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philoursmars · 1 year ago
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Quatrième et ultime étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s il y a un bon mois déjà : ma sœur Dominique et son mari, à Alençon, aux confins de la Normandie et des Pays de Loire.
On passe une journée au Mans. Visite du Carré Plantagenêt, musée d'histoire de la ville.
tasse en céramique (origine : Centre de la Gaule), aux allures très Art Nouveau - Le Mans, 150 apr. J-C.
entaille en cornaline, déesse Victoire - Sarthe, I-IIème s.
gobelet de Lezoux en céramique - Le Mans, 150-200
Fac simile de la statue d'un dieu sylvestre gaulois, avec arc et serpette - Sarthe, I-IIIème s.
peut-être tête de dieu ou d'ancêtre - Sarthe, I-IIIème s.
pesons romains de métier à tisser - Le Mans
fibules en bronze - Sarthe, I-IIIème s.
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hyunchans · 2 months ago
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inkz123 · 1 month ago
Error prolly waits a week after Valentine's day so he can get the chocolate bundles on discount.
He goes to the stores to check prices before Valentine's because he HATES how crowded it gets nearing the day.
He computes how much he can save when he buys in bulk when he does go and buy em.
And the cashiers and store clerks swooning over him cuz they think he looks so handsome but also sad and jelly cuz hes probably choosing which chocolate to buy for his "honey"
but really hes planning to buy em all for himself haha
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arnaerr · 3 months ago
some tattoos I've got recently 👀
Mostly by my own sketches + some input from the artists
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newdawnrisesx · 4 months ago
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strongman x oly lifter
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fobyotes · 9 days ago
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the connection is silly hat your honor
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exequien · 1 year ago
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steter moodboard/collage thing i made, feel free to use as inspiration!!
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polkadotmotmot · 11 months ago
Everyday slaughter, everyday genocide, everyday famine. Everyday that goes on is a tragedy and a disgrace. Support Palestine and decry the people who perpetuate the outright total destruction of human beings and their ability to survive, let alone live a real life 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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philoursmars · 1 year ago
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Quatrième et ultime étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s il y a un bon mois déjà : ma sœur Dominique et son mari, à Alençon, aux confins de la Normandie et des Pays de Loire.
On passe une journée au Mans. Visite du Carré Plantagenêt, musée d'histoire de la ville.
figurine de laraire : Vénus Anadyomène (origine : Allier) - Le Mans, I-IIème s.
figurine gallo-romaine de laraire : Mercure à la bourse
Fac simile d'un bol à décor de courses de char - Namur (Belgique, Wallonie) , 100 apr. J-C.
figurines de laraire : Minerve et Déesse-Mère (origine : Allier) - Le Mans, 1er s. apr. J-C.
bouteille carrée utilisée en urne ( origine : Italie) - Le Mans, 1er s. apr; J-C.
épingles à cheveux romaines, en os et bronze - Le Mans
peson, buste d'aurige - 300 apr. J-C.
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huntingrays · 8 months ago
Leo and Jason had been friends for ages. They had been childhood friends and grew up together.
Due to their closeness, Leo thought it was only natural that his thoughts around him strayed. He was so comfortable in his sexuality that he entertained funny thoughts about what it would be like to date his best friend. He specifically wondered what it would feel like to kiss him.
However, it wasn’t weird. They had such a close, unbreakable bond that he felt comfortable with the idea. They were both straight, so they’d never come to fruition, but they were amusing to think about. It was natural. Anyone would think about it if their best friend was as attractive and sweet as Jason.
Everyone thought that way. Right?
or, the five times Leo thinks it's normal to want to kiss his best friend, the one time he realizes it isn't, and the one time he gets kissed.
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goji-pilled · 7 months ago
man maybe that is just me, but everytime i see someone say that radahn only cared about fighting i get the urge to tear my hair out
like yes, he did enjoy the thrill of battle greatly but that isn't all! it never was!!
he may have inherited his father's flaming red hair, but he is also a carian, he is also rennala's son.... because dear god, this man holds much love in his heart still.
he loved his horse, so much so he learned gravity magic and made it a significant part of his fighting style.
he loved rykard, or else why would he have the abductor virgin (though rykard may have overshot the line of what was needed with the amount he sent... clearly as seen in that cave lol) in redmane castel? why else would his painting be proudly displayed in volcano manor, if not because he and his brother loved eachother??
he clearly loved messmer and gaius too, as they too are like brothers to him.
and ranni... oh when it comes to ranni people love to paint it like they couldn't stand eachother, and perhaps there is some truth to it. perhaps they did argue over their difference in ideals and the topic of the golden order. and yet, radahn held back the very stars that determine the fate of the carians... including ranni's, a fate that was bound to her status as an empyrean and the two fingers, something she hated, something he must have had known.
some may claim it a coincidence, but the connection is too obvious for that. so i call bullshit. sure, perhaps the thrill of such a battle was a motivator, but i say he also very much, perhaps most of all even, did this for ranni.
yes, general radahn the great starscourge was a warrior, a lion bred for battle, one who idolized godfrey greatly.
but he remains a carian, a child of rennala, to love and care is as much in his nature as it is in his mother's, aunt's, brother's and sister's.
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einaudis · 1 year ago
Need a compilation of reactors going "He looks like Adam Driver" the moment they look at Enzo Vogrincic.
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no-light-left-on · 1 year ago
best thing the Dishonored fandom has done was look at the Heart telling Corvo that the Whalers are p much Daud's mindless drones and then they turned 180 and started posting random memes with the caption 'Whalers'
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madame-fear · 2 years ago
please guys i beg of you. do NOT put x reader in the tags if it’s actually a self-insert/canon x oc. PLEASE.
What’s the point of tagging something as x reader if it ends up being canon x oc? We want to read something that is able to include ALL OF US inside the media, otherwise we would straight go to the canon x oc tags.
Please everyone, learn how to tag your work. As silly as it sounds, it can be very frustrating for people that want to read something specific but instead gets something entirely different.
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vegetashouse · 2 years ago
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“Yeah, I lured you out here to the garage so I could have you all to myself in the dark!”
“So you admit it!”
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tierrahenri · 2 months ago
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Do You Chomp the box ??
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