#pet death mention //
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claypigeonpottery · 2 months ago
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a memorial cat sculpture for a friend 🖤
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the-adventures-of-dave · 2 years ago
I thought there was a breed of short-legged cats where the trait wasn’t connected to anything harmful, but now you’re saying Munchkins are unhealthy. Is there some other breed I’m getting them mixed up with or do I need to completely bin my daydream of getting a stumpy lil’ cat?
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I'm referring to the same short-legged breed. All short legged cat breeds (napoleon, rughugger, scottish kilt, minuet, minskin, etc) all can be traced back to mixes with the Munchkin cat.
Physical health-wise Munchkins are better off than some other breeds, though due to their short legs they have a greater chance at developing things like osteoarthritis. There is some evidence munchkins also have deformations or malalignment of their limbs, though this hasn't been studied extensively. The gene that causes the short legs is also lethal when a cat has two copies, meaning like the burmese and bombay, poor breeding practices can lead to stillborn kittens.
Another issue that stems from Munchkins are the fact that their main breed trait (the short legs) prevents them from fulfilling usual cat behaviours like climbing, running, scratching, grooming, and jumping. Some Munchkins fare better than others, but research suggests cats of that breed will suffer some lower quality of life due to the limitations of their shorter legs on their ability to act like cats.
You can read more about Munchkins and their health here and here. I do have to note that Munchkins are not an extensively researched breed, so there may or may not be further underlying issues related to their short legs.
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achoirofcritters · 10 months ago
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Rest in peace, Evelyn "Evie" January 29th 2014 - May 10th 2024
"And you showed me all the good, and you led me through the light, and you gave me the sun. It's time to free you... tonight."
In 2014, a little brown dog saved my life. In 2024, I couldn't save hers.
Here is my attempt to pick one photo for every year that I knew my Evie-bean, from 2014 to 2024. Within two months, my healthy, athletic 10 year old dog was gone.
I'm not okay. I miss her. We deserved to celebrate 10 years together this November, but we didn't get to. She deserved a longer life after everything she overcame. But I guess a mortal body can't contain all of that sunlight for very long.
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eternalglitch · 11 months ago
Ori 6/15/21 - 3/25/24
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Unfortunately I made the call to put Ori to sleep yesterday after a two month fight against an infected abscess. Once she stopped being interested in any food over the weekend, I unfortunately knew it was time to let her go.
She was a very sweet rat; if someone wanted to hold one of my three I would always recommend her as the most easy going one. She had four accidental kittens (ratlets) when she was about nine weeks old, who I hope are still happy and healthy with their own homes. She was also a bit of a trouble maker in that most of the holes in my sweat pants are from her and she would often give the other rats bald patches... I'll miss her a lot 🖤
More photos of her under the
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Thanks for a great almost three years, Ori.
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vaspider · 6 days ago
An experiment for a jar for Mila's ashes. Need a bigger mold, and the effect didn't come out exactly how I wanted, but I'm not mad about it.
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marshmallowsundae · 2 months ago
Sundae is his normal self, thank goodness. He’s eating great so far and taking her loss better than I am, I think. I’ve been spending more quiet time by his side but I’m not sure he’ll ever not take his treat and run from me haha
[video id: a white, spotted mini rex mix rabbit is flopped on a garden themed snuffle mat. A bag crinkles and he gets up. He gets half a treat (because I have been giving him too many) and runs away into his kennel, grunting.
Me, snorting: “Alright, little man.” /end id]
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selkieflesh · 4 months ago
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in loving memory of Queen Eunice the First, Survivor of the First Frost and Slayer of Men, who passed away recently after laying her ootheca. my time with her was fleeting, and it makes me want to cling on a little tighter to the things i love in this life. cherish each second a little more. i hope you can too
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opal-and-co · 1 year ago
My sweet sassy boy Minty very suddenly passed away just over a week ago today and I want to say a million things, but mostly I just want to share him with as many people as I can. He was very silly from the second I brought him home, up until he was last with us.
This video was taken not too long after I brought my parakeets home, and I thought it was entirely too precious that this darling baby bird was...spinning. For fun. He grew out of this behavior, much like an adolescent might stop spinning for the hell of it even though it was the funniest thing ever when they were 6.
Adding some additional info under the read more. Nothing heavy, just some stuff I'd like to share in memory of my little guy.
Parakeets are a common "first pet" for kids, or seen as easy, especially with their throwaway price tag in pet stores. When you bring home a parakeet (or any parrot really), you're bringing home a 10+ year commitment to an animal that isn't even largely considered domesticated. These amazing little animals are known for their charismatic personalities and charming tricks. They can talk! They'll do all kinds of things! They'll be your best friend! While true sometimes, Minty never really wanted to be friends with me in the two years I knew him. Cornflower (the blue blob behind him in the video) does not care to be friends with me and probably never will. They vastly preferred each others company, as well as the company of my cockatiel who, while isn't a parakeet, is another bird like them. All my birds like me and my partner well enough that we know we're part of their "flock," but my parakeets will never ask for snuggles or head scritches. I'm almost certain they will never learn to speak simply because they don't want to. They don't want to sit on my shoulder and be my best buddy. That's okay. They're not domesticated animals like a dog or a cat who might be actively interested in a person's company. Parakeets are small and delicate and complex. They are messy and they bite and they scream and these are not behaviors you can train away. Small birds with high metabolisms poop every 5-8 minutes. That's a lot of mess, even if it's not all in one go!
So when you look at my darling Minty, or when you look at any other funny parrot video or picture online, please remember that is nearly a wild animal that should be enjoying the company of its own kind. I ask you kindly not to purchase birds from pet stores and seek to rescue whenever possible if you truly think your home is right for a parrot. I ask you to know that your bird may never do the things the birds online do, and you need to be okay with that. Your bird will bite and scream and make a mess, and you need to be okay with that. If you know someone considering bringing a bird home, please gently try to inform them of the ugly that comes along with that.
At this point, this is word soup and I thank you for reading this far. I am not a beakon of all bird knowledge, but I think myself knowledgeable enough that my DMs are open for questions, and if I don't feel comfortable answering something, I can find you a resource.
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My cat died today so I'm a little silly (intoxicated in his honor) and I wanted to thank you for the beautiful fic today!!!!! Mwah!!!
im glad i could brighten your day a little nonnie <3
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the-adventures-of-dave · 8 months ago
my cat died yesterday. she had lymphoma. I can barely remember a time without this cat in my life.
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her name is dora
Oh no, my heart goes out to you. It is such a shame that pets are only with us for such a short time! Dora sounds like she was very loved in the time she had. I’m afraid I don’t have any advice because I’ve never lost a cat before, but I hope you are doing okay.
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achoirofcritters · 1 year ago
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I unexpectedly lost my heart cat this week and I just want the world to know that he was the very best kitty.
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cafe-mouse · 8 months ago
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New friend! Everyone meet Applesauce ♡
(more about Applesauce below cut)
-Applesauce's former owner was evicted from their home recently and abandoned her at their old house along with her gerbil roommate (they were in the same cage together, which is most likely the reason why the end of her tail is missing). I was able to adopt her from my local shelter just last night and she already made fast friends with my other female mouse Sweetpea, who is 2.5 years old (she had a couple cagemates but her last friend that was even older than her passed recently). They've been snuggling and sleeping together under a hide most of this morning and I'm so happy that they're getting along so well despite how much more energetic Applesauce is than her
-Very hyper adventurous little mouse that loves digging and climbing
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maddie-grove · 8 days ago
I have also historically given most of my pets human-sounding names, but I just got the scare of my life because an old classmate’s facebook post about her family’s recently departed dog called the dog by his first, middle, and family name (think something like Daniel Alexander Green) and only mentioned that he was a dog three paragraphs in. I only kind of remembered her three sons’ names (we last spoke in 2020), the dog not only has a human name but a name that matches the vibe of her children’s names, and my Facebook use is spotty enough that she could have had another child without my noticing. So for about thirty seconds I thought one of her children had passed away. Remind me to specify that my dog is in fact a dog right away if I ever eulogize a pet on social media again.
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snowdrop-wolf · 5 months ago
warning⚠️: pet death mentioned
hello, how is everybody?
I'm here to inform you of how special today is for me
see this puppy?
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this is my first dog, Blink
my family had pet fish before her but she was special
she was a pit bull/black lab
now why is this important?
because today is the day Blink passed away, I'm here to just share my precious puppy
she unfortunately died at a young age which is sad
I miss her dearly
thank you for listening to me and thank you for any kind of interaction you give
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likesplatterpaint · 11 months ago
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This is a really hard post to write, but I know she is very loved by many on here and I don’t want to blindside anyone.
Vet today was much more serious than I thought. Nunu likely has squamous cell cancer on her foot. I finally came to grips today with the fact it’s probably time. I could go into all the signs she’s given us but it’s not really necessary.
We will spend the next week loving on her and giving her all her favorites before giving her the last gift I can: freedom from the pain.
I am breaking. She is a piece of me, my constant through many tumultuous years of grief, change, trauma and success. She is the angel mom unknowingly picked to stay with me.
She is my bananu, my nunu, our bumble.
We love her, so, so much.
And she loves us.
And bagels.
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naomiknight-17 · 2 years ago
I've had to hand feed Billi twice a day for like three days now and my hands and fingertips are so so sore and tired from using the feeding syringe
These veterinary devices were NOT designed with disabled pet owners in mind, holy shit
The vet is supposed to call today so we can figure out what to do moving forward, whether we continue hand-feeding but with diabetic formula wet food, or try the appetite stimulant again, or what
I've already had to set in my mind, "If her condition gets to X point, then we'll have to let her go" but she isn't there yet. The vets have said that, even if we figured out what was wrong (besides the diabetes and arthritis which we already know about) there isn't much we could do about it at this point.
So I guess I'm just making this post to let y'all know that Billi is now in what I would consider palliative care. We can't cure her, but we're doing all we can to keep her comfortable and happy. Well, as happy as a cat titled "the Belligerent" can be
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