#peteys blocked view
annahanover · 2 months
Writing Masterpost
Your burden is a lie, so you lift your head up high - Grace Chasity character study
I'm just a pawn in your game; not your partner in crime - Miss Holly's Toys AU
Can't you hear it? It can hear you - Miss Holly's Toys AU
The devil has won, it can't be undone - Miss Holly's Toys AU
Many children she has buried; their memories are mine - Miss Holly's Toys AU
Now I laugh and make a fortune off the same ones that I tortured - Miss Holly's Toys AU
Everything stays, but it still changes - Holloweane
By the moonlight in the cemetery - 5+1 fic about Holloway and death.
Past loves linger like phantom limbs - Miss Holly's Toys AU
Swap AU Ficlets for my Mental Health - Miss Holly's Toys AU
Even a hero needs some hope - Miss Holly's Toys AU
Call me pretty, not my name; they'll forget it all the same - Holloweane
sheep in wolf country; perfect all your smiles so you look a bit less like a threat - Miss Holly's Toys AU, Dukebur/Social Apple
All the things I could've been, but I never had the nerve - Miss Holly's Toys AU, Hollowebby
I am expecting you to betray me - Campfire Confessions
You tell me I'm wasting time in your embrace, I wish you knew that I would stay - Holloweane
i knew you before we met (i don't even know you yet) - Holloweane
candles and confidences - Roleswap Holloweane
hold your light to the darkness in my head - Campfire Confession
I would say I'm sorry, if I thought that it would change your mind - Multichapter, many ships. Max doesn't die AU
a silver storm - Fantasy AU, Social Apple
look at the clouds as lightning struck - Fantasy AU, Social Apple
just a different kind of lonely - Miss Holly's Toys AU, Social Apple
i will not cry, i'm okay; i tried so hard to play their way - Grace Chasity character study, canon compliant, heavy trigger warning for the aftermath of sexual assault
moments of apotheosis - How multiple Hatchetfield characters got infected.
i am with you, or i'm alone - Campfire Confession
just as sweet as arsenic - Halogear
daughters of sinners, sons of saints - Halogear
i've seen her walk and her feet barely touch the ground - Holloweane
everyone isn't bad (everything's not a sin) - Carrie AU Lautity
a pair of blue eyes with some nice things to say - Holloway/Becky
some sunny room somewhere - Lautity
your friend in this world (and the next) - Holloway/Emma Perkins
Spies Are Forever
The words I speak are wildfires and weeds - Owen and Tatiana character study
these hands of mine are clumsy, not clever - Curt and Tatiana, character study, featuring little!Tatiana
be wary of all those things dead - Spies Are Monsters AU, Owen and Tatiana, little!Tatiana, caregiver!Owen.
what's lost is won, and so what? - Curtwen
i keep a book of the names (and those only go so far) - Curtwen
once a man that i trusted (where have you been?) - Curtwen
heroes, villains, vanish in the tide - Curtwen
i'll be your lambs blood on the wall - Tatiana, Camp Here & Spies AU
it seems to me what we want and we need are the same (and that's someone who'll worry about us) - Spyentist, Camp Here & Spies AU, little!Tatiana, caregiver!Barb.
telling me to hold on longer when I inevitably fail - Quincy Martin
if i can't be perfect (why am i here?) - Ambrose character study
Love in Hate Nation
it seems all we see is misery at the end of our ropes - Dorothy Donaldson, examining her parallels with Asp, and her relationships with the other girls.
finding bones, finding ghosts - Sheila Nail, while in solitary.
Danger Days
The Kids From Yesterday - Multichapter, Kobra and Poison.
Sweeney Todd
Let my spirit flow to the sea - Multichapter, Johanna's perspective of Sweeney Todd.
when have you ever known the world to be a fair place? - Hatta, following Jest's death.
Pulp Musicals
murder wouldn't even cross their minds - Part 1 of the Anna Hanover Has A Bad Time Cinematic Universe, which features the events of Newton's Second Law going horribly, horribly wrong.
i'm the well they're gonna drag you down - Part 2 of the Anna Hanover Has A Bad Time Cinematic Universe, in which Anna visits the Brick Family on the Ellen Austin.
stolen sympathies for all my worst mistakes - Before the great moon hoax, Anna and Benjamin meet in a bar and Benjamin struggles with his feelings.
tell me it's inevitable that i'd end up with scars - Anna Hanover and Charles T. Coram do their best not to hate each other. Script format.
Little Shop of Horrors
and who's to say that someone new would treat me any better than you? - Audrey/Seymour, hurt/comfort
I Am Not Okay With This
next time i'm home i'll still be the same - Stanley Barber, after Syd storms out of the bowling alley.
Tuck Everlasting
left alone, left to drown in my prime - Miles reflects on his immortality.
Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story
ghosts in a graveyard of broken bows - Multichapter, ongoing, Matilda Bishop and Kat Van Tassel.
spotlight on Mr Ingénue - The Leading Player and Pippin, during the Finale.
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intheconflux · 3 months
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[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky rolls a 1 on the die— ]
[ Uh oh. ]
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[As the group is about to turn a corner, Reese steps into view and blocks their path. Beside her are Kyle and Brenda, looking... different.]
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REESE: C'mon, Petey, stop running. We're going to make a playground of this town. Doesn't that sound fun?
REESE: And you... you can play with us forever. Whatever life you want to live, we can make it happen. I can be your best friend. Kyle can be your rival, or your boyfriend, or whatever you want him to be.
REESE: We're yours. Forever and always.
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REESE: So let us make toys of your friends, Petey. It doesn't hurt. Steph knows that already, doesn't she?
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[Pete is frozen. Why is she talking to him, like he's so special? Why are her eyes glowing? And why does her voice sound like something else is speaking with her?]
[Steph clenches her fists. She's not usually one for brute force, but the way Reese is talking to Pete... it makes something ugly simmer in her gut. She barely notices Reese calling her out. Her friends are more important.]
[Max, standing at the front of the group, frowns as Reese steps closer and closer. He took a vow against violence months ago, and despite the life-or-death appearance of this situation, he doesn't want to go back on his word. But he will protect his friends at any cost.]
[Grace looks between their three adversaries. Reese, a cheerleader. Kyle and Brenda, nerds. Gears start spinning in her head, rapidfire thoughts coming to a conclusion as Reese stops directly in front of Max. Suddenly, she has a realization.]
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And it feels like home
Chapter 3
Summary: Peter's reached the casa de pool
Warnings: foul language as always, threats of violence
Peter was practically buzzing as he followed Dopinder up the stairs of the apartment block.
Dopinder stopped in front of a door with the number 69 on it and knocked. Peter glanced back. They'd passed 27 and 28, this door should be 29, but before he could ask, the lock clicked and the door swung open.
Peter's spider sense sent him flinching back, flattening himself against the wall next to the door.
"What the fuck do you want, Dopinder? You better have a good answer or so help me God you will be eating through a straw for the next month," a voice growled, grumbled almost, it seemed just barely restrained, almost like he was trying not to wake someone up. All Peter could see was an arm, the hand gripping the front of Dopinder's shirt, a foot long blade extending from between the man's index and middle fingers rested against Dopinder's face.
Peter hadn't faced a real threat in a while now, just normal people, occasionally with guns or knives, but the apprehension was there now, whoever this was could really hurt him. As if that had ever stopped him.
Peter stepped away from the wall.
"I made him take me here." Peter finally got a good look at the rather large and muscular man threatening Dopinder. The man who was wearing a tank top and- hello kitty pajama trousers?
"And who are you?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm spider-man."
"Oh, uh-"
"And what's with the weird get up?"
"Oh fuck- don't tell me your one of those wannabe vigilante types." The man chortled. "Your costume looks like it was put together by a blind person."
"I can still hear you, asshole!" came a voice from within the apartment.
"Says you, you look like you raided the closet of a teenage girl." Peter couldn't stop himself, it was right there. His stomach dropped though when the man shoved Dopinder out of the way and moved towards him.
"Jokes on you, I stole this from my boyfriend," the man growled.
"I'm pretty sure he got them as a gift from Yukio," Dopinder said, his hands already raised in a defensive position.
"Wait, boyfriend? You're this pool guy's boyfriend?"
All of a sudden an inhuman squeal sounded through the apartment. In a neighbouring apartment, a dog started barking. Even Peter found himself wincing at the pitch of the sound.
"Speak of the devil," the man in the doorway said with a smirk.
"I heard you call my name, baby boy, how can I help you?"
"I-" Peter couldn't really find the words, and no, it wasn't because the unmasked face of the man in red looked like it was plagued by a rare skin condition, but because he hadn't really thought this far ahead.
"While you think about it, come on in, make yourself at home, you don't mind do you, peanut?"
The large and scary man retracted his claws and let out a sigh. "Do what you want, but I'm going back to sleep." The man disappeared into the apartment but not before giving the unmasked man a peck on the cheek.
"On second thought, kid, why don't we go get some fresh air, the view from the roof at night is quite nice. I'll answer any questions you have."
"I'm not a kid, I-"
"Sure sure, let's go. You can go back to work, Dopinder, your work here is done."
"Always a pleasure, Mr Pool."
Once he'd waved goodbye to Dopinder, the man let out a sigh of relief.
"Finally, we can have a normal conversation. I didn't want to say too much at the McDonald's, protecting the secret identity and such-"
Peter's stomach went plummeting down the stairwell.
"H-how do you know who I am?"
"That's easy, Petey," the man stage whispered, " I'm deadpool."
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irunjt · 6 months
#88 of 366: Bloodoath, EXES, Petey
This song does a good job of taking me back to middle-school/high-school in the 90s.  I hate to say it’s a vibe because I feel like I use that phrase too much, but I think it’s too accurate a word to describe this song.  That constant and beautifully simple guitar strumming.  It takes us on a journey. “Names carved in the pavement, on the corner of the block where we all came from, when we were…
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ptergwen · 3 years
fluffy make out sesh w petey? <3
call it even
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w/c: 1,074
warnings: like two swears?
a/n: i don’t know why this ended up being so long but it did lmfhwjwhs i hope it’s everything u wanted and more :D
“god, how much time is left?” you complain, circling your index finger around peter’s chest.
peter refuses to expand his horizons beyond star wars, so you two are watching revenge of the sith yet again. you’re seated in his lap and doing everything you can to get his attention. it’s the only way you’ll be able to make it through the damn movie.
unfortunately for you, peter has a huge crush on anakin. that means his eyes are literally glued to the screen.
“we’re not even halfway through yet. get comfortable, babe,” peter smugly replies. he grabs your hips and squeezes, cocking his head to the side to see better. you tilt your own head so it’s blocking his line of vision. “i am comfortable… very. are you?” your voice drops an octave.
a smirk crossing his features, peter finally meets your eyes. “i know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not gonna work.” you gasp to feign innocence. “silly old me? what ever are you talking about, peter dearest?”
peter moves an arm so it’s around your lower back, you batting your lashes down at him. you yank on his flannel collar to keep him in place. he leans in closer to you until his lips brush the shell of your ear.
he’s all yours.
“i appreciate the effort. now, if you don’t mind…”
peter pulls away from you with a terrible wink that’s stupidly adorable, but you’re too annoyed to admit it.
you give up your facade, swapping it for whining and tugging on peter’s shirt. “no fair! all i want you to do is spend some time with me, petey.” gazing over your shoulder, you shoot the tv a death glare. “fuck george lucas.”
“woah, woah! don’t go that far!” peter defends, chuckling nevertheless. he does feel kind of bad because he has seen star wars more than anyone else on this earth. it wouldn’t kill him to focus on you for a bit.
although, he’d still like to finish the movie.
peter brings your body in closer to his, pecking your forehead softly. “let’s make a deal,” he prompts you. you eagerly nod and sit up straighter. “i’ll give you as many hugs and kisses as you’d like-“
“perfect! you and that big brain of yours, my smart boy.” puckering up, you go right in for a smooch. peter holds out a finger and presses it to your lips to stop you, beaming. “i’m not done,” he laughs out. “i’ll give you as many hugs and kisses as you’d like, after the movie is over.”
you scoff and shove both peter’s shoulders. “why can’t you just multitask? you’d be getting the best of both worlds!” peter does not consider it. “and risk missing the most intense lightsaber duel in cinematic history? i don’t think so.”
“whatever you say… loser,” you mutter under your breath. he coaxes you away from him, keeping his arms around your waist with a scowl. “do you want your kisses or not, y/n?” this time, your mouth stays shut. “exactly,” peter concludes. “new deal, i’ll level with you and cuddle for a while.”
he hugs you to his chest, chin resting lightly on your head. you instantly settle in his warm embrace and feel safe in his strong arms. this will do.
“love you, petey,” you mumble against the skin of his neck. smiling to himself, peter peeks back up at the tv. “love you too, angel. but, shhh,” he shushes, resuming his millionth star wars viewing.
just like that, you’ve been replaced by darth vader. you need to fix this, and fast.
it doesn’t take peter too long to lose himself in the movie, which plays out in your favor for once. he just mindlessly rocks you side to side while he watches. his obliviousness, more so than usual, gives you the opportunity to reach over on the cushion next to you and grab the remote.
you swiftly hit the power button, hiding it behind your back and eliciting a yelp from peter.
“y/n, what the hell? we had a compromise!” peter demands and lunges forward for the remote. grinning wickedly, you tuck it into your back pocket before he can. “we also had a deal, remember? movie’s over,” you elaborate. “kiss me, loser.”
peter can’t argue with that logic.
“sneaky,” he compliments, his forehead leaned against yours. his fingertips ghost over your chin. “i’m so impressed, i can’t even be mad. you win.” giggling, you place your hands on peter’s shoulders to balance yourself in his lap. “well, you’re the prize.”
“ugh, i love you so much,” peter sighs. he kisses your bottom lip gently, holding your chin between two fingers. “more than star wars?” you search for his hazel eyes. “more than star wars… all three trilogies,” he murmurs a sentence you never thought you’d hear.
your eyelashes tickle peter’s face, both of you sharing matching smiles.
“in that case…”
you close the small gap separating you two with your lips on his. peter reciprocates in a heartbeat, his own quickened as he melts into the kiss. one of your hands weaves its way to some fluffy curls at the nape of his neck. he cups your cheek tenderly, free hand on your side and a grin spreading across his face.
“i love you, too,” you whisper, your legs straddling his waist. “could tell,” peter acknowledges in a breathy laugh.
he uses the new position to his advantage and flips you so you’re laying down on the couch. him on top, you under and your legs still around him. the next kiss is initiated by peter, so soft it fills your whole body with butterflies. he continues to caress your cheek while his lips dance expertly with yours.
“you taste good,” you rasp, peter kissing up to the tip of your nose. “like what?” he wonders and punctuates his question with another kiss to the bridge. you’re sitting back and enjoying every second. “i dunno, something sweet… vanilla?”
“oh, yeah. i might’ve stolen your chapstick,” peter admits, his cheeks starting to feel hot. amused, you pinch one of them. “i was wondering where that went. i should’ve known ‘cuz you always ask me about it.” he dips down so his forehead falls on yours once again. “buy you a new one?”
your fingers thread through his locks, willing him to look at you.
“just kiss me, and we’ll call it even.”
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typical-simplelove · 4 years
Request: 2 with Tyson Jost if possible?
2. I love seeing you smile.
A/n: this wasn't showing up in the tags, so I'm reposting in hopes that it indeed shows up in the tags this time. Thank you to @glassdanse for letting me know!
Taglist: @goalision @coffee-ontherocks @glassdanse @barzal-burakovsky @petey-patty (Do you want to be tagged in my fics? Fill out this form.)
“Hi, hi, aren’t you cute?” Tyson cooed to your daughter. She was sitting in her highchair waiting for Tyson to put her meal on the tray on her highchair. Tyson was giving you a break for the day. Having a toddler running around and being pregnant with your second child, you got exhausted often and just wanted to sleep.
Tyson put the baby cereal on the tray with a bottle of milk. As much as you loved Tyson, sometimes it was easier for you to be in the kitchen with him, too, because Tyson was very clumsy in the kitchen. This was true for this morning. Tyson tried his hardest to be quiet for you, but he dropped his fork and plate which landed with a loud thud.
Your daughter began to laugh hysterically and loudly at her dad messing up. “No, no, shhhh, you’re going to wake momma,” Tyson tries to silence your daughter. It didn’t work, though. You weren’t a heavy sleeper especially now because of the aches and pains that came with pregnancy. You sat in your bed for a few minutes trying to see if now was the time to go into the kitchen. When Tyson dropped another kitchen utensil, you felt it best to go and aid Tyson.
You creep into the kitchen slowly and stop at the entrance. You lean on the side and watch Tyson eat breakfast with your daughter. They both had yet to notice that you were watching them. You looked on with a smile on your face as Tyson and your daughter laughed along together playfully. Tyson got up to get your daughter more cereal. With Tyson no longer blocking your daughter’s view of you, she noticed you. A large smile broke out on her face and loud giggles followed. Tyson had yet to notice that you were standing there.
“What are you giggling about, Miss Jost?” he asks in a cute baby voice. When she continues to giggle and look in your direction, Tyson turns around and sees you standing there. Your smile widens after looking at your husband, who was shirtless, eating with your daughter. “Oh, momma’s standing there.”
“Momma is indeed standing there,” you reply. You walk over to Tyson and place a kiss on his forehead. He responds by kissing your 6 month pregnant bump. You walk over to your daughter and place loads of kisses on her face who just giggles and laughs in response. Your smile, if possible, grows wider at the current interaction.
You walk into the fridge to grab some apple juice to drink while eating breakfast. You pour it into a glass and sit down next to Tyson. You look up from the glass and notice him looking at you. “What?” you ask.
“I love seeing you smile,” he says to you. “The giant smile because of our family mixed with your pregnancy glow? You’re gorgeous.  Wow, I am the luckiest man on this planet. I have the most beautiful wife and the most amazing baby girl and a new baby on the way.”
“Mm,” you say. “We really are lucky, aren’t we?”
“We truly are the luckiest,” Tyson tells you. “And we’re only going to get more lucky when we meet the new one soon.”
You couldn’t wait for a new one to be running around.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Keep You Safe
Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Prompt: “I can’t decide if that’s cute or something characteristic of a psychopath”
Warnings: slightly creepy Peter, but like the endearing kind of creepy, also Petey being a dork,,,as always, protective Peter Parker, Endgame related angst but only for a sec, cuddlesssss, and fluff, lots of fluff, because I’m a hoe for fluff... and Tom Holland’s biceps but that’s a story for another day
Word Count: 2167 words
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: School has officially closed which means that I’m now forced to stay home all day (which wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t locked at home with my dad and he’s getting on every single one of my nerves) and do the homework our teachers send us by email... I didn’t even know Microsoft Teams and OneNote existed until a week ago... so that’s something. I usually write stuff on paper during class cause let’s be honest, I only pay attention to what my teachers are saying when I’m forced to (don’t do this kids, listen to teachers, God I’m a such a bad example) so I’ve got about 5 stories written and I thought “Hey, since I’m too lazy to do my physics homework, why not post it all on tumblr?” So yeah, hi, this is my version of “quarantine is driving me crazy and I need an escape”. And before you ask, yes, I’ve succumbed to the toilet paper juggle thing already, it was not pretty.
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Peter Parker was not a creep, he was simply a worried boyfriend.
There is nothing wrong with following your girlfriend after school to make sure she gets home safe before going back to the Tower. Or asking Karen to alert him whenever you leave the house so he could follow you to make sure you were safe. Or gifting you one of those morse code bracelets that monitored your vitals and location because he knew you’d never take it off and that way he could constantly know where you were and how you were feeling.
Peter Parker was not a creep.
He watched from his vantage point on top of a building as you and MJ left the mall, Slurpees in hand and carrying at least five shopping bags each, most of them being from art stores and only a couple from clothing. The sight of your bright smile made his heart burst with affection and he listened intently, still able to hear your melodic laugh over the hustle and bustle of the busy street.
He followed you at a safe distance, losing sight of the two of you as you entered the subway. Karen kept him aware of your whereabouts though, and he saw you again when you exited the subway station, now alone.
You walked a couple more blocks and entered your apartment building, but Peter only truly relaxed once he saw you entering your bedroom, having a clear view through your window. 
He stayed for a few more minutes, admiring how beautiful you looked doing something as mundane as cutting tags off your newly bought clothes and throwing out the plastic wrapped around your new art supplies. 
He then made his way to the Tower, where the Avengers chose to live again, for practical purposes.
“Hey everyone!” He immediately greeted his teammates after walking into the kitchen, mask off and hair slightly messy.
“Hey Pete,” The twenty-year-old witch gave him a chilled bottle of water from the fridge, already knowing that the boy would be parched.
Peter kissed her cheek and did the same to Pepper, Carol, and Morgan who were all sitting at the table playing Uno, no doubt to make the young Stark happy.
“Where is everyone?” The young spiderling asked after downing his water bottle.
“Bucky and Sam are in the gym, Bruce is messing with something in the labs, and Sharon went grocery shopping with Rhodey.” Carol set down a blue five, not even looking up from her hand. For a superhero, she sure sucked at card games.
“Oh, okay. I’m going to my room, be back to help with dinner!” He called back before walking to the elevator and pressing the button to his and May’s floor. 
After everyone returned from the Blip, the Parkers lost their home and Pepper immediately offered them a floor at the Tower, not wanting her not-really-but-still-kind-of-feels-like-it son and his aunt to be living on the streets. Peter was very happy to be living with some of his favorite people in the world and very grateful for the opportunities it provided him.
He entered his room and pressed the button on his chest, the suit retracting to a simple spider pendant that hung around his neck, looking like an ordinary chain. He took it off and put it in his charging cradle before changing into a pair of grey sweatpants (your favorite though he still doesn’t understand why) and his blue Midtown sweatshirt.
He sat on his desk chair, ready to start his homework but a vibration from his phone made him postpone the task, choosing instead to open the messaging app on his custom made StarkPhone.
Princess 👑 ❤️:  heyy :) Princess 👑 ❤️:  can i meet you at the tower later? Princess 👑 ❤️:  i want cuddles :)))
He smiled at that and immediately texted you back.
Baby🕷️ ❤️: i’ll ask Rhodey and Shar to pick you up on their way home :) Baby🕷️ ❤️: love you <3 Princess 👑 ❤️: love you more <33
He texted Sharon and after receiving confirmation that you were in the car with them, he turned his phone face down on the desk to avoid any distractions and started on his English homework, hoping to be done with it when you got here so he could cuddle in peace with his beloved girlfriend.
Twenty minutes later, he was almost done with his homework, fully engrossed in the words on the page that he had to meticulously read, highlight and analyze. He barely noticed when you entered the room, his spidey sense no longer detecting you as a threat, but took a much-needed breath of relief when he felt your hands around his shoulder, rubbing softly.
No words were needed as you kept rubbing his shoulders while he finished his homework, relishing in the soft kisses you left on the crown of his head from time to time. He finished the last sentence on his analysis and set his pen down, sighing. He closed his eyes and put his head back so it rested on your shoulder and you kissed his forehead, hands around his neck, hugging his upper body from behind.
“Cuddles now?” You asked, voice soft and soothing reaching his over-worked brain.
“Yeah, baby, let’s go.”
You kissed him on the forehead once more and took off your shirt, staying in your white lace bra and pastel pink sweatpants before laying down on the king-sized bed. You made grabby hands at him and he took off his own shirt, laying down between your legs and resting his head on your breasts. Your right hand made its way to his soft brown curls while your left rested on his upper back, hugging him close to your chest. His arms tightened around your waist and a pleased sigh left his lips, his lashes fluttering and tickling your skin as the tension rolled off of him in waves with every gentle pass of your manicured nails through his scalp.
Peter loved this position. There was really nothing sexual about it, he just loved hearing your heartbeat and feeling your colder skin against his naturally overheated one. He loved protecting the city and all of its inhabitants but here, in your arms, in this bed, he wasn’t Spider-Man, the newest Avenger. He wasn’t the Starks’ unofficially adopted kid that would take over SI alongside Morgan and Harley. He wasn’t the kid who brightened up everyone’s day and felt solely responsible for their happiness and well-being.
He was just Pete. Your Pete. Your fragile, vulnerable boyfriend who just really needed a hug, and you were more than happy to provide.
“How was your day?” He asked, voice slightly muffled because of his mouth’s position, buried in the valley of your breasts.
“Pretty good. I went to the mall with MJ after class and we bought a bunch of new clothes and art supplies for our trip to DisneyWorld.”
“Why do you need new stuff just to go to DisneyWorld?”
“I need Disney themed stuff.”
“You already have Disney themed stuff.”
“But I need new ones so that every time I see them they’ll remind me of our trip to DisneyWorld.”
He chuckled at your over-the-top-ness and nuzzled his face deeper into your chest.
“‘M hungry.”
“Must be cause you didn’t eat.”
“Did too!” He snorted at that.
“A Slurpee doesn’t count as food, princess.”
A silence enveloped the room and he felt your heartbeat quicken.
“I never told you I had a Slurpee.”
Oh shit.
“Y-Yeah, you did, you said you went to the mall with MJ to do some shopping and had a Slurpee after.” He was panicking but focused on playing it off as best as he could.
Spoiler Alert: he’s a very bad liar and can’t hide anything from you.
“No, I didn’t so how do you know that?”
He stuttered and incoherent sentence your way, trying and failing TRYING VERY HARD to defend himself. 
“Have you been following me?”
“N-No?” He hated that he couldn’t lie to you, one look at him and all his secrets would come out like some kind of verbal diarrhea.
You pushed him off your lap so the both of you were sitting up, looking at him with nothing short of hurt, confusion, and betrayal swirling in your beautiful sparkling eyes.
“Have you been taking advantage of EDITH and your powers to spy on me?”
He didn’t answer, simply hung his head, closed his eyes and waited for the blow-up that was bound to happen next... but it never came, only a broken whisper followed by a heart-breaking sob reached his ears.
“Do you not trust me?”
“What?” His head snapped up and he stared into your eyes, seeing the tears threatening to leak and cursing himself because he caused that, he caused his babygirl pain.
“W-Well if you're following me it must be because y-you don’t t-trust m-me.”
Your words were punctuated by a particularly loud sob and he quickly gathered you up in his arms, nuzzling his cheek on the top of your head soothingly and threading his fingers through your hair.
“Nonononononono, baby that’s not it, I promise.” He took your face between his hands and kissed your tear-stricken cheeks, resting his forehead on yours. “It’s just that... with everything that happened with Tony and Beck and my identity being revealed, then almost going to prison, thank God for Pepper, I just... I’m constantly worried that someone’ll come after you because of me, because of what you mean to me, and that I won’t be able to protect you and I just need to know you’re safe, always because you’re the most important person in my life and I don’t know what I’d without you, so I followed you and asked Karen to update me on your vitals every hour so I know you’re safe and alive, and real, and... I just need to know you’re safe.”
He took a deep breath after finishing his jumbled up explanation, finally shining light on the fears deeply installed within him for months.
“I can’t decide if that’s cute or something characteristic of a psychopath. Cause you wanna protect me but you do it by following me and invading my privacy.”
“Wha- psychopath?” You both burst into laughter, foreheads still resting against one another.
“Well, you’ve been following me around for a while. Do you have a camera in my bedroom?”
“No! Of course not! Just... in the lobby... and one facing your apartment door... and on your fire escape facing your window...”
His cheeks were flushed red and he was looking everywhere but at you, seemingly embarrassed by his predicament.
“You said you had Karen monitoring my vitals... how?”
“Oh, um... remember the bracelet I gave you for our six-month anniversary?”
You lifted your right wrist, cocking an eyebrow as if to say ‘this one’.
“Yeah, so um... I actually made that. It’s got nanosensors that monitor your heartbeat, blood pressure, sugar levels, emotional state and a bunch of other things along with a tracker that’s constantly activated. It’s all connected to Karen, so she can let me know whenever you’re in trouble...”
“Is that how you always know when I’m having a panic attack or when I’m on my period?” Your eyes softened up and an adoring smile graced your face when he nodded.
“You’re a dork.” You straddled him fully and properly, then kissed him on the lips softly.”But you’re my dork, and I love you. And I love that you want to keep me safe and that you’d be willing to sacrifice your dignity and do something quite illegal to make sure I stay safe.”
He smirked at you.
“You know, out of context that sounds a bit twisted.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled fondly at him.
“What can I say? From time to time, I sure do love me a bad boy.”
He smiled and kissed you on the lips, slow and passionate, filled with all his love and adoration and relief, pure and utter relief because you’re here, with him, and you know, and you don’t hate him, in fact, you love him even more.
He fell back on the bed, taking you with him as you resumed your previous position, only this time with you on top.
“So are we gonna mention that when Tony did the exact same thing to you you threw a fit and had Ned hack into the suit?”
“Shut up.”
That night, when Peter got back home after dropping you off, EDITH alerted him to movement on your fire escape. His heart was beating faster than a hummingbird’s as he pulled up the live footage but it all turned into a breathless chuckle when he saw the surveillance video.
You had put your whiteboard in such a way that it would be seen by the camera and scribbled a ‘Goodnight baby <3′ on it.
Baby🕷️ ❤️: goodnight princess <3
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And this is what I do during my English and french classes... English because I don’t need to (perks of being trilingual) and french because the teacher spends the lesson talking about stuff I already know so I really don’t care.
With that said, please stay in school and listen to your teachers... do as I say, not as I do.
Anyway, I hope you liked this little one-shot. Please don’t forget to like, comment and/or reblog if you feel like it!
Love you all, Libby <3
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parkrstark · 4 years
ladies and gentlemen, it’s too much for captain america!
wrttien for @whumptober2020  day 1: waking up restrained, shackled, hanging, Steve wakes up restrained and hanging in some Hydra den, which is fine, really. He can handle that. What he can't handle is watching them blow up his husband and son. That breaks him more than any torture ever would. 1.8k, ao3
When Steve became aware of things around him again, it felt like he had never passed out. It was like a moment had passed since one of the Hydra agents slammed a block of concrete against the side of his head, rendering him unconscious. 
But he knew it couldn't have been that short of time because he wasn't where he was knocked unconscious. He was strung up by the shackles and chains around his wrists. 
His feet just barely brushed against the ground, not enough to hold himself up to stop the iron from digging into his wrists. 
He couldn't help the groan he let out as he lifted his neck so his chin was no longer resting against his chest. 
"Finally awake, hm?" 
Steve looked over at the Hydra agent speaking to him and he narrowed his eyes, keeping his jaw clenched firm. 
"You've been out for quite some time. It's hard to get information from an unconscious man." 
"I think you'd find it easier than getting it from me while I'm conscious," Steve growled. 
"We'll see about that," the man strolled over, casually with a cattle prod in his hand. 
Steve kept his mouth shut even when it was stuck in his side. He gritted his teeth through the burning pain. 
"Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to tell us?" Hydra man asked after what had to be a half hour or endless electrocution and punches. 
Steve didn't know what the hell he wanted, but he answered anyway. "Actually, there is something I'd like to tell you." 
Steve couldn't see the agent's face behind his mask, but he bet there was a smirk. "Please share." The cattle prod sparked with electricity, only inches from Steve's chest.
“Kiss my ass.” 
The Hydra Agent shoved the prod forward until it connected with his skin. Steve was not as loud as the man, but he couldn't help the grunt of pain. 
Once he was done and staring up at Steve, Steve made sure there was a smile plastered on his face. 
The Hydra Agent used the prod to hit Steve in the side of the head with. Steve swung slightly from the shackles and tried to stop himself from moving. Before he could stop moving, the prod was stuck into his side again and his body seized painfully as electricity ran through his body. He couldn’t help the groan he let out. 
The Hydra Agent laughed. “I’d love to do this for hours, Captain. I won’t stop until you tell us something.” 
The electricity was back and Steve grunted through it. Once the electricity was gone, his body sagged and he could feel drool trickle down his chin. He didn’t know how many volts they were pumping into him with each shock, but it was definitely adequate against Captain America. 
He could barely lift his head. 
“Change your mind yet?” The Hydra Agent cackled. 
It took Steve a few seconds to even be able to get his mouth to speak. But when he did, he made sure his voice was strong as he could make it. “I got something for you.” 
“And what is that, Captain?”
Steve took a deep breath and rattled off what he had memorized in basic training. "Name: Steven Grant Rogers. Rank: Captain. Serial number: 54985870.” He decided smirking down at him was a good usage of his energy. “And that's all you'll ever get from me." 
With a frustrated shout, the agent pulled the prod back, ready to hurt Steve again when he was interrupted by red lights flashing in the room, followed by blaring alarms. 
The Hydra Agent moves away from Steve, back to a monitor screen. He typed away until a feed was brought up and he saw outside from a surveillance feed. 
There was nothing in the frame and Steve didn't understand what they were looking at until a familiar blob of red and gold came into view. 
The agent zoomed in on the blob, and sure enough, it was Iron Man. He was sneaking through trees, no idea by his calmness that he had already triggered a silent alarm.
"Oh, look at this," he said. "Someone's coming to save you, huh?" 
Steve didn't react, though he was so proud of Tony for finding him. 
Until he heard him whisper, "Alright, Webs. You wanted to tag along, stay close. I'm not losing you too." 
And then Spider-Man was sneaking up behind him. "I'm not completely incapable of handling myself." 
"If I save Steve and he comes back and finds out that I lost our kid, he won't be very happy with me." 
Steve's heart stopped. That wasn't something any of them broadcasted. Sure, they teamed up a lot in smaller missions, but it was never confirmed Spider-Man was their kid. And they definitely never let him tag along on big missions like this. 
Tony and Peter continued to sneak through the trees, but Steve could barely focus when all he heard was the agent's cackling. It turned into loud howling laughter soon enough. 
"Oh, this is just too good to be true! Just wait until the others find out. Iron Man and Captain America's kid is Spider-Man." 
No. No. The world knew Steve and Tony had a kid, Peter, and now they would know that kid was also Spider-Man. 
"Please. Leave him alone. He's just a kid." 
Hydra Agent turned to him with a grin. "So suddenly you want to talk, huh?" 
"Please," Steve begged. "Don't hurt him." 
"You know we have excellent defenses around the base. One click of this button and the mines we have set up go off immediately. They'll be blown out of those suits so fast." 
Steve was shaking now, trembling as he struggled against the shackles. "No! Don't kill them!" 
The agent didn't even hesitate before clicking the button in front of him. Steve turned to the feed and stared, just waiting for what was about to happen. 
Peter went still, he straightened up. "Something's wrong." 
Tony glanced back and asked, "What?" 
That was the last thing he said before an explosion lit up behind them, and they both went flying, somewhere off screen. 
"Oh, boy," the man laughed. "There's no way they survived that." 
And the worst part was that Steve knew he was right. 
He sagged in the restraints, not caring at how much weight he was putting on his wrists. All of his fight was extinguished immediately. Without his family, there was no reason for anything. 
He stared down at the ground, willing himself to wake up from this nightmare. It didn't work. 
He heard the man walking closer, his footsteps and laughter sounded like nails on a chalkboard. "What's a matter?" 
Steve could only guess how drained he looked. He stayed silent. 
"Did you not like the show? You got to see them one last time. I didn't have to give you that." 
"My family…" He said, his voice so hollow and devoid of any emotion. 
"Your family is dead, Captain Rogers. And soon you will be if you don't give us what we need to know." 
"I don't care," Steve said, shaking his head. He looked back up from the floor and looked to the man in that mask, that coward. "Fucking kill me. Please. It will be better than living. It would hurt less." 
"With great pleasure." 
The prod came back again, full force, and Steve was right. That burning hurt so much less than the memory of Peter's fearful cry and then the two of them getting blown away, trying to save him. 
He welcomed every blow until he was finally knocked unconscious. This time, he hoped he never woke up. 
"Babe, babe, you gotta get up." 
Steve couldn't help but open his eyes when he heard Tony's voice. The edges of his vision were still dark and the rest was blurry, but he'd recognize his love anywhere. "Tony." 
"Thank JARVIS you're awake." Tony looked him up and down. "You're so bloody and beat up...I was so scared…" 
Steve just continued staring. "Tony…" 
"Yes, baby, it's me. I'm right here." He cupped his cheek gently. 
Steve smiled. "I wish you were here." 
"I am. I am." He glanced over his shoulder anxiously, which didn't make sense. Tony wasn't really here. He was dead. He had nothing to worry about if he was dead. 
"I miss you already." His eyes started to droop shut again. 
"Miss me? Babe, I'm right here." 
"You're gone. I miss you." Steve leaned into the touch. 
"I'm right here and we're getting you out of here." Tony started to pull at the shackles around his wrists. "Pete, get over here and hold him up while I break these." 
"Petey's here?" Steve looked around for his boy. He wanted to hear his voice again when he wasn’t panicking. 
Tony frowned, looking back at him. "Steve, how hard did they hit your head?" 
Suddenly Peter was in front of him, holding him by his waist. "Hey, Pops." 
"Say that again," Steve said. He just wanted to keep hearing him talk forever and ever to wipe out the sound of him crying. 
Peter looked as confused as Tony did. "Hey, Pops…"  
"I miss you too, baby bear." 
"I'm right here, Pops. Not going anywhere." 
Steve's wrists were uncuffed and Peter caught him easily because of his super strength. 
Then he was putting him on the ground with one arm still wrapped around him while Tony held the other side. Steve looked from Peter to Tony and then back to Peter and then back to Tony. 
"Wait...you're here. This isn't...this isn't a dream?" 
"Finally coming back to us, big guy?" Tony asked, sounding a little worried. 
"But I saw you-- I saw--." 
"You saw us get blown to fucking Guam? Yeah. Well, they didn't plan on all the safety features I added to Spider-Man's suit to protect him from pyromaniac wackos like these freaks and thankfully, I was close enough to be included in that protection." 
"The video-- they know. They heard you. They'll tell." Steve glanced back at the monitor, just noticing all the damage to the room he was being held in. 
"I wiped their entire system. They have nothing. And there were no survivors here to spill whatever secrets they learned. Don't worry." 
Steve found relief in that, and being held by his boys, who were both safe and alive. 
"Hey, Tony?" 
"Yeah, Winghead?" 
"Remind me later when I'm not close to passing out, to kick your ass for bringing our son on a mission like this." 
Tony laughed and it was a beautiful, beautiful sound. Steve was still pissed though. "Oh, Stevie. Now I know you definitely got hit in that noggin hard if you think it would have been possible for me to leave him home. That kid is just as reckless and stupid as us when his family is in danger." 
Even half conscious, Steve couldn't argue that. "That kid is crazy, huh?" 
"Yeah, just like his Pops."
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envision-fandom · 4 years
Part 1
Peter Pan x reader fanfiction
You had been friends with Peter for years. That was if you could still call yourselves friends. Granted, you were extremely close growing up, but that was purely due to your parents being friends and them having this fantasy of you both growing up and falling in love. As if.
You had known Peter almost all your life, which is why, sitting here now, you knew exactly what he was up to. You watched as he scouted out the room, as he had done so many times before. His green eyes flickered with dangerous amusement as he notices a bunch of girls eyeing him up and giggling uncontrollably. It would have been almost too easy for him to approach the girls and walk out with one (or more) of them, but you could tell from the look on his face that he wasn’t here for an easy night. He was here for a challenge.
Peter always loved games and growing up, you were almost always at the brunt of them. So much so, that you had finally had enough and decided to once and for all completely cut him out of your life. You were about to turn away and get on with your job, waitressing at Granny’s diner, when you saw the sudden change in Peters aura. You followed his eyeline and unsurprised to you, your eyes landed on a pretty blonde girl, not much younger than yourself, sitting alone in a booth. You could almost see Peters mind whirling, deciding on the best course of action. He began to approach her cautiously, taking a strategically packed book out of his bag and feigning innocence, dropped it to the ground.
You rolled your eyes, watching as the book slid along the diner floor towards her table. You were already well aware of the move he had decided to use. It had gotten pretty easy to tell after watching them all being played out on several occasions. You scoffed, knowing exactly why he had chosen this move. The book would allow him to approach her, whilst also grabbing her attention. The facade of vulnerability and embarrassment would then allow her to drop her guard and feel sorry for him, ensuring he had less of a chance of being rejected. As he kneels before her feet, he will make her feel like she is in the superior position and holds all the cards, but you knew the truth. The book will then come into play again and will allow her to initiate the interaction by questioning him on the book he is reading. This is his way into a seemingly innocent conversation.
As planned, she offers him a seat in the booth across from her. They talk some more, still using the book as the main topic of conversation. You watch as he flips through the pages, before innocently asking to move to sit next to her, as to “better show her something in the book.” It was all a ploy of course, as soon as he sits next to her, it wasn’t long before his arm was across the back of the booth, followed by her hand on his arm as she giggles playfully. He smiles sweetly towards her, but you knew his smile was far from what it seemed. As she looks away shyly, you witness the tilt of his lips, as his smile shifts briefly into a dark smirk. The sign that he was well aware that he had captured his next conquest, or as you like to see it. His next victim...
“Earth to Y/N!” Your friends hand waving in front of your face, finally pulled you back to reality, “What’s so important that you can’t even respond to your best friend?” She follows your eye line and smirks “Peter? Seriously? I thought you didn’t care about him anymore?” She questions you.
You turn to face her and scowl “Never again insinuate that I have ever cared about Peter Pan. What I do care about however, is the endless number of girls who are tricked by his fake persona and end up with their hearts broken.”
She nods in understanding “Yeah you’re right, but you can’t exactly blame them, he does put on a good show.”
You roll your eyes at your friend, as she begins to check out Peter. “Don’t you get falling for his tricks!” You exclaim.
She smiles mischievously at you “I won’t, but there’s nothing wrong with checking him out. He is the hottest guy in school after all!” You scoff at her comment, before she continues “Plus, I don’t think his tricks will work on us.”
You tilt your head in confusion at her “And why’s that?” You ask.
She smirks at you “Because thanks to your time spent behind enemy territory, we are fully aware of all his tricks, therefore rendering them useless against us!”
You let out a laugh “I think you might be onto something there.”
You stood at your locker in school the next day, waiting eagerly for your best friend to show up, politely greeting others as they pass. You stood on your tiptoes, trying to scout her out in the crowd of students, when suddenly a tall figure stands in front of you, blocking your view. You look up curiously to greet whoever has just entered your personal space, when you’re greeted with a pair of mischievous dark green eyes. Your smile instantly falters, turning into an annoyed glare “Can I help you with something Pan?”
He smirks down at you “Pan hmm? What happened to Peter? Or Petey? Oh how I miss our little pet names for each other love.”
You glare at him harder “Don’t call me that.”
He leans against the lockers, wrapping his arms around him cockily “What shall I call you then love?”
“Y/N. Or better yet, don’t call me at all.” He lets out a dark laugh, as you turn and begin walking away from him.
He soon catches up and begins walking along side you “Seriously Pan, what do you want?” You tried to act as annoyed as possible, but secretly part of you was intrigued as to why he was trying to talk to you after 4 years of not saying a word to one another.
“I thought maybe we could hang out some time, we did used to be best buds after all.” He playfully elbows you in the side, just like he used to do when you were kids. However, due to him getting a lot bigger in the four years you hadn’t been friends, the force of it caused you to stumble. You were about to fall straight into the lockers next to you, when suddenly Peters strong arms were wrapped around your body, holding you in place. You couldn't help but be engulfed in his familiar scent. He had always smelt like the forest, but now there was something else there, something dark and tempting.
You were stunned for a moment, before pulling yourself together and forcing yourself to back out of Peters arms. He smiled down at you gently, trying to apologise for knocking you over with his eyes. You were about to thank him, before you realised what he was doing. You mentally cursed yourself. You couldn’t believe you had almost fell for it! You had seen this done before. Peter “accidentally” bumping into a girl and having to save her by wrapping her in his muscular arms. You scoffed and glared up at him “Why in hell would I ever hang out with you? We haven’t been friends in years and for good reason.” You looked deep into his eyes and could have sworn you saw a flicker of hurt. You almost eased up, before once again remembering how Peter liked to play. This was most definitely an act “Just leave me alone.” You once again turned your back on Peter, allowing yourself to get lost in the crowd. Thankful that this time he didn’t follow.
You met up with your best friend at her house after school and went into detail about your run in with Peter earlier that day.
“Maybe he just misses you? You guys were close when you were younger, you used to do everything together!” Your friend suggested.
You began pacing back and forth “Misses me?” You think it over in your head “Definitely not. It doesn’t take someone four years to realise they miss someone. Plus Peter has way to much pride, he would much rather watch me die than admit he misses me. He’s after something.”
“After something? Like what, help with his homework?” Your friend once again chimes in.
You stopped your pacing to look at her “No way, despite his demonic personality, he is actually quite smart.”
“Well, you know him better than anyone, what do you think he’s after?” Your friend asks.
You sit beside her on the bed and let out a long sigh. “I have no idea, and that’s the problem. Peter likes to pretend he’s unpredictable, but I almost always know what he’s thinking or how he’s going to act. But honestly, this time I’m stumped.” You admit.
You made your way home, your mind still trying to comprehend the events of your earlier encounter with Peter. You hated how much he was invading your thoughts, but you couldn’t help yourself! It had been so long since you had spoken, since he had even looked in your direction. The whole thing was too confusing.
You opened the front door to your home and dragged yourself inside, wanting nothing more than to eat your dinner and go to sleep. Dinner was already being laid out on the table in the dining room and you began to feel a lot better after seeing the impressive spread your mother had put on. “Hey mom! This looks amazing, I’m starving.” You were about to sit at your usual spot at the table when your mother steps in front of you.
“Not so fast!” You look up at her questioningly. “We have guests coming over.” She stated plainly. “Now go upstairs and get changed into something nice.”
You roll your eyes at her but do as she says. You didn’t need to ask who the guests were. You could already tell from the wine on the table who was coming over, it was your parents and Peters parents favourite drink after all.
You quickly changed out of your jeans and into a nice skirt and top. Even though Peters parents would come to your house at least once every few weeks for drinks or a quick catch-up, you knew your mother expected you to make a bit of effort when they were coming over for dinner, as in her words “It’s only polite.” Plus you didn’t mind dressing up nice once in a while.
After brushing through your hair and applying a small layer of mascara, you made your way downstairs. You could hear laughter coming from the dinning room, signaling Peters parents arrival. You walked into the room and was just about to greet them, when you are stopped in your tracks by a pair of dark green eyes boring into you. Peter was seated opposite your usual space, smirking slightly at your shocked appearance.
“Y/N dear! How are you?” Peters mother asked, dragging you out of your shocked state. You quickly look away from Peter and smile warmly at his mother, responding politely.
You make your way over to your seat and cautiously sit down, trying to avoid Peters overwhelming stares. Luckily your parents were too invested in their conversation to notice the uncomfortable silence between the two of you. You try to focus on what his parents were saying, acting as if you were invested in their conversation, when really your mind was reeling out of control.
It had been years since Peter had last stepped inside your home, let alone come over for dinner. He was always invited of course, except his parents always gave some lame excuse he had given them as to why he couldn’t attend. But now, after what had already passed between you at school, he suddenly decided you and your family was worth his time?
Anger and confusion began to build inside of you. He was definitely after something. And you were determined to find out what.
You didn’t speak one word to Peter throughout the whole meal, but you could feel his intense stare on you the whole time, almost daring you to get lost in his eyes. However, as your friend had said to you yesterday at Granny’s diner, thanks to your knowledge of Peters moves, you were impervious to all of his charms... or so you thought.
You made your way upstairs after dinner, Peter following closely behind. You had hoped to be rid of him, but thanks to your mother insisting you show him hospitality whilst they have a few more drinks, you were now stuck with him.
You hold open the door to your bedroom, allowing the enemy access to your most sacred space. You sit down on the edge of your bed and watch Peter warily as he begins to make his way around your room. “It’s changed a lot since I was last In here.” He states, finally breaking the deafening silence.
You nod slowly “Yeah well, it’s been quite a few years...”
Peter turns around suddenly, his dark eyes landing on you “Four to be exact.”
You nod once again, honestly surprised that he had remembered.
“It looks nice...” he continues “Much better than before. Glad to see you no longer have those awful childish posters.”
You glare up at him “At least my room was never full of barbies.” You defend yourself.
Peter smirks at you, amused at your defensive attitude “I think you’re well aware they were action figures, not barbies.” He walks towards you and sits on your bed, leaning back to make himself comfortable “But I think you’ll find my room has also changed quite a bit since you were last in it.” He looks you up and down suggestively “You’re always welcome to come over and see.”
You stare at him in disbelief. Was he really trying to flirt with you?! You quickly grab one of your pillows and fling it over at him, hitting him squarely in his face.
He grabs the pillow and moves it away, laughing darkly “Do you really want to start this love?” He threatens.
You grab another pillow, ready to defend yourself “I thought I told you to call me Y/N?” You state angrily.
He lets out a small smirk “Actually love. I think you’ll find you asked me not to call you at all.”
You launch another pillow at him, fed up with his flirtatious wit, except this time he was ready with a counter attack.
Soon enough pillows are being flung back and forth between you, which suddenly results in a full blown war. You were about to attack with another direct hit to Peters face, when you all of a sudden stumble and fall forward into him. You land hard against his chest, your body lay across the top of him. You were engulfed once again in his rich scent, the smell almost drawing you in, tempting you to take in more.
“Y/N?” Peter suddenly whispers, his warm breath tingling your ear “Are you okay love?”
You pull back suddenly, shocked at your own sudden dark thoughts aimed towards Peter.
You straighten up, avoiding his intense gaze. “Yes, I’m fine. Sorry. I fell... I didn’t hurt you did I?” You pull yourself together and risk a glance in his direction, tying your best to keep yourself composed.
“I’m fine love, as long as you’re not hurt.” For a moment he almost seemed genuinely worried, and you could feel yourself open up to him. That was until you could see him holding back that devilish smirk. You couldn’t believe it. He thought he had got you.
After spending the entire day wondering why Peter had suddenly approached you, it never once crossed your mind that you may be his next conquest. 
Well two could play that game...
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remmushound · 3 years
Birds of Prey
Pete waddled happily across the rooftop with no true destination in his mind, but he sure did love to waddle! Especially at night when he was less likely to be yelled at and could find all sorts of goodies lying around! He hoped and hoped with all his heart to find bread on his nightly journey, be it stale or fresh he’d eat it all the same. As long as it filled his belly and tasted good, he’d gobble it down.
He gave a curious coo and stopped with his foot still raised mid-step, tilting his head farther than any human could hope to achieve when he heard the strange sound of chewing. Not chewing like a human would, but more like some starved animal that had just found its first meal in days. Whatever it was, it sounded like the animal— or animals— were definitely enjoying themselves. Pete couldn’t help but wonder if he could steal a few scraps, if there were any left.
He followed the sound a few buildings down until he found the source of the frenzied scarfing and peered down to get a look at who it was. Maybe one of his friends! But no— he didn't know these mutants. They sure were big though! Two of them, one bigger than the other but both of them a lot bigger than Pete was. One was fat and hairy with a big gut, but big muscles too; he had a bright purple mohawk that Pete couldn’t help but stare at and the spikey black and orange outfits he wore were so vibrant too! The bigger one had no furs or feathers that Pete could see, but he shared the same jiggly belly as his comrade and two large horns on his nose that Pete was ever so curious about.
New friends, maybe? New friends with food! Both of them held a massive disk of bread covered in cheesies and pepperonis and all sorts of greens that Pete couldn’t recognize, and beside them was a broken and bent two-wheel car that Pete sometimes saw those strange humans riding in the day. Stacking beside it were more boxes, some empty but others with more of the yummy-smelling bread disks! Pete wondered if they wouldn’t mind sharing.
Bebop and Rocksteady were having the time of their lives, howling through the night with their mouths full of stolen pizza. They were still reliving the hilarity of the pizza boy's expression when his bike got picked up and folded like a pretzel, and how he had nearly wet himself screaming for his mommy. Bebop was on his fifth pizza, scarfing out down like there was no tomorrow, when he heard a strange rush of air that made his ears give a curious twitch.
“Hey Rocky, what’s that?”
Rocksteady swiped his tongue over his lips as his gray eyes searched around to find what Bebop was talking about. He had heard the rush of air too but had given it little mind since eating his share was more important to him at the moment. Looking down, he finally found just what it was that his boyfriend had been talking about.
The creature was pathetically small compared to them, with a dopey little smile on his face and eyes that seemed to bulge out of the sides of his head. A little gray pigeon, from what little Rocksteady could tell, with a vibrant chest of blue and purple and a hopeful look in his eyes. He wore tiger-striped boxers and a watermelon-colored fanny back on his side, a pin that read ‘CUPID’ locked onto the belt. Apart from that, the only other accessory he had was a space-patterned sash that held various bottles, some filled with soda or other beverages, and some filled with shiny rocks and other tiny and shiny things.
“HI I’M PETE!” The mutant said in an obnoxiously loud voice. His tongue was hanging out of his beak between uneven sets of teeth and, though he often corrected it, his tongue just kept falling back out again. “I like your bread disks! Can I have some?”
He didn't wait for a response before he went to try and peck at the cheese dripping down Bebop’s fingers, catching some of the warthog's fur. Bebop gave a squeal out of surprise more than pain and then snorted his anger.
“Oh, I know you didn't just do that!” Bebop pulled his lips back in a snarl.
Pete frowned and tilted his head. “I… I’ll trade you some soda pop for em?”
Pete reached into his belt and pulled out a half-drunk bottle of Pepsi, offering it gladly to the mutants. Bebop snatched it from Pete’s claws and bit into the plastic, sucking down the drink in two solid gulps before tossing the empty bottle back at Pete. Pete gave a startled squeak and stepped back to try and avoid the hit, then gave an excited bounce between his feet and opened his mouth for the promise of pizza.
Rocksteady reached down and grabbed Pete by the neck, hoisting him up and laughing as the pigeon started to screech.
“Hi Pete. I’m Rocksteady. And you ain’t getting non’ma food!”
Pete gulped. Rocksteady pulled his arm back, still holding Pete tightly, and launched the helpless mutant clear across the alley. Pete landed hard, bouncing a few times and luckily managing to land unsteadily on his feet and he tried to take off into flight.
“Aww, don’t go yet, little Petey!” Bebop grabbed Pete by his ankles and yanked him back down, purposely knocking his head against the ground before dragging Pete back into the alley. “We just getting started!”
It was almost halfway into her rounds and Pete still hadn’t come to visit her— she hadn’t even seen the hapless creature bumbling about like he often did. She tried to tell herself that it was nothing, and that the kid had probably just eaten himself into a food coma somewhere, but the pit in her chest made her think otherwise. Hobs always told her never to fly lower than the clouds— that would increase her chances of being spotted by any late-night humans below— but she couldn’t help it. So she dipped down lower than the clouds and let the sharpness of her eyes scan the buildings and alleys below.
The lights of the city were almost blinding to her sensitive eyes, and so the white film came over her to block out the brunt of the unnatural brightness. That certainly made it a lot easier for her to see the scenes happening below her, able to make out the smallest of details even hundreds of feet below. She could see quite a few drug dealing going down between both mutant and human, but she didn't care. Let them have their fun— it was none of her business! She could see drunk men and women stumbling home or into their cars from late nights at the bar. She could see those four turtle brothers hanging around, doing whatever it is they do. It was of no concern to her that night— as long as they stayed far away from her. A moment of thought passed through her considering if they could have done something to her annoying friend, but she quickly brushed past it. The turtles absolutely adored Pete, often leaving their pizza scraps for him to find so he’d always have something to fill his belly. They would never hurt the careless creature.
Her eyes continued to search for several more minutes until they locked on a scuffle in an alleyway. She looked even closer and dove lower to made out the details. It wasn’t like Pete to get in a physical altercation with anyone, but it was better to be safe when it came to the safety of the mutant pigeon. What she found were a pair of two brutish mutants laughing as they help down a tiny mutant with very little effort on their part, guffawing as the mutant flapped his wings desperately in an attempt to escape.
She started to circle in the sky, watching the every move of those monsters as they terrorized her friend. Her friend! And she couldn’t be more furious. She tucked her wings in tight for a sudden dive, then started to circle the alleyway more closely. Humans be damned, she was going to help her friend whether she was spotted or not! Another sharp dive and another circle as she searched for an open place to land. With her wingspan, landing always proved to be a difficult feat. Each wing spanned fifteen feet, enough to give her the force to lift herself from the ground even at her great size. She knew she wouldn’t be able to land properly in the alley itself, it was far too narrow, but the road offered an almost perfect landing strip…
“I’m sorry!” Pete whimpered as he still tried to escape, pants and Fanny pack ripped off and his contents dumped all over, as well as all the soda he had on his belt. They dumped it on his head and wings and made his feathers feel all heavy and sticky. “I’M PETE!”
“You said that already!” Rocksteady kicked Pete over and laughed as Bebop walked over with one of the pizza boxes.
“You want pizza so badly little man? Here you go!” He dumped the hot cheese all over Pete’s chest and smeared it in down to his blood feathers, twisting it as deep as he could manage while Pete screeched with the heat.
“Aww, poor birdie! I thought you liked pizza.” Rocksteady laughed, “Or— I’m sorry, bread-disks!”
“I’m sorry!” Pete whimpered, trying to flap his heavy wings, “I’m Pete— I’m Pete—”
The screech came from the road and made both Bebop and Rocksteady look up with curious grunts. Before they could do much more than look, the flash of gray and black was upon them and talons dug into their flesh, targeting the soft of their stomach. Bebop in particular took the brunt of the sickle-claws, and he was left with four large gashes in his stomach that immediately started to bleed profusely.
“Hey— ow, that hurt!” Bebop and Rocksteady backed up as one, laughing off the pain as they tried to get a better look at their frankly powerful attacker.
It was another bird, this one twice as big and twice as strong. The majority of her feathers were a light gray, but her wings were black and tipped with white. They were folded upward, the majority of their size hidden from view, with the highest feather almost three feet above her head. Her face was white with a striped pattern of black and her eyes of white stared back at them. She had a torn wrapping on her chest, and a loincloth around her waist.
“That was the point.” She gave an almost evil hiss as she hopped forward, stepping between the brutes and Pete.
Rocksteady gave a concerned grunt when he smelled the blood pulling from Bebop’s belly, and he turned to the falcon with a furious snort as he dug a foot into the stone. “YOU GON PAY FOR THAT!”
Before Rocksteady could complete his charge, Koya locked her talons around Pete’s shoulder and hoisted him onto her back, sprinting off and spreading her wings the moment they entered the streets. Rocksteady still charged, but missed completely and instead started to roar curses at the birds as they disappeared into the night sky.
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brianc521 · 5 years
Dress | CEO Peter
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You hadn’t totally planned on stopping by the office after your lunch with the designer, but you’re feeling really stressed and need a moment with your man.
“Miss L/n,” Stan, Peter’s office assistant stands abruptly when he sees you exit the elevator. 
“Hi Stan.” You smile, starting to walk past him.
“He’s on a call.” Stan blurts, trying to halt you.
“Good for him.” You grin, pushing your way through the heavy glass door that leads to Peter’s office. 
“No William it’s not happening.” Peter’s stern CEO voice fills the room, and the latch of the door is what gets him to turn around. His eyes go wide at the sight of you and he rubs a hand over his face. 
He’s been pacing the length of his floor to ceiling windows, earpiece in as he runs this call. 
“William I need to call you back...No, shred it.” With that he hangs up, looking up at you. “Kitten.” He acknowledges. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt you.” You stand close to the door, suddenly feeling very small. “I just um, I can go, you’re busy.” 
His eyes go soft when he notices your demeanor. “Hey,” He reaches out for you, catching your elbow before you can open the door. “Look at me.” He tilts your face up. “I’m never too busy for you, you know that. What’s the matter?”
“I’m stressed out.” You whine, leaning into him.
“What happened? I thought you were meeting with the wedding planner and then the designer?” 
“I did, and it’s stressing me out. One’s telling me we need to have our invite list done by tonight, and the others telling me I need to give up cake and cut down on my coffee.” 
He grins a little, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer into him. “Why do you need to give up cake? Is this designer trying to get me killed?”
“Because the size of my dress I am is supposedly too big.” 
“Says who?” He pulls back, eyebrow raised. “I’d like to speak to this designer.” 
“No Peter, it’s okay, it’s just a few months.”
“No fuck that. You aren’t gonna do anything you don’t want to do. We’ll hire a new designer, I’ll come to the consult. I love the way you look right now, I don’t want you to change. Especially if you don’t want to.”
“I mean losing weights never a bad thing, but I really love cake.” 
Peter pecks your lips, “Then don’t worry about it, we’ll fix it.” 
You rest against his chest, cheek pressed against his tie. “You make me feel better.” 
“That’s what I’m supposed to do.” He squeezes you tighter. “You make me feel better too.” 
You gasp and smack his back when his hands slide down and grab a handful of your butt. He smirks into your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“You still stressed Kitten?” 
“Mhm.” You hum, blushing when he turns you away from the wall of glass that leads to his reception. 
He hits a button on his desk that drops dark black blinds down the windows, blocking the view of anyone seeing in. 
“Stan.” He says into the intercom.
“Yes sir.”
“Hold my calls, and push my meeting with William back by 15 minutes.” 
“Yes sir.” Stan agrees. 
With that settled Peter pulls you closer, sitting back in his chair and tugging you to straddle his lap. “How’s my wife doing?” He looks up, lengthy lashes curled up and giving him an innocent boy look. 
“M’not your wife yet.” 
“To me you are.” He fingers with the diamond on your hand. While holding your left hand with his right, his left hand wanders up your skirt. His rough hand slides up the smooth skin of the inside of your thigh, eyes widening when he doesn’t find any underwear.
“No panties?” His ghostly voice caught in his throat. “Naughty girl Kitten.” 
You bite your lip when his index finger rubs at your already wet slit. 
“You’re wet Kitten.” He raises an eyebrow. “Who made you this wet?” 
“You did.” 
“Who?” He leans closer. 
“You Daddy.” You breathe out, arching into his chest when he inserts his finger. 
“Mm,” He nods, pumping slowly. “You’re warm too.” 
You suck in your breath, trying to stay quiet, knowing he has workers and clients right outside his door. 
“Gonna be good for me Kitten? Gonna stay quiet?” 
“What was that?” 
“Yes Daddy, I’ll be good.” 
“Good girl.” He kisses under your jaw, sucking your sweet skin into his mouth. 
He switches between one and two fingers, keeping you surprised and constantly hiding moans. He can tell you’re getting close, but need just a little help pushing over the edge, so he adjusts. He tucks his elbow in closer, allowing better leverage, pushing in deeper now. 
You tug at his hair when his thumb makes contact with your clit. Your legs have started to shake, thighs squeezing tighter against his own. 
“Gonna cum Kitten?” His voice audibly deeper, huskier. 
“What do you say?” He inquires, starting to move his fingers faster. 
You’re breathing heavily, the softest whimpers running past your lips. There's a light sheen of sweat on your brow, and his jacket will probably have indents from your grip on his shoulders. 
“Can I,” You squeal a bit when touches that one spot deep inside you. “Can I cum?” 
“Sorry, what?” 
“Daddy can I cum? Please let me cum.” You beg, that feeling running down your spine. 
“Cum for Daddy.” He growls, nipping your skin as you freeze, arching into him, holding on for dear life.
“Oh my god,” You moan. “Holy fuck.” 
He grins, loves to watch you fall apart, make a mess of his fingers.
“Good girl.” He slips his fingers out of you, raising them to his lips and sucking your taste away. “Delicious.”
You roll your eyes, trying to catch your breath as he gloats about his achievement. “My turn?” You ask, palming his dick through his slacks.
“Catch me later.” He taps your ass, signaling you to stand.
“What?” You stare at him.
“I have a meeting Kitten.” He looks at you, and then checking the time quickly. 
“But, are you kidding?” 
“Are you feeling better?” He asks, looking deeply into your eyes.
“Yeah, now let me help you.” You whine.
“Kitty.” He hums softly. “If you need me to stay because you’re still stressing then I’ll cancel, but if you want me to stay to return the favor then no. That’s not how this works. It might have started as an eye for an eye, but we’re not like that anymore. I just wanted to make you feel better, I don’t expect anything in return.” 
“But I want too.” You pout at him, receiving a kiss on the lips. 
“Tonight.” He grips your thighs. 
“I really have to go, I’m already late.” He grins, rubbing his nose back and forth against yours. 
“Oh.” You suddenly remember where you are, starting to jump to action.
“No.” He whines this time. Locking his arms around you. “Stay for a minute more Kitty.” 
“Peter you’re late.” 
“But I’m also the boss.” He looks up at you, blinking slowly. “You’re sure you’re okay?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“I promise.” You nod. “How can I not be, Peter Mendes is my husband.” 
At this he beams, surging up to kiss you fiercely. 
His intercom buzzes, making him groan and hide his face in your cleavage. You laugh as he bites at the flesh, ignoring the buzzing. 
You reach over. “Yes Stan?” 
“Oh,” He responds. “Miss L/n, Mr. Mendes is needed in conference room A and Ella Jones is on line one.” 
“Who’s Ella Jones?” Peter looks over. 
“That’s my designer.” You sigh. 
He presses onto line one in a hurry, setting the call on speaker. 
“Mr. Mendes?” 
“Miss. Jones.” 
“You said to call with the expenses, with what we drew up today I am estimating-”
“Hold on to that Miss. Jones, we’ve decided to work with someone else.” 
“Excuse me?” She screeches. “That’s not what we discussed today.” 
“Today you discussed my wife’s weight, and caffeine intake? I’m not appreciative of anyone who makes my wife feel insecure, especially those who will be dressing her. With that said, I’ve terminated your employment and wish you the best in the future, but you won’t be making my wife’s dress.” 
“Mr.Mend-” With that Peter hangs up, looking up to you with a shrug.
“Problem solved, I’ll call Shawn after my meeting and see if he can send over Tiff’s information. You’ve always liked her style and when she dressed you for the Grammy’s last year you were absolutely divine. I trust her.”
“Who are you?” You stare at him. “Where the hell did you come from?” 
He stares at you with a confused face. “I don’t understand your question.” 
“I walk in here and you’re having a verbal smackdown on the phone, that quickly turns into my soft Petey, that then transforms into a Daddy, back to my Petey for a moment, then wrapping the circle with verbal smackdowns on the phone. You amaze me.” 
“I’m glad I amaze you Kitten. I can’t wait to blow your mind tonight at home.” He grins, helping you stand. While he gets ready for his meeting you rearrange yourself he can’t help but smile at what you’ve just said. 
“Well Mr. Mendes.” You say as you stand by the door, watching the blinds slowly rise. Peter looks to you, that fire still in his eyes. “I can’t wait to blow you tonight at home.”
His eyes darken and he’s about to respond as you duck out of his office, scurrying to the floor. 
“She’s trouble.” He laughs to himself. “Stan?” He pokes his head out of his office. “We’ll be calling her Mrs. Mendes from now on.” 
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annahanover · 3 months
Carrie NPMD AU (for @milkyw4y-marshwalker cause he was interested)
Grace Chasity is well known around school. For all the wrong reasons. Everyone knows that there is something Wrong with her family- something is lying under the surface of their picture perfect facade, under Grace's long sleeves and her father's perfect preachings.
Grace is 16 when her life is ruined. Well, that's not quite true. Her life has been ruined for a long time, ever since she was ten years old, and she kissed Stephanie Lauter on the playground. She will never do that again. Max Jagerman has always hated her, and she has always prayed for him. That will always be true. But after an incident in the showers and gossip spread by someone she considered her friend, he seems to hate her even more.
Stephanie Lauter takes pity on her, and that scares her. The last time she and Stephanie Lauter properly spoke, Grace was ten, and her arms were wrapped tightly around herself, telling Stephanie exactly what she was told to tell her- "You're a sinner, and I can't ruin myself with you". And they grew apart. But now? She pities her.
Stephanie asks her boyfriend, Peter to ask Grace out to the prom for her. She knows how Grace's parents are, and she doesn't want her to be hurt. Pete agrees, confused as he is. Grace accepts, after some convincing.
and... after that? it's carrie, for the most part. important stuff under the cut, and i might make picrews for this specific au. because that's fun.
Mark & Karen take the place of Margaret White
Max and Richie are dating (not the healthiest relationship)
he has a big impact on the story, but Mark actually doesn't show up much
Emma is the gym teacher with 20 different names
Holloway is the guidance counselor/English teacher
Mark & Karen are both queer (is an important thing)
Richie and Grace are (were) friends
mostly based on the musical, but has elements of the movie (margaret's death)
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ceratonia-siliqua · 4 years
The Good Boy (winterspidershield)
So remember how I said @send-me-your-hcs and I can’t be left alone without making nasty shit? Well here is said nasty. 
Ao3 Link
 After months of living with his captors, Peter's grown mostly used to the humiliating way of life that's been forced upon him, including the baby bottles. 
But tonight, he can't help but notice that his bottle tastes...different.
Warnings (SPOILERS): Forced Daddy Kink, Forced Infantilism, Under/aged (Peter is 16), Non-Graphic Diaper Change, Non-Consensual Come Feeding, Affectionate Captors, Mentions of Abuse, Post Kidnapping, and most importantly DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT.
 The padded walls of the crib loomed over Peter. Left over from the days he’d taken to throwing himself against bars until he was covered in bruises. He hadn’t done it in what must have been months. It made him sick to think that it had been that long. He used to know the exact number of days, had scratched them into the plaster in the playroom behind the toy box. He’d counted 74 days before Steve had found it while moving the chest after Bucky decided to reorganize the playroom. Steve had spanked his ass until it was hot and red for ruining the wall. It was filled and painted the next day. Bucky had carried him on his hip and set him on soft pillows to offset the sting, but it couldn’t alleviate the claw marks scratched across his pride. He had so little of it left these days. 
The men that held him captive were moving around downstairs, he could hear the faint notes of their voices. They left him unrestrained, he was painfully aware of that fact, but he knew better. He’d tried climbing over the walls before, it didn’t end well. They had placed a cover over it to ensure he stayed in, even restrained. It had felt like sleeping in a coffin. Dadd- Bucky. Bucky had caved after the first three nights of his panicked screaming, but Steve kept it on for the week. Had upped the sedatives they gave him in exchange for taking the cover off. That, though, was months ago. 
He heard Bucky coming up the stairs, knew it was him by the way his bare feet slapped lightly on the wood. Steve always wore slippers around the house before bed and had thundering footsteps, like a man on a mission, even in the privacy of his own domain. The door opened slowly. The soft tone Bucky used exclusively for him drifted into the room, Peter ignored the relief he felt hearing it. The softer of the pair, he was always gentle, had never laid a hand on Peter, though he let Steve do it plenty for the both of them. 
“Daddy has your bottle for you, sweet boy,” Bucky’s head appeared over the top of the crib, his long strands of hair pulled back into a low ponytail. “We need to change you before your bottle, baby. Up we go.” Bucky had set the bottle down on the table by the crib where the baby monitor sat. Hefted Peter up under his arm pits like it was nothing. All of Peter’s 5’3 height and 100 pounds (though he suspected by the gentle little pouch he was developing on his tummy that he was more than that now. Weird to think it took being kidnapped to finally leave the underweight bracket). To be sixteen and lifted like it was nothing was humiliating, but at this point it was just another ticked box. Bucky dwarfed him. Well over six feet and all muscle, he was terrifying. Which made his husband utterly petrifying. 
Bucky cradled him in the crook of his arm, cooed and kissed at his cheeks, his forehead, his nose. Laid him down on the changing table like he was made of glass. Suddenly Peter felt it. Started to tremble but couldn’t stop it. Teared up as he saw Bucky notice. 
Peter’s stomach dropped as Bucky took his day pants off. Folded them and set them off to the side to be washed later. It revealed the pull-up he was wearing underneath. He sobbed, saw shit leaking around his legs. Bucky rubbed his belly, slow soothing circles. 
“Shh… you’re okay Petey, it happens. Let it all out. Daddy will clean you up when you’re all done.” 
Everything else he could stick in a box, could power through and tell himself it meant nothing about him if it was done to survive this. This, though, this was always too much. Usually he could feel it coming, could make it to the plastic training toilet they had for him in the bathroom. They must have given him a laxative during lunch. The bastards. 
Bucky stripped the pull-up off. Tore it around the side seams so as not to get it on Peter’s legs. He cried, long and hard as Bucky grabbed his ankles and set them both over one shoulder so Peter’s butt dangled off the changing table. Trembled as Bucky pulled wipes from the warmer to clean him up. The only time Bucky ever touched his dick was when he needed to clean it and this was one of those times. The whole time his captor whispered to him, tried to soothe him. Fuck him because, god dammit, it worked. With large, gasping breaths he settled. By the time he was taped up in a diaper, he was exhausted. It was naptime anyway, but this always laid him out. 
“You did so well, baby. So good for Daddy.” 
Peter hiccupped in response, didn’t want to play the game right now. Was glad Steve hadn’t been in the room when it happened. 
“Pete alright in there, Buck?” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. 
Peter couldn’t see Bucky’s face but he could tell he was giving Steve an almost sad smile by the tilt in his shoulders. “Yeah, his bowels finally cleared out. He won’t need an enema in the morning.” Peter counted the small blessing in that. The only thing he hated more than shitting himself was an enema. 
“Ah, that’s good. I was worried the poor baby was hard as a rock and we were going to need a laxative with it.” Steve stepped further into the room. Peter never looked him in the eyes, was scared it would be like challenging a wolf, only Steve was far, far worse. He’d been nice to Peter lately, but he knew how quickly that could change. He resisted the urge to flinch when he felt that callous hand settle on his belly. He knew Da--fuck, Bucky, had convinced himself he loved Peter, showed it to some degree when he held Peter, kept him out of trouble when he could easily get into it with Steve. Steve, on the other hand… He could never read him. 
“I think he’s ready for bed. I’m glad we didn’t need the laxative tonight, I always worried about over doing it.” Bucky moved back towards the crib. Laid him down and put the thick quilt over him. Peter blocked out what Bucky was saying. Pretended that Bucky was lying, even though he was well aware that as cruel as the pair could be, they wouldn’t play coy talking about it like this. Sure, they lied to him, but not between each other, even when it was in front of him. 
He was left in only a diaper and a T-shirt. He was too weak to pull at the diaper straps; the last dose of sedatives would wear off soon, but the husbands were strict when it came to his bottle schedule. Papa was the one to guide the bottle into his mouth, didn’t let go as Peter lifted his hands enough to settle on his chest and prop the bottle up.
He closed his eyes and took the nipple between his lips. The nipple was designed so he could bite at it without breaking it, something Peter appreciated on the days he just wanted to take a chunk out of one of the men standing over him, watching. This moment, though - this was calm. He would never admit it, but the slow drag of milk was calming, the pace was his to control, he could be as fast or as slow as he wished. Tonight, he was more in the arena of the latter.
The bottles were normal by now, something that was always without fail to happen. One would think he would die without it with the religious dedication they had to getting it to him. He had grown accustomed to the taste overtime. Peter knew Bucky made it himself out of dry milk powder and powdered vitamins and minerals, there was always a little variation because of it, but tonight, something was… wrong. There was a bitter note, a hint of something salty. It made his nose crinkle and he pulled away with a pop! 
Steve attempted to press it back to his mouth but he shook his head. “Noo, tastes funny.”
“Your Daddy just needed to add something special, honey, it’s good for you. You need to drink it.” 
Peter made the very mistake he knew to avoid, he looked into Steve’s eyes. Intense blue depths met his. There wasn’t the normal threat behind them, but the way he was looking at him… It was scary. He knew that the pair got their kicks out of this, they had to at least somewhat, but Steve looked like he was enjoying this. Steve’s eyes pinned him to the bed as Daddy came into view and gently nudged Steve’s hand, and the bottle, against Peter’s mouth. 
“You’re okay sweetheart. You’ll get used to it. You need the boost.”
He took the nipple back into his mouth, unable to look away from Steve until the suckling slowed everything down once again, and his eyes slipped close.
Bucky smiled down at his little boy; smiled wider when Steve wrapped an arm around the small of his back and pulled him into his side. He sighed happily and tipped his head to rest it on his husband’s shoulder, watching as Peter obediently drank from his bottle.
Their baby was a sight to behold. Everything Bucky had ever wanted. Peter had come a long way since they first brought him home, and Bucky couldn’t be more overjoyed about it. Steve still had his doubts, but Bucky knew they wouldn’t last – especially in moments like this, when Peter’s reservation about the strange taste of his naptime bottle wasn’t enough to make him disobey.
He was learning so fast.
They had the smartest little boy in the whole world.
The sedatives they’d added to keep Peter well-behaved were already taking effect – Bucky must have added a little too much in an attempt to offset the new ingredient. The bottle was only a quarter empty, and already, Peter’s hands were losing strength; his lips could hardly retain any suction at all as sleep overcame him.
But this bottle was special.
He needed to drink it all.
“Baby,” Bucky said, leaning down and patting the boy’s tummy to rouse him. “It’s not quite naptime yet. You’re not done with your bottle.”
“You need to drink it all up,” Steve added – not unkindly, but leaving zero room for argument, like always. “Come on – eyes open, Peter. You’re not even halfway done yet.”
Peter let out a soft, grumbling complaint as he tried to blink his eyes open. The sound melted Bucky’s heart, the sight even more so. Peter lifted one hand to sleepily rub at his eyes, the other clumsily trying to keep the bottle upright. The heavy bottle slipped and slid out of his small, tired hand, rolling across his chest, but Steve caught it before it got any farther.
“I think our baby needs some help, Buck,” Steve said. Bucky smiled, ignoring the way Peter’s body had gone completely still. He took the bottle from Steve and watched as his larger, stronger husband sat their boy upright, then lifted him out of the crib and into his arms.
“Come on, Petey,” Steve said. “Let’s get the rest of Daddy’s milk into you.”
Steve carried Peter over to the plush loveseat by the bookshelf and sat, cradling Peter against his chest, his small body resting in the crook of Steve’s arm, like an infant. Peter had his hands balled up in front of him and he was shyly avoiding Steve’s gaze, but other than that, there was no sign of discomfort from their angelic little boy.
Bucky sat beside Steve and handed him the bottle. Steve took a moment to adjust Peter comfortably in his lap, supporting the boy’s neck and head with his left arm as he lifted the bottle with his right. Peter whimpered as the nipple of the bottle pressed against his lips, but Steve shushed him.
“No sleeping till you’ve had your bottle, baby. You know the rules.”
Peter’s large, tired eyes nervously flicked to Bucky. The man smiled at him and set the boy’s legs firmly in his lap so he could rub them in gentle, soothing circles.
“Listen to your papa, baby,” he softly urged. “He’s just trying to take care of you. Be a good boy now.”
A look akin to guilt washed over Peter’s face. He sucked in a shaky breath and took the nipple gently between his lips, clenching his eyes shut as he began to suckle. Steve smiled and lavished him with praise immediately, telling him how good he was, how happy he made them.
Slightly more awake now, Peter drank his milk a little faster than he had before. The bottle made quiet squelching noises as Peter suckled from it, his face crumpled in a look of disgust from the unfamiliar taste.
“I know baby. You’ll get used to it soon,” Steve promised, repeating Bucky’s words from earlier. They didn’t seem to appease the boy much, so Bucky ran his hand up the boy’s bare thighs, over his padded pull-up and underneath the hem of his shirt so he could soothingly pat his tummy.
“You’re being so good, Peter. Our perfect baby boy.” He rested his head on Steve’s shoulder once more, smiling when Peter blearily blinked up at him. “So good for us. Look at you, you’re halfway there already. See? It’s not so bad, is it? Daddy made it special, just for you.”
He reached down where Peter still had his hands curled into tight little fists against his chest. Gently, he coaxed the boy’s left hand towards him, slipping a finger into the tight curl of his fist to slowly pry it open. It didn’t completely work – Peter just grabbed his finger instead, squeezing it like a little baby python – but that was okay. As long as their baby was relying on them for comfort, it counted as a victory.
“We love you so much,” he whispered down to him, the adorable bundle of joy in his husband’s arms. “You have no idea how long we waited for you, Peter. You’re the baby boy of our dreams.”
“And you’re such a good boy for us. Especially for your daddy. Couldn’t help but turn out to be a little Daddy’s Boy, could you Pete?” Steve said, teasing him gently. “There’s no one else I’d ever share him with.”
Bucky smiled. Peter probably thought Steve only meant Bucky, but little did the boy know, Steve absolutely meant it both ways. He might not show it as much or as obviously as Bucky did, but Steve was just as taken with their wonderful little boy as he was. Peter was perfect. He was worth the wait.
The three sat together and basked in each other’s company as Peter slowly drank, forcing himself with everything he had to stay awake. When the bottle was mostly empty – and Peter was too sleepy from the sedatives to suck the last little bit out – Steve sat him up and uncapped the bottle, tilting the boy’s head up and gently placing the rim against his bottom lip. Peter tried his best to drink the milk as it was slowly poured into his mouth, but a few drops splashed and spilled down his chin.
“Messy boy,” Steve chided, though he clearly wasn’t genuinely upset. He handed Bucky the empty bottle and used his thumb to wipe away the spilled milk, scooping it up the boy’s chin, gathering it on the pad of his thumb before he gently pushed it into Peter’s mouth. Peter gave another whimper, but obediently sucked his papa’s thumb clean, groaning at the taste.
Bucky watched the smirk spread across Steve’s face. They both knew why the milk was the most bitter at the bottom. It was the same reason it was the thickest and the most viscous. Poor Peter seemed clueless as to why, but that was for the best. Their baby boy didn’t need to know the details. He just needed to be good and do as he was told.
“You were such a good boy, sweetheart,” he said, carding his fingers through Peter’s soft curls. “So good for us, drinking all your naptime milk without a fuss. You wanna sleep now?”
Peter nodded, letting go of Bucky’s finger to rub his tired eyes.
“Use your words, Peter,” Steve reminded him. His tone wasn’t overly harsh, but Peter still stopped dead. The boy swallowed thickly and quietly said, “Naptime please, Daddy,” which earned him a kiss from Steve, right on the bridge of his nose, and another from Bucky, who leaned down to plant it on his little tummy.
“Our perfect boy.”
Steve effortlessly carried their little tyke back to his crib. Bucky tucked Peter in just as he had before, smothering the boy’s sweet little face in soft kisses as Steve prepared to raise the crib’s side railing.
“Love you, baby,” Bucky said, kissing Peter gently, before standing to let Steve do the same. They closed the crib, wished the boy a good sleep, and turned the light off as they left the room.
Bucky hardly made it four steps down the hallway before Steve was spinning him around, pinning him to the wall. He laughed into the desperate kiss Steve pressed against his mouth and let his lips fall open for the other man, arms wrapping tightly around his neck.
“God, Bucky – ”
“I know,” Bucky said, quieter, so their baby wouldn’t hear. “Me too, Stevie. Fuck.”
Steve bracketed him against the wall and rutted between Bucky’s legs. Bucky held him, soothing him as he trailed one hand down his husband’s firm chest, down, down, down until he gently grasped Steve’s bulge tightening the front of his pants.
“You know, the more consistent we are with his bottles, the faster he’ll get used to them,” Bucky said, whispering it into the shell of Steve’s ear. “How about tonight, at bedtime, we give him Papa’s milk instead?” He squeezed the mound of Steve’s cock, making him moan loud, deep and guttural. If Peter was still awake, he certainly heard it. “Feels like you have a lot saved up for him, Stevie.”
Steve pulled back far enough to crash their lips together. It was hungry – starving, really. Animalistic. Bucky whined as Steve thrusted their hard cocks together, sending jolts of electricity shooting up his spine.
“Tonight, I think Peter should get both his papa’s and his daddy’s milk,” Steve said, panting from their brutal kiss. “Don’t you, Buck?”
Bucky grinned and pulled his husband closer. “The sooner we start, the more milk he’ll get.” He kissed Steve square on the lips and dropped his arms from around the man’s neck. “Lead the way.”
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Party? - P. Parker x O.F.C.
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Was totally meant to post this on Halloween but LOL SORRY
Hope you enjoy this, my darlings! I had heaps of fun writing this and exploring the OFC! I’m always a sucker for a little (long) fluffy Petey fic.
- Caz
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
High school was an atrocity of many forms.
The cliques, the bitching, the stress, the finals. But most of all, Flash Thompson.
In a previous life, Flash would have ruled the roost as a self-righteous jock who believed all should bow to him because he could throw a ball 20 yards. In this life, Flash was a brainiac. He used intelligence as if it was his super power, earning him popularity and allowing his vindictive ego to flourish until even the popular kids believed they should bow to him.
In truth, Flash was no more intelligent than any other averagely gifted student at Midtown Science High. His intelligence quivered in the shadow of Peter Parker’s and Flash knew so; hence, sweet, lovable Peter - with his soft puppy eyes and his beautiful brown curls - became a target for Flash’s childish jokes.
The only person who would call Flash out on his bullshit was the one person he was afraid of; his twin sister, Edith.
Edith Thompson. Short, beautiful olive skin, a sarcastic smile that could make anybody flinch, kind eyes, haphazardly chopped brown hair and a bored expression that she often directed towards her brother - who was younger by 16 and a half minutes.
She had often stood up for Peter, showing him and his friends nothing but kindness. Edith was part of the popular clique, and while she enjoyed it, she hated the people. She didn’t hate her brother, but she hated the way he had grown to act in the presence of othersl. In actuality, he was a kind person, empathetic and helpful.
Edith was often known as the mean one in their family, as she rarely allowed somebody to hold something over her. That was evidenced when her uncle told her to focus less on her studies and more on learning to cook. Her uncle no longer allows himself to hold a conversation with Edith anymore, for fear of being ridiculed for his growing misogyny, historic views and all round “douche-baginess”.
But alas, Flash was a man full of secrets, and he used his popularity and viper tongue to disguise his anger and fear of those secrets being found out. As a result, Edith found herself looking out for Peter Parker and his friends.
Peter on the other hand, had no idea why Edith Thompson, one of the popular kids and sister to the head honcho, Flash Thompson, cared enough about his existence to call her brother out.
He admired the woman. He wouldn’t go as far as saying that he had a crush on her - because he knew a popular girl was far above his punching weight - but he did find her to be sweet, generous, beautiful inside and out. He was completely enamored by her.
He also couldn’t deny how his heart slightly skipped a beat when she personally invited him, Ned, Betty and Mj to the Halloween party her brother was holding.
She leaned against his locker one day after class, blocking him from opening it, sending a wolffish grin to himself and the small group of friends that were trailing beside him. As soon as he felt her gaze on him, he blushed uncontrollably.
It only made her grin widen.
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite group of smart people,” she drawled. “You busy Halloween night?”
Peter gaped like a fish, confused at the question.
“Well I’m stuck being dragged by my little sister to strangers houses so she can do exactly the opposite of not taking candy from a stranger, so I’m out of whatever you’re planning.” MJ sounded bored with the idea. They got on like a house on fire, and both were happy to call the other a friend. They shared their art class, and the two would often spend the time complaining about anything they could think of.
“We’re going to a haunted house,” Ned chirped, Betty beaming from his side. The two were deeply immersed in the honeymoon stage. It was sickening but also heartwarming to see the two so enamored with one another. Edith couldn’t help but smile as she nodded at his words.
Within milliseconds her eyes were on Peter, watching him all but squirm under her gaze. She quirked an eyebrow at him, waiting for an answer.
None came. She sighed, “Come on Petey. I’m 0 for 3 at the moment. I need somebody to hang out with while my brother and his goons overrun the house with their lame halloween party,” she snatched his hand into hers, holding it in both of her smaller appendages and smiling brightly at him.
He brought his eyes up to hers. He didn’t want to go to the party, but he couldn’t think of any excuse to tell her otherwise. He couldn’t exactly say that he was spending the night on patrol as Spider-Man. Instead he simply said, “Uh, yeah sure. I’m free.”
She pressed a kiss to his knuckles, watching the redness spread to the tips of his ears. “That’s why you’re my favourite - sorry MJ.” She dropped his hand, pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket. On it, was scribbled a number, and an address. “Text me later and i’ll tell you what time.”
She left with a wink, beaming as she walked away. She genuinely enjoyed the company of the four friends, and while she was hoping that more of them would be free to hang out with her, she couldn’t deny the butterflies that flooded her stomach at the thought of Peter coming.
Behind her, Peter watched her figure retreat into the crowd of people, faintly seeing her hand come out and smack her brother on the back of the head as she walked past him.
Ned and MJ were looking at him cautiously, the blush on his skin still not fading. He had said all of 5 words to her, and even then, that was a feat.
“Dude, if you come out of that party having not confessed your intense crush on her, I think I may die from the second hand embarrassment I feel whenever she’s around you,” MJ laughed, rolling her shoulders as if to brush the feeling off. “Honestly, I feel like I need a shower to clean all of your oozing adoration.”
Peter snapped out of his gaze, turning to glare at the woman. “What are you saying? I don’t have a crush on Edith Thompson! She’s Flash’s-“
“Oh my god, we know she is Flash’s sister, but she obviously has a thing for you! She kissed you!” Ned added.
“She kissed my hand!”
“She wanted you to go hang out with her,” Betty interjected, distracted with her phone.
“She wanted all of us to go!”
MJ sighed, “And you’re nervous about hanging out with her.”
Peter groaned loudly, attracting the attention of a few passerby’s as he pulled his locker open a bit too hard. He tried to ignore the sound of the creaking metal. He was definitely nervous. He was excited, but terrified.
“Okay, fine. Maybe I am a little nervous.” He tilted his neck back, lowering his voice as Flash walked past. “She’s Edith. Shes popular and I won’t have any back up!”
Betty looked at Peter with sympathy, feeling sorry for the man. She directed the same look at Ned. Ned’s eyes widened as he realized what exactly Betty was thinking.
With a sigh he turned to his best friend, “What if Betty and I come with you? We can go to the haunted house later.”
Peters protest was met with a flick on the forehead from MJ. “I’ll be there too. Once the demon goes to bed, I’ll escape to your rescue.”
“So you have backup for when you want some alone time with Miss Thompson,” Betty winked at him, smirking at the groan that escaped his lips and the sound of his forehead clanging against a shelf in his locker following by a grumble of pain.
The Thompson house was well kept. Responding in Midtown Manhattan, it was exquisite like the properties flanking it. Walking distance to Central Park, close enough to school that Flash didn’t need to drive, but instead preferred to draw attention in his fathers Audi. Both Edith and Flash had their license, their birthdays a few months before Peter’s, but the elder twin preferred to walk to school or ride her bike.
Peter had never seen the house before. He knew that some people in his class had fancy houses - Liz Allen’s house was evidence enough - but with the way Flash Thompson held himself, Peter thought their house would be a mansion.
The party had begun already. The sight of various of his classmates downing liquid from red cups, grinding against one another, dressed in both elaborate, and barely obvious Halloween costumes.
He felt as if he stuck out like a very sore thumb. He couldn’t think of a costume, so he made the bold decision of wearing his Spider-Man suit, with a basic pair of jeans on top. He forwent the mask, but deeply regretted his decision. As soon as he walked in the door, Flash saw him.
He was sitting on a large lounge, people fawning around him. He was dressed as Frankenstein’s monster.
There were cups set out on the table in front of them, people bouncing quarters off of the table as a drinking game.
Flash smirked at Peter’s arrival. “Hey Penis Parker! Did you get that suit from your Stark Internship?” He mocked. “Should have picked up a Black Widow one-“
Edith smacked him in the back of the head as she walked past the lounge. “Shut it.”
She had decided on a vampire costume, which was really a large band shirt tucked into a leather mini skirt. She had fake blood dripping from her mouth, down her neck, and completed the look with vampire fangs.
She looked divine, but Peter wouldn’t let himself admit it.
She approached him, smiling a toothy welcome, showing the false fangs in the process. “How you doing, Petey? Thanks for coming.”
He struggled to bring his eyes up from her mouth, her smile was enamoring. “No-No problem. Happy to be here.”
She nodded towards the rest of the house, signaling for him to follow. She was wearing black vans, showing her short stature.
“I like your costume. Like a laidback Spider-Man.” She surveyed him young and down, and Peter tried not to shrink under her gaze. The blush was evident. “You look hot.”
“Oh! Um, you too?” He sputtered, eyes wide, more of a question than an admission. Edith simply chuckled, sending him a wink as she led him to the kitchen.
She poured herself a glass of water, preferring to stay sober to make sure Flash didn’t ruin their house. She was raised with expectations of taking care of him when he got himself into trouble, so it was the least she could do to stay on top of his nuisance behavior.
“What’s your poison tonight, peter?” She asked, sipping her own drink. “You getting onto alcohol or are you gonna take the path of the sober loner with me?”
He had always pictured Edith to be a party girl - after all, she was Flash’s sister. “I’m fine with just water, thanks. I don’t drink.”
A few of Flash’s friends made their way to the kitchen, cracking jokes among themselves and eyeing Edith and Peter. The latter did his best to ignore them, feeling more uncomfortable being there by the second, but he was surprised to see Edith looking as out of place as he did.
One of them, a tall, slightly buff man with a 5 o’clock shadow brushed up against her back as he went to get a cup. He eyed peter with a smirk, leaning down to Edith ear. He made no effort to cover his whisper, “When you get sick of this nerdy weasel, you should come find me. I’m happy to show you what a real man is when he disappoints.” The unnamed jock blew a kiss at Peter before slapping Edith harshly on the behind.
Peter stepped forward to punch the asshole, but his chance was taken when Edith grabbed his wrist and put him in a chicken wing hold. The douchebags friends gasped and jeered, watching the 5”3 girl throw their friend against the kitchen counter.
Edith flicked her hair over her shoulder and leaned down to his ear, her vampire fangs shifting her appearance to a more threatening vibe.
“Rule number one of being in my house: don’t ever fucking touch me. Rule number 2: don’t overestimate how much of a good time you can bring to the table, and rule number three,” she turned to look at peter, “A real man doesn’t put his hands on another person, and you are not even half the man Peter is. So keep your hands to yourself, baby.”
She let him go, grabbing her drink and Peter’s arm and rushing out of the kitchen.
“Edith?” He asked, his worry growing the more she pulled him along without a word. He didn’t know where they were going. “Edith, are you okay?”
She dragged him outside, to the backyard specifically. They walked until they reached an old wooden staircase. It led to a treehouse to which the years have not been kind to. Peter was skeptical and didn’t quite trust the wood to hold any weight, let alone that of two people.
She went to drag him up the stairs but he wouldn’t move, pulling her back slightly. “Edith, are you okay? What happened with that guy seemed like it was about more than his disgusting attitude.”
She couldn’t deny how innocently cute peter looked. There was faint lighting, the moon providing most of the source, and the concern in his eyes shone true. It had been the first time he spoke to her all night without hesitance its nervousness lacing his tone. Perhaps it was the first time since they started at school together.
She didn’t particularly want to open up, but out of all people, she desperately wanted to know Peter, and for him to know her. Her feelings for him were too strong.
A soft sigh left her stained lips, “Just... cmon up and I’ll tell you, okay?”
She started walking up the stairs, the creaking of the old wood familiar on her ears.
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Peter frowned, brown curls falling over his forehead. “It sounds like it’s going to break any second-“
She turned back to face him, her hair, almost as short as his own, flying around her. “There is nothing wrong with this tree house. If it’s going to break then you can just use your spider detector thingy and let me know.”
“Yeah you have a good point,” he nodded, moving towards the staircase, but then realisation of her words set in. He snapped his head back up her, only to see her walking through the door of the treehouse with a smirk on her face. He took the stairs two at a time, ignoring the exhausted groans that followed each thudding footstep. “What did you just say?”
She had made herself comfortable on a bean bag that looked far more new than the surrounding wood did. Her dainty hand reached across and flicked a switch, and within seconds almost two dozen fairy lights shone in the space.
“Hey MTV, welcome to my crib,” she grinned, dorkish glee in her eyes ignoring the fear on his face. His brows were high, his face pale. “Okay, okay, fine. I notice things, and one of those things, is that you’re a badass superhero.” She was picking at her fingers, suddenly so aware that Peter may be furious at her for finding out his secret.
“What? No! I’m just Peter. I can barely walk without tripping over my own feet, how could I be Spider-Man-“
She sighed loudly, interrupting his rambling. She raised a brow, trying not to smile. “I have an internship with Stark Industries. I’m a lab assistant, getting credit and extra-curricula’s for college apps.” She shook her head. “I got curious as to why I never saw you there, and I asked Tony Stark about you. He said he had never heard of you before.”
“That doesn’t mean that I’m Spider-Man!” He was visibly nervous, shaking hands and gaping mouth. Edith found it adorable. “Tony just works a lot. I don’t work with him all of the time so he wouldn’t remember me over people that are more important-“
“Not to mention that you came to school one day with no glasses, no inhaler, you’re buff as hell, and you’re literally wearing an authentic Spider-Man suit.” She rose from the bean bag, walking close enough that she could press her hand against his chest. His heartbeat was static underneath her palm. “Unless this is like, the best replica ever made, you’re Spider-Man. I’m kind of obsessed with him - well, you.”
“You’re obsessed with me?” He whispered, the smell of her perfume filling his senses.
She lifted her hand to his chin, taking him by surprise before she turned his head slightly to the left. His eyes locked into a wall full of newspapers where the headline focused on a superhero.
“I’ve been documenting since Iron Man came onto the scene in ‘08.” He turned his head back to her, but her eyes were turned down. He could faintly see a pink tinge in the tips of her ears.
He nodded softly, breathing out a heavy inhale. He tried to force his fear to subside, “Okay. You know my secret. I’m Spider-Man.” He stepped around her, careful not to touch her. His feet carried him to the other bean bag. It was a dark blue colour, a contrast against the red one that Edith made her way to. He guessed they were for her and Flash. “So, since were opening up, what’s your secret?”
Her laugh was melodic, her eyes troublesome. “You can’t handle my secrets, Petey.”
“Try me.” He smiled back at her. Her laughter was infectious. “I want to get to know Edith Thompson as more than the girl who led me to a terrifying tree house just to spill my biggest secret to me.”
She snorted, “I’m not sure there’s much more to me than that.” Her fangs were still in, fitting perfectly against her teeth. Her smile was dazzling, and the feel of her dark eyes on his face felt like he was being watched by a thousand eyes. He was starting to like the feeling. “Alright”, she crossed her leg over the other. “Speak the questions that weigh on your mind and I shall answer.”
“That douche in the kitchen...” he trailed off, watching her carefully. She didn’t bat an eyelid.
“Ex-boyfriend. Convinced to date me by Flash, expected to use me for sex, didn’t like that I have a brain in my head, I developed feelings, he cheated on me, the rest is history,” she smiled small. There was an air of unease around her, it was full of fear. She rarely had the chance to talk to people in this way. “That the answer you were looking for?”
He huffed through a smile, leaning forward onto his elbows. Almost all of his previous nerves had dissipated. After all, Edith Thompson was now one of the few people who knew of his own biggest secret. How much worse could things get? “I don’t really know what to expect from you, Edith, so yeah, I guess it will suffice.”
“What do you mean by that?!” Her voice raided in pitch, eyes crinkling with a smile.
“I mean,” he cleared his throat. “You’re an enigma. You’re popular, you’re intelligent, kind, beautiful, you stand up for people-“
“You think I’m beautiful?” She winked at him, watching as a slight blush rose on his cheeks and he stammered through some words once again.
“I, Uh, I just don’t really get why you talk to people like me, when you have so many people clinging to any bit of attention you give them.” He wrung his hands together, nervous for the answer. The thought had been going over his mind for so long.
Edith Thompson was the most popular woman in school. She had many friends, yet she chose to talk to Peter and his band of outcasts friends. He was the butt of all jokes to her twin brother, yet she gave him the time of day.
It was hard for his brain to completely comprehend that he was sitting in an old treehouse, on the Thompson residence, with Edith Thompson.
“I’m not popular,” she laughed softly. She looked almost sad, but the micro-expresssion was quickly hidden by an empty gaze and the same smile she had plastered on her face since they sat down. “I’m surrounded by people who want to be friends with my brother. I stick around him out of obligation, not desire.” She looked out the small window that was next to them. Of all the things on the property, the treehouse was the most normal. Edith and Flash had built it with their father when they were younger, and Edith got her wish for it to be as average as possible. “I love my brother, but living in his shadow is lonely. You and your friends are the only people who actually go out of their way to talk to me about more than my brother.”
“Then why don’t you just ditch him? His friends are all assholes anyways. Come join the cool club,” the joke inflated his confidence and he found himself winking before he could stop himself.
She snorted, leaning forward slightly. There was something about peter that made her want to open up. He was kind, inside and out.
“If only it were that simple,” she replied, allowing the vague response to linger in Peter’s mind. “Besides, if I weren’t around him, then I wouldn’t be able to smack him every time he’s a dick to you.”
There was a pregnant silence. It was then that the reality of the situation set in. He was at the house of the person who bullied him constantly. The sister of his bully was sitting in front of him, knowing his biggest secret and had confessed a need to defend him whenever her brother was a dick to him. Shame visibly washed over him.
He hung his head. “Y’know, you don’t have to do that.” He focused on a splintering piece of wood on the wall. Despite the damage it still looked stable. “I can defend myself.”
Edith furrowed her brows, “I-I didn’t mean to offend you, Petey. I didn’t mean to say that I was protecting you, it’s just, I know that Eugene is my responsibility to keep in line is all.” In the middle of her sentence she had stretched her body over the gap between them to lay her hand on Peter’s arm to reassure him. “It’s not the first time he has scared somebody away from me.”
“You won’t scare me away,” he smiled at her, almost sadly. “If anything, I would scare you away. I don’t have many friends outside of my little group.”
Friend. The word stuck in her mind, taunting her. She had thought her feelings were obvious to peter. She had constantly felt the need to make sure he was okay, and she routinely protected him from her douche of a brother. She was absolutely smitten with him, and she had been for a long time.
“When Eugene and I were younger, my mother told me that I need to look out for him. He tends to get himself in to trouble out of a constant need for validation. It’s been like that when our dad moved out, but dad tends to favour Eugene because he is doing well in school and has become popular.” Peter’s eyes widened. He had no idea that the Thompson parents were separated let alone that Flash had underlying triggers for his behaviour. Edith raised hair hands, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not excusing him at all. He’s an asshole and that’s the bottom line, but... I don’t know. I just understand him.
“But, he has also shown a tendency to get jealous when a man comes into my life that he doesn’t approve of. He worries that I will leave like dad did.” It was Edith’s turn to have a sad smile. “Whenever I’ve found somebody on my own, he’s made it impossible. And now that I’ve found somebody, I’m worried that he will scare you away.”
Her eyes turned down, not meeting his. The silence was full of electric tension and she fought with her growing regret. She had wanted peter to know how she felt about him, but she hadn’t wanted to pressure him. She wanted to explain her reasons for fearing the loss of him, and why she tends to jump to his defense in the face of Flash.
Peter was quiet for only a minute, but the time it took for the realization of her words to set in felt like hours for the both of them. But when he processed her words effectively, his heart began to race.
Edith Thompson had just confessed that she had feelings for him. His mind was racing with two possibilities: 1. She had figured out that he was Spider-Man and wanted to use him to further her popularity, or 2. Edith was every bit as kind and amazing as he though her to be, and she simply had feelings for him that she wouldn’t pursue.
She watched his hands move. His deft fingers seemed to run along the black spider emblem on his chest, and she could guess where his mind was traveling.
“I’ve been worried about that for a while, Petey.” Never has he seen Edith seen so shy. “Since middle school really. Long before you were Spider-Man and I was in with the popular group.”
Her words corrected his thoughts, and his eyes widened more than they both thought possible. She had always admired his large eyes, needed to stop herself from staring into them multiple times.
She could faintly see the tips of his ears tinge pink once again in the dull light.
Peter knew his next words, but they came as a shock to Edith. “I’m not going anywhere, Edith.”
Her head shaped up, her eyes searching his face from behind her haphazardly chopped bangs.
She allowed a small smile to occupy her lips, slowly stretching larger.
“I really like you,” he whispered to her, leaning forward to grab one of her smaller hands.
Her smile enlarged, showing her teeth in a vampire fanged-grin, “I really like you too, Petey.”
“Do- um,” he looked at his hand where his fingers traced over her knuckles. “Is it alright if I kiss you?”
Her heart felt a flutter at his soft spoken question and as an answer, she leaned forward to close the gap between them, her lips caressing his with such a gentle touch.
All that could be heard between them was the mingling of their breath and the bass or the music from the house.
For the first time, Edith Thompson and Peter Parker sat together, in one another’s arms. They spoke about almost anything, enjoying the company of one another. Peter had even agreed to let Edith take him on a date. They hadn’t even noticed their friends wandering around the party in search of the two of them.
“So...” he began nearly two hours after their original conversation. She hummed in reply. “How did your brother get all of the teachers to only call him ‘Flash’ instead of Eugene?”
She barked out a laugh, not quite knowing the answer herself.
“And why the fuck did he decide to be called ‘Flash’?!”
Tag list: @starshonerose @mantlereid @another-lonely-heart @snookiebrookie @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3
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butwhyduh · 5 years
Peter and Y/n have been friends since elementary school. One night while he's heading back home from patrolling all night he decides to visit y/n (who already knows about him being Spider-Man) while she's studying. Things get heated and feelings get confessed.
There are 206 bones in the human body and most have small dents and grooves that have their own names. And you were having to learn fucking every one of them. In two weeks. Including the greater trochanter of the femur and the occipital suture. At this point you were living on coffee and tears with the only thing holding you together, white out and printer paper.
Peter knew you had an all important anatomy test soon but he realized it was a short swing to your window he decided to pop by. He lightly knocked at your window. You recognized a good distraction when you saw one and you quickly opened the window. Peter slid in gracefully before pulling the mask off. The look on his face similar to a woman taking off a bra.
“Hey tiger,” you said with a smile. You’ve known peter since you were 8 and you’ve had a crush on him since you were 14. Somehow you’ve both lived only a few blocks apart no matter how many times both of your families have moved. Landlords weren’t known to keep the same tenants very long.
“Hey, this still good?” He asked grabbing a cold slice of pizza and taking a bite before you can even say yes. “You need a break.”
“Yes, I can smell stale coffee, dry textbooks, and desperation. It smells like no deodorant,” Peter said sitting on the bed. You flushed as you remembering that you completely forgot.
“That’s not fair. You have super senses,” you said in defense. Peter laughed and you smiled ruefully.
“A quick little,” he motioned under his armpit, “would save the day. And I’ll take ya somewhere nice,” he said motioning in a way that mimicked the creep on the subway the day before. You pushed his shoulder rolling your eyes.
“That guy was a jerk. Another day in New York City,” you said, words more bitter than tone. “Where are we going? Do I have to change?”
“Shoes. I won’t be seen with someone in crocs. I can’t,” he said in a mock serious tone as if it was literally killing him.
“Wow. That bad? Fine I’ll change shoes. I don’t want to kill Spider-Man’s reputation,” you said in tennis shoes. Peter shook his head before sliding his mask on.
He climbed out the window and you followed, used to the routine now. Peter grabbed you close in a way that made your heart beat quickly every time that you tried to ignore. He quickly shot a web out and you swung off the fire escape. Your screams came out as little squeals in your throat. The first time you went swinging you literally passed out. He learned to go slower.
A few blocks later you felt him stop since you had shoved your face into his chest on a steep swing. You leaned out to see the roof of a familiar building. You smiled at him. “Why are we here?”
“Well. I’ve probably seen every roof in New York it feels like. Okay probably not every roof. But this is the only one that has writing that’s been covered up since we were like, 12 and they just cleared it out. And look what I saw,” he said showing you a small bit of graffiti on the bottom of a small wall. It was a small area in your 10 year old handwriting with a nickname you had as a kid sat next to Peter’s cramped mess of handwriting with his old nickname “Petey the Brain” a play on Pinky and the Brain that he and Ned found hilarious.
“I remember when we wrote this!” You said. “We got in so much trouble from Ned’s grandma. He refused to write anything because he was scared.”
“Yeah. It’s also got a pretty good view, I think,” Peter said looking around. You looked up to see him leaning off the wall.
“Hey, Pete. You wanna get back on the roof?” You asked grabbing his hand and pulling back towards you. He laughed and slid back on safe ground.
“Remember how we made out by the air conditioner vent?” He said smiling at you, standing a little closer than normal.
“I do. Hot dog and peppermints.”
“Your breath was hot dog and peppermint. You tried to cover a hot dog breath with a peppermint but they mixed and it was bad. So bad,” you laughed softly. Peter looked at you boldly.
“Wanna try it again? I swear, no hot dog today,” Pete said holding up both hands in mock surrender. You leaned in closer.
“Why don’t you try it and find out.”
He grinned and grasped your face before leaning in for a kiss. He moved softly and sweetly. Peter was tenitive; he didn’t want to mess it up. You had another idea. You pulled him tight and kissed more aggressively. Your fingers curled in his hair before finally taking a break.
“I don’t wanna fuck up the moment but uh, would this be a weird time to ask you out?” Peter said shyly. You laughed. Hard. Your face pressed against his chest. Pouring out of all the nerves you had, you could say.
“Fuck, yes it’s a good time,” you finally said looking up. You looked at him for a moment.
“Oh yeah, uh... do you wanna go out sometime? Like a date?” He said quickly.
“Yeah. I’d like a kiss too,” you added. He quickly complied.
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buckysmischief · 5 years
what’s up danger? - 2
Peter Parker x reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: sexual innuendos, mention of death (if you squint)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
It had been over a month since that night at Peter’s apartment and you had been thinking about what he had been trying to get you to do for the past year, talk to Nick Fury and Tony Stark. Did he really want you to join the avengers? Was it just a trick to arrest you? Couldn’t be, if they wanted you arrested they would have done it when Peter bound your hands.
Over the past few weeks you’ve hung out with Peter often. It probably wasn’t the best idea in the world, but you’ve felt a sudden pull toward him ever since the day in the weapons vault. You decided to see if you could trust him enough to show him your powers, then you would decide what to do about the offer.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Peter, it just made you uncomfortable that he could track you. No one in SHIELD, or even the Avengers, had ever been close enough to you to even get a dna sample. So how did Peter find a way to do it?
You had to get Spider-Man’s attention, lure him out and confront him. If he wants you to trust him he’d be willing to tell you what you wanted to know, right? You had to cause a scene, and you had the perfect idea.
Twenty minutes later you ran out your door and into the elevator, almost crashing into Peter. “Hey Yn, where are you going?”
“Just to the store, need to get stuff for dinner.”
“Without an umbrella?” Peter tried not to laugh, “You’re going to get soaked.”
“Probably, but it won’t be because of the rain.” you said with a wink. Hopefully flirting will distract Peter from your hand movements like Spider-Man, turns out it does. When you waved your hand as the elevator door opened, the rainy view changing into clear skies before stepping out of the building.
A moment later, Peter gets a message on his watch, “It’s Aunt May, I gotta go. Do you wanna come over tonight?”
“Yeah, I’ll cook us both something then.” you give him a hug and begin your walk to Times Square.
You arrive and blend in with the crowd watching the updates on the many different screens.
With a slight wave of your hands the messages all disappear, and turn into messages to Spider-Man.
“Come out, come out wherever you are”
“Come find me, Spidey”
“Is this real?”
“Tag! You’re it”
Once the messages have been up long enough for him to see it, you walked to the roof of one of the buildings and waited. To your surprise, he was already there.
“Is that how you’re getting my attention now?” Spider-Man said while walking towards you.
“Well, if I knew how you always find me, maybe I could get it more.. privately.”
“Have you ever thought that maybe you make it easy, kinda like you want me to find you?” he’s close again, feel his breath on your ear through his mask close.
“That may be true, but I don’t let you do anything. How do you always find me?” you demanded.
He takes a moment to think, “If I tell you, will you show me how you change reality?”
What kind of negotiation was that? He could have said you had to give Fury five minutes of your time and you would have agreed. “Fine, yeah. Watch this.”
The beautiful clear sky you had created was changed back into its original state, dark and rainy, with just a wave of you hand. You don’t miss the way Peter never takes his eyes off of them either. “Your turn, Spidey.”
“That was amazing. You just, what, think of something and you make it so?” after getting to know Peter more, that question came more from him than Spider-Man.
“I guess that’s one way of explaining it,” the setting changing once again, this time to what seemed to be an abandoned building near the Brooklyn bridge, “so can you give me an explanation on how you’re my professional stalker?”
You led him into the building, which Peter soon realized was being camouflaged with your powers, and sat down at the nearest table. “Do you know anything about how you got your powers?” you shook your head, “Do you know what the reality stone was?” again, no.
“Who doesn’t know about Thanos, what’s he got to do with me?” Peter had then answered every question you’ve ever had about your powers. About the Dark Elves and the Aether. What happened to Jane only days after you got your powers, and how Thanos manipulated reality to help him over power the avengers and wipe out half of existence.
One of the nights you were with Peter, the blip was mentioned and told him you were apart of it. How you were in class, trying not to fall asleep, when your teacher turned into a pile of dust. Your whole class began to panic when you and a few others began to do the same, then it was like nothing happened. But in reality, one you couldn’t even change, everything had happened. Life went on.
Peter only shared that he too was a victim of the blip, but you knew the truth. After coming back and realizing five years had passed, you caught up on everything you missed. While you were reading about how Tony Stark almost lost his life after defeating Thanos, you found separate articles on all the heroes and read those as well.  
“And then Mr. Stark enhanced my tech with the ability to locate you by the energy the aether puts off.” he finishes, waiting patiently to be questioned further.
“Wait, so every time I use my powers.. you what? Know my exact location?” you think back to earlier that day when you used your powers to stop the rain, Peter almost immediately got a notification. “Do you know who I am?”
“If I knew who you were don’t you think I-”
“Tell the truth, Spidey.” you teased, “I mean, I know who you really are under that mask.”
Peter stood up and shook his head, “I don’t believe you.”
“Awe c’mon Petey, I’d never lie to you.”
“How-” he began, stopping to take his mask off, “how long did you know? Why didn’t you ever say anything, Yn?”
You took down your illusions, showing him your face. “You want to know the truth or can I make up a more interesting story?”
Peter wasn’t mad that you knew his identity, he was relieved. But that didn’t make him less curious. “Let’s go get stuff for dinner and you can tell me the truth on the way.”
The rain soon stopped and you both began your walk back to Queens, stopping at the grocery store to pick up a few ingredients you didn’t have at home. There was only a few more blocks left to walk when you decided to tell him about the first night MJ had yelled his secret loud enough for you to hear.
“How come you never said anything?” Peter inquired.
You told him the truth, that it was an unfair way to learn his secret. When you first learned of his identity, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about selling the information to the highest bidder, but that required proof. There was no way to provide it without your identity being leaked as well. Which was also why you could never use it to taunt him in a fight. “So, how come you never told me you knew who I really was?”
“I wanted you to eventually trust me enough to tell me yourself. My mission was never to catch you, it’s to get you to talk to Fury for five minutes.” he paused as you both walked the apartment complex’s halls, starting again after walking into his apartment, “I do have a question or two though that I’ve been dying to know since finding out about you.”
“Go for it.”
“First, how did you find out you had powers?” Peter was leaning over your counter in anticipation.
“I don’t remember how I got them exactly, but at some point during the trip I had wanted to go home so badly. I went to sleep that night in London and woke up in my bed in New York with an insane amount of missed phone calls from my teacher. After that I started to realize I could make things happen exactly how I wanted, it was amazing.” you explained. “So, what’s your second question?”
Peter never didn’t miss a beat, “Why did you choose to use your powers to steal things instead of helping people?”
There was no judgement in his words, just curiosity. This was what you like about Peter; he obviously never cared about your past, he just cared about you, Even before he really knew you. He said his mission was never to catch you but there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that if they sent and other Avenger, you would be locked up until you agreed to work with them.
Peter was different, so you were honest, “I did help people, before the blip. I practiced my powers by giving homeless people a place to sleep, keep my friends and family safe if I had to. After coming back though, everything was different. My family was broken in ways I never knew imaginable, all of my friends outgrew me, the whole world was different. I couldn’t change reality to fix all of those things without more bad things happening, so I changed it to better my life.
I started out by robbing a bank to get a place to live, made the guy selling this apartment see a family instead of just me. Then I used them to get food and clothes. Over time I started to not care anymore and figured I could make more money just stealing things for people, so that’s what I did.”
“None of that was your fault, Yn. I’m sure if Thanos never happened you would have been recruited, you still can be if you wanted.” he insisted.
“Did they tell you about the one time I was sloppy?” Peter shook his head and waited for you to continue, “I was inside of a bank safe when SHIELD agents surrounded me, I forgot to make it look like everything was normal. They had these weird guns pointed at me and I panicked. I knew I should have just changed their weapons to water guns, but instead I thought ‘just go away’ and erased them from our reality entirely.”
Peter could tell that it wasn’t a topic you wanted to talk about so he let it go, but not before he wrapped his arms around you and kissing the top of your head. He then turned on some music and began cooking dinner, insisting that he help.
During dinner, and even more so during the movie, Peter seemed distracted. You couldn’t blame him, a lot has happened in the past few hours, he was probably just processing. As the credits started rolling, you stood to clean up your mess and leave.
“Well I better-”
“Can I-”
“You go.” you say to Peter.
“Can I try something?” you nod your head in response, and Peter begins to walk toward you.
“Tell me to stop,” he pauses, placing one hand on the nape of your neck and the other under your bottom lip, “cause everything changes after this.”
A few seconds go by, he’s so close you can feel his breath. You give a quick nod and Peter’s mouth is on yours instantly, kissing him back after realizing this was real.
You’ve kissed people before, but kissing Peter was different. It was like coming home. Like every answer to all your questions have been answered, like you had everything you ever needed.
Peter was right, everything was going to change.
Permanent tags: @sociallyeneptbarnes @valkyriesryde @buckysdumbmetalarm @rogvewitch @infj-slytherclaw @whimsicalatbest @readeity @nea90sweetie @aestheticrelated @pinknerdpanda @justabitoverobsessed @imsoft-barnes @actualdpshuri @goalexis123 @https-bucky @stuckyandsciencebros @moli1497 @agentpeggybarnesfanfics @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @screaming-fridge @geeksareunique @rhymesmenagerie @brokenthelovely @ivoryhazlewood @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @mushyjellybeans @sebbbystaaan @rayche776 @buggy-blogs @estillion14 @perpetually-tuned-out @stuckonjbbarnes @sandyclaws @sleepingspacedragon
Series tags: @stateoflovinged @rogue-of-sound
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