nct-perrie ยท 4 years
NCT Dream Relationships
In NCT127
In NCT127
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Type of ship โ” Familial, siblings
Words to describe the ship โ” Caring, low-key, common interest
Song to describe the ship โ” Stay by Ateez
These two are a lot closer than people believe them to be. However, compared to the relationship Perrie has with the other Dream members, it is easy to believe these two aren't as close. However, out of all the members, Perrie is most similar to Renjun in likes and dislikes. The two share very similar hobbies and these are actually what brought them closer to one another. The two of them both really like drawing, painting, etc and they like to share and do this together because they have different techniques and ideas.
The two do not spend a lot of one on one time together but whenever Perrie was in Dream or when she was visiting the Dream members, she always made sure to take care of him and watch out for him just like she did for the other members. Since Perrie is the oldest in Dream, she feels like she has to live up to that role and take care of her members. While they all try to make it easier on her, Renjun is someone who tries to help her out the most since he is the third oldest.
When Renjun first started to get to know Perrie and when he learned about her BPD, he was a bit confused on how to act around her and it did cause some slight awkwardness but that was quickly fixed with the help of the other members. Honestly, he felt bad that she had to deal with that on top of the hate and everything she gets. Therefore, it set his resolve to help her out more.
The fans really want to the two to release a song together. They have actually gotten snippets of what seemed like a song, but nothing has ever been released or announced. However, Perrie has mentioned that she likes to use Renjun's voice for her demos - especially when it comes to slower and more emotional songs. Perrie thinks that he does a very good job at capturing emotions in a song so she likes to include him in it. They also come up with concept art together sometimes. Although, it has never been used yet but Perrie has shown previous work they've done together on Vlive.
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Type of ship โ” ย Semi-romantic, best friends, Pragma
Words to describe the ship โ” open, close, comfort, understanding
Song to describe the ship โ” Hug by Seventeen
Honestly, one of the most underrated friendships. The two have called each other their best friends multiple times. While they may not always have a lot of obvious on screen moments, if you look close enough you can see them subtly taking care of one another - especially Jeno. As a result many people have pointed out how Jeno is very tsundere like with her. Whenever she is struggling with something, he is always one of the first to help but he doesn't make a big deal of it. However, Perrie is still a very affection person and Jeno is someone who will always accept it. It is not uncommon to see Perrie leaning against him or resting her head on him.
Both have very chill personalities and are usually the more docile ones out of the Dreamies, so the two tend to be together a lot. As a result, the two have gotten very close to one another. The two tend to rant towards one another whenever they need to get something off of their chests. Whenever, this happens one person will just listen and offer the other person any type of comfort they want. This usually led to them ordering in food and watching a film until they fell asleep. He has also convinced her to play video games with him some of these times. ย As a result of this, the two have a very good understanding of one another and can read one another very well.
While compared to Perrie, he might not be as physically affection, but he has claimed the spot as Perrie's #1 fan. She's released a song? He's already heard it. She has a moment on stage? He's seen it. He just seems to know everything about her and keeps an eye on her even when they are not together. He constantly supporting her in both obvious and less obvious ways.
The two have multiple matching jewelrys. The main ones are their ear piercings and the rings they were on their pinky fingers. They got custom rings and made them to fit their pinky finger because they have a handshake that require them to connect them. They also tend to kiss each others rings before going on stage as a pre-stage ritual.
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Type of ship โ” Flirty, close friends, Romantic, Philia
Words to describe the ship โ” Loving, affectionate, caring, doting
Song to describe the ship โ” Let me love you by Ne-Yo.
Are they dating? Or are they just best friends? With their friendship, there are time people are 50% sure there is something going on, and then the other time people are 50% sure that they are just close friends. The both are very affectionate people and Jaemin was actually one of the first members to be physically affectionate with her so he kind of broke that awkwardness between her and the rest of the boys being affectionate.
Jaemin is someone who dotes on the people he cares off, so it is not uncommon to see him dotting and taking care of Perrie. Perrie does the same but her ways seems abit more harsh. She really worries about him and his habits - especially his coffee - so she tries to make sure he is taking care of himself. She has on a few occasions where he ate nothing and tried to drink coffee, thrown away his drink when he wasn't looking. When he went on his hiatus, Perrie made sure to keep in contact with him so that he would not feel or harder any negative feelings like feeling that he was letting the other members down by not being able to promote. Then when Perrie went on her Hiatus, he wanted to do the same thing but was unsure about how to approach the situation since they were quite different.
When Perrie got back from her hiatus, there was a change in Jaemin that not many people would notice. He was obviously caring beforehand, but after her hiatus he seemed to make it his mission to keep her happy and as a result sometime he would treat her like she was younger than him. However, even if this bothered her sometimes, she tried not to say anything after she learned why he was acting this way.
One thing many fans have pointed out is the way he looks and acts towards her. Whenever she is talking or trying to get others to listen - like the dreamies - he will always give her his undivided attention. The two of them are also very unfiltered with one another. If he ever has a questions, no matter how embarrassing or personal they are, Perrie is one of the first ones he will go to.
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Type of ship โ” mother-son, Familial
Words to describe the ship โ” Caring, genuine,ย 
Song to describe the ship โ” Brave by Sara Bareilles
Sometimes he is her favorite child, other times he is the annoying little brother your stuck with but still adore and would do anything for. First off do not sadden, anger, or hurt him because Perrie will not hold back on protecting him and making sure he is happy and laughing. Since he is one of the youngest of the group, Perrie feels like she needs to watch out for him and make sure the idol life isn't affecting him to much.
Perrie is someone who ends up teaching him a lot without even realizing. Perrie is someone who can be very blunt and honest, so she doesn't tend to sugarcoat many things like other people do and this has lead Chenle to learn things from her both directly and indirectly. Fans have pointed out the Chenle seemed to have adapted many of her mannerisms and way of talking, which many find quite adorable.
The two have a very pure and loving relationship. Perrie is very affectionate and Chenle is someone who will soak up her affection and is never shy about rubbing it in the other member's faces. Chenle really loves her voice and he has a playlist on her phone that is composed of just her songs or songs she was featured in. His ringtone is also one of his favorite songs that he got Perrie to sing for him.
No one know this except fo the other members, but when Perrie had to get surgery, all of the 127 members were busy so Chenle ended up staying with her almost everyday at the hospital with her. He nearly convinced her to stay at his house for a little bit but Perrie in the end said no because she did not want to intrude on his parents, even though she talks to them regularly - most to let them know about how Chenle is doing.
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Type of ship โ” Familial, brother-sister
Words to describe the ship โ” loving, clingy, family
Song to describe the ship โ” stand by you by Rachel Platten
Perrie may not admit that she has a favorite member, but many people suspect that it is Jisung. Towards debut and before, the two of them were very close and many people noticed how he tended to stick by her. This was because she was actually the first person he met when he entered SM. However, there were some people who spun this out of control and said their friendship was odd because of the age difference. People went after Hannah calling her names because she openly cared for him - more so compared to other members - and others went after him calling him a moocher because of how he tended to gravitate towards her in a lot of situation.
However, after a few years people noticed that two were getting closer again. Whenever it comes to affection, he usually doesn't like being babied, but when it comes to Hannah that is a completely different story. She will baby him like no one else and in the end he always melts and allows it. However, it is never in a way that make him feel like a toddler, but rather just someone who Hannah adores. Like with Chenle, Hannah will do anything to make sure he is happy and not being disrespected.
There is just a difference with their friendship compared to others. They have a very soft friendship and many people notice how important their friendship is with one another. Hannah is someone who he has no problem opening up to and he really does depend on her whenever he is feeling stressed or missing his family. Hannah wants the younger members to have something similar to a childhood so she will spoil them, but especially Jisung because he is the youngest. Anything he wants, he will get. If he wants to go out at 2 in the morning and no one else will, even if she is sick or tired she will still agree.
The two of them love dancing with one another. He really looks up to her when it comes to dancing and will always ask for her input and help. He prefers when its is just the two of them together in the studio so he will always try to convince her to tell the other members to leave - since most of the time they will listen to her. People are continually asking for a video of them dancing together. The two of them joined 'Why not the dancer?" together.
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nct-perrie ยท 4 years
Perrieโ€™s Dating History
โˆDating Overview โˆย ย โ€• Perrie never really had a hard time admitting she could have feelings for both genders. Luckily, she came from a very accepting home, so she never really felt nervous about telling them. Growing up, she had crushes on both men and women but she never drew any attention towards gender and she realized that she would be open to date anyone regardless of what they identify as. However, being in a relationship is very complicated for her because she knows she can be a lot to handle and not everyone will be comfortable with the way she acts - which she completely understands. So, she is usually very scared to get in relationships because she hates getting close to someone and then them leaving because her personality was too much or to hard to understand.ย 
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Duration: May 2017 - April 2018
Reason for break up: Perrie had to go home for personal reasons, so she broke up with Jin Ae because a relationship was too much for her.ย 
Current Status: Theyโ€™re supportive of each other and would still consider one another friends.ย 
Song about relationship: Can We Just Be Happy Now by Jake Scott and Josie Dunne
Kim Jin Ae was born December 5, 1998 and she was under SM as a model trainee. The two of them met a few times when Perrie was a trainee and they kept in contact. As the years went by the developed a close friendship. In 2017, Perrie was having a really hard time and Jin Ae was the one she would lean on because she did not want to worry her members - or make them more worried than they already were. As a result, the two ended up admitting their feelings for one another.ย 
Their relationship was a prime example of puppy love or first loves. Neither of them ever dated anyone so everything was a learning curve. For Perrie, she had a hard time at the beginning of the relationship because of her BPD, it caused a lot of inner and outer turmoil, that wasnโ€™t exactly healthy. However, Perrie did not realize that until years later. Jin Ae knew Perrie had a personality disorder and that not everything she did was on purpose so she tried to remind herself that in order to lessen whenever Perrie hurt her feelings accidently.ย 
Perrie kept this relationship a secret - even from the members - not because she was embarrassed, but because she felt much more comfortable with knowing that the relationship was just between the two of them. However, her members found out through the Dreamies who found out secretly which also ended up with Perrie getting upset and disappointed at them for a while.ย 
Overall, despite the few problems, they both would say that they donโ€™t regret the relationship. They acted the way they both believe people in love would act. After they met up after their breakup and Perrie came back to SM, they thought about trying it again, but Perrie soon realized that a relationship would not be good for her during that time.ย 
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Duration: April 2019 - February 2020
Reason for break up: The relationship wasnโ€™t the best. It wasnโ€™t exactly toxic but the both of them were too different and wanted different things inside the relationship.ย 
Current Status: Supportive but awkward. There are no negative feelings because both recognize they made mistakes.ย 
Song of the relationship: Arms around you by Jamie Grey
Perrie met Changkyun in early 2019 because she actually took part in his Horizon mixtape. While preparing, the two spent quite some time together and they both really enjoyed being around each other. It was a few months later that Changkyun asked her out. Perrie was hesitant at first because she was nervous that he would leave after they got closer together. It wasnโ€™t until she talked to some of her members, who convinced her to go on at least one date and see.ย 
The first few months of the relationship were very easy. After the first few dates and after confirming that they are in a relationship, they both got really busy. Therefore, Perrie could hide her more negative traits of when her BPD was acting up more than usual. However, since they were getting more comfortable with one another, they unintentionally did things that hurt the other.ย 
Changkyun was someone who liked his alone time and liked the push-and-pull game. While the rational part of Perrie could understand him needing his own time, the other part of her got insecure and scared. The whole push-and-pull game he did, while he truly meant no harm, made it worse for Perrie. However, Perrie also caused some problems, she wasnโ€™t as open with him and tended to get very sharp and unintentionally say some things rude when he pushed a bit to far. This all led up to a very big fight where both said some insensitive words. They managed to get over it, but the fight was lingering in both of their minds.ย 
The following few months they dated, it went from being very sweet and cute to a lot of tensions and toxicity. Perrie ended up feeling stressed whenever they got together and couldnโ€™t wait until she got home. There were many nights where she was second guessing herself and crying. The two did not exactly get together to call it off, the both just knew that this was not a good relationship. There was still tension but they ended up getting past it when he called her when he learned she was in the hospital. He still cared a lot about her and worried about her so he felt like he needed to call. This call smoothened a lot of things out for them and eased any negative feelings they might have harbored.ย 
In this relationship, Perrie learned a lot, she got hurt a lot, there was a lot of drama and damage, but despite all this it taught her a lot. She learned what she needed in a relationship and what she needed to work on. She knew she had stuff she needed to work on and this relationship pointed it out. Overall, it taught her lessons about love and made her stronger for the future.ย 
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nct-perrie ยท 4 years
NCT U Relationships
๐“ฃ๐“ช๐“ฎ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฐ - in NCT 127
๐“œ๐“ช๐“ป๐“ด - in NCT 127
๐“ฃ๐“ช๐“ฎ๐“ฒ๐“ต - In NCT 127
๐““๐“ธ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ท๐“ฐ - in NCT 127
๐“™๐“พ๐“ท๐“ฐ๐”€๐“ธ๐“ธ - in NCT 127
๐“ฆ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ท - In NCT 127
๐“™๐“ช๐“ฎ๐“ฑ๐”‚๐“พ๐“ท - in NCT 127
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Type of Shipย โ€” Familial, storgeย 
Words to describe the shipย โ€” Soft, Dependent, Caring
Song to describe the shipย โ€” Everything i wanted by Billie Eilish
Honestly, people didn't think much about their friendship until they were on NCT life together. They have a very supportive relationship and are always cheering one another on. Perrie loves his magic tricks and will never say no to seeing one of them. Kun has tried to teach her but unfortunately Perrie just cant seem to get them down.
Kun is the member Perrie goes to when she needs to tell someone something or needs someone to get something for her. Kun is usually one of the first one to know about any of her relationships, and he would cover for her and drop her off whenever she needed it. He is one of the members that know exactly how to comfort her whenever she starts to feel overwhelmed. After any panic attacks, she will usually go to him to recuperate. Nowadays, since he is in China a lot, they are talking on the phone whenever possible.
Many consider Hannah and Jungwoo the softest couple, but Kun and Perrie are slowly taking over that title. They have a very gentle friendship and appreciation of each other. They are not as loud with their affections as others are, but there is no denying their friendship. Kun tends to take care of Perrie in smaller ways, like zipping her jacket up, making sure her ears are covered when it is cold, picking fluff off her clothes, etc. Whereas Perrie will always compliment him and bring him up in a lot of conversations because she wants him to get the recognition he deserves.
Since WayV debut they haven't been seen together a lot and it does upset both of them but Perrie has claimed the spot as WayV's number one fan. She doesn't care if she's not suppose to mention them or talk about them because she will constantly boast about them. Whenever they come out with new music, she will constantly play it in the background whenever she goes live. However, the two of them do keep trying to find times where one of them can visit one another despite their conflicting schedules.
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Type of Ship โ€” Unconditional, pragma
Words to describe the ship โ€” Open, Dancing, Trusting, Artisticย 
Song to describe the ship โ€” Where the sea sleeps by Day6
These two are the definition of platonic soulmates. He may be older than her but there are no honorifics between them. They are two of the closest out of the whole NCT without there being any romantic feelings what so ever. They originally got close because of their shared love of dancing and the two have created multiple choreographies together, some that have been released and some that haven't. They teach each other a lot too when it comes to dancing since they have very different styles. Their energies seem to feed off one another and they seem to know exactly what the other one needs. Like if Perrie needs space, Ten will know without Perrie having to say anything.
The two of them can go from savage one second to soft the very next. Perrie is the only member that gets to experience his soft and sweet side. However, they also bicker a lot. It never escalates into an argument, but when they are together if they do not bicker at least once a day many people suspect something is wrong. But, if one of them gets in trouble or something happens, they make excuses for one another like saying, "I am sure Hannah did not do that because she was with me" or "I bet Ten didn't do that".
Johnny and Jaehyun have admitted on NCT Night Night that they did once get into a serious fight which led to them not talking to each other for nearly four days. They both said that they have never seen Perrie and Ten look as miserable as they were during that time.
The two have no secrets between each other. Whenever one of them needs to talk about something personal, they know they can go to each other. The two also gossip a lot with each other. Anything they learn, it is like it is wired in their brain to tell one another. If they do not talk at least once a day they start to get antsy. Therefore they text each other every day, even if they do not know if the other one is free or not.
Perrie still has some things she not comfortable doing around other members like things that wouldn't be considered appropriate but she never feels like that with ten because he is so open with her. Even when it comes to farting, changing clothes, etc.
The two also like to go out a lot. Usually Perrie prefers staying in, but if he ever asks her to go out she will always say yes. This especially happens whenever they leave the studio. They will either walk around or get something to eat. People can also expect a lot of pictures - both good ones and bad ones. However, they never post the worst ones.
The two of them also have very dirty minds which seems to get worse when the two of them are together. Literally, the two of them can make anything sound wrong when they are together. The members are kind of sick of it. Ten is also teaching Perrie Thai, upon her own request. She said its because she wants to be able to talk to his parents to get embarrassing stories about them but she really just wants him to be able to have something that connects him to his home.
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Type of Ship โ€” Philia, Semi-romantic, Ludusย 
Words to describe the ship โ€” Teasing, Playful, Opposites,ย 
Song to describe the ship โ€” My Same by Adele
The most unlikely friendship. When Perrie first met Lucas, he was with a member he felt comfortable with so he was his usual loud self but once he saw Perrie he seemed to quiet down. For a while Perrie was unnerved around him because she thought he didn't like her since he always quieted down whenever she came around. However, that changed once the other members got them to talk and since then they have gotten much closer.
He seemed to have made it his goal to keep her out of a bad mood. He never likes anyone to feel upset but Perrie most of all since he knows that once she gets in that mood it can be hard to get her out of it. Perrie really appreciates this and while she is not so good at words, she hopes he know that. In return Perrie likes to compliment him a lot, especially when it comes to his Korean, rapping, and dancing.
They have what many fans consider a one-sided love. Lucas loves to flirt with her but Perrie will ignore it and not flirt back like the way she does with other members. However, they both know its just teasing. In return, Lucas will make fun of her height and pretend he cant see her. He has purposely tripped over her multiple times, which has led to fans creating complication of it - that is how many times he has done it. People always like capturing this because Lucas always laughs very loudly while Perrie just stands there glaring and pouting at him. However, like with any other member Perrie will never turn down skinship from him.
Not many moments are captured since they only share one NCT unit together. But, the moments that happen on stage always leave people happy. He has a habit of picking her up and running across the stage, Perrie has hidden behind him and refused to move from behind him, no matter how much he tries to turn around or grab her. The two tend to get very hyper whenever they are together - especially on stage.ย 
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Type of Ship โ€” Familial, Philia
Words to describe the ship โ€” New, Dancing, Cooking together, Teaching, Understanding
Perrie is working hard in order to get to know Shotaro. Besides Yuta, Perrie is considerably good at speaking Japanese, and because of this she is trying to get closer to him. She knows how it feels to be in a new country and have to experience new cultural aspects, so she wants to limit the stress and confusion as much as possible. This is one of the few friendships where Perrie tries to start it or lead it because she feels like she has to since Shotaro is still pretty reserved.
The one thing that got them pretty close is dance. While Perrie would say every NCT member is a good dancer, only a selective few have an actual background in dance so Perrie enjoys that she can relate to that background with Shotaro. Given the fact that they haven't had much time do things together outside of their schedules, they have not danced together except for NCT choreo and practice but both want to one day.
Perrie is known for being affectionate but she made sure not to be too touchy with Shotaro since he may not like it or be used to it. However, sometimes it slips her mind and she told him to tell her if she ever made him uncomfortable. Luckily, he never has yet. He is also one of Perrie's helpers in the kitchen. Since Perrie moved into a new dorm with him, Sungchan, and a few other members, he is usually the one who helps her around the most.
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Type of Shipย  โ€” Philia, Storge, Ludus
Words to describe the shipย  โ€” Teasing, Animal parents, Confidant
Perrie had met Sungchan a few times in passing because of Jungwoo - mainly in the practice room - and they went out to eat once or twice with other members. However, Perrie would not classify herself as close to him yet. But once she learned that that he was going to finally debut, she knew she should get to know him better. One thing that brought them closer was when he moved into the dorm and saw her two pets chinchillas. He helps her the most in taking care of them and is now saying he's their other parent.
Perrie is one of the members who was very apparent in his recording on the album. One because they were schedules pretty close to one another and two because she produced quite a few songs as well. Sungchan felt very comfortable because of this and she managed to help him a lot. As a result, this has led to him seeking her out whenever he needs help with writing or even dancing sometimes.
Now that they have gotten closer, their friendship is much more open and comfortable. Sungchan has taken up to teasing her a lot just like the other members - especially about her height. But despite this, Perrie also has become a confidant to him and she makes sure he feels as comfortable as he can with joining NCT.
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