#pete somehow made them get killed in the next mission
iamfujoshiwe · 1 month
Unhinged Pete idea:
Imagine Pete being obsessed to Vegas even before the canon timeline. Lets make Pete likes Vegas from the first time he became a bodyguard of the main family.
The reason can be simple love at first sight. Like, Vegas had smiled at him? Or Pete had accidentally stumbled upon Vegas torturing their enemies? Or maybe Pete listened to Vegas talking in english in his smooth voice and Pete just melted all over
At first it was a simple love, or mere idolizing. Vegas is someone he wanted to be. Confident, doesn't care about people's opinion, charismatic, etc etc. When he found out Vegas' relationship with his father he felt even more connection because they basically have the same experience. Overtime he became more and more obsessed to the point of worshipping.
Pete knows all about Vegas. From his personal information, schedule, even his boytoy (sometimes even uses the boytoy himself, bc hey Vegas' leftover is worth it)
He has a few bodyguards and staffs in the minor family blackmailed so he knows Vegas' every move. They even take photos of him too.
Of course he's still the Sweet Pete, Sunshine Pete, unassuming and flat. Not interresting. Not attracting attention. But he's actually very clever. He can keep his obsession secret. He can sneak out of his duty undetected whenever he wants to see Vegas when the man visits main family compound.
Pete often spends his days off stalking Vegas. He has an apartment outside of the main family compound (ofc nobody knows) specifically to collect anything related to Vegas (lighter, used shirt, used bottle of water, etc etc). The walls are full of Vegas' photos taken by minor family bodyguards and ones he's taken himself when stalking him over the years.
A few times when he's lucky, the minor family's bodyguards smuggled him to Vegas' closet in his bedroom. Pete would spent all night staring at Vegas' sleeping form from the gap of his closet, surrounded by his clothes. And Pete swears that was the happiest moment in his life.
Oh and this one time when he sneaked in, Vegas was having a boytoy over. Pete watched Vegas doing the do in bed with his boytoy and Pete imagined himself in the boytoy's place. Pete was so turned on he almost passed out.
Pete has spy camera installed in Vegas' bedroom and in the shower. Let just say that our Pete is so smart that he can tamper with technology that even Vegas doesn't realize there're cameras. The recording is in his appartment. He plays it over and over whenever he's there.
Only Tankhun knows about this. Pete almost killed him for that but realized that the man meant no harm. Tankhun confronted Pete in his own unhinged way and found Pete's obsession hilarious (ooh I love your drama. That devil cousin of mine has a stalker? And he has no idea at all? Good for you Pete! Keep going!)
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Legacies | Seven
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Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Kazansky!OC
Summary: Ana gets some unexpected, world-shattering news that threatens to throw her off her path. In her moment of emotional vulnerability, she finds comfort in the most unlikely of companions.
Warnings: military inaccuracies, talk of cancer (disease), talk of death (parental)
Wordcount: 3.1k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don’t allow for my content to be copied, translated, or reposted on other websites/apps. Please don’t steal my work.
A/N: Get your tissues ready because this chapter might get you. I tried warning you previously, we have reached the part of the story where things will get more serious, tense, and sad. For anyone concerned: all will be well in the end, the story has a happy ending!
Taglist: open, message me or comment to be added, will be put as reblog
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The day at the beach felt far away, its memory faded to be back of everyone’s mind come the next morning.
Then they had been thrown back into the daily routine that was their training. The mission crept closer every day while their progress still waited to catch up. Time was their biggest enemy.
Graduating from the initial dogfights the next phase awaited them just as intensely as the first one. They’d finally gotten introduced to their mission. Well, part of it.
The runway through the canyon. 
It was nothing Ana had ever seen done or heard of, nothing she’d ever flown or known of anyone being able to fly. Frankly, it sounded insane. Impossible. But was it truly impossible if that’s what they were supposed to be taught? 
Impossible was a word that didn’t exist in Maverick's vocabulary. Nothing was impossible if your name was Pete Mitchell. She wasn’t sure if the word even pertained to Maverick, an otherworldly exception, the universe bending around him in that instance.
It wouldn’t be easy, that was for sure. No one – not a single one of them – had managed to beat Maverick in a dogfight. Some had come close, oh so frustratingly close, but never close enough. 
It was a sobering and humbling experience. They were considered to be the best of the best. But did that truly make them good? Or was it just empty words, blown out of proportion?
There was nothing that made Ana feel like the best of the best in the day following. Their success rate from the dogfights was bound to follow them into this part of the training. The air hung over them thickly, crackling with tension. Maverick's words rattled through every spot in the room. Harsh critique followed the sobering question of what they would tell their fellow aviators' families if they ended up killing them in the mission. 
Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote looked glummest of them all, having just gone through their course simulation. Whether they had had special bad luck for being the first ones or if the demise would follow the rest of them was still an open question. It was exhausting, the pressure they were under was already at an all-time high.
“Take a break. Five minutes,” Maverick cut the heavy silence as he turned away from them with tense shoulders and a deep sigh.
The breaks were short, never enough to recover from the reality that weighed on all of them. Somehow taking a break right now felt wrong, like it was the last thing they should be doing.
The more hours ticked by, the more days ended, the nearer the mission drew. A rush of air breezed through the rows of aviators, all of them exhaling deeply. The banter – at times jokingly and at other times tensely – had ceased entirely.
Leaning her head back against the headrest Ana stared at the speckled gray ceiling tiles. Her mind was clouded with thoughts. The rendering of the flight ran through her mind like a broken record. She’d tried to identify every little detail so that she wouldn’t make the same mistakes. So that she would do it better. 
But could she do it better? Could any of them do it better? Without a mistake? Without crashing into a mountainside or breaking into the SAM’s air range?
“Ghost. Warlock needs you outside now. Bring your phone.” Snapping her eyes forward Ana centered on Maverick. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the Rear Admirals Aid breeze by, navigating through the two rows of seats and out of the room. Her fellow aviator's eyes were on her. She stared at Maverick, brain lacking behind. His face was a blank mask, not revealing what could be behind the sudden request. 
It was quiet in the room, nothing but the tick of the clock in the corner to be heard. Slowly Ana rose out of the chair. Something about the way Mav had spoken the words set her on edge.
Patting the pocket of her flight suit holding her phone, she nodded at her superior. Her walk was mechanical as she strode toward the door, thirteen pairs of eyes following her. Taking the silence with her, murmuring broke out behind Ana’s back and as the doors slipped close she vaguely heard Mav quieting them down.
Warlock met her halfway behind the next corner of the hallway. He looked serious. Perhaps more than she had ever seen him. Even with the difficult mission, he’d always had a friendly smile grazing his lips. A softness remained in his eyes even now. One that grew the longer he looked at her.
"Lieutenant Lawson, you might want to check your phone and call your mother back.” 
A bolt of panic ripped through the confusion that had encased her until now. It scared her. Whatever was going on it couldn’t be good. Not if it was important enough for her to be called out of class. Not if it necessitated Warlock to be the one to pull her out of class.
Her heart in her throat she couldn’t do more than tensely nod. Her hands fumbled to pull down the zipper, to get her phone out as fast as she could. Ana always put it on do-not-disturb during class. 
Warlock signaled for her to go, dismissing her. Glancing down at her display as she sped out of the hangar to find a private spot for a call, another wave of disturbance shot through her. 
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Ana hadn’t returned to the classroom. Her absence – albeit entirely uncommented – was noted by all of them. Her departure had raised many questions, all of which Maverick had shot down before they’d even gotten to utter them. 
When the break had run out and their fellow aviator hadn’t been back, Maverick had glanced at the door. He’d lingered there for what felt like too long to be casual before he had dove right back into the debrief.
The air in the room had been different throughout, this change hadn’t vaned even after the next group was sent to get ready and in their jets. But by that time Jake didn’t have the luxury to be aware of or care for it any longer. 
He was up to fly the course together with Harvard and Yale. All his focus needed to be on the course, not on his colleague. Which shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place. He’d never had trouble focusing on the job. Exclusively on the job.
During his completion of the flight simulation, he managed to forget everything that wasn’t the course and the jet he controlled. The moment he stepped back into the classroom, together with only eleven of his colleagues he couldn’t anymore. 
Ghost’s place remained noticeably empty through the entirety of the second debrief. And even though it was his debrief and his abilities under scrutiny a part of him kept thinking, wondering, just where she was.
In the end, she didn’t return at all. Her seat stayed empty and while her absence was noticed by everyone, no one dared to say a thing. At the end of the day, when they were all leaving, there was still no hint of her. Not until Jake looked out through the open hangar doors and spotted her hunched figure in the distance.
His walking pace slowed down considerably, hanging back until everyone else had passed him by. He felt drawn to the big doors. Similar to the day Rooster and Maverick had pulled their risky stunt during the dogfight. Now too Jake found himself watching her, drawn in, his feet moving on their own.
The dirt crunched under his boots as he crossed the empty tarmac, the sun was lowering, less angry than it had been at midday. Jake had a cocky jab ready, to tease her for missing the class and how she planned to catch up. The words died on the tip of his tongue when he noticed something wasn’t quite right.
“Lawson,” he called. Her head flipped around so quickly that it made him wince. As she noticed his approach, Ana straightened up, discreetly trying to wipe away the tears that stubbornly fell.
“What’s wrong?” At his question she laughed bitterly, not even blinking as he sat down beside her on the sun-warmed ground.
“As if you care,” she muttered, staring out ahead at the empty runway. In her hand, she clutched her phone. 
Jake kept quiet, no witty comeback to subvert her words, no quip that could defuse the tension coiling around her. Not even something to distract wanted to come to his mind. There was only silence he could keep in that moment as he eyed her from the side attentively.
The silence gnawed at her. Nerves that were already stretched hair thin started to tear more with every passing moment. Shaking her head, she let out a loud huff. 
Jake’s presence was taxing her. 
“I bet you are enjoying this right now,” she spat, eyes raking over his form by her side. She looked at him with disdain. 
Jake’s jaw ticked, the muscles moving under his tan skin as he clenched them strongly. 
“Oh don’t act like that now,” her scoff came out more like a sniffle, weak and crumbling. 
“You were just waiting for something that would throw me out of the field. Something you could do or say, some kind of ace up your sleeve. A weapon to give you an advantage over me too,” she noticed him opening his mouth but Ana stole away his chance for a rebuttal, “Rooster and I are your biggest rivals and we both know that you already have something against him. To knock him off his path.”
Letting her head hang, fresh tears pooled in her eyes, blurring her view. Ana felt lost and scared. Her emotions were weighing down so heavily on her, it felt like she was getting crushed. The sustained G’s she pulled day to day felt like nothing compared to the deathly vice squeezing her heart. 
Looks like he didn’t even have to find something against her.
Impossible as it might be in the blaring heat of San Diego in the summer, even as it set, there was a chill running through her bones. One the arm that suddenly got draped over her burned away in seconds. 
Jake pulled her into his side.
It surprised her how easily she folded, letting him drag her under his arm, where she was nestled against his warm chest.
“I didn–” Jake stopped, thinking hard how to voice his words, “I’m not trying to do that,” he told her in the end. She had never heard him be this serious before. Not up in the air. Not even during missions.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” 
His behavior was surprising to her. So different from the Hangman she knew. Not Hangman she realized but Jake. His thumb softly caressed her shoulder. He was looking at her, his entire attention solely on her. The intensity with which he was focused made her heart jump, but the situation at hand made her throat close up.
“It’s my dad,” she choked out after a bout of silence. Her voice was unsteady, shaking.
Another heavy sigh left her chest, forcing the heaviest of the lump in her throat away. Her palm smoothed over the deep wrinkles in her forehead. She looked like a mess, she knew it, loose strands of hair had escaped the usually tidy bun swaying around her face now.
The words came hard, feeling heavier than lead.
“A couple of years ago he was diagnosed with cancer. He did chemotherapy and it went away.
Everything seemed good.”
The worst part was yet to come. Ana choked on her breath, the thumb caressing her shoulder dug into her flesh, appealing a comforting pressure. It grounded her enough to continue speaking.
“Now it’s back and it’s worse. Stage 4. The doctors are unable to treat it. He–...he can’t even speak anymore because it hurts him.” 
Staring into the distance the words sunk in. Her mother had told her the exact thing just hours ago over the phone, but then they hadn’t seemed real. It hadn’t seemed real. Now the realization of it all came crashing down on her.
“He is dying,” she spluttered, a new wave of tears spilling down her cheeks. Unrelenting and strong. 
Ana tried to hide, tucking her chin to her chest, but the heaving of her shoulders betrayed her. The sobs wracked through her, ripping their way through her lips, she couldn’t do anything to prevent it.
Jake wordlessly tugged her closer, gently pushing her head against his shoulders. He let her cry against him, let her fist her hands into the fabric of his shirt as her tears wet his shoulder. All the while his hand rubbing up and down her arm never faltered.
Maybe she should be embarrassed. Losing control like this in front of him. Yet something in her told Ana she was safe. Safe to open up to him, safe to bear her soul.
Once she had calmed down, she pulled away, wiping the last tears from her puffy cheeks. Looking up she noticed him already looking at her. There was a storm clouding his bright eyes.
“Thank you.”
Jake simply nodded, helping her stand up. Together they walked back to their dorms.
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Everything felt different now. Her world had been turned upside down. 
Ana spent a long time under the shower, looking at the drain as the water poured over her. She let the water glide over her hair, trailing around the edges of her face as her tears mixed with it.
Even now, out of the shower, she felt lost in limbo. Her movements were slow and lazy as she toweled her wet hair. Then a knock at the door sounded. It caught her off guard, ripped her out of the haze. Opening the door she was met with Jake.
Confusion came over her as she stared at the blonde leaning against the doorframe. He peeked into her room as she continued to stand there, frozen. 
Ultimately his eyes turned to her and he smiled. “Won’t you invite me in?”
“Why?” Ana blurted. Her wet hair long forgotten, she put the towel around her neck, staring at him in bewilderment. Holding a hand up, Jake showed her two mugs filled with a steaming liquid. She hadn’t noticed the bag of snacks pinched under his arm before.
Jake patiently waited for her to catch up and when she did, Ana slowly let him in, still confused. He sauntered into the room. Curiously she watched him, unable to keep a part of her on guard. There was recognition in his eyes as he noticed her hovering close by the door. Jake’s eyes dulled over.
“Why are you doing this?” Ana heard herself ask, her voice sounding just as careful as her posture was. Jake turned away to put the two cups on her desk, dropping the bag of snacks beside them. 
With his back to her, his expression was hidden, but the way he tensed was noticeable nonetheless. His spine was straight, almost too straight – unnatural and overdone. Every muscle in his strong back was stretched, rippling under the plain shirt. A steel barrier, a wall of defense. What possibly could he need to guard himself against like that now?
“Thought you could use a cheer up,” he mumbled.
Slowly shuffling over, she stood beside him in front of the desk. She eyed the two cups of steaming liquid, noting the print on their white porcelain. They were from the common room. He’d made her a drink, risking being caught by the others, perhaps ridiculed or questioned. The Hangman doing something nice for his coworker. Being anything but the egoistical and vane asshole people thought him to be.
“Thank you.” Glancing over, her lips formed into the closest semblance of a smile she could muster today. For once it looked like she had caught him off guard. The surprise crossing his eyes was brief, but it was there. 
And then he relaxed. Shoulders dropping barely noticeably.
Together they sat down on the floor, backs propped against the frame of her bed. The drink in her hand warmed Ana and as she looked down into the cup eyeing the brown, creamy liquid she was surprised once more.
“Hot chocolate?” 
Jake hummed, taking a sip. There was a foamy sheen of chocolate coating his top lip afterward. Her heart fluttered as she watched his tongue poke out and lick it away.
“The best drink for cheerin’ up,” he smiled over at her. “I admit it’s even better when spiked but we gotta work with what we got.”
His words make her snort. It was true, she could use the soothing buzz of alcohol right now. But for that, she would have needed to leave the base and she felt like doing anything but that. It was the last thing she wanted to do right now, sitting in a crowded and loud bar, surrounded by happy people having a good time.
“I can’t believe it,” Ana broke the silence that had settled over them. Jake’sbrows raised as he was mid-sip. He looked at her, openly and patiently waiting, so she continued.
“He was just fine a week ago. Smiling and joking around, acting like everything was alright when I visited them.” They must have known by then. Both her mother and father had lied to her, they’d kept her in the dark. Did her siblings know?
“How could I have missed this?” How could she not have noticed something off? Surely there must have been signs. Had she been too blind to see them? Had she been too ignorant?
“They probably were trying to protect you.” Yes. They were. Ana wished they’d told her anyway. 
Staring down into her cup, Ana watched the liquid slosh and swirl as she spun the mug aimlessly. She felt herself drifting dangerously close to crying again, so she forced herself to sober up. A sip to distract herself and a change of topic were her strategy.
“You know you could have just gone to the Hard Deck like the others,” she told him, clearing her throat. “You could have ignored what you know and had a good evening.” Truthfully she didn’t understand why exactly Jake was here instead of spending his time at the bar, drinking and playing darts with Coyote. 
Instead, he sat with her, on the floor of her room, drinking hot chocolate.
“No. I couldn’t.” He was somewhat serious, this intense gaze back. Ana looked straight back at him. Long.
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eros-ghoulette · 5 months
This is the first ficlet of the gay cowboy project. (i promise it's better than the projects name hehe)
If you are new here and want to know what this is about, search "cowboy" on my page and you'll find everything.
Word count: 616
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It’s been hot these past few days. Adam felt the sweat running down his face as he straightened up, his back cracking. His mare - Skye - lowered her hoof and turned her head to face him, and he smiled as he saw her warm eyes.
“It’s better now, hmm?”, he asked her, his rough fingers caressing her fur, petting the spot on her shoulder. The stone he had picked out of the poor horse's hoof had been bothering her for quite some time, but Adam finally found the time to remove it.
He looked up and couldn’t hold back the annoyed groan. He was no boy any more, nor did he like the man who had called him. Adam didn’t answer, waiting for his father to continue. The man looked bad, sunken cheeks, a dishevelled beard, and dark circles under his eyes. He would make a great corpse, Adam thought with a hint of humour.
“Get yere! The fence is still broken!”
Adam rolled his eyes. “And what am I supposed to do? In case yer didn’t realize, we have no chink.”
His father snorted, completely drunk already. It disgusted the young man. There was a bang.
“Get it done, button!”, he ordered again.
“We are down to the blanket!” He answered again, his jaw tensing.
They were interrupted by hoof trampling sounds, and Adam turned to look at the four men riding past them. One of them passed him much earlier than the rest: Black-Hat, the infamous villain. He ambushed and killed everywhere he went. Many men lost their lives because of his revolver, whimpering and pleading to let them live. His white horse, a harsh contrast to the dark ravens that followed him everywhere. Their cries were the last thing his victims heard before being killed.
The Sheriff and two of his men followed, but they stopped a few seconds out of town, seeing that they had no chance. Adam heard them curse. This wasn’t the first time Black-Hat was in their town, and everyone knew it wouldn’t be the last, either.
It was the next day when Adam walked through the town on his way to somehow get the bank to borrow them more money. He knew the chances were low, but he could at least try. Maybe old Pete had some more pity for him. As he passed the Sheriff's house, he spotted the poster:
$1000 Reward
A thousand dollars… It would be enough to pay their debts. But one look at the picture made him sigh in frustration. Black-Hat. Many men tried to get that man, and every single one had died on that mission. But still, Adam thought about it; they could use the money. They needed it!
“You sure?”, Charlotte asked that evening. They were eating dinner; old bread with some eggs. The conversation had been going on for some time now.
“$1000!”, he repeated, “It would help us out of this fucking misery. I- I need to do it.”
Jane next to him stayed quiet, while Charlotte nodded. She knew that getting Black-Hat would solve their problems. She trusted Adam to not get himself killed. And most importantly, she knew that no one would be able to persuade her younger brother not to do it. And the look on Jane's face told her the same. They needed to trust Adam with it.
“Then do it”, she told him. “But make sure you stay above snakes, or else I’ll kill you.”
The young man chuckled, a warm feeling forming in his heart. He would do this for them; his sisters, his only family.
“I’ll leave tomorrow.”
And with that, it was settled; he would pursue Black-Hat.
i hope it's not that bad and maybe some people even like it
@icechippies let me just tag you here
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blossomreed · 2 years
Chapter 9 of The Dove and her Rooster [Bradley Bradshaw]
find all the parts here
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The next day Victoria and Bradley went to her parents place to visit them and hang out with her family. What they didn't know is that Pete was there in the morning to talk to his long-time friend and Victoria's father, Tom, he even got some good advice from him.
After lunch they were all sitting in the backyard since it was nice outside, drinking some lemonade. Somehow they got to the theme of work, Victoria and Bradley saying what they could. Tom spoke up, even though he shouldn't but he did.
"I'm proud of you...both of you." he smiled at the couple as they thanked him with Victoria reminding her dad not to speak too much.
They told her family that training was going okay with Bradley pointing out that Victoria was the only one that got a kill on Maverick when they practiced dogfighting and Victoria then points out that for now, Rooster was the only one that hit the target on the mission course. Her family congratulated the two with Gavin saying-
"You are a Kazansky after all, of course you beat him."
Which made everyone either laugh or chuckle. They continued talking and joking around for the rest of the day, they even played some board games together. While Victoria often looked around at everyone making a mental picture to hold onto forever, her mom, Sarah, took some pictures with her camera while Rachel took pictures with her phone, joking with their mom to get with the times. They were all happy and that was the only important thing right now.
When the couple decided to take their leave, Tom stopped his daughter to ask her something. Victoria waited for her dad to get out his phone but he never did, instead he decided to speak.
"Who's the better Kazansky? You or me?"
Victoria playfully rolled her eyes at her dad who found himself all too funny before hugging him.
"I love you too dad." Tom kissed his oldest daughter's head as he said I know before they both let go.
"See you tommorow." she kissed his cheek and went outside, getting into the Bronco where her husband was waiting for her in the driver's seat.
"Everything good?" the brunette man asked his wife, nodding her head and letting out a small yeah as she put her seatbelt on.
Before they knew it Monday came around again and it was time to train but instead of being at TOPGUN or flying the course, Maverick took all the pilots to the beach to play some dogfighting football. The Navy wanted a team? He was going to give them a team.
Each round they would switch from offense to defense and vice versa and as much as it was fun, they were all competitive. Everyone was tackled at least once, if not more. Phoenix got tackled by both Dove and Rooster, the couple also tackled each other with Rooster being tackled by Phoenix and Yale too, Dove tackled Phoenix, Hangman and Payback at some point while she was tackled by both Fanboy and Coyote...All in all, none of them realised how competitive they all were until today. The only couple among the pilots were especially competitive when they were on the opposite teams like right now. They stood across from each other, both balls in between them.
"Y'know sweetheart it's not too late to back out, I'd hate to see you cry." Dove rolled her eyes that were shielded from the sun by her sunglasses, "In your dreams." Rooster chuckled at that.
"Oh in my dreams, you're doing way more than that."
With that, Hondo blew the whistle and Dove quickly grabbed her ball as she started running. No way was she going to let him throw her off. Just as Rooster was approaching her, having passed his ball already and went to grab the ball his wife was running with, Dove quickly passed it to Halo, a fellow female pilot and a WSO who scored before the other team did. The two high fived each other before Dove pulled her sunglasses down to her nose and sent a wink in Rooster's direction then continuing to play.
If everyone's was being honest, they stopped counting a while ago so they didn't know who was winning but they didn't care. They needed this between the stress and pressure.
When Dove witnessed Rooster helping Maverick up and patting him on the shoulder she was more than happy. Maybe she won't have to meddle much for the two men to bury the axe and be on good terms again.
Maverick decided to stop playing as he put his t-shirt back on and sat down in a beach chair, despite the many protests coming from his pilots. Just as he did so Cyclone approached him and the two talked.
"You said to create a team...There's your team."
Maverick gestured to Cyclone towards the pilots playing football and just as they both looked at them, Bob scored which made everyone holler and shout. Rooster picked up Bob onto his shoulders as everyone gathered around them and chanted the WSO's callsign. From outside of her bar, Penny smiled at the scene.
After Rooster put Bob down, they continued to play. After Hondo caught the ball that Hangman threw, all 14 fighter pilots decided to go after the man, who did try to out run them but couldn't because there were too many of them. They all jumped him so to say which resulted in the poor man falling onto the sand with some of them falling on top of him and on top of each other which made everyone laugh, even Maverick and Penny, with the woman taking a few pictures and sending it to Victoria's mother who she was close with.
As the pilots all got up one by one, Dove felt a presence behind her, she turned around, seeing Rooster with a smile on his face which screamed mischief.
"Hi there little lady." Dove started to slowly back away, "What's up, honey?" but before she could countinue further, she bumped into someone's chest. Looking up, she saw Payback behind her who also was up to no good. The two men looked at each other before nodding. To Dove's un fortune, she didn't catch on fast enough to run away, and the two men grabbed her as she screamed no and mercy. Everyone watched the scene unfold, laughing as the two went into the ocean while carrying the blonde by her arms and legs.
"No! Wait! Please don't do this. C'mon Roost, Reubs, be nice and put me down."
Rooster looked at Payback, "What do you think Reuben? Should we put her down?" the black haired man pretended to think for a moment before speaking up.
"Well Brad, if she insists..."
But before Dove could thank them, they threw her into the ocean which resulted in a short-lived scream. When she emerged from the water, she saw them laughing which only resulted in her glaring at the two.
"Honey you did say to put you down but not how."
The only thing Dove said is run as she got up from the ocean. The two men looked at each other before running off with the blonde right behind them. The first one she caught was Payback who she pushed into the ocean but Rooster was a bit harder, so instead she picked up one of the balls and aimed for him with it. It successfully hit him and he fell down, not excepting his wife to do that.
Phoenix approached Dove and high-fived her before shouting to the two men as they both got up, chuckling to themselves about what they did.
"Her callsign may be Dove, but she is ruthless."
With that the two women waved to them before making their way inside Penny's bar where everyone already was. Thankfully Penny had a towel in the back which she gave to the younger woman so she could dry herself off before putting her clothes on. Penny also had some shorts she gave to the girl so she didn't have to stay in her wet ones.
Just as she finished changing, Rooster came in.
"How was your swim?" "I don't know. How's your head?"
The woman smirked at her husband as he put his hands up in mock surrender. He approached his wife as he put his hands on her waist.
"You're were so badass out there and I love you so much." she smiled up at him, "I love you too Rooster. And I have to say that little dance you did after you chest bumped with Coyote...Not bad."
Rooster chuckled as he teased Dove a bit before kissing her. Her hands almost instantly went around his neck but instead of immediately wrapping them around his neck, she decided to trace her hands up his exposed chest and then around his neck.
She was the first one to break the mini makeout session they were having.
"C'mon, they're waiting for us."
Rooster nodded his head as he put his shirt back on and going back out with his wife.
They all had hung out for a bit and had a beer or two before everyone went their separate ways. Dove caught Penny getting on her uncle's bike with him so she sent her a thumbs up which made the older of the two chuckle.
The couple visited her family and hung out with them for about two hours, telling them all about their exciting day. I mean they did promise to visit every day, and they were keeping their promise no matter how tired they were.
When they got home, both went to shower before getting ready for bed. Only they didn't go to sleep right away, instead they decided to have a little fun.
Something about being at the beach and playing football and watching each other between plays did things to both of them, especially to Victoria when her husband decided to take his shirt off.
The next morning when they came in for training, they were met with not only Maverick already in the room but also Cyclone and Warlock. As they all sat down, Maverick stood off to the side and Commander Bates stepped to the front.
"Morning. The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. It will be delivered in 10 days time...as a result the mission has been moved up, one week."
Everyone looked at each other, sharing the same facial expression before turning their attention back to Warlock who after finishing gave the word to Captain Mitchell.
"We have one week to focus on stage 2. It's the most difficult stage of the mission."
As he was explaining everything, he stopped for a little bit, letting the screen and diagram catch up with his talking before continuing.
"Now here is where we need two consecutive miracles. Miracle number 1 is hitting the uranium plant. Now the single plane will launch the bomb, with the second plane providing a laser lock aim, then the pilot will do a steep climb out. That's Miracle number 1." he stopped talking to let his words sink in, he saw a few worried faces but everyone was trying to mask it. The older man also saw the way Dove held Rooster's hand tightly as they shared a quick glance before looking back up front.
"The second team will deliver the kill shot and destroy the target. That's Miracle number 2."
He continued explaining that the mission is a failure if either team misses and the steep climb out they'll have to face. Just as Maverick finished, Hangman raised his hand. Maverick nodded his head at him, as to tell him to go ahead.
"A steep climb at that speed you're pulling at least 8 G's." He spoke, concern being heard in his voice, "9. Minimum."
Rooster commented that that the stress load of an F/A-18 airframe is 7.5 to which Maverick explained that if they wanted to survive the mission they'll go beyond that even if it means bending their airframe. He then explained how it will feel when pulling 9 Gs in an F/A-18 in a steep climb like the one they will have to face.
"Assuming you avoid crashing into this mountain, you'll climb up straight into enemy radar while losing all of your rear speed...Within seconds you'll be fired upon by enemy SAMs. You all faced sustained Gs before but this...this is gonna take you and your aircraft to a breaking point."
It was quiet in the room, everyone processing the information they were given by the Captain. The silence was broken by Phoenix.
"Sir, is this even achievable?" "The answer to that question will come down to the pilot in the box."
Maverick answered as he looked at all 14 pilots in front of him. Soon enough, they were sent off into different groups to fly the whole mission course. Almost no one successfully finished the mission. Some were too slow, some didn't hit the target and a few had problems sustaining the Gs. Dove was in the group that hit the target but was slow by half a minute.
The last ones up were Phoenix and Bob with Coyote. They were 12 seconds late on the target when Maverick made his presence known, acting as an enemy aircraft. Bob's laser couldn't get a lock so Coyote decided to drop blind, unfortunately, he missed and on top of that the pilot fainted while doing the steep climb. Thankfully, he woke up before he crashed but just as everything seemed okay and they were getting ready to land, they were faced with a bird strike.
Phoenix and Bob's engine caught on fire because the bird flew right into it. Phoenix tried everything she could to save both the engines and the plane but failed. The plane crashed and the two ejected at the last minute.
The two were both admitted to the hospital and after Maverick found out that Phoenix and Bob were going to be okay, he went and let Dove know, who asked him to go tell Rooster since she had to go to the bathroom.
Unknown to the two men who were arguing in the room a few doors down from the bathrooms, as Dove made her way back she was stopped by Vice Admiral Simpson.
"Lieutenant Kazansky, I'm sorry." Dove looked at the man in front of her, confused at first, "What do you mean Vice Admiral?"
Cyclone gave her a look that said it all to her but she didn't register it right away.
The blonde was numb. She didn't feel anything in that moment, and the poor woman didn't know what to say so she just nodded her head. Cyclone gave a small squeeze to the woman's shoulder as he walked away. And just as Dove got the news so did Maverick and Rooster who were getting the news delivered by Warlock.
"Where's my wife?" Rooster asked but before Warlock could answer, Dove appeared in the doorway. Warlock left to give the three some privacy.
Maverick approached her before giving his niece a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug.
"Take your time, okay? I'll go see your mom and siblings. He was so happy to have you as his daughter and proud of you as both a person and a pilot. Never forget that."
As Maverick left, he closed the door behind him to give the couple some privacy, to give two grieving people privacy.
Rooster stepped towards Dove who could only look up at him with tears in her eyes. The man didn't say anything. He only hugged his wife tightly and with that, she broke down. She let out all the tears, the screams, everything that she has been holding in. This, this hurt like hell.
Well, Iceman is offically dead...This chapter was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions since it started so happily and ended up very sad. All I have to say is prepare tissues for the next chapter because it's going to be really sad and if I'm being completly honest, I cried while writing it, like a lot. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story so far and thank you for reading! Bye! <3
P.S. I'm so proud of the gif above, I litreally had to combine multiple gifs for it to turn out like that but then I had to compress it since it was like 20MB and tumblr only let's you post beneath 10MB😭
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mercurygray · 2 years
If there's one thing Pete remembers well, it's this - pilots always think that they invented flying. He was like that once, too, in France - wind in his hair, goggles freezing over, hands cold in thier leather gloves, Goose behind him in the cockpit taking thier aerial observation notes. They were young and free and full of life and no one could tell them they were wrong or that they knew better.
He knows the young men in these seats too well - he was one of them once, too.
"And what's the last thing the oldtimer flew?" A blonde wiseass in the front row asks. "A biplane?"
"Gentlemen," said Commander Simpson, his voice somehow dangerously patient, "This is Captain Pete Mitchell. A decorated veteran of the 94th Aero Squadron, and one of the only men to have over twenty confirmed aircraft kills and five balloon kills in the last war." Eyes widened - the numbers spoke for themselves, and Simpson knew it, but he wasn't done. "Kills he made in a Spad Thirteen. A biplane." The blonde wilted into his seat a little. Seresin, his jacket reads. He'll be trouble. "He joins us straight from the Curtiss Aircraft company, where he's been testing the planes you're going to be using for this mission."
"And them?" the aviator with Fitch on his jacket asks, jerking a thumb over his shoulder at the three women near the back of the room, hands folded over flying jackets and determined looks on their faces.
"I asked them to come," Mitchell says, stepping up to the front of the room and the podium there. "I need capable fliers, and they fit my bill."
"Where'd you find three dames flying airplanes? Sir?" A man called Machado asks, his disbelief unhidden and matched by the other men in the chairs. "The circus?"
"Who do you think was towing your targets this week?" the one with dark hair and a Mexican cast to her features spits back.
Machado's eyes widen, suddenly realizing that yes, you would have to put a person in the pilot seat of that tow plane, and yes, it would make sense if it wasn't a fellow you wanted shooting the enemy somewhere else. They don't let them fly under live fire until they're in combat, and yet these women have - "…shit, that was you?"
"Language," Pete says, though the way he says it makes it seem pretty obvious that he doesn't really mean it. (They're young, and they're brave, and they're about to die. Let 'em swear blue if it helps 'em get home.) "Yes, Miss Trace, Miss Bassett and Miss Simpson all join us courtesy of the Women's Air Service Pilots. And they are all pilots, Lieutenant Machado." He allows himself a grin this time, happy to deal a little humility where it's warranted. "I'd even venture to say all of them have more flying hours than you."
Because I am incapable of not doing this, Pete's World War One record is lifted straight from Eddie Rickenbacker, a notable Great War air ace. The SPAD XIII was a pretty standard aircraft for the Great War, although Rickenbacker also flew Nieuports. The 94th Aero Squadron was known as the Hat In The Ring squadron - if you saw Wonder Woman, you would have seen a picture of Steve next to a plane with their insignia on it. If you remember that picture, you also know Rickenbacker - it's his photo that they modified for that photo.
The Women's Air Service Pilots was a group of civilian pilots created out of the earlier Women's Air Ferrying Squadron, which moved planes from factories to the airfields where they were needed. WAFS each had an average of about 1,400 flying hours and a commercial pilot rating - far in excess of what the men joining the Air Corps would have possessed. Although the majority of the pilots were white, there were two women of Chinese American descent as well as two Hispanic women - demographics matched by the two female characters in TGM.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Both of You
Tony x Reader based on this request!
Warnings: mention of nightmares
Word Count: 1803
a/n: This one makes me feel warm inside. We're just pretending Pepper does not exist because any mention of killing her off is too sad for me to deal with right now. Tony deserves happiness. Featuring The Best Day by Taylor Swift.
Also, I'm currently working on a Reid request, two Steve fics, and an idea I had for Bucky, but somehow this one was the one that got me motivated.
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You were relaxing, aka being forced to recover from a gunshot wound before going on any more missions, on the couch in the living room for the third night in a row. To say you were absolutely bored would be underselling it.
You spent the past few days alone roaming the compound because everyone else was out on missions. Typically this would mean hanging out with Morgan, but Happy's been monopolizing her time.
You were just about to start another movie when your phone started ringing.
"Where are you?" The voice was desperate.
"Nice to hear from you Happy. How are you, today?" You sassed him back.
"Y/N, I'm serious." His tone put you on high alert.
"I'm in the main living room, what happened?" You sat up from the couch, ready to come to him at a moments notice.
"I'm in the elevator, I'll explain in a minute." He hung up before you could ask any follow up questions.
You were up and standing at the elevator in no time, anxiously awaiting Happy's arrival.
After what felt like an eternity, he emerged from the elevator carrying a sleeping Morgan in his arms. He walked past you to set her on the couch before explaining.
"May had a bit of an emergency, I need to go pick her up. She's fine, just a little shaken up. Can you watch Morgan?" You could see the lingering fear in his eyes.
"Of course. Please, let me know if there's anything else I can do!" You spoke in a fast whisper, getting the words out quickly but quietly to account for Happy already boarding the elevator and Morgan still asleep in the living room.
"I'll call you if anything else happens."
And with that he was gone.
You made your way back into the living room while trying to decide if you should bring Morgan back up to her bed. She would sleep better there, but you might wake her up on the way.
You were just about to pick her up when she let out a strangled sob.
"Morgan?" She still appeared to be asleep, but her face showed fear. "Morgan, honey, wake up."
You spoke gently while running a hand soothingly through her hair. Despite your best efforts, she woke with a start. Her little fingers balled into fists, tears pooling in her eyes before you could say anything.
"Morgan, it's okay! You're okay. I'm here." You gathered her in your arms to rock her back and forth. "You're okay. Everything's okay."
You continued rocking her back and forth while whispering words of affirmation until her crying stopped.
"I- I want my- my dad." She hiccuped.
"Oh sweetheart, he's not home right now." It broke your heart to disappoint her. "Do you wanna tell me when you dreamed about?"
She nodded slowly, but clung to your arms.
"I had a bad dream." You could tell she was till scared. "There was a monster and he took Peter away!" She was getting worked up again.
"Peter's fine, baby. Do you want me to call him?" You spoke softly while reaching into your pocket for your phone.
She nodded solemnly. "With video, please."
"Of course, honey."
It didn't take long for you to facetime Peter. You could only hope that he would answer on the first try. While it rung, you angled the phone against a candle on the table to include you and Morgan in the frame.
"Hi Ms. Y/N- oh! Hi Morgan!" Peter's cheerful voice rung through the living room.
"Hi Pete!" Morgan's voice matched Peter's cheerfulness, but you could still tell she was shaken up.
"See, baby. Peter's okay." You gently prodded her mind to accept that the dream was just that, a dream.
"Petey, I'm so glad you're okay! I was so scared." She ignored your comment, but you could tell the call was helping her.
"Oh Morgan, did you have another nightmare? I'm sorry! You can always call me whenever you need to. I promise." He did well to cheer up the young girl.
You sat back against the couch, just listening to Morgan and Peter conversing for the next hour or so.
"Alright, I think we've got to try to go back to bed now. Say goodbye to Peter."
Morgan pouted, but didn't put up much of a fight.
"Bye Petey! I love you!" She called happily, the nightmare all but forgotten.
"Bye Morgan, I love you too. Bye, Ms. Y/N!" Peter called out.
"Bye, Peter." You smiled as you hung up the phone. "Let's get you up to bed."
"Nooo!" She whined. "Can I just lay down here with you?"
You knew you were a goner the minute she started pouting. With a sigh, you easily gave in to her demands. "Yes, but you still have to sleep."
"Yay! Can you sing to me?" She laid down on the couch, putting her head in your lap.
"Sure, sweetheart. What song?" You began running your hand over her hair in an attempt to calm her down.
"The one about being 5 and having a good day!"
You let out a small chuckle at her description, but you knew the song she meant.
"I'm five years old, it's getting cold. I've got my big coat on. I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, and run and run."
As soon as you started singing, she closed her eyes and stopped moving around. You didn't really believe her, but she's always said your voice makes her feel calm inside.
"Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold. I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home."
You were so intently focused on Morgan, that you didn't hear the elevator doors opening and closing just down the hall.
*In the elevator*
"Someone's singing?" Steve phrased it as a question, but he knew he could hear it as the elevator moved up a few floors.
"Who?" Tony, although uninterested, asked.
"I hear it too!" Bucky chimed in, feeling weirdly at peace just from hearing the melody.
Everyone else in the elevator strained their ears to hear the voice, but came up empty until the elevator doors opened.
Slowly, Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Sam, and Wanda piled out of the elevator.
"I don't know why all the trees change in the fall, but I know you're not scared of anything at all."
"Y/N..." Tony whispered, so as not to disturb you.
"Why would she be singing?" Wanda questioned. You always refuse to sing karaoke with them, so it doesn't make sense to her that you would be singing to yourself in the middle of the compound.
Suddenly, a much younger voice joined in on the song.
"Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away, but I know I had the best day with you today."
"Hey, missy. You promised me you'd try to sleep. That means no singing, just listening." Tony felt his smile grow as you playfully scolded his daughter.
"Sorry! Sorry, I'll be quiet." Morgan promised.
The group of Avengers listened as you began singing again. They slowly made their way toward the living room, moving silently so you wouldn't hear them and stop singing.
"There is a video I found from back when I was three. You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me."
Tony was just far enough past the doorway to peak over the edge of the couch. The sight of Morgan curled up in your lap made his heart flutter.
"It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs. And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world."
The entire group of Earth's mightiest heroes wore matching expressions of complete and utter adoration watching you sing to Morgan.
Tony silently gestured for the rest of the group to leave, ultimately staring them down until they did so. He watched as you sang the rest of the song, stroking her hair until she fell into a restful sleep.
"I didn't know if you knew, so I'm taking this chance to say: that I had the best day with you today."
You hummed a bit to ensure Morgan was asleep before you stopped singing entirely.
Tony realized you were going to pick her up, so he softly cleared his throat to gain your attention as he walked around the couch.
The soft smile on his face warmed your heart.
"Hi Tony." You greeted him as he picked up his daughter. "She'll be glad you're home." You decided to leave out the heartbreaking detail of her tears and broken cries for her father.
"Where's Happy?" He questioned lightly.
"C'mon, I'll tell you on the way." You grabbed Morgan's stuffed Iron Man from the couch and started toward the elevator.
"Happy had to go pick up May. He said she was fine, but it was some sort of emergency." You spoke quietly so as not to disturb Morgan.
"Thank you for watching her." Tony couldn't hide the smile that grew on his face at the thought of you and Morgan being so close. "Even if you kept her up way past her bedtime." He added playfully.
"She was actually asleep when Happy brought her down. He was probably going to take her with him if he couldn't find me." You felt yourself start to smile just from looking at Morgan in Tony's arms.
"What happened?" Your smile fell at the memory of Morgan's tear stained face.
"She had a nightmare. Something about a monster hurting Peter." You couldn't stop your eyes from welling up at the memory of how scared and upset Morgan was. "She's okay now though. We talked to Peter for a while on facetime. Well, Morgan talked to Peter. I just rocked her back and forth so she'd stop crying."
"My poor baby." He pressed a kiss to Morgan's forehead, lingering close to her. "Thank you for helping her with that."
"Of course, Tony. She's a brilliant little girl. You're doing a great job raising her."
You let out a small chuckle when you suddenly realized neither of you pushed the button for the residential floor.
Tony laughed as well when you leaned forward to push the button.
You walked with him to Morgan's room, helping to tuck her and her stuffed toy into bed. Just as you gently closed the door, Tony cleared his throat again.
"Y/N, I really mean it. Thank you for being there for her. It means a lot to me." Tony's face show a rare vulnerable side as he spoke. "You mean a lot to me."
"Oh, Tony. You mean a lot to me too." You glanced back at Morgan's bedroom. "Both of you."
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baroquebucky · 4 years
hi lovely! i adore ur writing :-) i was just wondering if you could write something about bucky being all soft and gooey around his gal and kissing her and being all lovey dovey with her in front of the team, and them teasing him for it. i’d love to see it if it inspires u! thank u!
a/n: okAY I HAVE RESTARTED THIS LIKE SEVEN TIMEs because i didn’t know how i wanted to write this and so i decided to do some headcanons about this !! if you want an actual imagine let me know !!! i hope you guys enjoy it :~)
Bucky was afraid of touching you the first time he met you
he was afraid that all the darkness and pain in him would ruin your happy, radiant demeanor, and he didn’t want that
but you didn’t allow that, giving him hugs for every little thing, bumping shoulders with him, grabbing his hand and dragging himself round to have fun
it was obvious the two of you would date, you made his life so much better and he did the same for you, helping you grow more confident and self assured
for years bucky only knew physical touch as painful, something he dreaded
and you showed him something completely different when it came to touch
the way your fingers gently traced every scar he had, the way they ghosted over his chest when he was asleep and you couldn’t sleep, the way you would pull him into you for a hug, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing him tightly
Bucky especially loved how you played with his hair, gently tucking it into place when the two of you cuddle or were kissing, the way you attempted to braid it and style it
Bucky couldn’t get enough
he missed out on this for so long so of course he would want your tender love any chance he got, he didn’t care who was around
the whole team thought Bucky was this brooding, intimidating man who was capable of killing them all if he tried, yet there he was, cuddled into you like a puppy
Bucky would kiss your face all over, making you laugh, planting sloppy kisses on your cheeks and forehead before finally connecting your lips.
“Fucks sake im trying to watch this show can you please do that somewhere else?” Sam would groan, annoyed at how soft Bucky was, Bucky only grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, never once disconnecting your lips.
You would smile into the kiss, pulling his hair slightly causing Bucky to groan a little, sam would make a gagging noise,” that’s it im out i hate you guys” you would burst out laughing the second he got up, immediately apologizing to him
he of course would accept, you were always too sweet and did so much for him, he couldn’t be mad at you.
At Bucky though? He couldn’t 100000% be mad at him
So Sam made it his mission to embarrass the metal armed man.
The two of you sat on the couch, cuddling.
Bucky snuggled so close against you if he moved a centimeter more he’d be on top of you. He had a hand in your hair, your arms wrapped around him, rubbing circles on his back.
he stared up at you, admiring how fuckinf beautiful you were
“how did i get the prettiest gal in the world hm?” he would smile, pressing a kiss to your arm, “oh shut up bucky” you blushed, refusing to take the compliment
“no I’m serious you’re so goddamn perfect doll” he whispered, moving to get comfortable enough to kiss your neck
“bucky stop we’re in the living room” you giggled, he continued to kiss you, placing a soft kiss on your jaw and then on your cheek
“what’s Sam gonna do? Get upset again?” He laughed and you rolled your eyes.
“I love you so much” he smiled at you, effortlessly lifting you and placing you on his lap
you smiled at the man, running your fingers through his soft hair, he smiled at you, his eyes fluttering closed at the relaxing contact.
“you know i love when you do that” he hummed and you smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead you removed your hands from his hair and sat next to him, putting your head on his chest.
“why’d you stop” he pouted, looking at you as if you broke his heart in two
“Oh my god you are whipped” Tony laughed, you went red, Bucky felt slightly embarrassed but didn’t care too much, a smile creeping onto his face and he turned to look at you
“well how could i not be? i have the best girlfriend in the world” he spoke, you blushed deeper and tony rolled his eyes, turning around and leaving “yeah sam he isn’t gonna be embarrassed around us”
Sam groaned from the hall, emerging and narrowing his eyes at bucky, “I’ll get my revenge” Bucky only laughed and you but your lip to stifle your laughter.
“cmon angel” you spoke, standing up and grabbing his hand, leading him to your room so you guys could cuddle in peace.
The pda did not cease, Sam made every team member catch the two of you cuddling or being utterly adorable and yet nothing
Bucky has no shame showing the fact that he was wrapped around your finger, kissing your hand every chance, placing kisses all over your face and cuddling you at every chance
Then peter came to stay a night
he saw the way bucky would do everything for you, barely letting you do anything, he saw the way that if you asked for something he’d give it to you, the way that he cuddled into your side and was somehow always touching you
“oh my god” peter smiled to himself, texting ned and MJ quickly, guys mr barnes is a simp
He tried his best to hide his laughter but he couldn’t, wheezing as he picked up the Group FaceTime call
“no way the winter soldier is a simp??” MJ spoke and ned added on “he literally killed people how the hell did y/n manage to get him to simp so hard”
peter began explaining, giggling as he told them everything
Sam heard the loud teenage boy, immediately being struck with an idea
“hey Pete” he approached the boy in the kitchen and he gave him a small wave “i need you to do me a favor”
You and Bucky were in the garden, singing along to music and laughing, he held your hand, swinging it back and forth.
“I need to water the plants today but I’m so tired” you complained to your boyfriend, sitting under a tree, you were in between his legs and he rested his chin on top of your head
“I can do it for you doll face” he replied, you laughed shaking your head softly, “no i can do it lovely” but Bucky insisted
so there he was, watering all your flowers and getting bit by mosquitos, enter peter
peter was shitting himself, he was still kind of scared of Bucky, finding him intimidating despite knowing he could take the man
“what are you doing mr barnes?” Peter questioned, standing next to him and looking at the many plants
“y/n was tired so i told her I’d water her pants for her” he spoke, peter wrangled every ounce of courage he had
“huh so youre kind of a simp then” he spoke, Bucky turned to look at him, did he just-?
“what? no!” Bucky protested, suddenly feeling embarrassed because he was this little 18 year old calling HIM a simp
“i mean think about it, kinda yeah” he spoke, laughing softly, “it’s okay, in the end we all simp for someone” peter smiled, walking back inside, already wanting to apologize to bucky but instead searching for Sam so he could order him the pizza he wanted
Bucky stood in the garden, shock on his face. Sam watched from the kitchen window, laughing his ass off, finally embarrassing the super soldier
Bucky walked into your room, going to sit next to you, “am i simp?” He looked at you, troubled. You tried your best to stifle your laughter, composing yourself before looking at your boyfriend
“i mean yeah” you admitted, shrugging your shoulders.
Bucky was hurt for a couple of hours, vowing to himself that he would no longer simp for you, he could do that
right? wrong
by the end of the night Bucky was snuggled up to you side, eyes closed and mind at peace, you mumbled sweet nothings into his ear and he felt so- at home.
you were buckys home, he didn’t care if others saw it, he didn’t care if that made him a simp. He would be damned if he didn’t take every and any chance to kiss you and show you off and love on you
you did the same for him, Bucky was your safe space, your everything, your home
although Sam rolled his eyes when the two of you were cuddling heavily during movie night, he couldn’t help but be happy that bucky had found happiness in the world
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years
GLOWING IN THE DARK #2 | The Punisher - Billy Russo
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Author’s Note: First of all: I am so sorry this part took so long (and it is very underwhelming as it’s just a few scenes of Y/N’s life on the base (all involving Billy - and I’m not sure if I got his character right in this one)). I tried to make it one longer coherent chapter, but I needed these scenes to be able to proceed to the more important parts of the story. Hope you guys don’t mind. I hope the next few installments will appear faster and will get better again. But for now, thank you for reading and enjoy!
word count:  ~ 2.7k
summary: Becoming Billy’s friend is weird - if whatever relationship you have is even considered a friendship.
warnings: //
| PREVIOUS PART | - | next part | - | SERIES MASTERLIST |
You felt it – whatever or whoever it was – before you even heard or saw anything. 
As a Marine, you had undergone different kinds of training modules and boot camps and this wasn’t your first tour either. Your job before getting promoted to helicopter gunner had been to try and get in and out of places without raising any suspicion or getting in the way of the others that were fighting while you got the intel. Inevitably, however, sooner or later you had to fight your way out of wherever the hell you were as well.
It had heightened your senses, which made it almost impossible for you to have a good night's rest. The smallest change in the atmosphere or the slightest sound sent you straight to overdrive. No heavy eyelids, no blurry mind - just wide-awake and alert.
Of course, this wasn't the case with everyone though. After missions with the Blackbird crew, you’d seen Garth and Dane fall asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows and nothing could wake them up after that. You even had some conversations with Frank about it whenever you stayed over at the Castles during your military leave. 
You’d call the day you were able to fall asleep within the first ten minutes of getting into bed and stay asleep for the whole night a miracle. That is why your eyes opened wide and your body went rigid as you blinked desperately and tried to adapt your vision to the darkness. Or at least find the smallest shimmer of light. Obviously, you had no such luck. After all, it was somewhere around the early hours of the morning and it was pitch-black in the tent. 
Your hand automatically went for the gun under your pillow, only to end up empty, and it took you a millisecond to realize that you weren’t in your cot in the tent you shared with Garth and Dane, but rather in the infirmary where weapons weren’t allowed. 
You decided to do the next best thing. You used your body.
In a swift movement and without much hesitation you grabbed the thing - a person as you came to realize in that very moment - in front of you and used the momentum to turn both of you around, pinning him (as you still were the only woman on the base) down on the bed, straddling his waist and pressing your upper arm on what you expected to be his throat.
A soft chuckle resounded through the tent. In the next second, you were blinking against the white lights that illuminated the infirmary, realising that you were holding Billy in a tight grip. And worse, straddling him. 
As your senses were still on a high (heart beating fast and body frozen) you were unable to do anything else other than stare shocked at Billy.
“Gotta admit Frankie boy, you trained her well,” Billy smirked up at you, his hands going to your waist to support you a little bit and take the weight of your injured foot.
“Na,” Frank shook his head, “All that was already there. I just showed her how to properly use and manage her strengths. Reminded her of who she once was.” Frank approached you both from his place beside the entrance and gently pulled you away from Billy, who started to massage his neck as he slowly stood up.
Billy chuckled at that. “A clumsy girl?”
“Hey! Watch it or I beat your ass-”
“Again… was that what you wanted to say? Do I have to remind you that you didn't beat my ass last time? That's why I told you that there are less violent ways for you to see my backside.”
You had soon realized that flirting truly was Billy’s defence mechanism, just as Frank had said. And humour. Whenever something turned uncomfortable for him he either turned on his charms or tried to alleviate the situation by making some stupid remark.
You had also realized that Billy had been right. You were terribly out of shape. Everything had hurt the day after the game, but you had guessed it might also have had something to do with the fact that two grown-up men literally tackled you to the ground the day before.
So you had gone to Frank, because, obviously, you couldn’t give Billy the satisfaction (or more time with you) and had asked him to give you some training lessons. A little refresher of your earlier days. 
“Okay… What would you do if I did this to you?” Frank asked while cornering you against a wall and trapping you between it and his body, putting his hands on either side of your head.
“Really Frank. Are we really going to look at Self-Defense 101? I’m weak right now, not stupid. I remember the training.”
“Well, show me then.”
Sighing you looked him straight in the eyes as you punched your straight fingers into his ribcage under his left armpit, causing him to withdraw his left arm entirely. Then you punched your fist into his left rib cage that was now open to you, pushing him slightly away from you before punching his chin and knocking your head against his.
Tumbling a few steps back Frank caught himself quickly and grabbed you, hugging you from behind as you had already turned around to move away. “Not so quickly.”
“Do you really want me to give you a concussion?” you groaned, leaning closer into him and knocked your head back into his.
With a grunt, and while trying to regain his footing after stabilizing you due to the additional weight you put into his arms, Frank loosened his arms around you and you went for his right knee. 
Ducking down fast and sliding your hands down his leg to his foot you pulled it up before Frank could regain his balance, throwing him to the ground behind you. You quickly turned around and sat triumphantly on his stomach. 
“It’s a beginning.”
“That’s enough Bill.” Frank's deep voice brought you back to the present. “She might be a little clumsy sometimes, but it’s clear that you can’t say anything against her senses.”
“Hey! Whose side are you on?”
“Kid, let’s be honest. I saw you tripping over nothing but thin air yesterday, somehow managing to injure your foot while doing that. And then you proceeded to fall face-first to the ground.” Frank said as he moved you to another unoccupied bed. Thank god you were the only one in the infirmary right now. Scoffing you rolled your eyes. 
“The ground wanted a hug! Not my problem you’re a heartless guy. Ever thought about the fact that it might not want to just be trampled on? And anyway,” you added after a short pause, “you heard them yesterday after you insisted on bringing me here. I’m fine! Just a misstep, nothing a good night's rest with limited movement wouldn’t fix… which well, is kind of the opposite of what you two just did.”
“Ah well, sorry ‘bout that. Colonel Schoonover wants to go over some strategic movements first thing in the morning. Thought you might want to get caught up with the most important details first.”
“Oh. I see. And both of you were needed to bring me a, and I quote, ‘clumsy girl’ up to date?”
“Oh no. I’m sure Billy, who very enthusiastically volunteered, will do that just fine. I just followed to make sure you don't kill each other. You are welcome by the way.” 
After that, you weren’t sure if you were actually becoming friends with Billy (because you didn’t actually need to ‘up your friend game’) or just accustomed to him because he was always there whenever you were doing something with Frank.
Granted, there were times when it was just you and Billy (and multiple other Marines). Like that one time when you were waiting for the showers to turn purple (a term the base had coined to show that it was your time to use the facilities without having to check your surroundings for possible men to appear and take a shower with you.... they had realized how bad it had sounded the moment they had said it to you.)
You had been waiting in front of the facility as there was still around 10 minutes before they would turn purple and Billy had decided to keep you company by starting to annoy you (you couldn't believe how incredibly childish he could be - he gave you wet willies!)
Nevertheless, you had grown close enough to him to tell him about your time as a foot soldier and how you had a knack for repairing stuff, especially cars and aeroplanes thanks to your father. That he had been a military mechanic and that, after your mother had died when you were a baby, he had taken you with him whenever he had to move or do something for the military. That you had practically grown up on military bases and that joining wasn’t even a question, it was the only valid option in your life. And that one day the Marines had asked you to join their new helicopter crew and you couldn't say no, as you had wanted to feel closer to your father who had died a few years prior.
You had also talked about how you never met in New York (or about how Frank skillfully managed to keep you both apart) and about the fact that you guys have the same call sign (well, he and your helicopter). 
That was apparently enough for Frank to give you the “I know I said, I know Maria said, but do not fall in love with him”-speech one night while you were sitting on Billy’s bed, enjoying some alone time with Frank after some hectic weeks of training and strategy meetings.
“Don’t worry,” you had said and patted his back, “you know that my heart belongs to the sky. And, well, to Pete.”
Little did you know that Billy had just entered the tent when you said that.
"- hell Y/L/N!”
“It was my pleasure. But you know, maybe next time you could just thank me, one might think you don’t have any manners.”
“You could have died out there!"
"It was a test run Garth. If anything, we would have died together. Also, here I was thinking taking risks is your life motto. I mean, isn’t your name practically Gar-'With some good food I can conquer everything?'-field?"
"With good food, you can conquer everything… and everyone," he winked at you, “because even though the saying goes 'The way to a man's heart goes through his stomach' this applies to women and everybody else as well!"
You laughed and clapped his back as you pushed aside the plastic tarpaulin and let him pass you before leaving the tent as well. 
"Sounds like you gotta invite me for dinner sometime, as soon as we're stateside again!"
"Sounds like it!"
Remembering that you had to get something from your cot you turned around to get it, but stopped in your movement when you caught a glimpse of Billy, his fist tightly shut and his eyes glaring after Garth. Realizing that you were watching him, he turned around and stomped over to his own tent.
This repeated itself on multiple occasions. You talking to a fellow Marine or crew member and Billy seeing it and getting angry. Sometimes you realized it, sometimes you didn’t. Like the time in front of the dining tent. 
One of the Marines, you didn’t even know his name, had waved you over to give you a piece of mail that had found its way to him instead of you (apparently your names were similar enough to confuse the guy who had distributed them), apologizing for opening it already. 
You had just shaken your head, saying it wasn’t his fault and had turned the envelope around, causing a beautiful ring hanging on a thin necklace to fall into your hands. Smiling at it while suppressing some tears that were threatening to leave your eyes you had looked up at him. “I doubt you would be caught wearing this anyway.”
Of course, your luck had it for Billy to see him giving you the envelope and the necklace and to disappear through another entrance into the mess hall before he was able to hear you thank the guy for bringing you the envelope.
And then there was that time when you were pretty sure that Billy had become more to you. You weren’t sure what exactly, but more.
A Skype call for you had come through during the day, which Billy who had just passed by, accepted and told the man on the other side of the screen to wait while he got you. Sticking around he had to admit that he felt a little green now that he knew that not only Frank but even you had someone waiting for them when they came back. He wasn’t near enough to hear what was being said, but near enough to see you touch the computer before the connection ended and see you starting to cry terribly after that and rushing away, making Billy think the guy just broke up with you.
Frank had found you shortly afterwards (after Billy had gone to him to tell him what had happened, not being a very touchy-feely guy but thinking you might want someone around). He had talked to you, asked what had happened and you had repeated yourself, telling him that “my heart belongs to the sky now. Everybody I ever loved has left me, even though I am the one risking my life every day.”
Frank had just hugged you closer telling you that wasn't true. That he, Maria and the kids would always be there for you, that you wouldn’t be able to get rid of them now, no matter how hard you tried.
You didn’t know how long you had been sitting there, but then Billy had entered the tent, telling Frank that Maria was asking for a Skype call and Frank requested for Billy to stay with you. 
You both had stayed quiet for some time except for your sniffles and hiccups that came from you crying earlier.
“You shouldn’t be crying. You have more than enough men falling on their knees for you.”
Confused you had lifted your head to look at him through teary eyes. “What?” “You shouldn’t be crying because of Pete. I heard Garth inviting you on a dinner date as soon as you’re both on leave again and saw the Marine in Frank’s squad giving you the neck-”
You had started to laugh at that. “Wait what? Please don’t tell me that you’re jealous!” 
“No! Just… just annoyed I guess. I get called ‘Billy the Beaut’ and get called out on my shit and… and then you come along and you’re allowed to dance on all of our noses?” 
You had snorted, wiping your nose on your T-Shirt sleeve. “Welcome to the world of a woman. As normally it's the other way around. Doesn't feel nice, right?” You had chuckled sarcastically. “Anyway, who’s Pete?” 
“Who’s… Who’s Pete? Your boy-, well, your now ex-boyfriend? The guy who just broke up with you over Skype?” 
Being reminded of that Skype call had hurt you, but you had laughed anyway. His stupid conclusions and obvious obliviousness had helped you think of other things. “I might have kissed a Pete once, but I might have lost the memo that he was my boyfriend because as far as I know, I never had one.” 
“But the man-” 
“Was my cousin's doctor and now close friend due to the time we had to spend together.” 
“But you told Frank something about your heart and Pete. Wait, was?”
Of course, he had heard that. “Pete's another name for our bird. Yes, our callsign is Blackbird, but the guys call him Pete and I guess it stuck. And yes, was. He just called me to tell me that my cousin died of cancer. No… please. I don’t need your condolences. I’ve been around death for quite a while. It feels almost normal already.”
“It shouldn’t.”
“I know… but what can I do? I cried and now I have to stand up and make sure that we don’t meet too quickly again, that's what she would want.” 
After that you both had sat there, quiet again, shoulder against shoulder, staring at the green plastic of the tent. Never realising that Billy, however unpleasant that situation might've been for him, never searched for a way out of it.
@blackbirddaredevil23 @runawayolives @readingslumpfanfic @broadwaybabe18 @thetallassgirl​
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
SALEM - Ch. 7
Summary: In all the centuries of your existence, you had never been dragged out of hiding by another god, put in a superhero team and forced to save the universe. But it seems your luck has run out.
“So, let me get this straight. You, a person known for your cunning and intelligence put the Tesseract, something people have fought and died to get, on a foreign planet known for its bounty hunters and soldiers?”
Loki only shrugged a bit. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”
“Really? It really seemed like a good idea? Hiding it with people who would probably sell it first chance they got?”
“Well when you put it like that—”
“Loki.” He looked directly at you. “We have to get to it before my sister does. If anyone uses it she’ll probably find it somehow. You do know how to get to Kalan, right?
“Of course, except for the major problem. We have no way to get there.”
You smiled. “Oh, that’s not a problem. I mean, Tony has to have the Quinjet prototypes somewhere right?”
He frowned, “I believe the reason they are ‘prototypes’ is because they didn’t work.”
“Exactly! It’ll take Tony a lot less time to notice. Though I’m pretty sure most of them are scrapped, there’s gotta be at least one that actually flies.”
He sat down on your couch. There was a small pad of paper on the table in front of it, your messy handwriting all over it. Some ideas were circled or underlined, all in dark ink. At least you were thinking this one through, even if there were a few flaws. He’d never admit it, but he’d prefer to have the team’s help with this. But with how slow they were going to even acknowledge the fact that there’s a serious threat… you may not have much of a choice.
“Alright. You find a ship, I’ll gather supplies. If you say you’re willing to watch me, they’ll probably leave us alone for a few hours. Then we can leave.”
“That’s the spirit!”
You smiled at him. It was nice to be there heroes for once. Both of you. Lies and darkness teaming up to save the day? Talk about rare.
Admittedly, you were nervous. Kalan was a planet full of trained soldiers. What they were training for was never exactly clear. They were anticipating a war that didn’t exist yet. Unfortunately, that made for very jumpy Generals. People who’d shoot at anything without an army badge. Although, part of the planet was known for its bounty hunters. They steered clear of the soldiers and even got a few insiders to steal from the armies. Not fun.
Either you try to steal an extremely valuable object from people known for being expert thieves, or steal from an army who wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet through your head. It might not kill you, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt like hell.
That left one question, which side should you start with?
Loki stood up, “I’ll see if my brother will help, you find the ship and speak with you teammates. As much as I hate to say it, you should probably leave a note behind. Just in case.”
You nodded. Of course, you had no intention of losing any sort of fight but he had a point. Just in case.
“Yeah, I’ll do that.” He smiled sadly before leaving the room. He had a point. It just wasn’t a point you wanted to think about.
You sunk down into the couch and grabbed your pad of paper. You tore away some of your ideas and scribbled down a small note. After searching for probably twenty minutes you managed to find an envelope and stuff the letter in. You wrote a small message on the front.
“Hi Tony. If I’m not back in exactly two weeks, open this envelope. I know you’ll probably open this before that anyway, but I’ve never asked for anything. Just do this. Please.
Ps, I really do need a nickname, huh?”
You weren’t sure if that would work. Maybe he’d wait. Just in case, you didn’t give him enough info to find you. Just in case he tried before two week were up. It probably wouldn’t take that long, but better safe than sorry. You left the note on the table in front of your couch. He’d probably come to your room first after he found you missing, so that guaranteed he’d find it after you were long gone.
Now to find that prototype.
Tony had a garage, he’d keep most of his cars in there, but he needed somewhere to keep it right? You knew he had a small space to work on the cars, improve them. And if you had a prototype, that’s where you’d keep it.
Getting into the garage was a slight issue. Tony didn’t like just anyone strolling in and messing with his stuff (He’d decided that after someone spray painted one of his cars). Whoops.
Obviously Tony gave himself access, along with Bruce. He was probably one of the more responsible Avengers, and Tony trusted him with that sort of technology. That and Bruce helped out once in a while.
Since Tony would most definitely not let you in, you opted for Bruce.
You (unsurprisingly) found him in the lab working on something or other. It was fairly safe to assume that Tony used some sort of key card, which means in would probably be in his pocket.
“Hey Bruce, I really like that shirt, by the way.
He turned around and smiled, “Oh hey! Wait. What do you want?”
He stopped working on whatever it was, it looked like a phone or something.
“Can’t I just compliment my friends because I feel like it?”
He sighed, “Well of course you can, but it usually means you want something.”
“Really, this time I don’t want anything. What are you working on?”
He clearly didn’t believe you, but he turned back to his project. “It’s a tracker Steve wanted me to work on. He’s thinking of trying to find that Ker woman and track whatever energy she’s putting off. But it’s kinda hard to do without having any of that ‘energy’.”
You nodded along, slowly slipping your hand into his lab coat pocket. He didn’t seem to notice.
Damn it. Wrong pocket.
You moved to his other side.
“Does Steve really think he can take her? I mean, Loki was losing when we got there.” You slipped your hand into his other pocket. Definitely a key card.
“I think we’ve got a good chance. Besides, all we know is that Loki doesn’t like her and that ‘Doom is rising’ which basically tells us nothing. And uh, it’s not like we were given a time frame. What can we do really? I doubt Loki would ever tell us the truth. He might want to save the Earth for whatever reason, but it’s a pretty good way to get rid of us.”
You nodded slightly. You knew when Loki lied. Granted, it wasn’t exactly easy, but you’d gotten fairly good at it.
You grabbed the card and glance down quickly. A small ‘A’ was on it. You slipped it into your own pocket before responding.
“Yeah well, hopefully he’s right. Anyway, see you later!” You walked out of the room leaving a confused Bruce behind.
You immediately went to the elevator and scanned in Bruce’s card.
It started going down and eventually opened into Tony’’s garage. You walked across and opened a back room. It had a large door that led outside along with a few cars and ships. Well, that explains why his garage is so big. You always assumed that was Tony being Tony.
You ran to one of the ships, it definitely wasn’t perfect. The outside had some chipped paint, but there was a key card next to it. Seems like Tony didn’t always have the same security he has now.
You opened the garage door that led outside. Tony was upstairs and probably wouldn’t be out of his lab for a few hours. It would be a while before anyone noticed. Perfect.
You left Bruce’s card on one of Tony’s work stations and stuffed the ship’s key card in your pocket.
Now it was just a matter of talking to Tony.
Tony wasn’t difficult to find. He was in his lab talking to Peter about something or other.
“Hey Tony, Pete. How are you?” You sat down on a stool across from them and they looked up. It seemed like they were working on the other half of Bruce’s tracker.
“Well if it isn’t the Maleficent herself.” Tony smiled.
“Maleficent, huh?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, I’m not crazy about it. We’ll get there.”
You smiled. “Hey, I did want to mention. It seems like I’m the only one up for watching Loki, I’m okay with doing it for a while.”
He smiled, “Alright then, taking one for the team.” Peter had a small smile on his face.
“Also, Tony?” He cocked his head to the side slightly.
“I guess, well. I got a little existential today, so if anything ever happens to me, I’m really glad we could be friends. You too Peter.” You smiled, resting your hand on Peter’s shoulder for a second.
“Well okay.” Tony said. “A little random but I’m glad we’re friends too? Any particular reason or are we just worried about the apocalypse?”
“No, no reason. Just introspective I guess. I’ll see you later.” You walked out of the lab. Peter looked over his shoulder and smiled. You smiled back.
“Okay, you got supplies and weapons, I got a ship. Ready to go?”
Loki nodded, walking through garage with you. “You did talk to your teammates, correct? It would be much more helpful if they didn’t try to follow us half-way across the universe.”
You nodded, “Yeah. I mentioned it to Tony. Unless there’s a mission he probably won’t check in for a bit.”
You reached the ship pretty quickly and climbed in, dropping the two bags full or mostly weaponry on the ground.
“So, what do you think? Tony must’ve made it years ago.” Loki looked around. It really wasn’t a bad ship. Almost identical to the Quinjet, even if it was a bit smaller. You sat down in the pilot’s seat, Clint would flip.
You took the key card out of your pocket and put it in a small slot next to your chair. You knew most of the controls from watching Clint. Until he told you to leave so he could focus.
You started it up, get yourself out of the garage and into the air. You take off was a little rocky, but hey, at least you know it flies.
“Um, C-Y/n, I mean. You do actually know how to fly this, correct?”
You shrugged. “I mean, it can’t be that hard, right?”
Loki rolled his eyes and sat down next to you. “Let me help, at least I know where we’re going.”
“Fair enough.”
Traveling through space was nothing like you remembered. Olympus was a bit like Asgard. There are easier ways to get there, but space travel would probably work. Tartarus on the other hand was a little harder to access. The Tesseract would hopefully help with that. But for now, Loki was steering your towards Kalan. You had never really been there yourself, but he said it wasn’t too far.
He was right. It wasn’t long before Loki found a fairly safe place to land. (He really couldn’t drive the ship much better than you, but that might just be the ship itself)
It was on a hill past any sort of town. Looking out of the window you could see lights in the distance. It was dark, a purple sky and dark plants covered some of your view. There was some light smoke from some sort of fire. Loki opened up the door and you grabbed the key card, putting it in your pocket and stepped out behind Loki.
There were plants on the ground, it felt like grass but much softer. There was light from a moon behind you. You could see two other moons behind it, but they didn’t give off the same blue hue.
It was beautiful. The small town with curling smoke was in front of you, and when you turned around you could see other lights in the distance. They were more organized. The spaces between each of them looked exactly the same.
“You should grab a weapon, Y/n. Just to be safe.” You nodded and walked back onto the ship. You knew your way around a gun, that’s for sure, but you were much more old school.
Loki had grabbed a few of your weapons, likely from your room. You had no doubt Thor showed him where it was, good to see he was helping you, even if he wouldn’t come with.
One of your main weapons was a scythe. Part of it folded into a smaller staff about the size of your forearm with a blade on one side and a handle on the other. It was sort of hard to handle at first, but you liked it. Granted, you still had a long way to go. You only picked up weaponry a year ago. Magic was much easier.
But still, a physical weapon was nice.
“Your choice, Y/n.” You looked up at Loki. “We can try the bounty hunters or the soldiers. I know not where it went, just that it is here.”
“You sure you should leave this up to me? If we got to the bounty hunter, we’ll have to steal it, if it’s even there. If we go to the soldiers, we’ll have to find a way to get into their base without fighting everyone off.” Talk about a rock and a hard place.
“Yes, neither option is ideal. We could always try getting to Tartarus without it?”
You shook your head, “No. That’d take a hell of a lot longer. And we’d have to think of an easy way out. Not happening.”
You sat down in the grass, sighing lightly at the soft feeling beneath your hand.
“Okay then. Let’s try the soldiers. If it’s not there, they probably have more technology for us to locate it. Let’s go.” You stood up and closed the ship before you started down the hill to the much more organized lights. “We’re going to have to find a way in. You can shape shift and I’ll try and find some sort of disguise.” Loki nodded and started down the hill after you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t silently praying that it was there somewhere. But things are rarely easy, huh?
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andiwanderer · 5 years
New Kid
Tony Stark x daughter!Reader
Overview: Frustrated by how Tony was treating the new kid, you felt like an outcast. After the outburst of your father, you finally told him your decision. Because no matter how hard you try to gain his attention, his sole focus was directed to this new kid, named Peter. Maybe parting ways from your father can finally make him notice you. a/n: i'm sorry for the poor written summary! please bear with me! XD
Warnings: Angst, Language, Fluff
a/n: my first fanfic post, please, pleeeassseee! bear with me✨
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"Hey Parker, look at this."
"That kid is doing his job. I commend that. And also he's my intern, so get yours."
"He said his name was quote on quote "Spiderman". You got that, Rhodey?"
"D'you think? You know you have a potential Pete,"
"That spiderling?"
"Peter, just contact Happy on that one, I'm on my way."
"Mr. Parker, the Avengers just wanted your safety. Courtesy of me, of course."
"Mr. Parker, Mr. Stark ask your presence in his office."
Y/N had enough. It was like 4 in the morning and she hasn't got her proper sleep. She reached for her pillow and pushed it to cover her entire face along with her ear. Now, silently hoping she can finally sleep.
She really had enough not just because of exhaustion. But because of the 'New Kid' from Queens, Peter Parker.
She can't have a full day without hearing that kid's name uttered by her father, Tony.
Not that she was jealous of him but she's getting there. She used to be her father's apple of the eye. She used to have that same praises and care from Stark, then this Sokovia Accords began to ruin it.
Y/N knew what's right from wrong, Tony taught her that. And being controlled by the government, it was as though not having the freedom to have your own insights expressed. You can't do that because you're their personal puppet, the only thing that is right for them is their own judgment.
So she joined the Captain's team and learned the knowledge that Barnes wasn't a killer and he was controlled by HYDRA, the organization that they've been chasing, and it was not him who killed the T'challa's father, T'chaka. He was framed.
The encounter in Germany happened, there entered the new mighty intern of Stark, Peter Benjamin Parker also known as Spiderman.
They seemed pretty close for her liking and from that moment on she knew something is about to change.
They went back to the compound after what happened, finally having a truce. Understanding each side, well a majority of them, but there are two certain people who are still not on speaking terms.
Here's the thing, Y/N, and Tony fought regarding the accords before parting ways. And both of them seemed to heightened their pride and refuse to apologize to each other. They still think that their own opinion is better than the other.
Living in one compound doesn't help, it's difficult to not cross paths when wandering around. The only advantage of this was finally they're having small talks.
"Mr. Stark, I just went to grab my bag."
"You go ahead on the lab, I'll just..." Tony's voice trailed off as they walk towards their destination.
Y/N's eyes peeled open. Why can I still hear their voices in my sleep?
She knows drowsiness already left her and this will take a toll on her later on.
Now that she's awake, might as well start her day. With that, she sat up and stretched her arms out with a yawn. Grabbed her phone and hoodie before making her way into the kitchen.
When she got there the lights turned on, it was motion-sensored. "Good morning, Ms. Stark."
"What's good in the morning," she murmured as she open the cupboard and reaches what she needed. "The sun hasn't even peaked yet."
"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, miss?"
"More like woke by an annoying voice."
"I apologize for that, it seemed that I was the one who is guilty-"
"Geez FRIDAY, I was only kidding. Can't take a joke?"
"Your voice was monotone, it was hard to tell."
"Not a morning person..." she sat on one of the stools and continued stirring her cup of milk as she entertained herself by scrolling onto her phone.
"You're up too early." Bucky's voice filled the room slightly startling the lone girl in the kitchen. He removed himself from leaning against the frame of the doorway. Making his way to Y/N, he sat beside her.
Glancing up from her phone she met his gaze, "I could ask you the same question."
"Don't smart ass me, doll." he gave her a stern look. "I got back from the bathroom and you weren't on the bed."
That made Y/N's voice back down and instantly felt guilty. It's dawn and she's giving her man an early headache to nurse for the entire day.
So she wrapped her arm around his waist, hugging him, nuzzling her face on his chest. She felt him responding to the embrace, hugging her fragile body against him tighter.
"I'm sorry..." she mumbled through his chest.
He kissed the crown of her head while caressing the back of her head, "I'm sorry too. I was just worried... I thought you were gone."
"That won't happen. I'm a pain in your ass remember, it's not easy to get rid of me." she chuckled, taking in his warmth.
"Is there a problem? Did you have a nightmare, Hmm? You can tell me everything, I'll listen."
Bucky knew about her struggle seeing the two, namely the man of iron and the kid with the sticky web, having a bond like father and son. Every day he sees the look in her eyes, that hostile look that she gives the kid. If staring is deadly, Peter would've been cold meat. So this topic isn't new to him. And every day it reaches a different level.
"Not really..." she pulled herself from the hug, grab his hand into hers, and intertwined them. "Is it I or Peter and my father are so close right now, even mom can't break the two apart. If I didn't know them I might've assumed they're connected by blood."
"In my perspective, I don't really pay much attention to anyone except you."
His statement brought a smile to her face. "You're crazy."
Bucky leaned in until his lips are ghosting into hers, "Only crazy for you." leaving a peck on Y/N's slightly parted lips that made her cheeks burn. She lightly shook her head on his lame comebacks and partly to somehow ease her flustered face.
"But seriously, Buck. I-" she inhaled and exhaled a deep breath. Her next words came out as a whisper, "I'm jealous...I'll admit. I am now..." she finished her drink and went to the sink washing the things she used, Bucky still eyeing her waiting for her next words. "There's not much to tell, Peter was the son he never had. He was always enthusiastic about it when he talks to mom," pertaining to Pepper "I can't blame him..." when she was done, she turned, her hips leaning against the sink. "I don't want to think about it but I don't know, Buck. Sometimes I just want to d-"
"Disappear, disperse, die?" her head whipped to where the voice came from. Tony walked into the room, screwdriver in hand.
He was headed to his workspace when he heard her daughter talking, her voice was serious so he got curious and got sidetracked.
Tony's eyes shift from Y/N to Bucky, confusion was etched on his face. He can't read either of their expression so he made his own conclusion. "You're thinking about killing yourself?"
Y/N's eyes widened in shock at his statement. I was going to say disappear. Which also has the same meaning by the way. She was about to interject when Tony immediately cut her off, not wanting her to say anything. "Is that it?" He arched a brow at her, he was starting to get pissed. "Aren't you even grateful you're alive? Many people die every single day. It wasn't their choice, hell they'll do anything they can to be alive. And here you are having the opportunity to live thinking how to end your life? Why did that thing even cross your mind."
Bucky sensed Y/N's tense composure as her hand began to fidget her shirt in habit when she's nervous or scared, Bucky noticed it but Tony didn't, so he got between the two. "Tony..."
"Shut your mouth, metal man. We're in a conversation as you can see. Can you please-" the guy waved his hand dismissively, gesturing him to vanish, then turned to Y/N.
He pointed the screwdriver at her, "What happened to your smart mouth, young lady, did that also died?" firmness laced his voice, she can't even decipher if that man was still the father she grew up to. It was like this moment, he became a cold jerk father to her.
Not wanting to deal with his shit, she grabbed her phone at the counter, and without saying anything she walked out.
How did he even think I want to die? I had only said 'D-'! How that does make any sense. I can say dance or whatever d-verb I can apply to my sentence!
Almost stumble to the new arrival, Peter Parker. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him before making a beeline to her room.
As to Bucky, he just stared at Stark who shook his head as he brought his free hand up to massage his temple.
Peter shot a question, "Mr. Stark, Mr. Barnes, what just happened?"
It was Barnes' turn to shake his head with amusement because of the two. Before Tony could utter a word, Bucky left and followed Y/N to her room.
"What the hell was that?" he angrily spat at Y/N as he left his suit.
"Rogers this is between us so get lost."
Steve looked in Y/N's direction whose eyes were glued on the floor. He wants to get between them because there has been a misunderstanding and Tony had been declining to listen to the captain ever since the time they finished the mission. Turning off his earpiece and blasting off defeating them on getting to the compound first. He didn't want to be rude, Tony was right and he didn't want to meddle with them, afraid that he might get the topic even worse. But if anything goes wrong he'll step in no matter what. So he ushered the team to leave and go to the med bay to have their wounds treated.
"That doesn't mean it excludes you, Barnes."
That made Y/N lift her gaze, meeting his steel-blue eyes that were full of concern and love. She gently nodded at him, giving him the idea that she can handle it and Bucky did what she silently asked.
Tony paced around the room. "You are well aware of what you just did, correct? And you know that it was gonna put you in danger!"
I was just trying to save you. She wanted to say those words to him but witnessing how riled up he is right now, made her heart race. Yes, she's afraid of him whenever he's angry that's why she never gave him a reason to be angry at her. The first was with the accords, and the list might continue because of this.
"What were you even thinking! It doesn't mean that now you're a shield agent, you should put yourself on death's door! Or just because you're fulfilling your task of getting yourself killed. You're taking every mission as an opportunity!"
It's not like that... Tears are now falling freely on her face.
"I will talk to Fury about this. And Y/N," his eyes were cold when she gained the courage to look at him, "you're out of the team. Sooner or later SHEILD will kick you out too. Believe it or not, this is for your own good."
She stared at him in disbelief. This was her entire life, he can't take that away from her, for the first time she had the urge to argue but her father cut her before she can speak.
"If only you're as obedient as Parker this wouldn't happen."
That made her heartbreak into many pieces. It was like hearing her own father saying that if only Peter was his son.
Y/N eyes were now red and puffy. Cheeks and nose flustered because of her crying. The tears are making their way down her cheeks uncontrollably and seemed that it's not stopping any time soon. Biting her lips to stop the whimper from being heard. She averted her gaze to the ceiling to somehow stop the flow of her tears.
That's why she didn't see the reaction of her father upon seeing her in her state at the moment. Guilt was already eating him.
Assuming that their conversation was over, she turned her heel and took her to leave with low shoulders. Even though she wanted to be angry at him because of his statement, she can't. Tony Stark raised her well and disrespecting isn't one of those.
"I--" suddenly his voice died. Was really apologizing for that hard?--
"I'm leaving..." She said with a tiny voice.
Y/N swallowed the lump on her throat before saying, "I'm going to fix my things, maybe I should give you some space. I don't like s-seeing you angry. I will join Bucky on their trip to Wakanda. This might give you some peace of mind. And don't worry, I won't kill myself, I'll let a natural death fall on me."
She waited for him to respond or anything but when he didn't she ran towards her room with only one thing in mind, He didn't even try to stop me.
Bruce who was headed to the med bay heard a little of their conversation--he didn't mean to eavesdrop--he approached Tony. "Was that really necessary?"
Tony who felt guilty answered, "She was having suicidal thoughts, what was I supposed to do!"
"Understand her! What the hell, Stark! You only made it worse!"
"What the--what are you doing here?" Y/N eyes widen when he saw her father who has the same expression as hers, and a red floating cape behind him.
"I'm the one who should ask you that, missy." he frowns at her. "It's dangerous here! How did you ev--you should've stayed at your house. You could have get yourself in danger!--you know what screw this--" Tony snarls at her clearly he cared for her well-being, however, Y/N didn't acknowledge it instead took it negatively.
"I can handle myself just fine, Stark." she rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh, so it's Stark now. I didn't teach you how to disrespect, young-"
That's when Peter came swinging in and landed beside Tony. Y/N's eyes narrowed at their suit, how can she not recognize it. It's nanotech just like hers, and it was originally her idea by the way. Formulated when she was 12 years old, being fascinated by technology and all that stuff.
She felt insecure because of Peter... She was the daughter she didn't even know if creating a suit like that for her crossed her father's mind. She made her own damn suit, okay.
"I thought you were a spiderman, so why do you always follow him like a good little soldier? What are you a cat who's having fun and chasing his tail?"
"Y/N, mouth."
Peter became tense but quickly composed himself, ignoring Y/N's sarcastic statement, "Miss Y/N, I want to apologize-"
"Apologize? For what?"
Tony is sure, she can be stubborn as him. She's his daughter after all.
When the kid didn't reply she huffs, "See you don't even know what you're apologizing for. So if I were you just step back, I'm had to get Dr. Strange from that two-foot Squidward."
Squidward, huh. He can't help but remember what he had called the alien-like antagonist that they had been chasing. Turns out they gave him the same nickname. That's my daughter.
"Wait, you know his name?" Tony questioned, pertaining to the magician.
"Long story, years passed, things changed, many things happen but--whatever."
"We have a plan actually..." peter said meekly, completely intimidated by Y/N. He thought that Stark's definition of her was all too good to be true, cause he can prove it's all the opposite but maybe he just met her at the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Oh yeah?" she arched a brow at them as she cocked her head at the side. "What is it?"
"I want to protect the stone."
"And I want you to thank me, now. Go ahead I'm listening."
"For what? Nearly blasting me to space?"
"Who just saved your magical ass?--Me."
"I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet." Y/N bit her lower lip to prevent her chuckle from erupting. Cause Strange said was so true.
"-flying donut, billions and miles from Earth with no backup."
"I'm back up." Peter raised his hand.
"No, you're still away. The adults are talking"
"I'm sorry, I-I'm confused about the relationship here. What is he your ward?"
"Stark's son," Y/N interject. She's bitter alright.
Strange lift his gaze from where she was sitting on the ceiling. Looking confused, "Your looks don't resemble."
"Exactly! cause I don't have a brother and I am nobody's daughter." her feet swaying back and forth as she answers and it echoes all around the ship.
"Please don't mind her that's not true. I'm Peter by the way."
"Dr. Strange."
"Oh you're using made-up names, I'm Spiderman then."
"Y/N can you please go down, you might get yourself hurt up there." Tony pleads.
"You said you two can handle it. I'll just stay here thank you for the concern, but no thank you."
She watches them on her spot, not really paying attention to what they're saying but she senses Strange and Stark's topic was serious.
Y/N was acting like a slightly drunk lady, that's what the others' observations were, but she wasn't. She's just sleepy and she acts cranky when she does. And she's missing her guy who at the moment might be pissed at her because of her sudden disappearance. Oh, Bucky... I could use a hug...
After their conversation, Tony approached Peter, and like what the highest person does to proclaim a knight, he does it with Peter along with the lines of 'You're an Avenger now.'
Letting the guy recover from his shock she calls him, the kid met her gaze. "I hold no grudge, really."
Parker was having second thoughts on her statement either it was a half-hearted claim or not, regardless he answered. "Thanks." giving her a shy smile and Y/N returning a tight-lipped smile.
"Mr. Stark, I don't want to go.. I don't want to."
Y/N stared at them as she sit on the ground, tired and weary. She doesn't need to ask them what it felt to disappear, she herself can feel it inside of her. That weird feeling seemed hard to explain.
Witnessing this moment in front of her shattered the little part of her heart left. That should be her in his father's arms, that should be her having that last moment with him before she disappear-but no. It's always Peter.
At that moment she felt numb, as a lone tear made its way down her cheek. She never thought that she'll welcome death open arms. Y/N is done, she knew that.
"Sorry..." was the last word Peter uttered before he turned into dust.
Good riddance.
The older Stark can't still register what happened so when he turned his head, his eyes looking for a certain someone. He was filled with dread when he didn't found her.
"He did it." Nebula stated pertaining to Thanos that his plan on wiping half of the planet has begun.
Now that it was all sinking into him, he can't help but blame himself for not doing his job in stopping that grape titan, and maybe if he wasn't an asshole enough to his daughter, maybe he still has her in his arms like when she was still a baby. He was a complete dick towards her. It was all coming back to him, all the times they had been together.
It broke his heart when he watched her ran to her room that day. He can't speak because his pride was fighting off his conscience. He didn't want to see her cry, and the idea that it was his fault for making her leave dreaded him. He tried to follow her to Wakanda but he was afraid she might ignore her, afraid of the instances that might happen if he does one wrong move. Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Natasha were his only contact on asking how Y/N has been and their answers were always the same.
Peter and Y/N were almost alike, maybe that's the reason why in doing so his relationship with her drifted.
If only he'd stopped Y/N from leaving maybe this wouldn't have happened. If only he didn't sign the accords maybe things didn't change the way they were...
If only...
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a/n: i'm really sorry for the crappy plot..
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noncommited-writer · 5 years
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An AU where Tony and Peter get kidnapped on a mission. As they wait for help, their kidnappers resort to torture. Somehow, the pain inflicted on themselves isn’t the worst thing. Starker. And yes, I am aware the moodboard is bad. TM: Mentions of torture.
“No, please, stop. Stop!” Tony can feel pure desperation flood his body, leaking into his fearful tone when he hears Peter cry out in pain for what seemed like the millionth time in the last hour. The goon takes one glance at the quivering man and rolls his eyes. He gives a harsh kick to the shackled kid—a loud pitiful wail leaving his bruised lips—and spits on Peter’s curled body.
He can feel raw, ice-cold anger rushing through his veins, teeth gritting hard. His nails dig into his palms as his mind whirls like a furious thunderstorm with possibilities of ways to hurt this man.
“I’m going to kill you first.” Tony’s gaze is burning cold, sharp as the pin pricks he feels in his heart when he hears Peter’s whimpers echo in the chamber. I’m going to make it hurt.
The man huffs in amusement—as if anything about this was even a smidge amusing in any way—and he turns on his heel, not sparing them another glance as he leaves the dark, musty room, a loud clang sounding when he enforces the lock mechanism.
He moves immediately, tugging on the heavy chains that stay attached to the casing around his ankle, and slides over to Peter’s beaten body, the small stature of the teenager making it worse for Tony to watch Peter rattle with every breath he takes.
When he’s right next to the thin mattress they threw Peter on, his hand reaches out to touch him, but stopping in the air as he is unsure of where the younger man is uninjured.
Only for his resolve to crumble to dust when a broken whine leaves the kid. He cards his fingers through the brown locks, unable to find the strength to even convince himself he’s okay enough to keep hearing the same painful sounds over and over again.
“I’ll put a stop to this, alright, sweetheart? I’ll tell them everything.” Tony leans in, trying to find the comforting scent of Peter, only to smell it intermingling with the coppery tang of blood. The boy shakes his head weakly, turning over slightly to look up at his mentor and love. His brown eyes hasn’t lost their bright hope, still staring up at Tony with that unbreakable will that the engineer loves oh so much.
“No, no, no, no, don’t. Tony, don’t. Just…” Peter’s eyes flutter as the exhaustion starts to settle in. “Let me take this.”
For a split second, Tony sees a flash of Yinsen tainted by his blood, covered in gunpowder and ash, telling him that his family is waiting for him.
I want this.
Tony inhales sharply, his eyes stinging. And it’s not because of the cut under his eye.
For a split second, he feels his chest concave.
“I can’t keep watching you get hurt because of me. We can swap.” Tony’s other hand comes up to cradle the blue and black cheek (already healing despite just getting it an hour ago).
Peter’s brows raise up in incredulity despite the tiredness in his eyes, “You think this is your fault? And swapping? There’s no way that’s happening. Tony, I’m asking for this. So that you don’t get hurt.”
Peter shimmies his shoulders so he moves in closer, until Tony can see his brown eyes clearer in the moonlight glinting through the bars. He shudders at Tony’s touch on his neck, the hand trailing down to caress his sore muscles with love and care; each brush a show of concern.
“And besides, it buys us more time because of my healing ability.” Tony’s eyes harden, the stinging in them becoming worse. He clenches his jaw and looks to the side, his heart twisting at how Peter seems to soften at every gentle touch, as if relieved he’s feeling anything else but the pain. How can he let Peter go through one more second of this? He can’t bear with another hour of hearing the worst sounds of his life; he’ll never be able to remove them from his memory.
“Tony, look at me.”
Tony takes a beat to keep his gaze trained away, despite the hot tear that comes rolling down without having to even look at the bruised face of his loved one. He finds it annoying how more tears seem to follow when he meets Peter’s brilliant eyes.
“I know you can hold out on watching me better than I can watching you. I’d break faster than DUM-E breaking blenders.” Peter wishes he can reach out to brush away the tears. Curse the ropes. He shifts until Tony is basically hovering over him. Without stumbling through his words once, he says the next words without skipping missing any of the meaning.
“You are so strong, you know that? You are.” Peter’s eyes are so full of trust and faith, it can make Tony’s head spin. “And I know it hurts to see this but trust me, I’m going to be okay.”
Peter breathes in, a jarring cough wracking his body, and he leans in even closer, nuzzling into Tony’s arm.
“I can heal from all my injuries. My fear is that if they go too far with hurting you, you’ll never recover.” He blinks up at Tony, utmost seriousness in his tone. “And I’ll never forgive myself for that. So, trust that I’m going to be okay.”
Tony stops, and stares at Peter. Not for the first time, he wonders how he ever deserved to be able to bask and marvel at this beauty, much less even receive its affection. He sighs, and despite the emotions warring within him, he gives into his trust for Peter.
“I trust you.”
Peter lets out a relieved sigh, pressing a soft kiss to Tony’s bloodied knuckles—from when they almost made their escape a few hours ago.
“I love you, Tony.”
Tony doesn’t stop staring at Peter.
“But I swear to God, Pete, if he breaks any of your bones at least let me kill the man.” The teenager smiles, and Tony melts.
“I guess one man is dead already cause I’m pretty sure I have a broken rib.”
Tony brushes a lock away from Peter’s face. He takes a moment to drink in the sight before softly sighing, and pressing his busted lips onto Peter’s forehead.
“I love you too, Pete.”
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spongeekat · 5 years
Life as a Super powered Omega Sucks (Chapter 3)
read on ao3
Masterlist Here
“So we’re just hanging around until you need us?”
“Pretty much. Is that an issue?”
“No, Mr. Stark.” Peter answered immediately, before the dejected tone in his voice could be called out. He glanced over at Wade, who was grinning mockingly at him.
“ No, Mr. Stark .” Wade repeated in a whispered girlish tone, and Peter grabbed a pillow to launch at his face. It was a little harder than he intended, he could admit, especially when the impact caused Wade to go tumbling off the side of his bed.
“Great. Things were a little difficult today with Romanoff and she had a close call when she was nearly discovered. Once we verify that our blueprints of the armory are correct, we’ll commence with our plans. Until then, we have to assure that we have no chance of alerting these guys to our presence. You two have a funny way of drawing attention to yourselves.” Mr Stark paused on the other end of the line, and his voice lowered suspiciously. “You haven’t done anything to make people notice you, have you?”
“Uhhh…” Peter paused thoughtfully, scratching the side of his head. The bed shifted underneath him, Wade pathetically crawling back up onto the mattress like a wounded puppy. “I don’t think so. Besides like, the usual going out for food and stuff.”
“Terrific. So you’re already pulling your weight. Sorry, kid, I know this probably sounded faster paced and more exciting at the meeting, but things sometimes have to take their time. SHIELD has been planning the dismantlement of these terrorists longer than you’ve been Spider-Man.”
“It’s okay. Just happy to help.”
“If babysitting Diaperpool gets too annoying, call me or Steve. We’ll send someone over to muzzle him until he’s needed.”
“Wade’s been fine. Annoying, but fine.” Peter returned, snickering at Wade’s offended expression.
“I gotta go before Barton and Romanoff decide to sneak off and mess with Coulson. Stay safe.”
“Will do, Mr. Stark. Thanks.”
Mr Stark hung up with a click, leaving Peter to stare at his burner with disappointment. He’d hoped things would maybe have progressed further, especially considering he was usually consistently busy in his daily life, and at the present moment, he was so insanely bored he almost wished he had a term paper due tomorrow. It wasn’t like they could go sight-seeing, either; the others had made it painfully clear that they were to stay put in the small city until someone came to collect them.
He still had more pressing matters hanging over his head as well, and every hour he spent on suppressants he felt like he was going insane.
Peter had taken his fourth dose of suppressants a few hours back, and he could already feel his body begging to be let off of them. His skin was hypersensitive, and even the brush of a blanket was enough to make him throw the entire comforter onto the floor. Wade had been his only distraction- his presence somehow endearing despite the fact his scent was overwhelming at times- but even witty banter wasn’t enough to keep his focus entirely off of the symptoms plaguing his system. He quietly turned his head towards the window, peering past sheer curtains to stare at the sky dripping with thick, grey clouds. The dreary town seemed just a bit heavier, especially with the trickling of rain pattering against the paths and pulling up dirt into the air.
He just wanted to feel needed. Was that too much to ask?
“Sooo, we’re sitting ducks?” Wade asked from behind Peter, and he felt Wade inching closer towards him. He shot a look back at the man, who retreated to instead stand a foot or so away. “Wanna go out?”
“We’ve looked through the entire place twice. I don’t think we’re gonna find any new food places just because we walk around again.” Peter groaned.
“No, no, no, I don’t mean here. We’re, what, 45 minutes out of Moscow? You’d love it there, Pete! I know you said some other time, but I can tell you’re going crazy here, and I’m supposed to be the only unstable one.”
Peter sat without a word, waiting in amusement for him to say he was joking. The look of determination on Wade’s face made him realize he was dead serious. “Moscow? Just so we can mess everything up if someone recognizes you?”
“Not the nice parts with cameras and mafias, obviously. The shitty parts is where you have all the fun. And anyone who recognizes me there probably paid me to kill their rich cousin at some point. We could find a party, or an orgy if that’s more your style. Oooo, you’ve never been to a party, have you? It’d be so fun!” Wade didn’t respect Peter’s wish for space this time, bounding directly onto the bed to sit inside his personal bubble. “Russian parties are the coolest, because there’s no rules and everyone here is fucking depressing. So they go hard to have a little bit of fun before drowning their sadness in vodka.”
“I’m not going to a party. Or another city. I’m not leaving the hotel room. Mr. Stark would kill me.” Peter said in irritation, rolling off the bed to stand near the window. The breeze coming through reminded him of his pathetic blanket and uncomfortable bed he’d have to huddle for warmth again that night, as he grimaced. “This is my one chance to prove I can do things right.”
“And you still will! Just after having a wild night.”
Peter stared at him wordlessly.
“Okay, a slightly crazy night that you don’t wake up too hungover from.”
“Fine, fine, Pete, be a drag. But I’m getting on the next party train to Moscow with or without you. And I really hope it’s with you, because I need my arm candy to get into these things. Looking like a burn victim only gets me so far, honey buns.” Wade jumped off Peter’s bed, crossing towards the door. When he reached it, he threw a look back over his shoulder with the saddest puppy-dog look he could muster. “You can still go on this infiltration mission later. You’re travelling. I know you don’t usually have the money to do that. Why not enjoy it for one night? You deserve a reward for being a hero every once in a while.”
Peter sucked in a breath, but didn’t comment. He didn’t deserve anything. He had the power to help people, so he was obligated to do whatever he could.
But as Wade left, Peter could feel the comfort he’d had in his presence ebbing out of his body as well, being replaced by the tense achiness he’d been feeling for the past 2 days. Being left alone sounded like the last thing he wanted right now- even though it was usually how he preferred to spend days he didn’t feel so hot- and he wasn’t so sure Wade would even make it back to their motel in one piece if left alone to make bad decisions.
If Mr Stark were here, he would tell Peter not to listen to Wade and to stay put as he was instructed to do. But Mr Stark wasn’t here, and Wade’s reasoning for why he should go was weighing heavily on his mind. He didn’t get to travel often and so far he was spending this vacation couped up in a small town waiting to be useful for an hour. Who cares how he spent the other 96, so long as he didn’t jeopardize the mission?
He was pulling his shoes on quicker than he could make a decision, and had his door locked and a dose of suppressants in his back pocket a moment later. Wade lit up when he stepped out into the hall to find Peter already waiting for him.
“Glad to see you still know how to have fun.” The merc beamed, extending an escorting arm to Peter he refused to take. “I promise I’ll make rebelling worth it.”
“No Moscow.” Peter said, his voice stiff. “But there was that cool looking bar up the road- the one with the skylight? - and we still have enough cash to get both of us at least mildly drunk, right?”
“I like the way you think, Spidey.” Wade chuckled, leading them down the grimy hallway towards the exit of the hotel. “I’ll drag you to Moscow or Paris some other time. And if we run out of money for drinks, I’ve got a few Xanys in my back pocket. Either way, I can’t wait to see what you’re like when you’re fucked up, baby boy.”
Wade spent the entire walk there detailing his past crazy adventures and near-death experiences when visiting Russia. Peter nearly regretted agreeing to follow him, particularly when he started to delve into the R-rated details, but he had to admit the distraction was nice. Even the worry that Mr. Stark would find out where they’d gone was preferable to sitting alone in his room, trying to ignore the cramps deep in his abdomen.
The bar exterior was a bit busier than it had been the night before, but this spot seemed to be the only social gathering place in the entire town, so it wasn’t a surprise to find a mixture of people of all ages laughing and drinking with one another. Music played faintly from inside- some Russian pop music, Peter guessed- and the lights inside were dim, making it conveniently easier for Peter and Wade to keep up some anonymity.
Wade pushed through the doorway with a grip on Peter’s wrist to drag him, the back of Wades body melting into a dark blob as they entered the space. As they approached the actual bar, Wade drew Peter up next to him, giving him a toothy grin. “What do you normally order?”
“At..bars?” Peter asked, hushing his voice. “I’m 20. I’ve never been inside of one.”
Wade chuckled in a way that made Peter’s face immediately light up in embarrassment, leaning cooly against the counter. “You’re a superhero, friends with a billionaire scientist that has access to all his cool gadgets and gizmos and shit, and spend your nights probably stopping bar hits, and you don’t have a fake ID?”
“No? I mean my friend and I have drank like wine coolers and stuff before from her parents’ fridge.”
“You’re lucky the drinking age here is 18, you’re cute enough that no one can say no to that face, and I can speak the language.”
Wade turned to speak to the bartender as Peter’s stomach twisted, and he waited impatiently beside him to get their drinks so he could get some space back between him and Wade’s overpowering scent.
It took a minute of negotiation for Wade to finally get the man to fork over 2 double-shots and 2 mixed drinks, and Wade passed him a bill that looked way too big for the amount of alcohol they were handed. Peter grabbed his offered glasses and they picked their way through the crowd to an open loveseat furthest from the speakers to protect Peter’s sensitive hearing, and give them their privacy from the rest of the bar goers.
“Bottoms up, Petey pie!” Wade saluted with his shot, making Peter mimic the motion.
As they both chugged their shot, Peter couldn’t help but think that was definitely how he wanted to be right now with the hormones raging through his system, effectively making him choke on the last ounce of alcohol.
“Whoaaa, you really are inexperienced, huh?” Wade laughed, patting Peter on the back as he sputtered for air. “You gotta hang out with me more if you can’t even handle a vodka shot.”
“I-I’m fine.” Peter gagged, finally managing to get oxygen back to his lungs as his throat stopped spasming in alarm. He settled back into the cushions of the loveseat as far from Wade as he could get without making it obvious he was avoiding him, but the merc made no comment on the increased distance.
“You can wash it down with your martini.”
“I at least know what that is, and it’s definitely not gonna help.”
“Worth a try.”
Peter rolled his eyes and reached for it anyways, to give him something to do with his hands. The feeling of the alcohol sitting warm in his stomach at least helped to mask some of his other symptoms, which he was grateful for.
“So, I know they gave you the choice to stay in an actual house and not in some sleazy town more infested with bugs than Stark’s pubic hair.” Wade mused as he took shockingly large drinks of his own martini. “Why’d you pick here?”
“They don’t know my face or name or...anything else about me. At least, everyone but Mr Stark.” Peter stared into the glass, briefly considering telling Wade the predicament he was in. Wade was kind, and he was the one who was least likely to judge him for being an omega, or try to get him to drop the mission. But he was also a blabbermouth, and Peter wasn’t sure he wouldn’t sell his secret out for street cred with the rest of the team. “Plus, I don’t think I’d ever have the guts to do this if I was stuck in a house with Natasha. She’d have me running laps for hours or Clint would make me clean his bows or something.”
“While they got it on in the other room?”
“Ew.” Peter reeled automatically, then really considered it and looked incredulously at Wade. “You don’t think they’re…?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Wade laughed.
“I didn’t think about it.” Peter paused, then repeated, “Ew.”
An hour later, Wade had spent way too much of their money shoveling shots down Peter’s throat, and the both of them had successfully gotten pretty tipsy.
The later it got, the louder the other patrons grew, which meant Peter and Wade could giggle stupidly over cheesy jokes while remaining inconspicuous among the public eye. Peter could feel a slight tingle on the surface of his skin, which meant he’d have to head back to the hotel soon, but he was admittedly having too much fun to be overly-cautious. He hadn’t let go and relaxed like this in over a year, and sitting so close to Wade just felt good in ways he couldn’t really explain.
And of course, as soon as the universe had handed him one good moment, it was ready to give him two bad ones.
The chorus of Take on Me started to play from Peter’s pocket, his burner ringtone, and he reached clumsy fingers to dig for the device.
“A-ha! Gotta say, I love your choices.” Wade drawled, strewn out over the loveseat.
Peter managed to fumble the cheap flip-phone open, and the initials TS made his heart stop in his chest. “M-Mr. Stark.”
Panic punched into Peter’s gut, and his stomach gave an unbidden lurch. He gaped at the screen, feeling as if the phone call was his martini playing with his eyes. Yet, after a few gasps of air to steady his nerves, he determined it really was Mr Stark calling him.
“You gonna answer?” Wade was gazing down at the name over his shoulder, closer than Peter remembered, which only served to make him jump.
“I have to, I think.” Peter swallowed, hopping off the couch as his mind whirled. The heat symptoms were a bit worse now, amplified by the sudden panic. “Um, I’ll be back.”
He staggered to the entrance of the bar, past a few concerned onlookers that whispered incoherently- likely about the stress evident in his expression. Peter stepped out onto the lightly populated street, gulping down frozen air, before he finally clicked the green ‘answer’ button and pulled the phone to his ear.
“H-Hi, Mr. Stark.” Peter smiled stupidly into the air, trying to remember what he sounded like sober. “Um, what’s up?”
“Checking in. I feel like I was too short with you earlier. I know it can’t be easy to sit around in a gross hotel and being kept in the dark due to SHIELD clearance.”
“I’m okay!” Peter insisted in a forceful manner, biting his lip to keep from letting his mouth wander into a tangent as he often did when nervous. “I mean, I’m having a good time.” He stopped. “I mean, it’s not that bad.”
“Right.” Mr Stark responded with apprehension. “I just wanted to be sure. Surprisingly. I do have a shred of a conscience and know you weren’t entirely thrilled about this mission in the first place.”  
“Yeah, yeah but I’m like totally glad to help.”
“And it’s appreciated. ”
Peter didn’t have a good response, so he fell silent for God-knows-how-long, unable to actually tell due to the alcohol in his system.
“ Are you drunk right now?”
The accusation made the vodka that had settled in his stomach turn ice-cold.
Peter wracked his brain for an answer, though it was clear Mr. Stark had already made up his mind.
He disappeared from the line for a moment, cursing with a hostile tone under his breath, before returning with an aggressive hmph of breath. “ You’ve got to be shitting me. What the hell were you thinking?”
“I-I, I was just-”
“ You weren’t thinking is the simple answer. You never do. You know this isn’t just about you, or the Avengers, or proving to SHIELD I wasn’t completely insane for thinking a 20 year old was competent enough to work with us. This is about proving to me you weren't the child you were when I met you. But it looks like I was wrong. ”
Peter felt a stab of pain in his gut, and tears sprung to his eyes. Oh god, he couldn’t start crying now, standing outside of a bar and looking pathetically out of place. Mr Stark’s words hurt, and they made him feel sick to his stomach. The last thing he had ever wanted to do was break his trust or disappoint him.
“ I’m sorry, Mr Stark.”
“Sorry’s aren’t good enough. You’re too smart for this, Peter. I’m disappointed.”  
Peter felt another sharp strike in his abdomen, and he faltered. It was different. This wasn’t just guilt wringing his insides. Below the top layer of his skin, he could feel a slight fever beginning. Shit.  
“ I’m coming to get you.”
“ No!” Peter blurted out, berating himself silently a moment later. “I-I mean I’m...I’m not at the hotel right now. Wade and I went out to a bar in town and he’s in the bathroom right now. Plus I-I still gotta pack.”
Mr Stark made an upset noise. “ Fine. I’m driving over when the sun comes up in the morning, then. Don’t do anything else to fuck up any worse, got it? ”
“Yes, sir.” Peter swallowed, curling his fingers tighter around the phone. The cramps were hitting hard. His entire stomach felt like it was being flooded with fire. “I’m really sorry.”
“ Drink water and try to eat something before you go to bed. The last thing we need is to explain a hangover to Coulson in the morning .” Mr Stark paused with a sigh, clearly distressed. “ I know you’re young. I know you wanna do things kids your age should be doing. But you can’t be both a kid and an Avenger. You have to pick one or the other. I’ll call you when I’m almost there.”
The phone call ended as Peter’s breath hitched, and he leaned back against the wall of the bar, clutching his stomach. His eyes burned and his body was giving clear warning signs of impending heat symptoms. They had to get back, before Peter threw up vodka and everything he’d eaten for 2 days in Shcherbinka, or worse- broke down into tears.
He just had to find-
“Ooooooh shit. Did I get you in trouble?”
Peter started as he stood straight, Wade watching him from the entrance of the bar.
Peter ran fingertips fast under his eyes but it seemed to be too late, the merc striding towards him with concern strewn across his features.
“Petey, hey, what’s up?” Wade asked in a softer voice, maintaining his distance but holding out a comforting hand. “Was he that mad? Fuck, baby boy, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think he’d find out.”
“Let’s head back.” Peter muttered, brushing his hand out of the way so he could head down the sidewalk. He could feel Wade walking behind him, but was grateful that he gave him his space.
Peter nearly jumped out of his skin when there was a pounding at the door.
In reality, it was likely just a normal-volumed knock, but the pressure in his head was growing exponentially, and coupled with his distraction, he hadn’t heard anyone approaching. His grasp tightened around the syringe in his fingers, feeling the glass splintering slightly, but he finally released it onto the top of his TV stand and pulled himself to his feet. For reasons beyond his control he felt annoyed at being interrupted. Even if the person on the other side of the door didn’t know the suffering he was subjecting himself to at the moment, his shoulders were tense and he was ready to give them an earful about invading his space. It was close to midnight. Who felt the need to show up and bother him now? All he wanted was to crawl into bed and wind the covers tight around himself, so tight he would be unable to breathe- just to feel surrounded by warmth and darkness. Not answer the door to some late night housemaid or the receptionist trying to remind him he was checking out tomorrow.
He yanked the door open until it nearly slammed against the wall, ready to snap, when Wade’s face came into view. He stopped, swallowing back all the surprise rooted in his stomach, and managed a meek “what?”
“I forgot to give you back your wallet.” Wade said as he held out the pleather tri-fold, staring strangely at Peter. He knew he probably looked wild-eyed and angry, but he was barely keeping himself in control at this point. Everything felt uncomfortable in his body, as if his muscles couldn’t find a point in which they didn’t feel strained. “Petey? You look like shit. Is Iron Man being an Iron Bitch still bothering you?”
“No, it’s nothing.” Peter muttered and reached for his wallet. He tensed when Wade’s gloves wrapped around his lithe wrist, squeezing lightly. The pressure was enough to set his skin on fire, and he couldn’t bring himself to move away from the contact.
“Hey, hey, you’re shaking.” Wade’s voice was clearly concerned now, and Peter cursed his inability to drop things. He made another move for his wallet, but the other drew it further back. “Are you sick? Peter?”
“I’m fine.” Peter grunted, his eyes blearily focusing on the texture of Wade’s sleeve. This close to Wade his scent was intoxicating, stronger than it ever had been, and the smell of burnt pine and expired rain wafted up through his head. It made him dizzy, and electricity sparked over his arms and down into his stomach. His scent alone was enough to make him quiver.
Suddenly, his pants felt too tight, and the realization of what Wade’s presence was doing to him had his dreary vision snapping back into focus. But it was too late, because the taller man was already steering him back into the room towards the bed.
“Do you need anything? I can run to the store, or call Daddy Stark or something. I don’t want you dropping dead on me, baby boy.” Wade’s mouth was so close behind his head, Peter imagined he could feel his hot breath on his ear and neck. Every step they took towards the bed was another cramp knotting in his stomach, and he wanted to scream from the pressure. Suppressants were supposed to eliminate the symptoms of heat, not just stop it in its wake. But he’d also never been on them for 2 days before, so he wasn’t sure when their effectiveness started to falter. “Here, lay down. I’ll get you all snug and then I’ll grab anything you want.”
Alpha… smells good.
Peter’s body moved on its own, making the painful crawl into his covers, before he collapsed in the middle of the bed onto his back, dropping his head back in the pillows. The world spun a bit before his eyes finally settled on Wade, who was sitting on the edge of the mattress staring at him. He gazed down at his arms, his pulsing muscles begging to be released from the tight hoodie material, and trailed back up to his broad shoulders and neck. Everything about Wade screamed dominance and strength, and his omega side was begging him to reach out to be held. Still, Wade didn’t seem to be paying attention to him, his eyes cast lower down on the bed. Peter followed his gaze, trailing over the blankets and down to his hips, where the blankets had stopped.
His erection was standing tall in his jeans, making every effort to escape the confines of the uncomfortable fabric and seek out Wade’s attention. And Wade was staring directly at it.
His expression was unreadable,  but Peter assumed he was completely freaked out as to why his friend had a clear hard-on after being touched by him, and he grabbed a pillow to shove down on his waist.
“Oh my god.” Peter whispered in mortification, his voice gravelly. He squeezed his eyes shut as the heat in his stomach rose to mirror on his cheeks, rolling onto his side just so Wade would stop gawking at him. “I-I’m so sorry, I’m just tired and you showed up and I can’t help it-...”
“Me?” Wade finally asked, his voice a pitch lower and focused. Peter felt the bed shift, and then a hand lightly settled onto his shoulder, as if he would break him if he put any weight on him. “Pumpkin, hey, it’s okay, look at me.”
Peter shook his head, refusing to face the humiliation as he buried his face further into the pillows. He wanted to scream and cry at the same time, and curse his biology for being so fucking inconvenient it was ruining everything about this weekend. Why couldn’t he just be a beta? Why an omega? Why did the world hate him so much?
Wade applied a bit more pressure onto his shoulder and forced him to return to laying on his back, his other hand moving to lightly rest on Peter’s abdomen. “You don’t have to be embarrassed.” He murmured, his gloved fingertips rubbing light circles right on the spot there was the most tension in his stomach. “Can I help?”
“What?” Now Peter finally looked back up at him, red eyes widening drastically. The question sent another wave of warmth crashing through his pelvis, and he knew the swelling wasn’t about to go down any time soon.
Wade’s hand inched lower, grazing the waistband of his jeans, though his fingers didn’t dip inside, clearly waiting for full, and clear, permission. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I left you here alone like this.” He murmured, his voice sounding tighter. Peter swallowed back his jumpiness and looked down at the hand dancing over his hips, willing his body not to buck up needily for the attention it craved. “I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. But if you want me to make you cum, I will. Just say the word.”
I need it.  
“Wade, I…” Peter didn’t know what to say. He didn’t have the strength to tell him no, to save himself from the humiliation of letting his friend get him off, but he also didn’t know if he wanted to tell him no. Maybe it was his heat still getting shoved back in his body, or the nights he’d spent jerking off to thoughts of Wade (only on occasion; he had said some pretty suggestive things in the past) but denying him felt like the wrong option.
“If you don’t want to see me you can keep your eyes shut and pretend it’s someone else. I won’t mind. This doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Peter knew that wasn’t true, that taking this step would result in a lot more confusion and tension filtering into their relationship, but the thought of Wade’s warm mouth swallowing him down his throat sent a shiver up his spine.
If there was anything he knew about Wade, it was that he had a lot of experience in that department.
Peter nodded numbly, draping one arm over his eyes so he didn’t have to face reality.
“I need to hear you say it, angel. I don’t want to cross any boundaries unless you’re sure you want this.” Wade added as his fingers tugged and undid his button, the zipper audibly being drug down.
“I want it.” Peter croaked, instantly feeling his temperature spike. “Please don’t make me say anything else.”
Peter couldn’t see Wade, but he could practically feel his smirk of satisfaction. As promised, Wade moved on the bed so that his weight was bridged over Peter’s legs and pulled his pants and boxers down without asking any more of him.
The cold air rushing over his dick almost made Peter moan in relief, but he bit his lip to keep the sounds at bay. In the darkness he could hear every movement Wade was making, from the rub of denim against itself to the creeks of the cheap bed springs underneath them. Wade’s mouth was absent, and the only real reminder he had that he was there was a hand pressing steady into his thigh, gripping bruisingly against the skin, while his other hand fondled with part of his own clothing. He almost wanted to ask if this was alright, reassure Wade he didn’t have to do this, but then, God , Wade’s face returned close to his pelvis with a hot breath brushing over the tip of his cock.
Peter almost came right then.
“Just try to relax,” Wade spoke lowly, each word sending a puff of breath over his sensitive flesh that had him twitching. “You smell delicious.”
He didn’t have a chance to ask what he meant before an overwhelming warmth enveloped the head and continued down. Each inch Wade took into his mouth sent more and more stars flashing in Peter’s eyes, and his entire body went tense. Whatever self control he had before melted away, as his mouth hung open in utter awe at the sensations. He’d gotten head before, though he was in his heat, so he didn’t quite remember it. Now, however, when his nerves were extra sensitive from his symptoms falling off but he was otherwise mentally alert, he was choking on the pure bliss. Eventually he felt Wade’s nose press snug into his pubes, and he realized, with an embarrassed gulp, that his dick was pressed in the back of Wade’s throat.
Then the mercenary swallowed, and Peter’s voice shot out in utter ecstasy.
“G-God, Wade, p-please…” Peter didn’t know what he was begging for, possibly relief from the mind-boggling fever he felt twisting his gut, but Wade seemed to comply. His mouth retreated until his cock once again bobbed free, and Wade tongued precum dribbling from the slit. Peter picked his head up in reaction only to drop it back against the pillows, a groan echoing from his chest. Wade hadn’t been exaggerating when he said his scars were everywhere. His dick once again penetrating his mouth and brushing along the inside of his cheeks proved that. The texture had him crooning instantly.
Wade apparently decided that toying with Peter was more important than actually pleasing him, if his slow, firm pace was any indication. Everything about Wade normally was erratic and unruly, dangerously unpredictable, and yet now he demonstrated perfect control, unwilling to let the twitches or whines leaving Peter’s throat to deter him from his perfectly measured beats. His lips tightened and a slight suction drew more pressure to the surface of Peter’s groin.
There was a low grunt from Wade’s mouth, almost like garbled words attempting to be formed around the length, and Peter drew his arm away enough just to glance down at him. The scandalous sight that met him as his vision readjusted to the light had his heart leaping up into his throat, a throb echoing through his limbs and making his stomach churn. “What?” He panted, on the edge of going absolutely insane from his taunting.
Wade repeated his hum, the vibrations enough to make Peter jolt, but he maintained eye contact, growing a bit annoyed as all he wanted was to focus on chasing his orgasm. “I can’t hear you.”
Wade’s lips drew back, his tongue being the last to peel away from his cock, as he swallowed back the mixture of fluids that must have been gathering on his tongue. He looked rather flustered himself- from what Peter could see of his exposed nose and chin from under his mask. “I asked if you just showered.” He grinned, teeth flashing bright as ever into a crooked, but breathtaking, smile. “Whatever soap you use is really working for you. You smell just..” His nose pressed into the crook of his thigh, causing Peter to tremble from the tickling sensation. “Like dessert.”
Peter didn’t want to ask him to elaborate, knowing that whatever scent he thought he smelled was pheromones playing tricks on his brain, so he flopped back against the pillows instead. “That’s all you had to say?” He asked impatiently, toes burying into the cheap polyester sheets under him.
Wade’s laughter had Peter self consciously curling back into himself, but then his hands were tugging his thighs back open until he was in a vulnerable position, similar to earlier. “You’re wanting more?” He asked in a low, but teasing voice. Despite all his pride, Peter nodded weakly, throwing both arms back over his face to cover as much of it as he could without suffocating. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll stop playing. I’d rather hear you screaming my name, anyways.”
This time, when Wade took him back into his wet mouth, he didn’t give Peter any mercy or room to breathe.
Fingers dug hard into Peter’s hips, anchoring them down to the squeaking mattress, causing a frustrated huff to leave his lips. However, his complaints fell short when that wonderful pleasure blanketed his shaft again, warming his body from his toes to his chest. Wade’s throat opened to allow nearly every bob to force more of his dick to cram down into the tightness, not an inch left unattended to. Any rational thought floating in Peter’s head was obliterated, replaced by the image of red fire, of a tingling spreading through his fingertips and his feet, and the twisting of his stomach.
And by Wade, abusing his cock and forcing so much sensation onto Peter he thought he might cry.
It didn’t take long for Peter’s orgasm to build. He had already been on edge for days, and he didn’t doubt even a brush on his shoulder or a grab of his hip could have made him break down by now. But this was oh so much better than any feeling he could have jerked out with his hand. This was ecstasy, and he wasn’t just going to get off. He was going to cum, and he was going to cum hard.  
Peter’s arms found Wade’s head on instinct, his fingers gripping tightly at his temples. Wade noticed, his tongue putting in twice the effort and one hand raising to squeeze lightly on Peter’s aching balls. He mouthed Wade’s name, though no sound was able to escape his lungs, his voice strangled in his tight airway. His muscles clenched, his hands held harder onto his skull, and a second later his back slammed again into the mattress before bullets of hot cum shot down Wade’s throat. Peter squeezed his eyes shut so hard he could only see crimson, the other man’s mouth greedily sucking down his semen without so much a sound of disgust or displeasure.
Wade didn’t release his overly sensitive dick from his mouth until he was sure his quivers had stopped, and he took his sweet time doing so. When he finally released him, his grip disappearing from Peter’s hips, he realized how empty he felt, and his hands twitched with the need to reach out to Wade, to ask to be held by the alpha, but he suppressed every indecent desire and instead settled for opening his eyes.
Wade was redressed fully by the time he looked, and disappointment shot through Peter’s chest.
“Hopefully you feel better now, Spidey.” Wade hummed in clear amusement, adjusting his sleeves so they went back down to the joint of his wrists. “I’ll let you get back to sleep. If you need anything else, well, you know where I am. Feel free to crawl right in.”
Peter watched in silence, unable to fathom a proper reply or reaction now that his heat was finally withdrawing. Every step felt like a heavy weight on his chest, and he felt the need to say something, anything, even if it was to confess everything that he had been suffering through. He rationalized that was just the needy omega side of his brain, though, and some things were better left unsaid.
Peter tossed himself onto his side, his back facing towards the door, to try to get proper rest. The door squealed open behind him as Wade started to exit, and he swore he heard Wade pause in the doorway to take a breath.
But then the door shut lightly a second later and Peter was bathed in darkness. Alone, exhausted, and his mind struggling to make sense of everything that had just happened.
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takadasaiko · 5 years
Always Been You (A Tony fix-it fic)
Fantastic... apparently updating a tag caused tumblr to eat the entire chapter? Let’s try this again.
Summary: When Thanos follows the team through time, he inadvertently splinters off countless alternate timelines.
Part Three
She had finally found some quiet, if not some peace. Tony was resting, painkillers and injuries pulling him into a deep enough sleep that Bruce seemed convinced they wouldn't get any more answers from him that night. He had left along with several others. Peter and Happy were the only ones that had elected to stay, Strange promising that if anything went wrong he was just a portal away. Not that Pepper knew how to get ahold of him, but that didn't seem to be in question as he stepped through a swirl of gold and sparks to leave her staring.
That had been hours before. Now, with Morgan tucked into bed and Peter and Happy crashed out, Pepper had stepped outside to try to claim a few moments to process what was happening. She wasn't sure exactly how long she had been sitting on the step on their front porch, gaze fixed through a tree that had long since blurred into colours rather than shapes. Everything had gone still, leaving her floating in her own raging thoughts.
The sound of thrusters forced her to blink, clearing her vision as the War Machine suit eased down and the helmet unlocked to reveal a familiar face. Pepper stood. "I've been trying to reach you for hours!"
Rhodey stepped out of the suit, the deep bruises from the earlier battle against Thanos showing in full in the porch light. He looked exhausted. "Not the best cell service out there right now, but I got your message. Is it really him? How?"
Pepper cringed. Despite the bags under his eyes and the bruises littering his skin, he sounded hopeful, and why not? Tony had come back from so much. Three months as a prisoner in Afghanistan, nearly killed by the arc reactor keeping him alive, redirected a nuclear bomb into space on his shoulders, Killian, Ultron, the fight with Steve, and a month lost drifting in space trying to kill a Titan…. It was a lot. It was too much. Everyone had their limits and Pepper knew he'd reached his. It had cost him his life, and for all the amazing and terrifying things they had seen, not one of them had come back from the dead. Not really.
"Pepper?" Rhodey called softly.
"It's not him," she managed, reaching up to tub at tired eyes. "He's…. a version of Tony is how Bruce explained it. From another timeline." She hated watching his shoulders fall and feeling like she had somehow killed his hope.
"Then why is he here?"
She pursed her lips. "Apparently he lost everyone in his timeline. He told Steve he…. needed to see everyone."
"You and Morgan."
Pepper glanced over, the question never making it off her tongue as her husband's best friend offered the first smile she'd seen in what felt like forever. Maybe it was really just since the funeral. He shrugged. "I've known that man a lot of years, Pepper. He came back for you."
"He didn't come back. He came here," she all but snapped.
He tilted his head. "You said he lost everyone, right? So he fought Thanos just like we did. I know Bruce seemed to think we could split off alternate realities if we screwed with the timelines too badly. Maybe that's what happened."
"That doesn't make him our Tony."
"Doesn't make him not." Rhodey leaned against the railing.
A short, mirthless laugh escaped at that and Pepper took a heavy seat on the porch step and leaned forward so that her elbows were braced against her knees.
"You mind?" Rhodey asked, motioning to the empty space next to her and nodded. He took the seat. "What's got you so tied up?"
She swallowed hard. That was the question, wasn't it? It took a moment for her to pull her thoughts into something that she hoped would make some kind of sense. She opened her mouth, closed it, and repeated the motion again before squeezing her eyes closed, finding the core of her hesitation. "What if it's not him?" There was a long moment and she pulled in a trembling breath. "I want him to be, Rhodey, but what if I think he is, if I accept he is, and he's not? If I…." Betray him sounded dramatic, but the man she's married, the man she had loved had died. Did she want this man to be him at his core? Of course she wanted it, but she wasn't sure what was right.
Rhodey loosed a long breath next to her. "We've seen a lot of crazy shit."
"You think it's really him?"
"I haven't talked to him yet, but if there's anybody stubborn enough to beat both death and time, it's Tony Stark. Hell, he's beat death more times than I can count."
The smallest of smiles tugged at her lips and she leaned into the man next to her. She wasn't sure if he was right - hell, he wasn't sure he was right - but if she weren't careful his hope might catch. If she weren't careful, she would willingly let it catch.
Aunt May had left some time before, but he had decided to stay despite her hesitation. He couldn't leave, not with Mr Stark there and alive. Peter had taken up Captain America's post watching over the sleeping, injured man when the older man had left to go help with the cleanup mission. It had been hours since then, though, and no matter how determined he was to stay awake, Peter's body was making him fight for it.
Light flooded into the room and he jerked back from the edge of sleep, jolting upright in the wingback chair he had slumped down in. Brown eyes squinted towards the door and tried to adjust, but all he saw was the light. Then he looked down and saw little Morgan Stark sneaking in. Her own dark eyes latched onto him and she held her finger to her lips in a gesture that Peter had to assume she was mimicking from her father. He flashed her a grin and mirrored it, unfolding. "Hey. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" he asked her in a hushed voice.
She scrunched her little nose up in thought. "Wanna see Daddy," she said and looked back to him. "Aren't you 'spose to be in bed?"
"Probably," the teen superhero murmured and glanced over to where Mr Stark was sleeping.
"What's that?" Morgan asked, pointing at the medical equipment by the bed, all of it reading steady.
"That's just to make sure he's okay."
"Sorta," Peter said hesitantly. She was four, Pepper had told him. What do you tell a four-year-old when their dad was hurt? To be fair, though, she'd thought he was dead a few hours earlier. He hadbeen. Hurt was better than dead any day.
Morgan climbed up onto the bed without warning and Peter swallowed his protest, waiting to see if she'd wake him. A small part - a selfish part, he knew - kind of hoped she did. He had barely seen the older man since his return. A hop through a portal, an unexpected hug on the other side, and before he knew it Mr Stark was sacrificing his life so the rest of them could live.
And then he was gone. Just like that. Dead and gone, seemingly forever, but Peter had been too, he guessed. Snapped out of existence. It made sense if he was from an alternate timeline that he was basically their Mr Stark. All but that terrible ending. It made sense, he thought. He was definitely willing to believe it.
"Hey, Daddy?" Morgan called in a loud whisper, poking his cheek. "Daddy?"
A soft groan came from the injured man and Peter saw him shift, and it looked like he looked up at Morgan. "Hey you," her dad greeted roughly.
"You wanna juice pop? Make you feel better?"
A snort of laughter escaped Mr Stark and Peter saw him reach up, bopping a finger against his daughter's nose. "You know what makes me feel even better than a juice pop?"
"You. C'mere," he prompted and she leaned down so that he could kiss her round little cheek, Morgan giggling all the way. "Love you three thousand."
"Hey! That's mine!" she protested, but didn't sound too put out.
"I know, but it's a good one. Can I borrow it? Only for you though."
"Only for me though," she echoed and laid down next to him, snuggling in like she had no intention of leaving.
Mr Stark shifted, pressing a kiss to her hair and Peter suddenly felt like he was intruding, but he had no idea how to slip out without calling attention to himself and making it even more awkward. He was weighing his options when he heard the older man clear his throat. "Hey, Pete?"
Okay. So much for going unnoticed. "Hi…. uh, I was just —"
Mr Stark reached out with the hand not tethered by the various machines and IVs - only the little girl who was already asleep nestled against him - and Peter moved over instantly. "You okay?"
He took the offered hand. "Yeah. Yeah, of course. Are you —?"
"Thought I'd lost you again," his mentor murmured, squeezing Peter's hand, and it looked like the painkillers were already pulling him back into a drowsy sleep.
"You saved my ice. All of our lives." Peter swallowed hard, the weight of the emotions making it difficult to speak. "You found us again, Mr Stark. You came home."
He was already asleep though, Morgan snoring softly against her father and Peter felt a smile tug into place. He gave the hand in his one final squeeze before easing it down on the bed and starting for the door. There'd be time. He was home. He was okay. They were all going to be okay.
It was late. She and Rhodey had talked for a long while and then had sat in silence, letting it all sink in. Pepper had known she wouldn't be able to sleep, but at least she had been able to talk through everything that was whirling around her mind. She didn't have the answers, but at least she wasn't alone.
She offered Rhodey any space he could find to sleep, but they found Hapy still crashes out on the couch and Peter had taken up residence on a small sofa, long legs bent over the arm. They looked peaceful, or something close to it.
The plan has been to check on Morgan and then go rest her own eyes for at least a few minutes, but Pepper found her daughter's room empty. It didn't take a lot to put together where she had gone.
The guest bedroom was dark save the soft glow of the monitors. Pepper peaked into the room to see something she'd seen many times before: Morgan half draped over Tony, father and daughter sound asleep. Pepper chewed on her bottom lip as she watched them, both oblivious, and she could feel that desperate small hope setting in despite her best efforts. It was in the way that Morgan had tucked herself into the crook of his shoulder and the way he was half curled on his side, his face relaxed in sleep. She missed him. There was no question that she did miss him. The question was in if she would have to continue to.
Pepper drew in a shaky breath and wiped at the tears threatening. She'd talk to him in the morning and make her own judgement call. Know one knew Tony Stark like she did. She'd know, and she thought that might be what terrified her the most: the possibility of having to say goodbye all over again. Of giving up that hope that was starting to take hold.
Knowing was better, though. It had to be.
Notes: Well this is turning out longer than I meant for it to be... When I started it I promised myself I would only write a two, three parter at the absolute most, but here we are, and there's at least one more part to write. Ah well... That's what happens when I remember how much I've missed writing MCU fanfiction
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Spider-Geddon #4 Thoughts
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Oh dear how quickly we can fall.
So the good news is Molina is back on art and Barberi’s art complimenting his work makes for a mostly smooth transition between the two.
Other good news, we FINALLY take advantage of getting to see these Spider-Heroes interact. We see PS4 Spidey react to seeing an advanced Miles Morales and to seeing versions of himself and MJ married, not to mention learning other Peters ask RYV Pete and MJ how they wound up together. We also get to have a Peter Parker react to the presence of a Norman Osborn.
It is simply put the best scene of the entire comic and maybe the event over all, definitely the main book.
Yes indeed it sure was a great...page.
One page. Out of five issues. The penultimate one in fact.
Sigh...other good stuff...
·         Getting to see other people react with justifiable suspicion against Norman.
·         Norman being a sneaky bastard.
·         One or two funny lines, the crown jewel of which is Ben Reilly saying he’s never met a Norman Osborn who didn’t want to stab him in the back. Because of course...this is exactly what Norman did at the end of the Clone Saga
·         Seeing and acknowledging Spider-Cop!!!!!!!!!!!!!
·         Dinosaur Spider-Man exists!
·         Dissing the Other as a Deus Ex Machina.
Now that last one is a contestable point because I dunno for sure if the Other would be regarded as a dues ex machina.
And part of that is that it depends upon whether we are referring to it in the context of Spider-Verse alone or it’s initial story.
To me it didn’t just show up at the end of Spider-Verse and kill Solus therefore it doesn’t meet the requirement, and it was already established the Other has the ability to wipe out Inheritors way back in the original Other storyline. But was that a dues ex machina unto itself? You tell me.
What’s interesting is if that line came from Slott or Gage, I’d suspect the latter at which point gloriously it’d be Gage throwing shade at Slott.
Now he should still be wary of what he throws around because when you look at this issue he lives in a glass house. A smaller glass house than Slott perhaps but a glass house nevertheless.
Now some of these my problems might be born of ignorance because I haven’t read or can’t remember every single Spider-Man/Marvel comic.
But...for just one problem among many with the issue...you telling me Norman Osborn fucking with the Web of Life and Destiny means that there is 0 ways to travel between dimensions?
Like...even Doctor Strange or Reed Richards can’t help you (and the Spiders can tell even though they’ve not even left the room)?????????
Regarding Ben Reilly he’s seemingly willing to kill. Now of course Clone Saga era Ben Reilly really wasn’t. Or at least his attitude was the same as Peter’s was on the topic. I dunno what happened between Clone Conspiracy and this comic so set me straight but it seems like he’s back to normal now and as such...wouldn’t his attitude be the same as back in the 1990s? Now last time I covered this series I mentioned how it doesn’t make sense for the Spiders to not kill the Inheritors so on one level this does make sense, but it’s nevertheless internally inconsistent because Peter and the other softer heroes aren’t willing to do that. So what’s Ben’s deal.
Again that’s all debatable as a criticism because I don’t have all the info.
But there are plenty of other problems the biggest being the thing at the heart of this whole event, poor timing.
I spoke before about the headfuck that was the tie-ins happening during or after issue #2 despite being released earlier and placed earlier in the reading list.
The same thing happens again because if you, like me, were reading Spider-Force guess what a massive plot point from that gets spoiled as Jessica Drew makes it back to Earth 616 with Solus’ crystal...and runs right into the Inheritors. Nice to know however the final issue plays out their overall mission was a total and utter failure. At least with Scarlet Spiders back in Spider-Verse it served a purpose.
There is another headfuck moment of dumb in that scene too as the Inheritors try and fail to feed off of Jessica Drew, failing because she’s radioactive.
Now she’s wearing her radiation suit and, if you’ve been reading Spider-Force (it helps because this issue barely tries to explain) you’ll know she’s just got back from a radioactive Earth. So one would think the Inheritors’ inability to feed off of her is due to her recent trip there right?
Wrong, it’s because her powers are connected to radiation apparently.
Now I’m no Jessica Drew expert so I consulted the marvel.wiki and am taking their word as gospel for the sake of this post. It reads as follows:
“When Jessica Drew was about a year old, her parents moved from England to a small cottage in the outskirts of Wundagore Mountainin Transia. Her father, Jonathan Drew, geneticist and research partner to the man who would later become the High Evolutionary, found large amounts of uranium in their property, which gave them the financial resources to build a research facility to keep working on their controversial studies of evolution, genetics and cell regeneration
In the course of the next three years, life was good, until little Jessica became ill, poisoned by her long-time exposure to the Uranium that was so prevalent in their land. Jonathan, being an expert on the regenerative and immunological properties of arachnids' blood, injected Jessica with an untested serum made with the blood of several uncommon species of spiders, in the hopes of stopping the tissue damage and immunizing the girl from the Uranium radiation in her blood. Then, he sealed her in a genetic accelerator created by Herbert Wyndham a.k.a. the High Evolutionary to speed the process, but it only seemed to work at a very slow rate. In stasis for decades, her aging greatly slowed, until the treatments finally finished in recent years.”
 Can you spot any words or phrases in that remotely similar to ‘radiation blast’ as used in this issue? Let me know if you can because I can’t.
It’s not even like the radiation played a factor in actually granting her powers according to this. Whilst Spider-Man got his powers from a radioactive spider, for Spider Woman radiation was the disease the spider science was curing. The untested serum her Dad gave her is what gave her powers, the radiation had nothing to do with that. Basically unlike Peter, Jessica’s powers are not derived at all from radiation itself.
So yeah...Gage seems to have seriously contradicted Jessica Drew’s you know...origin story...
That would be bad enough but it gets worse.
For the sake of argument let us pretend that Gage’s ‘revised origin’ for Jessica was true. The implication of the comic is then that because of that the Inheritors can’t feed off of her life essence because radiation is poison to their kind.
Now let’s ignore for the moment that they somehow lived off of giant radioactive spiders for at least over a year, and how radiation is poisonous to most things so phrasing it that way is rather redundant (it’s like saying ‘Oh wait you are vulnerable to fire aren’t you!’). Instead let’s focus on this headscratcher. Jessica’s powers coming from radiation makes her inedible to the Inheritors...buuuuuuut...Peter Parker isn’t...nor are any of the other people who got powers from radioactive spider bites...
*head desk*
Were the editors drunk when they failed to catch that obvious inconsistency?
I mean Spider-Man literally has radioactive blood! That’s a line in the 1960s theme song!
How do you screw this up so badly?
It’s especially incompetent when the fact Jessica just walked out of a radioactive planet and is wearing a radiation suit could easily be used as an alternative explanation. Say she is at the moment contaminated with radiation but is herself not adversely affected by it thanks to her powers. This would actually be more in line with the original Morlun story because Morlun could feed off Spider-Man no problem up until he injected himself with radiation and became temporarily radioactive. So okay they can feed on the life force of totems with low levels of radiation in their blood but not when they are seriously cranking up the dial on a Geiger counter.
There are other inconsistencies though, albeit not as idiotic as that one.
The comic can’t quite decide whether or not Solus got killed last time because he battled the Other or if any sufficiently powerful sharp object could kill him. Doc Ock brings up Leopardon then Miles dismisses that option because Solus beat Leopardon in Spider-Verse an event Doc Ock knows about. So Doc Ock, who states he knows the wisdom of avoiding past mistakes, is suggesting they try the same thing that failed before a second time.
Now of course Otto is not mentally stable, oh no wait maybe he is because Gage paints him as in the right so often (and implies being in a new body fixed his insanity in a way later comic but that’s neither here nor there). It just doesn’t make sense on his part, nor does his dismissal of the Other as superstitious mumbo jumbo.
Ignoring how anyone in the Marvel Universe disregarding magic is fundamentally stupid, Doc Ock is fighting other dimensional totem vampires wrapped up with a cosmic web that enables travel between universes and is connected to a form of danger precognition for everyone associated with a spider.
Why the fuck would the idea of a specific cosmic entity who’s specifically able to kill Solus superstition from his POV, especially when he knows for a fact it did what an obviously more powerful giant robot couldn’t do?
Another minor inconsistency is the Otto implying on one page that he  brought the Spiders to Earth-13 in order to analyze the Enigma Force and then locate it in Earth 616...but then on literally the next page Miles claims it was his idea.
Which is it? It’s somewhat important as it defines the power dynamics between the two would be leaders.
Speaking of the Enigma Force that’s another big problem.
In Spider-Verse the Enigma Force was essentially useless against the Solus because it’s pure life force and he feeds off of that. Ridiculously overpowered, overselling of the villain to cheaply build him up?
Most definitely.
But as a sequel to that story shouldn’t Spider-Geddon try to be consistent? Because suddenly we’re claiming that Solus didn’t actually eat the Enigma Force but simply...killed Captain Universe Spidey (????????????????) and the Enigma Force is still on Earth-13. And as mentioned above the plan is for them to analyse it on Earth-13 and hopefully then use that to track down the 616 Enigma Force.
My question upon hearing that plan was....so?
So they find the Enigma Force and/or the new Captain Universe. Then they either have someone bond with it or ask the new Cap for help.
Then go punch the Inheritors?
They already know Captain Universe is a massive food source for the Inheritors. Yeah sure, in Spider-Verse Solus claims it’d be too much for any of his kids to handle but surely between all of them they could eat him?
Then again both Spider-Verse and Spider-Geddon have been hugely inconsistent with how the Inheritors feed. Not only did we get Verna draining any given person’s life force in Spider-Force #2 but I double checked the original Morlun story. He states clearly feasting off of Spider-Man alone would sustain him for about 100 years.
But between Spider-Verse and this story the Inheritors have all chowed down enough for like a millennia a piece then.*
Oy vey, yet another inconsistency I just realized from the previous issue is...weren’t they going to blow up the New U labs? SP/dr was ready to remotely detonate the charges and kill everyone in the process but then Leopardon intervened allowing everyone to escape...couldn’t they detonate the charges remote at that point? There is no reason the New U labs should still be standing.
One final inconsistency I’ll bring up is that Spider-Man PS4 claims that Miles is a good leader because he’s not lost anyone yet. I guess screw Spidey UK and Noir, but in fairness you could argue Miles wasn’t in charge at that point so they don’t count. What is more confusing is that on the very next page Osborn complains that the Inheritors numbers are growing as theirs are shrinking. Again which is it, are the Spiders losing or maintaining their numbers?????
Let’s move on from inconsistencies to a different variety of bad and dumb shit.
First of all Otto and Ben Reilly apparently hatched this whole other plan behind everyone’s backs making a bargain with the Inheritors.
When could that possibly have happened?
I’m not even saying it’s not possible but it’s never explained it comes totally out of nowhere.
Otto didn’t even know Ben was around until last issue when he mounted his raid on New U and surprise attacked the Inheritors so if this plan was set n motion before that how and when could Ben have been integrated into it?????
Before issue #3 is actually the only time I can think of when Otto could’ve done this but it makes just so little sense. He didn’t know the Inheritors were having trouble with the New U tech (again, that seems unlikely given the tech Jennix was used to working with) before issue #3 to my recollection. So there was no reason for him to offer to help him understand that tech (and yes it’s clear Otto made the offer, the Inheritors didn’t make the first offer to him) and the Inheritors clearly attacked him and his group in issue #3. Meaning the offer must’ve been made during issue #3, between issues #3-4 or during issue #4 but there wouldn’t have been any time or any chance for Otto to get away and talk to the Inheritors.
I also don’t get what Ben Reilly has to do with any of this.
Finally, and most insultingly, is Gage continuing to wank off Otto.
Now even Miles is holding his hands up and saying Otto is superior, Otto is the smartest, Otto is the leader. On the one hand this slightly helps balance out Miles being framed as a better leader than Peter was in Spider-Verse (more Slott’s fault for Peter’s shitty characetrization) and no one else considered for leadership (like RYV Peter). On the other wasn’t this event supposed to serve Miles? Wasn’t it promoted somewhat like that?
Why are both this story and it’s predecessor so intent upon making Otto writer’s pet?
One final thing which is I guess more a problem for me is that this issue blew the promise last issue made regarding Norman.
It had the opportunity for some intrigue and Machiavellian shenanigans with Norman Osborn forming a secret third faction within the Spider Army. But then it amounted to him and Spiders-Man being kicked out of the group and wrecking the Web of Life & Destiny. When you consider how he was utterly not built up in the main book at all until the end of the last issue. Like he comes out of nowhere unless you read his debut but nothing conveyed to us that that was a must-read issue to get the main book.
Yeah so overall we crash back hard into the low quality of the prior issues of this series.
Oh well...just one more comic to go...of the main book. Still got another Spec issue, Spdier-Force issue, Ghost Spider issue and 2 Spider-Girls issues to go...sigh...
*Also pretty sure at one point in either story they ate Spider-Hulk. If Jessica Drew is inedible due to radiation how is Spider-Hulk edible?
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of Marvel: Week of April 17th, 2019 - WEEK OF ZDARSKY!
Best of this Week: Spider-Man: Life Story #2 - The 70s - Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Frank D'Armata and Travis Lanham
War destroys everything, the men and women that fight in them and the relationships between those who are left behind.
This issue was a roller coaster ride, starting off very high and happy-ish and tumbling down the road that leads to Peter Parker’s inevitable destitution. It was emotional and refreshing to see the Marvel Universe evolve with time, seeing characters grow up and the world slowly build in a decent amount of time that allows for events to just happen without cramming.
Mark Bagley continues to amaze as, though his action art was better in the previous issue, with more dynamic scenes being shown, the character art was amazing in this issue. He takes his time with the scenes and is very attentive to detail. Though I HATE Reed’s goatee, it is still very distinct and comes off as something I could see Reed rocking in his mid 40s - 50s. Harry looks like a haggard young man, he’s gone through the ringer trying to keep Oscorp alive and the effects on his health show. Heck, even Peter’s face, after an argument with Mary Jane, where he doesn’t shave the next morning is so AMAZING to me.
Chip Zdarsky is killing it with his Spider-Man work and somehow even found a way to make a mini-Clone Saga happen without making things feel hokey and stupid. I hope this book gives him or other creators opportunities outside of “Marvel Presents” to do stories by the decade with characters. I want to know more of Captain America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, I want to see a dirtbag Iron Man profiting from the continuation of the war which ended in 1975 in our world, but has stretched into 1977 in theirs.
Spoilers Below, but I highly, HIGHLY recommend this book.
It’s been three years since the death of Flash Thompson who went to fight in the Vietnam War and things have gotten more intense on the battlefront with Captain America going rogue and saving lives on both sides and the entry of Giant Man on the side of Iron Man and the American Army. Public opinion is still divided with Reed Richards, sporting an awful goatee, taking the side of Captain America and Peter Parker stating that those with the power have a responsibility to help and before the argument can take a nasty turn, Otto Octavius, now reformed after a heart attack makes him reevaluate his life, steps in to calm both men.
Peter’s taken a job working with the two genius scientists as a Mechanical Engineer, he’s married the love of his life, Gwen Stacy and his life is going well, but he still can’t help but think that he could have done more in lieu of Flash’s death. After a conversation with his wife and Professor Miles Warren, about his opposing opinions to Dr. Richards, Pete prepares to go to a nightclub to catch up with Mary Jane and Harry Osborn. The latter of whom had recently met with his father in prison and learned some shocking news, causing him to get stoned at the club, leaving a drunk Mary Jane to chastise Peter for not using his powers to help Flash, revealing that she’s known he’s been Spider-Man for years now.
This scene may be one of the best in the issue as Bagley shows why his faces are some of the most expressive in comics, using a wide range to convey happiness and reassurance to bitter dejection and anger. Mary Jane in particular is stunningly beautiful and stands out as a definite representation of late 70s fashion and beauty.
Things only go further downhill as another argument with Reed causes Peter to lash out, alluding to Sue Storm having left Reed for Namor, resulting in him getting slapped and walking out, quitting the job. Hoping to get a new job working with Professor Warren, he heads towards the lab just as a new Black Goblin attacks the lab, revealing clone tubes that the Professor had been keeping secret that contained clones of Norman Osborn, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy. In a rage, Black Goblin unmasks himself and Peter, yelling about how Norman only ever cared for Peter and how Peter ruined his life.
In the end, it’s all too much for Harry as he destroys the tubes, killing “Gwen” and “Norman”, but leaving “Peter” alive. Warren, hysterical after his Gwen is killed, reveals that Peter’s Gwen was really a clone and the real Gwen was the one that died in the explosion, shocking everyone. Harry runs off and not too long after, Clone Gwen and Clone Pete get new identities and a new chance at life while real Peter is left alone, his life in shambles. No friends, no job, nothing, except for Mary Jane’s shoulder to cry on.
You know your life as a superhero is screwed up when The Punisher thinks you’ve turned to his side.
Runner Up: Daredevil #4 (Legacy #616) - Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Sunny Gho and Clayton Cowles
Following his manhandling at the hands of Detective Cole North, an injured Daredevil is rescued by Frank Castle and whisked away to one of his secret hideouts. What follows is one of the most cathartic tear downs between two diametrically opposed heroes that I have read in a while.
Frank Castle is a broken man. He’s a Marine who witnessed the worst of war only to come home and see the worst of man as his family was gunned down, turning him into the murderous psychopath we know him to be. Matt Murdock is a guilty Catholic who has so much sin weighing on his heart that his only way to atone is by seeing the good in people and doing what he believes to be good, never killing any criminal he comes across.
Frank and Matt have fought each other or worked together for decades, always crossing paths that lead to the moral quandary of whether it’s wrong to kill or better to eliminate a problem altogether, but with Daredevil possibly having taken the life of a petty criminal, Frank sees this as Daredevil taking a step into the light.
Zdarsky does a great job at crafting his own Frank Castle/Daredevil dynamic, with Frank acting more judgemental of Daredevil than normal and it is perfect. He calls Daredevil a phony for portraying himself as a good guy all while breaking the law and criminals with glee on his face as he fights. Frank believes he’s always seen Daredevil for what he is, but that DD himself won’t give up the act and Matt only gets progressively more pissed off. Things reach a head after Frank kills a criminal that Matt coaxed him to let go of after he picks up a gun and tries to kill them. Matt breaks free of the restraints he was bound to and leaps at Frank in anger.
Checchetto really struts his stuff with the art this issue and shows improvement from the last time he drew these characters back when Greg Rucka was writing Punisher. The first fight has a lot of weight to it as strikes are made and things are thrown around in close, tight shots. The physicality of both Frank and Daredevil is ratcheted up to 11 as both men look to be in their peak forms, especially when Daredevil uses two pistols akimbo, showing Frank the damage that he could do if he decided to go Frank’s route and use guns. Daredevil would be near unstoppable and it shows. This might some of Checchetto’s best panel to panel work that I have ever seen as even the flat ones feel dynamic as hell.
In the end, Daredevil defeats Frank who muses at the thought of a Punishing Daredevil, a being much more effective than he ever could be. Matt knocks him out and saves him from the fire that their fight caused, telling us that becoming Frank is his greatest fear and that that’s what’s been preventing him from admitting to himself that he killed that criminal and that while he couldn’t bring him back to life, he could at least make things right by continuing his mission.
This is the Daredevil I love and seeing him finally let it out and admit that he’s not perfect and he will make mistakes, even grave ones is a breath of fresh air. I also loved that Frank wasn’t the powerhouse/unstoppable monster that he is pretty much everywhere else. (see The Punisher, War of the Realms: Punisher) Though, I do love these representations, it is good to see him low for a bit.
Zdarsky truly does it again, high recommend!
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petepaintswarhammer · 6 years
Back to the Commonwealth...
So in last night’s explorations of the Commonwealth Wastelands…
I forgot to update on here after the last play session where I stumbled across a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin fighting off waves of Feral Ghouls and came to his aide. My characters thinking being that this guy has massive armour and I want to be on his side rather than against him. I ran a few errands for him and his team before going on a joint op to the Arc-Jet facility where I ran into synths for the first time. I am not a fan of those creepy buggers! We killed so many and I looted so many that I quickly became over burdened with guns and junk and then found out that Dogmeat also has an encumbrance limit… I dropped as little as I could and then headed back to Sanctuary. I scrapped and upgraded as many guns as I could. I have a sweet 10mm now called Delilah, a decent hunting rifle that I’m a better shot with than VATS would lead me to believe and a double barrel shotgun called Rachel that are my three main guns, I need to find a back-up big gun that I can pull out against things like Super Mutants or the Stunted Yao Gui that I’ve started to run into… I’d have thought a 80+ damage shotgun would be enough but nope… Ammo though seems to be a real thing in this game! I need to drop some more points into the ammo scavenging perk as I’m constantly running short for my main guns!
It seems that I finished my last run by returning to the Brotherhood at the Cambridge and joining up with them.
 Anyway, last night. I load up my last save and I’m in the Cambridge Police Station. I head out towards Graygarden where I met Supervisor White. I don’t know if this is a thing in the game that impacts NPC interactions but my character always makes sure they holsters their weapon when they are meeting new people. I don’t tend to shoot first unless they are obviously hostile towards me. After chatting to Supervisor White I headed to the Weston Water treatment plant and tidy that up and get that up and running again. I ran into a Legendary Super Mutant outside and a Legendary Mirelurk on the inside. Also I got my hands on my first Rocket Launcher… I did not know they had those in this game! I couldn’t wait to see what mods I could add to that back at Sanctuary! I report back to Graygarden and that’s the third settlement that has signed up with me and my crew. So I report back to Preston in Sanctuary and take up the mission to retake the Castle… Where’s that on the map…? Wow that’s a really long way away from anywhere I’ve explored so far… Ah well, I’ll do some wandering and get over there eventually… To that end I guess I should actually head to Diamond City finally. I find some more settlers who ask me to take out some raiders and stumble across Vault 81. But I was determined to get to Diamond City so I passed them by for now and I’ll return later. Shortly after finding Vault 81 I finally start to approach Boston…
 It turns out, in Fallout 4 at least, I do not like Boston or the approach to Diamond City… After all that time in the wide open plains of the Commonwealth the buildings and alleys were too much. I felt claustrophobic and paranoid, what was I going to run into around the next corner. Enemies were getting tougher and my guns seemed to be getting less effective. I somehow ended up inside Parkview Apartment block found it to be filled with raiders and supermutants who were fighting each other and me. I eventually made it to the roof where there were 6 super mutants, a gun turret and a legendary super mutant… I am low on ammo at this point… A few well-placed frag grenades and some sweet head shots, not to mention a couple of deaths and reloads, saw me through that encounter. I dropped back to street level, made a bee line for Diamond City, met Piper found Nick Valentines agency and had a quick wander around. I got lost and a bit overwhelmed, I don’t like Diamond City… I like the outdoors and the wilds… Accepting the quest to track down Nick levelled me up to lv14. I dropped a perk point in strength so that I could carry more junk and/or a bigger gun. Hit save and logged off for the night. I’ll head off to find Nick eventually but I’m going to explore the wilds around Diamond City for a bit. Maybe work my way over towards the castle. I might drop some time into tracking down some more bobble heads but I’m loath to start using a map, preferring instead to just wander around and find things for myself.
 Any recommendations for must have go to guns for taking down Super Mutants and the bigger nasties in the wilds? Oh and I also don’t like what this game has done to power armour. I never use the suits I’ve found. It’s the old problem of saving a powerful item for that one time you’ll really need it…
 I’ll update you on the Lone Survivors journey next time I get into the game.
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