canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 212
Whew. Last week was insane.... I’ll create a separate post for that, probably tomorrow. Too many people to thank this week!
@baelpenrose, obviously, not just for beta reading, but for helping me through the overwhelming amounts of stress I’ve been dealing with recently - up to and including being willing to submit my own chapter to my blog so I can try to post it from mobile while I was driving for 13 hours last Tuesday.
Guess what? You can’t post submissions from mobile. -_-  But that mfer certainly tried.
@generalperfectionbread, @peterpanpeanutbutter, @necromancer04, @et103, and @janeshadow for always jumping on each chapter. @lwgph for reblogging quite literally all of the chapters. All of them. @gam3rgur1, who catches up whenever time permits.
And finally, new follower who I know only by slight reputation but cannot wait to hear their thoughts, C.
Alistair started drafting the brief to the Ark population while everyone else started debating on who would be our primary voice when speaking with Odvub.  I had immediately bowed out when it was decided we would ask them to petition on our behalf - not only for the sake of Conor’s ongoing sanity, but also because I was admittedly enamoured with Odvub’s overwhelming presence.  Names were thrown out and argued over for nearly half an hour before I cleared my throat.
“My vote is for Grey.” I was proud of how firm and unmoving my tone was.
Xiomara was more curious than skeptical when she responded. “Why Grey, specifically?”
Completely ignoring the fact that most people in the meeting couldn’t see me, I started counting off on my fingers. “When Odvub was shown to the Council for the first time, Grey was curious.  Everyone else was awestruck, afraid, anxious, or some combination of the three. Grey wasn’t. They showed the exact same amount of curiosity that they show toward a new plant hybrid or an interesting problem.”
“Both of which we trust their judgment on, without question,” Huynh agreed with me. “It makes sense. I second the idea.”
“I am concerned about their legal knowledge,” Xio sighed. “I’m not advocating for myself, believe me. But Eino might be a better choice.”
Pranav scoffed. “No offense intended, Eino, but you are rather known for your passive neutrality. We need someone who will argue if we are initially told no.”
“No offense taken,” Eino’s voice assured. “I selected my preferred successor for that exact reason. Listening and patience are all well and good with a decade to make decisions, but urgency is not my strong suit.”
“Are you suggesting Professor Farro negotiate?” Grey asked, confused.
Several voices - including Arthur’s - barked in disagreement. “Not happening,” Arthur stated flatly. “We want to make a good impression, and despite what you all think, I’m more likely to piss off the Galactic AI by making a Lysol joke.”
Laughter broke the tension briefly before I picked up the reins again. “So, Eino declines, two votes for Grey so far.  I suggest we make this a unanimous decision - we’re talking about the literal future of our species here.  None of us wants to be the one who said nay, no matter which way this goes.”
Murmurs agreed with me. “What about Administrator Costa?” Pranav suggested. “Miss Harper and Professor Farro handled negotiations with the S’crirs, so there is precedent on having one of our mentees take the reins here.”
Almost as though it was rehearsed, Antoine bowed out. “I am disinclined to argue.”
Tyche snorted before mouthing at me. “Liar.”
After a few more minutes of suggestions and people bowing out, Grey called the vote themselves. “I think we have narrowed our pool of candidates adequately, and I am amenable to the appointment if that is what the Council determines. Are there any direct objections?”
Very succinct, I thought approvingly. Quit waiting for agreement and straight out ask for the nays.
After a very precise forty-five second pause, Xiomara spoke. “No objections spoken. Grey, you’re our voice and may gods above and below be with you.”
“Should they exist, they have much more to answer for than my success or failure in this endeavor,” Grey replied wryly. “We should adjourn while Pranav sets up the connection.  Xiomara, if you could send me the legal precedents that you have on hand regarding our rights and the case law that Her Majesty sent over, it would be appreciated.”
I left the audio open during the recess, but muted the end in my office so that we could speak freely. “How do we feel about that?” I asked, glancing around.
Hannah tilted her head side to side. “I think Grey is a good choice, but I’m surprised that Evania wasn’t suggested as well.”
Parvati almost stifled a grin successfully, but Tyche had no such compunctions. “Evan has phenomenal judgement of safety and an exhaustive comprehension of rules and laws.  She is also incredibly bound by the chain of command, so the risk that she would see Odvub as in a position of authority is too high.”
I nodded, along with Parvati. Alistair added “She does return books in a very timely manner, which I believe speaks highly of her respect for others - however, I also think it affirms her adherence to regulation.”
Quietly, I moved to assist Alistair in the short-term release to the Ark. After some careful debate, we reworded a few things to make sure the population was informed but not in a state of panic and added a disclaimer to reach out to your mental health partner or partners during this time.
We were very careful to not even remotely word that as a suggestion.
By the time the release was approved and being sent, Pranav alerted us that the connection with Odvub was on standby. “I would like to advise that the connection cannot be limited to audio only, as a significant portion of their language is via gesture.  My team will, however, be running translation to audio only as close to parallel as we can get it for those who believe they will be overwhelmed.”
Voice still muted from my office, I gave everyone a stern look. “If you wish to view the full communication, please feel free to do so from your personal datapad. I will have the local connection set to translation audio only.”
Tyche and Alistair nodded but didn’t move. Hannah and Parvati, however, transitioned closer to my desk so they would not be in our line of sight - understandable, seeing as they had not seen Odvub the first time.  It did not go amiss that Tyche flicked open her own datapad before glancing at them both, a pretty obvious sign that she was monitoring vitals.
“Ready,” Grey confirmed after everyone else had given their status. Antoine had moved to another location for audio only and medical monitoring on his mentor.
Even through the translation channel, the chiming symphony could be heard.  It made me glad that I had outright refused to handle this interaction, along with validating my decision to record the translation for later review.
“Greetings, Terran Council.” Thankfully, the translation software had given Odvub a neutral alto with flat affectation. “How may we assist you?”
My databand vibrated, and I twitched it open to find a message from Arthur. “They were not kidding about the hive minds, huh?”
Grey responded, sparing me from my need to respond to the clearly rhetorical question. “Greetings, Odvub. We have been advised that the Eko-mari fleet has petitioned to provide quarantine for our new colony world, and have reason to believe the request will be granted. However, we also believe it will be detrimental to our species in both short and long term.  As such, we request that you file petition on our behalf with the Galactic Council.”
Another message from Arthur. “Not a punch pulled. I approve.”
“This is a legitimate concern,” Odvub immediately replied, the artificial voice taking on a choral quality as it split momentarily. “Please advise your logic, so that we can make a sound decision.”
That was interesting… Odvub literally was the Galactic Database. In theory, they already had all this information.
Grey, however, was nonplussed. “We have already experienced the Eko-mari view of non-hive species: they view us as primitive, and more so for those species who have biological or psychological gender.  They grudgingly admit our sentience, but on a scale of ‘just barely’.  Additionally, while the information quarantine is a standard part of species relocation, we have a substantial amount of evidence of overreach on their part.”
We did?
Odvub hesitated when Grey stopped speaking. “Please elaborate on your evidence of overreach.”
“Ordinarily, I would provide files,” Grey admitted. “And if you would like, I still can after I explain. Regardless, not only myself, but my peer Pranav Raganathan and Miys has experienced multiple instances in which data that we earned through rigorous research and testing has gone missing.  None of our computer experts can locate the data in the Ark computers. Most importantly, Miys cannot locate it either.”
Tyche slammed the voice mute from our side as I surged to my feet. “They WHAT???!”
“We have had to reconstruct our research twice, once from zero, and once from memory and passive storage, just in the time since we joined with their fleet,” Grey continued, clearly unable to hear my roaring objection. “Since the second incident, we keep any new data on passive storage only.”
I stomped, hands fisted, growling at this new information. My databand vibrated, and I shook my wrist ferociously to open it, fully intending to dismiss. Rather than being from Arthur, it was from Pranav. “We only recently determined with the support of Miys that this was due to Eko-mari influence, which is why it has not been brought to the attention of the Council. Prior to Gamma shift yesterday, it was believed to be system error or human error.”
The feeling of being out of the loop subsided, but the anger at the overstep from the Eko-mari remained.
“Yes, we are aware. We have been attempting to interfere with the direct loss of earned data to the best of our abilities,” Odvub confirmed. “Miys alerted us and have been instrumental in ensuring we are able to facilitate your research to the best of our functions.”
“Oh.” Grey paused, clear that this was new information.  Good to know I wasn’t the only one who was entirely out of the loop. “That greatly lowers the need for explanation.” I could see in my mind how they would straighten their spine when they regained steady ground. “We have come to the determination that, in addition to loss of hard earned knowledge, we would be prevented from any gains regarding stellar observations from Von if the Eko-mari fleet were entrenched as quarantine patrol.”
“This would contravene the Terran taboo against censorship,” Odvub stated unequivocally. “There is an established right among refugee species to maintain social taboos. This is a valid concern.”
“On those grounds - violation of taboo on multiple levels - will you agree to be our petitioner to the Galactic Council?”
I didn’t need to see my peers to know that we all held a collective breath.
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sparrowatheart · 4 years
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It seems obligatory that this be my staple brand of peanut butter... ✨ #PeterPanPeanutButter #PeterPan #foodmention https://www.instagram.com/p/CAg4xG0nUTN/?igshid=7c6w6mcgs6ee
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tomblr1895 · 4 years
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I have to admit, this is a fun and creative way to sell more soup 🥣😂 #campbellssoup #snowman #christmas #soup #peterpanpeanutbutter #food #omg #lol https://www.instagram.com/p/CJAWvnKhmB-/?igshid=5c72do8d77bp
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prinsez05 · 5 years
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feeling Wendy in a Peter Pan world #peterpanpeanutbutter #peterpan #wendy #sugarandspice #littlegirl #child #vintage #midcentury #ephemera #vintageimage #magazinead #vintageadvertising #printad #advertisingart #midcenturyliving #midcenturylife #mcm (at Ridley Park, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDWZPAnk7U/?igshid=4lvq6t4ovz5z
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eredicatorx · 7 years
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After a day of mixed success I needed to try something new. Who would have thought that while lamenting on my failures ... I would find true bliss. #KnobCreek + #Japanese White Saki #kitkat + #peterpanpeanutbutter + #knobcreek would be the absolute best! #Texas #Harvey #houston #katy #perfectcombo (at Cinco Ranch West, Katy, Texas)
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Oh, he misses her hands. Misses entwining their hands any time they were near each other, playfully pressing his fingertips against hers while they sat on the roof just to see who could hold out the longest without becoming unbalanced (he always won), longs for her thumbs swiping over his cheekbones before a peck on the nose. He craves comfort more desperately than he knew humans were capable of before: her hands scratching through his hair while she reads a book, his meticulous friendship handshake with Ned, back hugs from May. A clap on the back from Tony Stark, a congratulation, a job well done.
Spider-Man: The Ache for Home Lives in All of Us by peterpanpeanutbutter on ao3
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stackthedeck · 3 years
same pro-mcu spiderman anti-iron man fic writing anon, i also want to say your daredevil mafia one-shot was so much fun, brilliant, show stopping, and everything else lady gaga says in that video of her stringing compliments lol, i'm peterpanpeanutbutter on ao3 if you ever want to tune in for the eventual anti-iron man sentiment :)(and matt will be there, because of course he will, how could i do this without him <3)
Thank you so much!! It's actually one of my favorite mcu fics that I've written lmao and people have been so nice about it!! I'm going to follow you on a03 and read your fic (also Matt hell yeah!!)
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cincereb · 7 years
#appleclips #apple #ios #iphone #ipad #peterpanpeanutbutter
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losingweightkate · 3 years
Ate about two and a half cups of squash onion mushroom mix and about a 1/3 or a 1/4 cup of garbanzo beans seasoned with curry and steamed. I had a piece of #wonderbread with about 2 tablespoons crunchy #peterpanpeanutbutter for a bedtime snack and about to drink as much of this gallon of water as I can before bed
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alvinmarktan · 4 years
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Are we crunchy or creamy fans out there? . 8” x 6” oil on canvas board. . . . . . . . . . #stayathome #uskathome #circuitsketchbreak #colour #circuitbreakersg #orbitfromhome #withme #socialdistancing #sgunited #sketchbookskool #oilpainting #oilpainter #singapore #sgartist #artistsg #peanutbutter #rosemarybrushes #onmyeasel #instaartist #art #allaprima #artcollector #contemporarypainting #sketchfromlife #peterpanpeanutbutter #НевскаяПалитра #bead #whatmakessg #alvinmark #alvinmarksketchbook (at Alvin Mark Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAg2IFrH1wN/?igshid=1pxah078qoflf
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jadiusknight · 6 years
**Unboxing Video** For (Extended Version) Check Youtube - ☆Link in BIO☆ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Ft. MJ Personal Owned #PeterPan Jacket. ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ஜ▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬ஜ *Michael Jackson Memorabilia SALE!* DVDs, Dogtags, Tee's, Bracelets, Badges, & Bags. ஜ▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬ஜ Check Out Category: ~Michael Jackson Trends~ @ StarwearStatus.com •[Contact Me For Enquiries]• ----------------------------------- @StarwearStatus #StarwearStatus @michaeljackson #MichaelJackson #MichaelJacksonMemorabilia #PeterPanJacket #WaltDisney #PeterPanPeanutButter #Neverland #NeverGrowUp #MichaelJacksonSale #MichaelJacksonTShirt #MichaelJacksonOne #MichaelJacksonCirqueDuSoleil #MJOne #MJCollection #MichaelJacksonCollection #MJFan #MJFam #ThisIsIt #KingOfPop #FashionVideo #MichaelJacksonFan #MichaelJacksonForever #Moonwalker #FashionWorld #CelebrityFashion #OutfitOfTheDay #DanceLife #WorldOfDance #ExclusiveFashion (at Michael Jackson Merchandise)
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petespectives · 6 years
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#CreamyOrCrunchy? Why not both? // I saw this at the grocery store and had to try it — I’ve *always* been a #creamypeanutbutter guy, and I continue to have a like/hate relationship w/ #crunchypeanutbutter...... but this #PeterPanPeanutButter #creamywithabitofcrunch is great! It’s essentially creamy w/ a finer crunchy texture and won’t rip up your bread as you spread! — view on Instagram http://j.mp/2Ip2Ai2
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He'd thought only loneliness and sadness were there for him, and that he could combat those with hope by saving innocent people off the street and the occasional company of loved ones to keep his heart warm, but no. Now fear has come to reckon with him, to force him to gaze upon it as a Goliath, but he has no stones to defend himself with. He doesn't even have a slingshot.
Spider-Man: The Ache for Home Lives in All of Us by peterpanpeanutbutter on ao3
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jadiusknight · 6 years
**Unboxing Video** For (Extended Version) Check Youtube - ☆Link in BIO☆ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Ft. MJ Personal Owned #PeterPan Jacket. ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ஜ▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬ஜ *Michael Jackson Memorabilia SALE!* DVDs, Dogtags, Tee's, Bracelets, Badges, & Bags. ஜ▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬ஜ Check Out Category: ~Michael Jackson Trends~ @ StarwearStatus.com •[Contact Me For Enquiries]• ----------------------------------- @StarwearStatus #StarwearStatus @michaeljackson #MichaelJackson #MichaelJacksonMemorabilia #PeterPanJacket #WaltDisney #PeterPanPeanutButter #Neverland #NeverGrowUp #MichaelJacksonSale #MichaelJacksonTShirt #MichaelJacksonOne #MichaelJacksonCirqueDuSoleil #MJOne #MJCollection #MemorabiliaSale #MichaelJacksonCollection #MJFan #MJFam #ThisIsIt #KingOfPop #FashionVideo #MichaelJacksonFan #MichaelJacksonForever #Moonwalker #FashionWorld #CelebrityFashion #OutfitOfTheDay #DanceLife #WorldOfDance #ExclusiveFashion (at Michael Jackson Merchandise)
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