#peter just deciding to kidnap wendy BECAUSE SHE WAS PRETTY to tell the lost boys stories????
Either the 2003 live action was originally a Disney property, or those guys were BOLD...As part of ongoing "I'm going to watch/read/listen to every adaptation ever written to be sure everything I'm doing is either new or taken right from Barrie," I'm watching all the behind the scenes details from the 1953 one....and the 2003 parrot was a cut character from the animated one. Some of the props are identical: the skull-headed vial of poison stood out in particular.
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke Reviews Xtra: Peter Pan 2: Return To Neverland
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Are Continuing Our Look At Disney...
Where Last Sunday On Duke Reviews, I Reviewed Walt's 14th Animated Feature, Peter Pan So Today On Duke Reviews Xtra, We're Looking At The Sequel, Return To Neverland...
This Film Follows Wendy's Daughter, Jane Who Refuses To Believe In Her Mother's Stories During The Blitz In Wartime London, Only To Be Proven Wrong When Captain Hook And His Pirates Kidnap Her When They Believe That She's Her Mother...
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Will Jane Be Saved By Peter Pan And Get Out Of Neverland Safely?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Return To Neverland...
This Film Takes Place Decades After The First Film And Wendy Is Now Married To A Man Named Edward And Has 2 Kids Named Jane And Daniel (Who Is Mostly Called Danny)...
But When World War 2 Strikes, Edward Leaves To Fight In The War While Wendy Takes Care Of The Kids. During That Time, Jane Has Become A Very Serious Girl And Unlike Her Brother, She Refuses To Believe In Her Mother's Stories About Peter Pan And Neverland...
This Leads To An Argument With Her Mother And Her Brother One Night, After Wendy Tells Jane That Her And Her Brother Will Be Evacuated To The Countryside For Safekeeping, Due To The Germans Bombing London Earlier That Evening...
Later That Night, Hook And His Crew Arrive In London And Accidentally Kidnaps Jane When They Mistake Her For Her Mother...
(Start At 1:19)
Once They Land, Hook Plans To Feed "Wendy" To An Octopus In An Attempt To Lure Peter Into A Trap But Peter Saves Jane As Hook Is Eaten By The Octopus, Who Becomes The New Tick-Tock In This..
Introducing Her To The Lost Boys, Peter Asks Jane To Be The Lost Boys New Mother Like Wendy Was But She Refuses, Saying That All She Wants To Do Is Go Home...
So, They Attempt To Teach Her To Fly But She Fails Because She Doesn't Believe, It Only Gets Worse When She Blurts Out That She Doesn't Believe In Fairies, Which Causes Tinker Bell To Slowly Die...
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Leaving The Lost Boys Hideout, Jane Makes A Fire Only To Be Confronted By Hook, Who Tricks Jane By Making A Deal With Her To Take Her Home If She Agrees To Help Him Get His Treasure From Peter...
She Agrees To Help On The Condition That Peter Not Be Harmed, So, Giving Her A Whistle For When She Locates It, Jane Heads Back To Peter And The Lost Boys To Play A Game Of Treasure Hunt Which Leads To The Last Song
(Start At 1:04, End At 2:24)
Finding The Treasure On Skull Island, Jane Decides Not To Blow The Whistle And Decides To Get Rid Of It As She's Dubbed A Lost Boy (Or Girl), However, Toodles The Skunk Finds The Whistle And Unfortunately Blows It, Alerting Hook And His Pirates To The Treasures Location...
Capturing Peter And The Lost Boys, Hook Lets Jane Go As A Thank You For Helping Them As Peter Denounces Jane As A Traitor And Says That Because She Doesn't Believe Tinker Bell's Light May Go Out Forever...
So, Heading Back To The Lost Boys Hideout, Jane Rushes To Save Tinker Bell Only To Arrive Too Late...
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However, As She Cries, Her Tears Magically Bring Tink Back To Life...
Yeah, I Know It's A Tired Cliché But It's A Cliché I Don't Mind Seeing Over And Over Again...
Meanwhile On The Jolly Roger...
With Hook And His Pirates Being Chased By The Octopus Who Believes That They Are Fish, Jane Says Goodbye To The Lost Boys As Peter And Tink Escort Her Home Where Jane Apologizes To Her Mother And Brother...
And Speaking Of Wendy, She Reunites With Peter In A Touching Moment That I'll Admit Makes Me Cry A Little...
As Peter Flies Off, Jane, Danny And Nana 2 (Yes, There Was A Nana 2 In This) Watch As Edward Returns Home From The Army, As Hitler's Plans Were Thwarted By The Royal Air Force...
So With The Family Reunited, Peter And Tink Fly Home As Our Movie Ends,..
And That's Return To Neverland And It Is One Of The Best Disney Sequels...
And Yes, It Is Technically A Sequel As It Was Released In Theaters And Not On Video Like Most Of The Disney Direct To DVD Sequels I've Covered And It's For An Animated Sequel To Peter Pan It's Pretty Good..
The Premise Is Interesting With Wendy's Daughter Going To Neverland, The Characters Were Alot More Interesting Especially Captain Hook (Who I Felt Was More Villainous Than He Was In The Original) And The Lost Boys (Who I Was Happy To See Get Names In This Movie Where In The Original I Felt They Were Just Known By Their Costumes)
I Also I Enjoyed The 2 Songs In The Film...
However, This Movie Is Not Without It's Problems, Like As Funny As The Octopus Was, I Didn't Really Care For Him And It Made Me Miss Tick-Tock Throughout The Whole Movie, Also As Much As I Liked Spencer Breslin As A Disney Actor, I Felt His Voice Didn't Match Cubby The Bear From The Original...
But Despite Those 2 Problems I Did Enjoy The Film And I Say See It...
Now, While There Aren't Any Other Peter Pan Sequels, There Is The Tinker Bell Series, Which I've Decided Not To Look At As It Doesn't Really Follow The Peter Pan Storyline...
However, There Is One That Could Be Considered A Peter Pan Prequel Called The Pirate Fairy Which Features A Young Captain Hook, Played By Loki...
So That's Where The Tesseract Took Him After Tony And Ant-Man Lost It At The Battle Of New York...
A Young Mr. Smee And A Baby Tick-Tock Before He Ate Hook's Hand, I Haven't Seen It But If Peter Pan Fans Are Looking For A Film In The Tinker Bell Series With Connections To Peter Pan Then That's The One To Check Out...
Be Sure To Come Back Tomorrow As We Look At Hook, Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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stahlop · 4 years
Once Upon a Time 3x01 “The Heart of the Truest Believer” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x111x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16 1x17 1x18 1x19 1x20 1x21 1x22 2x01 2x02 2x032x04 2x05 2x06 2x07 2x08 2x09 2x10 2x11 2x12 2x13 2x14 2x152x16 2x17 2x18 2x19 2x20 2x21 2x22
Well, here we are. Season 3! And we are in Neverland! And Peter Pan is an evil little sucker. And Rumple has some emotional connection that we don’t know about. Plus a lot of fighting, evil mermaids, flying, and some things going on in the EF. This episode deals heavily with the idea of belief and believing, so I think we’ll be seeing a lot of that in this story arc. So batten down the hatches, we’ve got an unbelievable season ahead (see what I did there? Huh? Huh? Whatever.)!
Summary: While Emma tries to dissuade her parents, Regina, and Hook from tearing each other apart, Henry encounters a scared Lost Boy on Neverland and reminds him of the power of belief. In the Enchanted Forest, Neal goes to his father’s castle to figure out what’s going on with Emma.
Opening: Henry and Peter Pan flying.
New Characters: 
Peter Pan: Although we don’t know he’s Peter Pan until the end; he finds Henry when he’s running away from the Lost Boys and pretends to be another scared boy. My only problem with this is that the actor playing Pan looks at least 16, so him pretending to be scared to an 11-year-old Henry is a little odd. Maybe it’s supposed to be believable because Felix (Lost Boy Leader’s name according to the credits) is creepy as fuck. Also, why are the Lost Boys so old? Wasn’t the whole point of coming to Neverland to never grow up and be a kid forever? Wendy (in the Disney version) wanted to go there because she was being kicked out of the nursery because she was almost 13. So why are the Lost Boys teenagers? This makes no sense to me. But I digress. Henry tells him how Pan sent people to kidnap and the boy tells him if Pan sent for him he wants him for something. The basic gist of this whole ‘game’ is that Pan is pretending, he wants to make sure that Henry’s belief in magic(?) is real, and tricks him into using pixie dust in order to fly. Only then does Pan reveal himself to Henry and that he basically needs him because he has the heart of the truest believer. And then, in the most menacing way, he calls the Lost Boys and says they’re going to play. Yikes! What has Henry got himself into?
Character Observations:
Emma: We start with Emma giving birth to Henry 11 years ago. Her leg is shackled to the hospital bed and there is a prison guard watching over her. She absolutely refuses to see the baby when it’s born and says she can’t be a mother. But she’s absolutely devastated. We then move to the Jolly Roger where they are going through the portal, a true picture of a mother going after her son. Mary Margaret and David try to cheer her up, but instead, she blames them for giving her hope, for telling her that life is a fairy tale when that’s not her experience, and she can only go off of her experiences when saving Henry. She is just letting them have it while trying to keep herself together, and it’s some of the best acting I’ve seen Jennifer Morrison do on this show. She is so tired of the optimism that David and Mary Margaret have about everything and just wants them to realize that so many bad things have happened to them and to deal with that.  But they refuse to deal with reality and still hold on to hope, aggravating Emma even more. Gold comes out, now dressed like Rumple, and tells everyone that he is going to get Henry back. Emma, still upset from her talk with her parents, wants to know why Gold doesn’t think she can get Henry back. He tells her she doesn’t believe in her parents, magic, or herself. Emma says she’s pretty sure she believes in magic after everything they’ve seen, and that’s exactly the point. She only believes in what’s in front of her, she can’t talk a leap of faith without evidence, and since Neverland runs on imagination, that’s not going to fly. He basically tells her she’s the same person who came to Storybrooke and she can’t do anything without a little hand holding. Emma takes her stress out Sarah Connor style by doing pull ups down in the crew’s quarters, delighting Hook to no end. Hook gives her Bae’s old cutlass to fight with. They toast to Neal with some rum before their lovely moment is interrupted by a mermaid attack.  Everyone attacks them in different ways, but Mary Margaret and Emma catch one in a net and decide to bring it on board the ship. Everything starts going to hell when they bring her aboard. She calls a storm and everyone starts arguing with each other. You can see that Emma is finding this very strange and that this isn’t normal fighting. Regina finally turns the mermaid into a wooden statue and Emma is freaking the fuck out, especially because a wall of water comes at them after she does that. Emma and Hook are desperately trying to regain control of the ship while Mary Margaret and Regina duke it out. Hook and David end up fighting as well and Emma finally realizes that their fighting is causing the storm. She can’t get their attention, so, in a leap of faith, she jumps off the ship, which probably would’ve gotten them to stop fighting even without the rigging that flies off and hits her in the head, knocking her out under the water. Luckily, everyone works together to save her, and they get her back on the ship and she doesn’t have any type of head injury (not even a bruise!). But their working together gets the storm to stop and Emma gets in an ‘I told you so’ after she coughs up the water that could have drowned her. They finally make it onto Neverland and Emma goes into leader mode. She even admits that she was wrong and Gold was right about belief. Her parents think there’s a right way to find Henry, but Emma wants them to be who they are and do whatever it takes, no matter the consequences to save Henry and just cooperate with each other. Regina questions Emma’s role as something other than the Savior. She tells Regina she is a mother and their leader. She’s pretty much had enough of Regina’s lip and basically tells her to keep out of her way as they try to save Henry. They head off into the jungles of Neverland. So Emma has finally accepted her role as Henry’s mother and is finally taking a leadership role instead of letting everything just fall in her lap. We’ll see how she fares with Henry’s other mother.
Gold: He’s not very helpful to anyone. He does decide to dress more Enchanted Forest appropriate by wearing his crocodile skin outfit. He tells Emma that he’ll be the one to get Henry back since she doesn’t have enough belief. His speech borders on religious when he talks about taking a leap of faith (something Emma does later by jumping into the water and Henry does with the pixie dust), and then he vanishes from the ship, leaving his cane behind (I guess being back in a magical place makes it so he doesn’t need his cane anymore).  First he comes across the carnage that is Greg and Tamara. She is still alive so he makes it so she can tell him what happened to Henry. Tamara tells him that Henry ran, and then tries to justify her actions by saying she didn’t know she was working for Pan. She also apologizes for killing Neal. She asks for his forgiveness and Gold is done with this. He almost looks like he’s sympathetic to her plight, but then rips out her heart and crushes it. Bye bye, Tamara. You really did get what you deserved. He wanders around the island until he senses Felix nearby and tells him to come out. Felix addresses him as Rumplestiltskin and Gold does his little Rumple hand gesture with the biggest expression of disdain on his face. It’s hilarious. Felix tells him Pan welcomes him to the island and is happy to see him again. So now we know that Pan and Rumple have some sort of past together. What it is remains to be seen. Gold finds it hard to believe Pan wants him there. Felix tells him as long as he’s not there for the boy, he’s welcome, otherwise he’s Pan’s enemy. So I guess he’s Pan’s enemy.  Gold tells him nothing’s changed then. So I guess they’re already enemies. Felix tells him he won’t survive against Pan. Gold isn’t particularly disturbed by this. He’s more concerned about how many Lost Boys he can take with him when he goes down. Gold thinks their confrontation is over until Felix throws him a straw doll which instantly reduces Gold to tears. Holy crap! Who knew Gold could be so emotional when it didn’t have to do with Belle or Neal? Felix says something about things they haven’t thought about in years having the ability to make them cry, so I’m assuming his doll has something to do with Gold’s childhood. Felix leaves Gold crying over the doll in the middle of the jungle. Well that took a turn.
Regina: Annoying as ever, she immediately lays into Hook for the ship slowing down, and if he didn’t realize what the purpose of their trip was, it was to go rescue Henry (because they went through a portal just for the hell of it?). Like this whole conversation is completely ridiculous. Then she tells Hook about how Greg called her a villain, which she seems incredulous about (does she really not think she’s a villain, she is the Evil Queen after all), and that Greg said villains don’t get happy endings. Hook and Regina reflect on this and how they might have been wasting their lives if that’s true. Didn’t they have a similar conversation when they were below the library in The Evil Queen? Where Hook asked if their pursuit of vengeance was basically an ending and not a beginning? So, Regina doesn’t see herself as a villain, and she continues this belief throughout their journey. When the mermaids are attacking, she’s not a villain by sending fireballs after them. When Emma and Mary Margaret capture one, she yells at her (and is not above torturing her) for information, eventually causing a fight between herself and Mary Margaret (Regina wants to kill her or torture her for information, whereas Mary Margaret wants to free her), and Regina turns the mermaid into a wooden statue satisfied that that will end the storm. Except it brings a huge tidal wave upon them instead. She seems genuinely shocked that this plan didn’t work. Listen to Emma and think things through, Regina!!! Always thinking in the short term and never looking at the whole picture. Mary Margaret and Regina continue to go at it with each other (involving an actual fistfight between the two of them) and Regina, once again, plays the victim when Mary Margaret tells her to stop ruining her life. When Emma jumps off the ship she tells Mary Margaret she can’t see her in the storm to bring her back up. But they all end up working together to save Emma which stops the storm. Once they dock, Regina says she can fix the Jolly Roger and they can go with Hook’s original plan, but Emma tells her to save her magic and says that Pan already knows they’re there. Emma makes a moving speech about believing in each other and Regina poo poos this as her wanting them all to be friends. That’s not even close to what she said. Emma says they just need to be who they are to succeed and she calls Regina a villain in this speech. Regina keeps a very cool facade when Emma goes on about being a mother and their leader (both roles that are usually Regina’s forte), but seems to be on board when they go further into the jungle.
David/Mary Margaret: I just want to roll my eyes at their optimism like Emma does. Their unwavering belief that everything will work out is very annoying. They are genuinely shocked that Emma doesn’t share their optimism. You can see that Mary Margaret is doing all she can to not dissolve into tears when she tells Emma that her experience is all she has to go on and she could share some of her wisdom with her. But Emma reminds them that they are the same age with the same amount of experience. Ok, I see where Emma is coming from, but being the same age does not give them the same level of experience. They both have different experiences that they can both learn from. Mary Margaret is doing everything she can to placate Emma, but Emma is pissed off. Mary Margaret tells her that the moment she lets go of her belief the moment things will ultimately get worse (how much worse can it get? You’ve already been cursed, lost your daughter, Johanna was killed, and now your grandson has been kidnapped?). I’d be frustrated too.  David and Mary Margaret are trying to control the ship when the mermaids attack, and David’s the first to do something useful by making explosives and shooting the mermaids with the mini cannons (I will not be capsized by fish). And he looks hot doing it. Whew! Mary Margaret gets the idea to catch the mermaids, I’m not really sure what the thought process there was. Later on she thinks that talking to them and seeing if they can make some sort of deal with them will work, but all in all, the capturing a mermaid plan basically almost killed them all. When questioning the mermaid, David first goes from the yell and threaten approach (even bringing a sword to her throat, and Mary Margaret looks horrified at this), while Mary Margaret thinks that killing them with kindness is the way to go (she thinks they are scared of Pan and doing his bidding, even though Hook tells her mermaids are liars and just want to kill them). Regina continues to try and kill the mermaid even though everyone else tells her not to and she brings on a huge tidal wave when she turns her into wood. Mary Margaret blames Regina who doesn’t think this is her fault. She wants her to undo the spell and Regina calls Mary Margaret a naive princess, so Mary Margaret punches her! Damn girl! Get out all that pent up frustration! They continue punching each other so David goes to break them up, but Hook tells him to let them fight because he needs him to help with the ship, but he uses a derogatory term for women and David punches him. So now they’re fighting. He even tries to stab Hook with his own hook. Talk about cold blooded. They finally all get their acts together when Emma jumps in the water to stop them from fighting. Mary Margaret and David are terrified.  They all work together, with David jumping into the water to save her and the others pulling them up with rope. Once on the island, Emma tells them all they need to work together and David and Mary Margaret don’t want to work with Regina and Hook. I’m confused as to why they think they’re there then if they weren’t all going to work with each other. David wants to do things the right way (which is what exactly?), but Emma says they just need to be heroes while Regina is a villain and Hook is a pirate. They need those skills to get Henry back. When Emma says her skill is being a mother, Mary Margaret gets the proudest look on her face. Like Emma’s finally understanding what being a parent is all about. And then after she tells Regina to either help or get out of her way, David is the first to follow with a proud daddy smirk on his face.
Henry: Basically, he’s running from the Lost Boys. He has belief in magic and flies. And now Peter Pan and the Lost Boys have him surrounded.
Greg/Tamara: They know they’re in Neverland because it’s the mother lode of magic. They want to destroy it. Henry asks them who they work for that works on Neverland, but Greg says it’s none of his business. The Home Office takes care of them. Henry wonders how they’ll get back home once they destroy magic, but Greg is deep into the ‘it doesn’t matter as long as it gets done’ belief to worry about little things like getting home. They immediately realize something is wrong when their communicator is filled with sand. Tamara even wonders if it’s a toy and Henry remarks that it’s a good thing they don’t ask questions. Greg just gets angry while Tamara starts getting worried. Greg builds a fire to send a signal, but Tamara thinks the broken communicator was intentional. That’s when the Lost Boys emerge. They tell Greg and Tamara they’re the Home Office, and Tamara is getting really frightened now that they know the Home Office is run by teenagers. Henry clarifies that they’re the Lost Boys. Henry’s confused as to why the Lost Boys want to destroy magic, and Greg reminds him that that was their mission. Felix tells him they only told him what he wanted to hear so they could get Henry. Tamara finally gets some balls and asks how they’re getting home and Felix tells her they aren’t getting home. Greg tells them they aren’t getting Henry, but Felix summons the Shadow who rips Greg’s shadow from his body and kills him. Tamara tells Henry to run and gets shot with an arrow from a Lost Boy. Now, I have to admit, I really didn’t like Greg, but this was an awful way for him to die. After everything he went through as a kid he just wanted some justification in destroying magic, and unfortunately, he found the wrong organization who just used him for their own means.  Tamara manages not to die right off the bat and is found by Rumple later. He heals her so she can tell him where Henry went. She apologizes for everything and asks him for forgiveness over what she did to Neal. But Rumple don’t play that game and takes her heart and crushes it.  RIP Greg and Tamara, you will not be missed in the slightest.
Neal/Mulan: Ugh! I really wish Neal was just dead and I didn’t have to deal with all this. First off, we get no explanation about how they rescued Phillip from the wraith, he’s just there with them. Neal wakes up and is bandaged pretty modernly for being in the EF. Mulan immediately thinks he’s lying about being from the EF since he’s wearing clothes like Emma and Snow did. Which makes no sense because she knows about the curse and how they were all from the EF, so of course he’d be wearing modern clothes if he was from the same place they were. Once Mulan mentions Emma and Snow, Neal wants them to help him find her because Emma’s in danger. He also mentions Henry and Aurora quickly comes to the conclusion that he’s Henry’s father. Mulan questions how Neal got there, but he explains about the portal. He tells her they’re all considered fairy tale characters, or legends. When Aurora can’t make contact she thinks the worst. Neal realizes he needs to go to his father’s castle and reveals his father is the Dark One. Mulan and Neal have a deep discussion about why Emma never mentioned him when she was there. Neal says he broke her heart and then never came back for her even though he loved her and he regrets it. He claims he didn’t try because he didn’t want to be rejected. Or, maybe because you were engaged to Tamara up until she shot you? Seriously, what is up with all the Neal retconning. He didn’t want to risk seeing his father so he let Emma go to jail for him and then didn’t ever look for her once the curse broke because he’d moved on and still didn’t want to deal with his father. This whole still loving Emma thing is bullshit! Mulan seems to understand his regret more than she should. Still wondering if she’s in love with Phillip or Aurora. They get to the castle and Neal realizes that someone is there because they left out a goblet of wine. Then an arrow comes shooting near his head and Robin Hook makes his entrance. Neal is in disbelief. He tells Robin he can have the castle, he just needs to find something first and Robin believes he is the son of the Dark One, because who would admit to that if they weren’t.  He also tells Neal that Rumplestiltskin spared his life and Neal wants him to help him find whatever he needs to pay for that debt. Neal is looking for something magical that his father would have hidden away. Neal finds his father’s old cane, swings it around, and uncovers a magical cabinet. Convenient. Neal claims it’s blood magic that made it so he could uncloak the cabinet. Neal finds a crystal ball and laments about how he’s been running from magic most of his life and now it’s the only thing that can help him. Boo hoo. But he can’t make the crystal ball work. Like your father said, you have to believe. Mulan tells him he needs to think of Emma and not a place. And when he does he recognizes that she’s in Neverland. Uh oh!
I get having a guard while Emma is giving birth, but shackled? I’ve given birth three times and trying to move without help after you’ve given birth is almost near impossible. I’m honestly surprised she didn’t break the cuff with the sheer force that is necessary to give birth.
With the way Henry fell out of that portal (and that he couldn’t brace himself since his hands are tied), shouldn’t he have broken something? That was a pretty high fall from the portal. 
Why didn’t Greg and Tamara’s portal spit them out in water since they went into it in water?
Why does Regina ask Hook about the ship slowing down? He hasn’t cast anchor, it’s not a car, it doesn’t just slow down. That’s not how it works. If Hook hasn’t put the anchor down then the ship is slowing down most likely due to lack of wind, or the fact that they just shot out of a portal, not because of anything he’s doing.
How is Aurora’s dress not shredded by now? She’s in the same dress that she was wearing in Broken.
Why is Aurora’s first reaction to not being able to reach Henry in her dream that he’s in trouble and not that he’s not asleep?
How does Neal a) know about his father’s castle (he left the EF before Rumplestiltskin owned a castle), and b) know where this castle is?
Doesn’t wearing a bag crossed over where Neal just got shot hurt? He’s acting like he was never shot at all.
Anyone else think David’s face is a little too close to the mini cannon? I was afraid he was going to at least burn his eyebrows off.
Why are Mary Margaret and Regina still wearing their suit jackets in the middle of a storm? Emma took off her turtleneck and David rolled up his sleeves. Having that extra soaking layer must suck.
First of all, Robin Hood says he arrived at Rumple’s castle shortly after the curse (I’m assuming after it ended) to find it already looted by thieves. Did it get looted after Rumple was taken captive by Snow and Charming?  Secondly, why did he decide to go back to Rumple’s castle after he was tortured and nearly killed the last time he was there? Did he know Rumple had been imprisoned beforehand?
I thought Felix was with the Lost Boys chasing Henry. Did he decide to take a break when they discovered Gold was on the island?
Where did Mary Margaret’s bow and quiver full of arrows come from? She only had a backpack when she came aboard the Jolly Roger in And Straight on ‘Til Morning.
Why is David questioning working with Regina and Hook to get Henry back? They all made the journey to Neverland. Were they just going to leave Regina and Hook on the ship?
The lights flicker when Emma gives birth to Henry. The last time we saw this was in the Pilot. It seems this is a manifestation of Emma’s magic in our world.
It looks like Gold lost all the gray in his hair when he had his wardrobe change.
Apparently getting your shadow ripped from you will kill you.
Snow didn’t teach Aurora how to control the dreams and walk the dream world. Henry had the amulet that Gold gave him that let him control things (and David later broke). Not that they ever used it after the first dream.
Neal explains how portals work. You have to think about the place you want to go to.
I don’t know if it’s because of the difference between filming a live ship and then greenscreening a background when filming the actors, but the ship looks like it’s barely moving when it’s just a ship shot, and then it’s speeding along when you see the water behind the actors.
Robin Hood is played by a different actor than when we last saw him in Lacey.
I’ve decided that the forest that we saw in Cora’s bubble must be Sherwood Forest, as that’s the only explanation for Robin Hood to still be in the EF, and why he hasn’t aged.
So that’s the season premiere for season 3! We are officially in Neverland. We don’t even see Storybrooke. And we have to deal with characters we don’t particularly care for in the Enchanted Forest (although I like the smarminess of this Robin Hood). We’ll see how this all comes together. Some other thoughts: Regina is still Evil Queen Bitch. She seems to have learned nothing from her brushes with death just that morning. David and Mary Margaret also seem to think that if they just do the right thing then everything will be alright, when we’ve yet to see that work out for them. Emma is the only one who seems to have made any growth by calling herself Henry’s mother and finally taking a leadership role in finding him. And Hook just fancies Emma when she’s not yelling at him.
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sincerelysenorita · 4 years
Final Project: Female Icons in Disney
For generations now Disney films and series have had female leads that it’s viewers, young and old have adore. From Snow White to Moana, Disney Princesses inspire but also give way to stereotyping its females in their films. Many different factors impact the stereotypes from age to race in their respectively stories. “Disney’s cocktail of morality, stereotypes and a sprinkling of magic had any lasting impact on this generation of adults who, once upon a time, devoured these films as children? And could it be influencing how your colleagues behave in the workplace or even your future career?” (Martyn Griffin) Why are the antagonists in princess stories either ugly stepsisters or old witches & fairies? However, through the years we have seen a shift of Disney princess &leads going from damsels in distress to becoming their own hero being able to save themselves with no outside help needed.
When watching some Disney princess films, you start to notice different tropes and similar patterns of how most the girls in Disney grow up motherless. Snow White, Cinderella, Belle, Jasmine, Ariel & many others do not have mother or a positive older woman figure to look for guidance. “In shorthand, it's much quicker to have characters grow up when you bump off their parents. Bambi's mother gets killed, so he has to grow up." [Don Hahn]. By not having a mother/parent to help guide them in their life/quests they are force to take responsibility for themselves but others as well.
In contrast the Disney movie “Brave” tells the story of princess Merida with her mother that is forcing her to get married against her wishes. Merida decides to run away from home to keep her freedom which leads her to find a witch who can change her fate. However, this turns out to be a mistake because the potions that was supposed to change her fate, give her freedom turned her mother into a bear! We see Merida and her mother struggle to undo the spell bringing them closer together to find a compromise to problem.
Her story is one of the few that shows a full family and how they all impact one another life.
The result of this shows that princesses that come from broken families can still find happiness on their own from the friends they meet on their journey but within themselves as well. The best Disney story example of this is in movie “Frozen” where two sister princesses Elsa and Anna lost their parents at a young age and only have each other to rely on. Elsa becomes queen of their kingdom but struggles with her magical powers afraid they will go out of control. She leaves her sister and the kingdom, but Anna goes on a journey to bring her sister back and shows that she isn’t a dangerous to those around her, that they are in fact her strength. So even without a perfect family they can still find happiness within themselves, their friends and their kingdom. That is one of the reasons why there is a lack of mothers& parents in general in Disney films we watch as the princess protagonist struggles with doing what is right making mistakes along the way but learning from them.
We see in princess movies not only heroines but female antagonists who are shown as ugly and old. The sea witch from the little mermaid, the evil/dark fairy from sleeping beauty showing us that older women shouldn’t be trusted. In the movie “Tangled” we learn early in the story that Rapunzel was kidnap by Mother Gothel so she could use Rapunzel healing abilities all to herself to make her young and not to age. Watching we see that Mother Gothel doesn’t care for Rapunzel only using her for the power she holds, showing us that older women can become evil to get what they want. Ursula the sea witch from the little mermaid also uses Ariel’s talent of singing while Ariel gets human legs. Ursula is fat& ugly & an older woman putting a negative view of people with these traits. That if your fat, old and ugly that makes you evil and unapproachable. Someone people may see someone with these traits and thinking about to Disney villains and end up treating them badly. This is the impact that Disney films can have on kids growing up, watching these films.
One of the biggest themes shown in Disney films is when the character is forced to grow up and become an adult. Many of our heroines are in their early/late teens where in real life teenage struggle with the concept of what does it mean to grow up. A good example of this struggle is in the film “Peter Pan” where the oldest daughter Wendy is being told she has to grow up and not stay in the nursery with her younger brothers anymore. This distresses Wendy and her brothers; they don’t want her to grow up and leave. Peter Pan comes flying in and takes them to Neverland! Where they can play& have fun all day long! Never having to worry about growing up. Once they get to the island, they learn that it’s okay to be serious and mature sometimes because when you play around too much and ignore your responsibilities you can get in trouble and hurt others.
In the last few films, we have slowly seen a more positive shift in Disney princesses being able to defend & fight for themselves instead of assigning that role to the princes of Disney. The heroines get tricked or threaten the old evil witch so then the prince comes in to rescue her to become the hero in the heroine own story. We see this twisted way of assigning certain “roles” to characters depending on their gender
In the movie “Beauty and the Beast” we watch as Belle gets weird looks and people in her town talk bad about her because she can read books. Women were supposed to know how to read, their roles were to cook, clean and take care of children, not waste their time reading and learning new things. This can negatively impact children showing girls shouldn’t waste their time becoming educated but get to married and have their husband/ a prince take care of them. On the other hand, we see Gaston who suppose to represent the ideal “look” of what a man should be like. This shows little boys that you must be strong, confident, and good looking to become perfect, to get the things you want in life.
Eight years later Disney releases the film “Mulan” that challenges social norms, and all previous films Disney has made. The story of Mulan is about a girl who decide to protect her father& family by joining the army as a man. The story shows us that girls can be just as brave, confident and good at fighting as men! The men in the story acknowledge her talents and she save not only her family but her country as well. Mulan shows young girls and boys that girls can be the hero in their own story! That girls can save themselves & others while fighting to protect what is important to them, to do what is right even if it’s difficult, with the right mind set & enough hard work you can make a change!
In the end the company Disney is in the movie business to make money, however their target audience is children. Little kids are very impressionable what little kids watch is what they will act out and try to behave like. "Disney is quite pervasive within our modern culture,” says Martyn Griffin, an expert on the cultural perceptions of work and organization at Durham University in the UK. “Home videos exposed kids over and over again to the ideas in Disney films. If they were doing this from a young age it is bound to have an impact.” When I was younger watching Pokémon one of the girl characters in the series was very girly and should always take care of her hair and try to look her best, so I tried to imitate that, to try and always look pretty & perfect with my hair. Disney has started to take steps in the right direction with films like Frozen, Moana and soon Raya which show little kids that girls can fight& defend themselves that they don’t need a man to come and save them. Boys don’t have to be the hero, don’t have to be strong and confident but gentle and kind. Those type of lessons and traits need to be included in their films moving forward for future generation of children.
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hannah-mic · 7 years
Rescue me- Killian jones x reader imagine
Guys since I’m getting more attention now bc of the Chicago convention I figured I’d post this- this fanfic has been my baby for the past 3 months so please don’t hate on it- it is also not all original info bc it does follow the plot of season 3 in Neverland- just with the reader added to the mix. I’m really excited for y'all to read it and I hope you do bc I always find myself wondering why can’t imagines be longer? So I decided to write one. No hate please, please enjoy! I know there may be some grammatical errors
As you look up over the Jolly Roger you see it there in the distance, Neverland. This is by far the last place you thought you’d be today. You haven’t been here in a long time. And you didn’t leave on exactly the greatest terms with Peter. In that story that would make you Wendy Darling, but you are no Wendy Darling. Yes that’s who you are in the book but you are not from the enchanted forest and you are not from London. You are from America and while on a cruise with your parents, the ship sank killing everyone except you. Next thing you know you washed up a shore Neverland and was rescued by none other than Peter Pan himself. You blink out of your memories as Hook comes up next to you. “Are you ok, love?” You always got gushy when he called you love. You and Killian had been dating for 6 months now, but with all the craziness in Storybrooke you’ve barely had time to be in the relationship. “I’m fine,” you reply, “But I know we’re doing a good thing and all but I’d much rather be spending time with you back home. I can’t help but wonder why you’re doing this,” you say as you glance over at Emma. Hook follows your glance. “(y/n) are you jealous? You know that I only have eyes for you. But I’m a hero now and this is what heroes do.” He tells you as he wraps his arms around your waist. “Your right. I’m sorry,” you say sheepishly as you look down. He kisses you on the forehead. “That’s ok, that means that you want me all to yourself,” he chuckles. You change the subject, “Did Pan tell you anything when he kidnapped Henry?” “He was very vague, as Pan usually is, all he said was something about ransom, something about a trade.” All the color drained out of your face. Oh no, you thought. Now you were gonna have to tell him about what happened. “(y/n)? What’s wrong? Tell me,” Hook looks at you with urgency. You pull him by the hand into his cabin. “Well…. you know how you had a first love, Mila?” He nods. “I had a first love. Unfortunately it was Peter.” “Pan? Pan! Pan was your first love!!” Killian freaks out, he is very possessive of you. “And now you’re calling him Peter like he’s some sort of regular human?!!” Hook is outraged. “He wasn’t always like that,” you urge. “ I’m gonna have to tell you what happened and fast because from what he said I can tell you he’s coming for me.” “Like hell he’ll get you,” Killian growled. You stroke his arm to calm him down. “It all started when I was on a cruise with my parents. The ship sunk and left only me alive. I washed up on the shores of Neverland. The only thing I remember before I passed out was Peter carrying me inland. I woke up two days later in the burrow. Peter asked me who I was and I told him. I told him how there was nothing left for me as a 14 year old with no parents or family. So he told me I could stay there and live with him. So I said yes because I was a child and it sounded exciting. I stayed in the burrow with Peter and he introduced me to the lost boys. He told me they were boys he rescued from your crew and before you say anything yes I know that he actually kidnapped them from you. So we did everything together. Hunting, playing, he learned quickly that I didn’t mind letting my hair down and getting messy. He said that’s what he liked best about me. One day, while all the lost boys were swimming in the lagoon, Peter and I sat on a rock near the shore. He blurted out to me that he loved me. He said he wanted to marry me and make me the queen of Neverland, and stay alongside him for the rest of our lives. So I said ok. We had the shaman of one of the Indian tribes perform our ceremony. So I was happy with Peter. But something I realized about three years into my stay, was that we weren’t aging, we weren’t aging at all. So I asked Peter about this and he said he didn’t know why but, that was the magic of the island. By then I had become friends with one of the girls of the nearest tribe, Tiger Lilly. I began to confide in her, rather than Peter. She told me of the adventures she went on and all the things she’d seen. I was living vicariously through her, but one day I realized that it was not enough. I was hesitant to tell Peter about this, but one day I finally did. One day I told him I wanted adventure and to explore and to live, but I still loved him. That didn’t change. Well he told me about how he cannot leave the island for extended periods of time or he will die. So I decided to stay with him, but over the years I grew very unhappy. He noticed this. One day he asked me if I wanted to leave, and I confessed that I did. He said nothing after that and we grew silent over the next few days. I took that as a sign that he wouldn’t try to stop me but boy was I wrong. One day he caught me trying to leave the island on some flim-flam makeshift raft. Well I don’t know what came over him but he went off. He said we had a bond, that we were married and I was his queen and that I could never leave him. So he began to keep a closer eye on me. He had me trapped. I tried to escape again, but he caught me, and this time he kept me tied up in the burrow where I didn’t see the sun shine for 3 months. Finally when he was confident I would obey, he began to let me roam again. This is when I met Ariel. I was wading in the bay one day when I saw her tail flip around a rock. I went after her out of curiosity. So she actually talked to me and she said she saw me with Peter and how he had control of me and she said she could help me escape. She said to meet her at the rock in three days and all I needed to bring was a talisman of great value to me. I chose my mother’s locket she gave me as the ship was going down before she drowned. I arrived and Ariel explained what was to happen. She poured the potion over my locket and then had me put it on. When I did, I grew a tail. She told me as long as I had the necklace on I would be a mermaid. So we swam off and as a looked back at Neverland I saw Peter on the shore, staring at me crying but angry. He screamed my name into the wind. That was all it took for me to bolt off into the distance. When I arrived back in South Carolina I thanked her and was on my way. He never came back to get me, but I would always find the occasional message next to me when I woke up, telling me how pretty I was while I slept or telling me about how he was sorry and he didn’t blame me for leaving. Leaving the island to watch me each night greatly weakened him. I stopped getting them when the curse hit and I never thought I would see Peter again. I was on that island for a grand total of 7 years all the while not aging, yet wiser beyond my years. So I hid myself away, moved from town to town, until I was old enough to get my own place which just happened to be right where Storybrooke was moments before the curse hit. Since I am technically a character in the book I too was under the curse the same until Emma broke it. But I had no one there, until I met you.” You finished the story and was thoroughly surprised at how quiet and respectful Hook was being. “So that’s it,” You said. “I’m guessing Peter decided that it was time he got me back.” Killian looked up at you with sad eyes. “I won’t let that happen,” he said as he kissed your knuckles. Just then you both heard a crashing outside and you bolted out the door. Standing there on the side of the ship was none other than Peter Pan himself. “Give me back my son!” Emma yelled as she tried to slice him with her sword. He just flew around the ship and landed directly behind you and Killian. “Aww, yes here’s what I came for. Turn over (y/n) and then I’ll think about giving you your son back. But then again, it’s not really up to you is it?” He laughs as he grabs your hand and begins your ascent into the air. “(y/n)! NO!!!!!!!!!” Killian screams in agony as he grabs your hand and desperately holds on. Peter shoots forward and you lose Hook’s grip. You look at your boyfriend below you tears streaming down your face. “I WILL FIND YOU!” Hook shouts as you fade away into the clouds.
Peter drags you through the air not bothering to look at you yet. “Peter this is over! Let this go!” You shout. “Let me go!” “As you wish,” he replies with a smirk as he releases your hand from his. You feel yourself free fall, the pit of your stomach repeatedly dropping. You hear screams of agony and you know it must be Killian watching you fall to your certain death. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, hoping death isn’t as bad as you thought it is. Just as you brace yourself for impact, you hit the water smoothly and sink below. You come up, hoping that Hook can see your ok, but you suddenly get dragged back down again. It’s that damned crocodile. He shreds the flannel shirt your wearing, along with your jeans and he yanks the shoes from your feet. You swim and paddle with all your might to the shore. You outswam the croc. You feel relieve flood through your belly just as you collapse onshore. You feel familiar arms scoop you up and carry you inland. You look up and see Peter’s warm green eyes staring back at you. You know In your head right then that he wanted it to happen like this, just as it did before, it was all a part of his plan. The smirk he gives you confirms this, just as you pass out.
You wake up, warm, in Peter’s bed inside the burrow. You hear a knock at the door. “Come in,” you say. Peter comes in with a towel and soap in hand. “I’m sorry about the nasty fall you took.” Despite your instincts, a part of you feels like he really is sorry. “Anyways, here’s a towel and soap and in the trunk there you’ll find some of your clothes I kept after you left. I thought you’d like to wash up. Don’t worry the boys and I are going hunting, we’ll be back for dinner in about an hour or two. See you then.” He hands you the towel and soap and lingers, his hands resting on yours. He then turns and walks out the door. You smile to yourself. Oh no! You think, what is happening? You are loyal to one man, Killian Jones, you can’t let Peter cloud your loyalty. You shake yourself out of your thoughts as you open the trunk at the end of his bed. You look inside and realize it’s the trunk that washed up with you on shore, but there are all newer clothes in it, as if he knew you would come back when you were older and more grown. On top was a note that said, “All clothes Tiger Lilly collected on her adventures that she offered to give to me before she left.” You smile with sadness at the thought of Tiger Lilly gone from this place. Inside you pull out a short white underdress with a lacy bottom trim. Over that you pair a blue long sleeve cloth dress that matches your eyes. To finish it off you pull your brown worn combat boots from the bottom of the trunk. You grab your soap and towel as you head down to the stream.
In the stream as you bathe yourself you feel calmer. You always felt calm in the water. You feel someone playfully pull at your hair. You automatically freak out as you think it might be Peter. “Calm down silly it’s just me,” you here a high pitched voice giggle behind you. You smile to yourself. “Aquata, how are you?” you turn around with a smirk. “Just fine silly goose! I’ve missed you so. Ariel is gone now, off with her prince Eric, but I’m here. How come your back?” “Peter kidnapped my friend’s son Henry so as ransom he wants to trade Henry for me because he thinks that I need to come back and be his queen again. But there’s a reason why I left and now I’m happy. I’m with Killian now, and I’m so happy. I just want to get back to him.” Your eyes show your sadness. “Killian Jones? Captain Hook? You’re with him? My how lucky you are, he is quite the dream boat.” You smile to yourself. “He is.” You look up at the sky, realizing how late it is. “Oh shoot, I better hurry up, before Peter and the boys get back.” Aquata waves at you as she dives below the surface. You finish up and wrap yourself in a towel as you hurry back to the burrow.
Back in the burrow you lay your clothes out on the bed. You take your towel off and shiver at the cold. You throw your clothes on and look around the room. You dig through the trunk and you pull out a ribbon. You intricately braid your hair around your head in a crown, the ribbon running through it. You look in the mirror and feel like something’s missing. You run over to the nightstand and dig through it. You remember your locket was missing one night and you suspected Peter took it as he watched you sleep one night. You find it in the drawer and shove it in your pocket just as you hear the door creak open. You turn around and try to look innocent. “Hello darling,” Peter says to you as he shuts the door behind him. “Dinner’s ready whenever you are. Henry will be there. I thought you’d like to see him.” “Sounds great! I’d love to see Henry!” You smile, coming up with a plan.
Meanwhile back at the ship “Alright now we’re docked, now come on let’s go!” Hook is anxious to find you. “Hook! You’ve got to calm down! We’re gonna get (y/n) back, but we have to go in there with a plan, otherwise all hell will break loose and one of us could die,” Emma tries to reason with him. “Hook why don’t we have a talk,” David says. They both walk over to the edge of the ship. Hook looks out over the water with sad eyes. “Listen, I know this is hard, but we have to go in there level headed. You don’t want anything to happen to (y/n). Neither do I. So we have to make a plan. You know as much as I do that Pan can be really tricky. So just be patient man. I know it’s a lot to ask when the one you love is in danger, believe me I know. But just trust me on this ok?” David finishes and pats Hook on the shoulder. “I know mate but my heart aches. I can’t imagine being without her. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to her. And what if she falls back in love with him. Yes I had a first love too but Mila is dead. I’ve moved on.” David looks at Hook in bewilderment. “How can you not see how much (y/n) loves you. She would never do that to you. She may have moments of weakness, but we’re human. She loves you. She’s loyal to you, but Peter is a part of her childhood. You have to understand that she had no one and he rescued her you have to be patient with her but I promise you I see the way she looks at you and I know that she is yours. So what do you say, let’s go get her back!” “Let’s do this!” Hook says with determination.
Back on the island You emerge from the burrow searching for Henry with your eyes. You finally see him sitting on a log. You sprint over to him. “Henry!” you shout, “It’s so good to see you!” You pull him in your arms and squeeze him. “Are you ok, are you hurt?” You still didn’t let go of him. “I’m fine (y/n) really I’m fine. But you’re squeezing me a little tight.” “Oh sorry,” you release him. “Ah what a heartfelt reunion,” Peter ruefully smiles at you and Henry, a jealous look in his eyes. Just then one of the lost boys, one you don’t recognize hands you dinner on a plate, that is a cutting of tree. Your plan would work out perfectly. You pretend to eat your dinner, but chuck your chicken into the woods. Henry raises his eyebrows at you. You begin to carve into the wood, sweat dripping down your brow. 20 minutes later you finished. You nudge Henry with your leg. He looks at the plate. It reads, “Emma’s coming. Don’t worry.” He gives one little nod to show he understands. There’s nothing left to do now but sit and watch the lost boys as they dance around the fire for hours.
Hours later Peter stands and announces that the celebration is finished. “The queen has returned!” All the lost boys cheer. He holds out his hand to you. You shake your head no. “Alright, fine. Now my queen, would you like to sleep in the burrow, or would you prefer a nice cage out here just like Henry.” “If Henry’s out here then so am I,” you reply. “Alright, Felix, you keep the first watch,” Peter shouts over his shoulder. The lost boys pull out two cages made from bamboo. “As you wish my lady,” Peter says as he opens the cage. You crawl in and turn around to look at him. You stare at him with sad eyes. “Why does it have to be this way,” you ask him. “You know why (y/n),” he grabs your hands through the bars and kisses your fingers as he slowly backs away. Henry stares at you from across the way. “What was that about,” he eyes you. “It’s a lot to explain,” you reply. “Alright. It all began when I washed up on shore after a ship wreck. I was 13. Now We don’t have much time so I’m gonna have to cut to the short version. I stayed here with Peter for 7 years. We fell in love and I was made officially the queen of Neverland. Over time I grew unhappy because I wanted to see the world. Peter can’t leave the island for extended periods of time. So when I tried to leave he wigged out and told me I had to stay, because we were bonded. He kept me captive until he thought it was okay to trust me again. Once he did, that was when I met Ariel and she helped me escape. Peter never forgave me,” you finished as you looked down at your feet. “Wow it all makes sense now. Hey it’s ok, I’m not judging you,” Henry looked at you. You heard rustling in the leaves. “Felix is coming. Listen to me very closely. We cannot try to escape. I hardened Peter’s heart. He will not hesitate to kill anyone. So stick with me and do as I say because I cannot have you die. Okay?” “Okay.” Just then Felix emerged through the leaves. “Ah your highness,” Felix sarcastically says. “Don’t even think about trying to talk to Henry.” “Don’t worry I won’t,” you stare back at him. You lay down in the cage and slowly fall asleep, though slightly uncomfortable.
Meanwhile back with the rescue team
“Alright Hook and I will go grab some firewood, you guys set up camp,” Emma states. Hook walks into the woods, dragging his feet. Eventually Emma passed him. She turns around. “Hey listen Hook, I know this is really hard on you. But she’s just a girl. You’ve been with tons of others before. Why-” Hook cuts her off, “How can you say that? (y/n) means the world to me. She’s everything I’ve been missing in my life. Just because you’re jealous doesn’t mean I’m gonna stand here and listen to you say these things.” “Woah. Jealous? I’m not jealous. Neal’s probably out there dead for Christ sake! Just as I was letting him back in my heart. Let’s get one thing straight, I am not jealous of you and (y/n), I am just trying to be a voice of reason here.” Hook roles his eyes. Emma continues, “In all seriousness Hook, you and I, we understand each other. We’re very similar. So I’m just trying to make you think. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.” Hook looks up at her. “Emma, really it’s ok. I appreciate you trying to think like me and help me, but (y/n) is my world now. I would rather die than lose her. This, what I have with her, it’s more special than anything I’ve ever had before, even with Mila.” Hook says with all sincerity. “That’s what I had with Neal,” Emma looks down, sorrow in her eyes. “Then for your sake, I hope he’s not dead. I hope Baelfire finds his way back to you and your boy soon,” Hook finishes by hugging Emma quickly, yet without awkwardness. “Now, lets head back to camp,” Emma smiles as she walks forward. “It’s all gonna be ok.” Hook trudges behind her. He looks up at the sky and mutters, “I miss you, (y/n).”
The next day, at the burrow.
You slowly open your eyes, the sun peeking through your lids. You gradually sit up. “Aw the lovely queen is awake,” Felix’s voice drips with sarcasm. “Pan requests your presence at the lagoon. Now get up.” You clamber onto your feet. It’s much warmer on the island today, you shed your shoes. “Come on Henry,” you gesture. “Oh, no, Henry will be staying here. We’d like to test his…… loyalty to Pan.” Panic runs through your body. “Felix can you go away I want to take off my underdress. Otherwise I can go tell Peter,” you smirk at him. Felix growls and walks away. You quickly pull out your underdress from underneath your outer clothing. Then you run over to Henry’s cage. “Henry, listen to me very carefully. They want you to escape, it’s a trap. I’m not sure what is set up, but it won’t be good. You need to convince Pan that you are loyal to him. Stay here. Please. Remember what I told you.” Felix comes trudging over and grabs you by the arm. “Time to go, your highness.” You look back at Henry to look to see if he understands at all. He gives you a small nod. You turn your head around. And begin the trek to the beach.
You stand on the shore, the waves rushing over your toes. You close your eyes and breath in the fresh, salty air. You can’t help but smile, as it brings back the memory of the time someone first said I love you. Peter comes up behind you. “Shall we?” You follow him to the edge of the lagoon and you both sit on the rock where it happened. “Do you remember the first time I took you to this spot?” He looks at you, a sparkle in his eyes. “How could I forget,” you look back at him behind you, and can’t help but remember how fond you used to be of each other. “Tell it to me again,” says Peter. You sigh but do it anyway. “I had been on the island for about five months. You decided we would take a trip to the lagoon with the lost boys. While they were all swimming, you pulled me by the hand and brought me over to this spot. You looked at me for about 3 minutes before even saying anything. You brushed my hair aside and blurted out “I love you” You told me you wanted me to live here with you forever. It made me the happiest girl at that moment. Someone wanted me, and after my parents being unloving, I craved this feeling more than anything. So I told you I would stay here with you. We decided to have a celebration right then and there. And then we kissed. We kissed and kissed and then for a while we just lay there while you held me.“ You realized you were smiling. "We were happy then, but I was a prisoner on this island Peter. And that is why we never could work. Not then not now.” Peter looks at you with the biggest grin. “But now we can. I found a way to be able to leave Neverland. Now we can be together, (y/n), we can have everything you ever wanted.” He waited eagerly for your response. You looked at him with sad eyes. “Peter, I really am sorry, truly. But I’m with Killian now. And I love him. If you love me you’ll let me be happy.” You wait for his response. He looks at you, crushed. “Someday you’ll see it my way. I’ll let you be with your thoughts. Come back for dinner in a few hours?” You nod. “I love you (y/n),” he kissed your hand and summons the lost boys as they disappear into the woods. You look out over the water, a salty tear rolled down your cheek and made a ripple in the water below you. Suddenly a head pops up. “My dear (y/n) what’s the matter?” Aquata gazed at you with her deep eyes. “I was just remembering how happy I was. And wishing, that things weren’t so complicated. Why did this have to happen now?” You quickly wipe away your tears, not liking to show emotion. “My dear, it will all resolve itself, I promise. I’m always here if you need me,” Aquata squeezes your hand before she slips below the surface. You pick yourself up and dust yourself off, deciding to take a walk on the beach. The wind picks up pulling the ribbon out of your hair, leaving waves of hair and dress billowing behind you.
The rescue team “I think we’re lost. Great.” “Regina don’t be so negative,” Mary Margaret replies. “I hate to say it mom but I think she’s right,” Emma remarks. Hook climbs up on to a tree stump to try to get his bearings. He pulls out his eyeglass. Circling around he looks for the horizon to get his bearings he scans over the beach. His heart stops. “I’d know that mess of hair anywhere,” he gasps. “(y/n).” Hook turns to the crowd. “Don’t wait up for me,” and with the last word, Hook sprints into the trees, off in the direction of the beach.
On the beach You walk slowly, digging your feet into the sand. You pick up shells that interest you and shove them in your pocket. Finally, you let the emotion wash over you. You sit down in the sand and hug your knees into your chest, you are sobbing so much you don’t even here the trees rustling behind you. Suddenly someone shouts at you, “(y/n)!!!!!” You turn around slowly, not believing your own eyes. You slowly rise to your feet. Hand over your mouth, in awe you say, “Oh my god, Killian?” You rush into his arms and wrap yourself around him, forgetting how much you missed him. “Killian!” You sob into his chest, soaking his shirt. He kisses you on the forehead and for a while the two of you just stand there as he slowly rocks you. Finally Killian says, “(y/n), why are you crying?” “It’s Peter. He’s confusing me and playing with my emotions by bringing back memories of our past. He’s taunting me. Oh Killian I’m so sorry,” you mutter into his chest. “It’s alright love, he was a part of your life, he rescued you. I understand,” Hook says remembering what David told him about us all having weaknesses. He holds you and takes a deep whiff of your hair. You can tell how much he missed you. So you sit there for hours in his arms, just listening to each other breathing. Just crying, and breathing, and kissing. Finally Killian says, “Lets go love. The Jolly Roger is right there. I can’t bear to let you go again,” he looks at you with utter sadness radiating from his Caribbean blue eyes. “Killian you know we can’t do that. We can’t leave the others behind. He’ll kill Henry. You have to be strong for me. Please,” you hold his hand tight and kiss him on the cheek. You can taste the saltiness of his tears. You look at the sky, knowing Pan will be expecting you back soon. You grab Killian’s hand and put it on your chest. You look him square in the eyes. “This heart, Killian this heart beats only for you, I promise. I am yours. Now come and rescue me so that I never have to leave your side again.” You grab him by the hand, making you both stand up. You smash your lips against his with more fire than ever between you. As you stand there nose to nose heavily breathing, you stroke his hair and give him one last kiss as you repeat, “Come rescue me.” Before your heart breaks even more, you force yourself to let go of him and retreat into the woods. As you look back at him you watch the man you love sink to his knees as he cries out your name in agony.
When you get close to the burrow, you wipe your eyes and adjust your hair, hoping Pan will not notice anything, but ready if he does. You take a seat next to Henry on a log. He questions you with his eyes. “How are you feeling?” Peter asks you. “I’m tired, I’m emotionally drained. I’d much prefer to sleep in the burrow tonight, but I will not if Henry is still out here.” “As you wish my lady,” and with that Pan escorts you into the burrow. He brings you into his room. “I have more of your clothes in the trunk and you can use my bed.” “Thank you Peter,” you whisper quietly. And with that Peter backs out the door. You open the chest and find your old clothes you took off in the cage stuffed in there. Underneath you find a pair of soft, silky, blue striped pajamas. You know these must be Peter’s but you put them on anyways. You pull your hair into a low ponytail and climb under the covers. Underneath you find the teddy bear Peter made for you when you first got here. You smile to yourself as you cuddle up and begin to fade off into a warm deep sleep.
The rescue team They all sit in a circle, silent waiting for him. Suddenly Hook bursts through the trees, panting. “What the hell were you thinking,” Regina scolds. “I can’t believe you would-” Regina stops as soon as she sees the tears streaming down his face. They all look at him and Emma announces for the group, “I’m sorry Killian, that must have been terrible getting to see her and not getting to bring her home.” He stares at the ground. “Aye,” is all he says as he saunters off towards his tent. And into the night, he tosses and turns, never falling asleep, for he can’t sleep without you by his side.
The next morning, in the burrow.
You slowly open your eyes, surprised at how well you slept. You suddenly feel hopeful as you feel big strong arms wrapped around you, thinking that it’s Killian. You turn and realize it’s Pan and automatically feel guilty for having slept so well next to him. You jump to your feet. “I’m sorry love I couldn’t resist,” Pan smiles at you. “Enough games Peter!” You feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. “I’m with Killian, and I will never be with you again. You can hold me here against my will all you want but that will never make me love you!” you shout panting once you’re finished. “You will love me, I know you do! Now we can continue this conversation later, I have a very important meeting with the lost boys to get to,” and with that he turns and walks out the door. You fall back onto the bed crying, you feel so stuck. Just then Henry bursts into the room through the other door, beaming. “I got a message. They’re planning an ambush, a rescue and escape tonight, after dinner,” he says holding up the mirror. You realize then that Regina must have contacted him through the other half. You breathe a sigh of relief. “Well then, let’s get ready,” you say as you and Henry start digging through Pan’s things for supplies.
The rescue team “Alright does everyone understand the plan or do I have to explain it again?” Regina stares around the circle. “We have to get our son back, right Emma?” “Regina’s right, without a doubt, this plan has to go off without a hitch or we could be risking Henry and (y/n)’s lives.” Hook grimaced at the thought of this. “It will, don’t worry Emma,” Mary Margaret reassures her. “Alright so we surround the camp. Regina you slowly take out the lost boys guarding Henry. Take out as many as you have to to be able to get him away quietly. Then (y/n) dumps the potion on Peter so that he can’t fly away. Then I’ll pull my sword on him and we’ll duel while Hook grabs (y/n). Then we get the hell out of there. Any questions? I didn’t think so. Alright let’s get our loved ones back.” Determination ebbed around the entire group as they marched off towards the burrow.
In the burrow. “Henry, I want you to have this knife on you just in case. I don’t want you to have to use it, but at this point we do what we have to. I wanna get home tonight.” “Got it,” he replied. “(Y/n), there’s something I forgot to mention. Mom transported this potion through the mirror to me. She says that at the right moment you have to dump it on Peter so that he can’t fly away. She says when you see Regina grab me, after she knocks out the guards, that’s when you have to do it.” “Wow, no pressure or anything,” you reply trying to lighten the mood. Henry puts it in your hands and wraps your fingers around it. “It’s now or never,” you tell each other. Just then Peter comes through the doorway. “What’s going on in here, exactly,” he looks at you suspiciously. You automatically say, “I was trying to find some of Tinkerbell’s things to show Henry. I thought he would find it interesting.” “Ah well I don’t want Henry getting any ideas with fairy dust now. Back to the cage with you,” Pan grabs Henry by the shoulder and leads him outside.
Dinner time. You try to act the same as you’ve always been these past two days, but you can feel the weight of the potion in your pocket and you imagine Peter noticing it at any moment. Before dinner you changed back into a one of Tiger Lilly’s small leather Indian dresses. It had fringe and one sleeve that went over your shoulder. It hugged your body, for an easy getaway. You shoved your locket in your dress and went barefoot. Back out at dinner you began to sweat. Pull yourself together, you thought. This has to go of without a hitch. Every now and then you eyed Henry. You kept an eye on his watch, waiting for it to turn to six. That was when Regina would come. You watched it tick from 5:59 to 6:00. As sure as ever you saw Regina slip into view. You decided to help by distracting Peter. “Peter?” You called. “Yes, what is it?” He turns toward you, looking away from Regina’s direction. “Why are you doing this to me, do you really care, or are you just messing with me.” He ignored your question with a question. “Come, will you dance with me just once, just like old times?” You nod your head. He pulls you by the hands up off the log. He spins you around and round again. You smile at him, intent on making him look only at you. “You look even more beautiful now that you’re grown up,” he stares at you. You blush. Then you grab his hands and turn him around to check. Regina is pulling Henry out of the cage. It’s time. You wrap your arms around Peter’s neck. “Do you really think we could be happy, even after you held me here against my will?” He moves closer, “I do. Do you?” You smile at him, but suddenly say straight, “I’m sorry Peter but I don’t.” And with that you flip the cap off of the potion and dumped it on his head. He’s frozen for a moment as he realizes what you’ve have just done. “(Y/n) you will regret this,” Pan grits through his teeth as you slowly back away. Emma comes out swinging from the woods ready to fight. The lost boys start waking up which means this is going to be a hard fight. Emma and Pan start dueling. You see the others come out to help. Your heart stops as you watch Killian emerge from the woods. Swords clinking around you, blood beginning to shed, but that doesn’t matter to you. You begin to run towards him. You reach the edge of the circle in what seems like forever and intertwine your fingers together. Hook kisses you with such desperation you don’t see him coming. Felix. Hook moves to put you behind him but it is too late. Felix yanks you back by your hair and drags you back towards the center of camp. “I don’t think so your highness.” You are shrieking as he pulls you by the hair. In one swift motion Pan kicks Emma to the ground giving Felix the opportunity to pass you to him. You feel the cold steel brush against your throat as Peter yells “STOP!” You see the panic rise up in Regina’s eyes and know that Henry is being held up next to you. “Now I need Henry for a certain… task shall we say and then you can have him back. You have my word on that. But (y/n) is mine. You will never see her again. And I will not hesitate to run this knife through her because if I can’t have her no one can.” “NO!” Hook screams as he runs forward towards you. Hook punches Pan in the face, but not before you start to feel a warmth spread through your lower abdomen. You look down and realize that somehow the knife has grazed you. You bring your hands down to try and cover the wound before the blood spills over. You stumble down to the ground, growing weaker. Hook pushes Pan aside and runs to you. He catches you in his arms as you fall. “Oh my god! (Y/n), what have I done,” his tears fall onto your face as he looks down at you. He moves your hands. You bring your hand to his chin. “Hey, look at me, it’s ok. It’s not fatal, I’ll be fine I promise.” And you knew in your heart you would be fine, but that wasn’t the problem. “Killian, I love you. But I don’t want to see you get hurt. I think you should go. Pan is holding onto me and he’s never going to let go. Get Henry and get out of here.” “No! I won’t leave you. (y/n) I love you. I can’t live without you. I’d rather die than live without you. So get this into your head. I’m not leaving you. Not ever. You’re stuck with me,” Killian smirks at you. “Good, because I really wouldn’t have it any other way. If you insist on being so stubborn you really must get better at rescuing me,” you weakly laugh. You can feel your vision getting foggy. Killian plants a tender kiss on your forehead, but you pull his head down to your lips. You kiss him with a need that you’ve never felt before. You never want to leave his side. With his lips on yours, you don’t even feel the pain in your side. Behind you Pan picks himself up on his feet and walks over slowly. Killian glances up as you try to turn around. “Go get out of here,” you push him away with a sense of urgency. “I will come back for you (y/n). I promise.” “I know,” you smile at him. “Now go.” He plants his lips on yours and squeezes your hand. Next thing you know Killian and the rest are running off into the forest, Henry is being put back in his cage, and Pan is scooping you up over his shoulder. You look at Killian running off, tears running down your cheeks. “Come rescue me,” you whisper into the wind, right before the world turns black.
The rescue team “Damn damn damn!” Hook pounds his fist against a tree. “That was too close,” Emma says. “You got that right, we almost killed (y/n)!” Regina yells. “Alright we all need to calm down. What we really need to do is find out what Pan wants with Henry, for some reason I feel like that it linked to how he can keep (y/n),” Mary Margaret explains. “I think she’s right,” Regina says, “I think it’s all linked somehow and if we want to succeed next time we have to know what’s going on.” They all silently nod at each other. Hook walks off into the forest, no one bothers to follow him, because they know he needs time to grieve almost having you back. He begins pacing around in circles. Finally he stabs a tree repeatedly with his hook. “Arghhggh! Damnit damnit damnit!” He continues to stab the tree. His hook gets caught in the tree. He pulls it out and begins to scrape his wrist with his hook. He carves your name into his skin, blood dripping from his hook. He looks up at the sky. “(Y/n), I promise that I will get you back. I’m so so sorry.” He puts his hook back on and sits down at the base of his tree. He begins to set up a plan in the dirt about how he can secretly see you again. He has to make sure you’re ok.
The next morning in the burrow You slowly open your eyes and try to sit up. Automatically you feel a striking pain in your side. “Hey, don’t try to sit up. Listen, (y/n) I’m so sorry that this happened. Really. Now let me help you,” Peter looks down at you with sorrow in his eyes. You slowly nod. He pushes up your shirt and peels back your bandage. Underneath is a nasty slit in your skin, that smells like its rotting. Peter runs his hand over the wound. You feel warmth radiating from it, when you look down, the slit is gone. He healed you with his magic. You smile up at him. “Thank you,” you croak. He bends down and kisses you where the wound was. It tickles and you giggle. “Now, we’ll talk later, because I really love you and I want you to be happy.” And with that he kisses you on the forehead and walks out the door.
The rescue team “I’ll be back in a few hours. I have some business to take care of down at the lagoon,” Hook says as he walks off. No one questions him. 15 minutes later he arrives at the lagoon. He pulls out a mermaid whistle from his pocket and blows on it. Automatically Aquata surfaces from beneath the water. “Ahhh Killian, what a lovely surprise. What can I do for you?” “(Y/n)’s wound will have festered by now and she’ll need to come rinse it out. When she comes down here I want you tell her to meet me on the spot where I found her at dusk. Can you do that?” “Of course I can, but what will you give me in return?” Hook knew how to handle this, the mermaids had a huge thing for him. So Hook bends down and kisses Aquata on the cheek. Aquata blushes a deep red and replies, “that’ll do.” And with that she sinks below the surface.
A few hours later You blink open your eyes and sit up. You feel immensely better, as if it never happened. You decide it’s time to go wash up. So you dig through the trunk and fish out some soap, and a towel. And with that, you head down to the lagoon. You wade into the stream and wash up. You go underwater and reach around blindly for some algae. You run it through your hair as a conditioner. As you finish up you float on your back and close your eyes. You hear someone surface next to you. Without opening your eyes you ask, “Aquata what do you want.” “It’s Killian.” With that you stand up and ask her urgently, “What, what’s wrong? Is he ok?” “He’s fine, but he wants to see you. He wants to make sure you’re ok. I tried to tell him I could check up on you to make sure you’re ok and that it would be less dangerous but he wouldn’t allow it. He wants you to meet him here at dusk. Can you do that,” she asks. “It’ll be hard but I’ll do anything to see my Killian! I’ll be there. Thanks Aquata!” You yell as you sprint back to the burrow.
The rescue team “Hook don’t do this! It’s a bad idea,” Emma tries to reason with him. “I have to, I have to make sure she’s ok!” “She told you it wasn’t fatal,” Emma rebutted. David buts in, “I understand what Hook is going through. If he wants to see her, than there is nothing that you can say that will keep him from her.” “Aye, thank you mate,” Hook looks at him with gratitude. “Be careful,” Emma says as she pats him on the arm. “Good luck.” And with that Hook walks off in the direction of the beach.
Back at the burrow, 20 minutes after dusk. “Peter, can we go to bed now. I may be healed but I’m still awful tired from last night.” Peter is surprised that you said we. “Of course darling,” he smiles. And with that, the two of you walk off into the burrow. You climb into Peter’s bed, in his comfy blue striped pajamas, which are huge on you. “Good night Peter,” you whisper as you kiss him on the cheek. Any affection you show him is sure to make him sleep easier. You wait for what seems like forever until you hear him snoring soundly beside you. You carefully pick up his arm and remove it from around you. He continually snores. You smile as you pick yourself up off the bed. You carefully sneak out the door and as soon as you step outside you sprint towards the beach.
Hook Hook sits on the beach, knees drawn into his chest staring around. He looks up at the sky thinking he must have been sitting here for 2 hours. Just then he hears the rustling of leaves behind him and turns around.
You burst onto the beach, panting. Hook turns around just in time to catch you as you throw yourself into his arms. You kiss his face all over. “Mwah mwah mwah mwwwwah. My Killian!” He chuckles, “Alright alright (y/n), you’re gonna knock me over.” Just then you knock him over. “I’ve missed you! Everyday I’m a part from you is agony,” you say. “Aye it’s agony for me as well love. I never want to be a part from you again.” He turns you around, and you sit in his lap, his arms around you. You both sit there for a while, looking at the horizon. You play with his leather cuffs and discover your name carved into his skin. You gasp, “Killian why did you do this?” He looks at you with sad eyes. “I missed you so much. I was so mad that it was my fault you got injured, I needed to punish myself.” You look up at him. “Oh no, Killian no! It wasn’t your fault, I don’t ever want to be the cause of your pain.” You lift his hand up and kiss his cut. For a while you just hold his hand, kissing it and nuzzling into his chest. You can smell his usual musty scent of leather and rum. Finally, you say, “What are we going to do, Killian? Is this how it’s going to be forever. Secret meetings, never getting to sleep by your side?” You look up at him, a single tear rolling down your cheek. Killian pulls your chin up toward him, “Hey, love I promise. As soon we figure out what Pan wants with Henry, we’ll plan our final rescue. And then we’ll never have to be a part again. My vow to you, Is that once we return to Storybrooke we will never be a part again. This I promise,” Killian says to you as he pulls something out of his pocket. Your breath catches in your throat. “Killian?…..” you can’t even finish. “(Y/n), will you marry me? That is as soon as we get back to Storybrooke.” You look at him with the biggest smile on your face, “It would make me the happiest girl on earth!” You say as you bring his lips to yours. You kiss him and kiss him smiling the entire time. He slips his ring onto your finger. For a while the two of you lay there, his arms around you, in peace forgetting about Pan, forgetting about the fact that you have to go back there in a few hours. You stare at his ring on your finger and smile. Finally, you can see the sky get light. You turn to your love, “Killian I have to go. I’ll find out what Pan wants with Henry, but you have to understand I need to do whatever I have to to get it out of him.” “Aye love I understand, the sooner you find out, the sooner we get home.” “You bring his face to yours and put his hand on your chest once more. "This heart is yours. Property of Killian Jones.” He smiles. “Now, let’s finish this.” you plant a small tender kiss on his lips, and for the first time since you landed on this god forsaken island, neither of you cry as you part ways.
Back at the burrow You see the sun begin to rise as you creep in the door to Peter’s bedroom. You carefully climb back under the covers and put his arm around you. You shove Killian’s ring in your pocket, not wanting Pan to figure anything out. A few moments later Peter wakes up as you pretend to be sleeping. He kisses you on the forehead as he gets out of bed. You turn over towards him. “Out to get some breakfast, be back soon love.” You nod your head and pretend to go back to sleep. As soon as you are sure Peter and the boys are gone, you hop out of bed. Rummaging through the chest, you pull out the only clean clothes that are left, a pair of jeans a black t shirt and one of Peter’s green rain jackets. You throw the clothes on and stuff your feet into your combat boots. Putting your hair in a loose braid, you walk out the door, as you slip Killian’s ring back on your finger. Sneaking outside, you see someone you never thought you’d see again: Baelfire being carried away in a cage into the woods. When they are out of site you run over to Henry’s cage. “Henry! How can I contact your mothers through your mirror?” You urgently ask him. “Mom said if I needed to contact her all I needed to do was turn the mirror three times.” “Give it to me,” you urgently hold your hand out. “No time to explain but I need to talk to Emma!” “Ok,” Henry hesitates, but hands you the mirror. You turn it over quickly three times. After a few moments Regina appears. “(Y/n)? What is it? What’s going on is Henry ok?” “Henry’s fine. I need to talk to Emma!” Emma appears beside Regina. “What is it,” she asks you. “Emma, just as I was coming out of the burrow I saw him being carried away in a cage.” “Who,” Emma’s eyes grow big because she already knows the answer. “Baelfire. Neal, he’s still alive!” Emma stares back at you tears pooling up in her eyes. “Neal’s alive?” She mutters. “Uh-huh,” you shake your head yes. Emma drops the mirror to the ground. Regina quickly scoops it up. “Alright this is great, we can save everyone’s true love. You for Hook, Neal for Emma, and Henry for me because he is my son. Figure out what Pan wants with Henry. Then find a way to communicate it to us. After I hang up you need to smash this mirror, Pan can sense there is magic coming from the camp. Go now!” Regina urges you as the mirror goes black. You throw it on the ground and stomp on it. After you’re done you pick up the pieces and chuck them in a bush. “What was that all about,” Henry looks at you. You ignore his question with a question, “Henry we have to find out what Pan wants to use you for. It’s very important. I need to go find them and spy. Stay here.” “Ok,” Henry nods at you. With that you take off into the forest.
Heart pounding, your feet hit the jungle floor beneath you hard as you sprint in an unknown direction, searching for any signs of the lost boys. Suddenly you hear the snap of a twig and a net scoops you up into a tree, it was a booby trap. A bunch of Indian warriors come out from behind the trees. They’re from one of the local tribes. You remember that they are cannibals. “Peter!” You shriek at the top of your lungs. “PETER! HELP!” It was no use he wasn’t coming. You feel around in your pockets, for anything useful. You smile as you find a knife in your jacket pocket. You feel the warriors begin to lower you down, as you frantically saw at the ropes. Finally they cut loose and you make a giant leap as you grab the vine of a nearest tree. “Oh boy, it’s been a while since you did this,” you mutter to yourself. You swing your legs back and forth trying to gain some momentum. Finally, you swing to the next vine. The process slowly comes easier and you see the warriors begin to fade into the background behind you. As you look behind yourself you mutter, “Haha suckers.” When you turn around you smash straight into Peter coming from the other direction. You both hit the ground with a hard impact. “Ooph. (Y/n), what are you doing here.” Peter looks up at you from where you lay on top of him. You roll off of him. “You began to take too long and I was worried, so I came to look for you when I got trapped in one of those warrior’s nets. I just escaped when we smacked into each other.” “Nice try. I know that there are some things you’re not telling me. I know you went away in the middle of the night. I’m not sure where but I hope it wasn’t to see that dreaded pirate otherwise I might just have to kill him.” You try not to look panicked, you decide to tell him the partial truth to get him to trust you again. “The truth is Peter I went for a walk last night, I was searching for Aquata, I needed someone to talk to. Then this morning I emerged from the burrow and saw Baelfire being carried away in a cage, so I went looking for him. I was worried for him.” Peter looks at you, and you know he believes you. It is half the truth, after all. “You always were overly caring weren’t you,” Peter looks at you. He holds out his hand and picks you up off the ground. “Let’s take a walk shall we,” he asks you. You nod and put your right hand in his left as you slip Killian’s ring off discreetly and shove it in your pocket.
The rescue team
There seems to be an air of fresh hope that surrounds the group. All are happy at the thought of having their loved ones back soon. “I hope we here from (y/n) soon,” David says. “I’d very much like this trip to end.” “Wouldn’t we all,” Regina replies. “So let’s raise a glass then. To (y/n)! She found Neal, she’s protecting Henry, and she’s doing everything she can to help us get out of here!” Emma smiles through her speech. “To (y/n)!” They all cheer as they pass around Hook’s flask of rum. Hook beaming with pride at the thought of his now fiancé being the one to solve this problem.
Back on the beach “Peter, were are we going?” You question him dragging your feet. You’ve been walking for a long time. “You’ll see,” Peter smiles as he looks back at you, dragging you along to the unknown location. 5 minutes later you reach your destination. You look around in awe as you realize where you are. “Remember our place, (y/n)? Do you remember the first time we came here?” You smile at him, the memories come flooding back. “Of course I do,” you reply. “We came here for the first time on our wedding night. We wanted to get away from the lost boys and have a night to ourselves. We were so young,” you smile as you trace the wall of the cave with your fingertips. “Do you remember why we picked this place,” he smiles at you already knowing the answer. “Because the first day I met you I told you I liked to look at the horizon. So you decided on this cave because it looks out over the cliffs onto the horizon.” “That’s right I did. I wanted to bring you here the first time I met you, but I wanted to wait for something special. So I knew I would marry you someday and I vowed to myself to bring you here then, to show my promise to you.” You look down sadly. “This is the first place you loved me,” you recalled. “Do you remember the last time,” he looks up at you. “It was the day I told you I wanted to leave. You kissed me so passionately and tried to get me to stay. But that isn’t what made me leave Peter.” “I know,” he looks up at you with sad eyes. It was all my fault. I should have let you go. I should have never gotten so possessive of you. I’m sorry (y/n). I really am. But I was so caught up in you. So desperately in love with you. I wanted to look at your (e/c) eyes forever. I wanted to stroke your (h/c) hair forever. I never wanted to let you go.“ "I would’ve come back you know,” you interrupt him. “I’m so sorry (y/n), I’m so sorry for everything.” Peter kisses your hand, and you can feel his wet tears on your fingers. The memories of your past fondness for Peter make you happy, but at this moment you realize you can never have that again. Peter hasn’t changed, you tell yourself. “I know,” you mutter, looking away. He looks into your eyes and brushes your hair out of your face. He slowly moves towards your lips and plants his own on yours. Repulsed by his kiss, you start to pull away. But then you remember what you told Killian, that in order for this plan to work you needed to do what you had to- you had to convince Pan that you wanted him. Emotions swirling around in your head, you reluctantly kiss him back. He holds you and strokes the back of your head. Salty tears begin to trace your face. You pull back from him. “Why couldn’t you leave the island? Why couldn’t it have all worked out for us? Why did it have to be so difficult? Why?” You begin to cry into his shoulder, these emotions real. You thought back through your life and how the timing of everything never worked out. And that pissed you off. He kisses your forehead and you realize that he is crying too. “Cheer up, darling. I’ve found a way. Now we can be together forever.” You look up at him in disbelief. “How,” you ask a little too eagerly, hoping that he’ll spill his secret. “You’ll see love, I’ve got it all planned out.” And with that you both move onto the ground and curl up in your old spot. You curl your knees into yourself as you feel Peter wrap a protective arm around your waist. You smile at the thought of getting close to his purpose for Henry, but curse yourself for being so obvious with your eagerness. You dream of yours and Killian’s wedding and your future together as you slowly fall into a deep sleep
Many hours later Your eyes open up to pitch blackness and you momentarily forget where you are. “Peter, pssst Peter!” You whisper in his ear. “What is it love?” He wakes up in a daze. “We’ve been asleep too long,” you whisper. “It’s just after dusk, let’s go back.” He nods as you both begin to stand up. Just then you hear an ear splitting scream come from the direction of camp. Without a word, you both take off into the direction of camp, your face drawn with worry because you think it’s Henry, Peter smiling because he knows it’s Neal.
You both come sprinting into camp, gasping for air. You run over to Henry. “Oh thank god you’re okay! I thought that was you who screamed.” You unlock his cage and pull him into a hug. Meanwhile Peter is being told something by Felix. “Our prisoner has presented too much spirit, I say it’s time to break him,” Felix smirks at Peter. Peter returns the smirk. “Bring him to the caves.” Felix gives a little bow, “As you wish.” And with that he goes off to tell the other lost boys. Peter comes over to you. “Darling, something urgent has presented itself, I trust you won’t go anywhere?” You smile at him and say, “I’ll be anxiously waiting your return,” as you kiss him on the cheek. He smiles and with that he turns and follows the lost boys out of the clearing. You turn to Henry, “Henry I have a plan. It’s a side mission I suppose, but equally important. I’ll explain later, first come with me we don’t have much time.” And with that you drag him by the hand, sprinting towards the lagoon.
You both break through the tree line onto the beach, panting. You run into the water in your clothes and dive in, searching for Aquata. You finally find her and pull her up. “Aquata listen carefully, I need you to swim up river and find the others. Find Killian and them and tell them to come to the lagoon urgently. Please!” You barely finish as you see her flick her tail as she pushes up stream. “What’s that all about?” Henry asks you. “I have a plan,” you reply. “They’ve gone and hidden Neal in the north caves and I believe your family can rescue him. Neal lived on this island for years, not only can he help us, but he’s your father. He’s the love of your mother’s life, we have to get him back.” All while talking you unconsciously twirl Killian’s ring around your finger. Henry looks down at it. “Are you and Killian… are you engaged?” He asks you. You blush a deep red, “We are Henry but please don’t tell anyone. Your mother almost lost Neal, I don’t want to rub it in. And don’t get me started on Regina losing Daniel.” Henry chuckles. “Your secret is safe with me.” And with that the two of you sit on a rock and wait.
The rescue team They all sit in a circle, making small talk, not having anything really to do until you tell them why Pan wants Henry. Hook is filling a canteen in the river when a hand comes up out of the water and grabs him. Aquata surfaces and says, “Hurry get the others!” Hook runs into camp and tells them to come hurry. They all come screeching to a hault at the shore as they see Aquata. “It’s (y/n), she has a plan, she needs you to book it down to the beach right now it’s urgent, it’s about Neal.” That’s all it takes to get Emma and the others sprinting towards the beach, leaving the campsite behind.
Back on the beach You pace back and forth on an imaginary line drawn in the sand. You shiver in the cold, your clothes soaking wet, wet hair clinging to your cheeks. Just then you hear clambering footsteps come tumbling onto the beach. Aquata swims into the lagoon behind them “Henry!” Regina and Emma yell as they smother them in a hug. “Hello love,” Killian comes over to you and plants a swift kiss on your lips. “Alright gather round, there isn’t much time!” They all make a circle around you and Killian because you refuse to let go of his hand. “They’ve taken Neal to the north caves. There won’t be much security there, I know because this is were they take prisoners to to break them. They leave them there in the haunted cave until they beg to be let out, at which point the prisoner will agree to help them. It’s a strange tactic. So I’m going to take Killian’s mermaid whistle. You all will stay here. Aquata how far away can you here this whistle?” “About three miles,” she answers. “Perfect. When I blow the whistle that means Pan and his troops are back from the caves. Aquata will then tell you she heard the whistle and that is your cue to go get Neal. Now Neal lived on this island for a long time, not only will he be a huge help, but I think it’s about time he came back for Emma and Henry.” Emma gives you a sympathetic smile. “Thank you,” she says. You nod. “So stay here. Now there’s one thing you outta know about the north caves-” “It’s covered,” Hook interrupts you, “I’ll tell them later no time to waste.” You smile at him gratefully. “Before you go, any word on what Pan wants with Henry?” Regina asks stroking Henry’s hair. “I was close to getting the answer, but Pan sensed I was too eager. All I know is that Henry has something to offer that can allow Pan to leave the island for extended periods of time.” Regina looks puzzled. “I’ll have to think about that,” she says. “Alright there’s no time to waste so say goodbye to me and Henry ‘cause we gotta get back to camp.” Emma and Regina walk Henry a little ways from the group to say goodbye. Killian looks down at you. “I’m so proud of you, (y/n). You’re doing great. We’ll be back to Storybrooke before you know it,” he grins at you. You put both of your hands on his cheeks and kiss him through your smile. “I love you Killian Jones.” “And I love you-” Hook is interrupted by a gasp that comes from Mary Margaret. “Oh my god, (y/n)! Is that an engagement ring?” Just then Emma and Regina walk over. They all look at you. Your face goes pink. “We didn’t want to say anything because of everything that’s happened,” you say as you eye Emma’s reaction. “Don’t worry about me, I’m gonna get Neal back, and then we can all be happy together!” You turn to look at Regina. Her response surprises you, “I’ll be happy as long as I have my son back,” she smiles. You let out the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in. “Well that’s a relief!” You grin. They all suddenly come in and hug you and Killian. You look up at your future husband and smile. “Alright now we really have to go! Come on Henry!” You grab Henry’s hand and head towards the trees. You turn around and wave, “See you soon,” you yell. “(Y/n) wait!” Killian yells in your direction. He runs over to you. “I love you!” He tells you as he kisses you while pressing the mermaid whistle into your hand. He pulls back and grins, “Now go!” You turn around and you and Henry run into the night.
You pull into camp out of breath. “They aren’t back yet, good,” Henry mutters. “They won’t be back for another hour or so. The north caves is a long way,” you tell him. You both plant yourself on a log by the fire, you desperately needed to dry off. “Thanks for helping save my dad,” Henry tells you. “Of course Henry! You deserve to have all the family you can get!” He smiles at you and hugs you tight. “You’ve made being held captive a whole lot easier.” You giggle at his statement. “I’m glad,” you said. And the two of you sit there and stare at the fire until Pan returns.
Suddenly, you see the shadows of Pan and the lost boys appear in the clearing. “Ah right were I left you,” Pan comes over to you and plants a kiss on your cheek. “Everything alright?” You ask him as you look up at him, innocently. “Oh everything’s fine,” he replies. “Now, shall we go to bed?” He asks you. “Sounds lovely, I’ll just get the bucket of sand to put out the fire.” “No darling, let me,” Pan didn’t want you out of his sight, so of course he offers to go do it. The moment he turns around to pick up the bucket you pull the whistle from your pocket and blow on it hard. Then you shove it back in your pocket as he turns around. “Shall we,” he offers you his arm. You walk hand in hand into the burrow, Henry dragging behind you.
Back at the beach Aquata jumps to the surface and shouts, “It’s time! Go!” And with that Hook leads the way, up into the trees to the northern caves.
3 grueling hours later they arrive at the entrance. Hook turns to the group, “Alright now here’s how it works, in order to create a path to Neal, we each must reveal one of our deepest secrets, until the path reaches far enough. Don’t hold back, alright? Now let’s go!” They enter the cave, the temperature dropping about 20 degrees. “I’ll start,” Hook says. “I never thought I would find love again after Mila. And the truth is, when I found (y/n), I wasn’t convinced she was my true love. I thought about leaving her. I thought I wasn’t good enough for her, too broken. But one day, she revealed to me how broken she was and I realized that we fit together. From then on I vowed to never leave her, but the secret is that I thought about it, it entered my mind.” Hook finished and the rock stretches out towards Neal. “I’ll go!” Mary Margaret steps forward. “The truth is David, something I’ve been keeping inside for a while, is that, I want another baby.” She steps back and the path grows a little more. David looks at her with sad eyes. “Mary Margaret on the night of the ambush, I was grazed with an arrow traced with night shade poison. Thanks to Hook i won’t die, but the magic of Neverland is what saved me. Mary Margaret my secret is that I can never leave this island if I want to live.” She looks at him in disbelief, heartbroken. “Wow.” Regina says. “I’ll go next. When we came to this island I was not over using my dark powers. My secret is that when I discovered Greg and Tamara, I was so angry with them about taking Henry, that I killed them.” She steps back as the path nearly reaches Neal. Neal looks up, hope in his eyes. Emma steps forward. “Neal I’m still hurt that you left me at the train station that day, to take the fall for you. No explanation, no nothing. I was hurt that you left me, because I thought you loved me.” He looks at her sorrowfully. “But the secret that I’ve been too scared to admit to myself, is that I never stopped loving you Neal. Never,” she wipes a tear from her eye. With that the path is complete. Emma runs across and slices open the cage she finds him in. “Emma,” he says. “Emma I’m so sorry. I love you.” “I love you too Neal.” Emma cries as she kisses him. Heads bent together Neal mutters, “Now let’s go get our son.” They exit the caves, Mary Margaret and David on separate ends of the trail, Emma and Neal holding hands, and Regina and Hook discussing possible reasons as to why Pan needs Henry.
Back at the burrow You wake up and fear strikes through you. Peter is not beside you. You jump out of bed and rush out the door. “Peter!” You call out. Next thing you notice Henry is gone. “Henry!” You shout. Panic fills your body. You begin to walk towards the cliffs to go look for them when Peter appears behind you. “Are you ok?” “Oh Peter!” You turn around ready to put on the act. You rush into his arms. “I was so worried when I woke up and you weren’t beside me!” “Don’t worry darling, I was just….. training Henry. We’re back now.” He kisses the top of your head. “I’m gonna go wash up, be out in a minute Darling.” As soon as Pan is out of sight you rush over to Henry. “Henry! Are you ok? What did he want?” “I’m fine,” Henry replies. “He wanted to test me. He took me to the top of dead man’s peak. He gave me the fairy dust around his neck that he said had long since not worked and told me to believe. I did what he said and pretty soon we were flying over Neverland. I don’t know why it was so important, all he said was that it proved to him that I had the heart of the truest believer.” Your puzzled. “Well whatever it’s about it doesn’t sound good,” you state. “This means I’m gonna have to push him farther so that he’ll tell me.” You and Henry sit down and begin to think up strategies.
The rescue team “So, Baelfire, what do you think Pan wants with the boy,” Hook asks Neal. “I’m not sure. But I do know one thing, he’s weak. I overheard the lost boys saying that they were tired of all of this physical labor because Pan can’t fly anymore. If Pan can’t fly then that means he’s losing some of his magic.” “But why would he need Henry for that,” Emma ponders. “No idea,” Neal replies.
In Peter’s bedroom You have your plan. If Peter needs Henry to leave the island, than you are going to have to seduce Peter and ask him to come away with you. When he tells you he can’t you’ll ask why and hopefully get it out of him. You flip through your trunk trying to find the best thing to wear. Finally you gaze upon a short strapless suede deer skin dress of Tiger Lilly’s that she died a dark pinkish red from raspberries. A little shredded at the bottom but Perfect, you think. You quickly slip it on and take down your hair. You fluff your hair around you and try to get it as straight as possible. Finally, you look in the mirror and note that something’s missing. You step outside and grab some berries. You pinch them in your hands and rub the stain to your lips. You walk back into the burrow and glance in a mirror. The dress hugs your curves. Perfect, you think. Before you leave you shove your locket and Killian’s ring in your pocket for safe keeping. You step outside, just as Peter enters the clearing. He stares at you. “Wow. You look amazing (y/n). Shall we go for a walk?” He asks you. “Sounds lovely,” you reply. Moments later you and Peter sit in your spot on the beach. You think to yourself about how you should approach the situation. You decide to still seem hesitant. “Peter I’m scared. I think I’m starting to fall for you again, but I want to be free. I don’t want to get hurt. How can you promise me you’ll never turn into a control freak again?” “With this,” he replies as he pulls out the wedding ring he made you all those years ago. You gasp. “(Y/n) I promise to never keep you captive again. I believe our love can set us free.” He smiles at you. You hold out your finger and he slips it on. “Let’s run away!” You suddenly say. “Right now. Before I change my mind. You said Henry can give you the power to leave the island. So let’s do it. Let’s fly away,” you turn to look at his reaction. “(Y/n) it’s not that easy. I need his heart to be able to travel. He has the heart of the truest believer. Without it, I cannot fly.” He finishes looking at you. You look at him in horror. “Peter you can’t kill Henry! Just give him back to Emma and Regina and you won’t need his heart.” “Oh really and why’s that?” He asks you. “Because I’ll stay here with you. I promise.” He looks at you shocked. “You would do that for me?” He searches your eyes. “Of course I would.” You reply as you lean in and press your lips to his.
Back at camp “Darling, I’ve just got to go and check on something, I’ll be back in a few hours,” Peter says as he kisses your cheek. “Ok, I’ll be here,” you reply. As soon as Peter is out of sight, Henry runs over to you. “(Y/n)! They know! They know Neal has escaped. We have to warn the others!” Without another word, you and Henry sprint down to the beach.
You come full sprint into the sand. Luckily, you happen to find everyone sitting in the trees just offshore, perfectly concealed. “Emma! Regina!” You scream. “What, what is it?” Emma looks at you. Your eyes fill with panic. “They know. They know Neal has escaped. You have to get out of sight. You’re too close to camp right now.” “Why do I feel like this whole thing is going to explode in our faces,” Regina questions. “Because it might,” you add. “Peter says he needs Henry’s heart to be able to leave the island. So I told him I would stay here with him forever so that he doesn’t need Henry. But he still won’t let him go. I get the sense he’s not telling me everything,” you look around at the group, as dread fills their features. “Well that’s not gonna happen!” Regina growls. “All we need to do now is have all of you stay out of sight and out of the way. As soon as I find the right time, I will bring Henry and we’ll leave this place. All I have to do is find a way to keep Pan contained while we leave.” “Well do it fast,” Regina tells you. “I think it’s about damn time we went home.” Emma and Regina pull Henry aside to ask him how Pan is testing him. Killian comes over to you. “(Y/n), you look…….” “I know,” you reply, blushing, the red dress was certainly having the desired affects on both Pan and Hook. Killian grabs your hands and rubs his thumb over your knuckles. He looks down at your hands and says, “That’s not my ring.” “I know,” you reply. “It’s Peter’s that he gave to me. Just trying to get him to trust me.” Killian looks at you. “Don’t forget who owns your heart, love. You’re beginning to look like a wild, beautiful, native girl. I don’t want you staying here.” “Don’t worry, just a few more days and then I’m all yours,” you bring his head to yours and gently kiss him. Henry appears behind you. “Ready?” He asks. “Yep,” you turn to Hook and you squeeze his hand. “As soon as I have an idea when it will happen, I’ll send word with Aquata to go look for you in the mountains.” “Until then,” hook says and they all nod at you. You turn towards Henry and grab his hand as you drag him into the jungle back towards camp.
3 days later You plant yourself on a log, frustrated. 3 days have past and Pan is still taking Henry on his little expeditions and you can’t figure out why. You sigh as you pick yourself up and walk back into the burrow. As you enter Peter’s bedroom you see him collapsed on the bed, gray and ashen. “Peter what’s wrong?” You run to his side. He ignores you as he places his hands over his body and begins to heal himself. He picks himself up off the bed. “Peter answer me! I told you I would stay here and I meant it, but you can’t keep secrets from me. Why do you still have Henry?” Peter pats the bed beside him and the two of you sit down. He puts his hand on your shoulder just as he says, “(y/n), I haven’t been entirely honest with you. You see yes it’s technically true that I need Henry’s heart to leave the island, but I need it because I’m dying. I know you won’t accept killing Henry and that’s why I’m sorry it has to be like this right now but you’ll come to see it my way.” He begins to leave. “Peter I won’t let you do this!” He looks at you with sad eyes and says, “I’m sorry but you really don’t have a choice.” And with a wave of his hand you’re slammed against the bed and your hands are tied to the headboard and feet bounded. “Peter NO!” You scream out the door at him as he runs off, no doubt to get Henry’s heart. 45 minutes later “Damnit, damnit, damnit!” You yell at yourself as you repeatedly slam your hands against the wall. You have no idea how to get out of it. You’ll try anything at this point. “I hope this works,” you mutter to yourself. In one swift motion you flip yourself backwards between your arms and the headboard and just as you feel your arms break loose, you feel your shoulder blade pop out of the socket. “No pain no gain,” you whisper as you hold back tears and pop it back in place. You quickly hop over to the nightstand and find a dagger and cut your feet loose. You then scramble around to try and find items you may need.
5 minutes later you come out of the burrow, dagger in the sash of the red dress you still wore. You tie your hair up behind you. “This is war,” you say as you pat the locket in your pocket. You have a plan.
As you appear on the beach, you look overhead and see Henry and Pan rowing towards skull island. “What’s he want with skull island,” you ask yourself. “It’s were the heart of Neverland is,” answers Neal. You turn around and see the whole group behind you. They had just come from the jungle. “Then it all makes sense. Pan’s dying, he’s taking Henry to skull island because that’s the only place he can accept the heart of the truest believer.” “Well how do we get over there without Pan knowing?” Regina asks. “Don’t worry I have a plan,” you reply. You tell them about the locket and that you can bring them over there undetected with a tail. “We should get the other mermaids to help, the more time we spend traveling, the closer Pan gets to killing Henry.” “You’re right,” you reply to Regina. You splash your hand in the water to summon Aquata. Nothing happens. You do it again. “Why won’t she come,” Regina asks. “I don’t know. But I’ll find out,” you say as you wade into the water. Once you’re chest deep you take out the locket and put it on. Right before their eyes your legs are transformed into a giant green tail. You submerge yourself to go look for Aquata. Your eyes search the water and you realize they must be in the caves. You go to enter, but the caves are barred. They can’t get out. You shoot to the surface. “He’s got them barricaded in!” “Well then take Hook and get over there! We’re right behind you!” Snow shouts. You wave Killian over. “Put your arms around my neck and let’s go!” Killian wraps himself around you and you shoot off towards the island.
As you hit the sand, Killian stand up. You whip the locket off and your legs return. “You make quite the mermaid, love,” Hook grins at you. You smile back, “No time for your mushy compliments,” you say as you grab his hand and enter the cave. You are just about to round up the stairs when you’re both thrown back. “Damn, a protection spell,” Hook mutters. “We’ve got this,” Regina says from behind you. “How’d you get here so fast,” you ask her. “I have my ways,” she smirks. “Actually we found a row boat two seconds after you left,” David chimes in. You laugh. Emma and Regina use there powers together to remove the protection spell in a bright flash of white light. Once it’s removed you sprint up the stairs. As you round the top of the steps you see Peter and Henry standing facing a giant hourglass. You pause for a second, mesmerized by it. “Let go of Henry, Pan!” Regina and Emma shout behind you. “Ahh just in time to see the main event,” Pan says as he turns around. “But the question is, how on earth did you find me? I doubt it was luck, no I think it was the very person who’s trust I valued most that lead you to me.” He removes his sarcastic glare and gets serious. “(Y/n), why did you betray me?” “You lied to me Peter! You lied, even after you said you would never lie again! How can you expect me to trust you after that?” You look at him in disbelief. “You said you would stay with me and support me no matter what,” Peter says as he looks at you with sad eyes. Enough games, you think. This ends now. “I lied Peter. I lied just like you lied to me. But mine was for a noble cause. I lied to save my friends. I lied to save my future family.” Peter looks at you confused. “Peter I loved you. But you broke my heart, multiple times. I realized one day that I deserved better than that. And I found a man who would treat my heart with care.” You smile over at Killian. “I’m not yours Peter. I haven’t been yours since the day I left Neverland, all those years ago,” you say as your heart picks up courage. “And I will never be with you again.” You pull Peter’s ring off your finger, and chuck it out of the cave, into the ocean. You fish in your pocket and pull out Killian’s ring. “I am not going to be your captive, I’m going to be with someone who frees me.” You finish with the largest smile on your face. Suddenly Peter is furious. “NOW ENOUGH! If I can’t have you willingly, then I’ll just have to hold you captive again.” He smiles. “But first things first time to save myself.” Right then he plunges his hand into Henry’s chest. Henry makes a gargling noise. As Pan pulls out his own heart and begins the switch, time freezes. Everyone is stopped in their tracks, including Pan. Who should stroll into view but none other than Mr Gold. Your eyes grow wide in fear. You completely forgot that he came over with all of you on the Jolly Roger. You are shocked when you watch as Gold grabs the hearts, and switches them back to normal. “I’ll put that where it belongs, to my grandson,” he says. “And now papa, it’s time for you to go where you will never escape,” Gold grits through his teeth. Gold pulls a box from his coat pocket. He traces a circle in the air above it with his dagger and sets it on the ground. As the box begins to open, Pan is slowly sucked into it. As soon as he vanishes, everyone springs back into motion. “What was that?” Emma asks. “Pandora’s box,” Mr Gold replies. “Now Pan will never be able to escape.” You breath out the air you didn’t know you were holding in. Killian comes over to you and rubs your back. Emma and Regina each grab one of Henry’s hands and say, “let’s go home.” You watch with a smile as you see everyone file out of the cave. Not only did you save Henry, but you saved Neal as well. Just then you remember something. “David! What’s going to happen to you?” “Don’t worry,” Mr Gold replies for him. “I’ve collected some of the water from the falls that saved you and once back in Storybrooke I will concoct a potion for a permanent cure.” No one says anything but rather looks at him in disbelief of his kindness. You all board the Jolly Roger and you stand at the helm of the ship. Looking out over your triumph. “Are you ok, love?” Killian asks you. “Couldn’t be better,” you reply to him with a smile. He takes off his big leather jacket and wraps it around you, as you are still soaked from your underwater adventures. You smile to yourself because it smells like him, leather and rum. “You know the next greatest adventure is about to begin,” you smile at him. “Oh yeah and what’s that?” He asks you. “Our marriage,” you reply as you wrap your arms around him. You pull him close to you and run your fingers through his hair. You plant a long soft kiss on his lips. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles your neck. You both stare out over the vast blue as you sail back to Storybrooke.
4 days later
“Ahhh just the person I was looking for,” Killian says behind you as he kisses your cheek. You stand in your kitchen in your tiny sexy pajama set of shorts and a tank. “And what could you possibly want with me,” you giggle in return. “Oh so many things,” Hook whispers in your ear, sending chills down your spine. He grabs your hips and flips you around. “My (y/n). I cannot believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” he tells you as he brushes your hair behind your ears. He instantly pulls your lips on his and you passionately kiss him making up for all the times when you couldn’t in Neverland. He trails kisses from you lips to your shoulder blades and grabs your hand, about to drag you upstairs. Just then, Regina, Emma, Snow, and David come bursting through your door. “Pandora’s box is gone!” Regina informs you. “Bloody hell will we never get a moment to ourselves,” Hook mutters as he drops your hand. After you change, you both grab your coats and head outside.
As you all walk down main street you see a figure turn the corner headed towards you. It is now that Peter reveals himself. “How is this possible?” You ask him. “I knew you would find me, so as a precaution I had a body switching spell handy. So you see I came back as Henry and Henry was trapped as me in Pandora’s box. Until just now when I released him, I had no leverage. But now,” he grins wickedly as he shows Henry trapped in an enchanted mirror. “Now, if you’ll just hand over (y/n) and I’ll be on my way.” He grins at you. “Enough papa! This is not about her. This is between you and me and you wanting to stay young forever just like you did when you abandoned me all those years ago,” Gold spits these words towards him. “As it happens I had a certain hunch you might escape. So I did some research. And the only way to kill you is through me, the dark one. So let’s finish this.” With a wave of his hand, Gold freezes everyone watching. Included his beloved Belle and Baelfire. He goes up to them. “Belle, you loved me for me. You could see the man inside the beast and now I’m going to be a hero and die an honorable man.” He turns to Neal. “Bae, I’m so sorry son. I’m sorry for everything and I’m most sorry for the fact that we were barely united and now one of us is going to leave again. I love you son.” And with that, Gold turns to Pan. “And now papa, you are going to die the old coward that you are.” He pulls Pan in for what looks like a hug, but plunges the dark one dagger through Pan’s back. He twists the dagger in more to both of them and Pan groans. Right before your very eyes, Pan transforms into the old man he was when he abandoned Gold. And with a flash, they’re both gone, including the dagger. Everyone unfreezes, but you feel as if time still stands still as you watch Belle and Neal fall to the ground and mourn their Rumple’s death. Killian pulls you close and you stand cheek to cheek. “I’m so grateful to have you,” you whisper in his ear. After picking them up off the ground, you and Killian turn and walk hand in hand back to your house on the beach.
1 week later You smile in the mirror, breathing shallow quick breaths, as you semi panic. You can’t believe this is happening, and so fast! “(Y/n) you look so beautiful,” Emma walks in behind you. “Thank you,” you turn around and grab her hands. “I’m so nervous,” you tell her. “(Y/n), Killian loves you so so much, and after all you’ve been through, you have nothing to be nervous about except the chance that Killian might have a heart attack because of how gorgeous you look.” You laugh. “And we’re all here for your special day,” she adds. “I’m your maid of honor and David is going to walk you down the aisle. You may not be related to any of us, but you’re here to stay and you’re becoming a part of our family today.” You smile gratefully at her, tears welling up in your eyes. Snow and Regina walk in. “Oh my goodness are you a vision,” Snow walks up to you. You shrug off her comment “No, turn and look at yourself. Look at how grown up you are.” You listen to Snow’s words and turn around to look in the mirror. You gasp. You stand in the mirror in a beautiful wedding gown. With a white strapless satin bodice and a scalloped neck line, you dress melts into off the shoulder sleeves and flows into a sleek mermaid skirt that trails behind you. Your hair is curled and delicately pinned into a side bun. You wear a head band made of diamonds, almost resembling a crown. You wear white sparkly toms on your feet because you despise high heels. You decided to not wear a veil as you want nothing between you and Killian. The ensemble is finished off with magnificent pearl earrings and nothing else, you like to keep it simple. “Are you ready princess,” David asks as he enters the room and looks at you with the eyes of a proud parent. You nod, as tears threaten to spill over your eye lids. Time seems to stand still as you here the music softly begin outside. One by one each of the girls exits the house into their spots in the procession. David offers his arm and you take it as you step outside into the bright sunshine. You slowly begin your way down the boardwalk on the beach. You and Killian both wanted it to be here because it is the first place you met. As you glance up your heart stops when you see how handsome your Killian looks. Not an inch of leather, but he rather looks like a prince, almost like David. You are even more surprised to see him standing there, unashamed as tears fall down his cheeks while he drinks you in with his eyes. All of the sudden you are at the end of the board walk and David kisses you on the cheek as he places your hands in Killian’s. Then Archie rambles through his speech and gets to the vows. You begin, “Killian…” you falter, trying not to cry. “When I came to Storybrooke I was just trying to get by. And after the curse broke everyone was reunited and I still had no one. But then you came along. And I look at my life now and now I’ve been welcomed into this family. And Killian…… I never thought that true love existed but now I know that that is what we have. I love you and I promise to love you till my dying breath. I promise to be devoted to you for the rest of my days because this heart Killian, it belongs to you.” You finish as you look up at him. He has to regain his composure. “(Y/n). You are everything. You are my queen and my sun. Everything I was in the past, is gone. You taught me to love again. And I promise to love you for the rest of my days. You made me the man I am today and I owe everything to you. Today is the happiest day of my life. And I can’t wait for the rest of our lives.” Archie finishes the ceremony, you exchange rings, and he finally says, “You may now kiss the bride.” You beam at Killian as you practically jump into his arms and kiss him.
The reception at granny’s “Now introducing Mr. and Mrs. Killian jones!” Henry shouts. You both walk in the door hand in hand. “Now, love I have chosen a special song for our first dance. I fancy myself quite the dancer, after all. Shall we,” Killian offers you his hand. Overhead island girl begins to play by Elton john. You laugh out loud. “You are my island girl, (y/n), and I rescued you from that island, but you’re still just as wild.” He spins you around on the dance floor with a salsa like dance. You giggle the entire time, you can’t imagine your life being any better than it is right now. So you and Killian dance and dance and you smash cake in each other’s face and talk to everyone. While you’re talking to Mary Margaret he comes up behind and whispers in your ear, “Meet me out back in ten minutes.” A shiver runs down your spine from his breath in your ear.
Outside You snuck out the back door and walk over to your husband. “What’s this all about?” You ask him. “Come on love, you’ll see,” he replies. You grab his hand and you both walk down Main Street towards the beach. On the beach you kick off your shoes and let the waves run over your feet. “(Y/n), do you remember when we first met here? Remember you were sitting on that log there and I came over to you and I said ” I know that look. You’re concentrating on the horizon and when I do that, I’m usually trying to put things in perspective.“ And do you remember what you said?” You smile at him, “I said you don’t even know me so how do you have any idea why I’m looking at the horizon? And since when does Captain Hook care about others?” “Ahhh yes you did have some sass then,” Killian continues, “And so we sat there and argued about pretty much everything under the sun.” “Do you remember when we saw each other next?” You ask him. He smiles at you, “Of course I do. It was at granny’s and you were talking with Emma and she asked you why some pirate was staring at you.” “Yes and then of course I looked at you and that was the first time I got lost in your deep blue eyes,” you tell him. Killian blushes. “So many memories,” he continues, “So much pain and hardship for little moments of joy, but it’s worth it because those moments mean I’m still with you.” “So what now?” You ask him. “I feel like there’s going to be another problem at our feet tomorrow.” “Then let’s live today,” he points to the sunset, “See that horizon, that’s our future, our beautiful future to come.” You take 5 steps into the water breathing in the familiar salty air, the bottom of your dress now soaked. Killian comes in behind you and you both stand nearly knee deep in the water, in your wedding attire. He wraps you in his arms. “So love are you ready for the next adventure?” He asks you. “What’s the next adventure?” You ask back. “Our marriage, our family, our life, our journey together,” he states it as a fact. You smile at him and wrap your arms around his neck as you plant a kiss full of passion and love on his lips. “I’m ready,” you tell him. Suddenly Killian scoops you up and carries you home.
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Hocus Pocus
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome Back To Duke's Monsterween...
Where Today On Duke Reviews Xtra We Start Our Halloween Look At Disney...
By Talking About Disney's Halloween Classic, Hocus Pocus...
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This Film Is About A Teenager Named Max Dennison (Played By Omri Katz) Who Along With His Love Interest (They're Not Exactly Boyfriend/Girlfriend Yet) Allison (Played By Vinessa Shaw) And His Young Sister, Dani (Played By Thora Birch) Bring Back 3 17th Century Witches, Winifred (Bette Midler), Mary (Kathy Najimy), And Sarah (Carrie Bradshaw) Sanderson Back From The Dead...
So, With The Help Of A Boy Trapped In The Body Of A Black Cat Named Thackeray Binx (Played By Max Goof) They Must Stop The Witches Before Midnight On All Hallows Eve Or Else All The Salem Will Be Doomed...
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Will They Succeed?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Hocus Pocus...
The Film Starts In The 17th Century When A Human Thackeray Binx Awakes To Discover That His Sister Emily Is Being Lured Into The Woods By Witches...
He Tells His Brother Elijah To Get His Father And Summon The Town Elders While He Follows Emily To The Witches Hideout...
There We Meet 3 Old Witches Named The Sanderson Sisters Who Intend On Getting Emily To Drink Their Potion So They Can Steal Her Lifeforce To Become Young Again..
But Before They Can Get Emily To Drink It, Binx Reveals Himself To The Sisters And Dumps Their Potion In Their Cauldron On The Ground...
But Despite Doing That Binx Is Too Late, Emily Has Dranken The Potion From Winifred's Mixing Spoon. Blasting Binx With Force Lightning, Winifred And Her Sisters Steal Emily's Lifeforce And Become Young Again Or Younger As Winifred Puts It ...
As For Binx, They Transform Him Into A Black Cat Before Being Invaded By Binx's Father And The Town Elders Who Proclaim Them To Be Witches And Have Them Hanged Until Dead....
But Before They Are Hung Winifred Proclaims That On All Hallows Eve, A Virgin Will Bring Them Back, And Then, All The Lives Of The Children Of Salem Will Be Theirs...
Fast Forwarding A Few Decades Later, We Meet Max Dennison And His Love Interest Alison Who Are In A Class Run By The Nun Who Raised Jake And Elwood Blues...
Who I'm Surprised Didn't Hit Max On The Head With A Ruler Because Of His Talk Of Halloween Being Run By The Candy Companies..
But When Alison Proves Him Wrong By Talking About The Historical Facts About Halloween, He Gives Her His Phone Number Only For Alison To Give It Back To Him A Couple Minutes Later After Class...
Swing And A Miss...
After A Scene With 2 Stereotypical High School Bullies, Max Starts Missing His Home In Eerie, Indiana
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Oops, I'm Sorry, I Made A Mistake There, It's Actually California...
But When His Sister, Dani, Interrupts His Brooding And Says That He's Taking Her Trick Or Treating This Year Because Their Parents Are Going To A Party This Year...
Yeah, Don't Bet On It, Kid, Coronavius Cancelled Halloween This Year...
Refusing, Dani Tells Their Parents, Who Force Max To Go Anyway...
But When They Do They Have A Run In With The Bullies, Which Causes Max To Get Mad At Dani Only For Max To Open Up To Dani On Why He's Been Moody Lately Which Leads The 2 To Make Up...
After That, They Come Across A Huge House Which Is Actually Owned By Allison's Parents Who Are Throwing A Halloween Party That Night, Leaving Allison On Candy Duty...
With Dani Embarrassing Max On The Fact That He Likes Allison's Yabos...
Which Is Technically A Long List As Tom Cruise And David Duchovney Apparently Like Them Too..
Allison Reveals That Her Parents Used To Run A Museum On The Sanderson Sisters When She Likes Dani's Costume, But They Closed It Down, When Weird Incidents Started Happening...
(Start At 1:22, End At 1:41)
Max Asks To Go, In Effort To Make A Believer Out Of Believer Out Of Him, So, Alison Goes To Change...
But Despite Max Wanting To Go, Dani Doesn't As She's Scared Of That Place, But They Compromise With Max Promising That Next Year They'll Go As Peter Pan (With Tights) And Wendy...
Going Into The Place, They Turn On The Lights And Look Around The Place, Eventually, Max Discovers The Black Flame Candle Which Is What Will Bring The Sisters Back To Life...
With Max Saying Maybe They Should Light It And Meet The Witches Themselves, He's Attacked By Binx, But That Doesn't Scare Max Off, Despite Allison And Dani Wanting To Leave...
But Still, Max Lights The Candle...
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With The Floor Shaking, Lights Transforming Into Candles And A Fire Starting In The Fireplace, The Sisters Are Back...
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With Winifred Wondering Who Lit The Black Flame Candle, Mary Starts Smelling Children, Leading The Sisters To Dani, Who Tells Them That They've Been Dead For 300 Years Before They Grab Her...
Max Tries To Help But Winifred Ends Up Blasting Him And Tossing Him Against The Wall Before Lifting Him Up...
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Luckily Though Allison Saves Dani From Mary Who Then Whaps Winifred With Her Candy As Binx Attacks Winifred So Max Can Get Dani And Alison Out So He Can Enact His Burning Rain Of Death Plan By Using A Lighter To Activate The Sprinklers...
Confronted By Binx Who Reveals To Max That He Can Talk, He Tells Max To Get The Spellbook Before They Go, Which He Does Before The Sisters Realize That The Burning Rain Of Death Is Actually Water...
Now, There Are Alot Of Questions And Complaints That Some People Have With This Movie But I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry This One Just Ticks Me Off...
If Binx Could Talk, Why Didn't He Say Anything For All Those Years?..
And To Answer That, Let Me Ask You, The Viewer, A Question, What Would You Do If You Saw A Talking Cat?...
Would You Sit Down And Talk With Him Like An Average Ordinary Person?
Or Would You Run For Your Freaking Life Like He Was Casper, The Friendly Ghost?
If You Picked The First Answer, Congratulations, You're Officially A Moron!
Because If There's One Thing I've Learned From Movies And T.V. Shows Involving Mutants Or Beings With Amazing Powers, It's That People Fear Things That They Do Not Understand
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Taking Max And The Girls To A Graveyard Because The Sisters Can't Set Foot On Hallowed Ground, Binx Explains Everything To Them While Also Revealing That After He Was Turned Into A Cat, He Waited For His Life To End So He Could Be Reunited With His Family....
But Winifred's Spell Came With Immortality, So, He Decided To Use It To Prevent A Virgin From Lighting That Candle...
Shortly After That, The Sisters Arrive On Their Broomsticks And Attempt To Go After The Book, But Realizing They Can't Due To Them Being On Holy Ground, Winifred Casts A Spell Which Brings Back Her Former Lover, Billy Butcherson...
I Wonder If His Modern Day Ancestor Is Billy Butcher From The Boys?
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Who Winifred Caught Cheating On Her With Sarah, So She Poisoned Him And Sewed His Mouth Shut So He Wouldn't Reveal Her Secrets Even In Death..
Returning As A Zombie, Winifred Orders Him To Go After Max And The Girls Who Are Now In A Sewer With Binx...
As The Sisters Board A Bus With A Horny Bus Driver, Who Promises To Take Them To Where Children Are, Max And The Girls Get Out Of The Sewers After A Fake Death For Binx To Warn A Fake Police Cop Who Pretends To Be A Cop About The Sisters...
To Which There's A Complaint That I Agree With The Fanbase On...
Meanwhile, We Get A Brief Cameo By Both Garry And Penny Marshall Before The Sisters Realize That All The Small People In Costumes Are Children And That Halloween Has Become A Time Of Year When Children Run Amok...
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When The Cop Doesn't Listen, Max And The Girls Go To Warn Their Parents And Everyone At The Party At Town Hall ButThey Don't Listen Either...
Eventually, The Sisters Show Up, Leading To The Best Part Of The Entire Movie...
(Start At 0:45, End At 2:46)
Hiding From The Witches In An Alley Behind A Resturant, Alison Gets An Idea, Which Involves Them, Luring The Sisters Into A Furnace At School And Burning Them Alive.,.
Succeeding In Doing So, Max And The Girls Celebrate And Binx Is Interested In The Prospect Of Finally Having A Family To Replace The One He Lost Years Ago...
But Sadly, This Happy Ending Gets Ruined Because The Sisters Are Still Alive...
As Dani And Binx Catch Some Rest, Max And Allison Go Through Winifred's Spellbook To See If There's A Way To Return Binx Back To Normal Not Knowing The Book Is Creating A Light In The Sky That Will Lead The Sisters Right To Them...
Binx Stops Max And Allison, Saying That Nothing Good Can Come From The Book, And He's Dead Right As The Sisters Show Up And Kidnap Dani And Binx Before Taking Off...
This Leads To Another One Of My Favorite Scenes...
(End At 1:33)
And That Miracle Comes In The Form Of Another Trick...
Max Shows Up At The Sisters House Just As They're About To Feed Dani The LifeForce Potion And Uses Allison's Car To Mimic The Sun To Make The Sisters Fall To The Ground So, He Can Get Dani And Binx...
After A Chase Scene Between The Car And The Sisters On Their Brooms Which Would Look Better On Endor, They Go To The Graveyard Only For Max To Get Caught By Billy Who After Using Max's Knife To Cut The Stitches On His Mouth Reveals What Side He's Actually On...
As The Final Battle Goes On, Winifred Grabs Dani, So, She Can Get Dani To Drink The LifeForce Potion...
(Start At 0:51)
As Sister Thanks Brother For Saving Her Life, Brother Gets Girl Of His Dreams And Binx Is Reunited With His Sister, Emily In The Afterlife...
And That's Hocus Pocus And Aside From The Various Criticisms From Various YouTube Reviewers, It's A Pretty Good Film...
The Story Is Interesting, I Love The Characters And The Effects Are Pretty Good, So For That I Say, See It....
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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