#personalised business cards
Boost Your Brand with Custom Stickers Printing by Printpal London
In a highly competitive market, making your brand stand out is crucial. One of the most effective and affordable ways to increase your brand's visibility is through custom stickers printing. Printpal London, a leading printing company in the UK with over a decade of experience, offers top-notch custom sticker printing services tailored to your specific needs. Our skilled printers also provide high-quality printing of business cards, posters, leaflets, flyers, brochures, booklets, roller banners, and business stationery in London. Discover how custom stickers can elevate your brand and why Printpal London is your ultimate choice for all printing solutions.
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The Benefits of Custom Stickers Printing
1. Versatility and Creativity
Endless Design Possibilities: Custom stickers allow for unlimited creativity. Whether you need simple logo stickers or intricate designs, the options are endless.
Multiple Uses: They can be used for branding, promotions, giveaways, packaging, and more. This versatility makes them a valuable marketing tool.
2. Cost-Effective Marketing
Affordable Production: Custom stickers are relatively inexpensive to produce, especially in bulk, making them an economical choice for businesses of all sizes.
High ROI: Despite their low cost, stickers can have a high return on investment by enhancing brand recognition and customer engagement.
3. Enhanced Brand Visibility
Mobile Advertising: Stickers can be placed on products, packaging, laptops, cars, and more, turning them into mobile advertisements that spread your brand message far and wide.
Memorable Impressions: A well-designed sticker can leave a lasting impression on customers, helping to keep your brand top of mind.
4. Easy Distribution
Simple to Hand Out: Stickers are easy to distribute at events, in-store, or as part of a direct mail campaign.
Wide Reach: Because of their ease of distribution, stickers can quickly reach a broad audience, increasing your brand's exposure.
5. Customization to Fit Your Brand
Tailored to Your Needs: At Printpal London, we offer a range of customization options, including different shapes, sizes, and finishes to match your brand's identity perfectly.
Personalized Designs: Our team of experts works closely with you to create personalized sticker designs that reflect your brand's unique personality and message.
Why Printpal London is Your Best Choice
1. Expertise and Experience
Decades of Experience: With over a decade of experience in the printing industry, Printpal London has the knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional results.
Skilled Printers: Our team of skilled printers ensures that every sticker is produced to the highest standards of quality.
2. Comprehensive Printing Services
Wide Range of Products: In addition to custom stickers, we provide printing services for business cards, posters, leaflets, flyers, brochures, booklets, roller banners, and business stationery.
Top-Tier Quality: We use state-of-the-art printing technology to ensure that all our products meet the highest standards of quality and durability.
3. Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
Personalized Service: We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and provide customized solutions that exceed their expectations.
Reliable and Timely Delivery: At Printpal London, we are committed to delivering your orders on time and with the utmost care.
Get Started with Printpal London
Ready to boost your brand with custom stickers printing? Contact Printpal London today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals. With our expertise, creativity, and commitment to quality, we are your trusted partner for all your printing needs. Let us help you make a lasting impression with custom stickers that truly stand out.
By choosing Printpal London, you're investing in top-tier printing solutions that elevate your brand and captivate your audience. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your brand's visibility and impact with our custom stickers printing services. Reach out to us today!
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bewithus4u · 1 month
What is The Magic of 1 Hour Business Cards?
Time is money in today’s fast-paced world, so finding quick and effective solutions is crucial in all facets of business. An idea that has become extremely popular in recent years is “1 Hour Business Cards.” We’ll explore the definition of one-hour business cards, their growing popularity, and their potential advantages for your company in this blog. What are 1 Hour Business Cards? As the name…
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printglob · 3 months
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richkardzindia · 7 months
The Methods to Operate NFC Business Card on Android
Using Nfc smart digital business card will enhance your business by making it easy for you to connect to your potential customers. To sum it up we can say the NFC metal business cards are really very much required in today’s digital age. They are supposed to take your business to the next pedestal, their metallic outlook is really elegant which gives it a distinct identity. You can use them to be up to date in your business.
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elijahwilliampost · 11 months
SecureID Print: Premium ID Cards & Personalised Business Products
UK's leading supplier of high-quality ID cards for businesses, schools, and healthcare centres. Advanced security features including UV panels and holographic overlays. Plus, bespoke hearing impairment cards, I.C.E cards, promotional mugs, keyrings, and more. Elevate your organisation's identity with SecureID Print. 
Visit to website - ID cards for healthcare centres
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acesignageuk · 2 years
High-quality Banners, Business Cards, Flyers, and Leaflet Printing services personalised to your needs at Competitive Prices and with Fast Delivery. Choose Flyer and Leaflet design from our attractive catalogue or make it fully customised and print from Ace Signage UK and promote your business, event or product. Best printing solution for bulk quantity printing.
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Manners (Part 2, Final)
Viscount Joshua Hong is by far the most eligible bachelor in London. Rich, handsome, and renowned for his excellent manners and refined tastes. Young woman would kill for the chance to be the Viscount's chosen bride. But nobody can quite determine which of the young ladies he prefers, and you are beginning to have your doubts. Is the Viscount really as gentlemanly as the ton seems to think?
Genre: Joshua Hong x Female!reader. Regency!AU (It's sort of Bridgerton-esque in the sense that I give zero attention to historical accuracy and prioritize aesthetics lmao) You are a sibling to all the Lees (Woozi, DK, Dino) so your last name is Lee but the reader has no other specific characteristics, physical or otherwise.
Word Count: 5.2k+
Part 1
Series Masterlist [I would highly recommend reading the earlier stories in this series, Patience, and Candle, before this one but it's not strictly necessary.]
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You had never been formally courted before, and therefore had no inkling of what to expect from your new courtship with Viscount Hong. Indeed, you had scarcely even processed the events of the night before. The entire evening- right from Viscount Hongs' unannounced arrival up until his proposal of marriage- felt rather like an intense fever dream.
You were awoken from a fitful sleep early that morning by your maid. 
“Miss- oh miss, you must  awaken, there has been a delivery for you!” she cried frantically. 
You sat up in bed and rubbed your tired eyes. Lily and Nessie ran into your room in their nightgowns, giggling as they climbed up onto the bedcovers. They were followed by two maids struggling to carry an enormous basket of arranged pink and red roses between them. They placed the assortment precariously on your bedside table. 
“What is this?” you asked, confused. 
“A delivery for you miss- there is a card as well.” 
The maid handed you the card and your sisters climbed up behind you eagerly to peek at it. 
“Read it aloud!” Lily ordered, and you had no choice but to take the card into your hands and read out the message written in Viscount Hong’s neat and careful handwriting. 
Miss Lee,
I thought perhaps some flowers would brighten your morning- I hope the events of last night have not caused you too much distress. I did fear that writing to you would be too forward but then again, I believe we can agree that the mistake I have made so far is failing to be forward enough. 
May I persuade you to join me for a ride in the park this evening? If you are concerned about the lack of a chaperone, you may bring Chan- I will ensure an extra horse is available for him. 
Lily and Nessie squealed in delight and even the maids were biting back their smiles. Sending flowers and a personalised invitation was a bold and romantic gesture indeed; you could not help the fluttering that arose in your heart. 
It appeared that Viscount Hong meant business. 
“I did suspect that Joshua might harbour some affection for you,” Jihoon admitted over breakfast. Your father was eating in his study, leaving you and your siblings to speak freely about the previous night's events in the dining room. “He always asks after you whenever he sees me or Seokmin.” 
Seokmin agreed, mouth full of scrambled eggs. “He does ask about you often, now that I think of it, but I thought he was only being polite. The Viscount is always so well-mannered.” 
You frowned at your brother. “Unlike you, Seokmin. Please swallow your food before you speak.” 
“It’s only us siblings here,” Seokmin protested.  
“You should be setting a better example as a gentleman for Chan.” 
Chan scoffed before sipping at his tea. “Please don’t insult me, sister. I know better than to emulate anything Seokmin does.” 
They began to argue and you did not have the energy or inclination to interrupt them. The gravity of your situation was slowly beginning to set in. You still harboured a certain girlish pleasure at the thought of Viscount Hong being in love with you- but you were also forced to begin thinking about what this proposal from a nobleman so superior in station to you would mean for you and your family. 
Jihoon noticed your expression. 
“Are you all right, sister?” he asked gently as Seokmin and Chan continued to argue. 
You turned to your elder brother with a hesitant smile. Jihoon was certainly the most mature of your siblings, and you trusted him implicitly.
"Do you think it will be alright? The entire ton has been watching to see whom the Viscount will marry. I cannot even begin to think of  how many young ladies must have their sights set on him. The thought of the gossip alone…"
Jihoon smiled kindly. "I did not think you were the sort of woman to be easily disturbed by gossip, sister."
"I-I am not, but you must admit that people will talk about it and you know that everyone holds him in exceedingly high regard while I am…" you bit your lip and looked at your brother, hoping he would understand your fears. 
Jihoon sighed and nodded. "I won't lie. It is an unexpected proposal and will certainly generate some surprise among the ton."
"What should I do?"
"I am sure word has not spread just yet. You should speak to Joshua about your fears."
You sighed and nodded. Perhaps you should. 
It was a warm and pleasant afternoon; perfect for a ride in the park. Unfortunately, this meant that many other members of the ton had made similar plans. You were uncomfortably aware of the curious stares of some young ladies who passed by you on the walking trail. 
The Viscount was already waiting for you and Chan with the horses, but you had to stand aside and wait for a few moments as Chan monopolised the Viscount's attention. Once your younger brother's questions had been answered and he had taken his pick of the horses, the Viscount carefully took the reins of the horse you would ride and turned to you with a smile. 
"May I help you up, Miss Lee?"
Joshua stepped closer to you when you nodded. You tried not to show how flustered you felt when he gently took your hand and placed it on his shoulder, giving you the boost you needed to push yourself up onto the horse and seat yourself side-saddle. 
"Are you comfortable?" he asked with a caring smile. 
"Uh-yes, yes thank you very much," you replied. 
The Viscount and Chan each mounted their own horses. The three of you began a slow-paced ride around the park, but Chan could not resist pushing the purebred horse for a little more speed. 
"Chan! Don't go far, stay within sight!" you called after your brother as he went further ahead. Your brother merely lifted a hand to signal that he'd heard you. 
The Viscount brought his horse up to trot gently alongside yours. He was a skilled rider. 
"I… I received the flowers you sent me this morning," you began awkwardly in an attempt to make some conversation with Joshua. "Thank you. They were beautiful."
He nodded. "I am glad you liked them."
"I did. Very much."
"Have I made you uncomfortable, Miss Lee?" Joshua asked suddenly. He had a worried smile on his face. 
"N-no, why would you think so?"
"You seem to be avoiding my eyes."
You cleared your throat. Why did Joshua have to notice? It was true. You couldn't look at him, and not only because he was extremely handsome and his kind eyes caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. You were simply too aware of the people watching you- there was a group of young ladies near the trees that gaped at you openly, and another pair of gentlemen who had been casting glances at you since Viscount Hong had helped you up onto your horse. 
"It… it is nothing," you said quickly. 
Joshua sighed. "Miss Lee. Please. The intention behind this courtship is to make you more comfortable with me and to trust me. If there is anything that troubles you-"
"There are too many eyes on us," you blurted out. 
Joshua was silent for a long moment. 
"I see. I've made another mistake," he said quietly. 
You turned to him with wide eyes. "No, not at all-"
"I have. It was quite foolish of me to ask you to come here with just your brother and no proper chaperone- and our courtship is not yet common knowledge to the ton. I failed to take your feelings into consideration, and-"
You felt miserable and rushed to correct him. "Viscount Hong, please, I never meant to suggest that you were responsible for this-"
"But I am responsible."
You shook your head and began to explain that it wasn't his fault, that it was your own insecurities and fears that were making you uncomfortable. But Joshua had already set his lips in a straight line and spurred his horse forward to catch up with Chan, leaving you behind. 
This was not a good start. 
Not at all. 
The ride at the park ended earlier than it should have; Chan was vocally disappointed but you were too mortified by the entire incident to object and Joshua was firm in sending you home safely escorted by his servants. 
Still; the damage was done. 
Word of your potential courtship with Joshua Hong had spread among the ton and you were faced with the full extent of the situation not three days later, at the ball hosted by the Hessingtons. 
Joshua had sent you flowers every single morning leading up to the ball, and had even written to apologise for his thoughtless invitation to ride in the park. He requested you to reserve him a dance at the Hessingtons' ball. 
You had, of course, accepted. 
The reality that this would be the first, formal social event where almost every single person in the room would have their eyes on you was clear from the moment you made your entrance with Jihoon and Seokmin. 
You had become accustomed to blending into the background at balls- Seokmin was lively and charming, hence rarely had trouble obtaining his desired female dance partners. Jihoon was more reserved when it came to women and dancing. But he had many friends among the ton and was often in the company of other gentlemen engaging in conversations about business. You had always been content to sit at the sidelines, accepting the offer of a dance when you received one and mingling with other ladies when they approached you.
But a lady being courted by Viscount Joshua Hong did not have the luxury of being ignored by the ton. 
“Miss Lee!” cried one of the more obnoxious gossip-mongers, Mrs. Patty, as soon as she found you alone at a bench. “You must come and dispel these strange rumours about you. Is it true that you are being courted by our lovely Viscount Hong?” 
You hesitated. “Erm…”
“Ha!” Mrs. Patty cried triumphantly, turning to her companions. She understood your hesitation to be a confirmation of her beliefs. “I knew there was no chance that little Miss Lee could capture our Viscount. I have been quite observant of his attention to the Duchess of Graham of late and I believe it is only a matter of time until they announce their engagement.” 
One of the other ladies tutted with disapproval. “But then Miss Lee must explain how she came to be riding in the park with Viscount Hong!” 
Your response was interrupted by the sound of a strong female voice behind you. 
“Miss Lee is not required to explain anything,” a young lady said sharply as she took your arm. You recognised her immediately, despite never having conversed with her before. 
This was Miss Hong. Viscount Hong’s infamous younger sister. 
"Miss Hong-" you began to greet her. 
"Come, Miss Lee. I have saved a seat for you near the refreshment tables, and you must sit with me until the dancing begins," Miss Hong said simply. 
You allowed her to lead you away from the gossip-mongers. 
You knew what everyone in London society said about Miss Hong. She was praised for being the most skilled pianoforte player among the ton, and it was well established that there was no young lady who could rival the musical talents of the Viscount's sister. 
But Miss Hong also had a reputation for being excessively fashionable, vain, and quick-tempered. While her status and wealth prevented anyone from saying so to her face, Miss Hong did not enjoy the same universal approval of society that her older brother did. 
"Miss Hong," you said gently. "Thank you for interrupting on my behalf. I really did not know how to answer their questions."
She brushed off your gratitude. "You need not bother about Mrs. Patty. That odious woman has been trying to make my life miserable since I was a child. I am not surprised she attempted to sink her claws into you."
You smiled awkwardly. "I see."
"I have been looking forward to meeting this elusive Miss Lee that seems to have the power to make my brother miserable," she said. You were shocked by her words, but when you turned to look at her, she was giggling. 
"I-I am so sorry, I really have no intention of upsetting the Viscount," you tried to explain. 
"Oh Miss Lee, you are such a sweetheart!" Miss Hong said with a carefree laugh. "I meant that my normally suave brother makes the most foolish mistakes around you and then renders himself miserable afterwards. You needn't apologise to me, I find the whole affair quite entertaining."
You relaxed a little. You had been anxious about how Viscount Hong's family would react to your courtship but, judging from Miss Hong's behaviour, she at least did not openly disapprove of you. 
"I warned Joshua he was being hasty about the proposal and that he should have someone speak to you first to assess your reaction," Miss Hong continued as she gestured for you to join her on the bench. "But he said it was not appropriate and that naturally he had to seek your father's permission before speaking to you."
You nodded. "I see…"
Miss Hong gave you a sympathetic smile. "My brother is kind but he is still a man. Society is more forgiving towards his type. He does not understand the fears and pressures that we face as young ladies."
You felt the need to defend your Viscount. 
"He has certainly been very thoughtful and considerate towards me-"
Miss Hong laughed. "Has he? Or perhaps you are blinded by your love for him."
"But the entire ton agrees that the Viscount has the most excellent manners, and-"
"Oh," Miss Hong said scornfully. "The ton. Miss Lee, I am sorry to say that if you intend to marry my brother, you must learn to take the opinions of the ton with a pinch of salt. Being a Viscountess is not an easy job. And it is certainly not one for a weak or feeble-minded woman."
Her words struck you like a blow to the face. 
A Viscountess. You would be a Viscountess if you were to marry Joshua. It suddenly occurred to you how much power and authority came from a title like that, and the strength and poise with which women carrying such coveted titles conducted themselves. 
You had certainly never seen a Viscountess who stumbled over her words in front of gossiping old women. 
Miss Hong noticed your sudden silence. 
"I apologise if I have offended you, Miss Lee," she said quickly. "It was not my intention to call you weak or feeble-minded. I am sure you are neither. But if I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, purely coming from my goodwill as your potential future sister-in-law…"
You nodded at her. You did not know if Miss Hong was as vain or quick-tempered as the ton claimed. But in this confusing reality, she was the only person willing to tell you the truth. 
 "Please do," you said. 
"You should use this courtship wisely. Not only to consider whether you wish to marry my brother… but also whether you wish to become a Viscountess. If you choose to marry Joshua, you should carry his title as a matter of pride, not as a burden. That is the only way you can be happy together."
You took a deep breath as you considered her words and then turned to Miss Hong, clasping her hand in yours.
"Thank you," you told her quietly. "For your honesty."
She smiled- a sudden, genuine smile that was rare for the fashionable young debutante. 
"Thank you for not being offended by it," Miss Hong replied. "Now, I regret to inform you that the dancing has begun and my brother approaches to claim your company for the first dance."
You nodded before turning to see that Joshua had indeed appeared from the crowd with his usual handsome smile. 
"Miss Lee," the Viscount greeted you warmly, offering you his hand. He raised an eyebrow at his sister. "I hope my sister has not been troubling you."
"Not at all!" you said quickly. "She has been very kind."
Miss Hong stood and smiled as she smoothed down the front of her fashionably decorated ball-gown. "Excuse me- I have promised this dance to Mr. Hessington," she said lightly before disappearing into the crowd. 
The Viscount turned to you. 
"And I believe you have promised this dance to me," he reminded you with a smile. 
"So I have."
You allowed Joshua to lead you out onto the floor for a pleasant waltz. The dance was not very demanding- and it allowed you both the chance to have a much-needed conversation. 
"I do hope my sister did not trouble you," Joshua said slowly. "She is known to be rather…"
"Honest?" you asked. 
"I was going to say impudent," he replied with a chuckle. "Although I dare say she usually means well."
"No, not at all. She helped me put things in perspective. I will admit that everything about our courtship is… new to me. I cannot help but have some fears and concerns about it all, and… I… I do not want you to think that I am ungrateful for the flowers and letters because I really am not, you have been very thoughtful and kind, I-I only…"
You were beginning to stumble over your words and your cheeks turned hot. Joshua's hand squeezed your gloved one reassuringly. 
"Tell me," he pressed you softly. "I would like nothing more than to hear your feelings."
"I wish we could have a conversation," you admitted slowly. "Only the two of us. Without- without any interruptions or eavesdropping chaperones so that-that we could have an honest discussion about the future and what this really means for each of us."
Joshua's expression was gentle. 
"Of course, Miss Lee. I agree entirely. I think we have stumbled blindly through this courtship without understanding each other. An open discussion would certainly help."
You nodded. "Well, yes. Open but…" you cleared your throat and glanced around you anxiously. "Well. Discreet, if you understand my meaning. Since we are not officially engaged."
He chuckled. 
"Of course. I understand perfectly. Would you do me the honour of coming to the assembly rooms on Thursday evening? I believe I can arrange for our… discreet discussion there."
You smiled and nodded. 
"Yes. Yes, that sounds wonderful."
Viscount Hong was a man of his word. 
You arrived at the assembly rooms on Thursday; Seokmin had been glad to accompany you as he had a bet to settle at the card tables with Mr. Yoon Jeonghan. 
Upon your arrival, the Viscount offered you his arm and requested your company for a walk around the gardens. You accepted- after all, you were now openly courting him, what harm could a walk about the gardens do? To your surprise, Joshua led you towards a thick copse of trees at the end of the path that provided complete cover and privacy from the rest of the gardens and the assembly rooms. 
"Shall we speak here?" Viscount Hong asked you. 
You nodded hesitantly. "Yes- I am shocked that you discovered this, it is such a private little corner."
Joshua looked slightly embarrassed. "The spot was recommended to me by Mr. Kim Mingyu. He is rather more… experienced than I am when it comes to finding ways to do things that society may not approve of."
You giggled. "You mean he is a rake."
"He admits it quite openly," Joshua agreed. 
"And we will not be interrupted- nobody will accidentally stumble upon us here?" you asked nervously.
"It is unlikely. In any case, I have asked Mr. Kim to watch over the garden path from the balcony. If anyone begins to walk in this direction, he will send us a warning," Joshua replied. 
You were flattered that Joshua would go to so much effort to indulge your simple request for a private conversation. 
"Thank you," you told him honestly. 
"It is the least I could do, Miss Lee. I understand that I have thrown quite a wrench in your life this past week. You have me quite flustered- I seem to repeatedly make poor judgements in your regard, and I will strive to remedy that."
You looked up to see the genuine regret in his eyes. It was still so strange to you that the Viscount should care so much about you and you could not help but feel a warmth towards him. 
"Viscount Hong, please do not say so. You have not made any mistakes, really."
Joshua reached his hands out hesitantly towards yours. You realised that he was seeking permission to hold your hands- and you offered them to him freely. 
His warm hands clasped yours. 
"May I go first?" he asked. 
You nodded.
"You asked me the other night why I wanted to marry you," Joshua began. He spoke slowly- as though every word was being carefully considered. "I will admit I was not prepared for that question, and I did a poor job of answering it. Will you allow me to answer it again?"
"Of course."
"Over the last year, ever since it became clear that the time had come for me to marry- I have met and considered many young women of my acquaintance. They all have their charms, of course, but I found that only your charms made a consistent and lasting impact on me."
You looked at him with surprise. 
"My charms? I must insist you tell me what these are, Viscount Hong, since I am entirely unaware of them," you laughed as your cheeks slowly turned hot.
Joshua chuckled. "I would be glad to elaborate. I know your brothers well, Miss Lee, and I am familiar with the difficulties that your family has faced. I have watched you bear them with quiet dignity. You have a strength and maturity that is rare among young women of your age- indeed, rare for any person at all. Even in the face of my hasty proposal, you had the presence of mind to stop me and question me. You are kind and generous; but not a woman who is easily swayed. That is what makes me confident that you would be a perfect choice for a life partner, and makes me want more than anything in the world to be your husband."
Your heart swelled. It was strange; you had expected some vague words from him about love and admiration- something along the lines of what you read in novels. 
But Joshua's answer gave you more confidence than any declaration of love could have. 
You now understood that his proposal, as sudden as it may have seemed to you, was not a rash or hasty decision on his part. Joshua had watched you, considered you, understood you… and still chosen you. 
"I… don't know if I deserve such praise," you told him softly. "I have not behaved very maturely this past week."
"What makes you say that?" he asked gently. 
"I have been selfish. My fears and insecurities got the better of me, and I worried about the gossip that our courtship would create and what people would think. How they would react to you proposing to someone like me."
Joshua shook his head. "Those are reasonable fears. And I have not done a very good job of protecting you from the ton's speculations."
You took a deep breath and looked up at him. 
"You do not need to protect me."
Joshua looked startled. "Miss Lee…"
"I have had time to think about what I want from our courtship, and what I can offer.  Entering into this with the expectation that I should be protected from the hardships involved is foolish. If we are to be married, then I will be a Viscountess. I cannot live my life fearing the opinions of the ton."
Joshua smiled. Your face had taken on a determined expression. It was the first time since the night of his proposal that you looked like yourself again- without that fear and anxiety looming behind your eyes. 
"You have nothing to fear from the ton," he assured you. "I will always be with you."
"Your sister said something to me that struck me deeply," you told him. "She said that if I was to become a Viscountess, then I should carry the title as a matter of pride and not as a burden."
Joshua sighed. "My sister has a strange relationship with pride."
"Perhaps so, but I think there is some truth in what she said," you replied. "It boils down to this… I would be proud to call myself your wife. And as long as you would be proud to call yourself my husband, then I do not think that there is anything society can do to ruin our happiness."
Joshua's eyes twinkled. His grip on your hands pulled you closer to him- you were mere inches away from him now and you could not tear your eyes away from his. 
"Dangerous words, Miss Lee," he warned. 
"You are only making me fall more in love with you."
Your cheeks turned hot but you smiled up at him. "And you are treading dangerous waters, Viscount Hong. We are alone here, without a chaperone. I thought you were a gentleman?"
Joshua nodded. His eyes briefly flickered down to your lips. "I am. Will you allow me to kiss you?"
You flushed. "We are not even engaged…"
"I will stop if you ask me to."
"... Do not stop."
Joshua's right arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Your hands naturally placed themselves on his shoulders as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. 
It was a delicate kiss; one filled with passion and longing. Joshua was careful with you. One of his hands cupped your cheek as he pulled away slightly. He pressed his forehead to yours and gave you a small smile. 
"Have I made another mistake?" he asked breathlessly. 
You felt light-headed from the kiss but you managed to look up at him with a small pout. 
"You know perfectly well that you have not," you scolded him. 
"I had to check- my judgement always fails me around you. You cloud my senses," Joshua whispered. "You are the only woman that can make me doubt my own actions."
You looked up at the handsome man in front of you with adoration.
"I would never want you to doubt yourself," you told him firmly. 
"Then shall I kiss you again?"
Joshua kissed you again- and again, and again, until you were both entangled in a mess of lips and tongues and limbs, allowing your bodies to express the adoration that words could not satisfy. In your heated whispers between soft, sensuous kisses, Viscount Hong became Joshua, and Joshua became my love. 
The passionate courtship that ensued had the ton in an uproar. 
It was all over the gossip sheets, and on the lips of every member of the ton: Miss Lee had cast a spell on Viscount Joshua Hong and he was absolutely smitten with her. 
Joshua made no effort to abate the gossip. Instead, flowers and letters arrived at your doorstep every single morning. Some days he would send you presents; pretty little hand mirrors, ribbons, satin gloves…. always accompanied by love notes stating how they made him think of you. (He even once sent you a set of silk garters that was almost opened by Nessie. You scolded him thoroughly and his gifts remained family-appropriate thereafter). 
Joshua danced with you-and only you- at every ball. It caused an immense displeasure among the ladies of the ton and Mrs. Patty even saw fit to complain to you on one occasion. 
"How unfortunate that Viscount Hong will not look at the Duchess anymore," Mrs. Patty bemoaned openly to you. "She would have suited him so well- so rich and with her own title."
"Yes," you said to the older woman calmly. "It is unfortunate indeed that Viscount Hong has no need to marry for riches or titles. He shall have to settle with marrying for love, instead."
Mrs. Patty gave you a sharp look but you heard no more from her on the subject. 
The whispers were not all pleasant, naturally. Many gossiped about how Viscount Hong was clearly marrying down, how your dowry and station and beauty were so far beneath his. It was painful when these whispers reached your ears- but it was a pain that you would gladly bear for the privilege of being with Joshua. To his credit, Joshua swiftly and politely silenced anything that reached his ears. 
The weeks flew by; and on the 30th day from his initial hasty proposal, Viscount Joshua Hong appeared once more on your doorstep just before suppertime. (This time with notice- Dotty had been able to prepare her venison pie.)
"My father is away on business," you informed Joshua as you led him to the dining room where your siblings were all waiting for supper to be served. "So I am afraid that you will not be able to ask for his permission to  propose to me again."
"How unfortunate," Joshua said with a chuckle as Lily ran up to him and greeted him with a hug. He lifted her into his arms easily and set her down in her seat at the table. "It would be very inappropriate to propose to you without permission- but whose permission shall I seek?"
Chan piped up. "You could ask Jihoon."
Jihoon looked up from his plate with a raised eyebrow. "I would not dare to assume such a monumental responsibility. You will have to seek permission elsewhere."
"Seokmin?" Joshua asked. 
Seokmin shrugged. "Ask me again after supper. I am too hungry to grant any permissions at the moment."
Joshua chuckled. "Chan?"
Chan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I could be persuaded… for the price of an Arabian horse, perhaps?"
"Absolutely not," you said firmly. 
Joshua settled down into his seat and turned to your little sister Lily, who was looking up at him with a big smile and a gap in her teeth. 
"What shall I do, Lily?" Joshua asked her with a mock sigh. "I had hoped to propose to your elder sister tonight, but your father is not in town and none of your brothers will grant me permission."
Lily frowned. "Why do you need permission?"
"It is good manners to seek the permission of a woman's loved ones before making an offer to her."
"Then I shall grant you permission, Viscount Hong! You may marry my sister."
You couldn't hold back your laugh; Nessie giggled and the corner of even Jihoon's lips curved upwards. Joshua gracefully accepted her permission and then turned to you with his usual handsome, charming smile. 
"Well, Miss Lee; what say you? Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Joshua asked you with a chuckle. Lily looked up at you expectantly with big eyes. 
You smiled back at Joshua. 
"Well, since Lily has granted her permission…"
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes, Viscount Hong. I would be honoured to become your wife."
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itsawritblr · 7 months
Jenny Watson: "We can do it, so let's do it." Jenny outlines her plan for a female-only, lesbian space.
For my lesbian, bisexual women, and radfem Followers. Via Graham Linehan's Substack.
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For many decades, London was considered the global capital for lesbian nightlife. But you’d never know it if you visited the UK today. It’s not for a lack of British lesbian culture: I’m a lesbian, I’m involved in our country’s lesbian social scene, and I can assure you, it’s alive and well. What we lack at the moment are our own dedicated spaces. I think the UK needs once more to have lesbian-run, female-only community spaces. 
I’ve got an idea about how to make one such space a reality. And I believe I'm in a position to make it happen.
Over the past seven years, I've had the privilege of organising a range of lesbian social events in London. Throughout this time, I've made many connections in our community, gained an increasing understanding of our needs, and created social spaces that I hope go some way to meeting them. 
And in those seven years working to coordinate part of the the UK’s lesbian social scene, I’ve come to see how badly we need a dedicated, strictly female-only event space — now more than ever. 
Men have been encroaching on the lesbian community, and the problem is only getting worse. There’s been a sense of inevitability, that this is just something we have to learn to live with.
But I’ve had it.
In June, I skipped London’s official Pride festivities and instead visited an alternative, independent event at the Hampstead Ponds. It was a female-only picnic. Hundreds of women of all ages were gathered, from their teens to their eighties. And the sublime joy that I felt that day led me to a eureka moment:
We need this. We deserve this. This is our right. As lesbians and bisexual women, we have a right to social spaces that are entirely our own.
So, earlier this year, I decided to implement a women-only policy at my events. Although this sparked controversy, we ultimately received recognition from the UK’s largest pub operator that it is legitimate to hold women-only lesbian events - a real victory!
And then it suddenly dawned on me: we need more and not only do we need this, I can do this. I feel I have a good sense of the UK market for lesbian social events. So I crunched some numbers and developed a business proposal. I gauged interest and studied feasibility. And I’m excited to tell you: I believe this can work.
My plan involves establishing a private members’ club and securing a prime physical space in London. By day, this space will operate as a versatile hybrid workspace, becoming a venue hosting various social events in the evenings and weekends. Alongside these, we'll provide online events, and collaborate with service providers for health and wellness advice, fitness guidance, group trips, and more. Revenue will come from the events, partnerships, as well as from membership dues.
To the lesbian and bisexual women reading this: you’re welcome to get in touch with me if you’d like to learn more. There's an opportunity to invest if you’re interested, too. I’ve got a pitch deck I would be happy to show you and a fully fleshed-out, 50-page business plan. And I’m happy to report that there are already investors who have given the thumbs up. 
Following my announcement and inspired by the community's heartwarming response, I decided to introduce an early-bird membership programme. This includes a personalised QR-coded membership card for exclusive updates and access to a members’ discussion space. Joining early also signifies your part in accelerating our community's launch. 
Which brings me to another issue, and it’s a big part of the reason I’m writing this now: online critics. There’s a small but vocal group of people online who’ve been saying some pretty nasty and completely unfounded things about me. This group of people have taken to personal insults, and accusations that I’m a fraudster and a grifter.
I’m not entirely surprised to encounter pushback, but at the same time, the level of vitriol has been eye-opening.
But I try to put it in a bigger context: Lesbians have faced so much abuse, and for so long we’ve had to settle for having social spaces conditionally, on terms set by men. There’s a climate of distrust and fear looming over the lesbian community as a result. So much so that today the idea of even having one single space fully dedicated to lesbian and bisexual women seems so radical, some people’s initial reaction is that there’s got to be a catch.
I completely understand that a good dose of scrutiny, of tempering optimism with some degree of caution, is reasonable. It’s healthy. And it’s entirely welcome.
But personal insults and unfounded accusations are not. I know that emotions are running high, and we as a community are feeling beleaguered right now. But that’s no excuse to target my Irishness in personal attacks, for example. Or to target my business supporters with lies about me.
I'm not here to push or persuade anyone who doesn't feel the spark for this project. However, for those who do, our project investors' safety and security are crucial — capital funds are securely placed in escrow and I've teamed up with a business consultant who's right here supporting us until opening day. We’ve put together a solid business plan.
If anything, the tenor of some of the criticism I’ve faced only hardens my resolve: it just highlights how badly women need a space to unite us, to heal us in this difficult time.
It’s been upsetting to endure the smear campaign that a small online group has thrown at me… but my mind keeps going back to that Edenic afternoon at the Hampstead Ponds, where hundreds of women were gathered in serenity and harmony.
This will heal us. This will unite us. And it will make us all stronger. Lesbian strength comes through unity.
There are various ways you can help, but the most crucial one is spreading the word - our message is the most important part of this project. 
Other than that, as I mentioned earlier, if you are a lesbian/bi woman, there is the option to join as an early-bird member (however, this is not compulsory; you can wait until our opening). Additionally, there's the opportunity for investment or donation. I've prepared a comprehensive 50-page business plan and pitch deck available for those who are interested.
For a deeper understanding of the project, feel free to visit our website or you can email me at [email protected] 
Any form of support you can offer is immensely appreciated as we work towards making this a reality.  
We can do this. So let’s do it!
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waltzingwithspirit · 9 months
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Left: Pile 1; Right: Pile 2
🪈 Take what resonates and leave the rest
🪈 Disclaimer in highlight applies here
🪈 Thank you for letting me read for you, it has been a pleasure
🪈Personal readings are paid only.
🪈No one is allowed to copy my work under any circumstances.
Pile 1: Some of you could be Shiv bhakts, you need to see that worshipping and paying respects to shiv family is equally important, in your case Nandi Ji, learning the value of patience especially in October, not backing down from opposition, showing strength and fortitude ahead all while being patient and calm. You are not rushing the process, you are going along with it how ever long it might be because you have single-minded focus. That’s the attitude you need to adopt. That is the attitude you already have but cannot see. Someone new is entering your life, possibly a man it could be an exciting event for you, you may have been waiting for this for a long time, for some this is a mentor and a critic who will help you get better in your craft. A sincere wish is being granted. Often the mistake we make is being too rigid with our manifestations, if you look closely your wish is being fulfilled maybe in a different way, but you get what you wished for. You could meet the new person at a party or during tea time in someone else’s house, for some of you it is marriage. You might get married to your perfect partner who could be different from the one you are fixated on right now, it’s a general reading so take what resonates. You could be sensitive to criticism, and it is saying you should learn to accept valid criticism. You are being told to beware of greed, it could also lead to parting ways either in business or relationships.If someone tries to make you do anything against your wish, speak up, you are being reassured that you will be taken care of during difficult times. A meeting with a stranger could be important, it could be related to money or property. USE YOUR INTUITION TO MAKE BENEFICIAL CHANGES. Comment ‘111’ to claim this.  🌙DM for personalised tarot readings🌙
Pile 2: You are the ones who check things multiple times, you do not believe anything till you are 110% sure. If you are planning  something or making a decision that involves APRIl of 2023 or 2024, use your intuition and psychic abilities, make a decision based on that. Let yourself relax completely and let the answer come to you. YOU CANNOT SEE THIS RIGHT NOW BUT THERE IS Increase IN MATERIAL WEALTH AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH for you. It is making way, working in the background, you’ll see results soon, again April is significant. You will be shown the way in matters related to decisions, if it’s someone else trying to make you do something that is against your will, you will be shown the way too. This message was in pile 1 as well. Way to go, pile 2! You have an abundance of good news and spiritual love coming in. Some of you could be Krishna Bhakts or have a craving to live in Vrindavan near to Radhe Krishna, wish will be fulfilled, you will be called to take a trip at least. There might be sorrow and discomfort with a relative especially a younger man in your family. There is shown victory in some endeavor you are planning to undertake especially if it is something you have worked hard on so it can take off. In business do not be emotional, be resourceful and shrewd , you might experience some sadness and nostalgia  over letting something go. For business and career or personal growth I am seeing progress. If you are ever in trouble or someone is accusing you of something, do not speak in anger, control it or you will be sorry. It is time to act like a lion. Some of you could have placements in Leo or it could be your rising. HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING IS COMING EVEN THOUGH IT DOES NOT SEEM LIKE IT, even if there is dullness right now, joy and happiness are making their way to you.  Comment ‘222’ to claim this.  🌙DM for personalised tarot readings🌙
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faebaex · 1 year
Valentine's 500...
Student Name: Yuuna Shin
Gender: Female
Dorm: Ramshackle
Scenario: Grim "accidentally" burnt all of the chocolates she intended to give out. Heartbroken, she quickly salvageable enough to make one piece for each of the boys. Rather than the special pieces she worked hard on, saved all of her money for, these simple pieces aren't her ideal. Despite that, she wants to let them know they were thought of, no one left out.
- ✨️ Anon
Hot Chocolate
author note: i'm finally baaaack! it feels so good to finally write again, and for all the characters no less! it was fun to think of how each of them would react to receiving a chocolate, especially in this circumstance! I've never written for someone's OC before, so I hope I did your character justice, ✨️ Anon! I hope you like it! I think Yuuna did a great job with the chocolate, all things considered! ☆ ~('▽^人)
characters: all main dorm twst characters x F!Reader (can be read platonic or romantically, however you fancy)
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You had meticulously budgeted over the last couple of months to make sure you had enough money to buy ingredients. The cooking facilities in Ramshackle were certainly far from the best, but you had worked hard to perfect the recipe, and then worked harder still to make personalised chocolates for everyone. All of that hard work, dashed because of your rowdy roommate couldn’t keep his paws to himself.
“What’s the big deal?! I’m the only one you should be making chocolate for anyways.” Grim pouted, seemingly completely unrepentant of his actions as you fanned the residual smoke away with a towel, all the rickety windows opened wide in an attempt to air out the room so you could properly survey the damage. Your heart sank when you saw that more than three quarters of the chocolates had been charred black.
“These were for everyone, Grim, but now you’ve ruined everything!” You spat, your anger flaring as you approached the trays of chocolate, picking through the ruins to see if there was any that could be saved. Grim bristled defensively at your words, the cold shoulder he received from you as you busied yourself searching through the charred remains of his jealous outburst causing him to scuttle out of the kitchen in tantrum.
You sighed as you looked down at the plate of chocolates that you had managed to salvage. After a count, you realised that you had just enough chocolate… Grabbing the decorative pouches you had prepared for the chocolates, you quickly packed them in, one chocolate each, worried that Grim might come back to finish the job out of petty spite. With a heavy sigh and feeling very disheartened, you left Ramshackle to deliver the remains of your chocolate…
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He thinks you are here to visit Ace and Deuce but will blush when you deliver him the chocolate.
He’ll play it off that he’s angry at Grim for destroying your hard work if you tell him what happened.
It’ll be off with Grim’s head for sure.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a rose.
He’s reluctant to eat it because it’s a gift from you but would eat it during one of his scheduled tea times (as long as it doesn’t break any rules)
He’ll tell you how good it tastes and encourage you to continue baking!
Ngl he would totally laugh at the melted chocolate then feel bad when he realises how upset you are about it.
(He will laugh even more if Deuce’s chocolate is more melted than his)
Eats it right then and there, no fanfare, just shoves it straight in his mouth.
Tells you it tastes good but that you could improve, but that’s just his way of trying to get you to make him more chocolates.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like his card soldier assignment.
He, ofc, did not notice and regrets that when he realises (because of Deuce) that the chocolates were themed.
Now he’ll definitely pester you to make him more.
Treats the chocolate like it’s the most precious thing he’s ever received.
Literally almost beats up Ace when he laughs at how melted it is, honestly you have to calm him down and restore order before they both get collared by Riddle.
Your chocolate for him is also his card soldier assignment and unlike Ace, he notices right away and his cheeks got a little pink at the attention to detail.
He does not eat it. He can’t bring himself to, he likes it so much. In fact, he likes it so much that he carries it around in his pocket all the time like some lucky charm.
That, ofc, results in it getting crushed in his pocket eventually. Deuce is inconsolable when he realises, but then he eats it, albeit feeling a little glum at the loss.
Please make him more choco. If anyone in this forsaken college deserves more chocolate, its Deuce.
Magicams the whole experience.
No but fr, he’s surprised and touched that you thought of him, and that just makes him start to feel awkward, so he overcompensates with the Magicamming.
Your chocolate for him is a diamond.
Makes you take a selfie with him with the chocolate ofc.
He eats it, even though he doesn’t like sweet things.
Suggests that you and Trey do a collab and ofc that he’d Magicam the entire experience. It would go viral, after all!
He’s touched.
Definitely one of the more judgmental chocolate eaters, but he won’t say anything about the taste, especially if he knows what Grim did.
Definitely offers you future use of the Heartlabyul kitchen if you want to do any more baking in peace.
Offers his assistance too if you want to try baking anything out of your current experience level.
Your chocolate for him is a four-leaf clover.
He thinks that detail is particularly cute and jokes whether he should keep it and see if it brings him any luck.
He’s smarter than Deuce though so he will eat it and not actually carry it around with him.
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Unimpressed that you are interrupting his nap.
Gripes that you should have bought him meat instead of chocolate.
That doesn’t mean he’s not going to accept it though, and he’s actually pretty smug about it.
He’ll definitely give you that infuriating little smug smile that he does.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a lion.
(He’s mean so he’ll call you uncreative for that ;-; he doesn’t mean it though he’s just grumpy)
Will definitely think of some petty way to get back at Grim if he finds out that he is the reason that he only got one chocolate.
His tail is definitely going to wag. He’ll pretend that is totally not happening, and will deny it if you point it out.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a cactus.
He tries his best to act cool and collected but in reality his heart is thumping and his cheeks have turned pink.
Will tell you that there was no need for you to have gone out of your way to make chocolate for him.
He’s grateful for it though, no one other than his kid sister has given him chocolate before.
The fact that its shaped like a little cactus makes him feel a little giddy too, a sign that you take an interest in his hobbies.
Not one for free handouts normally but… Wow that chocolate looks so pathetic that he’d be doing you the favour by taking it off your hands… Shishishi
Would feel bad about ribbing you over it if you told him what Grim did to the chocolates, also would internally agonise that if it wasn’t for that furball, he’d be getting more chocolate.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a doughnut.
At the sight of it, he’s immediately throwing an arm over your shoulder with his signature grin.
“You know what doesn’t melt? Doughnuts.”
Shamelessly hinting you should make him some doughnuts next time.
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Instantly suspicious.
He doesn’t want to accept it, he’s convinced you’re working an angle. What do you want? What are you trying to achieve? Do you truly think he is some fool who would easily be tricked into a situation where he owes someone something?
Absolutely cannot handle the fact that you’re giving this to him out of the kindness of your heart. His cheeks grow hot and his hands clammy, his cool, collected business façade slipping as he dithers over how to accept this.
He ends up giving you a Mostro Lounge coupon because seven forbid you think he owes you now.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like an octopus.
Now his cheeks are hot for another reason. Are you mocking him? And it’s melted… Is this some sort of threat?
Will not admit out loud that he thinks that the little, slightly melted octopus is charming, in its own way.
Is shocked that you’d take the time to make him some chocolate, although you’d never notice it when he smiles at you with his usual ice-cold polite smile.
His thought process is similar to Azul in that he suspects you may be doing it to curry favour with him, but he’s less neurotic about it than Azul.
After all, he’s used to receiving presents from those who wish to get on his family’s good side.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a mushroom.
When he sees it, his ice-cold front immediately melts and he becomes 100% certified baby girl.
Starts trying to guess what type of mushroom it is, doesn’t even care that it is partially melted because that just makes the guessing game so much more exciting!
He doesn’t eat it. How could he? Instead, he preserves it.
Your mushroom chocolate now has a special place in his mushroom paraphernalia collection.
Prepare to be squeezed.
Absolutely ecstatic that you made him chocolate, not at all bothered that its just one.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a shrimp.
Does his goofy little laugh when he sees the shape, his razor-sharp teeth on full display.
“Little shrimpy made me a shrimpy to eat? Ne, does that mean you want me to take a bite out of you?”
Savagely eats the chocolate right then and there whilst looking you in the eyes the entire time.
I hope you left delivering his chocolate until last because he’s going to be clinging onto you for a while.
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Wants to throw you a party because you gave him a chocolate.
Please stop him, Jamil is so tired.
He’s so happy! You made this yourself? That’s so cool, you’re so cool! Wants you to teach him how to do it too!
It’s fine, he’ll suggest you two can borrow the school kitchen, so Jamil doesn’t find out.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a jewel.
He’s so amazed that you managed to make it into such a cool shape.
Don’t be surprised if a chocolate statue suddenly shows up at Ramshackle because Kalim commissioned it for you.
Oh, you shouldn’t have.
No really, you shouldn’t. Now he feels uncomfortable. Why would you make chocolate for someone like him?
Secretly shy about it but maintains his aloof persona.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a snake.
He really likes it, he feels like it matches the armlet for his dorm uniform.
Another one of the more judgmental ones when it comes to tasting the chocolate and unlike Trey, he will give you pointers on whether you could improve your recipe.
Not in a mean way but in a more “why don’t you try this next time…” kind of vibe.
Maybe, just maybe there was a little hint in there that you could try out improvements to your chocolate recipe together…
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Now let’s be real, this guy receives a lot of gifts, and a lot of the time those gifts are chocolate. All the time. From absolutely everyone. Fans, other students, colleagues. The list is endless. The chocolates usually go untouched, he has an image to maintain you know.
He was visibly surprised to receive the chocolate from you, you don’t seem the type to gift him something.
But as it was just one chocolate, he decided it wouldn’t do any harm to eat it…
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a crown.
The MOST judgmental out of all the boys in regards to the chocolate.
You lose marks for the chocolate being melted, even if he knows it was Grim’s fault. He sympathises but as a man who strives for perfection, such a flaw cannot be ignored.
Will straight up tell you that he’s tasted better chocolate, but of course he has, luxury brand chocolate ends up on his doorstep daily.
Will stress that that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like it, he thinks your recipe has its own charm.
Will give you a kiss on the cheek as he leaves, which is how you know you did good.
Absolutely over the moon that you made him chocolate.
Will throw down with Grim when he finds out what he did.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like an apple.
Thinks it’s so badass that you personalised the chocolate just for him.
Eats it immediately because he thinks if Vil sees it he will confiscate it right away and Rook can’t do anything if its already in his stomach.
Or can he?
Hypes up the taste of the chocolate so much. As if it’s the best chocolate he’s ever tasted.
May try to convince you to keep a secret chocolate supply just for him at Ramshackle.
Beauté! 100 points!
Waxing lyrical as soon as he sees the little gift pouch.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a bow and arrow.
Another one of the judgmental ones but you wouldn’t be able to tell because he is hyping up the chocolate so much.
For him, the score isn’t only about the taste, its about all the components that came to make this dainty, melted chocolate in his palm.
Truly marvellous!
For the next week he’ll probably reference how he can still faintly taste the chocolate on his lips when he sees you.
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Firstly, props for getting a chocolate to Idia in person in the first place.
Like seriously this man is dead, how did you even get in here??
Tablet talking tiiiime.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a gaming controller.
Lowkey thinks its kinda cool that you shaped it to look like that.
You can see his hair turn pink at the ends.
Although he does mock you a little by saying it doesn’t look any gaming controllers he has ever seen, but a noob like you wouldn’t know that.
Surprisingly judgmental about the taste (he has brands he favours) but is pleasantly surprised by the taste.
He would welcome more chocolate if you wanted to give it, but next time… Maybe shoot him a text first so he can arrange a pick up?
Ortho can’t eat chocolate but he does get an extra special hug for helping you infiltrate your way into the Ignihyde dorm and into Idia’s bedroom!
You promised to play games with him soon as a reward for a job well done!
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He’s absolutely reeling.
You had the guts to approach him and give him some chocolate? Such a brave child of man you are.
This is going in his hoard for sure.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a gargoyle.
And yes, you included a building too so that you didn’t get a lecture on the difference between gargoyles and grotesques.
He’s delighted by this gift, he’s absolutely glowing.
Apologies, child of man, but he must depart immediately so he can ensure no harm comes to this precious gift.
The chocolate gargoyle, Briar Valley’s new national treasure.
How thoughtful of you to make him chocolate.
He doesn’t usually get to eat much chocolate, even if Lilia is constantly trying to offer him ‘chocolate’ that he has made.
So he’s really touched to get this little gift from you.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a small bird.
He feels his heart warm, it reminds him of his little forest friends.
He wonders why it is a little melted, and is sad to find out what happened, but assures you that he thinks the chocolate still looks good.
He’ll compliment the taste too. He knows he doesn’t have the highest standards (again, growing up with Lilia), but he truly does think it tastes good!
Oh… It’s for him…?
You did it, you broke Sebek. You can actually see him buffering.
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a lightning bolt.
He blushes when you tell him its because his hair reminds you of lightning.
Will absolutely not comment on the fact that its melted. He’s a good boy really, it would be unacceptable to insult a gift he is receiving.
He will thank you, even if it sounds a little stiff.
He’s not used to receiving gifts outside his family, so this experience is quite new for him.
Would you like to try some of his chocolate? He has the most intriguing recipes that he’s developed, come to the Diasomnia kitchen right now and he can whip you up a batch special…
Your chocolate for him is shaped like a bat.
He will give his signature chuckle and hold up the chocolate next to one of his bats for comparison.
His eyes would twinkle when he tells you “Why, I can hardly tell the difference!”
Another one who is surprisingly judgmental about the taste but more in a “this could do with some newt to really pump up the flavour” kind of way.
This old man has zero taste, take the fact that he’s complaining as a victory.
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printpallondonsblog · 20 days
A Leading Provider for Best Business Stationery Printing Services
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Experience top-notch printing with Printpal London, offering high-quality business stationery with 300 pixels per inch resolution on A4 letterheads.
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Printpal London is the ultimate printing company for business stationery. It has professional staff, state-of-the-art equipment, and, most importantly, follows a customer-centric approach. For any related query, visit our website now!
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soft-teddybear · 2 years
ateez - gifts they’ll give their s/o
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genre: fluff
cw: none that I’m aware
summary: Christmas special! What would ateez give to their s/o as a christmas present and why.
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction made for entertainment and from my point of view of the members.
members under the cut.
seonghwa: thootless plushie.
he wanted to give you something to keep you company while he went away for his activities, but he wanted to be original and after thinking about it for long he finally got it: a toothless plushie with recording of his voice saying different things like i love you, stay safe, take care. seonghwa also made sure that the button was har to get while cuddling so it won’t scare you at nights if you press it by accident, he also got matching scarfs for the three of you so it could be part of your family.
hongjoong: personalised bag.
he would buy a bag of your favourite color and decorate it using things you loved: lyrics from your favourite songs, meaning full dates or things that remind you of special occasions or events in your life, everything to make it more you. for someone that didn’t know you most of i wouldn’t make sense, but you knew the meaning behaving everything and were surprised hongjoong knew you so well. the big was a big art piece of everything that represented and made your personality and it included things that hongjoong loved about you.
yunho: favourite drink gift card.
call it coffee, boba, regular tea, yunho know what you love to drink and that you drink it lots, so he thought of a gift card, but a normal one was boring so he went big. yunho got a membership card and added money to it, the equivalent of a drink for each week of the year, that way he could “invite” you for a drink even when he was away or busy whit his schedule. that isn’t stoping him from paying your drink every time you go out, no, he still pays saying that this way the gift could last longer.
yeosang: gaming set.
most specific a keyboard and headphones, you liked to play online video games with him when you couldn’t see each other, it was like a long distance date but your sent wasn’t the best and it caused problems. so yeosang helped you build your own gaming set by giving you part of it, on your favourite colours of course. that wasn’t the only reason thought, he wanted you to have a set that would also motivate you to do your school work and study and he loved your company while gaming so it was a win-win situation, a gift for the both of you.
san: matching jewellery.
he wanted to give you something to remind you of him even when he was away on tour or really busy to meet you, and he also wanted it to be discrete so he could use it on his daily life with out getting too much attention so a matching set of a necklace and a bracelet was. they has each other’s birth stone, so you’ll have san’s and san has yours, it was an expensive gift but he really didn’t cared because he wanted to feel you close and four you to feel the same but in a more discrete and fashionable way.
mingi: big coat.
it was an inner joke, you always steals his hoodies, jackets and coats because you “were cold” but in reality you just wanted to be hugged by his warm clothing full of his smell, so he bought you a big coat that matched most of your clothing, with a little extra gift inside a pocket: a bottle of his perfume. that way you could ad it to the coat or any other thing you wish that smelled like mingi. he made sure you knew you could still take his clothing but that he wanted to help you build your own style and maybe keep most of his coats to himself in the process.
wooyoung: photo album.
printed and decorated lots of pics of his favourite memories with you, all of them takes by him, the album was almost full of beautiful memories and had some empty spaces for you to fill them with your favourite. the decoration was so pretty too, some doodles, stickers, quotes and detailed that brought even more life to the images, they were really amazing and you almost cried while looking at it, because it was almost full because both wooyoung and you loved every single time you spend together, ben if it’s not really planed.
jongho: big teddy bear.
went extra because it’s dressed and smells like him. once you told him that you missed his cuddles, you were particularly needy that day so the statement came out dramatic, but jongho took note so when Christmas was near and he looked out for a teddy bear big enough to wear human clothing and bought him an outfit soft enough to cuddle with, he then spend lost of nights cuddling with the plushie and adding his perfume so it’ll smell just like him on the day he’ll give it to you. said day came and you cried a bit when you opened it because it was the most perfect gift.
n/a: Rosie Christmas gift, sorry if it’s a mess but i had to rewrite the whole thing besucase i lost the original and i was sad. thank you for supporting my work this year, it was really one of the highlight and it makes me really happy.
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My accountant needed a copy of my bank account activity to verify some things, so naturally I needed to send them one and explained that the income I'm getting is the last two deposits - Paypal transfers euros and dollars separately, so that's why there's two of them. I hope they won't look at the rest of the activity report any closer, or ask me questions about it.
Not that I'd be doing anything illegal, but due to a combination of my own bad choices and bank incompetence, I've got my credit/debit card in a different bank than where I keep and handle my money, and just transfer the money I need for groceries and stuff to the other bank's account as needed. Since the transfer requires some sort of a code or written message on them, I usually write something stupid into the message. And since you can personalise the names of the accounts you make payments to, the card-bank-account's name identifies the owner as a homosexual.
I know that while the messages aren't visible on the report, and that whatever I do with my private life is my own business and it would be very unprofessional of them to ask about it, I'd still hate knowing that they must be wondering what kind of life choices I've made that I've apparently made it a hobby to semi-frequently send someone 500 euros just to call him a faggot.
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raulfernandez · 13 days
Ok so there's this website where you can print your own business cards, that kpop stans use sometimes to make personalised photocards... if I were to make photocards of Motogp/2/3 riders, would anybody want some? Every card would be 0.50€ + a portion of the shipping + shipping from me to you, and I'd need 50 claimed (don't know how many I'll take yet). The backside would simply be the motogp logo, and for the front, you could pick any picture you want, selfie, normal photo, whatever. If anybody is interested, hit me up. Preferable only people from Europe cause the shipping outside would be expensive (but if you're willing to pay that much, sure join aswell).
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oldmannapping · 3 months
Fic: The Business Card
Summary: Can't stop, won't stop with the Networking series.
In this installment, which can be read as a standalone:
When you're under the Red Hood's protection, he gives you a personalised business card. The number on the card goes straight to Hood, or one of his more trusted goons.
Bernard Dowd's abductors do not know about The Red Hood Business Card. It doesn't work out well for them.
Rudy looked like he was going to pass out. “Oh fuck. We’re dead. We’re going to die.”
Len and Hank really needed to do better local research before agreeing to kidnappings. If they’d picked up one of Harley Quinn’s trademarked ~*~*~*Visitor’s Guide To Gotham!~*~*~* brochures from any nearby travel agent, they would have known the following facts:
1) The Red Hood is a vigilante primarily operating in Crime Alley and The Narrows; 2) The Red Hood has been known to use lethal and/or crippling force; 3) The Red Hood has a business card, and he takes it very seriously.
Len and Hank didn’t know any of this, but poor Rudy did.
Read now
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Behave Yourself
Dano!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 2.4k request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: forceful, spanking, impact play, degradation thanks anon for requesting this 💚 i'm sorry it's longer than you were expecting and i hope it’s ok!!
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The room was lit only by the warm yellow of the desk lamp. Everything else was bathed in darkness. His hands, deftly working on his latest paper crafts cast shadows that trailed up the walls, moving like spindly spider legs. Your own body cast a shadow against the furthest wall, overtaking his as you approached him.
“I’m bored, Eddie.” No response, he didn’t even look your way. It was completely possible he was so engrossed in his work that he’d managed to ignore your existence. “What are you working on?” You leaned into him, hands on his shoulders, so it was impossible for him to not realise you were there, but they were shrugged off in irritation.
“On what?”
“For who?”
You tossed your head back, rolling your eyes and sighing dramatically.
“You’ve never made me a card.” Your playfully teasing tone, head thumping down to rest on his forehead, only made him more annoyed.
“I’m busy.” He smacked at your hand as you twirled your fingers around a section of his hair.
“Fine.” You left him alone, sitting in silence still, eyes focused on his little notes for his real love. Let him send his boyfriend stupid messages, at the end of the day, he still came home to his girlfriend. At least he had done so far.
“If you want to ask him on a date, just do it. You don’t have to go to such elaborate efforts.” You trailed your fingers along a very homemade looking, weirdly large, shock collar. “I mean, you texted me to ask me out. He gets a card with a personalised note?” Rifling through a box of tools, you cringed at how loud they were as they banged against each other. “Do you think we still have that kind of romance? Or do you think the spark has gone? Is there a point in trying to rekindle it, or would you rather just call it quits and see if he’ll take you?” You smiled to yourself, drumming your fingers on top of a metal cage, dragging them along the bars, a tingling sound ringing out. “If I wasn’t as sane as I was, I’d be convinced you were about to leave me for him.” As your hands found their way to the mesh on the sides, you knocked one of the plastic tubes which was connected there, sending it falling to the floor, dragging the mesh along with it. It clattered and you jumped back at the sound, back hitting something hard.
You spun around to see Eddie, looming over you.
“I’m trying to work.”
“I-I’m sorry…” You were stammering, nervous at how quickly, silently he had moved, wondering how long he had been there, watching you touching all of his traps and devices.
“The glue, it hadn’t finished drying yet.”
Your eyes flitted up from the floor, looking into his eyes for any kind of sympathy. For all you knew about him, for everything he had revealed to you lately, you were still stupid enough to rile him up.
“Eddie, I’m sorry. Look, I’ll go sit in the bedroom and leave you alone.” You made an attempt to move past him, but he brought his hand up, swift and firm but not aggressive, holding your arm and keeping you in place.
“Look what you’ve done. And you think you can just walk away?”
Every bit of your body tensed. As in love with Edward Nashton as you were, despite now knowing who he really was behind that sweet and youthful face, you knew there was a lingering threat that if you got on his wrong side, triggered the suppressed rage he kept bubbling just below the surface, that you’d be the first to test out one of his little makeshift murder devices. Which, admittedly, was exciting. Your breath shuddered as you considered your position. Cowering against the wall, your boyfriend, if he was even still capable of considering himself part of a normal, human relationship, towering over you, silent but threatening. Your flesh bumped, hairs raised on end, but it was the adrenaline, the anticipation that drove them, and not fear.
“I think you should be punished for this.”
A nervous laugh escaped your throat, choked and stifled by your panicked words, which streamed out loosely and without thought.
“Eddie it was an accident! I can help you fix it, I can. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. Please.”
“Bend over the desk.”
He took your face between his hands, bending slightly and leaning in closer, noses almost touching. You could see yourself, pathetic and on edge, in the reflection of his glasses. His eyes moved between both of yours, focusing on each one intently, flicking from side to side frantically.
“Bend. Over. The. Desk.” He let you go roughly, throwing your head to the side.
Following orders, afraid to rock the boat any further, you slipped past him and pressed your abdomen against the edge of the desk, hands grasping across the surface, nails scratching the wood to gain some purchase. You waited, nervously, impatiently, for the punishment to begin. You could sense him behind you, hear his breathing closer to you as he stood within inches of your body. Flinching at his touch, his hands on your waist, running slowly to your hips as he pressed his body against yours, jerking you forward. Moving his palms further down, his fingers found their way to your waist band, yanking your underwear down to rest on your thighs, tight against the skin as your legs parted slightly and stretching the band.
It was futile, but you made an attempt to calm your breathing. You had to let him think this was a punishment, because god only knew what was coming if he had any idea that you were beginning to get aroused at the thought of what was coming next. But it seemed that the excitement was reciprocated, as his body pressed against you, slight stiffening in his pants against your rear.
His left hand clung to your hip, fingers and nails digging into your skin and marking them with the ferocity at which he gripped it. The right one grabbed at your ass with a smack, palm flattening and smoothing the cheek in circles where he had struck it. A tiny little sound fell from your lips, not quite a moan, breathy enough that you thought it could be hidden, but Eddie heard. And he leaned close to you, hand on your hip snaking up your side to the nape of your neck where he walked his fingers into your hair, twirling them around and yanking your head back, closer to him, where he whispered into your ear, shushing you softly.
“It’s not supposed to be enjoyable. For you anyway.”
A swift movement, practised and efficient, his hand raised and slapped back down. The stinging swelled, peaked and dimmed on your skin, leaving a gentle tingling sensation as he brought his hand up and back down again, fresh pinpricks flushing over you, turning your face red as you imagined the imprint his hand might be making on you, marking you as his. A physical reminder of the punishment, encouraging you to think about starting to behave correctly around him.
In quick succession, he let his hand find you four times in a row, no reprieve in between for your swiftly reddening flesh, trembling under his grip on your hair. With little energy left in you for suppressing it, a groan pushed it’s way past your tightly closed lips, followed by a tiny yelp as you realised in fear he had asked you to be quiet, and you couldn’t even obey that command.
“I’ve told you to behave yourself.”
He withdrew both his hands from your body, your skin begging for his return, body bucking back slightly to find him, but unable to make contact. He was still close though, as you could hear him shuffling. Your breath hitched when you made out the sounds of his belt buckle, clanking as it was undone, the sound of the leather slipping through the loops of his pants, but the pleasant notion that you were about to get fucked, hard and passionately by him, was quickly overcome with fearful arousal as you heard the crack of leather on leather.
Closing in on you again, Ed softly pressed the tips of his fingers to the back of your knees, the sensation causing your body to crumble in on itself, knees bending weakly before catching yourself and dutifully returning to your position over the table. His fingers trailed lightly up the back of your thighs, stopping only at the top where they met your cheeks, running back down again as he breathed in deeply, a satisfied hum following it before you heard him raise his hand up.
The crack the leather made against your thighs was so lurid, the stinging it brought on your skin harsh enough to make your eyes water. And yet, the pause in between was worse. As contact was made again, hard, unforgiving material against your soft and purpling skin, you let out a scream, truthfully more pleasure than pain. Eddie stood back, admiring the red marks on your body, the tiny blood vessels which burst under the pressure of the impact. The way your position exposed all of you to him, your trembling thighs giving way to your cunt, slick with arousal and swollen with desire for him.
With a deep inhale, he brought his hand back to your head, pulling you up straight against him. With your back against him, head up and his face in the crook of his neck, you had a moment to breathe. His hard cock, concealed tightly behind the zip of his trousers, dug into your ass cheek, sending your thoughts reeling, hoping for some semblance of relief before the night’s end, that your punishment might lead to some sweet relief at the hands of Eddie. But instead, he chastised your desperate writhing under his grip, the way you were grinding yourself against him.
“You seem to be enjoying this far too much.” And with a quick tug, you stumbled backwards into him as he pulled you into the short hall, fumbling with the door handle to the bedroom, and dragging you into the dark room where he pushed you, head first, towards the bed.
“Get up on it, on all fours.”
As you positioned yourself at the edge of the bed, you could hear him shuffling around behind you in the closet. His footsteps trudged around to the other side, where he crouched in front of you, pale skin visible as he was now shirtless. And to your surprise, and delight, and terror, he had donned his mask. Eddie had gone now, and you were at the mercy of The Riddler, who was a much tougher authority figure to please. You’d really have to be on your best behaviour now. With one gloved hand, he caressed your cheek. You looked into his eyes, past the glasses, past the mask, hunting for an idea of whether this was going to be excruciatingly brutal or not. You hoped the former, feared the latter, which was enough to have you concerned for how deeply entrenched in this bizarre relationship you were now locked into.
All thoughts were pushed out of the way as he slowly raised the other hand, glove gripping the handle of his carpet tucker, a tool you’d seen his practicing with. The violent, thrusting motions as he discussed its relevance to his plans, to the clues he was leaving his partner. For a brief second, you accepted your fate. Certain that this might be how you go out, half naked, exposed and wet, dripping with arousal, as your blood splattered against your boyfriend’s bare chest. But mercifully, he giggled a little, the sound muffled from behind the mask, and stood up, making his way back around to behind you.
Tensed, you shuffled back a bit, easing towards the edge of the bed in case Eddie decided to be kind and fuck you, burying his length into your eager and desperate hole, which throbbed with desire at the thought of him, deep inside, clumsily rutting against you as he pulled at your hair. Almost in a daze at the image of his body, sweaty and hot, rubbing against your own, you were unaware of Eddie’s actions before you flinched, noise first and then the absorption and realisation of the contact, as the cool, hard thump of flat metal against your ass registered in your brain.
Relishing in the excitement of it, the use of the tools, the oddly pleasant fear instilled in you as you considered him using this on you and potential victims, you raised yourself up to him, pleading silently for more. And in response, he brought his tool down again, harder, the force pushing you forward into the bed where your head dropped to the mattress where she opened your mouth, moaning his name and biting down hard onto the sheets. You barely had time to recover from the shock before Eddie, or The Riddler, had slapped you again, lower down on the cheek, spreading the stinging pain. From your lips, covered in saliva, drool dripping from the corner of your mouth, you managed to stutter out his name, followed by a whining ‘please’.
As you exhaled again, trying to slow yourself down, pace your heartbeat, you inhaled sharply and abruptly as one gloved finger traced down your entrance, pressing between your lips and feeling your slick. His faced, still masked, was buried between your thighs, and you could hear him in haling through the gaps, taking in your scent completely. The smooth, sticking, plastic of the mask against your skin felt oddly amazing, the way it stuck against you, matted and hot. Before you could get too used to him pressed tantalisingly close to you, one layer of material between his ability to taste you, he pulled away, instead pushing a finger deep inside of you with a grunt, before forcing the second in. The strain on your entrance deepened as he spread them apart.
Within the first split second of your satisfied moan, he pulled them out again. You could hear him walking around the bed again to face you, where he crouched once more, lifting the mask and placing his fingers into his mouth, sucking your taste off of the leather before he placed a hand on your cheek. He stroked and then smacked you, lightly, twice.
“Never, never touch my things again. And if you can behave yourself, we can see about finished later.”
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