#peter parker imagi
A Girl’s Best Friend (Peter Parker x OC) - Part 1
Synopsis: Diamonds are man’s best friend- or dogs are girls’ best friends, wait... how does the saying go again?
Warnings: Family issues; Peter has a crush and it’s complicated; mention of assault; good dogs; College AU; aged up! characters; TONY STARK IS ALIVE AND WE ALL LIVE IN A HAPPY PLACE CALLED DENIAL
A/N: In this story, Peter has Tom’s dog, Tessa.
Word count: 1.5k
>>> Part 2
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                Today was blood donation day, the Red Cross invested one of the faculty’s buildings this morning, turning it into a momentary blood bank. About half the student body decided to do the right thing and donate, and so the line was longer than the meet’n’greet line at the San Diego Comic Con Peter attended last year.
                And he couldn’t even donate his blood! Unless he wanted to have a Spider-Sidekick turn up one day, Tony had strongly advised him to stay clear of needles outside of his lab. No, Peter Parker stood in this endless line to keep company to Ned, who was afraid of needles but wanted to donate still because he had told a girl he liked that he would.
                Peter was half convinced they would still be standing there tomorrow. He should have brought a tent and something to eat. A least something to do. Luckily Ned nervous-babbled to keep his mind busy, or Peter might have fallen asleep while standing – last night’s mission had lasted longer than planned and he hadn’t had as much sleep as a college student would hope for.
“Hey, it’s my turn next,” Ned told him, nudging him in the ribs and waking Peter from his little snooze.
                And sure enough, they stood right next to the doctor’s little desk. Five doctors had set up their desks behind large panels as if those guaranteed any intimacy at all. Peter recognized the girl sitting in the chair at the nearest desk as one of his fellow classmates. He only knew her first name, or rather, her nickname. She didn’t look like she had any close friends, but most people called her Em. So, Emily, or Emma, he guessed.
                He briefly wondered why this girl always kept to herself. She was always well put together, he had never heard her say something off, she didn’t smell weird, and he had no reason to think she wasn’t intelligent. Then again, she must have her reasons, and whatever they were, they were none of his business.
                Okay, so, maybe he did notice her because he thought she was pretty, but that was it, and it still didn’t make it his business.
                A part of him knew it wasn’t nice to eavesdrop, but Peter was bored out of his mind and he had no ill intention, it was just plain curiosity. Ned had finally stopped talking his ears off, therefore nothing stopped him from listening.
“Name and date of birth please,” the doctor asked, his voice as toneless as expected after a day of saying the same thing over and over again.
“Emmeline Gerard, April 1st 1996,” she answered just as flatly.
                Not Emily or Emma then, well… Peter didn’t think too hard about it, but the doctor seemed to pause and the young woman momentarily gained his full attention as his eyes switched between her and the application form in his hand.
“Yes, I’m his daughter,” she snapped, clearly having been there and done that before.
The doctor hadn’t even asked anything, but Peter guessed the question was obvious – the man must know her father, whoever he was. A fellow practitioner maybe? He didn’t even know why he cared, but this was the most thrilling interaction he had witnessed today.
The doctor shook his head and resumed his questions.
“Did you eat and drink something before coming? Do you feel ready to donate blood?”
                Peter’s attention dwindled from then on, until she was almost done.
“Any medical history in your family?”
“I wouldn’t know, I’ve never met them,” she quipped, sending the old man a clipped smile that showed nothing but restrained annoyance. “I’m adopted.”
                Upon hearing that, Peter turned cherry red. He shouldn’t have been listening in on that doctor-patient conversation. Yet, he felt oddly drawn to her after hearing that she was an orphan like him. Sure, she had been adopted and her father was apparently someone of importance, but still, it tugged at Peter’s heartstrings.
                 Her one on one with the doctor quickly came to an end, but he didn’t let her go without a final word.
“Please tell your father I wish him the best of luck for the election to come!” he called just as the young woman grabbed her bag and stood up to leave.
                She froze, put her bag on her shoulder, clutching at the strap so hard Peter thought she must have been picturing the doctor’s neck in its stead, and she smiled. The smile was wrong, it had something off.
“I will. Good day, doctor.”
                Peter knew, by the sound of her voice and the way her smile immediately dropped when she turned around, that she would never, not even in a million years, tell her father. She walked around the panel and nearly bumped right into him.
“Oh, sorry, I-“ Peter started, feeling as though he had been caught red handed doing something bad. This was the first time he even opened his mouth in her presence.
“Oh great! You heard everything, now didn’t you?!” she snapped, clearly mad though he wasn’t convinced it was entirely his fault. That conversation must have rubbed her the wrong way. “God fucking dammit,” she cursed. “Well, go on, it’s your turn!”
                She stood slightly aside to tell him in so she could walk out but Peter only stood there awkwardly, hands in his pockets.
“I-I’m not donating, I’m just here with-“ He had barely gestured towards Ned, who now watched the two, before she cut him off.
“Even better! Out of my way, then.”
She pushed him aside, elbowing her way out of the little crowd that had formed around the door so she could go to the next stall where she’d finally make that donation, now that all the formalities were over.
“Who was that?” Ned asked Peter, watching the enraged girl stride away, her angry vibes making people step out of her way.
“Emmeline Gerard,” Peter answered offhandedly, eyes not leaving her form until she was out of sight. Ned simply frowned because her name meant nothing to him, but he didn’t get the time to ask any further questions.
“Next!” the doctor called, and Ned stepped in, leaving Peter to stand in the hallway with the hundred other people waiting there.
                He made a mental note to look her up tonight.
  “Can you believe this? I can’t even talk to a doctor without hearing about my father!” she ranted, making angry hand gestures while Bella watched on, titling her head to the left. “You’d think a doctor would be a little more professional than that! Bringing politics into a medical consultation, ugh!” she groaned, finally seeming to calm down a little.
                She had been chewing on her tongue all day, biting off harsh remarks whenever somebody dared look her way. That poor boy she lashed out on this morning! He looked vaguely familiar; she must have a class with him – she would have to apologize if she saw him then.
“I just-“ she started, glancing at Bella who walked beside her. “I’m so sick of only being somebody’s daughter.”
                Bella’s ears perked up and she looked up at Emmeline, her big brown eyes full of questions.
“Of course, you don’t understand my problems, do you?” She knelt down and scratched Bella’s ears, watching her tail wag now that she had her owner’s full attention. “Your only concern in life is when you’ll next have to go to the vet.”
                The sun was setting now, the last orange rays filtering between New York City’s buildings. Her walks in Central Park with Bella were supposed to be a moment of relaxation – not a moment to scare the kids hanging there with her grumbling. Most must think her crazy for ranting at her dog.
                But Bella didn’t mind – at least Emmeline thought so – and she couldn’t give less of a crap what people thought of her. Her father would; in fact, her father gave many craps what people thought of him and, by extension, his family. Emmeline had never liked the word family, it just never made sense to her. She was born and immediately abandoned and then she was placed into the arms of another set of parents whose love never left right.
“Thank you for listening, Bel,” she told the happy dog who waited for her to unhook the leash so she could run around for a bit.
                Pitbulls were considered dangerous dogs and Bella had to wear a muzzle every time they went out – it broke Emmeline’s heart but it was the law. She couldn’t play fetch with her like this, but at least she could play with other dogs in the park. A lot of them already knew each other, and Emmeline waved at an old lady who walked her labradoodle, Sir Henry.
                She watched them run in circles for a while.
“I can’t speak about this with anyone else,” she muttered to herself, eyes never leaving her dog. “Who would pity the beloved mayor of New York’s daughter? I’m supposed to be the luckiest girl in the city.”
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Met Gala || Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Peter go on a mission to capture Harry Osborn at one of the most heavily guarded places; the Met Gala. 
Word Count: 2k
Author’s note: I watched Ocean’s 8 and Hoco back to back and thus, this fic was born. 
Warning: Fighting?? Creepy dude??? IDK man a busted lip?
When you were recruited for SHIELD, you knew you would be needed to fight alongside the avengers or workaround in the advanced lab in the Helicarier but never in a million years did you think Fury would send you and Peter Parker on a mission to infiltrate the Met Gala. Celebrities you stalked all day on twitter were now inches from you, wearing gorgeous ensembles from famous designers you could never pronounce and you were hardcore fangirling.
You tried to keep in your excitement as you looked across the room, seeing your favorite actors and influencers all mingling together without a care in the world. You were breathing the same air as Beyonce and Harry Styles, dear god, life felt great. Little did they know, this event had been hijacked by New York’s charming new villain, Harry Osbourn. Your mission with Peter was simple; find Harry and take him back to SHIELD’s headquarters for questioning without causing a mass distraction.
As you reached for a crystalized champagne glass off of one of the server’s silver platter, you hear a tsk sound off in your hidden earpiece inside your earrings.
“ Drinking on the job,” Peter clicked his tongue as he looked behind his shoulder, scouting you from across the ballroom,” your mother would be so disappointed.”
You smiled and took a small sip, taking in the room,” I’m blending in Parker. You should do the same.  As for my mom, I’m in the same room as Idris Elba so I think she’ll be more jealous than upset.”
You took a quick glance towards Peter, who was sitting at a vacant table. He wore a black suit with a thin gold and blush material lined thinly along either side of the opening of his suit jacket. The inside of the suit was a simple white button-up that had no buttons at the top, revealing a bit of his chest.
While it was the Met Gala and you were excited to see what kind of flashy SHIELD had managed to get, they went the opposite. They gave you a black, long sleeve gown with a delicate lace pattern towards the bottom of your dress.  Even though it was already out of your comfort zone from how fitting it was, the dress had a deep V cut on your chest that gave little to the imagination. While the dress was flattering, you knew you could’ve settled for your old prom dress when you heard that the gown you were wearing was two times the price of your apartment.
“ My little Peter Parker looks like he’s going to a Las Vegas communion,” you teased as you gave him a distant longing look,” but you look nice. You should wear suits more often, maybe then you could get a girlfriend.”
“ Ouch, Y/N,” Peter laughed, even though his heart stung a bit,” just because you look like that doesn’t mean you can go around breaking my heart.”
Even though Peter couldn’t see you from where you were, you still felt your cheeks to see if it was noticeable that you were blushing hard. Ever since sophomore year in high school, you had always hopelessly flirted with Peter but his attention was always Spiderman this and Spiderman that. It wasn’t until your senior year that you both would flirt with each other shamelessly yet that made things even harder for you. Now you weren’t sure if he was just joking or actually flirting with you and you could only blame yourself.
“ Keep your eyes open for Harry, not me,” You said as you finished your champagne glass and set it down at a table,” but I like the attention so you may continue flirting with me after we’re done with our mission.”
You heard Peter gasp loudly followed by silence which made your heart stop. 
“ Peter? Peter do you have eyes on Harry?”
“ No! I think Blake Lively is about to come up and talk to me, bye!”
You craned your neck and sure enough, you picked Peter out of the crowd and saw the goddess herself sitting next to him smiling. Lucky bastard. You kept your eyes glued to Peter as you collided with someone.
“ Woah watch yourself there,” You heard as you felt your anxiety raise through the roof. Please don’t let it be Pedro Pascal, please. I would die from embarrassment if I just bumped into the Mandalorian, Pedro Pascal, himself.
You apologized but when you hesitantly looked up, hoping it wasn’t a famous celebrity you had obsessed over, your heart dropped. Harry Osborn.  
“I’m sorry but do I know you?” Harry asked as you thought quickly of what to do,” I swear you look familiar.”
You weren’t prepared to see him so soon, your plan of attack was to find him not for him to find you. You snapped yourself out of it and focused on what you knew best, flirting.
“ No, you don’t. Trust me, you would remember a face like mine,” you said smoothly, feeling your confidence boost from the energy of the night and most likely the dress.
Harry smirked,” I like you already. I’m Harry, Harry Osborn.”
Oh you knew. You knew everything about him from the countless files that SHIELD had provided you. His estranged father was Norman Osborn and is the president of Oscorp, one of the leading multinational corporations in the US. Harry was around the same height as Peter, standing at 5' 10, weighing 170 pounds, and had dark blue eyes that held more than just a charming sparkle. You knew how he liked his coffee, why he hated Halloween, where he vacationed when he was in grade school, and when he lost his virginity. Knowing how much intel SHIELD had on Harry was not only scary for him, but for you since who knows about dirt Fury had one you aswell.
“ Michelle Jones,” you said on the spot, not wanting him to know your real name. He reached for you hand to shake but instead, placed a soft kiss on your knuckles.
You smiled politely even though you mentally rolled your eyes. You just needed to get him somewhere private so you could take him out with the tranquilizer that Peter had in his pocket.
“ So Harry, what brings you to the Met? You must be pretty influential to get an invite,” you said as you started walking away from your spot, knowing that there was an exit behind the staircase and that Harry would follow you.
“ I would call myself an entrepreneur,  I dabble in some tech companies here and there. Just changing the world one robot at a time,” Harry shrugged as he followed next to you, taking the bait,” I bet you’re probably into something along the lines of modeling.”
You couldn’t help yourself but to let out a lousy laugh as he held a set of double doors open for you, leaving an empty hallway,” That’s cute but no,  I’m one of the leading programmers at Stark Industries. But sure, I guess I’m just a pretty face too.”
“ Brains, beauty, and an attitude? Well today’s my lucky day then,” he flirted as he placed his hand on your lower back, leaning in close to your ear,” let’s get out of here yeah?”
You almost showed your visibly disgusted expression on your face but you hide it well underneath a sweet smile,“ I admire your boldness and while I am very flattered, I have a boyfriend. I think he would actually love to meet you, let me just go find him.”
“ Y/N, there you are,” Peter’s voice piped behind you as you watched his face fall for a second and then recover,” who’s your friend?”
Your smile faltered,“ R-Right, this is Harry Osborn, Harry, this is my boyfriend...Ned.”
Peter shook Harry’s hand as Peter tried to hide a grin from the fake name,” Nice to meet you, Harry.”
Harry nodded and looked between you two as Peter placed his arm around your hip, bringing you closer,” Well Ned, you’re a lucky man. She’s very smart and might I say very beautiful.”
Peter clenched his jaw as Harry looked you up and down longingly as if he could see straight through your gown. You felt Peter’s grip on your waist tighten but he knew that he had to stay calm so he didn’t compromise the mission.
“ Yes, Y/N is the whole package,” Peter said a bit more confidently as he gave you a small kiss on the cheek,” aren’t you baby?”
Before you could open your mouth, Harry interrupted and took a step forward,” That’s funny, she told me her name was Michelle.”
Peter looked back at your face and while you were now panicking on the inside, you only nodded in response,” Michelle Y/N Jones. Only my close friends call me Y/N.”
“ Really?  You know, now that I’m really thinking about it,” Harry looked between you two and pointed at Peter,” you look like a...Peter Parker. And you, Look like a Y/N L/N. Which is funny because I know two people who work for SHIELD who are allegedly after me. Funny huh?”
Your breath hitched and without thinking, Peter lunged at Harry and the two wrestled to the floor.  You watched as the two struggled on top of one another before Harry got the upper hand, giving him a few good punches before he started to choke him.
You looked at the cart next to you and grabbed a bottle of Champagne before slamming it over Harry’s head. In an instant, Harry slumped over on top of Peter who breathed a sigh of relief.
“ D-Did I kill him?” You asked as you dropped whatever was still intact of the bottle.
Peter shook his head, taking in your appearance. While you didn’t have any physical marks on you, your hair that was neatly tucked into a bun was now loose and all over the place.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” Peter asked as he moved your hair out of your face, his lip was definitely busted,”Y/N I am so sorry about blowing your cover and I’m sorry that you-”
You leaned over towards Peter and planted a light kiss to his cheek, which made him instantly turn red. You didn’t know what came over you but the damage was done, now you just had to get out of here.
“ Less talking and more lifting,” you said softly as you both looked down at Harry who was very much unconscious,” The car is waiting downstairs for us so I’ll grab his legs and you grab his arms?”
“ I can carry him myself,” Peter said and you knew he could because of his ‘super strength’ but you shook your head and insisted over a hundred times that you were a strong, capable woman.
Peter took one last longing look at you since his face couldn’t get any redder and nodded as the two of you both lifted Harry down the private staircase. The two of you said nothing, only sharing an occasional groan as you used most of your strength.
“ So what, are we dating now?” Peter asked as he accidentally bumped Henry’s head against the railing.
You huffed and stepped carefully, not wanting to trip over your dress,” I know I drank like three glasses of champagne but I would definitely remember if I asked you out, Parker.”
“ Well you introduced me to  Harry as your boyfriend.”
You stopped moving and placed Harry down on the stairs, your muscles that you hardly ever worked on were already aching. You placed your hands on your hips and shook your head,” Okay well, I technically said you were Ned so that means Ned is my boyfriend.”
You swallowed and looked up at Peter,” But if this is your attempt at trying to ask me out then yes, I will go out with you...only if you carry Harry the rest of the way.”
Peter hid his huge grin and only shrugged plainly, even though he wanted to jump out of excitement,” Fine by me.”
You watched as Peter lifted Harry with ease as if he weighed absolutely nothing.
“Show off,” you said as Peter smirked, knowing that he could get used to this. 
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beanfic · 4 years
Don’t tell my dad!
Pairing: peter parker x stark!reader 
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: you overhear your Dad’s intern talking about a party, and you decide to sneak in with your best friend
Warnings: underage drinking, poorly made decisions, rebellious teens
Author’s note: it’s not really peter parker x reader, more like in a platonic friend way? I just had a dream about this happening, so I decided to write about it :) Also meet Kenzie! She is an OC and I decided to add her into this as y/n’s bff. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
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You had heard about the party from your Dad’s newest intern, Peter Parker, when asked about his weekend plans. He mentioned he was attending a party at a friend’s house, and you were interested immediately. You had talked to Peter a few times while passing in the tower. He was a nice guy, the same age as you, also. Both of you were 17. He didn’t strike you as the party type, but you weren’t going to question it.
You had been raised in the tower since you were five, the year your Dad had taken custody of you after the death of your Mom. Living with the Avengers and bearing the last name  ‘Stark’ meant that you never got a chance to go to school with other kids. Instead, you were homeschooled, first by your Dad, but now you were learning the complex subjects from Dr. Banner. You didn’t surprise anyone when you showed the same interest in engineering at a young age, being a Stark and all. You were greatly appreciative about the challenging schooling you received, but you regretted not developing the social skills a normal teenager would have.
You have a few friends including a best one named Kenzie, a daughter of your Father’s friend but that didn’t help with socializing. You wanted to experience a high school party, just like the ones you had seen in the movies. It was a perfect plan, you could find out the address somehow, and go along with Kenzie. Kenzie was also homeschooled but was more normal than you could ever feel. 
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Kenz said as she sat beside your bed, strapping her shoes.
“Yes! My Dad is out tonight and I had FRIDAY do some research, and this guy, Flash, is known for throwing huge parties where multiple high schools go. It’s not like we are going to see anyone we know.”
“What about your Dad’s intern? Isn’t that how you heard about the party?”
You shrug, “He doesn’t seem like the party type so I doubt he will even show up, and if he does I’m sure we can find a way to avoid him. We can just find a corner to drink in.”
“This is so risky, Y/N!” Kenzie grabs your arm and shakes it.
“I know, it’s exciting.” You shove Kenzie off of you and you flash an annoyed smile. 
“Ready?” Kenzie stands up and you nod. Both of you tiptoe down to the garage, avoiding Steve who was usually in the training facility at night. Fortunately, he wasn’t there.
“Should we take the Mercedes?” you ask Kenz who look over at you with wide eyes.
“You have a Mercedes? You have options?”
You giggle, “My Dad lets me drive any of his cars except his Lambo. We can also take the Porsche.”
“I’m good with the Mercedes, we’re trying to lay low! Plus how are we getting back if we both want to drink?”
“My Dad has programmed FRIDAY into each of his cars so it can do autopilot,” and right on cue, the car lit up with FRIDAY’s voice.
“Hello, Y/N Stark. Where are we going tonight?” 
“Whoahhhh,” Kenz gasps under her breath. You repeat the address that FRIDAY had found back at the car.
“I’ll drive, FRIDAY.” You grab the wheel and rev the engine a little before pulling out of the garage into the cold streets and the starry night sky. 
“I’m nervous,” Kenzie admits as you park down the street from the house. It was big and lit up with multi-colored lights. It was on an isolated street down a private drive, which was a good thing because with how loud it already was from the outside, you were certain police would show up at some point. 
“It’s okay, I just need to make sure no one recognizes me and that we avoid Peter.”
“Sounds easy enough, sure, yeah, whatever you say” Kenzies’ tone is filled with sarcasm but you just roll your eyes at her. 
“I’m not that famous.”
“No, of course not! Just the rightful heir of Stark Industries, no big deal!”
“C’mon, let’s just get inside and grab a drink.” You open the car door and are greeted by the chilly night air. You walk up to the angular house, flashing a smile at the group of preppy looking kids playing beer pong on the huge and perfectly manicured front lawn. The music pounds out of the crack in the door as you push it open. A kid in a colorful floral hawaain shirt spills beer over himself as he stumbles past you in the hallway. Immediately, you know you're in the right place. 
“FRIDAY, check for Peter,” you whisper to the black glasses on your face. It was a good thing fashion glasses were in style, but you think to yourself that these might look a bit outdated. “Hm?” Kenzie turns to look at you. You point to your glasses and she mouths an “ohhh”. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to hear her over the music. 
“We’re good, no Peter yet. I’m sure the drinks will be in the kitchen, right?” you ask and Kenz nodded. It was difficult to maneuver through the sweaty, heaving crowd but eventually, you discover the kitchen. There's a sign above the granite counter that says “live, laugh, love”. These people fuckin suck. You notice a crappy cardboard sign that says “Shot Station” written in bold sharpie.
“Should we do shots?” Kenzie asks you nervously.
“I’m down,” you smirk, letting the Stark in you take over. You remember your Dad’s famous words in your head “never do something I would do when I was your age.” Doing something you knew you weren’t supposed to do made you bubble with excitement.
You take lead and grab two tiny red solo shot glasses and fill them up with a bottle of Malibu someone pulled from the fridge. It smells strongly of coconut and alcohol.
“To being adventurous!” Kenzie shouted, raising her cup for a toast.
“Being adventurous!” you yell back, bringing the cup to your lips and letting the warm liquid slide down your throat.
“What now?” Kenzie asks.
“Let’s make a mixed drink to carry around with us and we can go explore the rest of the house. FRIDAY told me there is a game room!” 
“Okay!” Kenzie agrees. You throw some lemonade and the rest of the malibu into a bigger cup, and Kenzie does the same. You hope that the drinks are for everyone, after all they are just sitting out so you don’t worry too much.
“Sorry, I made ‘em kind of strong!” you hand Kenz the drink and she takes a sip, eyes going wide.
“That’s delicious!” 
“That’s why mixed drinks are dangerous.”
The two of you wander around the house, making sure to watch for Peter until you find the game room. Both of your jaw’s drop when you first open the door. There are pool tables, foosball, ping pong machines, and tables for card games.
“Hey! We’re playing a game of rage cage, want to join?” a slurred voice calls out towards the two of you. 
“Us?” you and Kenz look at each other.
You look over at Kenz with a questioning look, and she raises her eyebrows in a confirming manner. The people seemed nice, and you didn’t recognize any of them. 
“How do we play?” you ask, taking a sip of your drink. A taller blonde guy, probably around your age as well, shuffles the cards and smiles down at you.
“You never played?”
“Nope,” you shake your head, feeling the heat bleed into your cheeks.
“It’s easy, you just try to make the ping pong ball into your cup before the person next to you, and if you don’t make it you have to chug the drink and try to make it again. If you get stacked then you have to drink.”
“Seems simple enough,” you muttered.
“Let’s do it!” Kenzie cheered, causing a few others to cheer with her. You wish you had the same charisma as her, but maybe the alcohol was already playing a role. You take another large gulp of your drink hoping you would feel something soon. 
The game was confusing at first, and both you and Kenz ended up chugging about three glasses of beer before understanding. You both got a hold of it and ended up doing pretty well. 
It was down to the last cup, the bitch cup as they called it, and it was your turn next. If you didn’t get the ball in the tower of red solo cups before the person next to you, you had to chug the entire cup of randomly mixed alcohol. 
“No!” you shouted as the person next to you stacked their cup on top of yours.
“You gotta drink the bitch cup, bitchhh!” Kenzie sloppily points her finger into your shoulder. You looked over at her, and you could sense she was pretty drunk.
Fine!” you grab the bitch cup and everyone starts chanting “chug! Chug! Chug!” and you down the nasty drink. 
“holyyy,” the everyone at the table all gasped at how fast you drank the bitch cup. You wiped your mouth and smiled with glee. You were a Stark, after all.
“I need airrrr,” Kenzie leaned on your shoulder.
“Me toooo,” the room was spinning as you started to walk out of the room, into the hallway and back towards the stairs.
“I feel so funny,” Kenzie giggled clumsily. “I feel like I can dance in the… in the sky!” She starts spinning in circles, flapping her arms like a bird. 
You laugh until you can’t breathe as you watch your best friend drunkenly dance her way upstairs. Your stomach is spinning with alcohol, and you need fresh air, quickly.
“I feel sick,” you mumble to Kenzie. 
“But I wanna dance!” she grabs your hands as  you reach the main floor where the music is pumping and everyone is swaying together in synchronized rhythm.
“Kenzzzz,” you groan. 
“Y/N Stark, you have a blood alcohol concentration level of .228. It is best you get along home.” FRIDAY’s voice sounds in your ear. You grab your glasses and shove them in your pocket. You can hear FRIDAY objecting as her voice is muffled in your jeans.
“I need to-,” you start to tell Kenzie as you feel the contents of your stomach start to fill up to your throat and you grab your mouth as you tumble out the back door to the dark patio before falling over into the damp grass. You spill your guts into a bush the moment you reach the backyard. You know that a ton of people probably are watching you right now, but, at this point? You could care less. You wipe your mouth with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. 
“Y/N?” a familiar voice calls out behind you.
“Peter!” you whip around quickly, causing you to trip over your own foot and spin right into him. Peter’s arms were around you instantly, keeping you from hitting the concrete.
“What are you doing here?” he helps you stand up. 
“Please don’t tell my Dad!” you manage through clumsy lips.
“I won’t, Y/N.” He wipes a strand of hair away from your face as he studies you. You feel uncomfortable with his gaze.
“Y/N? Where are yo-oh.” Kenzie stops mid-sentence as she sees Peter holding your shoulders.
“She threw up,” Peter looks over at your friend.
“I thought FRIDAY was supposed to tell you when he was nearby,” Kenzie tries to whisper to you but fails as Peter hears her.
“What?” he looks over at you as you grab the glasses from your pocket, showing him them guiltily.
“Ah, I won’t tell your Dad! I promise! You should go home though, you’re really sick Y/N.”
“I’m fineee,” you lean into Peter’s arms, resting your head on his strong shoulder.
“Erm.” Peter’s cheeks blush, he had barely talked to you and now you were drunkenly resting in his arms.
“I wanna danceee, are you drunk too Peter?” you ask him.
“I don’t, um, drink, but I really think you and your friend should go back home. Did you drive here?”
“We took a Mercedes!” Kenzie giggled.
“Right, well how about I drive you two back home?” he suggests.
“FRIDAY can driveee,” you hiccup. Peter couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I think it would be best if a human made sure you two got home safe.”
You pout, “But Spide-” but Peter’s hand comes closing in on your mouth before you could finish your sentence.
“Let’s go!” Peter grabs your hand and Kenz’s arm and pulls both of you towards the very recognizable Mercedes. 
“Hi, Peter, headed to the tower?” FRIDAY’s voice chirps over the speakers. Kenz was in the back seat laying down. You stared over at Peter, taking in the brown curls that lay gently on his forehead. 
The drive back to the compound was short, but maybe that was because you had closed your eyes and dozed off a couple of times. There wasn’t music playing either, so the silence was only filled with the soft snores of Kenzie in the backseat.
“We’re here,” Peter shakes your shoulder softly, trying to wake you up from your dazed state. You could barely keep your eyes focused on the brunette in front of you. 
“Kenzie” you mumble but you hear her stretching and yawning in the back.
“I’ll help you too upstairs, you’re on the third floor right, Y/N?”
You nodded, “Next to my Dad’s room.”
Peter nods, shutting the driver’s door and walking over towards the passenger side to help you out. Kenzie ends up being in a better state than you. She was able to walk but you rely on Peter to even stand up. 
“You’re cute, Peter.” The words slips off your tongue as you all manage to stand upright in the elevator.
“Erm, thank you.” He scratches the back of his neck with his free hand. The elevator doors open with a ding to the third floor. 
“Well, this is a surprise,” your Dad’s stern voice greets you. He walks into view with his arms crossed against his chest. 
“Damnit,” you groan. You keep your eyes on the ground, avoiding your Dad’s glare.
“Hi Mister Stark, I found Y/N and Kenzie at the party and thought I should get them home safely. I made sure nothing bad happened to them!” Peter rapid fired.
“I think I will take it from here, thank you Peter,” your Dad patts his shoulder, looking up at you knowingly. 
“See you around,” you slur. You almost begin to stumble over when Peter removes his arm that was holding you up, but your Dad catches you. 
“Whoa there, are we drunk?” His voice has a hint of sarcasm in it. 
“I don’t knowww, am I?” you giggle. 
“You should sleep, same with you Kenzie. Do your parents know what happened tonight?”
“No, sir,” she shook her head. 
“I won’t tell them, but take it from a parent. Being honest is better than keeping secrets. You can sleep in the guest room, I’m going to go take Y/N here, to bed.”
“Thank you, sir.” Kenzie walks down the hall towards the familiar guest room. You feel a bit guilty that you had put her in this position, but you were not expecting to get as blasted as you were. Your Dad practically carries you to your room and you lay down on the bed, feeling the warm pull of sleep immediately. 
“Y/N,” your Dad begins to speak. 
“Mmm, tired,” you mumble. You lay in the fetal position, head on the pillow and eyes already closed. You can hear your dad sigh heavily and feel a heavy blanket being pulled up and over your body. 
“We will talk about this tomorrow and discuss consequences, but for now I’ll let you sleep. Love you, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry,” you squeak.
“I know, but we will talk tomorrow. Get some rest.”
“Okay, love you Dad.” 
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, and even though you were mentally prepared for the lecture from your father, nothing would have prepared you for the massive hangover you were about to be greeted with in the morning. 
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creativestalkerrs · 5 years
The Female Spider-Man; Part One (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Summary; after years of fighting, Peter becomes aware that there is another one like him, and goes on to meet them.
Warning; some FFH spoilers, swearing, sexual themes
Word Count; 1.9K 
A/N; I think this just might be my first series 
“What do you mean there is another one of me?” Peter asked completely dumbfounded. Happy rolled his eyes, not wanting to explain everything again. 
“Yes… There is. We never saw a case like this before. Usually, it’s within another universe, but they seem to be in ours… You could use there help, whoever they are,” Happy suggested. “They seem to be hiding out in Californa,” Happy looked at the screen, Peter standing up.
“Do you have any leads on who this person is? I… I don’t want to trust something, especially after Mysterio. What if that happens again Happy?” Peter crossed his arms across his chest, as he looked down at his shoes.
“Use your Peter tingle, make your own judgment. You’re a smart kid, Peter. Just maybe meet them first before anything. This could be huge, a multi-verse,” Happy said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Peter looked at Happy and knew maybe this could be something great. Peter went to the window and looked out, seeing New York’s skylines.
“When can I get to Californa then?” Peter asked.
“Tomorrow morning,” Happy smiled. “Pack your stuff and I’ll meet you at the house at 9 o’clock,” Happy spoke, Peter, turning around.
“I’ll see you at 9,” 
Peter’s mind was racing. How could there be another like him on this earth? And why hasn’t he heard about them until now? The flight to LA was short and sweet, considering he got a private lift from one of Tony’s guys. Happy sent him an address that could be it, but he had no name or face. Peter just had to use that tingle of his to figure it out. With no leads and a 50/50 chance of having the right address, Peter was lost in LA. 
Peter checked in to his hotel room, hoping that he could do some research on this ‘other Spider-Man,’ and to see if any news about them has surfaced, but it was a dead end. What kind of Spider-Man is this? Peter spent all night searching and searching, it was useless. What if this other Spider-Man didn’t even exist, then why waste all this time looking?
The lights of the hotel room turned off. Peter jumped and tried to turn them on again, they were out. The TV turned on to static and the words Have you tried _____? Peter’s eyes narrowed, looking at the words again, he couldn’t read the rest of the words. The TV turned off and the lights turned on again. What did the last part read? Fuck! Peter could sense something was off. Peter sighed as he lay on his bed. It was late and he should eat and then sleep. But Peter couldn’t get that weird feeling to go away. He should try the address. He saw it was close by to the hotel room. 
Peter walked down the street, looking at the lights. LA was way different from Queens. The walk to this address was beyond beautiful it was by the beach. The ocean waves hitting the shore made Peter be at ease. The breeze cooled his skin. 
He walked down the driveway, the house was huge, unexpecting that. The front door’s light was on and Peter knocked on the door, praying it could be it. The hair on his neck stood up as he heard footsteps on the other side. The door opened to see a tallish woman, in only a gray matching bra and underwear and a silk pink robe with flowers and knee socks. Peter took a double take of the women as she leaned on the door frame. He wasn’t sure what to ask. He didn’t have a name for him to give.
“Yes?” The women asked, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Peter, arms across her chest. Peter looked inside the house and back at him. She knew he was coming. “Peter Parker?” She questioned with a smirk. “Who sent you?” She slowly asked.
“H-Happy Hogan,” Peter stuttered.
“What I expected. You’re Spider-Man?” She asked.
“Um,” Peter didn’t know how to respond.
“Did you get my message on the TV? Come in, we don’t want anyone listening in on our conversation,” The women said, pulling Peter inside the hose and slamming the door. “Are you Spider-Man?” 
“Yes. And who are you?” Peter asked, looking around the house. Peter then looking at a record that was framed and then her face. She looked extremely familiar.
“Y/N Y/L/N… I’ve finally found you… another one like me,” Y/N smiled as she went up to Peter. 
“Y/N as in the singer?” He asked. She smiled.
“Yes… I make sure to lay low. How old are you Peter? Spider-Man seems to be around 16 I could say… I have no idea. Please, sit down, make yourself comfortable, I’ll tell you everything,”
“I’m 18… I’ll be 19 soon,”
“Hmp, same,” Y/N smiled as she went into the kitchen, Peter following. “Do you want Coke, Pepsi or?” Y/N asked, leaning into the fridge looking at Peter.
“Um. Coke,” Peter said. He was admiring her kitchen. Holy shit she was loaded. Y/N gave Peter a can. “So… are you from this earth?” Peter asked as Y/N shut the fridge.
“Yes. I’m from this earth… I got bitten by a spider, in fact, it was the same spider as yours,”
“How do you know all this?” Peter asked sitting down on the couch as Y/N joined him.
“I see you… I’ve seen everything you have done as Spider-Man… we’re connected Peter, you and I… but I never knew you… I have no idea if that makes sense because we’re different, yet, very much the same,” Y/N trailed off. Peter leaned in, confused, yet intrigued. 
“What do you mean?” Peter asked. Y/N sighed.
“What color are your webs?” Y/N asked.
“White, why?”
“Mine come out black… and I have these other sets of powers,” Y/N took a deep breath and shot her webs at the wall behind Peter. Peter flinched back as he saw the black goop hit the wall. Peter never has seen anything like it. The goop landed on one of Y/N record, he got up and looked at it, at both the goop and the record. The stuff was just like his, but black. 
“That’s odd…” He said.
“Sometimes it can melt stuff… like it’s acid or something but that’s only if I’m in danger and I used it twice… when Mysterio was after me,” Peter turned around, his eyebrows raised. 
“How do you know Mysterio?” Peter asked. Y/N’s eyes away from Peter. She tried to think.
“He… he was my uncle… tried to kill me twice… had to use it twice. Didn’t hurt him at all… treated everyone as if he was the hero… you killed him two years ago… I thank you. I wanted to be like you, Peter. A hero. I wanted to use my powers but I never could. He knew too much, it was my fault…” Y/N began to hyperventilate, tears forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry Peter if he hurt you. I tried to stop him but I couldn’t. He wanted to be the next Iron Man and he wanted you to rule with him because I couldn’t… Thank god he didn’t know about my other ability,” Y/N took a deep breathe trying her best to keep it together. Peter sat next to her, unsure of what to say. Everything started to make sense. “I’m sorry if he hurt you, Peter, I’m sorry…” Y/N whispered as she looked at Peter who frowned. 
“Hey… Everything will be fine. This is all new to me too. I didn’t realize there was another one of me till yesterday, it’s good to know someone understands,” Peter was still skeptical but that tingle reassured him that she wasn’t lying. “What is your other ability?” Peter asked. Y/N pulled her hair back and signed.
“Promise you won’t freak out?” Y/N asked.
“Nothing scares me anymore, I saw a bunch of crazy stuff… Fought a purple alien guy… went to space… Yea, I think whatever you’ll show me won’t freak me out too much,” Peter rambled as Y/N laughed. 
“I can… shapeshift into things…” Y/N shut her eyes tightly, her body shaking. Peter saw her veins in her arms pop out, her nose bleeding with black goop, simpler to her webs. There Peter saw a pretty girl, changing into something or someone else. Y/N begins to scream, but trying her best to be quite so no one in her neighborhood could hear her. Peter began to see himself. His jaw dropped. Y/N fell on the floor, but it wasn’t Y/N from a minute ago. Peter rushed over to the body and rolled it over. Peter was looking at Peter.
“What the hell?” Peter asked, helping her or him or whatever Y/N was now, up. Y/N stretched her back out and cracked her neck. She looked in the mirror and saw herself, now an 18-year-old boy with her similar powers.
“How do I look?” Y/N asked, her voice relatively staying the same, but a bit of Peter’s shinning throw. Peter wasn’t sure how to respond, seeing himself as someone else.
“Just… just like me,” Peter whispered. 
“This power can be useful… If I shapeshift into another superhero, I can have their powers for a short amount of times… but I lose mine, expect to shift back. So If I wanted to be… let’s say, Mysterio,” Y/N then shifts back into herself and the same process as before began to play, but with more ease. “I have to go as myself then to Mysterio, but it becomes easier. The first shift always fucking sucks,” Y/N said as Mysterio. Peter wanted to jump at her, to attack, but before he could, Y/N changed back to herself. “Don’t make me shift into Mysterio again…” Y/N groaned, sitting down. “Endless you need me too, of course,” Y/N giving him a small smile.
“That’s such a useful power… How come I didn’t get that ability?” Peter complained, sitting back next to her. 
“Did I mention I test tube baby?” Y/N casually mentioned. “I had this power before our power, but since I have our power it’s easier to shift,” Y/N smiled. “What are you doing tonight?” Y/N asked.
“This and going back to my hotel room. Why?”
“You know… since I’m famous, want to join me in a party?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t know if I can… Mysterio really screwed me over with that stunt 2 years ago and I’m still kind of recovering. What if people want to attack me still?” Peter asked. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Love, this is LA, not Queens. It will be fun, it’s just some of my friends. I’ll make sure you’ll be safe. I have my Spidey sense on you anyways. If someone messes with a fellow Spider… person, I will let them eat shit,” Y/N smiled with a twinkle in her eyes.
Peter signed. “Fine, I will go. I don’t have any party LA clothes,” Peter complained.
“Keep forgetting I’m rich. That’s not a problem,” Y/N winked.
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peotego · 4 years
CLOSED (will open again on Friday evening [time zone: GMT+2])
I think I’m going a little insane at home during this whole quarantine. I need something to keep me away from my bed and sleeping through a whole day. Soooo I’m gonna do some S H I P S!
I’m writing for:
Marvel Universe
Harry Potter (Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
The 100
Stranger Things
The Maze Runner
BBC Merlin
Teen Wolf
5 Seconds of Summer
Basically, what you need to do is send me a message and write something about yourself so I’ll know a little more about you. Don’t forget to add from which fandom (⬆️) you want the ship (add also if you want male/female/it doesn’t matter to me ship). Oh, and if you can write me a weird fact you know - that would be GREAT. (I actually really like them) I’ll start with the facts so you won’t be ashamed to write me some: DID YOU KNOW THAT SOME PEOPLE DON’T HEAR THAT LITTLE VOICE WHEN THINKING? Because I was hella surprised!! And I’m still not over it
In conclusion:
I offer: ships In exchange for: weird facts
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foreverwcnter · 5 years
For blurb night could you write something where there reader has pet rats and how Tom will react if that’s ok with you
a creative idea! i’ll do my best!
blurb night! do not send anymore in!
Of all the pets you could have gotten, you chose to get two rats. Yes, not everyone’s the ideal choice but you loved them nonetheless. They were sweet little creatures who were misunderstood and were in need of a good home. Of course, you loved them more than yourself and would never be able to part with the small animals. You named the little white one, Cherish, and the smoky gray one Hope.
When you first started dating Tom, you were worried about telling him about your rats. After about a month into your relationship, you finally let Tom come to your home to see them, even though you were scared that he’d want to break up over the fact you had two rats.
“So, I have two pets and I’m not sure how you’ll react to them,” you mumbled as you opened the door to your home. 
“I’m sure I’ll love them,” Tom reassured you, but it simply made you more anxious as you took his hand and led him to the living room. “What are their names?”
“I named one Cherish and one Hope. I’ll go grab them and don’t worry, they don’t bite anyone unless you hurt them.” You hurried up the stairs of your home and carefully took the gray and white rats into your arms, making your way back down to where Tom was. The rats snuggled up close to your chest in your arms, but one was very mischevious and started climbing up your arm to sit on your shoulder. “Please don’t be a nuisance,” you mumbled to them before entering the living room, smiling shyly at your boyfriend.
Tom genuinely looked surprised at the pets you had. “You have rats?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled sitting down beside him and setting the creatures in your lap. “I’ve been worried that you wouldn’t want to still date me because I have rats, so I never let you come over to my house until now. I really love them though. They’re sweet misunderstood animals and they keep me company.”
Tom fell silent for a moment, calmly watching the white rat climb into his lap before he smiled at you. “Well, I’m not going to give up such a perfect girl just because she has a preference for such adorable creatures for pets.”
You felt your ears grow hot and your face flush at the comment. “Thank you, Tom.”
“Anything for you,” he sighed, kissing your cheek and continuing to play with the rats beside you.
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highkey-holland · 5 years
highkey-holland’s masterlist
Last updated: 19 Sept 2019
Request: here
Peter Parker x reader
Make A Move
Bucky Barnes x reader
Stranger Danger
Tom Holland x reader
Tired Today
Palpable Chemistry
Couldn’t Resist (NSFW)
Tom Holland x reader x Harrison Osterfield
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delicrieux · 6 years
study buddies 📚
PAIRING: peter parker x reader summary: peter offers (name) to study together before asking them out requested by anon : Peter Parker helping his crush through exam stress? XD (kind of comical if you can??) 
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There is an unwritten rule somewhere in the book of life which states that if one person is smitten with the other, the other must unavoidably be smitten as well.
Spring time is always full of pleasantries if one was to exclude allergies from this equation. The day was, to your silent protest against routine, just like any other: sunny weather, happy friends, boring classes, dull conversations, and a looming fear of upcoming exams. There was not a thing missing from this idyllic picture – and by picture I mean you, alone, carrying your stack of borrowed books, fully intending to go home and pray to whatever higher power that was listening to help you transfer the information from the many colourful academic writings to your small, easily distracted, brain – so surprised is a weak term for what you were feeling when Peter Parker called after you.
There he is, jogging down the hallway a bit too fast for it to be normal, with a sort of jump in his step that seems to boost his overall speed. Yet he doesn’t even break a sweat – highly unfair in your opinion – as he reaches you with a soft smile, eyes eager and bright, as if his afternoon has gotten better now that you’re in sight. Perhaps you are just projecting. After all, now that he is here, yours certainly has.
“Were you planning to study?” He jumps to the topic at hand. Highly uncharacteristic of him. His voice is chipper, yet quick, unlike his usual drawn out sputter. He eyes your books for confirmation, then examining the features of your face waiting for a, hopefully, positive answer. All you do is nod. It is enough of a confirmation for him, “Awesome. I mean—“ Ah, there is the Peter you know! “-Not awesome that you have to study…Unless you like to study, in which case… cool. Very cool. I personally don’t mind it either way—“
“Uhm, Peter?” There is a smidge of irritation in your tone. It is not of you being annoyed with him, it is more to do with the heavy tombs that refused to fit in your bag. Your fingers had dug themselves into the covers and started to hurt. You simply want to get to your car as quick as you possibly can and spend the rest of the way chatting, “I’m sort of…” Alas, words fail on you. This always happens when you are near him. Anywhere that is not near him is perfectly okay. However, when he is facing you, clearly catching onto your every word, you cannot fathom a single normal excuse. Or even a proper explanation. “On my way home, so…”
“Oh!” He smiles, “Oh, okay. I’ll accompany you.”
That worked out better than you had expected.
The two of you fell into step. Pleasant silence, until, “Uh…do you need some help?”
“If you don’t mind…” You mumble, offering him the biology book. He takes it with such ease and grace you, again, envy his almost inhuman strength. You had not seen a person alive holding the biology textbook without showing signs of excruciating pain.
“I was…” He starts, turning to look forward and avoid your gaze, “I was actually wondering if…that…maybe you wanted to study together? I mean, I read that forming a study group is one of the best ways to learn stuff…and things.”
“And where did you read that?” You tease him. Your answer was decided on already, but you can never miss an opportunity to tease him.
“They have articles?” You inquire with a sceptical, raised brow, “I figured they only make ‘What type of bread are you’ quizzes. Well, at least that’s the only reason I visit their website, anyway.”
“So what type of bread are you?”
“Garlic, you?”
“No way! Me too!”
“I guess that’ll make us great study partners, then.” You smile at him, “See you at my place at six?”
“I will be seen there, then- I mean, yeah. Yeah, I…Yeah.” He grins at you, “Just let me lead you to your car and I’ll get out of your hair.”
No, stay in my hair, you think.
That sounded really weird, you add.
Though, concentrating is unsurprisingly difficult. It is well past six, your parents are home and made it deliberately clear to keep the door open in case of ‘Teenage shenanigans’. That properly embarrassed you, but you took it with stride. So far all you have revised is a bit of literature, the tough subjects that demand logic and quick thinking will prove to be the trickiest to digest. You can’t blame Peter – he is a wonderful study buddy and he tries his hardest to clear each and every subject you can’t wrap your head around – it is you that is the problem. You just can’t think of anything else when he is here, in your room. You also wonder did you hide your old diary – it holds quite a few (N) + P passages. You would die if he happened to stumble upon it.
“..Alright! Easy, right?” Peter says, full of energy.
“Sure.” You mumble.
“What next?”
“Hm…” You think, “I am having a bit trouble with French…”
“Ah…” He nods, “The language of baguette wielding fiends.”
“I was…I was imagining it more of…the language of romance.”
“What isn’t romantic about baguette wielding fiends?”
“Fair point.”
The evening continues with some pretentious accents and soft giggles, until…
“Hey, so—“ Peter starts, looking up from his batch of work. An open book and a few papers sit on his lap, and his eyes promptly return to them once your divine attention is on him, “So this is…fun.”
Well it certainly was until he made it awkward, though you would never voice this aloud. With a gulp you nod. The temperature in your room rises just a bit and you feel hot in your sweater. Pretending to go back to work, because you are completely not anticipating what he is about to say, you lean onto your pillows and fake-scribble something in your notes with a pencil.
He glances at you warily, awaiting confirmation. Awkwardly, you mumble “…Yeah.”
“We should do it again.”
You look up from your notes, “You mean…study? Well, yeah, totally, I mean half of this could be elf-language to me since without your help I--“
“No.” He cuts you off, flustered, “No, (Name), that’s…that’s not what I mean…” He trails off, “And elf-languages is visibly different from English…” He adds quietly, almost sadly.
“Then what-?”
You don’t get to finish your question as it suddenly dawns onto you. You take him in, in all of his awkward shy glory, and your heart makes a strange, unruly jump, that rings familiar to cardiac arrest (you read so on webmd).
“Peter Parker—“ You address him, your voice breathless as you abruptly sit up, “Are you…are you asking me out?”
“What?! No!” Peter denies quickly, “I mean…” That initial resolve is suddenly gone, “Unless…You want to…go. Out. With me. Then I am.” He gives you a sweet smile and you can’t help but melt a little. A giggle tickles the back of your throat but you surpass it. Pleased, you hum/
“I…I wouldn’t mind.” You admit.
No, I wouldn’t mind at all.
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cosmicdaya · 6 years
always on alert | peter parker
{summary} : based on a dialogue prompt : “If you do that one more time…”
{warning} : swearing + ( a mini baking session with me in the background)
{word count} : 1860 words
{pairing} : peter parker x reader
{requested} : this was made for @wehaveabucky ‘s 2.5K writing challenge!!! go visit her blog!!! ( sorry for being late, school was killing me!!!)
{type of story} : imagine
{author’s note} : this was a very soft one hehehe. i hope you guys enjoy it and feedback is highly appreciated!! and this gives me a lot of autumn vibes. plus, thank you for 200 followers!!!
( drop an ask to be added to my taglist )
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“Y/N, I can’t tell you the answer to that!,” Peter tried to reason with you as you both walked on the pavement filled with dried leaves.
“Pete, please just this once,” you looked up at him, trying to convince him with your puppy eyes so that he will break the answer for the chemistry question to you. For a moment, what you thought was Peter’s stand seemed to falter but he quickly composed himself.
“No and that’s my final decision,” he stormed off, leaving in front of a cafe in the mild autumn breeze.
You let out a sigh as you opened the door to the cafe. It wasn’t an ordinary cafe, it was a family business. It was named John’s Cafe, after your grandfather. Your parents usually took care of the cafe, you would just help them to bake pastries after finishing your homework or whenever you were free.
Your parents were out of town as they went to visit your ailing aunt. It was all up to you to take care of the cafe now.
You set your bag down, changed your clothes, and wore your apron, preparing the dough to bake the pastries. You were planning on selling the premade strawberry pastries, not only because it was on the menu, also because you wanted bring some for Peter as it was his favorite.
You started off by preparing the strawberry filling by combining sugar and tapioca in a small saucepan. You added fresh strawberries and let it stand for 5 minutes. When the mixture started to boil, you mixed some lemon juice in it, stirring it until it was thick and left it to cool.
You rolled out the premade dough and cut it into squares. You spooned out the fillings into the center of each square. After sealing the pastries, you placed them in the preheated oven.
After 10 minutes, the pastries turned a golden brown, prodding you to take them out. You drizzled the icing you made earlier and proudly set them up on the counter.
You dusted your hands on your apron before walking over to the entrance of your cafe and flipping the sign over to ‘OPEN”. You looked at the light evening sky which was full of golden rays that signified the end of the day and sighed contently to yourself.
Peter crawled up the wall of the Avengers Tower as he looked over the whole town, keeping an eye for any crimes happening out there. Suddenly, Karen’s voice woke him up from his thoughts.
“Peter, you have a message from Y/N,”
Peter smiled as he heard your name. He was planning to swing by your cafe to drop off the answer to the ‘indecipherable’ (according to you) question. He wanted to tell Karen a reply to your message, but something caught his eye.
A security alarm was going off at one of the cafes near him. The mechanical eyes on his suits squinted to see the name of the cafe. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he saw it.
John’s cafe
He swung quickly to your cafe as his mind swirled with thoughts of you. He was planning on activating ‘Instant Kill Mode’ if anything ever happens to you. He let out a audible gasp as he saw the scene between you and the robber unfold before him.
You were holding a frying pan to protect yourself from the perpetrator. Peter nearly laughed out loud when he saw you.
“What are you doing over there? C’mere and help me!” you waved your pan at the masked hero. 
Peter shot some webs at the robber and tied him up. He ran and gave him a flying kick which sent him to the corner of the room. He made the robber stick to the wall nearby.
“So, ma’am, I would love to stay here but I have to go and drop off the criminal over there at the police station,” Peter said, intentionally deepening his voice.
“Sure, Spiderman, thank you for saving my life,” you nodded and smiled. To be honest, you were freaking out. Your favorite superhero was standing in front of you, and you had to try hard to calm yourself down.
“Um, here you go,” you stared down at the watch-looking device that Spiderman just handed you.
“What is this?” you asked as the device wrapped itself around your wrist, fitting you perfectly, as if it was made for you.
“Oh, it’s like a device where if you press the button on it and the red light flashes, it sends a signal to me and your coordinates. This will help me to save you if you are in danger. Plus tip, if the red light flashes thrice, it means that I didn’t get your message or I ignored it, but we both know that won’t happen,” he explained.
You slowly nodded and tried to grasp whatever the man/boy in front of you was blabbering about.
“Maybe I should get going- are tHOSE STRAWBERRY PASTRIES?!” he exclaimed.
“Yes! So, do you want some?” you asked and noticed that the eyes on his suit grew wider.
His head bobbed enthusiastically and you packed some of the pastries for him. He let a quick wave of his hand and left the cafe, leaving you in the cold night.
“I met him Peter, it was really Spiderman!” you explained to the brown-eyed beside you.
“Of course, Y/N, why would Spiderman even be there?” he asked you with a light smirk.
“Guess what,” you huffed.”I’m getting out of here. See ya later, alligator.” 
Peter smiled as he saw your nimble feet skipping down the way to your cafe.
You toyed with the device that the masked hero gave you as you stared out into the oblivion. Your transient meeting with him has left a strong impact on you.
You wanted to see him.
Your finger hovered over the button as you bit the inside of your cheek. Holding your breath, you pressed the button.
In about a minute, you saw Spiderman standing right at the entrance of your cafe.
“Wait, why, what happened?!” he asked in between breaths.
“Oh, shit, sorry! The watch accidentally hit the wall, so I think it called you,” you lied, red rising up your cheeks.
“Ah ok then,” he scratched his head.”I think I better get going now.”
You nodded your head and gave him a bag of strawberry pastries. You gave a smile his way as he swung back to his quarters.
As days went by, you kept pressing the button on the device so that you can meet the young superhero. The conversations between you guys always went by like this :
“Wait Y/N, why did you call me?”
“Oh, sorry, I dropped the device and it called you,”
“If you do that one more time…”
“Why am I here again?”
“My cat stepped on it,”
“You don’t even have a cat,”
“No, I am telling the truth!”
“If you do that one more time…”
“Jesus Christ, Y/N what are you doi- IS THAT A MOUSTACHE?”
“If you do that one more time…”
But, unbeknownst to you, Peter was falling for you. A minor crush that he had on you was now a very major crush.
Even though he was tired of you calling his alter ego, but admittedly, he liked it.
He loved seeing you happy and the smile you would give him as you hand him the bag of strawberry pastries. 
He was elated by the fact that you would tell him your encounters with Spiderman whenever you meet him.
He really wished that he could confess his feelings for you, but he didn’t want to place you in a precarious position He was worried that if anyone knew that he was Spiderman, they would come after you.
He sighed softly as he stood up from his bed to take a bath.
On his study table, the device that was connected to yours was flashing a bright red.
“Fucking hell,” you whispered softly, inaudible to masked robber in your cafe, “Where the hell is Spiderman when you need him?”
You kept pressing the button until the springs came out of it. You muttered a curse word to yourself as you reached to your back pocket to get your phone.
Your thumbs flew at a rapid speed, typing out words to Peter which might also be your last words.
peter, there is a fkin robber
come n save me
btw, i love y
Before you could type out the last message, your hair was yanked and pulled out from your hiding place. You wriggled out of the unknown person’s grip and punched him in the face.
You were face to face with the masked robber. A light drip of blood was visible on his jaw, the place you just punched.
He grabbed you by the shoulder, applying too much pressure which made tears from at the side of your eyes. He pushed you down to the chair and tied you up with a rope. Taping your mouth with a strip of duct tape, he proceeds to go to the counter to take all the money and shove it inside his bag.
You sat there helplessly as you saw smirking at all the money he just found
Isn’t there anyone to help me? you thought to yourself.
“Stop right there!” a voice came from the entrance of your store.
Ah, here this bitch comes, you mused as you saw Spiderman standing in his famous suit.
“Heh, what are you gonna do, Spiderboy,” a chuckled came from the bad guy.
“First of all, it’s Spiderman,” he said as he delivered a swift kick to his face and webbed his hands up.
The masked hero glided smoothly to web the perpetrator up against the wall and come to your side and untie you. You hugged him as you felt a wave of emotions sweep over you, mainly relief, happiness and love.
You hesitated as the mask of the hero deterred you from kissing the lips of the man behind it. Somehow he read your thoughts and pulled off his mask and only hesitated for a split second. Before that, he made sure that the robber did not see his face.
You were shocked and relieved to see your best friend standing in front of you. You gave him a soft smile and stood closer to him. Peter took your cheeks in his hands and guided your lips to his.
Sparks coursed through your whole body as Peter started caressing your lower back. It was just a small and sweet kiss, which signaled the start of your romantic relationship.
Both of you pulled back, foreheads resting against each others. Suddenly, Peter started sniffing something as he lifted his head up.
“Why? What’s wrong?” you ask, concerned.
“Do you still have strawberry pastries?”
This adorable and dumb dork.
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multixxedits · 7 years
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Marvel Men lock screen Don't forget you can message me requests :))
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tatestripedsweater · 3 years
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Advent Calendar Day 25 - Christmas Day With Andrew!Peter Parker HC (GN!Reader)
A/N: We made it! The end of the advent calendar writing event has come, I will admit it’s been difficult but I pushed through and I’m proud of the content I managed to post. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!
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Since you were with your family, you couldn’t see Peter until the day beforehand since it was ‘family time’.
Even though you considered your Peter family as well.
It’s not that they didn’t approve of him, your family just wanted you to stay home for the holidays.
You should’ve expected it, but he ‘swung’ by outside your bedroom window to see you on Christmas Day.
Peter managed to sneak in, trying so hard to not make any noise or listen to see if any of your family were coming to your room.
There was a small bag full of presents having been with him, he tried so hard not to break them while he came to see you.
Peter did apologise for not getting you more, but you only kissed him to shut him up.
The most memorable present being the bouquet of flowers he got you, the same ones he got you on your guys’ first date.
Like the adorable scene in the movies, Peter would hide behind the flowers in embarrassment.
Boy was he in love.
You two talked about how Christmas went, talking in hushed voices, so your family didn’t hear.
Stealing kisses every five seconds because Peter’s missed you so much, even though he had seen you a few days beforehand.
When you handed him his gifts, Peter went red again and as much as he tried to hide it, he couldn’t. You had already put the flowers in a vase.
He found it funny as you both said not to get either of you any presents, but you and Peter had gone against that rule for one another.
You had some lights decorated in your room which really set the ‘mood’, Peter just wanted to kiss you and hold you the entire night. The presents being far from you both as he held you on your bed.
Both of you may have fallen asleep, but as soon as his senses kicked in, he managed to sneak out before your family caught him.
But Peter didn’t leave without kissing your cheek and leaving a note under your pillow. He also sent you many thank-yous over texts and sent you pictures of him with his presents.
Your family knew he had been in here since they noticed the present bag labelled for you, they never managed to find out how he got to your bedroom.
Which only made you both laugh even more since Peter had a tendency to sneaking into your bedroom.
Even if it was for just one kiss.
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therewasatale · 5 years
Imagine: You’re living with Peter B. Parker and one day you talk with him about your negativ body imagie
word count: 1851
chubby reader, and some body positivity 
for Anon who ask me to write some more Peter B. Parker imagine. sorry it took that long. also this is not excatly a peter x reader story. more like a platonic relationship. 
The growling of your stomach sharpened the world around you. The reminder that you haven't eaten anything today and your body needed some nutrients.
Holding a full bag in one of your hand you tried to search for your key, all the while cursing under your nose.
"Son of a-, damn...where's the fuck…of course it's at the bottom."
You felt the anxiety appearing in your shoulder, it slowly began to spread into your body. The first thing that tensed was your arms. You didn’t even realize you were clenching your jaws.
You were too hasty, and you know that you were too hasty for no reason. And still.
Finally, you finally found the key, but you were unsuccessful in finally putting it into the lock. Instead, you knocked it against the lock, and dropped it to the ground. Your stomach has been repeated its growl a little bit louder.
For a few moments you looked down silently. You had to hold yourself together, and stop your tears from starting to flow. After shut your eyes, and took a couple of big breaths before you leaned down and grabbed the key. Your hands were shaking so much that it took you three times to open the door. You pushed in the door and as silent as you could and you found yourself in front of your flatmate.  
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Peter B. Parker stepped out of the bathroom wearing a blue hoodie and his sweatpants. Furrowing his brows, he hurried to you. "Anything okay? Something happened?"
You nodded a little as you stepped out of your shoe. Before you spoke you had to clear your throat. "Yes, of course, everything is okay, just a long day. But I did the shopping at least, it was my turn."
Peter watched you for a moment, then nodded and took over the bag with the food. "All right, I'll help you unpack."
You got in further dropping your backpack on the living room's sofa and letting out a small sigh.
Another world, another life.
Two months ago you lead out in the world of B. Parker. Your life turned to the top of your head after you were in the wrong place and the wrong time. But, as it turned out, there was something good in every bad thing, you had lived alone in a small hole, and now you lived with Spider-Man in the same sublet.
Of course this didn't go from one moment to the next.
Something happened to you when that portal sniffed first and when they, the other Spider-Men, wanted to save you and take you home your body started to fall apart. You still remember the pain that cramped you, you felt like every part of your body burned and wanted to consume it itself.
Neither Peter, nor the other Spider-Men had any better idea, than letting you stay in this world.
You tried to fit in at the beginning, but even if you were far from being proud of this fact, you didn't succeed. You felt lost and weak, you felt like a loser who couldn't stand on their own feet. And then, on a rainy night, when you were in your deepest despair, you found yourself knocking on Parker's door. Since then, there is a roof over your head and a friend who listens.
The first few days you mainly spent in confusion. You never thought that you would be able to talk with Spider-Man, much less live with him. However, the wonder of the thing has gone away and turned into a pleasant confidence. Especially after you saw Peter doing breakfast in his sweatpants more times, than seeing him fighting in rubber clothes.
Your grumbling stomach shook you from your, thoughts. Your hand moved automatically hitting the source of the sound, as an attempt to signal to your body to shut up. It was a stupid habit, and you had no idea where you picked it up to begin with.
"Hey, I think it's murmuring because there's nothing in it." Peter scratched his shoulders and stepped closer to you.
You shrugged "I will eat later, I still want to finish editing, they are waiting for my project." You started to walk towards you room.
Peter rolled his eyes. "Come on." He put his hand on your shoulder and lightly turned you towards the kitchen. "Let's eat something, I actually wanted to tell you about this morning."
"About the fire in that apartment?" You let yourself be guided.
"What caught on fire was his private "garden".  I think I got a little bit high or something, because I babbled something to the fireman regarding "whipped cream"."
"And then you almost hit a lamp post." You interjected smiling under your nose.
"Then I almost hit a lamp post." He repeated grimacing. "Sometimes I curse the invention of the smartphones and the internet. By this time, you could make a small collection of my various screw-ups."
"Come on Peter," You shook your head with a smile. "You saved a man's life, who cares that you got a little bit high and became a bit too cheery after that."
"If you say, (Y/N)." He spun one of the kitchen chairs out for you and started digging around in the fridge. You sat down and he asked:
"So what do you want to eat?"
Your smile withered as you glanced down on yourself "Some vegetables."
"Hmm spaghetti?"
"I said vegetables, Peter."
"Oh, you're right, the tomato is a fruit." He replied totally ignoring the deeper meaning behind your words.
Your stomach once again vocalized its impatience, which made you feel uneasy again.
"I think, it' agreeing with me." He put water in a saucepan to boil it while continuing to search for the meat. Surprisingly he felt at home in the kitchen.
"Mh, well, somebody who has such a big mouth, better just shut up." You rubbed your belly and sighed nervously.
Peter stopped the rummaging around and turned his eyes towards you blinking.
"I just-" You waved a little and our face run red with shame "Nothing."
Parker put down the plastic container looking at you. "Nowadays you're eating less and less, and in smaller portions."
"Are you just spying on me, Spider-Man?" You snorted sarcastically, and then when your guilt appeared, you turned your head. "Sorry, I didn't want to be a jerk."
"Hey," you winced when he put his hand on your head. "I'm just worried, we became good friends, and you know," Peter smiled at you as you looked up at him, "Spider-Man has precious few friends, so he tries to take care of them, at least in his own lame way."
You looked at him silently for a few moments. You broke the silence with a sniff when your tears started to flow.
"Ah, damn it man. How can you tell me things like that when-" you sniffed a couple of time, but you couldn't help but smile trough the tears "-when I ate nothing and my bloodsugar is low?"
Peter slowly stroked your head.
"I'm sorry, I'm still practicing this emotional stuff, I was a little rusty lately. So, you tell me what's wrong and I'll teach you Peter B. Parker's legendary spaghetti?"
You hesitated for a moment and then nodded standing up. He put the noodles in your hand to break it into the boiling water while he put up some oil to warm up in a pan.
"It all started at home. As you can see, I am not a small person, as in figure. And I was informed about this from my parents and my classmates. I think all of their bullshit convinced me that I should feel like shit because I'm fat, and definitely not beautiful. Beautiful, hell, I felt I was close to being repugnant."
You broke the noodles into the water using more vehemence than it needed. Peter just listened silently, while watching you, guessing it wasn't everything that you had to say.
"And when I moved here I felt like I was getting a new start, a new opportunity to start over everything again and this time do it well. Or at least to try to do it better. " You looked down and poked your belly. "And with a new life, I will need a new body too. Or at least, something that looks a bit better."
After you finished, Parker slowly hummed beside you. He also looked down at himself and then at you, then again at himself.
"Well, mine is bigger." He turned towards you, letting out his belly. "Look at this majestic belly!"
You looked at him wooden spoon in your hand, and as you saw his satisfied grin you couldn’t help but chuckle.
"Hey! Do you know how much work I have in this belly?" Peter looked at you with mock offense and stroked his belly. "You have no right to laugh."
"Sorry, sorry, but you're still a hero with superhuman abilities. I don't think a few extra pound slows you down that much."
"Are you kidding? Do you know how discriminatory the ventilation systems are in modern buildings? A well fed hero like myself" he pointed at himself "or an overly buff hero will have serious problems if he or she tries to crawl through them. It seems as if they intentionally want to make the work of the heroes more difficult."
He smiled warmly as you chuckled again. When he spoke again, his voice was somehow different, more serious. "There's nothing wrong with you, (Y/N). You're pretty as you are, whatever those old memories are telling you they're not right." He scraped the minced meat in the oil and started to slowly stir it. He glanced towards you smiling a little.
"If you want, maybe we can go jogging together, or even just walk if you want to start exercising. Not strictly to get rid of the extra pounds, just to get some air."
"Well..." you hesitantly put your weight on one leg then to the other.
"Before you say anything, I only ask you not to starve yourself. You need your strength." He looked into your eyes with a serious expression. This caused a kind of warmth to run through you. "All right?"
You nodded a little. "Okay, I'll try."
He smiled and stroked your head again. "Thank you. Come on, I'll show you how to do the seasoning, and then when we're done we can take a walk in the city."
"Aaand maybe we'll go to one of the animal shelters I found on the web?"
"(Y/N), we've already discussed this." Peter snorted, but you saw the tiny smile on his face.
"MJ also said that you need someone who you could take care of and look after."
"That is true."
"See? That’s why-"
"That’s why I let you live in here." He squinted towards you.
"Hey!" You chuckled.
Aside from that you noticed that technically, he didn't say no. So, you just had to take him to the shelter you already chosen, it will be smooth sailing from there.
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imaginethatalena · 7 years
Here’s the Masterlist for all the imagines on my blog. Instead of posting new Masterlists over and over again, this will be the main list and I’ll add links to each new imagine as I write them. Enjoy ❤
* = Requested Imagine
The Avengers
#50: Imagine the Avengers arguing about who’s the best father figure to you.*
#227: Imagine Loki being the best uncle among the group of dads the Avengers have become to you.*
#18: Imagine being Valkyrie’s lover and hiding out in Sakaar with her.
#28: Imagine watching Thor and the Hulk’s gladiator match with Valkyrie.*
#27: Imagine being concerned for Valkyrie when she goes to fight Hela.*
#30: Imagine Loki discovering you were the reason Valkyrie survived the battle against Hela.*
#155: Imagine Valkyrie getting jealous when she thinks Loki is flirting with you.*
#174: Imagine defending Valkyrie when someone tries to bring up her past.*
#19: Imagine saving Loki from the Grandmaster.
#38: Imagine searching for Odin with Loki and Thor.*
#40: Imagine being Loki’s lover and taking a drink from Valkyrie in front of him and Thor.*
#46: imagine Loki apologizing for everything he did since he left Asgard.*
#47: Imagine getting captured by Valkyrie as a champion for the Grandmaster.*
#54: Imagine Loki hearing you sing and falling in love with you.*
#62: Imagine taking a selfie with Loki.*
#66: Imagine spending time with Doctor Strange.*
#67: Imagine Thor teasing Loki about the selfie he took with you.*
#69: Imagine preparing to escape Sakaar with Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, and Bruce.*
#70: Imagine being a Light Elf from Alfheim and Loki being captivated when he sees you fight.*
#71: Imagine being crippled on a mission and Loki being the only one allowed to help you.*
#72: Imagine Loki making a sacrifice to help you heal from a battle injury.*
#80: Imagine Loki contacting you after Ragnarok from worlds away.* 
#81: Imagine Loki using you in his plan to take Asgard.*
#89: Imagine Loki scaring you with a snake.*
#91: Imagine you, Loki, and Thor getting in trouble with Frigga when she sees you playfighting.*
#98: Imagine Thor taking you to Earth to help you recover from Loki’s death.*
#102: Imagine recruiting the Grandmaster’s gladiators to help fight Hela.*
#105: Imagine baking a cake with Jane and Darcy.*
#111: Imagine visiting Loki in his cell after the attack on Manhattan.
#115: Imagine you and Valkyrie opening up to each other about your pasts.*
#118: Imagine Loki proposing to you just before Thanos arrives.*
#124: Imagine Loki singing to you on Karaoke Night with the Avengers.
#128: Imagine singing Christmas karaoke with Loki.*
#133: Imagine finding out Loki is alive with Thor when he returns to Asgard.*
#136: Imagine teaching Loki how to live among the elite of Sakaar.*
#140: Imagine being a Fire Giant of Muspelheim and Loki’s lover.*
#151: Imagine quarreling with Loki on the streets of New York.*
#154: Imagine Loki loving how protective you are of him.*
#157: Imagine the Avengers meeting you, Loki’s girlfriend, for the first time.*
#164: Imagine accidentally walking in on Loki naked and him trying to even the score.
#168: Imagine giving Loki a Funko Pop of himself and him loving it.*
#176: Imagine Imagine seeing Loki in his Jotun form for the first time.*
#177: Imagine Loki opening up to you about his mother.*
#179: Imagine Loki being jealous of how much time you spend with Thor.*
#185: Imagine mediating the sibling rivalry between Thor and Loki.
#190: Imagine Loki being your Starbucks Barista.*
#191: Imagine taking care of Loki when he gets a cold.*
#194: Imagine Loki seeing you drunk for the first time.*
#91: Imagine you, Loki, and Thor getting in trouble with Frigga when she sees you playfighting.*
#98: Imagine Thor taking you to Earth to help you recover from Loki’s death.*
#105: Imagine baking a cake with Jane and Darcy.*
#145: Imagine taking Thor to a Midgardian amusement park and trying to keep him out of trouble.
#158: Imagine Thor comforting you after Loki’s death.*
#197: Imagine decorating for Christmas with Thor.*
Wanda Maximoff
#7: Imagine falling in love with Wanda Maximoff.
#9: Imagine helping Clint and Wanda escape the Avengers facility.*
#135: Imagine coming out to Wanda as asexual.*
#171: Imagine bonding with Wanda and Natasha over your shared Eastern European Traditions.
#195: Imagine coming out to the Avengers as asexual.*
#215: Imagine Wanda being cutely possessive over you.*
#236: Imagine Wanda confessing her love for you.*
Pietro/Peter Maximoff
#129: Imagine fighting to save Sokovia with Pietro.*
#134: Imagine Peter making you a pair of goggles so he can run with you.*
#138: Imagine Wanda teasing Pietro about his crush on you.*
#147: Imagine helping Peter when he breaks his nose.*
#208: Imagine being Peter’s sister and discovering you’re a mutant.*
Bucky Barnes
#10: Imagine dancing with Bucky before he went off to war. 
#130: Imagine helping Bucky with the nightmares of his past.*
#153: Imagine going with Bucky and Steve to the World's Fair before they went to war.*
#169: Imagine Bucky being jealous of your relationship with Steve.
Peter Parker
#23: Imagine Peter asking you out on a date.
#29: Imagine going to a Wayne gala with Peter Parker and the Batboys flirting with you.*
#33: Imagine the Batboys flirting with you while you’re on a mission and Peter getting protective.*
#76: Imagine Peter “saving” you when he thinks you’re about to jump from a building.*
#110: Imagine bonding with Peter over your favorite books.*
#116: Imagine Peter helping you with your anxiety.*
#120: Imagine going to Disneyland with Shuri and Peter.*
#131: Imagine accidentally interrupting one of Peter’s Avengers meetings.
#163: Imagine having a crush on Peter and being unaware of his crush on Liz.*
#217: Imagine Peter having a nightmare about Toomes.*
#43: Imagine being Deadpool’s roommate and him being protective of you.*
#189: Imagine celebrating your birthday with Deadpool.
#230: Imagine you and Wade meeting Starfire.*
Guardians of the Galaxy
#104: Imagine being a Sovereign soldier and getting captured by the Guardians of the Galaxy.*
#127: Imagine getting captured by Yondu’s crew when they stage their mutiny.*
#182: Imagine being a Sovereign soldier and starting to doubt your blind loyalty as you spend time with Rocket.*
#53: Imagine you, a child, telling Nebula she’s beautiful depsite her robotic parts.*
#162: Imagine Nebula helping you learn to live with your robotic body parts.*
#65: Imagine asking Gamora to teach you to fight.*
#77: Imagine Gamora being a mother figure to you.*
Rocket Raccoon
#165: Imagine Rocket taking a liking to you, to the surprise of everyone else.
#119: Imagine Wolverine saving you from Sabertooth.*
#178: Imagine getting hurt and Rogue being afraid to help because of her powers.*
#225: Imagine having a similar mutation to Rogue.*
#120: Imagine going to Disneyland with Shuri and Peter.*
#141: Imagine Shuri making you a new suit to fight the Infinity War with T’Challa.*
Clint Barton
#142: Imagine mornings with Clint at Avengers Tower.*
Steve Rogers
#144: Imagine Steve cashing in an old favor and asking you to hide Bucky for him after Civil War.*
#149: Imagine Steve awkwardly trying to flirt with you and you enjoying every second of it.*
Tony Stark
#152: Imagine ending your relationship with Tony over the Sokovia Accords.
#188: Imagine giving Tony the silent treatment.
Jessica Jones
#211: Imagine Jessica being concerned about you drinking.
Natasha Romanov
#212: Imagine being unable to stay mad at Natasha.
The Batfamily
#15: Imagine waking up to the boys of the Batfamily cuddling you.*
#21: Imagine the boys of the Batfamily watching out for you at a party.*
#26: Imagine the Batfam boys being afraid to lose you.*
#29: Imagine going to a Wayne gala with Peter Parker and the Batboys flirting with you.*
#32: Imagine Dick, Jason, and Tim coming to you when they get drunk.*
#33: Imagine the Batboys flirting with you while you’re on a mission and Peter getting protective.*
#34: Imagine the Batfamily discovering you’re friends with the Transformers.*
#44: Imagine you, the Batfamily, and the Autobots teaming up to take down Bane.*
#51: Imagine the Batboys defending you when Bruce’s girlfriend mistreats you.*
#60: Imagine the Batboys coming to you for dating advice.*
#75: Imagine the Batfamily helping you get over your fear of spiders.*
#94: Imagine celebrating your birthday with the Batfamily.* 
#97: Imagine feeling out of place with the Batfamily but them assuring you that you belong.*
#107: Imagine the Batfamily saving you from getting mugged.*
#108: Imagine coming out to the Batfamily.*
#114: Imagine the Batboys helping you through your wisdom teeth surgery.*
#121: imagine the Batfamily supporting your choice to wear a tux to prom.*
#159: Imagine being Damian’s teacher and his brothers having crushes on you.*
#166: Imagine the Batboys taking care of you as a baby.*
#170: Imagine Bruce’s reaction to finding out your brothers have turned you into a baby.*
#173: Imagine being Damian’s teacher and unaware of how much the Batfam appreciates you outside of his classes.*
#175: Imagine Imagine going to Waffle House with the Batboys.*
#202: Imagine the Batboys saving you from bullies.*
#214: Imagine the Batfam saving you from Harley Quinn.*
#220: Imagine the Batfam trying to figure out who your baby self likes the most.*
#222: Imagine the Batboys taking revenge on your backstabbing friend.*
#235: Imagine being the Batboys’ magician friend.*
Bruce Wayne
#180: Imagine being Batmom and coming to the Batfam’s rescue when they’re captured.*
Dick Grayson
#6: Imagine being Dick’s girlfriend and a ballerina and honing your skills as a gymnast and dancer together. 
#205: Imagine helping Dick with his injuries after patrol.*
#207: Imagine consoling Dick through his family problems.
#231: Imagine flirting with Dick in front of his brothers.*
#232: Imagine Dick loving your strange habits.*
#234: Imagine you and Dick getting a cat together.*
Jason Todd
#1: Imagine being afraid to lose Jason again. 
#14: Imagine arguing with Jason about getting treated after he’s hurt on patrol. 
#17: Imagine Jason and Roy drunkenly flirting with you.*
#31: Imagine being there when Jason is murdered by the Joker. 
#42: Imagine Jason and you fighting and him accidentally triggering a past trauma.*
#44: Imagine you, the Batfamily, and the Autobots teaming up to take down Bane.*
#86: Imagine Jason hearing you sing for the first time.*
#106: Imagine treating Jason’s injuries when he comes back from patrol.*
#109: Imagine meeting Jason again as Red Hood.
#233: Imagine Jason and Roy annoying you with their flirting.*
Tim Drake
#11: Imagine being a member of the Team and Tim’s girlfriend.
#160: Imagine fangirling with Tim over your OTPs.*
#181: Imagine being Tim’s girlfriend and fighting crime with him.*
#184: Imagine being Tim’s girlfriend and him making sure you don’t get hurt when you’re sleepwalking.*
Damian Wayne
#2: Imagine Damian being afraid to lose you.
#16: Imagine Damian coming to you after a bad patrol. 
#35: Imagine being Green Arrow and Black Canary’s daughter and Damian caring for you like a little sister.*
#37: Imagine Damian being miserable when you refuse to speak to him after a big fight.*
#39: Imagine playing Cops and Robbers with Jason and Damian.*
#112: Imagine dating Damian and no one noticing until his brothers see you two together.
#172: Imagine being Starfire’s niece and becoming close with Damian.*
#183: Imagine Alfred and Damian trying to cheer you up.*
#206: Imagine sharing your Russian culture with Damian.
#213: Imagine singing Damian a lullaby to help him sleep.
Conner Kent
#13: Imagine Conner having feelings for you but not knowing how to tell you. 
Roy Harper
#17: Imagine Jason and Roy drunkenly flirting with you.*
#233: Imagine Jason and Roy annoying you with their flirting.*
Wally West
#204: Imagine Wally discovering your crush on Dick.*
#209: Imagine Wally finding out you’re dating Dick.*
Diana Prince
Imagine being engaged to Diana.
Star Wars
Kylo Ren
#24: Imagine seeing Kylo Ren, your first love, on the battlefield on Takodana.*
#36: Imagine taking your revenge on Kylo Ren. 
#41: Imagine joining Kylo Ren and giving in to the Dark Side.
#45: Imagine being betrothed to General Hux but in love with Kylo Ren.*
#49: Imagine Kylo bringing you to Snoke and being forced to watch you die.*
#52: Imagine breaking off your engagement to General Hux so you can confess your love to Kylo Ren.*
#63: Imagine getting jealous of Rey when Kylo asks her to join him.*
#68: Imagine being the only survivor of Kylo Ren’s massacre and him returning to the temple to find you.*
#73: Imagine both Kylo Ren and General Hux being in love with you.*
#78: Imagine having a daughter with Kylo Ren and him not knowing what to do when she finds his lightsaber.*
#79: Imagine having a Force connection with Kylo Ren.*
#82: Imagine Kylo Ren helping you escape Snoke’s ship.*
#83: Imagine you, a Praetorian Guard, being in love with Kylo Ren.*
#84: Imagine Kylo showing off his lightsaber to you and making Hux jealous. *
#88: Imagine being Kylo Ren’s padawan and him being worried when you get hurt.*
#90: Imagine agreeing to support the First Order to repay a debt to Kylo Ren.*
#99: Imagine Kylo taking your daughter to work with him.*
#101: Imagine Kylo taking you as a prisoner when you try to save Poe.*
#103: Imagine living in hiding from the first Order.*
#126: Imagine being forced to reveal your past life with Kylo to save Poe.*
#203: Imagine Kylo Ren helping you with your health problems.*
#216: Imagine Kylo Ren confessing his love to you.*
#226: Imagine Kylo Ren taking you on as an apprentice.
Ben Solo
#95: Imagine being Ben Solo’s roommate when you were at Luke’s academy.*
Poe Dameron
#20: Imagine being Poe’s girlfriend and fighting alongside him for the Resistance.
#87: Imagine being the mechanic who works on Poe’s X-Wing and his girlfriend.*
#93: Imagine having a child with Poe and him teaching them how to fly an X-Wing.*
#113: Imagine Leia comforting you you and Poe break up.*
#196: Imagine being in a love triangle with Poe and Hux.*
#219: Imagine being a medic and Poe making excuses to see you.*
General Hux
#48: Imagine Hux having feelings for you and you not realizing it.*
#59: Imagine discovering Hux is your soulmate.*
#73: Imagine both Kylo Ren and General Hux being in love with you.*
#74: Imagine using Hux’s love for you to sabotage the First Order.*
#84: Imagine Kylo showing off his lightsaber to you and making Hux jealous.*
#92: Imagine Hux getting flustered when he sees you in a nightgown.*
#96: Imagine Hux hating the Resistance so much because you, his sister, were almost killed by them.*
#117: Imagine risking your life to save Hux.*
#156: Imagine comforting Hux when he’s stressed out by his First Order duties.*
#161: Imagine Hux loving your tattoos.*
#85: Imagine helping Rey train to be a Jedi when Luke refuses to teach her. 
#122: Imagine Rey tending to your wounds after battling alongside her.*
Wedge Antilles
#201: Imagine Wedge Antilles thinking you have a crush on Luke.*
My Hero Academia
#237: Imagine going to live with Midoriya during quarantine.
#238: Imagine Bakugou’s mom noticing his crush on you.*
Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan
#3: Imagine the Lost Boys stealing the pirates’ rum and drunkenly telling Peter you love him.
#4: Imagine trying to save Henry when Pan takes his heart.
#22: Imagine defying Pan in front of the Lost Boys
#25: Imagine saving Pan’s life when a Lost Boys betrays him. 
#193: Imagine Peter Pan helping you with your magic.*
Captain Hook
#12: Imagine catching Captain Hook’s eye singing in a bar and him comparing your voice to a siren’s song. 
#132: Imagine Killian having to choose between you and Milah.*
#137: Imagine Milah making you doubt Killian’s love for you.*
#139: Imagine being Peter Pan’s daughter and Hook falling in love with you.*
#143: Imagine learning you’re pregnant ready right before Killian proposes to you.*
#8: Imagine secretly dating Ruby and Granny not approving of you. 
Rise of the Guardians
Jack Frost
#55: Imagine Jack Frost nipping at your nose.
#56: Imagine Jack Frost flirting with you at Santa’s workshop. 
#57: Imagine Jack helping you win a snowball fight with your friends.
#58: Imagine Jack having to leave you as spring begins. 
#61: Imagine Jack being heartbroken when he sees you’ve forgotten him.*
#64: Imagine Jamie helping you believe in Jack again.*
#123: Imagine Jack Frost flirting with you, the Guardian of Love.*
#186: Imagine Jack teaching you how to ice skate.*
#192: Imagine Jack accidentally hurting you with his powers.*
#198: Imagine secretly dating Jack Frost.*
#199: Imagine Jack meeting you, the newest Guardian.*
#200: Imagine Jack being friends with another winter spirit.*
#228: Imagine becoming the Guardian of Fall the same way Jack became a Guardian.*
Avatar: The Last Airbender
#187: Imagine taking care of Zuko when he falls mysteriously ill in Ba Sing Se, unaware that he’s the prince of the Fire Nation.
#229: Imagine Zuko seeing you use your firebending at a circus performance.*
Game of Thrones
Jon Snow
#5: Imagine being with Jon before he leaves for the Wall.
Daenerys Targaryen
#100: Imagine pledging your life to Daenerys when she frees you from slavery.
#125: Imagine Daenerys finding you with her dragons.*
#167: Imagine Daenerys discovering a fourth egg and welcoming her daughter into the world.*
Sansa Stark
#218: Imagine teasing Sansa and her secretly loving it.
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
#146: Imagine being Fred Weasley’s date to the Yule Ball.*
George Weasley
#150: Imagine being engaged to George Weasley and Umbridge being judgemental about it.*
Sirius Black
#148: Imagine Harry giving you the wedding ring Sirius planned to give you before he died.*
Viktor Krum
#221: Imagine being a Weasley sibling and secretly dating Viktor Krum.*
#224: Imagine Viktor Krum saving you for the second Triwizard task.*
LOTR/The Hobbit
#223: Imagine proving yourself as a fighter to Legolas.*
#34: Imagine the Batfamily discovering you’re friends with the Transformers.*
#44: Imagine you, the Batfamily, and the Autobots teaming up to take down Bane.*
Bonus Stuff
1K Followers Ships Headcanons Aesthetics
633 notes · View notes
foreverwcnter · 4 years
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cardigan / p.p
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
summary: “you thought i was dead?” after you go missing with no leads to what happened, you are presumed dead and peter writes letters addressed to you, to help with his grief
word count: 3k
requested: no
warnings: semi character death, heartbreaking angst :( , fluff
a/n: this is for @ariistotles​ lovely writing challenge! i am using prompt 9 for my fic and i hope you guys enjoy!
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two days. forty-eight hours. two thousand eighty minutes. one hundred seventy-two thousand, eight hundred seconds. that’s how long you had been missing. the team of avengers, including desperate peter parker sat around a table, staring at the very little evidence they had of your disappearance. it was only two nights ago when you and peter had been cuddled in bed and you had left to go home. 
evidently, you never returned home. 
peter ran his hands through his hair with frustration, eyes bloodshot red from crying. he was terrified and guilty, knowing if he had just walked you home, he wouldn’t be staring at the picture of you on the screen in front of him.
“we have no leads,” sam wilson stated,” the only evidence is this cardigan.”  
peter knew you were wearing it when you left. he recognized the cute patches of stars scattered on the knitted sleeves and the oversized buttons along the ends. it was always so big on you, he didn’t think you would have bought it from that thrift store, but the moment you laid eyes on it, you fell in love with it. you had fixed up the holes and messed up seams, it looked like something someone would shove under a bed. but you took it into your care.
“she was wearing that after she left my apartment,” peter explained, voice cracking. the entire time he had been silent as they investigated your disappearance. “she almost forgot it but i reminded her.” 
peter took a glance at the cardigan, instantly taking notice of the blood-stained sleeves. 
“we have to find her,” he finally added, one tear slipping down his cheek. tony hadn’t spoken at all, and peter knew why. peter understood what it felt like to lose someone. there was a chance you’d be found again, but it was slim. you were just gone. 
the next few days were hell for peter. they hadn’t found anything and all he wanted to believe was that you were at least alive. everyone around him seemed to be giving up already. peter had even overheard tony talking with the other avengers, thinking that you weren’t alive and he’d have to plan a funeral. peter refused to give up, he couldn’t believe the idea that you were dead. there was only a glimmer of hope left in some of the avengers. every day that passed, the more likely it was that you were dead. it wasn’t until two months of searching, they finally gave in.
tony kept the funeral private. it took everything in peter to just crawl out of bed that early morning and may had to help him tie the tie for his suit. his hands trembled too much to get it straight. he didn’t want to believe you were gone, but by this point, he was giving up himself. everything at the funeral was dark, the opposite of what you were like. you always had the brightest of smiles, your hair would always smell like fresh daisies from a meadow. everyone who gathered around was silent, staring at an empty casket, watching it get lowered into the ground. 
peter found himself alone after the casket was six feet under and collapsed to his knees in front of the gravestone. tears openly fell down his face, as he stared at the name written on the stone. y/n stark. he wanted to stop making events like this so familiar. first his parents, then uncle ben. now you. the love of his life, the person he dreamed of marrying. some people see this as an unattainable fantasy because when you are young, they assume you know nothing. but peter was sure. you were supposed to be the one. his endgame. but you were gone. 
a hand tapped his shoulder revealing the familiar face of tony stark. seeing him made peter fall apart as tony pulled him into a tight embrace. peter finally let it all out. with his shoulders shaking with sobs and soft cries leaving his breathless lips, peter parker was finally showing his grief. 
grief was a fickle thing. it constantly changed. peter had been in such disbelief for the past months you were gone, but now he was trying to bargain with what happened. he gave his suit back to tony, he moved on from being spider-man, and tried living normally. he was trying to change himself for you. but it was hard. it took every amount of effort to bring himself out of his bedroom. the only thing that kept him going was the desire to do things you would want him to do. it didn’t take long for aunt may to take peter to a therapist. they could help him sort out the pain he was holding onto.
“tell me about her.”
“y/n was the perfect example of joy,” peter admitted with a desolate tone. “she was always looking to help anyone before herself. something she got from her dad. her hair always smelled amazing, like a garden almost. she liked to braid it, and stick flowers in it. y/n got the idea from tangled…” he paused, staring at the ground. he had planned a date before you went missing. he was going to take you to a lantern festival. where you could recreate the scene from tangled. peter knew how happy it would have made you. but you were gone. you’d never see the lanterns, you’d never live that dream.
“she had a cardigan… something she found at a thrift store, on the ground without a price tag. it had holes in the sleeves and she chose to patch them up with little stars. it was always too big on her, y/n always wore it with everything. i never saw her without it. she once forgot it when we left for a road trip, made me turn around to go get it for her but i was happy to,” a rare smile came onto peter’s face as he thought about the dimples on your cheek when he had put the cardigan around you. the smile faded,” it was the only thing they found when she went missing. it had blood on it and i know something bad happened.”
“i couldn’t stop it. i couldn’t save her.”
the woman in the chair across from him said nothing, just stared at peter as he avoided her gaze. after a couple moments, she began speaking,” you need to figure out a way to say goodbye to y/n. i understand how hard that may seem, but there are ways. i want you to write letters addressed to her. just start with something normal, you don’t have to address her death in the letter, just make it between you and her. the more you write these. the easier it’ll get to let go. “
peter stared at a blank piece of paper for hours that night. he didn’t know how to start. every time he picked up the pen his hand started shaking and he was too scared to write your name. with a frustrated groan, he jumped onto his bed, face buried in his hands. normally, peter would go to you to talk out his stress, to feel your arms around him but he couldn’t have that now. 
that’s when he took notice of your cardigan hung on the corner of his bed frame. he took it into his hands, letting out a sigh. it was the only thing he had left out you. the only part of you that was left behind. so peter put it around himself, pulling his arms into the sleeves. it felt like you had your arms around him again and gave him the boost he had been looking for. 
so he wrote:
my love y/n,  
i don’t want to talk about you being gone yet, just let me have this moment to tell you the things i didn’t say. you were perfect. you are still perfect. i know that sees unbelievable to you, but every moment i shared with you, i cherished like a child would cherish a new toy. 
except i never grew tired of you. you always came with new surprises. whether it was the time i thought you had never watched star wars and you admitted to being one of the biggest star wars nerds there is or the time i caught you crying to rom coms when we were friends, wishing you had that kind of romance. you were a hopeless romantic. mj said you were always looking for a disney prince of your own. i hope i was good enough to earn that title. i hope i gave you your dream love story. because every moment i spent with you was something exhilarating and i ever wanted to pass it up. 
 i just hope i was enough for you.
peter knew the letter was short, but he couldn’t bear to finish. tears marked the page with scratched out words and messy handwriting. he was supposed to write a letter every day. every day until he was able to say one word. goodbye. 
slowly he started getting there. very slowly. 
every day he wrote a new letter. they consistently got longer, but there were days it got short. he tried his best to avoid talking about you being gone. sometimes the letters were simple, saying i went to the grocery store for the first time in awhile. i saw your favorite snack and ended up buying it. i never liked it until now. i guess you influenced me so much.
there were harder days though. these days the paper would be stained with tears and may would come into his room and would find him crying. those letters always had the words “i miss you” and questioned why you had to go so soon. 
there was only one thing he always did when he was writing these letters. he was always wearing your cardigan. he even began wearing it just around the house or to school. may never failed to notice and would wash it for him to wear the next day when peter forgot. having the cardigan around him made him feel comfortable and safe. almost like you were right with him. he even wore it to his second visit with the therapist, four months after your disappearance 
“it’s getting easier to write the letters,” the brunette boy admitted, fiddling with the ends of the sleeves. “i’ve wrote so many already. it’s almost like i can still talk to her, even when she’s gone.” 
the woman smiled. “that’s good peter.”
“but remember, the goal isn’t to hold on, you have to let go. you have to say goodbye.” 
peter hated the sound of it. he couldn’t imagine a life without you in it, he couldn’t imagine moving on from you because every day he still missed you more than anything. 
it took another six months for him to finally write a final letter. ten months after you had disappeared.
my love, y/n, 
this isn’t an easy one to write. these past few months have been hell but i’ve rolled with the punches. i just left flowers at your gravestone. chrysanthemums, your favorites. it’s always been hard seeing your name on that stone and not seeing you next to me.
i miss every inch of you, y/n. i miss the feeling of your lips on mine and the tender kisses you’d press on my neck. i miss watching you fall asleep, i miss running my hand over your back while you snored. i miss seeing your beautiful face, the one that never failed to make me smile. every time i see a star wars movie come on, i’m reminded of your constant rants about padmé and anakin’s romance and how badass all the women of star wars are. i even still think about the day i met you. we were just kids, and you pushed over some other little kids for me. i think that was the day i knew you were important. it only just now dawned on me.
and the best part about you was when i felt like an old cardigan, under someone’s bed, you put me on and said i was your favorite. just like the one you used to always wear.
but i think the one thing i miss the most is just your voice. you always talked me to sleep on rough nights. it’s the same voice that got me through the trials of being a hero, the one that comforted me after hard patrols and nightmares. it was the one that sang ‘i can see the light’ from the lantern scene from tangled everytime we watched it. it’s the one i miss the most and i’d do anything to hear it again, y/n. 
but for now, it’s your turn to listen to me. and listen closely. i love you. you were my soulmate and i still think you are. i loved you then. i love you now. and i’ll love you forever. we’ll see each other again, because you always come back to me. you’re my angel. my love. my dream. my soulmate. my darling. the love of my life. we’re meant to be together. i know one day we’ll find each other. and when we do… i’ll never let go of you again. 
y/n stark, just do me a favor. keep on being you. wherever you are. i’ll keep on being me. i’ll carry on for you.
so now i just have to say one more word. one more word that isn’t forever because i know i’ll be with you. you’ll come back to me. i’ll come back to you. because loving you is like being drunk under a streetlight. it’s the thrill of living life and some kind of light near you. even without the light being right beside you. being in love with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 
so here it is, y/n. here it is.
peter was interrupted as he wrote, a hard knock from the door of the apartment. for a second, he waited, but it came again. it sounded urgent by how heavy it was and how frantically the person was knocking. he stumbled out of the chair, leaving the open letter on his desk as he fumbled with the lock. once it opened, peter had begun thinking he was dreaming.
because the person standing in front of the door, was you. 
with his jaw slacking, peter rubbed his eyes trying to process what was in front of him. and to think he was about to write the word goodbye, and here you were, back from the dead. his eyes watered slightly as he opened his mouth to speak but no words came. he couldn’t comprehend the fact you were alive. “ y/n… no… how? how are you here? you were dead… this can’t be real.” everything hit him like an oncoming train, he was convinced he was dreaming or hallucinating. was this a test? was this testing him to see if he was actually prepared to say goodbye?
“you thought i was dead?” 
this was what brought peter back to reality. he fell to his knees so fast in front of you, the tears falling down without a doubt as sobs left his thin lips, the ones you used to kiss. everything from the past few months came pouring out. “you were dead. everyone gave up and i didn’t want to but i did. i gave up, i failed you. i did the one thing you told me not to do because i was weak. and i couldn’t hold myself together at your funeral…” you knelt down as he sobbed and choked out every word, pulling him to your chest. “i wanted you to be the one to help me, but you weren’t there. you weren’t here to hug me before and i tried holding on for you. i tried and i thought i was never going to get over it and move on and i never did. i never did, y/n ,because i love you and you are the only person who will be constant in my life even if you were to fall out of love.”
“and i wrote you letters. i wrote you so many letters. i was writing one… just before you came… it was the last one, y/n, the one where i was going to say goodbye and now here you are,” peter’s arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer.
“you don’t have to say goodbye anymore, pete,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of his head before he finally got a clear look at you. you looked no different than before. you had a a few bruises here and there, but you were alive. peter couldn’t believe just how much time passed and you were still the embodiment of beauty in his eyes. 
a smile formed on his face, a dimple showing on his cheek,”i knew you’d come back to me.” 
with that, he pressed his lips against yours, a hand moving up to cup your cheek as yours moved to his hair, running your hands through the messy brown curls. your lips were soft, just like they used to be and they tasted just like your favorite cherry chapstick that you used to always use. peter relished in the tender moment, butterflies coming alive in his stomach as he pressed his other hand on the small of your back. you both pulled away gently, eyes still closed with foreheads resting against each other.
“i love you,” you said gently, pressing a kiss to the tip of peter’s nose.
he returned it with his own, murmuring,” i love you more.” 
his heart fluttered in the comfortable silence and the air still held the same amount of love and adoration for each other as it did before. peter never wanted to give it up and he never wanted to let it go. with the cardigan still wrapped around his shoulders and your arms around him, for the first time in months, peter finally remembered how it feels to be secure and safe. 
you both finally stood up, fingers interlocked and right before you both headed inside, you glanced at peter and asked with a laugh:
“is that my cardigan?”
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permanent taglist — @ariistotles​  @saturnpeter​ @skymoonandstardust​ @hey-its-grey​ @pufflypuffle​ @uglypastels​ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @simi11​ @abby-blxck​ @pxterbpxrker​ @euphoricmads​ @neverlandparker​ @fairytaleparker​ @dahliaspidey​ @thegirlwiththeimpala​ @pterprkr​ @cosmicholland​ @theamazingtomholland​ @xoxohollands​ @screamholland​ @beiroviski​ @sunflowerhollands​
peter parker taglist — @myslightobsessions​
390 notes · View notes
therewasatale · 5 years
Original Stories
Supernatural :  
When they show their wings /Imagine/
broken wings /Imagine/
telling Gadreel that he’s your soulmate /Imagine/
Gadreel saw your old self-harm scars /Imagine/
Sleeping with Gadreel but you wake up at dawn /Imagine/
When they show their wings /Imagine/
Open cell
When they show their wings /Imagine/
When they show their wings /Imagine/
When they show their wings /Imagine/
 Discworld :
higher price /ReverseAU/
Deal? /ReverseAU ; VetVimes/
all the little angels
Stubborn oldmen /VetVimes/
Witouth title /VetVimes/  
Without title /VetVimes/ 
Dwarven Parenthood
soft worries /SybilVimes/
Kindred spirits /Discworld&Harry Potter crossover/
Rosehips /VetVimes/
an urgent afternoon
morning…? /VetVimes/
White city /VetVimes/
making sure /VetVimes/
ex-assassin /VetVimes/
silence /VetVimes/
Rainy day /VetVimes/
just a cut /VetVimes/
Missed you /VetVimes/
The old writer
Two o'clock and all's well. 
Warmth and whispers /VetVimes/ 
20 dollar 
Watchman's Prayer
constable  /ReverseAU/
the new member /ReverseAU/
 Detroit: Become Human :
Connor (RK800) 
The other One
The last choice 
Hand in Hand /Imagine/
Gavin Reed 
not fine
 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse :
You’re living with Peter B. Parker and one day you talk with him about your negativ body imagie /Imagine/
 Good Omens:                                                                                                     
an uneventful day /ineffable husbands/
Metal tower to the sky
 One Piece:
dream of an old man
Get whale soon!
Newborns /AsgoreGaster/
have a cup of tea /AsgoreGaster/
come to sleep /Sans Imagine/
Good night /BabyBones/
Puns and lanterns /Sans Imagine/
silver key
Honesty /AsgoreGaster/
Good morning /AsgoreGaster/
stormy night /Sans Imagine/
 Five Nights at Freddy’s:
See you in Hell
Letting go hurts…a lot
Old Home 
Later that night 
Star Wars:
how are you feeling? /StormPilot/
closed together /CodyWan/
important to us /CodyWan/
 Doctor Who:
Silent Tardis /Tenth Doctor Imagine/
 Toy Story:  
A toy’s life /Horror, kinda/
one-time case /ZarakiByakuya/
changes /ZarakiByakuya/
 Hollow Knight
Free Vessel
Arsenic /Andercard/
for I have sinned / Andercard /
are we in love? / Andercard /
Instinct / Andercard /
in the rain / Andercard /
guest / Andercard /
answer / Andercard /
had a thought / Andercard /
poor decision / Andercard /
handle my weapon / Andercard /
deep breath / Andercard /
there was only one couch / Andercard /
wait for me / Andercard /
Let the rain wash away / Andercard /
daughter of darkness / Andercard /
butterfly / Andercard /
gentle night / Andercard /
stolen kiss / Andercard /
hate me (Part 1)  (Part 2) / Andercard /
Anderson / Andercard /
noodle / Andercard /
occupied /Andercard/
confession /Andercard/
 Resident Evil Village
Trust is a fragile thing (Part 1) ( Part 2) /Heisenberg Imagine/
his scars /Heisenberg Imagine/
go back /Heisenberg Imagine/
sleeping beauty /Heisenberg Imagine/
What Is Important (Part 1)  (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)  /Heisenberg Imagine/
My lord (Part 1)
 Harry Potter
still not friends /Second Wizard War/
Vampyr (2018)
Never ending nightmares (Part1) (Part2) (Part3)
all chained up and helpless
your true color (Part 1)  (Part 2)
clear eyes
stolen (Part 1) (Part 2) 
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