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places4paws · 1 year ago
Welcome to the Places4Paws Blog
This is the first blog post in what i hope to be your ultimate guide to pet friendly establishments in Dublin. We will be sharing our favorite spots around the city for you and your furry friends to enjoy!
These locations have been carefully selected for your pets and owners best interest and recommended by other pet lovers.
We will be sharing Restaurants, bars, cafes and activities you can enjoy with your pets!
We hope you enjoy this blog and feel free to share any recommendations you have of more Pet-Friendly places in Dublin.
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theindianfi · 2 years ago
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Starting the morning with Filter coffee is a good start to the day.
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pet-friendly-places · 8 months ago
Explore the ultimate guide to pet-friendly destinations with PetFriendlyPlaces! Whether you’re looking for pet-friendly hotels, restaurants, parks, or events, our website has everything you need to ensure your furry friends are always welcome. Find comprehensive listings and reviews of places that cater to pets, along with tips on pet care, travel, and activities. Join our vibrant community of pet lovers, share your experiences, and discover new adventures for you and your pets. PetFriendlyPlaces is your go-to resource for all things pet-friendly!
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restaurantsguide · 2 years ago
Pet Friendly Restaurants Near Me-Find Nearby
 Some pet-friendly restaurants go beyond accommodating animals; they also strive to create an enjoyable dining experience for both people and their pets. Some restaurants put specific emphasis on training animals not to jump up on customers or scratch furniture. Others make an effort to create a homey atmosphere with toys and games for pets. There are even pet-friendly restaurants that have chefs who specialize in preparing cuisine specifically for canines and felines. So if you're looking for a place to eat that welcomes your four-legged friend, look no further than the list of pet-friendly restaurants near me.
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williechou · 4 years ago
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焦糖南瓜布丁燒 下面是帶有微微南瓜香氣的乳酪蛋糕, 上層則是焦糖布丁, 布丁吃起來是比較綿密一點的質感, 感覺上雞蛋的比例比較高一點, 乳酪蛋糕的部分, 吃起來有點粉粉沙沙的, 然後吸收了流到下方的焦糖液, 所以一進到口裡很快就化開了, 在一起吃的話, 其實乳酪蛋糕部分是最快消失在口裡的, 然後是布丁留在口裡的蛋香氣。 草莓毛巾蛋糕捲 內餡的鮮奶油加了馬斯卡彭起司進去, 所以吃起來會比純鮮奶油有厚度一點, 然後也把草莓塊跟草莓醬加在裡面, 所以他的內餡其實口感跟味道很豐富 海綿蛋糕體也是比較有口感, 整個吃下來算是算有飽足感的蛋糕捲, 紅茶拿鐵 他的茶味跟奶味相比之下淡很多, 但他的牛奶不是濃郁的那種, 是比較清爽一點的那種, 茶味的話沒有特別突出, 整體喝起來算是偏向清爽的紅茶拿鐵。 小黑狗叫樂樂, 由於以前是浪浪, 又待過不好的中途, 所以他其實有點怕生, 不太敢親近陌生人, 但你只要對他釋出善意, 他其實就會慢慢靠近你了! 這家店就位在台南體育場附近, 算是有點隱身在住宅區內, 其實他們店裡的空間不小, 但是我最喜歡的一點是他們沒有安排過多的桌椅, 而是拉開距離, 讓人有更自在的感受, 再來就是他們是寵物友善的甜點店, 所以很適合帶上家裡的毛小孩到附近走走, 之後再過來來這邊吃個小東西放鬆一下! 👩🏼‍🦲:台南市南區體育路43巷27號 #圓頭咖啡 #yuantoucafe #台南 #寵物友善 #petfriendlyrestaurant #台南體育場美食 #台南南區#caramelpumkinpuddingcake #cheesecake #strawberrycake #mascarponefilling #blacktealatte #milktea #popdaily #popyummy #poptainan #dessert #dessertaholic #sweettooth #afternoontea (在 圓頭咖啡) https://www.instagram.com/p/CORZZmkssIL/?igshid=aefyirkqdf7g
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hellsgrillec · 4 years ago
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Tu mascota es bienvenida en HELL’S, nuestro espacio es totalmente abierto para tu tranquilidad, además contamos con parqueadero privado para tu comodidad.. Nuevo horario de atención: Todos los días desde las 8:00 con nuestros deliciosos desayunos, #petfriendly #petfriendlyrestaurant #cuencaecuador #cuencaec #turi #ecuador #turismoecuador (en Hell's Grill & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQNKVgln5o/?igshid=7y9egvciyrer
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petfriendlycebu · 4 years ago
See more info at https://petfriendlycebu.com/puesto-restaurant/.
📷 eatigo.com
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dorkycats · 7 years ago
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Late lunch with @snowballcay at @pepperlunchph. 🐱🍝🍛 #petfriendly #petfriendlyrestaurant #petfriendlyph #petfriendlyphilippines #whenincavite #tarasouth #petfriendlycavite (at SM Dasmarinas)
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vybright · 6 years ago
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Breakfast with mom and Theo 😊 #brooklynstreetlocal #petfriendlydetroit #petfriendly #petfriendlyrestaurant #locallysourceddetroit #locallysourced (at The Brooklyn Street Local) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2t9MHsgsJD/?igshid=1ebtsspy12byp
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jardinslove · 6 years ago
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📷 @wccolares ・・・ Going out for lunch #brasil #brésil #brazil #sãopaulo #sãopaulostate #sãopaulostateofmind #canilkuvasz #canilkuvaszpaulista #norfolkterriers #norfolkterrier #norfolkterriersofinstagram #norfolkpuppy #socializingthedogs #bambuthenorfolk #beautysleep #dogtrainingisfun #walkthedog #petfriendlyrestaurant #jardinslove (at Maracujá Restaurante) https://www.instagram.com/p/BozBvqIhISh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r1lysuwg9yka
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jrvallejo33 · 6 years ago
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Aceptamos Mascotas!! 🐶🐶🐕🐩😃 #vivelamagia #venalamagia #soloenlamagia #petfriendly #petfriendlyrestaurants #perfriendly #aceptamosmascotas #aceptamosmascotas🐩🐕 Te esperamos con tu #Mascota 😍🐶 #restaurante #bar #boutique #eventos #banquetes Reservaciones: Allende Sur 309 Salida a #Puebla #Huamantla #Tlaxcala #PuebloMagico Tels. 247.100.4593/247.111.1719 (en Huamantla De Juárez, Pueblo Mágico, Tlaxcala.) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJ-qiznHzT/?igshid=1lfban6ri5gc0
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torredelporticciolo · 4 years ago
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🐴Più Pet Friendly di così ....... . #daini #natura_love_ #animalsphoto #prilaga #petfriendlytravel #natural #petfriendly #petfriendlyhotel #animalsarefriends #animalshots #animalselfie #petadoption #petfriendlyrestaurant #animals_in_world #animalsdoingthings #animals_happy #natura_friends #torredelporticciolo #alghero #glamping #camping (presso Torre del Porticciolo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPsKmvTrrFO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theindianfi · 2 years ago
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Man with dog 2023
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digi3eye · 7 years ago
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I am going places @theirontomato , NY #itszeke #petfriendly #petfriendlyrestaurant #petfriendlycafe #cockerspanielsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #yelp #whiteplains (at The Iron Tomato)
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shengerleng · 7 years ago
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The abam & adeq think they run the place at the #vegan eatery #salakl a #petfriendlyrestaurant in KL. And they wear their fav scarf from @thefluffco to meet their KL popo @lotus2801. Their #tacomushroom is da bomb. #dogs #cats #dogcat #dogcatlove #animallover #catdaddy #dogdad #schnoodle #xiaodingdang #javanesecat #Dorami (at Sala, Kuala Lumpur)
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williechou · 5 years ago
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沒錯! 這家店的名字就是他的地址~ 隱身在屏東的路邊, 整棟看起來歐罵罵就是她的特徵, 買喵毛送甜點更是來這家店唯一目的(笑 |: 焦糖生乳堅果蛋糕 蛋糕體非常的鬆軟, 裡面的孔洞很細緻, 生乳也是清爽的口感, 味道最重的就是焦糖, 但是甜而不膩, 而且嘴巴裡都是舒服的焦糖香氣, 還有堅果被咬開來的堅果香氣, 一放進嘴裡, 蛋糕就會慢慢化開, 然後生乳鮮奶油,跟著蛋糕的腳步, 也緩緩的化開在嘴裡, 一股清爽的奶香也這樣出現在口腔裡, 最後就是焦糖跟堅果的香氣, 突然的出現在嘴裡, 帶來甜甜的焦糖跟堅果的香! |: 小山園抹茶紅豆塔 上桌非常的夢幻, 讓我第一印象就是美女與野獸的玫瑰花一樣, 被放置在玻璃罩裡面。 點完餐後才填餡入塔殼, 塔皮算是薄脆但帶有餅乾的酥鬆感, 是屬於好切開,但是不容易碎掉的質地, 清風先放了萬丹紅豆製作的紅豆泥在下層, 質地是偏乾爽的, 然後再加上翠綠的抹茶餡, 所以一入口就是超濃郁的抹茶味, 然後微微的透出紅豆淡淡的味道, 咀嚼時是塔皮帶來的酥鬆口感, 愛抹茶的人會很愛! |: 桂花釀氣泡飲 桂花釀的清爽甜度, 搭配上氣泡水, 還帶有一點清爽的果香, 喝起來很爽口。 這是一家在大馬路交叉口的甜點店, 很容易就可以發現他的存在, 因為他的外觀歐嚕嚕, 雖然是在大馬路旁但環境卻幽靜, 可能跟在屏東有關吧, 不像大都市那樣的吵雜。 而且這是一家喵仔友善餐廳, 店裡的三隻喵星人, 都是老闆娘從路邊或是廢棄繁殖場收編而來的, 這裡的主角是喵, 甜點只是用來配襯的。 所以, 那種嫌東嫌西的人, 這裡不歡迎你的到來! #petdessertsrore #petfriendlyrestaurant #dessertahic #dessert #cat #adopt #matchandredbeantart #japanesematcha #caramelcreamcakewithnuts #osmanthusstuffedsparklingbaverage #pingtung #afternoontea #light #warm(在 13寶石甜點。13 Jewel Dessert Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/B43k8R4gguK/?igshid=1ombceav8xchi
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