#peter centric
mistakenlyfoundnico · 2 years
Almost every marauder fan that I have seen hates on peter so much and acts as if he isn't a part of the marauders. He was a part of the marauders an important part. James trusted him enough to let him be his secret keeper. They all loved him and the way y'all treat him in headcannons and in fics, like even in atyd (this was how I read and interpreted it) he didn't seem like an important part. He seemed to be cast aside and especially the way Sirius treated him in it didn't seem right. (I could make an entire essay about how I feel about atyd) like I understand that he betrayed them but if it was about survival then it was a life or death decision, it was war. When you are in a crashing airplane you put your mask on before helping others. He had to do what he had to do to survive. It's still not that justified but he was planning on betraying them throughout their entire friendship and if he was treated the way y'all treat him in those fanfics then no wonder he betrayed them. If it were between me living or my "friends" who constantly belittled me, ignored me, only spent time with me when there is no other option then yeah I would choose myself. I have seen fics where James has treated Peter as if he was a pet and compared him to a lost puppy looking for attention multiple times throughout the fic. Like I wouldn't give my life for someone who treated me as a puppy. So because of all this Peter hate here are some headcannons.
- ok so despite all four being friends they didn't always hang out together and they had pairs of people who would hang out together when they weren't all together right, I feel that James is one of the more responsible of the marauders and Remus doesn't really want to so when these rare moments happened they would spend their time in the library studying together
-and Peter and Sirius would hang out and they were more chaotic. It would start with a game of chess or something of the sorts and then Peter and/or Sirius would mention they are hungry so they would go to the kitchens and as they get a snack they would think of a prank to do on James so as they do that they think of an even better one for Remus and so on and so on never actually finishing and when the other two return Peter is outside the dorm talking to them the letter his mother sent him and how she also sent a few galleons for him to spend and how they can spend it all at the new joke store all while blocking the dorm so they can't enter as Sirius rushes to clean the place of the mess they made so the other two don't find out
-peter is definitely audhd I won't explain it he just is
-peter is also aroace demi boy and using they/he pronouns
-when Peter went to come out to the others he was very scared they wouldn't accept him and would hate him after wards but everyone was very supportive and when he visibly relaxed and they noticed that he was nervous they were confused because Sirius and Remus have been dating since 4th year and if they didn't hate them why would they hate him but Sirius and Remus never officially came out to them so Peter never released and just thought they were really good friends
-everyone says that James is the sun Sirius is a star and Remus is a moon but I haven't heard one about Peter except for eclipse and I like think he is the meteor or "shooting star" he is beautiful and unique and just as bright as the other three but it's rare for someone to see that and he fire was due to burn out but he tried to keep it burning but in doing so he crashed I to the others( I don't know if that made to much sense)
-the year after Sirius was kicked out Peter worked all summer to be able to buy tickets to David Bowie for the four of them but could only afford 3 so he bought them with plans of not going and letting the other three but the others refused to go with out him so they all stayed
-sirius thinks of Remus as his boyfriend and James as his brother and Peter as his best friend
And then one sad one :]]
When in their last year of Hogwarts Remus and Sirius would make plans of getting married even if it was illegally and Sirius told Peter he would be his best man but now after the war they can legally marry both James and Peter is gone Sirius and Remus have a small ceremony all by themselves wishing things turned out differently and that their friends could have seen them now and be with them on their big day
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samglyph · 8 months
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Ghost Hunter Au Part 1/2
This is my entry for the Malevolent “write in your style event”, @malevolent-monthly!
I wasn’t initially planning on participating since this is a writing event and not an illustration one, but the prompt immediately inspired me so I got the go ahead to make a little comic! Part two out soon.
ID in Alt text provided by @shadow0haven
If you like what I do and want to see more, consider donating to my ko-fi!
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thorin · 3 months
i wrote a little something that i have no idea if i'll continue, but i just really wanted to write a bagginshield fic through kíli's point of view, i thought it'd be fun. so enjoy!
tw: a bit of angst, mention of blood, but nothing too graphic, or excessive.
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Contrary to popular belief, Kíli was not stupid.
He knew there'd been something going on between his uncle and Mr. Baggins the second he saw him break a smile —which was already suspicious— at Bilbo at the Carrock before hugging him —even more suspicious— after he'd defended his uncle from what was certain death.
Now don't get him wrong, he was more grateful to Bilbo than he could ever say. He saved Thorin's, and Fíli's, and his life too many times to count. He'd stayed after the battle had died down, and helped the healers, elven and dwarven alike, tend to the wounded and bury the fallen. He'd spent his entire days helping Bombur cook food at the makeshift camp they'd set at the base of the mountain, and when he wasn't cooking, he was stealing peaches and apples from the elves' food carts just for him and Fíli when they were bedridden. And he'd sit beside Thorin and wait for him to wake up when his nephews couldn't be there for him.
Kíli really liked Bilbo. He'd grown on him, all of them, truly. He just couldn't believe someone so small could be so brave, and feisty!
Which is why he was extremely confused when he'd heard Bilbo would be going home after Thorin had woken up.
His first reaction was that he felt abandoned. How could a member of their company simply choose to leave after all they'd been through together? He almost shouted his disagreement, before Fíli took his arm, shaking his head, and looked right at Bilbo: tear tracks on his dirty face. Maybe he wasn't leaving by choice.
He looked to his uncle, sat up against the wooden bedpost. His jaw was set and his adam's apple bobbed, as if it were physically hurting him to not speak up. His eyes were transfixed by Bilbo's back, like if he tried hard enough, his eyes could tell Bilbo all he wouldn't say.
Understanding flashed through Kíli's mind in a second. But it was too late. He tried speaking up again, aware of this new piece of information that he'd uncovered, but Thorin wouldn't have it. And it was frustrating Kíli greatly, because he'd never heard his uncle, his brave, tenacious uncle, speak with such a small, hoarse voice before, and say that if Bilbo wishes to leave, then he is free to go, with his blessing.
None of it rang true. How did no one notice? Why wasn't anyone saying anything?
By the time he'd looked at Bilbo again, he was already out of the tent, backpack on his shoulders.
Kíli was not proud of how he acted. He'd shouted at Thorin, painfully aware of his uncle's feeble health, but unable to contain his grief: he'd killed hundreds and seen another hundred killed, he'd almost lost his brother and uncle, and almost left his mother all alone in this world, and now his friend was leaving him, leaving them all. He'd fought relentlessly for months, why couldn't his uncle fight just a little longer, a little more? Why wouldn't he fight for his family like he said he always would?
Oin kicked Kíli out of the tent the second he saw Thorin's bandages become red. He was horrified. He'd never dream of hurting Thorin, but everything felt wrong. He'd never once cried on this journey. Not when his uncle was knocked unconscious by that foul orc, nor when he'd lost the rune stone given to him by his mother. But now he couldn't hold it in. It all came pouring out as someone —his brother, surely— held him, kneeled down on the ground. He wept until the stars came out.
Months had passed ever since Azsâlul'abad was reclaimed. The harsh Eastern winter had finally given way to spring's sunshine rays, and although the mountain's citizens couldn't say they lived an easy life, they had food and a roof over their heads, which was more than they'd had for years. More and more dwarves were coming home from all over Middle-Earth, as word of Smaug's death was starting to spread. Reconstruction was slow, but steady, and life had shaped itself into a vibrant routine under the Lonely Mountain.
Kíli and Fíli had been crowned princes, and Thorin had been crowned king. His mother had finally come to join them on a caravan she lead from Shahrulbizad, and each member of the company was appointed to some sort of important position in the king's court. It was difficult for Kíli and his brother to get used to their new lives as royalty and the responsibilities that came along with it, and Kíli was grateful for any moment of respite he could have away from the eccentric Iron Hills nobles and Balin's royal classes. His days all looked the same, and yet he found he just couldn't get used to this new life.
Thorin, Kíli had noticed, clearly felt the same, though there was no running away for him. For any person that didn't know his uncle, they'd think he looked perfectly normal, if only a little stern. But Kíli knew that look. It was the same one he'd wear on his face when he attended feasts, sat at his throne, silent, while everybody around him drank and laughed. Or when he attended meetings with the court. Or when he watched Bilbo leave, a winter ago.
Kíli was not stupid. He saw how much his uncle suffered, and how much every single member of the company missed their friend. He missed Bilbo, too.
Which is why he sent a letter adressed to Bilbo Baggins of Bag End in the Shire, pretending to be Thorin II, King Under the Mountain, begging him to come back.
Surely that would solve everybody's problem. Right?
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 5 months
Have I mentioned I HATE the way I outline??
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Why do I always have to figure out the plan? Why can't past Sarah figure out the plan for once???
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notquitekenough · 16 days
I kinda had this headcanon that most people saw Peter as such a non-threat that they accidentally made him the biggest gossip to ever exist, but because he doesn't talk much (selective mutism hc) he made a journal of everyones secrets to get it all out of his head.
   Peter Oliver Pettigrew kept many secrets. Nothing detrimental of course, he wasn't plotting against anyone or practicing dark arts, but he kept his true self close. He let himself fall into the background, be unnoticeable, easily forgotten. That way nobody questioned him on who exactly he was, not that they'd want to anyways... forgotten.
      In fact that's what he was right now, sitting in the park by himself dispite coming to Hogsmeade with three friends, forgotten. Damnit now he's thinking about it, I mean are they really his friends when they do this so often? Do they even like him? What if they're planning another prank on him? He still hadn't forgotten the last one, he took an hour trying to put his socks back in the right pairs. What if it's worse? Stop thinking about it. You have to stop it Peter! Remember what your therapist said, try to let it leave you. Focus on something else, anything else. Look at the people around. All having fun with their friends, no. Shit. Not helping. The nature maybe? The trees are nice, right? James' Dad helped plant a few of them in this park, if James were here he'd say that himself. Instead he's off with Lily, trying to impress her or some shit like he's done for the past 5 years. Peter's known him for longer, why doesn't he take priority sometimes? Tears well up in the corners of his eyes. Why don't his friends want him? No. Stop it. What even started this? Why do these thoughts keep coming up? What was he talking about? Oh yeah, secrets... Peter keeping secrets, that's what this was. Merlin, that got out of hand. Peter pulls his journal from his bag, a suggestion from his therapist, 'Write down whatever you feel you can, Peter, you have to let all those secrets out somewhere.' He starts writing.
     ~The secrets we keep~
Read before Continuing: This journal is to be read by no soul other than myself, Peter Oliver Pettigrew. If you are not me and you continue beyond this page you may consider yourself signed up for the worst hexxing of your life. I've been practicing. Be warned now that everything in this journal is entirely, extremely, irrefutably private. The information beyond this point is not meant to be shared and will therefore stay between Peter Oliver Pettigrew and himself alone. James & Sirius, put down my journal right now... please.
Is this worth continuing/ posting on Ao3? Idk.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 month
“are we telling him?”
“fuck, no.”
“jealous, prongs?”
a snort. “no, obviously not, it’s just that—”
“i’m trying to sleep,” remus moaned.
“he’s alive!” james exclaimed, throwing his arms up and wrapping them around remus, which earned him a wince. “sorry, mate.”
he finally opened his bleary eyes and found himself where he usually resided after the full moon; his friends were looking at his expectantly, and remus suddenly felt horribly naked, which he wasn’t, but having someone (or, rather, a specific someone) look at him like that had that effect of him. he wasn’t exactly drawn to the idea of someone seeing him in such a state.
“tell me what?” he asked, bringing up a bandaged wrist to his eyes, trying (rather unsuccessfully) to rub the sleep away from him eyes.
“ah, well,” sirius said, grinning, “a certain prefect stopped by to wish you a speedy recovery and,” he scratched his chin, his eyes sleepy, too, ““all her best”.”
lily, then. well, something worse could have happened. like him slaughtering someone in cold blood. or sirius, james and peter having been caught by madam pomfrey in the shack. or snape coming to the hospital wing and prancing around smugly, glaring at remus as if he could open his skull and read his secret off from there in big, bold letters.
“oh,” was what he answered with, accompanied with a smile. “well, if you see her, tell her i said thanks.”
“prongs will see her, all right,” sirius grinned; remus earned a questioning eyebrow.
peter cackled, which earned him a smack from james. “well, you see, as you might know, our dear friend’s a head boy now.”
remus rolled his eyes. “really? it’s not like you wrote to me first thing after finding out.”
“yeah, well. he apparently ran into evans before duties yesterday, or more like went on the same route and bumped into each other. and scored himself a date with her next hogsmeade weekend, since this one she’s on duties with sluggy. or the slug club. whatever.”
“what!?” remus demanded, a little bit too loudly, which he immediately regretted, for his voice was hoarse. he looked around for madam pomfrey, trying to see if she would berate him for his outburst, yet she didn’t. “what!?” he asked, again, a little bit more quietly.
sirius nodded, lounging in his chair at ease. “prongs is finally a big man. aren’t you?” he patted james’ cheek affectionately. “peter earned himself a detention for that weekend, so i guess it’ll be just the two of us them. fancy calling a date?” he asked, grinning.
remus hoped his face hadn’t turned as red as he felt it would, once his cheeks and ears heated up. he and sirius were… complicated. by complicated, he meant snogging behind their friends’ backs whenever they had a spare moment, yet nothing more. however, something had shifted in their dynamic, and it felt like a bleeding wound. remus wanted to press his fingers to it, to get an explanation before there would be nothing left of them. why was he thinking of wound-blood metaphors? what the fuck.
“sure,” he beamed, grabbing a chocolate frog off the nightstand. “date, then.”
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hurtspideyparker · 10 days
I have so many oneshots that I would love to finish up for you all but I'm back in school so I've been SO busy. I have a job, a practicum, and uni classes. I have no free time man, I write one sentence of dialogue then fall asleep lol.
If anyone wants to chat in my asks, reblogs... wherever, then I can probs reply and do some shorter drabbles! or you can just yell at me on anon (politely >:l ) to get to work lol
Just know I'm trying and I miss writing 😭
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I'm comfort-rereading all of my bookmarked Peter-goes-on-a-field-trip-to-Stark-Industries fics rn, and I keep having the thought:
"Wow! I love these so much! I should write one!"
And then I have to remind myself that I've not only written one Peter Parker Field Trip Fic, but I have in fact written two of them!
They're just so so deliciously messy. Yum yum yum. I need so many more of them in my life
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derangedfujoshi · 28 days
WIP Wednesday but on Thursday
When is a door not a door? When it's ajar
And Stiles' door was never truly one anymore, not after the Nogitsune.
Despite the best attempts of his friends they only managed to leave it half closed, the faintest of whispers slithering through the cracks, reminding him of the ever lurking darkness just a nightmare away.
And yet, there was something different this time around.
It didn't come at him in crashing waves, dragging his consciousness down, drowning him in his own mind. It didn't leave him screaming in the middle of the night, drenched in cold sweat and fear.
The darkness swirled around his feet, lapping at his ankles like docile ripples. The only thing he could hear ringing in his heart was a plea he couldn't quite comprehend. And there was nothing he hated more than not understanding.
So now he wasn't catching enough sleep either, but at least it wasn't due to some horrific depiction of his father dying by his hand, just him pacing his room in the middle of the night trying to find something, anything, about that... Feeling, in one of the books he knew pretty well Peter let him steal.
But there was nothing, no records of anyone surviving a Nogitsune possession, no traces of even half a theory on what that could entail for someone's mind.
And especially nothing about stupid mind doors being unable to be locked again no matter how hard one tried.
He was barely truly there whenever he was with the others and whenever he had a moment to himself he rushed to the Nemeton for something, anything.
"Even just a whisper would be really helpful now, please"
"Are we looking for a specific type of whisper or is everything on the table?"
A warm puff of breath brushed against his ear, making his already unsteady heart skyrocket against the ceiling of his head as he scrambled to his feet, dead leaves crunching beneath his ragged sneakers.
"Oh, goddammit! Of course it had to be you-"
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degloved · 11 months
i'm not gonna lie if they don't bring strahm back for saw xi . well . well i'm still gonna watch it but i would've just preferred to have seen petey in there . that's it really
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hybrix-hidings · 2 years
Just saying, this revelation of Nureyev's guilt says a lot about how he offers to leave Mars with Juno.
I've never read his offer as an intentional ultimatum. To me, it never read like "You have to come with me or you will never see me again"- to me, it has always sounded more like "I know this is my fault. I'm so sorry. I'd like it if you left with me, but if you blame me (as I think you should, because this was my idea, my plan that failed, my inability to save you) for what's happened, I will not force myself into your life. You deserve distance from me if it's what you want."
Especially because this is not the first time he percieves a lover's permanent injury and life-altering change as being his fault.
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canthandlethishit · 6 months
i love how there’s this subtle jab at technological advancement between universes in mcu x dc fics
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pbpsbff · 2 months
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 6 months
@fieldsofview thanks for tagging me! I don't have anything new since last time I did the first sentence tag game so instead here's an excerpt of the time travel Harley POV freak out verse fic that is dragging me sobbing and shitting myself out of my writing slump <3
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Ben’s eyebrows hike up and he smiles thinly. “Sure. Okay. Are you Tony Stark’s kid? Is that why you were in his lab in your pajamas and you won’t tell me your last name?”
Harley lets out an explosive sigh. “Stop digging, Mr. Parker.”
“So, I’m right?”
“No, seriously. You need to stop. I don’t know what’s gonna happen if— I’ve got a really good thing going for me back home and—,”
He puts up his palms. “Alright, okay. I’ll stop asking questions. You can’t blame me for being curious about the first time traveler I’ve ever met.”
“First that you know of,” Harley corrects.
Ben’s eyes light with the same thrill of discovery that Harley is accustomed to in Peter’s face. “Is time travel normal where you’re from?”
“This is the last thing I’m telling you and I’m only saying it to get it off my chest. I’m here completely on accident. It wasn’t even my goddamn time machine.”
“So it was a time machine.”
“Dude, don’t you know anything about not messing up the time space continuum? Have you watched any sci-fi movie ever? I know you’re a Star Wars fan.”
“There’s no time travel in Star Wars.”
“Yet,” Harley says maliciously.
Ben considers him for a long moment before a slow smile curls his lips. “I think we’re going to get along very well, you and I.”
And a little piece of Harley’s heart breaks.
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pleasetakethis · 9 months
What If S2 spoilers ahead!
The second episode hit me in the chest with all the feels. A few random thoughts:
-MIDDLE AGED PEGGY???? YESSSSSSSS. MY GAL. I love all forms of Peggy, including BAMF, non-super Peggy. Peggy doesn't need powers to kick ass. <3
-Kurt Russell does a great job with Ego. I love it when the actor's work plays into why I hate a particular character. Ego is the WORST and Kurt Russell as Ego is super hate-able. A++, love me a villain that I can dislike without any need or want for redemption.
-LITTLE PETER AND HOPE! OMG! Bonding over music! Bonding over shared life experiences! Hope understanding Peter because Hope is also a kid who has dealt with terrible shit thanks to powerful parents! I love them as BFFs. Yes, please.
-BUCKY! Peggy and Howard's reactions to Bucky! Bucky's reaction to Howard pulling the Steve card! DLASKJFLAF
-Peggy/Wendy now exists in my mind as a ship, thanks!
-Wendy <3 Bill Foster <3 T'Chaka <3 80's Avengers <3
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gonzoclock · 11 months
Oh, you though Peter Pettigrew and the Ghost of Christmas James was an extremely, extremely loose retelling of a Muppet’s Christmas Carol? Well, you’d be correct. Until now, that is--
That’s right. We’re jumping movies. So, without further ado:
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Featuring: all the heist archetypes you know and love (okay, maybe not all of them); an adorable four year old Harry Potter that really is much too young to be brought along on a HEIST, but what can you do; James (enough said); Sirius (also enough said); Remus and Peter doing their best to wrangle the previously mentioned points on the list; fun cameos; and more!
Definitely no heartbreak, though! That would be absolutely absurd.
...I’m saving THAT for when we go back to A Marauder’s Christmas Carol :)
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