#personal prayer practices
sharingheaven · 2 days
Unlock the Power of Intercessory Prayer: How Jesus and His Disciples Prayed for Others
Discover how intercessory prayer can transform your spiritual life. Learn from Jesus and His disciples about praying for others' faith, healing, and boldness. Dive into powerful biblical examples and practical steps to enhance your prayer life.
As a mom of two kids, life can feel like a whirlwind—laundry piling up, bills waiting to be paid, and the endless cycle of to-dos keeping you up at night. If you’re like Jesse, a young friend and mother from Louisiana, you might feel stretched thin trying to keep the faith. Jesse told me during a heartfelt conversation, “Some days, I don’t even know where to start with prayer. My struggles feel…
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terriblesolomons · 1 month
Ok but guys isn't it actually crazy how Eugene Roe's presence is literally defined by the ineffable silence of God....ep 6 has no narrative voice beyond the languageless vision of Roe's literal perspective....he brings with him silence in every episode he's in like the chaos after Jackson blows himself up stills completely when Doc runs in - they all go silent & frozen & breathless - when any man is wounded the very concept of words beyond orders fail...he talks about how Renee is blessed to calm the wounded she treats but it's evident that he brings with him something even graver than calm; it's unutterable, literally, it's a prayer, it's a response to the silence we meet (Roe meets) in his prayers (it's a reflection on the insane power we - they - have over our own - and their own - mortality - that silent and sometimes apparently godlike capacity to return (to the front lines) from the dead (that hell of lost brotherhood in the hospitals)?)
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Personal prayers based on epithets ❤️
Aphrodite 🌹🕊 🐚
Praise to heavenly Aphrodite. Common to all people. She who turns to love. Bountiful bringer of victory and postponer of old age. Goddess of seduction.
Foam-born and risen from the sea. Mother of desire and nurse of love. She of the sky. Richly-crowned. She who grants fair-voyage from the harbor. She of the heights and of the garden.
She of Ares. Highly honored and celebrated in many hymns. Holy and exhaled giver of joy. Laughter-loving and bountiful. Praise to golden Aphrodite, shining and divine.
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Hail Loki
A trans devotional prayer ===
Hail to the shaper of flesh and bone Who urges my feet to freedom Who guides my hands to joy Who inspires my lips into prayer
Hail to the breaker of prisons Who shifts and constructs their shape so easily Who fills me with the reverent act of Creation Who holds me steady with every dose Hail to the Othered god Who keeps me in his arms as I tremble with nerves Who strengthens my resolve with self-knowledge Who demands my work and my growth in my journey Hail to the guardian of queers Who welcomes the different before her Who leads us to rest in our selves Who gives us the words to ask our Questions Hail to the one who loves me Who takes me for who I am Who walks with me where I'm at Who encourages me to be my full self Hail, Loki, in all your shapes Bless me and be with me on this day And every one after ==
© ocean-in-my-witchy-soul
Anyone can use this prayer in your personal practice if it speaks to you. I'd be honored.
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quietwingsinthesky · 24 days
(For the game) I think the doctor should have more diverse companions. Give them more non human alien companions! Give them a companion is who fundamentally bad, who they have realize they can’t fix
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
yeah!!!!! oh and can i add to that! one thing i'd love to see? just like. a companion who is religious. in a way that is taken account into in the narrative and that is like. discussed? you know, how does going on time travel universe hopping adventures effect one's religious ideas. that would be fascinating to me. i think we've gotten like blanket statement things about future humans adjusting their religious beliefs or whatever but that's not what im interested in exactly. i want like. what does it do, to a modern human with modern religious ideas, to have to adjust that to aliens and shit. and how does their way of incorporating this life with the doctor reflect their character!
i think that'd be fascinating!!! and someone definitely smarter than me out there could probably write an incredible buddhist companion for the doctor and draw on the obvious cultural influences borrowed about cycles of reincarnation in constructing the doctor's whole regeneration thing to discuss shit. maybe one day. i'd love to see it.
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#So I'm putting all this in tags because I'd prefer it not get out into wider Tumblr. I pondered even posting it but I think some of y'all#are following the drama and/or praying for my family so I figured I'd post an update. Just pretend there are commas and it's all readable.#Got a hearing date today. February 6th. Now I need to get affidavits and medical records. Not much to do in the way of affidavits because#either he made sure no one saw anything or I made sure. (Shame is a heckuva thing.) I really need the medical records from the assault.#Can't get them because I am currently without ID. I am currently without ID because I have had a beginner's permit for ~10 years now and#those have to be renewed in-person every year. Can't get to DMV to get it renewed because... no car. Can't use Uber because you have to#provide your own car seats and where am I going to put three car seats while I'm at the DMV? Can't use bus because... bus lines.#...it's stressful.#Also I'm still not sure about the theology of all this but it's also impossible not to see the Hand of God in freeing me and the boys from#this man so either God will help me work out the theology of it later or I'll ask Him when I get to Heaven.#Practically speaking I will not ever permit him and the boys unsupervised contact again if I can help it because he WILL neglect them#at best and physically hurt them for his own amusement and/or beat them up because of his temper at worst.#...anyway any and all prayers are appreciated.
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rosen-dovecote · 1 month
Today's class was about Prayer and it was so lovely. At the end of the class, Rabbi spoke about finding our own voices, essentially, and moving the skill of prayer into an art.
She told us about an experiment she does with the kids, where she'll have them sing a prayer they know really well normally at first- and then she'll show them a photo and have them sing it again while looking at the photo. And how there's always this very clear shift in how they sing it based on what they're looking at ... And I kind of love that so much ???
It definitely gives me a lot to think about on it's own. But I feel like I understand the prayer service a lot better now. I also found out that in the Conservative movement there's no different expectations for male and female (etc) Prayer, which honestly takes so much weight off and makes me feel so much better. Because I've really been trying to figure out where on earth I fit into that. And finding out that those lines straight up don't exist in my movement is so wonderful.
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Deepening Prayer: From Requests to Communion with the Divine
Experiencing Prayer as a Profound Connection with the Divine Introduction In many religious traditions, prayer is often perceived as a means of making requests or interceding on behalf of others. Yet, a deeper understanding of prayer reveals it as a profound opportunity for communion with the Divine. This post explores how we can transform our approach to prayer from one of mere requests to a…
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christshands · 10 months
i dont really consider myself to be part of any one denomination for a multitude of reasons, but every so often ill get fixated on a specific denomination/group of christians (christianity, in addition to being my faith, is my special interest. which is the whole reason i made this blog) and their practices. right now im obsessively learning about eastern orthodoxy, before that though i was learning about anglicans, and before that it was quakers. idk the different ways people seek god are just really cool to me
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lanternagainstthedark · 2 months
Paganism and Prayer
So... Prayer is a difficult concept for some people- whether it is coming from a place of religious trauma, inexperience, or even just not having a habit of praying, it is difficult.
But "prayer" (n.) is "a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity," according to Oxford Languages. This is can be very different from what Abrahamic religons present, and as these are among the most populated religions in the world, most people get at least a bit of exposure through that lens.
Prayer is not just "talking to a friend", though that is a good starting point. It's a conversation, and you have to train yourself in how to have that conversation. It starts with a chat, a get to know what you are comfortable with. It needs to grow past that however.
"Lantern," you may be asking, "how in the name of everything sacred, do I do that?"
Sorry to disappoint you, but... it starts with consistent, ritualized practice.
Not "ritualized" in the way of "preforming a ritual with lots of people, ingredients, and intents", but "ritualized" as in "a set of steps that you follow to build habits".
Not Ritual, but ritual.
Here is an example of where I started:
Cleanse myself
Shield myself
Address the deity
Praise the deity
Make a request
State the offering
Praise again
Thank and "dismiss"
Close the circle
Cleanse again.
That's a lot for a new pagan. If you feel like that is right for you, great! For me, it was too much and required more spoons that I could share.
Here is my current steps:
Greet and call upon the deity I am addressing.(Usually with a specific epithet).
Thank the deity for support, attention, whatever happened recently I am thankful for.
Explain my current situation.
Ask for help in acheiving my goals.
Thank them again, make the offering, or finish.
This is much less effort for me. I also have a couple daily offerings that are lifestyles, not physical offerings. These are my most consistent offerings, and the ones I am most confident in.
I hope this ramble is at least a little helpful- It was late due to some family stuff occurring right now. Nothing bad, just busy!
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dandthegods · 1 year
What feelings do you get when you pray to the Theoi? I know that some people get happy feelings in their chests and I shiver sometimes.
I don’t really feel a whole lot in the act of prayer. I can feel nervous sometimes, but I also don’t do a whole lot of what would call “prayer”. Instead I do acts of worship. Some of that includes prayer, but it also includes doing something with them in mind like drawing, driving, or even just belting out a country song. i can get chills while listening to certain songs that remind me of them or their presence in my life. And I feel very happy when they are mentioned by name or the word “gods” is used by someone.
but I’m also kinda autistic and it’s hard to put my feelings and emotions into words when I haven’t experienced them recently enough to have that memory closely at hand. -D
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theinfinitedivides · 9 months
said a prayer for Jjong today.
#shinee#jonghyun#idk i don't usually yk. do things like that for people that have passed but it's been six years and it felt fitting somehow#six years ago i was what. 12 about to turn 13???? had already been to a fair bit of funerals but the only ones that had hit me before#this one were the pianist at our church who passed away suddenly from a heart attack and the regional club leader who had cancer#for like three years and passed just as the doctors thought she would go into remission#and those both happened around October/November so. going into the winter season has always been hard for me and Jjong#was no different.#it's gotten better slowly but it still hurts sometimes. some days i wake up and i can't even look at any of his pictures other days#i get up and put his albums on loop and laugh and reblog so many of his antics#it's funny bc when my aunt passed on New Year's in 2019 it was exactly two weeks after the 1st anniversary date rolled around. always has#been but i never noticed until we lost her and we had to go down for the funeral and i basically disappeared off the internet for a good#two to four months sans queue and checking in on Discord and sh*t and that year he managed to keep me sane. sounds f*cked up#but that year it was just me and Spotify and my playlists and Jjong's voice amid it all. i wish i could meet him and tell him in person#that he practically saved my life even tho the fandom was still raw af from losing him but the prayer will have to be enough#you did well Jjong. you worked so hard. you are our pride. love you to the moon and back 🌒🌙 <333
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Personal prayers based on epithets 🩷
Persephone 🥀 🔥 🌾
Praise to life-giving Persephone. First-born daughter of Demeter. Maiden of the Earth. Great goddess by the way-sides and the crossroads. Exalter of justice. Bringer of fruit.
She who exacts retribution. She who roams by night. Holy one. Savior. Trustworthy queen of all. Mistress of the seasons. The fire which transforms the soul. Bright and happy.
She of the blossoms. She of the flowers. She who knows. Torch and fruit-bearer. Holy and revered. Almighty deliverer. Praise to blessed Persephone, noble and strong.
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I am not afraid of death.
I am afraid of the uncertainty of it, the waiting. The watching my grandmother be tired all the time, watching the cancer steal her energy, her appetite, her smile. I am afraid of what it will mean to be without her. To lose her so young, both of us.
I am not afraid of death.
I am afraid of the pain of it and what that will do to my mother. She and my uncle have been Grandma's caregivers for the last five years, losing first my grandfather, then their own. I am afraid that my mother, so stoic and strong, will be without anyone to focus on to keep her mind busy and keep her own aches and pains and diseases at bay.
I am not afraid of death.
I am afraid of how my family will be forever changed. She is not the first grandparent that I've lost, though she is one of two surviving members of that generation of my tree. This woman has nurtured me, cared for me, shared my secrets, fed me sugar before dinnertime, let me come over to just sit and watch TV with her and Grandpa.
"I'm tired," she says with a sigh and a weak, resigned smile.
I know she's not talking about her sleeping habits.
I am not afraid of death. I know my Lady Hel waits for me and that her hall and her realm both are filled with green, growing things, with ease and rest. I am faithful that when my time comes, I will walk unhurried to her and lay myself down in the grassy fields. I know my grandmother readies herself for joining her family in her Heaven, watched over and cared for by her own Lord.
I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of loss.
Lady of the grave, help me be ready in this transition. Queen of the resting dead, help me understand that death is not the end, but simply a change. Goddess of the cairn, help me remember that we each live on in the hearts and memories of those who loved us and that we are never truly gone from them, even though we are absent.
Help me to remember her.
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shinymoonbird · 2 years
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🔱  Om Namo Bhagavathe Sri ArunachalaRamanaya   🔱  
The Paramount Importance of Self Attention, by Sri Sadhu Om, As recorded by Michael James
Part Six - Mountain Path: July – August 2013 - Excerpt
Note of 7th January 1978 (Part 1)
Sadhu Om: When waves of passion such as desire, lust or fear arise, either try to duck beneath them by self-attention, or else reflect on their uselessness and avoid them by viveka [discrimination] and vairāgya [dispassion]. If the waves continue to come more strongly and none of these methods help, pray to Bhagavan. Prayer coming from an agonised heart has its own power. Whenever we feel helpless, prayer is our best weapon. He is always ready to help the helpless if their prayer is sincere.
Meritorious actions (punya karmas) done with kamyata (desire for personal benefit) do not purify the mind. Actions done without such desire (nish-kamya karmas) purify the mind, but they are the least efficacious means.
Unless worship and prayer are done with an attitude of ego-abasement, they will not purify the mind. Worshipping with pride only feeds the ego. Better than worship is sravana [hearing or studying the guru's teachings] and manana [reflection on them]. Reading about the lives of saints and reflecting on their behaviour and teachings will help us to subside our ego. Better than that is satsanga: in the company of real sadhus [jñānis], we cannot but act with humility. Satsanga [association with sat, truth] purifies the mind in many ways, but the best satsanga is to remain quietly as 'I am'. As Sankara says in Vivekacudamani [verse 364], a hundred times better than sravana is manana, but one lakh [a hundred thousand] times better than manana is nididhyasana [contemplation], which is just remaining attentively as 'I am'.
The reality of whatever is seen is the same as that of what sees it. The God you see is only as real as you who see him. If you worship God in a name and form, your mind will be purified, and when it is sufficiently purified, he will appear as guru to teach you the practice of self-attention. The guru is not just to be worshiped — he is to be obeyed. In verse 274 of Guru Vachaka Kovai Bhagavan says:
Those who do not have [the clarity of] mind to recognise that the jñāna-guru — who appears as a human form [though he is actually] abiding firmly as the supreme space [of consciousness, 'I am'] — is formless, [thereby] bear the yoke of wicked conduct and sin.
This is not to say that guru-bhakti [devotion to the guru] is wrong, but that our devotion is not true guru-bhakti unless we also practise what he taught us. Though the outward form of the guru and his teachings are a projection of our own vāsanās (tendencies), they will nevertheless wake us up, like a lion that an elephant sees in its dream. Self-attention is the most effective means of purifying the mind. The more you try to attend to self and the more you thereby experience the happiness of self-abidance, the more clearly you will understand and be firmly convinced that all happiness comes only from self, and that rising as 'I' is misery. Thus your vairāgya (desirelessness) will increase and your attachments to things will become less.
Whenever you have some moments free, reflect: 'What is this ego-life? Now I take this body to be 'I' and this world to be real. I feel attachment to things, people and circumstances, but I have only experienced this life for a certain number of years, and some years from now I will cease experiencing it forever. Therefore why should I take interest in or be ambitious for this transient and futile life? All these things seem to exist only because I exist, so should I not try to find out the truth behind this 'I'?' The more you reflect in such a way, the more you will lose interest in your life and the more you will wish to remain just as 'I am'.
When people used to say to me, 'You are lucky because you were with Bhagavan', I would sometimes find some ego rising in me with pride. However, by Bhagavan's grace I thought of a good reply: 'In a hospital there is an outpatient department to treat minor cases, but the worst cases are admitted into the inpatient department to be treated under the personal supervision of the doctor. The same happens in this spiritual line, so I am such a helpless case that Bhagavan had to admit me into his inpatient department to treat me under his personal supervision'. Those who were not in Bhagavan's physical presence are lucky, because they are protected from the delusion of mistaking him to be his body.
🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱
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eldrichthingy · 10 months
Ascended Astarion and Durge actually have such an insane dynamic. Durge is the only reason why Astarion is free - all thanks to their evil plans and devotion to their Father, and they're the same person that helped him ascend. And they're also his first spawn??? Like. Gods.
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