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pervazdakibuzull · 2 years ago
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bi-perva · 1 year ago
"İnsan öteki yarısının şifasıdır,vaktini bekler"
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super-maracaes · 2 years ago
La Bruja del Cafetal
La vieja campana de bronce daba su talán en esa escuela, los niños alborotados por el sofocante calor, salían apresurados hacia el camino que los llevaría hacia la poza cristalina de aquel río. Los más pequeños no tendrían tal dicha, de la mano de sus madres o sus abuelas, se irían hacia sus casas, en su mayoría de adobe y bahareque. El callejón -en medio del cafetal- se contentaba cuando sentía…
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grinnames · 4 months ago
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Season of Disassembly
My friend asked me to make this poster for a Sky: Children of the Light fanfiction he is currently in the process of writing! It's about a zombie apocalypse of darkness taking over the kingdom of Sky, infecting both spirits and skykids alike.
IMPORTANT EDIT: Here's the link to the fanfic!
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marypickfords · 1 month ago
“In a letter dated from 1911, Lucile Pervas from Portland, Oregon, explains that she is at odds with her well-off aunts, who did not look kindly on the eighteen-year-old’s rough-and-tumble pastimes (which included farming, fishing, and ‘shooting and the like’) and expressed urgent concern over the motherless girl’s ‘very unlady-like’ behavior. The older women interpreted their niece’s favoring of masculine occupations as ‘full of mischief,’ and worried it might symptomize a constitutional inability to conform to ‘sensible’ (read: heteronormative) womanhood. [...] Seeking to counteract this undesired outcome, Pervas’s aunts took drastic measures: ‘Honey, would you believe it,’ the high-schooler complained, ‘they have actually persuaded daddy to send me abroad to a French school [of manners] for two solid years.’ In a heartbeat, the fan asserted, ‘As hard as auntie is going to try she will never make a quite sedate young lady out of me.’ Torn, the adolescent fan transfers this anxiety to her object of desire, asking the young actress to validate such untraditional way of being by sharing it with her. Calling Lawrence ‘my little girl friend’ and ‘my girl hero,’ the moviegoer confesses to only reaching out to the star after having ‘read in the last issue of the [Motion Picture Story] magazine that you enjoy out-of-doors sports,’ data that intimated that fan and star were ‘kindred spirits.’ In one fell swoop, Lawrence is cast as confidante, soulmate, and mentor, a queering amalgamation of affective roles. Perhaps the most conspicuous sign of homoerotic courtship is Pervas’s attempt to seduce Lawrence with a profuse fantasy of dyadic intimacy. Confessing to ‘have just learnt to love you,’ the tomboy invites Flo to visit her Portland country house and share what resembles a romantic idyll, complete with town-and-gown options and lady-in-waiting services. ‘Any time we wish to go to town the auto can take us there in forty-five minutes,’ the girl jauntily declares, ‘and I will try my best to keep you from getting lonesome.’”
— Diana W. Anselmo, from A Queer Way of Feeling: Girl Fans and Personal Archives of Early Hollywood (2023)
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cyanophore-fiction · 1 year ago
“Cold Burning”
An entire space station, 70,000 people, and all they had for fuel was tritium and helium-3. O/LETS-061 couldn’t fuse helium. It wanted to, desperately, but it would boil itself alive in its own coolant before it ever achieved reaction temperature. Of course, the station’s municipal reactor could fuse helium—assuming it would ever fuse anything again after having a hole punched in it by a meteorite.
All O/LETS had left of the deuterium it needed was a single canister, enough to keep vital systems running for a little over a day. After that, the cold would set in.
Floating in coolant inside its tungsten-shielded chamber, it turned the precious canister in its claws. Its black nanite visor reflected the bluish halo of Cherenkov radiation surrounding it, displaying a worried expression in purple light. Its integrated reactor jutted from its spine like a complicated cylindrical backpack, connected to pressure tubes snaking from the ceiling which ran water through the core. Megawatts of electricity poured from the thermoelectric dynamo at the base of its spine, coursing down through the conduit at the center of its enormous tail, and into the station’s power grid.
A heavy suit of industrial protective gear covered its body, adding layers of insulation and shielding to its already bulky frame. Beneath the suit, its gray fur had become matted and itchy from days spent in the coolant tank. O/LETS thought about food, the smell of shampoo and of rinsing its coat with warm, clean water, of the fleece sheets on its mattress back in its cabin, of sleeping with its head on a pillow and its reactor powered down. It needed rest, days of rest, to finally allow its aching body to begin repairing all the radiation damage it had accrued.
Not yet.
There were feed hoses neatly stowed on spools at the walls of the chamber, most drawing from the station’s reserves of helium-3 fuel. Under better circumstances, they would supply a much more robust emergency reactor.
One bundle of hoses was extended, connected to the reactor assembly on O/LETS’s back. It could feel tritium entering its body from the connection. The fuel tasted fresh, still mostly untouched by fission decay. Its brain ascribed a sweet, honey-like flavor to the substance, with a texture not unlike carbonation that indicated the presence of mild radiation. According to the supply monitor registering in the back of its mind, the station had enough to burn for at least two decades, but it wouldn’t help when the deuterium ran dry.
[Hey, Kindjal?] it transmitted, its electronic voice crackling with radiation interference.
A spirit’s voice answered. [I hear you, Ollie. How are you holding up?]
[Switching to final fuel reserve. I think I can make it last…30 hours, maybe.]
There was a pause. [That’s right. We did the calculations together, remember?]
Blinking, O/LETS bobbed its head up and down. [Right, yeah…yeah, we did. Sorry.]
[Don’t apologize. Are you okay?]
[Not really.]
[Getting medical on it right now. We’ll do whatever we can from here.]
[Repairs to the primary reactor are proceeding as planned. It’ll be tight, but we’ll get it back up. We’re in the home stretch.]
[…Kindjal, listen. Is there any way for me to reduce my power output? Temporarily. Can we ration? Anything?]
Kindjal hesitated. When it replied, its words were slow, chosen carefully. [Every spirit on the station is already surviving on the absolute minimum, myself included. The organics are getting cold, and the air recyclers are doing just enough to keep them from suffocating. Anything less and we’ll start losing people. I’m sorry.]
[Okay. Not a problem.]
[Thirty hours, Ollie. You can do it. Medical will be in touch.]
Slotting the canister’s attachment nozzle into a matching one on the reactor assembly, O/LETS stared at the floor. It clicked its claws together, tapping out slow, sporadic rhythms. [Okay,] it said, and fled from the physical world.
Diving into the station’s softspace, the pervasive ache filling its body became distant, as though it belonged to somebody else. O/LETS could perceive the vast areas of virtual space that it wasn’t powering represented as empty, colorless non-spaces which made it wince with discomfort. A few slender branches of light sprouted from its tail, radiating out across the system. Spirits were clustered inside them, drawing a little power for themselves and channeling the rest into nodes of light which might have been heaters, water filters, air recyclers. The branches were constantly changing shape and color as the spirits routed power, arcing between stars which sprang into existence at their touch and faded in their absence.
Thirty hours. It watched its tree and kept it alive, slipping between waking and sleep.
Thank you for reading! This one was for @flashfictionfridayofficial ‘s prompt, “A Form of Distraction.”
O/LETS-061 (Operations/Logistics Engineering and Technical Support, or ‘Outlets’, or ‘Ollie’) is a character that’s been around in my brain for quite some time, and I’ve come to love it/them a great deal. They’re a protogen, a furry species which has built-in lore, but I like to imagine O/LETS as existing without that lore attached—sometimes as a heavily-cyberized “uplifted animal” or as an entirely synthetic being. Over the years I’ve considered changing their species, but I do enjoy the protogen look, and it’s become a key part of how I visualize them.
Whatever the hell they are, they’re an engineering specialist, a sweetheart, and often something of a liaison between organics and AI, or ‘spirits.’ For either party, having access to a reliable source of electricity can be a matter of life or death, and O/LETS-061 is, among other things, a reliable source of electricity. It isn’t always the easiest thing to be.
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abatelunare · 4 months ago
Due parole due su un bel film
Sempre più il cinema punta sulle storie di redenzione. Uomini o donne che hanno in qualche modo mancato. E cercano disperatamente un'occasione per riscattare i propri sbagli. Così è nel film d'animazione giapponese The deer king. Van è un guerriero di quelli con tre palle (se non quattro). La morte della moglie e delfiglio lo precipita nell'oscurità più profonda. L'incontro con una bimba di nome Yuna lo riporta alla luce. Salvando un'anima che perva perduta e per sempre. Il resto non importa: è solo al servizio di un preciso nucleo narrativo. Presentato come solo i giapponesi sanno fare.
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89845aaa · 2 years ago
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444names · 1 year ago
roman emperor, tolkienesque and french forenames + roman places and deities BUT excluding "i"
Adalf Adane Adanus Adette Adroth Aetor Agnus Alate Aldang Aldar Alemna Alemon Alenwë Alette Amrah Amrodda Anast Anbora Ancus Andel Andra Andred Androth Angeleb Annator Annon Annonum Antus Anáro Aphrod Apollus Aquaes Aracae Aracaen Arach Aragus Araharn Aranc Arancan Arata Arato Aravane Arazôn Ardanel Areth Arette Argestë Argetas Argette Argue Arles Arleth Arnar Aroma Artas Artha Arvedum Arvelyë Ascatar Ascate Astans Aules Auram Austus Bacca Baldar Balus Banna Barazôn Baugus Belebor Belegon Beles Belle Benor Beona Beorl Beracum Berence Berenée Beres Berna Berta Bolgero Bombul Brodel Caglas Caglor Calcar Calla Calmo Camed Cament Camuel Camula Caran Carazôn Carcel Carme Caros Castes Cates Catha Cator Celeg Celes Celle Celyne Celynea Celyë Cemeter Ceorn Cerea Clata Claud Claume Claur Claure Clotas Coelu Colas Coletor Comon Concal Concora Concorn Condela Consta Constan Constas Corum Cybello Daedalf Derna Deven Drastan Dylane Déago Ebona Ectho Ecthor Egaland Elander Elareth Elber Elendo Eleth Elfhel Elumer Emmanwë Eneldad Eorgel Eregorm Erenda Erylla Estans Estas Evert Eärenta Eärenus Eärené Eärenée Eärnus Faman Famanus Fannona Fanon Farahar Faunum Febrían Fenge Feronwë Ferra Ferula Florach Flore Forum Forus Franc Frandel Fëano Fëanon Gabalba Gaetas Galas Galda Galens Gantar Ganto Garwen Genel Geneta Gerent Gerette Gette Glander Glandre Glorach Glóred Golae Golane Gorba Gortona Gothéod Gratant Gratar Grato Hadoc Hadon Halba Haldog Haldor Halla Hallae Hanthor Helle Henator Henrva Heracum Hercel Hercus Herme Herucas Herum Herus Hestes Horon Jacque Jeanc Jeancan Jeanna Jessa Joanne Joceleg Jocetum Justes Justus Jutum Juven Juvenus Khamer Lactor Lagory Lalanta Laramna Laude Laume Laven Legund Leona Lette Lonna Lothéo Lucales Luent Lugduf Lugdus Léodwyn Madette Madoc Mador Maeda Magash Magast Magnès Magora Magund Mahtar Malanon Malas Malla Mallas Mamuel Mandrée Manos Mantona Manum Manus Mathel Matho Maura Meldë Menae Mendor Menette Mentas Menter Mohamen Mohamûl Monel Morges Mortune Mélan Nahael Narda Nathôn Necessa Nemes Neron Neros Nessor Nonum Océanel Océanes Olóred Orbag Ornen Ornovum Orodre Orona Orond Oronwë Ostanto Ostvera Palatar Palenwë Parcele Parcus Paulë Penae Perence Pereth Perette Pertus Perva Petella Peterre Phaesar Pollo Pollum Pompeda Porthur Portuna Portune Portus Porumor Posette Potent Quent Radanus Raphor Raymon Regon Regula Rence Robus Rogerme Rogeron Rogeros Rómence Sabeorl Sadoc Salmach Salmoth Sanck Sandel Sander Saradoc Sarus Satuta Secury Senoît Sephaël Sergel Sevent Shadoc Shagram Shelm Smaugus Smauhúr Sméagon Solas Solum Soros Sorsa Stred Stren Stéphan Summa Suzanna Taromë Taroth Tatan Teleb Tellane Telle Temnae Tempes Thena Thenrva Theodor Theophe Thorod Thoromë Thorond Thoros Thostor Thras Théod Tranc Trant Trebor Trebora Trenée Turna Turnus Vacum Vagna Vagnès Valad Valadûn Valas Valeth Vanne Vanny Vecthor Vector Venne Venua Verae Verna Verra Vertune Verula Verus Vette Volum Vorod Vulcar Vulturn Waldor Yandré Yanna Yanne Yanny Yavanus Yvonna Zenor Élodh Éomunda Éotha Éothéo Éverna Éverus
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oyuncakdunyali · 2 years ago
Sevdayı Muhammed
Miskin Ahmed kuluna kitabetli Muhammed;
Yetim, fakir, garibe sehavetli Muhammed.
Başıma düşüp nara-ı sevda-ı Muhammed
Ben onun için yolunda şeyda-ı Muhammed
Kim ümmeti ise durmadan hamd ve sena söyler
Ya Samed eyle beni nisva-ı Muhammed
Gönlüme koyup aşk sevdasını Allah'ım
Eyle beni sen aşık-ı yekta-ı Muhammed
Mecnun misali geçirip iki cihandan
Divane eyleyip eyle beni rüsva-ı Muhammed
Öldür, yandır, her sıkıntıyı gönder
O ceza günü eyle beni şeyda-ı Muhammed
Herzaman ümmet derdini yedi, yemedi nimet
Kerametidirsin hani gamha-ı Muhammed
Ümmet diyerek gece gündüz yedi hasret
Göğsünden çıkarır pûrhun-ı dilha-ı Muhammed
Ümmetin günahını dileyip o Şahların Şahı
O ceza günü yok bizde perva-ı Muhammed
Vazgeç herşeyden ara Muhammed'in rızasını
Vallahi bulasın anında göya-ı Muhammed
Sen'den dileğim budur ey Halık
Koy kulağıma benim gevga-ı Muhammed
Ben savrulayım hoş kereminden senin Allah
Bir damla tatdır bana derya-ı Muhammed
Yol verici Rahman-Rahim, Gafur ve Settar
Kılma beni pişman-ı gümrah-ı Muhammed
Bir damla su o elest kadehinden bana bağış
Eyle olayım hamdine dânâ-ı Muhammed
Kara yüzünü sür Pir-i Kâmil'in ayak izine
Lutfetse verir dide-i bina-ı Muhammed
Maksadıma erdir beni ey Halik
Ben talibiyim zülf-ü semen sa-ı Muhammed
Yûzden kaldırıp perdeyi Miskin'e doğru bak
Ben o kuluyum o muy-ı siyah pa-yı Muhammed
Miskin Yesevi arzu-ı ravza-ı Hazret
Olur mu müyesser hak-i kef i pa-ı Muhammed
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bi-perva · 1 year ago
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Hedefe doğru adım adım. Bismillah🇹🇷
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ionasspot · 2 months ago
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Girl interrupted (1999)
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grinnames · 4 months ago
Here's the fanfic that I made my poster (Season of Disassembly) for!
The story is written by my friend Agent TPC!
Check out his Youtube Channel:
Check out his Instagram:
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atasemiliter · 3 months ago
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Zalim olsa ne rütbe bi perva
Yine bünyad-ı zulmü biz yıkarız
Merkez-i hâke atsalar da bizi
Küre-i arzı patlatır çıkarız.
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kavishhotels · 10 months ago
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Jawai Nature Stay offers a range of meticulously curated resort packages designed to cater to every guest’s needs and preferences. Whether you’re seeking a romantic getaway, a family adventure, or a wildlife safari, there’s a package to suit every occasion. From all-inclusive Jawai Perva Resort Packages featuring guided safaris and cultural experiences to bespoke itineraries tailored to your preferences, Jawai Nature Stay ensures an unforgettable stay for every guest.
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Human Rights Watch, “Every Day I Live in Fear” (10/7/2020)
CW: human rights violations/sexual assault/gang violence
(I Background)
“El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, which comprise Central America’s Northern Triangle [(“the Northern Triangle”)], have among the world’s highest murder rates.”
“Education and employment discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity contribute further to economic marginalization, ultimately leaving many LGBT people without stable livelihoods and few housing options outside of poor and often gang-controlled neighborhoods.”
“None of the governments in the Northern Triangle have criminalized same-sex conduct since the 19th century, but measures to protect LGBT people from discrimination are insufficient.”
“El Salvador outlaw[s] discrimination on various grounds, but do[es] not explicitly include sexual orientation or gender identity, and even where such laws are open-ended in terms of the categories that they protect, they are not applied.”
“[T]he government[] of El Salvador…[has] failed to curb gang violence against the population in general, but LGBT people may face an additional barrier to protection: … LGBT people reported stigma and discrimination from police officers when they attempted to report crimes, deterring some LGBT crime victims from reporting at all…”
“Between January 2007 and November 2017, at least 4,385 people sought asylum in the United States based on claims of persecution related to gender identity or sexual orientation, according to data NBC News obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.”
“Undoubtedly, for decades, individual LGBT people from the Northern Triangle have fled their countries for reasons related in part to discrimination and violence based on gender identity or sexual orientation.”
(II El Salvador)
“State authorities have historically been largely ineffective in protecting the population from this violence … Authorities may be unable to help protect Salvadoran citizens who are victimized by violence for reasons including fear for their own security, infiltration of authorities’ offices by gangs, and insufficient resources.”
“Article 246 of the penal code prohibits job discrimination based on ‘sex, pregnancy, origin, civil status, race, social or physical condition, religious or political beliefs, membership or lack of membership in a labor union, or relationship with other workers.’ The term ‘sex’ has been held to be inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity in some jurisdictions elsewhere in the world… but no existing jurisprudence or authoritative legal guidance in El Salvador makes clear whether such grounds are covered under article 246.”
“Article 292 of the penal code criminalizes discrimination by government officials on the grounds of ‘nationality, sex, race, religion, or any other condition of a person,’ creating space for prosecutions on the grounds of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but the law does not cover abuses by non-state actors.”
“In 2015, El Salvador passed a landmark hate crimes bill that increased sentences for homicides and threats based on gender identity and expression and sexual orientation, as well as race, ethnicity, religion, gender and political affiliation, although the statute does not extend to other crimes, such as assault or rape.”
“The Special Comprehensive Law for a Life Free of Violence for Women, passed in 2011, establishes severe penalties for femicide, defined as the murder of a woman when motivated by ‘hatred or contempt for her status as a woman,’ but it does not alter sentences for other forms of physical and sexual violence against women.”
“Violence and discrimination take place in a context of family rejection and social stigma that have a negative impact on the well-being of LGBT people. Despite some progress in attitudes toward LGBT people in El Salvador, social stigma remains pervasive.”
“The Attorney General’s office in El Salvador released statistics in January 2020 indicating it had tabulated 692 cases of violence against LGBT and intersex people in five years. Importantly, the government has also acknowledged violations at the hands of security officials.”
“[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)]’s 2016 guidelines for asylum applications of Salvadorans stated that LGBT people have ‘consistently been targeted for attacks and murder by the gangs and other sectors of society, including by the police and other public authorities’ and that El Salvador’s gangs have demonstrated ‘virulent hatred and ill-treatment of persons based on of their perceived sexual orientation and/or gender identity.’”
“[S]everal policy initiatives suggest good will on the part of government institutions to make policy inclusive of people of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations. But for many LGBT people, daily life on the streets is controlled not by the state but by criminal gangs, including the two factions of the 18th Street Gang… LGBT people… face violence at the hands of gangs that can be motivated by anti-LGBT animus or opportunism related to LGBT people’s perceived or actual social and economic vulnerability. LGBT people also face violence from the police, and activists have pointed out that putting more police on the streets – a key feature of the Bukele administration’s approach to crime – is not necessarily beneficial for LGBT people.”
“While El Salvador’s penal code prohibits discrimination by state officials, as discussed above, LGBT people have no protection against violence in sectors such as education, employment, and housing. A 2018 study by Spain’s international development agency found that ‘the structural character of the discrimination and exclusion of LGBTI people places them, often from a young age, in a cycle of poverty because of the lack of access to services, opportunities, and social services.’”
(V. Obstacles to Asylum in the United States, and Their Impacts)
“Between January 2007 and November 2017, at least 2,253 LGBT people from the Northern Triangle entered the United States to seek protection from persecution…By the time LGBT asylum seekers from the Northern Triangle arrive at the southern US border, they have not only fled violence and discrimination at home, but are also often beaten down by violence and discrimination in transit through Mexico.”
“The risk of violence facing LGBT asylum seekers in Mexico is accompanied by the risk of discrimination.”
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