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globefan · 2 years ago
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George Fouracres as Stefano Ferdy Roberts as Prospero and Rachel Hannah Clarke as Ariel Peter Bourke as Gonzalo Ciarán O'Brien as Caliban Ferdy Roberts as Prospero Ralph Davis as Trinculo, George Fouracres as Stefano and Ciarán O'Brien as Caliban
Tempest pics, part 2 , (c) Marc Brenner
Creatives Assistant Director: Naeem Hayat Casting: Becky Paris Co Director: Diane Page Composer: Cassie Kinoshi Costume Supervisor: Jackie Orton Design Associate: Sandra Falase Designer: Paul Wills Director: Sean Holmes Dramaturg: Zoë Svendsen Globe Associate - Movement: Glynn MacDonald Movement Director: Rachael Nanyonjo Text Associate: Christine Schmidle Voice Associate: Tess Dignan
Musicians Musical Director / Double Bass: Rio Kai Percussion: Magnus Mehta Guitar: Shirley Tetteh Recorder: Olivia Petryszak Cello: Midori Jaeger
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postalsinretorno · 4 years ago
“El paraíso jamás será paraíso a no ser que mis gatos estén ahí esperándome.” – Epitafio en un cementerio de animales
 “Es una labor muy difícil ganar el afecto de un gato; será tu amigo si siente que eres digno de su amistad, pero no tu esclavo.” – Teófilo Gautier
“Dios hizo el gato para ofrecer al hombre el placer de acariciar un tigre.” – Víctor Hugo
“Tú nunca me dejarás, ni nada podrá separarnos. Tú eres mi gato y yo soy tu humano. Ahora y siempre, en la plenitud de la paz.” – Hillaire Belloc
“La elegancia quiso cuerpo y vida, por eso se transformó en gato.” – Guillermo de Aquitania ”
Por supuesto que se puede querer más a un gato que a un hombre. De hecho,el hombre es el animal más horrible de la creación.” – Brigitte Bardot ”
Cuando los gatos sueñan, adoptan actitudes augustas de esfinges reclinadascontra la soledad, y parecen dormidos con un sueño sin fin; mágicas chispasbrotan de sus ancas mullidas y partículas de oro como una fina arenavagamente constelan sus místicas pupilas.” – Baudelaire ”
Un gato no es exigente, mientras usted recuerde que le gusta beber laleche en el plato rosa y comer el pescado en el plato azul, de donde lo sacarápara saborearlo en el suelo.” – Arthur Bridges
“Un gatito transforma el regreso a una casa vacía en la vuelta al hogar.” – Pam Brown
“Para mantener una verdadera perspectiva de lo que valemos, todos deberíamos tener un perro que nos adore y un gato que nos ignore.” – Derek Bruce
“La ciudad de los gatos y la ciudad de los hombres existen una dentro deotra, pero no son la misma ciudad.” – Italo Calvino
“Hablo en español a Dios, en francés a los hombres, en italiano a lasmujeres… y en latín a mi gato.” – Emperador Carlos
“Es costumbre muy inoportuna de los gatitos (como observó una vez Alicia)que, sea lo que les digas, siempre ronronean.” – Lewis Carroll
“Si yo prefiero los gatos a los perros es porque no hay gatos policías.” – Jean Cocteau
“No hay gatos corrientes.” – Colette
“El gato es un animal ligeríssimo y rapacíssimo, que en un momento pone encobro lo que halla a mal recaudo; y con ser tan casero jamás se domestica, porque no se deja llevar de un lugar a otro si no es metiéndole por engañoen un costal, y aunque le lleven a otro lugar se vuelve, sin entender cómopudo saber el camino. Él es de calidad y hechura de tigre.” [Procedente del”Tesoro de la lengua castellana” y escrito en 1611] – Sebastián de Covarrubias
“Del gato me gusta su temperamento independiente e ingrato, que le impidesentir apego por alguien; la indiferencia con que pasa del salón altejado.” – François René de Chateaubriand
“El gato vive solo. No necesita sociedad alguna. Sólo obedece cuandoquiere, o simula dormir para observar mejor y araña todo cuanto puede arañar.” – François René de Chateaubriand
“Los perros nos miran como sus dioses, los caballos como sus iguales, perolos gatos nos miran como sus súbditos.” – Winston Churchill
“Los gatos saben por instinto la hora exacta a la que van a despertarse susamos, y los despiertan diez minutos antes.” – Jim Davis
“Tigres, leones, panteras, elefantes, osos, perros, focas, delfines,caballos, camellos, chimpancés, gorilas, conejos, pulgas… ¡Todos han pasado por ello! Los únicos que nunca hemos hecho el imbécil en elcirco… ¡somos los gatos!.” – Garfield
“Se convierte en compañero de tus horas de soledad, melancolía y pesar.Permanece veladas enteras en tus rodillas, ronroneando satisfecho, feliz por hallarse contigo, y prescinde de la compañía de animales de su propia especie. Los gatos se complacen en el silencio, el orden y la quietud, y ningúnlugar les conviene mejor que el escritorio de un hombre de letras. Es una labor muy difícil ganar el afecto de un gato; será tu amigo sisiente que eres digno de su amistad, pero no tu esclavo.” – Theóphile Gautier
“Cualquier gato que no consigue atrapar a un ratón finge que iba tras unahoja seca.” – Charlotte Gray
“Dos personas, al conocerse, se relajan totalmente cuando descubren queambas tienen gatos. Y se zambullen en las anécdotas. Tras reñir a tu gato, lo miras a la cara y sientes la terrible sospecha deque ha entendido hasta la última de las palabras. Y de que las haarchivado como referencia para el futuro.” – Charlotte Gray
“Los gatos son amos amables, mientras que recuerdes cuál es tu propio sitio.” – Paul Gray ”
Con un gruñido, una gata advierte a sus gatitos de un peligro y los gatitos la entienden. Con un gruñido, una gata ahuyenta a otro gato o a un perro ylos gatitos la entienden. Con un gruñido, una gata les prohíbe tocar supropia comida y los gatitos la entienden. Todos esos gruñidos significanlo mismo para los seres humanos, pero, evidentemente, no para los gatos. Todos los gatos gustan de ser el centro de la atención. Uno debe querer a un gato, ateniéndose a las condiciones que éste fije.” – Peter Gray
“Los gatos tienen una absoluta honestidad emocional; los seres humanos, poruna razón u otra, pueden ocultar sus sentimientos, pero el gato, no.” – Ernest Hemingway
“Si quieres escribir sobre seres humanos, lo mejor que puedes tener en casaes un gato.” – Aldous Huxley
“El Gato dijo: ‘No soy un amigo, no soy un criado. Soy el Gato que caminalibre y que desea ir a tu Cueva’.” – Rudyard Kipling
“El único misterio sobre el gato es saber por qué ha decidido ser un animaldoméstico.” – C. Mackenzie
“El gato es el único animal que ha logrado domesticar al hombre.” – Marcel Mauss
“A mí me gustan los gatos, pero nunca he tenido ninguno. Son demasiadoexigentes, piden demasiado. Los perros no quieren más que amor, pero losgatos exigen adoración. Nunca han superado la costumbre de ser dioses enBubastis.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
“Los gatos son incomprendidos porque no se dignan explicarse: sonenigmáticos únicamente para quien ignora la potencia expresiva del mutismo.” – Paul Morand
“Todo gato, no importa su ubicación original, estará presente en toda mesadonde se esté sirviendo comida.” – Oiens
“Todo gato siempre buscará, y generalmente encontrará, el sitio másconfortable dentro de una habitación seleccionada al azar.” – Ondinet
El nivel de interés de un gato en algo será inversamente proporcional alesfuerzo que su dueño esté haciendo para captar su interés sobre ese algo.” – Pattison
“¿Qué importa si el gato es blanco o negro, con tal que cace ratones?.” – Den Xiao Pin
“El ideal de la calma es un gato sentado.” – Jean Renard
“El gato no nos acaricia, se acaricia con nosotros.” – Antoine Rivarol
“Se le reprocha al gato su gusto por estar a sus anchas, su predilecciónpor los muebles más mullidos donde descansar o jugar: igual que los hombres.De acechar a los enemigos más débiles para comérselos: igual que loshombres… De ser reacio a todas las obligaciones: igual que los hombres una vez más.” – Jean Baptiste Say
“El hombre tiene dos medios para refugiarse de las miserias de la vida: lamúsica y los gatos.” – Albert Schweitzer
“Los gatos son misteriosos; pasa más por su mente de lo que nunca podríamosimaginarnos.” – Walter Scott
“El hombre es civilizado en la medida que comprende a un gato.” – George Bernard Shaw
“No puedes nunca ser dueño de un gato; en el mejor de los casos te permiteser su acompañante.” – Harry Swanson
“He estudiado muchos filósofos y muchos gatos. La sabiduría de los gatos esinfinitamente superior.” – Hippolyte Taine
“La gran diferencia entre un gato y un mentiroso es que el gato tiene apenas nueve vidas .” – Mark Twain
“Si fuera posible cruzar a un hombre con un gato, mejoraría el hombre, perose deterioraría el gato.” – Mark Twain
“Una casa sin un gato, un bien alimentado, bien cuidado, bien reverenciado gato, puede ser una casa perfecta, pero ¿cómo puede llegar a demostrarlo?.” – Mark Twain
“Si se pudiera cruzar al hombre con el gato, resultaría una mejora para el hombre.” – Mark Twain
“Mi gato nunca se ríe o se lamenta, siempre está razonando.” – Miguel de Unamuno
“El más pequeño gato es una obra maestra.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“Todo gato dormirá con las personas siempre que sea posible, en unaposición corporal tan incómoda para las personas como sea posible.” – Young
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nonperfect · 3 years ago
Y mientras tanto...
Y mientras tanto…
Las palabras siguen sin acudir. Y las que se dignan a venir, son angustiosas e impregnadas de impotencia. Photo by Peter Steiner 🇨🇭 on Unsplash Photo by Imad Alassiry on Unsplash Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding on Unsplash Y mientras tanto, ayer llegó la primavera. Y qué triste está este año… Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash
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ocw-archive · 3 years ago
Owen Wilson Is Blazing A Trail Himself - Another Universe.com; July 3, 1998
By Michelle Erica Green In Armageddon, Owen Wilson plays a member of a team assembled to detonate a thermonuclear weapon in order to stop an asteroid from hitting the Earth. Right now it seems like it might take a thermonuclear weapon to stop Wilson's own ascendant star. The late-20s actor and writer exploded into view in 1996 with Bottle Rocket, the big-screen production of a film he wrote with his college roommate, and he's been on top of the world ever since. Armageddon, this summer's second blockbuster about a asteroid threatening to destroy humanity, features such huge industry names as star Bruce Willis and producer Jerry Bruckheimer, but also some hot new talent like director Michael Bay and actors Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler. "It's kind of like a Miramax cast in a huge blockbuster-type movie," says Wilson, who became interested in the part of Oscar Choi when Bruckheimer and Bay told him some of the other people who were going to be involved. "I had known Billy Bob Thornton and really liked him, and Steve Buscemi - it just seemed like a good group of guys. Bruce Willis is sort of my favorite." The film, like all of Wilson's projects, was a learning experience - his first role in a multimillion dollar effects-laden film, though he described his experience on the shoot as "in a lot of ways like a small independent movie." The 29-year-old actor, who comes across as introspective and down to earth, calls himself ""a discerning fan of action movies" and was surprised at the spectacular finished film considering how low-key his part seemed.
"I saw it a week ago - it's pretty amazing, because when you're making it you don't have an awareness of the overall movie, especially some of the special effects - to see Paris get decimated is amazing," he notes, recalling the deceptive simplicity of the filmmaking while he was working on it. "This is a huge hundred million dollar movie, but the introduction of my character - I'm supposed to be riding a horse, so they just put me on a barrel in the middle of the Disney parking lot and angled the camera so they get the sky behind me. They get a fan blowing my hair, and that's me riding a horse!" Security about the plot has been tight, but the story apparently concerns a group of oil prospectors who specialize in deep drilling that NASA recruits to send to the comet, drill into its core, and plant a nuclear weapon, thus splitting the huge rock and making it miss the Earth. The drillers are a group of roughnecks who are used to drinking and smoking, not training as astronauts, so some complications ensue when the group is sent in shuttles to a space station and then to the target. In addition to Wilson, Willis, Affleck, Thornton, Buscemi, and Tyler, the cast includes Will Patton, Peter Stormare, and Jessica Steen. "Michael Bay had liked Bottle Rocket, which is why he thought of me," reports Wilson, who has no formal acting training, though he appeared in Anaconda and The Cable Guy. Bottle Rocket, which Wilson wrote with Wes Anderson, was originally released in 1994; directed by Anderson, it starred Wilson's brothers Andrew and Luke. None of them expected it to be much more than a calling card. "I was an English major, Wes was in philosophy, we both saw a ton of movies," Wilson recalls. "We decided we wanted to try to write a script together that we could film, maybe like 16-millimeter guerilla-style black and white." The movie follows a directionless young man, just out of a mental hospital, as he and two pals plot a crime spree and hit the road. Luke Wilson played Anthony, the main character; Owen Wilson played Dignan, one of the pals. "We finished the script and made a short of the first act. That went to Sundance." **BREAK There, the film it made enough of an impression to come to the attention of Academy Award-winning producer James L. Brooks, who read the script and told Wilson and Anderson that he wanted to make it into a bigger-budget studio movie. "I would never have presumed that this would go anywhere - this was just for fun, we were just getting out of college," says the young writer. "I don't know what we expected to happen, but it was pretty great when Jim Brooks responded to it - you couldn't pick a better person to be your champion." The film was expanded, with James Caan performing a pivotal role, and won an MTV Movie Award for best new filmmaker for Anderson. As a result of the collaboration with Brooks, Wilson became an associate producer on As Good As It Gets, a film which won Academy Awards for stars Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. "Jim and I got to be friends, and he's sort of like a mentor I guess. When he was starting that movie, I read the script and said how much I loved it, and he said I could be associate producer on it. He was going through casting and doing all that stuff - I didn't have any real responsibility, but I was there when they were putting it together." Wilson doesn't think anyone expected that film to be such a success either, "because it was kind of tough subject matter - you wouldn't expect that to be a huge hit like it was." Bottle Rocket got Wilson the attention of a number of other people in the industry - like Ben Stiller and Judd Apatow, who got him involved with The Cable Guy, and Bill Murray, who's acting in the Wilson-Anderson project Rushmore, slated to open from Touchstone late this summer. "It's the story of a kid who falls in love with his teacher and enlists the help of this tycoon to win over the teacher, but the tycoon falls for the teacher, and it becomes sort of a funny love triangle," Wilson explains. "We got lucky that Disney gave us the money to make
Rushmore." Disney also signed Wilson to play the voice of Pancha in the upcoming animated feature Kingdom of the Sun, with music by Sting. "That's such a cool process because you go in and do ten sessions maybe over the course of a year, and then the animators spend the next two years drawing the character to fit your voice. The character doesn't look like me, but he has some of my gestures, and they said they gave him kind of a weirder nose." Wilson's distinctive nose, which he broke playing wide receiver, has been a blessing: it makes his face memorable to people casting films. His current project, a science fiction movie called The Minus Man, is written and directed by Hampton Fancher, who wrote Blade Runner. "We're only a week into it, but it's been a great experience so far," says the actor who plays the title character, working alongside Janeane Garofalo, Brian Cox, and William H. Macy. **BREAK Wilson grew up in Dallas, and graduated from the University of Texas in Austin. He expected to follow his father into advertising, writing copy - he'd taken creative writing classes in school, but primarily considered himself "a big reader." Nor was he a high school thespian: "I was involved in high school drama in terms of I was kicked out of high school, and that created some drama - I went to military school in New Mexico," he jokes. His mother, a photographer, was supportive of his creative work. His brothers were also bitten by the bug making Bottle Rocket: Luke Wilson has been in Mississippi acting in a movie, and Andrew Wilson is in L.A. with Owen seeking roles. The best known of the Wilsons is not in any rush to catch up on training. "If I had a role where I had to do an accent, maybe I would work with somebody, a voice coach," the actor demurs. "I think it would be great to take an acting class, because acting is fun - more fun than writing, the instant feedback. It's not sitting alone in a room trying to write something, because that's a long process - it can take a year to write something, a year of struggling and trying to keep your confidence up, not knowing if it's going to amount to anything. With acting it's right there, you're around people, it's more sociable. I'm able to do both, it's worked out nicely." Wilson had no more experience writing scripts than he did acting when he and Anderson began work on Bottle Rocket. "I didn't read a how-to book, we just kind of started writing the screenplay - Wes had a format on the computer for how to do it, and we just wrote until we had something that we both liked. When we first gave it to Jim Brooks, it was way too long, it was like two hundred pages, so then we did a lot of work with Jim Brooks in sharpening it and giving it more of a three-act structure. That was a really great learning process - I think Rushmore's a better script than Bottle Rocket. While his films are quirkily funny, the English major says his instinct in the video store is to avoid the comedy section. "I find stuff from dramas funny, that's kind of more the humor I'm attracted to. Even Raging Bull has scenes that are hilarious to me." In August, he and Anderson will begin work on their next idea: "I think it might be a Western, I try to keep a nice mix." Somewhere down the road, he can imagine trying to direct a film himself, but for now he's content writing and acting. "My first priority is the stuff with Wes, but I've also had a lot of time to do other stuff," he points out, advising young filmmakers to marshal their resources and try to make their films themselves - write themselves, direct themselves. "Read a lot, see a lot of movies," Wilson suggests, pointing to his own success and that of his current co-star, Ben Affleck, who with his partner Matt Damon wrote the Academy Award-winning Good Will Hunting. "I think people are realizing how hard it is to break into the movies, and that if you want to do something, you have to do it on your own - when you're an actor, your destiny's kind of in the hands of a lot of other people, but when you're writing, you have the chance to control
an idea more," he says of the rise in under-30 talent on the production end. "I'm in a good place, kind of flying under the radar, getting to do different interesting things. It's not like a lot of pressure, with people watching like, 'Ooh, what's your next move going to be?'" What would he like next move to be? "To continue to do stuff with Wes is the most important thing, the real work is the stuff that we write. Other stuff is fun - it's fun to be in a movie like Armageddon - but the most important thing to me is the projects that Wes and I do together." And if Armageddon is a huge hit, and brings him to the forefront of the A-list? That might mean more money for other projects, and more big studio offers, but Wilson doesn't envision trying to become a movie star. "I wouldn't mind kind of doing what I've been able to do now...which is making a living doing something creative." Destiny certainly seems to have been working along with his own talent to make certain of that.
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odk-2 · 7 years ago
The Midways ‎- Night of the Sadist (2003) Larry Roquemore / Larry Slater Larry and The Blue Notes Cover from: "Pay More and Get a Good Seat" LP
Personnel: Dave Pauwels: Vocals / Bass Johnny Martin: Guitar Peter Chapman: Keyboards Christopher Dignan: Drums
*** ***
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Larry and The Blue Notes - Night of the Sadist (1965) https://tmblr.co/ZoHQpk2RV-Edg
(AKA “Night of the Phantom”)
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wes-motifs · 8 years ago
What's your favourite character in each Wes Anderson movie?
Everyone comment your own favorites from all the movies!!
Ok so mine will be somewhat obvious choices but (in chronological order) Dignan, Mr. Blume, Eli, Klaus, Peter, Kylie, Narrator, and Agatha
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wolfofmine · 7 years ago
The Complete Wes Anderson Questionnaire
Send me the name of a character for an answer to the question, feel free to reblog and share.
---- Bottle Rocket ----
Dignan: Do you have a detailed plan for your life? What are your plans for the next 10 years?
Anthony: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your friends?
Bob: If you were to ever plan a heist, what would be your target and what would be your get-away vehicle?
---- Rushmore ----
Max: Are you part of any clubs or societies?
Herman: If you could run your own business, what would that business be?
Rosemary: Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? What would you teach?
Dirk: Have you ever written an angry letter?
---- The Royal Tenenbaums ----
Margot: What is your greatest childhood achievement?
Richie: What is your favorite sport?
Chas: Would you consider yourself to be a hypochondriac?
Royal: What is the biggest lie you have told?
Eli: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
---- The Life Aquatic ----
Steve: If you had a ship, what would you name it?
Ned: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your parents?
Jane: Would you make a good journalist?
Hennessey: What is the most expensive thing you own?
Klaus: Do you enjoy working as a team?
---- The Darjeeling Limited ----
Jack: Are you a romantic?
Francis: Have you ever been in a severe accident?
Peter: If you could own an exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
---- Fantastic Mr. Fox ----
Mr. Fox: If you had a bandit hat, what colour would it be?
Kylie: Do you have good credit?
Felicity Fox: If you could paint any landscape, which would you paint?
Ash: Do you consider yourself to be 'different'?
Kristofferson: Do you have any relatives in distant places?
---- Moonrise Kingdom ----
Sam: Do you make friends easily?
Suzy: What kind of bird are you?
Scout Master Ward: Are you a good leader?
Captain Sharp: Did you grow up in a close-knit community?
---- The Grand Budapest Hotel ----
M. Gustave: Do you have a signature scent?
Zero: What have you worked hard for in your life?
Agatha: Are you a good baker?
Dmitri: What is your favorite painting?
Madame D: Do you plan to remain glamorous in your later years?
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Win a Blu-Ray copy of BOTTLE ROCKET, THE SWORD OF DOOM and MONTEREY POP from The Criterion Collection
Three new titles from The Criterion Collection are coming to the UK this month and we have a copy of each - BOTTLE ROCKET, THE SWORD OF DOOM and MONTEREY POP - on Blu-Ray to give away to one lucky winner.
For your chance to win, simply send us the answer to the following question as well as your name and address to [email protected]
What did Jimi Hendrix famously set on fire during his set at Monterey?
Wes Anderson first illustrated his lovingly detailed, slightly surreal cinematic vision in this witty and warm portrait of three young middleclass misfits. Fresh out of a mental hospital, gentle Anthony (Luke Wilson) finds himself once again embroiled in the machinations of his best friend, elaborate schemer Dignan (Owen Wilson). With the aid of getaway driver Bob (Robert Musgrave), they develop a needlessly complex, mildly successful plan to rob a small bookstore — then go “on the lam.” Also featuring Lumi Cavazos as Inez, the South American housekeeper Anthony falls in love with, and James Caan as local thief extraordinaire Mr. Henry, Bottle Rocket is a charming, hilarious, affectionate look at the folly of dreamers. Shot against radiant southwestern backdrops, it’s the film that put Anderson and the Wilson brothers on the map.
DIRECTOR-APPROVED SPECIAL EDITION FEATURES  •   Restored high-definition digital transfer supervised and approved by director         Wes Anderson and director of photography Robert Yeoman  •    Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack (DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 on Blu-ray)  •    Commentary by director/co-writer Anderson and co-writer/star Owen Wilson  •    The Making of “Bottle Rocket”: an original documentary by filmmaker Barry Braverman   •    The original thirteen-minute black-and-white Bottle Rocket short film from       1992  •    11 deleted scenes  •    Anamorphic screen test, storyboards, location photos, and behind-the-scenes photographs by Laura Wilson 
•   The Shafrazi Lectures, no. 1: Bottle Rocket 
•    Murita Cycles, a 1978 short film by Braverman 
TATSUYA NAKADA (Harakiri) and TOSHIRO MIFUNE (Yojimbo) star in the story of a wandering samurai who exists in a maelstrom of violence. A gifted swordsman plying his craft during the turbulent final days of shogunate rule in Japan, Ryunosuke (Nakadai) kills without remorse or mercy. It is a way of life that ultimately leads to madness. Kihachi Okamoto’s swordplay classic is the thrilling tale of a man who chooses to devote his life to evil.  
SPECIAL EDITION FEATURES •   New high-definition digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack •    Audio commentary featuring film historian Stephen Prince •    Trailer •    PLUS: An essay by critic Geoffrey O’Brien
On a beautiful June weekend in 1967,  at the beginning of the Summer of  Love, the first and only Monterey International Pop Festival roared forward, capturing a decade’s spirit and ushering in a new era of rock and roll.  Monterey featured career-making performances by JIMI HENDRIX, JANIS JOPLIN, and OTIS REDDING, but they were just a few performers in a wildly diverse lineup that included SIMON  AND  GARFUNKEL, THE MAMAS AND  THE PAPAS, THE WHO, THE BYRDS,  HUGH MASEKELA, and the extraordinary RAVI SHANKAR. With his characteristic vérité style—and a camera crew that included the likes of  Albert Maysles and Richard Leacock— D. A. PENNEBAKER (Don't Look Back) captured it all, immortalizing moments that have become legend: Pete Townshend smashing his guitar, Jimi Hendrix burning his, Mama Cass being blown away by Janis Joplin’s performance. The Criterion Collection is proud to present the most comprehensive document of the Monterey International Pop Festival ever produced.
DIRECTOR-APPROVED SPECIAL EDITION FEATURES   • New 16-bit 4K digital restoration of Monterey Pop, supervised by director D. A.   Pennebaker • Restored high-definition digital transfers of Jimi Plays Monterey and Shake! Otis    at Monterey • Alternate soundtracks for all three films featuring 5.1 mixes by legendary recording engineer Eddie Kramer, presented in DTS-HD Master Audio 
• THE OUTTAKE PERFORMANCES: Two hours of performances not included in  
   Monterey Pop
• Audio commentaries by Pennebaker and festival producer Lou Adler, and music
  critics and historians Charles Shaar Murray and Peter Guralnick • New interviews with Adler and Pennebaker • Chiefs (1968), a short film by   cameraman Richard Leacock, which played alongside Monterey Pop during its   inaugural theatrical run • Interviews from 2002 with Adler and Pennebaker and with Phil Walden, Otis
   Redding’s manager • Audio interviews with festival producer John Phillips, festival publicist Derek   Taylor, and performers Cass Elliot and David Crosby • Photo-essay by photographer Elaine Mayes
• Monterey International Pop Festival scrapbook
• More! • PLUS: A booklet featuring essays by critics Michael Chaiken, Armond White, David   Fricke, Barney Hoskyns, and Michael Lydon
from Broadway | News http://www.broadway.org.uk/news/2017/12/win_a_copy_of_bottle_rocket_the_sword_of_doom_and_monterey_pop_from_the_criterion_collection via IFTTT
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globefan · 3 years ago
Much ado cast!
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Ralph Davis (as Benedick) and Lucy Phelps (as Beatrice), Peter Bourke (as Conrade and Friar), Rachel Hannah Clarke (as Margaret and Watchman), George Fouracres (as Dogberry), Joanne Howarth (as Antonia and Verges), Olivier Huband (as Don John), Nadi Kemp-Sayfi (as Hero), Ciarán O'Brien (as Boracio and Messenger), Patrick Osborne (as Claudio), Ferdy Roberts (as Don Pedro) and Katy Stephens (as Leonata).
The creative team features designer Joanna Parker, composer Orlando Gough, assistant director and dramaturg Clemmie Reynolds, choreographer Georgina Lamb, costume supervisor Caroline Hughes, fight director Renny Krupinski, head of voice Tess Dignan and text associciate Christine Schmidle.
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windywriter · 7 years ago
The Complete Wes Anderson Questionnaire
Send me the name of a character for an answer to the question, feel free to reblog and share.
Bottle Rocket
Dignan: Do you have a detailed plan for your life? What are your plans for the next 10 years?
Anthony: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your friends?
Bob: If you were to ever plan a heist, what would be your target and what would be your get-away vehicle?
Max: Are you part of any clubs or societies?
Herman: If you could run your own business, what would that business be?
Rosemary: Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? What would you teach?
Dirk: Have you ever written an angry letter?
The Royal Tenenbaums
Margot: What is your greatest childhood achievement?
Richie: What is your favorite sport?
Chas: Would you consider yourself to be a hypochondriac?
Royal: What is the biggest lie you have told?
Eli: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
The Life Aquatic
Steve: If you had a ship, what would you name it?
Ned: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your parents?
Jane: Would you make a good journalist?
Hennessey: What is the most expensive thing you own?
Klaus: Do you enjoy working as a team?
The Darjeeling Limited
Jack: Are you a romantic?
Francis: Have you ever been in a severe accident?
Peter: If you could own an exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
Fantastic Mr Fox
Mr. Fox: If you had a bandit hat, what colour would it be?
Kylie: Do you have good credit?
Felicity Fox: If you could paint any landscape, which would you paint?
Ash: Do you consider yourself to be 'different'?
Kristofferson: Do you have any relatives in distant places?
Moonrise Kingdom
Sam: Do you make friends easily?
Suzy: What kind of bird are you?
Scout Master Ward: Are you a good leader?
Captain Sharp: Did you grow up in a close-knit community?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
M Gustave: Do you have a signature scent?
Zero: What have you worked hard for in your life?
Agatha: Are you a good baker?
Dmitri: What is your favorite painting?
Madame D: Do you plan to remain glamorous in your later years?
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deity-of-idgaf · 7 years ago
The Complete Wes Anderson Questionnaire
Send me the name of a character for an answer to the question, feel free to reblog and share.
Bottle Rocket
Dignan: Do you have a detailed plan for your life? What are your plans for the next 10 years?
Anthony: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your friends?
Bob: If you were to ever plan a heist, what would be your target and what would be your get-away vehicle?
Max: Are you part of any clubs or societies?
Herman: If you could run your own business, what would that business be?
Rosemary: Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? What would you teach?
Dirk: Have you ever written an angry letter?
The Royal Tenenbaums
Margot: What is your greatest childhood achievement?
Richie: What is your favorite sport?
Chas: Would you consider yourself to be a hypochondriac?
Royal: What is the biggest lie you have told?
Eli: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
The Life Aquatic
Steve: If you had a ship, what would you name it?
Ned: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your parents?
Jane: Would you make a good journalist?
Hennessey: What is the most expensive thing you own?
Klaus: Do you enjoy working as a team?
The Darjeeling Limited
Jack: Are you a romantic?
Francis: Have you ever been in a severe accident?
Peter: If you could own an exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
Fantastic Mr Fox
Mr. Fox: If you had a bandit hat, what colour would it be?
Kylie: Do you have good credit?
Felicity Fox: If you could paint any landscape, which would you paint?
Ash: Do you consider yourself to be 'different'?
Kristofferson: Do you have any relatives in distant places?
Moonrise Kingdom
Sam: Do you make friends easily?
Suzy: What kind of bird are you?
Scout Master Ward: Are you a good leader?
Captain Sharp: Did you grow up in a close-knit community?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
M Gustave: Do you have a signature scent?
Zero: What have you worked hard for in your life?
Agatha: Are you a good baker?
Dmitri: What is your favorite painting?
Madame D: Do you plan to remain glamorous in your later years?
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chopping-onions · 7 years ago
The Complete Wes Anderson Questionnaire
Send me the name of a character for an answer to the question, feel free to reblog and share.
---- Bottle Rocket ----
Dignan: Do you have a detailed plan for your life? What are your plans for the next 10 years?
Anthony: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your friends?
Bob: If you were to ever plan a heist, what would be your target and what would be your get-away vehicle?
---- Rushmore ----
Max: Are you part of any clubs or societies?
Herman: If you could run your own business, what would that business be?
Rosemary: Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? What would you teach?
Dirk: Have you ever written an angry letter?
---- The Royal Tenenbaums ----
Margot: What is your greatest childhood achievement?
Richie: What is your favorite sport?
Chas: Would you consider yourself to be a hypochondriac?
Royal: What is the biggest lie you have told?
Eli: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
---- The Life Aquatic ----
Steve: If you had a ship, what would you name it?
Ned: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your parents?
Jane: Would you make a good journalist?
Hennessey: What is the most expensive thing you own?
Klaus: Do you enjoy working as a team?
---- The Darjeeling Limited ----
Jack: Are you a romantic?
Francis: Have you ever been in a severe accident?
Peter: If you could own an exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
---- Fantastic Mr. Fox ----
Mr. Fox: If you had a bandit hat, what colour would it be?
Kylie: Do you have good credit?
Felicity Fox: If you could paint any landscape, which would you paint?
Ash: Do you consider yourself to be 'different'?
Kristofferson: Do you have any relatives in distant places?
---- Moonrise Kingdom ----
Sam: Do you make friends easily?
Suzy: What kind of bird are you?
Scout Master Ward: Are you a good leader?
Captain Sharp: Did you grow up in a close-knit community?
---- The Grand Budapest Hotel ----
M. Gustave: Do you have a signature scent?
Zero: What have you worked hard for in your life?
Agatha: Are you a good baker?
Dmitri: What is your favorite painting?
Madame D: Do you plan to remain glamorous in your later years?
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peachednkeen · 7 years ago
The Complete Wes Anderson Questionnaire
Send me the name of a character for an answer to the question, feel free to reblog and share.
---- Bottle Rocket ----
Dignan: Do you have a detailed plan for your life? What are your plans for the next 10 years?
Anthony: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your friends?
Bob: If you were to ever plan a heist, what would be your target and what would be your get-away vehicle?
---- Rushmore ----
Max: Are you part of any clubs or societies?
Herman: If you could run your own business, what would that business be?
Rosemary: Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? What would you teach?
Dirk: Have you ever written an angry letter?
---- The Royal Tenenbaums ----
Margot: What is your greatest childhood achievement?
Richie: What is your favorite sport?
Chas: Would you consider yourself to be a hypochondriac?
Royal: What is the biggest lie you have told?
Eli: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
---- The Life Aquatic ----
Steve: If you had a ship, what would you name it?
Ned: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your parents?
Jane: Would you make a good journalist?
Hennessey: What is the most expensive thing you own?
Klaus: Do you enjoy working as a team?
---- The Darjeeling Limited ----
Jack: Are you a romantic?
Francis: Have you ever been in a severe accident?
Peter: If you could own an exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
---- Fantastic Mr. Fox ----
Mr. Fox: If you had a bandit hat, what colour would it be?
Kylie: Do you have good credit?
Felicity Fox: If you could paint any landscape, which would you paint?
Ash: Do you consider yourself to be 'different'?
Kristofferson: Do you have any relatives in distant places?
---- Moonrise Kingdom ----
Sam: Do you make friends easily?
Suzy: What kind of bird are you?
Scout Master Ward: Are you a good leader?
Captain Sharp: Did you grow up in a close-knit community?
---- The Grand Budapest Hotel ----
M. Gustave: Do you have a signature scent?
Zero: What have you worked hard for in your life?
Agatha: Are you a good baker?
Dmitri: What is your favorite painting?
Madame D: Do you plan to remain glamorous in your later years?
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rollinnn · 7 years ago
The Complete Wes Anderson Questionnaire
Send me the name of a character for an answer to the question, feel free to reblog and share.
---- Bottle Rocket ----
Dignan: Do you have a detailed plan for your life? What are your plans for the next 10 years?
Anthony: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your friends?
Bob: If you were to ever plan a heist, what would be your target and what would be your get-away vehicle?
---- Rushmore ----
Max: Are you part of any clubs or societies?
Herman: If you could run your own business, what would that business be?
Rosemary: Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? What would you teach?
Dirk: Have you ever written an angry letter?
---- The Royal Tenenbaums ----
Margot: What is your greatest childhood achievement?
Richie: What is your favorite sport?
Chas: Would you consider yourself to be a hypochondriac?
Royal: What is the biggest lie you have told?
Eli: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
---- The Life Aquatic ----
Steve: If you had a ship, what would you name it?
Ned: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your parents?
Jane: Would you make a good journalist?
Hennessey: What is the most expensive thing you own?
Klaus: Do you enjoy working as a team?
---- The Darjeeling Limited ----
Jack: Are you a romantic?
Francis: Have you ever been in a severe accident?
Peter: If you could own an exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
---- Fantastic Mr. Fox ----
Mr. Fox: If you had a bandit hat, what colour would it be?
Kylie: Do you have good credit?
Felicity Fox: If you could paint any landscape, which would you paint?
Ash: Do you consider yourself to be 'different'?
Kristofferson: Do you have any relatives in distant places?
---- Moonrise Kingdom ----
Sam: Do you make friends easily?
Suzy: What kind of bird are you?
Scout Master Ward: Are you a good leader?
Captain Sharp: Did you grow up in a close-knit community?
---- The Grand Budapest Hotel ----
M. Gustave: Do you have a signature scent?
Zero: What have you worked hard for in your life?
Agatha: Are you a good baker?
Dmitri: What is your favorite painting?
Madame D: Do you plan to remain glamorous in your later years?
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boogerpickerwonder · 7 years ago
The Complete Wes Anderson Questionnaire
Send me the name of a character for an answer to the question, feel free to reblog and share.
---- Bottle Rocket ----
Dignan: Do you have a detailed plan for your life? What are your plans for the next 10 years?
Anthony: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your friends?
Bob: If you were to ever plan a heist, what would be your target and what would be your get-away vehicle?
---- Rushmore ----
Max: Are you part of any clubs or societies?
Herman: If you could run your own business, what would that business be?
Rosemary: Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? What would you teach?
Dirk: Have you ever written an angry letter?
---- The Royal Tenenbaums ----
Margot: What is your greatest childhood achievement?
Richie: What is your favorite sport?
Chas: Would you consider yourself to be a hypochondriac?
Royal: What is the biggest lie you have told?
Eli: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
---- The Life Aquatic ----
Steve: If you had a ship, what would you name it?
Ned: Have you ever been pressured into anything by your parents?
Jane: Would you make a good journalist?
Hennessey: What is the most expensive thing you own?
Klaus: Do you enjoy working as a team?
---- The Darjeeling Limited ----
Jack: Are you a romantic?
Francis: Have you ever been in a severe accident?
Peter: If you could own an exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
---- Fantastic Mr. Fox ----
Mr. Fox: If you had a bandit hat, what colour would it be?
Kylie: Do you have good credit?
Felicity Fox: If you could paint any landscape, which would you paint?
Ash: Do you consider yourself to be 'different'?
Kristofferson: Do you have any relatives in distant places?
---- Moonrise Kingdom ----
Sam: Do you make friends easily?
Suzy: What kind of bird are you?
Scout Master Ward: Are you a good leader?
Captain Sharp: Did you grow up in a close-knit community?
---- The Grand Budapest Hotel ----
M. Gustave: Do you have a signature scent?
Zero: What have you worked hard for in your life?
Agatha: Are you a good baker?
Dmitri: What is your favorite painting?
Madame D: Do you plan to remain glamorous in your later years?
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