gone into the studio extra early today. You admired his dedication.
“Well, I kind of, uh…” Your cheeks flushed red. Maybe bringing this up wasn’t going to be as easy as you thought it would be, but you pushed on nonetheless. “I was digging around on Twitter, you know, like I do, and I, uh...so one of my mutuals sent me a really old...song of yours...”
For a second, Namjoon didn’t really get what you were talking about, but then, eyes widening, He Did. “No, tell me you didn’t…” He covered his reddening cheeks with a large hand, hiding his face from you. “Baby, I am so, so sorry you had to hear that. It was a long time ago and I want you to know that I’m not like that at ALL anymore and--”
“Joonie, it’s okay.” You giggled at the look on his face. He was so worried about it, it was adorable. You swore you’d never seen his cheeks so red. “Sweetie, really, it’s fine. You were like eighteen. You don’t even want to know all of the cringy shit I did six years ago.”
“Okay…” He nodded, taking a few deep breaths. Something settled over him. You couldn’t tell quite what it was, but perhaps he had been thinking about something. “I was thinking about this the other day, and it made me really sad.”
“I’m never going to get to take you to prom.”
“Aww, Joonie, that’s okay. Prom is overrated anyway.”
“Well, yeah, maybe, but it’s not just that. I’m never going to get to ask you to prom. I’m never going to get to see you in your prom dress or take you on an awkward first date and be so, so nervous to hold your hand.” He let out a long sigh. “I hate that we’re so far apart, jagiya, I just want to see you. I think it’s killing me inside. What is it you call it in the States? Soul…”
“Soul sickness. I know. I feel it too. And it hurts, but it won’t always, right? It’s gonna take a little while, but we’ll get there.” You tried to be reassuring, but you were in pain too. “And then you can awkwardly hold my hand.”
He smiled a little, almost hesitant. “You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Dear Namjoon,
I’m madly and entirely in love with you. I really don’t know what to do. My whole day revolves around seeing you, talking to you, even if it’s only for a little while. Someday, I’m going to be standing in front of you, and that boggles my mind. I’m 100% sure you give the best hugs ever, and I can’t wait to test out that hypothesis.
I’ve been watching all of your interviews, English and otherwise, and I can’t get over the way you hold yourself. You’re such a leader, so intelligent. You always know what to say. I’ve also been watching a lot of your concert videos and good lord, is it possible to be bias-wrecked by your bias?? Holy shit, Namjoon, your stage presence is something else entirely. My roommate is always worried my jaw is going to get stuck open.
I’m sorry my letters keep getting shorter. I have more homework this semester than I did last semester. It’s been keeping me pretty busy and I-”
Mid-sentence, your phone rang. Namjoon never called at this time, and yet, there he was, calling you. You picked up, a puzzled look on your face.
“Jagiya, can I talk to you about something important?” Namjoon paused and looked at his wrist, running the numbers in his head. “Wait, shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“I should be, but I’m not. Continue.” You took a long sip of coffee from your favorite travel mug.
“Are you sure? You look tired. It can wait until tomorrow if you-”
“Namjooooon, just say what you need to say.” You whined, silencing his protests.
“Alright. So. I just got out of a meeting, and I have some good news and I could not wait a single minute to tell you.” He waited for a reaction, but you tilted your head, urging him to continue. “I did some digging and some research and I talked to some people, and everything is going to work out the way I thought it would, and--” Namjoon cut off his ramble. “Sorry. Anyway. I...Well, you know how you said you didn’t know what you were doing this summer and you wanted to get a job to help with school?”
“Well, I kind of...found you a job.”
“Elaborate.” You only kind of understood the point your boyfriend was trying to make.
“So, you know how when we go on tour, we have a ton of camera people doing all of the behind the scenes stuff? I figured, since you know how to use cameras and stuff, you can just...come with us.”
It still wasn’t connecting all the way just yet. “Wait, give that to me one more time. You want me to...”
He smiled softly, his voice getting gentler. “Baby...I want you to come on tour with me. I want you to get paid to spend every second for several months with me.”
“I’d get paid...to film you. And stay in hotels with you. And…”
“And travel the world with me. I mean, well, if you want to, of course. I just...I thought…”
“Well, yes, obviously my answer is yes.” You wiped at the happy tears trailing down your cheeks. “Oh my god, Namjoon, yes.”
“Good. Good, okay. Alright, awesome.” His heart was pounding hard, threatening to leap right out of his chest. “I’m gonna email you the paperwork tonight and then you can print it out and just mail it to me and I’ll handle the rest, alright?”
“Okay. Alright. Yes. Yeah. Oh my God.”
He chuckled, looking over your shocked state. “Breathe, baby, just breathe, alright?”
“I’m trying to.” You replied, sucking in a long breath and letting it out. “Holy shit, Namjoon, thank you so much.”
“No, thank you for saying yes. I think honestly I would have collapsed on the spot if you said no.”
“Why the fuck would I say no?” You laughed, snagging a tissue from your desk to wipe at your tears. “You are the love of my life, there’s no way I would turn an opportunity like that down.”
“Okay, good.” He smiled, dimples on full display. You swore your heart stopped then and there as you were left to bask in the glory that was your gorgeous boyfriend. His expression softened as he looked at you, and he let out a soft groan. “Ugh, I love you so fucking much. I just want the tour to be here now.”
“I love you too, Joon. And believe me, I’m already counting down the days.”
With Parts 1, 2, and 3 of his plan accomplished successfully, Namjoon decided it was time to move on to Phase 2, which would consist of several more parts. The first, and arguably the easiest of these, was to creep on your Twitter, which he usually did anyway.
This time, however, he would be snooping through your followers, not your posts, although he did stop to reread your ReTweet of a picture he had posted a few days before. Your response was something along the lines of ‘oh my GOD why is he so BeAuTiFuL?!?!’ Even after all of these months, he still wasn’t sure how you thought that, but it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside nonetheless.
Refocusing on his plan, Namjoon clicked on your followers and scrolled through the list. It was short, as you had said, but that made it a lot easier to find who he was looking for. Luckily for him, you talked about your friends a lot, so it wasn’t too difficult to pick Lily and Grace from the list. He followed each of them, waited a few minutes, and then messaged them.
RM_fan_94: Hi, are you Lily and Grace? This is Namjoon, (Y/N)’s soulmate…
“Dear (Y/N),
As I’m writing this letter, I only have to wait four precious months before I finally get to see you. Four months. It seems so far away, but every single day, it gets closer. Before you know it, you’ll be in my arms. God, that makes me the happiest man in the world. I have a countdown on my phone to the exact minute I get to see you.
I’m seriously so excited. I’ll finally get to introduce you to the boys, I’ll get to take you to Europe, I’ll get to show you around Seoul, and if we have time, we can stop in Ilsan and you can meet my parents and my sister. They’ve been dying to finally meet you. My sister is seriously so excited. And you’ll get to meet my dog!!
So, I’ve been reading the books you sent me and I love them. God, why are you so good at everything? My treasured Petoskey stone is sitting on my night stand. I kiss it every night and every morning. That was embarrassing, forget I said that.
I hope your classes aren’t killing you too much. It sounds like they’re really weighing you down this semester, and that makes me sad. Just hang in there, alright? The end is near. I love you, and I believe in you. Fighting!
The boys are so excited to meet you, Jimin especially. I can’t wait for them to meet you. And you’ll finally get to see us in concert!! I’m arranging to get you tickets for one of the shows so you can just watch and not work and enjoy it at least once. It’ll probably be one of the US shows so you can actually understand what we’re saying.
Oh!! And when we’re on tour, in our downtime, I can teach you some Korean!! If you want, I mean. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. But that would be so cute. And we can match outfits and hold hands and go on dates in foreign countries...I’m getting too excited, jagi, sorry.
I love you so, so, so, so, so, so much and I seriously cannot wait to see you.
You waited in front of the printer in the school library anxiously waiting for the printer to spit out the very, very important documents you had to fill out and send to your boyfriend.
You read over it a little, holding them in your shaking hands before leaving the printing room and sitting down outside the tea shop. You clicked your pen a few more times, reading over the words carefully before you began filling them out.
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @ffantasylandd, @jooniefluff, @chimchimsauce, @mrs-saeyoung-choi, @theprinceoftheundead, @angyexoxo, @copenhagenspirit, @lovelylittlekittn, @lilgaga98, @iminlovewjjk, @feed-my-geek-soul, @loveandwitch, @recoveringflowerchild, @demonic-meatball, @maddieisaacs, @scissorsandtonfas, @carirosesg, @backtonormalthings, @local-mochi, @faliwi, @spoopyela, @nanie5, @ingenu--e, @undiscovered1personality, @andalos, @calspixie, @filtermono, @huhuehuey, @mikey-girl12, @lilliaflurr, @hypophrenium, @sitkafay, @spiicyari, @andeerwilson, @btswerewolfaus, @oyasumi7, @mycurrentusernameisalreadytaken
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greatlakesrebel · 5 years
get to know me tag challenge!
from @lesbiandarthmaul
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people, but I don’t know 21 people, so it’s just whoever I can think of at the moment
Nickname: don’t have a nickname, but I sometimes go by an alias if I’m ordering food or talking to strange men
Zodiac: aries
Height: 5′5″
Last thing searched: sunset times
Favorite Musicians: fleetwood mac, depeche mode, blue rodeo, abba, and ALSO vivaldi music kicks ass, have you ever listened to the 1st movement of winter?
Song stuck in head: the opening theme from the new she-ra, hell yeah it’s good
If you had a time machine would you go back in time or visit the future? FUTURE. the past sucks lol
Do I Get Asks: occasionally but I WANT MORE
Following: am I supposed to list the number of blogs I follow? or who I follow? idk what it’s asking
Would you rather be rich or famous? rich so I don’t have to worry about paying for college
Amount of sleep: 7 hours on average
Lucky Number: 21
What I’m wearing: plaid shirt and loose crop pants like the bicon I am
Dream Job: writing fiction!
Dream Trip: a week-long camping trip in canada? maybe? it’ll be pretty hard to one-up 2017′s solar eclipse
If you were an animal what would you be? cat
Favorite food: anything that involves shellfish
What are some of your favorite books/films/shows/games/etc.? star wars rebels, rwby, she-ra, avatar (atla and tlok), the hunger games books
play any instruments: violin but I haven’t practiced since high school
Describe yourself as aesthetics: a little old cottage by a lake, rhododendrons, sunsets over a large body of water, stars, iridescent shells, petoskey stones, a clear stream running through the mountains, rainbows
free space? once at girl scout camp I accidentally broke a lightbulb with my head while climbing above the cabin stairs. somehow I didn’t get a scratch
tagging @aspiringwarriorlibrarian, @rosedosed, @herasyndlla, @ct-hardcase, @lesbinewren, @panacea-for-the-absent-soul, @zareleonis, @amidalas-rey, @gkingoffez
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spacebugarts · 6 years
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The currents of life,
whether stormy or serene,
will push us forward.
Graduation cap is almost done! Don’t worry, the rocks are lighter than they look, so throwing it shouldn’t be a problem. They’re petoskey stones from Harrisville!
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libgds · 4 years
To be honest, there was a little more to my annoyance with the girls’ constant questions and demands the first night at camp. My resilience is getting better, but it is not 100% and sometimes it still dips. When I got to our site after filling up the water tank, I noticed the brakes took a little more of a push to do the job.  Now last Fall when I had the RV repaired (windshield, quickly drained engine battery, and winterizing), the brakes were hard to depress.  When I got it ready to take to brake place this summer, they worked just fine. With Old Unreliable’s propensity to breakdown as far from home as possible, I could not help but start to spiral on if the brakes were going bad at our furthest point.
I was able to enjoy yesterday since we were staying parked, but today we were driving about an hour around the bay to Peterson Park. I did not sleep worth a darn last night wondering if the brakes would be fine or if I was going to discover a big problem. There was lots of deep breathing and trying to be logical about it by thinking through the obvious reason it took a little more to stop like I suddenly had a full tank of water sloshing around the back to push the RV forward.
I got up a 8am and after getting ready, waited for the girls to get up and going. It was too wet from a night of storms to sit outside, so I had to try to clear a spot at the dinette. I swear their suitcases explode every morning. Making a place to sit while traveling with preteens means moving aside bras and Paw Patrol fruit snacks.
We were not ready to pull out until almost 11am.
I pulled out of our spot and the brake pedal was stiff just like in the Fall My resiliency was probably at10% at most. I could stop, but it just felt like I needed to triple my stopping distance. We were going to dump the water tanks for gas mileage because the sloshing of partially filled water tanks makes handling harder than a full tank. This gave me oh so much time to freak out. I kept trying to throw in positive thoughts with the worst case imaginings like “it is very humid this morning from the rain and that makes brakes weird for a little bit.” This must have been the magic words, because once we pulled out of the dump station, the brakes were acting normally again.
The girls snacked as I white-knuckled even though the scenery was gorgeous as we hugged the coast around the bay. Things were working out, but anxiety does not just dissipate that easily. Now I was worried about looking for a place for lunch that could also accommodate us in the parking lot. Old Unreliable is that size that is just big enough to be unwieldy. Add that once we got going, I now worried about holding other drivers behind me up as a slowed for every curve. Things just came up on me too fast to pull over and before we knew it, we were at our destination.
The one landmark I remembered from last time was a cute goat farm and it is what I used to figure out which of the multiple Peterson Park, Beach, Recreation Area was the one I wanted. I don’t know who Peterson was, but there are too many things named for him.
I was a bit worried when we parked that I had picked the wrong Peterson because we did not pass a goat farm and the park did not look familiar. I was relieved when we found the trailhead down to the beach and that looked exactly as I remembered. Whew.
The water was gorgeous. It was a blue green shade that progressed to a deep blue as you moved from the shore. It looked like the Caribbean Sea instead of Midwestern lake.
Each of us had a bag, since last time I ended up with pounds of fossils in my pockets that made it hard to keep my pants from falling down.
The girls took to fossil hunting right away. I described to them what a Petoskey stone looks like (it is a type of fossilized coral that formed millions of years ago when the Midwest was covered by a shallow sea.) I also told them aboutcrinoids since I had found a lot of those too last time.
Abigail took to it pretty quickly and found some beautiful small stones. Loralie took a little longer to find some. She was also filling her bag with just pretty rocks she found, too. For the first hour, the both made me verify every find. We walked the shore with our head to the ground. It was 2pm when Abigail commented that our bags could not take much more. About half an hour later, Loralie’s bag ripped completely in half.  It was then that I realized that I should have used my reusable bags instead of the thin plastic ones to collect rocks.
We made our way back slowly enjoying the view and water along the way and always finding “just one more” fossil to collect.
There was some regrets expressed as we headed back up the trail with our treasures, but none were left behind.
At the top, we spread things out on a table and caught our breath, retrieved some stronger bags, and the girls went to a playground for a few minutes. It as around 4pm before we had a snack. At this point, none of us had had a proper meal that day. I am an aunt, not a parent so regular feedings are not in my skill set.
I had used Google Maps to get to the park and there were several turns on back country roads lined with orchards.  We now had no signal to get back to the campground. That is the problem with traveling via the cell phone. The Venn diagram of places with no cell signal and places you ant to take an RV are almost completely overlapping.
We retraced the first turn and then I had no clue. I had Abigail watch my bars so she could hit search as soon as we had some. Somehow our simpler route took us straight into one of the little towns I could not park in for lunch. It was better than our guided route and I saw a sign for the highway we had come in on, so we were back on track. My mom has the most amazing built in compass, so I guess I got a little of it, too.
We were back on the coast and I told the girls I would try harder to find a place to stop on the way so we could eat. Then we hit a traffic jam and any hope of stopping was lost as I got stuck in the wrong lane. We just ended back at the campground and I looked up a drive-in Betzie had recommended and found it was a 15 minute walk, so the girls agreed and we started walking the 3/4 mile to Don’s Drive-In.
We did not drive, so we got a picnic table. They had a side called Fabulous Fries (by the carload.) We all wanted fries, so we decided to share that. OMG. I kid you not, it was a takeout bag filled 6+ inches with steak fries. With our sandwiches and real fruit raspberry shakes, we were only able to get the bag down to 3 inches of fries even with this being our first meal of the day at 6:30. So if you ever go, bring twenty of you closest friends before you order fries by the carload because they mean it.
Good thing we had a long walk back to work off those fries.
The girls wanted to visit the beach again before heading into the campground for the night. The firewood delivery never happened, so we had not campfire to look forward to. The water was beautiful and becalming sound of the waves finally brought my anxiety all the way back to zero.
Tomorrow we head for home and I feel fine about the drive.
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Fun with Fossils To be honest, there was a little more to my annoyance with the girls' constant questions and demands the first night at camp.
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If you are a rock hound, then being located in Michigan less than an hour from one of the Great Lakes is a pretty awesome place to be. Thanks to the glaciers, rock hunting along the shores of the Great Lakes contains a lot of variety. Though this is an activity that can be enjoyed year round, in the spring when the ice begins to melt it allows a special kind of pleasure. I have spent some very frosty hours at the beach lately hunting for rocks and fossils.
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Rock hunting has become my newest obsession. There is something very relaxing about wandering a beach and looking at the rocks. Despite our modern ways and technology there is still a tremendous amount to be gained from enjoying the physical world. Being a part of the world around you is something that has the ability to refresh you.  Even people like me who are NOT outdoorsy folks. The older that I get, the more I see this in myself. So much so that some of those corny sayings about getting out into nature are seeming less and less corny.
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This is both an awesome and terrible pic. I really love the clouds and the reflection on the water.
Rock hunting is a great way to bond with your children and introduce them to the natural world. Most children are naturally drawn to rocks. I have been digging them out of my washing machine for years. My oldest kid and I have gotten so much joy out of finding rocks to bring home and identify. Exercise, fresh air, family time, and rocks. It doesn’t get much better than that!
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Oh wait! Yes it does! You can’t forget the beach. Even bundled up in 30 degrees, the beach has a beauty that is inspiring. In those temps it is not uncommon to be there by yourself. If you don’t find cool rocks to take home, then you will most likely find some photographic opportunities. I do love combining my hobbies!
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This is like some kind of monster from the sea. (Yes, those are icicles.)
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My love of taking photos of wood reins supreme with this driftwood.
There is a huge variety of rocks around the Great Lakes. I am still in the process of cleaning up some and photographing them.  It is definitely time for me to get a light box! Not to mention identifying them! In addition to rocks, there are a lot of fossils that can be found, including Michigan’s state stone.
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Petoskey on the shores of Lake Huron. I was so excited to find it that I didn’t even notice the shadow of my phone in this picture until later.
The Petoskey is a distinctive fossilized coral. It is older than the dinosaurs and can be found all over Michigan, though it tends to be more prevalent in the North. Most likely due to glacial movements. That being said, I have found several examples in the SW corner as well as the one above that was found on the SE side of Lake Huron. If you do not live in Michigan, do not worry! The Petoskey stone can be found in several other parts of the country and even in Europe and Asia.
Most of the fossils found in Michigan are coral fossils.  They are quite beautiful. You can also find some trilobite fossils, but I have yet to find any of those.
I am all set to have many rocky adventures this spring and summer so stay tuned to see what I am up to! This is one of those subjects that can be so vast and detailed that it is hard to put into a single post. It is also a very appealing part of the draw for me. Facebook has really helped me connect with local Rock Hounds and has helped to increase my knowledge. It is another fun thing about rocks. The Rock Hounds that I have met are lovely people. A lot of people are rock hounds and it is so much fun to meet one!
Are you a Rock Hound? Share a pic of your favorite rock in the comments!
You Ain’t Nothing But a Rock Hound! If you are a rock hound, then being located in Michigan less than an hour from one of the Great Lakes is a pretty awesome place to be.
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kaseygarbaugh · 7 years
Best Family-Friendly Beaches in Lake Charlevoix|Wood Maps Of Charlevoix Coast Line
There are a number of great beaches along Lake Charlevoix. Many of these sandy beaches are great for families while some can cater for those who want quiet time with their loved ones.  
Ferry Beach
Families with small children will love Ferry Beach.  The swimming area in the beach slowly deepens making it easy for toddlers to swim and enjoy the calm waves. Compare to Lake Michigan, the water on Ferry Beach is slightly warmer. Ferry Beach is also equipped with a playground, concessions, picnic area and restrooms. The wooded area is paved with trails and very well maintained. You can even cook those perfect barbecues on the sandy beach. Another great thing about the beach is that you won’t have any problems with the parking area, as they have plenty of parking spaces.
Depot Beach
This beach is named after the nearby historic train depot. So if you are coming with your family, you can go on a side trip and check the historic train adjacent in the beach. The old train depot is well maintained and a good way to teach your child a little about of good old history. It marks how people flocked Charlevoix way back in the 1800’s.  It also boasts a wonderful garden near the sandy beach. The park has picnic areas with good tables, playground, grills, volleyball nets, and restrooms.
Young State Park
If you are a boater you will surely love Young State Park. A number of boaters moor offshore and go for a quick dip into the water of Lake Charlevoix. The beach stretches from the northern part of Lake Charlevoix and Boyne City. This 560-acre state park offers a great general store where boaters load up with their supplies and a beautiful camping ground. It’s a family friendly beach where you can hike, bike and run along its sandy beach.   It’s a popular destination for local and tourist alike, and you may need to have reservations during peak times.
Fisherman's Island State Park
If you have outdoorsy teenagers and you want them to experience rustic camping, (or simply go camping), Fisherman’s Island State Park is your best bet. The beach is an off the beaten road destination but you will find the pristine water more welcoming. There sites where you have a direct access to the water. Be careful though, some of the parts in the beach are too deep and rough for you to swim in. Don’t worry if you can have too much fun in the water, you can always find superb Petoskey stones along its sandy shores.
Petoskey Stone Hunting – an added bonus in Charlevoix beaches! Happy hunting!
Petoskey stones are fossilized corals from 350 million years ago when Michigan when the open sea still flooded the whole state (or country).  Many people believed that the Charlevoix beaches are the best place to find them. If you are lucky you can find a Petoskey stones dating way back more than 300 million years ago. You can spot them easily because they have a hexagonal pattern. The stones are more visible when wet and a few yards away from the water. Don’t overload that bucket! Only 5 gallons are allowed for each person.  It’s really fun (more of an exercise) finding a Petoskey stone but you can also buy them in Charlevoix, Traverse and Petoskey City gifts shops.
Ready to buy a wood map of Lake Charlevoix to commemorate your trip? Hang it proudly in your office, den or dorm room!
from http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/05/best-family-friendly-beaches-in-lake-charlevoix.html from Carved Lake Art http://carvedlakeart1.blogspot.com/2017/05/best-family-friendly-beaches-in-lake.html
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coreypeterson · 7 years
Best Family-Friendly Beaches in Lake Charlevoix|Wood Maps Of Charlevoix Coast Line
There are a number of great beaches along Lake Charlevoix. Many of these sandy beaches are great for families while some can cater for those who want quiet time with their loved ones.  
Ferry Beach
Families with small children will love Ferry Beach.  The swimming area in the beach slowly deepens making it easy for toddlers to swim and enjoy the calm waves. Compare to Lake Michigan, the water on Ferry Beach is slightly warmer. Ferry Beach is also equipped with a playground, concessions, picnic area and restrooms. The wooded area is paved with trails and very well maintained. You can even cook those perfect barbecues on the sandy beach. Another great thing about the beach is that you won’t have any problems with the parking area, as they have plenty of parking spaces.
Depot Beach
This beach is named after the nearby historic train depot. So if you are coming with your family, you can go on a side trip and check the historic train adjacent in the beach. The old train depot is well maintained and a good way to teach your child a little about of good old history. It marks how people flocked Charlevoix way back in the 1800’s.  It also boasts a wonderful garden near the sandy beach. The park has picnic areas with good tables, playground, grills, volleyball nets, and restrooms.
Young State Park
If you are a boater you will surely love Young State Park. A number of boaters moor offshore and go for a quick dip into the water of Lake Charlevoix. The beach stretches from the northern part of Lake Charlevoix and Boyne City. This 560-acre state park offers a great general store where boaters load up with their supplies and a beautiful camping ground. It’s a family friendly beach where you can hike, bike and run along its sandy beach.   It’s a popular destination for local and tourist alike, and you may need to have reservations during peak times.
Fisherman’s Island State Park
If you have outdoorsy teenagers and you want them to experience rustic camping, (or simply go camping), Fisherman’s Island State Park is your best bet. The beach is an off the beaten road destination but you will find the pristine water more welcoming. There sites where you have a direct access to the water. Be careful though, some of the parts in the beach are too deep and rough for you to swim in. Don’t worry if you can have too much fun in the water, you can always find superb Petoskey stones along its sandy shores.
Petoskey Stone Hunting – an added bonus in Charlevoix beaches! Happy hunting!
Petoskey stones are fossilized corals from 350 million years ago when Michigan when the open sea still flooded the whole state (or country).  Many people believed that the Charlevoix beaches are the best place to find them. If you are lucky you can find a Petoskey stones dating way back more than 300 million years ago. You can spot them easily because they have a hexagonal pattern. The stones are more visible when wet and a few yards away from the water. Don’t overload that bucket! Only 5 gallons are allowed for each person.  It’s really fun (more of an exercise) finding a Petoskey stone but you can also buy them in Charlevoix, Traverse and Petoskey City gifts shops.
Ready to buy a wood map of Lake Charlevoix to commemorate your trip? Hang it proudly in your office, den or dorm room!
from Carved Lake Art Blog http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/05/best-family-friendly-beaches-in-lake-charlevoix.html
from Carved Lake Art https://carvedlakeart.wordpress.com/2017/05/12/best-family-friendly-beaches-in-lake-charlevoixwood-maps-of-charlevoix-coast-line/
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toddkelly2 · 7 years
Best Family-Friendly Beaches in Lake Charlevoix|Wood Maps Of Charlevoix Coast Line
There are a number of great beaches along Lake Charlevoix. Many of these sandy beaches are great for families while some can cater for those who want quiet time with their loved ones.  
Ferry Beach
Families with small children will love Ferry Beach.  The swimming area in the beach slowly deepens making it easy for toddlers to swim and enjoy the calm waves. Compare to Lake Michigan, the water on Ferry Beach is slightly warmer. Ferry Beach is also equipped with a playground, concessions, picnic area and restrooms. The wooded area is paved with trails and very well maintained. You can even cook those perfect barbecues on the sandy beach. Another great thing about the beach is that you won’t have any problems with the parking area, as they have plenty of parking spaces.
Depot Beach
This beach is named after the nearby historic train depot. So if you are coming with your family, you can go on a side trip and check the historic train adjacent in the beach. The old train depot is well maintained and a good way to teach your child a little about of good old history. It marks how people flocked Charlevoix way back in the 1800’s.  It also boasts a wonderful garden near the sandy beach. The park has picnic areas with good tables, playground, grills, volleyball nets, and restrooms.
Young State Park
If you are a boater you will surely love Young State Park. A number of boaters moor offshore and go for a quick dip into the water of Lake Charlevoix. The beach stretches from the northern part of Lake Charlevoix and Boyne City. This 560-acre state park offers a great general store where boaters load up with their supplies and a beautiful camping ground. It’s a family friendly beach where you can hike, bike and run along its sandy beach.   It’s a popular destination for local and tourist alike, and you may need to have reservations during peak times.
Fisherman’s Island State Park
If you have outdoorsy teenagers and you want them to experience rustic camping, (or simply go camping), Fisherman’s Island State Park is your best bet. The beach is an off the beaten road destination but you will find the pristine water more welcoming. There sites where you have a direct access to the water. Be careful though, some of the parts in the beach are too deep and rough for you to swim in. Don’t worry if you can have too much fun in the water, you can always find superb Petoskey stones along its sandy shores.
Petoskey Stone Hunting – an added bonus in Charlevoix beaches! Happy hunting!
Petoskey stones are fossilized corals from 350 million years ago when Michigan when the open sea still flooded the whole state (or country).  Many people believed that the Charlevoix beaches are the best place to find them. If you are lucky you can find a Petoskey stones dating way back more than 300 million years ago. You can spot them easily because they have a hexagonal pattern. The stones are more visible when wet and a few yards away from the water. Don’t overload that bucket! Only 5 gallons are allowed for each person.  It’s really fun (more of an exercise) finding a Petoskey stone but you can also buy them in Charlevoix, Traverse and Petoskey City gifts shops.
Ready to buy a wood map of Lake Charlevoix to commemorate your trip? Hang it proudly in your office, den or dorm room!
from Carved Lake Art Blog http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/05/best-family-friendly-beaches-in-lake-charlevoix.html from Carved Lake Art https://carvedlakeart.tumblr.com/post/160591938028
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carvedlakeart · 7 years
Best Family-Friendly Beaches in Lake Charlevoix|Wood Maps Of Charlevoix Coast Line
There are a number of great beaches along Lake Charlevoix. Many of these sandy beaches are great for families while some can cater for those who want quiet time with their loved ones.  
Ferry Beach
Families with small children will love Ferry Beach.  The swimming area in the beach slowly deepens making it easy for toddlers to swim and enjoy the calm waves. Compare to Lake Michigan, the water on Ferry Beach is slightly warmer. Ferry Beach is also equipped with a playground, concessions, picnic area and restrooms. The wooded area is paved with trails and very well maintained. You can even cook those perfect barbecues on the sandy beach. Another great thing about the beach is that you won’t have any problems with the parking area, as they have plenty of parking spaces.
Depot Beach
This beach is named after the nearby historic train depot. So if you are coming with your family, you can go on a side trip and check the historic train adjacent in the beach. The old train depot is well maintained and a good way to teach your child a little about of good old history. It marks how people flocked Charlevoix way back in the 1800’s.  It also boasts a wonderful garden near the sandy beach. The park has picnic areas with good tables, playground, grills, volleyball nets, and restrooms.
Young State Park
If you are a boater you will surely love Young State Park. A number of boaters moor offshore and go for a quick dip into the water of Lake Charlevoix. The beach stretches from the northern part of Lake Charlevoix and Boyne City. This 560-acre state park offers a great general store where boaters load up with their supplies and a beautiful camping ground. It’s a family friendly beach where you can hike, bike and run along its sandy beach.   It’s a popular destination for local and tourist alike, and you may need to have reservations during peak times.
Fisherman's Island State Park
If you have outdoorsy teenagers and you want them to experience rustic camping, (or simply go camping), Fisherman’s Island State Park is your best bet. The beach is an off the beaten road destination but you will find the pristine water more welcoming. There sites where you have a direct access to the water. Be careful though, some of the parts in the beach are too deep and rough for you to swim in. Don’t worry if you can have too much fun in the water, you can always find superb Petoskey stones along its sandy shores.
Petoskey Stone Hunting – an added bonus in Charlevoix beaches! Happy hunting!
Petoskey stones are fossilized corals from 350 million years ago when Michigan when the open sea still flooded the whole state (or country).  Many people believed that the Charlevoix beaches are the best place to find them. If you are lucky you can find a Petoskey stones dating way back more than 300 million years ago. You can spot them easily because they have a hexagonal pattern. The stones are more visible when wet and a few yards away from the water. Don’t overload that bucket! Only 5 gallons are allowed for each person.  It’s really fun (more of an exercise) finding a Petoskey stone but you can also buy them in Charlevoix, Traverse and Petoskey City gifts shops.
Ready to buy a wood map of Lake Charlevoix to commemorate your trip? Hang it proudly in your office, den or dorm room!
from Carved Lake Art Blog http://blog.carvedlakeart.com/2017/05/best-family-friendly-beaches-in-lake-charlevoix.html
0 notes
raymadrigal · 7 months
Tumblr media
Petoskey Worry Stone
Time theft and borrowed mechanical pencil on office paper.
Shown on mended wood.
As seen in Safetymaking, Carlson Tower Gallery of North Park University, Chicago 2024
©R. Madrigal, photos by Mikey Mosher
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