#peter puckett
theplanisinruins · 3 months
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pnat textposts (2/2)
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obscuredilfoff · 1 year
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Propaganda below the cut!
Peter Puckett
I haven't finished paranatural as of submitting him, but he seems great. His life's dream is to own a convenience store. He loses 2 games of monopoly in 5 minutes by trying to buid a tower worthy of his power. He plays swords with his kids. When one of his kids wants to visit they're old town he plans the trip in like a day no questions asked. He's a cringefail man with a heart of gold.
hot single widower dad in your area. doesn't know that his son is a weird psychic, but knows he would still love his son if he was a weird psychic. once squeezed pizza grease into his daughter's cup of soda.
Please see this post by cinni-k!
Randall "Thirdy" Robinson
No propaganda was submitted for this character.
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jonahmagnus · 4 months
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I know that we're all losing it to Mrs. Baxter and Coach Oop reval, but I want to bring my attention elsewhere. TvTropes points out that, as form of foreshadowing, waaaaaay back in chapter 3 or so, Max's father, upon seeing the blood imprint his son left at the glass of the store, he makes up a story about a Death Cult (which is existence we confirm chapters after) and that 11 is a prime number and that Death Cults love math (at least Mrs. Baxter is the math teacher).
And I find it particularly strange that he made this one particular hypotesis, particularly. If there is anything that paranatural has shown, is that zany characters are, more often than not, using their own quirks to hide their real self. And there is no weirder character that Peter Puckett. In chapter 4 Max mentions how, in playing monopoly, he lost the game twice while trying to create a tower worthy of his sorcery. A pretty stupid throwaway line. 'lol random' we might say, but Paranatural has been 'lol random' like this, before pulling the rug from beneath our feets.
We know the concept of a "Witch" is real, we have vampires and werewolves. A "Sorcerer" wouldn't be so out of place (also understanding a sorcerer as that one magic user that obtained his skill through deep strudy, rather than any innate talent).
Why did Peter decied to come back to Mayview? Precisely now that all the events are conviniently being put into motion. He knows more, I'm sure, he was married to June, one of the best agents of the consortium, I don't think he was completely unawayre of what she was doing or what she could do.
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junk-thrillz · 3 months
Thoughts on junepetershirke
Canon. Canon to me. It's canon.
I wish. I wish. That Shrike had ended up with June and Peter instead of Davy. Or that at the very least she had left him for June and Peter. Would it have ended in tragedy anyway? Yeah of course, the plot demands that June dies and Shrike becomes a werewolf. Would it have made things a bit harder in the meantime? Hard to say. Do I wish it had happened anyway? ABSOLUTELY. It would have meant Cody would have been Max and Zoey's brother, but whatever, that's a small price to pay, and it's even kind of sweet. I mean, I'd hope to GOD that Shrike would have custody in that particular divorce. Because wow. What a mess.
Peter and his two badass headstrong wives. What's better than a relationship dynamic where the woman is undoubtedly cooler and more rough around the edges than her special guy? A relationship dynamic where that happens TWICE. If this ship were canon it would mean Peter would have such an obvious and specific type, and I think that's awesome.
But it's also pretty tragic. Peter loses both lovers in the end, one to a very mortal death and one to the suspended animation of monsterhood. Would the same fate have befallen Shrike, if she'd left Mayview with Peter and June? Could polyamory have truly saved her? Again, I don't know. But I love thinking about it. Also, there's no way June wasn't some flavor of queer. Same with Peter. Them being poly with Shrike involved doesn't strike me as out of character at all.
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weirdbabs · 6 months
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U////U a love story for the ages
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therealslimshady · 2 years
I love when seemingly unrelated gags come back and become plot relevant, and I ALSO love when (through a wacky chain of events) our intrepid heros get caught up in some scheme that, for all intents and purposes, should have skipped them entirely. Makes me laugh every time.
Anyways can you imagine my delight seeing the vampires pick up Dad Puckett's wallet? I cannot wait to see how this goes down >:3
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peter puckett picked a peck of pickled peppers?
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pigeon-wizard · 2 years
due to yesterday’s update this is now a dad (peter) puckett stan blog
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lordofthetermites · 2 years
Peter Puckett!! We have a name!!
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illgetthe · 2 years
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google my 12 year old is having an existential crisis and sending him to the ball pit didn’t work. anyways new page is baller actually (harhar) this is a dad puckett appreciation post
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obscuredilfoff · 1 year
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Propaganda below the cut!
Peter Puckett
I haven't finished paranatural as of submitting him, but he seems great. His life's dream is to own a convenience store. He loses 2 games of monopoly in 5 minutes by trying to buid a tower worthy of his power. He plays swords with his kids. When one of his kids wants to visit they're old town he plans the trip in like a day no questions asked. He's a cringefail man with a heart of gold.
hot single widower dad in your area. doesn't know that his son is a weird psychic, but knows he would still love his son if he was a weird psychic. once squeezed pizza grease into his daughter's cup of soda.
ok he's scary but he is so dad-coded. kind of sharp-tongued and emotionally distant but he has a soft spot for the bus driver. basically his daughter atp. in chapter one of "leviathan" he goes to visit an orphanage on christmas in a santa hat. he keeps a photo of the orphanage kids in his pocket even after the orphanage was destroyed..
he counts as a dilf because he volunteered at an orphanage <3 looks miserable but kids love him he looks like shit and i’m madly in love with him he looks like he stood in the rain for 4 hours straight he’s my wife my girlfriend my babygirl skrunkly mipy blorbo (he’s killed hundreds of people)
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jonahmagnus · 4 months
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Even more.
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You know, knowing Paranatural, it's enterely possible that this is foreshadowing and that Max's father is a sorcerer trying to build something in Mayview.
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junk-thrillz · 3 months
I nEEEED to hear your thoughts on boss leader x mr Puckett PLLEEEEASE this crack ship is actually driving me insane I-…I don’t think it’s a joke anymore
Anon. Your mind. It’s an absurd and wonderful place. I love it.
Shipping a crackship as a joke is such a slippery slope, it happened to me with Lisa and Max, and NO ONE PREPARES YOU FOR IT. I don’t know what it is about shipping for comedic purposes that so quickly spirals into something serious that takes up all your brain space… but allow me to think about your newfound OTP from both a comedic and serious angle, because I’m actually kind of loving this.
The comedy angle is obvious. Max's future stepmom is a spirit obsessed with suitsies who spends her time either being super cryptic, or trolling everyone. Max's first meeting with BL is a tonal rollercoaster, she freaks him the fuck out by appearing out of nowhere, he makes some snarky jabs, and then shit gets SERIOUS. He's rightfully suspicious of her and the information she's withholding, but also willing to hold a conversation with her. All this to say that I think the whole taking-her-seriously thing would deteriorate the second she starts dating his dad. BL would try to bond and Max would just be yelling the whole time. Their relationship would not be worse off for it but I think it would stagnate. There's also the comedy of the ship itself, you have this immortal spirit woman who's been reincarnated a trillion times (?) dating some 30 year old freak running a 7/11. It's awesome.
Okay, let's take this seriously and think about it happening in canon. It would mean that Peter is a spectral of some kind, which raises the question of, did he know June was a spectral? Probably. In this scenario, would he have any way of knowing that BL was June's boss?? It has potential to get weird FAST, but that's kinda what I love about it??
Also, this is a ship that has June haunting it. Not maliciously, just, in the same way she haunts the rest of the narrative. BL and June knew each other - maybe Peter and BL would be able to bond over losing her. It's hard to say how much closure BL could provide Peter, because the details of June's death are still unknown. But at the very least I could see this relationship beginning as a shared catharsis between the two.
Wouldn't it be interesting if Peter wasn't a spectral before the comic's present? He becomes a spectral and suddenly has access to this world his wife was a part of, and that he had no idea about. Spirits are real, and he's one of the spectrals, and many of them knew June. I keep thinking about Peter meeting BL in a dream world and losing my MIND.
In terms of like, actual romance romance, I think they'd be tentative. BL has enough tact to not push Peter too far, and June's death is still fresh for the whole family. Also, Peter has his kids to think about - one of them is a spectral and has met BL before. You kind of have to be careful when navigating a spectral's world. And Boss Leader is still THE boss, you know? She's caring for an extremely powerful spirit, is HERSELF an extremely powerful spirit. Peter is just some guy. I don't think they'd be UNHEALTHY, I just think they'd have to be CAREFUL.
Their relationship would be completely different from June and Peter's, and that's not a bad thing, it's even by design. But that also means things would turn out differently, Peter would treat everything differently.
I think I've hit the point where I've begun to ramble but I'm sure there's more I could say about these two. This ship is such an interesting thought experiment... it being canon would shake everything up but I think I would love the melodrama of it all.
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weirdbabs · 3 months
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do we know what was up with the rope tied to the lamp and leading down the stairs? is that peters in home security device? is the plan that someone coming up the stairs in the dark will trip over it and yank the lamp down? does he put out the lamp and the rope every night?
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