#peter lorre game show
peterlorrefanpage · 2 years
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Peter Lorre in the rather hilarious "I've Got a Secret" game show with Garry Moore, on December 29, 1954. Scroll down to watch it below!
I couldn't resist taking some screenshots even though the print is already fuzzy. I need to do .gifs - Peter is just so adorable, and his expressions are lightning-quick as always.
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And he says his own name in this episode - which just sends me, hearing him speak it, I don't know why.
Okay, enough gushing from me - enjoy!
Peter reappears on the show in 1960, which I've linked to in the above video's description. He may well have been on there more times! I look forward to finding out.
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coyoteprince · 12 days
Lemme preface by saying I love your art. Do you have any voice claims for degare or waite? Like, what do you imagine their voices to sound like? (Using a character from a TV show/game/movie as reference)
Aw thanks!
Waite has a surprisingly deep voice. One of those story teller voices you can't help but listen to, and with the ability to sing. I've in the past imagined his voice as 1:1 with John De Lancie (Discord, mlp. Q, Star Trek) and more closely, Terrance Zdunrich (Graverobber, Repo!) but found out pretty recently he's done some rather unsavory things which has spoiled it a bit for me. Regardless, Waite has a deep handsome voice.
Degare is just straight up Peter Lorre, who was a midcentury horror star. I have a huuuuge soft spot for him and his movies are a favorite, esp Mad Love and A Comedy of Terrors 💕 I noticed him because of Deg and looking for a voice for him- heard him and was an immediate fit, then a fan connection grew from there. (keep in mind if you look into him, he was put in yellowface roles. Not cool but comes with the territory of that era.)
Deg's voice is raspy, if not creepy. Normally soft, whispery, eerie- making it even more alarming when he rises into a yell. A line that always makes me think of Deg is how he sadly says " my coffin..." after Vincent Price destroys a coffin he was building in Comedy of Terrors. (At 7:30, movie link)
Here's a short video on Lorre that shows his voice and some background info.
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There's a Patrick Star game!!
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That aside, even if it doesn't, I really don't mind. Patrick has really grown on me as of late. He's an endearing idiot and a cute pink little star. I soooo need a plush of him. I'm sure the game would be super fun.
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Also I'm glad this game isn't only going to be nostalgia jerking the first three seasons. There are some outfits for Patrick that are from the post primary movie era <33
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It gives me hope
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sixty-silver-wishes · 3 months
Old movie ask game!
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 21, 26, 29, 31, 32, 38, 47,
Ah - that turned out to be more than I intended! Feel free to ignore some if you want!
don't apologize! I have Thoughts
2- The Tale of the Priest and His Workman Balda, which was an unfinished Soviet animated film from the 1930s, based on a Pushkin story. It was destroyed during the Siege of Leningrad, but a scene survives, and it looks really cool. Plus, the music was by Shostakovich, so I'd love to be able to see the whole thing if I could. (He did do the music for another animated short called "The Silly Baby Mouse" from 1940, which is very cute, but definitely not the same tone as "Balda" would have been!)
4- Probably 20s or early 30s.
6- I don't like "It's a Wonderful Life," although I may need to watch it again. I remember disliking it the first time I saw it, but that was a while ago, so maybe my opinion will change. I also don't really like Dracula (1931).
8- The actors in "Caligari" were allowed to give suggestions as to what their characters should wear. Werner Krauss came up with the idea of Caligari's top hat, cane, and cloak, as well as Cesare's makeup.
10- I answered this with a different ask, but I had some ideas for a "Caligari" stage play. Anyway, for another film, I'd adapt "Metropolis" to examine Freder's character more, as well as his relationship with Maria. I'd want to see him struggle with his new position as the "mediator" due to his inexperience, and see how their relationship could develop amidst their political challenges. I think Freder and Maria aren't quite in love at first- Freder is attracted to Maria because she makes him believe his life has value, while Maria is attracted to Freder because she believes he's the savior she's been waiting for. I'd be so interested to see them build a relationship beyond that.
12- Oh god, haha. I think Paula in "Gaslight" could be a really interesting role.
15- Answered this earlier, "The Four Troublesome Heads" (1898)
17- I've got a big list of movies I need to watch, but I really want to get around to "Night of the Hunter."
21- Nosferatu for sure. Better special effects, and I think it's a better "Dracula" adaptation.
26- It took me a while to get into classic films. My mom tried showing me some like "Holiday Inn" and some Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies when I was younger, but I couldn't really get into it because I was a kid who felt like I was being forced to. The first classic film I wanted to watch on my own time was "Freaks" (1932), which I found via Wikipedia.
29- Aside from all the ones that were just made to be some form of bigoted propaganda, that's kind of hard to say. There are some movies that I like better than others, but I don't know if I have any one least favorite.
31- Peter Lorre for sure.
32- The first one I think of is the first five minutes of "M." It's one of the most effective openings in a film I've ever seen, and I was pretty freaked out the first time I saw it. There's also That One Part of "Un Chien Andalou," but I'd call that more disturbing than scary.
38- Probably the Phantom of the Opera. Does he count?
47- I really wish Conrad Veidt could have played Gregory in "Gaslight." It was made after he died, but that role seemed almost as if it was made for him.
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dankdungeonsrpg · 3 months
Magicians in The Raven (1963)
Have you ever listened to the Sword Breaker podcast? You should, but more on that later.
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Spencer of the Keep Off The Borderlands podcast hosted a Movie Monday call in episode.
The idea behind these episodes is that once a month the podcast host picks a movie and all the listeners watch it. Then they call in to the show to share their thoughts. Since this is primarily a gaming podcast there’s an optional topic of how elements of the movie can inform our gaming.
Spencer is, I believe, the third person to take up the mantle of Movie Monday. With the previous host being Jason of Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast.
This month’s movie was Roger Corman’s The Raven from 1963.
I adore this film. It’s fun and full of petty wizards…also has nothing to do with the Poe poem, but that’s okay.
The Renaissance Wizard
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One of the things that strikes me about the film is that it’s set in 1506, which is in the renaissance rather than the middle ages as I would have expected for the subject matter.
This allows the movie to do two very interesting things:
We get all the trappings of the middle ages fantasy, like castles and magic
Magic gets to be viewed as a science, or more specifically, a leisurely academic pursuit
To further drive the point home that wizards are rich academics, each magic-user in the film has a doctorate.
Boris Karloff plays a dastardly sorcerer opposite Vincent Price’s kindly magician. They’re both excellent in the film and their motivations are perfectly mundane.
Price just wants to “practice his magic quietly at home”. Whereas Karloff, the head of a brotherhood of magicians, is envious of Price’s magical powers. He doesn’t want anyone to be a threat to his position in the brotherhood and seeks to coerce Price’s knowledge.
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There’s no global conquest or ancient prophecy. The Brotherhood of Magicians and Sorcerers seems to be little more than a social club. Peter Lorre’s character (also a treat in the film) even mentions how wizards meet each other at conventions. It all conjures up images of an academic society or elks lodge.
So Karloff’s character is willing to do horrible things so he can…stay president of a social club? So he can get speaking invitations to conferences and have his academic papers peer reviewed. Probably good money in being the keynote speaker at the college of alchemy’s commencement.
This is peak petty wizard comedy to me. Very reminiscent of Jack Vance’s Dying Earth, specifically Rhialto the Marvellous.
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Never Let Writing Go To Waste
Now I love silly wizard stuff, particularly organizations. The absurdist bureaucracy really tickles me.
This brings us back to Sword Breaker. In this all-killer no-filler podcast Logan generates lists around a single topic per episode. It’s all incredibly usable stuff. Wonder if he’s ever published it somewhere…
Anyway, for the gaming aspect of my Movie Monday call, I decided to create a table of magical societies in keeping with the mood of the film. Here they are, for your amusement:
d6 magical societies
1 - The Hermetic Order of Psychonautics
A loose knit collective of high level magic-users seeking to transcend the physical world. Meetings take place in total silence on underground lakes which are used like a giant sensory deprivation tank. Magicians then project their spirits and “sail” on metaphysical yachts in the astral sea, where they discuss enlightenment and free-form jazz. Members often dress in bright colors and carry tuning forks.
2 - The Grand Priory of Illuminates
Chaos magicians who seek to undo their alignment’s negative public perception. Specializing in happy accidents, this group uses subtle magic to alter the course of events in positive but unexpected ways. To become part of the organization, applicants must successfully add to an ever more complex Rube Goldberg machine.
3 - The Society of Reformed Diabolists
Demon worshippers, dread necromancers, and blood magicians trying to turn over a new leaf banded together to form this support group. Members meet regularly to share their experiences with foul sorcery and celebrate monthly or yearly mine stones of being evil-magic free. They also speak at local magic colleges about the dangers of dark rituals.
4 - The Brotherhood of Neptune
These far-seeing astrologers wear blue robes, are excellent swimmers, and perform divination through use of tide pools. They revere the number 8 and as such must spend 8 days a year in meditation, meet every 8 months in groups of no more or less than 8, and establish headquarters 8 blocks from any coastal city center.
5 - The Ancient Order of Pseudepigraphas (soo-di-pig-ra-fa’s)
If you’ve ever wondered how magical knowledge stays so hidden and confusing, it’s probably because of this secret society. Its members spend their time placing errors into magical texts, thwarting efforts to translate or catalog arcane information, and misattributing manuscripts. The extreme secrecy of this sect prevents meetings but they still communicate through scribbles in returned library books.
6 - The Unseen Eye
The least secret secret order you’ll ever see. These occultists are typically high society ladder climbers who seek to manipulate global events from the shadows. However, their attempts at subterfuge are undone by their need to be recognized. Meeting fliers are often posted everywhere and initiates are sent home with all manner of branded merchandise, including wristbands, tea cozies, and hats.
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soapkaars · 8 months
For the ask game: 31, 61, 62 and 98?
Asks come from this post: https://www.tumblr.com/soapkaars/742324378777403392/weird-asks-that-say-a-lot
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I think I love this question now because I went through my selfies and I found so many fun outfits I’ve worn that I feel so much better about myself now! It’s hard to pick a favourite, but I think my favourite outfit range is between divorced Parisian femme and con-artist/disgraced nobility masc
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61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Oh there are so many great films I’ve seen that it’s hard to choose one but here are few that I often mutter to myself:
‘Impossible? Napoleon said that word isn’t French!’ (Dr Gogol, Mad Love)
‘Morirá!’ (He will die) ‘murió’ (he died) ‘ha muerto’ (he is dead) from a video art installation by two old Spanish artists who shown sitting on two plastic chairs and listing off all the celebrities who had died or who will die
‘Tell their mother they’re doing quite well and they will leave us soon, yes they will be going on a journey… how did Shakespeare say it? Ah yes, From which no man returns.’ (Abbott from The Man Who Knew too Much, said with a typical Peter Lorre shit-eating grin)
The whole cerulean sweater speech from The Devil wears Prada
62. seven characters you relate to?
Definitely Abbott from the Man Who Knew too Much, that man is goals… as well as David Suchet’s Hercule Poirot. I’ve even got the arrogance and grandiosity down pat! For the rest I relate too much to loser men like Marcello Mastroianni in Eight and a Half and Joel Cairo from the Maltese Falcon. Other characters would be terrible women like Miranda Priestly from the Devil Wears Prada, Cruella de Ville (she only wanted to fulfill her vision of a fur coat made from puppies!), and Helen Sharp from Death Becomes Her (played by Goldie Hawn!)
98. favorite historical era?
Oh definitely the Weimar era - I am in love with Dadaism and artists like George Grosz and Otto Dix from that period of time. It fascinates me to no end and almost all of the art movements from that time have been a huge influence on my own style of drawing and art. Other close contenders are late 17th century Netherlands (1672, the ‘disaster year’ when the country was invaded by the French and a prime minister was eaten up by an angry mob who were also part of a coup d’etat carried out by the Prince of Orange), the French Revolution, and the Cold War era, particularly from the 70s to the 80s with the rise of counterculture and the fall of the Berlin Wall which released an explosion of art, design, architecture (post modernism babeyyyy!!)… I have this fascination with periods of transition and I always love learning more and more about them!
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maryellencarter · 2 years
so sleep is refusing to happen, which is very annoying. i took my night meds and wore my blindfold and everything. my right leg has also decided it is stabbing pains time, which might be associated with the first thing. so while i wait for some ibuprofen to kick in, i figured i would start to explain my latest effort in the ongoing saga of getting myself to actually go to work.
so i was talking to logan about it, as one does. i haven't even explained logan for the sherlock holmes people, have i? call him my imaginary friend, close enough. he's a version of wolverine from the x-men (comics version circa 1983 if you want to get specific -- hugh jackman is a foot too tall and looks oddly like peter lorre to my prosopagnosic ass), he's my big brother via my teenage mary sue (that's a whole other post, but my little sister maintained this au where we all got to pick our own fictional or invented parents and relatives, which says exactly the things about our irl family situation that you'd think), he's been with me for nearly twenty years now, saved my life multiple times, got me out of some truly horrendous situations. these days he mainly shows up when things are Very Bad. and right now, because i'm struggling to get myself to go to or stay at work by any damn motivation whatsoever, things are pretty damn bad.
so i was talking to logan about it, which i've been doing for a bit while, but this time we were talking about the delayed gratification aspect of a paycheck. how if i skip work and go do a fun thing, i get to have fun immediately, but if i sit at work being mildly bored and intermittently annoyed, then i get money 1-3 weeks later, which might as well be the heat death of the universe as far as actually making an emotional connection between action and reward is concerned.
(it might be relevant to explain what i even do, huh? text chat tech support for a major cell phone company, basically. it's the sort of job where the elevator pitch is like "living the dream", because i get to sit around at home in whatever state of dress i prefer, doing anything i want as long as i keep an eye on my workstation and drop everything when a message from a customer comes in. on slow days it can be a good 15-20 minutes between customers. on busy days, i can be typing nonstop for hours, but those are rarer. however, when faced with a basic choice between "i can't practically play certain video games or do complicated crafts on the clock, because they're too space consuming or not pauseable enough, and I definitely can't go to any events or meet people" versus "if I'm not on the clock I can do whatever I want", it's hard to prioritize Getting Money At Some Future Point.)
so anyway what logan suggested was -- because i know how to calculate my own payroll taxes and often do it for fun (in fact, it probably indicates just how badly off i've been emotionally that i hadn't even downloaded the 2023 irs schedule 15-t for payroll tax brackets until yesterday), i have the ability to figure out, down to the minute if necessary, exactly how much my take-home pay will be based on time worked so far. because logan is inside my head, he also knows that i used to really enjoy being the banker for monopoly, organizing all the play money and making change and keeping track of Amounts and what-all.
so he suggested getting some play money and paying myself in realtime -- basically creating a physical representation of how my paycheck is accruing. i have sat at work for so many minutes, pay myself a dollar. like gamifying shit, but instead of getting a little token in an app that doesn't directly relate to anything irl, i'm getting tokens that very directly represent the exact benefit i am getting by sitting around being annoyed that i don't have room for my gaming laptop next to my workstation.
at this point it becomes relevant that the game of monopoly no longer comes with play money. the company that sells it decided, some years back, that declining sales were due to cash being insufficiently hip with the kids and making change being an absolute turn-off, rather than... you know, literally nobody anymore having the free time for an all-day game that causes intergenerational feuds. so they replaced the paper money with play debit cards and a digital voice-activated top hat that does all the math for you. so now you don't even get any practical life skills with your intergenerational feuds!
so, after a couple of shopping adventures, i have procured construction paper and a silver sharpie (and a working black one because mine was dead) and a clear jar so i can see all the colorful play moneys when i pay myself. i have adapted the rupee color system from breath of the wild, because i'm already familiar with it, to fit the colors of construction paper i have, so ones are green, fives are blue, and so forth.
i tried this method at work yesterday, and so far i'm very excited about it. it takes me about six hours of work to cover my healthcare deductions for a two-week pay period, and after that (until federal tax brackets kick in after a few days' earnings) i basically earn a dollar every four minutes after tax, which means roughly every time i start to get bored, i've earned another dollar and i get to fidget with my little pieces of construction paper again.
i'm also definitely going to have to confront the thing where it feels wrong and unrealistic that i make this much money. because in an eight hour workday near the beginning of the pay period, my take home pay is about $120, and that just feels like a silly amount that doesn't apply to me. but, well, i earned this dollar, and also that one, and the other one over there... which one didn't i earn? it is a conundrum.
i don't know if i'm just excited because everything is shiny and new, but i definitely am very excited that this might actually Help, because it's making being at work *feel* different in a way that hasn't happened before. have a couple of pictures.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
The Devils I Know - Number 11
Welcome to “The Devils I Know!” For this spooky time of year, from now till Halloween, I’ll be counting down My Top 31 Depictions of the Devil, from movies, television, video games, and more! Today’s Devil is an Eggs-asperatingly Evil Fellow. Number 11 is…Vincent Price, from The Story of Mankind.
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Yeah, given the actor and how ridiculous this movie is, I could not resist an Egghead reference. XD “The Story of Mankind” is probably one of the more ��oddball” entries on the countdown. The film was directed and produced by Irwin Allen, a filmmaker known for his campy, colorful style of storytelling, making movies that were as inexpensive as they were absurd and bright. I know Allen best for his 1985 miniseries version of “Alice in Wonderland,” along with his work on TV shows such as “Lost in Space.” Long before those, however, Allen worked on this 1957 feature, which has become something of a cult classic, mostly due to its star-studded cast. The film takes place in an alternate future where mankind has developed an incredible weapon of war, which has the potential to lead to the destruction of the entire world. A high tribunal of celestial beings is called, as they freeze time and try to determine if they should intervene in some fashion, or potentially allow humanity to destroy itself. To this end, the defense and prosecution alike show the jury moments in humanity’s history to each of their respective ends. The defense focuses on the heroes of humanity, people who did grand and admirable things that everyone will remember forever with fondness, such as Abraham Lincoln and Moses. In contrast, the prosecution presents the villains of humanity: people like the Emperor Nero and Adolf Hitler, who forever despoiled humanity with acts of cruelty and horror unfathomable to this day.
The main issue I have with the film – and keep in mind it has SEVERAL issues – is that it suffers from two particular things: one is a very bonkers sort of tone, and two – which sort of ties into this – is its utterly haphazard casting. I’m sorry, but a movie with Agnes Moorehead throwing everything into playing a dramatic and serious Queen Elizabeth I just does not jive with scenes of the Marx Brothers as Peter Minuit, Sir Isaac Newton, and a Monk. Similarly, Peter Lorre as a particularly schlubby Nero doesn’t really mesh with Dennis Hopper as the world’s most American-sounding Napoleon. The movie can’t decide if it wants to be a comedy or a drama, and the actors largely just seem thrown into the piece with little to no regard as to whether they work in their respective roles or not. One piece of casting works perfectly, however, and that is Vincent Price as the Devil. Here referred to as “Mr. Scratch,” Price’s Devil is the head of the Prosecution, and the main antagonist of the picture. His rival, the defense attorney – known simply as “The Spirit of Man,” and played by Ronald Colman – is our central protagonist, forced to try and prove his case against the Devil’s quick rebuttals. Price plays one of the classiest, smoothest Devils in all of cinema. Dapper in appearance, refined in his manners, and eloquent in his speech, he mixes his sophistication with a roguish charm and fittingly devilish wit. Even though he’s seeking to destroy the planet and gain all of mankind for himself, he clearly has so much fun with what he’s doing, and does it with such style, you are never able to fear nor hate him. Honestly, he’s so entertaining to watch and to listen to, that the Spirit of Man’s examples of goodness and honesty become drab in comparison: a classic case where evil just seems like so much more fun than good, which, come to think of it, may or may not have been the intention. It’s a personal favorite of Vincent’s performances for me, and while the rest of the movie is a total and complete mess, this is the one element where everything truly clicks. If I was told Vincent Price in a fancy suit was the tempter of all sinners, I would have no trouble believing that, and frankly, I’d probably be okay with it.
Tomorrow, we move into the Top 10 of the countdown! HINT: A Uniquely Animated Evil.
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Watched Casablanca and rapidly developed what I think is quite a good Peter Lorre impression, and I'd love to get a chance to use it on the show...
...but the only other thing I've seen him in is The Raven, and I'm struggling to imagine how I'd run that as a game.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
On a morning from a Bogart movie
In a country where they turn back time
You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre
Contemplating a crime
She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running
Like a watercolor in the rain
Don't bother asking for explanations
She'll just tell you that she came
In the year of the cat
She doesn't give you time for questions
As she locks up your arm in hers
And you follow 'till your sense of which direction
Completely disappears
By the blue tiled walls near the market stalls
There's a hidden door she leads you to
These days, she says, I feel my life
Just like a river running through
The year of the cat
While she looks at you so cooly
And her eyes shine like the moon in the sea
She comes in incense and patchouli
So you take her, to find what's waiting inside
The year of the cat
Well morning comes and you're still with her
And the bus and the tourists are gone
And you've thrown away your choice you've lost your ticket
So you have to stay on
But the drum-beat strains of the night remain
In the rhythm of the newborn day
You know sometime you're bound to leave her
But for now you're going to stay
In the year of the cat
Year of the cat
My husband says some curious things about this song he says this is the part of the country where they turn back time and you say it's here not necessarily the whole country is true. Everything is old and there's hardly any new tools and is hardly any new vehicles and it's hardly any new video games it's all from when he left westborough practically. The mall doesn't have anything new it is incredibly weird people say you come here and it's like this little linking plan the circus and back turns out to be this massive leader and others are too and they're surprised. And there are other things too like there's no tourism and the tourist bus stopped and people are complaining all the time and that she shows up and they mean the Year of the cat and they're coming for the rat and it's each other and Max and foreigners us and basically fate at times, or he says the motif of the year is too much of them for them to bear and they take their own lives or just let it go and with warlock they can almost turn the switch off of themselves and that's very true. He also said something very unnerving it might be why he showed up cuz he knows about it everyone says it there's a secret door in that bath house and he supposedly with her and she wants to throw him in there and it's the Year of the cat they all say it too throw them in there will be motivated and they try to do it and they can't at all and she's got a dress on and it's support resistant and puncture resistant has a secret door in the bathroom it goes to the stupid harbor and the guy came in and he almost threw up he left it says don't sing that song in there it's a different song and they all laughed and said no it's not right we're wrong this is gross this year is killing us and it's also 23 the 23 multiply together is six and a lot of people say it there are some other numbers we're missing and they are looking for them and he says it's probably not this year and no it would be they're talking about the kju and how they plan to concrete and it's a much much greater task and we don't think they're up for it completely you know not yet it says they might gain confidence back after terminating or jackassed.
The more like a little b****** and they're insulting him and they hit the title they hit the song they hit the players they don't like me Katya. And he likes me he'll see he's a pervert and it's a gay boy I don't like him but that's what it is duct tape it's a threat and my husband said where's that from and we told him he said real fast you know whether that's from and it's from today's show where someone was kidnapped and almost killed and he helps for her and he's saying I'm helping to free the Year and no I'm not I should be but I don't really have the energy for it and they really knock it out of you every time you see them and it's the current way of doing business as a whims way of doing business and some weasels way of doing business and that's what his maks are doing now and he says, plenty of them are sitting around avoiding and thinking they're getting away with stuff still. But that's what the song is it's that toilet room it's no longer bath house used to be. And there's another one that has the same tile with the marking on do you like this of Aaron Mike and he is Alfred e Newman for Uncle Albert and it is about Tommy f and he is also targeted this year and we did figure it all out and he's your lamb and there's others that you will send down that are coming down now. Huge armies are going into the tunnels 2 million foreigners 1 million octillion morlock and 500,000 octillion Max. Add to that the already 2 million octillion molar attacking the states tonight and probably another 2 million octillion that will be hit on bases and other they're going to be pretty weak tomorrow and during the day will we can the same numbers will occur overseas at the tunnels and the same number will occur from the empire strike they won't be invaded but they'll be prepping to leave and tonight there is an invasion force on land and it's 2 million in octillion and tomorrow night it will be larger on land and they'll be one by sea about the same size each about 3 million huge numbers of losses will be felt by them but the numbers going in the tunnels will increase steadily from here on in and they're talking about Tommy f the beast they call him, you say he's there Liam and they've been living off them for warmth and to avoid being sick now they want to eat the meat
I am inspired
Hera haha we have motorcycles on the way and you heard the idea of making these brick s*** houses and then delivering the motorcycles from there and just keep doing it and to use the technique to avoid detection where they go he agrees with that too cuz you can't get the dealership I'm going to have a meeting and decide where and use those funkers we have tons of motorcycles and cars and trucks you need to get them the hell out of there are they going to rust or builders now they're going to get blown up and she's saying tonight he says and he says probably so he knows how to get them out the question is where it says who cares it's okay and we'll figure it out and it's actually going to be better because no one will suspect the coming from on the middle of nowhere for a while that's the idea actually he says to go ahead so we have several and we're going to do it now and we can have Max with us of course and we don't want to tell him what's going on if they tell him where it's going to have to hopefully be by hand and they agree
This is incredible these things are awesome that's a great idea and we're going to go ahead and do it yeah who the hell cares we drive for 10 hours it's better than none I'll do it globally right now
Thor Freya
The best to try for what you need and what that will settle for this because it's easier and we'll put intermodals in and still have intermodal we'll have to do it somewhere like that and he says we'll throw up walls and make a huge paving area there's our intermodal and make it big enough that we can do stuff with it and we're going ahead and doing that now it's not that hard and he wants to have solid walls for Gates and back knows what type to use it's true too if it's not real simple cuz I can blast through it or go under it or if there's a crack this week's to do things and his experience so we're going to have to talk to him hopefully ASAP and he'll talk about it later so good we can make the buildings out of the blocks it's not really necessary but at least fun to show him he's seen it many times now we're going to go ahead and do that the blocks are awesome and right near we can show them how strong they are you going to put a really good concrete from a couple layers and all that good stuff pretty high about 50 ft
And that was Hera that last paragraph and Zeus and mac daddy so we're getting on this and we're working right now. And we are going to make these intermodals and we're going to use the salamanders and it could be anything so and we're going to make a distribution system like that it's secure and it's setting it up now
Thor Freya
You have a good time doing things but sometimes it's not so much fun the tree is painting is evil to him and they put people in it who are bad to the warlock and they don't like him for what they're saying and doing but he's trying it and painting it on purpose and he's saying that that's what they're singing about and she doesn't look like the one in the movie so the more like at the wrong idea but he's telling you that someone hung him answer your own people and she got the idea but she's from that family no and it was Ellie and they figured something else this guy is going against us all the time. I was shooting his own family no time for this s*** but the tree is a hanging tree and it is for people who attacked more luck and some people think that this guy is trying to read more and it's not. It says it's with the fight is like Trump is like a fox and his his kids are like the raccoon in some ways it's true and then it goes the other way but not usually and they put Tommy Allen in that tree and said you're not it's not what it's for and it started a war and a lot of morlok sided with Tommy Allen and still do. We're building those facilities now and they're huge in the salamander idea was our sons for Australia and for other areas like that with the trains go but they're too slow it's very heavy stuff
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peterlorrefanpage · 2 years
Peter Lorre Television Show List
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Did you know Peter Lorre filmed a TV pilot with Vincent Price? Here’s 1958′s Collector's Item: The Left Fist of David (3 parts on YouTube). 
This collection is by no means exhaustive. It’s also not easy to find recordings, but I’ve linked to what I can find in the list below. 
March 31, 1952: Taste, Lux Video Theater (Dramatic Anthology); CBS 
Sept 16, 1952: The Tortured Hand, Suspense (Dramatic Anthology); CBS
Dec 22, 1953: The Vanishing Point, The U.S. Steel Hour (Dramatic Anthology) 
Sept 24, 1954: The Pipe, Schlitz Playhouse of Stars (Dramatic Anthology); CBS
Oct 27, 1954: The Disneyland Story, The Wonderful World of Disney. (timestamp 2:13). Or just go to this very brief behind-the-scenes shot for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. 
Dec 29, 1954: I've Got a Secret (comedy game show w/ Garry Moore.) 
Oct 21, 1954: Casino Royale, Climax! - Peter Lorre plays Le Chiffre. This is the first screen adaptation of a James Bond novel!
Jan 5, 1955: Arsenic and Old Lace, Best of Broadway (Anthology); CBS 
Jan 18, 1955. “Honeymooners Spoof,” The Red Skelton Hour. Peter Lorre is amazing throughout the entire show.
April 4, 1955: Reunion in Vienna, Producer's Showcase (Anthology); NBC
May 2, 1955: The Sure Cure, Eddie Cantor Comedy Theater (Comedy-Variety); ABC
Sept 3, 1955: Young Couples Only, Studio 57 s2e1
Nov 17, 1955: A Promise to Murder, Climax!; CBS
Nov 29, 1955. “The Phantom of the Ballet,” The Red Skelton Hour. 
Dec 10, 1955: The Blue Landscape, The Star and the Story (3 parts on YouTube) Rhinegold Theater; NBC
Jan 18, 1956: No. 5 Checked Out, Screen Directors Playhouse (Anthology); NBC
Jan 29, 1956: The Finishers, Studio 57 (Dramatic Anthology)
Feb 9, 1956: Fifth Wheel, Climax!; CBS
July 26, 1956: The Man Who Lost his Head, Climax!; CBS
Oct 18, 1956: Sizeman and Son, Playhouse 90; CBS
Dec 26, 1956: Operation Cicero, “Five Fingers,” 20th Century Fox Hour (Dramatic Anthology); CBS. (With Ricardo Montalban.)
March 5, 1957. “Clem Strikes Oil,” The Red Skelton Show. Peter’s walk-on role. 
March 14, 1957: The Last Tycoon, Playhouse 90 [archive.org] or on YouTube; CBS
June 20, 1957: A Taste for Crime, Climax!; CBS
June 27, 1957: The Fabulous Irishman, Playhouse 90. Here’s Peter.
Nov 14, 1957: The Jet Propelled Couch, Playhouse 90; CBS
Dec 8, 1957: The Diplomatic Corpse, Alfred Hitchcock Presents (Suspense Anthology); CBS
1958: Collector's Item: The Left Fist of David (3 parts on YouTube). TV pilot with Vincent Price.
May 12, 1959, “Rapid Growth," The Red Skelton Show.
Nov 17, 1959. “Appleby the Weatherman,” The Red Skelton Show. Tiny clip!
Dec 19, 1959: Thin Ice, Five Fingers (Spy Drama); NBC
Feb 14, 1960: What's My Line? Peter Lorre as Mystery Guest, plugging The Scent of Mystery.
Feb 17, 1960: I’ve Got a Secret (comedy game show w/Garry Moore). Peter is plugging The Scent of Mystery.
Feb 24, 1960: The Cruel Day, Playhouse 90; CBS
March 13, 1960: Man from the South, Alfred Hitchcock Presents; CBS. (With Steve McQueen.)
March 16, 1960: The Alexander Portlass Story, Wagon Train (Western); NBC
May 24, 1960: “Clem and the Beanstalk,” The Red Skelton Show. Alas, just a blooper clip is out there and without Peter in it.
Oct 11, 1960: The Incident of the Slavemaster, Rawhide (Western); CBS
Jan 21, 1961: The Baron Loved His Wife, Best of the Post; ABC
Jan 14, 1961: The Human Touch, Checkmate (Detective Drama); CBS
Oct 11, 1961: First Test, Mrs. G Goes To College (Sitcom); CBS
Dec 6, 1961: The Trouble with Crayton, Mrs. G Goes To College; CBS
Oct 26, 1962: “Lizards Leg and Owlets Wing,” Route 66 (Adventure); CBS
Jan 22, 1963: The Jack Benny Show with Peter Lorre and Joannie Sommers; CBS
March 24, 1963: Diamond Fever, The Du Pont Show of the Week; NBC
Sept 20, 1963: “5: Part I,” 77 Sunset Strip (first of new format); ABC
Oct 24, 1963: “The End of the World, Baby,” Kraft Suspense Theater; NBC
See also: 
Peter Lorre Movie Timeline
Peter Lorre Radio Show List
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✨Trivia for “D.P.O.”✨
-  The Filter song "Hey Man, Nice Shot,"used throughout this episode, was written about the television broadcast of Pennsylvania politician R. Budd Dwyer's suicide. Dwyer, a much beloved community leader during the 1980s, was caught in a bribery scandal. His shame and embarrassment drove him to publicly shoot himself during a press conference. Later that day, a number of television stations throughout Pennsylvania broadcast taped footage of Dwyer's suicide to a midday audience.
-  Giovanni Ribisi had to audition twice before being cast as title character Darin Peter Oswald.
-  Mulder stumbles upon a picture of Sharon Kiveat whilst flipping through Darin's porno magazine. The actress who plays Sharon, Karen Lorre née Witter, was Playboy Playmate of the Month for March 1982.
-  The sideways shot of Mrs. Kiveat's legs--as viewed by D.P.O. from under the car he's working on--is accompanied by the Filter song "Hey Man, Nice Shot" (in a subtle reference to D.P.O.'s admiration of Mrs. Kiveat's legs). Filter's frontman is Richard Patrick, whose older brother Robert Patrick would later became an The X-Files (1993) regular.
-  Jack Black, the character "Zero," also auditioned for the part of "D.P.O."
-  During production of this episode, director Kim Manners' best friend and his friend's son were killed. Manners was offered the chance of passing on this episode, but he decided to stay on board.
-  As a meta in-joke, during this episode's end credits, Chris Carter's usual on-screen end credit eerily appears on Darin's TV. It appears as if Darin had just caught the end of an X-Files episode while channel surfing.
-  At the end of the episode, the song being played is "Live Fast, Diarrhea" by The Vandals. This band and song title are displayed on the T-shirt that Darin wears throughout the episode.
-  The Astadourian Lightning Observatory is named for Mary Astadourian, chief researcher and office manager at 1013 Productions, and Chris Carter's personal assistant.
-  The "Sonic the Hedgehog" theme is played several times at the arcade hall.
-  While his mother is watching a Jerry Springer-type show, Darin switches to a channel broadcasting an actual music video. The video/song (released by Fox Records) is entitled "Catherine" and performed by a real 90's band called The Rosemarys. However, fake credits for the music video appear on the TV screen: the song's title is "Mary Beth Clarke, I Love You"; it is produced by "JHartling Records"; and it is directed by a person named "Deb Brown." These fake credits were actually an in-joke just for the members of the AOL X-Philes Forum, a now defunct online community of X-Files fans. Mary Beth Clarke, JHartling, and Deb Brown were all known members of that community.
-  Several crew, including episode director Kim Manners, make a cameo in the form of the yearbook page that Scully flips open.
-  The arcade game played at the beginning of the episode is Virtua Fighter.
-  "Hey Man, Nice Shot" was also used in The Cable Guy (1996) featuring Jack Black who plays Bart 'Zero' Liquori in this episode.
-  The license plates on the tow truck are the proper ones from Oklahoma at that time.
-  The title of this episode is taken from the initials of the character "Darin Peter Oswald." The initials are seen on the high-score screen of what appears to be Darren's favorite video game.
-  The original concept for the episode was a one line concept card stating "Lightning Boy" that had been tacked to a board in series creator Chris Carter's office since the first season. The episode contained several scenes of elaborate lightning effects. Notably, a "lightning machine" used for the sequence where Darin is struck by lightning was created by Special Effects Supervisor David Gauthier and buried under the ground.
-  The show's writers decided to approach the boy's power "as a metaphor for disenfranchised adolescence". Writer Howard Gordon described the episode's concept as "Beavis and Butt-head electrified".
-  The sheriff, Teller, was named after Teller from illusion and comedy duo Penn & Teller.
-  The farmhouse used for Darin's home, situated in Albion, British Columbia,[7] had been used during the production of the movies Jennifer Eight (1992) and Jumanji (1995).
-  The producers had difficulty securing permission to use a dead cow in the episode. The art crew tried to create a faux-dead cow, but it did not look real. Consequently, the producers reached out to a slaughterhouse and were able to use a real corpse.
D.P.O. Page on the Official X-Files Website
- The line "‘Cause I’m in the mood for a little barbecue." was originally "‘Cause I’m in the mood for a Quarter Pounder", but the mention to McDonald's' sandwich was cut. Chris Carter still jokingly suggested to paint golden arches on the truck that picks up the dead cow.
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johngarfieldtribute · 3 years
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Julie Doing “Stuff” with Famous People (1)
Oh yeah, NOT a scene from the film HUMORESQUE with Joan Crawford. WHY? Because they are both smiling.
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On location In Tampa, Florida for the filming of AIR FORCE, Julie shows off his catch to director, Howard Hawks.
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Julie cheers the action of a charity softball game featuring the Sinatra Swooners. He’s with Joe E. Lewis and Peter Lawford.
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Gene Kelly and Burt Lancaster cheer and watch the action with Julie.
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Behind the scenes of a radio broadcast with Tommy Dorsey on the left.
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Julie and Claude Rains help cinematographer, James Wong Howe (middle) at his new restaurant.
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Edward G. Robinson surprises Julie and Jennifer Jones on the set of WE WERE STRANGERS.
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Julie signs autographs at the Hollywood Canteen and helps Danny Kaye do the same.
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Bette Davis and Julie look over plans for the Hollywood Canteen, the club they cofounded.
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Julie good-naturedly seems to be ignoring Peter Lorre’s prominently displayed table sign.
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More ramblings about slappy in tomodachi life.
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I tried my best to make him look decent in human form but he isn't that off putting which is his spice😔
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Good news is you can draw on a miis face while they sleep. Now hes got the right face 👍
He also LOVES cats!
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And refuses to go inside a cafe when there's too many people inside
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He does get his chance when there's less people.
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Also he refuses to take off his hat. As in I always remove it. And instantly he puts it back on. What's the matter?? Your head is cold??
Overall he's generally a private person. Seems to make friends the slowest. He'd rather go to the beach by himself or reading in the cafe.
Also catwoman (from batman) got a crush on him real fast?
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Yeah I'm not allowing that.
Anyways he's all around adorable and pretty funny to watch. Then again tomodachi life tends to be pretty weird so no surprise that the antics of the miis would be funny anyhow.
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busybeesbuzzing · 2 years
you know, kirkwall is exactly the kind of place where you would run into a Peter Lorre-type little dude and i for one am disappointed that developers didn’t take advantage of that. either as (1) a guy who shows up each act with side quests that just seem so sketchy but are surprisingly benign or (2) replacement for the black emporium. i love the place but consider a guy who shows up each act with side quests that just seem so sketchy *but* he runs a funky little shop that you get access to by completing them which just so happens to have the oddest collection of nick-knacks and the whole time you are shopping you just have this guy
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nervously asking you to be careful with the merchandise or making awfully awkward small talk. would have made the game 20% better
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ephemeral-winter · 3 years
the year in books, 2021
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney (reread)
i am problematic and i am obsessed with ms rooney and i’m not apologizing for it
The Mitfords: Letters Between Six Sisters, ed. Charlotte Mosley
can you believe i am [redacted] years into my mitford obsession and it took me until this year to read their letters? your honor, i love them
How to Speak Brit by Christopher J. Moore
my uncle bought me this after i got into grad school (in the uk) as a joke and i read it to be polite? why? 
Enter the Aardvark by Jessica Anthony (reread)
!!!!! once again i heartily recommend both reading this and following @entertheaardvark
A Fine Old Conflict by Jessica Mitford
this is decca’s underread and underappreciated second memoir, and it is mostly about her time in the communist party in the us in the 50s and 60s. what a life! 
The Book of Night Women by Marlon James
i’m not including 99% of what i read for school this year because who has that kind of time, but i’m making an exception for this because holy shit. all the content warnings apply (novel is about a slave revolt in jamaica c. 1790), but holy shit. 
The Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia  Woolf, edited by Louise DeSalvo and Mitchell A. Leaska
yeah i cried what about it
Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood
fuck she’s so funny
No One is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood
this one was less funny
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
i learned a lot of new slang! but i suspect i am not the target audience
Saturday by Ian McEwan
lmao so my creative writing teacher this past spring told me to read this because she thought my story draft needed a sex scene and this novel apparently contains a great example of one? 1) my draft did not need a sex scene 2) the scenes here were not good and 3) i can source and read good erotica on my own, thanks
Codex by Lev Grossman (reread)
he wrote this before the magicians and it’s about video games and medieval manuscripts and has lovely descriptions of the tedium of archival librarianship so
Transcription by Kate Atkinson
i completely missed the twist in this and was so confused for the last 50 pages… idk if you like spies this might be good
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adam’s (reread)
i read this about every 3 years and every time i forget what happens in it, which is nice for me i guess? 
Antiquities by Cynthia Ozick
read for my bookclub with my grandmother. meh. 
The Heir Affair by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan
well i AM a sucker for thinly-disguised retellings of the wills/kate saga what can i say
The Secret Life of Groceries by Benjamin Lorr
the best nonfiction i read this year
Whose Body by Dorothy L. Sayers
based on everything else about me i should have fell in love with peter wimsey years ago but i never got around to it and maybe i’m too jaded now but i just was not impressed? 
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart (reread)
holds up imo! i watched the disney+ show and reread at the same time; book is better
The Magicians by Lev Grossman (reread)
i had a cold and wanted to stay in bed
Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik
oh wow another memoir of an american journalist in paris. tell me more about navigating french department stores for the first time, please, i find it so fascinating
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney (reread)
fuck did i really do this one TWICE in one year? i hate myself
Real Life by Brandon Taylor
brandon’s twitter is miles more interesting than this book but i guess i see why it got shortlisted for the booker. i guess. 
One Last Stop by Casey McQuinston
look it’s not my fault i needed something easy to pick up and put down while the kids i babysat this summer took their naps
Helena by Evelyn Waugh
i think i read this one in one sitting in the bath but other than that i could not tell you anything about it
Normal People by Sally Rooney (reread)
i’m clinically insane
The Past by Tessa Hadley
i actually liked this a lot! never read any hadley before but i might get into her now
Quartet by Jean Rhys
i think i prefer good morning midnight over this one
The Right to Sex by Amia Srinivasan
interesting stuff but i gotta ask: haha and then what? 
Beautiful World, Where Are You? by Sally Rooney
read this on the plane on my way to start grad school. i have no interest in rereading it
White Houses by Amy Bloom
FUCK this is so good. she captured the intimacy of eleanor and hicks so beautifully. goddamn
Matrix by Lauren Groff
i was supposed to love this especially since my mentor was the historical advisor and also i was present at the lecture that inspired it but uh…. twas not my ideal representation of a 12th cen nunnery
How to Be Both by Ali Smith
picked this up on my first day out of a stupid week of stupid isolation and whizzed through it! i am an ali smith stan now
Business as Usual by Jane Oliver and Ann Stafford
this reprint of a 1930s novel was charming! recommend
The Covent Garden Ladies by Hallie Rubenhold
very interesting history, but i prefer the tv show (harlots)
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